The Pentagon’s Missing Trillions (AT LEAST $21 trillion): What You Need to Know (youtube)

Dr. Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University joins the Corbett Report to discuss his research with Catherine Austin Fitts into the $21 trillion in unaccounted transactions on the books of the US Department of Defense and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. We discuss what we know and don’t know about the subject, the Pentagon’s nonsensical and inadequate excuses for the debacle, the new accounting guideline that legally allows every department of the federal government to create fake and altered books for public consumption, the recent failed Pentagon audit, the government’s refusal to provide any information about the problem, the failure of Congress to pursue the issue, and the failure of the press to report on it.

Webmaster Comment: Dr. Skidmore observes that defense contractor, Lockheed Martin, is in charge of the Pentagon’s accounting system. Lockheed Martin is also intimately involved in black projects such as GISTAPO-666….. Hmmmmm.

Below, Aard Man says: “Must cost a lot of money to keep the Truman show going. Seems there are a lot of actors involved.”


Martha Duncan
People go to jail for possession of a plant, but trillions go missing and nothing to see here. The matrix is alive and well.
1 month ago

Christopher Maloz
We had under oath hearings about whether or not baseball players took steroids, but 21 trillion goes missing and we get nothing. Only in America
1 month ago

You should have asked this guy if he’s suicidal because if he finds the answers to his questions he might be suicided.
1 month ago

Desiree Newton
Hey James, just wanted to give you a heartfelt thank you.
A little shout out to let you know that there’s so many of us who recognize and appreciate ALL the effort, time & energy you put into spreading truths.
Personally, you’ve been the foundation I built my post slumber/REAL real world house on.
Just wanted to thank you.
Hope you have a great holiday with your fam! ?

P.S The new WW1 videos- incredible!!! They are so good.
I’ve watched all 3 multiple times.
1 month ago

i Balkanizze
Your work is superb, James…hope you have a backup plan for when Jewtube decides to shut you down.
1 month ago

Damon V
Get these Israeli nationalists out of our govt’ NOW
1 month ago

Petra Dollah
The trillions are in Tel Aviv
1 month ago

NPC Junk Ogre, TYT Head NPC
I have a serious, non sarcastic question. Does anyone know the last time a high ranking elected official, billionaire or just generally a very powerful American has been brought to justice? Meaning, when’s the last time a secretary of state or Wall Street bankster was charged, convicted and caged for a bigtime felony?
Example, serial predatory pedophile Jeffrey Epstein going to a laxed prison for 4 days a month for 18 months is not justice, firing a bullet into G W Bush’s forehead is justice.
1 month ago

Part Time Uber
Slush fund for the deep state.
1 month ago

Every time I see that mofo Donald Rumsfeld makes my skin boil.
1 month ago

Trillions is code word. we are prosecuted for filing taxes with the most ridiculous tax forms in the history of the planet, and we can’t audit the other side. There are a trillion laws and none can be enforced except upon me. Trillions.
1 month ago

Drive A Good Man Bad
Catherine also points out that the corruption extends throughout all levels of government. I live in Portland OR where I myself reported fraud by a contractor who worked for the city. The city attempted to bury the theft. Only when I contacted the local paper did the city do anything at all. The city continued to try to make it just go away. They refused accurately calculate how much money was lost. No one was prosecuted despite evidence of repeated acts of felony aggravated theft. The stench of corruption permeated my whole experience of this.
1 month ago

Pablo Seykata
HaHaHaHaHa!!!! James, there WAS a “war on bureaucracy”! Just not the kind you and the average person thinks. The war on bureaucracy Rumsfeld launched was REAL. This “war” was against everybody in the ‘bureaucracy’ who was trying to find out where the missing Pentagon trillions had gone. Just note the exact spot where the missile that struck the Pentagon on 9-11 hit. The spot exactly where Pentagon investigators were located to find/account for missing Pentagon trillions. I can remember in the 90’s reading a news item saying that the Pentagon was “frustrated” with their “outdated” financial accounting systems. I immediately thought that an “”outdated” accounting system makes financial fraud easier. IF the Pentagon wanted the World’s Best financial Accounting system, the Pentagon would have it.
1 month ago (edited)

The general public is so indifferent there should have been a full inquiry after 9/11 Largest theft in history buried under the guise of US national security.
1 month ago

scott kore
NASA pulls in about 50M per day for cheap CGI and amateurish story tellers
1 month ago

Pat Riley aka Island Mountain Pat
The US government is it criminal Enterprise to say the least
1 month ago

Katie Kane
Cooking the books using the blood, sweat & tears of the citizens as fuel. Time to change the system, it does NOT serve us
1 month ago

USA Inc. Is bankrupt. We are their chattel traded on the good ol’ Stock Exchange.
1 month ago

Bob Spelledeitherway
James, we need to buy you a new shovel, for christmas, sure yours is worn out from all your digging
1 month ago

T. Walker
UNBELIEVABLY GOOD EPISODE. I’ve been following this story and the professor’s researching it for a while now and I’m so glad you had one of them on. Going to share this video everywhere, hopefully some more Americans will be outraged by this.
1 month ago

Joel Miller
How long are we to put up with this shit, and the national security excuse they always use for everything they want to hide must stop. They’re kind of right saying that tho, because we would be marching in the streets if it was on the sheeple nightly news. If any of us owned a small company, as I have. You’d be in jail, paying huge fines and restitution, lose everything you own etc. Smfh
1 month ago (edited)

Victor Couwenbergh
This must be the TOP story of the year, and not many news reporters are paying any attention to it! My trustlevel is below zero now. Very good video!
1 month ago

Fred Flinstone
And people are afraid of Anarchy. “But who’s going to protect us?”
It would be hilarious if it weren’t so depressing.

It’s clear that authority has completely sold out.
I hope you’re storing food and water supplies.
1 month ago (edited)

Empires are expensive people
1 month ago

andy parry
Corruption on a massive scale. Probably some kind of governmental money laundering scheme.
1 month ago

Michael Berta
There are people serving prison terms for stealing $10 dollars worth of items from Walmart and no one questions where $21,000,000,000,000 could have disappeared to? Perhaps we might find some of it in the bank accounts of people like Chaney and Rumsfeld for starters.

Aard Man
Must cost a lot of money to keep the Truman show going. Seems there are a lot of actors involved.
1 month ago

Little Cripple
Be always sure to upvote and favorite Corbett videos.
1 month ago

…. would all these shenanigans not be considered TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION???? … why not react same way as the last time?
1 month ago

Black Claw
This should prompt people to start a movement to ? PAYING TAXES. gather signatures now.
1 month ago

Hans Frank
Best news show ever.
1 month ago

This video deserves one million views…and beyond. Spread it around!
4 weeks ago

Miroslav Sulc
Greetings from Slovakia, that’s extraordinary! I understand that making wars is very very expensive. Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Yemen , secret missions, coups, military bases all over the world. Tens of trillions are missing. And Americans do not care. What ? Are American citizens completely insane? Brainwashed? Stupid sheep?
1 month ago

Sy Napz
#Hmmm … Katherine Austin Fitts kicks ass …

pure economic genius …
1 month ago

Ken Bell
Imagine if just half of the money was used for the welfare of the People….
1 month ago

Rich Monk
The (((Bolshevik Khazarian))) organized crime syndicate says, “Shut it down”, “pull it”, now! You cannot ask any questions about anything because of National security/ hate speech.
1 month ago (edited) Anarchy
Its is expensive building underground cities and bases. And when the time comes to occupy them, we won’t be invited !
1 month ago

ZuckerBorg %
You need a bigger platform Jimmy!
1 month ago

B. Eder
If we didn’t “go to the Moon” – where did all that money go? And is that why JFK was killed?
1 month ago

joe paul
Won’t be able to blow up buildings and crash planes to cover it up this tine?
1 month ago

Ann Long
They have no respect for the sacrifice it takes for us to pay taxes
1 month ago

Annah Kurtin
Thank you both for the information. You’re at a loss? I, an antiquarian who believed (~) in government for years and am now on the brink of passing from this mortal vail, am very angered by this open criminality.
“They” drained Social Security for this? “They” rob veterans for this? LaVoy Finnicum was murdered for this?
We are jailed if we don’t keep contributing to government greed.
It’s all outside the law.
1 month ago (edited)

The federal gov’t adopted Al Capone’s treasurer’s accounting system back in the ’30’s. They discovered his 2 sets of books when trying to figure out how he could be spending more than he was taking in, even if it was all mafia crime. So we can easily check that item off. My thoughts are that all this drug and arms money hidden to the public becomes laundered through these various agencies and they can’t tell you about it because of the implications that would unfold.

The only way to stop all this nonsense is to cut the budgets and put in some ear plugs to minimize the sound of whining. The cookie jar system works really great. Every year the cookie jar gets filled up. If you eat all the cookies in the first 6 months, it will be a long time with no cookies. I trained my kids with this method. It works.
1 month ago

Allen Parsens
Katherine Austin Fiits is a suspicious character. She is linked to CIA UFO bs. I think I can bring some clarification to where the missing money is. It was given to Israel to assist in the JWO.
1 month ago

Mark Olfier
So all this talk about how other countries are robbing us through trade the truth seems to be we are being robbed by our own government. But always remember support the troops!
1 month ago

Lotta Nerve
Are we going to see someone going to jail?
LOLOLOLlolololololol. No.
No. You won’t.
That’s laughable.
1 month ago

Paul G
What if the US is practically bankrupt…
1 month ago

We have seen these frauds brought to the light in the 80’s with defense contracrating scandals. As a low ranking person with first hand experience in military contracting and supply I can tell you the system is unaccountable by design and protected at the lowest levels. Evidence does exist but only a fool would be a whistle blower.
1 month ago

papa al
1 month ago

Americans COULD stop paying their taxes until the problem is solved instead of continuing to fork it over to them! WE wouldn’t get away with that by any stretch of the imagination.
1 month ago

Beth Farms
$21 trillion could spray chemtrails decades
1 month ago

Sy Napz
#Hmmm … I believe a majority of the $$$$ …

went to fund the complexities of 9/11 …

b/c shit like that just doesn’t happen for free …

it’s exponential payola to the 100th power …

great interview with the good Dr … he’s the man … perfect person to partner with KAF ….
1 month ago

Peter M. Eggers
Unless you are paying in cash, there is an electronic trail of every penny spent. The only reason to cover up reporting errors is to cover up criminal activity.
1 month ago

Tupac Shakur
“When are these people gunna wake up!” RiP
1 month ago

eye witness
Missing trillions is that intersectional issue between alternative news & ufo conspiracy. Catherine Austin Fitts & Richard Dolan also have interesting conversations about the missing cash.
1 month ago

Excellent interview! This is the type of thing the main stream SHOULD cover!
Is there a secret space program???
1 month ago (edited)

June Newton
Good Work, Professor and JC, Thank Yous!! Much Respect and Appreciation for Persevering!?☺?
1 month ago

Bird Worldist
Not a fan of ocasio cortez but she did mention the missing 21 trillion..
1 month ago

Anthony Salvatore
Welcome too the feudal system called usa my fellow sharecroppers….
1 month ago

John Mastroligulano
It’s “”almost as if”” both parties are vassals of an oligarchy posing like a subversive-inside traitor does as something they aren’t. Both parties have had the 3 branches locked up over the past 25 years yet it didn’t matter one bit if a D or R regime was in power they still exact the same oligarch agenda while refusing to even allow auditing of their behavior then again maybe they think they work for the deep state who are the oligarchs fixers who along with lobbyists tell them what to do & at times they must pretend to fight-argue with each other so you don’t realize just how vast the conspiracy is, how well it’s orchestrated.
1 month ago

Hippy Dippy
I think that George Webb’s work on all of the drug, human, energy, weapons smuggling done by the governments (not just ours) would go a long ways towards explaining a lot of the money which flows in and out under the guise of National Security.
1 month ago

Haus skul
“What options are on the table for the American public ? “
Answer: rebellion
1 month ago

John Rose
“No, this is not about making profit from weapon sales. It’s about control.”
“The IBBC is a bank. Their objective isn’t to control the conflict, it’s to control the debt that the conflict produces. You see, the real value of a conflict – the true value – is in the debt that it creates. You control the debt, you control everything. You find this upsetting, yes? But this is the very essence of the banking industry, to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals, slaves to debt.”
From the 2009 film The International inspired by the BCCI scandal

3 weeks ago

Ser Korz
US Yankee military needs to come home and help build Democracy in the USA!
1 month ago

bogen broom
9/11 – 1000s murdered and the biggest Theft in History ??????
1 month ago

Ashley Lala
Americans should be the ones wearing yellow vests, marching in the streets and screaming at the top of our lungs en masse. We have been robbed of trillions of dollars! France gets a fuel tax they don’t like and they are out in the streets making their grievances known, but that will never happen in the US. We just bend over and take everything they throw at us. Toxic, contaminated “mandatory” vaccines poisoning our babies by the dozens, toxic heavy metals raining down from the sky under the guise of geoengineering, 5G, an increasingly toxic GMO food supply, a medical system that is outrageously overpriced and corrupt to the core. I’m beginning to hate this shithole country. We do not have a legitimate govt, it is a cabal of criminals. In fact, we need a new military to protect us from the one we have because it is the biggest polluter on the planet. I used to live near an old military base in Orange County, CA. I began having the most atrocious migraines you could ever imagine. Then I took a urine toxin test and was astounded at the results. These bastards are poisoning the entire planet with bromopropane, perchlorate, jet fuel etc. I’m thinking of moving to Cuba!
1 month ago

Geoff G Thomas
Thanks James and Dr Skidmore … I can’t think why anybody in US GOVERNMENT wouldn’t take media attention and bring this to light ….. unless of course, they don’t wish to become the next episode in James’ “Requiem For __________________”
1 month ago

Rica The Hopeful Voluntarist
It’s just some trillions, nothin’ to see here!
1 month ago

Frank W
When government is no longer accountable at this scale and even breaking the law, but there is no recourse for it, than you can no longer call the United States of America a democracy, and its government has become an entity all of its own. I tend to go with Catherine Austin Fitt’s suggestion there is a secret space program in active existence (space force).
1 month ago

Love these long interviews. Good stuff.
1 month ago
G Male
???.. WHAT ..??.. TRILLIONS ?? .. how many Walnut “‘Source”‘ MAPS could that procure?? ?????
1 month ago
KEK Freedom Heritage
Huge issues which now there has been a law passed (10/4/2018) that allowed for non-transparency of the spending of the Federal Govt. (i.e. Fake Books) [ See at about 22:00 in the video about the nuts and bolts of apparent obfuscation by Fed. Govt.] This could be clear evidence of Military Industrial Complex in USA. So, is this still a government for the people and by the people? Interesting points stated at 35:50 about likely hiding things, but what is the Fed. Govt. hiding?
1 month ago (edited)
nai nosredneh
” funneling money to pad the pockets of the super rich” I believe you briefly touched on this in a previous video
1 month ago
I would be happy if the Mainstream News Media covered OUT-SOURCING OF AMERICAN JOBS 24/7. Stormy Daniels and other BS stories are just a distraction from what is important.
1 month ago
Spiral Journey
Gee, whenever I cook books, I go to jail…
1 month ago
Winnie the Shrew
Winnie the Shrew
There is an unfathomably gigantic theft going on, committed by an utterly corrupt bureaucracy in collusion with the military industrial complex, at the expense of a nation and its citizens that have been looted into total bankruptcy. If it all became known, the entire financial and political system would come crashing down and there would be revolution. It would be the end of the world as we know it.
3 weeks ago
Bill Mccloy
Bill Mccloy
We are so screwed! Little oversight and no bid contracts for DOD. Black programs who are compartmentalized to the point of zero oversight from any independent or official entitys can spiral out of control so they can make the budget and God help anyone caught up in these self propagating programs! On the good side: We have this news program that does not insult our intelligence nor does it push the corporate left versus right narrative obfuscation! Bravo!
1 month ago
Bob Kaiser
Bob Kaiser
The “investigators” are owned by the perps.
1 month ago
Scott Bourassa
Scott Bourassa
What is the big deal 20 trillion dollars going missing isn’t anything to worry about.When the I.R.S. said I owe them $1700.00 due to a mistake from 2 years ago that is a big deal.
3 weeks ago
Fredrik Sundberg
Fredrik Sundberg
To hide a hole, you just hide it in a bigger hole. Abracadabra.
3 weeks ago
The answer is opto-currency! All transactions have to be verified and documented. The government wants to know where every dime came from and where it goes for the little people, but REFUSES to account for the taxes it asks for and spends!
2 weeks ago
Infinit 0
Infinit 0
It’s going to be civil war.
4 weeks ago
Obviously these are standard Hebrew accounting methods! Where do you think the deep state gets it’s funding?
2 weeks ago
JezBollah 667
JezBollah 667
Americas leaders will do nothing and even the American people won’t do anything either, your inevitable future will Be much worse but again you won’t do anything to stop it!
3 weeks ago
The missing $Trillions have gone into the Secret Space Program(s) The US has never had a public space program. NASA is and always has been a private corporation run by the Vatican. What the public knows about space is whatever the Vatican has allowed NASA to make public. The $Trillions have not gone into NASA space programs but into programs that are totally unacknowledged and had begun before NASA was created. After Apollo, NASA determined that the public knew too much and stopped all future Apollo initiatives and programs. The space shuttle program was a purely business and scientific experimental and testing program. NASA actually destroys photos and evidence attained on Apollo missions.
1 month ago
United We Stand
Google “hofjuden” for the top of the Pyramid.
1 month ago (edited)
Lady Devastating
Annnd ya wonder where #Trump could get the money for the wall… HE SEEN THE THEIFT…and we want our 21 Tillion back!! #21Trillion… WE ARE OUT OF BANKRUPTCY OF THE CENTRAL BANKERS!!! that’s why there are no #receipts! Damn #BlackBudgets!
5 hours ago
Louis Murphy
James Cobett I know where all these trillions went to. Just come to the Democratic City of San Antonio, Texas aka Military City USA. Where the former Mayor Julian Castro is ready to run for US President in 2020. And will bring San Antonio, Texas corruption to the White House.
1 month ago (edited)
abram galler
All citizens rich and poor should be aware and actively involved with the government profligacy .
1 month ago
Hidden Harvest Grow Lights
Keep voting!!
1 month ago
Look towards and investigate Israel for some answers .
1 day ago
Jess izthebess
It’s all being accounted for don’t you watch CNN?
4 weeks ago
Konaalii Alohaohana
Thank you James, your work is amazing and shocking.
This new budgetary ruling is a financial coup de tat. THEY are dangerous and CRAZY.
1 month ago (edited)
Janine Garverick
The FED stole in The Quadrillions!
1 month ago
Some situations become so serious it turns comical.
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
David Bruce
David Bruce
Dilution of the money supply LOL You’re richer than you think and the stock market should rally on this news
1 month ago (edited)
crυcιal вυnny
crυcιal вυnny
Any recently renovated government buildings going to be the offices where staff go over the Pentagon budget with a fine tooth combe?
1 month ago
Why all the puzzling … is this not just a simple case of 21 trillion dollars of embezzlement? There is nothing more that needs to be known to proceed with prosecutions. The fact that prosecutions are not proceeding implicates all of government.
1 month ago (edited)
ohms kool
ohms kool
That is why they fake #everything, to steal
1 month ago
urout W
urout W
Sounds like DOD got their own reporter to down play the entire thing. He couldn’t totally deny it but to mis characterize Dr Skidmore and come to the wrong conclusions at the end of his article makes it sound like it. Like they wouldn’t try to get out in front of this now would they?! We all know what’s happening here…we are being harvested.
1 month ago
Maureen Heck
Maureen Heck
We Americans have been completely sold out of our liberties.
9-11 Truth is more important than ever to reverse the Patriot Act, undo Smith Mund Act to restore our Constitution.
1 week ago
CapTintin Smith
CapTintin Smith
Can anyone spell “Tax Revolt”? this Democracy is beyond repair….but NOTHING will change, until an ONLY after a Serious FAMINE! let’s see what 2019 brings….. Happy New Year y’all! ?
3 weeks ago
is anyone here listening to what your guess talked about? trillions of dollars were missing, all that money is lost. Nobody in the government has ever been questioned about what happened to trillions of dollars. This money comes from the people everybody who paid taxes, should be concern about this, it’s the people’s money. The government should answer for it, Congress should answer for it! however, there is just silence, congratulations, recognition, praises but not a single word of actions against this robbery. This is the time when people should demand answers from the government this is a huge issue. there is no money for education, healthcare, there is no money to created more decent jobs or to help the people to keep their houses from foreclosure however trillions of dollars were lost and nobody seems to care.
4 weeks ago
Drake Doragon
Drake Doragon
61k views as of Jan 2nd 2019, yet millions of views on vapid celebrity stories… see a problem? Back To Sleep America!!!
2 weeks ago
Gary Long
Gary Long
” . . . [T]hings we don’t know . . . .” Yes, there are many, but there are some things we can very reasonably deduce from the preponderance of the evidence. Notwithstanding the various “rabbit holes” that one may explore, the evidence makes it abundantly clear that this presents a prima facie case of the total and complete hijacking and compromise of what we believe to have been our governmental systems. Stated another way, it is quite clear that some rarefied “other entity” is in complete control, not the people who have been entrusted to fulfill that role. Based on the evidence, that is the inescapable conclusion to which one must arrive.

