Jan 7, 2022 – Dr. Michael Yeadon interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich’s Corona Investigative Committee in Berlin.
Dr. Yeadon claims deadly vaccine Lot numbers are evidence of premeditated mass murder.
Dr. Michael Yeadon:
“The control mechanism that we can see being installed all around us is the so-called vaccine passports, a certificate first on paper and eventually of a QR code on your phone that tells anyone who needs to know that you have received the requisite number of doses of these materials. Again, I think that’s nonsense. Economic destruction, I think, is on its way. As Catherine Austin Fitts tells us, this is a conspiracy led by the central banking clique and their clients to take over the world. Once they’ve destroyed the economy a great financial reset will have us using our VAXPASS as a digital ID and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). I’m really quite concerned that there is a concerted effort to kill a very large proportion of the population of the world… a bad actor certainly could introduce a gene sequence that will rob you of your health and kill you in a fairly predictable way, at a fairly predictable rate per million doses and so on.
For those who say a conspiracy this large isn’t possible, I suggest they look for a one-hour video on youtube by a German journalist called Paul Schreyer called ” Pandemic Simulations: Preparation For a New Era?” (See below video). When you watch that, your last rickety defences that this isn’t a well-organized, long-planned event, I think will disappear and your heart will be in your boots by 20 minutes.
Basically, all of the actors that you see around the table, including, say, in Event 201 that took place at the end of 2019… All of those players are currently taking the roles they had in simulations all around the world, and doing the exact same things they did in the simulations. So those were the rehearsals, and there were more than a dozen of these damn things.
I think one of the bitterest moments for me was to realize that we were doing this to ourselves. That the US, UK, New Zealand, Australia and Canada, the Five Eyes nations, are, I think, the leading players. It looks like the Edward Bernays School of Psychological Management has been used by the military intelligence people and they have directed their weapons at their own people for two years through all these lies and repetitive messaging.
We’re facing a global crime. People like me cannot speak to the public because the tech companies have decided not to let me. It’s a combination of Big Tech and Big Media that control what information comes into your home.
(The VAERS data proves that) it’s not the same stuff in each glass bottle (“vaccine” vial). That’s an offense in all sorts of ways against The Adulterated Drugs Act. It cannot be accidental because they are professionals that know how to manufacture (products) consistently. It’s not possible that this is small variation in product because it’s an emergency situation and difficult to make. No, the law of mass action would mean that in order to get these enormous differences in “performance,” in serious adverse events (from the injections), you’d have to have a very sizable difference, we’d need to go up in dose from 30 to 300 to get these differences to go from baseline to these VAERS numbers. This data has been available to them all this time. So it’s intentional. They should not be allowed to discharge these into the public environment because they are very lethal.
So I’ve said the variability (from one vial to another) is extreme and the media controls the message and they censor people like me. If they want to tell you that there is a nasty variant or virus that has just come along that kills more people than previously… What happens if they chose to give you a new “vaccine” using the batch EN6201 (which data show has 400 to 500 adverse reactions) instead of EN1201 (which only had 4 adverse reactions)?… Probably 1000’s of people are going to die. I’m worried that this is calibration of a killing weapon.
So… what we want to do is to wake up. Because if we don’t wake up, we are finished as a set of liberal democracies. “
Webmaster comment: The military-intelligence agencies of the Five Eyes nations are also taking the lead role in the global gangstalking electronic torture-murder operations (GETMO).
Dr. Yeadon highly recommends this important video in his testimony to Dr. Reiner Fulmich’s committee above.
Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?
Mar 10, 2021
WIR – Wissen ist relevant
101K subscribers
Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The “war on viruses” began back in the 1990s as the “war on bioterror.” Research shows: For more than twenty years since then, pandemic scenarios have been repeatedly rehearsed in simulation exercises, first in the U.S., later coordinated internationally. The titles of these exercises are reminiscent of Hollywood productions: “Dark Winter” (2001), “Global Mercury” (2003), “Atlantic Storm” (2005) or “Clade X” (2018). High-ranking government representatives as well as well-known journalists were involved, most recently, at “Event 201” in October 2019, also board members of large global corporations. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of the measures that had been rehearsed and discussed for years were implemented globally.
Passages like the following appeared in scripts as early as 20 years ago: “The sight of an armed military presence in US cities has provoked protests about curtailment of civil liberties (…) The question is, however, how do we enforce it and to what degree? How much force do you use to keep people in their homes?” In the event of a pandemic, “basic civil liberties such as freedom of assembly or travel” could no longer “taken for granted”. Restrictions on liberty, as well as mass vaccinations, were regular features of the planning games.
