Testimony on behalf of Leonard Kille, engineer, father, government lab rat, & TI; tortured, destroyed, murdered by US government

Partial Dialogue from the documentary film, “The Minds of Men” by Aaron and Melissa Dykes (2018)

Epigraph Quotes from Film:

Melissa Dykes: For months, (Drs.) Mark and Ervin remotely stimulated Leonard Kille’s brain by computer, meticulously figuring out what each electrode could do. Some made him feel like he was losing control, others like he was floating on a crowd. It was during this stimulation-induced relaxation, that the doctors suggested making destructive lesions in the medial portion of both of Leonard’s amygdalas.

Dr. Peter Breggin: Now I found myself looking at what looked like one of the worst, most egregious involuntary brutal experiments ever reported in the medical literature. And nobody but me that I could find anywhere seemed to be bothered by it….. I called Dr. Marks office and I got a copy of Leonard’s hospital records. In those records, I found things like: “Leonard wants to leave the ward.” The progress note by (Dr.) Frank Ervin: “Take his pants away.”… One of the first things that fell out of the records was a hand-written note by him that doctors from the MGH were killing him or taking his brain or something like that. In the progress report I saw:  “Writing on the walls: “Murder.””

I was looking in on the life of a man who had been as violently abused as any horrendous sexual, emotional, physical abuse. He might as well have been in a brainwashing camp in North Vietnam or North Korea being tortured…. I wouldn’t, even if they were convicted of murder, want to unleash these psychosurgeons on them. There are protections against cruel and unusual punishment. Believe me, it is more cruel to have done to you what was done to Leonard Kille than to be put to death. It is crueler and more hopeless, and more horrible.

Melissa Dykes: The Boston Violence Project continued with funding through the NIMH (National Institutes of Mental Health) and the LEAA (Law Enforcement Assistance Administration). Dr. William Sweet was so powerful and had friends in such high places that in 1971 he was able to directly petition Congress for funds for their violence study bypassing the ordinary process. The project, unlike your average scientific and medical proposals of the day, was aided by an organized political campaign to garner Congressional support run by one of Washington’s top lobbyists.

Dr. Peter Breggin: These guys went to Congress! They got a direct science grant from Congress. Congress doesn’t give grants for scientific research. They came out with $500,000, they gave it to NIMH, completely bypassed all the review processes of NIMH and said, “you give it to Mark, Ervin and Sweet for their research.”

So we have these American surgeons, some of the most famous in the country, getting funding from a combination NIMH (National Institutes of Mental Health) and the Justice Department. Can you imagine anything more totalitarian than putting psychiatry and justice together?

… I have puzzled over human evil for a long time. And I’m not sure I have more to say about it than anybody else. Except I’m willing to call it human evil, which most folks aren’t anymore. What was driving (Drs.) Mark, Ervin, and Sweet? What was driving (Dr.) Delgado?

I. Introduction: Setting the Stage For Kille’s Involuntary Brain Experimentation

Aaron Dykes:

Dr. Cobb marked 1958 presenting a new picture of activity in the brain based on reverberating circuits, feedback systems, communication theory, and a modulation of sensory perception, all of which became central to the fields of physiology, psychology, information theory, and cybernetics as well as the aims of the CIA’s MKULTRA program. This new core of knowledge replaced the classical understanding of the brain. It would now be treated as a bio-computer to be scanned, screened, decoded and re-programmed.

“If one could modify the way the brain processed signals, one could program the brain, the behaving entity, just like in the equipment in missile control rooms and just like the experimental animals who had been conditioned to perform predictable behaviors in the lab.

By 1955, Dr. Norbert Wiener, who had long ago sworn off work on “weapons of war,” despite his continued collaboration with the very military technicians and defense contractors who had made those weapons, had overseen the development of a powerful new device, which he created with Massachussett’s General’s electrical engineer, John Barlow, and Walter Rosenbluth, an Austrian engineer who ran MIT’s Communication-Biophysics Laboratory. Meriam Brazeer (British neuroscientist), too, would work on this big project which would become the Cold War’s least known but most powerful secret weapon. They called it the “autocorrelator.”

Aaron Dykes: (The Autocorrelator)… A machine that analyzed brainwaves in analogue mode. It took Norbert Wiener 25 years to crack the code of the EEGs (electroencephalograms, by using statistical methods, namely spectral aka fourier analysis). It was the culmination of cybernetic research that he and Arturo Rosenbluth had begun research on automata and feedback more than a decade earlier leading up to the first Macy’s cybernetics meeting on Cerebral Inhibition in 1942. The autocorrelator now made it possible to interpret brainwaves intelligently and automatically via computer and for that computer to send a reciprocal response back through EEG to excite or inhibit brain activity.

