“We Are In The Middle of A Global Genocide:” The Ten Stages of Genocide (Henna Maria video, January 19, 2021)

The Ten Stages of Genocide (HennaMaria video, January 19, 2021)


Epigraph Quotes From Comments:

1) @psecdocumentary 4 days ago

The first Nuremberg trials were exclusively the prosecution of military people and politicians. The next round of trials, should humanity win this, will include millions upon millions of civilians as well. Teachers, Doctors, Nurses, Police, CEOs and a whole host of others. I think we know what we’ll be doing with those FEMA camps after this is all over. Lots of people are going to end up with 10 year and 20 year and 50 year and lifetime jail sentences, depending upon the severity of their crimes.

2) @Ton 5 days ago

Hi there and all. I like your work and thank you for it. The 10 Stages of Genocide are:

1 Classification
2 Symbolisation
3 Discrimination
4 De-humanisation
5 Organisation
6 Polarisation
7 Preparation
8 Persecution
9 Extermination
10 Denial

Henna Maria

Examining the “10 Stages of Genocide” created by the American genocide scholar Gregory H Stanton, we come to see the horrific conditions from the past dictatorships reflected right in front of our faces. We are on a path to global genocide.

With Spanish subtitles:


With French subtitles:

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@TruthAndLove 8 days ago

You are truly a beacon in a time of darkness. I pray for the courage and strength to continue to share this truth to those willing to listen. I fear the worst, but must put my faith in God, for you are proof that he is working his will to save us from this terrorism. Blessing to you Henna ❤🙏

7 days ago

That was an excellent overview of what is taking place. However, there is another stage beyond 10. Once the initial target group has been eliminated, a new target group among the compliant will be identified and the culling of humanity will continue until the elite are satisfied that the numbers of the serf class are small enough to be easily controlled.

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8 days ago

Thank you for reminding us we are indeed in war and not to give up. God bless your soul.

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7 days ago

Horrific and 100% true. Also the most inspiring, uplifting and encouraging speech I’ve heard in a long time. All power to you Henna and thank you x

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8 days ago

As a research scientist, the current deception and human genocide plans I have warned about for years. It has cost me a lot for championing truth. Very, very few listen. My last breath will be used to combat lies and speak universal truth. We are targeted. Be at a place spiritually where you will be able to cope with the elimination of those who dare champion truth and human love.

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9 days ago

I love the “Healing” Breath at the end, Henna. Mike and Brian at TheBigVirusHoax.com

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8 days ago

Censorship is Violence

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8 days ago

You are right it seems that so many people are under a spell

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6 days ago

I haven’t worn a mask since this started and I will never. You’re beautiful Henna, stay strong. Thank you.

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7 days ago

Much as no part of me wishes to believe this is what is happening, unfortunately everything now points to it. Thank you for speaking out Sister
Rachel x

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6 days ago

Thank you Sister, I value your work and your voice so much! The group support call you have created is an amazing incentive as well. There is a campaign I am developing right now, which I would love to invite you to take part in. Let me know what is the best way to contact you. x

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8 days ago

Very powerful talk! Most people nowadays are brain dead. I’m afraid without divine intervention we are doomed.
Thank you and Godspeed!

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8 days ago

very true only because they are thinking things were going to stay the same !

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8 days ago

ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY in alignment with my beliefs, Henna!!! You are very articulate and visually appealing with a delivery manner that has a non-alienating sincerity – with a great speech accent! The world NEEDS to hear more from you – you have the gift to reach and convince people.

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9 days ago

thank you, love back to you

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4 days ago

The first Nuremberg trials were exclusively the prosecution of military people and politicians. The next round of trials, should humanity win this, will include millions upon millions of civilians as well. Teachers, Doctors, Nurses, Police, CEOs and a whole host of others. I think we know what we’ll be doing with those FEMA camps after this is all over. Lots of people are going to end up with 10 year and 20 year and 50 year and lifetime jail sentences, depending upon the severity of their crimes.

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6 days ago

diversity is code for white genocide

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4 days ago

This is happening to every race you moron.

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6 days ago

That was awesome.. thank you.. and so important.. sharing.. and following.. Max Igan sent me here..

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5 days ago

me too. max is awesome.

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6 days ago

Astounding presentation of today’s new world. Very inspiring insight truth. Much love.

