Epigraph Quotes:

1) “My focus was primarily in contracts for the DOD in developing capabilities for Interactive Internet Activities that helped support “CNO” (Computer Network Operations), computer hacking, information operations “IO”, and “I-PSY” (I-Phone psychological warfare), which are influencing operation. This system allows you to manage large projects; (but) it’s actually managing the most malevolent operations that you could imagine.

… (Based on the widespread use of these technologies), more stuff is fake and fabricated right now in the news than what is actually real.”

U.S. Army Contractor and Whistle-blower, Patrick Bergy

2) “Now you know how our government has been compromised: 24/7 surveillance plus blackmail.”

Millie Weaver, film moderator

3) MsSaudm

“YES, but its just the beginning:

2) FORCE RNA/DNA TATTOO VACCINE with nanotech that connects the individual to the Google BEAST network

It is Rothschild Zionism’s control over the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, and its total subversion of this complex, which the American citizenry must collectively be made aware of. Especially since this Orwellian complex is being used in secret to brain map the entire U.S. population in the interest of ultimately reducing us to a cybernetic race of beings, whose state of consciousness will come from a neural network of artificial intelligence driven computers.

Imagine a race of people all thinking the same thoughts simultaneously while being incapable of having an individual thought – a true slave race – and you can begin to understand the inherent evil which drives those who operate within the very hierarchy of this complex.

James F. Marino, “The Human Species Is On The Precipice Of Becoming A Race Of Mind-Controlled Cybernetic Slaves”

WEBMASTER’S COMMENT: This is an important, informative video that probably should be watched several times to be fully understood. There are many interesting parallels here with organized stalking/electronic torture operations.

Particularly interesting to me are military “industry terms” such as “IIA” (Interactive Internet Activities), “shadownet,” and “I-Psy” (I-phone Psychological Warfare), which of course, have direct bearing on ongoing “organized stalking-electronic torture”-no-touch torture-soft-kill/silent-kill/slow-kill operations that affect TIs all over the world. Indeed, these so-called “I-Psy” and “IIA” Operations must coincide with global organized stalking-electronic torture operations described throughout this website.

Donald Trump was targeted during the 2016 election with this same military-grade weapons system. This has already been well established. See, for example, on this website:

1) Over 20 Million Americans (Including President Trump) Illegally Targeted, Tracked, Stalked, Zapped with Directed Energy-Neuro Weapons, and Surveilled 24/7 According to FBI/CIA/NSA Whistleblower


Other IIA, CNO, “information warfare” and influencing operations acknowledged in this video include the systematic and widespread creation and propagation of fake news, fake dossiers, and fake events, including the current fake “pandemic” and the RESPONSE to the fake pandemic which includes the fake riots now ravaging America’s cities and concomitant “defund the police ” movement.

This video explains how, since 2013, all data collected by the NSA on its citizens has been sold to private (often foreign-owned) companies. These colossal acts of treason were and are being carried out by individuals and contractors identified in this video.

It should be noted that this website documents that the secret targeting-electronic tracking, monitoring, and torture of innocent civilians in America and other nations has been ongoing at least since the 1950s! Hence, the Shadowgate video, perforce, is telling only part of the story and could even function as a “limited hangout.”

In the film, two whistle-blowers describe these “ShadowNet” (IIA-PSYOP-CNO-information warfare-I-Psy influencing) operations. They are Patrick Bergy (cyber security and PSYOP program developer for the U.S. Army) and Tore (linguist and intelligence contractor for the U.S. Navy).

The film also exposes the larger context of these heinous operations which is the ongoing, incremental takeover of the American republic by the United Nations/transnational corporatocracy and which involves the replacement of our traditional human-based law enforcement system with an AI- and Robot-controlled uber-surveillance system tied to global government.

The entities behind this overthrow of America, civilization, and humanity are abundantly identified on this website. They are Judeo-Masonic satanists. And they are very near to ushering in their long-planned antichrist kingdom.

Webmaster’s Notes and Comments:

A small group of government contractors hired by government officials are behind:

1) Frame up of Presidential candidate Donald Trump for “Russian Collusion”
2) the fake news in mainstream media
3) today’s nationwide civil unrest (riots, etc.)
4) the defund the police movement

Both parties are guilty of covering (up) this present scandal;

Shadowgate- the tactical and operational role the shadow government played in behind the scenes maneuvering that led to the coup against President Trump.

