Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals (youtube)

Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals (youtube)

71,205 views Sep 15, 2019
For information about U.N.’s ongoing investigations into banning Cybertorture:

NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide:…

Bigger Than Snowden. 20+ whistleblowers speak out.
(Original site taken down/hacked, recreated here by Renee Pittman Mitchell):…

Recommended video:
• MK ULTRA 2020 REM…


Stephen A Hall says:
October 8, 2020 at 21:31

My name is Stephen Hall I am a victim if gangstalking and now on remote noral mounting.I was followed around for weeks at first here in Florida by people with new York tags.Thet actually chased me run me down to a park which then one of starting talking to me yelling big black nigger scum over and over in the middle of the rant she would stip and wispier your not going crazy then go back to her rant she asked if i was hearing them yet.I was only hearing them at times saying things like he sleeps like a girl.after the park rant few months later it went full time talking playing jokes on me.asking me to jerk off.this went on and on then they acted as my friends started to do images and asking me to picture it.I could go on and in and maybe what i went threw would help as of now they have control of my thoughts emotions and different types of pains am going blind and my health is not well as for the gang stalking many people were involved two sides of people here in Melbourne Florida.At this time i could not even call the police they would answer the phone they can use your car stereo also they can cut into the TV.even and make a movie that inter active.talking to me at the same time asking me what i noticed and so on I need for someone to look into this I belive the hospital is taken part in this in Melbourne Florida as i write this know there sending very intense pains.saying am telling to much .all the people involved were about 50 years old in small suvs .most had tattoos and they looked alike most likely from the same place.I have to cut this short as there saying to stip. If theres a doctor out there that would look at me it should be easy to see the damage i be greatfull for any help thank you stephen hall 321-420-3135 is my phone number

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Pat B. says:
October 15, 2020 at 07:36

Dear Stephen :

Your story breaks my heart. Because an extremely brilliant African American male friend of mine who won a scholarship to an Ivy League institution after graduating 5th in a class of 400, is in a mental ward in Colorado today. From extreme torture and harrassment.

Events similar to yours occured to him as well, albeit with some variation. This young man was like a son to me. No, he IS like a son to me.

They may talk thrash to you but believe only who you are. They have long lost their humanity and souls. Irretrievably. Lies are all they tell.

America has chosen to abandon its beliefs in the intrinsic value of a human, and has apparently chosen to reduce him to a mere inanimate object devoid of feeling. I cannot fathom what good outcome they think can come out of this evil.

I am in constant horrific pain even as I write, but the very exercise, preserves my sanity. So keep writing here what they do.
to you. And never give up.

Stay strong Stephen even though I know how hard that can be. Stay strong.

Pat B.

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Jrjjrjj says:
October 12, 2021 at 11:28

I would advise ehoever fighting this evil mind control scheme s that their alliance s pretty big and they re pretty nasty. s better to lie low, and be ware of people. They lie and trick ppl all the time. If they catch u it wont be pretty.

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Bhhhf says:
November 30, 2021 at 05:25

Of course they are evil. They are demons from the dark side. They like to stalk and torture people. It s pretty scary how they come across to the world as nice when they are actually evil

Mike says:
December 4, 2020 at 00:13

Hi I’m Mike I work in defense. I have some ground breaking news for all TIs the social media network is a privite facebook circle by invite only called facebookgangsters. This has been running for 10 years now. Created by Jeff Guesman of Chesterfield MI age 50. This group got tied into Blackcube through some members in Hollywood. Blackcube operates out of Intel building and factories world wide who product the Smart dust chip. 46 different all have TI hot spots near intel buildings. This is Jewish terrorism and they have attacked 11 countries all at once. They have attacked Christians, Catholics, muslims, Buddhists, Taoism everyone besides Jewish. Now having 100 million victims 10 time more victims from the Holocaust. The cyber weapon are produced in Israel and are been sold to Jewish owned privite security companies like Security Industry Specialist in Culver city CA and San Jose CA near San Francisco. The tech people are in on it along with washed up celebrities. Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos have made huge steps to torture and are all Jewish if you look into their real mothers religion not adopted like Bezos. This is very sad. I have names and addresses of about 350 perps and what they are doing is just adding members to protect themselves and get the new members trapped with the torture charges. Each day we can add new charges RICO personal espionage, RICO Torture, RICO impairing religious beliefs for broadcasting prayers this is terrorism. Please send me an email for more info and proof. I have them trapped in their homes we are trying to turn off their power under Patriot act then charge to stop the torture. Its beening ran off of their computers each TI will have a separate laptop. [email protected]

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Ralph Lüdtke says:
December 4, 2020 at 20:15

I am also a TI. I live in Germany, Same Experimente AS you have. Gangstalking since 8 years. Microwave atacs since 3 years.
They are very powerfull , crull and Abel to manipulate and Control everybody. I think ist a unification of many Secret Services.
You have to find Others victims in your aerea and Start fighting them, build up a grup. Google, Facebook, amazone, all are involved in getting your Data and manipulate you. Uta Note than big Brother, bigger as evnybody could think before., very crull.
You can lesn Meditation, to learn not to identify with their actions.

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Jjjjr says:
October 4, 2021 at 12:37

And i cant leave the house often because when i come home it gets more severe. And they sort of putting sensor everywhere in home so they can follow ur every move. Worse yet. Last time they put stuff in the water fountain and i got sick from drinking it. Long story short i need a place to stay

Hdhs says:
October 10, 2021 at 10:14

Scratch that. Uci and ica students are not likely to be gang stalkers but if they are chinese or phillippinos they can still possibly be one. Nevermind i said to disregard uci goers as suspects but pls put them back in the interest list. The reason is because when i was around them my symptoms became more severe

hamzahancock says:
September 23, 2021 at 02:01

It could even be black individuals communicating to you

Roberto sun says:
September 23, 2021 at 14:29

Sorry to use Stephen hall s response space again. I just want to add that CIA is behind HAVANA SYNDROME TECH with Nbc dateline anduril CIA Google evil drone surveillance system. CIA uses these drones to Launch microwave energy at American diplomats stationed abroad and local residents to spy on local country. The microwave energy makes person angry the person s memory improves. So that fMRI scans are good.

Or CIA uses other ways to make person angry like the fMRI scan vibrations.
Yes scan vibrations can get person angry. Person gets angry. Person memory improves.
And the fmri brain scan is good.

And Havana syndrome tech has been reported in Russia, China, Cuba, etc.
So that CIA can spy on Russia, China, Cuba, etc.

Hhhehh says:
October 4, 2021 at 12:40

It sort of like the house from nightmare where they try to constantly block and stop ur brain activity. So they have to molest u constantly. I ve been convincing my roomate to move but she s hooked to this place for some dog know reason n i cant move either cause im short on money

Hyyuuh says:
October 11, 2021 at 23:38

By all mean if americans joins the investigation. Be sure to let them. After 10 years and there were no improvement so i guess there is no harm in getting americans help. Plus. The perps themselves are probably sitting on the investigation panel right now. The americans will probably b able to figure who they are n save the people who are misled currently. Trusting ti is good but ti after all dont have the resource to trace out an entire spy network. So u guys should get professional help n i think the americans can offer that

christinacolette says:
November 11, 2021 at 08:19

I am a TI living in Canada. I am looking for other victims of an organization out of Israel who is targeting me… If you are also a victim of this organization we could work together towards a lawsuit. Last time I was forced to attend their on-line “class” one of the students asked the teacher how we can keep ourselves healthy during gangstalking. If you are also a victim please speak up. There has to be many of us.

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George Daniel Raptis says:
October 10, 2020 at 16:49

Been a target for over 11/12 years I’m 27 liive in Herefordshire which is a military town & has a airforce here which is always a area for this tech being tested we have here many private security companies that are involved most likely. I was forced into a psyche ward & had a horrible experience with the technology which traumatised left me believing I was mentally ill. Ever since then my life has been hell. I’ve had 11/12 of covert harassment street mobbing gangstalking ect I have been subjected to trauma & now they are using that experience against me so yeah trauma based mind control. I’ve not been able too work I’ve become increasingly untrustworthy of most people. I’m currently being subject too this tech right now on a large scale using the frequency weapon over my town to induce a breakdown. My health is in bad damage as I have all the systems displayed up above & extremely upset out the brain damage this has caused me. I’ve been pushed towards suicide with covert street theatre leaving nooses in the woods where I’ve had to get peace among hundreds of other covert messaging that has left me with no faith in humanity. In this disgusting experimenting which it is it relays on your pattern recognition which is continuously being prompted. My nerve system & brain stem is being battered 24/7 now for 6 years my ear drum wobbles & occasionally here my brain stem pop. I have gaslighting by people close to me almost all the time which adds to the distress. I pray your able to push this forward for people to get peace & justice on this sick programme.
This is a very fast rant if I disclosed all my experiences I would want to right it down a lot more formal with grammar.
I hope everyone here opens up & write there stories & painfully current living standards.

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Pat B. says:
October 15, 2020 at 07:10

Hi George:

I am a severely targeted individual as well and the abuse has intensified exponentially under cover of Covid.

I am writing to let you know that you are not alone. These testimonials will stare the perpetrators in the face someday soon when they will have to answer for their actions.

My hope is that the Cyber-Torture Team will make all these journals available to Dr. Nils Merzer’ s office.

I liked your idea of more people writing their stories and posting them here. Meanwhile, I hope you can find an honest doctor who has not sold his soul to help you.

Stay strong and my best wishes and hopes for you .

Pat B.

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hamzahancock says:
September 23, 2021 at 02:05

Okay so now that you have posted your story, has anything changed for you?
Has anyone contacted you?
What has been done?

P.P says:
January 16, 2021 at 02:19

dear cybertorture victims,

I m a victim myself of cybertorture and I created a petition to us all to allow our voices to be heard.

I Kindly ask if you guys have time and strength to sign this petition dedicated to us . Do not lose hope and have keep your faith held up high.

jtioweitkhihkh says:
September 25, 2021 at 17:43

usually the perps study you very carefully to know you habits. If you have put a lot of effort into rescuring TI you may want to be careful because perps might already infiltrated in your ranks. Moreover, you may also want to have ti helping you out by pointing toward the people whome they think is targeted ithem.

bethannswope says:
October 15, 2021 at 04:53

Dear David I too am a victim We MUST remember that despite all their efforts We Steer our own ships It helps me to remind myself . Take back the power to frustrate and effect you that they stole . If they can set our mind then so can we . Remember God he always helps good luck I’ll say a prayer .

