No Chip Required: Bio-coded DNA Resonant Frequency Links Targeted Individuals to Mind Control Matrix (video)

No Chip Required: Bio-coded DNA Resonant Frequency Links Targeted Individuals to Mind Control Matrix (Video)

Morné Pieters
6 months ago
Satan always wanted to be like The Most High, Yahuah. Now he will be able to realise his dream being omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient through this type of quantum technology on our created earth… The ultimate Beast system! Atleast we know how it all ends for him 🙏🏻☝🏻

6 months ago
this is major truth why isn’t there more people talking about this

trappedinroom 101
6 months ago
An excellent video. These people have some serious occult knowledge…and by combining those layers of perception with both the material world (and the instructions they get from the real overlords in a different realm)…they’ve copied the way our world really works…and created a counterfeit!

There’s what’s called divine pairs…people with four divisions of their luminous egg around them…most people have two divisions/sections. This entire new system is designed to copy and mimic the ‘divine pairs’ and copy gods world…by giving regular folk a ‘copy’ divine energy body!

I don’t know why I’m targeted…but I can tell you this…I actually have tiny wires under my scalp! They seem to collect together at my left temple and spread out back over the left side of my skull! If I scape my nail over small areas of my left ‘temple’ (lol!), all this thin filaments under the skin tingle across my skull…it is the most bizarre and terrifying thing I’ve ever felt!

Because of this weirdness, I at least know that the nanotech smartdust (that we’ve been infected and riddled with) is in deed self assembling!

There’s a huge amount of hidden esoteric and occult warnings in the bible…and the anti-Christ ‘sitting in the temple’ is when this system kicks up and the ‘ancient old one’ (pretending to be A.I. Or god!) talks to us in our minds!

God plans to rip away the tares…the seeds planted along side the wheat! Our minds are not ours! They are the tare…read Carlos Castaneda’s words about “The Predator”!!!

The predator…or some other non-organic being…is finally getting full and complete access to the human food and livestock! They’re battling over this human farm!!!

Only Jesus/Iesous can save us! This world is a trap…and it’s why he said his kingdom was NOT of this world! The elite are now furiously battling to keep hold of their food and human livestock.

I can’t give anyone any answers to this craziness we find ourselves trapped in…but both the technological side and the occult side are jointly integral parts of it…we’ll never get the full picture until you include the sorcery and witchcraft involved!

Do not consent to their tech! Once you accept their ‘authority’ the A.I. (Or entity) will start taking over our consciousness…it will be slow and steady…and it will replace the foreign voice that pretends to be us…with something even worse!!!

Learn inner silence…and don’t be afraid of it. I suspect people will go loopy when their daemon is removed…very much like in the golden compass film/ book…and the newer version/series “His Dark Materials”!!! They even show them using child sacrifice and the energy released when they chop the soul/tare/predator mind away!

Bottom line…technology is about to open the doors to a mirror world…a copy and counterfeit of this one! We’re already in a mirror world…which is what we will be rescued out of. There will be no chance of escape from their counterfeit one!!! Another layer down in the system…a layer with no exit ladder out!!!!

Scary times folk!!! 😔💕

Mike Largioll
6 months ago
Love you All’ My AWOKE Bro’s & Sis’s IN this Fight against GD’/evil YES’ they might try to Subdue us’ & Try an keep us down! But IKW’ the final outcome Will b Victorious!!! Our Suffering in THIS life is but a short Season’ (TEMPORARY is What I have to Continually Remind myself’ & all Hurting ppl in this world that I never fit in with’ & don’t want!!!😑 Peace ❤🙏’s to All

Arzoo Singh
6 months ago
Brothers trust me ,I have known all this thing for last 2 years nothing new and it’s not huge this is just technology .
The intresting part is human subtle energy and how it impacts .
Don’t just get stuck on technology ,it’s not impossible .
Think about the conciousness field

Think about human energy .