The Shadow Government consists of government contractors in defense, intelligence, security and so on, the “military-industrial complex.” They do the “dirty work.” They have set up an international criminal enterprise, where blackmail is used and personal data is gold.

This group includes:

Head of NSA, General Michael Hayden, Retired U.S.M.C. 4-star general James Jones, ex-CIA director, John O. Brennan, General Stanley A. McChrystal

Global Strategies Group (under Ex-CIA Director, John Brennan)
GCI (Canadian Global Information)
Clear Force
Jones Group International
Atlantic Council
Dynology (Under Ex-NSA Hea, Michael Hayden)
Psy Group
The Analysis Corporation
McChrystal Group (Under General Stanly A. McChrystal)
Cambridge Analytica

Two featured whistleblowers, interviewed by Millie Weaver, include:

Patrick Bergy (cyber security and PSYOP program developer for the U.S. Army) Tore (linguist and intelligence contractor for the U.S. Navy)

Tore: began in electronic warfare then moved to information warfare (ETK: Today, they are the same).

Patrick worked for Obama’s National Security advisor, General James Jones and his son, Jim Jones at Dynology Corporation from 2007-10 in contracts for DOD in developing capabilities for interactive internet activities, as part of CNO (computer network operations), hacking and information operations (actual influence operations).

Bergy: “My focus was primarily in contracts for the DOD in developing capabilities for Interactive Internet Activities that helped support of CNO (computer network operations), hacking, and information operations, which are influencing operations. This allows you to manage large projects; it’s managing the most malevolent operations that you could imagine.”

The ‘shadownet’ was the commercial of IIA (interactive internet activities)… Fake news, fake dossiers, fake journalists all this is IIA is social media psychological warfare… We began that in 2007 right after the policy guidelines first came out. This was micro-targeted psychological warfare operations where you could select an individual target, a group target, or an entire country if you wanted to.

Policy for DOD Interactive Internet Activities (June 8, 2007).

Tore: “I worked with private intelligence contractors. Our intelligence does not stay within our borders or within federal buildings. If I want to blackmail you or put you under my thumb.”

(Both are describing “Fourth Generation Warfare”)

Bergy: “Does this sound like pandemics or something like that? Now this is done through AI and big data.

We took the Fourth Psychological Groups methods that took them years to develop and we re-branded it commercially and sold it as the ShadowNet.

This is the “mobile mega-shadownet mobile.” (Shows his very well-equipped motor cycle.) (This is) A small command and control over IP running on one unclassified network, with wifi and router. I can run all this from my cell phone on the handle bars. And if I can get decent cell phone connection, I can run multiple cameras. I can see multiple images on one computer screen.”

Tore: “I was really good at what I did. And I can still do it too.”

Weaver: The group of whistleblowers from the NSA and other classified data-collection agencies referred to as the “Global surveillance whistelblowers” (including William Binney and Kirk Weibe) were used as a vector to legalize what was then illegal dragnet spying on everyone 24/7. The FISA Amendment Act of 2008 had section 702 that permitted the government to spy on citizens with a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court.

The NSA data system collects everything through what’s called the upstream where everything is stored for 72 hours and then dumped. However, if one could twin this stream of data, you could privatize it. Imagine what you could do with that!

Weaver: “Under John Brennan’s direction, Edward Snowden created a data bridge from the NSA data base into private servers controlled by private intelligence and cyber security contractors, aka The Analysis Corporation, Global Strategies Group, and CGI (Canadian Global Information).

Tore: “Global Strategies Group was actually a hub for all information, in and out, in and out. All of the directors were former GCHQ, CIA, NSA, MI6, MI5, German intelligence… You have to wonder why are all these former heads heading up consulting firms. They weren’t consultng. What were they doing? They were collecting everybody’s data and privatizing it.”

To think that another company is copying all emails, texts, phone calls, messages, instagrams, tweets, anything you can imagine that’s being uploaded that has to go into the 72 holding is suddenly being pushed offshore. That sounds kind of illegal because it is.

Weaver: June 5, 2013, Edward Snowden goes public with the NSA program, PRISM, revealing the NSA collects internet traffic of all US citizens from major internet and telecom companies through the FISA 702 program. Snowden’s actions kicked off, on the federal level, justification for spying on US citizens, including the Senate and Congress, in the name of preventing US citizens with classified or top secret clearances from being able to repeat Snowden’s actions. This opened the door for the creation of Clear Force.