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Aaron Tieden says:
October 11, 2020 at 17:38

My name is Aaron Tieden.
I am a targeted individual that has been implanted with biomedical devices and am being used to experiment on, to further neuroscience and neurotechnology, at my expense.
I am also being covertly tortured and harassed using this equipment remotely. I shouldnt have to be afraid that if I call the F.B.I. that they are not going to believe me or take my claims seriously, allowing us to be victimized even more!

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Pat B. says:
October 15, 2020 at 07:56

Dear Aaron :

You might be right about calling the FBI. The outcome may not be what one would expect.

I have had horrific events happen in my home too where under normal circumstances, I could have called the police but I chose never to.

These include a noose that was hung by someone on a tree just yards away from my front door. It remained there for 5 months. And I have never harmed anyone, their families or their country. I have no criminal record.

Keep documenting your experiences. I believe very strongly in documentation. Nothing goes on forever. Someday, something is gonna give. And the tortures will have to stop.

Stay strong. And remember always that they are already irretrievably broken. Not you.

Pat B.

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Williams says:
October 15, 2020 at 12:43

I called the FBI and she said it was out of their jurisdiction. ITS A FEDERAL CRIME, INTERNATIONAL CRIME. Wtf

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mikaelwennerstrand says:
October 18, 2020 at 17:56

Where do wé work against them who use cybertorture then…

Is it intelligent id agents

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Gary Ortiz says:
October 11, 2020 at 18:34

I’ve been targeted since 2007. In Olympia Wa.

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Tyrone Dew says:
October 12, 2020 at 05:02

Thanks for trying to acquire adequate help

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Jackson Ngenda says:
October 12, 2020 at 14:50

Hi, I am Jackson from Namibia, I am targeted individual for about 20 years now since 2001. My offenders broadcast loud voices that can be heard in the surrounding, defaming me and misinform the public by associating me with indecent news in public. They also have conducted torture on my body which involved sexual harassments. Even when I am writing I can hear their voices missinforming people. People like have no where to go for help and I really have lost hope if ever the will be justice for targeted individuals.

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Pat B. says:
October 15, 2020 at 08:14

Hi Jackson :

I am your neighbor from South Africa but live in the US. I am proud of you for taking this important step of adding
yet one more voice to the many that have already spoken.

Our voices collectively give credibility to our claims, because we as targeted individuals essentially HAVE NOT KNOWN OR MET one another before, but are bound together by the evil tentacles of this superlative pain and suffering that is being so diabolically inflicted on us 24/7.

Please do not give up ever. This is what they want you to do. Once one gives up, they win. Hold on and derive hope from knowing that you are not alone. That we root for one another. That others similarly affected, chose to live one more day because they know that you and me and all the others, are there for them as they are for us.

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Rick Deleon says:
December 7, 2020 at 23:50

Back to top
Article 7 (1) (c) – Crime against humanity of enslavement
The perpetrator exercised any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty.[^11]
The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population.
The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population.

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melodypollard12 says:
November 15, 2020 at 20:44

Ive been a vistim forca littke over 10 yrs but know ejid fiung yuus yo me abd nsny i live in calgary ab and this wonz is tortureing my daily 24/7 non stop forced to listen to her on her site to wich she poses as me and collects many more profiles identity theft impersonates me amd my family never stops .money us her main readon to also feeling like shesbin conttol

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Mike says:
November 17, 2020 at 09:59

Look it smart dust chip produced at intel and start using your mind to project images of them naked and humiliate them. It does work try to turn on TV and see if it’s the people there you mite be surprized I think they contract with washed up actors to see what they think of you. Insecure losers.

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Robin D says:
October 12, 2020 at 18:38

I’m a TI from West Virginia.
Since 1999.

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ML says:
October 13, 2020 at 01:33

Writing from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I want to Thank Nils Melzer for addressing cyber torture as well as encourage him to use the full range of his power and influence to bring about swift action against Organized Stalking, Electronic Harassment & Mind control, now known as “Cyber Torture”.

This is a Crime against Humanity, of which I am a Target/Nonconsensual Test Subject.
With all of the people speaking of very similar experiences; with all of the evidence and testimonies that has come forward by whistle blowers, some testifying to the existence of these weapons and/or knowledge that this crime is being perpetrated against people. With many if not all, a simple body scan, which has already been done by various Doctors showing evidence of what these people have experienced.

Please use every avenue of address to bring this Crime Against Humanity to an swift and certain end and end the suffering of the perhaps millions.

I will admit I do not know all that is involved in the UN protocol however I will say this.
This is a Crime against Humanity, I do not understand why it appears that you stand alone in this matter and nor the stance of the UN office, this investigation should be funded by the UN, is that not their role?

I have contacted the UN office in Calgary who told me on the phone that she couldn’t help me without hearing me out, nor willing to make an appointment to speak with her, instead requesting I email her. To which I did not receive a response. I also got the same response from UN office in Ottawa.
It is my understanding that the UN is the place to report Crimes Against Humanity.

If all the UN offices had been willing to take these complaints from the outset, it would have been one that they themselves have identified it as an arising and ongoing crime requiring investigation – that said I Thank you that you have taken on this issue.

The simplest approach would be the UN offices to open up the phone lines or some reporting method to take our complaints for investigation.

Cyber torture also known as (organized stalking, electronic harassment and mind control ) if you check the internet is being reported by people from the 4 corners of the world.

Please use every avenue of address possible, open the UN phone lines to cyber torture complaints to bring this Crime Against Humanity to an swift and certain end, and end the suffering of the perhaps millions.


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Julianne McKinney says:
October 13, 2020 at 17:08

You will find, on reviewing the UN’s various rules, protocols and resolutions, that this organization is focused on resolving disputes BETWEEN governments, not between a government and its citizens. This is why Nils Melzer stands alone, as you’ve put it. You will note that the UN has not intervened at Prof. Melzer’s urgings in matters involving Julian Assange. Those matters are seen by the UN as being between the UK and Mr. Assange — a sovereign affair not regarded as being subject to UN intervention.

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Monica Aguado says:
October 16, 2020 at 03:36

The UK government are responsible for covering up psychotronic atttacks. I have been receiving a serious radionic attack from Scotland for nearly 6 years, and nothing has been done to investigate this matter, after many complaints. The investigation by the UN into cyber torture may only be a public relations exercise, but at least it draws attention to the serious psychotonic attacks that are being perpetrated by criminals worldwide.

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ML says:
October 21, 2020 at 21:06

Julianne McKinney

Perhaps you can shed some light on a few questions.

Is the UN the place to report this? If not why is Nils Melzer bringing it before them?

A crime against humanity between governments or a governments and their people is still a crime against humanity. Was not Rwanda a sovereign issue?

If it is a protocol issue, should that not speak to the fact that there protocols need to change?

Was it not the UN that set up the Nuremberg trials to prosecute for CAH?
Is not the UN the governing body for Crimes Against Humanity? If not who is?

If the UK is suspected of CAH with Julian Assange why are they, the UN not stepping to investigate and ascertain the facts, how can it be written off as a sovereign affair if they are the ones who address Crimes Against Humanity? Again if not them then who?

How can the UN be made aware of an unprecedented world wide ongoing Crime Against Humanity against this many people, clearly not a sovereign issue and not step in?
It is estimated that 100 million people are being experimented on and tortured in the name of furthering AI. Again If not the UN who is?

Mike says:
November 17, 2020 at 10:03

We can start detaining people as long as there’s confirmation because it falls under the USA Patriot Act against terrorism this qualifies as terrorism in many different ways if you are religious or that any religion whatsoever and you pray quietly to God and they have broadcasted your prayers that is called impairing religious beliefs and that’s an 18 US law on this qualifies as terrorism just on that alone off of Beyond you know they torture they sexually abused on the chips called smart dust we can detain just on that the social media network is called Facebook gangsters it’s a private Facebook circle with a hundred million numbers .I let me know

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Pat B. says:
October 15, 2020 at 08:18

Thank you ML.

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bethannswope says:
October 16, 2021 at 04:06

I think at the very least the U S govt should’ve let us know that we are “fighting a war” , and gave us information so better enable us to defend ourselves. I guess one scenario would be to all get computers and clearance thru their satellite system . But why are we all having to guess at it anyway . It just doesn’t add up . Seems like maybe they just aren’t too concerned if we win or loose this war . As far as feeling like you’re at the end of your rope keep it mind if they can give us mind sets we can do it much better . It only takes a week or two of consciencely directing your mind to what you wish to think before it sets in . Fairly easy . If you are like me you’ve lost all respect for the depravity they’ve exhibited . Let them rattle on … you can learn to ignore it . Good luck .

K says:
November 19, 2020 at 01:54

Thank you ML. I am targeted in Canada as well (have been in 2 Canadian cities). I’ve written letters to many organization (with virtually no response) but not the UN. Some day, this will be addressed.

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klaudiagatogmailcom says:
November 29, 2020 at 12:53

Hi K. The Kats family appreciates your comments. We are 40 years Grand Guinea Pigs run by the Nazi Stanford Sadistic Medical Trial “DARPA” classified program involving severe abuses each member of the innocent family. Obviously, a normal Human Being who’s capable to process information appropriately would raise the question? Why physically, heinously torturing family demanding to return illegally implanted clusters of implants presumably we all have a Brain, Eyes, etc… cancers rather simply return what was robed from the family and live us along? But NOT! Stanford/CIA/FIB – would like to get rid of witnesses to preserve exposure of NAZI programs involving the gruesome fact that – for decades Stanford Research was presided by the – God of Auschwitz, Angel of Death, Brilliant Scientist – Nazi Doctor Joseph Mengele who was brought into the US after WWII by the CIA under the Top Secret Classified Program coded name “PAPER CLIP”. The tragedy came to our home just because our home was located in Palo Alto CA right next to Stanford Research. The HORROR of all that is there’s not enough to abuse Husband, Wife, two children but on March 25/2015 at the birth of our grandson – the nazis implant newborn with the NANO CHIP GPS-TRACKING System. Oh NO! Don’t believe me, but please watch this abuse live. It seemed as a GOD was there and without my knowledge videorecorded all that. I didn’t know what really happened.
1. GPS-Tracking Incision. 1min.30 sec. 2. “Good Samaritan Hospital”.
No. We Don’t do that – No! 3. Our documentary film “Guinea Pigs From Silicon Valley” presents the disaster of how’s Intelligence Agency Abusing the Power given to them by the People. What a HORROR! After that, raping 4 years of age baby at Public Hospital stated – “In the Interest of Defence & National Security to be Kept Secret”
Well “K”. This is the reality and we suffering through our life with such injustice.
Best of luck to you and your family.
To reply if you with at – [email protected]

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Margaret Walsh says:
October 24, 2021 at 16:21

I am from South Australia 64 years old Female and I am experiencing I.T. Since separating June last year 2020 the gaslighting occurred and scared me out of my home of 28 years. (Now homeless and my husband has all the money tied up and it would be beneficial for him that I did commit suicide but I won’t) My ex husband works in Cyber Security for Defence and works in this area and unfortunately for me I am a Target due to my connection with my husband I can only allege. This needs to be addressed and they should be prosecuted for this barbaric torture of the population and for experimental scientific research. I I have gone to the police because he has committed fraud with signing my name with $100,000 extended loans but they are not interested that he’s done this as of course I’m the target and not taken seriously. ad he is a high Government employee. I appeal for help that this be reviewed, especially if I am to die. I am voicing my concerns not just for my sake but for other people on SA that are being affected by this also.

