Pentagon Weaponizing Social Media To Be Used As Targeting Telemetry For LAWs – “Killer Robots” [with long version of video: 46:28]
Short version of video: 12:59:
ETK Introduction: The long and short versions of these videos provide the very best explanation I’ve yet heard to explain the Global Gestapo (organized stalking/GISTAPWO-666)!!!!!!
From Level 9 News:
The Pentagon recently released it’s program for Weaponizing Social Media to be Used as Targeting Telemetry for Lethal Autonomous weapons [LAWs] operating on hive mind, swarm technology. We are heading into dangerous times. Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots, autonomous weapons, jade II, jade helm16, super soldiers, AI, AGI, LAWs, HSCOI, mastering the human domain
The 2015 Jade Helm15 exercise was a covert system roll out for AI driven software to identify and target suspected ‘hostiles’ using a technique called Human Terrain Mapping to analyze Activity Based Intelligence based on parameters developed by Human Cartographers. They have built a better mouse trap.
Read more about this topic here
Social Media Targeting LAWs Killer Robots, autonomous weapons, jade II, jade helm16, super soldiers, AI, AGI, LAWs, HSCOI, mastering the human domain
2016 DoD Human Systems Roadmap Review – HSCOI [53 pages]
The “JADE” in Jade Helm 15 is an A.I. Software Program
IMPACT: First DoD Lab Day Shows Off Warfighter Technology
USAF: Advancing the Science and Acceptance of Autonomy for Future Defense Systems [not for publication until cleared for release] – 14 pages .pdf
Army looks to robots as trusted squad members
HTS Wasn’t Exactly Defunded in 2014, It was repackaged
Trident Juncture15: Experiment in Social Media Exploitation and Propaganda
The Pentagon is building a ‘self-aware’ killer robot army fueled by social media ‘Insurge Intelligence’
AI Operating On The GIG = Global C2 System
DoD Innovative Marketplace [strategy & solicitation hub]
DARPA: Creating the Ultimate Super Soldier With Brain Implants
Creating Human Hive Minds | Total C2 System
DARPA’s RAM Program [3 pages]
Obama’s Brain Mapping Initiative – A Means to an End
ATP 3-90.15 | Site Exploitation Planning & ABI [142 pages]
US DoD Patents for RNM & Creating Hybrid Soldiers [33 pages]
The History of JADE II: Planetary Conquest By a Global A.I. Warfare System
XO-HPC-National Strategic Computing Initiative
2 years ago
thank you DJ.
2 years ago
So it’s already targeted you with this video then, right?
Pamela Sue
2 years ago
Thank you. Sharing, referring & linking here & website. Can’t thank you enough
Chris Calabrese
2 years ago
The system goes online August 4th, 2017. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m.
Dawnatilla the Hun
1 year ago
weaponizing it? they created it! weapon complete!
The Tinfoil Tricorn
2 years ago
automated weapons make decisions that the military won’t like especially if killing unarmed people becomes a regular thing.
Art Lover
1 year ago
So Facebook and other platforms are absolutely targetting so called persons of interest. Collection psych data and so much more. SICK
2 years ago
Revelation 13:4
“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”
F’d News
2 years ago
Great video.
2 years ago (edited)
Time to contact JB Wells again…..and I love you desperately ! All the Best Champion ! Thanks ! :>!
2 years ago
Thank you for providing cohesive proof of their diabolical Plan. Isn’t technology wonderful…
Steve West
2 years ago
Terminator, iRobot, Minority Report all rolled into one neat package. Great video, amazing info and links to prove what you say is accurate and REAL! Better get you personal EMP device ready, we’re all going to need one when this come to pass…………..
2 years ago
Project L.E.O.N.I.D.
Jarrett Richey Richey
2 years ago
here we come skynet
2 years ago
C.O.G. program.
2 years ago
if someone could get me a pdf to the highlighted doc that would be great.
believe it
2 years ago (edited)
This is the true reason the internet was released to the common folk. Feed the AI beast. These towers are doing horrible things with this info, on large swaths of people at one time as well as targeting