Shadow Report on Systematic Organized Stalking, Covert Neutralization of Dissidents by Means of Torture, Degrading and Inhumane Treatment (The Human Dignity Council, pdf, Sept. 22, 2014)

Shadow Report on Systematic Organized Stalking, Covert Neutralization of Dissidents by Means of Torture, Degrading and Inhumane Treatment. (THE HUMAN DIGNITY COUNCIL)

SEPTEMBER 22, 2014


Shadow Report on Systematic Organized Stalking, Covert Neutralization of Dissidents by Means of Torture, Degrading and Inhumane Treatment.

SEPTEMBER 22, 2014

I. Systematic Organized Stalking, Covert Neutralization of Dissidents by means of Torture, Degrading and Inhuman Treatment, September 22, 2014

II.Reporting Organization

The Human Dignity Council, Boston, MA based non-­‐profit Corporation, since 2013, focused on the literal and private investigating of Organized Stalking, the paralle use of Electromagnetic/Silent Direct Weapons for its related control purposes; HDC focuses on the reporting, advocating, paralegal and judicial analysis and welfare of those targeted by a campaign consisted of flawed extra-­‐judicial games and covert Intel protocol-­‐based methods that violate human rights primarily, as do civil rights for ten thousands of people in the United States foremost.

III. Issue Summary

This report focuses on the multi-layered crime that “Organized Stalking” represents as a human rights violation because of the systemic core physical, electronic, emotional and psychological torture embedded within “O.S.” has shown to be, undoubtedly, a covert political method or campaign, in order to undermine, police, neutralize, and slow kill dissidents nationally. Mostly utilizing scare tactics and psychological and technological intimidations, it is aimed at silencing, smearing, ridiculing, electronically torturing (Remotely as in close range), mentally and emotionally abusing, towards the neutralizing, imprisonment, confining or killing of its subjects. The victims, in 98% of cases, are falling under the category of political activists, political or judicial voices, or dissidents. All have somehow, one way or another rubbed too close up with law enforcement, have been plaintiffs in some legal case scenarios involving them, voiced opposing political or judicial opinions, or testified or protested against law enforcement or an element of the legal system in a politically outspoken manner; and that, publicly, or perhaps even from the comfort of their homes while under surveillance, for one apparent reason or another, even from their places of employment and worship. The crime, though often referred to as gang stalking (a.k.a group or cause stalking) is not related to street gangs; rather it involves illegal surveillance and harassment of political, civil and human rights activists and proponents by multiple perpetrators (called “perps” or “brown-­‐nosers”) working together under the guises of the war on terror.

Often the stalking is done for revenge or to silence potential whistle-­‐blowers, or use them as guinea pigs or trafficking subjects in various shadowy industries, the likes of pharmaceutical research centers needing subjects, sex slaves, and other not yet divulged or exposed for lack of investigations. We have found that those in the law system who manage organized stalking operations are usually associated with rogue law enforcement officers, former and active, veterans recruited under legitimized small black or covert operations; taking advantage of the lack of oversight and accountability with regards to states and federally issued and dispersed funds (War on terror budgets pulled out of the NDAA, DoD 1033, Patriot Act operations, and States Secrets Privileges)-­‐

From our research and investigations, revising and following legal documents, it would seem as though there was ongoing, a series of well organized and quiet little wars with silent weapons, covert technologies, lies and deceptions focused on dissidents and the likes, especially those who have less financial and familial resources, the underprivileged or minorities; yet we have also found that people from all walks of life and backgrounds have been politically blacklisted and stalked in that peculiar organized manner. Systematic tactics include threats, abusive comments, vehicular mobbing, interference or interceptions of all communications, redirecting and rerouting of such; breaking into victims’ residences, slanders (lying about the victims), harassment by noise (sometimes from nearby residences or adjacent apartments), illegal wiretapping via covertly obtained FISA or NSA letters, electromagnetic assaults and torture (detailed national archives classified documents, and found on various government agency websites), computer and thought hacking, and some other serious violations of state and federal law.

