TJ Suggestions For Trump: Shut down the targeting program…

TJ suggestions for Trump: Shut down the targeting program…


We want our freedom!

TJ has developed a list of needed changes at the FBI and DOJ – that will effectively shut down the targeting program.

Feel free to add to this list in the comments online at

Reclaiming Civil Rights for all Americans.

1. Expunge all names and records from TSDB handling codes 2, 3, and 4. Do not allow placement of these names on another list.

2. Remove the same names from M.A.R.S. Military database. Permanently.
Public release of all names that were on TSDB Handling Codes 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Amend Homeland Security Presidential Directive 6 (HSPD-6) to demand probable cause before placing anyone on Handling Code 1/No Fly list of the Terrorist Screening Database.

3. Public release of all names that were on TSDB Handling Codes 2, 3, 4 and 5.

4. Amend Homeland Security Presidential Directive 6 (HSPD-6) to demand probable cause before placing anyone on Handling Code 1/No Fly list of the Terrorist Screening Database.

5. Withdraw from all treaties to share “terrorist” information with foreign governments, signed by FBI, State Dept, and DHS – that were not approved by the U.S. Senate per the U.S. Constitution.

6. Specify in a New Executive Order that no names are to be added to any government list without probable cause.

7. Prosecute all former and current executives of the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) and DOJ’s National Security Division.

8. Eliminate all Targeting Officer & Targeting Analyst positions at FBI, DHS and private contractors. No loopholes.

9. Prosecute Mayorkas, Wray, CIA and ODNI for the illegal targeting and torture of innocent people.

10. Prohibit the use of Directed Energy Weapons (ETK: and neuroweapons!) within the United States.

11. Aggressively investigate and prosecute CIA Officers under Bivens without regard for the National Security Act – due to deception and fraud.

12. Redefine 1947 National Security Act to completely comply with the U.S. Constitution. No exceptions.

13. Prohibit the private contracting of law-enforcement duties: Infragard, Citizen Corps, etc.

14. Investigate, prosecute and defund CIA employees at the Domestic Headquarters in Denver, for their illegal human experimentation. Make it a public record.

15. Replace the General Counsel at the NSA, with someone that demands full compliance with the U.S. Constitution. No exceptions.

16. FISA court records – made public after 1 year of issuance or renewal of warrants. Public transparency for all records of U.S. citizens. No person may remain on a FISA warrant for more than one year in totality. Either charge them with a crime, or remove their name from any list.

17. Executive Order 12333 to be fully Constitutional. No loopholes. No exceptions.

18. Demand that FDA maintain a cradle-to-grave roster of all medical devices manufactured, sold, imported and implanted in the U.S. The list must include their actual names – not their TSDB identification.

19. Repeal FDA’s Institutional Review Board Waiver or Alteration of Informed Consent for Minimal Risk Clinical Investigations contained in 21 CFR Parts 50, 312, and 812.

20. Misprision of Treason. Grant all government employees 30 days to report your knowledge of treasonous activities within the CIA, FBI, DHS, US Space Force and Pentagon. Whistleblowers will receive full whistleblower status provided that they fully cooperate. Otherwise subject to prosecution.

21. Designate the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as a terrorist organization.

22. Expose all transactions and ownership of Lloyds Banking Group in London. On the London Stock Exchange, these stocks are traded as LLD1 – LLD50. Make it a public record. This bank is the largest banking institution in the world, and the hiding place of the Rockefeller and Rothschild dirty money. More than $2 Quadrillion dollars hidden in these stocks.

23. Remove and expunge all executive orders that involve Federal disaster planning (FEMA). Congress shall re-write a Constitutional replacement.

24. Identify all employees of the CIA by name, title, rank, and branch. Make it a Public Record.

Other? Provide comments online –


25. Restitution for targeted individuals (nonconsensual human experimentees) of at least $2 million/year in “the program.”

26. Establish rigorous and detailed enumeration of neuro-rights for all citizens!!!!!!