Epigraph Quote From Comments:

3 days ago (edited)
Think about it. The person that wants to vaccinate the entire world is the eugenecist who included sterilizing agent in vaccinations in Africa. And especially for a supposed preventative for a disease that has over a 99% survival rate without a vaccine…..and you get the symptoms of the disease from the vaccine and you can still contract the disease after vaccination and supposed immunity.

Iyam Nobaudi
3 days ago
The vax has nothing to do with the common flu re-purposed into this CV, and everything to do with trans-humanism (downgrade and removal of spirit chromosome), nano tracking and eugenics’. And if it was so safe why are they setting up ‘robust’ tracking of mass adverse reactions to their poisons. There has never been a legit pandemic with the less lethal than the seasonal flu at 0.0124% lethality, that is a 99.7% survival. Are you all afraid of measles or other ‘disease’…well all these ‘cases’ are simply the dormant presence of the cold bug corona in our systems, like measles, etc. dormant in our systems that actually proves immunity….CV hoax and the exploitation of it by the medical fraud industry is one of the greatest clear and present dangers to humanity.

Webmaster’s Transcription of High Points of Interview:

Webb: Official documents state that certain ethnic groups, such as African Americans, will be identified as priority groups first. The Palantir Technologies (CEO is Jew, Alex Karp, racist co-founder was Jew, Peter Thiel, and the CIA) computer software will be used to make these decisions. They also state the safety of the vaccines is not known.

This is medical experimentation. They mention “vaccine hesitancy” issues. They are doing information warfare to discredit critics and economic coercion to get people to do it.
They even mention the Tuskegee syphillus experiments back in the 1950s and 1960s.

These are red flags. This is what they’ve done throughout history. HHS has said that the vaccine producers are not liable for either bad health effects or for civil rights violations.

One principle Big Pharma vaccine maker, AstraZenica, from Oxford University, England, is tied to the (Francis) Galton Institute, until 1989 called The UK’s Eugenics Society, which for over a century, is a eugenics group.

The Eugenics movement was born in the US and the UK. The Rockefellers. The history of this group is to try to develop a master race.

This is genocide! The National Security State is running Operation Warp Speed. Let’s bear in mind that for decades, the National Security State has killed brown people. These are not the people who should be in charge of this operation.

The CIA has never been held accountable for anything they’ve ever done. Or the millions of people they’ve killed and maimed. In Operation Paperclip, tens of thousands of ardent Nazi scientists were brought directly into the US National Security State.

Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the Biowarfare Defense Act, has stated that every one of these vaccines have been bioweapons. Apartheid South Africa, Israel, and the US have all tried to develop specific bio-weapons tailored to specific ethnicities.

Now we have mRNA and DNA vaccines, which may make all this much easier to accomplish.

They say in these documents that they will choose specific cohorts of the population where ethnic minorities are “overrepresented” in order to maximize vaccination of minorities. These would include prison populations, people who are incarcerated (like people who disobey mask, lockdown, or vaccine orders, etc.), undocumented immigrants, undocumented immigrants of color, and specific parts of the work force where ethnic minorities are “over-represented.” But they are very crafty about it. They say we want want to “identify minority groups who are most at risk.”

So actually, they can round up any group they want to vaccinate and put them in jail or one of these positions.

The documents state that these priority groups will also include the mentally challenged, handicapped, and the physically disabled. They will use economic coercion- assistance from the state for food or rent, etc. The people administering the vaccine, that is, the military, will not have to take the vaccine first, unlike previous vaccine programs.

They chose Palantir to figure all of this out for them. The CEO is Alex Karp (Jew and extreme racist). He has stated he’s afraid of being murdered for being a “racial amorphous far-left Jewish kid.” He is obsessed with race (like most Jews). He says this fear has driven many of the policies of Palantir. Co-founder of Palantir is Peter Thiel, another Jew. He states that dictatorship is the best government. He defended Apartheid as a system. He IS the far right.

This (my) article is about the fact that GCHQ (Britain’s NSA) has initiated cyber war against “anti-vaccine content” in all 5 eyes countries. They will encrypt your data and scramble your communications so you can’t move your website to another server. Targeting will include critics of big Pharma. These tools were originally used against ISIS. ISIS is a construct of Western and Israeli intelligence, of course. Just like the intention of DHS which was purportedly to fight terrorists- was always to turn these tools against the domestic population.

