Rich Creeps Want to Live Forever – Bio Tech Cultists and their War on Death
Webmaster comment: These insane, demonically-possessed lunatics are the “serpent race” (aka “generation of vipers”) of the New Testament, aka the “Synagogue of Satan,” the “sons and daughters of Cain,” the “Seed of the Serpent,” and the sons of Satan (John 8:44). This is the “race” that crucified Jesus Christ and said let his blood be on our heads and that of our children. They are Jews. They know they are going to go to hell for their crimes and disbelief and hence, they are waging this all out “war against death” that will, they hope, result in the deaths of all non-Jews, their own immortality, and their everlasting reign on earth with their God, Lucifer. Those of us who have read to the back of Revelation know who wins this war. Or to reference the Greek story of how they go down in flames, the wings of Icarus melted when he flew too close to the sun, dummkopfs!
Thank you Polly for your wisdom, courage, brains and love in the face of absolute evil!
Rich Creeps Want to Live Forever – Bio Tech Cultists and their War on Death
transhumanism Epstein Biotech Life Extension Cryonics Aubrey De Gray SENS Amazing Polly Billionaire Dinners Bezos
Peter Thiel thinks death is avoidable, SENS Foundation wages “War on Aging” and Young Blood transfusions are a business now. Epstein & Edge’s billionaire dinners used as sexual stings to get financing for these projects? I talk about it today. Can you support this work? Please visit
3 days ago
Polly 4 CEO of the FBI. Have her take it over. VOTE HERE!
3 days ago
These are some of the most disgusting, repulsive specimens of humanity on the planet. They are lower than pond scum, yet consider themselves the elites.
3 days ago
I agree 100%, if only they would focus on the here and now then the world would be a much better place for everyone.
Keep up the great work Polly!!!
3 days ago
When you said Aubrey DeGray I couldn’t help but think of The Picture of Dorian Gray. Another person trying to cheat death. Great job as usual and super on point wrap up.
3 days ago
That was very informing Polly and I thank you. Also for the people and their negative feedback it’s simple. Don’t let the world steel your joy, life is two short and you’re to good for that. God Bless Polly.
2 days ago
They are satanist who are trying to avoid God’s judgement…of course they want to try and live forever…reminds me of the scripture about they will wish for death but it won’t find them…but in the end No matter what they do and try God still wins
3 days ago
Creeps like Peter Thiel nauseate us with their presence for a short time in earth. Now they want to disgust everyone with their hideous countenance forever.
Let me off this planet, please.
3 days ago
black Rock is a square rock used in a certain religion .
3 days ago
Polly you are ALWAYS on top of the game! I implore you to please take a look at today’s video on the Stew Peters show his interview with Karen Kingston! She has collected all the proof and documents on what these Psychopaths are doing! It will blow your mind ! Karen has the documents and links to everything on her website page and substack. It’s our food, plants, animals and water, it’s everything that is designed specifically to destroy life. And yes, funneling the destruction by freaks like Bill Gates. It’s evil pure evil
3 days ago
Maybe all this has happened before. Wish we really knew what happened to Atlantis. Seems Mother earth takes everyone back to zero at some point.
3 days ago
And tacos are hard to eat without making a mess even with a full operational arm and hand! …I thought the same thing: product placement Idiocracy.
2 days ago
It is estimated that 12% of the population is satanic born/babylonian lineage+ wannabees. They boost each other up into positions of influence everywhere. Despite their operations of carefully crafted destruction – to which they believe they are entitled in their quest to become overlords – I think down deep they are terrified of being held accountable after death for their actions. Their solution? Postpone it! Drink blood, become a cyborg, get cloned and “live forever.” Good luck, idiots.
3 days ago
Great research as usual Polly!
2 days ago
These criminals feel like they have a license to experiment on us …and all the laws are written to protect them… not us…. this world is SICK as in the days of Noah!
3 days ago
Adrenochrome legal look that up , young tortured terrified baby blood
2 days ago
Polly I love your work, one of the most in depth researchers because you find one “crumb” and then connect it to 50 other “crumbs” giving us a broader landscape of the psychopathic web woven. This may be less noticeable to some, but I constantly wonder how and why this insanity got rolling. Keep up the good work, and God Bless you!
