“CYBERTORTURE” – Electro Magnetic Warfare On The People, Harvesting Brain Data

“CYBERTORTURE” – Electro Magnetic Warfare On The People, Harvesting Brain Data

On February 28, 2020, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Professor Nils Melzer, issued his World Report on “Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” This report included a definition of “Cybertorture,” the Crime Against Humanity where millions of targeted victims worldwide are remotely assaulted with Electromagnetic Weapons in actions directed via computer, often from Supercomputers.

Source: Alien.Wars

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7 hours ago

I don’t know if you read your comments.. But I do know for a fact that it comes through your Smart Meter.. Did you know the Smart Meters can reprogram a Pacemaker or a Insulin Pump or Morphine Pump..?

That is pretty much what killed my Father. The Manufacturer flew into town after the 3rd time and verified that the smart meters [show more]

7 hours ago

Damn right about the similarities between what people notice about EMF attacks and demonic attacks. Definitely get fluttering fits in the eardrums before the demonic attacks and sleep paralysis. Yet I pray I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus and it’s instant. I had three years of demonic attacks before I learned how to ward them [show more]

8 hours ago

I pulled my back switching off my nightlight and ended up trapped on my back.

My nurse came round to do a Rapid Antigen Test knowing not to put that filthy swab up my nose instead I blew some snot onto my palm.

I dipped and swirled it then put it into the solution and swirled that and all sorts of black specks came out of the bud..

Apparently [show more]

8 hours ago

Sorry it’s a bit off topic Jim, just feel like telling someone, maybe it’d be a good topic to cover one day.

8 hours ago

We need to learn how to protect ourselves from 5G. Any suggestions? Please post links for everyone on thread. GOD Bless!

8 hours ago

Get away from “civilisation” it stopped being beneficial at least 25 years ago…

10 hours ago

That background music makes his videos unwatchable. What a shame.

11 hours ago

Have you noticed these Digital Savings coupons in your store? You scan a blotch of code to get a little more savings? They want you to carry your phones in the super markets.

12 hours ago

Fear from the smear merchant media is always on the menu.

12 hours ago

Tri Field Meters can be purchased online. Just use a burner phone. (simple flip phone) and never carry it into a shopping store. No one needs to be panicked. You can also purchase RF protection sleeves for your credit cards and phones. Light Sound machines can bring relief and help the body heal neurons and synapses. Any strange [show more]

12 hours ago

Every day we sit , watch, talk, bitch and hope is a day when people you don’t know become buried six feet under and despite death the degree of anarchy that will bloom is geometric that means every kind of pain possible, business, financial, no more education, no fuel, no heat no mobility, no cash, no food, expensive simple medicines, [show more]

13 hours ago

I’ve seriously been thinking about taking a hat and shaping aluminum foil inside it and sewing a liner over it to protect it and not be embarrassed. Any thoughts? Would it work? Maybe they made a mockery of “tin-foil hats” because it works.
View all 4 replies
10 hours ago

Yes do it. No reason to spend when u don’t have to
7 hours ago

i did years ago and it helped my tooth pain and more…..
14 hours ago

You can download an EMF detector on your smartphone. There are many apps to choose from. The EMF in my home ranges from 40 – 60 uT. I’m keeping an eye on it to see if it increases incrementally. I’ve been told that they put up these 5G towers during the two-week lockdown in 2020 for the covid pandemic. If so, this was a very deceptive move by the FCC.
View all 3 replies
12 hours ago

wait really??? Can you please share the app name?
11 hours ago

Yes that’s true because I went out and asked people during the lockdown what they were doing at a tower when they were putting up new radios. They also replaced DOD contractor Gen Dynamics radios half a block from my house from 2g to 5g Motorola and Huawei radios. He gave me the make and model number but like a dumbass I threw the [show more]
15 hours ago

Many of us were woken repeatedly at 3 am for years. Now, it’s the weather signal that’s pushed up full max when bringing in “rain”. I can hear it go up and down, for years now.
Their “original sin” ..not ours…is their attempt to cross the species barrier. All they accuse us of , they are guilty of. It’s a Ship of Fools that landed [show more]

15 hours ago

If you have been sancitified..it’s a real thing….they can only hurt you, they cannot destroy any part of you that is human.
Quite easy to recognize this as a form of rape. Good luck proving you’ve been raped.

