Dr David Martin Detailing Constitutional, and other Crimes by the CDC, Fauci, Newsom, and Many Governors

Dr David Martin Detailing Constitutional, and other Crimes by the CDC, Fauci, Newsom, and Many Governors

•Premiered May 1, 2020

Adrian Frank

IMPORTANT NOTE: In case YouTube deletes this video, I already have it backed up at the patriotic UGETube.com, and also BitChute.com. Here is the direct link to the backup at UGETube.com:


Bookmark that link NOW (because if you wait until or if YouTube takes this down, it will be too late)!

This video has an incredible amount of data and important, vital information that clearly shows terrible constitutional and other crimes by the CDC, Fauci, and many governors across America.

They are VIOLATING our Constitutional rights by trying to order people to stay at home. David Martin shares proof of this, and some VERY important background on how the CoronaVirus info that has been given us has been shrouded in unending and blatant lies and false news and false statistics.

Dr. David Martin owns the rights to this video. He has given me written permission to post it on YouTube. I am sharing this to help get the word out. This needs to go viral. We cannot be sheep anymore, and we cannot allow ourselves to be uninformed (manipulated and brainwashed by leftist mainstream media) anymore! Think for yourself, and stop buying the lies!

Here is the PDF he shares that is largely a transcript of this video, that also has a template letter that you can send to your governor (filling in your particular governor’s name and info): https://bit.ly/PDF4Gov

Also, here is a related video, a mini-documentary that gives some great background about Dr Fauci, from a molecular biologist/virologist who worked for him as far back as the 1980s:

https://bit.ly/FauciHistory (this is also a UGETube.com link that will NEVER get censored)

The best kind of info in this world of bias and agendas, is “straight from the horses mouth”, eg, “go to the source”, and this mini-documentary includes some history surrounding the CDC patent from this molecular biologist/virologist.


Bubble One
2 months ago
I’ve been saying that people were to lazy to look for the information themselves. I’ve received a lot flack for voicing my opinion. This man seems very credible and learned on the subject and constitutional law. Thanks for this video. I’ll continue calling out the lazy sheep.

Sunseeker Rs
3 months ago
Basic Microbiology = quarantine sick people, not healthy people.

3 months ago
Doctors quarantine their sick patients, not government, their citizens.

Harry Balls
2 months ago (edited)
This guy is what I call a litigator! He knows the law and he speaks plainly in terms the common man can understand. It seems to me the case he makes against Fauci, CDC, state governors et al. is slam dunk spot on. But I a retired physcian not a lawyer.

Even if one acknowledges that SARS-CoV2 is a genuine pathologic virus, which I do not, the many felonies committed by Fauci, the CDC and others stand! But I will make a prediction. I predict that with expert review of all of the CDC and Wuhan data it will become evident that SARS-CoV2 was the product of poorly conducted experimentation; that the principals isolated a normal subcellular particle (exosome), sequenced the particle, and assigned it a unique pathologic identity purely on association. The particle never underwent the rigorous tests of Koch’s postulates. And the particle and all associated experiments were never independently verified (which is an accepted standard in all of science since time immemorial) by another laboratory. In short, this entire SARS-CoV2 lockdown pandemic fiasco will have been based entirely on a total scientific fiction and this episode will go down as one of the greatest frauds in all of scientific history. That said, I pray to all mighty God that Fauci, CDC and all the principals involved in perpetrating this horrific crime (Birx, Redfield, State Governors et al.) on the people of the United States and the world are found guilty in a court of law and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

2 months ago
You can park a truck load of evidence in front of the public and they will still cling to the talking heads on The View, CNN, MSNBC, etc.
Reason: They are unable to accept any opinions opposing to what they are told on TV.

Adrian Frank
2 months ago
Lots of confirmation bias, yes. The good news is, and the point to sharing truth, en masse, and far and wide, is that you can reach the reachable, and gradually chip away at the unreachable, until they’re reached.

It’s a perpetual, and eternal battle, one worth fighting.