Years later, all of this would have grave consequences for Leonard Kille.

II. The Story of TI, Leonard Kille (aka “Thomas R”) (partial transcription from “The Minds of Men”)

Melissa Dykes: In the forward to “Violence and the Brain” (1970), authors (Drs.) Vernon Mark and Frank Ervin write: “Our project holds out the hope that knowledge gained about emotional brain function in violent persons with brain disease can be applied to combat the violence-triggering mechanisms in the brains of the non-diseased.” In essence, everybody else.

Dr. Peter Breggin: Violence and the Brain. (Written by Drs.) Vernon Mark, neurosurgeon, Boston City Hospital; Frank Ervin, psychiatrist at Harvard; William Sweet, this powerful neurosurgeon during the introduction. And the book is about a man at the time called Thomas R. Thomas was a brilliant engineer with patents who was terribly violent until after the surgery and was now completely cured without any symptoms. And the surgery consisted of putting multiple electrodes in his brain, stimulating him, even stimulating him while he walked around the ward. Then burning out parts of his brain.

Melissa Dykes: No patient was more highly publicized as a success of Mark and Ervin’s new techniques than Thomas R, whose real name was Leonard Kille, their star patient, who, according to their book, was diagnosed as suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy, and prone to uncontrollable rages that the doctors were only able to subdue through remote brain stimulation and a bilateral amydalectomy which destroyed portions of his brain closely connected to emotional behavior.

Dr. Peter Breggin: Well, I knew that this was a lie. I did not realize how huge it was going to turn out to be. So I began to get a hold of every single thing I could find that they had written. I was able to put together that at the point that they wrote “Violence and the Brain,” that he’d been cured forever, he’d just been discharged from the hospital. There wasn’t a follow-up at all.

Melissa Dykes: By most accounts, Leonard was described as a mid-30’s married father of six, and a successful, self-taught engineer who worked with top defense contractors, including Douglas Aircraft, Polaroid, where he earned several patents under its founder, Edwin Land, who at the time was working with the CIA on the top-secret U-2 spy plane program, Honeywell, and eventually, EG & G, one of the most powerful Cold War black-ops defense contractors in America no one had heard of, which had spun off of MIT and made important contributions to the development of the nuclear bomb, aerial reconnaissance, and radar.

But in their book “Violence and the Brain,” Drs. Mark and Ervin painted Leonard as an impulsive man with a violent streak who was prone to road rages and spousal and child abuse. A man who would sometimes pick up his pregnant wife and even his children and throw them into walls. Mark and Ervin insinuated that temporal lobe disease led to Leonard’s violent rages. And the doctors described him as “frankly psychotic.”

Dr. Peter Breggin: The VA records showed him to be entirely normal. And (yet) then they took him and put him in their project.

Melissa Dykes: The doctors outfitted Leonard with one of Dr. Delgado’s stimoceivers (implant) which sent a steady stream of telemetered EEG data analyzed by computer for an impending violent episode. Then the computer would decide when to remotely stimulate Leonard based on the data. The doctors note that Leonard was a landmark for them. It was the first time they were able to demonstrate that systems in the limbic brain both start and stop attack behavior in man.

Egregious lack of consent aside, now they had a remote trigger for human aggression. A type of “activation of a human being by remote electronic means” just like one of the major goals of the CIA’s subproject 119 in 1959.

Peter Breggin: They would just toy with his brain. They would toy with it while he was walking around and he didn’t know it was turned on so he didn’t even know it was happening to him.

(Webmaster: This is what happens to all targeted individuals!)

Melissa Dykes: For months, Mark and Ervin remotely stimulated Leonard’s brain by computer, meticulously figuring out what each electrode could do. Some made him feel like he was losing control, others like he was floating on a crowd. It was during this stimulation-induced relaxation, that the doctors suggested making destructive lesions in the medial portion of both of Leonard’s amygdalas.

Dr. Peter Breggin: And then he became peaceful and accepted the treatment after they stimulated him enough. This is key folks. Passivity, docility, obedience is key to this entire process.

Melissa Dykes: After a series of lesions were burned into his brain via passing high frequency microwave currents through his electrodes, Leonard was finally discharged from the hospital in 1967, a year that would change the course of his life forever.

Dr. Peter Breggin: I got a letter from Leonard’s mother, that said, “Now I understand. I knew they turned my son into a vegetable. Now I see what they were doing to him.”