Let me explain .
But before that ,if they have so much control ,then why not control Iran’s leader.
They need certain conditions so that the machine works on some individuals (TI).

Trust me don’t act as victim .Stand strong and send good signals .

Lastly It’s just not technology.

robert parrish
6 months ago
Nothing affects the soul……Only the mind

Joseph Wade Paulson
6 months ago
we got to write laws into affect. because if they did what they did to me to a child. It would grow up just following what the voices says to do. a puppet. real mindcontrol.
Kevin Svenson Crypto
6 months ago
The system only becomes useful with Emotions when it targets your negative emotions. This A.I. has full ability to communicate any idea you can imagine, but it will take the torture route before anything in the year 2020

Stephen Luke
6 months ago
Guess it’s easier to make artificial intelligence smarter than humans given the majority of the population have been dumbed down.

Twinkles The Kitten
6 months ago
The book 1984 becoming reality..

Kathy Stephens
6 months ago

Grace Arcoz
4 months ago
This is disgusting y cant we live in peace

6 months ago (edited)
oh my God, this is pure evil, they have no right to to do this to us, I hope who invented this technology goes to hell and suffer the terrible pain they are inflicting to innocent human beings, hundred times more!

5 months ago
what a fantastic Channel I’m so thrilled that I stumbled across this

Mike Largioll
6 months ago
The Creator of ALL THING’S Will Sustain us’ No matter what We go thru’ in this Evil System! & HAS…Cause I’m still Here’ But Getting tired😩😥
Jon Gotti
6 months ago
There must be a way too stop these signals or to redirect them towards the enemy..

6 months ago
All people hear the voice in the air it can be aimed at anyone near the targeted person. That is why there is a rude behavior campane.

Jason Lindquist
6 months ago
So basically movie , eagle eye.?

Niki McNally
2 months ago
It feels like my skin is inside out at times here in Senior complex in Citrus Heights Ca….if I turn off my router,smart tv and cell phone can they still target me?I didn’t send in my DNA,though.
Mauro S. Brazil Porto Alegre
6 months ago
Hello, congratulations on your work, is there any solution for target individuals?

2 months ago
@A Simulated Reality Hey u need to get on DLIVE and get your videos on there. Also BRIGHTEON, PARLER AND GAB. People need to see your content.

I am The light
6 months ago
I have been microchiped in my brain and v2k

Joseph Wade Paulson
6 months ago
this video got over 700 impressions on my twitter but only 1840 views it shows on the video. i think this video is important so please share and like

Grace Arcoz
4 months ago
Plus new house neighbours drug me if i leave my window open, every single night for the past few months my mothers demonically possessed bad vibe boyfriend no soul in eyes black narcissist eyeballs man coughs and SNEEZES and SNIFFS EVERY SINGLE NIGHT so I CANNOT SLEEP he never does this during the day but RIGHT when i’m entering the dream realm i hear a BANG of the door and the noise campaign starts. Wish I can record so nobody calls me crazy eehehe

Fabienne Peeters
6 months ago
By a metal detector and measure your body!

18 hours ago
With the voice of god weapon the whole world hears it not just the individual target. This is why many act rude etc they hear it.

richard Goodman
5 months ago
I signed up for a program ran by University of Louisville while in jail. It was called “computer enhanced cognitive therapy” a blood test was done on me to determine type, for some reason, then I was forced to take an implant on 7-1-12 in Louisville Kentucky, at 316 east chestnut st. (A jail) I saw the equipment used for v2k in the basement there. I know names of the perps. I had an x ray done of my lungs a month later and the chip showed up. On 6-6-15 I began hearing the v2k. Only after a dead beat low life got mad at me and said,” my sister is with the super police.”……a week later I got V2k it has been non- stop for over four years now. Louisville Metro Police Department also participate in stalking, as well as the fire dept. It is nothing more than forced suicide. Many have killed themselves. Many have become homeless. I’m standing up and blowing the MIND RAPE whistle.

