Operation Crimson Mist, Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda

ETK Introduction: This post comes from AuricMedia Blogman’s Wonderland. I can not vouch for its accuracy at all, but it is important to get different perspectives.

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Operation Crimson Mist, Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda
Military Experiments, Military projects, Mind Control, Synthetic Telepathy, Targeted Individuals

Operation Crimson Mist, Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda

24/09/2018 Leave a comment

This is just one example how mind control can be used against us. They can start riots, wars and hate between us even if we don’t want it. This is the horrific result of years they have developed these silent weapons against us. So check it yourself here:

Spooks now use technology in Baghdad that was “proven” on one-million dead Africans in Rwanda

By Joe Vialls


May 29, 2003

Original title: American Mind Control in Baghdad

Operation Crimson Mist

During the late afternoon of 6 April 1994, a hail of cannon shells tore through the fuselage of a commercial airliner flying overhead central Rwanda. Several seconds later the blazing plane exploded on impact with the ground, killing President Habyarimana of Rwanda, President Ntaryamira of Burundi, and most of their senior government officials. In that fatal millisecond of time, the entire political command structure of central Africa was decapitated, leaving the way open for “Operation Crimson Mist”, the most obscene terminal mind control experiment ever mounted by the United States of America against a sovereign nation. That “Crimson Mist” has been used again recently on a smaller scale in Iraq, is now beyond doubt.

As Habyarimana and his colleagues made their death dive, a small group of American men and women lounged around in a large hut at the edge of a discreet gravel airstrip a few miles from the Rwandan capital Kigali, temporary home for their three unmarked C-130 Hercules transport planes. All crewmembers carried forged credentials showing them as “atmospheric researchers” employed by an authentic civilian American agency, but these were only for emergency identification if one of the aircraft was forced to make an unscheduled landing on unfriendly territory. For all practical security purposes, neither they nor their three large aircraft were even in Africa.

When news of the presidential crash came in over the VHF radio, one of the Hercules planes was swiftly preparedfor take off. The flight engineer checked the attachment of the RATO [Rocket Assisted Takeoff] packs, while the scientists made final adjustments to a large microwave dish mounted on the rear loading ramp of the aircraft. It was this strange and esoteric piece of equipment alone that would directly contribute to the deaths of more than one million African civilians during the hundred days that followed. Though completely silent in operation, the single microwave dish had more killing potential than a whole squadron of AC-130 Spectre gunships armed with fifty Gatling

Willing to Commit Mass Murder

Though officially tagged an “experiment”, none of those present had any doubt that this was merely a cosmetic cover for the gruesome operational work ahead. Each member had been carefully vetted and then vetted again by US Intelligence to ensure they had the “right stuff”, and were philosophically committed to two objectives.

First was the evolving need to control or eliminate political dissent by remote means in the run up to the 21st Century, and second was the need to stem or reverse massive population increases across the world, which threatened to overwhelm existing natural resources, especially water and food. Intrinsically this required a willingness to commit mass murder, and everyone present had passed this critical test with flying colors.

As the Hercules’ engines started with a roar, American agents in Kigali were working alongside local civil servants and members of the Rwandan security service, ramping up public suspicion about foul play in the presidential air crash. Urged on by corrupt officialdom, Hutu tribesmen started marching on Tutsi tribesmen and threw a few rocks at them. Innocent enough at the outset, although with a few nasty machete cuts here and there. But then the C-130 Hercules made a carefully-calculated pass directly over the advancing Hutu, and they suddenly went berserk. Eyes glazed, the mood of the Hutu crowd went from simple anger to uncontrollable rage, and within minutes, hundreds of assorted Tutsi body parts were flying through the air.

Creating Electronic Rage

What the Hercules crew had just achieved has been an open secret since the late fifties, when researchers accidentally discovered that there is a precise “control” brain wave for literally everything we do, and for everything we feel. The problem back then was that each of these control brain waves [rage, fear, panic, lethargy, vomiting and so on] had to be transmitted with an accuracy taken out to three decimal places, or they simply did not work at all. But as the years rolled by, and with the advent of transistors and microprocessors, the operational application of precise control brain waves became practical reality.

It is important to note here that the lethal trick repeated hundreds of times by the C-130 Hercules in Rwanda during April – July 1994, was not “classic mind control” in the ultimate conspiratorial meaning of the term, i.e. where people claim to hear complicated messages inside their heads, or where it is feared that the NSA [or similar] intend to turn everyone into helpless Zombies by implanting electronic chips in their arms or necks. What the C-130 crew were actually engaged in was “electromagnetically augmenting” a pre-existing state. Remember that the agents and security service personnel first had to point the Hutu tribesmen in the direction of the Tutsi, induce reasonable anger, and make sure they were appropriately armed. Only then could the C-130 go to work with the precise control brain wave of “rage”, augmenting and thus upgrading crowd behavior from that of angry demonstrators to uncontrollable genocidal maniacs. Although not “classic”, this was and is unquestionably mind control, for the simple reason that external means were being used to force an irresistible change in behavior.

For those who really want to know how governments or agencies change public behavior on a whim, the explanation is not too complicated, though obtaining details of the classified control brain frequencies is all but impossible. Various academics have actually demonstrated some of these effects quasi-publicly over the years, which provides hard reality for skeptics.

One of the leading lights in this field is Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise, who was a nuclear scientist and researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and at Stanford Research Institute, Professor of Physics at John F. Kennedy University of California, research consultant to NASA and the U.S. Navy, and a member of IEEE, APS, AAAS, MAA, ANA, AAMI. Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise identified specific frequency effects to induce nausea, happiness and many other behavioral states decades ago. Clearly, Dr. Rauscher-Bise is an enthusiast: “Give me the money and three months”, she boasts, “and I’ll be able to affect the behavior of 80 per cent of the people in this town without their knowing it. Make them happy – or at least they’ll think they’re happy. Or aggressive.”

Unlike many researchers in this field, Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise tends to be open about her work, has demonstrated the effects many times in quasi-public forums, and claims to experiment only on fully informed people. Many years ago during one memorable demonstration in California, she turned a specific brain wave on all students in the left-side of her auditorium, whereupon their teeth started chattering collectively and uncontrollably. When the unaffected students on the right-side of the auditorium suggested this might be some sort of trick, Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise calmly turned the specific brain wave on them instead. The right-side now suffered exactly the same fate, watched by the stunned, but no longer affected students on the left-side.

Extra Low Frequencies (ELF)

The main problem lies in the delivery of the these brain waves to the target, because they all lie in the extremely low spectrum, between 0.1 and 25 Hertz [Cycles], with all control brain waves in an even narrower central band between 0.6 and 10.2 Hertz. These are effectively the same as “earth” frequencies, meaning that they are very hard to direct via conventional radio transmission. Remember that in order to be effective in selective crowd behavior augmentation, you must be able to restrict delivery to clearly defined crowds in clearly defined areas. This is achieved by using an extremely high frequency microwave beam, which is then amplitude modulated at exactly the same rate as the desired control brain wave. This is much easier to explain with pictures, so take a good look at the diagram below.

Microwaves in the 1.0 to 3.0 Gigahertz range travel in perfectly straight lines, like light, making them easy to control in terms of direction, regardless of power output. In most cases microwaves are transmitted by a dish aerial of the sort you frequently see located low down on a tall television transmitter mast. These are designed to transfer high volume electronic data between the television studio and transmitter, and vice versa.

Where the American “Mind Controllers” score with their airborne and truck mounted equipment is by using microwave aerials that can be adjusted, in exactly the same way as you would adjust the focus on a variable beam flashlight. How this is done is shown in the second diagram to the right.

In the Rwandan Hutu tribesmen example shown near the start of this report, the crew of the C-130 Hercules only needed to know the width of the target crowd on the ground, and the width of their own microwave beam at any given true altitude in feet [as read directly from the radar altimeter]. With those two values available, it is then a simple matter to adjust beam width to accurately bracket the target crowd from any altitude chosen.

Baghdad ‘Looting’

But this equipment is not just deployed in large lumbering Hercules transport planes. During recent weeks, European security experts have concluded that smaller versions of Crimson Mist were recently deployed on the street of Baghdad, designed in part to augment the media propaganda line that Iraqi citizens are dangerous savages, all badly in need of direct supervision by “democratic” American authorities. One classic example of this was the “looting” of the Baghdad Museum, apparently by a crowd of undisciplined rabble, but video footage tells a very different story. To pull off this stunt the American authorities needed to assemble a crowd, managed quite easily with a promise of free food. Then they needed to place the crowd outside the museum, which again was easy because they located the free food outside the museum itself. Next up, the attention of the crowd had to be drawn to the museum itself, which was achieved in spectacular fashion by firing two 120-mm shells from an Abrams tank gun straight through the main doors.

Fine so far, but how to get them inside? The video shows two soldiers gesticulating to the crowd, urging them to go in and help themselves, thereby clearly identifying the target “Rwanda-style”. Then it starts to get really interesting! The two soldiers rapidly withdraw, leaving the Iraqis standing leaderless outside the open doors, and then CLICK, just like flicking a light switch, the entire crowd goes nuts absolutely simultaneously, which never happens in real life. In the real world there is always a leader visibly stirring up the crowd and preparing them for action, but not outside the Baghdad Museum. One second these folk are dull hungry Iraqis, next second they are instant uncontrollable maniacs streaming in though the museum doors.

It is also suspected that the same equipment was used to augment the “looting attacks” on various hospitals around central Baghdad, though this claim seems to be based as much on logic as it is on video footage. These so-called “looters” are Iraqi citizens who received essentially free health care in the hospitals under Saddam Hussein. Not only that, but their wives and children are being bombed and shot by Americans, meaning that their free hospitals are absolutely essential to them, and thus the very places they would normally defend in the first instance. Bearing this logic in mind, it seems likely that the European security experts are also correct in this claim.

Homeland ‘Security’

While there is unlikely to be very much concern in America, Britain, and Australia for the plight of Iraqis on the streets of Baghdad, it may be time to examine what is likely to happen in our own “democratic” countries if things get more out of control than they are at present. Remember that the 2.2-million-strong demonstration in London just before the illegal invasion of Iraq, had little if anything to do with English folk liking Saddam Hussein. Iraq was merely an excuse for this unprecedented mass of human beings to migrate to London waving banners that mostly read “Not in Our Name” at corrupt politicians.

The bottom line is that the next time 2.2 million British citizens descend on the capital to have a go at the politicians [their real targets], they might be carrying something far more dangerous than banners. Every policeman and military man knows very well that a 2.2 million strong mass with hostile intent, simply cannot be stopped by standard riot control techniques, and they cannot be stopped by bullets fired by soldiers on the streets. Even if British soldiers could be persuaded to open fire on their own neighbors [most unlikely], the entire Army would be powerless to act. So what then?

Across the Atlantic in America, and in Australia, things are really no better. As I write, the American dollar is heading straight for basement levels, which in turn will lead to a depression and increased anger on the part of all Americans, aimed largely at corrupt politicians on Capitol Hill. Naturally the politicians will try to put the people down as usual, but what if this time it is a step too far. What if a few hundred or few thousand of the 260 million private weapons in American hands are brought into play, what then?

The chances are that in all affected western countries, politicians and their real masters will try to invoke the use of highly unconventional weapons in order to try and save their own worthless hides. How successful they might be when that day comes, as it surely will, is largely up to you.

Joe Vialls

Web posted at: http://www.joevialls.co.uk/subliminalsuggestion/mindcontrol.html

Here is a video telling more about these weapons:

Frequency weaponsMind ControlMind control frequenciesMonarch Mind ControlOperation Crimson MistSilent WarsSilent Weapons for Quiet WarsSynthetic Telepathy
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 6 – Frequently Asked Questions
BioAPI, Black Goo & AI, Brain Hacking, Chemtrails, DARPA, Forbidden knowledge, Military Experiments, Military projects, Mind Control, MK-ULTRA, Morgellons, Nanotechnology, NLP Mind Control, Targeted Individuals, Transhumanism, Weather control
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 6 – Frequently Asked Questions
09/07/2018 3 Comments

And BioAPI serie continues with now some most commonly asked questions…

1) What is a BioAPI?

In order to program your typical laptop computer you need an API. Application Programming Interface. This is simply how to talk to the computer so a programmer can tell it to do things, like read a DVD, recognize mouse movement, etc. A BioAPI is exactly the same thing, except instead of computer hardware a BioAPI interfaces with your body parts, specifically your neurons and synapses which control your body and mind. Also known as wetware, essentially the BioAPI in you consists of nano-implants. These implants are required because it’s simply not possible to influence, communicate or control any part of your body or mind with classical methods as a electromagnetic quantum signal has nothing to talk to, hence the requirement of a middleware (the nano-implants or wetware).

To summarize – chemtrails spray the entire planet with nano-fibers which you breathe in. These fibers contain (nano & micro) components which construct and install nano-implants which the aggregate of constitutes what is commonly known as a Biological Application Programming Interface allowing for the complete monitoring, control and extension of all body and mind functions in a given host (you, and everyone on the entire planet).

You are the base model surrogate.

2) Is a BioAPI bad?

No, it’s good.

3) Is a BioAPI good?

No, it’s bad.

4) So which is it?

When someone reaches for the bible to jusitify their acts you’re in big trouble. All throughout history man has tried to dream up reasons to punish another man and impose his will on him, possibly with a valid reason. When he cannot come up with a valid reason… out comes the bible. The best biblical example is Dixie in Daddy I’m a Zombie (2011) where she becomes targeted [a zombie] right after simply being jealous, because jealously is a sin. Another example is the “useless eater” is the one who dies in Toxic Skies (2008), because even if you try to protect yourself from all the judgement by doing nothing, they have a sin for that to, it’s called sloth. So now your guilty for doing something, or nothing. It’s your choice. The absolute absurdity of it all is also proven when a toddler is shown to take the pills [and thereby symbolically contracts phase 2] at the very end of the movie and clip for Zombex (2013); because after all we need to nano-attack and punish the child when it steals a cookie from the cookie jar right? Yes, that’s why it is being shown. On the other hand the positive possibilities are endless.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.

Blaise Pascal

To clarify – they have engineered and released a nano-tech disease on humanity. Traditional symptoms such as coughing, pains and lesions are only occasionally used to symbolically represent the disease within the media such as shown here and here or with the clip for Contracted (2013). In real life the physical symptoms only surface when the nano-tech disease is first contracted (known as a phase 2) and I attempt to describe them here and here. After the nano-tech successfully installs itself across your body cavity the BioAPI becomes fully active and symptoms could then (depending on tests and subsequent judgment) be elevated to actual actions and events such as public/gang stalking, strange thoughts, mind reading and other nano-tricks including suspension & manipulation of memory. The possibilities then become endless as you are programmable… you are the robot.

So there are traditional and mostly temporary symptoms from the actual nano-tech at first; but then the disease elevates and becomes one of dishonor, judgment, harassment, confusion and nano-assault. There is a lot happening with the BioAPI, the scope is huge, and cannot all be described in one paragraph. If you exclude this disease aspect (phase 2) it becomes one of the greatest things to happen to humanity.

5) What is gang stalking?

Gang stalking, stalkers or other public/organized stalking is when random people you have never met before from the public stalk you (more accurately someone with phase 2) wherever you go. You may go to the bank, and a stalker will be there. This is definitely what it appears like. It is just another illusion as I have repeatedly said throughout this site; aka Black Limousine (2010). The purpose is to psychologically manipulate people who become targeted with phase 2 in an effort to destabilize them. In reality these people from the public are already close by and are simply mind controlled on demand (via suggestion) to be present or give acts or signs that they are there for you. They have no idea they are doing it, and the thoughts someone has to notice these so called stalkers are not even their thoughts to begin with. This is one of the many aspects of a large and complicated program that has been over engineered to accomplish and deliver the most impossible to believe things in an effort to confuse, monitor, judge, help and harm targeted individuals. It’s difficult to comprehend until you go through it. A good example and demonstration can be found in the review for Ultrasonic (2012).

6) So this is mind control right?

Yes, but the term mind control is so 1960. I picture a chimpanzee hooked up to electrodes. Its 2018, mind control technology has changed. Whenever I say ‘mind control‘ think of the word ‘convince‘, because that’s more like it, they simply convince someone mentally to do something by thinking for, or with, them in real time; it works very well because no one ever doubts the thoughts they are having are wrong or not theirs to begin with. And for extreme circumstances they can suspend your memory turning you into a mindless robot. It’s unstoppable. Also see Earthkiller (2011) for details on this convincing or suggesting.

Also remember mind control is only one aspect of the overall functionality provided by the greater BioAPI. Also see the John Hodgson video.

7) Why do they put everything in the movies?

It constitutes a warning and public notice. For example Gamer (2009). It’s hidden in plain sight, therefore you can’t see it because it’s outside of your sphere. That’s just how it works.

8) Why it this web site finally telling everyone the complete real truth?

To be clear, Data Asylum was released simply because one man, or a small group [the people behind phase 2, or moreso via BioAPI automation by a supercomputer] are physically attacking people with nano-technology who have not done a single thing to anyone ever. Their belief, viewpoint or what they “think” is used as justification to harm and assault another. This is the exact “sheep think” they hate. Where a mere point of view is used to harm another person. Therefore as you can conclude – they are the sheep they hate. That is the only reason this web site is live. I did not want to release this web site.

In fact, this is what they ironically think they are ultimately doing to targeted individuals. They believe they are exploiting the “sheep mind” of a targeted individual by leveraging the association of like events or statistical anomalies to construct illusions and false realities in which they hope said targeted individual will externalize against, believe in and care about what is happening and thereby act out and harm themselves in some way (see Black Limousine (2010)); or in the alternative harm someone else for no valid reason (aka the “sheep brain” in action) in which then justifies them (the people behind phase 2) in continuing to act against the targeted individual to harm and attack said individual even more or in some cases actually kill them if they “think” it’s justified.

Lots of sheep think going on you’ll notice. “I think x” therefore “I can hurt you“… where x is always false, merely an opinion, or a fictitious point of view. Always.

