“Operation Checkmate:” Mike Lindell & Dennis Montgomery lawsuit against the Deep State- Boon or Bamboozle

Dennis Montgomery/Checkmate Website: (http://dennismontgomery.com/)

Operation Checkmate Website: https://petesantillishow.notion.site/Operation-Checkmate-b36a759d27f34d3cae8e25b806684bfd

Webmaster’s Comment: Pete Santilli (ex-Marine and investigative reporter) is now reporting on his website and on the Alex Jones Show on Dennis Montgomery’s “Operation Checkmate.” I have previously posted 11 reports on this website, many of which are now scrubbed from the internet, about NSA whistleblower, Dennis Montgomery’s, alleged 47 hard drives and 600 million pages of classified documents that purportedly prove that Trump and some 20+ million Americans were illegally surveilled by the NSA, FBI and the Democratic Party during his presidential candidacy and term as president. Of course, if this story were to come out in full, it would reveal much about the global civilian targeting program I call “Global Government Gangstalking Genocide GESTAPO-Gulag” or G6. (See: Over 20 Million Americans (Including President Trump) Illegally Targeted, Tracked, Stalked, Zapped with Directed Energy-Neuro Weapons, and Surveilled 24/7 According to FBI/CIA/NSA Whistleblower).

However, based on Montgomery’s incredible (as in unbelievable) alleged bio (below), I suspect that “Operation Checkmate” may be yet another military-spy operation and that “ex-Marine,” Santilli, may be playing a role in it. The basis for my suspicion is that I don’t believe that anyone could be so expert in the following disparate and highly technical fields as to hold patents in all them, as is claimed in Montgomery’s bio. These fields are: “biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), compression, biometrics, spectral analysis, 3D modeling, object identification and tracking, pattern recognition, robotics, surveillance, anomaly detection, encryption, cyber security, cyber warfare.” The fact that these fields are of key importance in the G6 directed and neuroweapons civilian targeting operations suggests to me that Montgomery, or someone bearing his name, is being set up as a fall guy/patsy in a sting operation designed to protect and cover up DARPA-DOD-NSA-academic experiments and operations related to G6. I hope I’m wrong.

But let’s not forget about all those “Interactive Internet Activities” (IIA) being run by private companies headed by “ex-generals” such as Michael Hayden and Jim Jones.

As a “Targeted Individual,” I am extra-judicially and involuntarily enrolled in a life of “lies, spies, set-ups, and psyops” designed to destroy my life and credibility More and more, it appears to me that all Americans are now a “Targeted Audience,” also extra-judicially and involuntarily enmeshed in a false-reality matrix created by our intelligence-military community. Increasingly, it appears that those whom we pay to ensure our “security” are nothing more than liars, murderers, and criminals. Let us never forget that the planning, execution, and ongoing cover-up of “Operation 9/11,” America’s “Reichstag Fire” false-flag, state-sponsored, synthetic terror and war-trigger event, comprised and still comprises mass murder and highest treason.

I suggest that a great many subsequent operations, including the massive, USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Program) civilian targeting programs are largely “CYA” (“cover your ass”), cover-up operations.

“Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” (From: “Marmion” by Sir Walter Scott, 1808).

If I am correct in my suspicions, victims of the “National Security Racketeering Network,” which now includes virtually all Americans, should assume that the adage: “there is no such thing as an “ex-CIA” now applies to members of all military and intelligence departments. The common pattern is that these individuals retire from “government service” and go through the “revolving door” to private sector firms (CIA-DARPA-DOD-FBI cutouts, etc.), where they remain in the same chain-of-command and utilize the same skills and clearances. Montgomery and Santilli could be among this fraternity of many thousands to millions who operate “above the law” under the pretext of “national security.” Pretty good gig… for criminal predators in a criminal cult.

If my suspicions are correct, this website uncovers government crimes (G6 operations) that far, far exceed those of Operation 9/11.

From Dennis Montgomery’s BIO:

Developed and licensed various technologies to the U.S. government intelligence agencies including Department of Defense (DOD), SOCOM (Special Operations Command/Special Forces), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Advanced Naval Research (NAVY), and Air Force (AF).

Holds a TS/SCI security clearance (since 2002) with case determined access to SAP (Special Access Programs) programs (ETK: Including USAPs (Unacknowledged Special Access Projects/Black Projects like the Citizen Targeting Programs???!!!!)…. Built a myriad of medical devices that are still in use today.

Licensed various medical technologies to American Hospital, Baxter Healthcare, Dupont, Corning, Perkin Elmer, the Henley Group, Fisher Scientific, Instrumentation Labs, Kaiser, Siemens, Kodak, among others.

Successfully filed multiple medical device registrations with the FDA…. Took 3Net Systems Inc. medical company public on Nasdaq August 11, 1992

Designed and built programs for GE, Intel, Technicolor, MGM, Hewlett Packard, IBM, and including various Wall Street companies for algorithmic trading and stock predictions.