Additionally, a not so small question also presents itself. If in fact there have been 21 trillions of dollars flowing in and out of government “accounts” in any semblance of a normal process, then where is the unavoidable and inevitable result of massive hyper-inflation within our economy? If that level of spending has gone into the pockets of the “usual cast of characters,” then it would have necessarily been spent into the economy and there is “zero probability” that it would be magically absorbed without any catastrophic economic effect.

So, now the $64,000 question (forgive the pun), IF the evidenced financial flow is real and IF there’s no inflationary evidence of its presence, then exactly WHERE is that “missing money” being sequestered?
1 month ago
jodi houts
jodi houts
My sis is going to college there, hope she hears this guy…..she tends to defend government.
1 month ago
There is NO CONVINCING JUSTIFICATION for hiding ANY of the Pentagon’s, or the CIA’s, spending from the general public. “National Security” is not a plausible/justifiable excuse for the simple reason that there is no nation on earth that presents even a remotely plausible military THREAT to the United States, no matter how much any of those other countries might want to spend on their own secret projects.

If the secret spending really is a crucial key to providing average Americans with significant security from foreign threats, then the high cost must be made public and be a topic of political debate.

IF we were actively engaged in a war with another country, it could conceivably be justified on some level, but absent that kind of extreme circumstance/emergency, there should be no such secrets kept from the American people ever …
4 weeks ago
Johnny Rico
Johnny Rico
Corbettreport are you a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL ? Can you do an episode on ELECTRONIC TORTURE?
2 weeks ago
ginger nichols
ginger nichols
Thank You !!!
1 month ago
I like how the professor stays away from making suspicious allegations in his assessment. In getting answers to clear up, basically we get stonewalled. Yet the US Constitution requires audit over budget. So..
1 month ago (edited)
Sirius Magus
Sirius Magus
The missing $$$$$$$$$$$ is greasing wheels. Closing tongues and shutting eyes. Bribing governments And agents. It’s a national security issue. Bex au se how much would the U.S. bonds be worth? With true accounting? Where woul d the $$$ be? LAD TLY THE MONEY IS ORIGINALLY PRINTED OUT OF THIN AIR.
1 month ago
yvan mcgregor
yvan mcgregor
Much-Much more of this kind+++++++++++:)
1 month ago
Patrice Ortovent
Patrice Ortovent
The military mafia long ago has understood that no one can or would dare questioning their internal affairs and criminal activities. All politicians are compromise passively in such unacceptable corruption, they have no power against this monstrosity called the military of the US and its castle the pentagon. A child could understand that such unelected organisation with the power of military obedience from the soldiers can ignore any civil authorities. America has pass long ago the limit of any correctness, period
1 month ago
Pynky II
Pynky II
This is the old Soviet method of bureaus running the govt in secrecy…unelected people…in the current US govt this is the deep state with mostly communists in charge of these bureaus …
3 weeks ago
Cheryl b
Cheryl b
You see the fake main stream media doesnt report anything.
3 weeks ago
I solved it. some fat clerk sat on the keyboard entering 20 or 30 0s by mistake. Or it’s the customary theft intrinsic to North America ??. Oil land genocide etc etc. What’s new. Its the American way
4 weeks ago
They’re not concerned about D.O.D. missing trillions because they are too busy arguing over the billions universal free healthcare would cost.
3 weeks ago
Bird Worldist
Bird Worldist
1 month ago
Uncle Timo
Uncle Timo
Put this on your main channel also, Mr ‘C’.
1 month ago
Colin Foster
Colin Foster
21 Trillion is not missing. It is in Israel
2 weeks ago
Micky Sanchez
Micky Sanchez
humhh is this the reason why they don’t want Trump to find out?
3 weeks ago
Ducati Rottie
Ducati Rottie
Something tells me that the Bolsheviks aka “International Bankers”(wink wink) lined their pockets pretty good here. “They” simply moved from Moscow to Manhattan.
3 weeks ago
It’s a great exercise in comprehending the word “money”.
Most people don’t even try – they take it for granted.
Most definitions we are given when we ask, are meaningless obfuscations.
“store of value”, “Means of transaction”, “units of accounting” etc etc.
Money does not really exist. At best it can be described as “claims on value”.
When you take that definition and study it, you will realize that the word “claim” invokes 2 more words: Trust and Confidence.
Trust is a retrospective principle which qualifies some entity you have experience with.
It does not mean that you believe the entity will not hurt you, it means you have a good idea if it will hurt or help. The word Trust also contains its opposite: Distrust – based on experience in the PAST.
Confidence is a prospective principle which qualifies the level of risk you are about to undertake. Confidence may be high or low, and is cast against the FUTURE.
Both these principles pertain to RISK and represent the past present and future dynamic of that risk.
Now to CLAIMS. no one understands that money is claims, otherwise they would not agree to the outrageous claims money allows.
For instance, what act of god granted Jeff Bezos 300 billion claims on us and the planet?
Why did the homeless guy on my street die for lack of a claim to medical attention last week?

Money is simply a game we agree to play. It has no real basis in physical facts.
We play this game because we are overcrowded and urbanized – we have no continuous expereience with the people around us – we are unfamiliar with them. we are strangers among strangers who we cannot trust each other. So we trust our silly money game instead.

If the DOD have $21T unsupported claims? Well perhaps they are minting their own claims – after all, they have the guns to enforce their claims: just or not.

But really .. I worked on accounting systems for years.
If the program crashed and lost $20,000, we would look for the fault rather than hunt through all the transactions – and the accountant would make an adjustment .. as if the money never existed, and at some level didn’t matter anyway.
$21T adjustments is a bit overboard .. so I imagine the DOD is also minting its own coin.

Those with unreasonable claims will certainly not answer your questions about the silly game – it is a smokescreen for their outrageous claims. And it keep us all as isolated strangers.

Once the trust in the game is lost, the resulting haircut will be well into the neck for these criminals.
I think that should happen soon – get your yellow vest?
And let’s stop playing this silly game? It destroys familiarity – our family, our kin, our community. It wrecks all that is good and decent in this life. Abandon it and go home?
4 weeks ago (edited)
Jae Cornelius
Jae Cornelius
The ‘missing’ money has been used to fund geo-engineering at a global scale. To deceive the public into thinking ‘climate change’ is caused by CO2 emissions when in reality, ‘climate change’ is a psy-op to push the new world order/globalist agenda.

Fight the system by starving the system.

Grow your own food. Barter and/or trade for goods and services. Prepare yourselves for imminent change.
4 weeks ago
J Goodwin
J Goodwin
I have been following this story since before Dr Skidmore got involved and K A Fitts had gotten the figures up to something over $12 trillion but thankfully Dr Skidmore had the knowledge and man power available to audit what was available and add considerable credence to what has been going on.

2015 which was the largest was the last year included of the government files that were available so what has gone on since?

I could never understand why there was not more concern when The Dept. of Army originally came out with their audit(which was wrong) of $6.5 trillion missing in 2015 and also released the DoD/HUD files that Skidmore and Fitts have researched and found the $21 trillion missing.
1 month ago

william sego
This is probably a stupid question, but does the pentagon’s missing 21 trillion have anything to do with the national debt, or are they two different issues?
1 month ago

Zep Tepi
Trump’s been buying a lot of hairspray lately. Hmmmm.
1 month ago (edited)

David Burton
I highly recommend a book by the Canadian, David Astle called The Babylonian Woe. It’s a hard read, fully footnoted. It describes the history of the money power and the military industrial complex going back into ancient times. There were and are slaves, etc. Then as now, wars are deliberately planned to make money on money without work while collateral damage means more people are killed and property destroyed so that it can be bought later for a fraction of what it had been worth before. The outflows of money circulate around the world. What if it is cut off? Everything fails. This time it will be because of the basis in fraud of the present money system. We need our own money: Best
1 month ago

So what is Trump doing about this, what has he said about this criminality?
1 month ago

Robert Mackie
Rumsfeld looks like such a demon
1 month ago

Mr. David
I’m sharing this video with anyone who thinks Trump is saving our economy.
3 weeks ago

Good that this guy is comming to the public, as his assisted suicide potential is at an alerting rate.
1 month ago (edited)

anon. istari
Have any other nations been deliberately bankrupted by their ‘system’ prior to being taken down into a totalitarian system historically?
1 month ago (edited)

1 month ago

Anne Marie Smith
Is this money a breadcrumb leading to a trail they want us to follow? I really don’t think this is an accidental find.
1 month ago

Ryan Oxford
4 weeks ago

AndroidosZ PSZ
james beard needs some oil
1 month ago

Matt Dodaro
I wonder if some of the trillions went to pay for 9/11 ???? OH wait it did, didn’t it !!!!!!!!!!!!! And then you have THIEVES !!!!!!!!
1 month ago (edited)

Millions would be bad enough, billions would be unbelievable, but trillions??? It’s mind blowing
1 month ago

US MILITARY ! POWER ! UNITED WE STAND : If it wasnt for the U.S. Corbett! YOUR Great Grand Father Would have been BeHeaded by the JAPANESE ARMY ! = U would have never Been BORN ! Merry Xas
1 month ago

Bill Herman
Great interview, Bottom line is that there is a lot of money unaccounted for and no one is willing or able to explain. I am sure this is no accident. Time for true accountability. Thank you Trump for the audit which lets us know what we already believed was true! Critical item here is follow up and don’t allow this to get buried by the deep state.
1 day ago (edited)

Timothy Johnson
Was the missing $21Trillion used to fund the Unacknowledged Secret Space Program, or to improve the quality of the long planned False Flag Alien Invasion Attack (which Von Braun and Carol Rosin warned us about), and were the funds also used by the Emergency Stabilization Fund to illegally suppress the price of gold and silver?
It gets worse.
Since currency creation in excess of economic growth is theft from all who labor for currency, here are $Quadrillions in stolen wealth:
Source: DuckDuckGo alcuinbramerton blogspot white spiritual boy off ledger
After viewing the quantities of currency involved, ask yourself; why are we being taxed at all?
The stolen wealth must be returned to those from whom it was stolen.
2 days ago

Ho Chi Min
…I have read news reports that Putin has siphoned off billions of dollars of state funds for himself….
At least we know Putin’s got the money….
1 day ago (edited)

Your country gives you the illusion of a democracy, slaves for the military budgets year after year.
18 hours ago

Ch N
It maybe that the fiat capital of a reserve currency has been used to build the biggest defence system in the World, a lot of the capital found its way into the 1000 + US missions and bases …likewise with the WFC the fiat could not be used generally in ‘Main Street’ for the people of America eg pensions, health, education, infrastructure, border security etc… Does the World nations dare to stop printing their own currency and not accept US dollar transactions? ….the US can issue a different currency for internal use ….feed, medicate, educate, transport, and rebuild infrastructure …but of course close most of its missions and bases
1 day ago

The American public deserves absolutely everything that’s coming our way.
2 days ago

Cb Rich
Jail the billionares & their bankers.
2 days ago

Frank Abagnale
Lol. The american people are stupid and very easy to rip off.
1 month ago

Drive A Good Man Bad
“Very vague general accusations”-“this is so huge why doesn’t anyone want yo look at this?”–(Pay no attention to the their behind the curtain!!)
17 hours ago

This might sound tinfoil hattish so bear with me. The united states has a public ledger and a private ledger. Both receieve money printed from the fed and treasury. Money thats in the regular economy, in peoples pockets and in digital ones and zeros is on the public ledger, and money that goes in black budgets (the non publicly known “hidden” budgets) is on a private ledger which doesn’t get counted.

This means the fed can print potentially hundreds of trillions of dollars, yet not suffer from hyper inflation because it is hidden and obfuscated completely. Just a thought experiment, might be completely daft. I know people might comment saying this doesn’t take into account global monetary policy and how could the money be used if it was hidden etc… in a similar fashion to the gold standard being dismissed due to (among many other things) that more money was printed than in gold reserves, this could..sort of hypothetically work.

I made this comment 20 mins and 13 seconds into watching this video
6 days ago (edited)

Lee Claire
Let’s ask the Pentagon to pay off the US deficit. Imagine how much all the govt agencies have lost!?!
3 days ago

Richard Prest
First of all you must read “The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, that tells that the United States of America and not For America, is a private Foreign owned corporation”. have any of my contact’s looked that up yet.
2 days ago

Erik Hasler
I figured it out! Government officials are renting $30 rooms per 3 people, and receiving $2 discounts after booking!… Trillions of times!
3 weeks ago

brian niziol
Slaves are not supposed to question their masters. This guy has not figured it out yet neither has woman he is working with. They both are very smart buy they need to quit chasing paper. I learned it long ago the money pigs own it all even the land you may think is yours. If these people want to be useful then starting talking about how we take ALL of it back
2 days ago

stolen country, ( from the Native Americans) stolen work force (slavery)- stolen Glory ( WW1 &WW2 ) stolen (oil ) Stolen Opium (Afghanistan ) so yes of course stolen money….what you do, will manifest in you life…
4 days ago (edited)

joan s
Bare with me… this is gonna take a minute.
Why do we always go directly to dealing with sinister people by trying
to make them fess up to the truth? WE think Washington Bureaucrats are
gonna say: “Well… we gave the money to other countries to build up
their armaments so they could turn on the US and a great war will come
and we can create jobs with making more and more war machines…. ”

NO. It is like this:
Central Bank (Federal Reserve/IRS): Hello… the is blah blah Rothschild
and Rockefeller of the CB NWO.
Washington Bureaucrat: Oh, hello fellas. What’s up?
RR/CB/FD/IRS: The American people are becoming more and more informed
about our agendas and attempts toward world domination and we feel it is
time to pull out of the country… 350 million people is quite a large
number and they might revolt in the near future… our analysts feel
this is a good possibility. Therefore, we want our money back, today.
WB: Today? You mean you want it now.
RR/CB/FR/IRS:Yes, today. You can tell your people whatever you like.
Whatever you feel is best, but yes we want our $21 T dollars today.
WB: Okay, but we need time to get the people ready for the bankruptcy we
will face… how should we do this?
RR/CB/FR/IRS:We will continue to do business with your government for a
short time and do encourage your leaders to take measures to lessen the
blow, per se. As such, when the economy fails, they can take matters
into their own hands and deal with their own problems. After that, do as
you wish.
WB: You know that this will impact the way the world will perceive the
United States and quite frankly, we are going to be attacked from all
RR/CB/FR/IRS: Well, that is now their problem. We will be investing the
money you return to us into the Chinese economy. They seem very eager to
take over the world, as we do, and we like that stuff.
WB: Okay… well, you know that the American people always stand
stronger together in the worst of times. I anticipate you’ll have a
bigger problem than you realize when you do tank our economy. But, you
guys have underground bunkers to hide in, right? You’ll probably go
underground and operate from there, out of sight, right?
RR/CB/FR/IRS: Quite possibly, yes.
WB: Sure, well we’ve let go of our steel industry to bolster China’s
industry, we might want to begin bolstering our economy with these guys.
And while we are doing that, instead of building a wall, we might want
to build very large steel doors that can cover up the entrances of large
open holes in the earth that harbor noxious human-like entities. And
then we might want to begin using our Army Corp of engineers to redirect
rivers and streams to certain toxic areas, and build a dam. Yea, this
is sounding pretty lucrative. Put Americans back to work with
infrastructure. Drilling holes to drop EMP devices to knock out strange
electrical anomalies from below the earth in those toxic areas. Kinda of
like a roach motel if you will… roaches go in, but they don’t come
out… Kind of a catchy slogan, isn’t it? Okay, well I am going to get
Rumsfeld on the phone and he is just the guy to break this bit of bad
news… and then, I think I’ll call Donald Trump. He wants to run for
president and is talking about making America great again. Kind of a
catchy campaign slogan… well, talk with you later and my advice is to
face the music that is going to follow this decision. Because hiding
underground seems like it might have some logistical problems, like
where to get a good source of oxygen. After taking care of this larger
problem, seems promises to China will suddenly disappear… into the
dust, per se. Well, good luck and talk soon okay? Buh-Bye.
1 week ago
Could have been worse…

He could have been called More Skidmarks…
6 days ago
UK Boxing Blogger News
UK Boxing Blogger News
Oil money us taking money from Iraq
4 days ago
Look a 5-cornered Building, that spends 2 bn.a day is waaay too big to fail. AND Once you spend 1.5 trillions in a “Mediocre” Stealth plane,(F-35) there is no ending it now, “we spent already too much now, we want to sell software updates for the rest of its lifetime”
5 days ago
Swash Bucklin
Swash Bucklin
Someone there’s trying to account for the lives they’ve taken without knowing the price.
6 days ago
AOC made a mention of the 21 trillion DOD accounting problem and there’s been a huge concerted media backlash against it by Forbes, NYT, Vox, etc. You should do a video clearing up some of those attacks.

I noticed a lot of the articles were specifically mentioning that 21 trillion is more than the entire budgeted DOD since the 1700s or whatever. But he clearly mentions there was some case where the DoD was receiving earmarked funds directly from the Federal Reserve completely opaque, going around the protocol for acquiring funding.

Actually I’m watching this video again and he does directly explain some of these questions since they’ve been saying the same things for awhile.

I have a very interesting book about US military logistics over it’s entire history and it’s incredibly interesting. Especially around WWI and WWII where they started trying to put protections on to procurement process to keep the government from being ripped off by oligarchs, and how they tried to prevent corruption in several different ways, they at least had actual rules, maybe there were loopholes (there was) but it could potentially be enforced. Another interesting thing was how in WWI the military needed additional funds and wanted a blank check but some of the politicians were honest and refused, forcing them to account for every dollar spent before they received the money which delayed the procurement process but was important for protecting the tax payers. It’s also amazing the relationship between the government and the defense contractors in WWI considering what a turbulent time it was for capitalism given what was happening in Russia with the bolsheviks in charge, it’s interesting how much power the government actually still wielded over these companies in what would today be considered communist or something, it was justified along the line that it might be necessary for the war effort. Basically they had rules in place that if it were a national emergency, the government could negotiate the purchase of raw materials at a fixed rate! (no supply and demand, gov negotiates ideally a fair price, but the corporations don’t get to milk the taxpayers because of the insane demand) The penalty of corporations fighting back against this was they would have their factories seized and operated by the government! .They also centralized control over the railway which was a huge success
as rail industry at the time completely ground to a halt from all the gov orders for goods stirring things up and the rail companies were all in a free for all, totally uncoordinated, in the west there was an abundance of cars just sitting around, and in the east the rail lines were so clogged up nothing could get in or out of New York city for days leading to train cars filled with food rotting and unable to get to stores. Apparently it was a practice for rail lines to hoard train cars that didn’t belong to them which exacerbated the process (I have absolutely no clue how this even became a thing, they just mention it without explanation) but when the government came in and organized all the rail together, after an initial temporary experiment with priority tagging cars failed, the planning was figured out and rail traffic became far more efficient than ever before and the US was able to get war supplies to ports and onto ships for the war effort much more easily, although it still remained the biggest bottleneck until it could be better developed.

it’s amazing reading about the relation between the gov in the 30s and corporations in the sense of what they were actually capable of doing. If the gov was taken over from a socialist revolution many of the pieces would have already been set up, and policymakers would have been able to organize things fairly easily (compared to today, where things are much more complicated and we have virtually no unions which are normally very important during the transition because they greatly ease the organization, true representation, and mobilization of the working class)
2 weeks ago (edited)
Corruption of the worst kind. America (& likely the UK as they’re bedbuddies) are as corrupt as the countries / regimes they target – typical zionism. Unless & until proven otherwise, the “lost money” amounts to: mafia-style corruption, financial fraud, money laundering & terrorism funding, which gives EVERY citizen the lawful right AND DUTY to act (not just moaning) to (a) stop cooperating with govern-ment (control-mind) & to (b) bring govern-ment (control-mind) down – WE THE SOVEREIGN PEOPLE as united individuals need to:
> stop paying all taxes (paying them makes us complicit criminals at law)
> stop voting
> en-mass confiscate public buildings & take control
> stop paying ALL politicians until they investigate the situation
> stop paying all government staff involved until they can fully account for the money & do their job
> stop giving government departments a budget until they can account for the money & have competent systems in place
> introduce new transparency law that makes it an automatic life sentence for any government staff or agent acting secretly &/or covering up against the people.
1 week ago (edited)
I’m not too sure that a lot of people can actually comprehend just exactly HOW MUCH “trillions” really are. We’ve come a long way from Penny, Nickel, Dime (French biblical origin), Quarter, Buck, Grand (1,000), Million, Billion, and now … Trillion. I think before going into any details you should look into the history of banking. You’ll have to go to Europe first (you weren’t even around at the time- you were still in your original countries.). An interesting chapter is the “Greenbacks” under Jackson. I think a lot of you DON’T know your history. This is called ignorance; it can be remedied. It takes about one year to do so. Look into your own history- where your ancestors came from, and so on. Then study the history of your (adopted) country. WHO rules, who governs ? HOW were nations financed? WHO financed them? If you look into the history of the “FED” you’ll find out a lot. The same people ruined kings and nations. Money doesn’t exist at all- it’s only promissory notes- I O U. It’s VERY simple. If you consider the fact that ALL who rule, do so by lies, theft, and deceit, you’ve gone past the half mark of understanding. Then follows Awakening.
2 weeks ago
joan s
And… I am going to use this system when doing my taxes next year… I will claim that by identifying my wages, Russia can use that information to draw conclusions about the financial security of the American people that can support their need to determine the viability of United States citizens if they choose to go to war with us… I think my financial information should be viewed as a security measure, especially when they can access our computers and data so easily. I mean the Democrats email system was breached… or I am going to send in a redacted version of my tax return.
1 week ago (edited)
Nick Matthes
The explanation is so simple. The missing 21 trillion has been used to monetize treasury bonds. Notice how treasury bond yields haven’t gone up, despite Fed raising rates over 2%. Plus, China & Russia are selling US bonds. The answer to who’s buying bonds and driving down rates is obvious! How was the Fed able to raise rates over past couple years when rest of world is still at zero? Clearly taking advantage of reserve currency status. Rest of world isn’t stupid. The East’s plan is to eliminate petrodollar, which will lead to hyperinflation in US. Dollar abundance will only become apparent, when they come home, rather than being spread across the globe as requirement in oil trade.
1 week ago
Clive Wells
If any one is watching this; America has been invaded and to all intents and porpoises, conquered. Unfortunately this is all to do with the great plane robbery of 9/11, when the ‘Neo-CONS’ contrived to hide a massive budget deficit behind a phony terrorist plot. They were clever, enough, and the people were asleep to the evil that has usurped their political system of governance. There is a parasitic organism STILL feasting on the carcass of your republic and anybody who wishes to exterminate this fungus had better start praying and preparing for the ‘WAR ON ERROR.’ You cannot afford to compound your mistaken trust in a corrupt and unconstitutional military/industrial/’intelligence complex to be overseen by a cabal of unpatriotic, criminal and extortionized lawmakers. And who, you may ask could set up and run such a cohesive, pervasive and diabolical system, that they would manipulate enslave and exterminate a bewildered populace to promote their own evil agenda? Look to whom you cannot criticize, who does your President and Congress obsequeiously kow-tow to and honour before all others, who controls all of your currency and interest rates and who exactly controls all of your media, your energy, your security and your communications..? Who attacked the USS Liberty whilst LBJ ordered the US fighters to withdraw in a bid to draw the US into another foriegn conflict and who gains most from America waging wars against almost every other middle eastern country..? I can give you a clue: their security services motto; ‘By deception shall ye wage war.’ Couldn’t have put it better myself. Trust in the Lord thy God that you can prevail against this cancer in our midst and wake up your fellow citizens to the peril that overshadows them. 21trillion dollars has been siphoned from your military’s accounts. That’s $100,000 from every soul in the country. Awake, and rise up, whilst you still can… good luck and God Bless you all x
1 week ago (edited)
i would ask for 21Trillion days of Jail, spread between all involved.
5 days ago

$32 Trillion Dollar Man Lee Wanta….how come they aren’t on this video footage maybe CAUSE ITS THAT OL HAGELIAN DIALECTIC, never the less it’s great work how this is presented and keeps you thinking and hopefully keeps people asking Q uestions.