Enemies of Big Pharma can now be de-platformed. They will treat anti-vaxxers and critics of big Pharama as “enemies of the state”- and “national security threats.”

So they will label anti-vaxxers as national security threats. So soon, we can envision that people will be treated as enemies of the state if they criticize any part of the corporate structure. Big oil, etc.

The UN is now talking about there being an “infodemic” of bad information on the vaccine.

There is a US counterpart to the GCHQ censorship. So the next phase of censorship will begin when vaccines are rolled out (on Dec. 7 in UK and Dec. 10 in US). They want to combat “vaccine hesitancy.” They announce their plans to saturate all media with pro-vaccine content. This is pure propaganda.

The US Air Force and Special Operations Command contracted Primer AI that was used to track insurgents in Iraq. This is the US counterpart to GCHQ. In other words this the war on terror against the civilian population.

They actually talk about weaponizing the truth. Everything they don’t like will be deplatformed by February and March when most of the population will be innoculated. They intend all Americans to be vaccinated by April.

Bill Gates said a few months ago that the efficacy (effectiveness) of the vaccine is 50%. The MSM is parroting.

So now either we stand up and denounce this or it will be too late.

This is also a push to give parents less control. over young kids. In the future, every year everyone will have to take a minimum of 2 vaccines per year, for how long?

This doesn’t make sense at all. It’s all about money and power, stock prices for vaccine doses, might makes right, you have to do with what you are told. These vaccines haven’t even been shown to be safe yet.

This is all about protecting the interests of the powerful. Here, they want to throw America’s vulnerable, poor, ethnic minorities (and dissidents) under the bus. These are experimental vaccines. WARP Speed has been in away that no vaccine has ever been set up. They will definitely target TIs first.

Kids are bribed with Toys R Us gift cards. They deceive- they lie to these minorites claiming to help them.

1976 Swine Flu “Epidemic”- interview by journalist, Mike Wallace;

4,000 Americans are suing US government for $3.5 billion for alleged neurological damage and illness up to death.

In Fort Dixon, NJ, a number of soldiers complained of symptoms like the common cold. Shots were given to 46 million Americans beginning on October 1, 1976. At that time there were several cases reported but no confirmed cases of swine flu. It was never detected in the world. The CDC gave the public an information and consent form, it stated the swine flu vaccine had been tested. But people were given a different vaccine called X53A. This was never field tested.

Dr. Michael Hatwick directed the surveillance team that monitored Americans who were given the shot for the CDC. He knew that neurological complications were a possibility.

They secretly switched the vaccines, they lied about the testing. And yet they don’t want to discuss this.

They have used illegal human experimentation in the past. Donald Rumsfeld, Sec. of Defense, under Bush II, made millions of dollars from the Bird Flu pandemic during the George W. Bush administration. He ran Chiliad- held much stock.

Crimes committed under the guise of public health. People who are afraid of the truth have something to hide.

The people that are in charge of this stuff are people who should be as far away from this as possible. Conflicts of Interest IS the status quo. If you are not able to be compromised you can’t get into government.

The national security state is most concerned about the priority groups they are targeting first. Because they are worried about their protesting. Palantir sends these people to prison through their predictive policing programs. There is a lot of racial targeting under the guise of public health. They want to maintain this inequality.

They are playing for keeps and Warp Speed is part of this. These are the people they are afraid will rise up first.

Lockstep is about power and control; by telling people it’s about the public good. They say the great reset will be a more sustainable and inclusive world. It creates two classes- a techno-elite at the top and a huge feudalistic underclass.

World Economic Forum: “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”

They state that the Great Reset and Build Back Better are baseless conspiracy theories.

Where is all this going? The two party illusion is happening. But there will be more chaos. Domestic war on terror. Q Anon, anti-vaxxers, and anti-semite are the new domestic terror threats.

They (Israeli-American National Security State) will want to get embroiled with Iran. The assassination of the Iranian scientist- was a dual America and Israeli operation- like the assassination of Solemani.

DHS’ CSIS. Microsoft expert, Chris Krebs was let go by Trump. Microsoft Cloud is Pentagon operation.


Dominion-Smartmatic- Diebold, computer systems that flip votes. We continue to use these machines after it is demonstrated that they are part of voter fraud.