Sean Campbell
2 months ago
@Adrian Frank On the flip side you can park a truck filled with flimsy anecdotal stories, unproven claims and psuedo science in front of people who dont want to believe the “Main Stream Media” and they will cling to it like drowning rats desperate to confirm their bias…Im pretty sure neither is perfect…but I will go with actual accountable journalism PLUS trust but verify approach over youtube theorists and tin foil hats personally…but to each their own 🙂

2 months ago
@Adrian Frank Great response, you make a lot of sense. I truly hope you’re right! 🇺🇸

AlbaWind MacTavish-Blair
2 months ago
@Sean Campbell Just another sad troll

Barefoot naturopath – evolution
1 month ago
@Adrian Frank sorry to be a nuisance but do you have the legal document referred to by Dr Martin? So we can sign and send off to our governments.. thank you xx

1 month ago (edited)
Worth Considering as a possibility:-

There may be several factors operating in the covid crisis, of course, but,

The Covid 19 symptoms now include neurological and even cerebral (brain) distress, loss of sense of smell and taste, auditory problems and Kawasaki syndrome.
The symptoms match those of overexposure to electromagnetic radiation.

Some sources of harmful electromagnetic radiation could include:-

60 GHz emissions from 5G or even WiFi. (Typing 60 GHz WiFi into DuckDuckgo search box produces relevant information.)

Microwave weapon attacks / directed energy weapons. Many believe Dr Rauni Kilde, Chief Medical Officer for Finland, was killed by these. A search of “targeted individuals of directed energy weapons” will reveal a long-standing problem, lately the subject of a UN investigation. (Search, “UN cybertoture”).

How COVID-19 may affect the brain

(Also see video evidence of various symptoms. Typing symptoms individually with ‘covid 19’ is effective. DuckDuckgo is often less limiting than Google)

Doctors reveal possible ‘neuro-weapon’ used in alleged …
“So far, 26 Americans have been affected with symptoms ranging from hearing loss, balance and cognitive problems, to brain damage. The team created by the government includes an expert in brain …”

How COVID-19 may affect the brain

Confusion, seizure, strokes: How COVID-19 may affect the brain

“Confusion, seizure, strokes: How COVID-19 may affect the brain. … the Journal of the American Medical Association last week found 36.4 percent of 214 Chinese patients had neurological symptoms ranging from loss of smell and nerve pain”


20-year-old with coronavirus reports experiencing ‘very …


The HAARP project emits electromagnetic radiation.

Joe Imbriano, known online as the Fullerton Informer, in his video,

is worthwhile indeed.

A previous video he did famously predicted in early 2018, there would be a ‘virus’ crisis. The video is,

“Urgent forbidden information 5G is a kill grid leading to forced vaccinations”

As Imbriano says, a search online of, “the mystery illness at Nichols Jr High” reveals what I indeed believe are the health effects of electro magnetic radiation on school children.

I am not saying 60 GHz, such as 5G can use, is the only harmful frequency, but this frequency affects oxygen molecules and makes them unacceptable to blood haemoglobin, likely contributing to respiratory issues.

An online search of “WiFi blood-brain barrier”, will show that normal WiFi reduced the blood-brain barrier of rats in a laboratory.

We live in WiFi smog. So as a side note, the contents, including metals, even nanoparticles, of a forced covid 19 vaccination, which I think is the plan, are unwelcome in our brains.

As for ‘the virus’

Louis Pasteur had bacteria in mind when he wrote his “Germ Theory” (now debunked)

Discovery of viruses was not yet claimed.

Later viruses were grouped together with bacteria and understood in terms of Germ Theory, even though viruses are not alive and even though, as per Dr Andrew Kaufman MD, there is no proof for person-to-person airborne infection from viruses. (I have not forgotten measles here.)

Exosomes were discovered in the 1970’s. They are tiny vesicles which our own cells secrete, possibly with antibodies e.t.c, as a response to stressors, attacks, threats, injuries e.t.c, to the body.

Viruses are exosomes it looks like. Any distinction is by habit of classification not a biological Law proving a difference.

In 2007, exosomes were found to be carrying RNA, genetic material, just like viruses. . .

This solves the mystery of the origin of viruses.

They are the result of stressors and threats to the body, rather than the cause.

Dr Andrew Kaufman MD, online with videos such as, “Breakdown of Current Testing Procedures'”, is one who explains this and there is similar in the 2008 book, “Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense” [Engelbrecht, Torsten, Kennedy, Robert, Harven, Etienne de, Mutter, Joachim
(None of Dr Kaufman’s opposers so far, are virologists or microbiologists.)

