Psychotronic Terrorism

Psychotronic Terrorism

February 2, 2018 (From: Psychotronic Terrorism)

The military and intelligence communities all over the world are working together to control society. They are using technologies to oppress, surveille, and mind control populations. The US and the United Kingdom along with its common wealth states of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand (plus Israel, the 6th member of the “Five Eyes”) have a joint intelligence operation known as Five Eyes which runs its ECHELON program used for gathering intelligence.

ECHELON is working with the NSA’s MAINWAY and MARINA to hack, steal, and store private information intercepted from telephone and internet communications and information. The NSA which is headed up by Michael S. Rogers is spying on everyone through hidden cameras and microphones in smart devices, televisions, and computers.

The information is stored in the Utah Data Center where they develop psychological programs on civilians used for psychological targeting. All of this is entirely criminal. ECHELON is being covertly hacked by the Swiss ONYX interception system headed up by Guy Parmelin the Federal Councillor of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence and I believe the Swiss are working with Italy’s AISE, France’s Directorate-General for External Security headed up by Bernard Bajolet and Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution or BfV headed up by Hans-Georg Maasen and Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service or BND and their Project 6 surveillance program which works with the CIA headed up by Mike Pompeo.

The EU uses Schengen Information System which unifies European intelligence gathering. The EU Commission is headed up in Belgium and Luxembourg with Jaak Raes the head of Belgian VSSE intelligence and Patrick Heck the head of Luxembourg’s SREL intelligence. Russian Federal Security Service runs the SORM surveillance system on Russian civilians. Israeli Mossad and the IDF’s Haman run Unit 8200 and they run Luxembourg based Intelsat satellite interceptors along with British Inmarsat satellite interceptors. These surveillance systems are spying on everyone however the release of this information distracts from the fact they are all running neurological hacking software where wireless frequencies and electronic emissions are designed to hack into a persons body and mind. They spray what are called chemtrails for various purposes like weather modification but also to enhance their wireless and radio transmitted frequencies.

They are using GENESIS (software), Neuron (software), Brian (software), and NEST (software) through the electronics which function through all operating systems like Windows and Linux. The Satellite interceptor systems are also running similar programs which can target in a similar way. MERLIN is a radio telescope system named after a wizard and managed by Brian Bowsher which is running biochemical hacking programs developed by the Freemasonic members of the Royal Institute and Royal Society which are covertly working with the Science and Technology Facilities Council.

The USAF’s HAARP system is partly involved with radio targeting on members of society. Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array located in New Mexico and Atacama Large Millimeter Array based in Chile are radio satellite systems also used for targeting. The Atacama system is an international project including Europe and the United States. The Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy runs its LOFAR and Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope systems used for targeting society with mind control frequencies. Dutch intelligence is called AIVD and headed up by Rob Bertholee. Haman headed up by Gadi Eizenkot and Mossad headed up by Yossi Cohen are involved along with CIA-Jesuits or Roman intelligence and SIS-Masonic Crown agents in overseeing and infiltrating Silicon Valley which further enables electronics and operating systems to run neural hacking programs.

The European Union owns the Human Brain Project operating out of Geneva, Switzerland which has helped to develop neuro-brain computer interface and neurological hacking software like GENESIS which was developed by Jesuit educated James Mason Bower. They can literally plug their minds into these systems and target people with a form of synthetic telepathy. The Church of Scientology which is working with Silicon Valley has these technologies. Along with these programs military and private military have developed various microwave, electronic, and pulse weapons used for covertly targeting members of society.

All this is invisible to the eye and enables these tyrants to target people extremely covertly. These are crimes against humanity. These systems need to be shut down and these criminals need to be executed.


February 2, 2021 at 11:33 AM

I know it all absolutely! My closest ones and I have been targeted individuals for 34 years for political reason and at the same time illegally exposed to the public eye! We are what it should be said about ( if these system need to be shut down and these criminals need to be executed) – we have a case! We were not be invisible in our suffering, persecution and in our civic courage! We will remain in the time to come (if what is called a crime against humanity does not win) an example of courage in opposing human persecution and vicious disavowal. My older son lost his life in their orchestrated persecution!

One Reply to “Psychotronic Terrorism”

  1. I’ve experienced people around me using this synthetic telepathy and letting me know they’re accessing my thoughts. Is it possible I was implanted with devices when I was butchered by a plastic surgeon who happened to be a Vietnamese who was in the military on the US during the war? The procedures were done in a very odd unmarked facility in the ghetto part of Portland. I also had a very rare root canal in prison (they usually just pull the tooth), and I have one in the lower right and upper left, which I’ve read are common locations for dental chip implants, and a dental hygienest once put my x ray in front of me, left the room so I could look at it- a very suspect perfectly square object in one of the capped teeth. I’m definitely being watched in my room at all times and the people who live and work in the building let me know this in oblique ways. I use a VPN etc but somehow they still monitor my computer activities. I’m also hacked daily. Is there any way to combat this surveillance, is it all hidden cameras or are they likely using wifi or some sonar etc to spy on me? Because they’re definitely spying on me. The mental health system is a black hole that sucks up unimaginable amounts of money for these purposes, at least in this state. It’s a full on mind control operation masquerading as treatment, and they recruit malingering criminals and drug addicts into the gangstalking program as patients, in order to avoid going to prison and paying for their heinous crimes. Lots of Soros mob terrorists are involved.De facto prostitutes and strippers etc are hired a low level staff in the state hospital and residential facilities to service such people. Drug use by staff and patients is constant and blatant, with staff either smoking weed literall all day, every 20 minutes, or tweaked or tripping, talking fast with huge pupils. Absolutely insane.

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