Cyberstalkers: Online Human Intelligence Spies (Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Jeff Rense Program, August 25, 2022)
Webmaster Introduction: In this exchange, Jeff Rense and I discuss Episodes 6 through 9 of Suzie Dawson’s excellent 10-part podcast series on gangstalking-electronic torture deal examine the topic of cyberstalking and cyberstalking, particularly by examining documents put out by JTRIG (Joint Threat Research and Intelligence Group), a part of Britain’s GCHQ (General Communication Headquarters), their equivalent of the NSA.
Below are transcribed parts of Dawson’s conversation with Lissa K. Johnson, a clinical psychologist, who is horrified that the knowledge and insights gained by top British universities in the field of psychology are deployed as weapons to harm “targeted individuals.” Now that spying is a highly profitable, expanding, and privatized business, all participating governments in the 5-Eyes- 104-Eyes spy agreements also deploy these despicable tactics against their own citizens.