Truth seekers, keep asking Q uestions…love that alternative minds are becoming the new journalist! Lee Wanta got his story out to POTUS, do you believe he listened, maybe, if he chooses to take out the federal reserve then we will see…Trump has exposed and his team have arrested more pedo’s then recent Presidents and Putin’s Gov apparently have the death sentence for convicted pedos’- but America seems to be trying to adopt or put forth the idea that the laws should be lowered for consensual sex….this is especially happening in the State of Californacation ,pushed by by the HOLLYWEIDOS’, of course, look it up, Just saying.

Gibby productions in Spokane, Northwest Washington was trying to complete their video documentary of The Black Swan White Hat story but came up short of releasing this story in the summer of 2016 prior to the election….Not even the alternative so called media want to research the greatest untold true story of Lee Wanta, AIM for Truth media mentioned that he is a good guy version of George Sorros in their video but never expands on the story… all about Lee Wanta’s Story, he was on Coast to Coast Am radio many many years ago. His story is full of court documents to back up everything download the PDF version it’s a great read ,…BUT, here is a problem, unfortunately many Americans and the rest of the world are busy/lazy and/or can’t or choose not to READ.!! SO LETS #


Make Everyone Great Again by
MakingAmericaGreatAgain by
MakingEveryoneReadAgain 4
Critical And Thinking Skills

Just saying
2 weeks ago
Hrusty Enrico
Hrusty Enrico
Khazarian-Chabad bookkeeping no doubt
5 days ago
Mohanraj Jk
Mohanraj Jk
Every one of the biggest Corporations are borne from banksters or once stated-funded enterprises from the times of colonialism with the EIC, Dutch EIC, etc., and carried on through people like Cecil Rhodes and companies like Yokohama, United Fruits Company and every oil producer esp those from Standard Oil. Consumerism this becomes an exploitative mechanism encapsulated by a simple fact that raw materials are bought cheap from the 3rd world and produced into goods/services for many times the initial value, which is controlled in the 1st world. Not everyone in the 1st world deals the benefits, but this geographical tactic helps promote the idea of social segregation that indirectly enforces the control of social mobility. Social class becomes one of the tools used to exert a social structure that revolved around the production of goods/services.

Through the financing of the banks, those industrialists formed corporations to ensure. So while freedom and democratic governance is the rhetoric sounding out loudly in nationalism, the colonial roots have long been plundering the world’s nations. Freedom and democracy are fought so hard on a social and even political level, but it is AUTOCRATIC on an economic level. And we know money drives every enterprise in this world because of how everything is structured by this type of incentivization.

The whole financial system exists to give the illusion that there is competition, free flow of wealth and a good distribution of it, but that’s never the case unless your company is useful to the system. The system has always been a pyramid scheme!

Banks started off mainly as state controlled enterprise and control would soon be transferred gradually till the industrial revolution where businesses started to take control of state and by the time we reach the age of Fiat money and consumerism, the whole system was theirs. The big banks that existed then, have been merged and dissolved so frequently on the surface so as to prevent the Hoi polloi of wresting back control. So there’s so many financial institutions like equity firms, stock market, insurance, creditors, etc. that perform the function of siphoning portions of the masses wealth, maximizing the control of new wealth and maintaining the image of neutrality as a integral societal institution.

So in every country where there is a privatisation of state resources and the adjacent production of goods/services, we know that the earnings become split between the state, where it’s of use to the people, and the system, where the banking and financial institutions maintain the statues quo of pricing, supply and demand. The banks always own vast shares in these companies.

Many old companies have ceased to exist in name and are replaced by the byzantine checks and balances of the financial system that safely controls wealth distribtution. Socio-economic structuralism became the reality we gradually bought into over the centuries, allowing industrialising, mass production and consumerism to become the bedrock of society. And we kept buying into the reality that life is all about money and our responsibility to maintain the fabric of society (nation, company and every social institution).
3 weeks ago
Joe M
Joe M
1 trillion dollars. That’s enough to give $1,000,000 to 1 million different deep state players.
1 week ago
This is why our gov gets away with this: A republican stands first and foremost for immigration policy and welfare reform. When they should actually stand first and foremost for a government that is being honest with the money they remove from their paycheck every payday. A democratic stands first and foremost for healthcare for all, and strong social programs in place for the people. When they should stand first and foremost for an honest gov that is not stealing the money we made off the sweat of our backs for the gov. That’s where we come together as ONE nation. It’s time to put aside our differences in what we want from our government, and come together for the one thing we all expect from our government.
1 week ago
Carolyn Wilfred
Carolyn Wilfred
The information your speak about is directly related to Harmon Wilfred (as you will see, he is a whistle blower extraordinaire…my hero!) and what he was involved in with the RTC, the CIA/Clinton covert banking system, and the Clinton Foundation which was probably funded by the bank notes from the Mitsubishi Bank of Japan as the timing of the starting of the foundation coincides (see link below). Harmon sued the US government for $30Billion over the RTC mortgage fraud and the case is still out there with all his evidence as it was only dismissed by a judge for legal technical errors because Harmon represented himself on behalf of all the US taxpayers and couldn’t afford an attorney, but the judge said it could be resurrected with legal representation. (see links below)

If you can somehow forward this information to the appropriate sources, that would be incredibly helpful for all of us. Perhaps you are a member of the Solari Report or know how to get in contact with “Lawyers for 911”, Dr Mark Skidmore, Richard Gage, Catherine Austin Fitts and anyone else out there who could benefit from this information. Of course there is lots more on Harmon’s website, but the below is probably the most relevant.

The Solari Report has been covering the missing money since 2000 when Catherine Austin Fitts began to warn Americans and global investors about mortgage fraud at the US Department of Housing and Development (HUD), the engineering of the housing bubble that lead to trillions more dollars in bailouts and funds missing from the US government starting in fiscal 1998.

Look to the Clinton Foundation for some of the missing money! Some went into the pockets of politicians.

Harmon’s chronological outline summary (including evidential links) since 1973

Harmon’s website has an index for all evidence:

See section #4 which includes 6 PDF’s of the RTC fraud evidence on the left side of the page.

See section #6 which deals with the embezzlement of funds from the El Paso County Pension Fund by the El Paso County DA’s office under John Suthers (now Mayor of Colorado Springs). This was a beginning part of the RTC mortgage fraud and how Harmon connected the two.

See section #7 provides a full accounting and documentation in regard to the covert / CIA’s Mitsubishi Bank of Tokyo Japan, international bank note transaction which could have easily funded 911…and more unaccounted for covert funds/banking and agencies.

See section #17 Urgent Letter and Package Couriered to Kenneth Starr provides the correspondence to US legal representatives reporting potential criminal activity, explaining Harmon’s difficult situation and asking for assistance. The letter and package to Kenneth Starr as Special Prosecutor was specifically directed towards an investigation of President Clinton’s role in this entire scenario.

See section #20 Our meeting with President Clinton’s attorney, Gregory Craig re Mitsubishi Bank of Tokyo Japan, international bank notes. We also spoke to him about and showed him some original bank bonds from the Ming Dynasty treasury, having placed under care of the trust in the mid 1940’s by the Chinese Nationalist government under its then leader, Chiang Kai-Shek. Also covered in our Wilfred vs China interview with Jason Goodman of “Crowd Source the Truth”. Harmon also gave a high resolution copy of one of the bonds to Gregory Craig to verify. Emails to and from Craig confirm the meeting.

See section #29 Harmon’s extensive report and evidence submitted to US Justice Department Michael Horowitz regarding the RTC, Mitsubishi bank notes and the governmental kidnapping of his children as political retribution. Horowitz did not investigate and conveniently “found no wrong doing”! See Part III in Section #27 Open Letter to Donald Trump – questioning the Mitsubishi money being used for 911!

“On June 9, 2001, a key member of the team who participated in the setup of the CIA covert bank died suddenly in an alleged murder suicide of his entire family. This occurred three days after his reported confrontation with the US Treasury in Virginia. On September 11, 2001, one month after our arrival in New Zealand; Carolyn and I found ourselves horrified with the rest of the world at the spectacle of the carnage at the World Trade Center. On the cusp of having unwittingly participated in the creation of the CIA/Clinton mega billion dollar black ops “super fund”, I could not help but wonder if the CIA was involved in this act of “terrorism” in order to provoke the American public into supporting what became a new war in Afghanistan followed by the invasion and occupation of Iraq, and ultimately becoming the global “War on Terror”. The conspiracy theories that have since surfaced in that regard have given me great pause.”

The corruption goes very deep. Please pray for and help reunite Harmon and Carolyn Dare Wilfred (of Dare Foods, Canada)…forcibly separated by Clinton political retribution for 3 years 4 months and counting! (married for over 20 years) And reunite Harmon with his estranged children who were taken from him and placed back into child abuse as the Clinton’s revenge…Harmon has no father’s rights what-so-ever! Gregory Greg, Bill Clinton’s attorney, said/confirmed to us in a private meeting in Toronto 20 years ago, that “if you take your evidence on the Clinton’s to the US Justice Department (Horowitz), you will never see your children again”…they made good on that promise!

Harmon Wilfred is a Clinton/CIA financial contractor/shadow government whistle-blower & Vietnam veteran (stateless & exiled in NZ; Carolyn in Canada) (includes 16 documentary case interviews with written outlines and evidential links) We need a miracle breakthrough!.

As Edmund Burke said, much more than 100 years ago: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil was that good men should do nothing.”

Please join “Friends of Harmon & Carolyn” for progress updates:

Twitter: @harmontweets #AmericasFirstRefugee #GetemAllFired #GlobalShadowGovernment #ExclusiveWorldCitizen

Harmon can be contacted at: [email protected]

Carolyn at [email protected]
2 weeks ago
Come on! The missing money is being funneled to corporations that are instrumental with reverse engineering Extraterrestrial technologies: mostly aerospace companies like Boeing and Lockheed $ Martian. Those that are in control will never disclose the programs because they receive insane salaries!
9/11 was an inside outside( Mossad) operation

Unsuspecting populations around the world are being sprayed with toxic chemicals! (Chemtrails)

The private cartel of bankers, known as the Federal Reserve, has been fleecing America for over 100 years.

The power of consolidated wealth has been corrupting the American government since day one of its inception!

The mainstream media has been incorporated into the shadow government/ deep state with Project Mockingbird!

Corporations that are instrumental with genetically polluting our food and the environment are given support by the US government!

The American population is getting sicker and sicker because the government allows food corporations and pharmaceutical corporations to work hand in hand to encouraged people to eat excessive amounts of refined sugar and processed carbohydrates and push ineffective drugs that have deadly side effects!

The US government supports corporations that profit from war by allowing them to instigate perpetual wars with the assistance of the CIA and FBI.

The myth that the US Government is good and cares about the governed is initiated at a very young age.

The US Government was hijacked ,long ago, by special interests ( interests that had the power of wealth consolidation). Today the US Government is controlled by the very same corrupt entities!
2 weeks ago
thinkin outloud
thinkin outloud
This money has been used for deep state stealth. DARPA, Tesla tech arrays, weather manipulation, chemtrail and nano dust, Direct energy weapons on jets to start Calif fires. The money has been taken by the Secret Society/military industrial complex which Kennedy warned about in his speech to the nation not long before they killed him.
2 weeks ago
canada, 3 billions during harper’s reign. Black budget fundings or presents to friendly corporations
2 weeks ago
Dean Rose
Dean Rose
They built the super collider with this money it is 20 to 40 times the size of cern.
1 week ago
Clive Wells
Clive Wells
So the good news iiiiis… since 9/11 the Pentagons missing finances has only gotten 1,000 % worserer… yay.
1 week ago
A trillion is a million millions! Multiply this by 21! 21 million million dollars!
1 week ago
Julian P
Julian P
I have an answer! The American people never saw the biggest genocide its ever seen, its totally ignored Zionist involvement in crime and still America does diddly squat. If you have stupidity in the populous, just what do you think will cause America Great again, oh I know, get a Businessman into power who knows how to manipulate figures and side with the said same people that committed the biggest crime EVER!!! This dwarfs the crime of 2008 Bankers scam and The Fed. America is not great and will never be great all the time the people suck up to “A Ship of Fools”.
2 weeks ago
Dial Square
Dial Square
I’m willing to bet that all these are reconciling/uncaptured bookkeeping items, some of these items have probably been sitting on the balance sheet since WWII, Korea and Vietnam, who knows?.
We need to see the debits and credits and then drill down to evaluate.
The most important thing is always;where did the cash come from? Where did it go?
When we primitive folk from Africa witness American election shenanigans it seems to us that nobody in the USA knows how to do reconciliations of any kind. If there are multiple accounting platforms being used the books will never be straight.
1 week ago (edited)
UK Boxing Blogger News
UK Boxing Blogger News
Secret space programs
4 days ago
Chavdar Naidenov
If a government department can conjure up numbers at will, why does it even bother to ask for a bigger budget? That’s the big mystery.
1 week ago
Angela Pattatucci Aragón
Any business failing an audit in such a spectacular manner would be considered compelling evidence for money laundering. Perhaps we should ask ourselves where might the funds be coming from that need laundering? It has been fairly well established that the CIA is a drug trafficker, arguably the world’s biggest one. That money has to go somewhere. I am not saying that CIA drug trafficking is responsible for the entirety of the 21 trillion dollar discrepancy, but the crazy state of the DODs accounting would provide an ideal environment for laundering money.
1 week ago
Stuart Kelly
So if the transactions of trillions are cash in/outflows so where is it? values of such magnitude would have a huge noticeable impact worldwide…the trillion dollar transactions are errors, the 800bn also they simply must be. They are not cash entries they are internally generated adjustments.
2 weeks ago
Cheeky Monkees
The fact that Lockheed spun off the business unit that created and supports the accounting activity of DOD & Treasury speaks volumes concerning how Lockheed views the liabilities created by this business unit (legal and otherwise).
4 weeks ago
Thomas Cervasio
Thomas Cervasio
… Speaking not only for myself, I live with the dread and inescapably justified concept that the last time the DOD felt even vaguely threatened by an audit, the auditors were premeditatively mass-murdered by a cruise missile attack. Plus the fact that at each and every gatekeeping node of “The 9/11 Investigation” was strategically positioned “a federal employee” having dual “American-Israeli citizenship”, which was specifically and uniquely finagled into legality.

A Russian proverb: “The Jew will always tell you what has been done to him. But he will never tell you why”. Getting thrown out of an estimated 109 countries throughout history throws an undeniably huge shadow on the nearest cave wall.

Reality may be a bitch, but Observed Reality is an absolutely total bastard. A Master’s level in social psychology can be quite dangerous to mental health. In an insane world, that is.
3 weeks ago
KC Culp
KC Culp
I am a retired CPA with “Big 8” experience.

I do not doubt that a lot of money is unaccounted for or just wasted. However,

The budgets for the DOD is approximately $750 billion / year and HUD is approximately $50 billion / year.
That is a total of $800 billion / year for the 18 years being discussed = $14.4 trillion.
I can see no way that $21 trillion can be missing when the total budgets are only $14.4 trillion –
Unless there is a hell of a lot of income in the DOD and HUD which is not reported.
However, if these two department actually spent $14.4 trillion then you are saying that an additional $21 trillion was given to these two departments and it is now missing.
2 weeks ago
Alex Ware
Alex Ware
So wouldn’t this really be a problem with the treasury then? Why does every headline about this say $21 unaccounted from the “department of defense”? if their budget was much lower then that, they didn’t print the money the treasury and the fed did for them.
1 week ago
Any time someone talks about making medicare for all, and you see all of the pundits saying that it never could happen, it is “pie in the sky”, it is too expensive. When the Congress goes to pass the increase in the budget for the Defense Department, no one asks how will we pay for it. No one in the media even mentions it other than a side note.
If we wanted to get the Department of Defense to pass an audit, we would pass a 90% tax on all income over $1 million dollars for both individuals and corporations. My guess is that it would take less than a year if that tax was made. Fat chance of it happening since those who make over $1 million are the real constituents of Congress, at least the ones Congress listen to.
4 weeks ago (edited)
Leslie Ross
Leslie Ross
Just finished the video and the last ten minutes or so are the most shocking of all. The dog that goes around and around trying to catch its tail. Basically, Mark wants those that are lying to tell him the truth!? Even though by his own mouth he knows it is fake, pretend, disgusting and all the shock one can muster, but it just is not enough. So what does he want, the liar to tell him what he already knows, it is a lie. That is some kind of sickness, to have all the evidence one needs and yet with it all he can not “on his own” judge the matter. Like everyone else, no matter who tells them the truth, unless it is someone that is in some position of power, then it matters not what he already knows. I find this much worse then knowing it is all fake, all made up, invented to keep the lie alive. That a reasonable human being can not just come right out and say it, not needing anyone to confirm anything for him. The made laws so they would not have to expose the lies anymore, they are already caught by their own mouths admitting the money is gone and are not going to say who or why. That they could even event whatever they would like and this some how would satisfy Mark or James? Nonsense. When it gets brought back up in the future it will be a conversation filled with the same truth ended with the same lie and delusion created by yourselves! That is insanity for more so than missing 100’s of trillions, make any number up you want, 100 trillion trillion billion trillion, lol, and it will change nothing. Research until the end of time and it will mean nothing. To quote, sadly, Hillary Clinton, “what does it matter”. What will it change even if she told you all the truth about Benghazi. While she is what she is, she was right, what would it matter, it will not change anything, she is still going to be free and the dead are going to remain dead. You could beat her till end of time and it still will not change any of it. Knowing who and why when we all know who and why, yet without them admitting it, it just is not enough for all.

None of this is new, this is century’s old not decades, this is the same as it ever was and will always be. They who write the history books can write whatever they like. Just like they who write the accounting books can do the same, when there is no one higher then them. This is vicious, it is an attack upon the soul of men, this type of circular reasoning that always takes one back to the original question, a circle that ends not, the snake that eats it own tail, around and around. This has to be the worst ending possible, James already knows the answer, yet gave none. The only hope in the end was to visit the topic again, wow!