This lecture will chronologically trace how these exercises came about, who organized them, and what parallels the scripts have to the current situation. Is the virus just a pretext for a longer-planned global transformation? And was a severe stock market quake in September 2019 perhaps the real trigger for the global lockdown?
Table of contents:
0:00:00 Pandemic exercisces – Preparation for a new era?
0:02:23 Era of the Cold War 1945 – 1990
0:05:05 The USA without an enemy
0:17:05 Bioterror exercises 1990 – 2005
0:23:51 The Exercise “Dark Winter”
0:30:44 Emergency plans for bioterror and flu pandemics
0:35:40 Interim conclusion
0:38:40 “Lock Step-Scenario” 2010
0:44:38 “MARS” and the G20 Health Minister meeting in Berlin
0:50:35 Why the Corona Pandemic started in 2020
0:58:19 “Event 201“ – Training with a Corona pandemic
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8 months ago (edited)
I thought I was never going to see real journalism again let alone something so thorough and detailed. I think deep down many of us saw these patterns but when you review it all in a linear way it’s so terrifyingly obvious. Thanks for doing such important work.
Bob T
8 months ago
I was referred to this site by Micheal Yeadon as I was watching his latest Odyssey presentation. I would not have known about this video if not for Dr.Yeadon. So thanks for that Mike. It makes perfect sense now. 1 more link in my sharing Arsenal.
Island Girl
1 year ago
Great video. Must-watch. The English voice-over is very good. I am sending to my list
One thing that stands out for me is that in none of these pandemic simulations—at least as presented by Schreyer—is there any discussion of ensuring the quickest and most effective treatment for the actual illness. That is, the gaming all seems to be about controlling the masses and instituting new forms of control and governance, not on HEALING THE SICK and caring for the ILL. I also don’t notice a single physician in any of the “playacting” of important actors (ha ha) managing the plandemics.
Edos Wolf
1 year ago
The German original video has millions of views, this translation deserves and needs even more.
Thanks for this precious content!
Tudor Cirstea
9 months ago
This guy is a modern day hero. God bless him.
Malcolm Scott
8 months ago
As an American who lived through this era, this is a correct historical analysis.
Theresa St. Amant
8 months ago
I had forgotten about the rapid repo market activity in the fall of 2019. UK was liquidating rapid-fire, so we were all expecting something on the horizon. Thanks for putting recent history into chronology and showing how every incremental step along the way for several decades has brought us to where things stand today.
6 months ago (edited)
Even here in Germany only very few people know Paul Schreyer despite him being one of the best researcher jounalists we have.
He also made a very interesting presentation about 9/11 on how people were placed into or removed from key positions shortly before and even on the very day of 9/11.
1 year ago
Thank you so much for putting in into English. Now I can share it here in Australia.
Mark Corby
1 year ago
…didn’t feel right back in March 2020 – this presentation now explains why you should trust your gut instinct…
Tor Guttorm Syvertsen
1 year ago
“There is nothing to be learned from history anymore. We’re in science fiction now.”
― Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997)
Lucy Fraser
1 year ago
This was so incredibly informative and concise. Thank you so much.
Heavy Horse
6 months ago
Mind blown, thank you for such an intelligent, well presented and informative video. Wishing you all the best in your fight against the mega machine intent on crushing anyone who isnt in the club of corruption. Stay safe, take care and bless you for helping us see the light : ) ♥
Kiwi Di
4 months ago
Fantastic presentation and with detail. Very helpful to understand how the evil evolved.
Joe Rivera
3 months ago
This is obviously a thoroughly researched presentation. Thank you.
Caitlin Soliman
1 year ago (edited)
You’re a genius to put all these prices together in a clean and concise way.
Mark Vegar
1 year ago (edited)
No longer a conspiracy. There words which are verifiable prove a preplanned response to a scenario. The simulation exercise response in 2001 is exactly the response in 2020 by governments. During the H1N1 flu, “Humanity advances in great strides if it is frightened, the Pandemic now setting in might trigger one of these fears that causes structural challenges, then we will be able to lay the foundation for a world government, something we will be able to accomplish much faster than by economic reasons alone (Jacques Attali 2009) .
1 year ago
Excellent research, thank you! This shows how we are now in the hands of demons, in whose hands we fell for having dismissed God from our godless society. If we went back to Him, He would crush the heads of these demons and restore us. This is the only way-out to this crisis.