3 days ago
Thank you, Ma’am.
Stay on it.
3 days ago
What are all these genetically modified mosquitos that B. Gates is releasing? He’s now releasing them in Hawaii.
2 days ago
Polly. Great to be alive and BCI-FREE eh!
Remember Peggy Lee’s Lyrics: (Is that all there is?)
Here’s a few brief pertinent lyrics within:
And when I was twelve years old
My daddy took me to the circus, the greatest show on Earth
There were clowns and elephants and dancing bears
And a beautiful lady in pink tights flew high above our heads
And as I sat there watching
I had the feeling that something was missing
I don’t know what, but when it was over I said to myself
Is that all there is to the circus?
Is that all there is, is that all there is?
If that’s all there is my friends, then let’s keep dancing
Let’s break out the booze and have a ball
If that’s all there is
No no no!
“It can’t be all there is!
We made all this money…did all this stuff ..only to kick the bucket!?
We’ll do whatever we need to do so it isn’t all there is!”.
It’s a pagan Godless worldview we’re witnessing!
Contrast that with:
Apostle Paul:
In his second letter to Timothy he speaks dogmatically of what lies ahead, knowing the end of his physical life is near and he is ready to depart:
“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing” (2 Timothy 4:6-8).
They’ll never get it. Once they’re reprobate!
2 days ago
Thank you for your continuing exposure of these wackos. Much love to you, Polly!
2 days ago
These “people” teach themselves how to rationalize the obscene into something palatable and consider that an accomplishment. It is extremely disappointing (shocking really) that mindless followers eat this garbage and think they are “progressive”.
2 days ago
So glad I found your channel again. I used to watch you on screwtube.
2 days ago
If the world knew what has been done over the past five decades as a “study” it would wretch violently. In the early days of lasers and refractive surgery doctors would travel to South America to do experimental eye surgeries on people there. Then such things as intracorneal segments called “Intacs” were twisted into American corneas to correct myopia. Years later it was found the body put deposits around the implants. Later when the people needed cataract surgery the ring segments had to be pulled out. It was unknown what the corneas would do after being held drum tight and flat for years. Results after cataract surgery at times needed more surgery on the corneas with laser to correct the surface irregularities. Take care of your corneas lubricate, don’t rub hard, keep clean eyes. Never sleep with contact lenses in.
2 days ago
What if all this children induced mutilation is just another way to collect genitalia that they can reuse for their rejuvenation and extended life projects? Those are very special tissues.
2 days ago
Polly I agree, spend the money in real time, not on your stupid fantasies…
Great job and thank you for sticking with your professional experience.
2 days ago
I was talking about our food poisoned with petroleum, industrial processing. Our water, our air saturated with these metals. If it’s in the air, it’s in the water. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimers, Diabetes etc al. All began exponentially progressing and booming at the end of the 20th century. Rockefeller Foundation. And Rockefeller takeover and control of private medicine and turning it into an industry. Starting the American Cancer Society. No research, it squashes medical patents and cures.
I’m just commenting in regards to your point near the end about clean air, clean water.
I just see that as one of the most massive, diabolical scams in history. At least modern history. It could be a few of those bowls that angels pour out in the Apocalypse. It probably is. Or one of The Beasts or both.
Looking forward to your buildup on this video subject Polly. It’s always these creeps involved.
1 day ago
The “Black Rock” brings to mind the”Black Stone” in the Ka’bah.
Very interesting, indeed!
1 day ago
So many crimes against humanity these individuals have committed , but we have to realize it’s almost over for them , and they know it they are scrambling to do as much damage as possible before our King returns
3 days ago
Some believe we live many lives. In which case karma is a bitch. Good luck Peter.
3 days ago
Makes you wonder if the UN Peacekeeper’s helmet logo with the sensors in it are RF’s mind switch!
The moral compass is magnetic!
2 days ago
Those involved in young-blood companies should all be imprisoned, right now, out in the open!
2 days ago
Wonder if he is a player in the missing 80,000 kids from border, or the 60,000 missing from Ukraine? They aren’t going to any labor camp, they are being harvested like cattle by the psychopaths cult.