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7 days ago

Spoken with passion, conviction and heart. Well done. Even if you are talking to sympathetic listeners on this channel, it is good that we are reminded. The framework of the “10 Stages of Genocide” is a good one, because that is what is playing out. The State apparatus cannot take on a unified population, so they have to resort to their divide and rule strategy, but that is what is unfolding. Every one of us that takes a stand against the tyranny that is being perpetrated, is a Light Bearer. Thank you for providing something to encourage that flame to burn a little brighter. Never has there been a more pressing time in which we need to call down the Divine Light in order that we, Humanity, retain our human rights on this planet that was gifted to us for our spiritual growth. A very powerful video. 🙏

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8 days ago

mandates are not laws and also store policys do not supercede federal law either!so ignorant store employees are trying to force on others what might only apply to them ! so bottom line fuck the NWO !

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8 days ago

Brilliant piece🙌🙏❤️🕉☯️X

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8 days ago

Well said

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23 hours ago

Thank you very much for this inspiring video and for the new information you have shared. A part of having knowledge is to share it and use it to warn others. We must double our efforts in trying to wake people up so we do not have to go down this road any further. God bless.

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1 day ago

The illusion of human rights is about to be shattered.

Its beyond obvious that this isn’t about saving lives, it never was, it appears that most are unknowingly begging for their own extermination.

Choose your battles wisely, its going to be a long war.

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1 day ago

thank you !

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3 days ago

Thank you for making this, thank you for putting your voice out there.

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4 days ago

its like a script. people are not learning from history. they will murder us while believing they are the good ones, saving humanity and preventing tyranny from happening. with other words, people are idiots.

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4 days ago

Thank you for being the change. For embodying soul(ution). For being courageous. For being of service to others.

I shared the video on FB and in a few groups though FB has crippled me algorthyhmically. I will not be on there for long. 🙂

I was also inspired to create a video response which I shared on FB in hopes that it might reach a soul or two, which would then inspire them to watch your video.

These times are incredibly difficult for all, even those still hopelessly asleep at the wheel.

You reminded me that one is full of joy, light, and inspiration through dedicating oneself to service to others.

In ignorance, I suffer, and miss the opportuntiy to self-heal and allow others to do the same.

In responsibility, I am uplifted, and seize the opportunity to self-heal and help others to do the same! 🙂

all the best in your journey

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4 days ago

Thank you, informative and useful. Discussing with others how to combine our narratives and actions. For this to happen, lines of communication are needed so that the best ideas are recognised, forwarded and disseminated to the masses of protesters. Feedback looping is important to gauge the effectiveness of a particular strategy and reinforce it.

The tenth stage, denial, is possibly W here we can be extremely effective ie. remind the obedient that they have done this before in 1930s Germany. Using our video cameras on the streets, constantly making the obedient visualise themselves as collaborators, but on camera it’s powerful for all time, thus denial is denied. Thanks again, look forward to more.

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4 days ago

USA RIP 1776 to 2021

USA-RIP-1776-2021. USSA-2021-????





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5 days ago

Brilliant! Right one point, Henna 🙂

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5 days ago

Hi Henna, I translated and subbed this excellent video of yours in Spanish. If you want to share it with your Spanish friends here is the Lbry link.
10 Etapas del Genocidio


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5 days ago

Wow, this is amazing. Thank you dear friend! You have put a lot of love and energy into this. I really appreciate this offering.

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5 days ago

Are you talking about white people?

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5 days ago

Although I agree, “their” main target group right now are “white” people, AKA Europeans!