15 hours ago

The only machines that didn’t torture me were analog radio and phonographs.
“Machines Destroy Sacred Space”…Jerry Mander “In the Absence of The Sacred”

16 hours ago

Elana Freeland. New book, “Geoengineered Transhumanism”. Look for her interviews with Dark Journalist.

16 hours ago

Research Jerry Marzinsky, he is a psychologist with 30 plus years experience in state mental hospitals who identified entities who attack through schizophrenia and feed on people’s negative energies. He has a website and a platform in Facebook.
14 hours ago

Psychiatry/psychology was invented by the MD’s of Europe when the courts needed them to give them a reason to incarcerate persons who had committed no crime. See Michel Foucault.
16 hours ago

And yes there are entities that feed on negativity, fear, sadness, anxiety, lust.
15 hours ago

You are almost listing the seven deadly sins.
11 hours ago

I instinctively feel like when I start getting afraid for any reason that I am putting myself in a vulnerable position and snap out of it almost immediately. I do think fear opens up portals I do not want to enter anymore. I suppose it has to do with my upbringing and overcoming it… Hell no! Not going there again don’t care WHAT happens to me!
16 hours ago

As simple faith and obedience to our Creator weakens these attacks increases!
14 hours ago

well, that must be what’s “wrong” with all these people. They don’t “believe”. Some folks think no one in Paradise , Ca. “believed” enough either. so they got fried. Then again, “creator” made it all, anyway, so it can’t be bad, right?

16 hours ago

This is not only an electronic microwave attack, it is a demonic attack also. I found belief in God and prayer have been the most effective weapons to use and I have seen victories through prayer, belief and faith.

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15 hours ago

I agree 👍! We’ve been fed BS from childhood on. We’re definitely in a spiritual war first and foremost! God’s angels guard and protect us if we’re willing to accept God’s plan.

13 hours ago

You should read The Sumerian Swindle by Gregary Delaney.

16 hours ago

These attacks have been going on for decades.

16 hours ago

I can personally verify dreams, thoughts, memories being invaded and used against me. There is absolutely zero doubt of these capabilities. I have been attacked with microwave weaponry, it almost killed me, I am lucky to have survived it. It was all due to my antiwar resistance to George W. Bush’s genocide and slaughter in Iraq.

17 hours ago

Constant tinnitus and nightmares of being murdered has been my normal for years. This is not only a tech assault but a spiritual one as well. The days are coming where directional micro wave beams will burn you. Run.

View all 3 replies
17 hours ago

RUN WHERE IT’S WORLDWIDE! only In the arms of Jesus will we be safe.

13 hours ago

Read The Sumerian Swindle by Gregory Delaney. Stick with it, if you want a historical setting for who Jesus was talking to, so you can understand what he was really saying.

17 hours ago

I have been getting hammered hard but here’s the deal, I live in North Eastern wa. state. Iive off-grid no smart meter my power is supplied by solar and sometimes generator. My cellphone gets two bars out of five, week signal, at night it goes in the microwave, Faraday cage, with power off, my point is that it is not just electronics. [show more]
Edited 17 hours ago
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13 hours ago

8 hours ago

I long to be off grid 🙏 pray I can soon. Using this time to learn skills to one day help myself and others. Always pray before sleep, GOD’S Angels will be with you and they never will fail you in His Name!😇😇😇😇⚔

18 hours ago

I don’t see anything short of a major nuclear war that can bring down this insidious cabal of sub-human demons that have hijacked all the financial, economic, political and religious powers of modern society for the purposes of everything evil, dark, ignorant and cruel. Therefore, I pray for nuclear war so that those few million [show more]
View all 6 replies
12 hours ago

That bomb footage is real and its not napalm or conventional. That is truly false info.

