CIA-DOD Psychic Research: Possible Connections to Global Targeting, Gang Stalking, and Nonconsensual Human Testing Operations

What the FOIA Releases Reveal About Psychic Research – Taking Back Your Pineal Gland

rfchaosheart (55)
in paranormal • 2 years ago (edited)

What the FOIA Releases Reveal About Psychic Research – Taking Back Your Pineal Gland

Introductory Quote:

There seems to be a correlation between Street Theater (Barham Psychodrama Technique) tactics and 10Hz alpha desynchronization. Influencing the alpha state through stress/trauma (is designed) to desync and gain access (to the brain of the target) for Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing.

Gabriel Cruz

Gabriel Cruz: “After researching the FOIA request database records regarding Psychic Research (CREST, STAR GATE, SUN STREAK, GRILL FLAME) I’ve seen data consistently referencing the resonant frequency of our brain, 10Hz (alpha idle). In order to better understand this material please review my other clips on this in the following order:”

SAIC-CIA/DIA Research on Psychic Phenomena (explains 10Hz)

Video 1: CIA FOIA request shows SAIC had no-competion contract on Psychic Function experiments? (Gabriel Cruz)

Gabriel Cruz
Published on Jan 24, 2017
I’ve been researching EEG Brain Entrainment (alpha/beta/theta states for Psychotronic Warfare) and was surprised to find that the recent site has a huge amount of documentation tying SAIC – Science Applications International Corporation to Remote Viewing, Psychic Functioning and AMP (Anomalous Mental Phenomena). Not only was SAIC involved, they had a no-competition contract for a number of years on this type of experimentation on behalf of the DIA and CIA.


SAIC Database of Experiments with CIA/DIA (From 90’s)…

AMP Experiments (this is the document viewed in the clip for your ref)…

Do a search on “SAIC” and “STARGATE” and “Psychic Function” on the site, assuming you aren’t wigged out by that. I intend to download the PDF files and store in them a database for public viewing that doesn’t require they visit the CIA website.

For consulting and/or contributions to my research and work contact Gabriel Cruz at:
[email protected]
Notes from video 1:

Short youtube video on research involving alpha state frequencies for brain entrainment around 10 Hz frequency range and how this connects to remote viewing, psychic potential, etc. SAIC has been basically the sole research foundation doing this work. This comes from the STARGATE collection

Notes From Video:

From website:

4 March 1994 document report by SAIC states:

“Subject: Significant Preliminary AMP Experimental Results by the Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

1. As part of this Activity’s external R&D contract, SAIC has been conducting basic research into the nature of Anomalous Mental Phenomena (AMP). During FY03, three significant experimental results were obtained. Although the data is still undergoing evaluation, preliminary analysis indicate that the results are considered to be of a “breakthrough” nature in AMP research. These results could significantly enhance our capability to perform our mission.

2. Entropy Experiment.

a. Previous research by SAIC under the contract had identified a physical variable from communications theory that could be applied to Anomalous Cognition (AC) research to identify meaningful differences among target types and explain why all targets are not equally sensed by AC capabilities. This variable, called “entropy,” may be defined as a measure of the information in a target. Laboratory experimental activities demonstrated a significant degree of correlation between AC success and dynamic changes in the target’s entropy. This is the first time in the history of AC investigations that a physical variable has been correlated with any variable.

b. The potential “value added” of this experimental result to the STAR Gate program is two-fold. First, it should now be possible to pre-assess the information content of a given target so that taskings may be chosen which have the highest potential for successful data acquisition. This should improve the overall quality of data gathered by AC. Secondly, if the information content of a target is known, then the difference in data acquisition from that target should be directly related to the skill of a viewer. It should, therefore, be possible to develop an objective method of assessing AC skills using these experimental results.

(Gabriel Cruz: This is the smoking gun of the document):

2. Alpha Desynchronization

It is established neurological fact that a brain in idle generates alpha waves at approximately 10 Hz and that these waves diminish significantly whenever the brain’s idle state is interrupted by an external stimuli. EEG experiments conducted by SAIC seem to have demonstrated for the first time in AC research that reception of an AC signal by the brain does in fact interrupt the alpha rhythm in the same manner as with any other external signal. This is called “event-related desynchronization.”

(Redacted segment on remote viewing)

These experiments demonstrated that changes in the electrical properties of one person’s skin can be affected according to the intent of an isolated operator and indicates that AMP can be used to remotely influence biological systems.

DoD Psychoenergetics Program & Remote Viewing (ties into 10Hz) (Remote Viewing & Influence


Video 2: DOD Psychoenergetics Program:

Notes from Video 2:

Gabriel Cruz
Published on Jan 26, 2017

I am uncovering lots of information regarding Psychoenergetics programs managed in partnership with SRI (Stanford Research Institute and SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) that involves experiments with paranormal or AMP (anomalous mental phenomena) which includes but is not limited to:

Remote Viewing
Remote Influence

The recently published FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) files have unearth a great deal of documents about these topics. By searching under CREST – STAR GATE you’ll find much these documents. There are related programs known as GRILL FLAME and SUN STREAK that will also generate results. I also encourage you research “Psychoenergetics” to understand what is the underlying themes behind their research (and EXPERIMENTATION).

DoD Psychoenergetics Program (draft seen in this video)…


For consulting and/or contributions to my research and work contact Gabriel Cruz at:
[email protected]

PayPal Contributions or Payments to Gabriel Cruz at

BitCoin Contributions – Gabriel Cruz
If you’d like to pay with Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency contact me to arrange so I can thank you personally or use the address in my YT Channel profile.



People & Blogs

Notes From Video:

Gabriel Cruz: My research indicates research for the psychoenergetics programs of the DIA, CIA, Air Force, Army, most of the military were carried out by two private companies- First, SRI (Stanford Research Institute) and then SAIC (Scientific Applications International Corporation) beginning at about 1990.