Liz Culver
6 months ago
Always wondered how it worked more

Gary Blake
6 months ago
So people your looking for answers think about nanobots and microscope gold electricity etc man …… Once you hv a sample under a microscope you’ll have your first price ofmevidence other wise it’s all theory

alexander justrom
5 months ago
The singularity is on its way

Joseph Wade Paulson
6 months ago
why is nobody telling me stuff

Just Me
1 month ago

Ellemonette F
1 month ago
Requesting to the government….Can I please have one entire thought that’s NOT stopped with more implanted thoughts of your choice.

Michaela Maciossek
5 months ago
Is anyone able to translate it in german?

Cory Costilla
6 months ago
Just here to throw off the algorithm

Joseph Wade Paulson
6 months ago
in other words.. “hearing voices”. So please tell dr woodward of kelowna bc canada to stop injecting joseph wade paulson with meds because this is done with technology. it is not some delusion

Grace Arcoz
4 months ago (edited)
Someone please give me tips I am begging EDIT: Not my real name and i’m not in the USA
Robert Purnell
6 months ago
America will soon be destroyed !!

The Lord has made a way out, for those who will accept the “Full Word of God.”

The Lord Jesus Christ stated:
John 13:20.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, HE THAT RECEIVETH
WHOMSOEVER I SEND RECEIVETH ME, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

Therefore, if a man wants to receive Jesus, the man MUST receive the “Messenger” who Jesus sends, in this day the Lord has kept His word, and has sent His prophet.

The, “Elijah anointing,” (Concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ) is used “TWICE.”

The first time 2,000 years ago, when God sent John the Baptist, then again in this day.

At each, “Coming of the Lord,” there is an Elijah prophet who precedes that, “Coming.”

Jesus said concerning John the Baptist.
Matthew 3:3.
For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Elijah, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

John, “Prepared the way for the Lord,” John did NOT “Restore anything,” as that which would need to be restored, (The full understanding of the whole Bible,) had not yet been given.

This scripture concerns the Elijah prophet for, “THIS DAY.”
Matthew 17:11.
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elijah truly shall FIRST COME, and RESTORE all things.

God has fulfilled the above scripture in THIS DAY.

This scripture also predicts the Elijah prophet for “This day”…..
Malachi 4:5.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

This Elijah prophet comes just before, “The coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord,” which happens in this day.

We are now living in the last days, God has kept His word and sent that prophet, thereby “Restoring” His word to His Bride.

One Sunday morning in June, 1933, God gave seven major continuous visions to His prophet William Marrion Branham (Fulfilling Malachi 4:5 + Matthew 17:11 + Revelation 10:7 and other scriptures)

Five of the seven continuous visions, have already come to pass.

“The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.”

God has raised the dead on FIVE occasions through His chosen vessel.

God was photographed SIX times, (Veiled in the form of the Pillar of Fire) with His prophet.

God`s chosen vessel was William Marrion Branham.

Check out William Branham, God`s “Vindicated Prophet” for the End Time.

These and other “Prophetical scriptures” fulfilled:
Malachi 4:5.
Matthew 17:11.
Revelation 10:7.
Revelation 3:14.
Revelation 1:16 – 20.
Revelation 2:1.
Revelation 3:1.

Watch this amazing testimony on YouTube:
Ed Byskal – I am a witness (Testimony on William Branham)

Russia now has a missile which can destroy a nation the size of France or a state the size of Texas, destruction is one button push away.

The Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of “FORNICATION” and Homosexuality…..
Jude 7.
Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to FORNICATION, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of everlasting fire.

Do you see any fornication and or homosexuality in this day ???