The goal of the 2020 election was to have the majority of Americans no longer have faith in the Democratic process. They want to replace it with a Silicon Valley takeover. Microsoft’s ElectionGuard…

Why aren’t Sidney Powell and Lin Wood and Giuliani going after Silicon Valley execs? Google, Microsoft, Facebook, they have have formally fused with the intelligence community and the military- they are building this panopticon to enslave us all. The Great Reset. Giuliani is one of the most corrput politicians in America- was involved in the 9/11 crime and coverup.

If Trump gets in, the Great Reset and the vaccines will still go forward. So this is election chaos etc. is really all scripted political theater.

Lord Malloch Brown, was Chairman of the Board and CEO of Smartmatic. The spin-meisters are making this about Hugo Chavez of Venezuela- but this is just nonsense. Lord Malloch rown is British. His name was taken down after

He’s also the vice chairman of George Soros’s investment fund. It’s obvious something is going on here. This is a control mechanism.

Remember back in 2004 in Ohio? That was the time to raise the alarm about fraud in electronic voting systems. The real agenda is quite different.

This is a speak now or forever hold your peace moment. We need all hands on deck.


Your Own DNA is the Virus !!!

Look at the genomic sequence for CovAids…
The one that is 18 characters in length…

Now look at the human genome, chromosome 8…$=nuclalign&from=63648346&to=63648363 [show less]

2 days ago
…. the vaccine is a weapon from Israel, ….

2 days ago
They have managed to switched narrative and make it about us. It’s all about our benefit. No one has proved that vaccines work. The only data reveals that they do harm. There is literally no reason to take it. Not if one is thinking defensively.

2 days ago
Ok, I have to admit I looked up the word eugenicist. So Hitler encouraged the scientists to play God with people. Now there is a plague of Hitlers and they are back (did they ever even pause?) at the same sad, delusional, evil, sick playbook. Are we stuck in groundhog day? The same evil attacks. Why are we so apologetic when it comes to getting rid of them. It has got to the cringing stage, take a knee, apologize, give me everything I ask, and evermore be slaves. Take control people. Stop acting like slaves, say no. Just say no. No compliance. Stand together and shout NO. WWG1WGA. GOD WINS.
[show less]

2 days ago
What moron gave this a thumbs down? Keep up the GREAT work Ryan & Whitney! Thank you for all you do to awaken the masses.

2 days ago
These people are retarded. There’s nothing wrong with eugenics so long as everybody agrees and you’re not doing it without them knowing . Everybody should want to agree to build a better human race period but these idiots talking about brown people and racist this and racist that nobody gives a fuck about that anymore. Everybody is fucking racist get over it. Stop being blind white people you’re the only ones that act like you’re not racist while the rest take advantage of you and your stupidity. [show less]

Ben Huffington
3 days ago
People aren’t hesitant about the vaccine, we are straight up rejecting it.

3 days ago
“Tyrants fall when the people withdraw their support.”
-Etienne de La Boetie (1552) “The Politics of Obedience”

3 days ago
“My rights don’t end where your fear begins.” -anonymous

3 days ago
Planned Parenhood = Eugenics = Gates family

3 days ago
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
-William Shakespeare

3 days ago
“Doctors need 3 qualifications: To be able to lie and not get caught, to pretend to be honest, and to cause death without guilt.”
-Jean Froissart 1337-1405

Lulie Lawry
3 days ago
Conspiracy FACT S, nothing theoretical about it.

3 days ago (edited)
Think about it. The person that wants to vaccinate the entire world is the eugenecist who included sterilizing agent in vaccinations in Africa. And especially for a supposed preventative for a disease that has over a 99% survival rate without a vaccine…..and you get the symptoms of the disease from the vaccine and you can still contract the disease after vaccination and supposed immunity.

