WACO Fire Revisited: CIA Mind Control-Cult Damage Control (from W. Bowart, 1994)

Chapter 33: The Fire At Waco, From: Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)

Perhaps not since the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany have flames leaped so visibly onto the pages of history. The flames in both Waco and the Reichstag fires were fueled by mind control. At least that’s the impression you get when you read attorney Paul D. Wilcher’s letter to Attorney General Janet Reno.

Dated May 21st, 1993 the letter begins with no salutation, the phone numbers of Ms. Reno, Justice Department Communications Director Carl Stem,
Appointments Secretary Mellissa Muller, Assistant Attorney General Richard Scruggs, and James Kramarsic, Special Ops – CIA. With a typical lawyerly lack of style the letter begins:

RE: (1) Vital NEW information concerning the conflagration at David Koresh’s Branch Davidian compound, “Ranch Apocalypse,” outside Waco, Texas, on Monday, April 19th, 1993, which is now being kept from you and covered up- i.e., that what happened was NOT a “mass suicide,” but rather a MASS MURDER.

(2) The meaning and significance of this NEW information – particularly with respect to the Justice Department’s ongoing Waco investigation, and future indictments and prosecutions- i.e., you are headed totally in the WRONG direction (italics are shown as underlinings in the letter) – because Bush Administration holdovers in the Justice Department, along with others tied to the CIA, are preventing you from ever learning the truth about what actually happened in Waco;

(3) The extreme sensitivity of this information, and my specific proposal as to how you should handle it. The lives of key participants, other witnesses, and even myself are now in grave danger as a result of my passing this information on to you. If you let this information fall into the hands of the wrong persons, some or all of those who know the truth about Waco and are now prepared to come forward and testify could well be “silenced” (i.e., MURDERED in the very near future).

(4) And the extreme importance of this information to the overall quality of justice under the Clinton Administration, to your own place in history as Attorney General, and to President Clinton’s very life and personal safety. This information, if handled in the manner I have spelled out in detail below, presents you and President Clinton with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to expose, confront, and hopefully root out much of the system-wide corruption which bas been at the core of the federal government for at least the past 30 years.

The letter then reads:” DEAR ATTORNEY GENERAL RENO” in caps.

“The purpose of this letter … is for me to deliver to you extremely sensitive information about the deaths of the 86 men, women, and children who perished at the Branch Davidian compound on Monday, April 19th, 1993, and the truth about how it all happened. But even more important, my purpose here is to demonstrate how the Waco tragedy fits into a much bigger (and far uglier) picture, and to present my specific, detailed plan as to how you should attack the overall problem at its root causes.

The plan I am offering here is not at all what you might expect, at first glance, for it is far more comprehensive, and deals with far deeper root causes than you have thus far been made aware of (sic). Indeed, although you may not realize it, you are still surrounded in the Justice Department, the FBI, the BATF and elsewhere throughout the government by Reagan-Bush holdovers many of whom are determined that you will NEVER learn about the core issues and ugly truths which I have laid out for you here in some detail … ”

Full of hope, and apparently not knowing Janet Reno, Wilcher expressed his optimism that Ms. Reno would use her good office to “attack the system-wide corruption which has been at the core of the federal government for at least the past 30 years, and to bring about the most fundamental and far-reaching changes, in terms of restoring basic honesty and integrity, which have occurred in our national government for at least the past generation.”

Wilcher then launched into a long section entitled WHAT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO? The prose is filled with citations of law and excerpts from Reno’s own rhetoric. Especially noteworthy is where Wilcher quotes Reno saying: ” … sometimes doing the right thing is very politically unpopular, Sometimes it will be painful, for it will, of necessity, hurt someone. But with strength and courage, let us face that question unafraid, and together seek justice for all.”

The subject of mind control is introduced on page four when Wilcher writes:

“David Koresh had an extensive CIA background … he was known in CIA circles as a “sleeper” -someone who had been subjected to extensive CIA “mind control” training and programming … ”

Wilcher said that it was not a coincidence that all these events were occurring in or near Waco, Texas -“since Waco is a major center for such CIA “mind control” experimentation and programming – with much of this activity occurring at the CIA’s Leadership Management Institute in Waco.” Wllcher pointed out that “similar CIA-sponsored “cults” are located across the country including in such places as Salt Lake City, Utah; Provo, Utah; Logan, Utah; Boise, Idaho; and San Francisco, California,” and that one or all of these other “cults can likewise ‘explode’ onto the front pages of the press at any time the CIA deems appropriate, in order to accomplish its pre-determined, hidden, right-wing political agenda.”

Wilcher indicated to Reno that he knew who had committed the murders, who had ordered them, and who had been part of the chain of command. He then
lapsed into more recitation of Disciplinary Rules and Codes of Professional Responsibility from the American Bar Foundation all of which had bearing on ethical considerations for Reno. In fact he was outlining for Reno reasons why she must begin to weed her own garden in the Justice Department as well as within the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) .

Thoroughly covering the details of the lies told by government employees at Waco, Wilcher wrapped up the motivational part of his argument and launched into a background briefing on events leading to the February 28th BATF raid on the Davidian compound:

“1) To begin with, Vernon Wayne Howell, also known as David Koresh, had connections to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

2) Indeed, he and six (6) of the men in his inner circle were known among CIA covert operatives as “sleepers” – persons whom the Agency had performed mind control experiments on, and who had been preprogrammed to carry out specific pieces of CIA “dirty business” at some point in the future, once a specific cue or signal was given to them by their contact persons or “handlers” within the Agency.

3) Third, David Koresh was very much like the Reverend Jim Jones, in that he, too, was ‘a gangster who used a Bible instead of a gun … ‘

In a Note, Wilcher remarked: “Jonestown was NOT a mass suicide, any more than Waco was. Instead, Jonestoum, like Waco, was a mass murder- in order to
guarantee that there would be NO survivors to tell about the CIA’s extensive mind control experiments which had been performed on those mostly-black victims in Guyana.