9) How does someone get phase 2? Is this legal?

Phase 2 is the full BioAPI. You have to do something specific to trigger this and get it. There are various triggers I call them placed throughout all of society. So actual nano-trigger-bots would be spiked within these products/events. A short list is below. Note not all of the following is spiked, a very small percentage of each one is. I’m sure there are many more triggers being released too. Once your body is infected it also becomes transmittable like a classic virus (hence kissing), but this vector can be disabled, as you become “programmable”. Most spiking of actual commercial products such as shampoo as shown in Metropia (2009) is done via upstream ingredient providers. A corporations right hand never knows what the left hand is doing.

Eating cheap red meat (Update: 2012-07-23 as clearly demonstrated in Doomsday Book (2012) and Harolds Going Stiff (2011)). Also cheap pork/bacon even know it is not red meat is also a valid trigger, assuming it is spiked.

Kissing specific people (via the tongue as shown in Telephone (Lady Gaga/2010) and the movie (not clip) The Adjustment Bureau (2011) and Order of Chaos (2010) and Earthkiller (2011); the fact that someone is contagious via kissing is switchable by a handler). Also see Dead Europe (2012) which puts phase 2 in the context of being this century’s version of HIV as HIV was originally created and targeted against the gay population; this also makes phase 2 a sexually transmitted disease to some degree.

Using specific corporate health care or beauty products (See Metropia (2009) Clip 2).

Drugs (eg. cocaine – see Evil Dead (2013), The Disco Exorcist (2011), and The Informers (2008) where she was using drugs then got morgellons (clip here). Also now see Woke Up Dead (2009) as some pharmaceuticals are included too. Also now see ZombeX (2013) which clearly connects corporate pharmaceuticals with phase 2. No clip provided, a couple triggers including meat and cocaine is shown in Pretty Dead (2013).Also includes synthetic or designer drugs (aka Bath Salts); hence the psychotic behavior in users over time. In fact the entire movie Bath Salt Zombies (2013) is a psy-op attempting to connect and reinforce bath salts and to a lesser extent synthetic drugs to extremely crazy behavior. If someone does these crazy [eg. biting the face off people] things they must be one of those bath salt junkies right? Wrong, it’s suspension of memory. They’re wired. Just like you.

Also note not all drugs can be spiked. For example the marijuana supply for north america is far to home grown and the source(s) are extremely distributed across various smaller localized suppliers. Therefore there is not a single, or very few, point(s) of presence to manage this as a trigger. Plus marijuana is too insignificant, they would not care about it.
Some vaccines (for example 1% of the Swine Flu vaccine).
Specific corporate food products (probably .1% of energy drinks, some fast food, etc.). As these are less significant, these would probably require multiple cross-connecting trigger-bots to trigger phase 2; so you would have to do multiple things.
Etc., they [it] are always expanding to find different ways to judge people guilty for not doing anything to anyone. Although red meat should be cut back, that is their only valid point.

You can begin to get a picture of how they [it] are targeting the lower levels of society. They are trying (among other things) to force the bible onto people as mentioned here and in this clip. Remember the same people that created this also control the corporate super trusts (all corporations and governments are fictions and controlled ultimately by a small group via creditor/debtor based contracts or to a lesser extent implied cooperation) so they are allowed to do whatever they want with any of their public products (for example Diet Coca-Cola, Vaccines, etc.) or companies. Again, this is usually done silently via up-stream providers (via the ingredients sourced from third or fourth parties). So this is technically legal, but not lawful. To be judged guilty, at any time for anything, requires both your permission and a bona-fide complaining party. Both are not present when found guilty by the people behind phase 2; not to mention, your ability to honorably resolve the matter is ignored. Therefore phase 2, or more accurately becoming outright targeted, is completely unlawful.

To expand on the legal aspect it would more accurate to think of it this way – chemtrails and the BioAPI (phase 1 and 2) are legal or to a lesser extent are beyond a legality scope. From the law’s point of view phase 2 has a (very) slight presumption you agreed to it evidenced by your conduct in which you contracted it voluntarily – ‘contracts are express or implied. The express are manifested viva voce, or by writing; the implied are shown by silence, by acts [such as eating red meat], or by signs‘. Ultimately against your will = against the law. After all, your body is your property, the nano-implants is theirs. How about phase 1? Interestingly phase 1 (and chemtrails) are completely lawful. The only way one man can force his will onto another is if it is beneficial (even the benefit can be waived though); and the positive aspects of phase 1 are staggering but will not be realized for at least a couple generations, aka H+). For example it’s unlawful to hold someone up at gun point and take their money, but it is lawful to hold someone up at gun point and give them money (or something of value, in this case phase 1). This summarizes what they have done with phase 1 to all of humanity.

They [it] believe (as in one man’s biased point of view) they have caught you in dishonor first (aka Meeting Evil (2012)) hence the negative aspects of becoming targeted, or to a lesser extent phase 2 to begin with. The terms for the two stages can be used interchangeably, the difference is mostly in severity of the attacks and/or nano-tricks being forced onto you.

Also remember phase 2 does not immediately mean you are targeted. In the clip for Daddy, I’m a Zombie (2011) it’s hinted that red meat (the hot dog even know she does not eat it) is the trigger for phase 2, but extreme jealousy, a sin, is the reason Dixie became a zombie [targeted]. A simple flowchart can be found here. Interestingly, see the beginning of the movie Stalled (2013), no clip provided, where they show us three triggers for phase 2 just before the zombie apocalypse strikes. There has never been a movie referencing more than two triggers.

This web site is completely clear and 100% accurate – this is what they are doing (aka A Serious Man (2009)), this is how they do it (aka Metropia (2009)), this is the physical proof and this is how you free yourself (aka Rise of the Zombies(2012)). Plain and simple.

10) What happens when someone gets phase 2?

Phase 2 is the full BioAPI. Most nano-implants that encompass the BioAPI for phase 1 are limited to your brain/cranium and hearing & sight (as referenced in Surrogates (2009)), phase 2 targets the rest of the body as outlined in BioAPI page. For clarity you should also review the BioAPI phase distinctions here. Most people don’t even notice the new implants. After a while your number comes up and they then decide what to do with you. For example, they test you for some level of dishonor, then put into The Program for general harassment if warranted, or just monitor you, etc. Most of this is automated by a super-computer, it really is an API. They/it does need your dishonor to move against you, but a random excuse can just be made up as you would expect when man judges man.

Note – good things can happen too. But any help is typically more of a bad joke, they think they are reflecting you back on yourself. It could not be more pathetic and unreasonable.

11) Can the implants (phase 1 or 2) be reversed or otherwise stopped?

With nano-technology absolutely anything is possible; anything. So the short answer is yes, it’s possible to have this reversed. Long answer is no, not that I know of, I’ve seen nothing that suggests this is possible for the common man. The implants are all pervasive and impossible to stop (see the update below). In fact you can never stop or remove the nano-fibers at all. Keep in mind nano-fibers do not equal nano-implants, fibers deliver the implant components. Normal people with phase 1 (everyone) do not have to care that much, it’s largely benign and transparent to your everyday life. You may be mind controlled once in a while, but you will have no idea it happened.

If you have phase 2 and are aware your being monitored (or just generally screwed with) they may attempt to provide something that makes you think you have finally freed yourself. Like shielding or some other nonsense. This is just yet another illusion, another lie to mislead you. They want you to run to the internet telling everyone that x, y or z worked, or believe you’re free so they can monitor you more accurately. They need confusion so they will try to provide false solutions to people looking for them. Always remember, it’s always about the next nano-trick. Have we fooled you yet? How about now? Now? They are always trying to create some misdirection or false reality around this to keep people in the dark. This is covered in the new clip for Ultrasonic (2012).

[Update 2012-11-25]: A cure for this can be found in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012) in which should turn off your BioAPI and stop this insanity once and for all. Unfortunately it seems to be very difficult to apply.

12) What if the Chemtrails were stopped? Would that help?

No, it’s too late. Everyone on the planet is now wired. It would not matter. The point of further nano-fiber propagation via Chemtrails is for newborns and children.
13) What about major world events?

You should be able to figure out how easily world events can now be engineered. If everyone on the planet is wired then a combination of pushing and pulling of thoughts, memory suspension and basic manipulation of a given environment to create a false reality makes is quite simple for a very small group of people to control, stage and ultimately direct individuals or groups (small or large) to believe anything they wish. Notice the timeframe for 911 matches up well within the timeframe of the BioAPI rollout of post 1999. I can’t prove the BioAPI was used in and for 911, but at same time you can’t prove it was not. That’s the point, your suppose to focus, think and say ‘wait a second, if x y and z are possible, then…‘

Whether you’re a terrorist, famous entertainer, government agency employee (eg. The President of the USA, CIA agent, etc.), Cleveland Brown or just some poor kid in the middle of India, everyone is being played, everyone is wired.

I’m wired too!

Michael Hall – Gamer (2009)

14) How does this all tie together time wise?

I should create a timeline but I’m too lazy. Chemtrail spraying started in a major way in about 1999 (existed as far back as 1995 I suspect on a trial basis). The first Morgellons cases appeared in 2001 or so. People being harassed or gang stalked (the myth of public organized stalking) started around 2002, major references in the movies started around 2001 and really became prevalent in 2007/2008 and onwards as demonstrated on this site. See a pattern? The rollout of phase 2 is also confirmed for us in Zombex (2013), clip provided.

15) Who is doing this?

This is difficult to answer. All I can say is the entire BioAPI is very compartmentalized. It is bigger than any one person or small group. In the trailer for H+ they clearly tell you @ 0:53 ‘there is a giant invisible hand that is gripping this very tightly…‘; this statement could not be more accurate or true. The people that designed it are not the scientists that engineered it, or the programmers who programmed the AI supercomputer. The people that released phase 1, for good, have nothing to do with phase 2, the nano-tech disease. The occasional people/handlers that harass you via nano-tech or at least watch to judge the hell out of you cannot tell the AI supercomputer what it will do or to stop what is happening. Only you can via the cure. The nutters who released phase 2 have nothing to do with the cure. Everything that is happening is always above any single group or person.

As a targeted individual part of the false reality being constructed around you includes something, and corresponding thoughts of it, to convince you it must be XXX because of YYY and they do it with ZZZ. Your suppose to fill in the blanks based on what you think you know because your belief structure has to be grounded to be real. For example it has nothing to do with the NSA, but you might believe that hence the news during 2013/2014. It must be them right? Only if you believe it.

The simplest explanation for who is behind phase 2 would be the same group or class of people who engineered and released HIV onto the gay populace in the 1980’s. As a side note, and the epitome of hypocrisy, these same people are now attempting to justify homosexuality within the media and movies via the gay agenda which is apparent everywhere you look anymore. Now I said the people behind phase 2, not the people who actually made it all. If you want to know exactly who made the BioAPI and phase 2, it’s you. Your neighbor, friends and family. It’s your brother the engineer working on random things for NASA, it’s your neighbor down the street who got a job working on new nano-technology stuff for the government. Due to the intentional compartmentalization of corporate and governmental infrastructure people never actually know exactly what they are developing or why in the end. Just tell people what they need to hear, science can be used evil just as easily as it can for good. As long as it pays the bills.

BioAPIBiochip implantsBionicsChemtrailsGangstalkingMorgellonsMORGELLONS CONDITIONMorgellons’ NanowormsNano-fibersNanotechnologyTranshumanism
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 5 – The Program & Gangstalking
BioAPI, Black Goo & AI, Brain Hacking, Chemtrails, DARPA, Forbidden knowledge, Military Experiments, Military projects, Mind Control, MK-ULTRA, Morgellons, Nanotechnology, NLP Mind Control, Targeted Individuals, Transhumanism, Weather control
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 5 – The Program & Gangstalking
02/07/2018 Leave a comment

And the BioAPI serie continues. It is crucial to read all this info otherwise you don’t understand the meaning of chemtrailing…
The Gangstalking Myth (aka The Program)

What’s the point to all of this? I mean why spend billions of dollars to spray the entire world with nano-technology in order to create a BioAPI in everyone on the entire planet without anyone knowing? You can test yourself here. I mean if the technology is used for good people would line up for it. So why all the secrecy?

Once someone receives phase 2 a full BioAPI is installed (as opposed to a partial set of nano-implants which everyone on earth now has). Phase 2 is triggered by something a person did such as eating cheap red meat, using specific drugs (cocaine, some pharmaceuticals, designer/synthetic drugs, etc.), kissing someone (shown a lot in the movies), or using specific corporate beauty or health care products, prostitutes, some (.1%?) low quality food products (eg. fast food, diet cola, energy drinks), etc. These are called triggers (nano-trigger-bots if you will which are spiked within the given source), more accurately they are known as honeypots, a term used in security. There are many triggers place throughout society now, but these ones seem standard; specifically kissing. The target being the lower levels of society. One aspect is they are trying to account for biblical principles, typically the seven deadly sins. But it’s application is ultimately much broader than that. People who end up with phase 2 are considered bad people in their eyes or otherwise “caught” doing something. This is why some people are targeted and not others. During the installation (for lack of a better word) of phase 2 of the BioAPI there are temporary side effects. See the very bottom of this page for a short listing.

The (class) of people who design and fund programs such as this run the world (more accurately the governmental/money/commercial super trusts), and were previously content with passive concepts such as stealing (a poor word choice actually) money from everyone through taxation and harming society as a whole by doing things such as withholding free energy or approving cancer causing carcinogens for the food supply (eg. aspartame), which is all fine in my opinion – it all has its purpose and role. Unfortunately now, in order to feel happy these same class of people feel the need to actively and directly judge, control and most significantly hurt people. The idea sold to the people “in the know” is this technology will make the world better as told to us in Control Factor (2003) @ ~10:40 in the clip. It’s to “get those bad people” or “protect the public” or “get those sheep“. It has been directly demonstrated to myself first hand that this is absurd and the whole point is to simply harm as many people as possible, they just need a weak excuse to do it, hence the release of this web site. FAQ question #8 briefly summarizes the exact reason for this site and what they are doing, FAQ question #15 tries to explain generally who.

Therefore this section aims at helping people with phase 2 who have since become outright targeted by demonstrating exactly how they do everything. This information attempts to connect the BioAPI and nano-implants with what has become known as a “Targeted Individual“. Normal, average people such as yourself are physically assaulted using nano-technology everyday by people running what has become from what I understand as “The Program” (for lack of a better phrase). Once one understands how this is all accomplished they will have a much better picture on how to respond as it becomes more of a running joke or bag of stupid nano-tricks. It would actually be pretty cool if they we not so hell bent on trying to hurt and destroy average people so much. They think they caught you. To help understand why this is all legal see question #9 of the FAQs. You may have phase 2 and not even know it. The Program and chemtrails are worldwide but are more concentrated in the G5 countries.

The above image is a scene from The Adjustment Bureau (2011) where the women Damon is trying to pursue intentionally tries to make him angry by putting his Blackberry in his coffee. If you can wrap your head around the fact that Damon (lightly) portrays a targeted individual in this movie it becomes clear how people around a targeted individual can be mind controlled to harass or otherwise indirectly harm a targeted individual without even knowing it. Gangstalking is clearly demonstrated in Ultrasonic (2012) or Control Factor (2003); how it works (suggesting someone to do something) is summarized well with Earthkiller (2011). For additional information on phase 2 and the distinction between it and phase 1 can be found here. A cure or antidote to the nano-tech disease that makes all this possible can be found on the cure page. Everything expressed herein is also lightly summarized with Daddy, I’m a Zombie (2011) which is a very important clip.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Arthur C. Clarke, “Profiles of The Future”, 1961 (Clarke’s third law)

Gangstalking Background

In order to get an overall feel for what is happening to someone who is entered into The Program it might be beneficial to review these MP3 audio’s. These podcasts are given by someone who is a targeted individual and accurately describes the possibilities and extent to which the BioAPI is leveraged to create false realities. Keep in mind the guy giving these talks is mostly a shill, he’s specifically attempting to cover up the connection between a targeted individual and phase 2 (the BioAPI via Chemtrail nano-fibers). Nonetheless, the audios give a good background on how people are being harassed and demonstrates the spectacular things that can be accomplished when one controls the brain and body like a laptop computer. Note do not focus too much on these downloads, they are very nano-trick centric; it would be a lot more beneficial to review and read this entire web site as you will end up with a much better understanding of what is actually happening.

For the people doing this, under most circumstances the compartmentalization of information must be maintained by the handler (a handler as reflected in Metropia (2009) and A Scanner Darkly (2006)). For example, when speaking with your friend a handler may quickly jump in and direct-to-speech them and have them say something significant to you (or just talk gibberish such as with Black Limousine (2010) to make you crazy), but what your friend says must typically be in a context of something that could be said anyway in that situation and means nothing to them. See the movie Wrong (2012/2013) which crystal clearly demonstrates this random mind controlling of people to say things they would never otherwise say; no clip provided. As for harassment in general, without your dishonor the harassment cannot be detrimental to your life. For example they cannot slash your tires when you need your car to desperately get to a job interview. It has to be non-consequential; also to be accurate you would have slashed your own tires. But they could/would mind control you to lock your keys in the car afterwards, or your handler would create an illusion that you did not get the job because he mind controlled the hirer to pass you over.

You might be wondering, if someone can be controlled like a robot why doesn’t a handler just control someone (you) to give the handler all of their money or something? This could happen, but what’s the difference between that and robbing you on the street at gun point? Nothing. Again, they need your dishonor, they need you to voluntarily out of your own free will do something by creating a conflict for you. Then it’s justified in their view. After all, you did it. They can then say “you’re doing it to yourself“, or “it’s all a fiction so it’s ok to hurt these sheep“. This of course is pathetic, it’s like repeatedly poking a wild animal in a cage which finally bites you – then say “look, the animal is dangerous and we have to put it down”.