I wish I had never watched the last ten minutes, but hey, what does it matter, I did watch it!
3 weeks ago
David Findley
David Findley
they’re prepping for a crash and major depression before ..
2 weeks ago
Louis Hibbs
Louis Hibbs
leaving a legacy of debt for future generations is the bottom line..
1 week ago
Sad Machines
Sad Machines
The money is in the same place that flight 77 went when it hit the Pentagon. It just disappeared. There must be a mini black hole in the center of it that sucks up anything controversial.
1 week ago (edited)
Also, keep in mind that all the federal income taxes that people pay every year goes solely to pay the interest on the national debt! The national debt is now nearly 22 Trillion dollars! Most of this debt has accumulated from wars like Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and the nearly 900 military bases around the world!

Question: How do military bases around the world preserve your liberties from your own tyrannical government?

“Those that give up their liberties for security will end up with neither” —— Benjamin Franklin

“A nation is unable to preserve its freedoms in the midst of continuous war” —— James Madison
2 weeks ago
i think paEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEdophile JIMMY comey got his $6,000,000 payoff from Lockheed. Lockheed is probaly loaded with paEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEdophiles.
1 week ago (edited)
The 21 trillion dollars isn’t missing it’s gone to the Military Industrial Complex and funds all of the black projects which is where all of the
“good stuff” that magically appears decades later in the DoD and DARPA
1 week ago
Karl P
Karl P
It’s pretty clear why there are missing trillions. The military-industrial complex has technology and facilities so far in advance and in production since the 1960s, it would totally freak out the general population. They can (have to) keep this secret, upstream the leaked money has the appearance of a massive waterfall going over a cliff. Problem is you can’t peer over the cliff to see where it ends up. It’s too dark.
2 weeks ago (edited)
Stock market is 4-8X overpriced, with small caps at the high end. See if you can press the GAO on the US Treasury Department manipulating up the market. You might find some of that missing money. I made my request several times and the GAO isn’t replying back.
2 weeks ago
John Wayne
John Wayne
I sure hope we have a secret space program and high advanced weapons systems that rival the F-117 stealth fighter. Nobody wants to do their job in the gov because if you start rocking the boat you are not part of the team. Just like the Savings and Loans scandal and the housing crisis. People knew they were guilty of comiting fraud and NOBODY went to jail! I was just following orders comes to mind here. So although you are pointing out the obvious 300Lbs gorilla in the room still nobody in the gov will address it. So as good little sheep we are just to stand by and wait for the slaughter. Nothing anyone can do unless they are independently wealthy and aren’t afraid of being assassinated.
3 weeks ago (edited)
Lynn Roberts
Lynn Roberts
Catherine Austin Fitts points to DUMB- deep underground military bases. She even surmised that with this amount of hidden trillions, there could be secret bases in space.
1 week ago
Alastair Carnegie
Alastair Carnegie
3 weeks ago
Wal Reis
(Sorry, guys, I’m far from intending to troll any channel, mostly one like James’, but I must say the following.)Budget holes! Well, they’re the staple of capitalist regime, everywhere one looks at, there’s a bunch of them wide open. This professor didn’t look quite convincing in showing so surprised by a thing as common as this (despite its size), but my bell rang really loud when he suggested the formation of a critical mass of billionaire investors to force auditing this growing crater over US’ financial magma (was he kidding us?): either he ignores completely how capitalism works – and is a highly gullible pal – or he must be hiding something important (don’t ask me what!).
4 weeks ago (edited)
Louis Hibbs
Louis Hibbs
follow the money to the International Laundry Machine and put your 2 cents into the slot and see what happens. so , the wash & spin cycles finish and a little message in the window that says Plausible Deniability pops up..have a nice day..
1 week ago (edited)
Xteve Tyler
Xteve Tyler
sorry if i commented before fully viewing what you had to say, and i may have new views after following it up by playing your report fully, but my initial feelings are this $21 trillion is clear evidence of a breakaway civilization that is syphoning resources out of the one system to support theirs, as to where this lies it may be many groups, in space below our feet, under the polar ice in the oceans , many things are possible when the figures get this massive.

Now I shall go on and watch what you have to say, and I know it is going to be inspired as per usual. and i hope you have a great winter seasonal holiday, may I suggest Christmas.
side note……..
if this date 25th December were accurate and not simply Nero’s birthday and marking Roman and Babylonian winter pagan feast days; Primarily one simple fact alerts me as to its falsehood, we wonder would the shepherds actually have been out on the hillsides in mid winter time? for the Angel to inform them of the coming nativity event, and Astronomical oratories seem to indicate sept 3BC is more accurate but another subject.
instead accept it for what it is and enjoy the season anyway one and all. I only wish such good will between folks would extend to a longer period.
4 weeks ago (edited)
bouncer dogsly
bouncer dogsly
In the UK we had a company called Carillion. This company was a major government contractor, it built hospitals and schools, stuff like that. It went bust, with an almighty bang wit half built hospitals and schools. But as usual the directors after years of paying themselves millions in bonuses just walk away with their pockets stuff full of tax payers money. Now years a go in the UK you had a crime called embezzlement. This is where an employee would steal the companies money. And this is what bonuses are all about. They have have created a way of legally stealing money from the company with the use of bonuses. Years ago a company director would just get paid a salary and would get the sack if he made a mess of things. What giving yourself millions in bonuses does is makes you rich in one year. So you have no interest in looking after the company. You just motivated to steal as much as you can whilst you and so the company is just run into the ground. It’s a win win situation and you simply walk away with 5 or ten or as one company director in the UK just walked with £130 million for doing a shit job. It’s like winning the lottery, there is no motivation to work anymore. It’s just plain simple theft and this is what is going in in the US DOD. Some supplier with invoice for 2o toilet seats say $40,000 and the guy approving the invoice at the DOD will get a big fat kick back.
It’s the age of pure greed and theft and that’s why politicians don’t ask questions, because they are in on it.
4 weeks ago
Owen McCaffrey
Owen McCaffrey
For example: if the petrodollar system is putting too much upward pressure on the USD the treasury needs to create supply of USD equal to the excess investment in US treasuries/assets by oil states. But want to spend them within a semi-closed system like the defence industry so that USD inflation is impacted for example 50% less. For instance if defence spending has been identified as 30% as inflationary as regular spending within US economy this creates a plausible reason to pump excess money supply into defence, spend it on weapons in a semi-closed system to increase US power and keep inflation low. Mass US inflation could end the US economic dominance. Pumping this petro money into overseas bases and weapons keeps petrodollar system going which keeps US dominance of oil, increasing defence and keeping inflation low
1 month ago
I worked for an very large company. We had multiple departments which had their own budgets. Mine was approximately 200 million dollars. These budgets were approved by the department heads and submitted to the treasury department. At treasury the official budget was kept and administered. The official budget was nowhere as large as the accumulated department budgets, because the department budgets were rarely ever spent in full.
The official budget was broken into 3 categories – Mandatory, emergency and discretionary. As the end of the budget year, a lot of money had to be moved from one department’s budget to another because of actual spending. My budget was often not overspent and I would release several millions for others which were overspent.
The only people who knew the entire story were the keepers of the official budget at the treasury department.

Hope this is clear as mud….
4 weeks ago
His Overlord Upon High
His Overlord Upon High
As a tax paying citizen of this nation, I demand an immediate abolishment of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve. While we are at it, we must also save our freedom by the common sense approach of interest-free mortgages. It will work.
1 week ago
Jonny Parker
Jonny Parker
WOW someone other than Daniel (Dark Journalist) talking about the missing 21trillion . More people need to be talking about this , like 1000x more people . C.A.Fitts work has been pivotal over tthe years . Nice one Corbett !
The BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION talked about by the likes of Rich Dolan and Dr.Joseph Farrell must be real .
4 weeks ago (edited)
Jonathan Poppleton
OK stupid question coming up. how can Americas national debt be 22 trillion , when the DOD has miss placed 21 trillion ? So we lost it so it doesn’t count anymore
2 weeks ago
Stuart Kelly
The information is scattered and incomplete the other side of the transactions are not known nor do they know the whole picture, one entry could have been an error others can be corrections of such errors, americans do not make good accountants trust me they make errors lots of them.
2 weeks ago
She Who Remembers
It may have been the first time I heard them use the phrase “trillion dollars” on TV, and it was missing! Nothing unusual here. Just move along. ??? Anyone wonder where they come up with all that money in the first place, so they can lose it?
2 weeks ago (edited)
Kevin Poole
White Collar Anti Corruption Act. would stop this nonsense. Farm Bill just passed 867 billion. Defense and Farm bills are used its called Waste Fraud and Abuse. we want discourage these lapse of judgment. Armed Services Senate Committee knows. the F 35 14 New Ships Cost Billions US Bases on Foreign Soil. VA Hospitals Now a Space Force.
Treasury US Comptroller of the Currency.. Military Contractors Northrup Grumman Lockheed Martin. Sweetheart Deals Galore. Taxpayers money. why should they care. US Congress Approves. We spent 17 years in Afghanistan Syria Iraq. War on Terror. War is simply a Way to Make ? money. We The People must become engaged to stop this wild spending. Our Communities would be much better off with Defense Spending Sharing with other Depatments. Thank you. for the Alert. 21 Trillion dollars thats many Weapons Systems. Put a price tag on the missiles. Eisenhower called it right The Military Industrial complex. Its Out of Control.
3 weeks ago
Terry Rose
Terry Rose
this narrative, in my humble fckyou opinion, is a diversion because not even the us military, which is the most money hungry institution of mankinds or womankinds history could even begin to make a quarter of a quadrillion dollar mistake even given the ineptness of the status quo. this number of $21T is about the amount hidden offshore, its also the amount of the national debt, its the amount pulled out of thin air and handed to this chicago boy schmuck for analysis. there are not many ways to find that amount under the same umbrella but this economic genius decides to begin by looking at HUD. housing for the poor people is where i would start too… wait for it…shhhh… almost here… silence please… BAAAHAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! oh lookie i found some trillions…
3 weeks ago (edited)
Gerald Trudeau
Gerald Trudeau
The answer to where did it all go has already been testified to in Congress.
The Shadow Government, (“With it’s own Army.Navy, and Air Force”, Sen Daniel Inouye,) and Unacknowledged Black Projects going back 70 years, but the CIA and the MIC control what the Corporate media can tell us, so no, they won’t even talk about it except in vague, ” It’s so complicated, I guess we’ll never know”, terms.
If we want to know, we’ll have to find out ourselves, (somehow) because our elected officials aren’t going to do a damn thing. They don’t want to know because most of them are complicit in the crime.
4 weeks ago (edited)
Social services in MI also use Lockheed financial systems or at least in the late 90’s . I only know that cause I was tying to do an audit of what I owed in child support at one point during the years I had to pay child support and while I am no financial expert the reports I was given from Social Services were some of the most confusing things I have ever read. They were not laid out in any normal method that would resemble say balancing your checkbook. If the employees in our government financial offices have to use similar reports it’s no wonder they at least think several trillion dollars are unaccounted for.
2 weeks ago
blake unangst
blake unangst
Look up speeches of Eisenhower Jan 1961and JFK 4/27/61.These men were not crackpot conspiracy theorists! They warned us! We can’t continue to tax fund ruling class traitors who are deliberately trying to destroy the sovereignty of Americans! We must make missing trillon$ mainstream knowledge. Dismantle globalist scum puppets who have infiltrated our institutions. The same group of Masonic ruling class traitors have funded and provoked both sides of every war since Napoleon. Treason is the appropriate charges dating back to Prescott Bush for funding Hitler through the Union Banking Corporation.
4 weeks ago (edited)
Owen McCaffrey
Owen McCaffrey
A financial analysis would try to conclude whether the officially reported increases in the money supply support levels of inflation over the last 30 years – since the petrodollar was created. If inflation appears artificially lower than would be expected from the official records of quantitative easing then it can be estimated that excess money supply was created but not isssued through official channels – for example through government accounts and especially to defence. Analysis of the inflationary impact of different types of defence or other government spending could find areas where the spending or investment has lower than average inflationary impacts and these areas or programs could be investigated more fully to see if that is where petrodollars are going
1 month ago
Derek Conway
Derek Conway
I’d really like to stop paying my taxes and demand clarity on issues like this before I start again. Somehow I doubt I will be allowed to do that though.
1 week ago (edited)
mario figueroa
mario figueroa
Dude they are creating a New world order with that money
1 week ago
So many retired generals popping up, out of pension, to serve their country, once more or once again!! You’ve got to pay ISIS, IS, DAESH, Peshmergas, Khorasan, Al Qaeda…..on and on and there’s beer money here there and everywhere.
2 weeks ago (edited)
Let’s see, last year we stole 10 million, so let’s try this year to go to 100 million, and following, last year we got away with 100 million lets go for 10 billion, and on and on and the money junkies get all pumped up and salivate and cream their jeans!!! As that famous philosopher George Carlin once said, “It’s all one big club and you and I are not part of that club”!!
2 weeks ago (edited)
It’s kind of hard to justify having Blackwater, Triple Canopy, Dynacor etc. contractors walking around in war zones with 2 million dollars in taxpayer funds to pay warlords and buy sell and trade everything under the sun. Pay for killing husbands, wives, kids and goats. Kind of hard to justify things like that to taxpayers so you create a black budget that even senators and congressmen can’t ask about. War for oil and financial security.
1 week ago
Old Wisdom
Old Wisdom
Our Government gives away trillions to the corporations , banks and rich people. They give away trillions to the military. Why are you paying taxes? They obviously don’t need it.
4 weeks ago
The Openminded Skeptic
The Openminded Skeptic
If you don’t pick up a fight when someone stole several years pay from you,,, you never will.
1 week ago
Elaisa Kasan
Elaisa Kasan
The wealth we produce is siphoned away before we see it. In many ways. Decades ago the big banks made massive investments in oil-based energy infrastructure, knowing they could profitably sell the energy to millions of consumers to heat their homes, power their cars, and the factories that produce the many products we buy. If someone were to introduce a very low-cost energy source, the banker’s massive investments would become worthless. Both the banks and your pension funds include some of these investments. This is the motivation for the UFO ETI and Free Energy secrecy and suppression. The energy technologies of the ET’s would collapse our current global Petrodollar based economy. However, today we hopefully recognize the Petrodollar economy is a system of global enslavement which siphons away our wealth with devaluing currency and overpriced energy. Today we spend more than $6Trillion on direct energy expenditures. Additionally, the overpriced energy embedded in everything we buy including housing, food, medicine, consumer staples and durable goods of all kinds increase the amount by which we unnecessarily overpay. Nikola Tesla demonstrated cheap, fuel less, clean energy sources more than one hundred years ago. However, the bankers, having already made massive investments in oil, which must return on investment to have value, would become bankrupt by free energy. Since the banks own the government, both were compelled to suppress free energy, much to the detriment of humanity. How much of our earned discretionary income has been siphoned away to pay for the banks mal-investments?

$6Trillion per year global energy expenditure, times . . .

8x multiplier as the effects of overpriced energy percolate through the economy. This is the money velocity (12x) times the Kummel Ayres energy contribution multiplier (0.7x) described in The Last Oil Shock, pg 116-123, times . . .

100 years, divided by two. Since, 100 years ago oil had a low net cost.

Which is: $6T x 8 x 100 / 2 = $2,400 Trillion

This is the motivation for the UFO, ETI and Free Energy secrecy.

Source: DuckDuckGo Gary Vesperman energy suppression cases pdf
4 weeks ago
Clay Arnaud
Clay Arnaud
Just think if they spent these trillions of dollars on renewable energy instead of proxy wars over hydrocarbon resources.
3 weeks ago (edited)
Drew Steeves
Drew Steeves
How can 21 trillion not be something that everyone should be talking about? It seems that defence gets a pass when it comes audits but some color person making minimum wage has to endure an IRS audit.
2 weeks ago
Trish House
Trish House
With tax payments stopped we can create civilian oversight committees to do forensic investigations of the finances and products of every government agency. Catherine Austin Fitts suggests opening state escrow accounts into which our tax dollars go and disbursing funds only to those services that actually do help us, then return the left over funds back to the tax payers.
4 weeks ago
melissa weers
melissa weers
they have that much money missing, and we cant pay our debt, or any of the other things we should be dealing with, with our tax dollars
1 week ago
David Lewin
David Lewin
Wake up !!! The military has so many “Secret” projects going and no expense spared.
This of course flows to the industrial military complex-corporations.
All the military bases outside USA and wars where the bastards are squandering money also to private mercenaries.
Also for sure some money is just squirreled away into peoples bank accounts!!!!
2 weeks ago
Garrett Kenny
Garrett Kenny
All that money that’s lost more than likely went on training all the Muslim. Taliban, ghadifi,bin laden, Isis and many more
2 weeks ago
Pablo Seykata
The $21 trillion is The Greatest Robbery in History. So many people are involved in this theft that if there were an investigation, so many people would be criminally liable that almost NO ONE in D.C. wants the truth to come out. Too many people will go down if the truth of the missing $21 trillion is ever uncovered. Any criminal investigation into the missing $21 trillion will have to be done by an outside group.
3 weeks ago
the army spending for running and coordinating Nexrad with the space force system tied together with the massive moisture they release on land and create offshore has to be massive. Us 3239660 and a dozen others in our skies, the limiting sunLight program or aerogel, tr3 tr4, all beyond normal military function.
3 weeks ago
joseph van durme
joseph van durme
X if trump could find the money he could build the best wall ever
1 week ago
Tearle Lee
Tearle Lee
Thank you James for this report. Nothing says you’re a slave like your government announcing “missing $21″ Trillion;” except for the Treasury announcing Harriet Tumbman will be the new face of the $20 note, she said it best “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”

The divide and conquer left right paradigm is elementary level tactics. We are at the dawn of AIG and as a society we cannot unite over a singular issue which should bring about the awakening. $21 Trillion is an unfathomable figure. When Rummy delivered his brilliant speech it was “only,” a paltry $2 Trillion.
2 weeks ago (edited)
Michael Laverty
Michael Laverty
Can you please help me to understand something . Is it being politically polite Or correct that well educated elected official’s can go to these hearing’s and just pretend to ask any meaningful forthright question’s and instead play softball with people who are being paid very well with tax payer dollar’s entrusted to do a Job that they directly benefit from that they purchased there home from the kids private school and yet NOT one lousy hard ball question asked. This Putt’s should have been sweating bullets answering question’s when the very next day they have the disgracefully obscene audacity to cut Snap benefits for millions of people then threaten to cut SS I’m just not grasping the Nature of this Would any of we the people be afforded this same luxury if we were to sit in a hearing and be asked questions say by the IRS or any government agency ? I’m truly angry and let me say this Mr Norkrist would have my vise grip hands around his Geek neck giving me answer’s I can promise you Can you imagine this guy hasn’t even had to loosen his tie yet ? MY GOD
4 weeks ago (edited)
Pura Vida dew
Pura Vida dew
You will find the money in offshore tax havens and in Switzerland. It will be under the names of many people in government and the military industrial complex People and their CEOs. Let’s remember the panama papers etc. etc.
1 month ago
Jasper Newcomb
Jasper Newcomb
It must have been the russians… i mean Iran, Syria, Osama bin Laden. What we know for sure is it has nothing to do with the people who stole control of our money in 1913, no it couldn’t possibly be the ROTHSCHILD CRIME FAMILY no way their books are completely open and honest right Congress? Right? You do audit their books right? Its not possible the Federal Reserve couldn’t know where the money went is it? And why do we have a standing army anyway its unConstitutional just like giving away the peoples right to print and coin our own money and any attempt to do so without first changing our agreement by amendment. And since that was never done its now a simple matter to start printing our own money and correcting the corruption and those responsible which will directly lead to the missing trillions.

The ASHKENAZI’S are the swamp, the deep state, the shadow government. They’ve completely infiltrated our government and turned it into their GOVERNMENT in a process that has taken them hundreds if not thousands of years. Theres only one thing left to do and it rests with us the people.

Its time to cut the head off the snake and retake control of our money theres no other way forward….
4 weeks ago
Jim Jam
Jim Jam
The worlds corrupt leaders will simply manipulate humanity into the next global conflagration so that they can hide their crimes and reallocate the never ending shell game of assets.
1 week ago
Ted B
Ted B
This treatment seems very naïve to me. Why no effort to join the dots together? Where does the realistic expenditure for the development of full spectrum weapons development appear, the maintenance of the American empire including weapons, wars and mercenaries, the intelligence organisations, the world wide bribery and corruption etc, etc And the revenue from drugs, extortion and theft from countries, the transfers to/from the NGO’s , foundations etc. etc. And would these numbers amount to trillions rather than billions? Don’t criminal organizations always have two sets of books? In which case the “missing money” would simply represent top ups for the fully secured, “deep state” version.
4 weeks ago
Richard Mays
This is extremely sinister! There is NO legitimate explanation for this mega book cooking! Certainly it gives rationale to the policy of endless global wars. However, that doesn’t quite explain it all. That would be $1000 to kill everyone on this planet. Surely you could do it cheaper. As 9/11 was planned and staged to hijack the 21st century, the Deep State is gearing up for the next generation technology to perpetuate the next cataclysmic crisis! Whether this has to do with extraterrestrial technology or the stolen secrets of Tesla’s research are yet to be revealed. The true purpose of this massive fraud and appropriation of government wealth will be guarded, literally, to the death! It was previously hidden in plain sight. Now revealed, the Deep State will defy the rule of law and any further scrutiny. The recent rise of the technocratic surveillance state and the open fascination with robots are probably key here. Is this about population reduction? The quizzical curiosity of the discussion is unsettling. However, what to do?
1 month ago (edited)
Carolyn Deason
4 weeks ago
tim lewis
tim lewis
Time to clean out the Pentagon, and TRY to find honest people and not CEO’S to run it.
2 weeks ago
America is well past the point where the founding fathers would have called for a second violent revolution. We are riddled with corruption and kleptocracy. The Secrets are Lies and Lies are Treason! Psychopaths have appropriated leadership in all realms of life but they are driving us to an early death by extinction.
2 weeks ago
red ale smoothie
red ale smoothie
It is because it is a corporation maskerading as government who thinks they answer to no one. A bunch of pedavours.