I called Dr. Marks office and I got a copy of Leonard’s hospital records. In those records I found things like: “Leonard wants to leave the ward.” The progress note by Frank Ervin: “Take his pants away.”

I was looking in on the life of a man who had been as violently abused as any horrendous sexual, emotional, physical abuse. He might as well have been in a brainwashing camp in North Vietnam or North Korea being tortured. One of the first things that fell out of the records was a hand-written note by him that doctors from the MGH were killing him or taking his brain or something like that. In the progress report I saw: Writing on the walls: “Murder.” And the VA records did not note that he’d had psychosurgery.

… They turned him into a shell of a human being where the spirit was still there, but it couldn’t peep out very well through the tangled wires, the murdered brain cells. He was psychotic and he was violent when he was restrained at times. He’d never been anything like that.

Melissa Dykes: The Boston Violence Project continued with funding through the NIMH and the LEAA. Dr. William Sweet was so powerful and had friends in such high places that in 1971 he was able to directly petition Congress for funds for their violence study bypassing the ordinary process. The project, unlike your average scientific and medical proposals of the day, was aided by an organized political campaign to garner Congressional support run by one of Washington’s top lobbyists.

Dr. Peter Breggin: These guys went to Congress! They got a direct science grant from Congress. Congress doesn’t give grants for scientific research. They came out with $500,000, they gave it to NIMH, completely bypassed all the review processes of NIMH and said, “you give it to Mark, Ervin and Sweet for their research.”

Melissa Dykes: This is how far up the chain this research truly went.

Dr. Peter Breggin: Now I found myself looking at what looked like one of the worst, most egregious involuntary brutal experiments ever reported in the medical literature. And nobody but me that I could find anywhere seemed to be bothered by it.

Melissa Dykes: One unlikely source of concern came in the form of neurologist, Dr. Ernst Rodin, who visited the Boston Group after reading “Violence and the Brain: Bioelectrical and Behavioral Studies” hoping to gain information he could apply to a similar experiment he planned to run on violent sex offenders out of the Lafayette Clinic in Detroit. Dr. Rodin came away with a very different picture of what was actually going on in Boston than what was reported in Mark and Ervin’s book. The nursing staff informed him that, despite supposedly being a project about the treatment of violent criminals, none of the 35 patients in Mark and Ervin’s initial study were violent criminals, or even truly violent people. Dr. Ira Sherwin, the Boston Project’s head neurologist, concurred with the nurses and stated that he was not aware of any genuinely successful cases, including “Julia S” and “Thomas R.” Of “Violence and the Brain: Bioelectrical and Behavioral Studies” and Mark and Ervin’s research, Dr. Rodin concluded: “We have been mislead.”

Melissa Dykes:
Just like Drs. Heath and Delgado, a FOIA request to the CIA regarding any contract work done by Drs. Mark, Ervin and Sweet, was returned with a statement that the Agency could neither confirm or deny that these men had ever worked for them.

Peter Breggin: So we have these American surgeons, some of the most famous in the country, getting funding from a combination NIMH and the Justice Department. Can you imagine anything more totalitarian than putting psychiatry and justice together?

Melissa Dykes: Leonard Kyle would die three decades later at the age of 65 at the Bedford VA just outside Boston, having spent the latter half of his life a totally-disabled, heavily-medicated patient in a psych ward. Despite having completely ruined his life after mutilating his brain, Drs. Mark and Ervin continued to publish success stories about his case up until at least 1975.

Dr. Peter Breggin: But I wouldn’t, even if they were convicted of murder, want to unleash these psychosurgeons on them. There are protections against cruel and unusual punishment. Believe me, it is more cruel to have done to you what was done to Leonard Kille than to be put to death. It is crueler and more hopeless, and more horrible.

… One of the things that I had not imagined early on was all of this might have political implications. It didn’t dawn on me. I had no idea the treachery of outstanding people in the field of medicine, psychiatry, neurology, psychology, neurosurgery.

… It was a totalitarian philosophy under which he was doing social control and personal control of people.

Melissa Dykes: The 1967 Webster’s Dictionary defines cybernetics as the comparative study of the automatic control system formed by the nervous system and brain and by mechanical electrical communications systems.

In 2008, the CIA declassified the historical record of the Agency’s Office of Scientific Intelligence, 1949 to 1968. In it, there are a few mentions of cybernetics, including a classified research program and a bio-cybernetics working group, the responsibility for which fell under a CIA medical subcommittee. References were also made to Soviet cybernetics programs, east-west technology exchanges, and something called World Cybernetics. Even though this document wasn’t declassified until 1968, all of the pages regarding the CIA’s cybernetics program are still redacted to this day.