July 4, 2013, CGI and GCHQ launch a defense protection partnership which includes sharing threat intelligence.

So these were all private corporations that even had foreigners working in them and they had access to NSA servers?

Tore: Of course they did.

Weaver: Is this legal? And why would they set this up this way?

Tore: Sharing our private identification information, visual recognition, biometric, outside of the US for official purposes at consultate, or embassy, is legal, or through INTERPOL. But to have a company that houses everybody’s data and any private person can buy that data and investigate and analyze that data (is not legal)… And that’s exactly what GSG was doing.

In just four months, GSG, GSI and other private contractors allegedly had full access to the entire 5 Eyes network. Not surprising, the CIA gets caught one year later spying on the US Senate.

Weaver: “So now you know how our government has been compromised; 24/7 surveillance plus blackmail.

Trump got in the way of the “Big Game:” A contest between contractors and sub-contractors over who gets first dibs on defense security and defense contracts.”

This is the biggest and boldest move towards the ultimate surveillance state ever made and it’s near completion. Micro-managing this technology on a global scale would require integrating it with artificial intelligence. Imagine artificial intelligence autonomously operating the Shadownet and Clearforce.

Interpol’s 2019 publication “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics For Law Enforcement” reveals we are already there.

There is an international push for autonomous law enforcement to remove the human factor. The Interpol program is using an iteration of Shadownet and ClearForce technology. A 2017 patent mentions integration all federal into international justice and public safety networks. Full integration of all data including the Internet of Things (IoT) is the objective.

A March, 2020, Atlantic Council policy primer, “AI Society and Governance,” references the 2019 INTERPOL publication stating:

“The United Nations Inter-regional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) are leading the conversation on autonomous patrol robots, tracking and tracing systems, forecasting tools, predictive policing, and more.”

The next iteration of the Shadownet and Clearforce is ready to go. Integration with AI, robots, and the replacement of traditional law enforcement is just around the corner.

Given that leftist organizations, managed by Momentum, which is behind the “defund the police movement,” and given that Momentum has been connected to IIA operations, the case can be made that Jones and Co. are running the “defund the police influence operation” simply because they are in a position to benefit by offering an alternative solution that is already in line with the Green New Deal agenda.

We’ve already seen some of this rolled out with the technocratic response to Covid-19, with autonomous drones, contact tracing apps, nano-tech vaccines, and predictaive modeling for social distancing and economic shutdowns.

Furthermore, this technology is behind the push for police abolition, defunding law enforcement, and replacing it with Smart justice. Given we have seen IIA-ShadowNet implemented by the socialist democrats and Sunrise movement who are using it to push for police abolition.

This political movement is deeply connected to the UN, who is partnered with INTERPOL to corral us into the artificial intelligence and robotics for law enforcement direction.



Ordinary Non Player Character
3 hours ago (edited)
The deep state is real. They hate you. They want you dead and think its funny.

Redpill christopher
2 hours ago
This film creeps me out wonder why they arrested millie to prevent this from coming out good thing millie had a killswitch

coco smiles
1 hour ago
This is about exposing Obama and his administration. That’s why Millie and her husband were arrested

Nick Cates
3 hours ago
Share the crap out of this guys. Download it, do whatever you can.
Brandy Rupert
3 hours ago
YES!! She was arrested today and they still couldn’t stop this documentary!!

e causey
2 hours ago
brandy-tell me brandy..does what u just said..SOUND CORRECT? did u NOT SEE TORE claim info can be scrubbed IMMEDIATELY? DID U SEE? how stupid Millie behaved?with police? OPENS DOOR- NO WARRANT- TRUNDLES OFF /COPS?? no Miranda rights?? AND THEY ARRESTED BOTH HER & hUSBAND-?? i smell free adv.?

Joel Dipaulo
1 hour ago
e causey good point

1 hour ago
@e causey if it works it works😝

Teresa Henry
31 minutes ago
Interesting take. I’ll wait to see what comes out of it before I come to any conclusion. But if I knew the police were coming, I wouldn’t want the world to see me look like I just rolled out of bed.

My Muzzer
20 minutes ago
Like and Share

Raven Wolf
4 hours ago (edited)
Wow this is cray cray free Millie Weaver the government and the police who arrested her need to go to gitmo.

