Gangstalking- Targeted In America: Just The Facts; Parts 1, 2, and 3 (2016)

Webmaster Introduction: These are brilliant, informative, and extremely helpful videos! I recommend that all TIs watch these videos.

Epigraph quote from filmmaker:

“At the end of the day, it is the government and the military and third party proxy groups like Infragard, that are behind these covert attacks. They are creating criminals with this evil program. A lot of people are making money off of these gangtalking attacks. And private-sector intelligence and security groups have been contracted by federal intelligence agencies. And yes, our taxpayer dollars pay for these illegal attacks on the American people. The judicial system is very weak and evil as well.

But your gangstalking can be stopped! So please, live your life. Enjoy life.”





Is a groundbreaking documentary series about the gangstalking phenomenon. These videos provide factual information about this evil attack sponsored, sanctioned, and executed by the American government.

In turn targeted individuals will use this deep information from this documentary which dissect, and fractures the mechanics and methods of the gangstalking attack. Therefore solutions and tactics will be developed to defeat, nullify, weaken, and sooner than we think expose and stop this evil attack.

1. DO NOT accept defeat. YOU WILL get back
on your feet, or work on it.

2. HAVE PEN A PAPER while watching to take notes.
Because you will develop tactics to be victorious.
Not for entertainment.

gangstalking attack naked and force-less.

Comments to Part 1:

The FBI COINTELPRO is the biggest troll in history.


Ekyar Nosnhoj
2 months ago
Most of them wear the blue shaded shade/glasses. Hang there arm out the window just as they pass by a target. Once you become hip to how they move you’ll learn they teach their children how to do the perp hand gestures. I live in a small town so its right in my face.

2 months ago (edited)
What they made me hate though is sex offending bitches n bastards. It was already there some from history anyway.

2 months ago (edited)
I always gave them whaT they liked for the desires ..borrowed it from their sick perverted mind spaces. I asked my Lord as bad as it sounds. I had no clue who they were.

2 months ago (edited)
Workplace. Psychologically ruining my career via ancient traumas from 2 of the bastards. One though had to be shown my Lord’s power over all because he believed the opposite of our Lord and believed evil had more power. šŸ™

Bueno Gardin
3 months ago
Wow. I wish I had seen this video years back. It would have saved me a lot of confusion

Bueno Gardin
3 months ago
1. Implanting thoughts
2. Thoughts reading
3. People repeating conversations I had in private and recently private thoughts
4. Harassment at work and eventual job loss
5. Harassment in relationships even non romantic
6. Harassment by strangers in public-verbal and physical
7. Phone hacking and making sure I can see it’s hacked.
8. Sexual thoughts
9. Thoughts to cause me fear, anxiety and shame
10. Attempt to change my personality to narcissistic
11. Sleep deprivation
12. Depression
13. Making me feel like everyone is against me
14. Pain and discomfort
15. Tinnitus
16. Followed everywhere
Are just some of the things I have experienced as a TI from Kenya.
The latest one is sleep deprivation and sexually depraved thoughts

Vi Rodriguez
4 months ago
Boss I’ve been gang stalking for years I’ve been incarcerated for false charges multiple times do to this program I’ve filed complaints over and over just for it to be swept under the rug

john luna
7 months ago
Hay why do you explain the same thing over and over like we are dumb.

Donna Taliercio
10 months ago
Tampa Bay Times Pasco Sheriff create futuristic program to stop crime. Please read each victim and the Terrors that they put these young people through their going younger and younger. There’s a reason for this they don’t tell you that is that they re brain algorithms with the predpol software or their Shadow dragons software there are many but there’s a younger they start reading the brain algorithms the sooner they can predict a onslaught of a crime. And this is so they could charge them with a crime predictive policing. This isn’t the only place this is all counties I know in Florida that do practice predictive policing if you research so this is just the one that got caught and may I say the whole Community is suing them

10 months ago
Organize Unbelievers

T.i.ā€™s and God
1 year ago
Havana Syndrome is NOT what most people think! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«āš”ļø

šŸ›° T.i. (Targeted Individuals), šŸ”ŠšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«Havana Syndrome , šŸ§²āš”ļøElectromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) and other painful phenomena (GangstalkingšŸ˜”!) are Biblical happenings!šŸ’«šŸ˜®

T.i.ā€™s and God
1 year ago
šŸ“–Revelation 6:
15 Then the kingsšŸ¤“of the earth, the princes, the generalsšŸŖ–the richšŸ’², the mightyšŸ’Ŗ, and everyone else, both slavešŸ˜“ and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountainsā›°.

16 They called to the mountains and the rocksšŸŖØ , ā€œFall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!ā€šŸ’„šŸ“–šŸ˜±

God has me call Him ā€œAppleā€šŸŽ and Satan ā€œA pooā€šŸ’© (ha!)

God also told me to refer to atonement as ā€œAbpleā€. And that people who are atoning are experiencing ā€œAbple Panicā€šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«!

Thatā€™s what ā€œHavana Syndromeā€ really is!

Elizabeth LeBouef
1 year ago
SICK! EVIL!!!!!!

zina antoaneta sabau darling
1 year ago
Great job! A TI tried to contact you with no avail. I hope you’re ok.šŸ™

anneli jonsson #Targeted individual
1 year ago
Horrible im a part of the part in My family since 3 generation Ago. But 2000 i was i finsbury park London and as we know its globally . Over One Night this thing came but its Sweden that want me dead as a spycotic schizofrenic. They stolen all married My boydriend and turn me crimpled . Its not only the violence the violence is to trap to start to turn you crimpled old and die. Eugenic you get programmed to learn to live poor look for Good in garbage and socialise with other sick drugaddicts and mentally ill. Then they use the others in electronic gangstalking to Keep you down . Its classpolitical. You dont have to buy what i say remember im in the delusional Stockholm syndrome project.

just uneillusion
1 year ago
cherchent Ć  foutre la merde dans la vie de qq qui a ratĆ© la sienne et qui va pas trĆØs bien pour seul et unique motif que la leur est ennuyante, not my brothers, not my sisters, les fleaux du net

Cris Lowe
1 year ago
What really is electronic harassment

Kwente Ra’d Radenrayn Makradveli
1 year ago
Help me I need to shut off NANOTECH

Dennis Maher
1 year ago

Jamzs Jones
1 year ago
To make money for your kids whether its a long distant hippe shhhhiiiittttt or not no on indulges without skunddust in food

Krimzon Official Youtube
1 year ago
2 years now i been gangstalked half tge shit is almost to hard to believe including fake street theater, ambulance and ups trucks folliwing me they are in my phone throttling my internet, rev there engines so i go in a fight ir flight mode and ive been shocked in face foor

Felipa Guzman
1 year agoļæ¼

(affiliated website)



These links will take you directly to our affiliated site,Ā Overviews of the topics and link are available below as well.ā€‹
Targeting Exists

ā€‹Organized Stalking

Directed Energy Weapons

ā€‹Voice to Skull (V2K)

Remote Neural Monitoring

ā€‹Illegal Experimentation “Mind Control”

Threats to Silence People

Illegal Surveillance

COINTELPRO and FBI Discrediting

Targeting Exists

Targeting is a phenomenon of a somewhat organized group of people harassing, abusing and targeting another class of innocent people. The targeted people are called ā€œIllegally Targeted People.ā€ Finally the Illegal Targeted Community in March of 2019 has evidence of the existence of ā€œtargeting.ā€ This is according to the United States House of Representatives, the ACLU, and many other reputable sources. Several sources, including the ACLU, said that this class of people were ā€œtargeted.ā€ Further, Congressman and Congresswoman called them ā€œTargeted Individuals.ā€
Go toĀ Targeting ExistsĀ page at our affiliated site,Ā

Organized Stalking

Organized StalkingĀ is carried out by a group of people that work together to stalk, harass, injure, isolate, impoverish, and mentally attack victims with the intention of shattering their life. This crime is distinct from other crimes in that there is generally no motive except for viciousness itself or a as a paid organized criminal. The methods used to carry out the abuses are surreptitious in nature and usually carried out in plain sight. Often modern technology is utilized sometimes even with support from rogue and scandalous perverted law enforcement.

The end result is torture and attracts the most vileĀ class of people. The target is a plaything to their attempted controller using wireless devices in carrying out the physical and mental abuses. Organized stalking is worldwide and is also called contract stalking or gang stalking. The electronic harassment that accompanies organized stalking is also known as covert harassment and the stalker sometimes uses remote assault and battery in their reprehensible crimes. Many organized stalkers have successfully destroyed their targets, called Illegally Targeted People, putting the target in isolation from family and friends, financial ruin, and utter chaos.

But finally now this predatory abnormal and abhorrent behavior is being exposed through legal action, public speaking, and public awareness.

Go toĀ Organized StalkingĀ atĀ our affiliated site,Ā

ā€‹Directed Energy Weapons

Directed-Energy Weapons (DEW) are ranged weapons that effect its target with highly focused energy, including laser microwaves and particle beams. These military type weapons are now illegally targeting people with electromagnetic frequencies.
Both microwave heating and microwave hearing weapons can be used on people and the unknowing person would be confused by the bioeffects. These dangerous elf/ulf/vlf/rf frequency waves permeate the bodily tissues causing serious degradation of the health. Electronic warfare is defined as any military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum to attack the enemy.Ā The Navy calls this ā€œelectromagnetic battle management.ā€ But now these weapons are being used in organized crimes against Illegally Targeted People.

Go toĀ Directed Energy WeaponsĀ ā€‹atĀ our affiliated site,Ā

Voice to Skull (V2K)

Voice to Skull (V2k) is a phenomenon to project auditory effects or voices into a personā€™s head, bypassing the ears. This electromagnetic radiation, including the microwave auditory effect, uses frequencies and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds and thoughts into people’s heads, affect people’s bodies, and harass people.

Go toĀ Voice to Skull (V2K)Ā ā€‹atĀ our affiliated site,Ā

ā€‹Remote Neural Monitoring

Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), as the name suggests, is a technology that can be used to remotely monitor neural activity of a host. With RNM, not only is it possible to violate the privacy of the Illegally Targeted Person, but it is possible to read and manipulate a personā€™s emotional thought processes along with the subconscious and dreams.
Research studies have shown that the human brain thinks at a rate of about 5000 bits per second and does not have the capacity to compete with supercomputers performing via satellites, implants and biotelemetry. At present, it is reported that, around the world, supercomputers are monitoring millions of people simultaneously with the speed of 20 billion bits per second especially in countries like USA, Japan, Israel and many European countries. Government have justified this technology as cutting edge under the objective to detect any criminal thought taking place inside the mind of possible culprits.
But the reality is that this is a violation of the United States Constitutionā€™s Fifth amendment, ā€œWitness Against Himself.ā€ Remote Neural Monitoring is a violation of basic human rights because it violates privacy and the dignity of thoughts and activities of life.

ā€‹Go toĀ Remote Neural MonitoringĀ ā€‹atĀ our affiliated site,Ā

ā€‹Illegal Mind Experiments

The United States has a verifiable record of illegal intelligence agency abuses including mind control experiments. This was revealed in the United States Congressā€™ Church Committee Hearing named after Senator Frank Church. After holding 126 full committee meetings, 40 subcommittee hearings, interviewing some 800 witnesses in public and closed sessions, and combing through 110,000 documents, the committee published itsĀ final reportĀ on April 29, 1976 determining ā€œintelligence excesses, at home and abroad.ā€
The final report concluded ā€œIntelligence agencies have undermined the constitutional rights of citizens,ā€ primarily ā€œbecause checks and balances designed by the framers of the Constitution to assure accountability have not been applied.ā€
One of those illegal programs was MK-Ultra, a top-secret CIA project, in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experimentsā€”sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizensā€”to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture.
The experiments, which are actually federal crimes, continue to the present day, but are in the process of being exposed.

ā€‹Go toĀ Illegal Mind ExperimentsĀ ā€‹atĀ our affiliated site,Ā

ā€‹Threats to Silence People

This deserves a category all by itself because this is how the United States government is able to implement the targeting program into families and communities. It has widely been reported by the United States agency Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Whistleblower Decorated Specialist Kevin Shipp that CIA intimidates and silences whistleblowers, witnesses, families, and the American people, that speak about government abuse, and will even claim the whistleblower or person that speaks out is having psychological problems.

Go toĀ Threats to Silence PeopleĀ ā€‹atĀ our affiliated site,Ā

ā€‹Illegal Surveillance

Illegal surveillance is being used on all of the American people so this just makes the Illegal Targeted Program easier to implement by federal agencies and law enforcement Several whistleblowers have come forward so far including Edward Snowden, William Binney, Kirk Wiebe, and Karen Stewart. In fact, National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower William Binney has publicly said ā€œWhen you marry the intelligence agencies ā€“ the secret intelligence agencies – with the police ā€“ which is what theyā€™re doing, you end up with a police state and a secret police and thatā€™s exactly what we got.ā€

Go toĀ Illegal SurveillanceĀ ā€‹atĀ our affiliated site,Ā

ā€‹COINTELPRO and FBI Discrediting

COINTELPRO, short forĀ Counterintelligence Program, was a counterintelligence program conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1956 to 1971 to discredit and neutralize organizations the United States government targetedĀ by infiltrating the organization to discredit them. It was covert and often used extralegal means to criminalize various forms of political struggle and derail several social movements, such as those for civil rights.

The COINTELPRO operations included intense surveillance, organizational infiltration, anonymous mailings, and police harassment. The entire Illegally Targeted Community is currently researching and searching for similar programs.

Go toĀ COINTELPRO and FBI DiscreditingĀ ā€‹atĀ our affiliated site,Ā

Disclaimer: Targeted America is not a law firm.Ā The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any matter.

This website is best viewed on a computer or laptop.

Felipa Guzman
1 year ago
Introducing the NEW Portable QuFlexx Defender QWX6

Defender Portable QuFlexx Model The Defender uses Scalar Waves and Solfeggio Energies to protect Affected Individuals from Electronic Harassment, EMF, Psychotronic, Spiritual and Psychic Attacks.

Proven successful with thousands of customers.

Now you can be protected anywhere you go!

Simply have the Defenderā„¢ with you all the time

The Defender is available in many different models!

Ā Model Syle

Pendant Defender




Economy Pendant Deluxe



QuWave Electronic Deluxe Pendant Waterproofhas a panic switch Personal


QWX1 $297

QuWave Defender for targeted individual protection – Black Color Portable

QuFlex Defender

QWX6 $449

Defender Portable QuFlexx Model this item is very popular Tabletop


QWX2 $499

Tabletop Defender for protection against psychic attacks Triple Tabletop


QWX5 $1197

New Product Triple Tabletop Defender



QWB6X $1499

Sentinel Briefcase Defender

Use Very small pendant for protection on the go. Economy Model offers protection at our lowest cost. Deluxe Model has a switch to press for panic mode and is Rugged and water-resistant. Carry in pocket, purse, on belt-loop, in the EMF Cap, or around your neck. Small, portable and battery operated so you can use it wherever you are. Carry in Pocket, Briefcase, Purse, Backpack, or wear as pendant, keep it near you all the time Has 3 frequency modes and a random hopping mode to confuse the perps. Plug in for permanent use, or use as portable. Internal battery with three months between charges Larger and much more powerful, but it is not portable and needs to be plugged in all the time to operate. Place where you will be most often on table like a photo frame Combination of three Tabletop units in one enclosure to give you three times more power than the regular Tabletop Model. Place on table or desk (or under table for discretion) Our most powerful Portable Model. Large, portable, and battery powered. Has four QuFlexx Portable units for extra strength, each with 4 selectable modes.

Size Like a pendant

1.5″x2″x0.5″ Like a cell phone

3.1″x2.25″x0.85″ Like tablet comp.

6.75″x4.75″x0.9″ Like Photo Frame

9x11x2.5″ Triangle Case

12ā€ tall,10ā€ /side Built in Briefcase


Weight 1 oz 2.7 oz 12 oz 3 lbs 5 lbs 4 lbs

Field 3 ft – always have it on you 8 ft – small and portable 40-50ft – portable or stationary Over 50ft Protect whole floor Over 150ft. Most Powerful Fixed Over 150ft. Most Powerful Portable



0.3X Personal

1X Personal

75X Personal

100X Personal

300X Personal

300X Personal


Source Standard Coin Battery

Lasts 6-12 months

(user replaceable) Rechargeable Battery lasts a week. Charge from AC/Car/USB. Charge Battery every month or leave plugged-in to AC/Car/USB. Powered from wall AC adapter, needs to be always plugged in Powered from wall AC adapter, needs to be always plugged in Internal Battery lasts 2-3 months between charges or use on AC

Please note that the field strength is subjective and will vary from person to person. The values shown are for average individuals. If you are highly sensitive or in a high power situation, then the effective distance will be reduced.


ā€¢ Treated like a Targeted Individual?

ā€¢ Attacked by Psychotronic Weapons?

ā€¢ Subjected to Psychic or Spiritual Attacks?

ā€¢ Subject to Remote Brain Manipulation?

ā€¢ Have you been chipped or implanted? ā€¢ Subjected to Electronic Harassment?

ā€¢ Exposed to HAARP ELF Microwave beams?

ā€¢ Subject of Voice to Skull experiments?

ā€¢ Subjected to Remote Viewing & Visions?

ā€¢ Are you on a TI list being Monitored?

If you answered yes to any of the above,

then you might be a Targeted Individual,

and you might need the QuWave Defender.

It can improve life

Felipa Guzman
1 year ago
I’m being tortured and used as racketeer with out consent . I have voices being beamed to me through the voice to skull app and gangstalking technology by people that are not police or government agencies they are using this technology to entrap people by intimidation,blackmail, money , downloading and stimulating implementing thoughts in my head of little girls and they always claim there work , I will have a dream of some young girl and wake up and they are laughing at me telling me I just got another molestation case and that they are going to manufacture evidence with there virtual reality program much like the Predictive technology program the cops use is being used to make fake evidence I have called the cops and either they are in on it or are not really aware of this type of intrusions but I have a plan A way to find these disgusting people

Remember to make a report on a John Doe with the police(You can sue an unknown person by using a John Doe defendant in a personal injury lawsuit. The name ā€œJohn Doeā€ stands in for the unknown defendant. When you find the unknown defendant, you can amend your complaint and change the name. … By using one in your complaint, you can comply with the statute of limitations).
Many people donā€™t know how to name all of the responsible parties in aĀ lawsuit when they do not know who they are. Fortunately, there is a way around this: naming a John Doe defendant. This article will help you understand what steps are done if oneĀ canā€™t identify each defendant in your lawsuit.

First thing to get the public records affirming the right to sue and pursue someone’s conviction for the miss use of the voice to skull app.

Two finding the rogue signal with a Little machine that does that or I’m sure there’s an app for it. I’m sure FBI agent can proceed with it.

Once the wave frequency, rogue transmission is found and the address and name identity is found you pursue to write the report with police.Ā The same as in a case of a kidnapper wanting money and they can find the rogue signal to find where there at. All these technologies use 3G and up and phones are the ones being used.

Then you get a lawyer to get their phone google transcripts and within the guidelines of the FBI’S or lawyer rights you can see that they have the voice to skull app on there phone or computer laptop etc. Which then it’s easy to get the encrypted data on how the app was used and applicated to gangstalk you and will be able to see the apps recorded phone data the video and text records. Seeing everything that was said to you confessions and conspiracy to commit and unlawful transgressions against you.

Collect all the data and sue for all the civil Rights and amendment rights violations.

In sever cases there will be more technology miss used and the supercomputer will be attached to the phone or computer that was used on you and the lawyer should be able to get that

Data as well.

Well I finally got to tell the FBI,CIA,FCC,and my local law enforcement agency told them about these people they took over all my electronics to try and stop me , and I have been commenting about gangstalking to anyone and everyone on every music videos,movies, etc. And I made a petition that they took down using a spoofing method they saw my phone’s I D ,IP address and profile and used it to take my petition down but I’m making another petition. They are giving me the worst thoughts and anger me to then kill them in my head, they download dreams that they claim are going to be used against in the court of law I’ve been racketeered by these people they promised me money to join them but I don’t agree with there technologies being used to falsely incarcerating people. They claim to be looking for pedophile but I came to a conclusion that they are molesters and pedophile’s and are trying to recruit pedophiles to then racketeer them and use them to get more little girls to use them for entrapment and to pass them around I have had girls ask me for help in my head but I don’t know who they are or how to help them they say that they get paid $200 a week to be used by these people .Now they give me heart burn to the extreme and claim if they do it enough I will get heart disease don’t know if it’s true but my heart hurts now and it’s harder to breath . They take away my vocabulary words I can’t really write very well since this started. So pray for me and hope I can get the voice to skull app transcripts to bring them to Justice and all there dialogue that they confessed a lot of things on there computer, cellphone apps and alter ego technology is all recorded and I’m going to ask the FBI or CIA, for the recordings to there confessions to murders to conspiring to kill me ,to trying to entrap me with there little girls in my head for using them for humantrafficking, for confessing to downloading all kinds of nasty dreams which they are going to use as manufactured evidence to call me a molester and this comes because I did not join them and they want my nephew to sell him to another person in my head which I don’t know who he is but he has had many verbal discussion, disagreements on me telling him he’s not going to ever get away with what he’s trying to do and just because he uses this form of communication if I get the recordings to there app by finding there rogue signals to then get there address and name to ask a lawyer to get there phone encrypted data to get full confessions and the Google transcripts as well. When the cops finally after all these records and recordings they can use a voice recognition program much like the ones in jail to find exact ID of them and if they are using a computer to change there identity with a voice changing app the cops can run them through a synthesizer(any synthesizer that is used for making beats and music can be used to filter and to eliminate unwanted frequencies from messing up the music )and filter out the voice changing frequency to get the real person . If they are using a computer simulation from a virtual reality program on there supercomputer then Google always had a program that checks for algorithms and sees if they are robots you can say . Same with there manufactured evidence run them through a computer program to check the encrypted data on every so called case against me. Much more to this. Comment by Erick Guzman Garcia.

DARPA department I’m not your enemy I think you might be head in the right direction but when these technologies get into the wrong hands it’s a horrible thing to go through please help put away the bad seeds giving you guys a bad name. Your pal Erick Guzman Garcia Don’t believe these idiots.
miss using the voice to skull app and voice of God technology / gangstalking technology for humantrafficking / racketeering/ heterodyning with little girls/ extortion/ and manipulation of the mind / torture of me and the American public/ and killing people/ they use virtual reality program and predictive technology to see how they can get away with murdering somebody and to terrorizing me they boiled my mom alive just to make me mad and end up in jail as a form of racketeering downloading nasty thoughts and dreams to then use as manufactured evidence . They use this to recruit pedophile friends because they want to put them in jail to make more money for there nasty organization.

Once again I had a messed up thoughts nothing sick but I was swinging my nephew and he hit something and broke his head. If they were not using there technology to finish the thoughts that would never had happened. The thoughts are not real , if they were not using there technology I would have just have had a thought of me swinging him around like any normal person and that wouldn’t have made the thought that I had just got. My subconscious had the thought that he could of got hurt if he hit something to brake his head. And the technology they use made it happened in a very different way it showed me swinging him and it showed my subconscious thought of him getting hurt. This also happens when I look at my nephew almost every day I see him and subconsciously I know what these idiots want to do with my nephew or what they have said I did with him and the computer brings those nasty thoughts up and they claim them as evidence when nothing has actually happened, it’s entrapment and I’m sick of there nasty pathetic pedophile organization. There just trying to get so called evidence to take my nephew, and put me away. I have alerted to police and they came to see my family and check on the kids so they couldn’t get away with what there implying of me so I called the cops on my self they checked and talked to my mom,my nephew’s their mom and said thanks for the call. Proving my innocence once again this is ERICK GUZMAN GARCIA hoping the best for the people going through this torture and are not criminals if you are a pedophile,molester,or sick person this will not help you at all and may you find your self in jail

Felipa Guzman
1 year ago
šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž There is a group of people using a darpa supercomputer technology on me.There just trying to make me go to the rehab center so that I may look like some one thats crazy but I know im not crazy and I dont want to be a burden on the system or just another leech im healthy ive got my weight back and Im smart I can still learn when allowed to because these people mess with my learning when ever they please they can make me dumb as an šŸ‚ and take my energy away I just need these people to stop and by allowing me to find out who is making the child porn and spoofing my mom’s phone, and the person that is calling the cops on me or if I end up in court whom ever brings the evidences against me is the same one I can get to sue for all my mental anguish false imprisonment child endangerment caused by them making the porn from the girls around me and endangering my nephew by making my illnesses flair up when im around him in order to make him get these illnesses because even when I go to get help they have a simple way(simple meaning a computer program that helps them its actually very technical with the computer technologies from darpa)to stop it from showing up on there machine that check your vitals they tell me its to keep me from snitching on them but I’ve had it, they play with my health all the time and its not in my head when they say im getting scabies because of what I have done to bring them to light it happens right where they say its going to happen if they say its flairing up on my hands it happens if they say inbetween my toes or under my nails it happens and they just laugh at me and continue to terrorizing me and are always calling me racial slurs and are also against the Bible they claim Jesus does not exist and that they have a way to put me in hell for not joining there pathetic way of life . They always say that im never going to see heaven and that im going to relive my thoughts of hell and all the horror movies I watch there are a few that think its wrong to do this to me sometimes they argue about me and talk about how im not a molester and how there going to far with me but the people that are trying to get as much money through racketeering me which is always happening I can tell because there demeanor changes from being extremely hostile to happy when they get paid but still very cynical and rude they treat me like if I was cattle or something worthless and I once again say not all agree on there ways of treatments on me.Ive had lots of good ideas about quantum physics and time traveling thoughts that even the shows I watch on youtube think they’re interesting some are brilliant and some are superb but some times they have already been thought of but whether its already a theory they still read my mind and try to claim it as there’s im not dumb or arrogant and I have learned to just remember that it does not matter who brings it up to light or is broght forth by as long as it can help humanity’s way of life .I was also at my dads and got into a relationship with girls that had HIV I was 129 pounds when I got falsely imprisoned and I thought that the disease had taken over after 7 years with out treatment and then I got blood work done in jail and the tests came back negative dont know if they are just a hidden disease but im not 129 pounds any more im about 200 pounds now and am pondering if I beat the illness or something rather interesting has happened I might have antibodies for the illness I even got raped by an individuals that had HIV of the worse kind HIV but so far nothing. Ive also heard it might take about 10 years to fully developing in my system but still no significant amount of evidence to show it .So im being framed it seems and I cant stop these people with out the help from you. My name is Erick Guzman Garcia I need help dont be fooled by there evidence although true to an extent im not a sick individual rather im being used by some sick individuals extorting the system and ive asked them for money for my mental anguish and loss of work and the loss of my best friend.They use a EEG machine to see my thoughts but also as intrapment by simply telling me something to think about and im not any different then most people I have thoughts about what I talk about and these people use young girls as young as 8 years old to talk sexually to me to make fun of my short cummings and even the adults talk about there own childrens sex acts and behaviors to entice and seduce me to try to trick me into having sexual acts with any of there girls in my head and with there machine that allowes them to see my thoughts use that against me but like I said im not a sick man ,I am a horny man but not to be confused with a rapist or molester so if you know some one with the same type of technology we can bring these people to justice im sick of them constantly downloading nasty dreams and thoughts.Thanks for your time and hope this information can help some one in my situation.And just remember if they have evidence say picture they have to have a wholes days evidence and if its tampered with( manufactured evidence) just have them run it through some computer filter programs to check the incripted back ground data and they will see its not going to coincide togetherness proving that its not reliable evidence and if dont know everything being done by this technology is always being recorded so if your in court and they show up with evidence broght forth by this way you can always file a motion to disclose evidence and this will show the whole picture including what the voices are talking about and you can sue these bastards. Like I am going to do.Also a motion to suppress evidence will help you because all this is unconstitutional it’s an invasion of your privacy and it’s illegal search and seizures so suppressing the evidence will help you so they can’t use any of this evidence against you. This people also use technology as a recruitment method.

Felipa Guzman
1 year ago
Look up on YouTube the following: comment by Erick Guzman Garcia

Voice to Skull Torture – Part 1- introduction (Close Captioning)

Voice to Skull Torture – Video Testimony – Part 2 -Testimony Begins (2004-2006) (Close Captioning)

Part 3 and part 4 are also available

Look up on Youtube and if I should ever go to jail because these voices are trying to frame you or me use this testimony as evidence and remember that it is illegal to be in your head its unconstitutional its illegal to download images into your head and it is an invasion of privacy because you cant have some one watch an comment on your most intimate moments. And yes you can find public records of the voices to skull app and maybe get the google transcripts on the app.
This is written by Erick Guzman Garcia.

There using your predictive technology( look up on YouTube) to make childporn to predict what would happen when you take some one hostage and kidnapping also to see how some one would act in case of a murdering some one and how to get away with it.By the people in Yucaipa and Redlands California and whom ever is in my head using the voice to skull app they have boiled my mom alive so I could hear it, they starved her,to terrorise me .So you guys as people in power need to be held accountable for this or fix the problem they use it to see when they can kill people and how to kill them and are constantly telling me they can see the futer but now I know how they are doing this with the predictive technology . You need not let the Gang members and human trafficking people in my head get away with this.This is Erick Guzman Garcia I live in Redlands California 92374 telling you this has fallen in to the wrong hands.

This is how I was bamboozled into thinking my mom was being held captive by my neighbors and that one of my best friend’s sister was being raped and held hostage,this they said in order to do something wrong so they could call the cops and get me locked up. And they did it they incarcerated me for a year it was intrapment and now ive got a record this needs to be addressed.My name is Erick Guzman Garcia I’m in Redlands California 92374.This along side the voice to skull app and the EEG machine that lets one see and download images and dreams are being used for intrapment of good people by human trafficking people.And are making people look like molesters to take little girls and boys for porn and I quote “we will never get caught “,”we have been doing this for a long time and your just going to look crazy and no one going to believe you because we are making sure you look so bad and get labeled a molesters”, this is there attitude if no one does something about this it’s going to continue being overlooked.Theres more to this lots more these people have incriminated them self’s so much thinking no one will get them that they spilled the beans on everything from murdering people ,dealing drugs using drugs and getting the girls that they use for porn underage and getting them hooked on heroin and other drugs they put little girls in my head as a form of inticement and intrapment. There watching me in the bathroom, watching when I watch porn and I need help getting these people out of my head I already called the cops to tell them that I have never ever had impure thoughts and dreams like the one’s I have gotten ever since the so called voices came along.

