Erik Karlstrom on Digital Immortality and the Enslavement of Humanity (Our Interesting Times, August 2, 2021)

Erik Karlstrom on Digital Immortality and the Enslavement of Humanity (August 2, 2021)

Dr. Eric Karlstrom returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss the COVID-19 scam, the “Vaccine” agenda, Agenda 2030 and how all of these issues fit into the oligarchs’ demented dream of attaining digital immortality.

Dr. Karlstrom’s primary website is which is dedicated to providing educational resources for individuals and groups interested in learning about organized gang-stalking, electronic torture, and mind control-behavioral manipulation. He is an Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University.

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I was glad to see the Khazars mentioned at the end of the conversation.

6 days ago

every time i think it can’t get any more sinister , I am shocked again.
Edited 6 days ago

7 days ago

It’s also the case when people use the euphemism “gay” when they mean “homosexual.”

7 days ago

germans prayed to the same god as you but u.s. funded jewish communism. to smash them. the rest of eastern europe russia china sth east asia sth america. – getting the picture ????? now the chickens come home to roost best you can hope is your jewish masters go easy on you …ha ha ha

August 7
Nano chips in the vaccines

Stephen McCormick
August 7
Here’s the link to the Imperial College London (where else?) to the WHO and others on March 16, 2020. It’s a complete outline and study for everything we’ve seen come to pass on the roller coaster ride of the pandemic. I’d guess this is the seminal document that initiated the WHO announcement of the scam on March 20. Look at it closely and parts of it are very interesting and revealing.
Stephen McCormick
August 7

Imperial College London

Karin Joy Passmore
August 8
Thank you Tim and Erik. This was much needed.

Amanda Kavanagh
August 9
Would really love it if Whitney Webb would acknowledge the years of work she plagiarizes by failing to mention her sources. I watched WW when she was a guest on the Iceage Farmer. Later guest on Iceage Farmer was Alison McDowell who did a fantastic interview about children being surveiled by tech companies and data mined. Not a coincidence that months later Miss Whitney comes up with the same info on her own. Not the first time Webb has pulled this shit.

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