Gisela Möller-Brockner says:
October 13, 2020 at 13:50

I am 67 years old and I am a T.I. since Mid 2009. The perps (I know the names) torture me 24/7 per Voice to Skull. I moved flats several times in Munich and later

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Gisela Möller-Brockner says:
October 13, 2020 at 13:59

I am 67 years old and I am a T.I. since Mid 2009. The perps torture me 24/7 per Voice to Skull.
I moved several times flats within Munich and I moved later in the near of Freiburg.
Now I am living in the northern part of Germany near Bremen, however what a surprise the torture continues.
I wrote to politicians, police, justice, Verfassungsschutz so far without success. The perps (some names I know) want to drive me into suicide, if I do not commit suicide, they threaten me with
ritual murder. In addition they went into my house in my absence, they have stolen a watch and other things without a track on the main door.
Now, because they hacked as well my computer, they want my house and all what I possess.
I am a citizen of Germany, who worked the whole life, payed taxes and now I am a person without protection of law? How is this possible? I am not an outlaw.

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klaudiagatogmailcom says:
November 29, 2020 at 13:41

Hi Gisela. The Kats family appreciates your comments. God Bless you and never given think about what you mention in your post. They have to commit suicide and that this SKUKS will do by the power of GOD. OK. About us. We are 40 years Grand Guinea Pigs run by the Nazi Stanford Sadistic Medical Trial “DARPA” classified program involving severe abuses each member of the innocent family. Obviously, a normal Human Being who’s capable to process information appropriately would raise the question? Why physically, heinously torturing family demanding to return illegally implanted clusters of implants presumably we all have a Brain, Eyes, etc… cancers rather simply return what was robed from the family and live us along? But NOT! Stanford/CIA/FIB – would like to get rid of witnesses to preserve exposure of NAZI programs involving the gruesome fact that – for decades Stanford Research was presided by the – God of Auschwitz, Angel of Death, Brilliant Scientist – Nazi Doctor Joseph Mengele who was brought into the US after WWII by the CIA under the Top Secret Classified Program coded name “PAPER CLIP”. The tragedy came to our home just because our residence was located in Palo Alto CA right next to Stanford Research. Following a HORROR, of being implanted, on March 25/2015 at the birth of our grandson – the newborn was injected with the NANO CHIP GPS-TRACKING System. Oh NO! Don’t believe me, but please watch this abuse live. It seemed as a GOD was there and without my knowledge videorecorded all that. I didn’t know what really happened at BIRTH.
1. GPS-Tracking Incision. 1min.30 sec. 2. “Good Samaritan Hospital”. 1 min.
No. We Don’t do that – No! 3. Our documentary film “Guinea Pigs From Silicon Valley” presents the disaster of how’s Intelligence Agency Abusing the Power given to them by the People. What a HORROR! After that, raping 4 years of age baby at Public Hospital stated – “In the Interest of Defence & National Security to be Kept Secret”
Well, “Gisela”. This is the reality and we suffering through our life with such injustice.
My advice to you would be! To use a microwave beam to terrorize you is part of torture but also is quite inconvenient and required a lot of maintenance. On default, these Superior Criminals using implantation which may occur even at the convenience of your own home. Gisela! Please refer to the spot in our documentary film “Guinea From Silicon Valley” Installation of the Remotely Activated Gas Canister 58min 10 sec to understand how’s implantation takes place. You would never think about of such could happen in your own HOME – But it is happening. Once implanted, the person may be TORTURED no meter where he’s located… Gisela. To verify you don’t have such implants, schedule an appointment with the ENT Doctor for an endoscopy. Not X-Ray, Not MRI, Not CN Skun – only endoscopy to see in live an environment of your Maxillary sinuses. It’s not expensive, impossible to modify, most important, you’ll be able to see live all you are looking for. If your request for an endoscopy would be declined! Well, it means bad news. IMPLANTED. But just go ahead and do one step at a time.
Best of luck to you and your family. Enjoy Holiday Season.
To reply if you with at – [email protected]

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gerda says:
December 3, 2020 at 23:41

I am in the same condition, 64 years, Belgium. I sold my house twice. Daily tortured in my house. On holiday in Germany shot with dew bright lights.

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Hamza says:
September 22, 2021 at 22:20

What is a DEW bright light?

randus1237 says:
October 15, 2020 at 02:25

T. I. since 1999. Only faith in Christ has kept me alive, day by day. I count on Him as my Higher Power to help me sort out the chaos. He said get off the meds, which are highly reactive to microwave energy. Jesus is showing me how to detox my body and get the right natural foods and supplements to live. I’m staying strong and growing in life skills for the sake of the Truth.

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Murad says:
October 19, 2020 at 01:34

Hi Randus. I have a question regarding medication being highly reactive to microwave energy. What do you mean with that? That it makes one more susceptible to the crime? How? I’m on forced medication with antipsychotics, Abilify and Xeplion. Thank you

frank says:
October 21, 2020 at 23:33

Yes, abilify reduce your brain fonctions so you will question way less. Who knows what they put in there too…

Murad says:
October 25, 2020 at 14:20

Thank you. But do these medications make you more susceptible and receptive to these crimes (directed energy weapons)?

Mike says:
November 17, 2020 at 10:06

They did that to discredit you please keep you psychological file ready to over turn. You are not crazy. My dad is a Psychologist for 40 years this is really happening to people. This is not in your mind.

Liked by 2 people
Frank says:
October 20, 2020 at 19:57

I agree with you, more awareness made me less vulnerable to anything they would normally do. They’re so weak (those sats fucks)

Liked by 1 person
Mike says:
December 19, 2020 at 04:15

Sir yes sir we are on them……

ML says:
October 21, 2020 at 23:05

How? Please share what you are doing

Jackson Ngenda says:
October 16, 2020 at 12:30

I hardly sleep during the night because of electronic shocks in my head caused by excessive induced dreams that the cyber tortures try to feed in my head when I am sleeping, this happens almost after every 5 to 10 minutes. If this is connected to some big companies trying to experiment on people, why is it not possible to have a list of these companies and sue them and their allies for crime against humanity.

Alexander Crawshaw says:
October 17, 2020 at 17:24

I have been targeted to my knowledge since 2010, they tortured me when I severely mentally unwell and damaged all my brain, I have limited cognitive functioning remaining and cannot hardly read anymore. I have also been gangstalked and forced into psychiatric services.

Liked by 1 person
Angelus 71 says:
October 19, 2020 at 07:31

Bonjour je m’appelle Marvine et suis victime de cette nanothecnologie depuis 2016, ma vie est un enfer et ne suis entendu de personnes…. Ma question est comment y mettre fin ?

Cathal McManus says:
October 19, 2020 at 19:47

Hello I need some help. I am being targeted by these Gangstalkers and had to run for my life from Glasgow to return back home to Ireland.

I’ve got a Traumatic Brain Injury but I’ve tried to take note of everything. I’ve currently been admitted to a Mental Hospital but my family or nobody else seems to be helping me with this.

I just want to live in peace but I feel so trapped and they have me on edge with this.

Can you please help me or help direct me to someone who can?

I was recently seeing a Social Worker and she said that if I get any trouble or feel unsafe then try to contact her but these people are everywhere and I have been unable to do so cause the receptionist at this particular Social Work desk put me through to her (Social Worker) admin who said that she’s on training. This social worker told me she has no more training to do so it’s obvious they know why I’m calling.

I need help please.

Frank says:
October 22, 2020 at 00:09

if you only need to talk here’s my email
[email protected]

i get seasonal symptoms and constant headache, cut off from family, isolation they call it. ALL BULLSHIT but once you understand the whole grid it doesn’t really matters anymore. so many dead leaves i’m way more worried for them, you know what i mean? people on their phones more worried about their messed makeup, than a dying person living next to them . anyway, i can relate from many things i guess…

Dk says:
November 15, 2020 at 16:25

Hey my name is Dk and I’m a ti going through similar feelings of hopelessness… have to not let them think there winning or getting the best of you cause thats what they want .just know you are not alone in this and there are thousands suffering from same problems if you ever need to talk with anyone just to vent you can email me

martial goulet says:
October 20, 2020 at 22:56

i’m a target individual from québec government and sureté du québec since at least over 30 years,they said from themself ”we have tried everything on this guy” i’m a pretty poor,without a job,oprressed as fuck and with biology starving for foods and ill by medication.they have destroyed my life because my concentration and abilities was way over the normal,i’ve resolved some cases before them in my localities and beyond,their arrogance and stupidity to inflict corrupt offices all over my routine and social services,accounts,garage car maintenance,accounts fraud,internet fraud,hell’ angels alliance to even push me to the limits, lots more you cant imagine,it has put the cops to define me as an ”illegal aliens” from all over the have to keep records audio and camera footage all the time,register the events and search for the names of the dirty cops.i burn around 400 pages of intels every year to be sure i wont be suspected anymore in case they raid my home.they make me mad because they say i cant be in liberty and doesn’t need to even feel it,every time i’m free,they steal my personal things,or vandalism them,make invoice more expensive etc … hope i’ll live happy one day,stay safe!