2 days ago
The Creeps will NOT walk on the golden roads of Heaven. They will NOT experience paradise as Jesus told the thief who hung on the other cross, the one who REPENTED. “Today you will be with me in Paradise” These LO$ER$ will NOT see the wonderful Kingdom of GOD as us kewl people will see it walk it, live it. We live FOREVER in new light bodies at 30 years old. We will be all knowing like Christ is. those who follow Him.
2 days ago
I wonder what role their atheism and lack of belief in life after death plays. Those can combine with a lack of character- truth, right action, gratitude, and reverence. Without those they are desperately fighting death…which is a silly concept. Even if someone could live forever, will there be life on Earth in a billion years…or 15 billion years? They are do busy fighting death that they don’t know about life and living.
2 days ago
The still unexplained black cube is a “black rock”
There can be no coincidence that the single greatest power on the planet, also part of an AI algorithm, that owns everything is also the same name as the company that is trying to manufacture brain wave tech…idk
1 day ago
those of us that believe in God know the we have eternal life. bible Christians have the answers.
1 day ago
Thank you, Polly. You are one of the most meaningful commentators on the internet. I just finished reading Whitney Webb’s two-volume book, “One Nation Under Blackmail.” It’s a good primer for understanding the history of what is going on now. Palantir is the private face of the CIA, which is deeply involved in these studies, according the Ms. Webb.
1 day ago
With a purely materialist philosophy one is apt to excessive fear of death.
What I notice about tech oligarchs and their minions is their profound lack of real creativity. After decades of splashing around billions on office parks and corporate campuses, they have not produced one single distinguished work of architecture, nothing of beauty that will not deserve to be torn down fifty years from now. They have never commissioned any great art. Their idea of creation is making a robot that cobbles together deceptive pastiches based on plagiarism, while also spying on people. The closing of this particular chapter of history will be nothing to regret.
2 days ago
I couldn’t get much past the thought of a slimy frozen Al Gore.
Hey man what’s that gory smell in your freezer dude?
2 days ago
wonder about Thiel university? Seems all universities are corrupt and have lots of foundations! thanks for your hard work, and time.
2 days ago
**** RED ALERT **** — Folks, I am giving you this information in hopes you will RESEARCH IT & Then SHARE IT to Others once you have Verified it yourself — ( I HAVE )– Before I Begin here,, let me tell you I am an IT EXPERT of over 49 Years and have Personally Verified what I am about to tell you… For those who have taken the MrNA Jabs, these folks are Emmitting a LOW LEVEL Bluetooth MAC Address from the Circutry that is being built inside of their bodies from the Jabs… These Bluetooth Signals can be VERIFIED on any Android or Iphone running a Bluetooth Application in Discovery Mode… Those MAC Addressed you see come up around you with NO DEVICE LISTED (JUST A MAC ADDRESS ) are humans broadcasting their Mac Address from inside of their Bodies… I have been to several grave yards in the Country that are still being used for the Deceased and with no devices around except mine, I can easily see MAC Addresses emminating from under the soil. I am also going to provide you with a link for you to look at so you can do your own investigation and Research — THIS IS 100% Tied into 5G also. *** PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO INFORM OTHERS *** The WAR is Real Folks — Stay Safe and PRAY for Jesus to come soon.
Link –>
Link2 –>
Link3 –>
Link 4 –>
2 days ago
16th century Spanish explorers once sailed the oceans to find the’ fountain of youth & eternal life’.. But these 21 century explorers, like Thiel, Epstein and Bezos, et al., are very ‘tech savvy’ and soulless… and they fully expect to use / invest their money to lay claim to (and profit from) the secrets of immortality. Their inner motivations are NOT altruistic and all seem driven by their insatiable need for wealth, power, control, fame & influence – and by their misguided & greatly inflated egos, imo. Ego is the highly exaggerated version of self.. it’s the gigantic & beautifully sculpted bronze statue of themselves that sits atop a deeply flawed and crumbling foundation. Lacking all faith & trust in God, it’s likely they already know that eternal life is out of their grasp because they’ve never known ( or wanted to know) the true & profound treasures to be experienced & realized in life. Another stellar video. Polly.. God bless
1 day ago
Rumble doesn’t like the topic of the vaccine altering the DNA to the point of making humans ‘not human’, and into ‘patent-able’ genetically modified beings.
