PACTS Reality TV Series – Episode 1: Testimonies of 3 TIs

PACTS Reality TV Series – Episode 1, Testimonies of 3 TIs


2 days ago
Thanks PACTS International! Great job!! God bless all individuals that have been targeted

2 days ago
Great work!

3 days ago
Congratulations on this series!
I’m Beyond Targeted and would love to share. The problem is, my phone has been disconnected four times this month. My mailbox has been broken twice. My IRS account has been hacked also this month. It never ends.
It’s nice to know I’m not alone, although I’d never wish it this harassment on anyone…
I feel their pain.

13 hours ago
Good job! There are A-LOT** of Targeted People worldwide.

2 days ago
To all that’s going to Colorado good luck.

13 hours ago
I’m a current Targeted Individual. Chicago, IL

1 day ago
I really respect the woman in this episode that’s so pro-active. Wishing you all the best in how it turns out.

2 days ago

my v2k IE: Havana Syndrome. I record it almost daily v2k can be recorded and heard voices in. Voices that don’t belong giving the situation and what’s on around me so yeah.

2 Replies to “PACTS Reality TV Series – Episode 1: Testimonies of 3 TIs”

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