They are also using this predictive technology to make false evidence (manufacturing evidence) to frame me . And making porn of under age girls, this is not concrete but when they did there spoofing(when some one steals ones I P address,they do this with the EEG machine and voice to skull app together it allows you to see through your eyes and they see it through a computer or cell phone app by product of a DARPA supercomputer) of the web page I got on the phone it was of girls from around the mountain view trailer park in Yucaipa CA and they did not look like they had anything todo with it but I could be wrong maybe that whole park is full of pedophiles after all there is a high concentration of them in Yucaipa look on Google maps of molesters. With that said these people are able to see through my eyes with the voice to skull app and in combination with the EEG machine that allows you to see my thoughts and what is in front of me they could easily have seen the young girls and went and found them on there predictive technology if it’s like a virtual reality program.What ever the case may be it’s still pornography with underage girls I had the thought of may be there using it as a way to catch a predator,and right away the voices in my head started thanking me for giving them that idea so they could get away with making childporn but then I told them there is no way it is legal to put girls that are around suspected molesters (pedophile) on a web page that can access and see them and be seen by other people it’s childpornography,child indangerment , soliciting etc.Through this technology process they saw my dad’s I P address and I had no real control of my phone anymore and I got the web pages which I exited not before seeing some of the little girls from around the park where I lived on the front page of there “Teenies” web site which they claim makes them millions of dollars so it can’t be a program to catch a predator if there making money.And they claimed they were going to blackmail me to doing every proposition they had and I couldn’t do anything about it but I found a girl on there that I knew and I told her mom that I’m pressing charges as soon I can find out who is doing this to me, the voices laughed and said “they got all the evidence”…” to put me away” but like I said it’s all fake.The people in my head using the voice to skull app now just said that there going to look for girls that leave comments on YouTube Ted talks about human trafficking to recruit them.
I am Erick Guzman Garcia and I am being bamboozled (verb (used with object), bamĀ·booĀ·zled, bamĀ·booĀ·zling. to deceive or get the better of (someone) by trickery, flattery, or the like; humbug; hoodwink (often followed by into): TheyĀ bamboozledĀ us into joining the club. to perplex; mystify; confound.

I have got people implementing impure thoughts and dreams with some type of alter ego technology or DARPA supercomputer by product technology to then use a EEG machine which allows you to see my thoughts to frame me for being a sick person this is straight out of a sci-fi movie they are not gangstalkers they just miss use there technologies alongside the voice to skull app which has public records and hopefully google transcripts of the app.comment by Erick Guzman Garcia.If possible call and tell the DARPA department of defense agency it’s there technology there program these people are shaming. I need help.

ļæ¼be sure to go to to sign the petition to pass a Bill to make restriction on these technologies ā€ŗ browse

Bamboozle | Definition of Bamboozle at
These people are killing people with frequencies and energy weapons.

Ver “Part 1: All about Cloning Aka EEG Heterodyning” en YouTube

Felipa Guzman
1 year ago

šŸ§āŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡ These technologies are great as long as it does not fall into the wrong hands and it has im being framed. This is for the people that are being attacked by frequency machines. As long as your a good and honest person this will work if you have no knowledge about what im talking about look up gangstalking and voice to skull technologies. Heres my real life story:They claim to have called the police these people call the police of there place of origin which is somewhere far that they have already bought out and are helping these people frame people so that they can then kill, take what ever they want from them , even get the ok to take children away from people in order to give them to people involved in humantrafficking. 8:22- 8:30 pm 6/12/20 these people are norteƱos and are now recruiting in Yucaipa CA and are trying to take over Redlands CA but not if I can help it and have ties to the south siders they use intimidation for recruitment and racketeering they want to kill me and my family to take my nephew by falsely accusing me and my family by making false evidence.

They use a EEG machine(this machine is very real look up on YouTube) that lets you see ones thoughts and then use those against you .The computer can download thoughts to your head(like porn and impure thoughts to later use against you) and they take advantage of human behavior like when they talk to you in your head with there voice to skull app which has public records are accessible and DARPA supercomputer , they purposely talk dirty, talk about you doing drugs, evil things, adult situations , they use little girls to talk dirty and purposely make them watch when you masturbate or watch porn to frame and or intrapment to falsely accuse some one of being molesters when all it is are just thoughts brought about by them and there technology not reality and then they get money by making a group of people call in false police snitching reports and then they call the police at the Department where they are already aware of what they do to people and then they forward it to the immediate city department of the city where there doing there illegal activity to collect the money even though its all entrapment. Im Erick Guzman Garcia and im going through this but ive got a plan to get these people if you need help with this type of crime get ahold of me or look me up under this profile on YouTube eventually I will be accused in this manner but I have confidence that I can take these people of organized crime because its invasion of my privacy which is illegal and its illegal search and seizures so a motion to surpress evidences base on the fact thats that I just mentioned and of the knowledge that everything they are doing with there computer is all being recorded and is incripted so if they manufacture evidence to attach it to the evidences of your thoughts they watch with there EEG machine if they check the background data (incripted data) they will see they used a virtual reality program or other program with graphic design to manufacture the rest of the thought to a full scene that is fake. And a motion to desclose evidence will prove that it was just a thought because there will be no footage because it was just a thought unless they made more evidence which then will be ran through computer graphic program a filter to check for manufactured evidence. And if your hearing voices a motion to disclose evidence will allow you to hear them as well through this motion because where ever they got the first evidence is all being recorded remember. So you can sue them for definition of character terrorism, terrorist threats when they tell you they are going to kill you or hurt your family , if you lose your job or lose wages even lose sleep from mental anguish by writting this im being told right now by the people that are doing this to me that im going to be killed once again terrorizing me so hope this helps people and if there is any lawyers that are willing to take my case these people have millions they claim so theres lots of money to be made not to mention a name for any lawyer to make a name for them selfs because theres not very many or only a few have been won case that ive known of this kind My name Is Erick Guzman Garcia.
This people are the ones making the teenies and or xnxx porn site.

They also stole my dads I P address and spoofed web pages of porn they made from girls from my dads trailer park Mountain View Trailer Park in Yucaipa California im not sure they used the real little girls or just an avatar of them maybe they used the virtual reality console or the predictive technology program that they have every one in a alternative reality that they use to make me hear my mom being boild alive and they claim any little girl they kill they will have in there next life the virtual reality much like the computer program the cops use to train in this has been talked about within them selfs they say it does not matter what they do they are not ever getting introuble but whether there avatars or not its still putting girls endanger of some one recognizing them by some sicko and I do know they really have used real girls to. Im not naming any names of the girls but there real. Google also has the transcripts for there apps.And remember DARPA I’m not your enemy I’m just trying to weave out your bad seeds. And these people in my head are not DARPA people any way .I love your progress.

I’m Erick Guzman Garcia and I am being bamboozled (verb (used with object), bamĀ·booĀ·zled, bamĀ·booĀ·zling. to deceive or get the better of (someone) by trickery, flattery, or the like; humbug; hoodwink (often followed by into): TheyĀ bamboozledĀ us into joining the club. to perplex; mystify; confound.) ā€ŗ browse

Bamboozle | Definition of Bamboozle at

These people are killing people with frequencies and energy weapons.

Felipa Guzman
1 year ago
Transgressions against Erick Guzman Garcia need help from FBI or DARPA department of defense agency I am not against any DARPA people, organization, affiliates, or personnel just these world’s dumbest criminals trying to bamboozle me. Please call your local law enforcement agency for me ERICK GUZMAN GARCIA.

There are little girls talking to me again in my head using the voice to skull app technology they talk sexually and you can hear them through the transcripts of Google on the voice to skull app or on the encrypted data off of the person’s phone using the voices to skull app on me . And you can also find the person through frequencies or the app that checks for third party addressees or checks for spoofing on someones phone. This is Erick Guzman Garcia commenting on my need for help with these people conspiring to commit extortion, murders, organized crime, humantrafficking, mental molestation on me and children, fraud, Racketeering, manufacturing evidence, manufacturing witnesses by the miss use of predictive technology ( they also use the predictive technology to see someone die,seeing how to kill somebody, as a form of terrorists threats they allowed me to hear my mom being boiled alive and to see what kind of cop will help them in there scheme of things by recruiting the office in there predictive program find out if they can be baught ,enticed with money woman young and old, seeing how they react to there organization and to see if they can be recruited so officers of the law don’t be bamboozled by these idiots they will know your likes your hates and your choice of woman,music,movies ) kidnapping, bodily injury, grand larceny, breaking my civil rights, fifth amendment right, conspiring to kill peace officers , they want to frame me to being a molester to get the right or amnisty to take me nephew through manufactured evidence by using technology used for gangstalking obtained illegally or by cops that are part of the norteƱo organized crime group and humantrafficking, childpornography,heterodyning , illegally downloads , gang recruiting I was asked to join these disgusting people all I had to do is let them racketeer me and they would pay off all the police officers involved to help me through the legal process and for safety reasons because they recruit nothing but molesters and pedophile friends because they are of a religious beliefs of defecating on good people , killing girls they want to have for there next life or computer generated reality, they are evil people that are into extremist groups of the middle East religious beliefs just to justify killing people and little girls get passed around I’ve had girls in my head asking for help they use as a form of entrapment and they don’t believe me to be a molester or a bad person and tell me they get hurt and sometimes they don’t come back after being passed around or taken somewhere else to probably get sold or murdered by other humantrafficking personnel they have ties to. They steal identities , watch through people’s eyes and lives to see when it’s convenient to rob or steal from people And much more elaborate schemes to extort the American way if life . I have 1400+ charges that they can get many years for including but not to only the above many others as well.

These people are killing people with frequencies and energy weapons.

Felipa Guzman
1 year ago
porn. 8:39pm

11/25/20 Transgressions against Erick Guzman Garcia

There constantly giving nasty thoughts and asking me to think sexual things about little girls I’m sick of this.

There continuing there torture and are not allowing me to send in a tip to the FBI about there miss use of gangstalking technology.5:40pm

I was thinking of throwing my nephew the phone and had thought maybe I won’t because it might hit him in the head and these idiots with there technologies saw it happen in my head my nephew getting hit by the phone I thought of throwing and are going to say it really happened this is how they entrap and Bamboozle people into thinking that people are actually doing things to there children and getting some child molester cops to help them take kids away from people to then sell them to humantrafficker’s and not before molesting the kids them selves cops and all. They have confessed to it talking to me with the voice to skull app and voice of God (MK Ultra technology) that is now for the public to use but not for malicious acts like these idiots. So they think they can express them selves freely and with out any concerns of getting caught. So they have confirmed they are recruiting molesters,murdering, pedophile friends because they want to use them as racketeering people to pay for there drug addicts posers friends. And pay to do heterodyning with little girls.(watch “Part 1: All about Cloning Aka EEG Heterodyning” en YouTube

There getting ready for the torture tonight I heard them talking about it.8:21pm

I have been keeping an eye on the MB and it took about 4-5 minutes to go from 1-2 MB in use and when these people are using my mom’s profile and identity on there computer it went from 2-8-15 MB per 30 seconds there live streaming and using the heterodyning to fornicate with little girls. And I can’t do anything about .

11/26/20 Transgressions against Erick Guzman Garcia

Well there was a downloaded dream of a whole bunch of idiots that almost killed me but couldn’t and these people in my head claim are there muscle for killing people.12:00am-7:54am

And once again they think there going to Bamboozle the cops in Redlands California to thinking what they have as manufactured evidence is going to give them the right to do what they wish with me and take my nephew.

I’m going to be watching rated R and some porn if I would like so I’m asking the idiots to not use any children in my head at for the rest of their lives in my head it’s pure child abuse.8:00am

They think by putting a msg that’s telling me that they are going to have children in my head when I’m watching movies and they put that they wrote the msg in writing with a time line before I wrote mine that it’s ok to use children and I’m going to get in trouble when all one has to do is check the encrypted data to show the real time and even if they did write it earlier than me it’s still child abuse on their part.

They know I’m going to eat chilly today and there going to use that as an excuse to start there torture even though they do it any way just not to an extreme.8:19am

There trying to act like they know about technology and are talking about putting a virus in my mom’s phone through a spoofing method.8:35-40am

I just heard a grown as man say he found a grown woman that sounds like a little girl and said and I quote “she sounds like a little girl I really want her to ā€¦. ā€¦”. NASTY people.

They keep talking about rash they have given me and hope to tell the cops that I gave it to my nephew molesting him and often say it to each other what a bunch of lames . 9:25-30am

Once again another impure thought I had to fight it’s harder and harder to fight them not just impure thoughts killing thoughts which I would never do of course I am not able to by nature and angry thoughts sexual thoughts of woman and now homosexual thoughts which I have never been prone to as well all done by these freaking idiots. 9:46amšŸ¦–

I have already heard you can use this same technology on the Predictive technology algorithms and consciousness of our self’s and implement this technology on the identity of the person and see yours and my thoughts. So you can see thoughts before these retarded people in my head came. For example I met a girl named Shannon and I was in love with her and her children as friends of course and I use to hang out and watch the kids and never did I have any sexual thoughts of kids like I do now and this was about Four to give months prior to these idiots got in my head and have started implementing there technology on my day to day basis. Now I can not go five feet from a child without these idiots telling me to give them that kid which means think of that kid in a sexual situation,or nature they have brian washed me with their technologies. Very important to know.

I just saw a commercial for a video on a little boy being used by a nanny it did not say for what , but a woman said she loves to see or hear that type of videos because she has always been used in the same manner meaning her mom the one talking has always let her daughter get sexual abused by anyone that paid her.10:13am

They just got so mad that I’m going to get the worst , nastiest thoughts from now on, they said. 12:45pm

They now know I have not much time left I still cannot feel any pain only when something or someone hits my side of my chest it feels like it burns but it goes away and it doesn’t stay they are confident that I can not do anything to them and that when I die they got another person that looks like me so they can continue there racketeering of him and get more and more money and his name is Liapoldo that’s the only person that kind of looks like me and they could pass him off as me . Confession 2:05pm

Private Account
2 years ago (edited)
Ya’ll need to wake up to what’s going on here!! These are not entirely humans at work here. Many of these people in law enforcement are only mind controlled drones. They don’t know that they’re being controlled. Others are actually clones that are controlled by non-humans. That’s right, ET’s, aliens, ultraterrestrials or whatever you want to call them. Many of you are looking at this from a linear perspective rather than thinking out of the box and seeing this for what it really is. Wake up people!!!

Bryan Chavez
2 years ago
Wtf šŸ˜³

Araceli DURAN
2 years ago
I was blocked in 2016 by city council in my district is real . Sad all bc of microchip rdif

German Sosa
2 years ago
Good Job!

Tamara Booker
2 years ago
I believe a cook at a local restaurant was paid to tamper with my food. I donā€™t eat there anymore

Tamara Booker
2 years ago
They used the ventilation system in my apt complex to try and drug me.

Justice 4all
2 years ago
Stay Strong brothers sisters have faith in God Fight smartly. And Win current situation . Patriots never give in or give good bless America power to the people

Alternative Homesteading
2 years ago
Covert experimentation, research, psyops is human trafficking. I was placed in this program by a bunch of jealous, psychotic, nonprofit animal rescue narcissists. They want to annihilate competition and have blacklisted me, slandered but all the things they were saying about me weā€™re actually all the things that they are. Theyā€™re a bunch of criminals that defraud the public. They broke into my house several times stealing thousands of dollars in items. They damage my floors, carpets, clothing, walls, trees, new driveway, just about everything. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. They move neighbors in next-door to me. I was living in my house for 30 years and took better care of it than anyone on the block and they destroyed it. It was all for profit and revenge. And theyā€™re sick minds they were so envious and jealous. They killed my pets and systematically Detroit my healthy body. The drug the food. Damage the food. Visit my Facebook page Targeted Pets.

Fein Staub
2 years ago
Please don’t drive. You are a threat to normal honest people.

Victor Maloney
2 years ago

2 years ago
Gangstalked in Maryland.

Directed Energy so bad, they have weaponize my heat and air unit, and the elevator next to me, with heavy loud noise and vubration coming from the walls and floors, it will knock a person unconscious.

If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Helpless in Maryland.

Deb Anda
2 years ago
Secret police , community policing ,
human experimentation , sounds like the Gestapo and Nazi Germany too me.

Gerald Gaddy
2 years ago
This man is so accurate and on point!

2 years ago
All these fbi cowards,gangstalkers,etc will burn in hell for these CRIMES!

2 years ago
Im not a threat! The threat and terrorists are the fbi pigs! Im a victim!

Araceli DURAN
2 years ago
Yes this is a horrible evil Act

Johnny Reno Dope TV
2 years ago
Yeah step out of line and they have something for you

Patrick O’Neill
2 years ago
Im vocal about ā€œconspiraciesā€ and the shadow government and all kinds of things all the time on social media i know a lot of shit. And i dont doubt all of this gang stalking exists. How come a person like me hasnā€™t been harassed? (Thankful as hell im not..) maybe area? Maybe im not the kind of person theyā€™re after or? Lol I donā€™t get how they dont harass everybody like me. Or maybe they do and i just dont notice lmao