The letter resumed:

4) Fourth, David Koresh was also very much like Charlie Manson, in that he, Jones, and Manson all demanded and received total domination over, and total submission from, all of the men, women, and children in his group.

5) And like the Reverend Jim Jones and Charlie Manson, David Koresh likewise had received much of his mind control training at the hands of the CIA, and was a product of their system.

6) In other words, David Koresh may have been what most people would consider a thoroughly disgusting, and mentally disturbed, megalomaniac. But he was the CIA’s megalomaniac- or at least someone they were all to happy to use for their devious right-wing purposes if and when the opportunity ever presented itself.

7) Indeed, David Koresh and these six (6) other men in his inner circle had apparently been pre-programmed by the CIA to become, on cue, ‘Manchurian-Candidate- type’ robot assassins.

Here Wilcher inserted another note:

This is one of the most crucially important pieces of information concerning this entire scenario. Koresh and his six (6) fellow ‘sleepers’ were apparently pre-programmed by the CIA to become ‘wind up, use once, then throw away’ robot-type assassins -much like:

(a) Sirhan B. Sirhan, the man used as the CIA ‘patsy’ in the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy on June 5th 1968 …
(b) David Hinckley, the man used as the CIA ‘patsy’ in the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan on March 31, 1981 …

8) The CIA has apparently been able to produce ‘Manchurian-Candidate-type’ robot assassins ever since the late 1940’s, using methods reminiscent of the ‘brain washing’ we have all heard about in Soviet (and American) prisoner of war camps and prisons – as well as far more sophisticated and sinister techniques which have been developed and perfected over the intervening years.

9) One of the most important features of this kind of mind control programming of ‘brain washing’ is the fact that critical segments of the subject’s memory – including most or all of the programming experience itself- are erased (or at least suppressed and deeply buried), with new false ‘memories’ implanted into the subjects unconscious mind in their place. Indeed, all of this mind, behavior, and memory alteration is done at the subconscious or unconscious level.

Indeed, once the CIA’s programming has been completed, memory blocks are installed into the subject’s subconscious mind to make it next-to-impossible for him ever to recover these critical mind- and behavior-altering experiences from his internal memory bank. Therefore, since he is unable to remember what was done to him- or when, where, how, or under what circumstances it happened- he is also virtually helpless to confront and overcome what his CIA programmers have done to him. He is thus at their ‘mercy’ from then on- though, of course, they have NO mercy.

10) Then, at some time in the future, upon being given a specific secret signal – known in advance only to his CIA ‘handlers’ and his subconscious mind, and which to any untrained person (such as a husband, wife, coworker, etc.) would be overlooked as being totally innocuous – he will automatically revert back to carrying out whatever behavior he has been pre-programmed to perform on cue – nearly always some violent or criminal act against a person or group the CIA has targeted for destruction. At least, that’s how such mind control programming is supposed to work.

11) It is also important to note that such mind control programming generally includes one or more pre-programmed ‘self-destruct’ responses, so that the subject can be ordered by his handlers to commit ‘suicide’- again, as a kind of mindless, trance-like, robotic response which he would not even be consciously aware he was being ordered to do, or that he was actually carrying out, until it was too late to save him – if and when his handlers ever deem it necessary for him NOT to be available for questioning by persons who might be able to uncover the truth about his secret programming
and/or what tasks he had been pre-programmed to perform in his trance-like robotic state.

These ‘self-destruct’ responses would typically be triggered by the subject’s handlers once he had successfully performed his preassigned mission, or once that mission had been called off or altered – or under any other scenario under which he would no longer be of any value to the Agency – as a way of protecting his handlers, and the Agency itself, from any exposure, liability or accountability – under what is called ‘plausible deniability.’

David Koresh’s psychological profile, however, showed him NOT to be a person ever likely to commit suicide. Wilcher went on to cover the programming of Candy Jones and the death of George DeMohrenschildt, much as it has been covered in this book before. He also devotes a number of pages to the CIA’s use of D.C. Police and U.S. Park Service Officers to cover what Wilcher says were CIA covert operations in which six black men were murdered in Pershing Park, two blocks from the White House. These pages are all worth reading, but due to space considerations I have deleted them.

We pick up the letter again after that:

16) Mind Control and Memory Blocks to Ease the Consciences of the CIA’s PROFESSIONAL killers:

Thus far, we have been discussing mind control and memory blocks in the context of the CIA’s ‘Manchurian- Candidate-type’ robot assassins- those low-level individuals -like Sirhan Sirhan, David Hinckley, Mark David Chapman (who assassinated the Beatles’ lead singer/songwriter John Lennon), and the six (6) Black men murdered in Pershing Park- persons who are programmed by the Agency to be used only once then ‘thrown away’ and discarded- i.e ., persons who are destined either to be killed or imprisoned for the rest of their lives, once they have performed their pre-ordained secret mission.

In other. words, these low-level individuals are highly expendable – particularly when getting rid of them will preserve the ‘plausible deniability’ that the Agency had anything to do with their training, conduct, or activities.

In the context of these low-level individuals, the mind control programming we have been discussing is used not only to condition the desired robotic response to a pre-ordained secret signal, but also to prevent the subject from remembering anything to do with their training, conduct, or activities. In the context of these low-level individuals, the mind control programming we have been discussing is used not only to condition the desired robotic response to a pre-ordained secret signal, but also to prevent the subject from remembering anything about the conditioning and programming experience, so that he is virtually helpless to counteract or overcome it – without many years of deep hypnosis and therapy – as in the case of Candy Jones …

There is, however, a totally different category of covert operatives employed by the CIA- the real PROFESSIONAL killers– who are used for multiple high-level, top secret missions, over an entire lifetime. These top-level ‘black’ operatives are generally men of extraordinary intelligence, education, talent, training, and experience, and it is into their hands that most of the real ‘dirty work’ of the Agency-including top-level assassinations – is entrusted.