The heroic Chinese whistleblowers at the outset of the covid crisis, said nothing I know of disproving the information here.
(I believe China largely financed 5G.)


I know there are claims to have a genome sequence of SARS CoV2. And that’s fine. It does not need to disprove anything I’ve said.

Do many people claim to even compare with that genome when diagnosing covid 19, I wonder?
If they do, it still would not need to disprove the information I have given.

Shows airborne contagion is actually unproven, as is catching it from door handles, including in settings like hospitals and planes, where other pesible causative factors are ignored.

Ebola which I have wondered about, may perhaps even be caused by chemical toxins, delivered chem trail style or be something tampered with artificially?
I have found conflicting claims online as to whether it is now an airborne threat.

I hope it is not being sized up for a rerun for another crisis.

Find online non-CGI pictures or footage of bacteria.
What about for viruses?

L. Antoinette Anderson
6 days ago
@Fair thank you for the time and effort to give us this reply. This is some of the beneficial research citizens need to be doing instead of acting like well-trained Pavlov’s dogs. Yes, Dr. Kaufman has good investigations to bring forth and the ytube presentations on Alfa Vedic are also good place to get a wider picture, yet focus in on sound science. Another, in a series of interviews still available on ytube, I think: “The House of Numbers ” gives insights to the suppositions vs. Scientific method with HIV.

2 months ago
As long as kingbilgates, and his many minions are free, or alive, the world will continue to experience the nazi-like malevolent results of their greedy crimes against humanity.

2 months ago (edited)
It’s no mistake them using the prison term “lockdown”! By definition we all were put under “house arrest” without due process!

2 months ago
You need to enlist the help of Dr Judy Mikovits for starters

David Schrimmel
2 months ago (edited)
All I know is back during the N2H3 Hong Kong flu Pandemic where a million died 100,000 of them American nothing was effected not even Woodstock. Something’s very wrong here.

marion schmitz
2 months ago
I hope more and more sheriffs dept question their governors across this country.

Tammy Davenport
2 months ago
Given the facts and the situation we find ourselves in, I’m all about standing up for our constitutional rights. I live in Harris County, Texas and the County Judge sends the Fire Marshall and/or TABC to either close down any bar reported open or the FM will rezone the occupancy to 0 to ensure we stay closed. My bar and thousands of other small business are losing everything because those in power are abusing it. IF we open against orders, we could lose our TABC license. It seems like an impossible situation. I wish EVERY small business owner in the state would band together and act in accordance to regaining our freedom to earn a living as provided us in The Constitution.

Darla Mitchell
2 months ago
My God bless you Tammy.
DevRa Lyn Rossi
DevRa Lyn Rossi
3 months ago
Thousands of views are gone from this video and comments are gone. Wow…

Adrian Frank
2 months ago
Hmmm, is that what you’re seeing, DevRa? Are you seeing my comment right now, at least? I’m seeing all the views still, and all the comments…try refreshing the page, relaunching your browser, and restarting your computer to confirm if what you’re saying is true.

Cathy Carter
2 months ago
@Adrian Frank This sometimes happens, yes! Certain viewers can view certain comments only. I thought it was exaggeration until I noticed that some comments are not visible to everyone. I don’t understand it either!

Adrian Frank
2 months ago
@Cathy Carter Yeah, thank you, Cathy. Must be shadow banning. I remember first hearing about shadow banning for spam posts on Craigslist back in ~2012. Leading up to the election, I’m quite sure there will be much more of this and more. It’s all about hating and defeating Trump, and pushing leftist, socialist (and if they can, later communism) agendas. Unfortunately, as history has proven, leftist policies bring misery, poverty, and ultimately the destruction of a nation. That’s what it is historically, but with God, all things are possible, and it will be HIS Kingdom coming that will clean up the mess that the kingdoms of this world have wrought.

His Grace touches conservative, morally sound (according to His Word, the Bible) policies and principles, and the contrast between the left and the right is getting more and more defined, seemingly by the day. However, even the right isn’t totally right. Only Jesus’ Kingdom is RIGHT, and JUST, and TRUE! Glory to God!