Mathias Spitz
9 months ago
Sehr sehr gute Idee diesen Vortrag nicht deutschsprachigen Menschen zu ermöglichen 🙏 Bitte wenn möglich dies mit allen Vorträgen tun. Ihr leistet großartige Arbeit! 👏👏👏 Danke
Graham Fletcher Mckenzie Friend Divorce Coach
1 year ago
A excellent summary to the current plandemic – thanks for the translation
Brenda Fay
1 year ago
Great work, thank you for translating into English. I learned many new and pertinent things.
Elias Rockword
1 year ago (edited)
Ihr seid ja mal sowas von großartig! Diesen aktuell wohl mit am wichtigsten Vortrag vollständig ins Englische übersetzt. Ich bin überwältigt. Ganz großes Kino!
Meine erste Reaktion war Erschrecken. Ich hatte umgehend schon befürchtet, dass YT den über 2 Millionen mal geklickten Vortrag von Paul Schreyer gelöscht hätte und ein Reupload erforderlich gemacht hat. Aber ich bin wieder entspannt.
8 months ago
awesome-scary – so hard to convey even a fraction of these insights and implications to others – even meek an mild suggestions that one might research this and all the myriad overlapping topics – most people have swallowed the whole media and politician-led ‘story’ – pity now the little children – and their hapless parents.
Ayup Meduck
3 months ago
The word “health” is a skeleton key to our psyche. It reduces suspicion.
Florin Iordache
1 year ago
Excellent and briliant video. A lot of thanks!
Heuer Andy
1 year ago
Danke für die englische Übersetzung inkl der Untertitel. Das ist wirklich wertzuschätzen. Nun kann ich es Freunden in den USA senden – großartig.
1 year ago
Excellent research! A must watch and share to everyone. Thank you.
Source Awareness
8 months ago
Thank you for this vital information! 🙏🏾 Blessings
1 year ago
One of our last German heroes.
Guy St H.
1 year ago
A very good chronology of events as they happened or I should say before they actually happened .How neat is that or I should say criminal is that . We have been played !
Steve Bee
1 year ago
Gute Idee, viel Erfolg damit! Für euch und somit auch für uns! ✊
Alexander Moritz
1 year ago
Danke für die Übersetzung dieses wirklich wichtigen Vortrags!
1 year ago (edited)
Very good to have an English Translation!
Much thanks.
hornsby 55
10 months ago
Danke für eure Arbeit.
A Maria
8 months ago
Brilliant analysis and dessemination of fact.
David McIntosh
1 year ago
Correction: Canadian troops were infected with covid during the 2019 Wuhan Military games, which started the same day as the Event 201 simulation was held. 2019-oct-18. It was already a weapon at that time.
Bell D
1 year ago
Thanks for putting this i to perspective, im not so great putting the pussle together, this is way better than any explanation I have heard, and very educatin to. Shared.. 💪💪👍🙏
7 months ago
Thanks so much for the analysis!
Eugenie Muminova
1 year ago
Thank you very much for your work!
1 year ago
-vaccine passports place every human being on one, common database for the first time in history.
-set in that database associated with your unique digital ID will be your VP status & that will enable / prevent permissions for initially border crossings & eventually your ability to be in public places
-to maintain your freedoms on this database, you’ll be required to accept ‘top up vaccines’. These are superfluous & I believe will be used for nefarious purposes
-it is certainly easily accomplished under this system to administer gene sequences which will confer any desired biology (up to and including causing your death after a prespecified time).
-I believe the balance of probabilities strongly indicates this whole crisis has, as its long term goal, depopulation.
Dawn Paulhamus
1 year ago
Thank you for the truthful clarity.
Dima Elman
8 months ago
Dr. Yeadon was correct on every other subject, he is correct again.
1 year ago
Knowledge is a privilege. Even more so in downspiral times of Kali Juga
Michael Alexander
1 year ago
Oklahoma was with bombs on the inside of the building. The local news interviewed the mayor on the spot and you can see the bomb squad removing bombs that failed to detonate. The news reported this and described the efforts to diffuse the remaining bombs.
Hanna Sydorenko
1 year ago
Thank you, guys!
Jacqueline Coffin
1 year ago
Thank you for sharing in English Australia is an island that isolates itself from a lot of Information coming from Europe and the rest of the world.
Adam Espiner
8 months ago
I feel so sorry for these entities. Their frequencies/focus are stuck in the physical dimensions
Lisa W
8 months ago
Do we really have to take repeated injections of something that they won’t disclose to us what’s in it? I’m gonna say not no, but HELL NO.
