“SHADOW GOVERNMENT GESTAPO’S” (CIA/NSA/FBI & BRITISH MI6/GCHQ, etc.) Criminal, Unconstitutional Targeting Of American Citizens AND COUP AGAINST CANDIDATE/PRESIDENT TRUMP Explained by Ex-CIA Counter-Terrorism Officer, Kevin Shipp (2/20/19 youtube)

“Where Are the Whistleblowers?” (Soft Coup, Program 1) Youtube presentation by Ex-CIA Counter-terrorism Official and Whistleblower, Kevin Shipp

Ex-CIA, Kevin Shipp: “Any federal agency or agency employee that violates the Constitution is committing a felony, or multiple felonies. And that’s what’s happened in the case of the CIA.”

Webmaster’s Introduction: This is a very small part of a much larger story…… Let us hope this scandal will lead to the exposure of the entire CIA-NSA-DOD-DHS-FBI-NASA-NATO mind control-targeting system.

One Reply to ““SHADOW GOVERNMENT GESTAPO’S” (CIA/NSA/FBI & BRITISH MI6/GCHQ, etc.) Criminal, Unconstitutional Targeting Of American Citizens AND COUP AGAINST CANDIDATE/PRESIDENT TRUMP Explained by Ex-CIA Counter-Terrorism Officer, Kevin Shipp (2/20/19 youtube)”

  1. It is treason!. You are missing something, this is not a mere sedition because they are involve in the work of the secret societies, most of them are Freemasons, and this ‘fraternity’ has its roots in a secret agenda elaborated from the Judaism/Zionism for the world domination, which is the core of the deep state, and they are strangers to any place, they are Jews/talmudists …

    The fundamental characteristic of any State, visible or not, it is to have a limit or range of land – there is one: they almost own America, and want the whole world – and the second one is an army/police force – they already have …: NSA,CIA,FBI.
    In other words, they has been working together, which made of them conspirators, and against the peoples of the USA, and for another nation, an alien nation of complex characteristics, not at all visible till now, but an international Nation/State: ‘The New World Order’. This is treason!.

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