1 day ago
These people are out of control.
1 day ago
Polly, I don’t understand how anybody could give a thumbs down to any of your videos. Their cat was probably walking on the keyboard!
3 days ago
Inspired by a comment.
If Klaus and the WHO Crew are arrested under the same moon as the mistress becoming a Queen, the world will flip over?
Ok, Tide-us-over, let’s keep investigating. When the humans forget what a human is – throw water of the system!!
3 days ago
3 days ago
I am all for the new technology and what it could do for people but I don’t trust the NWO and their agenda! Nor would I allow myself to be a guinea pig for this stuff because it hasn’t been test time tested But if I was paralyzed and wasting away and I had the opportunity to become Robocop then I would probably take the opportunity. What would I have to lose at that point ya know?
Excellent info as always!!
3 days ago
Hahahaha!! Hey a lot of the hippie dippie stuff is awesome and transcendental meditation is definitely awesome!! But it appears that that guy is Machiavellian! And I believe Machiavellian philosophy to be evil
2 days ago
2 days ago
Klaus isn’t the driver of Industry 4.0. He’s hijacking the term, which is about manufacturing lean flow and uptime reliability. And profit. Really. Yes, that is a double edged sword. Biotechnology gone wrong ain’t cool. But mRNA and the like is satanic and abuses research independently of industry 4.0 initiatives.
2 days ago
We have a Count Karmazin on the loose.
“Allow me to introduce myself, I am Karmazzzin”. Give Karmazin a cape and a widows peak, and we’d have a spitting image.
Notice how “it helps sleep” deprivation. Anyway most normal people don’t sleep during during sun up. I imagine with these transfusions, the person may find themself waking up in a coffin every evening.
I need to continue vid. This is definitely interesting Polly. Now I’m going to end up going down a rabbit hole with this Dr Karmazin riff raff. It’s probably connected to organ harvesting rings, Jews in the woods at night and blood rituals and toddlers found crucified with puncher holes all over the body. I shouldn’t talk like that, I’m not smiling though. It also makes me think of that Rabbi Weissman or Weinstein or something and that recorded radio call in to that talkshow host. I know the call was probably real, but I kept wondering if that rabbi was telling the truth. At least partially.
I’m going to continue tomorrow..or this afternoon.
There’s always arcane clues attached to some of these articles above from Ambrosia.
Thanks Polly
2 days ago
Richard vobes on YouTube has woken up, some great interviews, thanks polly you are great
2 days ago
Thankyou x:)))
2 days ago
Gawker still has the little black book and flight log from (?) 2006-2008 archived on line.
Could one say nxvium was another link to other investors, coercion and compliance bandwagons? Old money, eugenics and transhumanism and enslavement/debtors. I think they used nxvium as a nerd breeding, labor and sex for tech and biotech and investors. And, this way Gates shitty eugenic ted talk investments get hype / talent / funding, and production, those were the rumors between zoro ranch, silicon valley, SVB, m i t and their fiascos and love letters, payment due notices, etc.
Then the timing from when Aaron Schwartz didn’tkillhimself and personal engineer getting busted for over 6000 files of kid piddle n snuff, gets 90 days, no registry. Nice little mass comply or else. oh. and aoc was engaged to a bronfman, 3 were neck deep in branding women and trafficking and jeffery.
2 days ago
There has to be much more to it than longevity considering med beds can age regress without harm… Likely more about creating their own “race.”
2 days ago
very well done. thank you.
2 days ago
1 day ago
4th Industrial Revolution? Raving lunatics.
Great work as usual Polly!
1 day ago
Exposing our billionaire freaks. “The love of money is the root of all evil” so true. Thanks Amazing Polly.
1 day ago
Black Rock, Schwarze Stein, the SS.
Did the Nazis win the war?
I found it kinda strange that no native German could be found among the paperclip fellows.
Haunebu and the TR3a and TR3b are very similar.
Both have even the KSK, the Donar KraftStrahlKanone.
The Japanese were so afraid of the weapon, so the blew it up.
