The Real Reason Why You Are A Targeted Individual (2022)


6 months ago
I went thru the worst of my experience from 2008-2011. The only thing I was really into was deep diving into various ‘conspiracies’ online and I had seen some strange things while in the military. Here are the bullet points:

-Weirdo crackheads trying to break into my bathroom window
-F-150 truck with hi-beams parked catty corner to my old apt, just at the right angle to shine directly into my bedroom at night
-The truck would flash its lights if I peeped thru the blinds, even if I didn’t move the blinds to make it obvious I was looking
-Weirdos at the grocery store mocking my selections as I shopped and following me around, blocking me, mean mugging
-Knocks on the door at odd hours (1am, 2am usually) and no one there when I look out the peephole
-Around this time, I started having panic attacks that led to heart racing wildly
-Went to ER once for help with panic attack…some strange lady that seemed ‘off’ was in the lobby and she knew my name before I gave it to the triage nurse
-My son (7 at the time) said he saw people by his window at night
-On a conspiracy forum I used to frequent, some agent gave me a very creepy clue that he knew my name

There’s more, but that’s the basics of the worst of it. Needless to say, all of this went down while my husband was deployed and I was alone at home with my kids in a completely new state that we had just moved to. If ‘they’ are really that pressed about people researching unconventional topics, then maybe ‘they’ should just come out and tell people the truth. The truth is going to come out anyway I really don’t know what the hell they think they can really hide.

Gregg Smith
6 months ago
This is absolutely the way it happens.

Carol Stanhope
6 months ago
I’ve been in the program since birth. As a survivor of MK Ultra and human trafficking in the 60’s and 70’s.My documentary is called Escape from Palm Beach on Youtube.I released my autobiography last November.

Timothy Dowd
6 months ago (edited)
One of the best videos I have seen explaining the gang stalking program. Just to let you know, I am a targeted individual and have had break-ins and been sick over a year possibly from covert druggings or maybe I was poisoned at a fast food not sure. My personality is introverted and I have no friends or connections other than immediate family, so I fit the characteristics you are describing. I have also had computer hacking, phone harrassment, and TV turning on automatically when I go to certain websites. Other things have also been sabotaged and setup to cause injury – lawn mower throwing blades out the back. Car alarm is used to psychologically harass me and let me know they have my house under surveillance. I have also been incarcerated due to threats against the federal government. I have no job due to gang stalking infilterating the workplace and felony conviction against the US govt. I have been a target since around 2010. If you wish to communicate with me some other way, like email, I would be happy to reach out to go over my experiences and advice.

Enough Corruption
6 months ago
Good show Doug!!
You share things here that are spot on! They do love to prey on the weak especially women! 70% of targets are women! Yes, everyone put on the list is profiled and they don’t want to take the risk if you are well connected or have money or a big family and lots of friends ETC! They do make mistakes! Like they did with me! They brainwashed my Daughter and had my ex wife take her from me and they assaulted me and my Mother for years of course after they sedated us with an airborne sedative! We were sedated every early morning hour for 12 years straight and I was put out this morning for 7 hours! My Mother was taken to the hospital and she wasn’t even sick and then they had people submit bogus reports about me beating my Mother so I couldn’t get into the hospital to save her life and they assaulted my Mother for 37 days and she got sick from being abused and died !!! That’s called Murder in the first degree with special circumstances! Yes, we did reach out to all Authority figures here IN LA But everyone one of them stood down to my entire family and would never take assault reports on our behalf!!! Of course they got to most of our friends and relatives ,doctors and lawyers ETC! The whole program is based on lies and deceit! They also use threats against your family and friends to betrey you and without thier discrimination tactics and thier airborne sedative, and all the character assassination slander they spew about you, they are nothing! The biggest Cowards in the world who hide behind walls women and children!!! I’ve been discriminated against since 1995 and then starting in 2010 they started to sedate us and try and run us off the road! That’s called intent to kill and it’s on film!!! So while they brainwashed my Daughter and killed my mother and continue to assault me and so much more, I have 12 years of black and white evidence in the form of journals and film written and filmed by me my mother and my Daughter and there are people that they didn’t get to who are waiting in the wings who are located out of state!
I am the truth and they have no where to run! Even if they take me out, they will have to confess in the courtroom to committing literally Thousands of Felonies against me and my family that have taken place over the past 12 years!
Stay strong and keep up the good work, look for big news out of my state coming soon to a Television near you!!!
Speaking on behalf of the Smith family here in WLA, CA.90045.
GBY and be safe, all of you!!!