Some of this falls within the targeting program many are experiencing… These are apparently related to two projects that deal with remote viewing and psychokenisis…. Related to Projects GRILL FLAME and SUN STREAK (also refer to STAR GATE)

This paper was dated between 1973 and 1988. They have more papers on the site that get into the 1990s. They called it Anomalous Mental Phenomena (AMP).

On these documents, you’ll see drawings and how others were replicating the results.”

There seems to be a correlation between Street Theater (Barham Psychodrama Technique) tactics and 10Hz alpha desynchronization. Influencing the alpha state through stress/trauma to desync and gain access for Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing.

Video 3: SAIC – Remote Viewing – Human Use Experimentation

Please reference document CIA-RDP96-00789R003000450004-6 or here to download from source:

Key Points:

Section 6.2.1. – Magnetoencephalograph (MEG) Investigations

Research: What are the functions of the MEG and what specific measurements does it create? – Examine MEG evoked responses from “SEVERAL POPULATION TYPES” and correlate with Remote Viewing Ability for various physical conditions. Examine Parapsychology historical results to see if correlations to geomagnetic activity exists

Notes from Video:

Many others under these subcategories that discuss identifying ‘targets’ and ‘populations’. In addition, details regarding “lucid dreaming” and “energetics” in correlation to the MEG data.

These are vital topics for researchers, I believe.

Regarding reports of “street theater” where a ‘target’ is made to feel as if their privacy is being violated by a group of strangers. There appears to be a correlation to this technique being trained to operatives under the helm of the “Barham Psychodrama Technique”. The documents in these archives are vague but if you start researching these terms you’ll find distinct correlations to the field operatives when an “ACT” is being performed (or perceived). There is a great deal of circumstantial evidence surrounding this piece so I can’t expand beyond saying I think this worth looking further into. link to “Barham Psychodrama Technique” archives
Notes from Video 3:

“From a 1991 Document entitled: “Secret Statement of Work For Phenomenological Research and Analysts”

Phenomenological Research involves Remote Viewing (RV), Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP), Anomalous Cognition (AC) or Anomalous Phenomena (AP).

Responsibility for project has been with the CIA and DIA and other organizations.

5. “Technical/Other Considerations:

“All research activities and findings resulting from these previous programs in psychoenergetics shall be brought to bear on this effort. In addition, expertise in multi-disciplinary areas throughout SAIC shall be made available as consultants or for special support is required. Specialized support, if not available at SAIC, may be obtained via SAIC consultant or subcontract efforts with prior approval by the COTR.

6.2 Basic Research:

6.2.1 Magnetoencephalograph (MEG) Investigations: Calibrate the electromagnertic/magneto-encephalograph (MEG) environment and replicate earlier results using a variety of population types. Examine MEG evoked responses from several population types and correlate with remote viewing ability for various conditions. Examine parapsychological historical results to see if correlations to geomagnetic activity exist; initiate exploratory investigations to replicate/test findings.

(Gabriel Cruz: Many others under these subcategories that discuss identifying ‘targets’ and ‘populations’. In addition, details regarding “lucid dreaming” and “energetics” in correlation to the MEG data.

These are vital topics for researchers, I believe.

Regarding reports of “street theater” where a ‘target’ is made to feel as if their privacy is being violated by a group of strangers. There appears to be a correlation to this technique being trained to operatives under the helm of the “Barham Psychodrama Technique”. The documents in these archives are vague but if you start researching these terms you’ll find distinct correlations to the field operatives when an “ACT” is being performed (or perceived). There is a great deal of circumstantial evidence surrounding this piece so I can’t expand beyond saying I think this worth looking further into.) link to “Barham Psychodrama Technique” archives

Document also mentions lucid dreaming

6.2.5 Energetics Inititiate limited experiments and develop plans for follow-on energetics research.

Correlations and Patterns Analysis

What this ties into in terms of Research and Development relates to another document.

I found another document in this FOIA file called the “Barham Psychodrama Technique” and I believe that this is related to what people call street theatre.”

This clip provides a simple and brief hypothesis and summary of how these pieces tie together into the Pineal Gland and what the Egyptian hieroglyphics might have been communicating. I don’t propose this as an ultimate truth by any means, but there is scientific data (via those research papers I posted from SAIC, SRI, CIA/DIA).

So yeah everyone “The Men Who Stare At Goats” is definitely a thing but sadly being used in ways much more sinister than portrayed in films. We do have enormous psychic potential and those who have learned these methods appear to be using them in full force. They continue to this day and many of us experience things that fall right in line with ‘the program’. It all ties together.

What my presentation provides ultimately is a visualization exercise, or meditation, that helped me reduce the effects of the energetics. Now, the visualization is helpful, certainly, but it may not be enough for everyone. In order to tune into that 10Hz, you may need to give your body a “reference signal” to follow. This is where Rife Machines are effective, in my experience. For more on that please see the following clip.

Rife Frequency, Schumann Resonance and 10Hz Alpha State

Youtube video not available

I don’t have anything to sell you here. I won’t make recommendations on specific hardware to buy and nor do I recommend buying the device used in my demonstration. There are much more affordable devices on the market that have a broader range of frequencies. I only the use the device I have because I can’t afford anything else and it was gifted to me. It has saved me many times over. Your mileage may vary.

Thanks to Anonymous Hive for their clip on the Flower of Life which will help expand on the concept of Psychoenergetics (and it’s influence grid) from a more esoteric or hidden knowledge perspective.

*I’m having difficulty locating the source of the original pineal gland/hieroglyphic photo that is annotated in the presentation. If someone knows where it originated I’d appreciate a link so people can reference it. Thanks.