That Gang Stalking Show
2 years ago
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-----More info here DZ 2 years ago you have paranoid schizophrenia . You symptoms are delusion Jesus Saves 2 years ago Every1 in my life including my family are perps. I have no relationships this has been happening for over 20 years it's real hard to deal with Roman V.- Serpik 2 years ago the whole video describes the cops gangstalking program here in morrow county oregon Fiahder Doe 2 years ago I am being gang stalk right now by my local police and people I don't really know. And I think my family is part of it.They always following me. And I feel like I am being poisoned. And I don't know what to do but God is on my side. James Stewart 2 years ago Nice Stevie!!!!!! Anthony A. 2 years ago What happened to the audio at 14:01? It cut out Rumbl In 2 years ago (edited) I faced harrassment in the same manner in Silver Spring Maryland. It was covert for a few years and then it went overt for the remaining 5 years before I was forced to leave USA and return to my native India. Same thing has continued here as well in New Delhi and Bengaluru India. In New Delhi, this is very overt in Sector 4 Dwarka in a society inhabited by retired Indian government officials. The same and more extreme targeting continued for me in Sector 2 HSR Layout in Bengaluru. They zapped me with infrasound and microwave weapons in an effort to kill me and show it as a natural death. They tried every tactic thereafter to prevent me from leaving Bengaluru to prevent exposing their crimes. The rogue elements in the Indian government and military have targeted me since childhood and are harassing me through local people every day to ensure that their criminal act cannot be exposed. God be with all TIs and help you expose this crime in your own countries as well. They get locals to do this targeting by misleading them and spreading false propaganda against you and through fear and Intimidation as well. They want to cover up their crimes against humanity and will go to any extent to ensure my truth does not come out to the public of being targeted since childhood. A. N. 2 years ago #Gang #Stalking is a national U.S. agenda that is silently being implemented (same program as the #Stasi in #Nazi #Germany.) #DHS has implemented a highly complex #5G grid that is used to manipulate American's behavior on a mass scale utilizing #cellphone frequencies in order to make people act out in violence or become passive. #Gang #stalking is just a distraction to get rid of the dissidents and whistle blowers. (all you had to do was pay me off and I would have looked the other way.) A. N. 2 years ago Here are some facts. Look THOROUGHLY: antwan Booker 2 years ago (edited) Your telling the truth . lady u turn and hit my 60K suv her insurance had to pay almost $7600. in damages & something like $1758.. in car rental. No accident b-!#; tried to cut me off. make sure we all keep good insurance because these tactics moves that they are doing. are dangerous and they don't care about anybody getting hurt ... Yogi Berra 2 years ago Set my apartment on fire the neighborhood and landlord. Yogi Berra 2 years ago All because of an pending litigation. Yogi Berra 2 years ago Reading your serotonin levels and epinephrine and L-Tryptophan readings and levels. Yogi Berra 2 years ago Electro ELECTRON MAGNETIC Microwave PULSE Iā€™ve had a run in with it or that all that you have mentioned when it comes to electronic harassment my prayers interrupted and thoughts. Yogi Berra 2 years ago DOD DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. COVERT ENCOUNTER. Yogi Berra 2 years ago Department of Human Health Services. Yogi Berra 2 years ago Out here they utilized witch craft on me above all else. Yogi Berra 2 years ago UNDESIRABLE,RESEARCH,AND PERSON OF INTEREST. AND THEY USED ALL THE ABOVE THAT YOU MENTIONED ABOVE PN ME OUT HERE IN LOS ANGELES AND QUICK TO MAKE A DISAVOWMENT AND COMMENTARY DISCREDITDATION THROUGH DUROGATORY COMMENTS BEING CONSISTENCY HARRASED SINCE 2016. Through my land lord and a non profit org. Who I am seeking a litigation measure that they instituted a stopgag thank you because they are doing this as I am commenting this all that you said psychologically or trying to put me out of their city driving me to commit suicide or to behave irate or irrationally they have use microwave technology debilitating my health and physical stature.They have constantly induce stress through constant harassment using infrared Bluetooth sychcronizing technology. Henry Eberhardt 2 years ago I am a targeted individual in GlenBurnie Maryland by the Anne Arundel County Police in Maryland and the FBI office in Baltimore Maryland this is Felony Stalking by Local and Federal Law Enforcement these are Criminals With Badges and violators of the United States Constitution and the people it represents no more no less. This is a Nazi program that will eventually destroy the country Peter Flack 2 years ago Can you email me? fearless [email protected] gang stalking in NYC 2 years ago Hey bro can you email me [email protected] please I'm going through the same and I'm in nyc Erin 2 years ago LOL due process? The court; cops, lawyers judges biggest perps on earth! ssjcomix 2 years ago Sickness may come, poverty may come, death will come; the only thing I fear is the wrath of GOD! Matthew 10:28 (KJV) 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell On that faithful day I want to hear the LORD say: Matthew 25:21-23 (KJV) 21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. 22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them. 23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. ssjcomix 2 years ago 59:00 It is a spiritual warfare: an evil mind creates evil things, and all evil deeds come from the evil-one...Satan the father of sin! Who do you say is more powerful, GOD or technology..? I say, JESUS/GOD! ssjcomix 2 years ago 53:00 Note: the meters will have a white pulsating light, they like to place them on parking lot light poles and nearby rooftops, aiming towards multiple targets, and some are (whitish-blue camouflaged) as high-beams on a vehicle. This is not a joke: These people are under the power and control of Satan, pray for them! ssjcomix 2 years ago It bogles my mind that these agencies...FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS say they don't like China, Russia, North Korea, and many hostile Arab nations for using the very same tactics they use. truth seeker 2 years ago Maybe the point to all this is that the military is testing epuipment; and device and tactics there not testing us truth seeker 2 years ago Thanks for this info very detailed truth seeker 2 years ago To Discredit by Fomenting bad behavior V Rodrighez 2 years ago awesome video I'm a T.I. thank you it's time to put a stop to this gangstalking Arthur stark 2 years ago Gang stalkers are all losers and cowards. They team up against gods people. They can't stand alone because they are all cowards. They will never confront you because they are afraid of you. Ignore them . they have no power they are just stupid cowards. They are stupid demons that work for the devil. Evil cowards. Don't fear them . they are all losers . Whollygrail Victory. Vi 2 years ago (edited) This link maybe broken already. Kendra Hamilton 2 years ago We are controlled by Zionists AstroTrash 2 years ago 90 percent meth heads on comments Private Account 2 years ago (edited) Ya'll need to wake up to what's going on here!! These are not entirely humans at work here. Many of these people in law enforcement are only mind controlled drones. They don't know that they're being controlled. Others are actually clones that are controlled by non-humans. That's right, ET's, aliens, ultraterrestrials or whatever you want to call them. Many of you are looking at this from a linear perspective rather than thinking out of the box and seeing this for what it really is. Wake up people!!! Alternative Homesteading 2 years ago (edited) The proactive policing isnā€™t deterring any crime. They create it,cover it up while the real perpetrators are breaking into your home, poisoning food, stealing and vandalizing your possessions. The stalkers are provocateurs set out to entrap innocent people. They are followers, idiots, psychopaths who can not create or think for themselves so they need to steal from others. Also, look up the Micro-penis syndrome associated with pathology and pet murder. Criminals on Patrol are pathetic losers. It takes a gang of losers to take down (1) winner.... consider that for a minute! PS: Also see the Facebook page: Community Stalking Vandalism Patterns for more. My testimony was provided to Ella Free, Frank Allen (Real Estate Mobbing), Meegs B and Ramola D News Break. Alternative Homesteading 2 years ago (edited) Thank you for spreading the TRUTH about this revenge for hire, covert criminal program. View the Facebook page created to show how they murder and torture pets called TARGETED PETS JASON BROWNING DISCIPLE OF JESUS CHRIST 2 years ago 1ST CORINTHIANS 4 VERSE 9 - 13 Rauckz McCarron 2 years ago Is there any targets close to prince george bc or penticton bc? I would like to connect with them. oNLy_TiMe_ wiLL_TeLL 3 years ago u did a good job on all your videos on gang stalking this shit iz real an it hell!! goin thru it right now been dealing with this shit for yrs didn't even know nothin bout all of this stuff when i was still stuck in the matrix pay attention to sports n dumb shit while all of covert harassment was being done to me crazy watch your surrounding ppl n the technology they put out to us like these smart phones smart tv tablets laptops all track devices against the human citizen.... Justin Philip 3 years ago Has humanity really come to this ? Gang Stalking no Brasil Cointelpro 2.0 3 years ago (edited) i'm a targeted individual from brasil. i think I develop osteoarthrichs by radioactive cameras, it's possible? thanks! [email protected] The Chick 3 years ago Why would they conduct an in investigation after the trial is over? The Chick 3 years ago This is horrible!!!! Who does this?! Why would our government want to hurt there own citizens?!! Carol Stanhope 3 years ago (edited) You know what is the real threat? Freemasons going to Brazil and raping 9 to 14 year girls on an Indian reservation.Just look up the article........'Who are the Royal Order of the Jesters'. It will give you insight on what we are up against. God bless you.šŸ’– Max Quinn 3 years ago stalked562 3 years ago Neodinemagnets attenuate the transceiver you have implanted. They reduce the outgoing signal of aiming. Sometimes build up for reducing out going signal. stalked562 3 years ago Touch drugging, LATEX gloves will stain by toxic gel. stalked562 3 years ago Steering Wheel, Door Knob. stalked562 3 years ago There's a amber gel that's put on stuff you touch. Removal 50 / 50 Ammonia Water. stalked562 3 years ago Answers: Neodinemagnets N52 will eliminate early morning pain and morning vomiting. Covert Poisoned, LATEX GLOVES, not Vinyl. Stains on contact with toxins on surfaces, Sterling Wheel, Door Handles..... stalked562 3 years ago Thanks for this Great Great video. 10 years a TI. Carol Stanhope 3 years ago (edited) This is A.I. being manipulated by demonic forces.My managed aggression comes in peaks & valleys.When certain tactics aren't working,they take a break,regroup and come back with a new protocol.It's no wonder our country is going bankrupt,this is funded by the Federal Reserve.šŸ¤” Malik Ahmed 3 years ago Thank you! Bro! I appreciate your documentary the information is very thorough and detailed, i find it to be extremely accurate. I have been experiencing so many levels and components of this program. I have known these things to be true in my heart/spirit. Jorge Gonzalez 3 years ago Remember NY Times Is Antitrump studio developers2 3 years ago (edited) YELL LOUD ! GOVERNEMENT CRIME !!! CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT IS A cRIMINAL OPERATION !!! no one will doubt it, as they know, its very obvious, thats ! why they dont want bad talk about their government, get it ? RUNNING GANG STALKING IN LOS ANGELES ALERT ALERT ALL GOVERNMENT ARE A PART OF IT, IF YOU DO NOT HELP END THIS PROGRAM YOU ARE. A PART OF IT AND CAN BE INCARCERATED ANYONE WHO HELPS OR WORKS WITH THESE PROGRAMS studio developers2 3 years ago its very illegal WHAT THESE BASTARDS DO AND ITS HIGHLY CRIMINAL HJIGHLY ILLEGAL WHAT THEY DO IT DOESNT WORK, AND WE JUST EXPOSE IT COMPLETELY Jamaica Jamaica 3 years ago It's a lie put your trust in God Carol Stanhope 3 years ago No wonder our country is going bankrupt!! I under stand that upto one million people are being harrassed in this program.I am human trafficking survivor/whistleblower,and was put in this program,by Freemason perps.šŸ™„šŸ™„ Carol Stanhope 3 years ago You must be heaven sent! These video's have been a Godsend.I feel so much better,and hopeful about the future.God bless youšŸŒ šŸŒ šŸŒ šŸŒ  Ana Carvalho Granado 3 years ago Ana portuguese, living in Holland-- i'm precisly in that stage; after being in Oosterhout police station they are making a campaign to making peaple believe i' m psychosis. They force me on appoitments with psychiatrist where we just shake hands and they force to sign papers wright in duich the way i don't understand what's going on. Thank's to the video: it's all true, disgusting but realy. I'm "arrest" in Holland without knowing. Every time i plane go Portugal police come in my way to don't let me go. Peaple before go to a police station provide a lawyer and keep it secret because, every time they fond out your lawyer's name they will threaten till he give up. This is not a game enymore, it's war, hard to believe but to real to deny. Janet jubilee Busener 3 years ago (edited) I have not experienced most of these. Atlanta is so huge that most are just people out and about. Stalkers got neighbors to steal half of my home items. Photos and other momentums are gone. I bugged the neighbors and know who is involved. It is only a matter of time before their sins find them out. Justice will be served. Adolf Wong 3 years ago Gangstalkers even those in high positions do not get away with it. No one does. I've been making notes of the harassment and the consequences suffered by the stalkers.I've started this blog to which I hope to post evidence and outcomes. Here are my first 3 posts. I have tons but this is for starters. I hope it helps targets by giving us hope that justice will be done. @t Adolf Wong 3 years ago Gangstalkers even those in high positions do not get away with it. No one does. I've been making notes of the harassment and the consequences suffered by the stalkers.I've started this blog to which I hope to post evidence and outcomes. Here are my first 3 posts. I have tons but this is for starters. I hope it helps targets by giving us hope that justice will be done. @t Janet Busener 3 years ago Multiple burglaries have happened in my homes. This has been occurring for many years. I wish it was only my being followed, but family photos, professional travel photos, momentums, jewels and just about all other important things of mine were stolen over time. I am s local news publisher, so that may have something to do with my being tormented. My neighbors did this. I am getting better cameras, but that in itself can be problematic. I will be publishing an article about gang burglaries and targeted individuals. This needs to stop. May God avenge these thugs. James Caldwell 3 years ago A WEBSITE TO HELP SPREAD INFORMATION ABOUT ā€˜TARGETED INDIVIDUALSā€™. The following screen clips have been taken from you-tube sites to giveĀ a 'small' sample of the many people that are involved in this "experimentation" on the American people: It's ludicrous to think hundreds of thousands of people all over the country, without any kind of organizing, thought one day to respond online to their tormentors. Archie Gibson 3 years ago They beat me (at first) in the hotel's when I went to rent room for the night when they chased me across the country before wasn't really any idiots physical threat they weren't preventing me to do anything they want to rest of me killing me you weren't kidnapping me but they would always get a room right next to me for two weeks straight visit went on uncertain times I guess when they had time say snow add to my television to wear every channel I switch to was them just some homemade video obviously going on in the Next Room live and talkin about random topics that has happened throughout the journey so far just touching on it barely and relating to it you know what I'm talkin about it was the craziest it ever at the time but now I've got stories to go on for days I only heard about this gang stalking and organized policing in the last few days tell me what a relief it is I want to get involved as much as possible Archie Gibson 3 years ago I am a Ti for the past six years that I know of anyway I only heard about gang stalking and all the chaos surrounding it just a few days ago describe what a relief it is those people like you out there doing something God bless you Chronic Liberation 3 years ago Carol Stanhope 3 years ago (edited) If my family & friends,are so weak minded,and disloyal,as to believe,participate,and take money,for this 'shite',I say good riddance,to bad rubbish šŸ¤”šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„The people who take part in this,are the lowest forms of life.... bikers,gangs,drug addicts,rapists,thieves,pedophiles,etc These scum bunnies,aren't fit to shine my shoes.šŸ˜Ž sexypoetry 3 years ago (edited) I'd like to meet empowered individuals in London, the way: is the creator of this channel aware of the fact that his mike is causing "b" and "p" and "d" kind of thing all the time? Wissam Haddad 3 years ago I've been targeted since 1979. I was 4 years old. Maybe I'm the next Messiah! Wissam Haddad 3 years ago Good documentary. And that's coming from a Targeted Individual in Canada! Check out proof on my videos! Truth on Gang Stalking 3 years ago I'm being gang stalked they are haters they dont have powers like me I get dreams that show the future they r losers . I'll have my homie follow the helicopter then beat their ass when there on the ground earth a d not flying I theor helicopters I'll create a group to expose them . Kristin Meyer 3 years ago BTW IF WE'RE THE REAL "THREATS," THEN WHY ARE THESE EVIL PRICKS THE ONES ALWAYS ATTACKING US, EXPECTING US TO TAKE IT OR ELSE? WHY AREN'T WE ALLOWED THE NORMAL FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSE WHEN THEY MAKE OUR LIVES HELL? Kristin Meyer 3 years ago I hope these overly zealous pedophiles and satanists who put this evil program into play run out of people to kill thru "soft" torture, so that they run the country we pay their salaries they into the ground and kill their own bloodsucking income streams on taxpayer dollars. There is nothing more evil than gang stalking psychological warfare and violence. Kristin Meyer 3 years ago "Hygiene" as in HUMAN CLEANSING!!!! Private Account 3 years ago (edited) Ya'll need to wake up to what's going on here!! These are not entirely humans at work here. Many of these people in law enforcement are only mind controlled drones. They don't know that they're being controlled. Others are actually clones that are controlled by non-humans. That's right, ET's, aliens, ultraterrestrials or whatever you want to call them. Many of you are looking at this from a linear perspective rather than thinking out of the box and seeing this for what it really is. Wake up people!!!* Private Account 3 years ago (edited) This is the "Satanic Agenda" people. Some call it the "Alien Agenda." The illuminati's ultimate control program "has been fully activated and is intentionally affecting people physically, mentally and emotionally, and the occulted governmentā€™s goal is to eventually create a HIVE MIND and total population control." Rale Truht 3 years ago UNLAWFUL MONITORING (Gangstalking)ā€¦ā€¦.. IS OCCURRING ALL ACROSS THE COUNTRY on American citizens. The slang term is called Organized Gang Stalking. Day-to-day activities are surveilled, manipulated, disrupted, and controlled by government and private security agents, vigilantes and paid street thugs. Unlawful monitoring from criminals to American citizens: Awakened State Of Mind Targeted In Australia 3 years ago The evidence is clear Kimel Williams 3 years ago there is something that you are doing some knowledge that you have there is something about you that they need to destroy David Parr 3 years ago Live Free or Die Dina Moore 3 years ago (edited) at intersections turning wrong n' on double lines in road they keep u turning fast double yellow line. seen the glass in front of tires, ntoo. n' the pin hole in tire to cause blowout on road. all of this is real they do it tous here,too. targetguy777 3 years ago voice in the air stalking is how and why people act nuts with street theater. NO laws on the books to end it. romine acosta 3 years ago URGENT PLEASE WATCH IN YOUTUBE NEW WORL ORDER HAS NO POWER IF YOU DO NOT FEAR TARGETED INDIVIDUAL Dina Moore 3 years ago Just to say- all the stuff in this video has happened to us, too. LOL We weren't joshing either - even though we put LOL which is known in netiquette to mean it's a joke online. No it's true- we just laugh at everything. LOL Shoota Rothschild 3 years ago Iā€™ve managed to turn this tactic on itself and the perpetrators now have no choice but to feed each other to the proverbial wolves. I was luckily in a position that was perfect to link all involved together in a way that left zero room to dodge responsibility for it. I was already in place as a mercenary type intel gathering operative for the DEA and was observing a biker gang in my region when I made contact with a woman who was obviously out of place amongst such a group. She had been brought to the area by one of the gang members under false pretense of a job with his company as his assistant. As she realized the ruse being orchestrated on her I assisted her in fleeing from them and that is when everything went sideways. Over two years and with her help we pieced together how and why her circumstances had caused her to be marginalized in such a dangerous yet covert way. She is a successful and educated woman with a masters in clinical counseling so she is not an easily fooled person at all. I investigated the background and possible motives of everybody she had contact with tracing back nearly six years and eventually the bigger picture snapped into focus. She had lived with two family members who were DOD contractors with high level security clearances working with a company called ASM research. ASM had a 300 million dollar contract through the DOD to conduct tests on and reinforce cyber security for the VA. It was closely tied with the systems monitoring VA patients pharmaceutical prescriptions and medical documentation. ASM it seems was actually tasked with developing an effective means of increasing veteran suicide rates by indirect tactics. An obvious psy-op in every possible way. However the family members involved with this womanā€™s disillusionment and that black budget contract, also had a habit of lavish spending beyond what their income could sustain. The victims grandparents are quite well off financially and with her being the only grandchild of this family, she is the beneficiary of the largest portion of the estate. And in facing financial ruin the family focused a full scale assault upon every facet of her life through tactics designed for battle hardened war vets. She stood no chance on her own so Iā€™ve diverted their attention to concentrate on me. Iā€™ve allowed them to through all they could at me only to dodge them at the last second, causing the attack from one agency to hit the other agency I was just standing in front of. I took them on with purely altruistic intentions and now their egotistical god complex is about to make heads roll. They thought I was an evil greed seeker like them. It allowed me to be in the right place at the right time right under their nose. But truth be told, bringing evil to its knees gets my fuckin rocks off. I was built for it and I love making the causes of suffering, suffer. Enjoy the coming headlines folks. Itā€™ll be a hilarious shit show of epic proportions seeing these bastards getting turned out. Just know that a good heart is more valuable than all the money in the world. All day, every day, fuckin A!!! Dina Moore 3 years ago (edited) The government sanctions them to gangstalker people. The crime syndicate gangstalkers and the government lets them. The mafia and government do gangstalking. 79 Stepside 3 years ago ESI security in reno nv involved 79 Stepside 3 years ago There theme song is alien ant farm smooth criminal pkay it loud real loud Word on the Street Ministries 3 years ago You're missing a few vital things. They are part of the hive mind of Satan. Demons give them the edge by communicating certain things about you that no human could track. Street theatre is a type of show they put on that is directed like a movie scene by the demons and the fallen Lisa B 3 years ago Dude Maurice Mccray 3 years ago When I was honorably discharged from the Navy after serving 4 years, I was gang stalked. I remember the helicopters following me and I also remember seeing the aircraft sitting high in the air and not moving. I was confused as to if it was a celestial body or U.F.O. I noticed that they only move when you notice them. Tammy Bowers 3 years ago crazy as they are they should be on the list for their emotional problems. Tammy Bowers 3 years ago they don't get to me. they hate what they can't control. they are the criminals. Dina Moore 3 years ago (edited) lotsa low levels here yeah they'd be low level n' you think they're some big terrorists or something but they're told what to do or whatever. they did all that car stuff with us. they honked at us walking the other night down the street. honking and everything- they pretend rehearse shooter attacks with 2 cars n' turn in when you go by with a car awlays in front of you while you walk and you make them wait to drive on by. there was a cop car down there ahead n' also an ambulance when we got back home out front even. they hit the other gangstalker car n' cop showed up here asking where they were n' kept saying a man was driving and there's not no man driving. WEird. We said about cops fancy car miami or something seems like a lambo was parked out front after that. They have airstalked they're good with helicopters zoomin by our window around the 3 story building following you walking down hall day before on a key time. Fly low, too! We were in hall in here again next day same time and saw the helicopter fly by n' someone came out the stairs in hall, too following us from day before parallel to our hallway in here they are flying/ walking on either side of our hallway in here. They see in with hidden spy cameras in your apartment. He grabbed the bag at taco bell all mad. He got thru but we ordered 1st- to poison your food they go in the back n' are slower obviuosly. Other night a woman came n' looked at us at the door and did not open it for us. She stared close in our eyes like mean, too! Then she went on back near elevator and she took our picture with that phone thru the glass doors. And then another man came out and he looked thru the window at us all mad and mean like, too. There were cars honking at us walking down the street at night. A woman was kinda laughing at us in line at the store behind us seems like. And 2 women in the store had a phone like looking at it- like they had took our picture or something with it. (we wore a long pink maxi dress and a sweet pink niqab saudi style veil) The dress n' veil were same fabric and same material and color and matched perfectly and we got them on amazon. abaya / maxi -dress. So it's different here in a small city in oklahoma to wear that obviously. had on our glasses b/w and had our cart (black) coz we like to color coordinate things. They cough all the time - before they go out the door they do that all the time. They alwyas cough. Other day we went out and the man asked us if we were okay and he said it again - he said are you sure you're okay? ? Like he's a gangstalker for sure. So it's odd. WE had been typing online about what how they're like terrorists a- lot- we did some dumb stuff maybe other than that, too maybe. Who knows what he was talking about. One was in the stairs and he said he hoped we were okay as he left and he meant the opposite apparently. He kept on asking if we were okay or something like that. WE saw him go out and waited coz he was there behind us and startled us when we saw him- and he got the can of coke then went back upstairs as we were leaving out of the stairs finally. The guys on fb act pretty strange that they tell to go after you on there apparently. lovekillers or whatever they are- the ? honey trap guys or just funny guys on the internet gangstalkers on fb and other social media. At first we got on there and so many guys were wanting to meet like NOW in person off of that thing. Our grandmother told us that's a big no no on that fb website. So that meeting now - offering money stuff is maybe a trick to blitz your mind all of a sudden and get them to do something fast that they might not normally do or something. You're supposed to do a webpage/s showing you weren't suicidal so they don't suicide you. We just made an anti- suicide page blog. We posted this video on the page or a link to it- who knows if it works or not. 1st post. iwant2piece 3 years ago the main question is how is wealth generated from this? if it is done by a state or an authority branch, they have to justify monetarily their resource spending. if its done privately, well... lets just pray these people get sterilized. the concept is really pertinent and valid, and most of the countries in the world don't even have laws to protect citizens in these situations. the whole social media and internet of things paradigm just perpetuates this notion and legitimizes it in a "culture" or in small rat brained arguments such as "if you have nothing to hide, why do you bother?". there are 2 kinds of people. ones who repsect individual sovereignty in every shape or form, and are able to detect it with changes of paradigm. everyone else is just a predator. Predation has a way of showing its grin in the 21st centruy and this is it, thank you for posting despite the unpopularity of this subject, even inside the "conspiratorium"! Molecular Voltage Transmuter 3 years ago Thank you FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE MAIN OBJECT OF ALL OF THESE PROGRAMSā‰ļøā‰ļøā‰ļøā‰ļøāœØā‰ļøā‰ļøā‰ļø Itā€™s TO BUILD A COPY OF YOUR BRAIN using a Supercomputer. Sunnie Dawn BE VERY WARNED of communicating with OTHERS TARGETED. Especially for a Female. Itā€™s VERY LIKELY you are being setup to finish the Brain Mapping Project which is a feedback loop that youā€™re tricked into. Iā€™d ONLY connect with other FEMALE TARGETS because WE ARE THE 70% and itā€™s less likely youā€™re being Tricked, if youā€™re dealing with another Female. Fewer Gangstalkers are Female. And if someone name is ā€œSEXY___ anythingā€ DOES NOT LOOK GOOD. Yes, itā€™s JUST A NAME. BUT if any Male wants to be trusted by a Female on the Internet, then THE NAME of that person is THE ONLY CLUE YOU HAVE to go on when youā€™re using DISCERNMENT FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY. THIS Is a Murder Project as Your Brain is being mapped out on a Supercomputer. Whenever your COPY OF YOUR BRAIN IS DONE? Then YOU ARE DONE. AT that point they kill or commit the target. I donā€™t know WHY HES NOT GOTTEN TO THIS PART OF THE Targeting. Itā€™s THE MOST I IMPORTANT PART of this program insofar as comprehending WHAT THE ABSOLUTE MAIN GOAL OF THIS ENTIRE PROGRAM! See CIA Whistler Blower BRYAN TEW on Youtube and HE EXPLAINS WHAT THIS IS AND how to not get tricked into helping them finish the Cognitive Copy Cat Model Of Your Brain thats being Built by a Supercomputer using REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING/PROGRAMMING . Our VERY SOUL IS BEING STOLEN and WILL BE USED IN Artificial Intelligence. Please UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT THIS Brain Mapping Project is! Lady Loves the Lord 3 years ago Its definitely a hate crime. I think the people who do these things are predatory and perverse. It is about trying to destroy a person. They target people that they envy and or lust after. But instead of it being a single person there are a group of people preying on an individual. You have to be a sociopath to go to those lengths. A lot of those people are sexual predators, murderers, and thieves. ALI 3 years ago Peace be upon u bro.good work Jackie Kelly 3 years ago WOW, you all at first I THAUGHT I was the only one going through this,Thanks so much for the,I presently dod an interview and within a couple of weeks I have had people with windows rolled down ,I can see them shooting something at me,and guess what?they be wearing Army uniforms,plus mobbing me with huge amounts of people following me when I go out my house!! plus spreading about me in my community. Linda Bennett 3 years ago Let's don't forget mail men. Linda Bennett 3 years ago Theu pit some shit in the floors and on the roof. What is it? Jores Baghoomian 3 years ago All targeted individuals, need to gather make WAR against GANG STOCKING .,STAND UP ,make WAR ,against GOVERNMENT which support T.I.s .lets organize the group ,take your GUNS ,KNIFES ,anything you can HARM the GANG STOKERS, TALK is enough THIS S. BEACHES need to get DESTROYED.,HAVE NO MERCY on this gang stokers ,NO MERCY ,KILL THEM before they destroy YOU. eddieblcc 3 years ago (edited) it's all real ,it's happing to me in Seattle wa,who do I call Tribute Channel #Kimmel.j hwb23 3 years ago Joshua Carmack 3 years ago Its serious they want me to go jail or prision to keep me quiet about military life insurance poilicys made in my family. Joshua Carmack 3 years ago This is happening to me right now as we speak. America is trying to make me a terrorist while they are poisoning me with strychnine. Elizabeth Giambelluca 3 years ago These evil bastards torture me in every way and even invaded my home. This goes on 24/7. I have been a ti since 2012 or before. It is the most painful and horrible sick evil thing a human being could be subjected to. I say this because there isnt an end in sight. God Bless and Protect Us From All Evil and Harm. In Jesus's Name I Pray. Amen I'm sending much love out to all ti's who are Gods soldiers in this war and suffering at the hands of these psycho evil scumbag pieces of crap. Lizzie<3 Aztec Emperor Channel 3 years ago I've been kickin' the crap out of 'em but everytime I try to post the results they turn off my computer. They are beatable... Rose Delinois 3 years ago (edited) James Delinois said I am being harassed 24/7/ in 30 High street Apt A Millbury Massachusetts 01527. They used directed energy weapons microwave and radiation weapons to kill us in the house with cancers. They made us moved three times. They poisoned our food every day. They wanted to financially ruin the family. Rajeev Sharma 3 years ago United Nations 2018a. D.! Ā”!reference case, indemnities &pension in one world currency ---- Romans 8:28 3 years ago (edited) Its WITCHCRAFT! It's all spiritual. Please get help for your spiritual problem. WATER BAPTISM in the name of THE FATHER, THE SON & THE HOLY SPIRIT. Will help anyone with their harassment problem. Jesus will help you šŸ™ Jesus has saved me. I had the same problem. I was suicidal, scared and desperate. GLORY TO THE MOST HIGH GOD! JESUS Angelique Morrison 3 years ago things are very rough much worse than it ever has been I'm hanging in there trying to hold on God bless you for putting it out there thank you Angelique Morrison 3 years ago Thank you and God bless you for your response things have just gone the way they've gone for many other t i that I have spoken to it's gotten steadily worse sometimes I feel so alone and scared please don't forget me if you learn anything that may help please Huy Vu 3 years ago Those sick mother fuckers even murdered my dog because she would bark every time they were around. Huy Vu 3 years ago God please help us Smooth Operator 4 years ago Everything you are saying is exactly what I have been going through for 14 years Smooth Operator 4 years ago Father, I pray that you send your Son. We are being tortured down here. YOUNGSTEEL VA 703 ALL DAY 4 years ago yeah for me its started with friends then it started in the work place Elaine Wilhelm 4 years ago I've talked to people who have experience black helicopters, polic cars etc.! Jeff Keller 4 years ago Progressive Policing is more like it and half of those idiot psychopaths are using meth.... cough cough. Grace Be 4 years ago Iā€™m pretty sure by looking back over my life and that of my siblings, that we were born into it. MINDSET! 4 years ago I just find some great information. Any target individual out there. Department of justice website have a complaint form you fill out online. They over the whole policing. If we all used the correct wording provided in this video. Letting them know you are no harm to yourself or others. You are a law binding citizen, Who rights has been violated. Then government resources are being wasted on you for no reason. Your personal information was stolen and used by criminals. Plus mention you being frame in your own community. If we can get at least 1 million plus. Maybe some one from government when hear. The higher up really dont know what's going on really. Sometimes you have to go over people heads sometimes. c payne 4 years ago Rite!!! They use the "Mentally ill" label to make the T.I. seem unstable. They never acknowledge the EVIDENCE of technology, stalking or invasion of privacy. Check out my Youtube videos...."Terrorist technology in Citizens Homes in Indiana" by c payne. Also, look at "Who are these people committing terrorism", by c payne. Read the comments. The Indianapolis police dept. refused to investigate!!! Why? because of who is involved in these Experiments. This is a DEFINITE violation of Human, Constitutional & Civil Rights. I received a Library of Congress Copyright, for my photographs & videos of Terrorist technology in action, in Citizens homes in Indiana. As a Veteran, I Served this Country & made it home, but I never knew of how my home state, Indiana, would disrespect my HUMANITY, then call me "Mentally ill"....WTF? Well......what is the Mental Health status of the people responsible? Captain Nemo 4 years ago how tge fvk i know you not lying and just saying it your vid... MINDSET! 4 years ago Man another person who exposed the bullshit is james harken. He tell what the hands signs means when your finace, friends, brother, also could be your mother used. But it's to let the preps. Know your locations. It's a just a great example people ain't shit. Kevin Adkins 4 years ago Well let me tell you my history real quick basically about 4 years ago I was getting gang stalked when I was using drugs and I've been clean now for 3 years I went through a Ministry call the expect a Miracle Ministries and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why people are doing these hand gestures are acting like they had a gun and putting it behind my head and stuff like that is just like really weird to me and anytime I confront somebody they would deny it and say I don't know what you're talking about and so this went on for you know for years until now which I've been clean for 3 years again and MOB me out every job I've had causing me to lose jobs and whatever the case is still following me around everywhere I go which is cool you know now that I know what's up with that. I know when I was using drugs like I would wake up and I hear like these out weird sounds like they sound like waves and stuff like that and I would always be pulsating I still get that now or impulse any but I don't know if it's from that particular or not Kevin Adkins 4 years ago How did you get your gang stalking to stop MINDSET! 4 years ago (edited) I just courageous how many are in this program !!! Then only again they going to mess with the wrong target individual. He or she going to make the biggest noise. That's going to fight for us all. Which a petition we have to sign in our emails. Which going to high court best believe. The biggest lawsuit !! We all target individual going to get paid. Then a lot of people going to jail or lose their good jobs. Mistah FTM 7956 4 years ago Single Proud Independent Dreadhead Dark Skin Hetero FTM, spiritual not religious. Not a pill popper. Why Im targeted. Doesnt stop many reps from stealing my ip and then attempt to disassociate myself from my own ip because not conforming to what reps think I should be. & dems stealing my ip then incensed because refuse to let their marginalized attempt to cattle prod myself within dem margins. perps/gangstalkers a bunch of doormats attempting to step on myself. Seeking restitution from ip theft and restitution from attempts of defamation of my character. Very annoying and makes myself very šŸ˜  Nasir Jones 4 years ago But what is there goal/motive? D3Finitely DiFf3r3nt 4 years ago Also I need you to tell me how does one come a high priority taregt??? I have helicopters and planes flying over my house all the time and I several celebrities that are a part of my stalking. Now how could this happen to a normal person from a small town??? D3Finitely DiFf3r3nt 4 years ago Also I give you permission to find out why I've been targeted all my life...and I give you permission to have the government to stop hitting me with dews immediately richard Goodman 4 years ago I was forced to take an rfid implant at 316 east chestnut st Louisville ky in July of 2012 at the ccc jail. I've been a test subject for the last 3 years. I have an x ray showing the chip in Louisville. I moved out of ky to avoid being set up. If your from Louisville you know what I'm talking about....fake cia training center. I know the name of the tech that updated the system in the basement(braingate system) help me put a stop to this inhumane testing and torture. I have the chip, I have an x ray. I eyewitnesseed the braingate system being used. My family and friends as well as councilors believe me and know when it started. kristalin c 4 years ago They can take their gift cards and SHOVE THEM UP THEIR TIGHT BEHINDS! F*** THESE LOSERS Matthew Bernstein 4 years ago best video i have seen on the subject Tracy Estabrooks 4 years ago This Judge Richard W. Kirby is crooked and is trying to take my kids because I was raped, tormented, and denied human rights. Deb Anda 4 years ago They are pedophiles and murders. Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott is an unconstitutional Sheriff , and his deputy Matthew Ryan BEAT my kid , and has now ensnared him in their evil system , at the "Justice Center", they are going to burn in HELL with lucifer for all eternity. Praise GOD The Chick 4 years ago Sonya Boevers how did you find out about this? The Chick 4 years ago Sounds like legalized nazi hitler movement !!! If the government really cared about people they would not be trying to terrorize the people they are investigating! I think they use excuses to experiment on people! David Erwin 4 years ago I like your well defined approach to this problem. You have hit most targeting mechanisms right on the head. You didn't mention that organized criminals have opportunistically availed themselves of these avenues to promote their own power base. Though you did mention partner programs an state that preemptive policing promotes crime.