D cat
2 months ago
Thank you for producing these videos and sharing this information. I am 🎯. Continuously screwed out of all professional, academic and personal pursuits. Barely surviving and very afraid.

Trisha Blanchard
6 months ago
I personally have been targeted because my ex narc dubbed me as a cop caller. When I never called the cops too just call the cops…. I have only called 911 because i had needed medical attention., my ex narc would fight with me then spray me with mace and leave me in the middle of no where (all the time). Anyway, my point is people become targets when they piss someone off, or when a single female is promiscuous and that is looked down upon, its considered a big No No. A person becomes a target when that person is a little outspoken, goes against the status quo. I can only speak from my perception, and my personal experiences.

Barbara Downie
6 months ago

Kavi Jackson
6 months ago (edited)
Bravo!!! πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ PREACH BROTHER EXPOSE THEM NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Iaman Empoweredone
6 months ago
Randy quaid (actor) and his wife have been targeted for years. He complains of gs as well. He even publicly was interview a few times. He has resources yet there is nothing to find out. Granted resources can help a lot but it still does not prevent this.
That Gang Stalking Show

6 months ago
I thought they only went after people who saw something they shouldn’t have seen and they want to be sure you’re not going to tell anyone….they scare you silent or whatever.

Midnight Maus
6 months ago
Being literally smoked out of my apartment and deciding to video record their involvement began the reason for my being thus targeted. They followed me around at first somewhat openly, then more in the background (I have recordings).

Julian Gallegos
6 months ago
I’ve been targeted since late 90s .

ε‡Ίι†¬ηΌΈθ‘Œε‚³ β”‚ ChinExit
1 month ago
Doug, Thank you so much. I have been staying in airport for 6 nights because of Zersetzung. These people are just crazy.

6 months ago

6 months ago (edited)
Flyer distribution can do wonders to reduce targeting. I usually place them on car windshields underneath the wiper blade anonymously. It also has a powerful effect on the spiritual realm. You’ll hear more normal sounding birds chirping outside your home and less cawing and squawking from crows/ravens. There’s plenty of flyers at my website which is my channel name.

Tiffany Lowery
2 months ago
My phone has been hacked and I’m being followed by random vehicles. Neighbors say and do crazy things I also just had a friend recently murdered and another friend just suddenly passed away from a blood clot that traveled to her heart things are getting pretty crazy for me. But I just try to avoid/ignore them.

Barbara Downie
6 months ago

G- Rock Tha Israelite
6 months ago (edited)
If I can donate I will but the capital for gangstalking is Seattle Washington

Midnight Maus
6 months ago
We are one of the few predator species that preys even upon itself….

6 months ago
Good talk Doug.

Crow Bizz
4 months ago
This is the case with me, these punks use this technology to use it for depravity – it always comes down to this crap… sexual battery & abuse…

Matt Fetter
6 months ago
Until we the people ,get these criminal ass politicians, to write ,pass laws to protect us citizens. Nothing is going to change. Defund community policing!

Susan Parker
6 months ago

Dan Williams
5 months ago (edited)
Big rig Bugged pickup bugged apartment bugged phone tapped; weirdos coming out of nowhere constant insults bunch of demons! They do mistake kindness for weakness.

Barbara Downie
6 months ago

Tara Arrington
3 months ago
These people need mental help! Why would people do this!

6 months ago
2011 Virginia and now Palm springs California where it’s bad people

6 months ago
Thank you (”

Blood Gang
6 months ago
Don’t tell me what I know and I don’t know .
That Gang Stalking Show

Zhi Bell
6 months ago
I totally understand NASA is in Texas but North Carolina rates #1 for 5G usage in the USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‘€πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ’ͺ🀯

That Gang Stalking Show
6 months ago
Please Donate:

Xenia Garan
6 months ago
No true.. they all are targeted even more than us

That Gang Stalking Show

The T.I. Experience
6 months ago
Dr. Hall doesn’t say much in his book.

That Gang Stalking Show

Torrance Turner
6 months ago
I Was Leaving the Above Comment on Another YouTube video that Ended While I Was Still Typing…