Gary Blake
6 months ago
Turn it self in
Cita Previa
Cita Previa
6 months ago (edited)
today´s PSA (a public service anouncement)
to all Ti´s : get comfortable beig uncomfortable : UNCUT GEMS !!!

the spam virus on steroids synched with your mind. It´s as a hick up, it´s as someone pulling a chair just before u sit down. It´s ski jumper being noise camapained at the last second of lift off !!! Sabotage by shadow by gangs … using the scapegoat for social engeenering. Three´s company TV. gaslighters : to destabilze one : for good of society : for the “gods” “golden age” prophecies hide behind rape and death as evolution.

the twilliight zone : child play : noise campaings synched with the material : pavlovian twitching for the obediant : an orgasm awaits : Santa Claus will not be coming for the “naughty” what is reversed is not bad : blaming goodness : in a world of double speak : Are You fluent ?

to burn a bleedin´ stone into a forced ring : Vibrating chrystals : the Dildo for the golden age. 👁🔥💎💍🔒
reclaim the Scapegoat or be lost in :

fake.israel & love is not pretending.

trai michael
6 months ago

Ecstatically Extreme
Ecstatically Extreme
3 weeks ago
8.8k.views 448 likes and it’s 4:44
Timothy Robertson
Timothy Robertson
4 months ago
TI since 20009

Ronnie Wood
3 months ago
Is this Brian Tews channel? Does anyone have the scoop on Tews history or training or how he’s always traveling all over the world and in a different global location/traveling all the time? Who is he where did he come from ? Fascinating shit

Timothy Robertson
4 months ago
TI since 2009

Jacques Butcher
4 months ago
You can try to build faster, smarter, more intelligent computers and cyborgs but none of them will have love and compassion. That’s also what seems to be missing from most human beings today. This is why the world is in such a mess and why they build these things without considering the impact to the already existing, most amazing machines God already created – us. Why mess with that?

Linda Snow
6 months ago
Music is too loud and unnecessary.

Jennifer Jensen
6 months ago (edited)
They use this thought emotion mining on me, triggering either the Nanoparticles in me, or some other implanted device(which must have happened during my hospital visit in 2007) which heats me up, just as is described happens to your body when hit with 5G. It starts w Ill at ease, then nausea, then I start to heat up to the point that i am actually emanating(People can feel the heat coming off of me) then severe sweating as if I have a fever. Theyve mastered a way of torturing and damaging individuals from afar, that leaves no trace or w total plausible deniability. I am a healthy strong fit woman who’s body is being cooked, multiple times per day, triggered by my thoughts, setting in motion some kind of relay system which causes me to be dosed w frequencies, seemingly form the inside of my body. This is common experience for Targeted individuals as I have heard this from many people to be happening to them.

This can lead to diabetes and Pancreatic cancer, among many other horrific diseases, and this system is in full operation, on people who have been singled out for their activism etc.. to debilitate them and most likely as part of an enormous experiment to see what happens to these people. Testing on us, to better their techniques and nefarious technology. They just zapped me again as I am typing this… People, its really fucked up what they are doing, without people knowing what is happening to them. Anybody know of a really good lawyer who could hep me make a case, LMK.

A R godsmRk
5 months ago
So now what…

src cr
2 months ago (edited)
two words


(in my case an upstairs neighbors- the-stalker-is-Jessica Meksin-80222 -USA) stalking me with ‘Psychoteonic-Warfare’)
many years – 24/7/365 – 360°
it (is the worst in the world)

Mauro S. Brazil Porto Alegre
6 months ago …

Alex Murchison
5 months ago
four individuals in denial

Joseph Wade Paulson
6 months ago
can voice to skull be used on birds. is that why we see so many dead birds. someone is beaming sounds at them, keeping them awake till death. and driving them like a toy? what about bee’s did they test this on bee’s?

Paul Konopaski
2 weeks ago
I’m a TI for 5,6 years it’s just crazy ex girlfriend and average people how do they get there hands on this technology or am I wrong for thinking it advanced technology how are these people know what I can see. think. Dream memories ECT what can I do about it?? Anyone please let me know thank you

John Anthony
3 months ago
This is Asymmetrical and Spiritual warfare. You won’t beat the system head on, the system isn’t logical and it’s tied in to religion and your mind.