So called congress are not overseeing anything. They are a bunch of pedavours and hores soled out to the fallen angel demon.
2 weeks ago
Chemtrails ain’t cheap.
6 days ago
HEY JIMBO….ALL THE TREES ARE DYING–(I call the “White Death”)…but no one talks about it..even Jimbo Corbettt pretends…how will we make paper money with NO TREES? ohh it’s all digital now—nothing to see here…
4 weeks ago
Moh Moony
Moh Moony
Most average people can’t fathom exactly how much a trillion dollars really is and what it could do if used for good instead of destruction. $30B could end homelessness in the US. $300B could end hunger world wide. Those are just 1.5% of that missing $21T.

Try imagining each dollar being a single second of time. 1 second isn’t a whole hell of a lot of time, right? Now see how it builds:
$1 = 1 second
$1 Thousand = 16 Minutes and 40 Seconds
$1 MIllion = 11 Days, 13 Hours
$1 Billion = 31 Years, 8 Months
$1 Trillion = 31,709 Years
3 weeks ago
John Holmes2
John Holmes2
They are robbing us blind…..It all went to Israel….You know it, I know it….That is the reason we are never told the truth…..AIPAC occupies the US Government….There are families that, that is all they do….raise Government workers only to take it over….. The people have had enough of the lies and deception……We are ready for the Truth…. Mossad did 911, Israel stole Uranium from the USA……They also attacked the USS Liberty.,…Israel was founded by Bolshevik Communist …….END ALL AID TO THE WELFARE COMMUNIST STATE OF ISRAEL….. ALWAYS SHADY UNDERHANDED TACTICS…..DESTROY A NATION FROM WITHIN……THE TRIBE HAS BEEN DOING IT FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS…….WAKE UP PEOPLE!
1 month ago
Dread Pirate
Dread Pirate
The 21 Trillion in missing money; is this the same 21 trillion when speaking of the national debt?
1 week ago
Dennis Allen
Iran-Contra was to the tune of under $2 billion in about a year
What is harder to grasp is that the Iran-Contra affair was less an inquiry into the suspicious spending of the Pentagon but an instruction manual on how not to get caught and how to create a nation within a nation.
And RT hacked the elections? HAHAHAHAH
1 month ago
Jonny Lukens
Jonny Lukens
It’s interesting to me reading the comments and seeing how angry everybody is (rightfully so) about this situation, yet most of the good ones seem to be from smart educated people; people who probably have already come to the realization that all of this money that has disappeared is just fake fiat money that our Fed and banking cartel made up out of thin air. What that money really represents in the real world is the wealth of all the people of the older generations who owned their homes and then were swindled into reverse mortgages and then lost them and went bankrupt, pensions that were stolen, and the labor of the millions of Americans who work in the service industry which produces nothing tangible of value yet doesn’t pay enough to earn a living wage so we have to work twice or three times as hard.
3 weeks ago (edited)
L Wells
L Wells
But what about the caravan, hmmmm. We have a crisis inside Washington we don’t need to go to the border to find it
1 week ago
flyback 2me
flyback 2me
CHEMTRAILS CHEMTRAILS CHEMTRAILS!!!!!!!!!!! They are spraying HARD in Delaware today.
3 weeks ago
Trillions of dollars went missing on 911–and some gold.
1 week ago
Shannon Hultz
Shannon Hultz
My money says it was used for secret underground military tunnels and bunkers or off world space programs, no way that much money just disappears off the books and no one can find it. If that much moneyh were spent for non nefarious purposes the economy would be booming.
2 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
David Lewin
David Lewin
Why don’t you say the word CORRUPTION!!!!!!!!1
2 weeks ago
Aiya Knight
Aiya Knight
People should be outraged. People should be rioting in the street. But nope so many people care more about football, the Kardashian’s it sickens me. We need a yellow vest revolution. Imprison all the high up criminals.
4 weeks ago
what is this? new trillions or are these the same trillions of 2001. if its new trillions, can we expect another “plane” crashing into the building containing the files?
2 weeks ago
Hemingway Hummingbird
Hemingway Hummingbird
I’ve shared this on each social media sites along with the link to The Minds of Men which James if you haven’t seen you have to. Anyways, I’ve posted these two major issues on every social outlet this country & not ONE person has said a word about it! Have we become so complacent, so doped up & docile transfixed with our $300 phones that it has lulled us into mere a collective of distracted & desensitized beings? Oh & I want a refund on my 2 1/2 decade’s of my back breaking tax dollars back Uncle Scam. #profitwillcurrupt. The Venus Project has huge potential. Not perfect but, still potential. I’m 39 those of us that are my age & older may be lucky we won’t be around if things continue this way. I am an optimist but if the lack of response is any type of outlook well, then good luck!
1 month ago
Ross Meldrum
And yet the democrats quibble over a measly 5 billion for a border wall incredible!!!
4 weeks ago
There’s a judgement day coming. The outright criminality being perpetrated by the globalist cabal of which the US DOD is a tool is staggering. An audit of where our US taxes go via federal reserve – BIS – to their ultimate owners would uncover our true masters and perpetrators of all the major international criminal acts of the last 200+ years.
4 weeks ago (edited)
IT’s very simple gentlemen. The military industrial complex controls the weapons. They have no fear of the population at all. The second amendment is obsolete. The nazi takeover was complete decades ago. If they allow a revolution in our country it is because they have the replacement gvmt ready to install.
2 weeks ago
Gerald Trudeau
In a real country, with a real government, there would be a huge investigation for, (at the very least), misappropriation of funds. Instead, when the Intelligence community, and the War Profiteers of the Military Industrial Complex control the Congress, the Media, and overrule the President, there’s no limit how much of our money can go missing with no questions asked.
It’s called, CORRUPTION, children.
4 weeks ago
Alex Rogovik
Critique of government is healthy. But I want to see more self critique. Like answering the question how would I make a successful government run without any secrets? Intrigue and subterfuge have long been essential elements of statecraft. I’ll admit that I can’t imagine how a government would run without at least some of it
2 weeks ago
AZ Homes
I thought the money was given to Israel as an offering to our gods so they will make are crops grow….
2 weeks ago
Dave Lumsden
Let’s face it, it just being ripped off.
1 week ago
Sam King
“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts,….” — William Shakespeare, 1564 – 1616 ———– Old Bill knew what he was talking about. Acting and fraud, as old as Man himself. It will never end.
1 week ago
hint: Ewes borrowed ALL THOSE TRILLIONS. ewes = u’s. Baaaaa’d? It’s DIRE!
And this is EweToo(brother). We (you too) have been tasked with the progressive perfection of mankind. YouTube is the culmination of our 250-year Experiment in Self-Government (1776-2026) by educating the masses, and joining the generations with mass media and rapid transportation, and FINALLY, connecting more of these educated people, who live freer and more abundantly than ever before . . . to THIS. A shared, worldwide experience with near-instant communication. JUST TO WAKE THIS GENERATION UP. we ARE one.
4 weeks ago
rick Strong
rick Strong
Let,s just keep arguing about 5 million for a wall or the next smoke screen news cycle.keeps the attention off of this unbelievable corruption.
2 weeks ago
Titts McGee
Titts McGee
Large black triangle UFO’s and massive underground bases. That’s where it goes.
3 weeks ago
AZ Homes
AZ Homes
Of course treasury has two sets of books that is why no independent audit will be allowed…
2 weeks ago
Lutz M
Lutz M
Don’t worry it’s all gone to Isreal. They control America.The zionist jews are bankrupting America for the New world order.
2 weeks ago (edited)
Owen McCaffrey
Owen McCaffrey
This is very interesting to me. I believe that using finance methods it could be possible to estimate the hidden books of treasury. When Treasury issues money it can affect the money supply, interest rates and the amount of USD in circulation. Analysis of the official books of treasury vs analysis of how many petrodollar debt was issued can estimate the difference.
1 month ago
Ernest Of Gaia
Ernest Of Gaia
Send this video to Bernie Sanders and Trump’s Twitter, neither party is talking about this.Thanks for your research
2 weeks ago
Let me guess before listening to the presentation… the misappropriated funds went to the same place the funds given to Clinton foundation to rebuild Haiti went… a bunch of sick bastards.
3 weeks ago
practice saying the number quadrillion.
just saying
4 weeks ago
Just like…CIA involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking………or like……..Iran–Contra affair……..just another way to collect money for something you want to keep a secret.
4 weeks ago
Samuel J
Samuel J
Question: if the Federal Reserve is not Federal, does that mean if the US goes bankrupt it does not kill its dollar? otherwise why keep lending it? and does that mean that to get out it the US will be involved in more wars?
1 month ago
Righteous Indignation
Righteous Indignation
I think they don’t take the wages, zero tax, health benefits, retirement debts, etc. into account for anyone employed by the “work for the dole” program that the US labels as “government employees”. This massive welfare program includes everyone from local council to front line troops policing exotic locations and every contractor in between them.
4 weeks ago
Tom Bombadil
I remember that about 20 years ago the credit card fraud that was committed by the hundreds of thousands of government employees and the military. They were using them like the cards were their’s, charging thousands for personal purchases. Nothing happened then either. There is NO accountability within the federal government for white collar crime. For that matter, any kind of crime. Bring back the guillotine!
1 month ago (edited)
pablo znotti
$1 million is a stack of $100 bills one meter high.
$1 billion is a stack of 100’s one kilometer high.
$21 trillion is a stack of $100 bills 21000 kilometers high.
4 weeks ago (edited)
A very eye awakening programme gentlemen. The books have been cooked for…forever…since 1913?
2 weeks ago
nick sweeney
nick sweeney
Lotsa theories, but, there’s always that bottomless black money pit, which alleges to be our only-&-beloved.(((middle eastern ally))); which requires infinite feeding.
4 weeks ago
jaleel al-Askari
jaleel al-Askari
israel and russia won,…. mitre,… audit pentagon,… same mitre from 911,….
1 month ago
Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
And HOW MANY PEOPLE have been drug off at gun point and had their houses and possessions stolen, their lives ruined, because they were accused of NOT PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE either intentionally or just by making a mathematical error on a personal report?
2 weeks ago
The Pentagon displaces trillions and at the same time multiple new military craft projects (zumwalt,littoral, f-35) go way over budget and under perform. The armaments on these new craft are woefully underpowered, their budgets are massive, and the purchased quantity of craft keeps getting scaled down. Where is all this slush money going? Sounds like rampant embezzlement on the govt./taxpayers dime
4 weeks ago
Ernest Of Gaia
Ernest Of Gaia
If the governments books were in a Blockchain….
2 weeks ago
Bill Cooper was murdered for speaking truth to the American people and he was probably the most notable but only one of many. All I am saying is God Bless You James and keep your eyes wide open and stay alert! You are a true Patriot!
4 weeks ago (edited)
Bill Rink
Bill Rink
Time for new laws that send Pentagon Officials to prison for failing an Audit and ways and means committee members removed after any failed audit
3 weeks ago
Louis Hibbs
Louis Hibbs
space is the place.. for the human race..after they destroy the Earth..
1 week ago
And yet they’ll shut the government down over a measly five billion dollars for the wall, but 21 trillion goes missing and it’s just business as usual
3 weeks ago
Dillon O’Toole
Dillon O’Toole
Some members of federal law enforcement are paid with checks from the “department of agriculture” and this goes back to the early 2000’s. I have seen this with my own eyes, and when you brought up how all the books could be fake I thought of that.
3 weeks ago
Harru Kuehn
Harru Kuehn
Secret space program much, two militaries for the price of one, truth of it would be even more fantastically than you could imagine. Tech reverse engineered from Aliens or lost civilizations. Or more mundane the greatest mind of our modern age hidden in darkest of Shadows no oversight or limits as resources including human experimentation. Don’t give me the BS that never happens in the grand US of A.
4 weeks ago
Aimee Curry
Aimee Curry
4 weeks ago (edited)
Tom McDonough
Tom McDonough
To put one trillion dollars into a more understandable perspective, that comes to over $3,000, or $250+ per month for every adult, child and infant living in the U.S. As the pop-up article @2:46 in this video states, $21 trillion is about $65,000 for every person living in the U.S. Remember that we have to ‘borrow’ this money from the Federal Reserve banksters, so it doesn’t include accrued interest. Imo, it’s being stolen and diverted to the Secret Space Programs. Thank you James and Dr. Skidmore for an outstanding and fascinating presentation.
4 weeks ago (edited)
Robert Henderson
Robert Henderson
The government is stealing trillion of tax dollars And Americans are either stupid or afraid to get their money back. America land of the stupid and afraid?haha
3 weeks ago (edited)
Bennie Blanks
Bennie Blanks
And yet the government demands absolute financial transparency and accuracy on our end.

Also, does this suggest that we can’t even trust government estimates about total tax revenue? Where is this extra money coming from?
3 weeks ago
Wow! Thanks Dr. Skidmore and thank you James. Another great Corbett Report.
3 weeks ago
Lonnie Joraskie
Early on , and throughout he asks the question why is no one looking at this. Well Rumsfeld started the commission to investigate the “The missing $” The very next day was 9-11 ,and the group that had the #’s on this was located in tower 1.
4 weeks ago
Cheryl Mallon-Bond
This is so OUTRAGEOUS! My blood is BOILING! He should go to Judicial Watch with this information!!!!
3 weeks ago
Joe Sixpack
Look at Lockheed Martin, especially on Comey’s watch. SEIZE THEIR ASSETS and who at the Treasury is complicit?
3 weeks ago (edited)
Michael Berta
Maybe Dr. Skidmore might want to try to contact the former director of management and budget under Reagan, David Stockman. He seems to be very outspoken and knowledgeable and might provide some insight though I’m not so sure.
4 weeks ago
Jack Edmonds
PROOF that “Democracies” are NOT “open” or “transparent” but CLOSED, TIGHTLY CONTROLLED TYRANNIES!
4 weeks ago
My hypothesis is that trillions of dollars and euros etc have gone to secret subsidies of oil production and trade. Imagine if things like gasoline and food production would become incredibly expensive. That’s totally unsustainable for the economic growth needed in today’s world economy. Sweet crude oil production peaked several years ago and now the price of oil is supposed to still be low despite the use of tar sands, fracking and even shale oil. It doesn’t compute, unless there is some massive additional support such as huge subsidies of oil production and secret international cooperation to keep the oil price down.
3 weeks ago
Delphinium Flower
The US Government has always been totally corrupt. The USA is one of the most corrupt governments in the world. It’s not something that anyone can fix, because there are too many people who want to keep things the way they are. If you want to change the system, you will have to fight them — and no one wants to do that. I certainly don’t.
3 weeks ago (edited)
Terry Moore
Everything is going under the pretend National Security Act..which steals the truth and makes dishonesty some how okay.. Lockheed Martin is the secret space programs, and tax payer funded along with all the other crooks you could never imagine. Our politicians are huge part of this and until we get term limits in place it all will continue.
1 month ago
Joseph Hughes
Steal $20 you’ll end up in court. Steal $20Trillion no-one wants to know.
2 weeks ago
Randy Coger
Thanks James, but be careful not to step on the evil toes of the Vatican/Jewish deep state. JFK, Bill Cooper, Ted Gunderson and many more have exposed this evilness with their lives. God bless you James and all your associates for your sacrifice.
4 weeks ago
The space fleet must be maintained and the off world base they have will also not maintained by itself. The space ships they have for example USSS Hellenkoeter and USSS Curtis Lemay are huge and to work they must be maintained.