Frank says:
October 21, 2020 at 23:58

Tabar….si t’est au centre du québec je peux venir si tu veux discuter, À moins que ce sois encore plus jouer avec le feux… STP garde la foi, tu sais des trucs, et moi aussi. Ils ont l’air de craindre cela . c’est psycho af squi font puis veulent garder le plus de gens isolés a eux même on dirait. Ma relation avec famille fichu. fuck man jsp vraiment si c’est encourageant sque jdis la mais la foi je la garde, apres tout ce qui m’est arrivé surtout….

dsl, mon aurthographe est pour les confondre 😉

tiens, pt que ca peut aider, peut etre…

November 16, 2020 at 12:46

IN South Korea, it is real mindcontrol technology and directed weapon.. about 10,000 people have been stalking and tortured



D Pasishnek says:
November 17, 2020 at 10:28

Im From Canada Ottawa They have a Program here i am gangstalked daily they have people in stores actually close by my house when i go to them these people will say something to another person well im in line and it will usually be directed to me they try to keep you imprisoned when i go around people i feel like there gunna say something ignorant this is how abused i am i believe they can talk to other perpatrators through voice to skull i really believe theres more perpatrators then tis & the reason that i was so aware of this is because it all started with me getting followed then it lead to people saying things to me then i would hear voices that were just to real to be my own mind i started listening to the voices constantly which lead my brain to actually paying attention to what everyone said then people would follow me daily saying things that would make me react in anger its sad because i believe my own family is being targeted as well and they are part of the program because they also act exactly like most of these tis i cant even go out no more without feeling watched or talked about so i avoid all contact with humans but one da y it hink i will die or en d up in jail because of these people i believe this is why mass killings happen these people need to be stopped the police know all about it when i thought the police were trying to kill me they pulled me over a couple times and actually threatned me telling me there gunna kill you there gunna kill you and i was like why are you saying that and he told me i must be on drugs and i told him i have kids i was also threatned in the back of a cop car the cop said should we shoot him should we shoot him were not gunna shoot him took his gun out and put it back i was also attacked by 2 ctrain police in calgary and this is all on camera this is where my targeted actually started happening i could talk about everything that happened to me but i just wanted to bring awareness to this program and i hope more people come out

Liked by 1 person
Jess says:
November 18, 2020 at 18:43

My background story:

In the very beginning I remember coming back from my Pharmacy class in the CBD, after recently my mother had passed away from Cancer. We had some new neighbours move in, across from us and suddenly from a distance I see a woman near they’re gates. From no where, I suddenly hear, ‘what are you staring at? Why is she staring at me?!’.

I was quite surprised to be honest as this was always an slight concern of mine. (That I do not smile much and always sometimes might stare a little too much out of habit). Well as the weeks went on eventually I started hearing projected audio into the whole house, which no one else seemed to hear in the household. I was confused by this and they were suddenly complaining about my bedroom light being on but there’s no way they could see this, across the road. I brought some blackout curtains as an result but they always seemed to know when I had the light on and wherever I was. I even spoke to them once but they decline any knowledge of anything. (However they were the same voices).

The street theatre started to go a more dangerous turn, one day before heading out into the city. They threatened to shot me or harm me if I did. I went out anyway but nothing came out of it. Eventually they just settled with insults everyday and night, never stopped. They still don’t.

I couldn’t workout what was happening to me, this made no sense – what was the point of making someone’s life a living hell. Then one night it dawned on me, it wasn’t across the road! It was next door! I found figured that out but it took another 1 year and some months of research to discover the term Targeted Individual.

Then everything finally fell together, the gang-Stalking, the commentary, the profiling, the archoring but for no reason. Until one day they told me as long as any of my family live on this street, they will stalk me and make my life a living hell. The issue is, my family don’t believe me and there’s nothing I can do about that. So I’ll settle for exposing them to the world. My only regret was during the before months I attempted to tell my family, they didn’t believe me and thought I must be crazy. So I simply don’t anymore – I only struggle from day to day and they wonder, what happened to their more happier child or sister. Being an unbelieved Targeted Individual happened to me.

Where we live: Australia, North lakes.
All the projected sounds seem to come from our neighbour’s house. (If you look up our street, you’ll see that they are the closest and only logical explanation for sound penetratation to our home). Plus he started to officially use his own voice of late anyway.

We live in a normal suburb and none of our houses are connected – there is actually a 5 meter space between our homes. We strongly believe that they are somehow projecting some form of Audio and frequencies into our home.

We have experienced the following symptoms:

– Burning/isolated hot spots and chills sensations at different times. In the car while parked or at home. I’ve asked on Quota, some say radio frequencies for their penetrating/heating abilities while others blame radar. E.g. Apparently a cop’s co-workers use to put handhold radar guns to their ‘gentlemen parts’ during winter to keep warm, they got cancer as an result. Microwave wave transmitters, I’ve attempted to study as well as they can go through brick walls but at an limited rate. I’ve contacted organisations regarding this matter, pretending to be an professional, worried about their workers exposure to such an new communication device but they either stay silent or answer – Maybe safe, don’t stand in front of it, if it’s professional grade or your dead. (Too informative regarding boat’s radar abilities).

– We sometimes feel sudden anxiety or stress for no reason as the result of very noticeable changes in heavy air pressure or usual sensations of high frequencies. We believe that we were profiled during this stage to test our hearing abilities, as I can remember; Studying my pharmacy community certificate and suddenly had an unknown pressured thought. Probably most likely a speaker just below my hearing ability, among with ultrasound for attention. They like to use both, frequencies to teach certain reactions or words. However that’s usually after exposure/training I guess.

– Sharp stinging in the ear, back of the head or strong pressure in general. The sharp stinging is usually high frequencies at high decibels.

– Gang-stalkers use key phrases in sentences, conservations or overly loud noises to gain your attention. Insults are often hidden in such generalize chatter but a targeted Individual will know what they are looking for.

– Abrupt sleep disturbances by either low frequency speaking or sudden change in air pressure.

I am currently working with an acoustic engineer from Upwork to assist me with recording and shielding purposes. Shielding should be the first thing to consider, once discovered as it enables you to continue on living. I also assist or provide information to other TI’s as well.

There’s my story, that’s me. People simply go with it, don’t help and add more misery to my life or my families, indirectly. At my work as well.

I hope this will story a little bit.

Liked by 3 people
Gómez says:
November 24, 2020 at 07:59

Hi, I’m Juan, I’m from Mexico and I’m a victim of electronic harassment, which is cyber torture, here a concept that I look for and read and it’s just what describes what has been happening to me these 7 years and I need help.

P says:
November 26, 2020 at 03:48

I have been stalked and don’t know when this started. I noticed strange things along home burglary in several states I moved to in hopes to find freedom and safely. The electronic adults with street theater increase all the time in every new place. I have struggled several years in homelessness. Homeless folks are peeps. the best perps. Some hi end shelter employees also join in. To the street living I fought off so long. I have a place to live and work. I fight to keep this as the pain increase I messed a day of work. I am being driven by force to give it up. I refuse and will contribute my all to the cause promoting awareness and also contact eve Gov rep. If I may become injured and disabled one day then I won’t take it with out giving my all. I am way pass fear and intimidation.

Perafitas says:
November 29, 2020 at 22:21

Hi, I am an targeted individual in Luxemburg, since 2017. In 2017 I ran away from a secret society, I guess, who wanted to use my body for experimentation and kill me after that, but I noticed it on time and ran away from that event. Since then I already mooved to my homecountry and the same shit with gangstalking happend again and for financial reasons I returned to luxemburg to work there again. I guess I have make someone very mad who belongs to the highest elites since I am alive and know what they are doing undercoverly on innocent citizens here in luxembourg. All the people who were in that strange house belonged to the luxemburgish high society and they also were antichrist.I never knew those people before it was my ex boyfriend who brought me to that house, telling me it was just a party, until today I am suffering from gangstalking. Everywhere I go they are there, lookin’ at me , pointing me with their phones, I am pregnant and at my docter’s office they made me wait for almost 2 hours even if I had an appointment and other persons who had an apointment after me were picked before me. They jump in front of my car when I drive and when I go somewhere there is always an ambulance or police alarm knowing it is just for 2 seconds and I live in a little very little small town where nothing happens.They go everywhere I go and all the services I get in this country are made poorly because someone put my name on a blacklist just because I ran away from an antichrist elitist ritual where they wanted to hurt me and probably take my organs away. Luxemburgs organ bank is empty, so they have to take it from somewehere since the dutch and the belgium health services can not always provide for luxemburg. Everywhere I go even at my job I suffered from bullying and threats, when I speak to my manager she doesn’t seem to care it is like she is brainwashed or something. The people that are following me have often red or blue colored clothes and often all black. The strangest thing is they think they are doing something good acting like this towards me, but I am completely innocent and never did something wrong to anybody. I pay my bills and I don’t ask the state for financial help but the luxembourgish state treats me like I owe them something, this is against human rights. There are criminals and rapists and psychopath aggressiv murders who live their lives freely here in Luxemburg but instead they are chasing an innocent 28 year old pregnant lady and gangstalking her. Now that I discovered that my problem is not a mental problem but a real and sad reality they are also attacking my brother with cyber technologies and frequencies V2K and try to kill my brother so that he commits suicide. The Psychiatrist didn’t diagnosed any schyzophrenic or other mental illnes on my brother, he took pills to calm the voices down nothing happend, and there we discovered through research that they are attacking him with V2K.I use VPN on my computer and I live with fear everyday because I know to much but I just want a normal life I don’t want any problems, I am going to get a child soon, what is going to be his future? I just want them to leave me alone that’s all, I am not an activist or whistleblower but if this continues I have to stand for my rights and see if the european constitution puts a law that gangstalking and cyberattacks are illegal towards innocent citizens!

Thank you for your attention.

Liked by 2 people
tangchao says:
December 3, 2020 at 00:21

I’m Ti from Changsha, Hunan Province, China. I can’t speak English. Please forgive me. My content is translated by software. It has been more than ten years since 2007 when I was tracked and harassed. It was not until the past two years that I learned that there was such a crime. There is no doubt that this kind of crime is committed by the government. Ordinary organizations can not have such advanced equipment, which involves supercomputers, base stations, satellite navigation systems, and organizing the masses. Only the state has such ability. This kind of state crime is widely used to control the population, and to be honest, this is massacre. Obviously, the Chinese government is also involved in this persecution. I have traveled from south to North in dozens of cities across the country, and even went abroad to major cities in Iran, but I couldn’t get rid of their tracking and harassment. It’s a big conspiracy, and governments of all countries have joined forces to secretly remove the population they think is redundant. In China, there are countless victims in disguise. They are all fake victims employed by the government. They send false news, so that the real victims can not get any help or even cheat for money. At present, I have lost my job, my health has declined sharply, I have suffered from heart disease and some dementia symptoms, and my friends have been far away from me, hoping that justice still exists in this world.