For example, the Agency will use a low-level programmed robot – like a Sirhan Sirhan or a David Hinckley – to be the ‘patsy’ for a top-level assassination, or assassination attempt (like the murder and attempted murder of Senator Robert Kennedy and President Reagan, respectively). But they rarely entrust the task of actually pulling the trigger in such a high-profile case to such a low-level ‘cut-out.’

Instead, the real work in such top-level assassinations is carried out only by the Agency’s true PROFESSIONAL killers -persons who are NOT used just once and then discarded, but who, instead, are used over and over again, year in and year out, for nearly all of the Agency’s most secret and sensitive ‘dirty work.’

‘Wet’ Ops: Such ‘dirty work’ is generally referred to, among ‘black’ operatives within the Agency, as ‘wet’ operations- operations where one or more persons are to be killed, where human blood is to be spilled.


The normal procedure is that after each ‘black’ or ‘wet’ operation, all persons participating in or connected with the operation are totally debriefed by a special debriefing team sent from Agency headquarters – including a psychiatrist skilled in the various mind control and memory block techniques we have been discussing. In this debriefing, each member of the ‘wet’ team is required to recite to the debriefing team exactly what happened during the operation, in a precise, step-by-step, detailed manner. Each member’s recitation is generally repeated several times – once normally, once under hypnosis, once with a polygraph, and once under scopolamine – and only when the debriefers are fully satisfied that they have gotten ALL the details and that there are no glaring inconsistencies between these different recitations, is the debriefing brought to a close.

Part of the reason for this debriefing process is to provide detailed records and feedback to the Agency concerning all of these top-level ‘black’ and ‘wet’ operations- i.e., Precisely what was done? Was the operation a ‘success’? Did it go off as planned? What mistakes, if any, were made? And what improvements can be made so that on succeeding operations, the task at hand can be accomplished even more professionally and expeditiously. Wilcher inserts another note stating that his point cannot be overstated: “… this means that deep within the bowels of the Central Intelligence Agency – if you only know where to look – you can find the detailed debriefing records on all of the ‘black’ and ‘wet’ operations carried out by the CIA over the past 30 years or so.

You should subpoena these records immediately, Attorney General Reno. And once you get them- IF you ever get them- you should put them under the tightest security imaginable to protect them from being tampered with or destroyed.”

It’s hard to believe that someone who could write a letter which contains the information this one does would be so naive as to not understand how successful the cryptocracy has been under the National Security Act. Wilcher appeared ignorant of the extent of the cryptocracy’s indoctrination. It has gotten virtually everyone in Congress and the Judicial and the Executive to support it so that it can hide behind the tacit agreement among politicians that the security of this nation does not lie with the people, but with a secret government.

Summing up his comments on the “wet” debriefing process, Wilcher wrote:

Then, at the conclusion of the debriefing, once the debriefers are confident they have gotten ALL of the factual details, each operative is put under deep hypnosis, and the psychiatrist in the team implants memory blocks into his subconscious memory:

(a) first, to make it far more difficult for him to remember what he and his other ‘wet’ team members did during the operation- i.e., to block many of the gorey details as to precisely how each of the persons targeted for ‘elimination ‘ was ‘taken out’ (i.e., murdered)- so that he will be less likely to be troubled by recurring nightmares concerning what be and his team members have just done; and
(b) second, to alleviate the guilt which would otherwise be associated with these memories, and to allow him to justify in his mind, to the extent he is able to remember what happened, that what he and his fellow team members did was ‘praise-worthy’ rather than highly criminal – i.e ., that the person or persons they murdered were a ‘menace’ to society and deserve to die, and that he was doing this country a valuable service by eliminating these ‘targets’ from society.

Of course, these memories of what he and his fellows have done on these various ‘wet’ operations are never completely erased, and can, with work, be fully recovered (barring physical damage to the brain). But at least these mental blocks make it easier for the operative to live with himself and his conscience, and help to keep these vivid and gorey images from flooding into his consciousness, and becoming obsessive thoughts and recurring nightmares.

These memory blocks are also a way for the operative to justify his having acted as the targets’ accuser, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner- all in one fell swoop, without the target’s having been given the benefit of ANY due process whatsoever- i.e ., NO notice, NO hearing, NO right to confront and cross-examine his accusers, NO right to put on a defense, NO right to testify personally or call witnesses in his behalf, and NO right to be tried before an honest judge and a jury of his peers, according to the laws and the Constitution of the United States.

(Webmaster comment: The above paragraph describes the exact situation that todays “targeted individuals” face… NO due process, NO constitutional protections, etc.)

These memory blocks thus help the operative to suppress all these troubling thoughts which might otherwise disturb his waking hours or his restful sleep – thoughts which might otherwise force him to re-examine his calling as one of the CIA’s top professional killers, and to consider seriously whether he ought to pursue some other line of work.

In discussing the pros and cons of “wet” operations, Wilcher revealed the extent to which he, himself, had bought into the “myth of National Security.” He said that there may be some argument in favor of such ‘wet’ operations to take out foreign agents. Overlooking the glaring historical reality that whenever a “good” civilization employed ruthless and immoral tactics of an “evil” enemy civilization to fight it, those tactics eventually came to be applied at home against the people, and the “good” nation became as “evil” as the one it was fighting. Islam teaches that the greatest war is always the war one fights within. The result of sinking to the level of the enemy has always been, both in the sphere of geopolitics as well as in the singular life of an individual, self defeat. Or as Pogo said, “I have seen the enemy and the enemy is us.”

