Scientific Elite Detail 100-Year Plan To Kill Everyone; Parts 1 And 2 (Jay Dyer Analysis) 4/1 & 4/8 2022

Part I. Scientific Elite Detail 100-Year Plan To Kill Everyone

Jay Dyer’s Analysis, Apr 1, 2022

Scientific Elite Detail Plan To Kill Everyone (Jay Dyer Analysis) April 1, 2022

An analysis of the scientific dictatorship-technocracy-nightmare dystopia outlined and called for in Lord Bertrand Russell’s book, “The Scientific Outlook” (1931). Basically, just about everything Russell called for nearly 100 years ago is now unfolding in modern times.

Russell was a philosopher, mathematician, atheist, eugenicist, radical materialist, and Fabian socialist. He was a member of Britain’s Royal Society and argued that there is no God and no free will or soul in man. He called for radical depopulation and the establishment of a technocratic world government modeled on Plato’s Republic. The Scientism Cult is behind the New World Order. Russell’s philosophy is scientism and he anticipated that through genetic modification and transhumanism, humans would commandeer and control the process of evolution. He envisioned a two class society, the elite would eat steaks and the masses will eat fake food.

Other members of this elite scientifism cult with the same beliefs include Julian and Aldous Huxley and H.G. Wells.

Part 2: How The Scientific Elite Will Kill Everyone (Jay Dyer Analysis) April 8, 2022
How The Scientific Elite Will Kill Everyone 4/8/22

Jay Dyer of hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show and reveals the scientific elites’ decades old plan to dramatically reduce the world’s population through forced sterilization, poisoning of the food supply, and tainted vaccines.


3 hours ago
So Klaus Schwab clearly doesn’t see himself as leaving a negative carbon imprint. So, because he has money, he considers himself elite and therefore, is entitled to be one of the leaders to lead the world in this communistic plot. A true Hitler wannabe. He wants to kill all of us and leave the world to him and his cronies. He is essentially preparing the world for China to easily take over. No thank you!!

3 hours ago
I was raised 2 think Russel was on of our intellectual giants…now I realize he was a pygmie…

4 hours ago
Actually what is so advanced about the Angelo Saxon… as far as I can tell they never moved to any form of creativity except in killing people. The original English people were not Anglo Saxon German or any other Germanic tribe. They were merely a bunch of affiliated tribes who were absolute brutes. So were the Romans.

4 hours ago
cudn’t they just kill themselves…& declare mission accomplished???

4 hours ago
Message Part 1: I’m all in and I do my financial part to help support Infowars but there’s a core issue that Infowars needs to address: The Infowars team stresses that we need to organize, hang banners over highways or write something on a billboard or water towers etc but in the end this won’t be effective on a large scale because patriots are isolated from each other. Why hasn’t Infowars came forward and made a much needed statement along these lines: “I know with our vast listening audience there has to be plenty of computer program writers listening and what’s needed right now is for some of you to set up a basic online email address phone book where people can find each other state by state and even city by city without being censored and removed. This way people can organize locally and regionally in large numbers to put pressure on their local and state reps and force these people to do their jobs or to expose them as bad leadership along with the ability to organizing rallies and even protest at court houses or state capitols etc .” I’m not aware of Infowars ever pushing this concept!

4 hours ago
Message Part 2: Infowars could also tell their listeners that it’s probably safe to say that over 95% of them probably have smartphones and they all need to be constantly making videos of complaint and voice their opinions directly to their reps via email along with posting them places where they won’t pull the videos down! Have I missed something here? I have yet to hear Infowars push this concept! This bothers me because if I’m thinking like this than I know many others see this blind spot too Including Infowars! I get it that Infowars can’t do this themselves because it would be seen as Infowars raising an army but Infowars could legally/lawfully make the suggestion that it needed to be done by the listeners and if they started building such sites that Infowars would allow them to mention the sites when they called in. This tyranny could end in 24 hours if we could organize in large numbers to be heard!