1 year ago
Excellent video. Thanks!
Johnny Duel
8 months ago
thank you, i hope you’re well and haven’t had to go into hiding. the worlds under seige.
Vape God
1 year ago
Yo I love this guy, pretty sure a watched a video he did a few years ago, straight savage.
8 months ago
der Tobbe
1 year ago
Hopefully it’s goes viral worldwide. Like, share and comment for the algorithm
Belle Daymiel
1 year ago
The participants of event 201 are the REAL CONSPIRATORS in this PLANDEMONIC!
Stephan Reisig
1 year ago (edited)
41:00 Regarding the ‘Lockstep’ scenario : Recently a Dutch politician Thierry Baudet treated / talked about this scenario very passionately in the Chamber and of course also mentioned all parallels with the situation today, but was completely ignored by the major political power parties. The argument came from the mouth of a party chairman of a populist party and was for the major political power parties therefore in advance not worth listening to. if they are even present at all.
During such performances, the House of Representatives is usually almost completely empty and those present sit there uninterested and are doing their own things. Like fumbling on their mobiles. This may be seen as a manifestation of the fact that all decision-making has long been established. And all the Corona related discussions are Pro Forma.
Themad hatter
1 year ago
Informational and concise..a good lecture.. adverts are a pain in the…
Deborah Short
1 year ago
Just brilliant
Thank you
lukas luef
1 year ago
Nice, thanks for the translation. Top content
1 year ago
Ty Kellerman
1 year ago
Great video proves evil knows no bounds🤠👍
Sunday School
1 month ago
Is there a dictation of this in English that I could read and share with others?
SuperNova SuperNova
1 year ago
Brilliant. I’m shook!
Brigitte Ritter
1 year ago
1000 Dank für die Übersetzung, ich habe es an einen amerikanischen Freund geschickt!
El Degüello
13 days ago
For those who say “there’s nothing to see here” I ask, why haven’t they been running top level simulations for other issues – alien invasion, swams of locusts, hail to fire, famine, ice age, etc?
Themad hatter
1 year ago
Most excellent video
1 year ago
They ask “And was a severe stock market quake in September 2019 perhaps the real trigger for the global lockdown?” But don’t explain how severely curtailing productivity is going to help the stock market.
1 year ago
Great presentation!
However, you took the piss with the AD’s.
1 year ago
Wow. Great work
cheddar2648’s Artisan Cheeses
1 year ago
4:30 I just want to point out that the US Government (in a non-COVID year) spends 70% of its budget on public assistance programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicad, and Federal pensions. Only 18% goes to defense. Various people will use math games to make the defense spending seem much larger, as a portion, than it really is. They will use the key terms, “Discretionary Spending,” since those public assistance expenditures are “Mandatory.”
1 year ago
I am downloading it while I still can. Spent 1 hour last night trying to find it.
1 year ago
Great information
Matthew Fallon
1 year ago
Push this forward and upward. Like, share, comment!
Ben Scott
1 year ago
Thank zou so much
Super Paul Schreyer
KS Germania
1 year ago
1 year ago
Start at 39:00 and watch how all of what we are “living” through is planned…
Manu Bruyninckx
4 months ago
1 year ago
16:00 plausible denial kiedy używa się broni biologicznej udając pandemie
Heather MacLeod
1 year ago
Great info
Goff Harr
1 year ago
Gonna download that before youtube takes it down!
8 months ago
I’m so enjoying, a good old fashioned facting, so welcome, but so rare and effective …lol
Aladin Darkness
8 months ago
The narrator with English as a second language made my mind stutter as he pronounced the words strangely. It was easier to follow the closed caption. Very interesting though.
Alba Granada North Africa Coordination
1 year ago
Need translations in spanish and french!!!!!!
5 months ago
what a presentation
Scout FPV
8 months ago
Nuremberg 2.0 must be swift.
Professor Bhaer
8 months ago
Subscribed !
DJ Maulwurf
1 year ago
eine vorsichtige Frage? Gibt es dieses Video auch auf Deutsch? Vielen Dank
Panthera leo
1 year ago
Let’s fight for our freedom!
Catherine Valverde
7 months ago
Please subtitles in Spanish…
Trevor Wall
8 months ago
Little do we know, the enemy is within!
2 months ago
1 year ago
Α. P.
1 year ago
Thank you
L`s Media Recherche
1 year ago
Ist sein Buch eigentlich auch schon übersetzt?