Granted technology licenses that have generated over $190 million in revenue.

Holds numerous patents and copyrights in the fields of biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), compression, biometrics, spectral analysis, 3D modeling, object identification and tracking, pattern recognition, robotics, surveillance, anomaly detection, encryption, cyber security, cyber warfare, among others.

Webmaster Comment: Hmmmm. Yikes…. All these fields could well be utilized in the global civilian targeting programs. Is Montgomery an extremely high level madman/bad guy/criminal perpetrator in the global government targeting program? Is he/they conning us on an astronomical scale?

Is Dennis Montgomery A Hero, Whistleblower, or Gangstalking-Cyber Torture Enabler and High Level Perpetrator?

Dennis Montgomery Bio:

Computer Scientist, Cybersecurity Expert, Computer Programmer, Developer

Over 30 year career as a computer scientist, developed software programs, computer hardware, and medical devices.

The last 18 years have been devoted to developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in cybersecurity space for the U.S. intelligence agencies.

Developed and licensed various technologies to the U.S. government intelligence agencies including Department of Defense (DOD), SOCOM, Homeland Security (HS), Department of Advanced Naval Research (NAVY), and Air Force (AF).

Holds a TS/SCI security clearance (since 2002) with case determined access to SAP programs.

Built a myriad of medical devices that are still in use today.

Licensed various medical technologies to American Hospital, Baxter Healthcare, Dupont, Corning, Perkin Elmer, the Henley Group, Fisher Scientific, Instrumentation Labs, Kaiser, Siemens, Kodak, among others.

Successfully filed multiple medical device registrations with the FDA.

Took 3Net Systems Inc. medical company public on Nasdaq August 11, 1992

Designed and built programs for GE, Intel, Technicolor, MGM, Hewlett Packard, IBM, and including various Wall Street companies for algorithmic trading and stock predictions.

Granted technology licenses that have generated over $190 million in revenue.

Holds numerous patents and copyrights in the fields of biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), compression, biometrics, spectral analysis, 3D modeling, object identification and tracking, pattern recognition, robotics, surveillance, anomaly detection, encryption, cyber security, cyber warfare, among others.

Truth about Dennis Montgomery’s work for the US Government starting in 2002.

Holds numerous patents and copyrights in the fields of biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), compression, biometrics, spectral analysis, 3D modeling, object identification and tracking, pattern recognition, robotics, surveillance, anomaly detection, encryption, cyber security, cyber warfare, among others.



1998 Formed partnership with Warren G. Trepp to form eTreppid

Sept 11th, 2001 After the terrorist attacks of 9/11 eTreppid were awarded contracts with DOD, USAF, CIA, Dept. of Homeland Security, and other US Federal Entities.

2002 CIA and DOD approach eTreppid they expressed an interest in various surveillance technologies owned by eTreppid

2003 Montgomery builds the first version of HAMMER as a foreign surveillance system for the CIA

2004 eTreppid was awarded another surveillance contract by DOD, CIA, USAF, DHS

2005 Beginning in 2005 Dennis Montgomery became aware of the fact that the CIA & NSA were using the eTreppid Foreign Surveillance system to spy on United States civilians, members of the Supreme Court, thousands of federal and state jurists, members of Congress, public figures, religious leaders, and others.

Jan 6th, 2006 Dennis Montgomery decided to separate himself from eTreppid Technologies and Warren Trap

Feb and Mar, 2006 The FBI applied for and received search warrants for Dennis Montgomery’s house and storage units

Aug. 29th, 2007 During eTreppif litigation the Director of National Intelligence filed a motion asserting on behalf of the United States a state Secrets Privilege. In response on August 29th, 2007 the entered a protective order that prohibited certain discovery in the eTreppid litigation.

Jun. 6th 2008 Montgomery was ordered by the federal district judge in Reno NV to go to the DOJ building in Wash DC and meet separately with two groups a SCIF.IN the first meeting Montgomery met with DOD, AF, DIA, attorneys and personnel. They claimed all my prior work had been validated and wanted to move forward in contract.

Sept. 8th, 2008 Montgomery and Trepp settle their cases against each other. Montgomery begins his business relationship with OpSpring later called Blxware

Sept. 9th, 2008 eTreppid Litigation officially terminated by dismissal of all claims and counterclaims

Jan 13, 2009 Blxware contracted with US intelligence community to continue their prior work where eTreppid left off but this time to work at a new facility at Fort Washington Md. under the direction of James Clapper

Feb 3rd, 2009 HAMMER Supercomputer moved to Fort Washington Maryland

Mar. 4th, 2010 The FBI and DOJ raid the offices of Montgomery’s attorney Liner Law Firm without a search warrant or any probable cause. They illegally seized millions of pages of attorney client privileged documents and communications, us government communications, election data collected in FBI/CIA/NSA domestic surveillance programs, including election surveillance and tampering proof. They seized documents and electronic media reflecting voting machine vulnerabilities to hacking exploits. Voting machine manufactures communications and intellectual property that were hijacked by the US government FBI/CIA/NSA numerous times over the years using Montgomery’s foreign and domestic surveillance system. At this time they also seized the IP Montgomery had designed that was used for these surveillance programs.