Loves Greatness
5 hours ago

Will Dragon
5 hours ago
FREE MILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 hours ago
What police arrested her we need to call them and demand answers or show force.. #2 we the people… The time is now or never

Casey Pohl
4 hours ago
The woman who directed this video was just arrested.
With no warrant!?!?

keith rees
3 hours ago
i did not see no warrant but it was also very limited footage so no way to tell atm

Ordinary Non Player Character
2 hours ago
It wasn’t even an actual police officer it was a private security company worker working for the deep state. She’s likely being tortured to death right now.

keith rees
2 hours ago
@Ordinary Non Player Character well if she goes at least her hubby and son lives on

2 hours ago
@keith rees arrested husband too

Ordinary Non Player Character
2 hours ago
keith rees they took her husband too

keith rees
2 hours ago
@Ordinary Non Player Character oh wow really i thought they only had enough room in the car to take one at the time?

Ordinary Non Player Character
2 hours ago
keith rees word is they came and took him away also.

keith rees
2 hours ago
@Ordinary Non Player Character was it hours later same day or the next day does anyone know?

Ordinary Non Player Character
2 hours ago
keith rees minutes later it seems

David Surran
2 hours ago
Was she cmon folks its all a show.

David Surran
2 hours ago
@Ordinary Non Player Character you dont no so shut up moron.

Ordinary Non Player Character
2 hours ago
David Surran it’s not a show. She’s likely dead right now. They prolly had a couple cartel members carve up her kid in-front of her

keith rees
2 hours ago
@Ordinary Non Player Character oh ok just was not sure

e causey
1 hour ago
@Ordinary Non Player Character ordin- which means her child went to state torture home..? or invisible tattoo recipient?

logan Logan
1 hour ago
@Ordinary Non Player Character Better hope not. People who know her people in high positions have names and will delete those names if anything happens to her. None of these morons are safe really .

Petro Krasnov
10 minutes ago
I hope trump is watching this and begins to topple this contractor shadow government operating out of DC. All these people need to find safety until this mess is cleaned up. These whistleblowers are also in serious danger. True Patriots.

Esmond Neal
9 minutes ago
It was all a stunt set up by her. She never recorded the “cops” face. The cop had his legs crossed while “arresting” someone on a warrant?? GTFOH! It’s to hype up this video.

sarah fire
5 hours ago
praying for Millie Weaver’s safety!

Chris Kayman
3 hours ago
Alex is getting on the first flight from Texas to Ohio. You just poked the wrong bear. Alex is gonna cause a scene in front of their corrupt city hall. Infowars tank will meet them there.

Ratty Shankar
2 hours ago
No ones going to do anything, no one ever does….

Jeanne Miller
2 hours ago

David Surran
2 hours ago
If you didnt already no that you are a fn moron its fn obvious. Could it be anymore obvious…smh idiots everywhere.

Sugar Face
1 hour ago
@David Surran alot of ppl DONT know this and are really scared bc of this supposed deadly virus.

4 minutes ago
YES but its just the beginning
2) FORCE RNA/DNA TATTOO VACCINE with nanotech that connects the individual to the Google BEAST network

Diana Torres
3 hours ago (edited)
They were already arrested, she and her husband!!!! Talking about deep state…

chris newman
47 minutes ago
All the American people need to do is start picking dates and destroying millions of phones. That simple. Throw your smart phone in a lake,

Johnny Branscomb
5 hours ago (edited)
Shared on Parler & if I’m ever able to get back on Twatter ill post it there daily! That arrest was a sham! If someone with some stroke doesn’t help her, she’s screwed!

chris newman
1 hour ago
if she was able to find out this, just think of what we do not know!

Justin Hatcher
1 hour ago
Poor Millie get here out of incarceration she is too genuine and beautiful to be in there, she will be attacked and abused for sure.

Gotta get her released asap.

Kari Butters Angstadt
2 hours ago
JB probably had something to do with her arrest….I think she’s been kidnapped. No paperwork no warrant….I call it BS.

Luna Kat
5 hours ago (edited)
Those cops are just as guilty as anyone else. Not all cops are bad. Only bad people are bad cops.. Traitors. This is sick. We’re next. (speaking of Millie’s Chinese “arrest”)

Steve Ladner
1 hour ago
Where is the so called good cops?

Truth Seeker
49 minutes ago
Police work for corporations. Not people.