Liked by 3 people
kimacolo says:
December 13, 2020 at 18:08

We are in great need of community and support. I am a targeted individual of Massachusetts ..New England is saturated with illegal corruption…gang stocking, illegal cyber-electronic weapons from the air and ground…surveillance and abuse…this is daily to thousands… we are hurt and stalked….THIS needs to stop….The fusion centers are training at their facility overnight to build a war against innocent us Citizens —We need to stand up to this abuse and illegal use of power….where one goes ..we all go as children of GOD to make this world a better place….USE YOUR VOICE and shout out to all until this is transformed. KIM..617-455-2989

mikael wennerstrand says:
December 22, 2020 at 17:31


what ar w going to do here hwen we arw hacked mindcontrolled and cyber-tortured at the same time, i am a boss director over a company called MWM BEATS LTD INVEST and if nots that it they are totaly retarded on you to hacking in feelings and the computer at the same time….



thwey destroy the wholw bussniss for us / me

the clock is 17:26 2020/12/22

best regards

attcking nervsystems and block minds.., talked to an organisation that worked with ID thefts and they where sorry for the experience but said the lokal authoritys was involved, now i contacted them and they offcours dident now a thing about this

what about or rights to work humans rights and wheeeere do we charge the attacks!

Tong says:
December 25, 2020 at 09:48

I’m Ti from Changsha, Hunan Province, China. I can’t speak English. Please forgive me. My writing is translated through software. It has been more than ten years since I was tracked and harassed in 2007. It was not until the past two years that I knew that there was such a crime. There is no doubt that this kind of crime was committed by the government. It is impossible for ordinary organizations to have such advanced equipment, which involves supercomputers, base stations, satellite navigation systems, and organizing the masses. Only the country has such ability. This kind of national crime is widely used to control population, and to be honest, it is massacre. Obviously, the Chinese government is also involved in this kind of persecution. I have traveled from south to north to dozens of cities across the country. Even when I went abroad to major cities in Iran, I could not get rid of their tracking and harassment. It’s a huge conspiracy, and governments of all countries have joined forces to secretly remove what they think is redundant population. In China, there are countless disguised victims. They are all fake victims employed by the government. They send false information, so that the real victims can not get any help, or even cheat money. At present, I have lost my job, my health has declined sharply, I have suffered from heart disease and some dementia symptoms, and my friends have been far away from me. I hope there is justice in the world.

Murad says:
January 1, 2021 at 16:55

This must stop. I have had my life ruined because of very paranoid, prejudiced and hateful perpetrators, with the intention to kill. They beam me constantly and I get symptoms of constant paralyzing fatigue, pain in my chest and other areas of my body. They accuse me of bad things and have turned my humanity and my will against me. They lack remorse and empathy. I’m not sure if I can make it. I ponder often about death because of them and have almost lost my will to live. They are actually trying to kill me. If it were not for the intervention of good honorable people, I might not have been alive today. All this is taking place in Sweden, where I was born and raised. Why are there no demonstrations in Sweden. Please help.

Adam Christian Nielsen says:
January 3, 2021 at 16:48

I am a targeted individual of cybertorture.
Free poetry:
some of which regards cybertorture.

I hope you all are as well as you can be…hang in there, hopefully this will be over soon.

Liked by 1 person
Adam Christian Nielsen says:
January 3, 2021 at 16:52

Guess we’re not as alone as they may have wanted us to think…

Liked by 1 person
Mikael Eleman says:
January 12, 2021 at 16:43

Hi my name is Mikael
This is what happend to me late 2007

They also tried to kill me once with pain that that was so powefull, you can’t discribe it.

jose92812 says:
January 14, 2021 at 00:58

hi my names jose maria ortiz i live in yuma az ive been encarcerated around 4 times on street theater mind control and brain wash they said they were the government and they were gonna declassify this with me at the end and that i had to break into somebodys house they said it was mine and everybody got their own house on this job and everybody was ok with it and was getting paid i fear a life sentence so please consider looking at me in case they do encarcerate me again

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Adrian says:
January 14, 2021 at 15:57

I’m a targeted individual who has been forced into psych ward in the UK

What can I do ? Who do I contact ?

Liked by 3 people
Rod Blue says:
January 17, 2021 at 12:00

I am hear in Mexico, MO (USA) where they are doing Behavioral Modification Mind Control that they call “Evoked Potential” using satelite, drones, and UAVs. Assaulting people with Direct Energy Weapons when you don’t comply with their demands or commands. I am at least a year into my harassment, and doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon.

Karl Karlsson says:
January 18, 2021 at 15:54

Karl Karlsson Victim in Sweden since two decades. RNM Remote Neural Monitoring along with EEG Heterodyning and technology based on TMS Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Also JTRIG is used (by some described as “gangstalking” and harassments in a million of various ways exposed by Edward Snowden. Sweden often portrays as “democratic” and having a “higher standards of human rights!”.

well this is because the torture is not debated in Sweden and this crimes is denied inverstigations in Sweden to silence this scandals. I am in a situation here with extreme torture in Sweden with this weapons based on satellites and GWEN and RADAR AESA and the most extreme weapons ever. Faraday nets is expensive and “Signal JAMMER” is illegal. We need mobile portable radio frequency meters in thousands that stores “logs” incoming frequency data and by that we will be able to prove this is not normal incoming frequencies and we are targeted by military traitors and covards that turned on their own. Today “critics” is labeled as “dissidents” , but seriously..who are the real dissidents here using this extreme weapons on civilians that can not shield. This has been going on since the 60s and has to stop once and for all.

Liked by 3 people
Sorin TI says:
January 19, 2021 at 08:07

Hi ,I am a TI , a clinical psychologist by profession. I can help you by explaining how V2k works: V2k is an AI (machine learning type) software, so it can communicate with you in real time”read” your memory, thoughts and can manipulate you psychologically and emotionally to achieve its criminal goal of “brainwashing”.

“Gang stalking” is a “program”of slow-kill, it never ends

V2k technology is based on a psychiatric medical technology called Neurofeedback- EEG Biofeedback but it acts another “map” of the brain (an AI software accesses brain waves emitted by the brain with Elf waves) ,the brain reacts negatively to this type of brain wave (Elf waves)

V2k is an interactive psychotronic software with AI (artificial intelligence) and it tries to manipulate you psychological and emotionally. V2k ”attacks” our brain with Elf electromagnetic waves with values between 6.67 and 6.26 Hz, causes confusion and anxiety, depression, tension, nausea, prolonged reaction times, desynchronizations of the electroencephalogram (EEG), accompanied by other neurovegetative disorders.V2K technology can “clone”or ”mime” different medical pathologies, including psychiatric ones. That’s why many TIs are diagnosed with Schizophrenia or other mental illness

To annihilate or stopped V2k you can stop with any neurogadget that uses Neurofeedback therapy .Thus the 2 technologies (V2k and Neurofeedback will interact and V2k will be annihilated)

Liked by 2 people
Robert Lee says:
January 28, 2021 at 07:55

I live in Rome GA. My name is Robert Lee. I have been severely harassed since April 2020 and it started in 2016. I turned my life over to Christ after being in prison. They have done all kinds of crazy stuff to me and are right now making my stomach vibrate, tingle my head, etc. I hear computer type beeps very low in my moms attic and mine and sometimes cricket type chirps along with another low faint noise at times. They put me into delusions, etc especially if I drink. I have forced them out of my head before by reading my Bible and focusing on the Lord. It needs to stop! We have to stick together and hope and pray that one day they will wake up to how evil this all is.

Liked by 1 person
Joan E Pancetta says:
September 25, 2021 at 17:07

My name is Joan Panetta
I have been a victim of cyber torture and V2K for 7 yrs. I hear them retrieving brain data every night and am threatened with my disabilty, medical records which violates my HIPPA rights. They degrade me, watch me in the privacy of my home. They have had me hospitalized because of it. I have been beaten, strangled and harassed by police. I never had a record in my life but I do now. It started in CA and followed me to NY. They claim to be from various branches of law enforcement including FBI. I have done nothing to deserve this degrading torture. When I speak of it on social media I am tortured even more. I was cutting myself and hospitalized for it 3 times in the psych ward in CA. Last year they told me my family and friends committed suicide. I was hospitalized because of it. I want my basic human rights back. I am tired of the threats of being imprisoned for life, of my mind being raped illegally. They lie their asses off. They laugh at me when I am in physical and mental pain. They tell me I am faking my disabilities. They bully me on medical appointments and violate my doctor/patient confidentiality. I need help in stopping this before it is too late for me.

kchuggs says:
September 29, 2021 at 08:29

All, I am a victim of electronic torture and mind control. V2k. I am now an expert since it began in 2010. I read all of these comments and know how you all feel alone and hopeless with little in law to help fight these sick people doing this. They destroyed my life and my family. Even started targeting my son who six years old at the time. I am to this day even right now still being tormented. Thankfully at least a bill has passed to acknowledge this type of illegal inhumane crime. Attacking someone’s mind is by far the worst assault to another human. We must unite to pass laws for us victims to file with local law enforcement. At the very least a national help line for victims. It was rare to hear of these crimes when this started with me. If anyone needs someone to listen or understand what your going through or begin a group for support [email protected]. I’m not worried about others retaliating in attacks when my attacker hasn’t left me in 11 years..24 hours a day. I want to learn from others their background, why did they choose us? I believe mostly there is a dark society that uses this to sexually abuse women and children. When they can visually enduce video through my sight I see what they do to others. I haven’t committed suicide (although I want to.. just to no longer be a pleasure to someone else’s sickness) so I can fight this and make it public one day to save others. Although it’s difficult to live through every night… Thank you for this WordPress.

Liked by 1 person
Tina Braswell says:
October 7, 2021 at 23:44

I am a victim for many years. I have experienced electrical shocks, induced dreams, severe migraines that have resulted in strokes. Loss of balance, nausea, sleep deprivation, and severe medical abuse in trying to seek help. I and my pet dog have stasi type stalking, illegal home entry, theft, destruction of property, business abuse, career sabotage, and many other things. I must be remote neural monitored due to the stasi team (Infragard) knows where I am going before I get there. Thank you for your work on this.