Lucy Fraser
1 year ago
Someone should put this on bitchute! Someone I know said they shared it on Facebook and it was deleted in 3 mins!!
Lea Otto
1 year ago
Visionary Insights
1 year ago
Interesting, but far to many distracting adverts to the point I switched off half way through
A. He.
1 year ago
Highly recommended Video.
Lynn C
1 year ago
Can you download these and save them to a computer?
J.M. Bijlsma
1 year ago
Hildegard Rohner
1 year ago
Ich habe gerade das Buch gekauft 🙂
Leonora Barany
1 year ago
Well, well, well it’s all clear as day isn’t it? How cleverly the world has had the wool pulled over their eyes… BUT more and more are waking up and then beware!
Mister Man
11 months ago
Why is this not banned here. Seriously
I almost can’t trust it if it hasn’t been banned from this platform
1 year ago
The voice-over and English subtitles didn’t stick on the video when i sent it to a friend in the US. How to explain this?
3 months ago
Is this video availabe in GERMAN, because this gentlement presents it in GERMAN, THANKS
1 year ago
Should set up a channel on odysee too and upoad this there
1 year ago
gamergurl gae
1 year ago
Mein englisch lässt leider zu wünschen übrig, könntet ihr das video evtl. Nochmal in orginal hochladen?
1 year ago
Rockerfella operation Lockstep document ( pg 18 is the page.)
1 year ago
A shocking number of adverts, no doubt strewn deliberately by screw you tube.
Любовь Надеждина
1 year ago
I wonder how far it will go
8 months ago
It’s… it’s the Deus ex plot ! ! ! 😱
Arne Kristian Schille
8 months ago
Is it Shadowbanned? I couldn’t find this video even when searching with the excact title. Had to search for it in duck duck go.
Malcolm Scott
8 months ago
Include Waco that led to OK city.
Lilija Stöppler
1 year ago
The video is being interrupted first by some ads and after that it would just keep loading and loading and …..
Gargoyle 161
9 months ago
Gibt es das Spiel bei Steam?
Ken Carpenter
1 year ago
Thanks from Greece.
1 year ago
What is the role of Benjamin Netanyahu in this play?
3 months ago
Is that Katherine Austin Fits in the picture from 2005 with Madeleine Albright?
Richard Reich
1 year ago
thx! 😀
1 year ago (edited)
First things first.
Move the Cursor to the end of the video,, then… replay…
The Adverts will be gone… 👍👍
You’re welcome.
Big Juan
8 months ago
We’re pawns in a bigger game. Rise up!
Kewina Kamapapeli
1 year ago
Mark Crosby
1 year ago
Very insidious aren’t they. I hope there’s a hell and I hope it’s bloody hot.
Catherine Leavy
1 year ago
Wow, vielen Dank, schau dir auch Darpa an … John Hopkins ist böse
Zuma Maya
1 year ago
Important message but soooo many ADS
1 year ago (edited)
So what’s next? Dollars collapse?
Husa berg
8 months ago
Alex Jones was right
Carol Rumble
1 year ago
REMARK: Jacques Attali is Jewish and a fan of depopulation. Make your own deeper researches !
Charles Smith
1 year ago
Anthony Pearson4JesusofNazareth
1 year ago
Michael Rau
1 year ago
1 year ago
They should have chosen a narrator who was more fluent in English. A lot of this guy’s pronunciations are terrible. It’s distracting.
I don’t know
1 year ago
Was eine grausige Synchronisation. 🤭
1 year ago
Bloody adverts! I can’t watch it …
nwo foe
8 months ago
I stopped watching at 10 minutes, this guy doesn’t know squat. And neither will you until a former Intel comes on here and throws his life to the wind by telling the truth, breaking your hearts in the process.
Former (Government) Intel here.
Jeff Kovene
1 year ago
Proverbs 1:24-33
[24]Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;
[25]But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:
[26]I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
[27]When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
[28]Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:
[29]For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:
[30]They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.
[31]Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.
[32]For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
[33]But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
1 year ago
Ads every 2 minutes yt suxx
EndTime ™
1 year ago
Jesus comes soon! 🙂
ich bin
1 year ago
wie kann man den englischen sprecher abschalten?
oder gehört das zur neuen normalität in deutschland?
Anna Agiantritis
1 year ago
A load of BS.
Mackenzie Thompson
1 year ago
You say you’re a Doctor, but what are your credentials, eh puppet?
1 year ago
Here on the recommendation of Dr Mike Y e a d o n, if you don’t know who he is you should, excellent video, thank you 👍🏼