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5 days ago

Thank You <3 Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @westnile_catalan 5 days ago Such horrible things prophesised by Bertrand Russel who went to Russia and also trained Mao Zedong Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @Ton 5 days ago Hi there and all. I like your work and thank you for it. 1 Classification 2 Symbolisation 3 Discrimination 4 Dehumanisation 5 Organisation 6 Polarisation 7 Preparation 8 Persecution 9 Extermination 10 Denial I'm so afraid about euthanasia. The just legalize it in Spain. And I would ask for it if I get the issues of the venom. They call it vaccine but we all know is nothing but a poison. Not nanotech or what ever. Just poison. And the condition for not being arrested. I have shared that video already. But I would tell more about it. So thank you in advance and already for the present document. We are blind in Spain. And since marc I've been following all the dissidence. None of them are real. Just wolves who riddle the naive. Gracias. A público de habla castellana. @antifa_lsadisidencia, mi grupo de telegram. Están invitados. More Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @Phoenix_of_Faith 5 days ago Thank you Henna-Maria. It's a sad day. But we must never give up hope. I trust in my Self and my soul to guide me through this genocidal madness we are staring in the face. Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @Howskii 5 days ago <3 Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @seanburnett 5 days ago Thanks for sharing this information. Much love and blessings Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @HumanRights 5 days ago well said, keep up the great work spreading your message! Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @Roo63 6 days ago Wonderfully explained. Thank you Henna, much appreciated. I started up a Public Facebook group years ago and it currently goes by the name "Worldwide Awakening", of which I am Admin. But I find that no one gives a damn over here in England, at least, not enough of us? The Group has currently got 152 Members. It was 500+ until Facebook removed people due to inactivity, but at the most, the views etc., rarely reach double figures. I know it's controlled, but it's not so much that. I have Laminated A4 Signs in many windows at Home and all the Car windows, every time it is parked up. There is very little interest, but worst of all, I am an Outcast from my Family, for speaking out and at least 6 people I know of, simply couldn't wait for this "Vaccine". They are offering it to everyone, even in the Supermarkets now and all WITHOUT Informed Consent. I'm 57 and Disabled. I was asked at a recent Hospital appointment. Just asked. No information offered. No mention of my Genetic disability, my masses of Medication, or Anaphylactic Shock from Amoxicillin. No mention of ADR's and/or Death. No mention that statistically, we have a 99.972% Recovery Rate over here in England. Nothing, actually. I know that 2 of the 6 had pretty Mild(?) ADR's the day after the Death Jab and tonight I learned that a Friend's Nan, who recently had the Pfizer/BioNTech Jab, has just had a Stroke. But they said, "It is unlikely to be linked to the "Vaccine", it is just a coincidence and more likely that she had the Stroke because she pushed too hard, while she was sat on the Toilet". These people believe Every word of the Government propaganda, irrespective of how ridiculous the Demands get. They Comply with Everything. I thought better of us British. Live and Learn. lol All the very best, many thanks 🙂 x More Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @MrGreene 5 days ago i hear you brother, i live in Essex, i know 1 person who is awake, all my attempts to wake up my family only pushes them further away. we surly are in difficult times. our government is looking more like the Borg everyday. "resistance is futile" as they say. good luck. Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @obie6_7 6 days ago The aliens will not let us join the Federation until our DNA is modified and we share the hive mind under a one world govt. That's why all 7 billion of us must be injected. Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @obie6_7 6 days ago Must share-It is not a vaccine https://www.bitchute.com/video/Zz9E9bcvysti/ Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @obie6_7 6 days ago The sterilization has begun https://www.bitchute.com/video/uqu5rR8JK5YV/ Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @nabilinho 6 days ago You've expressed everything that's been on my mind this past year. Let's pray that our human family wakes up in time! Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @donthavevids 6 days ago because they are stupid what goeas aroud comes around dont worry , there a ghost that fighting it right now all over in a network that wont be killed because we are becomming conscience , love very impotant tah you are here young lady Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @petekorea22 6 days ago Thank you... Henna maria... from the bottom of my heart/@petekorea22 Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @donthavevids 6 days ago Hi most beatifull woman we know we are watching thank you thank you . after a certain realization. it hurts to understand . I think understanding and knowledge is the only way forward , we , say thank you for your bravery . its being going on since longer. i got hit and was lost then i heard my friend sing a song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=923mYxJN80g More Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @proximaking 6 days ago The way they accidentally "genocided" lab animals a few years ago was give them an mRNA SARS "vaccine" and the animals were fine for weeks and months and even years until they introduced Covid, ..... sorry, SARS into their communities, sorry, cages at which point they died. SARS and Covid share so much genetic code some say that Covid must have been created in a lab. And why are they using the PCR test that as you say, they know full well could actually be producing 100% false positives? To pretend Covid is already out there so as to get people "vaccinated"? ......... And then release it. ........... ...... Sounds like just the sort of thing they would do isn't it. All the nonsense of a "great reset" is just that. They didn't have to pay the Tsar his Gold back that they borrowed as they had him killed and they won't need a great reset if there is no-one left to complain that their wealth was stolen. You have altogether the wrong timescales for this, it isn't going to be done over years but over the next few months and already in the UK 8 million victims have already been "vaccinated", only 60 million to go. 