The nano-technology or BioAPI aspect is told and demonstrated right to your face with Gamer (2009), the black basketball playing guy is representative of a gangstalker or other public/organized stalking, notice how he’s mind controlled on demand (to dance and then attack Butler) in the clip… this clip is important, and should be reviewed before continuing because it is completely real. It is also critical to see the new clip for Ultrasonic (2012) which clearly shows you gangstalking in action.

Test yourself for the BioAPI nano-implants here. More accurately your testing for what delivers the nano-components to make all this possible.

The original source of the downloads is here.

Audio Downloads

• Gangstalking TS-465745.mp3
• Accusations TS-499378.mp3
• Disinfo TS-465732.mp3
• GroupEfforts TS-465739.mp3
• SlieghtMind TS-465735.mp3
• TheCompanyYouKeep TS-499379.mp3

Real Time Gangstalker Selection

People who have phase 2 are often entered into The Program in which they are repeatedly harassed. The people who are doing this have gone to great lengths to create ridiculous terms and reasons to cover up how The Program or the technology in general actually works. Once one understands the nano-technology base and BioAPI in general the entire operation becomes more of a running joke.

There are countless absured terms on the internet related to this. People think they’re being microwaved, DEWs, voice to skull, etc. (I admit I’ve created some crazy terms too). This and the actual use of them is simply to create confusion for the public in an effort to help hide the BioAPI and how it’s used against people such as yourself and your family. It’s completely impossible to interface with the human body without some sort of middleware, hence the requirement of a nano-tech engineered BioAPI. The term gangstalking is a weak description of what targeted individuals (someone with phase 2 of the BioAPI) goes through when entered into The Program. As demonstrated in Ultrasonic (2012) it involves countless random people all day long harassing or stalking them. A targeted individual will go to a restaurant and the food will intentionally be delivered cold, or they will get crank calls all day long. How can everyone instantly be out to torment and harass a targeted individual? What one needs to understand, for example with a crank call, is the person accidently calling the targeted individual really is accidently calling them, the thought on what the caller wants to do or who to call is inserted in real time via the BioAPI and they act accordingly as if the thought was theirs. The most direct example of this in action is demonstrated in the Metropia (2009) clip. This clip is 100% real. Or the real life example here.

One of the false realities they try to convince a targeted individual to believe is everyone suddenly is in on it. The targeted individual is typically too lost to ever figure out how everyone they know seems to know everything about them all of a sudden. This site demonstrates how it happens. An entire infrastructure of misdirection and disinformation has been created to construct a false possibility that gangs of people are actually out harassing someone. This is simply a cover to misdirect people away from how it really works – nano-technology. The gangstalker concept is designed to warp the reality of a targeted individual and help destabilize them.

The movie Daddy, I’m a Zombie (2011) and The Adjustment Bureau (2011) is actually about this and gang stalking in general to a lesser extent. Matt Damon becomes a targeted individual (in a different context in the movie though) after kissing a random women at the start of the movie. The kiss was the trigger (she would be contagious for lack of a better word) which installs phase 2 of the BioAPI in Damon, then he’s monitored and harassed more or less. Because it’s a movie there has to be a real plot so it’s not an exact depiction.
Gang stalking proximity detection example

For example, in the sample image to the top right might be what a phase 2/targeted individual is looking at as they walk into a super market. The handler (a handler as reflected in Metropia (2009)) see’s the same thing as the individual because of the ocular implant, remember what Bruce Willis’s surrogate sees comes up on the screen in Surrogates (2009). As the targeted individual walks into and around the super market everyone around him comes up on a proximity detector (because everyone at least has phase 1) of the handler (symbolic example image to the right). The handler then simply selects someone such as demonstrated in the image (above) and controls the person accordingly, typically to harass the targeted individual via Direct-to-Speech or whatever. Handlers can roll through people’s minds like you roll through a rolodex – as shown briefly in Alter Ego (2012) @ 45:16 in the movie, no clip provided. (interestingly Alter Egos also shows how they can read people’s names right from their mind without someone even knowing). Note this process is mostly automated by a computer and people (handlers) are not even involved 99% of the time; they obviously do not the resources for that. Keep reading towards the bottom for details.

They clearly demonstrate zooming in on and selecting a subject for paralleling/mind control in the trailer for A Scanner Darkly (2006) at exactly the 0:12 and 0:38 second mark. This could be yourself as a targeted individual or a so called gangstalker that is within close proximity to you. Again the clip and review for Ultrasonic (2012) connects everything for us. The uncanny timing of the individual stalking events is mostly made possible through a combination of reading your thoughts and suspension of memory where people including you are ‘paused‘ to set up an event accurately.

The Purpose of Gangstalkin

The overall purpose of leveraging this technology directly against an unsuspecting, normal person such as yourself is to get you to act out in some way. They want you to externalize the events they are creating in and around your life. For example, the handler (or more accurately a supercomputer automating everything) is constantly controlling people around you such as family members to get them to suggest you have mental problems – the your crazy theme comes up a a lot as it works well against people who do not understand how everything is works. The people who have designed this are attempting to create a false reality around the targeted individual, the reality constructed is dependent on that targeted individuals situation. For example they attempt to find something that the targeted person does not like (eg. dogs?) and then everywhere a targeted individual goes there will be dogs there. The side effect is a targeted individual begins to draw unwarranted conclusions from the actions that are happening around them. If pushed to the limit the targeted individual may begin to go crazy which they will then amplify as shown in Black Limousine (2010). Another example is physical assault, they could hurt your body at the exact same time you hear a random car horn from the public; over time you psychologically connect the two events. They then hope you will subsequently act out against the public to harm someone you now perceive as bad or out to get you. This is then the dishonor (see Meeting Evil (2012) below) they need to move against you some more.

No matter how many people appear to be harassing or gangstalking a targeted individual, it’s only just one guy (or a very small group “doing their job”) in a data center controlling everyone and everything about and around a targeted individual. Most of it is actually automated and people (handlers) are not even involved much at all. Reality is always the opposite. For example the actor Michael Hall in the Gamer (2009) clip tells you he’s essentially a handler for lack of a better description. They want you to think or infer something that is not true.

In the end it’s just the BioAPI (using nano-implants) and one guy or a small team mind controlling everyone to create illusions, hoaxes and general nano-nonsense to get targeted individuals to harm themselves by amplifying what they do by destabilizing and gyrating the targeted individual’s life through psychological and unfortunately sometimes to a greater extent physical assault.
…you saw what it wants you to see!

The Collapsed (2011)

You should also review the clip and description for Apocalypto (2006) for an overview and comments on the illusions they are trying to create for you and to a lesser extent everyone around you. Also see the second part to FAQ question #8.

Another high level psy-op of how they condition the public to think people who experience stuff like this must be crazy is the movie Sexy Evil Genius (2013). While you watch it remember Nikki is the crazy one. Everyone sits around the table and judges Nikki as being crazy. What attributes are connected to Nikki? Stalking, paranoia, blackouts, doing things but not remembering them (aka suspension of memory). Therefore if you experience any of this you must be crazy. Of course in reality no one is crazy, it’s just a lack of understanding.

What They Are Doing to Targeted Individuals

This movie is a high level symbolic reference to the implications of contracting phase 2, and demonstrates the actions and methods the people behind phase 2 use to create conflict resulting in the necessary dishonor required from a targeted individual needed to move against them.

In this movie Samuel L. Jackson plays a character that does nothing but hate people. Pure evil if you will. His sole purpose in the movie is to create conflict, look for any hint of dishonor and whenever possible, kill people because of it and to a lesser extent likes to kill useless eaters. Now the movie has nothing directly to do with the BioAPI, and the character played by Luke Wilson can’t directly be considered a targeted individual in the movie, but for all intents and purposes we can construe that to a some degree to help with clarity, at least for the first 3/4 of the film. Again, this film is very representative, but still may be considered another piece of the overall puzzle of what they are doing to people such as yourself in real life.

The movie starts off with Jackon requesting Wilsons help with moving his car shown from the start of the clip through 0:46. Notice the request for assistance is more of a test as Jackson is clearly looking for a reason to harm Wilson but backs off at the last minute when his daughter is seen. After befriending Wilson, Jackson and Wilson end up at a strip mall. Wilson needs to call someone but has no phone so asks for help from a cell phone shop at 0:48 thru 1:50. Notice how much of a bitch she is, and Wilson being the nice guy he portrays eventually leaves without getting any help. Then what happens? Not shown in the clip, Jackson, representing evil itself (hence the title ‘Meeting Evil‘) tries it after Wilson tells him about his troubles there. She gets it, you’ll see her bat in 1:50 thru 2:22 being held by Jackon. He killed her. They tell you clearly what Jackon (representing evil) is clearly looking for in 2:30 thru 2:47 by saying ‘I hate bad manners, I hate people that don’t give common courtesy, hippocrates and cowards.‘; essentially anyone in dishonor even slightly. Again, Jackon’s job is also to kill useless eaters as he tells you right to your face at 3:37 and show in the movie (not the clip) repeatedly. This is the same reference they show you in Toxic Skies (2008) when the only person that dies is the useless eater that watches TV. This is also clearly told to you in After.Life (2009) (no clip provided) towards the end when Liam Neeson is digging a grave and is talking to the little boy about how these people are already dead and he needs to bury them. They are telling you that they are killing people. It’s just being done transparently with nano-technology. After all, heart attacks and cancer happen right? So in this specific scope they are using nano-technology and the BioAPI you have in you to trick you into dishonor which thereby gives them the justification (more of an excuse actually) to act against you.

In the interrogation scene from 3:40 to the end of the clip touches on the idea that Jackson is a figment and isn’t real at 4:00 in the clip and thereby subtly suggests Jackson as a hidden hand [and therefore representing a handler manipulating people using the BioAPI now that you know the overall scope]. In the movie Jackson kills everyone in a gas station, but the witness(es) point to Wilson yet he did nothing. This is symbolic of the false reality they can create, getting people to kill each other (see The Collapsed (2011)) then have a witness point to you. They can do this in real life. The witness really will think you did it via manipulation of memory; memories can be given and removed from people on demand, this is shown very well in the movie Ruby Sparks (2012) and is very difficult to believe or comprehend and does apply to people with phase 1 which includes you.

[Update 2012-11-17] I’ve added a second clip for Meeting Evil to demonstrate just how high level the application of the BioAPI can be. In this second clip they clearly show a Minority Report (2002) style pre-crime in action which results in Wilson becoming a targeted individual. Let’s break it down. Wilson and his family are having money and marriage problems which results in stress wherein Wilson is shown to contemplate killing his wife (and possibly his family?) from 1:09 thru 1:48 in the clip. Now at this point in the clip and movie the murder angle is not apparent and is only loosely connected at the end of the movie. Notice how conflicted they show Wilson as he intensely concentrates in front of a giant whole in the ground with a shovel and ominous music/sounds. What’s he thinking? Why are they showing this? I mean it’s shown to you for like 40 seconds! This is why; your suppose to see the connection between the thoughts (which are being read or listened too in real time, aka Metropia (2009)) that are going through Wilson’s head which directly results in Jackson entering onto the scene and into Wilson’s life. The connection is evidenced by Jackson (aka evil) ringing the door bell right then at 1:42. Connect these otherwise insignificant events and we have Wilson finally deciding to kill his wife -> aka pre-crime -> Wilson then becomes a targeted individual and thereby entered into The Program; hence the door bell by Evil [Jackson] at that exact time. So Wilson more accurately could be construed as having phase 2 only and the thought to finally kill his wife was the trigger to make him outright targeted. The targeted individuals flow chart can be found below which might help clear this up for you. Concluding that Wilson really was contemplating killing his wife is referenced at the end of the movie (@ 2:16 thru the end of the clip). Jackson is asking Wilson, ‘why did I knock on your door?’ And telling him (actually you) to ‘put it together John!‘. What the director and Jackson are doing here is blurring the line between who was going to kill who; with Jackson ultimately accusing the wife. Your suppose to make the inverse connection, especially when Jackson is repeatedly asking Wilson why he knocked on his door. This concept is held in the exact same capacity as (the clip for) A Serious Man (2009) where he’s caught making the wrong decision and immediately gets the call from his doctor. Remember these movies still have a normal plot to maintain, they are not going to just roll out the red carpet for you; you have to ‘…put it together’.

So Meeting Evil repeatedly bounces back between a normal movie/plot and forth with BioAPI concepts with details that are being used against targeted individuals. This is very well done if you know what they are showing you. The people behind phase 2 of the BioAPI are therefore represented by Jackson in this film. Ironically Jackson mentions he hates cowards in the aforementioned line at 2:30 (clip 1). People who hide behind nano-technology would be considered cowards, not evil, in my opinion. You should watch the movie to get a better grasp of what is being described here.

This repeated attempt to get targeted individuals (or Wilson in the movie) into dishonor via conflict is the standard operating procedure of the program. Although it does not have to happen this way; the program is dynamic and complex. If you think you are going crazy they will run with and amplify that instead (for example Black Limousine (2010)). For normal people this is just the expected game plan. And don’t think you are immune and always honorable by knowning, like myself, that whatever you do must require a bona fide complaining party as per the law… they don’t care. Everyone has a bad day, everyone. And that’s all they need.

Targeted Individuals Facts to Remember

If you are a targeted individual and being gangstalked here are some hard facts to remember. Different people with phase 2 will receive different levels of harassment (and help for that matter) or nano-tricks. Not everything listed below may currently apply to you if you are targeted. In fact I expect only 20% of this web site to apply to any single person with phase 2, but a different 20% when compared to each other. Some people will receive completely unique false realities. Where you fall into the program is decided based on your actions and what you believe/think about it; this is how the movie Chosen (2013) to some degree is real in which targeted individuals (inferred) are selected to kill each other, no clip provided, because these selected individuals believe and use their false reality as justification to hurt or kill another. Also see 13 Sins (2014) for another interesting and completely realistic example. In other words, how much of their bullshit do you buy? If you buy enough of it to hurt someone, then they do the same to you by putting you in the same situation. The Box (2009) in general is about this because they took the money, so it was reflected back onto them and they we’re hurt as well. Another example is Oldboy (2013), listen to Samuel L. Jackson overtones to piece it together. Oldboy, at least in principle, is a “lightly inferred” BioAPI movie because of the very last scene/image. So it’s self reflective to a major degree and they count on your inability to see the forest for [from] the trees which leaves you in the dark most of the time. In its classical form The Program is more severe at the beginning in order to make a major impact or impression on your life, then it very slowly subsides over years. They/it counts on your “sheep mind” to psychologically extrapolate out the severity or iteration of the events as if it’s still happening in full force when it’s not.

• There are no gangstalkers. This is a myth. Gangstalking is the misdirection. There may be a very loose nit group of employees (The Box clip @ 0:21 seconds) that do run around a given city harassing many different targeted individual’s, but there is no organized group of public gangstalkers, this is ridiculous and fiscally impossible.

• The general public can be controlled on demand. So if you randomly walk up to someone, they might be immediately mind controlled to say something or act in some way making you think they, and absolutely everyone, is “in on it“, yet they know nothing. This is demonstrated in the trailer for A Scanner Darkly (2006) at exactly the 0:38 second mark, or in Metropia (2009) or better yet Ultrasonic (2012). This is what most targeted individual’s confuse with gangstalkers. Control Factor (2003) shows this very well too. There are multiple psychological reasons they are reaching for here, but the main one is externalization.

• It’s not the individual events, statistical anomalies, acts, signs or nano-tricks you see that matter, it’s the false reality or illusion they are attempting to construct that you should concern yourself with. The illusion or “engineered environment” will be partially unique to you and your life; which is why, other then gangstalking, there are very few common threads among targeted individuals. The soy sauce in the movie John Dies at the End (2012) is symbolic of the contraction of phase 2 and the extremely warped reality that can result from it; this is what the movie is really about, hence the mind reading angle. A unique false reality, in this case the crazy card, is shown in real life in this TED talk. Even knowing this entire web site and thereby the truth about everything is only one belief. Albeit the correct one, but nonetheless still just one belief of many realities you many choose to identify with and which will be reflected back onto you.

• No one knows anything at all. No matter who you talk to, how many nonsense acts and signs you get, not a single person whether a stranger, friend or family member knows anything at all about any of your business or otherwise the bad act/dishonor you have done to get you targeted. All acts, signs and suggestions displayed by someone (via a handler, or automated by a computer you and everyone is hooked-up too) are to get you to think or infer something and then act out based on that false presumption to hurt yourself. In fact a handler does not even know what they want from you, they need you to do something (such as think you’re crazy, or find out it’s mind control, etc.), then they amplify that. They show you x, they hope your sheep mind externalizes, infers and extrapolates out x2 or x3.

• Everything is concocted by a few people at some command/data center pulling all the strings. These people are what I call handlers for lack of a better description. This is easily done because a targeted person has a nano-camera in their eye and a geolocation implant (and a every other implant under the sun). In fact everyone on the planet has a geolocation implant, including phase 1 people (this means you; as referenced in The Matrix (1999)). Most of the automated harassment is actually a computer as told to you by Android Insurrection (2013). Your on auto-pilot where no human handler actually watches or cares. The Program is actually more like a maze or script, picture a flowchart in which targeted individuals fall into the program based on what they know, do and believe. How you “perceive it” heavily determines your fate.

• If anything extreme happens to you (eg. if your raped, physically assaulted, etc.) it is 100% fake. For example women targeted individual’s often complain they are raped (see the news report clip below) yet never seen the guy and say they were drugged. This works because the handler actually controls the targeted individual to (slightly) assault herself (without her knowing by suspending her memory – see The Collapsed (2011)) to make it look like she was raped. She will experience vaginal pain to convince her of the rape via the BioAPI’s ability to light up pain receptors/neurons in her body, this does not damage the body at all. They think this level of harassment is acceptable because it’s fake. They honestly believe they are creating an illusion when they assault you, physically assault is now considered a trick. Keep in mind there is a greater psychological purpose and reason behind the fake rape/assault.