Dr. Breggin: I have puzzled over human evil for a long time. And I’m not sure I have more to say about it than anybody else. Except I’m willing to call it human evil, which most folks aren’t anymore. What was driving (Drs.) Mark, Ervin, and Sweet? What was driving Delgado?

Melissa Dykes: Dr. Jose Delgado wrote that conquering the human mind is a national goal at parity with conquering poverty or landing a man on the moon. The main aim is to establish a scientific foundation for the creation of a future psycho-civilized society. But how many people knew that humanity’s new future course toward a psycho-civilized society could be traced back to a highly organized global program to unlock the black box of man’s mind established during World War II, funded by elite foundations, government health and intelligence agencies, and military research branches, run through Ivy League Schools, hospitals, mental health facilities, and prisons involving a diffuse global network of intelligence agents, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, physiologists, anthropologists, mathematicians and cyberneticians, all seemingly working under the same United Nations UNESCO goal for decades: how to create peace in the minds of men.

Webmaster’s Concluding Comments: The entire film, “The Minds of Men,” by Aaron and Melissa Dykes, is a tremendous contribution to our understanding of how the United States, purportedly the bastion of “the free world,” covertly turned totalitarian through totalitarian (brain) science. I have a few comments:

1) Dr. Ervin’s progress note to nurses to “take away his (Leonard Kille’s) pants,” is clearly an application of the CIA’s “learned helplessness” experiments of 1967, in which University of Pennsylvania and CIA spychiatrist, Dr. Martin Seligman, programmed rats and dogs to become docile and helpless through persistent abuse and torture. “Learned helplessness” is also applied by CIA paid Air Force psychologists at the Guantanamo Bay torture facility. (See: CIA’s Guantanamo torture program and psychologists exposed (5 articles, 3 youtubes); Comment: “Let’s Not Torture The CIA Let’s Kill Them”). This kind of abuse does constitute torture and “cruel and unusual punishment,” as Dr. Breggin notes in the film..

2) Patient (TI), Leonard Kille’s scribbled word, “murder,” on the MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital) walls, documented in Dr. Frank Ervin’s progress notes, is an accurate description of the impact of the tortures that these respected neurosurgeons inflicted upon Leonard Kille. They murdered his life. This occurred in the time frame of 1967-1971 during the height of the Vietnam War, when the government was also running other civilian torture programs, including the CIA’s Phoenix Program in Vietnam and the FBI’s COINTELPRO, the CIA’s MHCHAOS and MKULTRA, and the DoD’s MONARCH mind control programs domestically, among others. The US had incrementally and almost covertly become a despotic, totalitarian dictatorship.

3) Why was Leonard Kille chosen to be destroyed as a human lab rat by the government. The film itself may provide clues. Kille apparently held patents with Edwin Land, founder of of Polaroid Land Camera, who helped the CIA develop the U2 spy plane. A relatively simple explanation is that the “neutralization” of Kille was a quid pro quo gift to Land for helping the CIA with this top-secret project. We may also speculate that the “tenant” who rented a room with Mrs. Kille during Leonard Kille’s psychiatric incarceration and who later married Mrs. Kille was a federal agent of some kind, perhaps CIA or FBI. This kind of dirty trickery is typical of spook operations in the US, the UK, and elsewhere.

4) While “The Minds of Men” is a landmark and important film and while Kille’s case is an example of someone selected to be an involuntary test subject (aka Targeted Individual), this single case does not explain or represent the “targeted individual program” per se, which is much larger and has much longer historical roots. The film does not delve into the much deeper, darker applications of mind control such as the MONARCH program, a military-weaponized version of the CIA’s MKULTRA and related mind control programs. Walter Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition” (1994) does expose these programs. (See: Key Insights On The TI Program, Mind-Controlled Slaves, Psychotechnology, The Cryptocracy, Nazis, & ‘Alien’ (Military) Abductions From Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition” (1994) & Video Interviews).

5) Most significantly, Bowart quotes a psychologist who has demonstrated that trauma-based mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and “alien” (cum military) abductions share the same basic elements! I suggest that the same elements are also present in the “targeted individual program,” in which innocent civilians are essentially entrapped in an invisible, open-air, electronic concentration camp or prison.