Amanda Anguish
42 minutes ago
Truth Seeker cause anyone with a birth certificate the name on the certificate is a Corporation, because it’s your apparent given name in court you say it’s not yours. An your just a beneficiary of the name on the said certificate
Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker
34 minutes ago
Free Millie.

1 hour ago
Chief Justice Roberts has been compromised by something like this I think.

R Kelley
39 minutes ago
At least 2/3 of the Congress are compromised

Clay More
2 hours ago
So no wonder they are willing to side with marxism…
It does what ccp does… But better.

When a person under the influence of sociopathic manipulation, they tend to have stressed outcomes, the recent actions and verbal language of the dems, along with the extreme actions of the population, in my humble opinion, is indicative of insanity.

Jim Duggan
2 hours ago
Millie is a fearless warrior, along with the other 2 whistle blowers

E Sahutske
1 hour ago
Don’t follow AJ.
Don’t know this woman.
FOLLOWING, this story, NOW

Handsome Longshanks
2 hours ago
53:10 remember when the intelligence community came out and said “if it looks like Russia did it, russia didn’t do it. That’s how these things work.” And everyone called him a crazy liar? I do.

marc layne
5 hours ago

Underrated Inventions
2 hours ago
Millies arrest didn’t stop this, the arrest ended up being a super promo for the movie 🤔

Everything Cool
5 hours ago
I just shared it to Parler

5 hours ago
Parler is awful use Gab, parler constantly bans people

Cherish Allgood
3 hours ago
@86Smally yupppppp thats why I stopped using it.

Jessica Pomaville/McClary
5 hours ago
Prayers for you and your family!

Targeted Individual
4 hours ago
I have waited an entire decade for this material.
Thanks Millie I hope you are safe. I watched the arrest video and it’s also very damaging they had no warrant.

Michael Corigliano
4 hours ago
better download this before it’s banned!

J Lo
2 hours ago
f*ckn A!

Everything Cool
5 hours ago
How do we get this to Trump!?

May Sanchez
5 hours ago
Why do you assume he cares…. he wished Epstein’s number 2 well…..

Anna Marie
5 hours ago
May Sanchez that was a veiled statement.

Jason Korbas
4 hours ago

May Sanchez
4 hours ago
Anna Marie from a usually direct individual. Right…

Anna Marie
4 hours ago
May Sanchez direct yes, however you have to read between the lines. Btw, would you want Maxwell to stay alive, face charges and/or testify against some fish? Or would you rather see her “suicide” herself?

Raven Wolf
4 hours ago
I shared on Donald Trumps Twitter page directly

Jason Franklin
4 hours ago (edited)
@May Sanchez no.He hoped she don’t die in prison.Like being “murdered”.Look it up.

4 hours ago
This needs to go to Judicial Watch.

Michael Stinson
4 hours ago
@Raven Wolf Donald Trump doesn’t have time to read your tweets.🤣

John Flanagan
4 hours ago
@Anna Marie Breaking News, Maxwell suicides by tampon.

coco smiles
34 minutes ago
Wow!! Trump chose to let the Holy Spirit to guide him then the deceit of devils. Trump is a RIGHTEOUS MAN!!!

Sugar Face
1 hour ago
Yep and gangstalking is very real! COPS DO THIS TO AMERICANS EVERY DAY

Blue Sinclair
1 hour ago
Yes! I’ve been dealing with harassment for over five years…so happy more people see it and don’t think people like me are crazy!

Patricia Krueger
1 hour ago
Character building begins in our infancy …and continues till death….Michaela~~~share~~~ k?

1 hour ago
Can all of this be fixed without bloodshed? I seriously doubt it due to the fact that the DOJ is toothless and impotent. We are now basically waiting for that first shot to be fired. These demons will never release their grip on power without a fight.

Frank Joseph
2 hours ago
Stay safe people

ken ruffin
4 hours ago
I’m sincerely trying to understand why Millie was arrested for “whatever”, yet this video is still up.

More mind fuckery perhaps?

4 hours ago
It said for “Burglary “.