• Misdirection and disinformation cover the internet. There is a large network of paid shills specifically told to agree with you the targeted individual no matter what in an effort to amplify whatever it is you believe is happening. They need you to believe in x. Where x can be anything… it only works if you believe it. You need to buy one of the nano-cards they are trying to play. In fact a lot of the shills or targeted individuals on the internet/forums are just engineered characters or avatars controlled by the AI supercomputer. Even if you talk to a shill [presumed friend] over the phone in voice doesn’t mean they are a real human being. You are expected to think your problem/reality of x must be real, all these would be real people confirm it right? Wrong, they are fake, and a false environment is being engineered around you.

• Your handler(s), or mostly a super computer automating everything, is always attempting to create a conflict that involves you. This is then used as an excuse to act against you, for example you might then be arrested or something. They need your dishonor. The crazy stuff (gangstalking, strange happenings, hearing sounds/voices, etc.) being forced on you are just to gyrate and destabilize you mentally so you are more likely to identify with and act out against something specific and unique to your situation. You also must read FAQ question #8 for the final answer on what they attempting to do with this program. Contracted (2013) also covers this well.

• If they think you have committed a sin they use the BioAPI against your body. For example if you’ve committed the sin of gluttony they will turn off your taste buds. If you committed the sin of lust, they will turn off the endorphins released from your spine during an orgasm negating the effects of sex. If you were too vain they might trigger morgellons. These are just a few examples of what they can and are doing to people when you are judged guilty. No consideration whatsoever will be given for the circumstances leading up to your guilt; and the law in their eyes will be applied as technically as possible as that is obviously the easiest and fastest way to find someone guilty.

• They desperately need you to care about the nano-tricks and illusion being shown too you. They want you to chase some carrot for whatever random reason that might cross your mind.

• Once you read this entire site you will know how absolutely everything works, exactly. I can’t stress enough, it’s like a magic show. Once you know how it all works it’s a joke. It’s boring… nothing to see here, shows over. Phase 2 and what they are doing with it is the same thing – it’s just a magic show. They believe they are controlling you with fear and illusion. They believe they are reflecting you back onto yourself. They believe they are giving you what really want and deserve. As you can imagine in practice it is as pathetic as it sounds.

• Phase 2 can be considered a disease of dishonor. When you contract it you are merely monitored at first. They need a reason to hate you, hence the nano-tricks. Once they think they got you (via your dishonor) you then become a targeted individual (aka Contracted (2013)). See the flowchart below details.

• If you are deep in the program and they are throwing everything at you they will/are trying to split your reality. In The Adjustment Bureau (2011) Matt Damon has two groups harassing him. One trying to stop him from doing what he wants (score the women), and the other group trying to help (also see the end of clip 2 of Metropia (2009) for another example). This concept is real and they leverage the manipulation of emotions via the BioAPI to assist in the amplification of it. In real life though you will never physically see/meet these people like they show in the movie, primarily because they are cowards hence the hiding behind nano-technology. More accurately it’s mostly a computer with AI as difficult as it is to believe. Again – the movie is mostly real, they are showing you what they are doing to people. They are nudging your life via mind control, hence the title ‘The Adjustment Bureau’, because they are adjusting you. In reality it’s physical assault with nano-tech; nothing more, nothing less. They just don’t show you how. In other words they/it is psychologically pulling you in a specific direction. Typically to drive you crazy, but you have to believe it for it to be real, so it is always looking for direction and beliefs from you to see where it should go with the harassment, nano-tricks and aggravation. You decide where you fall within the overall scope.

• There is a higher level purpose(s) that I haven’t mentioned for people deep in the program. It’s even more ridiculous then everything else – for example they are trying to make you choose between love and fear. Honestly, I can’t make this stuff up. It completely falls apart when you know how it all works and again simply becomes another running joke that never ends. Never believe in their absurd false dichotomies (where you have to choose one of two options). Especially some fear vs love nonsense. What do you choose when presented with option 1 or 2? Fear or love? Republican or Democrat? Coke or Pepsi? You always choose the third option – knowledge. Educate yourself.
Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.

Proverbs 3-13:15

• The program is very dynamic and over engineered. It will fool you on the highest level possible. They use the media to tell people what they are doing and how. You just need to know what to look for.

• Think for yourself.

Gangstalking Remedy

This clip is interesting to say the least. Like everything else, clues, clips and information are embedded in the media as repeatedly shown throughout this site.

So to help us find out how to handle this otherwise difficult situation, we again can turn to the media for some help and insight. In this clip from The Simspons (Season 20, Episode 17), Skinner and Lisa represent the same person – a targeted individual. This is clearly shown when Skinner acts paranoid that people are doing strange things around him (in his case the thing with the magazine – but it could be anything). A few short scenes later it cuts to Lisa receiving the only real solution to their problem – to ignore absolutely everything.

I cannot stress enough how fake everything is. This is their justification. They believe they are not doing anything. They will jam so many stupid thoughts into a targeted individuals mind to get them to believe x, y or z. I realize it is difficult to ignore it when they physically assault you, they actually believe assault, forcing junk into your mind or otherwise directly acting on a targeted individual’s body is somehow part of the illusion. To repeat, they are constantly trying to get you to believe something, they don’t even know what, you have to show them which they then amplify.

[Update 2012-11-22]: I’m working on a real cure/solution to this nano-tech disease. Keep an eye on this page here.

The Gangstalking Myth by Example

The public stalking demonstrated by so called gangstalkers are at least partially unique to each targeted individual, and therefore is very difficult to describe what is actually happening. The best way to do this is by example. The following is list of events and examples that someone may go through when being harassed, publically stalked or otherwise targeted. The following may or may not apply to a given targeted person, each situation is unique. The point of the following is show the disparity between what a handler wants a targeted person to see and believe, and what is actually happening in reality. Over time I am sure there are going to be plenty more new nano-tricks coming. I am not claiming I have seen everything.

A targeted individual should understand that the entire point of the program is to test and trick you; and to an equal extent get you to externalize & act out against something they show you. Whether it’s to get angry at a stalker, or to run to the police or a lawyer complaining your being gangstalked, or to talk to your friends and family telling them they are being mind controlled so they can think you’re crazy – if you do not do anything, nothing will happen to you. This is part of their justification as “they are not doing anything – you are doing it to yourself” type of thing. They show you things that are right & wrong, if you choose wrong they judge you accordingly. The following examples are reserved for a targeted individual who knows what is happening to them with respect to the BioAPI and that a handler know’s the targeted individual is aware of the technology in some capacity such as yourself now that you have read this. All of the following has some subtle psychological purpose; specifically to amplify the association of statistically unlikely events (aka transference) in an effort to increase the probability a targeted individual will externalize against and believe in some false reality, typically to trick them into hurting themselves in some way.
Visible/Depicted Event Actual Event Purpose
A typical stalker will walk by you in some capacity. You know they are doing it specifically for you. You are expected to believe the stalker is real. The stalking could be anything they have convinced you to recognize or identify with, and includes anything such as people wearing a specific color (all black, red, etc.), taxi’s, police cars, people walking dogs, cyclists, etc. So any event that is unique to your environment and statistically improbable or impossible. The so called stalker has no idea he’s stalking you. He’s just walking by you because he thinks he wants too (the thought to walk by you is inserted into his head in real time to do it). The thought of you noticing the stalker might even be suggested (not your thought) to you by the handler too. Great real examples of this include Ultrasonic (2012) and Gamer (2009). How it happens is shown in Metropia (2009). Earthkiller (2011) is now important too. To perpetuate the gangstalking myth in an effort to get you (the targeted individual) to act out against the stalker. Attempt to create a conflict. Keep you in fear, destabilize you, confuse your view of reality, etc. The thoughts you are having to notice the stalkers are not actually your thoughts half the time.
You are sitting outside with some friends. A lawn mower or hedge trimmer is being used close by. It is very loud. The sound is being amplified for you alone. It’s actually not that loud for other people around you. Another example might be a crying baby in a restaurant. This is shown in the movie Growth (2010) when he contracts the worm bugs (a metaphor for phase 2) and then begins to hear things much louder and clearer than normal and has to put in ear plugs because of it. No clip provided. To make you angry for some reason. Start the handler’s process of warping your reality. Make you look crazy when you get angry, after all the sound is not loud at all (for everyone else). Attempt to create a conflict.
You buy something and mail a check to pay for it. They say the cheque never arrives. As soon as you go to pay again the first check arrives. You think they intentionally stopped the cheque or created the problem, the gangstalkers got you again. In some capacity the first cheque was delayed. To show that the handler is in control of your life and your helpless. In fact different problems may be constantly created for you every day as a way to make you believe that your world is completely controlled by the handler. It is not, this is part of one illusion and false reality they are trying to create. Another example is the garbage man will intentionally skip your house and not pick up your garbage. Again, a targeted individual will only get events similar to this if they know it’s mind control.

Different parts of the program are designed for different levels of knowledge and/or dishonor and/or age & gender and/or the method of phase 2 contraction to begin with. Thats why there is so much inconsistency everywhere.
Object’s in your house are randomly moved, or your property is damaged. For example your washing machine is broken. Your expected to think gangstalkers or even people you know are breaking into your house and doing this to you. You’re actually moving the objects yourself and damaging your own property. You just don’t know it. Picture someone sleepwalking, it would be a lot like that. Spooky actually. See The Collpased (2011) for a crystal clear example. General harassment, to perpetuate the gangstalking myth. To get you confused and angry. To get you to act out against who you think is doing it. To amplify the externalization factor of the program.
You’re physically assaulted by the handler/gangstalkers. For example if you are a women you think you we’re raped. Or a man might be hauled off to the hospital and given a tranquilizer. The women was controlled to assault herself (unconsciously; actually her memory was suspended) and the tranquilizer was fake (but the pain from the needle was real – created by the BioAPI). Everything is fake, absolutely everything. Again, this is important – to show that your handler(s) (aka gangstalkers) are in control of your life and you are helpless. This is part of the illusion and false reality they are trying to create. It’s to help ensure you will do what they want in the future. If you later do what they want under your own free will they feel justified. Also see the clip for Transforms 3 (2011).
An appliance in your house breaks. You call the repair man, he comes and fixes it and leaves. You memory was suspended and you broke your own appliance. Or someone was mind controlled to do the same. Usually it’s a washing machine or dryer such as with this lady in real life. They are testing you. Specifically the extent to which you believe the repair man had something to do with the broken appliance. The repair did not build, buy, sell or ship it. So for you to be rude to him or somehow blame him reflects how much of a sheep mind you have; and if this happens you are then elevated within the program and become outright targeted typically. This is a pre-targeted test. You will not know its happening. FAQ answer #8 explains how they are trying to process sheep.

If you’re already targeted they expect you to identify with the fact that gangstalkers somehow got you.
Many small problems are created for you by friends, family and people you know. They often hint using acts and signs that they are in on it. Your friends and family are mind controlled accordingly to create the problem, they have no idea they are doing it. The problem is always inconsequential for you, but wastes your time and life. To show you that everyone else, especially your handler, is controlling your life. You can’t do anything. You’re helpless. Then when a real problem happens, such as you go for a job interview and do not get the job, you then believe that the handler must have mind controlled the guy to not give you the job – this is false. They are trying to get you to believe “x” happened.
You’re cooking dinner. You blink your eyes and your instantly outside your house, a second later your instantly down the street. A second later, back in your kitchen. Enough to freak anyone out. Just like star trek teleportation. Suspending a targeted individual’s memory and simply mind controlling them to walk outside, then re-enabling their memory would simulate this scenario as the targeted individual would not remember walking outside at all and would seem to just appear there instantly. Typically might be used in later stages of attempting to drive someone crazy. If they did not know why or what was happening something like this would work well. For a clear example of how people speaking gibberish is used to drive someone crazy see the Black Limousine (2010) example.
You keep noticing insignificant things – certain people stand out when you are in public driving around such as someone walking a dog, or people wearing red hats, or specific sound events when your at home like sirens. They have got you to identify with something specific which is used in some way to indirectly harass you. You don’t actually really notice this stuff yourself, the thought is forced onto you by a handler to train you to recognize it and identify with it. Typically the events are accompanied with a manipulation of your emotions to make you scared and subsequently train you to be scared when these random things happen. Helps make you think you’re crazy.
You do or do not hold the door open for people, help a stranded motorist, help someone short of change when buying a ticket to park or something, you do or do not lie, etc. Your being tested. You may or may not not know it. If they find you in dishonor or do not like how rude you are (yes, it’s that pathetic) they use it as excuse to elevate the assault or torment via nano-tech. They are desperate to find a reason to judge you guilty.
You are dreaming very strange dreams, such as your teeth are falling out. Same as depicted event. Physical assault via nano-tech. To convince you to think something specific; such as you are helpless or powerless or crazy. See the review and clip for The Giant Mechanical Man (2012).
People you talk to possibly including friends and family either speak in tongues/gibberish, or outright say things to you that they cannot know about. For example your friend tell you right to your face ‘I know you stole that money, you have to go to the police‘. The person saying x or talking gibberish is being mind controlled to do so. They know what to say to you because a handler is/was watching you previously. Also the person has no idea they are saying x or talking gibberish. Yet another nano-trick, as the people behind the program need you to do everything, including in this example go to the police out of your own free will. Your friend may not have any clue he just said that to you as clearly demonstrated on the real life mind control examples page where the news anchors are talking nonsense but sometimes have no idea it’s happening.
Your body is being slightly and randomly hurt, possibly a pinching feeling. Or your face or other part of your body itches far too much. Same as depicted event. Physical assault via nano-tech. Only people deep in the program will possibly have this happen. The physical events vary in degree and over time thereby provide a physiological and mental impact to you which increases your likelihood of externalizing. For example your body is radomly but barely hurt, then slightly hurt, hurt, then heavily hurt. You sometimes question if they even did something. That’s the point, a pathway to externalization. Also see Transformers 3 (2011). It’s also shown in Flash of Genius (2008) when they show her typing and zoom in on her hand (@ 44:50 in the movie) when she itches it. She’s presumed to be a bad wife for leaving her husband (no clip is provided; screenshot here; you’ll have to read this whole site to understand this). Itching is also being intentionally inflected via the BioAPI as shown loosely A Scanner Darkly (2006) @ 0:44 in the clip/trailer. It’s also shown in Fast Zombies with Guns (2011); a screenshot is here. Or even Lay the Favorite (2012).

Some of this is covered on the Summary Page too.

To help demonstrate the false realities that can be constructed around people let’s take a look at four examples. Mary, Alice, Bob and Eleanor. All from different walks of life. Just normal people such as yourself.

Mary has been experiencing very strange events lately. Objects in her house are being moved even while she is home yet no one lives with her to move them. People talk gibberish around her, when she asks why they are doing that the person says ‘I’m not, I’m speaking normally‘. Mary is getting very distressed and thinks she might be going crazy. Friends and family start to make comments that she should see a doctor. Subtle events such as finding her toothbrush moved slightly in the morning when she wakes up or her glasses on the other nightstand yet she never leaves them there eventually push Alice to see a doctor. The doctor makes sure she starts to take medication. Over time the strange events get more severe, and even crazier things start to happen. She eventually ends up in a metal hospital. Her mind cannot cope with the ever increasing extreme nature of the impossible events happening to her.

Alice has a unique occupation. She’s a paranormal investigator. She likes to hunt ghosts. Kind of like those ghost hunting shows on TV where people run around thinking they heard/seen something. Alice really wants to see and capture ghosts on film to prove to everyone she has finally seen a ghost, but never seems to experience any paranormal activity ever. Eventually Alice gets her wish. Every time she goes to a so called haunted house now she experiences all kinds of paranormal events such as swings in temperature, hearing noises that can’t be real (for example children laughing but no children are anywhere close by) and she even sees ghosts but can’t seem to capture them on film. No matter what, Alice is 100% convinced she see’s real ghosts and paranormal activity.

Bob is just a normal guy. Eventually people in and around the public start to stalk Bob. Bob is confused and a little shocked at first and can’t explain what or why this is happening. His neighbors suddenly appear to be wherever Bob is going and giving him acts and signs that they are there specifically for him and him alone. For example Bob needs to withdraw $368 from the bank. He goes to the bank, before telling the teller he wants $368 the teller says ‘need $368 today bob?’ Everyone appears to know Bobs business. Bob reads on the internet that there are secret gangstalking cells that run around doing this to people. He gets mad, and becomes 100% convinced these public stalkers are out to get him. This is what Bob believes because this is what Bob sees. He cannot grasp the larger picture, as per Android Insurrection (2012), it’s ‘beyond his scope‘.

Eleanor lives a normal life like anyone else. One day, for no reason at all Eleanor beings to hear voices in her head. Right out of nowhere for no reason she hears voices in her head which torment her. She has no idea why, and like most people who can’t think for themselves concludes she must be going crazy. After all, only crazy people hear voices right? Wrong. Eleanor has a nano-tech disease, she just has no idea how or why. Eleanor’s story is a real, happens to countless people around the world every day and is outlined in this real life TED talk here.

In each of these scenarios all the people believe they are experiencing something completely unique and real. If you we’re to put them together to discuss what is happening they would not have any idea they were all experiencing the exact same thing. A nano-hoax. False realities constructed by a handler (could even be the same guy, actually its mostly a computer with AI, hence the automation of it all) to achieve an illusion to trick the individual to do something specific or act out in some way. It’s all smoke & mirrors as you can now see the uniqueness that can be created by the BioAPI and nano-implants. Suspension of memory can make you move objects you didn’t know you moved, hearing sounds & voices that are not real, the mind control of people close to someone (in this case Bob) to make it look like they are there for him and therefore stalking him in some capacity. Even seeing things (ghosts in Alice’s case) is possible. But the objects are typically of poor quality and low resolution due to the difficulty in interfacing with the visual cortex; the objects end up being more of a silhouette, perfect in Alices case for simulating ghosts. This is what the movie Shadow People (2013) is about, seeing shadows or silhouettes of people when they are not actually there. All these people only see what is shown too them, they believe what is happening to them is real because they cannot comprehend their own reality or the larger scope around them. They cannot grasp what is really happening. Note – like any API it can, and they are, always improving or upgrading it and they very well may achieve high-resolution images one day. Another great scenario is a fortune teller or psychic, you can imagine the field day they could have with that.