Wilcher did argue, however, that he could see no excuse for using ‘”wet” operations to take out innocent American men, women and children such as the 85 who were killed at the Branch Davidian compound.

Returning to the letter at point 17, Wilcher wrote:

The point to be made here is that David Koresh and his 6 fellow ‘sleepers’ were low-level ‘Manchurian-Candidate-type’ programmed robot assassins – who were scheduled to be used at some point in the future, but who had NOT been used for their pre-ordained secret missions-

Note Well: whereas the ‘wet’ team that went in to ‘take them out’ were some of the CIA’s top professional killers.

The term ‘sleeper’ in this context connotes:

(a) that the mind control programming which had been done on Koresh and his inner circle had probably been done a number of years earlier;
(b) that the secret instructions implanted deep into their subconscious memories had lain dormant over the intervening years;
(c) that the CIA now had to arouse Koresh and the other 6 from their ‘sleep’ -i.e., to reactivate the secret conditioned responses implanted into their subconscious memories – in order to get them to perform their pre-ordained secret missions on cue, wherever the CIA deemed it appropriate: and
(d) that the CIA could also activate the secret ‘self-destruct’ signal, discussed on pages 20 to 22 above, to cause the robotic ‘suicides’ of Koresh and his inner circle, one they had been (sic) performed their secret mission, or at any other time the CIA decided they were no longer of any use to the Agency.

Wilcher then went on to discuss Koresh’s enormous stockpile of weapons, saying that he believes the arms were accumulated with the apparent knowledge and consent of the CIA over a period of several years. Wilcher believed that Koresh had acquired the arsenal for a specific purpose which was not just self defense, but rather for the purpose of carrying out whatever secret assignments they were to be given by their CIA ‘handlers.”

He said the reason Koresh was so skilled in controlling his followers was that he and the other five “sleeper agents” in his inner circle had been through such intensive and total mind control programming themselves. It is not clear whether he presumes they had been totally or partially deprogrammed along the way so that they could remember their programming codes, cues and triggers. Without them, and without full recall and extensive deprogramming the fact that they had been through such a process would be of no use to their “conscious” minds.

Wilcher says that the reason behind the original raid by the BATF on February 28th was “not to surprise Koresh, or to take him peacefully. The purpose was to be as heavy handed, and as UNsubtle, as possible – so that Koresh and his fellow “sleepers’ could not possibly miss the message: “Either shape up and get back into line, or ‘take you out’- i.e., ‘WE WILL KILL YOU.”

In the letter to Reno, Wilcher said that the message the cryptocracy wanted to give was not for the six “sleepers” within the compound, but to others who might be getting out of line elsewhere:

“Be prepared to carry out the orders we will give you, exactly as you have been pre-programmed to do, or you and all your loved ones will have hell to pay for your disobedience.”

Wilcher makes note of what others were also to independently note, that in the ensuing siege of the Branch Davidian compound there were certain BATF agents who were targeted to be killed. Linda Thompson’s video of the Waco siege shows four ATF agents being killed by a fifth agent after they’ve crawled into a window from the roof.

Wilcher told Reno that Waco was an important tool of a psyops campaign waged against the American people. “The bottom line here,” he said, “is that this propaganda we were being fed by the CIA was to pave the way for a general acceptance of the imposition of martial law when situations like this ‘get out of hand’ which is the way the CIA wants us to view its 51-day siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.”

Maintaining that the main purpose of the Waco attack by the BATF was “to control the subconscious minds and wills of Koresh and his followers”, Wilcher told Reno that a variety of technologies were used over the entire 51-day siege following the initial February 28th raid. The news reported some of the psyops aspects of the siege accurately. They made no secret that the FBI was shining high-powered spotlights onto the compound at night and bombarding it with various kinds of sounds like “acid rock music, Tibetan chants, Christmas songs” and so forth. It was obviously meant to annoy and deprive the people inside the compound of sleep. The news accounts quoted the FBI spokesmen as saying that if the sounds worked the inhabitants of Apocalypse Ranch would become more pliable to the FBI’s demands to surrender peacefully and there would be no loss of life. Wilcher told Reno the truth was far different:

… these incessant loud and obnoxious noises … were merely the cover… for what was really bombarding the compound and its occupants – 20 gigahertz microwave transmissions, designed to be as stressful and destructive to the human physiology, inner ear, psyche, and
mental stability as possible.

In short, the CIA has perfected the use of such high-intensity microwave transmissions on human subjects to such an extent they are absolutely certain that over time, such transmissions are beyond the ability of most human beings to endure, and that sooner or later, they will drive any normal person crazy -literally- or provoke him or her to suicide or murder.

One example of the CIA’s use of the high-intensity microwave transmissions on a human subject occurred during the U.S. invasion of Panama, when General Manuel Noriega fled to the Vatican Embassy for sanctuary. What the press reported was that the military bombarded the Vatican Embassy with very loud acid rock “music.” What they didn’t tell us was that … ‘music’ was, again, only the mask to cover what was really being beamed at General Noriega – these same density microwave transmissions (are) known to be beyond the limits of most human beings to endure – at least over any extended period of time.

“And remember,” Wilcher wrote, “that at the Branch Davidian compound, these high-intensity microwave transmissions continued, almost without interruption, day and night, throughout the entire length of the 51-day siege – and that there were more than 20 children in the compotmd all this time!

“No wonder you were concerned about the gross mistreatment of these children, Attorney General Reno!” Wilcher wrote. “But what the Reagan and Bush holdovers in the Justice Department, FBI, and BATF failed to tell you was that it was our our FBI and CIA who were responsible for mistreating these children – through these high-intensity microwave transmissions bombarding the compound for 51 days.”

