“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture
Webmaster Comment: Here is an email exchange that occurred between another TI and myself:
TI (Sept. 15, 2024): Please share (this video). Those still in doubt will finally understand what is going on. We (TIs) are just a spear point tip.
Thank you.
Webmaster (Sept. 17, 2024): Thanks (TI).
I’ve watched this video. This lecture is very impressive. Dr. Malone is an excellent teacher. And he offers insights here that nobody else has put forward.
(Examples: 1) concerning big tech’s ability to and practice of capturing the (soul) essence of people who post on social media, repackage that “data,” and then sell it to others for profit… which process he regards this as theft;
2) Malone also talks about the widespread targeting of influential people to take them out! I.e., This is us, TIs!).
I find it really encouraging that this kind of professional presentation is being made at prestigious institutions to outstanding students!!!!!! This means we (“Targeted Individuals”) are no longer on the margins of society and that our message is going mainstream.
Best wishes,