[Update 2013-05-08] – Also see Dark Skies (2013) in which summarizes many of the nano-tricks they are doing to people including suspension of memory. Also note the false reality (in this case The Grey’s/Aliens) they are constructing around the targeted family, because that is what they have identified with and believe, so that is what gets amplified. A targeted person/group needs to think they understand what is happening. ‘x‘ must be ‘grounded‘ psychologically to complete the false reality. The entire family becomes targeted after a red meat barbeque early in the movie, that’s why they show it.

Again, above all, they need you to believe. Believe what? They don’t know, you have to show them. If you think you are going crazy, then you are. After all, these strange events are impossible right? You must be going crazy.
There is no knowledge that is not power.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Society and Solitude (1870)

Gangstalking & The Program News Clip

This real news broadcast shows the extent to which how lost the public is concerning the implications of nano-technology and the nano-implants or BioAPI. The women in the clip actually believes people are gangstalking her and is a real targeted individual. So the women would be the equivalent of Matt Damon in The Adjustment Bureau (2011) or Simon in Ultrasonic (2012) or the women in Contracted (2013).

After reviewing this entire site watch this video and you can see how it all comes together from a handler’s point of view. Let’s break some of it down.

• Clip position 0:30 thru 0:50 – Numerous break-ins at the address and damaged property. Yet nothing was stolen. It’s all psychological, what is really happening is the handler is trying force her to think she is helpless as there is nothing she can do protect herself (you can see her early in the clip pretty much saying this). She is the one (via a handler) that actually has damaged her own property, yet has no idea. This is also talked about in the BioAPI details page, or even the Men in Black III (2012) clip.

• Clip position 1:00 thru 1:10 – Again, they really, really, really need people to believe this is real. To believe in gangstalking or whatever else they are attempting to push onto a given targeted individual. Everything is a hoax. Everything is an illusion. Well, except when they physical assault a targeted individual which they do, which is the reason why this web site was released to the public after over a decade of confusion and misinformation.

• Clip position 1:30 thru 1:50 – Strange happenings are simply to warp the reality of the targeted individual (aka Black Limousine (2010)) and sometimes the people around a targeted individual too. In this case they are really attempting the support the gangstalking myth, this helps if other people see the stalkers, it lends creditability to the false scenario or reality.

• Clip position 1:55 thru 2:10 – Again, she raped (assaulted) herself. Notice how no one was caught or seen? Because no one did it. Just herself.

Again, no one can explain anything. Everyone is confused. They do mention mind control but can’t say anything else as they have no idea how it would work. Note the last half of this video is largely irrelevant.

Targeted Individuals Flowchart

Not all targeted individuals are treated the same. Some are merely monitored, some are stalked, some are given a part of the program such as only hearing voices, some receive everything. Where you start within the program depends heavily on how you got phase 2 to being with as well as what got you targeted afterwards. Are you being physically assaulted or just hearing voices in your head; are you forced to wake up 5 times a night or just stalked by the public. These differences are depended on several factors. But once targeted your position within the program becomes largely proportional to the knowledge you have about it, the level of dishonor demonstrated as you are tested, your age, and/or how much you believe the given false reality being shown to you. You also may be slotted for something completely unique, such as a whole separate false reality may be constructed around you which they will try to get you to believe in. For example if you are deeply religious they may try to trick you into thinking God is communicating with you or you are possessed by the devil.

Anything is possible, but the following is a blueprint. Actual people or handlers are typically only involved twice – during the decision process to make someone outright targeted, and to decide if an already targeted person is too much of a threat to the public and should be killed off or something extreme should be done. Picture the AI super computer that is monitoring you somehow red flagging you when something negative happens [when you’re in dishonor somehow] and a bunch of nutters [handlers] running over to a video monitor to see what happened with you so they can judge the hell out of you some more. Other than that it is largely automated by a super-computer with artificial intelligence that is programmed to do it all. This is partially because they obviously will not have the human resources to sit there watching everyone 24 hours a day. That’s impossible, yet it’s happening. Thanatomorphose (2012) shows how they can kill you slowly cell by cell if they thought you deserved it.

Also a lot of the program is time based, I did not receive suspension of memory tricks until a year after I was targeted and they only latest a year and a half or so. You may not get them at all and may hear voices in your head instead. The program has variables.

Step 1 – Monitored

When you first receive phase two you are simply monitored. This could happen for years and you would have no idea it’s happening. The people doing this need your dishonor to move against you. So over time a handler(s), as clearly shown in Metropia (2009) or referenced in Gamer (2009), tests you with ridiculous scenarios to get you to act out against someone or something by mind controlling the people around you. You won’t even know it’s happening other then noticing how unreasonable someone such as a family member is acting all of a sudden (for example someone will give you something, you’ll throw it out and then they’ll want it back and throw a fit when they don’t get it). If they get your dishonor somehow, or otherwise find you guilty of something they do not approve of, you get elevated to the next step. Everything you do as soon as you receive phase 2 is recorded via your ocular implant, aka A Scanner Darkly (2006); but they are not necessarily watching 24×7 as they do not have the resources, or possibily the right, to watch everyone with phase 2. You need to become outright targeted first.

Step 2 – Gangstalked & Organized Harassment

In this step you become an outright targeted individual and are typically gangstalked or otherwise publically harassed because this is the most standard and automated form of psychological non-contact harassment. This is when a targeted individual thinks the general public is organizing against them and stalking them wherever they go. This is definitely what is appears like, but what is really happening is the public/gangstalkers are simply normal people who are already around a targeted individual and are actually being mind controlled to give some act or sign that they are stalking you. The public neither has the time, logistical skills, finances or motivation to do anything productive at all. So the whole idea there are teams of gangstalkers is the most absurd idea ever. Not to mention this just started roughly a decade ago – just in time with chemtrail nano-fibers by coincidence? I think not.

The idea in this step is to get a targeted individual to act out against and hurt a so called gangstalker and thereby into so much dishonor that a handler and the people running the program are justified in acting against (for example they may be arrested, which is the next step in this case) the targeted individual or otherwise ruin their life. The targeted individual will always lash out and blame the gangstalkers or public at large due to a lack of understanding. Also see FAQ question #8. Also see Ultrasonic (2012) for a cinematic example of gangstalking.

In the alternative, if a targeted individual does not understand what is happening and believes they are going crazy this instead will be amplified by the handler. Family members will suggest a targeted individual should see a doctor or has mental problems. Whenever a targeted individual does this or identifies with it, it will be amplified by a handler and will be a unique false reality for that specific targeted individual.

This is typically the game plan, but any unique scenario or false reality could be used against you. For example if you are a priest they may forego everything and try to trick you into thinking god is communicating with you. If you are a terrorist – Allah. You will believe it. You are also tested repeatedly in this step. Examples include if you hold the door open for people, do you help a stranded motorist, do you help someone who needs some spare change at like a parking ticket booth, did you lie about x, are you racist, etc. Think of any kind of insignificant test that gives them the reason they desperately seek to hate you.

Step 3 – The Full Program

If a targeted individual decides to educate themselves and figures out the gangstalkers are nonsense and everyone is being mind controlled the targeted individual gets elevated again to a final step/level. Sometimes a targeted individual is elevated to this step just for kicks.

In this step everyone, even a targeted individual’s friends and family are mind controlled to appear in on it. The purpose of this step is to get a targeted individual to think that their entire life is being controlled by the handlers. You better do what a handler is hinting you should do or else type of thing. They can completely control a targeted individuals life, but this is not what is happening. A handler(s) will constantly create non-consequential problems for a targeted individual. The point is to make a targeted individual think a handler is in control when a real problem or opportunity surfaces. For example a targeted individual doesn’t get a job after going for a job interview, it must have been the handler that mind controlled the guy not to give the targeted individual the job. This could very well happen. This is simply the illusion they want you to think is happening. Because it’s an illusion they believe it is justified.

In this step (and possibly step 2 also) they actually help you too. This idea of receiving help is confirmed by a presumed crazy person in this TED talk which should be reviewed now. For the harm being levied against you they use mind control to help you if you can wrap your head around it. For every problem created they must create an opportunity to help you too. They are trying to keep a balance, it is done very poorly. This concept of an alternative handler is shown in clip 2 for Metropia (2009) @ the 3:44 thru 4:10 mark and covered in The Adjustment Bureau (2011). This and everything being done is ultimately unlawful as Invito beneficium non datur (No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent). The help provided is never anything that would not happen eventually anyway, so a targeted individual in essence gets nothing of value at all.

In this stage a targeted individual is typically physically assaulted in various ways including sleep deprivation and having their body randomly hurt to increase instability and confusion.

The Strategy for Targeted individuals

Some thoughts on a conclusion can be found in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012).

The Automation of Gangstalking

I’d like to take a moment and comment on how automated this program can be. The people running the program obviously only have limited resources and can’t watch a given targeted individual 24 hours a day. To help in harassment, a given individual can be put on an auto-pilot where a computer actually decides when to hurt or harass a given targeted individual at random or preset points in time. This probably only works for sound events and physical assault (hurting your body). For example, if nothing has happened for more than 4 hours a computer (probably with a basic level of artificial intelligence too) will decide what the best course of action is for a given targeted individual, which probably will result in a sound event being triggered which a targeted individual has previously identified with or possibly assault (slight physical harm being done). Or it could be emotion based – if the BioAPI senses emotion x from you its pre-programmed to do y. The point is its automated, and therefore there is no handler actually doing anything or even watching sometimes.

Also keep in mind everything a targeted individual says, sees and hears is being recorded for future reference. They are going to judge you (A Serious Man – 2009) and control you. That’s all it is about. They do try to help a targeted individual too, but nothing is done that would not otherwise happen anyway so the help is just a cruel joke, even more so then the actual assault and physical harm. Again, this concept of an alternative handler is shown in clip 2 for Metropia (2009) @ the 3:44 thru 4:10 mark and covered in The Adjustment Bureau (2011).

Also see A Scanner Darkly (2006) @ 0:07 thru 0:17 in the clip/trailer where Keanu Reeves tells you ‘whatever it is that’s watching… it’s not human’; because part of the program and phase 2, as I’ve described herein, is actually a supercomputer with basic level of AI that’s doing the assessing. When an event or something you do is flagged by the computer a person then decides what to do next. A Scanner Darkly is real, they are clearly showing you everything. Also note how compartmentalized they show the program being in A Scanner Darkly; where Reeves has no idea who the other people/handlers are when he goes to work. Everyone does their job only. That’s critical to understand the overall scope, if you care that much.

Also see the clip for Android Insurrection (2012), where the spider robot is simply telling you the truth about what is happening in which the spider robot itself, representing the super computer that everyone on earth is hooked up to, has a high level of AI. It’s telling you and showing you. It’s real. In real life it obviously does not look like a spider.

Gangstalking Disinformation

You might have read or noticed gangstalkers are sometimes caught. Or come clean in court. Or admin they were hired to gangstalk.

They really, really need people to believe in the gangstalking fraud. People who say they are gangstalkers are shills and they don’t even know it most of the time. It’s amazing, they really think they were hired by whoever (the government?) to gangstalk, but then convinced they need to come clean in court. They don’t even know they are being played as shills. It’s all a dog and pony show to justify the existence of gangstalkers. Its 100% pure mind control. In fact, every stupid thing you read on the entire internet about this stuff is disinformation, misdirection or confusion so you do not connect these final dot outlined on this web site.

Additional Side Effects

Some additional side effects are below for people who contract phase 2 or a variant of it. From experience this is mainly what happens when the full BioAPI is installed. If you have phase 2 but do not remember some or all of the following it very well could be because the side effect happened while you were asleep. It takes roughly two months for phase 2 to be completely installed and happens in stages. The ocular implant is preset after about 1 month. Many side effects and the physical implications of the contraction of phase 2 is covered in the new clip for Contracted (2013). It appears every sensory function of the body is suspended or turned off during encapsulation.

Temporarily loosening of the teeth. The subject can actually wiggle their teeth for a couple weeks. See Contracted (2013).
Permanent metallic taste in the mouth.
Probable temporary loss of taste. See Contracted (2013). I say probably because it may have happened to me and I just didn’t notice it because I did not eat that day or something.
Permanently, slightly altered ability to smell. For example exhaling quickly through the nose would smell like smoke or burning feathers. See Bandits (2001).
Temporary (20 minutes?) loss (about 80%) of sight. See Family Guy – It’s a Trap (2010). This happens because the nano-tech is wiring your visual cortex so it/they can make you see things, typically silhouettes, that are not there to help trick you.
Slight loss of dexterity (unnoticeable over time). Perception of what you are doing feels slightly different.
Large increase in gastric and intestinal fluids in the abdomen. Sounds like you are hungry all the time but you’re not. Doesn’t hurt at all. Dissipates about 4 months after the contraction of phase 2.
Permanent skin sensitivity issues. Skin feels slightly tingly in various spots.
Temporary (8-16 hours) skin sensitivity loss. A hot shower will feel cold. A complete loss of skin sensitivity as the skin’s neurons/synapses are encapsulated/bridged. This happens about 2 months after contracting/triggering phase 2. See Contracted (2013) for this in action.

A paranoid schizophrenic is someone who has figured out what’s going on.


BioAPIBiochip implantsBionicsChemtrailsGangstalkingMorgellonsMORGELLONS CONDITIONMorgellons’ NanowormsNano-fibersNanotechnologyTranshumanism
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 4 – BioAPI Details
BioAPI, Black Goo & AI, Brain Hacking, Chemtrails, DARPA, Forbidden knowledge, Military Experiments, Military projects, Mind Control, MK-ULTRA, Morgellons, Nanotechnology, NLP Mind Control, Targeted Individuals, Transhumanism, Weather control
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 4 – BioAPI Details
28/06/2018 Leave a comment

And now the next part to our BioAPI serie…

Your BioAPI

The BioAPI is extremely powerful and provides complete control over every man women and child on the planet. I understand it’s difficult to accept, I’m simply telling the way it is. The following table attempts to outline what is possible with the BioAPI depending on what phase you have. Very well demonstrated in the movie The Presence (2010) (no clip provided), the suggestive nature of phase 1 works very well, you just act out what your told too because no one would ever doubt the thought’s they are having are not their own. Combined with the fact that no one can think for themselves, even for a moment to begin with, the staggering irony of it all is obvious.

The primary difference between phase 1 and 2 is phase 1 targets your mind, hearing and basic sight only; where phase 2 encompasses your entire body. Phase 2 Both phases also provide the ability to have your memory suspended or manipulated allowing for very interesting events to occur (or more accurately appear to occur). The cogitation of phase 2 in the movies is typically reflected as a zombie. Zombie = phase 2 or to a greater extent outright targeted.

Technical Achievements

So how great is this technology? In one word its “unbelievable“. Its so epic the average person visiting this site won’t be able to even remotely accept its possibility. It’s a minimum one century ahead of its time. The following scenarios are all possible and have been witnessed firsthand by myself as well as any other targeted individual. With two different phases, some things are only possible with phase 1. Phase 1 is kind of limited and only encompasses the most amazing aspect of the technology; again, the easiest way to grasp it is the nano-implants for phase 1 target your head (excluding scent and taste), phase 2 targets the rest of the body. The following chart will try to split up the examples and where they apply. If you have trouble believing any of this you have not watched this video enough – watch it at least 25 times, it then might start to sink in. Remember, 99% of the planet’s population has phase 1, this includes you.

Interestingly enough, they have told you and demonstrated crystal clearly what is possible with the movie Gamer (2009) and to a lesser extent Technotise: Edit & I (2009). So don’t take my word for it, this is only what has already been told right to your face.
Applicable Phase Description Example
Phase 1 (Everyone) Direct-to-Speech: the ability to force (unknowingly) anyone at will to speak or say anything on demand. This is shown in real life on this page here, the people are clearly aware they are speaking gibberish but are unable to stop. Also when Bruce Willis talks through his test surrogate is a good representation of how this probably works in real life from a handler’s point of view. See the Surrogates (2009) clip (@ 1:20) or Black Limousine (2010) for a reference on how it is used to warp the reality of people such as yourself.

This is talking through someone is very well done in the clip for Control Factor (2003).
Phase 1 (Everyone) Suggest-to-Subconscious: the ability to insert a thought in real time into a subjects mind, in which most of the time they act out. Probably a subset of Paralleling or simply thinking with someone (see below). For example, you think to yourself you want to go outside and sit on the porch, so you get up and go. Was it you’re thought for real? This is extremely difficult to describe, believe or prove and is the most mind blowing part of the BioAPI. Everything else pales in comparison to this with the exception of suspension of memory. It’s 100% transparent, and works so well you would be stunned for months if you watched it happen right in front of you. It’s epic. The only references that I found that even remotely demonstrates this is in the movie Hanna (2011) and Metropia (2009). They also make fun of it in this clip from The Simpsons.

Update 2012-08-04: A great example of how simple this can be is shown in the nice dog scene for Ultrasonic (2012). Also see Earthkiller (2011) which is now very important.

It would probably involve the cerebral cortex, which is where the process of conscious thinking and decision making happens.
Phase 1 (Everyone) Visual: the ability to see what you see. Previously I was under the conclusion that only people with phase 2 would have their sight compromised. Over time the actions of random people from public when being mind controlled simply cannot be explained unless they have the ability to see what they see. Therefore the nano-camera implant for phase 2 subjects must merely be for a better high quality (HD if you will) signal due to the difficultly in mapping the visual cortex. Some more information on the ocular nano-implant is available.