Richard Reese
4 hours ago
Because Millie didn’t post it or anyone connected with ImfoWars

Mr White
3 hours ago
who knows she probably gave it to someone else to release in case

Tracey Baldwin
2 hours ago
It always makes me wonder. Publicity stunt, maybe?

discern ment
2 hours ago (edited)
With the information these “sociopaths”(anyone who is ok with let alone profits off of psychologically manipulating the populace) had and have (lets not forget programming updates) who the heck knows if this is a psyop, controlled oppo, reverse psychology or some other “program of manipulation “.
Heck if this story is true this is a feeding frenzie of sharks attacking their weakest links to save their own asses and continue business as usual for more profit.
Trust in God not Man (not even seemingly good intentions ones).

e causey
1 hour ago
ken- so say I- old graphic artist,2 grammy awards4 advt.- Tom Fitton came up with tag lne today- OBAMAGATE OFFICIALLY A CRIME.. so say eye

1 hour ago
Either that or a marketing masterpiece since we are all here watching it. Cops show you a warrant. If they don’t thats very shady or FAKE.

ken ruffin
1 hour ago
No film of the officers either.
If I were in Millie’s shoes, it would not be the same.

1 hour ago

John Bentley
1 hour ago
@discern ment Anytime Alex Jones is connected red flags come up. Perhaps in time we will know more.

Mrs. B.
16 minutes ago
If one thing is for sure, the Antichrist and all the evils aren’t going to appear evil at all, rather the complete opposite.

Mrs. B.
10 minutes ago
@ken ruffin film of the officers

58 minutes ago
“In a world of lies, truth becomes a revolutionary idea”
Ordinary Non Player Character
Ordinary Non Player Character
3 hours ago
This video will be deleted shortly. This is esoteric knowledge.

Jeremy Jackson
1 hour ago
If you go to CGCs website and look at their clients list then click on Politics you will see evidence that the company is an arm of the Democrat party.

Lance Parker
1 hour ago
One of the best documentaries I have ever seen!

3 hours ago
I’m just 10 minutes in and I can tell Millie Weaver is in a lot of trouble.

Little Blondage
4 hours ago

Aaron Pierce
29 minutes ago (edited)

chris newman
46 minutes ago
High tech is the dark art of the age. It has a spell on the people. This is pure evil.

Cornelia Marin
4 hours ago
Omg she is in jail because of this

e causey
1 hour ago
cornelia- ppl keep acting like life is a football GAME?? THE SILENT WAR IS
R Kelley
1 hour ago
Did you hear the way the cop who took Millie to the cop car how he spoke to her! Dude you best be nice! She’s got a whole lot of support! The Most High is watching

Clair Voyant
3 hours ago
Was she arrested or kidnapped?

R Kelley
2 hours ago
Some of this sounds like modern day gangstalking! Every TI and their families need to see this

coco smiles
1 hour ago
When America falls, these people will have killed the Golden Goose.

e causey
2 hours ago
surprised no mention/the ZUCKCHAN foundation’s teenage African, mind?chipped?computer coders- forced2 isolate/familys, for 3yr training(?AFTER passing 32 page psych job app), / final exam /aug 2016- or?? same connect2 obary STEM SCHOOLS?or Smith/ Enron new DOD robotics lab/ hospitals/ schools affiliated with Zuckchan? #WHERESARJENKAMPHUIS RIP.Adm. Stearney

Raul M
31 minutes ago
We are f’ed because even among us supposed woke People, we can’t stop infighting over minutia.

wayne henager
1 hour ago
Thank GOD for Millie and T.!!

Scare Me Fox
3 hours ago
This won’t be here long

WWG1WGA Redpill
3 hours ago
Stay Strong Millie x ❤️🙏

J Lo
2 hours ago
She’ll be loving it – they’ve just gon blown this up!!!

discern ment
2 hours ago
With the information these “sociopaths”(anyone who is ok with let alone profits off of psychologically manipulating the populace) had and have (lets not forget programming updates) who the heck knows if this is a psyop, controlled oppo, reverse psychology or some other “program of manipulation “.
Heck if this story is true this is a feeding frenzie of sharks attacking their weakest links to save their own asses and continue business as usual for more profit.
Trust in God not Man (not even seemingly good intentions ones).

keith rees
1 hour ago (edited)
all i know is if trump makes it in for a 2nd term i better start seeing some hanging’s being done it is time to see some of these criminals have long over do justice being done to them why is because they are above the law…

Sugar Face
1 hour ago jail or prison..thats an outdated system. These ppl need ti be permanently removed.