I believe that the Nazis won the war.
They conquered the USA.
They had the nukes.
The Manhattan project didn’t make the nukes, the Germans did.
3 nukes killed many Russians under Kursk.
The Russians thought that the Nazis had used Gas.
Nope, it were Nukes.
Together with the Dostra who flew 40.000 km/h at a height of 120 km, is the weaposystem far beyond anything the USA had.
The USA had no choice, the Nazis were supreme in warfare.
The winners write the history.
1 day ago
Give your life to Jesus Christ. Love God with all your heart and soul. Love your neighbors as you love yourself. Live forever
1 day ago
@Amazing Polly
You are correct, this is all marketing which is BS psychology. The newer generation are taught to lie to market. My younger cousin explained this to me.
1 day ago
Rich creep elites have deep d.u.m.b. graves. 666′ feet under the clay. They will NOT live forever in a 20/30 year old light body, they will perish. They will never see the golden brick roads in Heaven. They will all experience hell, a place they were told does not exist. When Jesus mentioned “hell” in a KJBible 15 times in the red letters. Spoked out of the Lord Jesus’s mouth, Matthew wrote it down, 9 times, Mark 3 times and Dr. Luke later wrote 3 more times. “Hell” is real rich creep$, you can still REPENT, you got a little time left on earth. My job is to get “trolls” SAVED and have them walk out, quit and get a real job serving the people. You will feel 100% better, if your not too far gone.
1 day ago
Bard College in New York is a higher education, liberal arts college. Alexander Soros (George Soros son) is a supporter of many programs including their OSUN network of which Bard’s international programs are part of. Jonathan Becker of Bard and international programs including: the American University of Central Asia (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) and advisor to Central European University (moved last year forcibly from Budapest, Hungary to Vienna, Austria) and Al Quds university, Jerusalem (Palestine) are but a few-is a close friend and associate of Alexander Soros. They also get money via USAID grants for “education programs” mostly in “developing countries”. Keep going Polly, you are amazing.
1 day ago
So disconnected from nature and our bodies..
1 day ago
Almost like modern day Vampires
1 day ago
I think they want to live forever because they know God is coming for them & somehow , they can stall it. However: they are delusional and now that people are waking up … they’re playing their last card of fear. The ride is bumpy and will get bumpier. Humans are resilient, smart enough & no longer their stooges. They should be afraid. Their clock is ticking. Say your prayers & Peace out. Thank-you, Polly, for being you.
1 day ago
I heard that all Canadians must begin using the new cbdc system. I worry about you! Hope all is well.
1 day ago
Ariane de Rothschild is the Chairwoman of the Executive Committee of the Edmond de Rothschild Group, which is the top executive body of the group. In the case of the Edmond de Rothschild Group, Ariane de Rothschild serves as the Chairwoman of the Executive Committee and is responsible for overseeing the group’s strategic direction and ensuring its continued growth and success. While she may work closely with the CEO and other top-level executives, she is not directly responsible for managing the company’s day-to-day operations.
I am having a good time doing on-the-spot research on these subjects! Of course, it’s not anything close to a deep dive into these people, although I can; it is still fun diving into these holes real quick! Polly, you’re on another level, keep up the good work!
1 day ago
Thank you Polly,
You can talk as long as you want. I enjoy every video you make. Most are wake-up moments and I appreciate you for that.
These people have sold their souls to satan and are heartless, selfish pig’s.
I also just want to live my life in peace and joy. Only by the Light shining in us can we do that.
God bless you!
1 day ago
Just because people can come up with crazy ideas and are rich doesn’t mean they are at all sane. These people need to be in mental institutions or in prison.
1 day ago
It’s not surprising that these godless technocrats want to/think they can avoid death. They think they can usurp God with their own concocted divinity.
1 day ago
I don’t like Musk either…. don’t trust him…. He may not trust AI but I don’t trust any of his creations either.
1 day ago
God will have the last laugh
9 hours ago
hi polly, I distinctly remember an interview with Keith Richard Rolling Stone…going ever year to Switzerland for blood transfusions from young people….said he” loved the feeling ” I believe it was early 90s
as always great job
3 days ago
I don’t like Taco Bell’s Gordito crunch and prefer their Immigrante Slurp
1 like
3 days ago
Hear about his live-in boyfriend who recently died?