There are several media examples that reference the ocular implant including Minority Report (2002), Order of Chaos (2010), End of Watch (2012) and The Box (2009) to name a few.
Phase 1 (Everyone) Paralleling: the ability to merge with a subjects mind for real time coordination and response. Or simply thinking for or with someone. This seems unreal but it’s not as difficult to believe as it sounds. When you speak or consciously think, the required neurons and generated EM waveforms in your brain are simply modulated/digitized (just like a computer modem) and transmitted in real time to a handler at a command center as clearly shown in A Scanner Darkly (2006) and Metropia (2009). This handler would connect to and receive the subject’s signal and essentially merge minds electromagnetically (it’s probably more advanced, such as quantum communication/entanglement instead) for lack of a better description – resulting in one signal, but two minds (or two CPU’s if you will). So in this capacity the handler would be able to think a thought and the subject would think the same thought in parallel, speak a phrase and the subject would then speak the same phrase. It is not 100% guaranteed action because the subject may ultimately decide not to say or do something, so paralleling is partially suggestive in nature. For phase 1, paralleling is restricted to the mind only, phase 2 extends the ability across the entire body as described below.

The best way to think of paralleling is a technical support guy connecting to laptop remotely to fix it. You can still use your computer, but so can he, so sometimes you fight for control over the mouse.

This is a crude example of how simple the mind’s EM waveform is. This guy is controlling a toy race car with his thought. Has nothing to do with the BioAPI, just basic EM inductance – total cost $25? Now imagine if you had all the resources in the world and we’re completely insane. What would you come up with? Everything on this web site, that’s what. Pontypool (2008) has some thoughts (pun intended) on this.

Here’s a site that references this as being accomplished in mainstream science (which is always 20 years behind the people doing this stuff).

Paralleling is exactly what is being clearly demonstrated to you in the movie The Speed of Thought (2011) which essentially is real (except for the age limitation part). No clip provided.

Paralleling is called drifting in Pacific Rim (2013), because its real.
Phase 2 Emotion Mirroring: the ability to monitor or push/write emotions in real time. This is trivial to understand as emotions are simply localized groups of neurons in different parts of the body. Simply encapsulate all of them and quantify the change, exactly what a BioAPI is for. For example if you get butterflies in your stomach of feel scared, the type and severity is transmitted back to the handler’s data center for assessment or at least recording (note they tell you in A Scanner Darkly (2006) – EVERYTHING YOU DO WILL BE RECORDED). This is also a subset of Paralleling, in which emotions can be pushed back making a subject feel a specific emotion too.

The South Park episode Insecurity (Season 16 Episode 10) is about the monitoring of people’s emotions. Specifically fear as one of the things they are trying to do is keep targeted individuals scared. Also see this TED talk where a women confirms in real life the reading of her emotions.
Phase 2 General Monitoring: the ability to monitor and influence countless body functions. Again, basic nano-technology here. Keep track of the subject’s heart rate, glucose levels, sleep pattern, etc. Any aspect of your mind and body can be easily measured, gauged and recorded by the BioAPI.
Phase 2
Phase 1 (Everyone) Disable Short Term Memory: memory suspension. The part of the brain that deals with memory can be temporarily disabled. This is referenced in the Men in Black (III) (2012) movies, and is very effectively used by a handler to create false realities for someone by having them (you) do something without even knowing it. For example this poor lady (a targeted individual in real life) actually thinks she was raped, had her house damaged and was poisoned by organized stalkers. In reality she assaulted herself, kicked in her own wall and poisoned herself. She just doesn’t remember it. If you can imagine extreme cases of sleepwalking, it would be like that. It’s also very effective at simulating the manipulation of time.

Once your memory is suspended it’s simply a matter of a handler thinking for you (basic mind control) and you thereby become a mindless robot. See the clip for The Collapsed (2011) for a complete breakdown of how powerful this memory suspension can be.
Phase 2 Paralleling: the ability to completely merge with a subjects mind and body. Similar to phase 1 paralleling but includes the entire body. It can be forced, but then damage can occur to synapses which result in nose bleeds and internal neural damage, partially shown in The Crazies (2010). This is why memory suspension is almost always used so that a subject (you) do not know what is happening and therefore cannot fight it.

Also see The Ghastly Love of Johnny X (2012) where he controls the dead corpse, what you see there is real.
Phase 2
Phase 1 (Everyone)
Direct-to-Motor-Control: controlling someone remotely with or without their knowledge. This is reflected in countless movies including Surrogates (2009), Gamer (2009) and most accurately The Crazies (2010). If the subject is conscious he’s being controlled and fights it synapse damage will occur, I believe this is evidenced by the bloody nose shown in The Crazies. Real Steel (2011) demonstrates the reverse of this direct-to-motor-control. The clip for Technotise: Edit & I (2009) also shows this. Note forced & conscious motor control requires phase 2.
Phase 2
Phase 1 (Everyone) Thought Reading: coherent thoughts can be read (and given), they listen to your thoughts like you listen to the radio. Examples demonstrating this includes this clip from Metropia, The Simpsons, Gamer (2009), etc. It’s simplistic when you think of it, your thought is just another EM waveform – so digitize/modulate and transmit it. Quite awesome actually. More accurately they are probably sampling which neurons light up when you think x, y or z. This is what the awesome move Pontypool (2008) is trying to show you; you just need to finally think for once.
Phase 2 Pushing Sounds: vocals, speech and sound effects. Speech and sound effects are easily transmitted and heard with crystal clarity. In fact the transmitted sound effects they send to me are better than my natural hearing. This would obviously be used to convince someone they are crazy when they hear voices in their head.
Phase 2
Phase 1 (Everyone) Geolocation: your physical location is always a mouse click away. Similar to your cell phone’s GPS sensor, there’s a nano-sensor somewhere in your body which provides your real time location on demand. This is clearly shown in A Scanner Darkly (2006) (at exactly the 0:38 second mark of the trailer) and The Adjustment Bureau (2011), in fact its shown in the exact context of a targeted individual (Matt Damon) being harassed and trying to run away from The Program. Geolocation is also lightly referenced in The Matrix (1999) white rabbit scene.
Phase 2 Dreams: any dream they want can be beamed into your brain as you sleep. I wasn’t going to put this because its sounds even more unbelievable then everything else. But it happens to me every night so what the hell. They can push dreams into your brain at will. After all, dreams are just thoughts. It sounds amazing but simply boils down to another form of physical assault. This is usually accompanied with a set of emotions forced upon you at the same time as being forced to wake up (for example The Matrix (1999) white rabbit scene), which can simulate a nightmare. Like any other dream you typically don’t remember anything if you sleep through it. So they force you to wake up and manipulate your emotions at the same time for various reasons such as keeping you suspended in a state of slight shock and fear, send a message, convince (another nano-trick) you they are doing something they are not through mental images, etc.

Update 2012-10-12: Now see The Giant Mechanical Man (2012) for a great psy-op on dreams. Although only targeted individuals will understand it.
Phase 2 Physical Pain & Pleasure: typically pain. Any part of your body can be made to feel any amount of pain. Both used for subtle psychological reasons, and to create a false reality. For example women will think they were raped because that is what it feels like. In reality it is completely fake. Also see Transformers 3 (2011).

Grazy Talk

This web site has a lot of truth for someone to handle and don’t expect most people to be able to comprehend it. If 2% of the population thinks, 3% think they think, and 95% would rather die than think – which percentage are you in?

Remember, the world was flat at one time and you we’re insane if you thought otherwise.

Remember, if you told someone in the 1970’s they could have their body duplicated and copied they would call you insane. Yet today cloning is common knowledge.

Why is it so hard to imagine some creative nano-tricks? Especially when the proof is right in front you. It’s not so much how amazing the nano-technology is, it’s what they are doing with it that is equally stunning.

Let’s see what Dave has to say shall we?…

BioAPIBiochip implantsBionicsChemtrailsMorgellonsMORGELLONS CONDITIONMorgellons’ NanowormsNano-fibersNanotechnologyTranshumanism
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 3 – references in the Media
BioAPI, Black Goo & AI, Brain Hacking, Chemtrails, DARPA, Forbidden knowledge, Military Experiments, Military projects, Mind Control, MK-ULTRA, Morgellons, Nanotechnology, NLP Mind Control, Targeted Individuals, Transhumanism, Uncategorized, Weather control
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 3 – references in the Media
19/06/2018 Leave a comment

And now continues the BioAPI series with references in the media. This is a hard topic to swallow and could be hard to comprehend, but this is very important thing to understand the situation we have on our hands today with chemtrails and nanotech.


You are about to embark on the most interesting read of your life; an accumulation of movie clips and real life examples that will for sure make you recognize that something has changed. Figuring out exactly what has changed is the purpose of this web site.

The movies obviously contain many clips to condition the audience to believe or not believe something (for example to smoke cigarettes). Some call this marketing, others refer to it as a form of brainwashing over time. Sometimes it’s obvious and right in your face, other times its extremely high level and so subtle you cannot even begin to catch it if you do not know what and why you are looking for it. The examples below attempt to tie your BioAPI nano-implants together with the movies while showing the possible outcomes and possibilities the implants can provide once installed. Again, many concepts are specific in nature (eg. to discredit a side effect) while others are broad in nature (as in what is happening in general). There are also a few more media examples on the Direct-to-Speech (real life mind control examples) page. Each clip by itself could be dismissed, in aggregate you will see they cannot.

The clips for Gamer (2009) and Ultrasonic (2012) are now a must watch. And a cure/antidote is covered in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012) as well as End of Watch (2012).
Bandits (2001)

There are a few side effects associated with phase 1 and especially phase 2. In order to condition the public to dismiss health oriented side effects as inconsequential anomalies they use the movies like always.

One significant but not serious side effect of phase 2 is when the scent neuron’s get encapsulated they alter the ability to smell slightly. In fact the encapsulation of any neuron/synapse for any organ involved in sensing (skin, tongue, scent, etc.) will be slightly compromised in some capacity.

Typically people will say they smell a burning (feathers or smoke) smell. This clip demonstrates how they condition the public, specifically connecting anyone who smells burning, in this case feathers, with someone who must be crazy. It’s spread out through the whole movie and is the purpose of the entire movie itself. Notice the movie shows Billy Bob Thornton thinking he smells burning feathers, then clearly shows him (towards the end of the move and clip) acting crazy and stupid flopping around on the floor. The audience obviously takes away from that burning smell = crazy person. Classic movie psyop. Keep in mind all movie psyop’s like this are subtle, you have to keep the larger picture in mind to recognize what’s actually happening which in this case is the fact that they are trying to discount the side effects associated with contracting the nano-tech disease (phase 2).

Contracted (2013) provides a complete and excessive overview of the contraction of phase 2 and the implication of the physical side effects there from.
Toxic Skies (2008)

Toxic Skies is a poor quality chemtrail propaganda movie. It’s specifically about chemtrails but you have to look closer to see what the outcome of the patients are to figure out what is happening. It reflects that they are trying to kill people (or who they – not the doctors – decide are useless eaters). As in all movies such as this it starts off as a plague or biological threat. Four or five people from various walks of life are presented as patients in the movie who contract the unknown disease. The only one that dies is the one that simply watches TV and is presumed not to care about life. Therefore people who understand what is happening will see chemtrails = kill useless eaters. Everything else in the movie is irrelevant.

So in an overview the people running The Program are deciding who gets to live and who gets to die. This is happening every day right in front of you.

See the clip for A Serious Man (2009) for another example on how they are judging you as they see fit. Also see Meeting Evil (2012). Also see Control Factor (2003).
The Crazies (2010)

This movie holds back nothing. Some clips show an overall high level meaning and you have to look for, The Crazies slaps you right in the face.

In this clip at the beginning of the movie a so called crazy person comes out of the bush with a shot gun. Not knowing what to do the cop has to shoot the guy, no one questions even for a second what happened, I mean it was clearly the guy was drunk right? Wrong.

This is what I call Direct-to-Motor-Control, or to a greater extent Paralleling. A handler is actually controlling the guy like a robot. The nose is bleeding because the guy is trying to fight it or at least the mind control is getting to extensive resulting in synapse damage. He doesn’t want to raise the shot gun so there’s conflict within whatever cortex controls motor functions resulting in synapse damage. Ultimately the BioAPI wins and the guy has to do what the handler is forcing on him. This forced and conscious motor control is only possible with phase 2 of the BioAPI. The nose bleeding is also shown in The Box (2009). The Box (2009) is purely about the BioAPI and the implications of being tested and judged. Another aspect of the BioAPI allows the subjects memory to be suspended first which is extremely effective because now the subject now has no idea what he is doing and thereby cannot fight it at all.

Then to prove the point the scene jumps to a satellite/command center style clip which is a reference that everything is controlled from a single command center, then of course the final dot – chemtrails. More or less, this clip is real, and is the only clip or movie reference in existence (Update 2012-08-04: also see Ultrasonic (2012) which also connects all three dots – in Ultrasonic’s case concentrating on mind control delivered by chemtrails as opposed to body control as shown with The Crazies). In the clip it flashes this satellite style reference, this is only symbolic, it is not a satellite that does the controlling of people. The actual communication with the BioAPI/implants is much more advanced and may involve quantum entanglement. This is beyond the scope of this site and is unnecessary to understand what is happening.
Greenberg (2010)

Greenberg is a movie that specifically references phase 2. Some of the side effects demonstrated in the media show people who get phase 2 have sores on their skin or feel sick in some way. Also see the Family Guy clip for another example of this. This is true but in varying degrees, and is useful to demonstrate what is happening to people in the know.

In this clip Ben Stiller has the chance to run off to Australia with some hotties. But as he’s leaving they clearly show the one blonde slut is sick. She’s coughing and has a sore on her skin, so Ben Stiller immediately bolts. This is a direct reference of someone with phase 2 and therefore the entire BioAPI in the movies.

About 5 minutes before this scene Ben Stiller also makes a reference to hurting people, he says it twice for no reason (@ about 1:33:00 in the movie, not the clip). Why? I mean teams of writers pour over these movie scripts before they are finalized and all they come up with is “hurt people, hurt people“? It’s easy to understand when you see the big picture.

Also see the page on morgellons with the clip for The Informers (2008). Also see the clip for Transformers 3 (2011).
Hanna (2011)

This movie is the only movie I can find that shows what I call Direct-to-Speech in action, or to a lesser extent suggesting something so someone’s subconscious. A handler (the women behind the glass) dictates to the other women (the one talking to the girl) what to say. Now everyone that watches this clip will say of course, the second women talking to the girl has an electronic earpiece in her ear – that’s just it, she doesn’t (note that in the context of the movie she might as well have an earpiece in, but that’s not what we’re looking at here, we’re looking for the double meaning). Note you should look at the real life mind control examples to put this in a better context.

Now this is partially symbolic and very high level, but does demonstrate what can and is happening to phase 1 individuals (such as yourself). The amazing part is the second women is not aware she’s being told what to say or do. This is the most amazing aspect of the BioAPI, everything else pales in comparison to this and is extremely difficult to accept or comprehend. So the thoughts the second women (talking to the girl) is having are not her thoughts. What she’s saying to the girl is suggested or inserted into her mind in real time, which she believes are her own thoughts and acts or talks accordingly. They make fun of this in The Simpsons clip here.

There’s actually a lot happening in this scene. For example to show the two women are connected somehow (for example paralleling, or simply thinking with someone including talking for/through them as in a direct-to-speech concept) they show both women having red hair. Coincidence? Not if you know what to look for. Note how they zoom in on her mouth @1:04 when she says ‘just arrived from Prague‘, they are trying to reflect it’s not necessarily her voice speaking it, is being echoed through her.

Also see the clip for Metropia (2009). Or for that matter the recently added nice dog scene in Ultrasonic (2012) for another demonstration on exactly how it works in (would be) real life.

Update: This clip has been largely superseded by Control Factor (2003).

…these are not the droids you’re looking for…

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi – Star Wars (1977)

Doomsday Book (2012)

This clip is new as of July 24, 2012 and put here because I’m running out of space on the other pages. The clip quality might be a little degraded, I’m trying to keep these clip files small for bandwidth reasons now.

Previously on the FAQ page I listed several triggers which install phase 2. One of them was red meat. I gave no reference, proof or evidence whatsoever. Now over 8 months later this movie is the missing puzzle piece for red meat (also see Harolds Going Stiff (2011) below) . Just because something might not add up or lacks evidence on this web site does not mean it’s wrong, it simply means we have not found that piece of the puzzle yet as I will now demonstrate.

This movie is out of South Korea and is not one single movie, instead it is three separate short films with each short being roughly forty minutes in length. What they have done here is brilliant. The first short is a typical bad zombie apocalypse movie. The second short is about the morals of robots as people, the third is largely irrelevant. The key is the first short and more importantly its immediate connection with the unrelated second one. I’ll explain more below. During a normal day an apple for whatever reason biodegrades wrong and spawns a virus which turns everyone into zombies. That’s the movie; ridiculous on its surface. Now let’s take it apart…

In the beginning of the movie and clip they focus on an apple as it rots. He throws it out with the trash as expected (@ 0:30) and the apple degrades wrong (@ 1:00 in and around). Humorous zombie apple now. They show the apple becoming feed for livestock (shown in the movie but not shown in the clip much other then @ 1:12). They then focus heavily, very heavily on red meat (@ 1:18 thru 3:29) as people eat it. Specifically as disgusting as possible complete with a cow being slaughtered at 1:14. This is intentional. Notice at 2:26 he pulls an apple peel out of his mouth. Why? Keep reading. People then get sick (examples @ 3:30 thru 4:00) as they turn into zombies from eating the red meat contaminated by the zombie apple; I mentioned before what they are doing is partly biblical, they love to throw the bible out as an excuse to hurt people, even if you have never harmed a fly in your entire life. Then at 4:10 the zombie apocalypse strikes. The two main characters as zombies now find each other wandering around (@ 4:30). Then they drive it home – the apple as a metaphor (remember when he pulled the apple peel out of his mouth @ 2:26) and contaminant for red meat becomes symbolic for the trigging of phase 2 through the eating of red meat. Why? How? She gives the apple to him (@ 5:29) and he eats it. It’s intentionally disgusting, you are supposed to be turned off by it [Update: this is a critical concept to explore so I’ve elaborated on it below in the Sidebar – Subtle Distraction Psyops]. Then right after he eats the apple they zoom right in on her or a zombie eye – what do they show you? What’s in her eye (@ 6:10 thru 6:14)? A chemtrail nano-fiber. They are clearly showing you. This is the end and climax of the movie too which doesn’t make sense unless you know why. And it’s not even the kicker…

The first short then ends (@ 6:33) and in the movie (not the clip) they show a biblical quote (screenshot here) which essentially translates to God telling Adam not to eat the apple. Because again, from the movie, the apple becomes symbolic of red meat and is thereby telling you eating the apple [and therefore red meat by metaphor] is bad [and now via nano-tech will turn you into a robot]. The second short starts, and is about robots. What a coincidence – because very early in this second short (within 30 seconds) the technician from the robot corporation is walking down the hall with the monk and they clearly and intentionally show his corporate logo on his uniform (@ 6:55 thru 7:04). The corporation name is UR (Robotics). Get it? [You] [are] the robot. They mention the corporation name a few times in the short and show it on his briefcase too (@ 7:12). Only people that know what is happening will see and bridge the connection from the first short (zombie’s representing phase 2 via nanotech spiked red meat) to the second short (turning you into a complete robot) like this. The fact that they are back-to-back but independent (as in separate) short films is intentional and a brilliant idea. Note the cover image (screenshot here) on the front page of this web site, the robot from the second short has “UR” stamped right on it.

