What is DARPA’s “Silent Talk” project? by Rebecca Fraser December 18, 2023

Webmaster comment: The following are very relevant statements on “silent V2K (Voice to Skull)” technology by three experienced and savvy targeted individuals, June 2, 2024. These observations suggest that TIs are and have long been the experimental guinea pigs for the development and deployment DARPA’s “silent talk” project and “silent sound” among others.


We know that our attackers employ two types of V2K on us: (1) that which is readily heard by the ears/brain and (2) messages sent over a signal too high or too low for the ears/brain to pick them up but go instead into the victim’s sub-conscious. I call the latter the “silent” V2K.

If you want to know whether you’re receiving those silent messages, there are various ways to detect them: inserting your finger deeply into your ear canal and rubbing the sides; sliding a china cup quickly over a ceramic counter top, and rubbing the hair stubs at the entrance of your ears.

Last night while lying in bed, I discovered still another way of detecting the hidden messages. Wearing ear plugs, with a closed mouth, I inhaled and exhaled very strongly and quickly through my noise. The friction picked up the silent message “You want me.”

That message is all-inclusive. It may apply to food, tobacco, liquor, sex, and just about anything else that, in excess or used the wrong way, could harm your health.

The messages will be very short and will be continual, as in a loop-play tape. You may have to repeat the method for hearing them several times. They sometimes will not be heard the first time. You may also pick up only one word. By continuing to probe, you’ll finally be able to discern the entire message.

That you don’t hear the V2K doesn’t mean that you’re not receiving the silent messages. I now know that I was getting the silent V2K for many years before the attackers started using the regular V2K. I would encourage you to use a method for learning to hear the hidden messages, for they are far more dangerous than the easily heard V2K.

I might add that any type of friction (motors, fans, traffic on the road) will pick up the regular V2K that isn’t, under everyday conditions, easily heard. However, it will be the usual, senseless, probably AI-generated crap, which is only amplified by the friction. The “silent” V2K, on the other hand, will always be very short messages, not the usual diatribes and junk talking that we hear from the goons.

Max Williams

Yes – the silent V2K is also known as NSA (SIGNT; Signals Intelligence) remote neural monitoring “Imposed Thought” transmissions.

These transmissions are somewhat constant and are intended to be placed in our subconscious. Being aware of them is what defeats them. I might add that any type of friction (motors, fans, traffic on the road) will pick up the regular V2K that isn’t, under everyday conditions, easily heard. However, it will be the usual, senseless, probably AI-generated crap, which is only amplified by the friction. The “silent” V2K, on the other hand, will always be very short messages, not the usual diatribes and junk talking that we hear from the goons.

Jeffry Bahry

Silent Sound. There is even a company; Silent Sound Inc.

Frank Allen

What is DARPA’s silent talk project?

by Rebecca Fraser December 18, 2023 in AI Reading Time: 3 mins read

What is DARPA’s silent talk project? by Rebecca Fraser December 18, 2023

Webmaster comment:  It should be obvious to anyone who has followed these topics that DARPA, the CIA, the Pentagon, and their private sector, medical, and academic partners have been testing these technologies on “targeted individuals” for many decades. Attorney Ana Toledo, of Targeted Justice.Inc., estimates that restitution/punitive damages for such scandalously illegal government violations of American’s civil liberties and human rights should be on the order of $10-20 million for each nonconsensual experimental subject per year.

DARPA’s groundbreaking Silent Talk initiative, decoding brain signals to enable speechless soldier communication on the battlefield.

Table of Contents

In a pioneering leap in military technology, DARPA’s Silent Talk project heralds a transformative era in communication. This ambitious initiative aims to revolutionize soldier-to-soldier communication on the battlefield, bypassing vocalized speech through the decoding of neural signals.

Deciphering Brain Signals: The Future of Communication

The Silent Talk project hinges on the idea that words exist as distinct neural signals before they are vocalized. By mapping individual Electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns to specific words, DARPA aims to crack this neural code for seamless transmission to an intended recipient.

Breaking Down the Goals

Three pivotal objectives steer the project’s trajectory. First, mapping EEG patterns to individual words; second, determining the universality of these patterns among people; and finally, developing a method to transmit these patterns to another individual.

Transforming Military Communication

This disruptive technology holds the potential to revolutionize not only military communications but also offers promise for individuals with disabilities. By sidestepping traditional speech-based communication, Silent Talk could open new avenues for interaction and control.