Yes they cant officially admit that they have them. So many of these trillions are going into Solar warden off the record.
4 weeks ago
Turley Thornton
2 words–Lockheed Martin. I caught Kevin Shipp’s presentation at Dane Wigungton’s Geo-Engineering forum. He explained how John McCain was receiving many times his Senate salary from L.M. LM is controlling our election systems, the storage of private data of all individuals, and so on.
4 weeks ago (edited)
question, critics says that the Did only receives 600billion, how is it possible then that I gets and spends trillions? I thought I understood it but it seems this is a bit complicated for an normal guy like me.
1 week ago
Jesse Wright
Jesse Wright
Your messing with the military industrial complex and the secret space program. We have zero point and antigravity. That guy might get snuffed. This is dangerous.
4 weeks ago
Simon Smith
Simon Smith
The essence of government is money. The public think in terms of ideology, those that rule use ideology as a cover to accumulate and consolidate power (money). The proper scrutiny of government, whether local or national must be in what they do with the money. Most people interested in politics and become activists don’t really appreciate this truth.
4 weeks ago
I don’t know why it’s such a stretch to say that this money is financing a breakaway civilization’s space ships, underground and off-world bases. Where else is this money being spent? Why can’t you guys just f’ing say it? Catherine Aistin Fitts believes it. You don’t believe the government about anything, but you choose to believe them about UFOs. Rediculous. I love this channel and James, but the blindness about this subject is crazy. Even with TRILLIONS missing and going into black budget programs!!!
1 month ago
Luke Devo
Luke Devo
NASA has used 600 Billion over 60 years and look what they have given to the public with all the advancments they have made. The pentagon cant account for 21 TRILLION?
My bet is they spent it all on secret moon/mars bases!…What else can you spend 21 trillion on?
3 weeks ago
Roland Matters
Roland Matters
Anyone with real evidence who attempts to blow the whistle about these missing $Trillions will be found dead in their bathtub with two Lockheed Martin MHTK missile wounds to the back of their head. The coroner will rule the cause of death as suicide.
4 weeks ago
edgar gonzalez
edgar gonzalez
$3.8 billion going to israel per year? I think that amount barely scratches the surface. Im sure most of those trillions are ending up somewhere near there. Im sure these “dual nationals” we have in government will know all about that…
4 weeks ago
donkey mung
donkey mung
i bet global weather modification weapon like HAARP, to cause earthquakes and floods, a continental 5G Antimissle defence system or a massive AI server bank that reads the worlds correspondence screws the righteous and makes insurrection impossible.
something “Farenheit 451” that raises the strategic warfare bar orders of magnitude or gaurentees peace on earth with never exist.
with our government, i aways go with the nefarious before incompetence or stupidity.
3 weeks ago
Edward Robaon
Why are you smiling? Hand going to that beard and mouth a fair bit. Why are you not simming what it could have been spent on? You are so calm like this is some ‘diabolical conundrum’. This kind of money can only have been used to build entire metropolitan areas.
3 weeks ago
Boone Docker
Theft on a grand scale for many years. It is tracking almost dollar for dollar the national debt.
4 weeks ago (edited)
Tim Steinkamp
This is a good argument for increasing the House to 10,000 members as the Constitution allows (no more than 1 per 30,000 citizens). How do we over see these trillion dollars of spending with 535 members of Congress, considering the Senators are not concerned as they represent the states where the House represents the peoples money. Come on people.
4 weeks ago
Emily Brown
Wow. So none of you do your own research? The Pentagon has not received $21 trillion in total in its entire history. Even adding up every dollar that it has received since day one.
You only get 21 trillion if you count transactions and not dollars. When counting only transactions, the same dollars are counted repeatedly.
3 weeks ago
josa rebelo
haaaaaaa= welcome= space nothing= anti- artistic =Antarctica lol
ask NASA find a bone= they talk= genitalia ?
4 weeks ago (edited)
Is it any coincidence that our National Debt is $21 Trillion USD?
4 weeks ago
Jay Marcum
Wow. Unchecked and unaccountable federal spending? Things were really bad when they had to lie. Now…wow.
4 weeks ago
Ghalib Marsal
If fake Federal books are allowed then tax payers should put their foot down and get together and bloke the salaries and perks of Senators. It clearly shows the treachery of these Senators- Is it not their responsibility to safeguard the wealth of the nation?
Another question is why is the IMF quiet.
4 weeks ago (edited)
Tim Bailey
They are hiding all the sex trade, and drug money. How much money does the gov collect in taxes each year? How much money is needed to fund all the departments in the gov each year? If the answer is they do not collect enough in taxes to pay each department, yet still manage to pay these departments. Where then is the money coming from? Remember this is unaccounted money so it’s not on loan from the fed.
1 month ago
Orbital Jellyfish
There are many things which happen but that we won’t know: 1) what they really attempt/produce on defense, especially R&D 2) what they really spend to get what they really have 3) how they really fund/track what they really spend. For every level headed citizen paying attention for the right reasons, there are probably 2 or more foreign spies paying attention for the wrong reasons. Not saying it’s right or can’t be improved, but it seems to explain much of this confusion.
3 weeks ago
Manuel Persinger
It not the poor who is taking all the money it’s people working to help the poor and are government & DOD giveing are taxes to London!!!? Look it up people????????? ?✌️?
4 weeks ago
richard mccann
richard mccann
4 weeks ago
Edward Robaon
Edward Robaon
Housing, urban development + military + mile high ice caves in Antarctica + 21 trillion dollars + 20 years +. Dr Strangelove = Brave New World
3 weeks ago
I find it easier to think of them as criminals in suits then the missing trillions make sense and all the hidden naughtiness is just criminals trying to look legitimate . The only solution is to follow the yellow vests example and stage a peaceful revolution . Trying to get control by following their rules is unlikely to succeed. The ballot boxes are controlled by them. Well done James. Budah of Birmingham
1 month ago
Felix E.
Felix E.
95 % of Americans (Congress and the press included) couldn’t even tell you how many zeros are in a trillion.
The paradox of large numbers is that the bigger they get the less the public cares.
“A billion here, a billion there ; pretty soon you’re talking about real money.” Senator Everett Dirksen 1951-1969
“A Single Death is a Tragedy; a Million Deaths is a Statistic.” Joseph Stalin
1 month ago
Glenn Kirste
Glenn Kirste
4 weeks ago
John Esselink
John Esselink
Y are Americans stand idol While their government does this to them why do they not stop working for a week
2 weeks ago
Darryl Caputo
Darryl Caputo
The unaccounted trillions represent clandestine/black ops spending based on income from illegal activities by the CIA and the like: e.g. drug trade from Afghanistan and So. America, illicit arms dealing, theft from other countries we invade, etc. Its really simple. They need to cover their tracks, so, they obfuscate the accounting.
3 weeks ago
Nancy Kulka
Nancy Kulka
Is anyone bother to send a link to this discussion to their Senator? Shouldn’t they have some idea that some of us are aware? Can we all send a link to NPR and ask them to address this? We know they won’t, but at least they’ll know we have some idea that something is desperately wrong.
3 weeks ago
where is the money?????
shut up and keep on working!
how is professor mark still alive…please do not get a fast agresive cancer!
1 month ago
row gun
Chemtrail program and climate manipulation on a global scale where the hell do you think is paying for this…….the ignorant blind public.
3 weeks ago
Bill Goddu
Comes down to High Treason on government by the people. Direct Democracy We all Rule
3 weeks ago (edited)
Lee Sorenson
Merry Christmas professor, Carl Levin was in the defence department. Now I understand that he is practicing law from the Macnamera bldg in Detroit. Maybe you can ask him.
4 weeks ago
Rick Martinez
I wonder how much of this money has gone towards building the Deep Underground Military Bases and secret underground road system that has been under construction by the military for probably the last 40 years?
4 weeks ago
Alexander Kalish
This appears to be corruption on a huge global scale. No one person could steal that kind of money. We still don’t know if treasury actually gave them the money….unreal !!!but true. This calls for a false flag gentlemen.
4 weeks ago
Red Line Radio
Outstanding service to Americans!!! Truly the largest transfer of wealth to the Deep State…
4 weeks ago
Learn Educate Love and Share
Parden me , but isn’t cooking the books ILLEGAL,FRUAD,DECEPTION, “ACOUNTABLTY ” ? ?? ?? ? ???
1 month ago
All great info and all very true James but the poor bloke (a professor) is afraid to say really where he thinks the money is/has gone because it could potentially and severely damage his career. He also avoids stating what Catherine Austin Fitts has speculated about the hidden global financial system….easy to find and listen to her many interviews and also her conversations with Dr Joseph P Farrell
1 month ago
Thomas maurer
your falling into miss information propaganda …. its to fake out russians on making them guess about black research projects .. its all fake $$
4 weeks ago
vusi mdudu
And we talk about third world couraption
3 weeks ago
If it’s errors, double entry, entry errors etc. Why is it only the minus numbers where the errors occur?
3 weeks ago
Another brilliant report-research, revelation…..
1 month ago
Stuart J Smith
Stuart J Smith
Always wondered why you never interviewed C.A.Fitts. Glad to see you finally come around with Skidmore.
1 month ago (edited)
Delphinium Flower
Delphinium Flower
If some money managers refused to buy Government bonds, they would just get fired, and accomplish nothing.
3 weeks ago
DC Gerente
DC Gerente
The question is NOT how could our lawmakers allow this or NOT know it exists or NOT care, but instead how could they NOT be involved? This is a Shakedown, not like a mugging with a gun, but more like a forgery embezzlement scheme by persons (organized crime aka govt) hiding behind aliases and wearing latex gloves to avoid fingerprints..
4 weeks ago (edited)
Dave Kay
Dave Kay
You are enquiring into the private business of the sovereign. This is not permitted. The government is protecting the security of the sovereign. No options are made available. The sovereign owns the media.
1 month ago (edited)
Ecco Sabanovic
Ecco Sabanovic
…zionist jews scumbags have successfully screwed USA for good…just look at senate and how many of them with dual citizenship(israel) are Adolf was right on the spot..
4 weeks ago
Yup THe Deep State is real and they are AFRAID of President Trump becuause he is an outsider and he sees what has been happening. That’s why they were all afraid of Trump winning. That’s why they are still attacking him relentlessly for over 2 yrs and won’t stop.They need their fall guy. They are deflecting .Obama and Hillary are crooks and liars and degenerates. They are waist deep,chest deep in all of it.
3 weeks ago
Suzie Greer
Suzie Greer
3 weeks ago
Sonoma Takova
Sonoma Takova
The criminal Pompeo take it all ????
Checking. There buddy’s Isis accounts is a good start ???
3 weeks ago
Wiley Peyote
Wiley Peyote
Google ‘Dancing Israeli Accountants’
1 month ago
The last time the pentagon announced missing money, the next day the twin towers were hit and the pentagon was bombed.
4 weeks ago
Vote 4 Pedro
Vote 4 Pedro
$21Trillion went up in smoke on 911 when a missile smashed into the accounting wing of the Pentagon
3 weeks ago
Bryan Rambler
Bryan Rambler
The simple answer is mostly likely due to the possibility that the beneficiaries of this missing money are the same ones contributing to the campaigns of the lawmakers whose responsibility it is to look into this.
4 weeks ago
Jerry M
Jerry M
How about a Go Fund Me page to raise capital to finance the cost of advertising and legal work?
3 weeks ago
Topsoil Depletion Awareness (closing the loop)
3:44 Cube
5:50 666 sign

I caught you, Corbett Report.
3 weeks ago
Anyone else think there’s probably an Elysium ring orbiting Mars or Saturn that they’ve been building with our money? I’ll just be glad that our social and financial betters will have a way to escape the hell-world they’ve created for the rest of us.
3 weeks ago
Texas Faggot
By the chance missing amount equals federal debt. It looks like we have used every cent from taxes and duties and went to war with huge Screaming Credit Card. It´s the only explanation for how come we run several wars all years in and out and not collapse! Killing with the debt for the debt to serve the debt. And Now! Go out and consume! Buy Something.
4 weeks ago
Fed Up
Psychopathic, degenerate, traitorous, duel citizen Israeli Zionist Jews run the US government. Lying, stealing, cheating are what they do.
1 month ago
James Murphy
Who is involved
We need names
Start saying names
Who is the adjustment supervisor.
Stop playing games and name people
We know it’s probably a private Corporation
3 weeks ago
It is the grease that pays for the big banks, a high stock market and IT firms without assets.
3 weeks ago
James Morris
James Morris
I can truly say I never saw any of that money when I spent a short time in the Army.
2 weeks ago
Trent 1956
Trent 1956
We all pay about 50% of our gross income to the government. That is state, federal, sales tax and the hundred other ways our rulers find to steal your money. In effect, we are slaves that serve the ruling elites. They are smart enough to leave us just enough money to pay for our own food and cages.
4 weeks ago
Evelyne Simon
Evelyne Simon
In a functioning democracy, we would count on opposition parties to highlight troubling governmental matters even if the press is too corrupt to do real journalism…
4 weeks ago
John Bostock
John Bostock
Thank you for your research. Seems most everyone knows next to nothing what gives on this planet, let alone what happens in the Universe and Beyond!
4 weeks ago
theo h. Łada
theo h. Łada
SPACE FORCE and .1% pockets.
4 weeks ago
Chris Rimbey
Chris Rimbey
Just more proof positive that this ships going DOWN!!
2 weeks ago
Zackidoo Zacoou
Zackidoo Zacoou
It a MMT programm in action that my opinion gouverment must spend the money it create somehow. It just my opinion.
4 weeks ago (edited)
Joe Milosch
Joe Milosch
I find it interesting that no mention is made that this missing money has gone into super-secret space research… aka the Breakaway Civilization, UFO’s, energy beam weapons, etc. Whether it is true or not, I find it unusual that it is not mentioned, since secret military research is usually where secretive money goes.
4 weeks ago
sarah conner
sarah conner
so they got tens of trillions of dollars now, so what they are doing to make that money have value is creating class of poor people who desperately need it. if they just tried to spend that amount of money the dollar would become worthless.
1 month ago
Mike Hunt
What ever happened to no taxation without representation!? Our government is robbing us, enslaving us, and no one cares…. this world is in a sad sad state. ☹
4 weeks ago
This is fantastic journalism, thank you so much for keeping real journalism alive.
4 weeks ago
Rob Hannum
And all hell will break loose if my taxes are not accounted for… WTH! yeah.. this mess needs to be cleaned up via JAIL sentences! retroactively!
1 month ago
Matt Lloyd
Of coarse the lying thieves aren’t interested in solving this problem because their gravy train will be cut off but heaven forbid these untouchable government liars go to jail! To hell with my government what the hell are they governing but our minds with nothing but lies!
3 weeks ago
Cheryl b
Thank you both and Catherine Austin Fitts and all your students.
3 weeks ago
David Dryden
Like all good conspiracies it compartmentalized. Nobody at the bottom knows the answer. They just follow orders and talking points. When that fails they just shut down the website.
3 weeks ago
drew pearce
Just look at any BLS reports
It’s obvious they massage numbers and/or flat out lie.
4 weeks ago
sarah conner
black budget, off budget, classified, the whole problem is them acting like everything is a big secret, classified this, classified that, obviously when everything is a big secret someone is stealing trillions of our wealth
1 month ago
bradley small
secret drone wars and bombing by the cia and god knows what ever else in various nefaRIOOUS activities. That is where the money goes.
4 weeks ago
John Burnitin
It may come down to the American people starting a tax revolt. We pay no taxes until we have answers!
4 weeks ago
Anne Bradley
If Gen Mattis was able to continue as Defense Secretary, there would have been more purging and investigating! Trump didn’t want that because Obama didn’t want to get caught!
4 weeks ago
Barney Google
Barney Google
Corruption reigns supreme in the land of the fleeced and the home of the brazen – ruled by the creed that “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, and that’s pretty good odds.” (quote attributed to William F. Buckley – but maybe not the 1st to say it?)
1 month ago
Kathlean Keesler
Kathlean Keesler
Happy New Year from Tucson Arizona!
3 weeks ago
Rick Picone
Rick Picone
It’s in Obamas basement.
2 weeks ago
rodney giovanatti
rodney giovanatti
Richard wolfe talks about worker owned cooperatives catching on in germany. Workers own the company. They vote on any decisions of any significance and they vote each year whether to keep the current management. I think cities and states could be run similarly.
4 weeks ago
hustler Forgita
hustler Forgita
This is crazy why would anyone beileve anything comming from these politicians?
3 weeks ago (edited)
#Ziocons destroyed the evidence on 9/11 by blowing up the Pentagon accounting department. Where are the Clintons, Shrub (Bush Jr.), Rumsfeld, Cheney and Chertoff now? Enjoying their billionaire lifestyle retirements? They should be dragged into public congressional hearings, thoroughly questioned and investigated.
3 weeks ago
Bob Farrell
Bob Farrell
This is why our politicians have millions of dollars. Greedy schmucks that put themselves above the country – which is why we need to weed them out.
4 weeks ago
Drago Varsas
Drago Varsas
Governments in the USA have other sources of income too. Watch ‘ the biggest game in town’. About 50 minutes long. Governments owns companies and stocks but those incomes never show up in the budged.
4 weeks ago
The excess moneys are coming from Oil and Drugs….. the DOD lives on those as its the majority of its income…
3 weeks ago
Start Practicing for the Jubilee to forgive ALL THAT DEBT on 09/23/26.
“No more war. Forgive our debts. Save us. We will do anything!”
Hint: Neo Eon Currency
There is such a thing as too late. We need that Awakening, Lord.
4 weeks ago
Frank Mann
All summed up by understanding what happens when your agency is secretly run by the jew. The names are there. Who has the access to do this and the ability to have the media ignore it? Big Nose Tel Aviv
1 month ago
Old Wisdom
OK Americans time for some basic math, repeat after me one plus one equals two. 22 trillion in debt plus 22 trillion missing from military budget equals two. Got it.
4 weeks ago
j Money
I could pay off all my debts in three years with what I pay in taxes during that time. Glad to see they’re taking such great responsibility with my hard earned money. Government makes me want to barf
4 weeks ago
Vada Ann
Literally when I was in the JAG office, my commander told me we have to spend our entire budget or we won’t get any more next year. So they waste it on trips, and food, and miscellaneous stuff. They literally wasted the money on purpose.
1 month ago
Derrick Graham
Right now, there is a government down over the budget. The budget isn’t real. Does that mean they are pretending the government is shutdown over a fictional budget?
3 weeks ago
and they think it’s an immigration issue and build a wall…. omg I am shocked , thank you sir from Europe!!! for info as such I would never ever hear it in the news
1 week ago
Philip Dawes
Thank you for the upload. I recall a news item after America invaded and was in the process of destroying Iraq in 2003-4, that an American military plane landed in Iraq and was unloading crates of American dollars amounting to US$-billions. It is obvious that corruption is a common occurrence in U.S. government on many levels, and the media is part of that corruption.
1 month ago
Wait!?! Last time the pentagonal Industry complex owned up to Missing money,/nextDay911
4 weeks ago
Dug M
Compare this 21 trillion figure to what they claim our national debt is. I would say Americans have no duty or obligation to pay this debt.

The debt stood at around 21.51 trillion U.S. dollars as of September 2018. The national debt per capita in 2017 was around 62,034 U.S. dollars.
3 weeks ago (edited)
Can’t get any closer to UN propaganda than by NPR.
4 weeks ago
The US government is nothing but a lie and a fraud. Distribute rum in the water supply and you will have a second American revolution!
1 month ago (edited)
TAK Ism.
TAK Ism.
wow , guy’s stop it, if you keep asking them about the money they will stage another attack or something.
2 weeks ago
Scot Wells
Scot Wells
If we can’t get answers while being civil then we should consider being un civil like they are in France.
4 weeks ago
Colin Fox
Colin Fox
If so many USA dollars have been created, what is the USA Dollar worth?
That is the real question, 50% or less.
4 weeks ago
Jerry LaFever
Jerry LaFever
Is it better to know this or not? I ask the question because it only serves to upset the citizens but will anything ever be done about it? Of course not. Its time for us to take back our country. We have been cheated and stolen from for decades and nothing but complaints from the people. When are the crooks in Washington going to answer for their deeds? NEVER!!!
1 month ago
gerry chan
gerry chan
The biggest crooks are in the highest level of government.i hope Americans will not let this pass by. France is just beginning to straighten its government.
4 weeks ago
metatron 737
metatron 737
America needs It’s own form of Brexit from the criminal federal reserve and abolish maritime law. Deep underground bug out facilities for the top elitists cost us taxpaying sheople unfathomable amounts of debt ($). I figure, ballpark, we’re in debt about 42 trillion derivative debt (250 + trillion) notwithstanding. All this risk has been shifted to the middle class.
1 month ago (edited)
J. Sagiechode
J. Sagiechode
What happened to “El Chapo’s” forfeit and seized accounts and assets? wasn’t that suppose to pay for the WALL?
3 weeks ago
Niiles Punkari
Niiles Punkari
To even spend trillions of dollars without being noticed takes a talent — I would look underground or space.
4 weeks ago
I can’t even begin to wrap my head around $21 trillion missing from the Pentagon…I just fainted ?
4 weeks ago
Bob S
Did anyone look in between the couch cushions?
1 week ago
BaiAnNa2014 Twitter
This Amazon Android apparently doesn’t like news exposing corruption. It’s buffering and won’t stop. Even disconnected the video.
1 month ago
How dare they cut our trees to make paper to print all that useless fiat or maybe not so useless.
2 weeks ago (edited)
A LeAnn
Sounds to me there is a bunch of individuals that have gambling addictions, and drug addictions.

Not ! We got and are being scammed.
4 weeks ago
Heiner Ali
Something that never existed…cannot go missing. It is a slavery debt…for future generations. Nothing but 1’s & 0’s in a dark gov.spreadsheet. We should EGNORE it and consider it null & void.
4 weeks ago
Gregory Wild
Man oh man the plot thickens even more, This Govt. needs to be overhauled. We are lied to at every turn, we are lied to by everyone in Govt. And yet guys like James are being shut down for telling the truth. I do want to ask James if he has a plan to get lawyers for 9/11 committee on his show in the near future ??????? Gage, and Barbara Honnegar and the rest
1 month ago
Jim Woodard
This happened on Bathhouse Bamas Watch BUT none of this group of Democommies won’t TELL YOU …
4 weeks ago
Brolick Scholar
Israeli pockets! ?
2 weeks ago
Learn Educate Love and Share
To the gollows with them payers money? ?? ??? ??,hang them all , ACOUNTABLTY ! !
1 month ago
There just digital numbers instantly created at will. Whats the big deal?
4 weeks ago (edited)
MultiDimensional Exploration
MultiDimensional Exploration
lol amazing!! Gov disappears trillions of dollars, yet if you and I go to the bank and pull out our OWN money, something we worked for and deposited in the first place, we’re immediately reported to the fed. Isn’t that precious!?
1 month ago
First Amendment
First Amendment
The good guys snatched the trillions to defund the pentagon. It’s like bombing the oil fields to defund the terrorists.
4 weeks ago
Dallas Taylor
Dallas Taylor
It’s gotta be $21 Trillion collectively over a 28 year period.
3 weeks ago
Aire Lao
Aire Lao
Biggest corruption in the world
2 weeks ago
The Truth
The Truth
Black budget and black projects. SSP
4 weeks ago
Earl Underhill
Earl Underhill
funds are being intercepted from the treasury, not being received at Pentagon, much like paying part of the bills for that month, and writing paid in the checkbook,
4 weeks ago
Eric Futerfas
Eric Futerfas
Is anyone else familiar with the politics of the UFO phenomenon? It’s a very expensive operation…
1 month ago
Frank Sindoni
Frank Sindoni
What is most disturbing is the recommendations not taken at 21:18 of the video, and the resulting accounting rule that was adopted this past Oct which basically allows for a 2nd set of secret Accounting Books to be kept that allows the Government to legally hide the Trillions of $’s that goes missing each and every year! WTF?!?
1 month ago
Suzie Greer
Suzie Greer
3 weeks ago
philps bisso
philps bisso
4 weeks ago
wendy boden
The crooks run the Government. Honest people are lied to, but if you go against them, Watch out!
4 weeks ago
Jose Holguin
Glad to see people who are not letting things go just because. We have to be more focused than before and catch the ppl involved, because the truth is, if it were us we would never see the light of day in prison.
4 weeks ago
If you trade liberty for security (the national security issue stamp), you deserve, neither.
3 weeks ago
Forest Pepper
Possible explanation: Our government is totally corrupt and just steals as much tax payer money as it likes, and doesn’t even try to hide this because nobody can do anything about it. Or is that too pessimistic?
4 weeks ago
Ian Grant
Ian Grant
17 m 26 s. Seeing if this is real money? ? It’s United States Federal Reserve Dollars. It’s not real money.
3 weeks ago
Mr Bojangles
Mr Bojangles
Of course we can’t afford 5 billion for the wall….because we’ve been robbed of trillions!
1 month ago
Brace yourself, an alien race in collusion with Russia has told our leaders that they will destroy America unless we give them trillions in fiat money
4 weeks ago
The Beginning Or The End
The Beginning Or The End
Funny, people are looking at an “elephant” and claim it’s a “penguin”. Isn’t that 21 trillion an “alien” budget? Just saying.
3 weeks ago (edited)
kimmie taylor
kimmie taylor
The United States of America is gone! The US is now being run by a group of people who work in secret and appropriate funds however they want to without any accountability. Who would want to lend money to the US when it cannot even account for transactions that they make on their books?
4 weeks ago
max torrence
max torrence
you admit to being a citizen, you mistake politicians for “law makers” so you ask for it all my friend… there is only one true law and when we figure out what that law is, we can snap out of the hypnosis that keeps us wallowing in this lingering dark age
4 weeks ago
Patrick Lee
Patrick Lee
Sounds like one big laundering operation and the Treasury Department is the facilitator.
4 weeks ago
jack cool
jack cool
$They go to the secret space program.
3 weeks ago
The “missing” money seems to be very close to the amount of the national debt.
Maybe we need to stop paying “our fair share”, and let the ponzi scheme pay itself.
1 month ago
gregory albright
gregory albright
Don’t forget to pay your taxes….
2 weeks ago
Meek Mekado
Meek Mekado
40:20 if they do that their investments goes down to zero in value 😉
oh, debt is 42 instead of 21 Trillion!? Oups, there went the stockmarket down 90% in 5 minutes :)
3 weeks ago (edited)
yark mates
yark mates
What I find baffling is that in America , all this money spent on wars Absolutely fine, no probs ….free education and free healthcare , what? How ? Impossible!! can we pay for this madness !!!!
3 weeks ago
richard mccann
richard mccann
4 weeks ago
Glen Waggoner
Glen Waggoner
This is not even including all the money from the black opps that is not traceable, like the herion coming from Afghanistan.
4 weeks ago
Emanoil Nita
Emanoil Nita
The Jews stole it
1 week ago
Who like me just got totally depressed to go back to work….
3 weeks ago
What they did was they physically burned off the paper money they had printed to fix the inflation that was happening. Take that to the bank, Jimmy!
4 weeks ago
Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
Thank you James for exposing this $21 trillion missing and also exposing the Global Warming Hoax!! You rock.
4 weeks ago
Monte Bank
Once they keep buying Israeli salad who cares about state employee’s?
4 weeks ago
Lee Sorenson
$5 billion for the wall is the news feed
4 weeks ago
Holy Servant
Well China is at our front door so are some of use ready to find out if your mind confession is going to keep you from being punished for your sins against God’s Commandments?
4 weeks ago
What in the world is that image of over that guy’s shoulder!!??
4 weeks ago
Jake Miller
great beard James, thanks for another eye opening report
4 weeks ago
A video so good nobody has thumbs downed it yet.