Cathy Carter
2 months ago
@Adrian Frank You’re welcome. I completely agree with you about the left. We live in an age of deception, that Jesus specificically warned of, “be not deceived” was the first thing He said of the End Times. Christian followers of The Way continually wrestle with the Adversary amid a plethora of spiritual corruption of the Lord’s Work and the movement of the Holy Spirit of God. Many spirits are hyperactive in this era deceiving many and the false christ (antichristos) will soon not be held back any more. Believers in Jesus will soon be rewarded with the blessed promised return of the Lord Jesus Christ, to meet Him in the air. What a day that shall be! May God bless you and yours, and encourage you, Adrian.

Adrian Frank
1 month ago
@Cathy Carter Wow thank you again, Cathy, and God bless you and all your loved ones as well! Jesus is ABUNDANT life! Well said, and I agree 100%!

Let everyone reading this be forewarned RIGHT NOW, don’t wait until it’s too late! It’s not hard. It’s not complicated, Jesus is extending His loving arms to YOU, no matter WHERE you are at, no matter WHAT you’ve done, you can come to Him and repent! Even if you’ve murdered someone, or even murdered many! He died to set you FREE from sin, death, hell and the grave! So don’t worry about the “level” of your sin, whether mankind considers it small or big, just come to Jesus, repent for it, invite Him and Holy Spirit to come into your heart, your life, and let Him change you so you can (with Holy Spirit’s help) turn from those ways!

Check out what the Apostle Paul said in Romans 5 (“trespass” means “sin”, for those who aren’t familiar with that word):
Romans 5:15 But the free gift [of God] is not like the trespass [because the gift of grace overwhelms the fall of man]. For if many died by one man’s trespass [Adam’s sin], much more [abundantly] did God’s grace and the gift [that comes] by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, overflow to [benefit] the many… then, in verse 17 – For if by the trespass of the one (Adam), death reigned through the one (Adam), much more surely will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in [eternal] life through the One, Jesus Christ.

Andres Rivas
1 month ago
@Adrian Frank You might want to contemplate that “patents for viruses”, monopoly “business practices”, mass Media 24/7 propaganda, etc, are part and parcel of Modern Monopoly CAPITALISM – not “socialism”. SO, you defend the “Rights” of the Capitalist Trillionaires to run your/our world – whether you know it or not.

vin lago
2 months ago
EUA – Emergency Use Authorization allows FDA to declare any medical product as “approved” whether it has gone through the typically thorough approval process or not, whether already in use for another purpose or brand new, as long as an “emergency” has been declared. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/emergency-use-authorizations

It’s also curious how the CDC altered their 2017-2018 estimates of flu deaths. It happened to be one of the worst seasons in recent history so the death toll they originally reported, 79400, was often used as backdrop to argue against lockdown for CV. They changed the estimate to 61000. Then they archived the original report and buried it behind an incorrect link. Here is the correct link to the original data. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2017-2018/archive.htm

joseph mullen
2 months ago
Spot on! The corporations are taking control of world above governments and constitutions. This is not a movie. This is sad reality. They are sunken the economies of the world to buy the assets at bargain price and use our politicians to strip apart people’s rights to become slaves with no choice. The left is serving the devil: don’t remain sit waiting for government loans to save you because those loans will have to be repaid at the higher cost. Don’t enter the game. Don’t be mislead by big words like ‘liberty, progress and safety’ as that is only the empty propaganda to take your freedom away. Educate yourself: turn off the TV, read History and don’t be silenced. Stand up and take action now!! The agenda 2020 is here and if we don’t fight back it will too late. A communist system is on the way to rule the world and make the mega rich richer and more powerful. Research United Nations agenda and you will find the whole plan.

Brian Rice
2 months ago
This sounds like an intelligent explanation of what we have been experiencing. Where’s the PDF?

T Mac
1 month ago
Awesome! I’ve been waiting for someone to bring this up. I knew about some of these violations but you’ve broken it down very well. I will be jumping on board and filing a criminal complaint and possibly seeing if we can do a class-action – how does “The People v. United States” sound? Today, Colorado (one of the most aggressively corrupt states) is passing “SB20-163” to push mandatory vaccines, vaccine tracking via cell phones and other devices, as well as “vaccine passports”. All completely unlawful and all done under color of law.

Rebecca B.
2 months ago (edited)
Brilliant! The only way this will be stopped or redirected is through the litigious corridors.