keith rees
1 hour ago
@Sugar Face you a man after my own heart i would love to forgo the trail and just shoot them on sight or kill them another

way on sight for all the evil they done to us but our leaders say we still got to play patty cake with them be fair to them never mind the fact they not fair to us they dirty as they come and they do it to us in a heart beat if given the chance

atm for me its like come and wake me up when we don’t have to worry about being fair to them anymore as much as it pains me to say it but it does ring true evil under stands one thing and only one thing and thats death it don’t under stand anything else…

Patricia Krueger
3 hours ago
Blessed be childhood which brings down something of heaven into the midst of our rough earthliness . share smiling~~~

ItsA Joke
2 hours ago
What if you told me all that? Well it would confirm what any logical thinking person would conclude

J Lo
2 hours ago
m9nd. bl0wn.

Leidys Dayana Sotillet Blanco
4 hours ago
En español, please. 🙌🏼

R Kelley
26 minutes ago
Q “We have the servers!”

Yvonne Maxwell
1 hour ago
This is a combination nightmare of Robocop and Minority Report! No One Is Safe!

Staci Scarberry
2 hours ago
Holy shite! Thank you Millie!

chris newman
1 hour ago
looks like FOX news is the most corrupt media out of them all. WOW!!!!!!!!!

Steph Foster
5 minutes ago
She’s getting rocked by the government this is so amazing wow what I see blows my mind wow yeah okay government or the Deep State bring her down but US America is all seeing this on TV

Jennifer G
14 minutes ago
US is a dangerous, evil corporation. We have to stop participating.

33 minutes ago
Its time to rise up and get rid of every single one of these people permanently

chris newman
55 minutes ago
Brennan has lots of blackmail on both Republicans and Democrats. It is always looming in the dark.

Justin Hatcher
12 minutes ago
How could this get her arrested I didn’t learn really anything I didn’t already know about all this?
Did I miss something?

Marilyn F Castleman
1 hour ago
Why was she arrested??? Burglarized what/who?

John Garabadian
4 hours ago
Bless you

55 minutes ago
Millie has a deep state mole in her group.
Patricia Krueger
Patricia Krueger
1 hour ago
Gowdy I love….doing a good job smiling~~~Michaela~~~

Seeker Of truth
46 minutes ago
That explains Merkel shaking when Trump was coming for a visit

Corn Pop
29 minutes ago
this is wild…. i hope this is a bad fever dream and im in a hospital somewhere for the rona

Wendy Corfield
46 minutes ago
Go Millie!! You are an inspiration. We are watching it now and will pass it on to as many as we can. We are praying for you Millie.

Steph Foster
6 minutes ago
It’s all out there right in your window in our face wow we need to wake up and see this people holy macaroni

Brandon Keidl
9 minutes ago
Free Millie!!!

This information is mind blowing! It is much worse than I ever imagined.

Abu Lahab
4 hours ago
Thank you for sharing!

blessed Cato
16 minutes ago
And if this is true it will come to light.
Following this story!

Market Meister
2 hours ago
@MadisonNotMao —can this be posted to Bitchute? If there is a link already, please post in description. Thanks. 👍👍 🇺🇸 🗽

Steph Foster
5 minutes ago
Now we all know the truth what the hell’s going on

Mike Neumann
2 hours ago

Tony Jones
12 minutes ago
Where can I get the full document shown at 6:17? That looks juicy

Jeremy Jackson
1 hour ago
Who is the Lady?

Anthony Forwood
33 minutes ago
Look to the Atlantic Council. Deep State.

Steph Foster
7 minutes ago
Wow how corrupt the system is wow blows my mind wow

me yo
3 minutes ago
Thank you!!!!! Now if we can keep this going. 🙏❤️🇺🇸 Share share share!!!!

tk422 –
8 minutes ago
They like it when I hurt.

Truth Seeker
55 minutes ago
Share it everywhere!

hiraldo chavez
16 minutes ago
IIA was soft disclosed in the new season of WestWorld.

R Kelley
1 hour ago
Makes me wonder about Alex Jones

58 minutes ago
They arrested the hottest new lady!?!?!😱😢

R Kelley
1 hour ago
5:5 +++

Atticus X
2 hours ago

J Lo
2 hours ago
it’s definitely plausible…… and they just arrested her so….

R Kelley
2 hours ago
Remember #SethRich

1 hour ago
download, download, download!