A miracle.?
1 month ago
Robert Cross
God is not the author of confusion.
4 weeks ago
Francis Osuna
VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to James & the family in both Japan and Canada!!
3 weeks ago
Edward Clark
Edward Clark
With numbers like that, everyone in United states should be a millionaire.
3 weeks ago
Clinton Beck
Clinton Beck
Look at a little country in the middle east that we helped to Irac..gooogle maps..
4 weeks ago
Jim McGiffin
Jim McGiffin
This deficit is not a mere accounting disaster. It’s a crime. So when you’re investigating a crime one main question is who would benefit from this. But remember, we don’t jail money handlers here.
1 month ago
Chris Diggins
Chris Diggins
Wow… Just WOW!
I’m so glad someone is putting the work in to this. Thank you
3 weeks ago
Laura Powers
Laura Powers
thank you for presenting this information.
4 weeks ago
Truther Revolution
Truther Revolution
Do they not have a person in charge of the money?
1 month ago
james corvett
james corvett
this is why everyone in the pentagon should have been fired back in Sept 2001. and Im sure they know Exactly where the money went! i’d bet it went into someones pocket, and secret black book projects
4 weeks ago
Speaking speculation wise perhaps all the black projects? are responsible for the discrepancy. Great Corbett work thoughtfully done thanks for your efforts
1 month ago
Mike Hill
Mike Hill
Would Rand Paul have an interest?
4 weeks ago
Paul Olivier
Talk for and by the powerless. A real job for a giant and Trump has already a job. How hart are they already making it for him?
4 weeks ago
Higgsfield In the field
Federalism is always by force.
1 month ago
Bob Gillis
“Steal a little and they throw you in jail. Steal a lot and they make you king.”

– Bob Dylan
4 weeks ago
Bob Loblaw
Loving the Canadian Flannel .
1 month ago
Adastra Recordings
Metabunk claims to have debunked this, so Mick West believes he’s better qualified than Dr. Mark Skidmore when it comes to econmics. That’s about all you really need to know about Metabunk.
1 month ago (edited)
krogan b
Do really have a 21 trillion deficit? There’s no real accounting. How do people get paid? How does gov’t even function? Doesn’t make sense. We must be close…
1 month ago (edited)
Johnathan Myers
Meanwhile, CNN and MSN is covering $4,700 in Russian Bots because it is underming our democracy.
4 weeks ago (edited)
donkey mung
cant belive that for over a year ive been cursing this channel for being on my home page. “Moron from the Daily show has to put a sleazy spin on everythin”
3 weeks ago
Stephen Douglas
Hundreds of millions for a failed audit! HAHAHA. Welcome to the land of the Con.
4 weeks ago
Kevin Diaz-Lane
Mathematics operations and standard accounting practices don’t work with figures that large much like Newtonian laws don’t apply at the quantum level or near the speed of light.
1 month ago (edited)
Dave Kitching
Dave Kitching
I’ll take a guess and it rhymnes with (((chews)))
3 weeks ago
Joseph Hinton
Joseph Hinton
thank you, gentleman, for being willing to piss into such a hard wind for the rest of us. I’m with you. Just don’t know how to support you.
3 weeks ago
The Compassionate World
The Compassionate World
I’m starting to believe that Defense Spending is an unaccounted slush fund that filters money into wealthy board members of certain corporations. A way to produce wealth off the books but creates an enormous tax burden to “We the People.”
1 month ago (edited)
Bob Gillis
Bob Gillis
There seems to be a lack of imagination, here. You are being fleeced, America.
4 weeks ago
Argh…I can’t listen because of the high-pitched sound your guest is engulfed in. It makes me hostile after a couple of minutes.
1 month ago
Jimmy Meade
Jimmy Meade
our defense dept sucks a bunch of in house crooks research any war.
3 weeks ago
Daniel Berdichevsky
Daniel Berdichevsky
ummm planet x? underground bases?? lol
4 weeks ago
Vote 4 Pedro
Vote 4 Pedro
it’s called a lie by omission
3 weeks ago
Millio Smiles
Millio Smiles
As a subscriber for a few years now, I have to say the calibre of James’ work goes from strength to strength. I encourage others to support this excellent channel and James’ continued important work.
1 month ago
Timothy Richards
Timothy Richards
What value does any of your opinions hold unless you are ready to do something about it. The time for talk has come and gone. Action is the only course that will bring about change.
4 weeks ago
The missing money goes to funding DUMBS – deep underground military bases – and the administration of alien affairs
3 weeks ago
First Amendment
First Amendment
The missing trillions will show up when the dollar is backed by gold….once this happens, the trillions will turn into quadtrillions.
4 weeks ago (edited)
This is the enormous white elephant in the room and if there’s a legitimate investigation into this, then watch dedollarization hit sixth gear!!!
4 weeks ago
Candy Coat
1 month ago
I believe the lack of interest is because of the nature of our government to be corrupt ,, and the unthinkable number of 21 trillion . In other words, mice can not protect a lump of cheese. In our case,, the mice are rats.. We have a government of rats stealing the cheese.. and President Trump has a hard job to stop it.
4 weeks ago
mike .D
Who has spending approval , and to what levels. Its teh military for god’s sake ! Thay have standards for taking a crap.
4 weeks ago
Moxon Fuck you
It sounds like your drinking the Ocasio Cortez milk.
4 weeks ago
Kevin Poole
Deflect and Divert The Money.
3 weeks ago
Manu Ngneer
We live in a corrupt country.
4 weeks ago
Is this a precursor to talking to Catherine Austin Fitz about the ‘Breakaway Civilisation’?
1 month ago
What are the chances that Enron used the DoDs accounting methods?
1 month ago
Ralph H
Ralph H
Thank god for the Internet. We can’t get long form interviews like this on the drive by advertisement controlled media
4 weeks ago
Kartez Drake
Kartez Drake
Bring it to Trumps attention. ?
3 weeks ago
Joe Go
Joe Go
Diverted to build that wall, heh heh!
2 weeks ago
Old Wisdom
Old Wisdom
Whenever someone tells you, ‘it’s complicated’ that means every time that lies are involved.
4 weeks ago
Spear Shaker
Spear Shaker
Gonna be a long rough road bringing our government back to fearing the people it’s supposed to serving
4 weeks ago
Punita Jivan
Punita Jivan
3 trillions are for example almost the total minutes in 6 milons years!
1 month ago (edited)
Frank Waters
Frank Waters
Might as well be speaking Chinese Braille.
4 weeks ago
geoffrey mulford
geoffrey mulford
Has anyone thought about looking at the back of the sofa?
4 weeks ago
The Military Space craft is being funded. And CIA payments to fund operations
1 month ago
Frank Waters
And to think we need a Tonka truck on Mars delivering higher quality video then our cops.
Bravo for us.
4 weeks ago
Journalism, folks!
3 weeks ago
Ryan D
Do you live in Corbett Oregon or, are you related to Mr. Corbett the founder?
4 weeks ago
we will print a dollar for every day of the planets existence.
4 weeks ago
Sonof David
Bonds? We’re not paying taxes.
4 weeks ago
Amun Anubis
It’s the immigrant’s. Build the wall and all will be sorted.
1 month ago
Mark Gramm
We live in a complete fantasy
4 weeks ago
Getting ripped off ! Aliens want my sperm ?
4 weeks ago (edited)
Robert Boyle
I suspect that somebody is stealing money from the people of the united states
4 weeks ago
Alexander Kalish
Don Rumsfield disliked this Video. :)
4 weeks ago
ric 63
ric 63
Just a very sad reflection on inexcusable willful media ignorance (and connivance with elites), and a very sad public disinterest. Considering the unbelievable amount involved, there should be a citizen revolt throughout the US if they cared for good government.
4 weeks ago
Kosh Naranek
Kosh Naranek
the drawing behind this guy freaks me out
4 weeks ago
Austin Taylor
Austin Taylor
If our own government cannot even audit themselves how on earth can they justify the right to audit it’s citizens??
3 weeks ago
John Holmes
John Holmes
Here is what makes sense. They are corrupt and thieves. Very simple.
4 weeks ago
Bill H
Bill H
Michigan State University Spartan Alum here!
1 month ago
AJ Dileo
AJ Dileo
Merry Christmas!!! great show
4 weeks ago
Moxon Fuck you
Moxon Fuck you
I’m not sure its missing.. I think it’s more like we don’t want you to know how it was spent.
4 weeks ago
where’s my cut
2 weeks ago
ab cd
ab cd
summary of what you need to know: well, we just have no idea
4 weeks ago
Janine Garverick
Janine Garverick
Catherine Fritz is where I heard $41 Trillion!
1 month ago
Mike Schoeffter
Mike Schoeffter
So many people in our govt need killing.
4 weeks ago
I’ve been sick to my stomach since Sept 11 2001, and it is never getting any better..
4 weeks ago
wendy boden
wendy boden
All that money must have gone to NASA.
4 weeks ago
Candy Coat
Candy Coat
1 month ago
Don’t forget, we have not only a $21T “national debt”, but also there are estimates of some $200T+ in “unfunded liabilities”.
1 month ago
jack cogburn
jack cogburn
My Yellow vest will read – Smaller, transparent Gov.
1 month ago
Whatever Imtold
Amazing that the systems can talk to each other when it’s citizens they’re tracking…
1 month ago
scott lewis
1 week ago
Jeedai Murishani
Find that 21 trillion and we can have healthcare and a wall lol
4 weeks ago
Ethan Ciantar
Coming from the same people who will lock you up and throw away the key if you cook your own books
1 month ago
Terry Filson
Terry Filson
Of course the Zionist traitors are not going to tell you that everything’s going to Israel.
1 month ago
George Washington
George Washington
Thank you guys for this “Stormy dollars” news story.
1 month ago
That amount is so obscene, i cant even comprehend how to spend it
4 weeks ago
GAWD! Corbett. Let the man talk! Enough with the over 3 and a half introductory obligatory butt sniffing already.
4 weeks ago
We need government reform
1 month ago
Edward Clark
Edward Clark
It all goes to black projects.
3 weeks ago
One question I would have for this gentleman and for the US treasury department would be as follows:

We see these anomalies, for example the 2.1 trillion missing for a department that supposedly has a budget of 127 billion (was it this figure can’t remember?).

Instead of trying to find out what is going on with the accounting inconsistencies within the departments systems – can we ask the key question:



Inconsistencies aside why are these absurd sums being given to HUD for example?
1 month ago
John Mastroligulano
John Mastroligulano
Great discussion thank you.
1 month ago
and Americans are supposed to believe Fort Knox is full of gold?
4 weeks ago
Dennis Clark
Dennis Clark
How do all of these $trillions affect me personally?
1 month ago
1 month ago
The only problems that the gov. Solves are the ones that make them look good. This is not one of them.
4 weeks ago
Piton Pete
Piton Pete
“War is a Racket!”
War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler, 1935′
Before the US entered WW2 in the Pacific or in Europe. Your attitude by the masses of sheeple is what stifles dissent and brings about things like the Espionage Act, Patriot Act, and NDAA to mention a few.
Great Program.
This remembrance of childhood might help James and Mark as to the Trillions that are missing without even a bark! The first time I ever heard of a Trillion and might even explain why the Pentagon won’t probably stop at a Zillion.
Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book
1 month ago
Snoblo Plough
Snoblo Plough
Thank you James Corbett and Professor Skidmore for bringing this incredible scam to light.
4 weeks ago (edited)
Clarendon Arlington
Clarendon Arlington
What about Foreign Military Sales (FMS)?
1 month ago
keith brinson
keith brinson
Phonetically pronounce the word ssern.
1 month ago
4 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Troy Tiedt
Isn’t 21 trillion also our country’s deficit? Just saying. But i don’t know, debt?
4 weeks ago
Adastra Recordings
Thanks for this James, great interview.
1 month ago
Dick Riley
Great job!
4 weeks ago
Nice lion pictures brah
4 weeks ago
Leslie Ross
Leslie Ross
Back when I used to be all about being what now is called a “truther”, I used to preach ever detail of pre 911, 911 and post for many years. The 2.1 trillion Donald Rumsfeld reported missing I went on and on about and when I would preach this no one cared, it phased none. It was a good talking point during any given conversation and then it was back to “reality” as soon as it was over! That is when it changed for me, I knew it was all fake and we had to play by rules set to keep one down and they played by no rules at all. Hearing James repeat over and over exactly what I used to say during many conversations with people who wanted to explain how and why the taxes were what they were, how people leaching off the system, welfare etc. That became the shear insanity, I could see they had no idea of the level of insanity they themselves were lost in. A lifetime spent arguing left right, trying to reason the who and why’s of something utterly insane. That is was all pretend, fake, made up, invented as they needed to invent it to pacify the public, to keep them in this confused state of always chasing something that was not even real. I stopped caring in 2013, this is when I found the absolute Truth and none of this really mattered, it was mute point at best.

I refused to talk have conversations with anyone who spoke of the right being better than the left or vice versa. But now this very thing has become the norm again, I saw people breaking free of this left right game that kept them always analyzing the same puzzle that could never be put together, most of the pieces were missing and yet people would just stare at it as if a new piece would magically appear and then they could have some answer that they never could have had any other way. This is unfathomable insanity and all know what man quotes to be the definition of insanity, to keep doing the same thing over and over and over decade after decade and expect a different outcome it is sickening to the soul. Yet look how many have fallen right back into the left right snare again, it is overwhelming to read the comments and listen to people talk, how divided they are by this left right illusion, staggering it is.

18 years have passed and people I used to preach to about the lie, now themselves all these year later go over so many of the old talking points of the past. Just now realizing the absurdity of it all, I see the energy of the passion in them wanting to convey the truth they now realize to be and the desire to keep far from what is just a hamster wheel. How they want others to get of the wheel. They will use me as some kind of authority saying “just ask Les, he knows all of this and “used” to preach it”. I have do desire to go over this anymore, I find it hard to believe James still does. But I guess we need those not fooled by the left right paradigm to constantly remind others. For many fall right back into it.

Yet I have another agenda, the real reason I will entertain having this type of worthless conversations, as I see it and know it to be. I avoided going back into this nonsense but as I mentioned before in 2013 I actually found the Truth, and it became clear, I needed a way to get to the real point and whatever conversation I had to have to speak of the REAL TRUTH, I would have having just one true desire during any conversation, to share the testimony I have been given of the Lord Jesus. This is far more important then all the world, all what men think to be important. Nothing compares to it, nothing!

One could say 100 trillion is missing, and it is like saying ” I went to the beach and noticed a grain of sand was missing”. This man in this video just now going about trying to figure out were that grain of sand went and again sadly to me “the who and why’s”, I see the same look in him as if he has stumbled upon something so important that he had to dig deep into it and try and figure it out. I am not knocking this man, everyone clearly is at different points of reality. Each walking their walk and him doing this might lead to someone being just one step closer to being freed of this false paradigm that will never cease in this world, ever! While James and Mark discuss the insanity of the missing “grain” of sand and how they can not believe that no one wants to talk about it, mainstream, independent, just normal “insane” folks general, how it should be the talk of the town, of the state, of the nation. Look a grain of sand is missing! I went to beach and no one seems to notice it being gone, someone stole it, lied about it, as taken it and why has this happened. It is the same thing over and over, this grain means nothing and tomorrow there will be a different talking point, some my (very few) may get stuck on this one and spend a life time trying to find that grain of sand that has gone missing and how staggering it is, such a great grain of sand, so great that our minds can not comprehend it or rounding off 2.1 trillion to 2 trillion and how great 100 billion is and yet the mind can not truly realize how much 100 billion is.

One could dig deep into this for hours and even waste their whole life doing so. Again, this is not my desire, not the reason I speak of this and am willing to have this conversation or to write all of this. I have much great motivation and I will not refer to it as a grain of sand, but a pearl of great value indeed.

Weeks before my death I found this pearl of great value. For it, I am willing to sell all that I have and go and buy it. I had lost a talent of silver in my “house” and I had been looking for it for 43 years, this is the age in which I found it, I was forty three years old and it was the end of my life. I had wasted my life not realizing what I really was searching for, I thought it was the truth about a grain of sand that went missing, or quantum mechanics, water memory, cymantics, or any of thousand other things, for each of you it could be that same thing or anything. I was so sure I was looking for the Truth and yet I was just wasting my time. There was this a hole in me, I knew it was there, I was trying to fill it all my life. I created this hole by losing a talent of silver and in my search I was distracted by all sorts of other things, soon I forgot all together about the talent and yet by the Grace of God I would find it one day. The day I found it was a great day, I rejoiced in a way I did not know one could. To relate it the world, it would be like finding that grain of sand and knowing the who and the why’s and yet that could not really compare to having heard from the Lord God.

I did not know, I was not a believer, I was a wicked man, and I could way to much about being wicked. Yet that day I found Him by believing in my heart unlike I had ever believed anything in my life. In that moment of belief He spoke in me, told me I was forgiven, He was willing to set me free from the bondage of sin and death. I found my talent and I wanted everyone to know it, so I called everyone and told them, I wrote about on the social media, I professed it to everyone I could get to listen to me. I wanted them to rejoice with me and I wanted even more for them to share in it, to have what I now have, salvation. It was not a made up story by men scared of death, made up to ease their frail minds about what is or is not after death. It was not a thing invented by men in power to control the masses. I have used all of these and many many more things to mock the Truth and try and make the idea of God Almighty seem utter foolish, unfathomable insanity, down right stupid. I scorned and laughed with the best of them, and God heard it all, every single word and thought. Ever vile disgusting thing I had done He knows of it. Point being I had no faith in God, yet I dabbled a bit from time to time trying to figure out the “TRUTH”!

I was given a great testimony unlike most, and it does stagger the mind all that I heard, seen and lived. I could not put it all here, not possible for me to write it all. I have skipped much already and will do my best to wrap this up not wanting to weary the reader. In this day and age it is hard to get anyone to read past and sentence or headline. This is the extreme short version, extremely!