Nov. 18th, 2010 The US gov’t sends senior DOJ attorney Carlotta Wells to Montgomery’s deposition in a Bankruptcy proceeding hearing. Ms Wells asserted a right for Montgomery to testify on certain matters that were covered by the protective order issued by the Reno NV court.

February 19, 2011 Hiding Details of Dubious Deal, U.S. Invokes National Security

2013 Montgomery notified no less than 17 federal agencies that the Obama administration was conducting domestic illegal surveillance pg 30 of 506

2013 Comey testifies to Congress that there is no Domestic Surveillance which triggered Snowden to leave.

Sept. 2013 Carl Cameron of Fox News Montgomery agrees to interview regarding FBI/CIA/NSA Domestic Surveillance programs including election surveillance and interference. They filmed Montgomery using his computer running domestic surveillance programs. Montgomery hacked into voting machine manufacturers and their equipment with ease. His agreement for the interview was for him to receive a copy of the entire interview which to date has never been provided.

Oct., 2013 A second Fox news film crew run by field producer Robert Shaffer of Seattle Wash. returns to Montgomerys to film more domestic voting interference and voting machine vulnerabilities. They recorded Montgomery once again using his system to expose election network vulnerabilities in various Sec.of states including but not limited to Florida, Georgia, and Arizona.

Nov. 15th, 2013 Maricopa County Sheriff’s office approaches Montgomery on identity theft information regarding Maricopa County residents. He provides the Maricopa Country 50 hard drives as part of this investigation. During a court proceeding related to this matter senior DOJ attorney Raphael Gomez seizes those 50 drives from the Maricopa Sheriff asserting States Secret privilege.

Aug. 3rd, 2014 Montgomery meets with federal judge Royce Lamberth in his office in the Federal Court House in DC. To present and discuss

Nov 13th, 2014 Drake and Wiebe were intentionally not provided all the facts about Montgomery mistakingly accusing Montgomery of being a fraud. They all agree the letter would have been considerably different if provided all the facts. (Kirk Wiebe, William Binney, Thomas Drake)

Aug 2015 Montgomery flies to Miami with 53 drives and when he arrives 6 are missing

August 19, 2015 DM “induced” to turn over 47 hard drives

Dec 3rd, 2015 The FBI verifies the 47 hard drives and Montgomery receives greater immunity. Montgomery interviewed at SCIF in Wash DC (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) 600 Million pages of documents if stacked 30 miles high

Dec 20th, 2015 American Report publishes 10 bullet points directly exposed by Whistleblower Court Audiotapes

December 21, 2015 DM interviewed by the FBI

December 21, 2015 DM informs FBI that Trump was spied upon

March 2017 DM Apple account hacked by CIA

Mar 4th, 2017 American Report sends a tweet to Trump to notify him the CIA Whistleblower Montgomery said they had spied on him a “Zillion Times”

Mar 4th, 2017 Trump accuses Obama of spying on him at Trump Tower 72 of 506

Mar 5th, 2017 Adam Schiff immediately issues a press statement calling Trump’s wiretapping claims “Baseless”

Mar 7th, 2017 Wikileaks dumps CIA Valt 7 which confirms the existence of HAMMER (HAMR) 72 of 506

Mar 19th, 2017 Gen McInerney breaks the story about court ‘Whistleblower Tapes’ 72 of 506 Fanning’s Book

Mar 19th, 2017 Peter Strzok and Lisa Page exchange evening text messages concerning Montgomery and Klayman 129 of 506 Fanning’s Book

Mar 20th, 2017 Comey triggers Russia Hoax story

May 14, 2017 Larry Klayman interviews DM

Mar 19th, 2017 Strzok and Page Text pg 37 of 506 Fanning’s book

Aug 17th, 2018 Brennan on MSNBC “We put together a Fusion Center at CIA that brought FBI and NSA officers together with CIA to make sure those proverbial dots would be connected.”

Aug 4th, 2020 Sidney Powell calls out Brennan on Fox Biz Channel about Fusion Center and Hammer.

Oct, 26th, 2020 Email correspondence between Montgomery’s attorney and the DOJ attorney Greg Adington. Addington states that the protective order placed during the eTreppid litigation “Remains in Place” to preclude disclosure of the categories of information and related materials described in the order, based on the circumstances giving rise to the order.

2021 Montgomery agrees to convey certain assets to that he developed and acquired for eTreppid and Blxware to Mike Lindell Management