I really advise every victim who wants to do something about it to pray to Archangel Michael and to Jesus for protection from the Illuminati and do this every day; morning and night.

Niki McNally
2 months ago
Why are they spying on us?

Kat M
5 months ago (edited)
Im getting really aggravated with these psychoTyrants that keep overstepping their boundaries and harming innocents to just for fun. Id like the tables to turn and just see how theyd like it fore once.They are insanebullies. How do people protect themselves and when isGod going to stop this. Isnt anyone?

Bajkowa Arkadia
2 months ago

Liechtenstein wprowadza obowiązkową bransoletkę biometryczną dla wszystkich obywateli

3 weeks ago (edited)
Good video but why 640x360p? and not 720p or 1080p

Joseph Wade Paulson
6 months ago
is voice to skull the reason we have these little child geniuses in the world. like who is to say if they are being fed the answers and just too scared to admit it. v2k is real. they can broadcast a sound that only one person can hear. it is real. they are doing it to me

Joseph Wade Paulson
6 months ago
so why did all the comments stop?

Ana Mil
6 months ago
sex and making babies – computers can do better huh. love is already dead to me.

Grace Arcoz
4 months ago (edited)

Ellemonette F
5 months ago
I think all gangstalkers are very aware of what they’re doing so what should they get for trying to drive targets crazy and basically helping kill tis and their families??

Dan O’Banion
6 days ago
T.I. Here, they can turn down the voices, so they are not detectable, then they can take control, recently I had voices I could hear directing me to a location, then the voices went silent, but , for no reason, I attacked a stranger, I feel he was targeted for my attack, after the attack the voices returned and directed me to play dead so Id be taken to the psych ward instead of jail…

Loki Singularity
6 months ago
Implants are still being used. A guy and his family including children’s bodys are riddled with many implants. He has MRI’s and other scans to prove it. Duckduckgo TI implants. He has pics and info on a website. He settled out of court for a undisclosed sum of money and was gag ordered so he cant talk about it anymore. This has happened to other people as well who discovered implants in their body. So, if your a TI and have the means to get scans of your body I highly recommend you do so. If you have the means. It is possible that some people are being tracked by their unique DNA resonance as well, but people are being implanted!

Kathy Stephens
6 months ago (edited)
Why? America is suppose to be so great, but look at the invasion of US Citizens. This is invasion of privacy. This is suppose to be against the law. I am a target under 24/7 Surveillance. I am harassment every day. Tracked by Government Aircraft, and harassed. They stay in the area where I am. As soon as I leave home, they follow me to every destination.You are all going against law. You are not God, why are you playing and perpetrating to be him. God never intended man to do these things these Sciencetistare doing. It is a GREAT SIN IN THE EYE OF OUR LORD.Hell is waiting for people just like all you. All will answer to GOD. There is no love in this act to invade the lives of other. White man are always doing things to other people that totally go against God. ALWAYS. NOT ALL BUT SOME. The way it is being done is on a sneak tip. Its like Robbery. As stated in the video all you need is a d and a and compute that info into the computer, even just through answering a cell phone. Why. Modern Day Frankenstein. Stealing personally and physical robbery and kidnapping. Of someone’s personal. I pray to my dear lord every seed sown illegally, he fulfills it as return seed to the sewers. You all have lost your mind. Ut sounds like you are try to replace humans with robots. Listen at what target are bring called, victims. When som6is being called victim, a crime has been committed. WHY! These people have already confessed their crime. Targets get in board, WE HAVE CRIMINALS MAKING A CONFESSION. WE ARE THEIR OBJECTIVE FOR THEIR COMPLESION OF THIS EXPERIMENT. ROBBERY, IN VASION OF OUR PRIVACY, CIVIL RIGHTS, AND THE RIGHT TO BE TREATED A HUMAN, AND LIVE IN PEACE.

Samson Simpson
6 months ago
But satitlites aren’t even real unless you count high altitude balloons