-- oops, wrote preemptive, not proactive; but will leave it because it is the same thing. Steve News 4 years ago Great video!! Please if you have a chance check out my film, The Spark. Here is a new video a woman did on it.... Jorge Gonzalez 4 years ago their Karma is coming Jorge Gonzalez 4 years ago is a violation of human rights,and war crimes for no declaring a war against its own Civilian,the questions is , any life loss as results of this crimes? Jorge Gonzalez 4 years ago Trump voters being Targeting off gang stalking as Hillary Clinton Obama sor Mona Goldsmith 4 years ago This is not being done without implemented bio nano chips. Mona Goldsmith 4 years ago Crazy cointelpro theatrics taking place surrounding the target is simple to flip to you tube and put on a sermon from such as steadfast jax regarding reprobate and walk around writhin hearing distance of the perpetrator. Mona Goldsmith 4 years ago The targeted individual, IS, Bio/Nano chipped. Understand, this program DOES intend the only end result to be death. Each and every individual surrounding the target is recruited to participate in the to kill torture. Obviously, no sane individual buys into ones supposed criminality with not an ounce of evidence desirable or admissable for a court room, especially, as we still, currently, have a judicial system in some kind of practice. Therefore, understand that each and every individual participating, is narcissistic, physopathic, sociopathic, biblically termed as a hater of God, cons of Satan, another words reprobate. The seriousness of these projects is that each and every target is dealing with Satan and his family. Do not take this lightly. Again, the participants belong to the devil. Do not every have fear. God has won this war. Only through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and salvation through his crucification and ones personal acceptance and belief will you deal with this life until the end. Not one target is truly considered to be a threat as that would defy the logic of the experimentation. Human experimentation performed with the use of bio genetics on an individual in possession of attributes indicating a possible situation of danger would leave the hiearchy in legal culpability especially as the bio trip is quite a painful one and we know that pain does not make one pleasurable to be in accompany. sexypoetry 4 years ago I would like to meet targeted individuals in London, UK Mighty by Grace 4 years ago (edited) Is youtube sabotaging the audio or someone is not holding the microphone at a set distance while communicating important informations? Other than that thanks for your efforts it came out good. Belly Sam 4 years ago Thank you, GOD bless you for your advice and valid information S Upchurch 4 years ago Peonage StalkingBosses_CorruptCopsies 4 years ago (edited) You know what's messed up I always tell people I need medical help everyone said nothing wrong with me. therapists,dr's,family all of sudden I stopped drinking now I need medical attention! fuck these people! they wont tell other people the abuse they do to you so it makes everyone around thinking they are doing the right decision this is exactly what happen's to people being human trafficking because even if they speak out on a plane they just seem crazy! in reality they sleep deprive you with state officials and rich bored people who are really into voyeurism. why they need a fall plan if your never locked up! Mistah FTM 7956 4 years ago Currently perps blasting Mary j blige song Mr.Wrong | again not into men, why would I choose to be with wrong types of men if I were. Again, the "reprogram" crap they want to subject MI to is idiotic. And some women who know nothing but abuse will attempt to abuse myself for not wanting to waste my energy on abusing them. As Single Proud Independent Dreadhead Dark Skin Hetero FTM, only attracted to bio feminine women. Very digusting what ppl want to put MI through. perps are nothing but pitiful pawns. E85 13B 4 years ago The government contacted to location I had my vehicle Takata recall after it erased the procedure in the national recall database and contacted the location should do the recall but unknown external supply by the government was the defective inflator to instal on my vehicle; then the government would send someone to crash in me to cause death. Deb Anda 4 years ago We need to think about this rationally. GOD is more powerful , HE is allowing satan to have his day on earth, and then HE is going to do something. Obviously EvIL will not prevail. Gmn Ken 4 years ago They are sick BASTARDS!!! StalkingBosses_CorruptCopsies 4 years ago (edited) You can't tell me the police or gang stalker's cannot shut your car down in traffic! Every time a cop car 600 yard's away be parked everynight I go down a 25 mph sharp turn and would shut it off than drive away! My boss that helped the police stalked me that followed me home. Anway my car would never start unless I had to go work! So I could leave my fucking house and if you stop hanging around people you get social anxiety they know how to make you look crazy! Yep I use to believe in ufo's! Turns out it was just government drones! Deb Anda 4 years ago Not sure who the hell they think they are , but I think they are in for a rude awakening. Voyager2020 4 years ago (edited) I do believe there will be loss of life. Its been several years about 10 or so for me. It is harassment, intimidation, and fear mongering What is the solution? I don't want to be killed nor do I want to murder. For many years I have kept silent. I spoke out once and they hurt a loved one as a warning to me. Saying you are harassed is detrimental and requires proof which is rarely obtained. Your analysis is excellent but any T. I. Pretty much knows this information. Remember, the Paternal Order of Police work on EVERY LEVEL Of government. Have you considered Parallel Construction? Good luck to you. Knowing definitions does not END T. I. Mayel M 4 years ago (edited) Thank you so much for this information! I'm a T.I since like 5 year ago, but just recently know what is all about. I don't even know that is called Gang Stalking. I live in Sonora, MX and they are here too. Andre Edmond 4 years ago What are you to so Robert Neville 4 years ago They sensitized me to blue, yellow, red, purple, pink, brown, green, white, black and fuchsia My Buiz 4 years ago I'm tired of this they just attacked me again idk what to do Belly Sam 4 years ago Today, one of the gang stalking member hiring in my Co and assigned to work with me as a perpetrator. I know this person working in a store nearest to our office. After I said you well come we go with other crew 38 miles away from our office and start our work by 6:00am After finished our work for the day the gang stalker come to me and trying to friendly then we go DD for coffee finally he told me that I have some drugs and trying invite me to take some, I replied " No Thanks " he also talking on his call every five minutes almost for an hour a little distance from me repeatedly. After return home and at my home while I was on sleeping some ideas come to me that this person was send by other group to set up me and to be cought red handed and to be under control by enforcement group. A day before one another undercover come to the place where I was and ask me if i go home and he will give me transportation service after i replied my consent he gave me a ride to home but he was prepare me for other group to know my exact address. I am ready who ever comes My Interest is to Pay sacrifice for reality, Justice, fighting against criminals, I know what comes in the next few days ,but I will never give up for criminals who are under mask. GOD is with me. . Nonya Business 4 years ago The ratio is not accurate. Public opinion is being modified. Nonya Business 4 years ago Personally wether false or true it boils down to how strong and proactive you are with evaluating the situation making calculations and executing your action to achieve your result of what you want your life to be. Robert Neville 4 years ago Dispose your cell phone Awakened State Of Mind Targeted In Australia 4 years ago God Good 4 years ago James Delinois replied to gratefulandamazed The main reason of the gospel is to call for repentance to preach against any sins that can destroy your body and soul,anything unclean, anything against God's will. God Good 4 years ago James Delinois said I knew the reason why the persecuted me This is just for the gospel the reason why I have been gangstalk. I preach the truth the uncompromising truth. I don't hate nobody. I preach against all sins in all the media (Facebook, Yahoo, Youtube and...) I preached against homosexuality, bestiality idolatry, pedophile and fornication, idolatry and ... God Good 4 years ago God please forgive them. \ God Good 4 years ago That is the same like the didactors government that tortured their own people. This is against the human right law. America is always there to defend others nation that are a victim of their dictators government. America come back to your first love. We don't a government like hitler in any states. God Good 4 years ago The gangstalkers every where always sent police to search my house police always did it without a search warrant. God Good 4 years ago James Delinois said we are not the enemy of the state neither or USA. We never did anything wrong in our life why they tried to falsely accuse us. I am against all terrorists actions that killed innocents people every days in this world. If America fight terrorists we cannot accepted to have domestic terrorists in America. This is need to be stop immediately by the federal government. God Good 4 years ago our wicked leaders used our families, friends and neighbors against us. Everybody who knew what we are being through The all know that I am a target individual and our leaders looking to kill us they are going to kill me. there is nothing secret. our harassment is only done secretly. God Good 4 years ago James Delinois says All you said my brother are šŸ’Æ šŸ’Æ true. They used direct energy weapons. electronic. harassment 24/7 to kill us . They are doing all these things to me and my family. We are already moved twice. We didn't do anything wrong. The rental apartments office sent us a seven days notice to live the apartment. We lived immediately They kept our deposit after more than thirty days we still never receive it. They lie eventhough we made pictured and videos of the apartment before we left we invited them to come to see the apartment before They refused to come They tried to ruin our lives to make us become homeless. They tried to falsely accuse us. These people are very wicked. But I knew that God will give us justice one day. I pray God to forgive them. Source Energy Zone 4 years ago I'm a real T.I I've grown enormously after my street theater incident. This is nothing more than fear porn. I've found that we make ourselves targets rather it's on purpose or accident it is self induced. Remember everyone is a product of there thoughts. Be mindful of what yours are creating.... I used to think like this until I realized I was creating these situations in my life. I no longer do drugs (weed) or drink and my troubles left with those bad habits. Take personally responsibility for yourself an behavior and you'll be just fine. Belly Sam 4 years ago This week ICE agents cooperation with enforcement come to my workplace and ask me my address on behalf of their agent as a friendly. I know their aim, and I did not hastate and I took my workmate who work for them and show him my home two times to know more of my address. This week my Company did not give me schedule of work for next week as a whole and want to cheat me by email work schedule after 10 days waiting at home to come back to work on July/18. It Is a fack. My Company Intentionally doing this method by assuming that next week ICE may put me in prison and to be wait on my home Easley to find me. Why ICE come home, while I am volunteer to go to ICE office when ICE call me. I know my self who am I. I know the report against me is a collection of garbages submitted by gungstalkers. I have a strong confident on the US Court systems and judgement. I have no even zero fear. I invited everything is welcome. Had it been I have a fear I was working one day every month in the Canadian border and can Easley fled crossing the border. dunno yet 4 years ago Everyone check out this reddit post!! WE FIGURED IT OUT WHAT THE PANELS ARE AND THE MANUFACTURER! Also read this post about WHY we are targeted... theory is gov has the ability to see our future, the people who are targeted are destined to be huge anti-establishment players during The Revolution: Esteban Ibarra 4 years ago I used to drive a used pontiac thunderbird. I can't tell you how many times I got nails in my tires. They finally destroyed my steering wheel and transmission. As I lost my job and hadn't worked for years, I had to abandon it. Somewhere there's someone driving my car. :/ T. Clements 4 years ago TI's I need your help. Please read my story. Todd PA-C 4 years ago Why is everything you talk about turns into ā€œdiscussion later in the videoā€ What the hell does the government give a crap bout ur life ? My god - learn some of the diagnostic terms you throw out there. We are broke buddy ! Low level ha? Todd PA-C 4 years ago Wow....... I am so sorry that so many people are boarder-line schizophrenic..... and not to mention paranoid... honestly you believe that they care if your just a joe blow - like all of us are here on You Tube ..... Unless your a terrorist - they do not care ! 72hr holds are there for a purpose and are actually good. To be consumed to actually 90mins of your life , and choose not to excel in your life ......... There is No Evidence of these things that happening in your mind ........ post your resources.. you can not say its all covered up - it would be out. Certainly many here need to be watched - Again so so sorry you have to live this way Wattsbaby 4 years ago The one thing I hate the most is when they stop selling the things I like. If I start to like a certain type of cookies, or blunt,or shoe, or anything!,,the store raises the price or just stop selling it. Kayla Lindsay 4 years ago Thank you for posting this and doing what you felt was right. If this ever happens again, use your offense weapon that Jesus gives us.. your sword aka the word of God. Give him a little bit of "Keep me safe Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent who devise ways to trip my feet" (psalm 140:4) Or "The Lord is the light of my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?"(psalm 27:1) Or "Father forgive him he knows not what he does." (Luke 23:34)Or "Ive been sent out as a sheep amoungst wolves, therefore I'm wise as a serpant harmless as a dove." (Matthew 10:16) or "THE LORD is for me, so I will have no fear, what can mere man do to me?" (Psalm 118:6) or "The Lord is faithful, He will strengthen me and protect me against the evil one." (2 thessalionians 3:3) or "Discretion guards me and understanding protects me" (Proverbs 2:11) Or "May the Lord answer me when I am in distress, may the God of Jacob protect me" (Psalm 20:1) or "God is my refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1) Or "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I dont fear you because the Lord is with me.. His rod and staff they comfort me." (psalm 23:4) Orrrrr look up psalm 91: 1-16 and memorize it. Memorize them all and then some. Put your armor on everyday.. and if you see someone who looks a bit off.. like possibly the same demonic spirit talking to you through individuals.. a demonic spirit itself stalking you please reciete "May the Lord in Heaven looking down right now.. May The Lord your creator Rebuke You!" (all verses modified by myself to fit our specific needs here.. this last one I do believe is Jude 9:1 or Jude 1:9) Everybody who is a T.I. out there.. why don't we team up? The evil ones team up and hold meetings.. why don't we rise up in the Body Of Christ? The Lord knows I could use yall's support in my life. The Lord knows I fear no evil, but the comfort I would have in knowing all of you would recognize it for what it is if God Forbid something happen to me before my purpose here on earth is complete. And I would know from heaven looking down (if the Lord allowed) that there was an uproar from devote Christians and TI's. Who else understands what we go through besides each other?? I don't know one of you personally.. thats the way they have made it for me in my life to not know many people at all period. Keeping me stranded in a remote area all day everyday.. WE were made to live for so much more. Who really is that 144,000 people that are saved in revelations? COULD, I'm only saying could.. could it be us? I'd like to think so. But how do we begin to band together? We've been given the internet... umm I dont think that will be taken away from us. Not all of us at least. Through discernment of the Holy Spirit we would definatley be able to identify the perps and rebuke them, I have no doubt of that in my mind. Until they slip and make themselves known, I do believe it would be awesome to trust each other until then. With Gods protection we have no need to fear the perps. Think about that. Think about this, every temptation we withstand is internal strength we gain, individually. Yes, the question arises.. what about money, how would we get to each other? We are scattered across the world.. Howeverrrrrrr "Jesus looked upon them and said "with man this is impossible however WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!" Matthew 19:26 Why am I shaking so badly right now I can barely type? I shall now begin to post post post this every where you look on these videos. Pray for me. As I already know I am safe, my soul is at least. Spread Love. Robert Neville 4 years ago Fight fire with fire, assemble your own "gang", to counter punch these criminals, no one is above the law and when your team takes down a few of these criminals, they back off Robert Neville 4 years ago It takes only 2 people to contact a "fusion" center and put you on the NFL or the TWL. Marlene Miller 4 years ago Chuck Andrews 4 years ago I've been a target indualvigal over thirty years I've been cheated out of my life these people have this satalite locked on my mind and control me in every way I've lost over ten jobs in the past ten yrs they make me crave drugs hell I don't want to use them they been telling me for two years there going to take it off me all there doing is laughing right now there setting be me up for suicide and to hurt others these are sick people and there trying to hide it from the public when my story comes out people will see what they have done to me God bless all victims I'm in your corner chuck andrews no matter what these people say about this gov reacherch I'll always say fuckem Kaleb Rigoletto 4 years ago When will law change?? Rise up and let's get people educated. This is not what America should have going on. This has been hard life for me being targeted since 2009. Long slow kill, not right. Please America help. Don't let this happen anymore. DIVIDED WE FALL 4 years ago OH MY GOD I JUST REALIZED THAT WEVE ALL JUST WATCHED GANG STALKING BEING NORMALIZED NO ONE IS SAFE LATELY ROSANNE, PRESIDENT TRUMP, & THE WHOLE TRUMP FAMILY AND ALL CONSERVATIVES IN HOLLYWOOD TIM ALLEN ETC. CelestialEmpoweredWisdom CelestialEmpoweredWisdom 4 years ago (edited) (The moral of this story) (Role Playing Story base on real life) Every sense the twin towers was blown up, the government was put in fear and the divided states of america became paranoid and been hilucinating all people are terrorist every sense, so you have real terrorist killing people in the USA - DSA, and they write them off with an apology yes sir yes ma'am, thank you and we forgive us you have mental illness, and the natural thinking people who just wanna live a happy normal live with a group who just wanna know the truth, and the paraniod citizens of the UFO Gang Stalking force act more weirder then the Aliens they stold it from, people in fear SECRETLY signing up with the gang stalking tangerine squade and the heavy feminine squade of FruitCakes and Pusy Panda Boys and straight blown dust back girls who don't even look like woman any more, struggling to maintain their feminine looks, they look like human woman, while melting at the same time looking like the boogy woman man and looking like a hybrid demon, that's what gang stalkers look like deformed people who looks like it's skin is melting off them uncomfortable being woman or menace, they look like their brains melting, gang stalkers pcycho squad getting off to the next person because of how uncomfortable they look and fill and try to make others like that, gang stalkers looking at normal people given people the i don't know how to act, coo coo for crazy pop while trying to look calm, they all lie and say, you seen what he did there he stold the cookie right in front of our faces, did you seen him steal my cookies out from the cookie jar, man replies yep right in front of your faces i sat and watch him do it, woman who works a store replies what i told you about stealing my cookies from the cookie jar, the doctor said no more jumping in and out of my cookie jar, so she grab a bag of skittles and hit her own head, she said I'm black and powerful, and she call the copes and copes show up bout like 100 of them, she switch up story with that foam mouf, he got a bomb he got a bomb, he said if we ain't got no juice, he gonna go loose, all 100 of the copes pointed guns the man, woman, and 100 copes all are gamg stalkers, they all yell drop the bomb, 1 of them shouted who let the dogs out, very dumb, veuge, random and a bit comical in a lame kind of way, all 100 of the copes say yes we can are a great nation, we not afraid of YOU! Targeted individual person puts his hands up got arrested, and they slapped him with attemp to flurt with all woman, murder of the fabricated lies they had against him, aggravated innate naturalness, instruction of kneeling to currupt authorities, treason of not belonging but exposing evil and rebelling from a destine failing system, and offending best interests of everyday life deviant delusions of ppl with flacky goals to live crime and be silly insanity and chaos they the sysyem make money off of create, they all say natural people and poor weak people is terrorist when the true terrorist they let escape, the good cope and investigator got the targeted individual off free, (No crimes committed), cuz those targeted individuals you see is 1 of the copes and 3 investigators, and 1 of them is Christian, under the new laws for targeted individuals the (No Vilation of Privacy Act, No Remote Electronic Servilince of none Criminal Citizens, No Remote Social Experimentination Act), Bradley Scott 4 years ago I found peace and answers at PrayingMedic on YT. Stay strong. The truth is getting out there. Robinette Stewart 4 years ago I'm gangstalked because of social security, tried to said I owed them money for over payment and I tried to fight it. Next thing I know is that 15 to 20 cars following me. And they came to my house twice. How can we stop this? They miss up my job and they follow me everyday. What do they want? Penciu Emilian 4 years ago Corupția Organizată Membrii: Organizația Gangstalking. Al Tay 4 years ago Stop being paranoid go on with your life what the f*** is wrong with you people Cutty 4 years ago You gave them your consent when you signed your soul to the Vatican and pope. That happened when you were born and they took your signature with your baby footprint ..a contract Troy George 4 years ago (edited) I am gang stalked because of a dirty cop, Mathew Herrera, using his badge to get with my girl friend. The Lakewood police department or Jefferson County Colorado sheriffs department sent a detective Gary, although he used a fake id that said Garth, to terrorize me. Gary has blond hair, blue eyes, about 5"10", with special forces type muscular build and narcissistic psychopathic mental disorder. He was a former military spec op that has been trained in psychological ops and might be FBI or Colorado government. He used all of these techniques on me in order to destabilize me in order to discredit me and COVER UP THEIR FELONIES. I learned a lot about the program from Gary because he would start bragging after a few drinks and he would talk to his trainee, Doug, about various things he was doing and why. The courts, they maliciously persecuted me but I still got away, were saying Gary was their guy. I can't remember the last name they had on the paperwork but I think it started with a S. Troy George 4 years ago (edited) They operant condition to groups and places as well. They do this by doing psychologically harming things to the TI at places the IT enjoys being at or being a part of. If the TI goes dancing, they will attack them at the dance halls. If the TI goes to church, they get people in the church to torment the TI. If a TI feels safe in the community they live in, they attack the TI with street theatre around town. The mention of the dance hall, church, or community will make the TI very upset from then on. Asia Two 4 years ago ARE THEIR any TARGETED INDIVIDUALS IN ATLANTA GA OR CLAYTON COUNTY GEORGIA? MOST TIs are agents! VIDEOTAPE EVERYTHING AND DOCUMENT EVERYTHING.. SUE THESE DARK ENTITIES AND CORPORATIONS . TRUST NO ONE. THEY WILL POISON AND DRUG YOU, LIE ON YOU AND GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO SET YOU UP. THEY PAY RESTAURANTS TO SERVE YOU DIRTY FOOD. THEY FOLLOW YOU VIA HACKING your CELLPHONES AND tracking devices on YOUR car. EVERY POLICE, FIREFIGHTERS, EMS, GOV OFFICIALS, AND TRUCK DRIVERS ARE INVOLVED. THEY VIDEOTAPE YOU IN PUBLIC bathrooms AND VIDEOTAPE YOU AS THEY PUSH YOU TO REACT. THEY WANT TO DISCREDIT YOU BUT THE TRUTH IS ....they win the battle but....JESUS WIN THE WAR!!!!!!....PRAY FOR OUR ENEMIES AND FORGIVE THEM for THEIR EVIL Leon X 4 years ago Yvette Robinson is responsible for targeting people at Macyā€™s, due to her evil ass SOB husband, who is a Dallas police bitch. They reside in Seagoville, Tx. They are the coordinators of Organized Stalking. Leon X 4 years ago Police should be executed Dman Capps 4 years ago stalking is illeagal. Dman Capps 4 years ago this shit is not simple and it's dangerous. Dman Capps 4 years ago I wish I could tell my stories of me and others that have experience this..... Leticia Mendoza 4 years ago Yes. Everything he is saying is nothing but true. I am a TI for 5 years and still do not want to leave me along I am in Los Angeles if you do not believe me just come to Union Station lots got to do with money for medical. They also do contracts on us they call them secret cases and the ones there in is UCLA USC and most more private groups that they get pay to harass people just take your time and look also the the police too is on this too. Just come were I am you will find not but true. I am the Lady with two dogs. I have become homeless because of them I have lost a lot because of them too please again take your time and pay action on this this could happened to you too. Carlos Dominguez 4 years ago Gang stalking is not what you think. I SUED MASCO 3 years ago I became a target soon after. It's the devil making a pact with organized crime. They use construction to nest spiritual demonic posessions in peoples subconscious minds. They don't know they are doing the stalking every day civilians. Understand Targets you crossed someone they. The stalking is actually the devil trying to communicate with you to buy your soul. What is needed is an team of exorcist a high, authority figure, a HACKER a tremendously good. one. These guys use Brian Marcus the D.O.D cyber communications specialist. The exorcist must cleanse city streets..the construction crews around your neighborhoods create witch craft nest the demonic activity increases they strong hold full communities because most people don't pray regularly and don't believe in Jesus Christ. So that's why all targets get no help or support from even their families because they possess even the local police. Ive been threatened with my life all week they know I know..and if we don't hurry the world should be taken very quickly here soon if we don't wake up. It's not your government that's doing this..its the organized crime making pacts with the devil.. Solution a team of excorsist a high authority military figure or agent..a cyber specialist forensics , a lean manufacturing six sigma specialist. Never separate the excorsist from the team or team is compromised.. They use invisible spirits to control sinners..Fema camps are gonna be for people who don't comply and sell their souls..good luck listen that is the real issue..try it pray deliverance prayers don't Sin watch them scatter...thats why everything falls apart an a target all are controlled..i suspect the are using special technology with the aircraft and cyber attack to brains through frequencies are their favorite..they stopped all my videos world watch out turn to Jesus Pray people Virgin Mary exist study excorsims GANG STALKING and cyber crimes Samson 4 years ago Any TI's that aren't christains? Besides paroniod schizophrenics, and people experiencing psychosis? Probably not... Puppy Frito 4 years ago I just wonder where all this useful information goes. If enough people share this why don't I ever see this on my facebook news for instance. I know that all my fb "friends" are sleeping sheep, but why don't enough people know this?! Also, I've had enough of these videos. I want to see solutions now! What can we do? How do people like us come together revolutionary-wise? I've had enough of facts. Now what? Let's start doing something about this. We gotta lose the fear and face these demons! I know I am not alone... Youngin 73055 4 years ago Gang stalking as a form of terrorism. terrorism [ter-uh-riz-uhā€‰m] noun the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism orĀ terrorization. Russell gilham 4 years ago Doors Are For Losers 4 years ago Hopefuly as the government continues to becomes more open with there corruption and evil people realize just reasonable this all is. Jayon Williams 4 years ago james delinois 4 years ago America is fighting against terrorists How can we have gangstalking organized harassment and using directed energy weapons electromagnetic spectrum microwave to torture and killed innocents civilians.. America cannot accept gangstalking terrorists in any of his state. Gangstalkers are terrorists and worst than terrorists. They sacrifice Innocents blood every day 24/7 The government need to stop these crimes against humanity in America. Rick Smith 4 years ago damn this shit it needs stopped Kim B 4 years ago When they get inside your home, you have to be aware that there are some who know how to manipulate pressure points which, some can cause death. With spray pesticides being sent through open windows or cracks of is better to have medeco high security locks from an authorized locksmith on your doors. Signal 4 years ago (edited) Calling all JEWISH people, I am a threat to you because I believe in Jesus, I might have influence on people to convert them to Christianity.Ā You are watching the wrong person you have a SNITCH among you, just saying......... lethalalias 4 years ago Very good video. Thank you for taking your time to produce and share. This is why it does not help to go to police and higher for help cuz it's above their pay grade. It's a sad world when the rabbit hole goes so deep. LANCESCURV 4 years ago JOIN THE TARGETED INDIVIDUAL DISCUSSION FORUM: DEFEAT GANGSTALKING MANUAL OFFICIAL Sandra O 4 years ago This reply is for Geena Davis I get followed Everywhere I Go I have the military in my front yard as well as my backyard and they're cloaking outfits so they're invisible but yet because of the experiment of the 3D Vision I can see them there like invisible people I get tortured with a directed energy weapons everyday twitching burning migraines earrings they tried to give me a heart attack four times if not more it doesn't matter where I go they follow me they have my phone hacked they play with my phone all the time they have complete control of it sometimes they don't put my calls through sometimes I don't put my texts through they've made all my pictures black cuz I've gotten pictures of them and night vision and they've made all my pictures on my phone black anything else you want to know ask me anything and I will tell you Judy Healy 4 years ago This is happening to my boyfriend right now. This is very real. So inhumane. LOGAN DARKHORSE 4 years ago The people behind this and the people participating in gangstalking are criminals and need to be prosecuted. Leon X 4 years ago Repent gang stalkers ! Immediately, unless yā€™all want to go to hell. Leon X 4 years ago The only way out is through Allah Miranda A 4 years ago Very thorough informative . Legal Terminology and meaning makes the difference Todd West 4 years ago (edited) Definitely it's the's really out of control....mainstream media is their proxy. look into Infragard, they do it here in my locality. Hard to get factual info on their program. it is sponsored by the FBI. Proven though they do it, are doing it, hacking too.... Youngin 73055 4 years ago Am I going to be blocked too? Hahahaha. Youngin 73055 4 years ago Wow 82649 views and over 3000000 subscribers? There are a lot of gang stalkers in the U.S.A. And now the subscribers are hidden. Youngin 73055 4 years ago (edited) How did millions of people unsubscribe and then resubscribe to this channel in less than a few days? linda staton 4 years ago your videos have helped me so much thank you Belly Sam 4 years ago I am victmed of targated by gangstalkers, state police, federal, and other enforcement groups. I am working as inventory count for a company. two days ago I asignened with other screw to count inventory in Tracktor Supply Store in Waterville Me. While I was taking inventory an armed man stand and watching me as a hate at a three feet distance behined me. I moved a litle distance to the next shelf to free my self from the person, he too move parallel behind me. It continue the drama for half an hour. Even if I was devastateded with the persons action, I control my patiency and silence, then I stope counting and went out of the store. I have no any one to report my case because this person has doing this action supported and incooperation with the enforcment group. U.S. America has a strong constitution to respect human rights, but the constitution broken and violated by the store employee. Who is going to hear my attact and heart break, and wipe away my tears. Kim B 4 years ago Look online for The Da Pinci Code and if you see any of the code on anything, the code may tell you what the criminals are thinking or planning to do. And it does not only happen in the UK. Keep your eyes open, trust no one that knocks on your door and photograph what you see, keep copies, and then get rid of the codes immediately to protect yourself. Maria M!kinen 4 years ago This is what's taking place all the time. With the aim to eliminate me. My sister , her partner MXN n family...+++ so far.... Bill Baz 4 years ago The media is part of the global elite and protects the evil government. Edward Snowden Gang Stalking! He explains a little about it. But you know he's not making it up. Lady Pamela 4 years ago Ray W Penn Jr 4 years ago (edited) I just see this car once a month or two or random day weeks shining it's lights through my hall window probably some delivery truck but no one's getting out or it might be some person who can't pay it's rent but why shine car light through my window they do this every month or too 300 ft away at šŸŒƒmight be a secrurity guard or janiator forgot to turn it's car lights off idk guess it happens . With helicopter I can hear it hoving a minute or two and sometimes it hovers by woodpile but can't see it or is it those drones that can go stealth but my dad said it's just a hospital helicopter . Guess those helicopters those twin blade ones like the ones that can pick up a bus anyhow there was 3 of them guess there on the loud side thought it was hovering before my sis seen them on fb Brother V 4 years ago i think it was DHS hiring part time people 2008 or so I heard about the job offers i think they were hiring snitches. that's where all this got started, in my opinion. 3 of them worked with my wife at advance auto we caught one of them broke his leg in 3 places.! Yet no charges were ever filed or even a complaint. So if you catch one of them, you know what that means!! They are around you illegally to begin with, they cant file complaint, cuz that would bring "discovery" in court. They cant risk that PR nigtmare! Heads would roll!!!. Kim B 4 years ago By law, it is called criminal harrassment. Roderick Lonefight 4 years ago Ok this seems to be some sort of a mental game with these perpetrators! Is there some sort of online support group with statistics!? Like patterns of their theatrical fronts and coping skills? Any statistics on how many individuals actually just break down and cry or do something criminal to end up behind bars? Perhaps there is some sort of big book or manifesto on how to seriously deal with these creeps! Maybe a recitation or forum for serious victims of the gang stalking? fasil ethioboii 4 years ago I have been through almost all of this psychological torture. I ate them like breakfast in every way they try bc I use to do my research very well and I make sure I don't leave no evidence that they can use against me, even if they do alot of time not every thing is right bc i make it mixed up so i can remember exactly what I was thinking. only that alot of the answer for the enemy it's found in the Bible my friends bc this people work for Satan and and satanic agendas, stay strong and have very strong faith in Jesus Christ ! Edward Geraci 4 years ago Is there anything we can do to bring them to justice? I have suffered from many of these things, and know it's not fiction. Maurice Mccray 4 years ago great video. Lots of important information that will help all Targeted individuals. screw driver 4 years ago So through so incredible to heard but its through sadly DEFEAT GANGSTALKING MANUAL OFFICIAL Roderick Lonefight 4 years ago I myself am severely gangstalked! At first I thought perhaps Iā€™m in some sort of purgatory am I dead? Are these poltergeists? I am so severely victimized that it seems their tactics have become their reality! As if Iā€™m the center of the universe and the world was made specifically for me! Very similar to the Truman show with Jim carey! I thought this is a severe curse a witches curses due to the female voices! Then I began to research voice to skull and such! I have mine own theories like perhaps these are aliens that read my mind via telepathy! I live in an area where the majority are blonde hair green eyed some times blue eyed people! But mostly the green eyed humanoids! I seen a womanā€™s green eyes light up as if her eyes were Christmas lights in her eye sockets! I researched the Mandela effect and thought perhaps Iā€™m in some ā€œpurgatoryā€ alternate reality! The sleep deprivation is the worst! The harassment I can handle but the sleep deprivation effects me negatively the most! Thanks for this video! The strategies for these maniacs theatres are highlited in these videos! Any advice on sleep deprivation Iā€™ve tried selfegio and delta wave videos! TakeUr PowerBack 4 years ago (edited) Awesome video. Very informative.. Thank you for sharing. You're right about this. I'm a "23 yr survivor ". ZiggyLu 2022 4 years ago (edited) Read the Bible starting in the New Testament and you will find strength to know God can deliver your life out of the hands of evil people. And ask the Lord Jesus into your heart and he will be with you though anything. This is your only way to handle this. And learn how to PRAY! ā™„ļø psalm 91 Princess Warmaiden 4 years ago (edited) It's real. I plan to write a book someday, but not now, because I don't won't to embarrass the children and grandchildren of those involved. God really has given me that kind of compassion. Also, why stir up a hornet's nest? When the time comes to write my book, God will let me know. Until then, I'm so thankful that I believe in God and have his protection. Thanks for helping to convince me that I'm really not crazy. I've never heard anyone describe this horror against humanity as well as you have. God bless. I have protection that these losers cannot even fathom. I call my protectors Watchmen on the Wall. Coppedge Lisa 4 years ago Please help me Sandra O 4 years ago I can't afford to buy glasses with cameras in them I don't know but whatever weapons they're using on me it's making my chest hurt my back burn my stomach nauseated and they still have not left the property 125 Jeanette Lane Moultrie Georgia I have no help I have no one to help me these people are trying to kill me Creative-Anon-CA ______ 4 years ago Psalms 91 will protect you from all evil Sandra O 4 years ago , I know that I have the right to not be assassinated my name is Sandra Oh brodo my phone number is 772-284-8086 I need information I need to know somebody I can call to get help or I need somebody to call and get help for me Sandra O 4 years ago No I'm a 50 year old single woman living at 125 Jeanette Lane Moultrie Georgia and I have absolutely nobody to help me and I don't know what to do Creative-Anon-CA ______ 4 years ago here , we use police and private security to capture them and dump them into the ocean, they swim to shore and are free. after doing that several times, they usually pick a new career and stop being criminals Creative-Anon-CA ______ 4 years ago two attempts at gangstalking today both failed. unable to make contact with me, both were attempts, female age 55 , white female. attempted to enter house, failed attempt once again. tried to speak with us, but failed, were found out and fired from their job. its just interesting and gives us something to do, to see the stuff, and we dont care, just something funny to look at now and then. we dont want our career affected negatively so we are working to end the attempts of the criminals, to stalk my and our friends and family Sandra O 4 years ago Well I have a military assassination team surrounding my house at 125 Jeanette Lane Moultrie Georgia trying to assassinate me after harassing me and stalking me and hacking my phone for 5 years and now they want me dead after targeting me how can I get help and get them to leave me alone please help me my name is Sandra o b r o d o Jason B 4 years ago THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND HARD WORK, I JUST EMAILED YOU Jeanne Taurus 4 years ago (police) didnā€™t like me saying to his fat ass covert surveillance abuse. He called me crazy and I told him he was Dark Triad. I like to let them know about the proactive bullshit policing that they do.... We need to drain that swamp too. Constance Van horn 4 years ago Im a victim. Its so hard to communicate with the outside world i dont even know my family everythings covered up and theres too many lies. StillDeadly 4 years ago The guy who made this video is full of shit. Nancy Nancy 4 years ago It is a RACIST program..... in my experience 11 11 4 years ago Look up.. they also follow by cell phone or if you got a rfid.. but you are watched and followed non stop by drones.. you will see them.. they can watch from vary far.. also the fake stars.. if you feel the weapon.. go out side look up.. most likely you might end up finding that drone.. also it's the police.. cia .. fbi.. and drone people. The fbi and stuff are under investigation.. GET THIS OUT NOW.. MahnilaEyes 4 years ago If it wasn't for this video, I would have gone berserk a year ago. The first week finding out I was in this satanic program, I was lead to this video by the hand of the most high. Thank you again for this! Dina Moore 4 years ago (edited) goin down rd. whoop he turns over n over n our grandmother points ou t it is dangerous each time he did it n' sounds clueless to the fact that he djoes it on purpose n' the guy pullin out as you drive in too = yeah its them - it is them patrked i theroad it is them yes helipcpters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 and them motorized hang gliders too. - a page w/ some gang stalker stuff on it. we're gonna delete some pics that's not much on them n' repetitive and post pics but there are some pics of gang stalkers on there under gangstalker pics photo album. drugging - they tried to get us homeless lose out income suicide jail robbed our house and tried ? to steal our whole house - everything out of it other day n' they (we had the screen up in front of the bar) and they did put something in the frig seems like!!! they put something in the water or something but not sure- what they put i the water or something. yeah. ? druggings. they put poison gasin your house. poisoned the water jug probably and our baking soda in the frig. they robbed the house of all the stuff we said we liked n' they profiled us and lied got in all they do is copy and follow you and pretended like videos we were watching hoarder house clean up and you know they are not hoarder house clean up people but hey trieked us triecked us we told them no no they all say no no over and ove rall time to us they got in stole everything in the hohseu house we said we liked so they really cleared our house out. all of our stuff was all new and expensive and they also were demlisheding and trashing every bit of furniture we got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they/!!!!!!!!! abslutely ruining all our new furniture and all we had - it's a new table - they were breaking it all all of it all our furniture, too. stole alot of expensive jweelry and everytihng else our new pro video camera they stole that of course! they stole tons of stuff htey threw our a lot of expensive clotehs $100 pair of shoes- all our clotehs it was our clteohs clothes they threw away tons of our clothes they were all new clothes and expensive. they do poison the food in stores n' restaurants. they poison the food in stores like hamburger, grapes, cans of tuna. you'll see 'em sittin git out as you go in - the oisoned food. they put poison gasses in your house thru the vents. they also tried to kill us again on that fake hoarder house clean up. that's some state program and they were not that they're not expersts. they ruined allour new furniture and they did fake cleaning things we said in the hoouse house alone coz it's bugged by them so they did those fake cleaning ideas we said sarcastically coz we had a hard time cleaning and they did these things all they ever do the office workers women here at the apartments is copy us an dfol follow us that's all they did the whole time and they aid said they were payin themselves w/ our money - they kept all our money for 4 mo months at that point n' did n't pay us no disalbity money and they kept threatening to take our money away again! and this just goes on the manager of the apartments did hti this too and she threatened the mailman's gonna send our mail back, too if we dont get the mailbox emptired. that door sticks though so - but the mailman is one of htem too so if htey ship our mail back that's not legal to ship peoples mail back on them. yes they tried to kill us again by breaking our neck again coz they were yelling we had to look at them over and over when they sepak to us speak to us saying we were rude and all and she grabbed our scarf and pulledou rhead up till it stopped and our neck's almost broken already coz of a bad injury! so it hurt ourneck really really really bad!!!!!!!!!!! it's just always hurts and the cirlecle circle lights is agan again meaning our head bout to fall off after that - we an'te eve n turn our head and htey jerked our scarf to pull our head up to look at them. they robbed teh house pretending to clean and they did cleaning ideas we said in the house alone which we said sarcastically - coz they bugged our house bugged it hidden cameras cams in our apartment form upstairs. Gang stalkers exhibit all the 7/8 signs of a terror attack in the works. It's more technically gang stalkering. It's a hitler kkk program and the CIA also does gang stalkering. They are more like KKK - Hitler than Islamic Terrorists, but it is very similar for sure. They have different nuances to them, but it's looking very similar really. they threatened again to shut down our phone and internet and threatened that so that's scary coz interen'ts our only link to outside world we dont use it for much but is our only link to the outside world. we got no tv or nothing. Ray W Penn Jr 4 years ago When they say you should check into an mental asylum lbp2 PS3 and you have more fake friends than real ones google plus and fake marriages fb Messager think they do the matrix agent Smith thing it's a 3 party common internet pranking Kristi Brockman 4 years ago Also I Know this is so hard to do, but stay as strong as possible, and NOT fear them as much as you can do. Intensive prayer has helped me so very much to Jesus and kept me generally strong and NOT fearful. Jesus, God, Mother Mary and the Holy Ghost CAN do SO much to heal us, and give us peace, love, protection, etc....I hope so much that this helps you all!! Kristi Brockman 4 years ago I was a whiste blower many, many years ago. I too have been under major attack. There ARE a few support groups out there, but be careful that they aren't misleading you and really our enemy. I have turned totally Christian and do A LOT of praying to Jesus and God. If you cannot find a support group then maybe a Christian church?? I do always suggest for us all to Question EVERYTHING and everyone though. This is so sad to do, but since this is really going on what else can we but do?? My love and prayers for ALL targeted individuals worldwide..., and may God give us all the necessary strength to keep on keeping on….
God bless everyone in this world! Peace be to you all.