Organized stalking violates multiple laws, including the U.S. Constitution’s Prohibition against extra-­‐judicial punishment, the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition against searches without warrants, the federal law against stalking (18 U.S. Code § 2261A), and anti-­‐stalking laws in all fifty states and the District of Columbia, including Massachusetts’ where we are located. HDC finds that Torture as a Human Rights Violation is relevant and occurring in the hundreds of cases and complaints reviewed in the last two years:

Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.—

Convention Against Torture, Article 1.1

The Human Dignity Council has reported these occurrences and criminal acts to the likes of supportive organizations such as The ACLU, The National Lawyers Guild, and The Center for Constitutional Rights, which commonly are engaged in civil rights violations pertaining to the policing and neutralization of Dissidents. I have been led to believe in their individual responses to various reports that these organizations would undoubtedly be supportive of any action or legislation, investigation or reviews of reports against Organized Stalking, its related torture scenarios, and the human rights violations embedded therein. Please see attached affidavits depicting Organized Stalking and Its ramifications, as related by victims or politically victimized individuals and a former FBI agent with some field experience on the subject.

IV. Concluding Observations .

Though this crime affects now a greater amount of the population, the efforts not only to report, investigate and speak out on these psychological, physical, economic tortures are being stifled at a top level of government, where victims are categorically portrayed as making no sense, and are sidelined (part of the illogical yet calculated and systematically organized criminal campaign), with all other attempts also at gaining the help and support of organizations such as the Human Rights Watch, and others alike being stifled. In 2009, and the last time it seems a “Group or Organized Stalking” criminal analysis was truly done by the department of Justice in the US was back in 2009, and that report is featured in the affidavit Keith Labella attached (organized stalking, 2009, first seven pages). As of now, no government or NGO has taken a stand against these human rights violations, or has began to acknowledge that these violations are in fact embedding a serious torture campaign violating everything ever stipulated as pertaining human rights laws, nationally or internationally.

The need is great, as there is a silent weapons war aimed at all our human rights, and the ability for anyone with an opinion to express themselves; almost purely tyrannically established, and it has just began. It’s getting more boisterous, daring, louder, prouder and faster. It is also technologically well fierce, and it does not care or seem to believe in Human Rights. But we do.

V. U.S. Government Report

We are still waiting to hear. What we have however from some declassified and non-classified cases and documents are just enough to established the existence of these weapons that supposedly are subjects matter of deemed tinfoil individuals, activists, dissidents, and the danger they might and are causing should there not be any restraints or laws guiding and assuring their usages, maintenances, circulations, and exchanges in our communities, cities, states, countries (Both MA and MD, it would seem have laws to such effects). Though if we are successful are preventing the general mitigations of these crimes, and socially destroying the web of federal agencies’ handlers and spies preventing the victims from reporting these crimes, we will have a huge pool of reports to speak of at the DOJ, FBI, and local police stations; but as one would imagine, a perpetrator himself/herself would go at all lengths possible to cover up his/her own crimes, and to silence the victim by all means, which is too real in all cases.

VI. Recommended Questions

1. Why not let all “politically victimized individuals” report their targeting, their torture experiences aided by the various human rights channel, and legal channels they might be able to afford or have access to, as opposed to dismissing all claims in US communities of these occurrences as irrelevant and unmerited? What happened to due process of law?

2. Why hide the existence of silent weapons and directed energy weapons or devices used against these so-called dissidents throughout the country?

3. Is the US willing to compensate all victims of such human rights violations should their claims and reports go forth and be validated by medical, physical and witness or whistleblowers’ reports?

4. Why are the govt and some experts in various fields related to these crimes (pharmaceutical, law enforcement, medical, political), so quick to not hear about the existence of the hidden and control focused weapons, even though they have been declassified? Why neutralize dissidents under the constitution of the US, and torture them against all Anti-­‐Torture Human Rights Law existing to date?