😉 More Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @curious.thomas 6 days ago I think it is more insidious that you think, has a single covid death hospital room been investigated by any type of law enforcement? Doubtful, it seems to me if someone infected with covid stays at home they recover, if they go to a hospital, they die. It is a very simple matter to introduce into the pharma production chain to be used as a mild treatment (not harmful) any innocuous medicine which is in reality an actual toxin which results in death. I bet not a single covid hospital death has been investigated as a homicide, has the contents of the biohazard bin in a hospital room ever been analyzed? This could occur and not a single medical professional involved is required to be aware of it. If genocide is the objective what is a few hundred thousand hospital deaths or even a million, if that is the objective. This should be investigated. You should create a video directed at this consideration. More Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @FlyingAxblade 6 days ago it's a cookbook. sheep get fleeced, cattle get eaten. Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @tonnyb 6 days ago There is a way to wake them op make a yellow star put on you shoulder and write Jude. this will make them think. Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @thecovid19illusion 6 days ago Great video. We are living in 1930s Reich. Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @SPWKarlsson 6 days ago [ OBEY PSYCHOSIS-19™ ] Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @TrevorHendrickson 6 days ago Its amazing too how all of the right, patriots, freedom-lovers, "trump supporters", etc. all need moral rehabilitation. How could it be we all have deviated so much from their rockafeller indoctrination reqimen, which they gave us, isn't good enough, and all psycopaths have arrived at the same conclusion. But with all the censorship and all the media controlled by the demon crats they control the narrative. Its our souls. They'll have them next time around, you'll be reborn a baby with a globe in the corner and a mask on your face. More Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @MrGreene 5 days ago i love how you sneaked in a flat earth reference. wonder if anyone else noticed. Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @Maribeja 6 days ago Thing is, this was all okay when it was happening in the southern hemisphere... Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @Grumpole 7 days ago The Skripal False Flag event in the UK was the trial for the isolation of people and destruction of property over a so-called chemical attack using Novichok, the public swallowed the story with the help of the media and medical profession, just as they are with this Covid farce. This covid false flag will also be successful based on the evidence they gained on the gullibility of the British people in accepting the absurd pantomime that was the Skripal fantasy. Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @Grumpole 7 days ago https://www.bitchute.com/video/siTzUAN0dWSt/ A 1967 speech by Myron C Fagan explaining how we are where we are. Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @amacdonald 8 days ago white people are targeted for genocide as a race. if you cannot see this then you are also part of the problem Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @freeradical 6 days ago Rubbish, the Africans have been in this war for longer and for you to say it's just white people is delusional. Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @MrGreene 5 days ago all the elite 1%ers are rich white men. Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @Laffing_hwhitee01 8 days ago inspirational,love it!!! Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @Allodium 8 days ago Shared w/family and friends. Thank you! Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @Laffing_hwhitee01 8 days ago bayer sold Aids tainted blood,from convicts in the us to Europe Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @TachyonTimeWarp 7 days ago AIDS is caused by starvation malnutrition and deadly drugs.... blood can't be tainted with AIDS. HIV may be a real virus, but it does not cause AIDS..... and people like you spreading lies about the cause of the depopulation scam from the lie that hiv causes aids and AZT is a treatment is dangerous.... your lies lead people to believe covid is real and to not realize that covid another deadly con..... NSSM200, Dr. Robert Willner, try not to mislead and do so much harm anymore.... Log in to reply 4 0 Channel profile picture @Laffing_hwhitee01 8 days ago there literally was a black and white (video) "How To" on how to do it!!! it was on youtube!! Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @Laffing_hwhitee01 8 days ago Aids was engineered by america in south Africa- to make it look like the Boers were responsible - polio was mutated to create the AIDS VIRUS... Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @TachyonTimeWarp 7 days ago it might help if you told people that hiv does not cause aids and tony fauci is a murderer who knowingly killed millions with azt.... then you might tell people that george hw bush created the aids scam for the rockefellers and picked tony fauci as its frontman. then you might tell people how george bush went to yale with john h. grady and they were frat brothers and that george bush knew christine grady all her life and her baby brother rob grady..... that might hold the bush government accountable. Log in to reply 3 0 Channel profile picture @Laffing_hwhitee01 8 days ago they are also killing homeopathic Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @Laffing_hwhitee01 8 days ago look up words like "sustainability" "Resilient cities insect based proteins, looking "really graceful" and check out how Bill gates is America's biggest "farmland holder" READ: ANYTHING THAT OUTLINES THE TREATMENT OF AMALEK - COMPARE THESE RECOMMENDATIONS- to now & you!!! as AMALEK - ALL PROPRTY SEIZED OR DESTROYED... LOOK INTO TH3 "ICE AGE FARMER"on how livestock is killed because of a virus that can't be "contained" covid - WE ARE AMALEK/EDOM/ESAU = THE WEST More Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @Laffing_hwhitee01 8 days ago read : "behind the green mask" by Amanda koire Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @Laffing_hwhitee01 8 days ago don't become the "new world orderve"they are cannibals you know - the consume children,bodily fluids "adrenachrome" even pepsi has fetal material in it... Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @MrGreene 5 days ago i knew about the adrenachrome, but are you shitting me about pepsi ? Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @FreeFromFinancialSlavery 8 days ago WHO CHIEF SCIENTIST CAUGHT LYING TO THE PUBLIC lbry://@FreeFromFinancialSlavery#2/WHO-CHIEF-SCIENTIST-CAUGHT-LYING-TO-THE-PUBLIC#b Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @MasterKelz 8 days ago Controlling every aspect of our lives..... Controlling every aspect of our lives - Agenda 21 - U.N. Global Governance lbry://@MasterKelz#9/Controlling-every-aspect-of-our-lives---Agenda-21---U.N.-Global-Governance-#0 Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @thei8507 8 days ago Love the "high frequency" calm discussion. Thanks! Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @CvetinArsenovic 8 days ago nice channel Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @Thetranslationbridge 8 days ago You are a queen of love Henna ❤ Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @chuck7_11 9 days ago Thank You! Peace and Blessing be with you. Daniel 5 has arrived. I fought and fought for years over the destruction of the church, Culture and nation. We understand the idea about clean water versus dirty water that makes you sick. And the same goes with hygiene and extreme sexual habits. If you feed your mind negative videos/news it is like spirit cooking. We are in a national psychosis by using collective trauma. To fight it, disconnect from the negative energy you feed the mind. This is why the Marxists target believers for extermination. Believers in a religion have more protection because those without a belief system are unprotected and get mind controlled and used by the Genocide manipulators. However, there are people in the new age religion but their teaching do not tell the stories of wrongdoing and it is more to do with a music concert. More Log in to reply 1 0 Channel profile picture @ralphrocket888 7 days ago To talk of life and what is happening in the outside world is to be Satanic. Nothing has ever happened. There is no life, no love, no peace, no time or space, no objects or subjects, all that is MIND CONTROL. Henna Maria is just a character in the Game of Life or the Mind Game which is eternal. Henna plays all parts as she creates all parts with the MIND. MIND IS LIFE and Life exists not. Go Prior to Birth/Life and find OTS, One Thought Simultaneous which is Creation. Go prior to OTS and Consciousness is the "I AM", a state of Being and Being exists not. Thus Consciousness, OTS, and MIND/Life is all unreal. There is no Truth in the Universe. What IS? What is beyond perfection, beyond words/numbers/Names and all MIND CONTROL? Absolute Empty Unknown, never to be known, the Absolute Self without words, without knowledge. Characters in the Game THINK they are the body/form and the Name, identity of the being, of the thing/object or subject. Nothing exists that is created by Thought. Knowing absolutely nothing is the closest to Absolute. DISSOLVE everything known and taught to YOU by SATAN. There is no I and no you. There is no Universe (One Verse creates all" Simply know nothing. Dissolve these words and know Absolute for with no Mind, no One Thought Simultaneous, no Consciousness, Absolute IS Unknown/Empty. YOU ARE THAT. More Log in to reply 0 2 Channel profile picture @hennamaria 7 days ago Sounds a lot like solipsism, which is a concept created by the dark occult. No thank you. Log in to reply 2 0 Channel profile picture @Julo 5 days ago your lost with house floor consciousness so if nothing matters then why write about it you contradict yourself, unaware to yourself you are undermind control WAKE UP STUPID Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @GB4 7 days ago You are behind the wave. Way behind. What you are saying is obvious. Take the next step. The hard step. Do something about it. Stop talking the talk and start walking the walk. We are oversupplied with talkers. Log in to reply 0 2 Channel profile picture @hennamaria 7 days ago Educating the masses IS doing something. Anyway, you clearly are not familiar with me or my work, as I ACTUALLY am very active. Log in to reply 4 0 Channel profile picture @TachyonTimeWarp 7 days ago i left you comments on your Nature of Evil part 1 video. Log in to reply 0 0 Channel profile picture @FreedomFighter 4 days ago She IS doing something by publishing this content. What is wrong with you?