Angelique Morrison
4 years ago
I don’t have any information anybody wants I’ve never hurt anyone in my life but they’ve been torturing me for almost 6 years why why is what I want to know what did I ever do please help me
[email protected]

Gloria Diaz Velasco
4 years ago (edited)
I am currently a targeted individual (a victim of electronic harassment) by the United States Intelligence Community for my knowledge of their Unconstitutional Programs which are in violation of International Law. They are using a cyber weapon known as TortureWare created by the cyber arms contractor known as BaitShop. I am but one of millions currently being subjected to this torturous illegal surveillance force. These programs are not only in violation of the United Nations Geneva Convention Protocols, but as well as in violation of the International Bill of Human Rights. This program must be sanctioned in order to stop this unconstitutional and unethical program once and for all rather than letting it continue to terrorize millions.

Christine Pence
4 years ago
This happens to me all the time

James O’Donnell
4 years ago (edited)
i was also a victum of gang stalking. In norwalk ca by police and a little mob calle3d the group. I lost everything and ended up homeless for 2 years I basicly lost everything and had a bad nervious brakedown. I now exzatly what your talking about.. I know I know I got followed for over 2 years and I called the police and they acted like I was nutts. My wife was dateing cops and they her into a prostatute. I know talking about.

Crazy Funny Cats
4 years ago
Justice for Cats šŸˆ

Please help by commenting
Its all truth

Crazy Funny Cats
4 years ago (edited)
19 min-29 min we can relate bigtime


Thats our stalker telling everyone he sees bullshit causing major defamation
Jay Band his wife too now defaming to others after being gathered up over 6 years by fred

Watch āœØJustice for Cats

Crazy Funny Cats
4 years ago (edited)
Watch our backup channel Justice for Cats. šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦Edmonton
Read the comments and all text in video

Record everything to protect yourself and post it ASAP

Its true they want people to cave in
These pricks posted all our personal information on the net! Putting our family at risk, thats not healthy for anyone especially our 81 yr old mother
Thanks for the video šŸ‘

Carolyn Mezias
4 years ago

pachoumapa pachoumapa
4 years ago
Wow, that was just what I needed to see. Thank You for all of that! This is the most helpful video I*ve seen! I shared it already! Blessings to you!

Anthony Orion
4 years ago
This would bring the top government down if everyone knew. Prison, Im loving it!

Targeted Individuals Be Strong
4 years ago
Oh my newest. Can’t do anything fancy everything hacked to extreme degree since releasing the pictures of gangstalking group while at library. Anyway. take care. HEAVY T.

Samira Choudhry
4 years ago
Were u meaning to say proactive policing instead of proavtive hope that helped idk

Samira Choudhry
4 years ago
9:37 mispelled word

chompsky honk
4 years ago
this video = auto biography

First Amendment to the United States Constitution
4 years ago
This is the best video concerning gang stalking I have found online even though I have proof of Citizens Corps harassing me on my channel this video is AWESOME ! This video confirms that the statements of thousands of T.I.s and it one of the greatest contributions online to those that are targeted. Thanks for sharing this video.

Brian VandenBerg
4 years ago
another good site

Brian VandenBerg
4 years ago Patents….Its hard to Discredit Patents…

5 years ago
new york times discrediting people? hmm because they know who is involved

David Frias
5 years ago
In this actual world of 7 billions 75millions of people are TI. Most of them don’t know they are TI so they go to church or they believe in aliens. Normally ever TI person is target by 20 individuals this show you very well how coward this people are. To that you must to ad street theater and electronic weapons. So if you are a Ti and you are still alive after some years you are a hero most people can’t handle because they don’t know wat is happen to them many suicide or ask for mentall help. So again if you are a Ti and you are alive you are a hero. All this numbers comes out from an ex Cia agent.

Ezequiel Rodriguez
5 years ago
everything that you are saying is true.i experience all that you have said.

JoAnn Chamness
5 years ago
They Have been Flying over my house for years .

David Frias
5 years ago
Crime against humanity

ResearchforTargetedIndividuals RoaringWisdom
5 years ago
If you think about it, they use V2K and Radio Waves, RNM to induce targeted individuals into a trans hypnotic state, i call these techniques they use, electronic hypnosis.

tony turtle
5 years ago
I tuk my dog for a walk and it left a turd on one ther yard the other day,like the dog knew they wer part of it /it was refreshing to know we can fight back in so many ways

Ronald Hamilton
5 years ago
bother at 300 in br harrasament all day torcher

Ja B
5 years ago
but why do they go through all this trouble?

Jimmy McConnell
5 years ago
The cia has given unlimted power to a group of 45 men who has unlimited power to investigate who ever they want…do whatever they want…

One of them was investigating a general and went missing…

Don’t ever fucking ask me again where he went…they was talking about getting the investigation shut down…you ever see that movie get out?…
Brian t.
5 years ago
I am a victim of electronic harassment, for 5 years now. And these people live in Longview/ kelso Washington. I have been living in Spokane Washington for over 3 years. I called Homeland security, I want these people put in prison, they literally tried to kill me over the summer. This has become an epidemic across the United States.

Patrick Kraemer
5 years ago
Community Watch tied to the surveillance state.
PEOPLE INVOLVED: average citizens,quasi government and government
GOAL: drive out and/or destroy undesirable elements in the community.
METHODS: sophisticated physiological techniques designed to not
incriminate the perpetrators but harass/and or destroy the target.

Latrice Browner
5 years ago
Lol hell nah

chris nelson
5 years ago
I am a TI, I started hearing my handlers voices in my head four years ago and they have made my life a living hell ever since. I ‘ve been set up to be the fall guy for a major narcotics trafficking ring. The only thing is I don’t even use drugs let alone sell them. They say I was supposed to be the biggest heroin trafficker on the west coast and then they were going to make an example out of me to fulfill a political agenda. My handlers are the biggest drug dealers in the country and I know who they are. I’ve turned them in to the FBI twice now and I don’t even get a phone call or interview, nothing. They call what they do an operation and they call their operation Spies Are Us. I t is part of a mass surveillance operation and organized crime ring. They harass me all day every day, it’s maddening. They killed my pet and they’ve been threatening to kill me too. I have some serious health problems and they have been threatening to take me off my medications too, they are cruel, cold blooded people. My situation is a bit different than other TI’s in that I know who they are, I’ve known them my whole life and there is nothing I can do about it. I know the government is involved because organized crime rings don’t call what they do an operation or come up with clever names like Spies Are Us. They put technology in my body when I was just a kid and it allows them to know everything I think, see, and hear at all times. It is the most invasive technology ever created. I see them everywhere I go and they come from all different walks of life, I can’t go anywhere without being followed. They had me put in a psyche ward for a 72 hour evaluation when I first found out and they came in a posed as patients and told he how they were going to kill me in my sleep, it was terrifying. Somehow they publicized my life and my whole community is in on it. The only thing is they told everyone that it was an experiment in gateway drugs when the truth is it has been a set up since the very beginning. A lot of people are finding out the truth and we are going to have a real crisis on our hands soon, I don’t know what’s going to happen but there are thousands of people that are finding out the truth about this. My handlers put the same technology in their own bodies so they could be a part of this operation and ever since I started hearing their voices in my head, they started hearing my thought in their heads and it is driving them insane, I have no doubt they are trying to get me in prison as fast as possible so I can conveniently end up dead. I need help, I don’t know how much longer this can go on. This is going on in central Oregon but they also have an operation going in Texas and somewhere on the east coast as well, I was supposed to be the fall guy for all of it. They are using underground tunnels to traffic their drugs and carry out their mass surveillance operation. I know how crazy this all sounds, I can hardly believe it myself. I wouldn’t believe it either if I wasn’t living it. They say they were going to make me the scapegoat for forcing this technology on everyone in the country, we are all in big trouble, these are some of the most powerful people in the country, law enforcement won’t even help me. Please pray for me, I need all the help I can get.

Eric Ocampo
5 years ago
This is actually happening now to my lil Brother in Orlando Fl.They blatantly follow him.police pull him over for no reason ambulances pull in back of him and blair sirens then pull up next to him and laugh they are always doing something to his car,flat tires, battery cables removed from the batterys , Hes always feeling sick n fatigued.They follow him no matter where he goes..He needs help.

logan tauson
5 years ago
Thank you so much, I’m relatively new to the subject. But I don’t believe in coincidence and when you’re looking up an entirely different subject and gang stocking pops up. And your brain registers it as important without knowing why, it’s important. You spoke out against social stigma, I honor that.

Nina Salone
5 years ago
Red vehicles blue hospital gloves …did u eat? U need sleep. Sulfur do u smell it…go home… Welcome to the Nations Capital… Ur video is sooooo on point. Thank you. The Tshirt as well. The fake signs ..oh my gosh u have really explained my years of a T.I

5 years ago
By this definition everyone is a victim of gangstalking, not that is a good thing though.

Ronald Hamilton
5 years ago
Great video

Mark Bruzon
5 years ago
He’s going to get some groceries. Scramble the Hercules!

Frozen Justice by Celia Harrison
5 years ago
Thank you so much, your work is very helpful to so many. Due to people like you I am starting to talk and write about my experiences. Just yesterday an actor used some kind of gas on me. It made me cough, at that point I did not understand what was going on until my teeth felt numb and I felt weird. I hope is was a drug and not a toxin or cancer causing virus.

Tina Jenkins
5 years ago
Amazing ! Thank you

Carolyn Mezias
5 years ago
Thank you.

Carolyn Mezias
5 years ago

Carolyn Mezias
5 years ago

Carolyn Mezias
5 years ago


5 years ago
They launched 6 c-130s – just to fly around and fuck with an ordinary joe??? A nobody?? Yeah,okay…. You’rejust another perp…

James Anderson
5 years ago
We need to file a class action lawsuit together if possible against this program all in same Court a large number of people who are Targets

Shadow Hitler
5 years ago
Hello. I am a gang stalker. Does anyone have any questions for me?

paul ewing
5 years ago
at 44:51 the comment (government technology) is actually research and development from adult judgement and reasoning.government is a profile of childish reasoning and evermore diapers in need of another diaper change that we can believe in.and these profiles are on good day’s when government is pampered to resist aware.

paul ewing
5 years ago
at 45:00 minutes referring to government technology as theirs.( adults develop technology not government. it’s governments ignorance and childish judgement and reasoning , playing hooky of adulthood ( which is a health issue ) and always has been a health issue , as Adam and Eve found in them selves no more with drugs the fruit of evil and as a consequence of their exposure . yet with sufficient nutritional exposure to our lifes blood stream , creating for the creacher lifes in the blood of THE creacher, a sound mind of adult judgement and reasoning. which is listening and solving problems to (overpopulated ignorance of TRUTH ), government wouldn’t have it any other way. than protect ignorance a profession to protect another round of fresh diapers ,(a diapers change we can belive in) a diapers change, to maintaine an institution for a pay check.or money ,which money it self is an institution of fraud , begging the question where’s the investigation of the institution of money, it self a fraud ? look it up for youre self ( the origins of money ) well they wont investigate such absurdity, even if it’s in their worst nightmare, as a ploy.
James Anderson
James Anderson
5 years ago
It time file a class action lawsuit together if possible against this program all in same Court a large number of people who are Targets
James Anderson
James Anderson
5 years ago
We need to file a class action lawsuit together if possible against this program all in same Court a large number of people who are Targets

Carolyn Mezias
5 years ago


alexander hatch
5 years ago
I called the FBI they just hung up on me and my lawyer had on a ring with a \/ on triangle on it his name was called Conrad friedly Gallup New Mexico my name is Jordan Canuto took me forever to get out of jail kept taking me back to jail making up…. excuses…..

alexander hatch
5 years ago
Call the damn jail Please help me!!!!!!!! Gmadc in Gallup nm guards in control room bridget WIlson and officer tsosie and officer chewy and tso picking on me each day wheres the good people who will believe me

alexander hatch
5 years ago
Jordan Canuto a real person somebody help guards in Gallup New Mexico…….. Gallup McKinley adult detention center are having fun harrassing me and PRETENDING to rape me poking at my butt with their controls and buttons I’m not their damn INTERTAINMENT I just got out of jail THERE JORDAN CANUTO and they still bothering me and FOLLOWING ME…… CORRECTIONAL OFFICER BRIDGET WILSON….RELATED TO AMBER WILSON . AND HER FRIENDS I’m not there intertainment SOMEBODY PLEASE CALL THERE AND HELP ME NOBODY BELIEVES ME……

alexander hatch
5 years ago

alexander hatch
5 years ago
This is happening to me right now the jail in Gallup New Mexico called McKinley adult detention center is corrupt them cops in the control room are messing with the controls and I’m becoming INTERTAINMENT for they put a pen clicking sound in my ear and talk to me through the tvs and radios and are in my phone to I’ve told them to stop they won’t a guard over there called chewy by the prisoners knows me Jordan Canuto he knows they bother me also correctional officer Bridget Wilson and her friends tried to kill me over there when I was in jail over there they kept taking me to court and just bringing me back to jail I stayed two years and bridget WIlson related to Amber Wilson Gallup nm my brothers girl friend was there useing the buttons and everything to pick on me and poke at my butt pretending to rape me

Kora Anderson
5 years ago
4 minutes into this and you haven’t said Anything. Get to the point
I can’t listen anymore

Enlightened Individual
5 years ago
The American Government is evil as hell

He H
5 years ago
Are people aware that the Government uses Fake Birds to Harrass Innocent People?

Charles Smith
5 years ago
I can attest this is real. I think gangstalking is for everybody who falls in the net. The drone following is totally real. If you see one look at it and watch it fly away real fast. I was in the military stationed at Ft. Hood and I saw these aircraft at work. My buddy is in SF and he told me he’s contracted to follow behind people in cars. You don’t have to believe but just know this technology exist!!

Jeanne Marie Bizeau Johnson
5 years ago (edited)
My sisters Suzette Bizeau Young and Renee Bizeau Higley told Milwaukie police department that I was harassing her. They called and tried to intimidate me. I gave them the the truth. Then they called Portland Oregon police department and told them I threatened her. Said I was going to kill her and myself.. that would never happen. Although now since they started it along with my X husband and this loser Marine and his ugly girlfriend.. Ganged up on me and then after telling police I was crazy they started with robberies defamation and killing my pets. The police wouldn’t help. The police involved. These people followed me even when I walked my dog. They tried to run me off the road. He found out I don’t budge I hold my ground. While all this was going on my X husband would come over drunk and abuse me. These people went in together to gang stalk … while they repeatedly lied and robbed my home and abuse me. Police watched it happen. They drained the oil out of car. Trying to ruin my car. They killed my three cats. Made my bird sick. Made my dog go deaf by frequencies. They still do these tactics. I know why I am Stalked.. it’s because of my sisters lies and the police involvement… they don’t want to be found out. This all came out of Conspiracy with the cops my family, The X family and the Marine his girlfriend and his family and the place where my X husband goes to Drink..Toms Sports Bar on North Lombard. After I was burned again he ran there to hide out. Left his mother place where I was headed to show her and him the burns he had done to me… Chicken shit ran. I deserve Someone much better than Robert Bruce Johnson of 5616 N. Boston in Portland, Oregon Hes a Loser and a pedophile. He abuses a handicapped woman… He with held tax information every year from me. Still does. He stole all my important papers. He broke my glasses and the things he didn’t take he broke in the repeated robberies. He works for his twin brother Richard B.Johnson and his wife Gail Johnson at Cash Register Sales in Portland Oregon those two hid assets when we got divorced and lied about his income. They give him cash. These are good people? I’d like to see Bad. They all were involved… conspiracy yes constant… I have a birthday card from Roberts birthday from Rich and Gail telling him to sign the papers…. To put me into the harassment program…..couldn’t just let me go have to make sure that they get involved to do murder….. Those people are trouble and Richard and Gail have enough money to buy off who ever they want. Richard and his history for being a bully and Robert the weak one who couldn’t have his own identity.
I hope you gaggle of murders find this amazing… I’ve had you investigated….. I never released my medical records to anyone… by the way it’s a crime to attain medical records without my permission…. who keeps signing my name? Federal offense. You’ve been investigated…
Your wife Robert her family are CBR freaks,, that’s a was to do harm.. radio waves are radiation… frequencies are involved… we have readings and we know who. You have to have a license from the FCC. You need to register radio equipment through the FCC… you and your soulmate Diana.. They use my electronics to watch me and harass me. My Facebook is hacked. My car has a GPS and a routers on it. They’ve been in and around my new home. They have been in my yard drive by my house. The neighbors I know are perpetrators.. all of a sudden a camera went up facing my property.. on a tree 30’ up. That family and I have a date with the count house in Newport. That guy can’t stay off my property at night.

Biddy Bopp
5 years ago
i da king says fuck u

5 years ago
I’m a TI.

Linda Fondrisi-Haynes
5 years ago
It’s all done with AI

Linda Fondrisi-Haynes
5 years ago

Mark Smileer
5 years ago
Tiny, Lens-Free Camera Could Hide in Clothes, Glasses ( i found this on july 10/2017)

i started experimenting/figuring this out 4 yrs ago
do you remember how I told you that your clothes are a video camera.???
well the way you get rid of this stuff is you microwave everything the longest everything, has to be in a microwave for is a full second so if you want to put a lot of things into a microwave and turn it on for a couple of seconds it’s okay; zippers do not get ruined if you microwave for less than 3 seconds doesn’t matter how much stuff you have in the microwave if there is metal don’t go over 3 seconds; eyeglasses a second and a half at the most preferably just one full second, eyeglasses Ark at 2 seconds around the frame..if your microwave has a digital input do one second twice for glasses you will never wreck them; the glasses themselves do not get ruined but you will get scuff marks or Arc marks around the frame if you’re not careful.;;any digital watch will easily survive one second in the nuker but the equipment that your perps install won’t make one second so you just set the nuker on one second just have your watch inside and push start and when you take it out it works just fine
they may wreck your microwave there is no way to have the filament turn on in the microwave and for it not to be emitting, you may end up having to buy a new microwave cuz they will wreck it… please don’t ask who are they?
it’s true I said they don’t have a budget and the video cameras are really expensive but they’re not going to start putting them back in until they can convince you to stop destroying them first
it doesn’t matter what they got you to believe I am telling you a fact about radiation they will not radiate you if they cannot see you you turn off the video cameras they stopped radiating you at least where you live
it all boils down to the fact that they need to record all your Ticks and jumps and screams and facial expressions when they torture you for their data purposes so if they can’t get the data believe me there’s no reason to radiate… I’m speaking from personal experience
I would appreciate if you could tell me that you at least read to the end of this email if I can do this by phone it would be great

5 years ago
Lol the dirty mind games!?! Don’t be a bitch and fucking stand up for yourself

5 years ago
Haha what a bunch of horse shit. Sounds like a bunch of wah wah wah people at my job harassing me is why I got fired. Fuck that, bunch of paranoid shit is what this is. Fucking own your own life!!!!!! Be a fucking adult, and stop BLAMING YOUR BULLSHIT ON EVERYONE ELSE.

Ricky Haws
5 years ago
I have been a victim constant harassment by those who commit it and pretty much every citizens that accepts the abuse. Thank you for putting the video together. Lawsuits? How could we stand together to defend our lives and our families.

Bliss Blossum
5 years ago
If you are aware of outward thingsā€”the curve of a road, the shape of a tree, the colour of anotherā€™s dress, the outline of the mountains against a blue sky, the delicacy of a flower, the pain on the face of a passerby, the ignorance, the envy, the jealousy of others, the beauty of the earthā€”then, seeing all these outward things without condemnation, without choice, you can ride on the tide of inner awareness. Then you will become aware of your own reactions, of your own pettiness, of your own jealousies. From the outward awareness, you come to the inward; but if you are not aware of the outer, you cannot possibly come to the innerā€¦When there is inward awareness of every activity of your mind and your body; when you are aware of your thoughts, of your feelings, both secret and open, conscious and unconscious, then out of this awareness there comes a clarity that is not induced, not put together by the mind. – Krishnamurti, The Collected Works vol XV p 243

5 years ago
Excellent education. Targeted Intelligence.

5 years ago

Breanda Mace
5 years ago
So many repetitive terms and phrases. No need for repeat definitions. Let things like this burn itself down. Pretty simple.

5 years ago

steve jaramillo
5 years ago
GANGSTALKERS are hatefull people and im not shyvto express it
visit my Facebook as it is an awareness against gangstalking in ABQ NM
Mary Dave Albuquerque

ThePoisoned Goth
5 years ago
They don’t seem to worry me about hamburgers it’s the type of men I like they steal away from me

ThePoisoned Goth
5 years ago
We are going through project blue beam now

5 years ago

urszula babicz
5 years ago
Few things that you need to know as a Target Individual :
1) Preps are from lowest level of society they may to be dressed up to look professional but that is not true.
2) They are thick and easy to trick
3) They are only looking for your attention………do not give it to them
4) Remember you are responsible for your emotion and only you are making emotional connection to a situation or object………..I always think is boring or hilarious and is working very well for me
5) They are well organised they have employees who stay all day long at shopping centres…..high streets ….. places of business that is their full time job
6) They are use a massive numbers of people to overwhelm you,,,,,,,most of them they are not aware what they are doing……..because what harm I will do if I scratch my nose or do some hand gesture………..Do not believe in that bullish
7) Noise harassment easy to solve buy a good ear plugs and headphones ( best ear plugs are dewalt I got them from screw fix ……I sleep like a baby now )
8) Im most spend money TI because I do driving for my leaving so Im out for 12 hours a day and Im all over a Town I hope I will drain lots of money out of them Im not afraid Im enjoying the challenge I will drain money out of them week after week after week that is my purpose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 years ago
People need an attorney and a gun for starters.

ranfromthe herd
5 years ago
OMG , I can’t believe how many people think this is happening to them on a daily basis . This is really getting out of hand . Now I think they really should be watched because their paranoia can endanger us all . I have to stop watching these videos , as amazing and almost borderline insane and yet at the same time fascinating they are I think my brain may explode with this stupidity .

Clarence Boddicker
5 years ago
As a proud servant of the Masons I can say you are correct. We are watching you.

The owl sees all.

Veronica Gannon
5 years ago (edited)
utilizing the proper legal terms in a formal complaint, would that provide legal precedence? therefore a legal stand should it come to a trial. to +Gangstalking manual official

shawna Wold
5 years ago
The only reason they target is bloodlines …yashya the most highs creation…

Private Account
5 years ago
This is the “Satanic Agenda” people. Some call it the “Alien Agenda.” The illuminati’s ultimate control program “has been fully activated and is intentionally affecting people physically, mentally and emotionally, and the occulted governmentā€™s goal is to eventually create a HIVE MIND and total population control.”

Private Account
5 years ago
Ya’ll need to wake up to what’s going on here!! These are not entirely humans at work here. Many of these people in law enforcement are only mind controlled drones. They don’t know that they’re being controlled. Others are actually clones that are controlled by non-humans. That’s right, ET’s, aliens, ultraterrestrials or whatever you want to call them. Many of you are looking at this from a linear perspective rather than thinking out of the box and seeing this for what it really is. Wake up people!!!

Brian Jipson
5 years ago
this guy obviously has no idea about remote viewing

5 years ago
This is so fake.

daniƫl Crisafulli
5 years ago
And some people in my neighbourhood spying me 24 hours a day “maby they must do it from a corrupt side in that world, and they look the hole time, bequase they don’t want that every one outside now the real story how they play with me and even sexual feelings I never feel without mind control. And they tell me so much story’s that it make me feel hopeless and what I can do to help the child that;s by his mother “a loyer” And I hear strange story’s. And all so they do big thing’s to do some thing or I’m a bad person while this is a trick how they record things what I hear outside only, and when I hear things, they say that it is what I think. And when I whas child, I hear my grand father speak about this they happen when I older and that a loyer make a child with me to play this un respectless world around me and put me so alone that I’m happy when I meet a soulmate some day to grow in this life and to make food for a soulmate and plessure and go to the people to make it nice for the people they love people they love real things and not to make it so hopeless that some one can nothing do to this things they happen me years long, and they create from I child as my mother always whas looking for things as adhd and dislexie to make story’s about me or I’m not labiel. That’s way they make it so diffecult last years with fake things “every person need then a lot off time to think what happen” And when you find out it is a long making before conspiecy, it’s diffecult to find the way to do some thing against this corruption all so, bequase then you don’t now who you can believe.

5 years ago
#GlobalConsciousnessProject 1980

5 years ago
My Whole Life… They Hv known Who I am, long before I knew.

Ray D’Uva
5 years ago (edited)
Could targeted individuals be susceptible to demons because we do not have the seal of God in our foreheads? I’ve always felt separated from God and like nothing can repair it.

daniƫl Crisafulli
5 years ago (edited)
To me they do this all so. Some times easy/soft theater and some times very heavey. I must relativice that every time nothing is real they say about my mother or son. And a lot off limes I can remember what I in my life hear, when that happen we kill him or we lett him alive with pain or they wanne cut me in paces. Even a police man say that before I was walk away “bewquase with the technologie and voice ferquency that they start 5 years ago 3 month 24 hours a day and communicate very violance to blame me when I ask help to the police. That’s the trick they use every time to put me in the psychiatrie, and I don’t now wihat is the reason they do this. I hear in lelystad a boy speak to other boys say that they want my brain and thirst dammedge my life to hurt me only. I don’t understand way they wanne do to some one and don’t help and blame the people as my steph father that make me feel my hole life or I’m a basterd and say things only to use my sensitive feelings to give me only a feel to make me un shure or afraid that people that man’s lies believe. But I’m tray to stand by my self, bequase I have now bad mind and I don’tcthink how some people like it to hurt one person only for the fun, bequase when you think how it is when that happen in your life and how they create from I whas child a wall around me to play this when I’m older that it likes or it is my fault that they do this. Bequase that’s the reasen to make me or people they have mabey the same situation alone and very depressed. And that very violance way off stalking begin from the moment the mother of my son play or I’m psychotic to make a reason to do this. And when I whas 4 years old I hear my grand father even now that do it in this way and a loyer blame my life and hold my son from me, while he whas every thing for me to happy in my life bequase he is my real famelie that loves me to. But my mother and steph father now what happpen and this whas planned from I whas born or 4 years old. And maby it whas standing in the history. This script what they make for me is so manupilative psychic painfull and feruenties they use to let me feel a painfull skin over my body and deeper some times. I don’t understand way people do this to me or way they let me come in this life to hurt me only, without reason and say I don’t wanne work or do good things. But nobody give me that chance. Other wise I like to do good things “even make koffie by a koffie company. That likes me work to begin. Or I can make furniture bequase I have nice idea’s to make things. Only than you need A car or some thing to travel the product’s I need to use for the furniture.

5 years ago
they gangstalk babies fyi
Jeanne Marie Bizeau Johnson
Jeanne Marie Bizeau Johnson
5 years ago (edited)
Officer James Stegemeyer you called my best friend and my Doctors. Why would you call and trash me? Why would you say you would help then hinder me. Let’s not forget obstruction of justice. Your buddies didn’t do their jobs either. You let those people rip me off, kill my cats, hurt my friends. Kick in the back of my car. Commit felonies too numerous to say. Then act like your all innocent… no lies.. this is the truth. You sir give all police bad names.. You made my friends and myself a reason to fear for our lives…. how are you going to get around that? I don’t think so. I’m not afraid of you.. the neighbors across the street put up a camera pointing towards my house.. keeping track weirdos. This man believes my sisters lies. He most likely a paid off person to lie for the core people. Robert, Sean, Willow, Suzette ,Renee. Plus who ever else they lied to and involved.
Jeanne Marie Bizeau Johnson
Jeanne Marie Bizeau Johnson
5 years ago (edited)
My sister Suzette said she got even with me. I do believe she added her fifty cents in for me to be harassed. Since she signed my name to insurance policy without my consent.. She didn’t listen to a letter from my lawyer of no contact..She has no boundaries and she and my sister Renee called… How stupid can you be! These two my X husband his friends Sean and Willow who lived behind me harassed my neighbor and myself. They would love to kill me without being found out. My friends say I will end up on Dateline. Where they’ll come to my defense. These people say they have a deadline for my death. They have a insurance policies that when I die they get paid. . The insurance company I called said they would need my signature… Suzette and Renee already signed my name so what would stop them from doing this? Nothing. They’re liars and they were in the process of killing our mother when I stepped in. She had no money and was starving. They were going to put her into state home and take the rest of her assets. They sold her personal items and items of value. They ran her loans over $120 thousand. They said it was for home improvements.. when does siding, a roof, and windows cost that much? Never.. I am taking them to court . Probate court. Did you get the letter yet? EVERYONE KNOWS….ALL MY FRIENDS KNOW… ALL THEIR FRIENDS KNOW… MY BANKING ASSOCIATES KNOW…. EVERYONE KNOWS…
Fat Lip
Fat Lip
5 years ago (edited)
very good video but your NORMALLY been gang stalked for one reason, REAL ESTATE INTERESTS!

Dont blame the government about this, let me explain.

Most targeted individuals are people who sit in prime real estate assets or are assets in their families themselves., regardless of this ill take a few steps to show how ANYONE can defame and destroy another person legally, im only sharing this to help people realize that these loop holes exists only for the privileged (who can pay).

1- someone reports you to police, usually a female, hoping to add many complaints in your name, could be a sibling after an inheritance trying to keep you in the dark, could be a local racist hoping to spread defamation about your people, group, nationality or sexual preferences, the agenda here is the main culprit behind proviking a non government warrant-less gang stalking case which invites police time and even the feds.

2- after there have been frequent complaints about you to police, lets say 3 within 45 days, your in for an arrest to be finger printed and photographed, its normal police will do this to see if you have any link to rape or murder cases., from here your future defamation case begins., remind you again YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO IS MAKING THE POLICE COMPLAINTS OR REPORTS IN YOUR NAME!

3-The criminal now moves on with your history to phish for allies to collude against you!,
They start asking private detectives to keep a tab on you, they meet in person and claim you did something to them and want them to report anything they can share in a case they claim to want to take you to court for., as long as the private investigators have some paper work from police they fabricated with other friends or relatives against their target he will take cash., ask around neighbors, find out where you work and share this into with the criminal who has not yet been exposed hiring them.,

4-once the PI shares the names of your neighbors, where you and all of them work, etc etc the criminal behind this will plan a defamation attack, they can now call one neighbor using the name of another who can be for example an old lady who they can pretend they are watching and from there start building cases to bring their target’s name up and claim he beat up some women or she was a hooker etc etc, they continue until they eventually gain the confidence of their fish to involve them in doing the actual damages to the target’s reputation.

5-from here the target is now learning he or she is been judged by neighbor, local stores employees and even at their job where they start to feel isolated and even possibly threatened by people who think the person is a jerk (example some guy walks into the target gard because he heard she is a womanizer, abuser etc)

All this may sound like kids slandering one another but can actually have immense effect on the target’s reputation, costing him or her their job, future job, possibly getting them evicted as menaces in their neighborhoods, building, home or from roommates, and if allegations of violence are in the mix homeless shelters wont even blink before telling them to stay away, eventually leaving this person HOMELESS to die!