Kris Kringle
3 days ago

Clinton Noell
3 days ago
Shutdown in the fall,
You have a herd mentality,
It has built up a wall,
And changed our reality,
The force and control has reached to many levels,
Time to think for yourself, bring your pitchforks and your shovels,
Rise up now, it won’t take long,
I’m just The Last American Vagabond.
I’m not afraid of folks with different views,
Or some boogeyman hyperbolic on the News,
I’m ok with you doing what you have to do,
What goes around comes back around to you.
I’m more than a phenomenon,
I’m The Last American Vagabond.
If it was a good idea, I would have thought of it, not you,
If it was a good idea, I would have thought of it, not you,
Not you…
Not you…
Not you…
Delete the Elite,
They won’t let you eat,
If you think this will all be over,
You may as well bend over,
You can’t serve your life,
You need to make this right,
In my life I’ve written many of song.
But, none are more important than “The Last American Vagabond”.

stephen maye
3 days ago (edited)
…”crazy?”…”psychopaths?”…please end the euphemistic sweet-talk! Think parasite$, vampire$ and ghoul$…these are not HumanBeings.

3 days ago
“Doctors are those who prescribe medicines, of which they know little, to cure diseases, of which they know less, in human beings, of whom they know nothing.” -Voltarie

Denise Fetter
3 days ago
Ryan and Whitney!

Janet Baker
3 days ago
So basically our own government have actually been trying to kill us for decades now! Using us as guinea pigs and now out right trying to kill us!

Rose Zingleman
3 days ago
An eleven year old gets an HPV vaccine and suffers lifelong damage. Does the District of Columbia pay the lifetime of medical care? NO. The uninformed parent does.

3 days ago
Even at 16 or 17 is questionable because they can’t imagine being 30 years old.

Brilliant Wonderful
3 days ago
I’m a Democrat and I don’t believe the election results. A lot of us on the left don’t.

Colton B
3 days ago
The Nazi culture has enthralled itself in American CIA/Israeli Mossad

3 days ago
Sounds like the beginning of passing laws for minors to be allowed to make their own decisions on who they can have sex with, like an adult predator….

3 days ago
Which brings us back to what is actually in this vaccine and what does it really do? Why is this so critical that everyone should have it?

Cliche Guevara
3 days ago
My friend’s mom is a CNN watcher, Candian, and Biden fan. She’s so paranoid about CV that she wouldn’t drive 4.5 miles to our house on Thanksgiving because her husband is 70 years old – and that makes him “high risk”. She wanted to Zoom call. We live on an outer island in Hawaii with almost no “cases”, let alone deaths. ….and yet even she refuses to get the shot.

Free American
3 days ago
New Voting method…
Every voter gets to kick whomever they vote for in the privates and is videotaped.

John R.
3 days ago
They announced this week in Quebec that the military will be in charge for the vaxx logistics

Brilliant Wonderful
3 days ago
The good news is the election fraud is at least being exposed now. Kucinich and McKinney and Tulsi and Bernie wee all victims of election rigging.

3 days ago
God I love Whitney, such a bad ass. Thanks you two for the amazing work as always!🙌🏻

euro popmart
3 days ago
Hmmmm… this gives new meaning to blm…. 🤔

3 days ago
“My tights don’t end, where your pants begin”, Anonymous

Katie Kane
3 days ago
Another fact filled video. Thanks Ryan & Whitney!

3 days ago
Nuremberg Code.

Brilliant Wonderful
3 days ago
I’ll stick with Actifed. I haven’t had any cold symptoms in a year but if I do, Actifed is preferable to the vaccine.

Mister Horseradish
3 days ago
My theory is it’s casting a shadow.

n sp
3 days ago
Oh my God, Whitney at 1:05:49 is hilarious “Yeah that’s the world I want!” – so good. LOL

Thrjdid D
3 days ago
Ryan how are you going to reject the vaccine

vernon gale
3 days ago
Thanks lots great video on the truth about the evilest elites ever against humanity

3 days ago
The freedom clock is winding down. This video contains some of the MOST DISTURBING information I have ever heard on YouTube. 🧨

Augford P. Doggie
3 days ago
whitney is so cute

Bernard Sharah
3 days ago
Wonderful Whitney and Ryan, truth teller extraordinaire.

Bill Hamilton
3 days ago

3 days ago
great info. thank you for making this available. crit info

Jack Klugman
3 days ago
Stellar stuff by Whitney once again, thanks Ryan ✊

Mary Hynes
3 days ago
Wow! What an eye opener!

3 days ago
Also Whitney is such a badass. Ryan too. Mad respect – these two are uncovering that the state is basically gearing up to classify what they do for a living as domestic terrorism and intend to exert the full force of their evil regime in clamping down on dissidents like them (us?) – and what do they do? They power on, recognizing that the work is more importsnt than ever.