Tina Braswell says:
October 8, 2021 at 15:03

I am a victim of cyber-torture, to include Direct Energy Weapons, Remote Neural Monitoring, and stasi type community stalking. My symptoms have been reported to the US Task force however, it seems they will only acknowledge government officials attacked. I suffer with reduced vision, balance issues, strokes, severe migraines, kidney issues, nausea as well as others. This is my 2nd time trying to post, as my first one is not showing up due to the cyber stalking as well. Please help myself and millions of others to stop this horrible program.

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Christopher N Jibotian says:
October 9, 2021 at 23:18

Been a target for 2 years my name is Christopher jibotian in the u.s. law enforcement don’t do anything when you call or ask them. I experience the microwave hearing. Microwave torture, Nero monitoring, electrical shocks anywhere in the body, severe jerking at night, induced dreams, interrupting sleep, induced dreams, v2k, all of it from the electro magnetic technology to gang stalking to chemical attacks. They are ruthless and need to be stopped were talking about innocent people here who just want to live there life and are being targeted and harassed by these demonic reptilians non human creatures that think they know what’s best for everyone.

Jefferey Jones says:
October 12, 2021 at 06:45

My name is Jefferey Jones. I am a targeted individual who was illegally implanted by Jeffrey Cone( former Neurosurgeon) and Richard Franklin from Amarillo Texas. I have been getting tortured and attacked violently by there organizations. There are several types of people going from doctors drug dealers to family who act as they hold my 2 kids hostage. They have a African american threatening my 2 kids saying when I see them with you I am going to attack and molest and rape them in front. The person who has them threatens my life also with violence. They are so violent they are able to murder people electronically and there have been 2 or 3 ran here in Pampa since I have lived here. I do have recordings of 1 maybe 2 and probably the 3 one. I have contacted the FBI and DEA about the drug dealers attacking me. But they run different torture tactics by attacking causing physiological torture. Brain hacking causing sever pain. They track and surveillance everyone I come in contacted with to manipulate or mind control them for fear of them getting expose. I am wondering what rights I have as a Human to protect myself and my 2 kids. I have lost hearing in one ear and they continuously attack my medical conditions.The doctors are also notorious violent offend there supposedly some African American doctor who also attacks me and shames he mind controls violent crimes. They force me to leak poop and pee on myself and fart and have gas. They cause.serious pain. Tabitha will sit there raping me and playing in my anus. They start programming kids and start talking about sex. i am needing help to get justice severed for me and for what they have done. They are a threat to community and society the news does tell on facebook what happens. I guess they made a big deal and now I’m seeking help for lack of education of justice.

Mr. A.P. Sinacola says:
November 7, 2021 at 05:16

I would like to thank you on all the sincere effort that you and your team are trying to prove to the world before many more t.i. have to die, like many others who are trying to find some help while being put through this most awful torture it’s so good to know that their are so many good people like yourselves that do care, I’m now 65 and have been targeted since the pure age of 7years old, I’ve had the most awful torture done to myself by these disgusting animals. I wish you well and hope this is outlawed in my lifetime. Andre Sinacola london.

Pharm. Enerst A. says:
November 11, 2021 at 13:55

Hi, I am a Nigerian living in Dhaka Bangladesh. I have been under serious attack since July 2019. After a near death experience I suffered while in prison in Bangladesh. I managed myself out of the depression anyway. From my personal research on the whole experience,i was well informed beyond every reasonable doubt that I was being tortured with a sophisticated cyber torture machine (Cyber chamber). The perpetrators….. we know who they are, but highly corrupted and morally compromised individuals hunting African blacks in a country as Bangladesh. Going through this special UN report on cyber-torture with following comments made me believe more that most of us are under attack. Their tactics more of racial and discriminatory. Before the whole saga, I was poisoned with a substance in a morning breakfast served in the prison one bad early morning, only for me to notice its effect later in the evening @ around 7:00 pm in the evening.
From that moment the traumatising noise and voices I couldn’t explain kept flowing till this minute as I write. This was a horrifying moment, in a matter of days (two or three) I noticed thousands of people especially from my home, family and friends got trapped with each time a flashed back or remember anyone they got trapped with their voices familiar as I know.
Helplessly not much has changed since then. I was Constantly being tortured through out my stay in detention 24/7 non stop till today at my home. I noticed that my fellow Africans were being trapped as well and all efforts to create an awareness or share my feelings proves abortive. Once a clear insight into the happenings is made the tormentors smartly changes the narrative making me look like a liar to the invisible audience. I have lost my inner voice and to an extent my natural confidence to speak about it. Here, the constant threat to my life and manipulation on daily basis is overwhelming but I am very sure I know myself. It becomes dangerous when people are being accused here for things they never committed. A lot has switched side aligning with the tormentors to give false accusations and cases to innocent people. Even considering sending police to arrest people on fake narratives.
What has other people in Nigeria living outside Bangladesh done to deserve such inhumane torture by this terrorist cum myopic tormentors. WHAT HAS AGED PARENTS AND DEAD RELATIVES DONE TO DESERVE CYBER-TORTURE?
I became more convinced it’s real when I found this report “CYBERTORTURE” by the UN Special Rapporteur On Torture”.

TI , a clinical psychologist by profession, helped by explaining how V2k works: V2k is an AI (machine learning type) software, so it can communicate with you in real time”read” your memory, thoughts and can manipulate you psychologically and emotionally to achieve its criminal goal of “brainwashing”.
“Gang stalking” is a “program”of slow-kill, it never ends.
I found it very difficult to enlighten my own people of all that is happening but none have been bold to talk about it on face to face meetings.
It is shocking a lot of secrets are being exposed with people pouring out their mindsets on my ears as if I am a god. I am not God to hear confessions of dirty lifestyles and how much sex you had in the secret. So it is embarrassing to me.
JACKSON NGENDA SAYS: “I hardly sleep during the night because of electronic shocks in my head caused by excessive induced dreams that the cyber tortures try to feed in my head when I am sleeping, this happens almost after every 5 to 10 minutes”.
This is exact same issue with myself for over two years now. It becomes confusing when some group claims they are helping out but in the long run complicates or do nothing about it. The human brain is delicate and should not be subjected to inhumane torture test for a useless kind of excitement with incompetent terrorist claiming to be security agents.
My take on this is that humans and especially the Africans should not be used as experimental models in a country as Bangladesh maybe for racial reasons or religious reasons. I say this because alot of Bangladeshi locals are cheering on the side line enjoying the torture on foreigners. Abuse of rights and interference into people’s privacy and family lives with manipulative programs is wrong and should be condemned in totality.
If this is connected to some terrorists as security agents trying to experiment on people, why is it not possible to have a list of these monsters and sue them with their allies for crimes against humanity?
Why should there be an invisible torture chambers hunting and accusing people constantly intimidating with harassment to extort money from victims?
I lost everything except my life and sanity to this foolish coward actors.
My request is that, Africans in Bangladesh are currently under cyber-torture and in a more dehumanizing form. I do believe it is a state sponsored torture hunting everyone living in Bangladesh with option to milk their pockets dry without stopping the senseless diabolic activity. It is diabolic and demonic since praying inside your room as a Christian has become a HUGE CRIME IN BANGLADESH. I humbly want to inform those advocating against the use of cyber-torture tactics in committing crimes against humanity that Africans and Nigerians in particular are under constant attack. I am 100% about it. The Nigerian government and their embassy representatives are not helping out especially in Bangladesh where it’s obvious the abuse of human beings on this cyber-torture chamber is not ending anytime soon.
Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. I hope my comment on this forum catches your attention. From findings many people in the country are going through alot of deleterious effects ranging from serious psychiatric disorders to other forms of neurological problems due to these tactics. Since it happened from a detention facility and now living homes with neighbors lending their opinions too. A lot will suffer from insanity if nothing is done to stop it.

For more details you can contact: [email protected]

Sheree Johnson says:
November 13, 2021 at 12:22

Hello. I am a targeted individual since 2017. I had a Non Linear Junction scan done in Salt Lake City, Utah. I have devices in me and a signal coming from my body. They are torturing me everyday. My mind is also being experimented on. I am from Louisiana. GOD be with us all.

Liked by 1 person
Christopher Hegg says:
November 14, 2021 at 07:16

My name is Christopher Hegg, from Alberta, Canada. I have been receiving harassment through gang stalking and the hacking of my accounts, emails and phone calls. This is a crime that violates my civil rights. I am a law abiding citizen and do not deserve to have my have my privacy invaded, my mental health messed with and to have people try to intentionally put me in a state of anxiety, stress or fear. I have had to learn to cope with smear campaigns, workplace harassment, phone calls/emails being redirected, gaslighting, losing friends and family. The system has totally failed to protect its citizens, human beings are blacklisted for doing the right thing and standing up to corrupt corporations, physiatrists, doctors, lawyers and “the good Samaritans” that are paid to harass, slander and participate in the destruction of another human beings life. No one deserves to be harassed to the point of suicide, institutionalization or acting out in violence due to the stress that is inflicted on these citizens who stood up for what they believe in or upset the wrong individual. Their are so many people reporting these issues of electronic harassment and community mobbing for this issue to not be investigated and taken seriously. This is the worst crime of human rights violations I have ever received or heard of in my life time, the fact that law abiding citizens are placed under illegal surveillance, harassed and forced to be in a program that in meant to completely destroy the person in the slowest most painful possible was is absolutely appalling. The corruption of our governments, law enforcement, churches, corporations, unions, health care, military, etc. Is beyond belief and needs to be stopped. No one should have to go through this experience expressly law abiding citizens.