Madonna did this to her brother, google it up, she even pays the police money to keep him from going beyond his sleeping area, and all this is to keep him from suing her for taking over the financial empire he created with her manager from milan, the italian mafia.

there are many reasons why people are targeted warrant-less meaning outside the law which requires them to know, the list goes on but the basic idea of what they do is listed above and i can prove this to you as i was an assistance to several private investigation services, its sick, disgusting and out right a human rights violation, to mention one more thing outside the US its worse, especially in europe!

as for satanic links the temple of satan and the churchs all gang stalk each other like kids in a football match., this is all silly and dangerous at the same time, what i just told you above is the real deal, anyone can do it, a few kids can do it together over a rival., the big stuff is media gang stalking, Donald Trump is been gagged by the media, anything he says is interpreted as crude while Clinton claims she was a victim of a email scandel to distract the fact that the emails expose serious crimes on her part.

5 years ago
Haha. You people need a psych assessment asap. You are all suffering from serious mental health problems… I could be gas lighting or you could be crazy.

Athena DeMars
5 years ago

Jeanne Taurus
5 years ago
Accusations No! These are the hard cold facts…Robert Johnson is committing slow kill on me… fact.

5 years ago
Father in the name of Jesus Christ son of the God IAm God of Abraham Issac an Jacob, I come to you humbly pleading the blood of Jesus.I ask you to send hundred waring angels to anyone whom comes to this web site seeking protecting.Show us your glory father, cause confusion of every sort to those involved in this evil .bring them to there knees that even they may repent.your word says every knee will bow . Let your name be glorified in Jesus mighty an glorious name … This is a war of Good an evil. .Our God will prevail

5 years ago
ALSO check part 2, 3 of
this information is a weapon EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS must keep this in there arsenal

Jeanne Taurus
5 years ago
Crazy…Mentality challenge…told my doctor and friends that I need a psychologist… this officer needs to look at what he’s doing and done.. It’s not me it’s Him…He’s mentality challenged and he has idiotic thinking. Going after a innocent women to cover up robberies repeated robberies.. His reports are nothing but lies. All the people involved are liars and Gang idiots.
Jeanne Taurus
Jeanne Taurus
5 years ago
Everything you say is happening or have happened to me and my neighbor… violating women’s Rights. Using The Whole program…
Jeanne Taurus
Jeanne Taurus
5 years ago (edited)
Psychotropic drugs to drug!!!! Well I can totally believe that. My x husband gave me Xanax . Said it was for my shoulder. I didn’t take it because I knew he was a part of the program… it can be anyone. We were getting our home ready to sale in Portland Oregon…..My Sister Suzette actually played a tape that I numbered by code..she was stupid and played that numbered tape to me over my phone.. my friend and I looked at each other we knew the XMarine behind us was tapping our homes and giving the rest of the conspirators the tapped conversations… I would make up scripts that my friend would follow.. false information that could only come from our homes..later he moved and he moved in perps.. the Portland police were over at that house doing a social call. The one girl went out to his cruiser and took a brown paper bag out of his car. I videoed the entire show. Another cruiser came with two policewomen…I got them on tape also.
Tian Long
Tian Long
5 years ago
Murder. Rape. Torture.

Use Physical Security (Window bars and keyless door locks) instead of relying on Cameras, Security Guards, and Alarm Systems.

Not all of the information in this video is really true. The technology governments use is much more sophisticated than RFID. Wars Online and CIA no longer really need drugs, due to electronic mind control advancements. It is obvious ordinary citizens are trying to figure it out, but they are generally confused and do not have enough information. SO I AM WRITING THIS. I WILL PLACE IT ON AS MANY OF THESE CONSPIRACY WEBSITES AS POSSIBLE. I do not work for any intelligence agency.

Try investigating the combination of the following: implantable MOSFETs, Acoustic Kitty, and the following MKULTRA subprojects:
Subproject 10: MKULTRA: Personality Assessment
Subproject 43: MKULTRA: Combination drug, Hypnosis, Sensory Deprivation
Subproject 49: MKULTRA: Hypnosis at [excised] University
Subproject 57: MKULTRA: Sleep and Insomnia at GW: MKULTRA: Lloyd Gould
Subproject 57: MKULTRA: Sleep
Subproject 59: MKULTRA: Unwitting Drug Tests at University of Maryland
Subproject 62: MKULTRA: Consulting Work in Isolation/Electric Shock/CNS Drugs
Subproject 72: MKULTRA: Testing Drugs for Effects on Central Nervous System
Subproject 84: MKULTRA: Hypnosis Work
Subproject 101: MKULTRA: Biophysics of Central Nervous System
Subproject 106: MKULTRA: Electrodes, Russian Study
Subproject 128: MKULTRA: Rapid Hypnotic Induction
Subproject 130: MKULTRA: Personality Theory, David Saunders/William Thetford

Also, consider the technology developed recently by the Emotiv company ( What the governments are doing is grabbing EEG signals, and using little acoustic kitty devices they slip into our heads to record our speech and brain signals simultaneously. This allows them to (sort-of) reproduce our speech when we are sleeping, and to somewhat grab our thoughts when we are awake, whether we are speaking or not. The batteries for this technology last for a few years, like pacemaker batteries.

The phenomenon of sexual ā€œwarfareā€ or wars online in America – and in the world – has proliferated and become extreme. Disregarding proper law, constitutional rights, and basic human rights, covert attacks on by state-sponsored agents (commonly referred to as ā€œspiesā€) may be happening to you without your knowledge. Are you a spy for Wars Online? If so, you are an asshole who is destroying the fabric of civilisation.

Here is how it began:

In the 1950ā€™s, the MKULTRA project started a trend in government-sponsored mind control. In 1977, the Senate formed the Church Committee and the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee to regulate the CIA and other intelligence agencies (e.g., NSA). But this effort has failed and the technology used by intelligence agents is now widespread, highly advanced, and is being used to harm innocent civilians in the USA and many foreign countries.

What domestic spies do:
– Gain access to your house using ā€œlock crackersā€, more sophisticated than lock pick kits.
– Bypass home security alarms & camera systems
– Use technology that keeps you asleep, NOT DRUGS OR GAS. Technology that is inserted in your head through your sinus cavity simulates narco-hypnotic drugs; this technology makes people susceptible to suggestion and induces a hypnotic state where the person is not aware what they are doing or saying, but will comply with the instructions given to them by spies
– Have sex with unwitting victims or make you perform these acts with family members (men, women, children, family pets)
– Inflict pain (torture) using large or sharp objects inserted in the anus or vagina, joint manipulation, pressure on the spinal column, genital torture with needles and other objects, as well as more sophisticated techniques
– Wars Online Spies may impregnate women with their children, or by other men whom they may or may not know
– Spies monitor activities using miniaturized cameras (1 mm square, 2 week battery life) and telemetry devices
– Spies record these events on videos, store the videos on tablets, and place the tablets and data in vaults called ā€œtowersā€, which are guarded.

Here are some other random facts:

In the USA, for example, the CIA, state and federal politicians, private spies, and large multinationals are participating. Internationally, most governments are aware and are participating, but the Trilateral Commission manages (or previously managed if they no longer do) the data servers.

The Bilderberg Group rapes and tortures people at old warehouses which they convert to sex clubs for the wealthy.

The Council on Foreign Relations may play a part in all of this as well.

The Club of Rome, and the Freemasons are not responsible for all this, but have been victims, too.

There is no such thing as a “Satanic Illuminati Cult”. These are labels for lack of knowledge: it is the USA, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations, along with other participating countries.

In April 2007, I was attacked by the CIA on the directive of several prominent politicians. I am surviving ā€œfair gameā€ and ā€œwars onlineā€ .gov.

Millions of men, women, children, and family pets have been physically and sexually assaulted by spies. In the USA, between 50,000 – 1 million spies engage in these illegal, unconstitutional, and horrific activities. Not all of them rape and torture. Some use Acoustic Kitty-like technology to drive you crazy in your sleep, so you are dull and tired.

Use Deadbolt Latches. Place doweling in your windows. CIA (Wars Online) are cowards, they will not break glass or knock down doors.


Use the following, look them up on or the internet and buy them for yourselves, your family, and friends: portable door locks, secure deadbolt locks, metal or wood sticks in your windows. Lock up tight before you go to sleep, and please do not rely on Camera systems or Security Alarms, which are quite useless.

daniƫl Crisafulli
5 years ago
I’m in a dangerous stalk program and they wanne do terrible things and the neithbourhood wanne take me with false lies and from I child they have no that they wanne do this program. They fake it so good and try to make me paranoid. They do theater and tell every things to confuse me

Jeanne Taurus
5 years ago
Oregon State want to call Jeanne Bizeau Johnson crazy and slow kill her. i wont be buying a thing to prevent D.E.W because there is nothing you can do…constant harassment and having my life under stress 24/7 and officially im not moving until i deem so. You cannot change me. your mean & Evil.
referral from someone on how to asset and control.. came from my sister’s.. suzette and Renee. my X husband Robert. wanting to take everything i have. driven by greed. they threaten me my life my friends life and small children.. theyve threatened my friends sick mother by saying they’re going to kill her. they killed me pets destroyed my car. gas light me and my friends. using defamation of the character and lying to police about myself and friends.

Parry Jenkins
5 years ago

xxx xxx
5 years ago
My dear…You are really helping me to know more about these beasts. One thing I would like to suggestĀ toĀ you and toĀ ALLĀ TIĀ is to expose every PerpĀ that you meet on footĀ and on cars.Ā IĀ suggestĀ all to take every perp pictures in an obvious manner and post on social media. By doing so, these pigs not only stay away from you but also,Ā you are exposing them to the world already. So, let your camera rolling all the time. After many years of harassments, I recently posted the following pictures on you-tube. Portland & Beaverton gang stalkers Exposed!!! – YouTube

Cat April Watters
5 years ago (edited)
YOU ARE DESCRIBING WHAT I LIVED AT “HOME” . Being Murdered, soul murdered. People who “grew up” as children with abuse and neglect at “home” knew and have been sayn this for a long time. Everyone else is late to the game. I don’t Know WHY I don’t hear more people talking about the Abusive “family”, “community”. Unconscious, Dangerous people who believe in the system and work FOR IT at Your expense. “family” and other unconscious people are Doing the Targeting. The “gov” is Using those right around you!

5 years ago
iĀ“m being gang stalked too since 5 years. Even right now. I live in Germany. Its not in US only.

Chad Jones
5 years ago
They destroy all of our Friend and family ties, relationships, etc. . . Therefore what all of “us” need to do is get in touch, and be there-anywhere-for one another, when these “psycho polotition’s” start stalking one of us, and turn the tables on them …”Stalk the stalkers!” Thanks to them, we know how this all is done, and what is souce for the goose, is sauce for the gander!!! …THE WEREWOLF.

Chad Jones
5 years ago
I am all the way down! I’ve been writing articles-for a couple different “alternative press,” news papers, and taking the fight to these despots via several other measures, and go by …”THE WEREWOLF!” contact me at …719-252-7866. let’s take our lives back!!!

Whydotheheathens Rage?
5 years ago
I laugh at them on a daily basis, they are oh so pathetic. They are also in great fiscal debt, they will be out of business after the bonds crash. dummies

Wes A
5 years ago

Vera Buen
5 years ago
what if someone like me just wants to Enjoy watching YouTube videos to the People i’m Subscribe and so that’s going to make me a target individual?

Tripple Glacks
5 years ago
They tried to frame me.

Tripple Glacks
5 years ago
I could hear them next door saying my name and repeating everything that I was doing in my motel room the next day I recorded them on my tablet by audio and on the recording they are heard pouring out my father’s ashes and putting something else into the urn.

src cr438
5 years ago
how you know all that?

Tripple Glacks
5 years ago
They watched me through my smart tv camera in my room they had walky talkys corrupted police officers are involved in this.

Tripple Glacks
5 years ago
They had me under surveillance in my motel room.

Patty s
5 years ago
I am being attacked doing every day activities. I am committing no illegal activity but still being attacked with dew weapons and electronic harassment while doing everyday tasks like mowing, gardening, grocery shopping, and trying to work. I own my home and pay my own bills. They are trying to force me to stop working or doing maintenance on my home. They send a crew of criminals to vandelize your property, and destroy your livelihood. Why take a person who has not committed any crimes, nor is any threat to any one and torture them. They are attacking productive people because some person has slandered us. After you are in this no one ever really checks into it to see if you really should be. They are hitting me in public with dew weapons or electronic weapons. The stalkers even carry little electric shockers that look like car keys to shock you in the brain while just trying to buy every day necessities. Of course it is hard to act like everything is normal while you are being shocked !!! 70 % are women which leads me to believe that people can put women into this as a favor by perhaps a spiteful ex.

Patty s
5 years ago
I am a victim of this crime…no way to describe how horrifying this crime is. I have no criminal background or mental health background. 5’1″ female being bullied by organized stalking and electronic harassment. Burns all over my body. These weapons are terrifying. This is very sick , and you never really know why it is happening.

Jeanne Taurus
5 years ago
They’re playing mentally challenged or CRAZY card on me. I really like your videos. Thank you! Police did this in Portland Oregon. I moved to the coast and it’s still goes on. One works for ODOT so they follow me on camera.. using city cameras… it’s all police action. They’ve got perps in my neighborhood not many.. I’ve got the leader of these fools on camera and I just act like their crazy… it works. At one time in Portland a guy tried to run me off the road.. He found out I drive my SUV like I’m off-road.. I don’t deal with their crap. I’m not afraid. I don’t care about cars or people trying to harass me because I feel they can all screw themselves…I got the Air hassling in Portland and here. Very involved.. I do believe that their more concern about me and my evidence. I’m no fool I figured it out quickly.. those fools buzzed my home in Portland Oregon.. the sheriffs department keeps track of my friend at her mothers.. a private driveway..How stupid and how obvious. We laugh at these people wasting tax payers money.. If more people knew they would be pissed off that they use our tax dollars to harass innocent women. Now I call that crazy.
It’s been 5 years of shit. They’re now saying they’ll take my home. I say bring it on assholes…

Ginger Jenson
5 years ago
I have been psychotronically controlled and attacked this way for years. I have been gangstalked, cyberstalked, phones were wire tapped, emails searched, servers hacked into, apartment was broken into, and followed by tactics similar to cointelpro and Watergate and other government target programs (mkultra, phoenix etc). I think the police is involved as many of the license plate cars had highway patrol bumper sticker on the back. I am convinced the goal is to ruin or kill me. They have followed me from city to city and I know my car is being tracked. I also believe there is some sort of speaker put into my car. Does anyone know about technology to police etc. that could have put some sort of speaker in my car and what is the best way to handle it. I’ve had someone look but nothing.

5 years ago
I hate shit heads!

Jeanne Taurus
5 years ago
They call you crazy Gas lighting has been around for centuries. It use to be men pulling the crazy card to control women..They’ve now taken it futher. I do believe the strain on the Social Security administration and Baby Boomers (Too many babies born in a certin time frame) is a drag on the system.. with population growth and money is most likely a reason. The other reason would be to use these people for experimental purposes. or.. it just could be to cover up for illegal actions.. accusing the victims of being crazy etc and other forms of disinformation to discredit the innocent.
As i and my friend found out. followed, harassed, called names.. watching you so if you say. ..having a couple of cocktails they call you a alcoholic..without sound proof. I have proof of these actions and it pisses them off.

5 years ago
I hate the american gov’t !

5 years ago
4/26/17 The following is a link to a Google hard drive file.This Word document contains everything I have researched and posted on YT about these Serious Crimes, Weapons & Perpetrators. Anyone is welcome to use this document as Evidence in a Court of Law when the chance arises (377 or 382 pgs print Or copy to disposable small usb to turn in and make notes from info to hand in court as evidence. Make this info part of the court records when ANY one of us can!!!).
Inform and Warn Others what’s been running unchecked and out of control in Our Communities – Suburban, Urban & Rural.

5 years ago
ALSO check part 2, 3 of
this information is a weapon EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS must keep this in there arsenal

5 years ago
ALSO check part 2, 3 of
this information is a weapon EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS must keep this in there arsenal

Chris Cornerstone
5 years ago
The man who took the time and effort to make this clip to help others, he’s a good man.

Kevin Perelman
5 years ago
You u probably know
who I am since my targeting is world wide and 35 years now. Here is my website.
probably know who I am since my targeting is world wide and 35 years
My World Wide
Targeting info
Robert Jeralds
Robert Jeralds
5 years ago
the biggest problem is that they can kill you by causing you to take cancer and die. there are no marks and no proof of murder. if you do discover and retaliate and kill them first it is you who goes to jail.

Thomas Kloecker
5 years ago
Search word;Gangstalking; is the combined strength of; Bonehearing and recording, eyeimplants(iris projections) and a magnetic field inside your brain reading thoughts and create voices and sounds, combine all these factors and the operator can steal your reality and create paranoia and fear. #sleepabduction #hospitalprison #nobodyremembers

5 years ago
Big assed military cargo jets -Just to follow around and harass you?? C’mon SON….

5 years ago
Big assed military cargo jets -Just to follow around and harass you?? C’mon SON….

5 years ago (edited)
great information… what i could not believe the gangstalkers had people like beyonce and rihanna stalk me in their video, real story check it out on my videos

Joseph Esposito
5 years ago
would i be able to speak to one on one im in nyc in the bronx?

Against Your Brutality
5 years ago (edited)
My assessment plan was to send me to jail in Texas for 51 days for a “MISDEMEANOR ” created by a theatrical mob after I got to Texas from San Diego, CA (where the US Navy and families and friends harassed me everywhere) in Summer 2014. I was placed in solitaire confiment, my “inmates”, “medical staff”, “trustees” and “officers” all were undercover US Navy and US Army who “rented ” a site of the Georgetown Jail to perform their human experimentation on me (a lot of whistblowers at night time when I was pretending being asleep) My inmates had laptops in their cells. My defense attorney was bribed and never showed up in all “theatrical” court jails that I had. I was tortured with super hot water to drink and shower, tampered food, extreme noise at night, and my blanket had electric circuits. In addition, they broke my left rib because I was complaining about the violation of all my human rights when an undercover “officer” entered my cell and pushed his weight on me on the floor, they used my broken rib to control what position to lay down as they were inducing pain with their machines. Then, after my family paid my bond and was back in California, I had to flight back to Texas because they sent me 36 days to ASH in Austin to cover up their wrongdoing and where I didn’t take a single pill to treat my “mental issues” and supposedly get ready to stand in trail, a professional with 20 years of administrative and customer service experience and a bachelor degree in Business like myself. Later, in March 2015, my bribed judge sent by mail my final decision where my case was dismissed. Yes, I am so surprised how much money the government spent and still spending on me, from tax payers, to continue screwing my life in the Bay Area in California now. Has any other T.I. experienced something similar for their assessment plan?

Joseph Esposito
5 years ago
great info thanks bro..

Val Dvnae
5 years ago
Excellent information.

anthony miller
5 years ago (edited)
This is all a distraction fromĀ whoever the criminals really are, a diversion.

winston smith
5 years ago
State security police agencies are the same throughout the world. Them, with their duped citizen helpers, are in the business of using fear to control the herd. Most likely, many of their helpers are controlled by fear too. They do anything they can to you, to try to keep you alert to their presence. Fear and hunger are among the best methods to control people.

Kathy Radny
5 years ago (edited)
They’re the crazy ones to abuse people. They are also the ones that need to be taken out. Out of societal communities and locked away.

Kathy Radny
5 years ago (edited)
The whores knew I bought a certain food every month and yep, poisoned the peanut butter not caring that my grandbabies n children eat it too. Even the neighbors kids.

Kathy Radny
5 years ago

Kathy Radny
5 years ago (edited)
They are going to pay me for their abuse n murders n thievery with monetary funds or I’ll continue praying for Gods Wrath all over them, theirs and their land. Been through the air shit too…they’re stupid abuse n murder and tactics are endless and they’ll pay for their greed someday. May my LORD get vengeance on them n theirs. HOW MY MOTHER GOT SUCH HORRIBLE HEADACHES, PAIN TIL SHE WANTED TO DIE? ASK THE TRASH ASSES THAT VIOLATED HER. THEY EVENTUALLY MURDERED HER TOO. GOD KNOWS THAT I COULD SLOWLY TORTURE THEM TO DEATH FOR THEIR CRIMES.

Kathy Radny
5 years ago
They deserves to have their heads kicked into the middle of their brains and im seriously at various times, want to kick their heads in and torture them slowly the way they have my family . Those ignoring their abuses can be condemned with them, cops, govts, society, etc

Kathy Radny
5 years ago (edited)
I don’t want a letter, I want a check in high monetary funds that they know they owe me for their crimes, from murder to hurting my granddaughter , etc so I can share it with my children they damaged forever. My sons and daughters lives were ruined by them. What they refuse to give willingly for their wrongdoings, let My LORD take from them .

Kathy Radny
5 years ago (edited)
They are murderous bastards who murdered my parents, 2 aunts, SEVERAL past friends and God does show me victims that NOBODY realizes was MURDERED. Aneurisms, cancer, heart attacks, lung issues, blood clots, etc…their list of crimes go on and on. I live with the physical evidence via ripped calf n thigh, brain damage, they twisted my toddler son backwards causing him uncontrollable ptsd by age 6, state workers made it worse not realizing the exhaustive physical pain he’d went through. Bounced my oldest daughters head off the wall over n over again with pulse weapon, caused my granddaughter just 2 to pass out from muscular pain. Only a single tear made it out before she passed out. Caused 2 premature births . Caused in others extremely wrinkled gall bladders. Plagiarised me for millions of dollars many times in products, movies, music, used family names in ways I hate, etc…they deserve by me to be tortured for the years they tortured my daddy. Are fucking with my phone calls, texts and emails plus postal mail even today. bastards, your condemned to lake of fire, so go fuck your worthless to society selves. Let us never forget your whore ass sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, etc. Stalking is an extreme crime, but no, I do not live in fear, I just live with the desire to torture those abusers to death. I’m only cold hearted to them. They deserve nothing good from me. Yep and I called them liars cuz I heard them tell my neighbor I was under investigation over their lies, etc..They’re crimes are endless, as bad as any mafia, gang, drug runners, rapists and murderers, the scum fits right in.

Bad Air Day New York
5 years ago (edited)
I believe it is very true that many TIs present information in a manner that make them appear nuts. People who are suffering under this should take care to present everything in an articulate and straightforward manner.

This is actually happening. In my area as far as I can tell, it is mainly directed at very politically active people in the movement to re-investigate 9/11. Also, street theater harassment has taken place again people who lobby for things the elite do not want (such as getting big money out of politics), and targets seem to include (possibly) some very visible, knowledgeable and credible anti-fossil fuel activists and journalists (not the average environmental activist, however). It may also apply to those vocal about geoengineering, although I am not sure of this yet.

There are some bizarre aspects to the harassment but much of it is old school COINTELPRO revisited. That doesn’t mean it isn’t serious – for instance, my house was broken into, and petty vandalism took place. One of the most prominent activists I knew suddenly got totally debilitating, medically inexplicable headaches to the point that they have dropped out of social life.

One thing they are determined to do is prevent anyone intelligent and credible from getting involved in the call to re-investigate 9/11.The FBI has sent agitators to 9/11 meetings here. I think they do this on a very regular basis in NY state. just a heads up. This is real, unfortunately.

5 years ago (edited) Its very sad but true fellow this programs exist . Gang Stalking is linked 100% to suicides, impoverishment and mass shootings according to medical science. This is a real sick problem.

5 years ago
Thank you for your time may Yah bless you. What you said all are true just more than true. Unbelievable! When Ruach Hakadoshe was not with me , I was totally lost in hell. The roof the walls the floors all humans stand against me I was terrified in the first place then I started asking why How When Where this happened. No panic I know the greatest among us is the one who serves others so i start searching finally thanx to Yah he never let me alone he helped me through with his Holy spirit ruach Hakadoshe . So thank you speaking behalf of other people lives. This experience can not shared by family or friend even myself can not believed it so I start pray to Yah almighty and share my experience with him finally Now I am very happy and amazed I can hear and read my experience with other people.

winston smith
5 years ago
Four well known FBI Witch Hunts reveal the full scope of Gang Stalking. Richard Jewell, Steven Hatfill, Bruce Ivins and Randy Weaver. The FBI’s destructive intentions were in plain view. Carefully read these four stories and see every facet of Gang Stalking. Empire’s business.

5 years ago

5 years ago
Violence is not out of line or stupid if someone is doing this stuff, but you can’t afford to be wrong, like you said in part of the video, some of the people are unknowing patsies. If they volunteer to play for a Darwin award by fucking with the wrong dude the wrong way though, that’s on them.

5 years ago
The trick on this stuff is identifying the groups doing it, but “exposing” them is often just not even possible. I have helped some people try and identify the gangstalking and yeah, sometimes it is just nutty paranoia (check for dope use), and other times, it was the real deal. We sat in my truck watching people go up to this guy’s car and apartment peeking in the windows, trying to go through stuff. A lot of times the groups have one or two members who are connected with the government other times, it’s a government group trying to piss the target off or make them financially desperate enough to commit crimes while being monitored. Heck, even haters on social media do a lot of that stuff.

Philadelphia Walks PTSD
5 years ago
Such a great video!! Thank you for being so clear and taking the time to do this. And to validate all of our existences. I hopped around from job to job thinking I kept finding ‘toxic work environments’…they were toxic, but intentionally so. It wasn’t until 2011 that I was awakened to what had been going on for so long.

Philadelphia Walks PTSD
5 years ago
OK. Stress Assessment…I didn’t realize this factor so much. Makes sense. I heard another youtube personality talk about hazard pay, extra payment used in the police force for places that are considered more hazardous. That person mentioned the tenderloin district in San Francisco. (I live on east coast)….I think some perpetrators might get hazard pay for doing stuff like this? Maybe.

Jimmy Myers
5 years ago
Yesterday I was followed by a Tree!!

DJ Vaquera16
5 years ago
I came into contact with the threat teams when I had a tragic accident when I broke a ball, socket and femur and under health care personnel and dealings with Social Security personnel

Bryan Faux
5 years ago
Good video! Also I would like to add that all ti’s MUST NOT go too long without sleep! They will try and keep a victim awake for days with noise campaigns at night specifically to completely take control of persons mind!! Look up Lekesha Holloway Las Vegas… she was harassed for days and run out of places she was trying to get some rest just before she ran over crowds of people with her car..

Heirloom Reviews
5 years ago
ive been a victim since the mid 90’s

Jimmy McConnell
5 years ago
Gang stalking is done by somebody who has the ability to track your phone and send messages to people around you. Most of the time people dont know their a part of it. If they do they dont know how much they are doing to you. Usually its done by a cia agent who is bat shit crazy and doesnt like you.

Its not a targeted individual. Your a victim.

Go to the police department. Show them a website how to fight gang stalking. Explain to the police you might be a victim and get a police report. You will need to get a restraining order. If its sever contact the CIA and ask for help. They wont acknowledge it but it might disappear.

5 years ago

5 years ago

Cacti Juice
5 years ago
The Idea of getting the masses to understand the “Gang Stalking” epidemic I think is important. After watching Leah Remini’s
“Scientology and the Aftermath” on A&E S01E02 it’s a generic watered down explanation of group harassment.

Melissa Kuntz
5 years ago
I feel hopeless and I just gave birth to a lil girl and am scared for her as well

Melissa Kuntz
5 years ago
this is happening to me michelle DeMarco Tucson az

Melissa Kuntz
5 years ago
this is happening to me

Darren Cubie
5 years ago

5 years ago

5 years ago
Any person or group going after someone with malicious intent is liable for legal action. If one thousand targets got one lawyer we would stand a chance. thank you.

Stop Harassment
5 years ago
I think I know exactly what this is. I watched people when I was young endure this and went through it myself when I came out as a young gay man. My opinion is that it is not based in anything more than lynching behavior of people who are different in the communities to make the undesired person/people leave or to terrorize them. I have known people who have been on the receiving end over relationships, sexuality, women in male dominated fields, etc. I can give accounts of situations involving harassment of others from my own perspective. I think I have figured this out. Look no further than your local neighborhood watch in some cases in my opinion and experience. It’s my opinion that these organization are people who are fallible, misinformed, misled and misguided. Sadly, in some cases, it includes people who are leaders in the communities. Any person who is not asking the question of why to both the giving side and receiving side stands to potentially fall prey to this sort of mob mentality from my perspective on the subject.

Lori Lesley Martin
5 years ago
I’m a target….so are my 3 young children.

It’s Me Fatima from California
5 years ago
even in the juficial system

winston smith
5 years ago
Great analysis. Recently I heard an individual from China, saying that stalking is quite common for different reasons. Mobbing, harassment, intimidation and smearing, is done for extortion purposes. Someone has determined that a person is easily pushed around and has the ability to ante up and a cause for victimization is invented later.

ArcheiaAurora Angel
5 years ago
any mental health…You are not patients any more..rewording is you are Clients because it’s a money making scheme. $10,000 per pill they pop in you Blue pill Red Pill. eugenics

ArcheiaAurora Angel
5 years ago
org =.Cult

ArcheiaAurora Angel
5 years ago
Gang stalkers: Skull n Bones, NWO, Masons, Vatican control, British Monarchy, Any org especially the Legions

5 years ago
Great job on the video keep spreading the truth.

monica warren
5 years ago
has it crossed your mind that these things could be spiritual psychic in nature and not a government program?

tml mintableapp British Comedy Spy Exterminator
5 years ago
I absolutely love this video, I subbed and wiil check out more on this fanstastic channel… Please visit me at
British Comedy Tony Michael Lee High Tea Politico

5 years ago
be fearless empowered individuals…. this life is yours and live it well and inform others about this weapon (this documentary)
to defeat gangstalking

Mirror Vortex
5 years ago
The perpetrators are pro New.World.Order. Knowledge my brothers and sisters is like a loaded gun!

Mirror Vortex
5 years ago
Let us not forget the T.I.s that ended up in the loony hospital not ever knowing they were Targeted Individuals. We the T.I.s are the spirits that will awaken humanity.The atrocities the Shadow government has committed on us and all life on the planet.The perpetrators are intertwined organizations and groups that have common beliefs. They have been infiltrated ,media,actors,musicians, are the middle group.The top group is Military, DARPA. NASA,NATO,Secret Services, get the gist? Who is controlling them? Zionist Mason’s! Know thy enemy.

Mirror Vortex
5 years ago
Its all coming to fruition, The shadow government has turned us into Targeted Individuals, There are millions of us around the world.My brothers and sisters let us forget the ones that died before us never knowing they were Targeted Individuals. Let us be the spirits that awakens humanity, for it is written! Who am i? Why lm T.I!

Athena Creamer
5 years ago
PS Have you ever heard of people who are TIs hearing the HAARP tests in the sky when other people did not? Just curious. I’ve also had people post comments on my comments that say the same thing my husband did 2 nights before “Oh, put on your night cream and go to sleep” I also hear constant buzzing. Thank you.

Athena Creamer
5 years ago
Sir, who made these videos: THANK YOU so much. I am benefitting my having longstanding questions answered and so is my friend who has suffered from gangstalking for 20 years. I wanted to share a vid with you if you don’t already know the gentleman. His name is Dr. William B. Mount on YT. You can find his video called “Targeted Individuals, You are Not Alone, There Is Hope.” I believe he will be of help to “Super Soldiers.” God bless you in Jesus’ Name. Love and Prayers! Peace+ Athena

James Graham
5 years ago
Class politics rules. All Hail The Scarlet Banner.