God’s work I tell you, history will be kind to heroes like them I believe that.

naeem someone
3 days ago (edited)
At one point the AstraZenica vaccine is connected to the Galton Institute. Does anyone have the connection … all I can find is that the oxford tean where Sarah Gilbert & Adrian Hill

Susie Lynn
3 days ago
Anti-vaccine is the propaganda slur they like to smear us with. When the truth is most of us are actually ex-vaxers. We believed in the system and our doctors until we saw firsthand the vaccine injuries after injected or connected the dots years later while trying to deal with multiple auto-immune issues.

Kris Kringle
3 days ago

mychael c
3 days ago
gnashing of the teeth has started

Flawed2Perfection – YAH’sChild
3 days ago (edited)
Thank you.
They can’t hear me when I say it, maybe they’ll hear both of you …. 💉
Making a Hardcopy before it’s deleted. We know this will be.

Zero GeoEngineering
2 days ago (edited)
Ugh ~ counting on the Light because, yikes, the Dark is organized!

Keith Bennett
11 hours ago
Wow, how did you put both your faces on screen. Why don’t you show the articles ww is relating to on screen for 6 or 7 hours

Le Chalet
2 days ago
Omg your ending! Kudos!

Fahkin Losah
2 days ago
I sincerely respect you two…

3 days ago
Nice convo…thanks to you both

Gary Baker
3 days ago
‘and to the republic for which it stands’…….

1 day ago
Rock name has been removed from John’s Hopkins name and website alltogether… during 201 (and for sometime after) it was prominently displayed in the name.

Less Than Laughing
3 days ago
BTW, I really wish you would do a lot more short videos (ten minutes or so) that feature some of your more important points so that I can share them with people who have the average attention span. You (along with your guests) are, without a doubt, one of the best news sources in existence, but I agree with some of your other fans that I would like to see you go back to doing more foreign policy stories like you use to.

Allen and Emily Barlow
2 days ago (edited)
My freedom don’t end where fear begins!!

Rolf Steiner
3 days ago (edited)
The governments don’t need everyone anymore. In fact there are billions of unnecessary cattle now worldwide. So the corporate oligarchs now just need to figure out depopulation in a relatively humane way.

Julian Godoy
1 day ago
Does anybody know exactly how the pharmacovigilance will take place? In what ways?

1 day ago
I have noticed people who watch a lot of Fox always seem race and immigrant obsessed.

Guntang Konchdrone
2 days ago
Oh Whitney! You are the one and only for me! Run away with me, darling!

2 days ago (edited)
Whitney webb! What about” talpiot” ? Why are you avoiding that topic?

3 days ago
Thank you Ryan and Whitney!! On the outro though when they are saying this is extremely dangerous to our democracy I think they are talking about their own because it’s apparent We don’t have one

Eduardo Rivera
1 day ago
We are ALL Palestinians now!

3 days ago
Whitney Webb is the awesomeness 😀

Brilliant Wonderful
3 days ago (edited)
I remember 2004. I have friends who voted against Bush’s Ohio electors in the House of Representatives.

Fahkin Losah
1 day ago
Darwin….the Decent of Man

Brilliant Wonderful
3 days ago
Chuck Hagel was a top investor in ESS and that helped with his elections.

Mary Filson
20 hours ago
FACT: the tyrants who have been the harshest on this lockdown and mask requirement don’t even follow their own rules. They should be locked up, and forced to take their own poison.

have hope
1 day ago
@thelastamericanvagabond @whitneywebb the united states has left UNESCO. So is the document still good, or null and void? Ty

Wrong Spëll
3 days ago
I know people in ¨minority groups¨ who don’t want a vaccine made by the elite. But I guess the rulers way of showing they support minorities is forcing them to obey theirs orders..

the rockford files
1 day ago (edited)
i already made my comment for this video in bitchute

however we all ❤❤ to hear whitney webb

i had to jump in how do you solve STRUCTURAL RACISM when the news agencies claiming to want to address it if you look at their whole CORPORATE HIERARCHY it GROSSLY reflects STRUCTURAL SYSTEMIC RACISM

sorry — left most of my comments on bitchute but thats been my opinion all along on that subject matter

