The Shadow Regime: Gangstalking, Cognitive Warfare, and the Obsession with Total Control (E. Lemma, Dec. 13, 2024)

The Shadow Regime: Gangstalking, Cognitive Warfare, and the Obsession with Total Control

E. Lemma, PhD., Melbourne, Australia

DEC 13, 2024

While numerous rationalizations have been offered for the horrific reality faced by countless individuals in the West—primarily in the Five Eyes nations (US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand)—the core issue boils down to power and total control. Gangstalking and cognitive warfare are tools of fear, employed by those who seek unlimited dominance over society. These relentless campaigns target individuals perceived as threats to their megalomaniacal ambitions, while simultaneously testing methods intended for widespread population control. The goal is to create a new technological gulag, a system of surveillance and control that would allow them to dominate society.

This is the grim dynamic driving the daily abuse endured by countless victims: relentless assaults at home, in public, and on the streets, all while the public remains almost entirely unaware. The perpetrators—comprising secret intelligence services, defense intelligence agencies, military contractors, and affiliated corporations—have engineered a dual reality. Victims are deliberately sensitized to a range of attacks, including public mobbing and bizarre behaviors by gangstalkers that only the victims can perceive, leaving the general public oblivious. Similarly, technological assaults—such as those involving Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), Voice to Skull (V2K) technology, Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), and other advanced methods—inflict pain and torment that only victims experience, unnoticed by those around them.

This carefully cultivated obliviousness among the general public is maintained through massive disinformation campaigns designed to discredit victims and manipulate public perception. The perpetrators have infiltrated key institutions across the Five Eyes nations and beyond, corrupting or co-opting law enforcement agencies, influencing politicians, public figures, and constitutional bodies to ensure that victims’ pleas for help are dismissed and their accounts discredited.

Moreover, the expansive plan for control and subjugation was, from its inception, designed to induce disbelief in those who might hear victims’ accounts. The pain and suffering inflicted on victims are so extreme, profoundly immoral, and grotesquely cruel that recounting these experiences makes them unbelievable by most of the general public. Society’s conditioning to trust in the decency of its institutions and governments further compounds this disbelief, as people struggle to reconcile the idea that such depravity could be systematically orchestrated by those in power. As a result, believing the victims requires abandoning the comforting illusion of a just society—something many are unwilling or unable to do.

The perpetrators, who are well-aware of these dynamics, exploit them to lull the general public into a state of complacency. They control and manipulate anyone who might come to the aid of victims or hold them accountable. As a result, victims are systematically stripped of their human rights and constitutional protections for safety, security, and liberty. They are subjected to horrific abuses and often find only silence in response to their pleas for help—or worse, these moments are exploited to heap further abuses upon them.

This dystopian reality is the culmination of decades of incremental changes and enabling legislation, spanning more than seven decades. Each successive “reform” has steadily eroded the balance intended to safeguard citizens’ rights, culminating in landmark laws such as the Patriot Act in the US. This legislation introduced tools like the National Security Letter (NSL) and various watchlists, including the no-fly list and the non-investigative subject list. These lists, particularly the non-investigative subject list, are frequently used to target individuals for surveillance, harassment, and other forms of abuse—all without due process or legal justification.

Shielded by the unassailable banner of “national security,” these agencies have operated without accountability, enacting their whims with impunity and without oversight. The media and other institutions have been muted under the weight of this term, allowing security agencies to place innocent individuals on secret lists. Those listed receive no notice, no opportunity to contest their inclusion, and no recourse to justice. Once added, their rights are systematically stripped away, and they are subjected to unimaginable abuses. This grotesquely unjust process, designed to consolidate power and exert control over the population, has now reached its apex.

Today, these tools of control allow perpetrators to inflict harm with impunity—making people sick in countless ways through the deliberate manipulation of the electromagnetic spectrum at various frequencies. They cripple, blind, zap, deafen, and more, all from a distance. Victims are deliberately isolated, their cries for help falling on deaf ears. As part of the assaults, they have systematically isolated victims, alienating them from family and friends, forcing them to stand alone and fight as best they can.

These attacks are not solely about degrading the body but, more insidiously, about destroying cognition. This is a form of cognitive warfare. The ultimate aim is to diminish victims’ mental abilities—their capacity to think and function. Through constant exposure to infrasound, EMF, EF, and RF radiation, they are bathed in a toxic environment designed to stupefy and disable. If they fail to drive their targets to suicide or incite them to commit a crime, the perpetrators consider reducing their victims to a state of mental and physical disability a victory.

What can we say? They seem to revel in stupidity, tirelessly working to make everyone as mindless as possible. One wonders if there has ever been, in history, such a massive and calculated assault on human intellect and the capacity to think as we are witnessing now. Is there anything more incredible—or horrifying—than such a deliberate ambition to reduce humanity to its lowest possible state? Their goal is clear: to transform people into obedient cattle—unthinking, blindly following orders, and functioning at the bare minimum required. This dystopian vision has been decades in the making, subverting every institution and principle to achieve their sinister aims.

And their instruments of control? Electromagnetic tools, akin to modern cattle prods, deployed at various frequencies and power levels to manipulate both the human mind and body. These devices have been refined to disturbing levels of precision. The author, like countless others, has experienced these tools firsthand. Beyond the physical pain they inflict, they evoke profound disgust toward the individuals who conceived and implemented such horrors. These instruments are not just experimental; they are poised and ready to be unleashed on the wider population, marking the terrifying culmination of a decades-long strategy.

That, at least, is their plan—a plan advanced to a significant extent. Yet, in their arrogance, the fools may not have conceived the possibility that plans, no matter how meticulously crafted, have a way of unraveling—sometimes spectacularly. It is increasingly likely that their grand scheme is teetering on the brink of collapse. Despite decades of inflicting harm, untold suffering, and creating widespread entropy, their ability to suppress dissent and conceal their actions—bolstered by vast resources and an army of mercenaries—appears to be reaching its limits. The tide may soon turn, exposing the corruption and rot at the core of their enterprise and bringing their reign of terror to an overdue and inevitable end.

They have constructed a system of subjugation built on the creation of two worlds: one where countless individuals are subjected to unimaginable pain and suffering, and another where everything appears normal to the unsuspecting public. This deceptive and unstable system has endured for far too long, sustained by a population systematically dumbed down through a failed education system, materialism, and superficial distractions. However, change is imminent. The two worlds are on the verge of collision, and a series of events could ignite a mass awakening.

The perpetrators, who have long operated with impunity, will inevitably face the consequences of their extreme cruelty, profound immorality, and mindlessness. Accountability is coming. Victims, in particular, must play a pivotal role in dismantling this rotten system. One powerful step is simply telling their stories. Many victims hesitate, held back by misplaced shame or fear that others might wrongly assume they brought this upon themselves. Yet, they should not fear. They have no reason to feel shame—on the contrary, they should take pride in their resilience in the face of relentless adversity and heartless enemies.

The shame belongs to the perpetrators and their mercenaries, who have stooped to unimaginable levels to inflict pain and suffering on innocent people. No country that considers itself civilized would engage in such atrocities—not even against criminals, let alone innocent victims. Their actions are a stain on humanity and a call to action for justice. It is time for victims to rise, demand justice, and transform their suffering into a force for change. Through their voices, they hold the power to empower others and bring this corrupt structure crashing down.