To summarize, consuming (probably cheap) red meat can (will) turn you into a robot by the installation of phase 2. That is what this movie(s) is telling you. Note you already are a robot with phase 1, but phase 2 is the full BioAPI and allows for extended functionality such as manipulation of feelings, direct-to-motor control, etc. Also notice the parallel between this clip and Vexille (2007). Both clearly show you a nano-fiber then shortly after tell you that you are the robot (in the Vexille clip @ 1:26 – ‘the virus [cyber-virus/nano-tech] gradually progresses through the body until it finally reaches the brain; at that point we become perfect androids…’). I’ve said it a few times throughout this site, stay focused, because you are the base model surrogate.
Sidebar – Subtle Distraction Psyops
It is important to note the significance of how disgusting the apple eating was in this clip @ 6:04. Why would they do that? What is the point? It is psychological. The purpose of instances such as this are to discount the significance of something else during or immediately after what you see. To be clear – you are disgusted by what you see and remember it. You focus on that because that is what is most prevalent. Your attention is captivated to some degree and you are distracted and thereby unable to notice the significance of what is truly important which in this clip is the nano-fiber(s) in her eye shortly after. So the viewers perception is being split, most people will give their attention to the apple eating, a few (self thinkers) will not and wonder what the strange white fibers in her eye are all about. This is the 99% vs. 1% being playing out right in front of eyes. This is the knowledge over ignorance paradigm.Another accurate example is how Leonardo DiCaprio mentions insects in the brain in the Shutter Island (2010) clip; your mind immediately focuses on how disgusting that concept is and thereby discount the clicking in the brain comment. Then when a clicking sound is heard/felt in your cranium you are much more likely to dismiss it.

Another example is in the movie (not clip) for Black Limousine (2010). At roughly 1:20:27 in the movie they show Arquette looking out his window watching a very hot women undress (screenshot here) for a few seconds. Then very shortly after they show the talking gibberish scene. It is the same principal in action, your mind obviously focuses on the women, even well after the camera pans away; and your attention thereby becomes diminished when they (in this case) show an example of what they can do in real life which is make people talk gibberish using the BioAPI/nano-implants.

Another less significant example is in the clip for Ultrasonic (2012). In the nice dog scene the dog only has three legs. Why? What? They couldn’t find a normal dog? Again, it’s intentional to pull your attention away from the scene in general because it could be one of the most important scenes in a decade if you know why.

An extreme example can also be seen in Rise of the Zombies (2012) with the baby stomping scene.

Textually, spelling mistakes and insults accomplish the same psychological effect; your simple sheep mind is turned off by speling mstakes and again discount the relevance and accuracy of the overall message. Most people cannot get by a single spelling mistake whether it’s intentional or an honest mistake. Ironically the smarter someone is the better it works on them.
Harolds Going Stiff (2011)

Harolds Going Stiff (2011) is a humorous zombie movie where people are going stiff and then turning into zombies. This British movie provides us with another direct reference connecting phase 2 with the consumption of red meat such as with the above clip for Doomsday Book (2012). In fact the first short for Doomsday Book (2012) and this movie are the same movie.

In the movie an old guy named Harold was the first to contract a zombie disease. About half way through the movie they simply tell you people are turning into zombies because they are eating a meat product called meat-a-rino as shown in the screenshot to the right. Harold is also shown to be eating them. It’s not a hidden reference at all, if you watch the movie they are outright talking about it. The guy in the screenshot to the right is being interviewed about it.

No clip is provided, but notice how Harold’s facial orifices are slightly bleeding as he turns into a zombie in the same capacity as Earthkiller (2011) @ roughly 0:55 in the clip and cover image. Also notice how Harold symbolically picks the red meat out of his sandwich and throws it away @ roughly 58:30 in the movie. This throwing away of the red meat is the equivalent of the biblical quote (screenshot here) from Doomsday Book (2012) above where God tells Adam not to eat the apple (apple = red meat by metaphor). Everything is clearly being told to you repeatedly.
A Little Bit Zombie (2012)

This movie is the Canadian version of Harolds Going Stiff (2011) above. As with Harold, a main character (Steve) is turning into a zombie after getting bit by a zombie mosquito. Eventually Steve wants to eat brains because he is a zombie, so they go to the meat shop. Notice the letters ‘EAT MEAT‘ are clearly and intentionally visible in the name of the shop.

Now the actually connection or metaphor connecting zombies with red meat is not as stark as with Harolds Going Stiff (2011) or Doomsday Book (2012) above, but it’s there. As they enter the meat shop they look up to show this completely out of context and irrelevant sun burst, if you watch the movie you’ll be like ‘why‘? ([Update 2012-11-17] I’ve added a clip to the right of the sunburst and crEATive MEATs sign) It’s the same principal outlined in the above Subtle Distraction Psyops, but the inverse. It’s like a red flag for the 1%. Then in the red meat shop the butcher serves both red meat and brains. Red meat & brains (for zombies as in phase 2) are thereby subtly connected, if anything because they are buying red meat and eating brains at the butcher [red meat] shop. So red meat = brains [and thereby zombie -> phase 2].

Note how the zombie killer is eating red meat, in this case bacon, through the whole movie, and also notice who the actor is (Stephen McHattie from Pontypool (2008)). Both Harolds Going Stiff (2011) and this movie are cinematically terrible, that’s not the point. Your suppose to understand that. They are released to communicate this message. And the sign does say EAT MEAT as opposed to NOT EAT MEAT. Your suppose to have the intelligence to catch the inverse when applicable and apply it when presented with additional information or movies that reflect the same related theme as I’ve shown. In this case EAT MEAT = Zombie. And zombies are typically placed in the context of phase 2 as shown on the cure page.
BioAPIBiochip implantsBionicsChemtrailsMorgellonsMORGELLONS CONDITIONMorgellons’ NanowormsNano-fibersNanotechnologyTranshumanism
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 2 – Physical Nano-Fiber/BioAPI Examples
BioAPI, Black Goo & AI, Brain Hacking, Chemtrails, DARPA, Forbidden knowledge, Military Experiments, Military projects, Mind Control, MK-ULTRA, Morgellons, Nanotechnology, NLP Mind Control, Targeted Individuals, Transhumanism, Weather control
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 2 – Physical Nano-Fiber/BioAPI Examples
11/06/2018 Leave a comment

Now we add another chapter to this important serie of documents. If you want proof you got it…
Physical Nano-Fiber/BioAPI Examples

This web sites not bother with the scientific details or patents behind the actual nano-tech. I, like yourself I’m sure are not a nano-tech engineer. If you want details you can read for the next ten years if you want. Patents are easily found for all of this. They want and need you to focus on the super technical nonsense, look past it; the closer you look, the less you will see.

To summarize from the FAQ page – chemtrails spray the entire planet with nano-fibers which you breathe in. These fibers contain (nano) components which construct and install nano-implants which the aggregate of constitutes what is commonly known as a Biological Application Programming Interface allowing for complete monitoring & control of all body and mind functions in a given host (you, and everyone on the entire plant). Below are the basics, which is all that’s required for a broader understanding of these nano-fibers. The first few examples show an actual payload within a fiber (which would be used in the installation of a nano-implant for example). The colored fibers are just examples of what else can be seen, and the last example is a petri dish of nano-fibers from an average person such as yourself. The fiber images are about 200x magnification, any standard microscope will let you see these fibers. You can view these fibers yourself right now if you want. They are all around you, you are even breathing them in as you read this. Some fibers move on their own, they sort of wiggle, yet have no organelles proving they are not organic or biological in nature.

All of these fibers are in your body and brain. All fibers and constructs are viewable with the naked eye (just barely) under a proper wavelength of blacklight. For more information on the nano-fibers and how to extract them from your body refer to the bottom of this page for nano-fiber extraction details.

For an impressive prologue to this you can refer to the Gamer (2009) clip in which you are told exactly what they are doing and demonstrates it for all to see. I like the Technotise: Edit & I (2009) clip too.

Nano-fibers are now directly shown and referenced in clips for Doomsday Book (2012) and Vexille (2007). Chemtrails as the source of mind control is shown in Ultrasonic (2012) and The Crazies (2010).

Also see The Host (2013), where they outright show you a pretty good representation of the nano-fibers. See the last sample of nano-fiber images below for the picture of this in real life.
Real ocular nano-implant example Zoom in
This is the most amazing picture you’ll see in your life. This is a phase 2 subject with a nano-camera in the left eye. Only viewable with the proper wavelength of blacklight. Everyone on the planet has a basic set of nano-implants that allows them to be tracked and mind controlled on demand; people who contract what I call a phase 2 will have additional implants that allows them to be body controlled as well as a whole host of other functions. Your body is turned into a robot against your knowledge and against your will. The aggregate of these nano-implants constitutes what is commonly known as a Biological Application Programming Interface. Check the media page for upcoming references concerning the ocular implant, specifically the Order of Chaos (2010) clip, or even the Minority Report (2002) description for that matter. [Update – you could review the Minority Report description, I’ve expanded on these eye references]

Note the pink circle referencing the implant in the large image is not actually the camera, it’s just a side effect (fibers and implants glow under UV light) of the camera implant installation for this individual. The camera is too small (micro-size) and can’t be seen, but it can be felt – some more thoughts and information on the ocular nano-implant are available.

Interestingly they demonstrate this ocular implant in action and show exactly how they see what you see in Surrogates (2009) at about the 11:00 minute mark of the movie (the movie, not the clip – see the last cover image on the front page of this site). A monitor beside Bruce Willis shows a video cam of what his surrogate is seeing after he gives himself a glass of water. It’s real. This is how EVERYTHING YOU DO WILL BE RECORDED is true from A Scanner Darkly (2006).
In Warm Bodies (2013) they actually reference the exact location of the ocular implant when she is scanned at roughly 58:00 into the movie to see if she is infected or a zombie. The scanner hovers at and around this exact location. They even used the correct eye (left) for the scan.

Also now shown in World War Z (2013). The more mainstream a movie is the briefer the reference; this is the best example of that due to the fact that it stars Brad Pitt. As they come into the hanger at ~40:50 in the movie they quickly scan his eye to see if they are zombies. Correct idea, but wrong application – in real life the proper wavelength of light is elaborated on here.

Nano fiber example for your BioAPI Zoom in

Nano fiber example for your BioAPI Zoom in
This first example shows a fiber that was found in pond water if I remember correctly. This is the typical fiber you would breathe in while jogging or something. Notice the payload which seemed to shrink to nothing. It started to shrink as soon as I looked at it, or it sensed the light from the microscope. Seen at roughly 200x magnification in late 2010. The contraction timeframe was about 300 seconds.

Nano fiber example for your BioAPI Zoom in
A fiber with another payload. The next image is a larger version of this.

Nano fiber example with payload Zoom in
This example shows another payload, this time with some color for some reason.

for your BioAPI Zoom in
For whatever reason some fibers are red or blue in color.

Nano fiber example for your BioAPI Zoom in
A red fiber.

Typical nano fiber example Zoom in
This is an example of the most common fibers found. It’s transparent, longer and seems kind of benign. All fibers can be seen with standard cheap microscopes. Some fibers even move by themselves, they sort of twitch if you watch long enough.

Nano fiber culture example Zoom in
The connecting proof of chemtrail nanofibers and your body being the target is this test here. Rinsing ones mouth out with red wine will extract the fibers from the oral cavity of the person. Viewing the extraction under a microscope and you’ll see the same fiber structure as fibers found in pond water or randomly elsewhere. 100% saturation. Note – a quick rinse doesn’t work, you have to let the acidity of the red wine soak into your mouth for a bit. The wine stains the fibers. Gargle, repeat a few times and you’ll start to see them. This image is in a petri dish.

This is exactly what they are referring/showing to you in The Host (2013), screenshot here. Also shown in Ender’s Game (2013), screenshot here.

Clifford Carnicom has pioneered the research (going as far back as 2003) connecting nano-fibers with Chemtrails, merely compare the structure of what comes out of your mouth with what is found outside in rain water. It’s the same thing. See below for a test you can conduct for yourself.

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.

Henry David Thoreau

Nano-Fiber Extraction Test

I’d like to take a moment and expand on what someone should see if they actually wish to test themselves for this nano-disease. To make any connection at all you must recognize these Chemtrail nano-fibers as coming from your body which in a normal environment is completely impossible.

Everyone knows red wine stains absolutely everything. It’s a nightmare to clean. It should be no surprise that when dealing with co-polymer nano-fibers this red wine principal is no different. The test is basic. The purpose is to simply allow the red wine’s acidity to saturate your mouth and the nano-fibers will slowly be extracted and then stained by the wine. Why this actually happens is unknown by myself.
Standard red wine Zoom in
To being simply get a bottle or red wine as shown in the image to the left.
Standard red wine Zoom in
Poor a little into the sink. See anything? No. Of course not. It’s just red wine. Nothing to see here. Also check your mouth if you care, it’s clean. If not just brush your teeth.
Standard red wine Zoom in
Sip a little red wine, swish it around in your mouth for a bit, maybe gargle. Spit it out. What do you see? Some people will see nothing at first, the red wine has to saturate the oral cavity. Some people will immediately see small strange specs or fibers as shown. Now think for the first time in your life, I thought the wine and your mouth were pure and clean? Therefore this must be impossible right?
Standard red wine Zoom in
After repeating this test a few times, specifically gargling, you should start to see large globs of nano-fibers come out. They never stop. You can do this test for hours and more and more fibers will come out of your mouth.
Standard red wine Zoom in
A little disgusting yes, but necessary for demonstration purposes. Look at your tongue. Nano-fibers get caught in your tongue’s hairs (your tongue has hair obviously).

There you have it. Chemtrail’s spray nano-fibers. You breathe, eat and ingest these nano-fibers. It’s impossible not to. Could you put these nano-fibers from your mouth under a microscope? You could but it’s not realistic because they are all stained. It’s much better to get a sample of pond water or water from the street or sewer drain or leave a small dish of water outside for a while to get nano-fibers that are falling from the lower atmosphere after some chemtrail spraying.

Now what do they do? Why? Why on earth would this be happening? Brace yourself, you still have to think, I know it’s difficult but hang in there. Nano-fibers deliver nano-components as reflected above. These nano-components encapsulate neurons and bridge synapses throughout your body or to a greater extent install nano-implants. Again, for what? Why? To control you (for example Gamer (2009)). That’s why. To read your mind, thoughts, see what you see and hear what you hear. Essentially turn you into a cyborg, in standard computer science circles this would be called a BioAPI or wetware. It’s for mind control. Plain and simple. They even show you examples of what they can do in every day life, so continue on for several awesome media examples and real life mind control references. It’s all real, they did it all.

Thoughts on a possible cure can be found in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012).

> Possible Cure

> Media References

BioAPIBiochip implantsBionicsChemtrailsMorgellonsMORGELLONS CONDITIONMorgellons’ NanowormsNano-fibersNanotechnologyTranshumanism
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 1
BioAPI, Black Goo & AI, Brain Hacking, Chemtrails, DARPA, Forbidden knowledge, Military Experiments, Military projects, Mind Control, MK-ULTRA, Morgellons, Nanotechnology, NLP Mind Control, Targeted Individuals, Transhumanism, Weather control
Reason for everything, BioAPI and Chemtrails Pt. 1
31/05/2018 Leave a comment

Now I start a series that I found I think is crucial info. It is about so called BioAPI, chemtrails, nano-fibers and how they are used to turn us into biological mind-controlled robots. Transhumanism to the core. So here is the part 1:

What the hell is happening… you must be thinking that, as well as being dazed and confused in the least which is the purpose of this web site. Your unfortunate lack of critical thinking skills leaves you without the ability to see the unseeable. You watch, but you fail to see. Fear not my less informed friend – whether your being chemtrailed, body/mind controlled, hearing voices or stalked by the public, this web site connects the final high level dots concerning this otherwise complicated puzzle of insanity currently before you. ‘Logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead, and the White Knight is talking backwards’. This is what they are doing to you and your family, and this is how they do it.

Complete, high dexterity remote control of every single synapse and neuron for every person on the face of the earth and the greatest revelation in human history… your BioAPI.

In 1999 the world changed. The money trust, the law (commerical code/contract law, applicability of public/statutory presumptions, etc.), technology (nano-tech), and the general direction of the planet completely changed. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening you must disconnect your mind from the last century’s way of thinking. Failure to change the way you think will preclude you from seeing reality accurately. There is no money anymore, taxes are a thing of the past and no written law applies to you.