Apparently what no one told Wilcher was, with the cryptocracy in control of the public consciousness there is nothing but “holdovers” from one administration to another. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether a Democrat or a Republican is in the White House. Whoever is there, occupies it with the consent of the cryptocracy. This goes for appointees as well, Janet Reno included.

“Also included in these bombarding transmissions,” Wilcher wrote, “were Nero-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and other subliminal messages designed to reach the subconscious minds of Koresh and his 6 fellow ‘sleepers,’ in order to reassert the CIA’s mind control over them, and to make them more pliant and obedient to the CIA’s commands and domination … ”

(The reader is advised to obtain Genie Laborde’s landmark book on NLP entitled Influencing With Integrity, by Syntony Press, or any of Anthony Robbins works to gain a balanced view of this emerging science.)

Wilcher’s letter to Reno maintains that the original plan behind the siege of Koresh’s compound (which we assume he got from his informants who were
ready to come forward) was to have “The Delta Force” make a night raid on the compound. The Delta Force is no secret. It is an elite commando style military unit composed of specially trained members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, operating under the command of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the CIA. Delta was to apply the elements of surprise and lightning-quick speed for which they are especially trained, to bring everyone out alive except for David Koresh and his six fellow “CIA sleepers.”

“Those seven men,” Wilcher wrote Reno, “were to be killed- no questions asked -period.”

“You have reported to the nation, Attorney General Reno,” Wilcher reminded her, “that you met with President Clinton on Sunday, April 18th, and that after outlining the plan you had given to him, and going over it in some detail, he told you to go ahead -IF YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

You have also reported to the nation that having given the ultimate go ahead for the plan, you (and President Clinton) are the ones ultimately responsible for what happened in Waco on Monday, April 19th, 1993.

That, however, is simply NOT true, Attorney General Reno. What happened in Waco is NOT your fault. Nor is it President Clinton’s fault. For, the Reagan and Bush holdovers at the Justice Department, the FBI, the BATF, and the CIA, etc., who carefully planned and orchestrated this disaster, never informed you as to what their secret right-wing political agenda was in all this. Therefore, neither you nor President Clinton had any idea what had actually been planned for this operation in Waco – much less any hint of the secret agenda which was to be served by this mass murder and cover up to protect the criminal machinations of the CIA.

Here, we think Wilcher was wrong again in his assumption that the occupants of the oval office and their appointees are not part of the cryptocracy (until the National Security Act is repealed and the cryptocracy weeded out or overthrown).

But to continue with Wilcher’s letter in which his “sources” have informed him on the details of events that, if true, only insiders could have known.

On the 18th the Parkland Hospital in Dallas was alerted to be prepared to receive a large number of serious burn victims from Waco the following day.

On the morning of the 19th Delta Force commandos were on alert, ready to carry out the first plan, had it been approved. Wilcher said that this was not just an ordinary Delta team, but a special team of select CIA professional killers trained to accomplish a mass murder so that it could be covered up to look like a Jonestown style mass suicide.

This Delta Force team was composed of 15 men, Wllcher said, headed by a Lieutenant Colonel who was a CIA liaison officer. They flew into Texas on their own C-130 belonging to “Triangle”. Of the 15 men there were two 4-man teams, the one which actually made the insertion into the compound and a backup team, which apparently was never used. The team wore black, and looked like all the other FBI officers on the ground.

The nation watched on CNN that morning as the Ml-Al tanks punched holes in the exterior walls of the compound’s living quarters. What was not visible was the gas that was pumped into the compound, gas which the press later reported to be tear gas.

This tear gas, had been designed to be used for crowd control- i.e., it was so virulent and irritating that even in a fresh air, out-of-doors situation, it was guaranteed to cause people to flee from its presence instantly simply in order to be able to breathe …

Now, it was being used in a closed, indoor, living quarters situation where 95 men, women, and children were trapped inside. The logical expectation would have been that all 95 of these persons would have fled out-of-doors instantly, just to be able to breathe. But strangely, not a single person came out of the compound – even after this noisome substance had been poured into the compound in enormous quantities over a period of several hours.

The logical question therefore arises, Why? Why did not ANY of these 95 men, women, and children- particularly, the women and their children – instantly flee for fresh air into the out of doors? The answer given by the FBI spokesman and repeated by the news media was that Koresh and his church members had outfitted themselves with gas masks. Wilcher told Reno that the reason the Davidians inside the compound didn’t flee was because the tear gas contained a neuro toxin – “NERVE GAS – a virulent poisonous substance like curare – which instantly paralyzed and rendered totally helpless and defenseless all of the 95 men, women, and children inside the compound- except for those 9, later rescued … For all the others, they could no longer coordinate their muscles in the effort required even just to get up, much less to flee to the life-sustaining fresh air outside, only a few feet away.”

Wilcher inserted a note after this set off, in wider margins. He wrote:

This is an extremely serious matter, Attorney General Reno. For it means that here the U.S. military, the FBI, and the Justice Department — all directed by the CIA — used nerve gas on innocent men, women, and children in our civilian population — and then proceeded to murder them in cold blood, as is set forth in detail below. This clearly rises to the level of War Crimes on a civilian population during peace time, an unspeakable human rights violation.

And it was committed by our “intelligence” community against innocent men, women, and children — simply to bury the truth concerning the CIA’s criminal use of mind control programming to “manufacture Manchurian Candidate type robot assassins, whose very existence is an unspeakable outrage, in and of itself.

According to Wilcher, after the tear gas/nerve gas combination had time to do its paralyzing work on the men, women and children in the compound, a four-man “Delta Force” team, some of the CIA’s top professional assassins, made its entry into the compound after they were dropped onto the roof by one of the low-flying, heavily anned military helicopters which hovered overhead most of the day. With TV cameras focused on the tanks, the actual insertion into the building came at approximately 10:25 AM.