1 like
3 days ago
I’m trying really hard to study what you’re saying but I keep getting distracted by your beautiful blue eyes! Navy looks good on you for sure like…(I’m from the valley lol). *Nothing weird intended by this compliment (bc…we’re in the roaring 20’s now lol).
1 like
3 days ago
your videos keep freezing when i watch them.
1 like
3 days ago
I love the concept of fighting for life and life extension But I don’t support the NWO and its agenda. But if I could I would probably be cryogenically frozen to see if somehow I could be reanimated one day
1 like
2 days ago
Who the heck cut your hair, don’t go back
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2 days ago
black rock ie DARPA’s black box brick, DARPA’s. , the common thread. of financial government connections , black box system ie neuro tec.
1 like
2 days ago
paper clip ie DARPA’s. .ie DARPA’s projects. ie op. ie box system ie black box brick, , black box brick systems of bio tec,
1 like
2 days ago
Polly, I’m from Cleveland and billionaire Dan Gilbert looks completely different then that pic. Perhaps there’s two Dans? Note: Quicken Arena is now Rocket Mortgage arena.
1 like
2 days ago
too much fake money
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1 day ago
You always do the most thorough digging, Polly. Have you considered starting a digital excavation company to exhume buried information?
1 like
1 day ago
And the craziness keeps rolling along, thanks Polly.
1 like
1 day ago
Perhaps de Gray is the return of Rasputin 100 years removed? There is certainly a resemblance with the beard and his promiscuity!
1 like
1 day ago
Always Exposes the People And The Corporations That Are Responsible For The Mess That We’re In Today!!!
1 like
1 day ago
Beautiful, beautiful lady!
1 like
1 day ago
God bless Polly
1 like
1 day ago
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1 day ago
I am hungry for Taco Bell now..
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1 day ago
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1 day ago
As always- the voice of god. Blessings mrs amazing
1 like
1 day ago
I believe as of the latest regulatory filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2021, the largest shareholder of BlackRock, Inc. is The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc., which owns approximately 22% of the comp Blackrock’s flagship product is the Utah Array, an implantable device consisting of a grid of electrodes inserted into the brain. The Utah Array can record the activity of large numbers of neurons with high spatial and temporal resolution and is currently used in research and clinical applications. BlackRock, Inc. was founded in 1988 by Larry Fink, Robert S. Kapito, Susan Wagner, Ben Golub, Hugh Frater, Ralph Schlosstein, and Barbara Novick. Blackrock Neurotech is a subsidiary of Blackrock, Inc., that was founded in 2008 as Blackrock Microsystems. The company changed its name to Blackrock Neurotech in 2017 to reflect its focus on developing advanced technologies for neuroscience research and clinical applications. As of its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2021, the board of directors of Blackrock, Inc. includes Larry Fink (Chairman and CEO), James Grosfeld, Michelle Jarrard, William E. Ford, Margaret “Peggy” Johnson, Mark Wilson, and Susan Wagner. It is worth noting that the composition of the Blackrock, Inc. board may differ from that of Blackrock Microsystems during its early years as a private company. BlackRock Fund Advisors (BFA) is a subsidiary of BlackRock, Inc., primarily focused on managing mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other investment products. BFA is one of the largest asset managers in the world, with over $3 trillion in assets under management as of 2021. Blackrock Neurotech, formerly known as Blackrock Microsystems, is also a subsidiary of Blackrock, Inc.
1 like
1 day ago
BlackRock Hedge Fund Group is a division within BlackRock, Inc., which is a multinational investment management corporation.
BlackRock, Inc. provides a range of financial services, including investment management, risk management, and advisory services, and has several different business units and divisions that operate under its corporate umbrella. BlackRock Hedge Fund Group is one of these divisions, which manages various hedge fund products and services for institutional and high-net-worth clients.
Therefore, BlackRock Hedge Fund Group is not a separate or standalone company but rather a part of BlackRock, Inc.
1 like
1 day ago
Jobs was reflecting on his own mortality and the realization that death is a natural part of life. I believe this was his point! At least, this was my understanding!