6) Experimentation of the influence of electronic signals on Leonard Kille’s brain by Mark, Ervin and Sweet is just one of many, many MKULTRA and other mind control programs that have contributed to the development of today’s invisible warfare (aka organized stalking-electronic torture) system that has been and is being used to destroy millions of lives worldwide in the TI program. This program has also been described as a “Global Phoenix Program.” Thus, Leonard Kille’s case should be considered representative of a much, much larger silent Holocaust that the US government and other governments have committed and are committing against their own citizens.

7) From PsyOp to the “psycho-civilized society;” from PsyWar to Cognitive War, from “non-lethal weapons” to covert psychotronic warfare against civilians, the US government (or its “handlers”) has apparently committed itselves to securing its own power by “any means necessary,” including the destruction of the citizens it is sworn to serve and protect.   America’s “cyrptocracy” (“rule by secrecy”) has thereby committed a military-intelligence corporate coup against the people of America and the world.    This post and the documentary from which it is derived reveals who did it (CIA, the military, and the psychiatry profession), how they did it, and how they continue to do it.

8) The terms, psyop, psywar, cognitive war, etc. are commonplace military terms. Entire military policy documents explain their use and importance. These terms, however, probably do not adequately explain this secret form of killing. “Invisible warfare,” a term used by Walter Bowart in “Operation Mind Control,” may be a more useful term for this silent, selective purge of those targeted for torture and elimination. The secrecy of the project is maintained by the Orwellian lies that surround it. For example, although Sweet, Mark and Ervin were officially engaged in medical experimentation, their “subject,” Kille understood what was really happening and he wrote “murder” on the hospital walls that comprised his torture chamber. Another Orwellian lie at the core of this crime is that the so-called “scientific” experiment in which Kille was forcibly enlisted as test subject was designed of combat “violence in the brain” for the benefit of society, indeed, that it comprised an act of healing and rehabilitation rather than punishment, torture, and murder. In actuality, the doctors and their paymasters were the criminals and the hospital itself functioned as the torture chamber.

9) Pretty much the entire scientific, media, and academic establishment is involved in the cover-up of these ongoing crimes.

10) Who ultimately controls this “invisible war?” Certainly, governments and corporations can wield this power.  Indeed, these same entities wage overt (kinetic) forms of warfare.  Who is behind the ongoing holocaust in Gaza, Ukraine, and Lebanon, for example? Who commands the military-intelligence-corporate structure in America and Israel?   The so-called “deep state,” the “organization,” the “Synagogue of Satan?”  Bowart refers to the “rule by secrecy” as the “cryptocracy.” That is who is behind this invisible holocaust today.

Melissa Dykes explains in “The Minds of Men:”

Man sought to control his own kind by way of understanding what governed his actions, starting with the neuron base unit of mind-body communications. Cybernetics denotes the science of government.

In the end, cybernetic modification of the human being makes information and its communication the key to control, making reality itself malleable and our interaction with the technology at hand has created its own feedback derived from our interpreted reality. As this technology captures, measures, and analyzes the world around us, man is programmed and re-programmed through continuous updates provided by this intermediary and conditioning comes with it along with new reflexes.

Ultimately, the underlying natural matrix is supplanted by an artificial one born with the collective consciousness of mankind’s total intent, goals, and purpose.”

Webmaster’s Correction and Comment: It seems to me that the above-mentioned “collective consciousness of mankind’s total intent, goals, and purpose” does not refer to mankind’s purpose at all but rather, refers to the intent, goals, and purpose of the satanic elite that rules us.  Lord, send them back to hell where they belong.

Shortly after then-Director of the CIA, George H.W. Bush, ordered that this “targeted individual”/“silent murder”/“invisible warfare” program go operational in 1976, numerous post office workers began going berserk and killing others (Bowart, 1994). The term “going postal” was adopted for this seemingly inexplicable phenomenon. Since that time, no more “experiments” have been required. The official government position is still that this invisible warfare is not occurring and that its targets are insane, just as Leonard Kille was purported to be.  In fact, Kille had been deliberately driven insane and/or to appear insane by the state so he could be permanently detained in a mental hospital. This tactic, also widely deployed against “internal political enemies” in the former Soviet Union, is termed the “psychiatric reprisal.” When evidence of these crimes becomes irrefutable, i.e., when too many people report being targeted as today, the next government fallback cover-story/lie is that “experimentation” is occurring. In fact, the electronic and psychological (psychotronic) weapons being directed against individuals, groups, and populations today are among the totalitarian New World Order’s most powerful weapons in the larger “Omni-War” against humanity and civilization.

Jesus’ parable of the “wicked tenants” aka “parable of the garden” (Mathew 21: 33-46) provides the larger context for this perennial war that satan and his children wage against good to overthrow God and usurp his creation.