MengLIjuan says:
November 27, 2021 at 07:21

I come from China. At present, China has a large number of brain control victims.I was watching my children at home on the morning of November 25, 2020. Suddenly, I heard the voices of men and women talking to me. At first, I thought it was an upstairs neighbor. Later, I thought that even the neighbors couldn’t speak in space, because they didn’t shout to me. It was later confirmed that there was no one living upstairs. But from that day on, 24 hours a day (sometimes I’ll talk to you in my dream) there were voices constantly abusing and misleading me. Later, when I checked this phenomenon on the Internet, I knew that I was controlled by the brain. With the passage of time, they have done more and more harm, and caused more and more harm to me. For example, when I was sleeping, a message came to my brain to wake me up, which made me unable to sleep every once in a while; When I do something they don’t like (when writing report materials), it will shock my hand skin, or cause me headache and dizziness; They (brain control organization) instilled anti party and anti state messages into me by means of voice transmission, insulted national leaders, and even I didn’t know what Wang Yi’s position was and when he took office, but brain control organization was very clear and told me that he was foreign minister in 1999. Later, I checked the introduction of Comrade Wang Yi in Baidu. He did work in diplomacy from 1998 to 2001; The brain control organization told me that they wanted me to kill the Communist Party, their own children and jump from a building; It will make me temporarily lose my memory; I can control my five emotions. For example, once a child took a bath in a big basin. She was naughty for more than a week. She moved around in the basin and accidentally slipped into the water, and her whole body was immersed in the water. At that time, the situation was urgent, and I knew that the situation was urgent and the child’s life was in danger, but the brain control organization controlled my emotions at that time. In such an emergency, it allowed me to maintain a very calm state of mind and let me not take the situation seriously. I felt that my mood was wrong, so I tried my best to overcome it. I reached out desperately to hold the child out. From such a small matter, we can see that there is no bottom line for brain control to control human emotions and bring future problems.
Because of brain control, my daily life, work and communication are seriously disturbed and affected; Because of being injured by electromagnetic radiation for a long time, our health has been seriously damaged, which makes it difficult to survive. Every morning when I open my eyes, I am tired and have no spirit, even if I just wake up. So it was a desperate process for me to take care of my children at that time, because if I didn’t carry it hard, I couldn’t take care of my children’s daily life. Headache and dizziness are frequent, and the loss of vision is obvious. When I go out and even drive a tricycle on the road, the brain control organization uses all kinds of sounds to interfere with my attention. For example, how dangerous it is to sound “hit people!”, “go north”, “it’s OK to run a red light” to me. Moreover, I often shout “hit people” at the intersection, which is easy to make me nervous and cause traffic accidents due to improper operation. Obviously, brain control wants to murder me.
As a victim, with a sense of responsibility for the country and society, I bravely expose the facts of victimization, expose this anti human persecution, and do my best for the safety of the country and the people!

yechangzhi says:
November 27, 2021 at 09:30

I am an actor. My name is Ye Changzhi. I am 43 years old. I come from Panshi City, Jilin Province, China.
In 2011, I went to Hengdian Hollywood Town in China and worked for about seven years. In 2019, I returned to my hometown to develop.
I was subjected to electronic torture for a long time from 2011 to 2021. I was attacked by electromagnetic and acoustic waves of unknown origin, mentally and physically tortured.
I’ve been brainread, brainstolen, and craned by high-tech weapons. I get electric shocks to the brain and the heart. Nightmares, controlled cell phones, constant Internet disconnection.
As God is my witness, everything I say is true. Please save me, thank you very much!

Liked by 1 person
姚多杰 says:
November 28, 2021 at 05:17

Let us to understand scientific evil side: “biological brain control weapons”
Brain control weapons by pilot (biological brain control weapons). Can read people mind at any time, and at the same time A person can be A thinking to force input to another person B, to mislead the B violation own inertia,
Manipulator “biological brain control weapons” through “biological brain control weapons” to “victims” and human contains bad information contents of stimulating biological waves that can be instantly and long time disturbance of the victims of the auditory and visual nerve, and to the victims of brain launch contains bad information content of the image and voice of biological waves, to paralysis, interference, block, control of brain control arms victims of nerves, optic nerve and normal thinking, namely “hallucinogenic effect” illusion to victims, that thinks he brain is generated by the image and voice their saw, the ears hear, to believe in, so that make the mistake of the victim and ultra words and deeds,
“Biological brain control gunner” through “biological brain control weapons” to victims launch biological radio remote human memory neurons, let human repeatedly uncontrollable all recall the past memories, and through the parties containing human biological wave receiving, parsing, and retrieve the memory through the display of every scene, every word.
Also can enter the brain of the parties to the party concerned are experiencing things, to make the illusion, the parties to the parties think they are going through, it is like a experienced in his memory, but also can be input into the brain is not the experience of the memory,
“Biological brain control gunner” according to the victims in our memory. In memory, each person’s speech, parsing. Imitation, and then use “biological brain control weapons” to “victims” brain launch. These victims loved one voice, abuse. Attack victims, to mislead the “victims” closest relative misunderstandings. Contradictions. Hatred, as to mislead the victim made against human slaughter.
“Biological brain control weapons” manipulator can use “brain control weapons” to “victims” brain input contains fear, panic, violence, excitement, physiologic hyperactive, inert, extreme fatigue, despair, depression, sleep, etc… Perceptual adverse biological waves of biological information to stimulate, control of the “victims” brain thinking and physiological function, to control emotions, human population and changing people’s sexual orientation, can induce human suicide at the same time, can be said is the ultimate weapon,
If biological brain control arms, human brain science experiments victims don’t openly voice. (that is, the interference of sound waves), and the biological image interference waves, the victim is impossible to find themselves in the general case. Has become the victims of “biological brain control weapons” experiment,

Currently: “biological brain control weapons” experimental victims almost all over the country provinces and cities, including victims. The old man. Women and children. Teachers, students, retired soldiers, police and some functions of national staff, who have made their lives in battle cry! They told people with their lives science the evil side.
He, they in the case of “not informed consent” somehow became the victim of the science and power! . He, they every day in the helpless under biological brain control arms, human brain science experiment in the process of cruel and evil,
“Part” of biological brain control weapon. Experimental victims he carried them to death, by some of the lack of morality, conscience so-called experts, professors, crown on the “mental derangement, depression, paranoia,” humiliation,

Smart technology “of biological brain control weapons, human brain science experiment” victims: yao dorje

Jane says:
November 30, 2021 at 13:19

Electronic torture cry for life
I am in China! Ask for help! My life is very urgent, my email: [email protected]

I was attacked by unidentified rays such as electromagnetic waves, microwaves, and sound waves almost 24 hours a day, and they also created sound transmission in my room. I feel dizzy, headache and nausea every day. The blood vessels of my brain may burst at any time, the heart is compressed and uncomfortable. I often feel that I have to faint, my eyes are a little blurred, and my brain and body organs are suffering irreversible and huge damage every day. The elderly in the family have never enjoyed a blessing in their entire lives, and they will suffer such crimes in their later years! Because of this, he was frightened and became ill, and was affected.

The assistance I currently need: ①How to obtain evidence, and what organization can provide the detection of unidentified rays such as electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and microwaves? ②How to get rid of radiation, positioning, and sound transmission?

Ms. Willie Key says:
June 6, 2022 at 07:24

I am a victim of cyber bullying by the neighbor who lived below me for reporting the fact that he is a cigar smoker. He has recruited the Maintence men and others who work in the senior building where I live The View in Stone Mountain, GA.. All my electronic appliances are being used to torture me the refrigerator, the stove, the TV, dish washer. And the furnace no matter if I leave town the torture still follows me. I have even moved to another apartment and it has continued. The floor feels like infrared cameras are being used along with vibrations (floor hot) to not allow me to rest or even go to the bathroom I have not sleep in my bed for 3 years. Sitting on my furniture I still feel everything. I have no privacy or peace. I’m so tired I have years of documentation to share.about everything I’m experiencing. Management seems to be in on the torture by allowing these individuals to get away with what they are doing. I’m 70 years old and cannot live my last days in peace. Their seems to be a conspiracy with some residents and neighbors targeting me. No one will help me! There has to be laws against what is being done. The FBI should investigate since the facility is Senior Federal Housing,

Liked by 1 person

2 years ago
I’m a musician and targeted individual. I’ve been experiencing V2K for 5 years. Thank you for sharing this information and investigating what TIs are calling the Silent Holocaust.

1 year ago
This video is very helpful. I’m currently a target individual and I believe it’s been going on for years before it became active and more aggressive. I’m currently being monitored 24/7 and I moved in with my father. I tried to tell my family but they think I’m paranoid. My car has something in it to where the stalkers can track every location I’m at, through my cell phone and also my key fob and who else knows what they have used to track me. It started out me thinking my neighbors above me in my apartment were talking negatively about me but it turns out I was the only person who can hear them and it was no neighbors of course and they made it seem like they were trying to help me out of a situation they created.. any advice or help is needed. Unfortunately this is what we and others now and before us have to go through. It’s consistent harassment that follows you 24/7 that you can’t prove really.

Vladimir Rus
9 months ago
justice for targeted individuals

That Homeless Asian Guy
3 years ago
Genocide is definitely a real threat… People are ill-informed and distracted.

Thanks for the collaboration, solid source of professionals used.

live oak
2 years ago (edited)
this is starting to be deployed against the general public. it seems like lots of people are getting the constant tones, hissing, a sound like a motor, and/or buzzing sounds. binaural tones. one tone in one side of the head or ear, another tone in the other, combining together to make a third tone inside the brain. for me, that was how the torture and remote neural monitoring first started.

1 year ago
Holy shite. This is terrifying! I knew about this for over 20 years now but it’s way bigger than I ever thought. Sick.

1 year ago
I have a question.. I’m a targeted individual and I just realize that the stimulations I’m getting are increasing more and more when I turn the fan and air conditioner on.. does that mean they are used as weapons against us? Can they emit direct energy weapons

Nichole Collins
2 years ago
This is from 2011 and yet nothing has been done. I have been suffering with the same type of attacks as those who gave their testimony since 1999 and have been begging and pleading various agencies to put an end to it and I am ignored. . This needs to stop.

T.Y. Wood
11 months ago
Please keep working to make change in this humane treatment of humans. I am a targeted individual and this experience has changed my life. I can’t even be happy with enjoying simple things in life.

1 year ago
I’m a TI, and still going through this horrible torture/mind control. Has anyone ever reported this and received justice, Are there any support groups for woman going through abuse from this?

9 months ago
I have a question, i live with my father and i do believe he is also affected by my targeting. He sleeps alot and doesnt feel well at times. I think its because of the directed energy weapons that they are hitting my dads house with. But he doesn’t believe in what’s happening .. is there anyway to measure the dews in your home?

3 years ago
Highly relevant information.
I recommend this, please share!

2 years ago
It’s horrible being a targeted individual. Im at about the 6 1/2 year mark.

B Jacob
7 months ago
I’ve experienced much of what was testified and it is now 2022. Add to that gaslighting, blacklisting, and ostracizing. Was there even a congressional hearing since then?

Billy Williams 777
6 days ago
Been going through this for ten years, it’s the worst most horrible torture that anyone could possibly imagine, the things that have been done are impossible for most people to comprehend, they have influenced and brainwashed people around me, including friends and family, they destroyed my family, life and my business, and they continue to threaten me by saying they will kill my children, and I believe the have killed a friend of mine as well as giving my mother cancer, they are the worst most sick and demented people in the world, they need to be held accountable, because this is the beginning of the end if our own government agencies are allowing this to happen, absolutely despicable, and they deserve to be punished for crimes against humanity. Everyone who backs this kind of sick torture are truly psychopaths.