Before they entered the compound … this 4-man team of assassins had received shots of atropine, the antidote to the nerve gas, so that they, too would NOT be overcome and paralyzed by it.

Wilcher’s letter says that the first thing the team did once it was inside the building was to subdue and kill David Koresh by putting a single bullet in the middle of his forehead about an inch above his eyes. The bullet was fired from about four inches away.

Relevent to this claim is an article in The Washington Post, on Tuesday, May 18th, 1993. The article quotes forensic pathologist, Dr. Cyril H. Wecht of Pittsburg, who completed an independent autopsy of the bodies of David Koresh and one of his chief lieutenants, Steve Schneider. Wecht said that the gunshot wound in the middle of the forehead which killed Koresh, and the gunshot wound in the back of the head of Schneider, were “not typical of suicide.”

Note also that the FBI’s psychological profile of Koresh showed him not to be suicidal. Wilcher points out that the FBI (thorough the CIA) had access to all of the relevant information on him — — dating back to, and including, his programming to become one of the CIA’s Manchurian Candidate type robot assassins. They must have known, even that early on, that the normal “self-destruct programmed response implanted into the subconscious psyche of most CIA “sleepers” would not work on Koresh.

Consider also the point made by a teenage girl, on the NBC Nightly News, Tuesday, May 4th, 1993, who had been a member of the Branch Davidian cult in Waco until shortly before the April 19th disaster. She stated in this interview that all of the children in the compound were repeatedly grilled by Koresh on precisely how to commit suicide — either by taking cyanide poison, or by gunshot. But she said Koresh always insisted that you must put the gun IN YOUR MOUTH before pulling the trigger. “If you put the gun to your temple, there is always the danger that you might survive (as a vegetable).”

The New York Times, May 5th, 1993, reported that two-thirds of the bodies autopsied had bullet wounds in them which examiners said had been inflicted after the date of the initial BATF raid on February 28th. The same article stated that 17 of the children were killed by means of poisonous injections. Wilcher goes on to say:

… Although I have no specific information on that point, all my other information– including the fact that everyone else in the building, except those 9 who had been targeted to be saved — were paralyzed by the nerve gas and thus had been rendered incapable of moving at all — strongly suggests that these children were likewise ‘taken out” by this CIA ‘Wet’ team.

Wilcher went on to say that the fires were fueled by White Phosphorous, one of the most fearsome incendiary devices imaginable, and a favorite of “wet” teams. It ignites instantly, burning immediately with a white hot intensity which consumes everything beyond all recognition, destroying all possible forensic evidence in its path. WJ.lcher said:

CIA ‘Wet” teams have also been known to corner their intended targets into a closed quarter, and then throw “Willie Peter’ (White phosphorous) into their midst, so that these victims were instantly immolated right before the team’s eyes. The fire which “Willie Peter’ produces is so intense, and the combustion so complete, that victims — as was the case in Waco — can only be identified by their dental
records …

… while the ‘Wet” team did kill many of those inside the compound prior to setting the fires … they apparently did not murder all of the 86 men, women, and children who ultimately died in the tragedy — meaning that many of those who died were left paralyzed by the nerve gas, unable to get up or free themselves from this disaster in progress, and were thus consigned to being consumed alive in the giant conflagration brought on by the white phosphorous.

And those consigned to this horrible fiery fate — being burned alive — apprently included men, women, and children.

Wilcher inserts another note for emphasis, totalling up the number of men women and children (86) murdered in the compound on that Monday, April 19th, 1993 at the hands of 4 Delta Force members. He naively tries to let Attorney General Reno and President Clinton off the hook saying that other “high ranking officials in our government … including senior Reagan and Bush Administration holdovers in the Justice Department, the FBI, the BATF, the Pentagon, and the CIA– all knew in advance” that this Waco operation was designed from the start to be a mass murder in which only those few individuals whom the CIA had targeted in advance would be saved.

Pointing out the importance of mind control to the cryptocracy Wucher wrote:

… one of the uses the CIA makes of its mind control sophistication is to implant memory blocks into the subconscious memories of its top professional assassins — in order to allow them to live with what they have done, and not to be overcome by flashbacks and nightmares of
their handiwork.

NOTE WELL: I have been informed that those memory blocks are NOT holding very well in this instance — and that some or all of the four members of this particular “wet” team are sickened by what they were ordered to do, and what they did, in fact, “accomplish,” in Waco on April 19th. To these hardened, seasoned, professional assassins, it was all”too easy.” The people inside the compound (as a result of the nerve gas) simply “never had a chance.”

It would appear that some of the contacts Wilher had were among these Delta Force assassins, and twelve others (16 in all) who, were ready to come forward and testify about what happened inside the compound.

Wilcher spoke of a “Shadow Government” which used the CIA to achieve its own ends. He said that it was responsible for the murder of John F. Kennedy and 175 or more key witnesses to his assassination; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and a number of witnesses to his murder; Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and witnesses; Malcolm X, J. Edgar Hoover and his close associate Tolson in the midst of the “Watergate” scandal, Martha Mitchell, Senator John Tower, Senator John Heinz, Congressman Ted Weiss and John Lennon. He also said that the attempt on the life of President Ronald Regan was engineered by this “Shadow Government”, of which the identity of leader would be revealed to Reno by the sixteen covert operatives who wished to come forward.

Wilcher went on to say that the “October Surprise” caper was “treason by which George Bush, Ronald Reagan, and a select group of present and former CIA covert operatives (who) rigged, and thus stole, the 1980 U.S. Presidential Election on November 4th, 1980. He claimed 50 or so witnesses were murdered over the years, witnesses “who could have testified as to the truth of what actually happened in the “Odober Surprise” and Iran-Contra scandals.