— # color communism and common sense

— marxist orchestrated events :: (aka) oded yinion strategy of orchestrated chaos

interject again :: galton :: uk 1st to get clearance to use questionable so called vaccine — 1 yr in development mind you :: behind big pharma bio terrorist fake market crash — ppp loan approval courtesy minuchin // blackrock and IF THE LOOTING STARTS THE SHOOTING STARTS MANTRA and BIG TECH CENSORSHIP yeah like i buy it… … … yeah sure

yeah there is definitely something weird going on here — # encroachment # totalitarian tip toe

yup whitney i agree — these are weird ppl

lol. id put more stock figuratively into whitney and ryan opinion – hypothesis – thought process – historical record than establishment narrative anyday

10 to 15 yr approval for these things — how convenient an infrastructure was already in place to address it… .. yup i bought that hook line and sinker… not

anyone working at bs bill gates // rockerfeller — (msnbc)//msm = cccp//nsdap // kkk koshervatism (big pharma – i.g. farben bio terrorism) — roaring 20s marxist neo liberal fascism + the mob – media – fake philanthropy scams – etc:: and says nothing about this… … ah hem… … mainstream//lamestream maddow and andrea (left wing fascism is new to me) mitchell etc is by default a co opter of crimes against humanity as far as im concerned

mary whitehead
3 days ago (edited)
With the outrageous ridiculous scam here being so blatant. Im really thinking it is probably a more than 1 prong attack. I wonder if they were testing frequency tech ? Symptoms are exact match for 60 gigahertz effects. Which coincidently are convid symptoms. What else was signed into action earlier this year rapid deployment of 5gee technology. I don’t think these things happening at the same time would be very statistically rational. If we lie to you for your own good it is all good. We are smarter so shut up. These people being psychopaths I suggest we need call this out all over everywhere every day. Thank you Whit ey and Ryan. In depth reporting and commentary. Assoff Rapaport for sure. Were they not rolling out radio towers along with miltary bases during the “Spanish” Flu 1918?. Hmm. Deaths from bacterial phenomena ” masks “very high. Scientific method says a virus has never been isolated thus not proven to exist. Love the talking robot puppets at the end. They also vaccinated soldiers back in 1918.

3 days ago
Extremely dangerous to our democracy. Bart S.

3 days ago
Ryan and Whitney you guys have done more than your best to wake the sleeping dead. Sadly there is no hope for the masses. They are in a cave facing inward and unaware that the simple act of turning their heads towards the cave’s opening will bring in light.

3 days ago (edited)
Maybe human genome project produced too small a database. PCR test gives them thousands times bigger dna data ??? …ta ta taah….

3 days ago
I thought Whitney was taking a break but love to see she is doing well. Did you guys see the case of police brutality against a man not wearing a mask?

Suzane Greenberg
11 hours ago
Let me take a minute to tell of the most recent Peak Prosperity show and how effective treatment exists with real science studies and is being suppressed from our choices by the huge censorship.We are being badly misled and this seasoned COVID researcher gives a final verdict: it is criminal.

3 days ago
Seems like the Robots are ready to take over for the Human Tax Cattle. The Elite don’t need us anymore.

3 days ago
“By the mere fact that an individual forms part of a crowd [i.e. the herd], his intellectual standard is immediately and considerably lowered.”
-Gustave Le Bon “The Crowd”

Vincit Omnia Veritas
3 days ago
Dysgenicist. Get it right. They mean dysgenics for the masses, eugenics for themselves. Do you understand now? Eugenics means good birth; tdysgenics is the opposite of that.

Mr. Rudy
3 days ago
My Dr. doesn’t practice allopathic medicine, sorry big brother.

3 days ago (edited)
It appears paypal has you shadow banned ;s it keeps blocking my payment with identity confirmation requests… even after confirming multiple times <_< then takes me to my paypal homepage, cancelling the payment.
edit: false alarm, sorry.

3 days ago
They lost me on voting years ago. Can’t vote for candidates someone besides the people chose.

Constance White
3 days ago (edited)
Does Whitney have her own YT channel?? … Or WHERE can we find her in social media news?
Thx 💜

3 days ago
Word of the week . Panopticon, that’s google and facebook.