Advancing Neurotechnology

DARPA’s Silent Talk project is part of broader initiatives in brain-computer interfaces and neurotechnology. The significant investment earmarked for this endeavor underscores its strategic importance. The program’s budget, slated at $4 million for the upcoming fiscal year, signifies DARPA’s commitment to pioneering futuristic communication methods.

Beyond Science Fiction

While resembling science fiction, Silent Talk is a tangible manifestation of advancements in neuroscience and technology. These innovations have the potential to transcend military applications and cater to broader societal needs, offering novel ways for individuals with disabilities to engage with the world.

Looking Ahead

As DARPA forges ahead with the Silent Talk project, the realm of communication teeters on the brink of a groundbreaking transformation. The convergence of neuroscience and technology paints a promising picture of a future where words transcend speech, unlocking a new era of communication possibilities.

DARPA’s Silent Talk project stands at the vanguard of innovation, poised to redefine communication paradigms both on and off the battlefield.

3 Replies to “What is DARPA’s “Silent Talk” project? by Rebecca Fraser December 18, 2023”

  1. Voice to Skull on yet another level.

    AI and 5G Control (Internet Of Everything) a Cashless Society –
    General Hypothesis:

    Computers cannot compute or allow for much unpredictability in Human behaviour, resourcefulness or unpredictable activity due to being wholly limited to it in a programmable state. We are persistently told, reminded constantly (the conditioning of minds, and society at large) that AI CAN actually learn, but it learns Pattern, not unpredictability..it mimics sentient humanity as opposed to any ability in evolving as a sentient being itself.

    For instance the probability vs improbability of its OWN complete destruction BEFORE arriving at its answer; is an anomaly its programming or its faux-learning “mind” will not apparently allow for.

    It does not possess Free will, that is God given only, or proof in part, of man’s spirit at least in being an intrinsic element of God – ‘source’, a ‘spark of divinity’ as we are also often told.

    There may be a being, or rather a Degraded type of being that is controlling the system then, but that is different..in Christianity it’s referred to as a fallen angel termed Satan. It just goes to show, that even hypothetically –  all beings are subject to integrity in ethics, morals even angels, so called superior all knowing beings.
    In this true sense all beings are in actual fact also fallible (this is heresy, blasphemy to all mind-controlling faiths that don’t really abide by their own moral code at all – a monopolistic hypocrisy might define their efforts better) 

    There may be demons or Degraded Beings also in an enslaved service and demonic state by some fallen angel or
    what have you, to run the AI. 

    In fact these other or inter-dimensional creatures will possibly be in the process of degrading Humanity or Goyim, seeing their function to degrade other beings here on Earth, but also depopulating the rest of us – make us more manageable to then become AI ourselves when reborn in the birth, death – rebirth cycle, currently still applicable here. 

    Or even firstly becoming AI assimilated through their Nano tech 5G Grid perhaps. That seems likely enough as nothing really surprises me at this juncture, just listen to Isreali “Advisor” and Technocracy WEF Founder Klaus Swaub’s sidekick – Yuval Harari, you’ll get the picture. You’ll never witness a more degraded fake science sophistication or fixation on what he insists they perceive as Humanity’s path forward – than this..
    A Truly Degraded lower Astral level almost defunct being stuck in ‘CONTROLLING and MANIPULATING BODIES’
    – mode. An insidiously twisted psychosis that he is inextricably and rigidly fixed to, if ONLY because he has CHOSEN to adopt this particular brand of madness himself. There is always self volition, the agreement or “deal” that these characters have made, or, they wouldn’t commit to it.

    The Globalists can do these things possibly, but not entirely. It is known that the Universe (non physical included) is ultimately based upon being ethical towards other beings, which really is the Universal Law for all dimensions. In other words love is the Universal highest form of communication and beingness.

    One part of the basis to entrap humanity is quite clearly, or at least quite apparently – that this demonic Cabaal, fosters and propagates the concept that everything in life – ocurrs randomly. 
    No no. Intention is causality. Therefore there is actual intent behind everything that is occurring, they’re masking it or trying to, with mind control tactics of the repetition that all things occur randomly and outside of their, our control.
    Just more of the same – a Lie. More Deception.

    This psychopathic Globalist chess game would invariably and inevitably have to enforce a societal sense of becoming or being spiritually detatched; to conclude – in there being no point at all, total apathy; no purpose and no hope of aspiring to becoming anything more, anything other – than becoming or knowing only a stupid fixed solid material existence!  

  2. Thanking you Professor Eric Karlstrom for all of your immensely hard win work and material. The data is essential now for Humanity to have any chance of survival🙏

    Kurt and Family❤️🙏

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