He called this “Shadow Government” “the mother of all corruption. ” .. .for the tentacles of this giant RICO conspiracy extend all across our nation and reached into all levels and functions of the federal government” He said:

… this ”Shadow Government” operates those functions of government which it controls in the same manner that organized crime uses to run its myriad criminal racketeering enterprises.

Indeed, that is the whole point here — that this “Shadow Government” conducts the business of government, NOT in an open. honest, legitimate, and forthright manner, according to the laws, Constitution, and democratic principles of the United States, but rather in a secret, clandestine, and utterly illegal manner, as if they were running a criminal racketeering enterprise …

He pointed to the “wholesale theft of billions and billions of dollars from the Savings & Loans Associations and banks of this country by the “Intelligence .. community, saying that:

— the proceeds of this massive thievery largely (was) used to fund the illegal “black1 operations … (which involved) illegal gun running (out of
this country), illegal drug smuggling (back into this country), and illegal money laundering (in both directions) — all on a massive scale
by the ‘intelligence” community …

Other than the testimony of Wilcher’s client. Gunther Russbacher, there is evidence that Koresh was the subject of hypnotic programming and used it
himself on members of his church. Among other telltale signs of mind controL Koresh’s songs and sermons contained obvious phonetic embeds, like those used in hypnoprogramming.

Phonetic embeds are a linguistic phenomenon where words are embedded inside other words in such a way that no one could deny that are there. Few laymen, however, would admit that these mere words can influence behavior. Professionals however know that, if the subliminal meanings make sense, they can reinforce the surface meanings and produce powerful behavioral effects. As one scholar quipped, “The alphabet creates the infinite regress.”

Much of the research done on phonetic embeds has been done by scholars studying James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake. David Koresh’s letter of January 30, 1987, while hardly equal to Joyce’s masterwork in which nearly every word is a phonetic embed, was full of linguistic embeds, like those used in hypnosis:

I have seven eyes and seven horns. My name is the whirred of God, and I ride on a white, horse. I am here on earth to give you the Seventh Angel’s message. I have ascended from the east with the seal of the living god. My name is Cyrus, and I am here to destroy Babylon. I have come in a way that is contrary to preconceived ideas. I will reprove you for your world loving.

I will scold your daughters for their nakedness and pride that they parade in my Father’s house, and by my angels I will strip them naked before all eyes because of their foolish pride. The young men will abuse my kindness. They will take my life but I will arise and take theirs forever more. Your minister’s will lament your foolishness. Your lost flock will tear you to pieces. PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD.

— David Koeresh

Paul Wilcher tried to meet with Attorney General Janet Reno on May 5th, 1993 for a confidential conversation. Unable to see the Attorney General, he was instead seen by assistant U.S. Attorney Zipperstein.

Obviously frustrated by the sluggish bureaucratic response, on May 21st, 1993, Paul Wilcher sent the 105 page letter to Attorney General Reno. TV correspondent Sarah McClendon described it as “very eloquent”. Other than revealing that covert operatives were wanting to come forward with the truth about Waco and other secret government operations, in it was the urgent plea on the first page:

” … The lives of key participants, other witnesses, and even myself are now in grave danger as a result of my passing this information on to
you. If you let this information fall into the hands of the wrong persons, some or all of those who know the truth about Waco and are
prepared to come forward and testify could well be “silenced” (i.e., MURDERED) in the very near future … ”

Paul Wilcher’s body was found on the toilet. He had bled extensively from the colon. An autopsy was performed by a Dr. Kim who declared his findings as: “No cause of death”. The morgue called the Washington D.C. Medical Examiner’s office. The office sent tissue samples and Wilcher’s organs to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Why Walter Reed? Because it is the location of directed energy biomedical research. The body was quickly cremated.

Talk on the cybersam was that Wilcher had been targeted by a highly amplified infrasound beam. One report from the scene described Wilcher’s blood as “being expelled from the colon while the body was being removed.” This description is consistent with internal organ rupture.

Host of a mind control forum on Genie, guerilla journalist Rita Hill informed the world about her friend Paul Wilcher (quoted with permission):

“Attorney Paul Wilcher died where he lived: Washington D.C. His apartment was in a brick building in Northeast Washington in an agreeable neighborhood in a city known for disagreements. In the early afternoon of June 23rd, 1993, a two person NBC video crew arrived at the 637 Third Street N.E. address. White House correspondent Sarah McClendon was on the scene soon after. The body had been removed two hours before, however, and no members of the news media would be allowed to enter the Wilcher home on this Wednesday.

“The Washington D.C. police had contacted the FBI at about noon. Assistant Special Agent in Charge, James Desarno, seven other FBI agents, and a CIA agent would survey the location before dusk. By the next day, the forensic evidence in the apartment, his notes, papers, and the files in his personal computer, had all been cleaned out.

Although more than nine federal agents “investigated” the crime scene, the FBI claimed they were not interested in pursuing the matter. News media coverage was nonexistent, while the Internet ran rife with speculation.

One of Wilcher’s clients was none other than Gunther Russbacher, a key figure in the Inslaw scandal.

Hill continued: “Gunther Russbacher had been a “deep black” CIA covert operative and, in 1993, was a prisoner in Missouri. Over the previous three years, Wilcher had become Russbacher’s lawyer, and was increasingly confided in by the spymaster.

“In the immoral chess game of international espionage, Russbacher had become Grand Champion. He has been viewed by various people as: a scoundrel, a
martyr, a patriot, a traitor, an assassin, a hero, or all of the aforementioned … ”

In his letter to the Attorney General, Wilcher had written:

My client here is Gunther Karl Russbacher, a life-long covert operative for the CIA and the Office of Naval Intelligence (“ONI”) who has operated at the highest levels of both of these super-secret organizations over the past 30 and 25 years, respectively.

