The Breaking of Bodies and Minds: Torture, Psychiatric Abuse, and the Health Professions (1985)

Book Review: THE BREAKING OF BODIES AND MINDS: TORTURE, PSYCHIATRIC ABUSE, AND THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS. Edited by Eric Stover and Elena 0. Nightingale, M.D. New York, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1985. (2)

The Breaking of Bodies and Minds: Torture, Psychiatric Abuse, and the Health Professions.


Twelve papers on the abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union for political repression (persistent criticism of the present government is simply labeled “paranoia”) and on torture in other countries: personal accounts, summaries by observers of these problems, discussions of the profession’s responsibilities and ethical issues. Includes three valuable appendices: codes of ethics and declarations on abuse; names, addresses, and descriptions of organizations concerned with these problems; an extensive bibliography of selected literature. Highly recommended for all collections covering medical ethics and relations of medicine to politics.