2 months ago
God bless you! This was excellent. Thank you for the PDF, especially for the text for the letter. I will send!

Adrian Frank
2 months ago
God bless you too!

2 months ago
@Adrian Frank ❤️❤️❤️

Jeanne Dominick
2 months ago
What pdf, where? who exactly is this doctor, I need clarification. thank you

Mike Nowak
2 months ago
how can i get the PDF you mentioned ??

Janice Burlet
2 months ago
shethinksliberty do you have info he talked about? Thanks

Tita Whittaker
2 months ago
@Adrian Frank thank you, unable to find pdf, how can I find and download

Matthew Bauerle
2 months ago
“Securing this right afforded the CDC exclusive right to research, commercially

exploit, or block others from conducting activities involving SARS-CoV since 2003.”

This is 100% unadulterated nonsense.

I Sa
2 months ago
Audit the Feds! End the Feds! Smaller government! Ron Paul for America!

Dr. Margaret Hayden Owens
2 months ago
With the FBI in tatters and the House of Representatives tainted with politicizing this whole crime for election purposes HOW can these criminals be brought to justice.

2 months ago

1 month ago
Make sure you get Falsey’s name right on the docs!

2 months ago
I’m going march with my gun, thank you very much. Come and take it.

2 months ago
If youtube deletes the dissemination of this evidence then; is that a suppression of evidence that could potentially make youtube a party to these heinous crimes?

Geoff Tittensor
2 months ago
I’m an Australian, and not well versed in my own countries constitutional law, so American constitutional law is even more of a mystery. That being said I have a few questions, firstly if, as Dr Martin says, that what the CDC did is illegal, wouldn’t the patents lack any legal standing, so that using their test kits would not infringe any legal rights of the CDC, yet he goes on to say that the patent was re-approved some years later, if it’s unconstitutional, the passage of time doesn’t alter that. As for Dr Martins assertion that there is no empirical evidence to support the efficacy of ‘social distancing’, well here in Australia all levels of government have worked in concert with one another, something we don’t see happening in the USA, here strict lockdown rules have been implemented and by and large adhered to across the country, one of those is social distancing. I’ll use myself as an exemplar, I haven’t been able to visit my kid or grandchildren, in-laws or friends, all my kids bar one are working from home, we only go to the supermarket when necessary and they have strict rules about distancing while there. The upshot of all this is that here in Australia we have only had about ninety deaths and just over thousand confirmed cases of covid-19, to me this seems good empirical evidence that these measures work well. By extrapolation, if the USA, which has twelve times our population had instigated a coordinated and cohesive effort like the one here in Australia, only about 1000 people would have died. Dr Martin seems to epitomise the American ideal of individualism over the common good.

Adrian Frank
2 months ago
The patents were still illegal years later. It should never have been approved, not the first time, and not upon re-approval. Just because something is “approved”, doesn’t mean it doesn’t violate Constitutional Law, or any law for that matter.

Regarding the anecdotal example you shared of Australia, there are other examples around the world from a couple of Doctors in California that have done research with data from around the world, and these 2 are actually on the front lines (they are Emergency Care Physicians) that bring about different conclusions:


That Facebook version has a lot more raw data than this one (which is shorter, but maybe more to the point and still backed with the same data as the Facebook version since it’s one of the same Doctors that did the expansive research):

One suggestion about your good results in Australia I might submit is that your climate is generally warmer than over half of the U.S. and it’s proven that coronavirus (including any virus) dies warmer temperatures. Even your winters are warm and dry. The exception in your country’s climate would only be that small region in the southwest wherein Victoria is located:


These 2 Doctors are getting crucified by U.S. media, and Big Tech like YouTube has been deleting videos from them, except, of course the hit pieces by lying, U.S. media. They just performed, and shared research that contradicts what we’ve been told, and how the projections of tens of millions of deaths (and even infection rates) around the world do not even come close to matching the real data that is coming out now.