Having found the Lord weeks before my death, the day of my death was upon me. I died and in that moment I was given a choice, to stay or go, if I stayed I had to tell of Him. For the record I wanted to go, I have wanted out of this insanity for a long time, God knows how much I wanted out of here and this disgusting insanity that men walk in, that I myself once walked in being ignorant of the actual Truth. In that moment of my death I knew, it was made known to me that everyone was going down the broad way, my family, people I loved and so many more. I knew I had to tell them, I wanted to tell them despite my desire to leave this place. It was far better for me to be with the Lord, but is was far better for them, for you that I stayed. I did not realize in that instant how great the betwixt would be, I had placed myself between the Rock and a hard place, I would stand in a gap able to see two sides, the world and the Lord Jesus. I was very naive at first but very zealous to warn them all, to my amazement most did not want to be warned, they were so sure of being upon the Rock of Salvation that me telling them they were not did not go over well at all. Even when the the Holy Ghost spoke, the very Spirit of God spoke to them through me, my mouth was moving and it was not I that spoke, they refused, they denied, they literally hated Him for speaking. So what am I? If they hated me, they certainly hated Him first. I lived this scripture and many more, this is truly “STAGGERING”, this is truly “UNFATHOMABLE”, this is a Truth so great that it can not be compared to anything, certainly not a grain of sand!
3 weeks ago
Ty Kellerman
Ty Kellerman
It’s time for the guillotine
4 weeks ago
Chuck Just Chuck
Chuck Just Chuck
I will form the “Fix It, Godammit” party…. FIG
4 weeks ago
Black Smith
Black Smith
2 weeks ago
Orlando Olmo
Orlando Olmo
This whole thing is beyond mind blowing!
4 weeks ago
Ernest Of Gaia
Ernest Of Gaia
2 weeks ago
Dr. Skidmore should change his handle to Dr. Drift! =) Like race car driving.
1 month ago (edited)
The public is brain dead.
4 weeks ago
Edward Clark
Edward Clark
The press HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
3 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
Is anyone with better search skills able to find that ruling?
1 month ago
ever state and city has two books…
4 weeks ago
corey lesniak
Army = C.I.A.
4 weeks ago
Jim Walker
Jim Walker
Is anyone really surprised?
4 weeks ago
Ervin Poljak
Ervin Poljak

3 weeks ago
Its for the secret space fleet
1 month ago
Metro 4652387
Metro 4652387
“Drain the Swamp!”
3 weeks ago
Konaalii Alohaohana
Konaalii Alohaohana
I want a raise in my retirement for $100 million a month. I’ll give you a voicemail assuring you its ok. No worries. Its ok. trust me.
1 month ago (edited)
Radioactive Banana
Radioactive Banana
Massive Dark projects.
4 weeks ago
James Murphy
James Murphy
Purge the Pentagon !
3 weeks ago
Joseph S
Joseph S
Garbage In Garbage Out. It is all in the computers.
4 weeks ago (edited)
Ken Brownfield
Ken Brownfield
Good report.
3 weeks ago
The magic words “national security” are having to much power. They say these two simple words and suddenly can do anything without scrutiny. They can invade sovereign nations, torture/jail/persecute whomever, and most importantly COOK THEM BOOKS!!! Legally of course they’re not monsters. They simply pay for whatever law they like. It’s almost like we don’t live in a free fair society, upholding the values of democracy, but rather an oligarchy. They claim to despise centralized power yet centralize it ever further chanting “national security or for the greater good” all the while.
1 month ago (edited)
Chuck Just Chuck
Chuck Just Chuck
Brilliant vid, BTW….
4 weeks ago
any one here heard about lee wanta’s trillions?
1 month ago
Becki Wildeman
Becki Wildeman
Who and what is Steven Mnuchin? The US Treasury Secretary leads the US government’s engagements in the “INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND=IMF.. STEVEN IS THE GOVERNOR TO THE IMF. WHAT ARE THE FUNDS? WHAT IS A FRN? WHOSE LIVES ARE AT STAKE? And why are our Vital records being transferred to the US Treasury? I have not completed the video at this point but wanted to point this out so if you bring in the IMF then I apologize.
1 month ago (edited)
$20,000,000,000,000 stacked up in $100 bills would be 250 miles tall.
3 weeks ago
chaz max
chaz max
Has anyone checked Donald Rumfsfeld’s pockets?
2 weeks ago
Im The southpaw
Im The southpaw
1 month ago (edited)
Charles Jernigan
Cheers Seamus! tanks!
1 month ago
Francois Carpentier

3 weeks ago (edited)
Elaisa Kasan
Here’s the plan: The cartel will claim the missing $21Trillion and more was spent preparing to defend against a fake alien invasion. We know the bankers profit from funding both sides of conflict, by giving governments an excuse to print $Trillions to pretend to defend us. Deficit spending is theft, by devaluation of our saved labor. The cartel has cleverly dispersed data which Clif High has interpreted in support of this fake stealth invasion. By the way, $21Trillion and more is not even a rounding error for the cartel.
4 weeks ago
Peter Probst
Time for a paris style revolution
1 month ago
Chris Spiller
Chris Spiller
Whats going on with his neon eyes man????
1 month ago
William Swan
William Swan
paperwork for the Pentagon was in the office hit in 9/11 and on the two floors of the towers nursing CIA NSA money was in building 7 that collapse planes were honed in on the autopilot exit like a missile Pentagon was a missile
3 weeks ago
First Amendment
First Amendment
I took the trillions….
4 weeks ago
Jose Roberto
Jose Roberto
3 weeks ago (edited)
steveo rodarte
steveo rodarte
3 weeks ago
Vanderlei Dallagnolo
Vanderlei Dallagnolo
Thank you James.
1 month ago
Crazy Funny Cats
Crazy Funny Cats
You deserve more subs James
1 month ago
Chad Brown
Chad Brown
It is the job of Congress to investigate and act as the check on malfeasance by the executive. Obviously, Congress has failed. The press should be the check on the Congress. Except for the Nation, where has the press been? MIA
1 month ago
P. Brooks McGinnis
P. Brooks McGinnis
Peace Not war
1 month ago
Oregon Outback
Oregon Outback
Grossly fascinating.
1 month ago
WOW This is big.
3 weeks ago
Jon T
Jon T
unreal . . . .
4 weeks ago
Madd Man
Madd Man
1 month ago (edited)
Tim Small
Tim Small
I’m guessing billions of dollars have been and are being siphoned-off to fund Deep Underground Military Bases and their Deep State missions.
1 month ago
zhe makara
zhe makara
Thinking about the Fed and its stacks of paper (I imagine typewriter paper) that it turns into what are really counterfeit banknotes. I can imagine that if you arrogate to yourself that right which is already INSANE, you might just get carried away. If you’re already doing something insane, where do you begin to input controls to reign the insanity in… and what would be the point?
1 month ago
Marathon for Truth
Marathon for Truth
Narcissists don’t answer questions. We are dealing with people/agencies who believe that rules/laws don’t apply to them. There are either no answers or clever cover stories.
1 month ago
dave b
dave b
This country is sick
1 month ago
toby semler
toby semler
Da. Fuq.
1 month ago
savoisien jean
savoisien jean
The money goes for global black project, how they’re could said that “the project for depopulation world have 500 billions of dollar… Okey we know there’s the money goes, who’s next ??? “The black project for the secret nuclear space missil” well, how many ?? 2.6 billions. Okey next…”
1 month ago
Jack Edmonds
Jack Edmonds
: O
4 weeks ago (edited)
Dimitri Loginowski
Dimitri Loginowski
lol. mr skidmore has some interesting artwork in the background
2 weeks ago
Jason Pepe
Jason Pepe
Perhaps these are the interest payments on our national debt and this is how they filter that money out. The owners of the fed are anonymous and the military spending has the excuse of national security otherwise we could discover the owners of the fed through tax returns.
1 month ago
They’re robbing is blind while cutting everything for the people and no one cares! They can attack people who get help from the government in order to eat and have low standard healthcare in Congress and on the government news channels, but nothing on the trillions being directed to who knows what. The people are to complacent and as long as this is the norm, nothing will change!
1 month ago
Marc Roche
Marc Roche
Now you know why A.O. Cortez thanks the government can afford free healthcare for “the people”. Of course it will never happen.
2 weeks ago
The only reason that makes sense is that the money supports the secret space program.
1 month ago
citi ZEN
citi ZEN
let Cortez be the wedge that opens this up. why not? she may be a socialist, but so what? she has a lot of light on her.
1 month ago
“Our government is hiding lots of stuff.” …..The biggest understatement of the last century.
1 month ago
Ser Korz
Ser Korz
The invisible economic hand of the capitalist’s ( the 1% ) has its fingers in the public $ pot for its own interests ( private pockets ) ; No? & a secret undemocratic tax?
1 month ago (edited)
We can’t tell you why we sent all that money to Europe. National security.
1 month ago
Retard Retard
Retard Retard
I understand that with all information available to you extant , every penny would be adjusted by computer program anytime . Done with a click of a mouse long ago surly taking many lifetimes of being mislead too figure out . Catch 22 , Thanks be
3 weeks ago
The standard professors’ go to solution, “throw grad students at it.” LMFAO
They work for free in fact they’re paying to be there making it even better.
1 month ago (edited)
Kosh Naranek
Kosh Naranek
4 weeks ago
Christina Birckhead
Christina Birckhead
its not missing its just the tax payers need not know
1 month ago
MrWildone1965 Hoogeveen
MrWildone1965 Hoogeveen
Is it maybe used to prop up the failing Dollar ??? Is that maybe the answer ???
1 month ago
Thomas Olsson
Thomas Olsson
Mr Corbett is doing a good job. Thank you for your tireless passion for truth and justice in dire times.
1 month ago
Y Ddraig Goch
Y Ddraig Goch
that’s almost a third of the total GDP for the ENTIRE EARTH!! WTF are the DOING with all that money????
1 month ago
America is just a word…I feel nothing but sympathy for you poor unfortunate souls…your the most repressed people in the developed world, no freedom or rights and so many of you swallow it down like Apple pie
3 weeks ago
kevin hagarman
kevin hagarman


3 weeks ago
Ser Korz
Ser Korz
The USA’s 1% counterfeit aristocracy, stooges to the aristocracy has its needs!
1 month ago
question: what options are available to the american people? answer: pfft
1 month ago
Luke Lukens
Luke Lukens
Who runs this machine that eats trillions?
1 month ago
Me You
Me You
Mrs. Fitts is very clear on where she thinks the money is being spent! On outer space.
1 month ago
Joe Runuragged
Joe Runuragged
War or bug out chest?
1 month ago
iTza TrAVisT
iTza TrAVisT
21 TRILLION dollars…that is quite terrifying in my opinion.
3 weeks ago
Stop calling this shit complicated! It is not complicated.
1 month ago
Nasa Lies
Nasa Lies
How is there 36 thumbs down? Are people not concerned how the us government is stealing money from us daily and still falsifying information. How does every tax “theft” payer last time I checked owes $46,000. We paid in, how do we owe!!!!!!
2 weeks ago
The trillions are going to fund the underground cities/facilities for the alien race that has been here for quite some time….plain and simple….!!!!
4 weeks ago
tossing molotovs
tossing molotovs
Mark Skidmore errored. There is no transfer of money from DoD to DoT. The Budget is an authorization by the DoD to spend from the DoT. There is no real transfer. Its like giving someone with a 2nd checkbook the right to spend money on your checking account.
1 month ago
flyback 2me
flyback 2me
Trump will NEVER lock ANYONE up. If Hollywierd thinks throwing Wienstien & Spacey under the bus is gonna divert us from PEDOGATE they are SADLY mistaken.
3 weeks ago
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
The press is bought and paid already. CLEARLY. It just blows my mind that people just eat it up and even argue about such blatant nonsense! 33k views and some jack off gets 60 million for saying the same word 100 thousand times… says it all
4 weeks ago (edited)
4 weeks ago
Barry White
Barry White
If you people only knew just a little about what Jews have done in their “Resets” in the past you’d do something about it NOW!!!!
4 weeks ago
Michael Hendrick
Michael Hendrick
what about the ‘missing’ trillions announced by Rumsfeld the day before we bombed the twin towers on 9/11 and destroyed building 7, where the financial records of those trillions were kept…I find that MUCH MORE DISTURBING.
1 week ago
Billy ellasAZ
Billy ellasAZ
If you think about how many jobs would be available, the homeless, the veterans on the streets, the hard times people are having for survival only, the technologies that can be supported to better our lives, it does not make you only mad, you want to revolt! 21 trillion missing? give me a break, we have problems supporting our families, and these people spend it for secret programs and some are getting filthy rich…
3 weeks ago
Broad Sword
Broad Sword
Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it
4 weeks ago
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
They’ve got everybody so brainwashed with that TV and they know it! They dont even care anymore cause they know no one gives a shit. Just keep feeding them blatant propaganda and everyone sucks it right up and no one questions anything! It’s so shocking to me. The only thing I can come up with is I haven’t watched tv in 10 years, so I’m just not hypnotised like the rest of the world seems to be…
4 weeks ago
Janine Garverick
Janine Garverick
It’s now said it’s more like $41 Trillion not $21 Missing!
1 month ago
Ashley Lala
Ashley Lala
There will never be any real sort of transparency because it is not a government, it is an organized crime syndicate of epic proportions. Why would the mafia ever show their books to the poor suckers they are robbing? They don’t have to! The govt will never save us from the govt. Everyone should just stop paying taxes!
1 month ago
Is this what you vote for? Good luck att the next election, losers :)
4 weeks ago
1 day ago (edited)
If you can’t dassel them with brilliance, baffle them with BS.— Missing 21 Trillion dollars is totalitarian BS. How do they fund mercinary armys, black ops and launder drug money?
3 weeks ago
How many retired military are billionaires?
3 weeks ago
Victor Sperandeo
Victor Sperandeo
James no one is more anti govt than I . However you cant just MAKE UP A STORY ON 21 TRILLION MISSING DOLLARS!! The govt keeps a daily account Debt to the penny …you cant create 21 trillion not even 500 billion? Where is it in the money supply -0 – it is impossible . Who wrote the checks ? The money has to come from the house/ congress . The dod does not have a printing press ! It is an absurd question unless you have hard proof? Really you taint your reporting on bologna like this ! Look what the treasury had to do to get $ 5% of this amount for the Lehman bailout. Please make people PROVE THIS FIRST!?
1 week ago
Jerald Mitchell
Jerald Mitchell
Dwight Eisenhauer warned us back in the fifties “Beware of the industrial milatary complex” Nobody listened then and nobody is listening now. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! This is your future being stolen right in front of your eyes. GOD help us!!!
1 hour ago
Lady Devastating
Lady Devastating
THIS IS THE NUMBER 2 REASON TO CRIMINALIZE WAR… conquer your own damn demons. Military should be for #domestic wars. Stop banker #occupations! This is a #crime! But we cant get A BREAK ON THESE fines, fees and intrest in student loans… BOY I TELL YA!! WHAT A MESS!!! #SHUTITDOWN!
5 hours ago
Crypto Volta
Crypto Volta
18:52 Dr. Skidmore’s response here is jaw dropping to me. He is investigating this and see’s what is gong on first hand and then says something like “but why would the government lie?” Are you F@#%ing kidding me!?! Seriously!? And you don’t think the senators who would be “reviewing” any kind of accounting “anomaly” wouldn’t be on the take? How absolutely brainwashed do you have to be to see the fraud RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE and still make a statement like that? WTF!

I am constantly amazed that peoples solution to corrupt government is to have the government investigate itself for corruption. THE ENTIRE BASIS of government is coercive control. how ITF does anyone expect that to result in a just system? That’s like saying if we put enough serial killers in positions of power we’ll have a murder free society. I mean, come on, it’s not even remotely complicated.
1 week ago (edited)
joshua moore
joshua moore
Ass backwards I wanna get off earth lmao
1 week ago
Dukens Saint Vil
Dukens Saint Vil
All that money ? go to jewish bank ?. If you looking for the money look on all jewish bank you will find it.
2 weeks ago
Briam Crawford
Briam Crawford
2 weeks ago
Willie Hawaii
Willie Hawaii
Why don’t you discuss the 38 billion Schumer got for the Israel border you shill
3 weeks ago
David Ardron
David Ardron
All you need to know is primary school mathematics. The money is not missing contrary to the bullshit you are all fed folks.

Once it dawns on you that we are paying principal + interest out of a monetary circulation comprised of only some remaining principal at most in all private debt, predominantly in purported loans that don’t ethically, rationally or even lawfully transpire in the first place. It becomes all too apparent the government is subsequently laundering that stolen money back into a forever deficient monetary circulation in perpetual cycles of reflation as every increase in government debt.

This rudimentary logic & basic mathematics likewise evidences that any or all taxation you pay does not fund government expenditure. It never has when its entirely dedicated to instead service but never actually pay down an ever greater escalation of government debt due to any rate of interest (DEFLATION).

Its time all you pretenders in finance & money go back & repeat primary school mathematics.
3 weeks ago (edited)
hustler Forgita
hustler Forgita
21 000 000 000 000 000 ? But if you steal 5 bucks worth of food the local store you go to jail. This is bullshit
3 weeks ago
Grandpa the Grey
Grandpa the Grey
Anyone who believes the Pentagon/Department of Defense (DoD) is “unable to account” for several Trillion dollars almost every decade because of accounting/tracking errors…. be good little sheep and go back to sleep. I’ve already called & raised hell with BOTH my Congressmen. If American citizens fail to flood Congress with calls & e-mail about this theft…. this truly is a nation of brainwashed sheep.
3 weeks ago (edited)
Kevin Poole
Kevin Poole
Alexandria the Great will go After The Waste Fraud and Abuse. Reviewing whats going on after the last 3 months the Republic is Teetering. We must Act Quickly to Save the United States of America.
3 weeks ago
Nicholas Santos
Nicholas Santos
4 weeks ago
Douglas Stejskal
Douglas Stejskal
We live in a fundamentally dishonest society. We are lied to about virtually everything. It’s all a scam. All scams need suckers. The suckers are YOU, sucker!
4 weeks ago
rex racer
rex racer
What we need too know… Money is fake, we’re all too retarded to stop using it. They didn’t lose anything except worthless paper lmao. No real wealth was lost here move along… These idiots don’t have anyway too back the fake money we all use. They only get away because too many are agreeing too be controlled by it.. Soo fckn stop it already, wake the fck up stupid fcks!!!
4 weeks ago
Chris Edward
Chris Edward
Check the Clinton Foundation.
4 weeks ago
richard mccann
richard mccann
4 weeks ago
Trish House
Trish House
We have to stop paying taxes. Let’s turn back upon ourselves that avalanche of $6 trillion a year we hand to the corrupt government employees via the IRS. Let’s use our funds to make ourselves secure and prosperous without the predatory middle men.
4 weeks ago
Barry White
Barry White
4 weeks ago
Charlie Nocode
Charlie Nocode
So much of “For the people and by the people” U.S democracy is run by Military Industrial complex not the fake president you thought you had elected. You people have no say on which countries to invade or which person to be erased. Too big to fail, missing 2.1 Trillions of dollars and sub-prime scam yet not one single person is found accountable and put in jail. What a wonderful country! Land of the free for few individual…
4 weeks ago
Kathy Fausett
Kathy Fausett
Hey guys, I just discovered that my wife has 1,000,000 credit cards that were issued in my name, and they’re all maxed out. Should I be concerned?
4 weeks ago
Truth Lover
Truth Lover
I Had A Thought, That Perhaps James Corbett Is Working For The Mafia. It IS Possible, If You Know How The Mafia Really Controls Almost Everything Now & Every Nation. If You Pay Taxes In Any Major Nation- Some Of Your Tax Money Goes To Help The Global Mafia. So Unless You Want To Keep Supporting The Mafia- Consider Finding A Way To Live Where You Don’t Pay Any Tax. Tax Is A Sign Of Evil. Excessive Taxes Are A Sign Of Major Evil.
1 month ago
Abe Jones
Abe Jones
kill 1 man and you are a murderer, kill millions and you are a conqueror. steal $21 dollars and you are a thief, steal 21 trillion $ and you are a u.s. government official
1 month ago (edited)
Konaalii Alohaohana
Konaalii Alohaohana
I’ve paid attention to the news via media’s since 1980. Theres never been anyone prosecuted and jailed or HANGED for treason, election fraud, bank fraud for trillions stolen, sex slavery, pedophilia etc. Its all been ignored by the cowards who pretend to run this insane asylum named usa. At least 1/2 of all gov’t workers are criminal. Yet zip. One can go to jail for decades for smoking pot to cure ones cancer or pain. But that act of civil disobedience is NEVER EVER tolerated.
1 month ago
Rexx Roberts
Rexx Roberts
taxes are theft,communism,introduced by zionist jew bankers long ago to steal from the poor.the joo.s.a.=slavery.all political,religious systems created by the[trump is the swamp-truth media]and[the jewish slave trade]and[all wars are banker’wars-michel rivero]insight into the liars,thieves,whores,murderers,zionist,fascist,satanists who own all western nations,and pick every crooked puppet the slaves call with their heads
1 month ago
Crazy Funny Cats
Crazy Funny Cats
22 trillion missing …They are building space arks .✨??✨✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️
Niburu and the Rapture coming soon ,,,,??
1 month ago
Wylie Wiggins
Wylie Wiggins
Those assholes really need another Pearl Harbor now! FFS!
1 month ago
Scott Hicks
Scott Hicks
As I am sure you are aware, but if you are not here is the United States debt clock
Which coincidentally matches the deficit of money missing from the Department of defense. Is this ironic or what?!
What does this mean
Is it good bad or just doesn’t matter?
My thought is that the powers that be could just erase the debt from the clock while forgiving the DOD and we all live happily ever after…
1 month ago
Vin Cognito
Vin Cognito
This is one serious…wow. Just wow. These guys, as I’ve been known to say, ‘are having a party at our expense.’ I think what’s gone on here is that the more complacent the people get, the more outright thievery they absolutely feel they can get away with. They are cock-sure that nobody is going to do a thing about it. Nearly all the government has been sold out. And surely, a nice chunk of this cash is going to luxury summer homes and lavish travel soirees and private planes for politicians. It’s truly impossible to fathom this kind of money. In a way you can say, “no wonder these politicians are cooperating, they’re getting unimaginable wealth from it.’ And look how science has sold out as well. The Pentagon can pay them ridiculous amounts of cash to shut up and do their work. This vid was mind boggling.
1 month ago
The lack of interest of the people is the most shocking thing of all
We are a nation of mostly pussies
1 month ago
Taxation is theft. And this proves they are robbing us all naked.
1 month ago (edited)
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