5. What are the govt or local police departments and all involved in these covert maneuvres hiding?

VII.Suggested Recommendations-­‐

The filing and reporting of Organized Stalking as a human rights and civil crime
against humanity to local police stations (make it much easier and factual, without deliberate error or insinuation to weak mental health of the victimized) because it depicts and embeds illegal and prosecutable uses of a national grid means, its technological resources and advances to remotely or closely harm politically victimized individuals in their homes, outside their homes. It embeds the use of fatal psychological devices, thus the torture of individuals blacklisted for their political stands.

-­The investigating of activities related to Organized Stalking, the actual stalking on foot, vehicular, in home, cyber, work, etc.

-­‐Demand that the Presidential Bioethics Commission (comprising a dozen of national agencies with members somehow involved in these crimes and human rights violations) be suspended, fined, or investigated for perjury; as this front organization has delightfully sat, listened to, and made thousands of victims since its charge by president Obama in 2011 (regarding “healing the brain or Brain Initiative cooperative) believe that it was created to help and assist politically and also medically targeted or selected individuals.

A Previous letter expose’ to Human Rights Defenders and Associates below from March 2014

The Human Dignity Council
330 Bowdoin Street,
Suite 612Boston, MA
[email protected]­‐755-­‐6760

To Whoever It May Concern,

We are writing to connect with your investigative journalism team with a request for investigative research and reporting on a subject that has been brought rather forcefully to our recent attention: a covert harassment and slow-­‐kill program targeting both social justice activists and other Americans in Massachusetts and other states. This program is based on collective covert Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassments, non-­‐consensual human subject experimentation and research in various areas of “non-­‐lethal” and “human bio-­‐effects” weapon testing and brain science; these types of research are being conducted illegally currently in the US by private and academic contractors with the Department of Defense/CIA, in connection with recent escalations in the extreme NSA surveillance and COINTELPRO-­‐like programs repressing activists and corporate whistleblowers and those matching their description.

Why do we say illegally? Because the “human subjects” were never informed, never consented, and are being subjected to 24/7 EMF directed-­‐energy weapon abuse, which is criminal in Massachusetts, according to published law. Targets are being repressed and censored through this and other technological and communicational means, their deaths or incarceration in psychiatric institutions hastened, through record falsifications, character assassinations, psychological stressors in addition to the extreme damages caused by continuous, low-­‐level, non-­‐ionizing radiation applied to the various organs in their bodies. It’s important to note that these weapons are not by any means “non-­‐lethal” but rather, supremely lethal, as many have subsequently lost their lives from their applications. These sorts of attacks and fatal effects, covert or not, are supposedly criminal in Massachusetts-­‐-­‐and should be, nationwide.

This targeting and harassment is Local, it has come to New England-­‐-­‐targeted activists, good constitutionally-­‐bound citizens and law-­‐abiding residents in Boston, and suburbs are currently being tortured 24/7 by naval and maritime directed-­‐energy weapons and by a related CIA Psychological operations protocol-­‐-­‐ organized stalking. We are some of these judicial and legislative activists-­‐-­ ‐we are human rights, civil rights, and ecologically conscious activists who engage in community, online, and peaceful activism for clean air, food, water, peace, the rights of all humans, and justice for all-­‐-­‐ who, for reasons that are truth based, have become targets and involuntary, uninformed, nonconsensual subjects in some of these horrific programs. We have come to understand that this kind of electromagnetic or electronic harassment, coupled with non-­‐consensual human experimentation sanctioned by the military, has been going on for at least two decades, if not more, and has been experienced both by social justice workers-­‐-­‐usually activists and whistleblowers-­‐-­‐and many other non-­‐activist citizens, many of whose stories are documented online as Politically victimized individuals.