Why does YouTube delete videos that have data that contradicts what WHO and the CDC say? Why don’t they want other sources’ research to come out? Why are they ok with only one source of information, and why do they shut out other sources? Do you think that’s a healthy way for any society to grow and learn? Has that EVER IN HISTORY been a healthy way for a nation to succeed? Do you think that’s a healthy way to deal with something that is such a detrimental situation that puts tens of millions of people (probably into the hundreds of millions around the world) out of jobs and unable to put food on the table for their children? With no more deaths than other types of flu, why now all the stay-at-home orders, based on media hysteria and hype? If they truly care about fighting Coronavirus (I don’t like calling it Covid-19, even though that’s more accurate), why do they suppress what’s been working for myriads of Doctors across America and around the world (hydroxychloroquine and others)? Why does the media and other leftists and globalists in government (like Dr Fauci), not talk about how many are RECOVERING from Coronavirus (as high as 97%)?

2 months ago
@Adrian Frank they knew the cure. 2005. They knew people would reducer with no treatment. And they knew the CZA combination was also prophylactic. They just cured an entire bursting home in TX, and the one person that did die was not clearly related as having died from COVID

Dixie GirlzRule
2 months ago
Dr Judy Miskovitz describes a patent law passed in the 80s. Before Corona, I recall someone owned the patent on breast cancer, effectively not just anyone could legally research it.
One thing I do know, our government never holds themselves to the same laws they control us plebs with.

Lamont Franklin
2 months ago
Lol this is a your “get off your ass moment”. Good shit Dave!

2 months ago
AMEN!!!!!! (I love this guy!) Thank you Thank you Thank you for doing what you do!

Bohemian Revival
2 months ago
Have your daily mantra in place. Truth and justice above all! It’s time we start changing ourselves and the world we live in. Take off the clothing of the consumerist lie and free yourselves. I know it’s not easy, but by doing the right thing in time you will thank yourself. When you’ll close your eyes and leave this world, you’ll do it in peace!!! If you guide life by truth and justice and kindness towards the weak ones, you’re free of fears and at peace. All the richness and comfort of this world will NEVER bring peace when you close your eyes if from the moment of reading these words you won’t change… I am You… Hope you choose truth, hope you choose justice, hope you choose love for the children of tomorrow, for me, for yourself. Be free.

Sherry LE
2 months ago
Wow. Thank you.
Ok, no more time wasted… Let’s get this done!

Lorna Hancock
2 months ago
Divine! Carry on good people xo

Sandra Petrovich
2 months ago
Thank you very much, for your courageous leadership to combat these offenses against humanity!

2 months ago
Will I be able to Visit FOWL-CHI , Bill Gates, His Husband Mel and His Mom when they are in Prison ?

Michele Marino
2 months ago
I can’t find the letter template. Please advise. Thank you so much.

Laszlo Nagy
2 months ago
There is a draft at the end of the pdf.

the prophet ez1
2 months ago
Great vid, I subbed, and will check out more of yours.

2 months ago (edited)
Excellent building of cases for prosecutions of multiple counts! 👍

mydog REX
1 month ago
if Martin and -> Hal Anthony – Behind The Woodshed , joined forces and 1000000k real people stood with them we could fix this corruption we call government… the Anti-Federalist had it right 250 years ago…

2 months ago
Thank you for this. I have saved it and sharing

Adrian Frank
2 months ago
Great, thanks!

May I suggest also saving the UGETube (a patriotic video platform that doesn’t censor people frivolously, like Google, Facebook and Twitter do) backup copy of this video, until and if YouTube cowardly censors this:


Season of the Witch
2 months ago
The BS Patriot Act backfired on these degenerates.

Blue Eyes
2 months ago
I just watched all the video links. What are we going to do? This is all very very sad.

Lydia Deven
2 months ago
What if the patented “virus” really ISN’T natural, but of something of natural origin yet manipulated?? Shouldn’t the patent be required to divulge this?

Cal Poidog
2 months ago
You would be correct because a virus from nature can not be patented to begin with

Walter Sons
2 months ago
I was unable to get the PDF 10 plate letters at the end of this video
How do I go about getting this ?
Google wasn’t any help & YouTube also wasn’t any help other than seeing the video again

Adrian Frank
2 months ago
Hi Walter,

Here is a direct link:


Jeanne Dominick
2 months ago

1 month ago
@Adrian Frank
I was able to reach the document, but,
Just to let you know,
When I clicked on the link here, it didn’t display the document, as would be normal.

When I tried again it had already downloaded and I was asked by a pop up message if I wanted to download it again.

Cheryl Millett
2 months ago
Thank you for your passion and information.