Iyam Nobaudi
3 days ago
The vax has nothing to do with the common flu re-purposed into this CV, and everything to do with trans-humanism (downgrade and removal of spirit chromosome), nano tracking and eugenics’. And if it was so safe why are they setting up ‘robust’ tracking of mass adverse reactions to their poisons. There has never been a legit pandemic with the less lethal than the seasonal flu at 0.0124% lethality, that is a 99.7% survival. Are you all afraid of measles or other ‘disease’…well all these ‘cases’ are simply the dormant presence of the cold bug corona in our systems, like measles, etc. dormant in our systems that actually proves immunity….CV hoax and the exploitation of it by the medical fraud industry is one of the greatest clear and present dangers to humanity.

3 days ago
I am sure you guys understand this but the eugenics movement definitely isn’t restricted to targeting minorities, anyone who’s been taking these vaccines have been being tested on, which is everyone. Jonas Salk, the godfather of vaccines who created the polio vaccine stated in his book “Survival of the Wisest” that scientism was the new religion, scientists the new high priests, and the lab coat the new cassock and that it was the duty of these new high priests to take control of evolution and use the vaccine system to introduce new mutations on humanity and spur evolution with those who survive. Just notice the name of that book, survival of the Wisest, he also has one by the name of Splendid Solution, they have always been right out in the open.

3 days ago
Have you noticed that Barack Obama has been making his Government Studio rounds???

Robert Tony
1 day ago
You could control population voluntarily. Supply free happy drugs with birth control added in, for all who want them, everybody is happy those that use and those who are no longer harassed by drug related crimes who do not use (in the short term and in the long term, their children do not have to deal with the problem as much, it is what it is, those taking the substances are content to take them to escape the brutality and the corrupt over competitiveness capitalism). Do not call the use of drugs fake happiness when the alternate is happiness through mass consumption, which produces little happiness (the very short pleasure of the purchase and then bored with it and back to the store to buy again, more wasted resources more pollution generated) and much harm.

As for the vaccine, I will trust it as much as the manufacturer of it, no warranty, I will bloody not be taking it, I would rather catch the virus AGAIN, been there done that.

Less Than Laughing
3 days ago
URGENT!!! If you watch the videos by American Intelligence Media (the main guy is ex-ASA, which was, according to him, the precursor to the NSA) you will find that they have been denouncing Lord Maloch Brown for years as being one of the leading villains in the skullduggery that has been inflicted on this world for the last thirty years or so. Ever heard of the Pilgrim’s Society or Serco? A.I.M. also claims that these entities are foremost behind our woes. They no longer make videos for YouTube. They only make videos for their website these days, but all their old YouTube videos are still available.

2 days ago
Of course these sick people are playing God. And from their standpoint everything makes total sense. It’s just about the survival of the fittest, the dogma of Evolution. Therefore, those who believe this dogma (almost everybody) must agree with what the hell is going on.

lisaAnn Richardson
3 days ago (edited)
Just a heads up; any pathogen or (vaccine) kept at -70 degrees is most probably a (live etilogoc agent). To keep viable the virus, must be in in living cell lines, usual canine, rabbit, primate and even human human embryonic cells, kept alive by a medium that keeps cells alive (because virus is only a live when inside a cell). After thawing out the agent must be used immediately else it decays rapidly like any other living tissue.

23 hours ago
If your disagree your right to free speech has been removed “because national security”. Sorry but the US Constitution superseded your notions of “national security”. Individual liberty is the first priority, otherwise your “security” is nothing more than slavery sold on nothing more than “for your safety and the safety of others” they will violate the Supreme law of the land, but more importantly, inalienable God given rights. As Ryan would say “it’s disgusting”!!

Candi Balls
1 day ago (edited)
It’s not about the vaccine. They don’t WANT people to take the vaccine (yet) and they’ve made sure of this by allowing horror stories from the trials into the MSM. They haven’t even offered immunisation, only suppression of symptoms thereby ensuring there’s no incentive for folks to take it. What they want is to purposefully instill vaccine hesitancy in the public to ensure the lockdowns and social distancing measures continue. They need the remaining businesses and farms to crumble in order to finalize their consolidation of power and getting folks dependent on them through public assistance to avoid homelessness. Once they have enough folks in their smart city public housing facilities, on universal basic income whilst they automate the labour industries, they will hit everyone with THE vaccine (nanotech) which will be tied to public assistance. They need the infrastructure (digital currency, blockchain identity, smart cities, 5g, Starlink) in place before they make their move.