Shawn Brown
5 years ago
sorry ,yes they can read your mind ,it is called brain mapping,barac Obama’s plan,mk ultra,haarp ,darpa,cern ,eye implants ,allow them to see threw your eyes ,hear what you hear ,smell taste,detect your heart beat pulse ,blood pressure make you burp fart vomit orgasms, electronically rape you.,see holograms ,control your dreams, and the sick list goes on and on.the wi fi is a tracker and it can transmit your image to a monitor so you can be viewed where ever you are.disconect the wi fi . also smoke detectors double over as spy cams and the 2015 hooks up to the wi fi and broadcast your signal and image to a computer, cellphone etc you have no privacy

Shawn Brown
5 years ago
sorry ,yes they can read your mind ,it is called brain mapping,barac Obama’s plan,mk ultra,haarp ,darpa,cern ,eye implants ,allow them to see threw your eyes ,hear what you hear ,smell taste,detect your heart beat pulse ,blood pressure make you burp fart vomit orgasms, electronically rape you.,see holograms ,control your dreams, and the sick list goes on and on.the wi fi is a tracker and it can transmit your image to a monitor so you can be viewed where ever you are.disconect the wi fi . also smoke detectors double over as spy cams and the 2015 hooks up to the wi fi and broadcast your signal and image to a computer, cellphone etc you have no privacy

Peter Puffer
5 years ago
You are right brother, I am a victim too. These people are out of hand and need to be arrested.

5 years ago
the info in this video is to help empowered individuals defeat gangstalking and get on with there life as well help other empowered individuals. !!VICTORY TO THE EMPOWERED!!

James McCluksey
5 years ago
Your not being cleaned in your presentation.

Chang Cappo
5 years ago
Gangstalking = low IQ puppet show.

J Hill
5 years ago
Did it ever stop it’s been 10 years for me I feel like giving up I’m losing all of my memory joe, this is very real I met some guys when I moved to Dallas who were club Entrepreneurs, little did I know they were studying me the whole time. 2008 I noticed changes in family members, you know your family after living with them for years. The tv and smoke alarm would make noises at night that o never heard before, my mother switched to night shift at her job, but I found out she was not at work as she said. There were blue network cords in the attic that were never there before, I could feel the vibe of everything, my mother started closing my room door with a fan outside facing the door to direct the air back in the room, I noticed I would wake up forgetting where I was jumping in my sleep, room windows had been sealed shut to trap the air on my room, everything was coming together, these men I had met ,this Asian criminal enterprise had been turning my life and family around the whole time. My mother never locked her room door, she had started locking her door and telling me not to go in there, when I entered one day I found a trash bag full of credit cards? Then one day I woke up in the trunk of my car in a gang infested neighborhood and had no idea how I had got there. It all came together I went to the FBI all they told me was call 912. I started getting health problems irregular heart beats, back problems, headaches, I ran away and somehow this criminal enterprise found me, my father died they said he slipped in the shower, but he had left a letter as if he knew he was going to die. I noticed when getting in my vehicle that my heart or chest would thump like irregular heart beats, and when I slept at home, but no where else outside or inside would it do that. Co workers and neighbors started acting strange like I was in charge of them or they were scared of me, this was they’re tactic, every time I would meet someone they would interrogate me then disappear. There’s nothing you can do cause no one will believe you, no one will help you, you feel helpless and begin to give up, these men take over towns, first taking over law enforcement then schools , churches, businesses, oil field companies such as mine, making profit and power anyway they can. All you can do is sit back and die , your faith is gone you have lost all hope there is no hope. You can only breath the gas in your car and home, eat and drink they’re poison, feel your health crash day by day, Death will be your salvation. HOW CAN YOU GET HELP. The man who put me here JASON CHARBENEAU. My name is Joe Hill here my story if we stop letting them control us we can be smarter then them, Gangstalking is real criminal enterprises use it as a new tactic, old hitmam tactics are gone on to a new way of organized crime tactics.

Colonel Bastian
5 years ago
Hello, I want to start a gang stalking hotline, but I am stuck there. What can a hotline provide to victims? I believe it can provide a database of legal resources. It can also be used to compile data on perpetrators. A place to make friends. Group calls. Group texting. I have the technology, I just need some funds. How will the gang stalkers get shut down? Make them fill out a survey which reveals gang stalking.

5 years ago
it is happening in Somerset nj right now to a gay couple,the people around them are over 70 years old,and the people are turning the neighborhood into hell for them all,but the couple is strong ,come to the area,take pictures,videos and post it ,its around hollywood ave and wilow st. if we stick together and expose it they will stop. thank you very much

Lil Rough
5 years ago This video will break everything down for target individuals.

Way Farer
5 years ago
U.S. is gonna burn. Creator in Bible says..gonna clean your Anglo German clock..real nice….

Way Farer
5 years ago (edited)
FLEE BABYLON…NY TIMES LOST 95 PERCENT OF READERS. Also..gang stalkers ate about to get reaped to hell..suddenly, as U.S. gets blitzkrieg attacked by Russia, Iran, China, and even Europe. Gang stalkers will soon be in hell , ss top level Freemasons are simply selling their souls to satan for harvest. May they rot in hell along with their families. DEATH TO ANGLO GERMAN BABYLON. ALL WILL BURN..Hopefully, very slowly.

A targeted individual Stop this evil
5 years ago
what I don’t understand is all these videos like which provide extensive information about perceived groups and methodology. i want to know where you get all if this information and terminology provided to you but we still can’t solve this mystery? if its the US gvmt; then why are people all over the world stalked? my guess is its a global criminal network involved in trafficking. they go to these lengths to keep people running all over the place but never solving the crime. if it were the gvmt then the secret would have been leaked out by now. they want us to think its the gvmt and police because its futile to fight the power that exist. its some secret society like gangs that have a strong taboo about telling. why would people in the gvmt with real jobs feel they need to harass me and call me foul names. these are criminals.

5 years ago (edited)
Gang Stalking is real.

Karen Tie
5 years ago
Doing research and this is amazing – praying for the ‘targets

T.A.G ent
5 years ago
Stay Strong you are not alone!! – Are you a Target? Subbed feel free to sub back! Band together!! Expose these ratz!!

Courtney Keller
5 years ago
My husband is a victim of gang stalking. Yes, I have witnessed it with my own eyes. It’s real. We have written confirmation from his psychiatrist that she does believe and knows that this is what is happening. How convenient that she was transferred to a VA hospital after that and we are no longer allowed to see her because we aren’t 55 years old.

These people are incredibly ballsy . They don’t care that I see or know. If it wasn’t so frustrating it would actually be quite comical.

I’m sure they’re trying to get me to leave my husband so that he can be completely isolated but that’s definitely never going to happen. Those of you who are gang stalked; please remember the people who truly love you and stop believing that they are a “part of it”. Your heart knows the truth. Listen to it.

What’s interesting is that a couple of the perpetrators (on several different occasions) have told my husband that “they aren’t all bad and some have hearts” and to “find God”. Interesting. Maybe there’s some truth to that?

Good luck and remember, “Ignorance is Bliss”.

John Hawkins
5 years ago (edited)

Anthony Mandolin
5 years ago
There is one mistake which all targeted individuals seem to make.

When the gangstalking starts, it’s all real and happening. They are extremely good at synchronizing, and annoying the hell out of you. After a while, after you have been molested in this way, they no longer need to do it. You will perceive anything negative, and any coincidence, as “gang-stalking”.

Also remember, when you are being targeted, they influence your mind and perceptions. They are so advanced, that they can alter individual neurological pathways, making you more susceptible to paranoia when a certain event occurs.

It took me while to develop immunity to all their tactics. Unfortunately, I lost my career (I was making 250.000 USD / year before the attacks started), and I also lost my family. They also mutilated my brain pretty badly.

Jeremy Cline
5 years ago
Very informative, thorough and level-headed. Thank you. The only thing is, the technology they have is much more advanced than what you list here. Participants (this is now viral with participation levels well beyond just paid perps–i.e., it’s a pastime at this point) can download apps onto their smartphones with a version of RNM which includes access to your sight, hearing, etc., allowing them to time their noise, light, movements with much more intensity. Imagine you’re having a convo with a friend who has been turned against you, and they can time a siren, for example, to the exact moment you realize that this person you’re talking to is now in on it.

Val Dvnae
5 years ago
Excellent video, thanks

anthony miller
5 years ago
Keep Spreading thisĀ informationĀ and maybe enough people will catch on soĀ this is investigated. AlsoĀ try to recognizeĀ the comments that are purposely out there and discrediting.

5 years ago
Get your vibration up! Sing, dance and not to music with a low vibration/beats…find something with a higher vibration. Laugh, be joyful..even if it feels weird and un natural. Sing praises to God!! Make a gratitude list. Do this everyday…focused, concentrated time on good things. Turn off the T.V. Don’t watch the violence and news. Don’t think about being a victim. Think about being victorious! If your mind wanders to something negative…put it back on track and focus on what is good and lovely. Find someone in worse shape than you and do something nice for them. Repeat this over and over and over until you un-do your programming. You’ll awake one day a new person with a completely new perspective and you’ll help someone someday in the same boat you’re in right now. Peace, joy, love and a sound mind.

5 years ago
Your mind is echoing everything you’re experiencing. I pray that the merry-go-round and mirror effect that you’re experiencing stop in the Name of Jesus and that your mind be set free and that you are healed so that you will one day set others free. Be healed loved one!

5 years ago
it is happening to us also ,but I will not let these FUCKERS of hate ,we must get together and beat them ,just keep strong my people .

pen independent7
5 years ago
This system, program or whatever its called get the worst out of people.
It makes you act in a manner that you wouldn”t in normal circumstances
by messing with the person repeatedly and making them feel as if they
deserve it. I hope one day enough people recognize this is happening and
finally put an end to this. And it is for real. Peace

Angelique Morrison
5 years ago
Please help me. its been going on 5 years now. no family. so scared. Please call me 760 694 5704

pen independent7
5 years ago (edited)
The origins of this probably come from the stasi and possibly hate group tactics . At first I didn’t understand why they were using these methods to (TI’s) in their communities where this didn’t take place before. Until I watched 13th ( netflix documentary) and saw the part where the klan would harass/stalk blacks until it drove them away to cities to escape this sort of harassment. This gives insight that these same tactics are being used and implemented again but now called Gang Stalking or Organized Harassment. The way these people follow and psychologically damage a TI by using different detrimental tactics is pretty much the same way a malicious group would do to a victim.but now done at a larger scale and to a diverse group of people. It is somewhat difficult to explain and prove this is taking place to others because its something that you would have had to gone through to know, and for some people in this situation this has taken place many years, including myself which leaves no doubt in my mind, evil tactics are being used on us.All of this are just my observations, not saying im 100% right, everyone is free to have their own conclusions.

Just Sayin
5 years ago
Keep spreading the word about this. It takes alot of the power away from the violators.
Kamala Pati
5 years ago
Follow the money. I have first responders on me know.

5 years ago
proactive policing, local agencies applying for federal grant money. its all about money and understanding human responses
so refine how it reacts to authority

people2peepholes Dembowski
5 years ago
I can confirm two red ORBS out of the NE 5 min apart both flying over my house. Some of us will need to find oneanother very soon. I have no fear of these cowards but I am alone.

people2peepholes Dembowski
5 years ago
My computers have been hacked and never fucking work properly. This is no joke and I haven’t got anyone around me who will listen to my testimony and story.

people2peepholes Dembowski
5 years ago
I was put in a pyschward for a week. BY My mother. WTF… ? I am what is left of a very special little boy who was soul abducted for several years in order to provide enrgy for thenm… I was 9 when I realized I was being used and I think I may have destroyed myself?/MY SOUL. out of rage and never heard from them again. but then the posseions started and I became a narcissist / bully big brother . I have info for people but I am tired

people2peepholes Dembowski
5 years ago
You are 100% Correct in your discernment my Brother! 14 years…. 14 fucking ears of this shit. My targeting started with voice of god and demons. Headaches Disassociation , following me around in stores. and the list just goes on. So far I havnt met anyone targeted for so long but I have understanding of many things now. cause I never gave up. They cannot handle e+treme controlled Rage. I have met several skin job AI’s and because of who I AM I cannot even enjoy a girl friend or friend s for that matter. because anyone around me gets a temporary stalking while running a smear campaign on me in several ways. so FUCK THEM I have made it my business to be in their ear and face and unmask their agents everywhere I find them or they find me .. So Please hear me When I say GO FUCK YOURSELVES YOU COWARDS. I am still going strong. and will see all you clowns in the end … I am a veteran as well./

Abu Chuuqi
5 years ago
a big thanks to your efforts May zurvan keep you and others safe

Petra A
5 years ago
what are reasons WHY someone is gang stalked?

Jack Dale
5 years ago
@ 50.29, your Sound decreased, sometimes reaching previous levels, but mostly staying low until 54.05…still trending lower & lower in volume [–I’m @ Max volume to listen to you, in the first-place, YOU NEED TO ADDRESS THIS or you might look insincere/”compromised!” Still have periods of low-volume [back@ 56.05, normal volume ].

Bosnian Dude
5 years ago
Thid is happening to me to.This is a crime.I will fight this.I will go out and talk to those mother fuckers and smile i will let them know.I will have my camera with me.If they can harass,stalk me i can find out where they are and stalk back.I will not surrender to this crime.

john trujillo
5 years ago
what do they want with tis, and what is the real story?

L. Hansson
5 years ago
Gang Stalking is a part of Mind Control programs. Mind Control is an efficient tool in fighting crime, terrorism and to create hardened individuals for special operations. The Superpower has spent billions of dollars on research and it is hard to tell who is ahead in the MK race.
The illegal use of Gang Stalking & Mind Control should be pursued and punished by the authorities. Some of the Gang Stalking and Mind Control has been outsourced to private entities since it is illegal non consenting research.

anthony miller
5 years ago
Most of this is being done under the guise of counterterrorism where various emergency personal participate in what is usually a bogus investigation. There is a lot of money to be made in counterterrorism and if an actual threat doesn’t exist then a boogyman has to be created. Since it is hard to trace and never investigated,Ā you can call the targets crazy paranoid and this scam can continue forever, great for the people making money off this crap.

Markus Romero
5 years ago
Eli nuanez of. north east albq.n.m. and Kevin idler of veguita new Mexico, and Anthony najar of reserve new Mexico. this cult is selling humans and brains for studies to science for hundreds of thousands of dollars. sick evil s.o.b.s. illegally implanting humans with brain microchips and biotic type of implant and rfid implants. they are using a type of medical spray through windows that are open in the summer time. it knocked me out immediately. this happened several times in new Mexico.

Morgan Savory
5 years ago
The group of bankers that control the “free “world are small but their methods have been perfected over time. Protesting simply reinforces the psychopath . Those who set the policy don’t harass murder or steal themselves but their mercenaries who keep the average person in fear. Dogmatic order followers are the problem with the world . When police realize that “I was just following orders. ” “I don’t write the laws.” and “I gotta feed my family too.” Are not valid excuses for immoral behavior will be a good start. Understand that government is a cult and as long as cops enforce the every whim of the high priests the monopoly on violence will stay in place.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution
5 years ago
Gang Stalking has little to do with surveillance its is a activity based on domestic terrorism and engineering horrible events in our communities. Medical science has linked these activities to horrific events so if any agency is involved in systematic harassment this agency is in fact engineering events in our country and these people need to be watched to protect America from domestic terrorist operating out of the scope of U.S laws.

5 years ago
Dude. you talk too much. Just get on with it in a ‘factual manner’ without constantly repeating the same sentences. If you don’t have the audiences attention within the first few minutes, they leave. Just like me now at 4:19. It was just too much. Still give ya thumbs up though for content alone, and what you’ve been through. : )

Daniel Bucklin
5 years ago
If all the people being genuinely gang stalked got together and had a open protest, itĀ would get coverage. People would then know what it is. Lets get their attention.

Targeted Since 2015
5 years ago
To get away from the tracking, go fly in an airplane. But make sure you don’t have anything that they can use to track you after you land, like cell phone. Purchase or make a zapper to get rid of nanobots in your body that are being used for harassment. Shield yourself using metal, magnet, and piezo electric material.

Jimmy Templeton
5 years ago
I have a good friend that has been gangstalked and tortured since 2001. We have been able to track down a group of high ranking gangstalkers. These are the people that do the actual torturing they are in the 400 block of Corvette Street, in Port Hueneme, CA 87,89,93,95,92,94,96. IF you want your torture to stop, you know the drill.

Maruchan Gainz
5 years ago
135 people out of 8289 that watched this video have been gangstalked. That’s about 1 1/2 %. I guess I should feel special ,not it’s a living hell I hope I never expirence again.

Maruchan Gainz
5 years ago
They sensitised me to the sound of 2 sticks (what sounded like night sticks) banging together every time they came around. They also could see everything I was doing and they would describe what I was doing and say all kinds of negative things.They could see me in the shower too and would talk about my privates. I never found any mics or cameras but I could hear them talking to me. They laughed and said I was stupid because I couldn’t figure it out.One time they sprayed a chemical into my window air conditioning they said this will help get it in there. Another time I took some sleeping pills drank just a little so I could get some sleep. They came over at night so I slept during the day. The harassment from the video and mics was continuous though. But anyway I woke up the next morning about 15 hours later thinking just took a nap. My face hurt I looked it was covered in bruises. My mom said that I fell on my weights and drank her liquor. I had barley had two drinks out of my own liquor I wasn’t even drunk when I went to sleep. I think I was drugged and beaten. By the way my mom already said after that she wished someone would shoot me or that I would commit suicide. This was after the gangstalking started. That’s enough for now.

5 years ago
very good video.

Angela Smetak
5 years ago
where can i more info on air stalking

Patricia Davis Neal
5 years ago
Street Theater is true, not paranoia, I’ve witnessed it several times!

Stephanie In the wild
5 years ago
What is not understood is most people won’t go thru serious trouble to stalk a person as far as street theatre or harassment on street. This part if paranoia. You can call them on it or stalk them back. You’ll find they go away quickly!!

hyeok lee
5 years ago
we all die, so going to hell should be the only thing to be scared in life. this war has to happen! or we can’t say we are good and allow no justice.

5 years ago
“…go more harder…” ?

5 years ago
The terms you want to downplay are political terms. This is fundamentally a political issue. There’s no redress inside their legal system.

Angela Smetak
5 years ago
I am a t.i and mine is a bit different it comes from the sky..
this video is the first time I got to hear about sky stalking I would like more information

Srvjediknight SRV
5 years ago
Put the Lord number one in ya life and their junk is useless

5 years ago
they can’t use plausible deniability because they are called cherry agents that is there term cherry.

5 years ago
TI ofallon,il. gainesville,fl.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution
5 years ago (edited)
Great video. Just wanted to share this note on Fusion Centers:
Fusion centers work will not be limited to terrorism or
terrorist activity, but will, according to the appendices of the Fusion
Center Guidelines, extend to the investigation of “Persons on Public Assistance” illicit drugs, traffic accidents, and aviation accident analysis.

Edward P
5 years ago (edited)
That substance they use to make you more visible by radar i believe is done through your water that you shower with. They actually tap into your plumbing from behind your walls if in an adjacent apartment or from outdoor pipes leading into your home. You can feel the difference in the water. It has the same feel as that chemical they wipe your luggage with at the airport. As for the eye tracking, you will know if you are eye tracked by moving your eyes quickly from left to right. If you hear a sound like the “shhhhh” of a analog radio you know that you are eye tracked.

Eduardo mora San martin
6 years ago
im a ti victim in chile by a psychiatrist, i uploaded a video last night, please look it up !!!and i don’t know what to do, he controls cops and local justice, Carlos sciolla donoso at hospital Philip pinnel putaendo chile, my family is involved

Vlog for God’s lambs.
6 years ago
gang stalking is spiritual warfare. demons cause gang stalking behavior.

Chris Gristle
6 years ago
This is a GREAT video. I couldn’t listen to the whole thing back when I first started watching these videos; this one made me
mad.. it still does lol. Because every bit of your information is true. Thank you – researching this must’ve taken you at LEAST a couple months.

6 years ago (edited)
Thanks you for sharing this video. Exposing domestic terrorists is ethical.


Comments to Part 2:

21,295 views Sep 13, 2016

Is a groundbreaking documentary series about the gangstalking phenomenon. These videos provide factual information about this evil attack sponsored, sanctioned, and executed by the American government.

In turn targeted individuals will use this deep information from this documentary which dissect, and fractures the mechanics and methods of the gangstalking attack. Therefore solutions and tactics will be developed to defeat, nullify, weaken, and sooner than we think expose and stop this evil attack.

1. DO NOT accept defeat. YOU WILL get back
on your feet, or work on it.

2. HAVE PEN A PAPER while watching to take notes.
Because you will develop tactics to be victorious.
Not for entertainment.

gangstalking attack naked and force-less.


5 years ago
Truly one of the best videos on this horrific program I’ve ever seen! Thank you for posting this. So many of us have suffered under this program.

Marlene Miller
6 years ago
Even if you do not react – they will still say you are crazy. How else can they continue to harass, stalk , and assassinate your character ?

chris nelson
5 years ago
I am a TI, I started hearing my handlers voices in my head four years ago and they have made my life a living hell ever since. I ‘ve been set up to be the fall guy for a major narcotics trafficking ring. The only thing is I don’t even use drugs let alone sell them. They say I was supposed to be the biggest heroin trafficker on the west coast and then they were going to make an example out of me to fulfill a political agenda. My handlers are the biggest drug dealers in the country and I know who they are. I’ve turned them in to the FBI twice now and I don’t even get a phone call or interview, nothing. They call what they do an operation and they call their operation Spies Are Us. I t is part of a mass surveillance operation and organized crime ring. They harass me all day every day, it’s maddening. They killed my pet and they’ve been threatening to kill me too. I have some serious health problems and they have been threatening to take me off my medications too, they are cruel, cold blooded people. My situation is a bit different than other TI’s in that I know who they are, I’ve known them my whole life and there is nothing I can do about it. I know the government is involved because organized crime rings don’t call what they do an operation or come up with clever names like Spies Are Us. They put technology in my body when I was just a kid and it allows them to know everything I think, see, and hear at all times. It is the most invasive technology ever created. I see them everywhere I go and they come from all different walks of life, I can’t go anywhere without being followed. They had me put in a psyche ward for a 72 hour evaluation when I first found out and they came in a posed as patients and told he how they were going to kill me in my sleep, it was terrifying. Somehow they publicized my life and my whole community is in on it. The only thing is they told everyone that it was an experiment in gateway drugs when the truth is it has been a set up since the very beginning. A lot of people are finding out the truth and we are going to have a real crisis on our hands soon, I don’t know what’s going to happen but there are thousands of people that are finding out the truth about this. My handlers put the same technology in their own bodies so they could be a part of this operation and ever since I started hearing their voices in my head, they started hearing my thought in their heads and it is driving them insane, I have no doubt they are trying to get me in prison as fast as possible so I can conveniently end up dead. I need help, I don’t know how much longer this can go on. This is going on in central Oregon but they also have an operation going in Texas and somewhere on the east coast as well, I was supposed to be the fall guy for all of it. They are using underground tunnels to traffic their drugs and carry out their mass surveillance operation. I know how crazy this all sounds, I can hardly believe it myself. I wouldn’t believe it either if I wasn’t living it. They say they were going to make me the scapegoat for forcing this technology on everyone in the country, we are all in big trouble, these are some of the most powerful people in the country, law enforcement won’t even help me. Please pray for me, I need all the help I can get.

zina antoaneta sabau darling
1 year ago
I am in awe at the plethora of valid valuable factual targeting info. you have provided in this video and for your generosity to share it with targeted individuals. Thank you for making yourself available for those contemplating desperate acts. God bless you.šŸ™šŸŒ»

Maurice Mccray
3 years ago (edited)
I really appreciate your efforts. You are an inspiration to every person going through this hell. I have one question though, what do you do to overcome the fact that they are brain washing every one around you so they won’t talk to you or so you can’t make friends, particularly female friends

Cris Lowe
5 months ago
It got to me even after watching this video and knowing it played on my personality trait. I donā€™t like being bullied and if you hit me Iā€™ll hit you back even harder and thatā€™s more of a metaphorical statement. Because of my strong nature I get heavy attacks. I know I got to get a grip to have a chance at a positive productive life.

Troy George
4 years ago (edited)
The Century Theatre shooting in Aurora Colorado is 100% part of this program. All of the evidence is part of this program. He was even walking around confused afterward outside the theatre when the police arrived.

Government already psychologically tests children and military enlistees. A specific psychological disorder will cause the recruiters to push applicant toward a specific military program.

Psychologists, government employees, and all of the others are lying about the TI because the program pays them and I was told they would lose their jobs if the program doesn’t continue to grow.

Enlightened Individual
5 years ago
The key is to expose evil

HAS Jewels
4 years ago
Prayers for all of us that justice will be served on these sick sadistic criminals for harming innocent people and innocent children and animals. Jesus hear our prayers to stop all of this chaos. Best wishes to all TIā€™s!! Stay strong so they donā€™t win. We can get through this. Jesus doesnā€™t lose any battles. And God tests the ones the hardest that offer the most to the world. šŸŒ·āœŒšŸ¼ā¤ļøšŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ¤ž

Carol Stanhope
3 years ago
Yes! They want you to move so that they can isolate you and go in for the kill.A very well known t.i. ‘James Harken’ moved from Detroit to Boulder,Co. and the vehicle stalkers ran him off the interstate into a snowbank!šŸ˜³The cops just laughed in his face and told him they couldn’t help.He ended up moving back to Detroit,only to find he had lost his support system,family & friends etc. Then his harassment escalated and now his gangstalking support channel has gone silent.It is very sad.šŸ˜Ŗ

Crazy Funny Cats
4 years ago
This info really does sound insane to most …thanks to recorded evidence we have all we need to defeat the evil pricks

One upmanship our father taught us well
šŸŒ¹rip CRF
Edmonton Alberta Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦

James Anderson
5 years ago
We need to file a class action lawsuit together if possible against this program all in same Court a large number of people who are Targets

Daniel Pavlovsky
2 years ago
1:10:55 this is an extremely important point. If you’ve committed a crime, then you should be processed accordingly, i.e. lawfully through the courts. They have no right to conduct any type of extra-judicial process on an individual. What they’re doing is extremely illegal.

Charles Catagnus
4 years ago
BINGO šŸ˜ŽStalking, Harassment, Slander and misinformation done with the sole purpose to cause either “suicide or violent felony(incarceration)” – Be strong sheep. The wolf is at the door šŸ˜


Dee Trout
3 months ago (edited)
This is better for me to binge watch than Netflix.

1 year ago
This is great information thank you!

Day/Swing Trader
6 years ago
You have the best gangstalking videos in the internet. Your very smart..thank you brother

4 years ago
Thank you so much for the videos!!!Me and my kids are victims of this terrible crime!!!!

My Buiz
4 years ago (edited)
They’re so sick and sadistic, miserable, evil people they need to get locked up they’re the ones with psychological problems

Zadie GrayBey
5 years ago
Every name you mention are involved. Even the cable contractor, firemen, maintenance men, Code enforcers, Policy Enforcers, Ex, MAP – Mid America Psychologist, from the County to agencies, CPS, Health Department employees, Fema Logistics Planner, and more. FROM STATE TO STATE. ALL FOR GRANT FIAT !

Targeted Individuals Be Strong
4 years ago
Wolverine been a while since I heard from you. They took you off subscribing list. Now I know why. Great videos. Thanks for providing this information for the cause. Hang in there. Yeshua will be coming soon and we will have our vengence in the end. God be in you. Peace. Heavy T.

Jewely H
6 years ago
These atrocities are so systemic, it is off the chain! Only Jesus can clean up this mess from the top down and all it’s tentacles! I was Gangstalked at church.

Christi Lynn
5 years ago (edited)
I currently live maybe 10 miles from an impressive Masonic Lodge that sits upon a hill on what appears to be at leastĀ several acres of land. My point of this is to say that I’m seeing quite a few custom made bumper stickers/back window stickers that read C3 or sometimes they read CC. Like it’s their “cleaver” way of letting the world know they’re a 33rd degree secret society mason who worships Lucifer. It’s sick stuff!

Monette Elle
4 years ago
Is it true that once you visit different states you’ll have gangstalkers in each state?

3 years ago
‘d like to meet empowered individuals in London, UK….by the way: is the creator of this channel aware of the fact that his mike is causing “b” and “p” and “d” kind of thing all the time?

4 years ago (edited)
Thank you for this information. I was born in the 1980’s. It was strange that my mom said that I had a midwife. Now I know my mom was poor. She couldn’t afford a midwife. That was just the government making me a experiment or something. I was born with a extra finger. Which look like a mole now. But I been noticed all the weird s***. I was young !!!

This white wanted to take my picture. I was 10 years old. She took the pic and hole-ass in a black SUV. Then there’s more story. I just wish they just leave me alone. I’m too smart for the bullshit. Then i’m no threat. Or not against the government. I cant control if they want to blow up the world or anything.

I dont have any powers. This program destroy my relationship with my mother and all. Now my fiance probably leave me too. So I have nobody in my life. I just try to keep my spirits high. Try to stay happy regardless.

Mighty by Grace
4 years ago
Get closer to God and mark the food you eat with the holy cross or pray, since it is proven that praying near water changes its molecular structure in a good way

Matthew Bernstein
4 years ago (edited)
its crazy how many of us there are and yet we are labeled crazy if we talk about it

3 years ago
I was with you, up until you said that LGBT people are in on the program. Why exactly would you think that? Wouldn’t it make more sense that LGBT people are more likely to BE the targets themselves?

5 years ago
ALSO check part 3 of
this information is a weapon EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS must keep this in there arsenal

Sean Goodspeed
3 years ago
If they’re above the law. You’re above the law.

6 years ago
the govt is behind this . not your neighbor. they may be recriuted to help. but there not the leader of gangstalking attack

Kathy Radny
5 years ago
the lack of sleep can cause psychosis n death too.

Charles Catagnus
4 years ago
Gangstalking is a medical crime against the targeted victim. šŸ˜­

June Viarruel
4 years ago (edited)
They color blast me , they drive the same cars , same color, whatever color I’m wearing they go by in droves in in whatever color I’m wearing. It’s pathetic. I just want to know who did this to me. I just want to die and be done with it.ty so much.

Kathy Radny
6 years ago

6 years ago
I was mobbed on the job at LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY and that is when my gang stalking, street harassment, street mobbing, terrorist begin.My formal supervisor at LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY a formal (FEDERAL JUDGE,LAWYER) sent this force behind my family and I. After I filed with EEOC I was arrested by LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY POLICE for improper lane usage, resisting arrest while working on the job as a form of retaliation. I was also involuntary laid off as another form of retaliation and have been blacklisted for finding a job in Louisiana. We are under 24/7 illegal surveillance without ever committing any crimes. In Louisiana they are harassing women and children but they does not attack us when we are with the men in my family. My family and I are gang stalked by:FBI, LAWYERS, JUDGES, 19TH JUDICIAL COURT HOUSE, BATON ROUGE POLICE, LOUISIANA LAW ENFORCERS,POLITICIANS, FIREMEN, AMBULANCE, TEACHERS, PREACHERS, DOCTORS, CONTRACTORS, POST OFFICE, FED X, UPS, FAMILY, NEIGHBORS, COMMUNITY,STRANGERS, ETC. FBI are giving these people all types of bribes and BENEFITS: NEW HOMES, HOMES REMODEL, NEW VEHICLES, MONEY, EARLY RETIREMENT, EARLY RELEASE FROM PRISON, JOBS, FREE EDUCATION, GIFTS, ETC. My formal supervisor a(FORMAL FEDERAL JUDGE, LAWYER) is abusing his authority in LOUISIANA. My mother and I made a you tube video: Stephanie Bailey gang stalking. They came after my mother after she refused to back away like every body else. They attack women and children but will not make it obvious when we are with the men.