Adrian Frank
2 months ago
Yes, I also really appreciate Dr David Martin’s brilliance and hard, diligent work on this!

You can connect with Dr. David Martin on Facebook as well: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=529628186

Luminous Vox
2 months ago
Thank you for this! Can you speak to the deaths, death count, etc and why people are indeed dying and what from? Seems to me it’s just a new strain of the flu. But I know people will be asking, then what about all the death? What about all the other countries who are reporting covid 19 deaths etc. I’d like to be able to debate and bring an argument to that question. 🙏✌️

Sonya Meredith
1 month ago
https://youtu.be/UIDsKdeFOmQ This may help some

Dorothy Long
2 months ago
Good morning how do I get a copy of this or the pdf

Adrian Frank
2 months ago
Here ya go! https://bit.ly/PDF4Gov

Mike Nowak
2 months ago
How can i get a copy of the form letter you said would be shared at the end of the video? I dont see it or a link to it/

Dixie GirlzRule
2 months ago
I wish you were a prosecutor. Awesome work.

Sarah Lee
3 months ago
Where do we get the pdf?

3 months ago (edited)

Felicia LuQue
3 months ago
The PDF link is not working. Please repost the link. 🙏 God Bless✊

Adrian Frank
3 months ago
@MOMBUSCUS Hi Mombuscus, it appears your link was truncated, so the entirety of it isn’t showing for some reason. Do you know what the rest of URL is supposed to be, where the ellipsis (…) is? I’ve been trying to find this PDF at www.DavidMartin.world, but not finding it yet…

Adrian Frank
3 months ago
​ Felicia LuQue Hi Felicia, I just asked Mombuscus to try to see if he can get the entire link corrected, but maybe you can find the PDF at Dr David Martin’s Website? www.DavidMartin.world

I’ve been trying to find it there, but maybe you’ll be able to…

Adrian Frank
3 months ago (edited)
Hi Sarah,

These two posts by Dr David Martin have some more info, but I’m not sure they have the info that’s in the PDF:



I’ve asked Mombuscus below to see if he can fix the PDF link he shared…

mark riss
3 months ago
@Felicia LuQue The link worked for me just now.

Adrian Frank
3 months ago
​@mark riss Yes, it appears Mombuscus fixed it, thanks Mombuscus!

Here is the same link he shared to the PDF, but with a shortened URL for more reliability:


Adrian Frank
3 months ago
@Felicia LuQue Here is the same link Mombuscus shared to the PDF, but with a shortened URL for more reliability:


Sarah Lee
2 months ago
Thank you

2 months ago
I knew the whole thing was a hoax when they were pushing masks which are useless against viruses, and distancing which is useless as well; meaning it’s all “prisoner” training and fear theater!

Adrian Frank
2 months ago
Also, it’s been suggested by some that it’s for facial recognition software. In a crowd, the software can’t as easily distinguish different faces.

2 months ago
@Adrian Frank <> Yeah, heard that too, wouldn’t surprise me. But I’m suspecting it’s primarily psychological training to follow dictates like wearing diapers on your face.

Sean Campbell
2 months ago
Masks…not useful vs viruses BUT super useful for stopping the spread of droplets and bodily fluid they travel in…I know its splitting hairs but meh…science.

Lee Stephen
2 months ago
I love getting a take on this from the legal side. I just see too many things that the pieces add up that there is too much BS around what is being put on the news. I work in a long term care facility with 150 residents plus another 250 attached to us in semi independent living. NO ONE there has the virus altthough EVERYONE there is compromised (otherwise they would not be there). We have sent about 10 residents to hospital who have stayed there for several days and come back to us. NO ONE contracted the virus. Isn’t that strange odds. Also, our hospital is only about 50% full and sorry………not with corona virus. I get to talk to the nurses and doctors from there.

Francis Drake
3 months ago
3rd try, can’t watch video

ToonNut1 ToonNut007
2 months ago
Shame we have nobody like you in the UK I’m positive that our government is acting wrongly on this virus

Cal Poidog
2 months ago
Further the patent at issue deals with the SARS virus, not COVID 19 virus.

Anne Robertson
2 months ago
Cal Poidog Do you know what the REAL name of COVID-19 is? Look it up.