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1 day ago
I follow all of the guys you point to you expose, Polly. (And isn’t it interesting how they are all males of a certain generation.) I frankly enjoy ALL of them as individual thinkers.
Incidentally, you do know #SamHarris was one of the original members of the #IntellectualDarkWeb.
#EricWeinstein is quite the disaffected academic..not unlike his brother, #BretWeinstein, #JordanPeterson, & me.
ALL of us have been prematurely chased from #ACADEMIA by forces that value exercising power over seeking truth. Sigh
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1 day ago
I feel you pain Polly.
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1 day ago
Creepy cult or what!
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23 hours ago
people will seek death > and death will flee from them * the globalist want to live forever to avoid condemnation …..
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22 hours ago
At every mention of Blackrock I have to think of the big cube in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. No particular thought train nor insinuation.
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21 hours ago
Wish I had time to watch all of this. I know where you are going. Like Google Chrome that works on Adreno processor, “Adreno-Chrome” the elixer from childrens third eye, Pineal Gland, extracted from a child’s brain through the nasal passage after terrorizing the child and then murdering it. Did you know Google Chrome logo are three sixes overlapped?.
Yes, Adrenochrome factories exist in China, just like organ harvesting in order to serve the elite. What you have here is a corporation who’s intent is to normalize the satanic unnatural ritualistic behaviors of the unelected globalists and affluent actors and corporate heads / Investors.
Starting to make any sense?
Keep up the good work soldiers. Hopefully before October, heads will start rolling, without their bodies. No more TV, Radio, Newspapers or politicians, as everyone loses their funding by the many investors have all their assets not frozen but seized. Crimes against humanity occurred as there will be hell to pay.
1 like
19 hours ago
Polly, Big eye opening for me the doings and connections are subserved , your work is appreciated!
1 like
18 hours ago
Some interesting thoughts & connections…
@ about 5:18 – blood of “multiple donors to make one package” of 1.5L… As the vaxxed can still have some of the jab’s active components in their blood, will those “accepting” such “packages” be vaxxing themselves??? LOL.
@ about 11:28 – During your previous post re Alcor, I had same thought – they’re trying to create a “fountain of eternal youth”…
@ about 16:20 – Bard College is one of the 2 founding members of the “Open Society University Network” (the other is Central European Uni), and was endowed with $1 billion from George Soros. OSUN is a “network of universities to operate throughout the world to better prepare students for current and future global challenges through integrated teaching and research.” – I seem to vaguely recall that Soros’ 2nd (current) wife also served (still serves?) in some capacity at Bard, and helped him decide to make the “investment.”
Peter Thiel also invested in a college – the University of Austin, or UATX (not University of Texas at Austin) – supposedly intended to be a “libertarian” hub –
Could such colleges be recruiting grounds for “investment enticers”???
@ about 21:23 – the already rich & powerful investing into yet more “biotech” – could this be part of the plan re the damaging mRNA & DNA jabs, so they can now pedal these other “treatments” as potential “cures” to the jab-damaged???
@ around 22:10 – Mention of Ann Wojcicki of 23andMe – 23andMe is a genetics testing company, for providing personal “health” and “ancestry” information –
@ around 24:00 – Not only could the Billionaires Dinner be “offering” women to entice “investment money”, but knowing Epstein’s involvement in those dinners, but also minors??? Could minor’s blood also be collected/used for transfusions???
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17 hours ago
LOTS of connections and interconnections… And, there seems to be few competitors in each field. I think you (and others) have mentioned this before, that nerds, antisocials, and introverts like Zuckerberg and Musk may have been specifically recruited to serve as the front men for certain companies/fields. Perhaps by the CIA, as a way of putting much of the attention on them to distract folks from looking deeper and thus finding gov’t agencies behind things. I’m wondering if these dinners and other get-togethers are used as means of recruiting & maintaining the front men’s involvement. It would be the perfect cover. If one or more gov’t agencies are behind all this, that makes some sense re. how there are so few real competitors in each field, and as potential competitors crop up, they fairly swiftly get swallowed up. If one group is orchestrating all this, they could direct who takes what role(s). And, that is how it’s appearing to be.