From our research we understand that this covert harassment is government-­‐funded and supported. Department of Homeland Security fusion centers and citizen watch groups are involved, we believe, in recruiting neighbors and co-­‐workers to harass politically victimized individuals. Funding for weapons testing, brain control, and behavior control research comes (we understand from DoD contract information posted publicly online, as well as from other sources) from the Department of Defense, and possibly the National Institutes of Health and other allied government institutions. The CIA, FBI, and NSA, with some local and state Police, Fire Fighters, Emergency Personnel and other groups in this fusion, are engaged in such covert surveillance and harassment in-­‐home and other places, video and audio, foot, vehicular and aerial, we understand, from the testimonies of various former insiders- whistleblowers, and are also engaged in Psy-­‐Ops activities, including organized stalking, against all “human subjects” or targets. We personally experienced the commencement of this targeting after specific actions we took to question the status quo:

• Ramola D/Dharmaraj (fiction writer, poet, and college creative writing professor), was targeted since early December 2013, immediately after writing to Senators, House Reps, and Quincy, Mass city councilors and Mayor on the environmental hazards of chemtrails, as they relate to food, air, water, a phenomenon which had recently come to her notice.

• Laetitia Aby became aware of her targeting and the civil and human rights violations that took place during a vulnerable period of her life just within the last four years; she has reasons to believe that her targeting and non-­‐consensual inclusion into research studies may have occurred five years or a decade prior when one thing after another unfolded with her overall health, and body. She noticed technological and communications’ interferences at first, and became aware of surveillance modalities within and outside of her home after the Patriot Act gave way to them. Around 2006-­‐2008 she realized that she has been meticulously left out of the racial discrimination class action lawsuit, which was supposed to provide legal relief and punitive rewards to originally victimized applicants. Unfortunately making the disparity issue publicly known, and aggressively going after reason and justice for that wrongdoing turned her into what some might call an enemy of the state or the crooked type of the state.

The Human Dignity Council’s aim here is to continue the investigations, and pushing for subsequent legislative efforts, measures, laws and implementation of such to protect politically victimized individuals and to help them restore their livelihoods. The other crucial aim would be to advocate on all human rights platforms against the tortures being inflicted, on those targeted, most of which subsequently are made nonconsensual human subjects. We hope to work to expose and end these covert torture programs which abrogate civil and human rights as they run completely counter to the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

There are other organizations, whistleblowers, concerned citizens, and politically and experimentally victimized individuals working on this cause. There are several who have written and published books and documents on the subject. There are several journalists, writers, and others blogging online on the subject. We are hoping to create a bigger and more active alliance and coalition on the issue to accelerate the processes involved in creating awareness, educating, protecting and safeguarding lives and livelihoods. Please contact us anytime. We would be happy to work with you and furnish you with the research we have conducted already. We will also be happy to put you in touch with other individuals experiencing the same suppression of civil and human rights. We cannot stress enough: this is an issue whose time has come. If we as a society do not rise up Now against the extreme oppression of this targeting, abuse, and attempt to control our brains, our minds and our bodies as independent and sovereign persons, with unique personalities and individualities, we will, before we know it, be cordoned forcefully by military powers into complete mind control and subjection, as a people. Currently it is only politically targeted activists reporting this abuse-­‐-­‐the very fact that these weapons are being tested on a percentage of the US (and
world) population bodes ill for the whole of the population, for the modality and intention behind the use and testing of these weapons is complete control of the human being, and global control of all human beings.

Co-­‐penned by Ms Ramola D. and Ms. Laetitia Aby
The Human Dignity Council
330 Bowdoin Street #612Boston, MA
02122617-­‐755-­‐6760 . [email protected]

2 Replies to “Shadow Report on Systematic Organized Stalking, Covert Neutralization of Dissidents by Means of Torture, Degrading and Inhumane Treatment (The Human Dignity Council, pdf, Sept. 22, 2014)”

  1. I am being targeted and can feel when they try to do behavior control. I have evidence of the NLP, trauma created, premeditated scenarios, gang stalking, etc…and need help. I have been unable to sleep due to this waving pulsing energy that keeps waking me up. It is an unnatural way of me waking up. I have so much more to say, but I need to get this out there. I would like to tell my story and speak with you. I have emailed you a few times on the email.

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