Simons World
2 months ago
Excellent work mate! Your work and courage is commendable 👏👏👍👍

Dave Graffam
2 months ago
Here! Here!🥰

I Sa
2 months ago
Thank you!
2 months ago
Holy Moly!

2 months ago

Cheryl Putnam
4 weeks ago
Thank you for the hard work. Awesome information.

brenda m
3 months ago
You mention a letter template…could you please provide that for us

Adrian Frank
3 months ago
Here ya go, Brenda!


Simon Chung
2 months ago
The PDF link is not working. Anybody know where to get it?

3 weeks ago
Yes the charging rhino is already dead. And they are putting out the stops and barely treading water.

2 months ago
Thank You! New Subscriber!

Vendicar Kahn
2 months ago
Kook Tarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdddddd

grammus cc
2 months ago
This is great! Am totally on board with everything he is saying.

Am still wondering, though, about all those people getting sick, especially the ones with severe respiratory problems. There’s still a virus floating around that was created by CDC, NIAID, Fauci, WIV etc. How do we explain all those getting sick? Are these just isolated cases that they feature on the news to create a narrative?

82,000 deaths out of 330M people is .025% of the population. And we don’t even know if all those deaths were technically covid.

Aida Mercado
1 month ago
What if the substance is not from nature?

2 months ago
Thank You SO MUCH!!!

Annamarie Galloway
3 months ago
How can we get a transcript of this video…?

2 months ago
Can you provide Dr Martin’s Bio?

Swan’s Jude
2 months ago
Yes! Send it to AG Barr and Trump!!! Of course, they probably already have all this data and are working on it with Durham, but who knows? The more, the merrier!!

2 months ago
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Gary Person
3 months ago
Where is the link to letter?

Shining Star
3 months ago (edited)
Does anybody know how to answer a question I have about something in the report? “For 17 Years we could have this information and we don’t have it because of a criminal conspiracist.”

Covid19 has only been around since 2019, not 17 years. Even if we could have a test for Covid we couldn’t test for Covid19 because It is new. Please answer this

Cal Poidog
2 months ago
Don’t know what this guys PHD is in (website doesn’t say) but one thing he is not an expert in is intellectual property. He keeps saying Supreme Court made patent “illegal” No, SCOTUS made patent “INVALID” meaning it couldn’t be enforced. If the only claims were found in nature, those claims can not be enforced. If there are other claims that incorporate something in nature (like a test kit!) those are still valid. Don’t know anything about specific patent but given his premise is incorrect, I am assuming his other assumptions and conclusions (which often defy logic) are also incorrect.

Douglas Lehrer
2 months ago
What happened to the letter to send out here?

Patty Goddard
3 weeks ago

Blue Skies
2 months ago

Modern Games
2 months ago
Will fauci and gates will be behind bars?

Charles Miller
3 months ago
Where is the PDF??

2 months ago
2 months ago
Dr of what?
Jeanne Dominick
Jeanne Dominick
2 months ago

Jeanne Dominick
2 months ago
Who is this Doctor? What are his credentials

Blessed Mom Life
3 months ago

Sean Campbell
2 months ago
There are so many things about this entire ramble that are erroneous that its tough to decide where to begin..The CDC patent was not about profit (if it was please provide evidence of the CDC profiting from it. Here is an article http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3076748/ns/health-infectious_diseases/t/scientists-race-patent-sars-virus/#.XrMK9MhKiUk from the time period.) The patent only covers SARS and thus has nothing to with the current pandemic..There are thousands upon thousands of coronavirus variants …most of them do not affect humans. The nonsensical rambling about constitutional rights vs quarantine are silly…nobody is being imprisoned in their homes …places of gathering are being shut down temporarily. There is clear precedence of its effectiveness and its use in the US (https://www.history.com/news/spanish-flu-pandemic-response-cities)

Tita Whittaker
2 months ago
Adrian how do I find template letter?

3 months ago

Alice Merena
3 months ago
Are you people really that gullible that you are sucked into believing this already debunked a thousand times nonsense? Yes, I guess some of you are. How pathetic.

Jeremy Vasquez
3 months ago
I would imagine the severity of this research would be secret or classified information. Maybe too secret. How did he obtain this information. Why would it be available for the public to find ?? This only proves the governing bodies of the United Nations are using the general population as guinea pigs.