Conscious Observer
1 year ago
More true today than ever.

Friday bird
2 years ago
Very accurate information.

D cat
3 years ago
only tis feel this oppression, often we are the only ones who even think about these things and notice that history is repeating itself…

Ljiljana JV
3 years ago
WOW, and Snowden is still in exile. Where are we headed?!

3 years ago
Back up and look at this for what it is. Psychopaths playing with your lives for the hell of it. That’s what it is

Kristian Gamrath
3 years ago
Highly interesting and greatly edited video my friend. Scary shit, though 🙁

Peter Sun
13 days ago
Its very simple you make your own microwave weapons and train them upon your stalkers.

8 months ago
Today is 8/11 and I was electronically rapped for 3 hours and while I’m typing this, im getting the same thing, some type of penetration. Do you guys have any resolutions for this? This feels like trafficking and i shouldn’t nor anyone have to experience this at all. My everyday torture consist of sexual harassment by these people. This technology has gotten out of hand. It needs to be taken away.

khadija Jdida
2 years ago
S’il vous plaît 🙏
Pourriez-vous nous traduire cette vidéo ??????
Mille merci

Hei Pen
3 years ago
Ill say This and I’ll say this again. This Needs to be tought in schools

10 months ago
They have started attacking me just recently — May 2022. No gang stalking or V2K has yet occurred. They just hit me with directed beams that induce extreme pain in my teeth and ear drum. They also hit my skull — can feel the pulses hitting.. Become mentally disoriented and forgetful (short term memory) after such attacks.

They start attacking intensely at time you’d go to sleep — then keep it up all night so you get no sleep. You basically twist and writhe in agony for 10 hours or more, crying out in pain. Have gone many times now with little or no sleep for over 48 hours.

I have had periods of hours or days where they don’t attack. Then it resumes. So far the body seems to return to normal once they turn off the beam. There is some feeling of residual damage that heals within a day or so. I am afraid of what damage might become permanent over time if this persists.

Gotta hope that the Truth Movement can prevail.

1 year ago
They’re doing all of this to me, my children, grandchild, parents, siblings, niece, nephew, and foreign family now!!!

Forest Walker
2 years ago
Isaac Kappy was talking about this specifically. Even witnesses around him heard the voices.

Forest Walker
2 years ago
After being kidnapped off the streets on or about Sept. 5, 2011 by Oregon State Trooper Guy Nelson, my body was held at Marion County Prison, but I held the courts in default by cancelling power of attorney for anyone but myself, and I took principal interest claim on my name, so the courts couldn’t use it legally. I also eradicated any concept that I was a corporation and subject to their commercial courtroom jurisdictions. I was sent to Oregon State Hospital on Halloween. I was there for 66 days and so many experiments were tried on me to break me down and cause some mental imbalance, so they could force medicate me.

One of the strangest things I experienced and in many locations, but in my room I could actually hear the device above my ceiling. It was a low rumble, locks rocks grinding together (but not quite), and the room was have a burnt smell like before a lightning strike, and terrible headaches would set in on me. And the staff were constantly trying to get me into certain places. I would be harrassed by patients and staff. It really is such a crazy time that I have rarely been able to even share it. My family can’t hear it. My own lover gets a little glassy-eyed if I try to share what I witnessed.

Two things. God is love and more powerful than any of this. A man was there with me. He goes by Sovereign Public Ambassador. He held the corporations of the world in default (including the Vatican) and he moved the accounting systems from FIFO to LIFO. Until 2012 the Trusts were managaed under First In, First Out, which allowed the El-ites to continue with the deprivations against the people. But now the accounts are Last In, First Out, which means the most disadvantaged amongst us must be given first fruits, and the El-ites are now like fleas on the tip of the tail. Shall we keep them?
The choice is ours, not theirs. They blew it!

joanne knapman
4 weeks ago
absolutely knew it, caz my dad kind of told , how bad all devices are, plus as a young woman dad got me job trainee mkup artist star wars , human mind war now knew it and ppl thought me crazy 😢

Keri Austin twinsurge
2 years ago
Everything She said!!! Creepy and yes for me years since 81

Nathan “Captain Starchild” Stevens
1 year ago
Hey NSA, CIA, ATF, Why does the FBI hang up on me when I’m trying to give FBI Intel on possible sex trafficking and violations of the RAVE act?

Deb Kay
3 years ago
This is SO DAMM WRONG 🤬🤬🤬🤬

derealove Survival
3 years ago (edited)

Adam Senia
1 year ago
Hi I’m victim of this horrible torture ( voice in my brain) it horrible

cr4zy g3n3
2 years ago
We must all go to the pharmacy urgently and buy a Vaseline promo, because we gonna gets fooked

Tippy F
1 year ago
Any targeted individuals here, I want to hear your story, the world needs to know what you are going through. So if you are able to speak and write, please share your story either me or anyone else. If you want me to help you write about it, let me know

Moko lesney
3 years ago
It is out of control

Gail McPherson
1 year ago
Scary barbaric remote neural monitoring & synthetic telepathy done to people including myself by Charles Carneal of Dallas TX

Mike Norledge
3 years ago
these are issues which could very possibly mean the end of our planet and all lifeforms upon it .. do we really need a background, even though subdued, music track to this real information?

1 year ago (edited)
Hi, I’m in desperate need of someone to help me.. I’m being monitored 24/7 by different people and it started out with them saying that they were trying to help me to get my voice detected .. now I just want to Target and my regular locations even at my dads house.. and Instead of them trying to see if I’m hurt .. which is weird , they have reverted to harassing throughout the whole store ..even at my dads house I can hear it outside which makes me very nervous and intimidated.. I can even hear it when dogs bark. So I know that the EMF frequency is very much advanced on me now. And I’m really afraid that is going to get worse .. it’s hard for me to work.. if you think something negative they harass you more intensively.. any advice of help is needed.. how do people get through this.
Task Force EU Coalition

Loki Singularity
3 years ago
I have been a targeted citizen for over 3 yrs in Denver. This is real. I am a non consenting human experimentee!

Deb Kay
3 years ago
Darpa needs to be shutdown

The Xentric Rebel
2 years ago (edited)
At 18:10 I am more than irritated, Sir….I AM MAD AS HELL!

isaiah clark
2 years ago

Thomas Soares
3 years ago
Nothing new here… But a good collection thought. Hope more sheeple watch this…

The Hurricane
3 years ago
Haha these guys are bragging about a system they ran that YOU PAID for!
Can’t fix stupid.

Mary Caffrey
3 years ago (edited)
I have long list of too many claiming 2B #targetedindividuals that are guilty of victimizing targetindividuals + any victims of violent crimes.
These guilty are also #gloryhogs that need to also be exposed + jailed.
Thank you for your info.


Jazmine 78
2 years ago
People full of evilness!

2 years ago
So what happens if your brain is already screwed up?

chikita evans
1 year ago

🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
1 year ago
2011 the vid from bill binney was uploaded.. and here we are still.

Stephanie Wimberley
1 month ago
I am going through Hell! 😢

joanne knapman
4 weeks ago
sometimes i feel targeted so get out into nature plus mircodoze mushrooms takes or blocks it out , i no my mind , ex herion addict , 10 year clean when i feel using rare rare but thats me or i feel targeted then plus many other things your vidio has given me hope caz ive heard all this many times but

Targeted USAF Veteran BenSprw
2 years ago
These videos never show up when I search either, only direct links

Kristen Conklin
3 years ago
You’re super good to the community. If you’d be interested Dr Giordano has a site You could dig through his engagements there. x

TI Book Club – TargetedWest DJ Chris
5 months ago
Sharing on my twitter page.

Hayley Lewis
3 years ago
It’s the beginning of the end.

Zahra El
2 years ago
I am not surprised about this …

Felipa Guzman
1 year ago
Thanks I will pass the word along . Comment by Erick Guzman Garcia

Candy Grandpre
1 year ago
I have nobody supportive to talk to about my targeting.

Donald. J. Trump.
11 days ago
Schizophrenia is real…

Itzhak Hofmann
3 years ago
Thank you

Isabelle Simone Deliener
2 years ago
But we have the eye of the tiger…

2 years ago
It’s like terminator

Kelly Kirkpatrick
2 years ago
Don’t they have bigger fish to fry than to worry about boring individuals just living their lives?

2 years ago
Deployed Worldwide, Through My Research Library…Call Anytime

A. N.
3 years ago
#Gangstalking – THE END….

Domestic Terrorists
11 months ago
Is there any help? I am being murdered.

Diane Helena
3 months ago
@15.40 “…and are they going to get away with it? Yes, because they are untouchable…” You think? Check out Nahum 1:2-6.

Isaak Asimov
2 years ago
Kennt jemand in Österreich MK-Ultra-Opfer bzw. gibt es hier eine Vereinigung gegen MK-Ultra. Ich weiß nicht was ich davon halten soll (von diesen Neurowaffen) bzw. wären mir Informationen auf Deutsch lieber.

3 years ago
im gangstalked toured for years

Bénédicte Lignee
2 years ago
Black out et tout s’arrête

joanne knapman
4 weeks ago
yea, mind war mkultra war devastating 😢

melissa hoet
1 year ago

Michal Pekny
1 month ago
What would happen to a person who would stop this so called silent holocaust? We learn from the past when it comes to war hero Alan Turing. Would he do it again?? Who knows if it pays of to care about national or worldwide security

3 years ago comes up as 404.
Task Force EU Coalition

3 years ago
The Language of Birds
3 years ago
Why though? It’s evil and sinister.

Targeted USAF Veteran BenSprw
2 years ago
Another Louisville Kentucky TI

2 years ago
Won’t let me download the video. I could download any other video for hundreds of videos. Odd.
Task Force EU Coalition

Debra Purvis
3 years ago
Get out of cities

Vic Chavez
2 months ago
Do you have mercury fillings?

talvisodan sankari
11 days ago
Salvador Hernandez
1 year ago (edited)
Look if you belong to God and I truly mean belonging to Him (a Child of God) none of this will take place or happen to you! He will protect you/us from such satanic attacks! (Psalms 91)

3 years ago
i am god law of attraction holographic simulated virual reality 11/26/19

Mary Caffrey
3 years ago