7 hours ago

yes, and nukes are Definitely not the answer. Honestly if people would just Stand in principle against evil through mass boycott, refusing to sale farm land to NWO companies, refuse the globalist rulers demands, remove the 5 g towers, remove the fluoride in our water and leave the banking industry controlled by F.R… that would [show more]
18 hours ago

Thank you again Jim.
Anything else to add to this list given by your subscribers? -RF shielding paint from Amazon on all surfaces in room YShielding Paint 5L Bin-HSF54 -ground wire to the ground (?outside) from the walls -keep electronics out [show more]

16 hours ago

Have found some.. relief when wearing an anti-static strap, attached to a copper water pipe while sitting or lying in bed. Got one as I do soldering & electronics, which prevents static damage to IC’s & components. Wish I could afford RF shielding paint, but plan on moving to the countryside in the next year or so. Can ‘feel’ the [show more]

9 hours ago

Try adding shungite powder to paint

18 hours ago

I have first-hand knowledge of the detrimental effects of EMF from Smartmeter. Where talk of targeting is concerned, it makes one wonder if the Smartmeters tied to known addresses can be used to torture specific people. Now we are seeing targeting via unapproved video watching. Then there is Bluetooth enabled tied to your smartphone. [show more]

18 hours ago

[comment removed by admin]
18 hours ago

I don’t mind links, but please stay on topic.

14 hours ago

Mr. Crenshaw, it may be helpful to do some video of Elana Freeland’s work. She brings in Steiner’s knowledge, she is very multidimensional .
18 hours ago

I never used to bother with Crenshaw’s channel because the comment section was permanently disabled, and I never watch a single video in a channel that has the comment section disabled. Even if the video looks interesting, I have to stick to my principles, if free speech is stifled in any way I’m gone. So good on you Jim, for finally opening your comment section…now I can see what you have to say.
View all 10 replies from Jim_Crenshaw (3 replies) and 7 others
9 hours ago

your videos are among the best. I always seek out your channel. Thank you!
7 hours ago

just wanted to say your channel is one of the Best, love the wide range of important post and the community that is growing here. Thank you!
19 hours ago

People have to be careful not to get bound up under legalism. We are not under the law, but under grace. You must be born again, He writes His law in our hearts and mind. To bring yourself under the “law” is to come under a “curse”. Read Galatians. This is a very narrow way. We must walk in accordance to Scriptural truth, but not [show more]
Edited 19 hours ago
14 hours ago

what happened to “give unto ceasar what is ceaser’s”? “Law” is a man made construct.
13 hours ago

Maybe you should read The Sumerian Swindle & The Monsters of Babylon by Gregory Delaney.

You really should understand where the ideas you are talking about came from.
19 hours ago

See my video Tracking the Vaccinated in town…..RevChristine.

19 hours ago

The ones carrying out the orders from the elite are the MK ultra kids all grown up. They make mindless soldiers. Only Jesus Christ can protect us from this evil.

19 hours ago

Basically, they’ve made electromagnetic “lay lines” to magnify and facilitate communications between members of the fallen angelic&demonic hosts. Pharmakeia…getting that technology inside humanity to augment our own electromagnetic signals. Our electromagnetic signature is as unique as a fingerprint. The technology has been in use [show more]

19 hours ago
Jaye B

I camp in Death Valley but the EM mind control is horrible there. probably because military bases are nearby. Fortunately, I’ve met other targeted individuals and we do reality checks and compare notes as to what we experience. This is very important because the goal is to isolate us from one another. One of the things that has [show more]
14 hours ago

No”infection” can take hold in an alkaline environment.
19 hours ago

Tell them “Harvest this brain data”…
Your elite have been suppressing “free energy technologies” to keep you enslaved. Boiling water expansion is 3 times more powerful than gasoline combusting. Steam exhaust from a steam engine vented through a series of heat exchanging radiators drops the temperature a few degrees to collect the [show more]
Edited 19 hours ago
18 hours ago
Canadian Patriot

Thank you! I will share!!
15 hours ago
Blue Ember to Fire

You rock!
19 hours ago

I just don’t get how EVIL these people are who deploy weapons like this!! Every day you hear of something else the NWO cabal comes up with to hurt, or euthanize it’s citizens!!
Edited 19 hours ago
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13 hours ago

Ever use poison to kill bugs? Well, they consider you to be like a bug.

Learn why, by reading The Sumerian Swindle & The Monsters of Babylon, both by Gregory Delaney.
10 hours ago

Another thing to blame on Russia
19 hours ago
Citizen of Gotham