Tech-Savvy TI’s Suggested 2023 New Years Resolutions To End The TI Program

Re: Some proposed regulations (From a TI email list, Dec. 25, 2022)

If you are looking to completely end the (TI) program globally, this also has to be done, since it is all directly connected to “VICTIMS”, these are my thoughts:

1) Elimination of no transparency for globally life insurance, meaning every single life insurance company must by law internationally and Nationally provide a central database of all life insurance on an individual, and provide notification to the next of kin the moment a payout is made, also to a central investigations unity to ensure that no fraud has occurred.

2) Elimination of ALL forms of illegal tender– meaning this– the end of all crypto currencies, monitoring of all possible economic transactions using any form of online monetary secret transactions.

3) Elimination of all mortgages granted in Cryptocurrency of “secret Joint Stock Exchanges” and “special rates” only offered to “elected persons, corporations, education systems etc, this is a large part of the problem:

4) Elimination and PUNISHMENT for listing persons’ social security numbers as in use by terrorist organizations on the official “Sanctions lists” and removal of their social insurance numbers and or issuing new ones after they have been abused (disappeared) by this system.

5) Expulsion of elected officials involved in illegal activity, meaning they are ejected from their country never to be paid beyond or have “special entitlements globally”. Including elimination of all of their assets, to be stripped and placed into a fund for victims of crimes against humanity.

6) Neural Rights are to be established globally retroactively with payments issued to families where intimate DNA data has been used for profit, which is intellectual property theft and abuse of power.

7) All military contracting laws are to be updated globally including reporting systems for abuses against humanity.

8) All pension systems to be eliminated and housed and kept to only LOCAL groups of small individuals, no global investments.

9) All universities eliminate their patents, promoting innovation for profit, no donations from corporations and to provide free education, funded by local community for the betterment of the community.

10) Hackers and abuses of the IoT, IoB, IEEE, and other; to be asset stripped

11) Hackers and abuses of ASN’s, Docker services, dark web to be asset stripped and funds placed into funds for victims of CyberTorture.

12) All off shore accounts found connecting to patents, illegal activity to be obtained and provided to a crimes against humanity body who conducts HScada scans and MRIS and treatments to victims globally for FREE.

There is more,

Upon the moment of BIRTH, a child is automatically given their DNA as a patent.

Their entire body is worth money to human trafficking in fields we can’t even understand or comprehend.

That should be automatically given, without informed consent before a judge annually, not one entity should be entitled to mess with your DNA and haplogroup.

And if it occurs, all assets of any corporation, foundation, school medical person or other should be asset stripped and imprisoned, it is child abuse of God’s holy creation.

It is a book of you.