Zadie GrayBey
5 years ago
OMG this is so real.

Linda Fondrisi-Haynes
5 years ago

Maranna Latimer
3 years ago
Spot On..God bless protection to the TI..There will be a day of reckoning..

Apache Turtle Island
4 years ago
thank you, great info

Dayana De Leon
4 years ago
God help us all.

My Buiz
4 years ago
They’re also lying and making up stories about me that isn’t true and recruiting people in my neighborhood

Creative-Anon-CA ______
4 years ago

guy potter
6 years ago
I have seen flags on the house of my x neighbors and car and groups of people there. Ihave been hearing this x neighbors voice in the air for over 30 yrs and it looks like infraguard private contractors to me.

Ray W Penn Jr
3 years ago (edited)
Watch out for smart grids with street lights at night they can turn them off and on and dim them at will so it’s a good idea to have your device flashlight charged up and know were an extra backup flashlight is too I like the LED one were you turn it in case the battery gose flat . Some wierd phone going off and on recharging but it stopped it also did it with my tablet saying it wasn’t the correct charger when it was but it’s working I think .

anneli jonsson #Targeted individual
2 years ago
im a ti in sweden this is so horrific i live with a opened door for them to take me in take my money make up courtcases put me in debts and to burn me out as injected i dont do drugs i want to train and live healthy .

Kathy Radny
5 years ago
they are still financially abusing me too.

Lady Pamela
4 years ago
well done

Dezi Ramson
3 years ago
San Diego Sherriffs Department, ambulance companies, Sharp healthcare, fire department, post office, library, neighbors….

Monette Elle
4 years ago
I’ve lived in so many states because of this messed up program…..SMH

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
Yeah on electronic harassment one of my apps said I needed to update it yet on Google play it was updated and it’s that ai machine learning stuff on the e i show 10 or 20 percent of my school test were psychology tests yet the teachers did not say they were they were in random classes too until I read a psychology book later on .

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
Not sure about online tampering with appliances like bugs bunny gremilns in the twilight zone I was using one of those k cups machines filled it up with water heard the machine then came back fixing something to eat looked at no water it finished it’s cycle but nothing weird it also had holes in both ends so the bevrage could come out but nothing but the next time I tried it it was fine .

Darren Leavitt
5 years ago
God bless you

Colonel Bastian
6 years ago
haha, this is their handbook… you are awesome.

Carolyn Mezias
4 years ago

Ray W Penn Jr
3 years ago
Sometimes I hear police fire and ambiance truck beeping and honking there horns alot think they do that because of weddings and sporting events

Linda Bennett
3 years ago
Again I don’t know how you got so lucky because everything I recorded they have erased, and I mean EVERYTHING.
I have literally been thru 38 phones in a year and a half. I think they have a stingray right here at my home

Belinda Servin
4 years ago
Is tracking device in your body enough evidence

Ana Carvalho Granado
3 years ago
I fond out that I’m in a program since born against my will. I’m 56 years old and my life turn a he’ll when I move to HOLLAND. They even trying kill me for few times and always with police signature. When I try prest charges by the police department in Oosterhout they didn’t accept my evidence and proves about. It’s frustrating. They forge my assignature to keep my all income with them and this way I can’t leave Nederland to live in my country Portugal. Its a hard reality and I try survive in the daily bases.

Ray W Penn Jr
3 years ago
There some electrical curfew in town idk if it’s a bad deal with our town with the electrical company if you go over your ration limit they cut your power my mom called them they turned on our power but I think the whole towns affected by this rationing of electric stuff yeah even the pumpkin farmer accross the lake had to shut off the light off on there properity they had that light on for over 35 years I been unplugging nonessential s reading in the day and exercising at night I still have the turning flashlight to save some power .

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
There making the elderly look helpless on the news saying they are the problem constantly and need to self isolate with this corinia virus stuff .

Kavi Jackson
4 years ago
EXACTLY 48:00 TO 49:45!

Axel Smith
5 years ago
imagine what they will do once they take our guns away.

Ray W Penn Jr
3 years ago
When i woke up looked like headlights though window idk my dad said it might be just the police but I couldn’t tell because was about 300 ft at night and away from the pond then about 5 minutes later it was gone .

5 years ago
Thank you from Maryland.

5 years ago
ALSO check part 3 of
this information is a weapon EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS must keep this in there arsenal

Kathy Radny
5 years ago (edited)
i have physically visible damage on my right calf from those weapins ripping my calf muscle, thigh and marks on head as well as a new mole where they were hitting me in temporal lobe, brains do not just snap, crackle n pop without military trash trying to cause Kellogg acts

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago (edited)
There is a Google suggestion bot it was telling me to update my profile pic back in 2019 however my family and friends have not said anything about it on Facebook . On Google assistant it posted in front of me heart rate moniter it appeared without me texting or speaking it in or accessing the app even though I only posted that about my dads heart rate montier on Facebook messager only . About 3 years ago Google posted out of nowhere lots of beach locations even though I wasn’t even looking for beach travel at that time .

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
Idk about coppa stuff on my news feed devices every time it’s weird no coppa stuff on the PS3 downstairs which my mom and nephews and niece use or the yt on 4k cable idk if I’m being targeted or not but my ps3 here still got the coppa stuff every time too I did get that yt and coppa law stuff back in Nov 2019 but I got ghost bombed nothing worked my vids playlists all that so I deleted them hopefully I won’t get the fines . It also did weird stuff the ghost bomb it ghosted my farther s history but it worked again when I typed in yt ray p sunset it’s one of his rc fling vids but then the history from that point on started to work again might have the yt corporate sweep back in Dec 10 2019 .

Kathy Radny
5 years ago
its not just usa govt sorry.

4 years ago
The audio quality on this video is very poor at best. It would serve the TI Community well to have the voice over redone because the information is so important and needs to be clearly heard without the noise distractions. JMHO Thx

Jorge Gonzalez
3 years ago
One question,

Can they use your Doctor to conduct attack on the patient?

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago (edited)
Yeah idk if rc copters can imatate geese noises as they fly over houses not sure . China warehouses are they getting people sick not sure my dad orders rc parts over there alot in Jan and Feb he did get sick but think it maybe cold stuff he said he did like some Dayquill stuff but maybe because it’s fast acting liquid had side effect with his other meds he was taking that month .

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
Targeted adds it’s common to see reward or punish behavior stuff in them then the payed product however the second type of add no product or a site dose not lead anyware it maybe a scam or they might be doing that for hidden research .

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
Maybe Hulk Hogan was right about the NWO the covid 19 2020 edition but the t shirts they was black on white and black on red so idk what that means maybe hulk Hogan can time travel in the back to the future robo car 2020 with the my pillow guy .

Kathy Radny
5 years ago
they’ll deserve what they get for taking what was honestly mine anyway, thrice and they thrived on stealing phone calls they knew would matter to me and murdered those that wanted me.

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
On food produce there’s weird stickers on them there one they got a crow with a red eye on it or maybe it’s just food produce sticker inside info tags or another outfits tag not sure

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
If your waiting on a doctor it might take a month so try not to get hurt if your waiting on big appliance such as a stove it may take a month it that covid 19 stuff .

Ray W Penn Jr
4 years ago (edited)
The garbage can thing I remember on duck tales both Scrooge McDuck and Glond Gold do the garbage and trash thing but they were bitter rivals think the Sims 2 teens could tip over garbage cans and some reality shows we’re doing that before 9/11 but after that nope but my mom and dad said there’s šŸ» s and moose s but I never seen any only on TV and FB . I don’t know why they hang around hidden places by crosswalks I was delivering a letter for my mom and I heard one running after me a full speed the footsteps but I ran across the crosswalk then past cop then to the post office then I looked back he was gone maybe he didn’t like cops I didn’t report it though had to take a different way home my dad picked me up in his truck we went the long way around town because I was freaked out . Idk about gangstalking in the home my niece took pic of me at 11 30 at night without my permission in my room point blank of my face then she uploading it to some green site I’m trying to calm down but it’s harassing . I just get tired of newsgroups saying report people report people it’s cool and all if there’s something legit wrong but not every micro stepping breath. Then they got bot thing 1 and thing 2 going on when I post something on fb messager they read it then the post something on my on random generateted accounts on my yt inbox with there version of the answer oh well guess it’s free info . Lately yesterday my tablet was blinking light blue that some weird hypno code idk but I have not seen it today but I think my phone keeps getting blocked and lags too like I get 5 fake messages in my inbox on notifications but it’s nothing . Yeah they not lieing about the 911 checkpoints aftermath one had dude crouching around stopped cars and hid in the bushes alot while the other one said are you a US citizen ? Have not seen them lately though but they can be deployed however . I see what looks like 6 or 7 slashes in the wood by my big controller also when I turn on my ps3 it was on infamous demo I don’t remember playing that maybe it’s nothing . My ps3 one of my pic folders for a certain month was locking up my ps3 idk if it was glitch or an attack had to delete it it just had old game pics . Had to delete my yt history couple days back wasn’t working for 3 years ago but it’s working now .

My Buiz
4 years ago
They actually told me that they are trying to set me up for something
Carolyn Mezias
Carolyn Mezias
4 years ago
Thank you

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago (edited)
Some tension in the stores that’s what my mom said you can’t social babble much also restraunts still using pick up windows over 30 days of being home mostly covit 19 on the news 24 7 some bears getting chickens in country but I have not confirmed anything just hear some other neighbor so may not be true .

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
Weird stuff my dad ordered pizza but nothing idk if that corinia shut down ban restraunt thing in effect or not

Bueno Gardin
3 months ago
I am Kenyan. The title should be targeted globally

Christy Libby
1 year ago
All facts – people of GOD know this is a spiritual war

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
Seeing that fling rc idk if the police or military are using them it’s got a red and light blue light it’s louder than a normal one think it’s 8 or six rotary kind or maybe it’s just trolling my window like rc blue thunder movie .

My Buiz
4 years ago
So what do you do record them as they stalk you what do you do I’m lost I want it to stop they’re using blackmail too

5 years ago
proactive policing, local agencies applying for federal grant money. its all about money and understanding human responses
so refine how it reacts to authority

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
Yeah watch out laundry detegents idk if they be tamering with it or they just get a skin icthing reaction it’s not cause people just alergic either .

guy potter
6 years ago
I have checked on their income and they receive a govt check every 2 weeks of 1000.

Belinda Servin
4 years ago
? For you can these directive devices hurt others that are close to you?

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
I did see that night drone again but it shut off it’s light prob got night vision it flew over the hill yup it’s 8 o’clock might be on some robo timer returning to base .

Kathy Radny
5 years ago

Deborah Connor
3 years ago
Gang stalkers, you keep coming after my son, and I promise, you will rue the day!!! I know about you.

Crazy Funny Cats
4 years ago
How can we reach this guy speaking ?

11 months ago
Would love to speak with you

421 BB
10 months ago
Yeh dude the video would be amazing without all the microphone issues, speaking too close to the mic, it hurts

jimmy Schnittjer
5 years ago

amir fightingfortruth
2 years ago
Im gang stalk in every country!need help

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago (edited)
I don’t know why rc copter looking level in people’s windows back side of the houses the other one was doing that in Jan 2020 it had white light that one in Feb 2020 it had a red light with a light blue light prob the light blue light on the camera it moved around more think the red light just a stock light beam kinda like a laser pointer but it’s wider and not that bright maybe it’s a Pokemon go app fan they use rc copter to catch Pokemon prob shouldn’t freak out again because it was using the classic red and light blue Pokemon colors .

Carolyn Mezias
4 years ago
I have needle holes. I DO NOT SHOOT UP

Princess Weyma
3 years ago
ALL TI The Monster Evil giving order is located at 1851 Third Avenue Apartment 14H, New York, NY 10029. She is Armed n Very Dangerous, Also Abused both Drug n Alcohol. Make sure U have your weapons with you

5 years ago
i would like to meet targeted individuals in london, uk

Dee Trout
3 months ago
Love you

Belinda Servin
4 years ago
Big Banks can be chest players?

11 months ago
Don’t forget the church of scientology

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago (edited)
Then I get the smiley hacker on chromebook saying try out Microsoft services pops up dark blue but the smiley in light blue draw in like the wet bandits in home alone movie when type my password if it was a legit Ad it should be in outlook express mail .

June Viarruel
4 years ago
I never believe the Omar thing one bit.

Christian HernƔndez
4 years ago
is ironic I stumble on this I’ve been feeling watch for some time . like as soon as I got by my home street there is a cop pulling over too and when I notice him or them they u turn it and left . like wtf smh . the other day I was being box in traffic by gang stalkers lile seriously no respect smh

Damon Cook
1 year ago
My name is antrion I have been gang stalked for the last 12 years of my life it all started back in Hilton head island sc I was working for this job name Reba then they changed their name to elite resort group they didn’t like me because I stay to my self and I didn’t brother them I just did my job and they tried to get rid of me but I wouldn’t quit for 5 years so my boss secretary and employees and hi ups went on the internet made up a bunch of lies about me they had Beaufort county police and fire department and albumlance to track me and put invisible cameras with sound in my house and cars and in other people’s homes and cars dat I know turn my family and friends against me I won’t people to know who these people are because if they did it to me they do it to the next person they don’t like believe me there day is coming I promise you

Carolyn Mezias
4 years ago

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
There’s lost of isolationist propaganda on YouTube Facebook xfinity apps and misinformation going around saying to file your taxes on June 15 2020 but my mom and dad said April 15 2020 better to be safe than sorry .

Rajeev Sharma
3 years ago
Modern Red Cross, also across the world (equipped with emf, generator, against E-torture) United Nations 2018a. d. Space force —-

Ronnie Moore
5 years ago

Carolyn Mezias
4 years ago
Hacked into my gmail for health records. SO MUCH MORE

Victorious Balla
4 years ago
September 23rd 2017 my birth sign lined up, the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses added and 8th member so they won’t look like the dragon of revelation 12.

Ray W Penn Jr
2 years ago
There’s more hacking on YouTube again this user calls itself E it was in my subscription box with no content when I removed it it said intital error but it got removed and no it’s not E entertainment

Monette Elle
4 years ago
Stuck in depression but I’m no going to off myself

Jorge Gonzalez
4 years ago
9_01__11it would never happen with such System in place,but Americans are the target individual of America Government

Princess Weyma
3 years ago
1851 Third Avenue Apartment 14H, New York NY 10029. Report There ASAP

Creative-Anon-CA ______
4 years ago
1 35. 34 – yuore making money from it and a part of it, since you have a code, etc and want ppl give you real name

Michael Casey
2 years ago
Anyone stalked by small aircraft?

Igor Milosavljević
4 years ago
I’m TI in Serbia and it is not US government behind that

Enlightened Individual
5 years ago
America is a hot fucking mess

Princess Weyma
3 years ago (edited)

Omar Hashem
4 years ago

dennis allen
1 year ago
Are you still around?

Carolyn Mezias
4 years ago
I have blue beam

Kathy Radny
5 years ago

Tyrone Watson
5 years ago
you’ve got to stop kissing the mic bro it sounds horrible

Anthony Ingram
4 years ago
Conspiracy nonsense

Comments to Part 3:

6 years ago
Thank you for putting out good advice and bringing awareness to this. I hope this unlawful murderous program is stopped soon.

4 years ago
Beautifully Articulated my brother may God continue to enlighten you continue to give you the juice. May peace be upon you and your family!

Troy George
4 years ago
Thank you for the thorough video series. This will help a lot of people. Learning by being targeted takes a long time and is dangerous for the TI.

DanDLion Shoots
5 years ago (edited)
Thank you for this!!! I feel like this is one of the better videos explaining specifically what happens with gangstalking etc. I also love the advice, and the reminder to be respectful! (This isn’t always easy, and certainly isn’t always deserved, but there is nothing wrong with believing the best or acting positively to others while still taking evidence and doing what needs to be done in order to stop the inappropriate and abusive behavior etc. )

“criminal justice system is very weak and evil as well, if an individual did something evil, ok, use due process- take me to court, prosecute me. This shows that even your judicial system doesn’t have faith in it’s own judicial system, that they would use these tactics in order to get an individual to act out or commit a crime by continually harrassing them day in and day out” (sorry I didn’t catch everything, but YES, yes, yes. This is NOT justice, this is NOT legal, this is NOT ethical. It IS evil!!!)

Joy Strength
1 month ago
Just heard this for the first time. Thanks Bro for an excellent explanation of perp tactics and how to overcome them. The same tactics are used here in the U.K. Been gangstalked for 14 years and 8 months to date and confirm what you say about their programme to be true. Also agree with you about the proactive steps to take when you find yourself in this bullying programme. The Lord bless you. Your video is very helpful. If a Targeted Individual can’t link up with another T.I. then pray for them. God sees everything and the day of things being put right is coming.

5 years ago

Southern Butterfly
5 years ago
This is great information…very encouraging and helpful.

6 years ago
the gangstalking attack is dependent on getting you to believe that there is no hope. thats why they constantly attack you. the more you hear it the more you’ll believe it.
so constantly bombard and saturated your mind with positive thoughts and inspiration
deprogram with positive thoughts.
thats why they attack your mind so much. its in the middle of your body and soul.

Janispiritual Giftedncalled
4 years ago
Thank you so very much.

You’ve really changed my life.

I didn’t know the name; or legal terms for what’s been happening to me.

The Lord revealed to me.

That I wasn’t crazy. years ago.

Through scriptures; by opening my Bible randomly and wherever my eyes fell.

He revealed to me. Over and over. Not to fear them; as well as not to respond with agitation.

I have been through pure hell.

Now I know; why. I would be burning up and I’d look at my shin.

It looked like patch work; and literally like a puzzle.

There were times. My hair stood straight up on my head. Smh

I still do this day.

Endure shocks, and like someone is pricking my skin: Along with the theater Drama.

This us unbelievable, and yet.

I know it is real and I will have the victory.

These people are murderers and I know this for certain.

I don’t have much money, because of the last 2 total car accidents and multiple health issues.

But, I have cried out for years.

Begging the Lord to reveal. What gas and us happening to me.

He says in due time.

After several suicide attempts; over the years:

Starting over and over again: from scratch.

The attempts to keep me down, break me in every form and fashion. Destroying relationships and all that the canker worms have taken.

These many times.


You’re right.

I’m not a targeted person.

I’m a carefully planted stumbling block; for these evil satanic, sociopathic, psychotic, narcissistic sadist, dark individuals.

Although they slay me.

I will forever. trust My LORD.

He will send the support and help I need.

They will pay dearly. for allllllll they’ve done to me and taken from me.

Yes I pray for them.

Honestly, my heart is saddened.

To know…

These people have put together a plan and a clan to destroy my life.

I know….

Over, at least 18 or 20 years. smh

I’m crying now; and have for years.

But, I’m just about…

All Cried Out…

Bourne Leader
5 years ago
I want to thank you for having the courage to make this documentary. Its surreal thinking this whole time I was alone. Part of my story is in Facebook
Brain Matter
Part one of your video I’ve experienced 90% at least of being a T.I. I can see much clearer now!!

Carol Stanhope
2 years ago
You are right about losing your children.My friend in Australia is being smeared in order for her child to be taken away to foster care.The cops come to the school and coach her child to say that she is being abused.The child has already been trafficked in a pedophile ring during one stay in foster care..Please reach out to RB Joyce channel.She needs our prayers.

5 years ago
the info in this video is to help empowered individuals defeat gangstalking and get on with there life
as well help other empowered individuals. !!VICTORY TO THE EMPOWERED!!

3 years ago
I drive a vehicle for work and take photos for insurance purposes so I left it I let the dashcam roll but yes you know watch the game stalking it makes you look watch the camera it makes you look worse than that they are you know and thanks for your information dude thank you already have come to the reality of a lot of this and but it’s it’s good to hear it again and you’re strong man I can tell God bless you empowered

Fruit Monkey
2 years ago
This is a very thorough explanation. This was very well done.

people2peepholes Dembowski
5 years ago
Brother I’ve been going through this s*** and some other spiritual abductions that you’re probably aware of as well when I was younger. Every human lesser human entity what have you listen up. everything this gentleman is sharing he would not know unless he had experienced it first-hand and for quite some time. I back you up my Brother.

Carol Stanhope
2 years ago (edited)
Yes,I’ve experienced the V2K forced speech,from family and friends.You can always tell that’s where it’s coming from, because what is said is so random and off the wall.

Carol Stanhope
3 years ago
Your video’s are helping a great deal!! I play them in the supermarket,and just watch the perps scatter.I’m having fun with this.Thank you very muchšŸŒ»šŸŒ»šŸŒ»šŸŒ»šŸŒ»šŸŒ»

Jeanne Marie Bizeau Johnson
5 years ago (edited)
I called Portland Oregon police department the first time I was burned on my back between my shoulders.. The Lieutenant told me they were not coming to my home. I had talked to my friend before I called them. I winked at her said I was going to. Then the rest went as we thought. They would not come because they were are involved with the stalking and weapon use. Truly When they showed up in 2014 I knew something wasn’t right. Since I had always respected police and was brought up to do so. Now it’s a different story. I don’t think they’re all bad but they are a Gang and have each others backs through thick and thin making them all involved by associations. I care not for them and their lives. Things have changed for me . I have no respect for who they are anymore and I can’t change what they did and their involvement in the crimes and the perpetrators whom they know. It’s cut and dry.
I use any and all good vibes to make myself happy. I still do yoga and dance. I read and I go for walks and go over to friends houses. I visit my nieces, great nieces , my nephew his wife w/ my 2 other great nieces. Life is great when you have good family.
I’ve made a Gang Stalking page on Facebook… It’s got parts of my story and it will have others stories on it. They need to be heard too. I’m shot up at night for telling but it needs to be told over and over until something is done with the freaks who find it a good thing to harm others for profit. Amen and praise God.

Marlene Miller
6 years ago
These videos give me life.

zina antoaneta sabau darling
1 year ago
Great job! I’m on Twitter where I have posted your videos and many took notice of them.
I hope you’re well!ā¤ļøšŸ‘āœŒļøšŸŒ»

5 years ago
You also want to develop a right to personal surveillance for personal security. A written statement that you can hand your stalkers to notify them they will be on camera if within a circumference invasion of your personal space or conduct a harassment type contact. Or also be aware that some gang stalkers will attempt to attack you or have you cross charged for recording them. They will attempt to destroy your equipment if you are too obvious. I can’t say enough how correct you are in focusing on your self. Your finances your health, your stability. Also having you a plan for self sufficiency like a bug out bag or 72 hour pack and have a plan for dropping off grid when you feel like you are being confronted. And a small network of friends or family that can keep track of your well being so that they will check if they don’t see you for a period of time you both agree to. Also get connected with a TI meeting group. For support and sharing experiences and knowledge and activism against targeting. For the documentation have a system of storage that allows you quick access to documents in a timeline. Year month day and subject keyword. You will see a pattern in that. Your journals in PDF with key words. Do not live in fear. Do not let them keep you down. Success is the best way to conquer. They tear you down keep up the good works. Stay positive.

Mandi Garlitz
2 years ago
Tha k you so much for sharing these videos, since listening to your videos and taking your advice, I have began to live my life again. They are trying to locate me because I moved but, I am taking your advice. I know it will take time to completely regain my freedom, but i have hope!

Angelique Morrison
5 years ago
i never would have believed it if it hadn’t happened to me. but its real. God knows i know that now. what can i do. Where can I turn. i have talked to a few other victims
this is a nightmare

D3Finitely DiFf3r3nt
4 years ago (edited)
It may ease up one day but if your truly a TI your targeting never stops.

D3Finitely DiFf3r3nt
4 years ago
If you don’t know anything about gangstalking and your a TI my God that feelings of being angry and confused eat you up. Then you realize what’s going on, which is pretty much the same tactics done over and over again. All of it gets old.

3 years ago
The reason for the repeated words and signals does have a purpose. This program works two ways for two reasons both against the T.I. and as well as the Gang Stalker. You are correct. They are not intelligent for a reason. The sociological purpose of this program is intended as an intentional study in human behavior. They are using sleeper cell type trigger words, and specific events to use later on to influence and manipulate your moods thoughts and emotions. Don’t tell people that the Street Theatre isn’t for a reason, and has no effect over time, that is not the truth. The reason for this program is to field test and collect data in the reactions of both the T.I. and the Perps. Decent people are strained and stressed to see how easy it is to flip a good person and turn them violent, and bad, people are given power to see how easily they will participate in the terrorist behaviors that they use to indoctrinate terrorism. The program therefore works against both, but only the Target is aware of that. The Perps don’t realize they are also being watched, tracked, and monitored. That’s why they are chosen. This is a program designed as a character flip. This program is paid for by the government. The do use religious people. Correct. They appeal to each personality type, and kind of person by using the trigger that works best on the individual. Those who are paid to follow us, we basically baby sit criminals and in giving them a function, and a purpose the point is to see how you can easily flip morals and ethical sets to turn a decent law abiding person into a defensive criminal, and how you can take perps right off the streets and out of prison and give them a supposed purpose and they will conform easily to a person who will turn on other people for money or gift cards. These people are being tricked also. They are also tracking their own behaviors but as a kind of sociological placebo effect they believe they are above it.

Bueno Gardin
3 months ago
This is so accurate

4 years ago
Man I love this man videos šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Please Stop
4 years ago
thank you this video really help me allot. I’m Maggie from Arizona and I’m a targeted individual

Day/Swing Trader
6 years ago
I love you too brother. Thanks for the video šŸ™‚

Rhonda Fricker
4 years ago
By saying what you are here about how they are trying to make targets snap you are actually putting targets at risk because the community will not trust them and may not understand the situation enough to trust them!

God Good
4 years ago
Matthew 5:44
Jesus said to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

El’B The Ronin
4 years ago
Hey I’m Clayon Powell as someone who’s been targeted for 11 years I find your video informative thank you

Edward Geraci
4 years ago
Philosophy will help. Philosophy is the building of autonomy. I also pray to God for wisdom and discernment, and have always beaten them and their tricks. Give me anything to help expose this, track them, etc. I want to bring them to justice.

marcaroni and cheese
5 years ago
this kind of persecution or punishment is huge, wonder why

Spirit Love
4 months ago
Why why why! I believe I became a target after I took my abruser to the Steve wilcos show, my daughter became upset when she was told that she will be compensated for her coming to the show, her daycare and etc! She started screaming and yelling while they were taping! I begged her to come on and that she shouldn’t do that! My abruser later told me that Steve kelped him there 5 hrs after we were taking to airport to catch our flight! I’m more of the target, bust since then she have lost child hood close friends, none will tell her anything, she will not ask none anything, I’m watching as people is keeping her a daze! I don’t know if she is in on me being ganged stalked, she help run off her dad which he was helping me to solve the things that didn’t make since! If anyone has had any experience from this after being on tv! Please let me know! It’s costing me more then I can bare!!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Chris B
4 years ago
You are RIGHT ON!!!!

6 years ago
Good video. Good advice.

Victorious Balla
4 years ago
I think they are meat suits for the demons.

kim murrell
4 years ago
Awesome video

Joseph T. Jervis III
3 weeks ago (edited)
Hit with Directed Energy Weapons ALL Day but Really bad between 12pm – 9 am. Trying to give me a heart attack!! It hurts SO bad, I can’t breath at times. Only by the grace of God am I still alive. Is there a way to block their Weapons?? Nothing works..I dont want to die this way.šŸ˜¢
I pray for All Targeted Individuals. .

Kavi Jackson
4 years ago
Thank You!

kim murrell
4 years ago
They been doing this for years to people. Folks just didEn know what this horrible program was

79 Stepside
3 years ago
They should be charged with a R.I.C.O act thats what there telling me

Steven Dean
6 years ago
Thank you dear sir very helpful info.

Robert Matthews
3 years ago
You’re beautiful. Whoever you are. Thank you

5 years ago
I have a question.Ive been targeted for a while and most of my perps I only see once and never again.why is that?

Mighty by Grace
4 years ago
Fear is from the Devil

5 years ago
proactive policing, local agencies applying for federal grant money. its all about money and understanding human responses
so refine how it reacts to authority

Maurice Mccray
4 years ago
need to know how to overcome people turning against me and not speaking to me. People are acting strange. They seemed controlled. I can’t fight that.

TI Revelation
4 years ago
government stalkers keep using targets in ways they don’t want to be used (through info targets create to help other targets, perps really dont care, no rhyme no reason)

James D
5 years ago
gangstalking is here in the UK also and after 10+ years of harassment I am finally willing to confirm it!

src cr
3 years ago
good video

Rosa Romano
5 years ago
Thank you.You are lovely!

marcaroni and cheese
5 years ago
wow great video

Carol Stanhope
3 years ago
Sabotage my relationships? If my family & friends are so weak minded and disloyal,as to believe,participate,and take payment for this,I say….Good riddance,to bad rubbishšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„

Donna Taliercio
6 years ago
just woke up to a new reality i got my mri back did not look good at it months months back. Now! I have linear metallic density in my abdomen! i am finding real proof on this everyday. I am in a NEW REALITY!

Joseph Ochoa
6 years ago
Pray over your water to be blessed with the BLOOD OF CHRIST and drink.
Even the words “BLOOD OF CHRIST” will cause them to convulse

ReEducated Ronin
6 years ago
cell phone cameras are like kryptonite to these losers. record your everyday life. edit and document all your problems with them. thats all

D3Finitely DiFf3r3nt
4 years ago
All Tis need to join up and and come together to start a March in Washington DC

3 years ago (edited)
I would like to meet empowered individuals in London, UK

Bueno Gardin
3 months ago
Why is the burden on the TI? Does the government not work?

2 months ago
Iā€™ve had over 1K GSā€™s #alreadyfamous

Saint Paladin 77
3 years ago
wow real salutation

Victorious Balla
4 years ago
Im a true assholio now lol they stay away now.

tml mintableapp British Comedy Spy Exterminator
5 years ago
How about handheld radiation weapons. They kill us with this…

79 Stepside
3 years ago
Also trying to push people back into religion

Jody Griswold
6 years ago
if someone tried to kill you and failed. what would you do?

Penciu Emilian
4 years ago
Eu Ʈi numesc cacanari.

people2peepholes Dembowski
5 years ago
the punctuation is going to be all f*** up my halves will say haven’t when does will say didn’t read between the lines

Samira Choudhry
4 years ago

Roger Fielder
5 years ago
Why are people targeting you in this way? What possible benefit could anyone gain by doing these things? This looks like classic paranoia. Having looked at the on line evidence of gang-stalking I can see nothing but random events. I can promise you that if I were targeted by gang-stalkers I would not notice their activities. People walking or driving by your house means nothing. Get help!