Mr. Robot
39 minutes ago
They arrested her for telling the truth

Elaine Kilgore
20 seconds ago
So, Millie was arrested for saying too much. We’ll be hearing more about this in 5, 4. 3, …

R Kelley
1 hour ago
Think twice about using ZOOM

Sean PA
3 hours ago

1 hour ago
Millie arrested the day she drops this documentary…..coincidence!? HELL NO! FREE MILLIE! MAGA!

2 hours ago
more than likely because she works for the fraud alex jones….

1 hour ago
I thought that for some time but turned out to be right about too many things, not to mention hated on levels hated on levels hard to reach

1 hour ago
Pretty damning

Kevin Reynolds
55 minutes ago
Her arrest will make this huge.\

I searched Youtube and google for shadowgate. Nothing..

Yandex search came up with the search result. A Russian search engine did a better job. or didn’t filter te result.

Sugar Face
1 hour ago
So those weren’t hillary clones??

R Kelley
1 hour ago (edited)
Is Linick an ISRAELI op!?

Mo Ree
1 hour ago
I can’t believe they arrested her.

53 minutes ago

The Blue Wren
1 hour ago
Free Millie 😁

Amanda Anguish
1 hour ago
What about the shadow people that use the cable lines to come into your home and travel out of your home! I caught one in my home in 2012 it looked at me and ran and jumped in behind my big screen tv and disappeared! Wtf!!!!

Artur Sciborek
6 minutes ago
Waaaat?!?!? No way

blessed Cato
20 minutes ago

Kevin McInturff
54 minutes ago
Data is King. 👍

2 hours ago

R Kelley
1 hour ago
@39:40 Could she be talking about Kushner!? Who just got done talking to Kanye West!? Hmmm

R Kelley
2 hours ago
Taking names

Sergio Michel
2 hours ago
As a person who’s had to deal with, expose and stop some of these dirt bag; contractors I appreciate this video. For years, nobody believed what I’ve been saying about these people since 2010. Good on ya Mille.

Louie Louie
2 hours ago
Free Millie!!!!!!!

Invalid Username
1 hour ago
WTF Free Millie

Ted Thompson
4 hours ago
That’s kinda ironic his name is jim Jones

Damon Cross
51 minutes ago
Where is she?

Travis Biles
3 minutes ago
Is this kyoo

56 minutes ago
#freemillie She shares the truth!

50 minutes ago
Free Millie

Frankly my dear I Don’t give a damn
2 hours ago
Free Millie

28 minutes ago
What if all the fake news is data for future AI? Maybe someone is thinking that far ahead. AI needs data and lots of it.

SmeagÖl g.
2 hours ago
this is how they run Q btw

3 hours ago
Talk about an arrest backfiring. Free publicity

Wallace J. Carbuncle, III
3 hours ago
How does one save this video offline in case it gets scrubbed?

Jon olinger
2 hours ago
I recorded the video to another device

Audra W
2 hours ago
Download 4k video Downloader on your desktop, pull up this video on YouTube and copy the url at the top, then it’ll have you paste the url in the 4k video Downloader and it creates a file on your computer. You may be able to do it from your phone but I haven’t tried that yet.

Stephen Burnage
2 hours ago
YouTube to MP4 convertor then store it on your hard drive

Wallace J. Carbuncle, III
2 hours ago
Thanks to all!

Targeted Individual
3 hours ago (edited)
I was in Austin Texas last year in front of Google regional headquarters when Alex Jones showed up In Flip flops,shorts and t shirt with a megaphone calling qanon A conspiracy group. Facebook is right across the street from Google,hmm. Alex Jones has a home only blocks from Facebook and Google.

sarah sarah
3 hours ago
Alex Jones is definitely controlled opposition.

Johnnytaco Kleinschmidt
3 hours ago
@sarah sarah I don’t think so.

sarah sarah
3 hours ago
@Johnnytaco Kleinschmidt well, you’re certainly entitled to your own opinion.

Targeted Individual
2 hours ago
Alex Jones is a CIA asset.

Dark Wing Duck
2 hours ago
this is damning information, like better than q

coco smiles
1 hour ago
What’s miraculous is Hillary and Obama had all these weapons yet they could not DEFEAT the CHOSEN ONE selected by JESUS

CHRIST TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA. This is why the Deeper State are afraid of Trump and his supporters. Trump supporters prayed to the Living God and God answered their prayers.

James 5:16 16Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.