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16 hours ago
Just watched the So-called Independent Alternative Media. Well Done. I’ve been discovering the same thing.
All of them are linked one way or another. I’ve stopped paying much attention to Daily wire; Viva And Barns; Jordan Peterson; Joe Rogan the demonic eye guy; Rubins the Homo; WEFer Tulsi Gabbard one of the young globalist leaders; too many too list. The BioNTech I didn’t know about but now I understand what to look for in searches?
Rumble isn’t going to be any diff then YouTube when it’s all done.
It’s these BioTeck colluders that are a big problem for humanity. Lol Elon Musk the chip guy and dangerous as all hell. But the morons are grateful for getting their rumble channels to manipulate us all over again.
They’re all money grabbing vaxxed with No concience about their involvement. Maybe even controlled opposition. They’re all compromised at this stage. Cant trust the lot of them be assured. Great work and critical thinking skills Polly. It’s going to take an act of God in Americas BABYLON.
Beast 1 is the papacy. Beast 2 is the US of A for America. It’s all biblical and the daffed fools have no idea what’s next. W I’ll be tuning in regularly.
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15 hours ago
Interesting Utah Mormon town full of Freemasons and Demonically linked from the the cult of cults. Blackrock the name isn’t unlinked be assured. I know alot about the Mormons and their underground Genealogies.
Ephesians 6:12 says it all. Wicked powers and principalities in high places is what we’re battling against.
Mormon Joseph Smith apparently sealed some 50+ dead girls and women after death before he was burned alive from dabbling in witchcraft and having sex with numbers of girls via polygamy’s. Lunatic sociopaths go way back. Nothing surprises me anymore. It’s a genetic Frankenstein evil and we become the test subjects for them.
Curious about how many of these people are actually jabbed and transhumanized now? Yes you said it. These people are crazy but Evil as well. Creeps all of them. Great points. Well done from
Crazyland Canada
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15 hours ago
Thank you Polly, another great video.
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12 hours ago
I didn’t love steve jobs…and not everyone else did, either, polly
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12 hours ago
Excellent work, Polly.
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9 hours ago
Laying the groundwork to normalize what the elites have been doing all along. ( Adenochrome ) adrenaline enriched blood.
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9 hours ago
All in the family!
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6 hours ago
Isn’t Ehud Barak on the Lolita Express’ flight logs?
Ehud Barak’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein detailed in new book
According to a new book by journalist Michael Wolff, former Israeli prime minister Barak said he and Epstein have “nothing to worry about. The secrets are safe.”…
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: OCTOBER 17, 2021 20:53
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6 hours ago
It is because of our mortality that we have become what we are and have achieved what we have achieved. If there would be any type of pressure that our time on this piece of rock is limited, we’d all be occupying the shade of coconut trees waiting for the next coconut to fall in our laps. People are master procrastinators and the conscious or subconscious awareness that we will die gives meaning to life. Only weak people fear death. Strong people don’t fear it and try to make the best out of the slow process of dying which is called living.
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3 hours ago
I will spend hundred of billions of dollars to get what Jesus Christ offers for free because I want to live forever without Him; I want to build a world that has no mention of Him. He doesn’t exist and I hate Him! My billions will save me! Program that AI to exclude all Christians! We can’t have them leaking the truth!
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3 hours ago
Peter Nygård isn’t just a stem-cell advocate. He says he’s personally involved in the research by receiving injections of his own cells grown in, petri dishes.
Yes, Nygård claims he is actually getting younger. In his video, he calls stem-cell research a game-changer for humanity.
“This could eliminate all disease. This perhaps is immortality,” he breathlessly states in a video that appears entirely serious.
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3 hours ago
every time I watch a Poly video I remember how evil Youtube is for deleting her channel
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1 hour ago
Ambrosia= food of the gods.
These self proclaimed elite think they are gods. They likely plan to eat you and me.
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27 minutes ago
Go check out Bo Polny. It’s time! Go check out Cliff High (absolutely not a Christian). It’s time! Research the prophecies of the late Kim Clement. It’s time! Do you really think there was EVER a time like this?? The Bible tells us there was not. Thankfully it also tells us there never will be a time like this again!
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