Because of his extremely high intelligence,his exceptional physical skills, his extensive training, his fluency in languages, his proficiency as one of the CIA’s top pilots and marksmen, and the fact that his father was one of the original founders (along with William Casey, Wild Bill” Donovan, and others) of the Central Intelligence Agency, back in 1947, Gunther has always operated at the highest levels of these “intelligence” organizations, and has been entrusted with carrying out some of their most difficult, sensitive, and top secret covert operations.”

”The best yardstick for a character as complex as Russbacher’, Hill continued,”may be the measure of his familiars. Two who are well known are
Mikhail Gorbachev and Admiral Robert Inman. The less famous include his wife, Rayelan, expose writer Rodney Stich, and the late Paul Wilcher. All people from different backgrounds, with strong principles, and a willingness to make great sacrifices for those principles. Because of the Iran/Contra scandal, Admiral Inman resigned from the CIA in 1986. This was an unprecedented action for any high-ranking CIA officer, let alone the Director of the Office of Naval Intelligence.

It was as unprecedented as Gorbachev’s initiatives: Glasnost and Peristroika.

“By the late 1980s, America’s intelligence community had become divided by scandals as well as by the Cold War’s raison d’etre (or lack thereof). As a CIA operative in this new scenario, Russbacher found himself in no-man’s-land. In 1989 he married Raye Allan. The widow of Navy physicist John Dyer, she had written newsletter articles critical of the CIA. Gunther was arrested shortly after their marriage, and was incarcerated in one of the many increasingly harsh prisons he would occupy over the next four plus years.

“On the evening of April 30, 1991, Russbacher missed a helicopter flight from Alameda, California to Fort Ord, California. He said someone drugged his coffee, causing him to miss the flight. After the helicopter exploded, he started telling his story.

“Journalists and concerned citizens listened for hours on end, as the darkest secrets of the CIA were revealed in great detail: There had truly been an “October Surprise” deal by the Reagan/Bush people in 1980 to keep 52 Americans hostage in Teheran until Reagan became President. The CIA had indeed participated in the looting of the S&Ls. Yes, the Agency did use directed energy mind control on people it wanted to control. And on, and on, and on.

“For speaking up, Russbacher was tortured while in prison. Talk radio personality Dave Emory2 relayed one incident: “His cellmate began not only throwing up blood, but defecating blood in extremes,” Emory said. “Literally spewing blood out of both ends of his anatomy.”

“If that incident had been a warning, it had not seemed to break Gunther’s resolve. Later, in Missouri, he endured three separate heart attacks, but kept on talking,” Hill said.

“Directed energy weapons can cause both heart attacks and internal organ ruptures,” Hill explained.

The January/ February, 1989 issue of Bioelectro magnetics Society Newsletter stated that Walter Reed’s Department of Microwave Research had acquired the hardware needed to test the biologic effects of high power, pulsed microwaves by 1987. It revealed that such microwave energy “penetrates all organ systems of the body and thus puts every organ system at risk.”

Under a subheading of “Cardiovascular Effects Research”, the report continued: ” … the team has obtained evidence that a “non-thermal” effect postulated several years ago does, in fact, occur and must be considered as potentially serious.” In November, 1993, Dr. John Brisker, of the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, was slated to make a presentation promoting weapons based on this research. The exhibition was entitled: High Powered Microwave Technology.

“Whether or not David Koresh’s Branch Davidians were planning to execute a quasi-military operation, as national security spokespeople would have us believe,” Hill continued, “the real tragedy of Waco is how these people were set-up. Since at least the 1950s and PROJECT ARTICHOKE, the CIA has had available mind control (brainwashing) techniques as a way to create agent provocateurs. These people would be hypnotized to perform Agency dirty work upon receiving a pre-programmed signal. The intelligence community refers to such subjects as sleepers. In the last two decades, the CIA has increasingly used microwaves, transmitting cues directly into the subconscious minds of their sleepers. The FBI admitted discussing the use of such technology on Koresh. This was published in a July,1993 article in Defense Electronics by Mark Tapscott.

“Paul Wtlcher heard that Koresh and six others Branch Davidians were sleepers on March 11, 1993,” Hill said. “Wilcher’s letter shows a high degree of confidence in the information he received about Waco.

“At least one of Wilcher’ s contacts says that all four members of the Delta Force team have been assassinated, along with many of their family members,” Hill said. “One year after the Waco fire, (at the time of this writing) America’s mainstream news media are no closer to exposing what government agencies and/or Branch Davidians were up to, than on the day that the Ml Carmel Center burned to the ground,” Hill said.” If ignorance is the middle ground between lies and the truth, perhaps this is an accomplishment”

Laurette Hem, a listener to one of my radio interviews sent me a page from Subterranean Worlds by Walter Kafton-Minkel. It tells of Cyrus Teed who was born in 1839 in New York. He had a vision and believed himself to be the second coming of Christ. He found that his name Cyrus in Hebrew was KORESH. He founded a cult and moved the colony that formed — several hundred people — to Ft. Myers, Florida. This Koresian cult bought 6,000 acres of land and were beginning to pose a political threat to the established politicians in the county when a hurricane blew the colony away.

Ms. Hem wrote: ” I believe David Koresh was a mind control experiment (by one of our government’s ‘intelligence’ divisions) and Koresh’s maniacal programmer used a previously little known religious sect as a model for a fun scenario. I believe the experiment possibly got out of control and had to be terminated. No body could be found for autopsy as it would reveal an implant.

“Another interesting coincidence,” Hem wrote, “is that David Koresh named his son Cyrus.”

On November 16th and 17th, 1993, a “Non-lethal Weapons Conference” was held at Johns Hopkins University. Here, for the first time, proponents of directed energy, and other exotic weapons, were compelled to present their cases publicly. Many of the participating laboratories were closed in the succeeding year, but many other projects were scheduled at other labs.