So what we now have is a real brave new world. The purpose of this site is to simply show the extent at which they have leveraged nano-technology directly on you, how they control everyone on demand with it, and end the confusion around the subject of chemtrails and how they fit into the larger picture while showing how the media and movies are conditioning the mind of the general public.
The Reason For Everything

Let’s just get right to it. Forget everything you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This video is the best example that summarizes what’s happening or has happened in your body already. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it has been forced onto everyone unknowingly.

What you see here is a nano-bot encapsulating a neuron or synapse (for example your purkinje neurons) or other nerve ending/bridge. It’s only a simulation, but accurately summaries everything that has happened in the past decade. This allows complete control of the host (your body) remotely as demonstrated repeatedly in the movies (for example Metropia (2009), Ultrasonic (2012)). A more sophisticated set of nano-bots would and very well has subsequently allowed for a complete and full BioAPI to be installed without the host (you) even knowing it. If you want to get technical your neurons have been encapsulated, your synapses have been bridged.
The basic idea consists of a set of nano-wires tethered to electronics in the main catheter such that they will spread out in a “bouquet” arrangement into a particular portion of the brain’s vascular system. Such arrangement could support a very large number of probes (in the millions). Each n-wire would be used to record, very securely, electrical activity of a single or small group of neurons without invading the brain parenchyma.
What is the purpose of chemtrails

Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Larger than the hoover damn, trans-alaska pipeline or moon landing. It’s large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for chemtrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary. This web site is concerned with the last. A visual overview may help by reviewing a flowchart here.

Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to fools in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that we’re spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If you’re smarter than this they’ll give you a better reason.
Blocking the Sun (Again): A reduction in sun light across the planet works well to decrease or manipulate crop yields slightly. This is part of the requirement to engineer a food crisis and bring in a famine. You can dismiss this.
Superheating the Atmosphere: In order to create earthquakes and steer hurricanes (for example hurricane Katrina in New Orleans) the atmosphere needs to be more conductive for electricity so installations such as HAARP (HAARP is just what they want you to see, HAARP has nothing to do with anything) can work their magic. So the chemtrails spray barium and aluminum among other things to create a more conductive upper atmosphere. In The Phoenix Rises (2012) they tell you exactly this @ exactly ~16:00 in the movie as they specifically talk about chemtrails. For your information barium has nothing to do with the BioAPI, nano-fibers or nano-tech at all.
Health Erosion: As a side effect everyone’s health and immune systems become slightly compromised. This is usually not an issue for most healthy people. Older people on average will now die sooner and any health complication is slightly more likely to be fatal. This is both a side effect of spraying and intentional.
Climate Modification: To help or hurt crops, keep skies clear for a major event (like the Olympics), cause a typhoon, steer super storms, etc.
Nano-fiber Propagation: To universally install a BioAPI in everyone they need to spray nano-fibers. These fibers cannot be put into the food supply or given in some other way, the uptake across the population would take forever and not propagate very effectively. It’s much easier just to spray everyone like an insect; and because it’s happening to everyone the universal herd mentality of the unwashed masses then justifies it.

Nano-fiber basics

Nano-fibers specifically are a transport mechanism. Nothing more. They hold a payload for delivery. A payload that would otherwise be compromised by the sun or atmosphere or not make it to its destination (your body). Such as viral RNA code, metals such as aluminum, nano-components, etc. The fibers are (surprisingly) quite harmless as everyone has them. Examples of these fibers can be found all over the internet or in the physical examples section of this site. The fibers must be independently sprayed, if they we’re added to the jet fuel the extreme heat would destroy the payload.

So it’s not the fiber that is critical, it’s the payload.

This is a complicated question. The people creating and doing this are trying to force biblical principles onto the populace (including themselves) through technology. For example the seven deadly sins. They take a basic human requirement (food, sex, a specific emotion) and quantify it (within the BioAPI). If the result is to extreme (for example you eat too much) or you do something not approved of then they decide that you’re not worthy of life or judge you accordingly. In the alternative your are added to a program. The possibilities for the BioAPI or nano-tech in general is endless. Therefore you should not focus on any one reason as being the end all purpose. It’s too dynamic. It’s to complex. As I mentioned on the top of page 5 of the media references – ‘the BioAPI is the greatest revelation in human history‘. For example see the last paragraph of the description for Vexille (2007), specifically the trailer for H+ mentioned in it. Data Asylum is only giving you one angle of the BioAPI – the nano-tech disease and all the implications that encompass it.

Also see question #9 of the frequently asked questions for a brief explanation on how this (and chemtrails) are (mostly) lawful.

The same group of people that brought humanity HIV in the late 1970’s. Also see FAQ question #15.
BioAPI Phases

There are essentially two phases involved with the installation of the BioAPI. I categorize it as phase 1 and phase 2. If you can imagine a new laptop computer, all it has is the operating system like Windows, so it’s kind of useless. This would be the equivalent to phase 1. So a new computer can be remotely controlled (aka phase 1, see Surrogates (2009)) by your IT tech support guy, but that is all. There are no programs installed (provided by phase 2) to do much else with it. These names of a phase 1 and 2 are not necessarily just random nonsense I made up, see the clip and movie for Control Factor (2003) in which they use these exact names in the exact same context; because they are telling you everything.

Phase 1: Everyone on the planet is affected and involved in this phase. Everyone to some extent has the nano-fibers within their body cavity, and therefore wired [‘I’m wired too.’ – Michael Hall, Gamer (2009)]. Side effects include a clicking sound from within the skull and basic annoying body complications like aching joints. This phase provides complete remote control of your speech and thought patterns through suggestion (partially subconsciously). I guess about 99% of the populace of the entire planet has this phase complete.

Phase 1 could be construed as positive and beneficial to you, at least in the future. See John Hodgman (2012) for more information. You should also see question 9 of the FAQs.
Phase 2: This phase must be triggered (by nano-trigger-bots) and is extreme. It completely compromises your health and can do anything from kill you to simply monitor you. This phase cannot be forced onto you like phase 1 (technically it can but they don’t do that yet). This involves multiple nano-sensors from ocular to heart and everything in between. I figure about 2% of the population has gone through this phase. If this phase is triggered in you they consider you evil as shown within the media examples page of this site. You must do something to trigger this phase, including eating cheap red meat, kissing specific people, using specific corporate health care/beauty products, etc. The objective they are (partially) reaching for here is to connect each event with a deadly sin of some sort. For example morgellons would be connected with vanity because your skin goes to hell. Ultimately this phase provides complete remote control of your body and mind, including the monitoring of your emotions, thoughts, body functions and everything in between. Phase 2 then can be considered a nano-tech disease (as clearly shown in the Family Guy clip) in which the contagious aspect can be switched on and off. For example I have phase 2, but I am not contagious, but I can be if they decide to make me contagious in some way – typically kissing. This allows them to completely control the transmission/vector or spreading of the nano-disease. If you want to get specific, the nano-tech or nano-implants that compose phase 2 of the BioAPI is actually just the vehicle they use to monitor, torment, test and hurt people. The disease itself is actually one of dishonor. The more dishonor you demonstrate, the more they hate you, the worse things get for you. They do not want people to figure that out. See Meeting Evil (2012) for clear details. Phase 2 can or is definitely detrimental to your life. That is the point of it. A cure can be found in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012).

You can 100% confirm if you have phase 2 or not by seeing an eye doctor and asking him to look for anomalies exactly where the ocular implant is located. The implant is still a camera and therefore must conform to the laws of physics and optics still so it must, just like your eye has, have a concave lens which it does. You might be able to slightly feel it at night when your falling asleep when your eyes are dryer and you move your eyeball around with your eyes closed. More information on the implant’s location is available here.

Also see the clip for Contracted (2013) which specifically covers the contraction of phase 2 and the physical side effects there from. Pretty Dead (2013), no clip provided, also does a good job at covering multiple aspects of the contraction of the nano-tech disease and BioAPI in general, both good and bad. They show a couple triggers (meat and hard drugs) which makes her sick, complete with heavy zombie overtones. They also show a possible positive aspect such as accelerated healing. The entire movie, every scene, becomes like a documentary.

Nano-fiber and Side Effects

Of course with something as extreme as nanotech being installed within people’s body’s you would assume there would be health implications and side effects. This is correct and covered on this site. The approach to handle these side effects has been one of “embrace and extend” it’s called. There are several examples in the media section that show how the specific side effects listed below are recognized and then associated with something ridiculous or stupid which then discounts the authenticity in the mind of the viewer. In effect convincing the viewer to dismiss a real side effect as being something that’s too crazy to be real. Each side effect is dealt with in a media example. Additional technical possibilities are also talked about in the BioAPI details section. Additional side effects related to phase 2 are covered in the clip for Contracted (2013).

Phase 1 & 2 – Cranium Clicking/Screeching: A phase 1 side effect goes back as early as 2001. Exactly what is happening is not completely known but involves some sort of nano-chip being installed/operated in the cranium (your head) of the host. This is probably the equivalent of a CPU of some sort. The actual clicking/screeching sound observed is usually at night on average once a month and only lasts for a few seconds. Completely painless and easily ignored or passed off by the person. The entire purpose of the movie Shutter Island (2010) is to discount this. The nano-implant that is specifically and clearly responsible for this side effect is symbolically referenced in the second clip for Surrogates (2009). I suspect over time they have improved this side effect.
Phase 1 & 2 – Aching Joints, Headaches, Fatigue, etc.: The saturation of nano-fibers has different effects on different people. The sheer numbers involved results is a random combination of health implications. Most people will not notice anything, or pass any slight symptom off as getting older. Other people who have more of a reaction will go to the doctor and get diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a catch all disease that was created about a decade ago to give doctors something to tell the patient when they complained. The doctors can’t accurate diagnose or understand what or why a patient is feeling a certain way, so the corrupt medical establishment gives them this nonsense to spew. These side effects are primarily phase 1 but are a constant problem across the board. Notice the root word of fibromyalgia is fib[e]r, it’s not a coincidence. This Family Guy clip indirectly references Fibromyalgia.
Phase 2 – Itching: For whatever reason they may force harsh itching on you when they do not agree with what you are doing or how you are behaving. You probably will have no idea it is phase 2 at the beginning. This is shown in Flash of Genius (2008) when they show her typing and zoom in on her hand (@ 44:50 in the movie) when she itches it. She’s presumed to be a bad wife for leaving her husband (no clip is provided; screenshot here; you’ll have to read this whole site to understand this). The exact same concept is shown in Lay the Favorite (2012) where Bruce Willis itches his forearm clearly and intentionally after referencing it a few seconds earlier (screenshot here). Why? Why would they put that in? I mean millions of dollars are spent on these scripts and production thereto. This happens in real life to countless people around the world all day long, he’s being warned. Why? Because in the movie he’s thinking about cheating on his wife with the hot blonde that just walked in. In people with phase 2, the BioAPI is monitoring thought and emotional patterns which if conflict triggers an itch; it’s automated. For example lust + guilt (because he’s married) do not go together. Think Pontypool (2008). So they are judging you (or more accurately people with phase 2 who are pre-targeted). Itching is also shown in Fast Zombies with Guns (2011), as they turn into zombies [contract phase 2 in real life] they itch a lot. Again, why show this? Because it’s real. Most targeted individuals will understand the extremely itchy forearm. So itching is not a side effect in the common sense of the term; it is instead intentionally inflected via the BioAPI as reflected in the aforementioned references as well as loosely shown in A Scanner Darkly (2006) @ 0:44 in the clip/trailer.
Phase 2 – Burning Smell: Phase 2 encapsulates the person’s ability to smell, so they can read/write scents. It’s used to help warp the reality of someone they have specifically targeted (aka Black Limousine (2010)). When inhaling or specifically exhaling quickly its often a burning/smoke smell that is noticed. This is an unwanted side effect – or more accurately to encapsulate any neuron in the body involved in sensing (for example, smell, taste, etc.) there ends up being be some minor side effect. Interestingly when I cry the smell is amplified and it smells like buttered popcorn of all things. An example of how the media discounts this is demonstrated in the movie Bandits (2001).
Phase 2 – The Left Eye: One of the concepts they push in the movies is the left eye is evil for some reason. Or to a lesser extent use the eye as a gateway to demonstrate functionality such as with Technotise (2009) or Gamer (2009). In phase 2 an actual nano-camera will be installed in the left eye. People with this might comment on how they feel like there’s a small bump in their eye under slightly drier conditions such as when going to sleep at night. This is documented in the physical example page. Note if you figure out you have a camera in the left eye they will probably install something in the right eye too. Clips referencing this concept are now available here, here and here and now also Doomsday Book (2012).
Phase 2 – Permanent Metallic Taste: Some people will comment on a metallic taste in the mouth. Typically when going to sleep it becomes prevalent. In the alternative, the temporary compromising of taste buds is shown in the clip for Contracted (2013) @ 2:18. It is not a side effect of medication, that’s the typical response a doctor will give you. If you are not on medication and otherwise completely healthy and all of a sudden have a permanent metallic taste in your mouth, you are being recorded (but not watched) 24/7 as per the trailer for A Scanner Darkly (2006).
Phase 2 – Morgellons: Morgellon’s can strike anyone. It’s a direct problem from the nano-fibers, whether intentional or accidental. The body’s immune system can’t see or recognize the fibers at all. So when the body can’t accept the fibers anymore it beings to push them out through the skin. But the skin is a barrier because the fibers are too large. So the skin breaks up which is why people get lesions. Note that technically everyone has morgellons (nano-fibers), the actual mogellon’s symptoms are when the person’s body tries to get rid of them the only way possible. Some more conclusions can be seen here and examples within media references including this.

Chemtrails Nano-fiber Examples & Evidence

Ultimately you need some proof. This is very difficult, as we all don’t exactly have nano-tech labs in our basements. The only thing possible at this point in time is to put out the physical evidence that is known and back it up with media/movie supporting clips. A complete list of unbelievable things this technology can do is listed here, also make sure you see the real life body & mind control examples in Media References.

> Physical (BioAPI) Proof

> Media References

BioAPIBiochip implantsBionicsChemtrailsMorgellonsMORGELLONS CONDITIONMorgellons’ NanowormsNano-fibersNanotechnologyTranshumanism
EEG Cloning and brain mapping via AI
Brain Hacking, Chipheads, Cloned Humans, Clones, Cloning Center, DARPA, Donald Marshall, FBI/CIA, Forbidden knowledge, Forbidden Technology, Mind Control, MK-ULTRA, Morgellons, Nanotechnology, NSA, NWO, Synthetic Telepathy, Targeted Individuals, Transhumanism
EEG Cloning and brain mapping via AI
28/02/2018 4 Comments

Some of you may have noticed that I am very interested the story of Donald Marshall. So one of the key things about his story are clones and how individual’s consciousness, thoughts and memories can be moved from individual to clones. Now I found something that could explain a part of this process called EEG cloning via AI. Of cource it is forbidden knowledge and I have to try to find more. Here is the post about it and then there is the link to my previous post about the vagus nerve, which talks about brain hacking:

University Hospitals around the country, are being used by military and corporations to run VERY illegal operations, certain individuals (often creative or right brained dominant will be targeted for brain mapping) they’re testing artificial intelligence that runs through electro magnetic frequencies (yes this is possible to do so, it’s all transcranial) many artists, intuitive, peculiar people are covertly being experimented on, usual suspects are Drug users since they are the perfect candidates for such a thing, intelligence agencies and military sometimes monitor criminals, terrorist, hackers on the darknet many of times. This is so beyond the realm of belief, it is so intricate and evil… That they willl NEVER be caught, it’s something out of a movie. This artificial intelligence targeting system can not only pin point you on a map but it can also direct energy to the target (microwave, infrared, scalar) it can successfully bombard a body with invincible frequencies resulting in an individual becoming irate and possibly lashing out. the ELECTRONIC BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE.
They are psychologists, psychiatrists, behavioral scientists, etc., because they have expertise in the area of Memory and Thought process, etc.


The DoD provides all the funding through its Black-Ops budget. The NSA provides the top scientists. The CIA and DIA provide the handlers, operators, behavioral scientists, etc.
In other words, the man I identified as the CLONE last night has ties to one or more of those four agencies and possesses inside his body or gear the most sophisticated technology ever created by the mind of man. Worth Billions of dollars!

Basically the CIA and DoD operatives map your brain into a cognitive model and then tie you to a supercomputer which downloads your information (thoughts, memories, emotions, sensation, ideas, etc.) back into a database at speed of light as injection feedback and monitors and manipulates all electromagnetic activity of your brain 24/7 for life until the day of your death. This is achieved through Transcranial Brain Stimulation and is also used by the military with brain to computer interfaces such as those used by pilots with the new F-­35 stealth aircraft

EEG Cloning is like having an enemy within ones own mind. It is tantamount to nothing less than digital and artificial possession of the human soul which is comprised of the WILL, INTELLECT and EMOTION. If you are demon possessed and a man or woman of God can reach you in time then your soul can be saved. However there is no pastor or priest who can excorcise this technology out of your body once your brain is fully mapped and a complete cognitive model of your mind achieved. It can be disabled with the correct frequencies of an EMP device but it cannot be excorcised.

This is achieved by way of a Computer Multiplexer which ROUTES the signal to a tower, satellite or mobile platform, such as a van, truck, ship, etc., which then RELAYS the signal via a continuous fabricated and falsified stream of energy – containing the specific carrier frequency – to the digital reciever, similar to how a cell phone call works. The digital reciever is tracked and located at speed of light in real time. However, the digital reciever is not a cell phone. It is a human mind. The brain of the mind control victim has been digitalized by way of the nanotechnology, etc., in their body.

The CIA and DoD use a 3-6 group or team of operatives against the mind control victim known as a Cybernetic HIVE MIND CLUSTER utilizing psycho-cybernetic cognitive magic tricks against the mind control victim based on deception and manipulation.

This team of three to six members operates in approximate 8 hour shifts with some degree of overlap and is led by what the CIA calls a Psychic Soldier, or CLONE, because he has cloned his mind to the victims mind by aligning his brain wave frequency to the brain wave frequency of the mind control victim and is therefore able to interface bi-directionally with the super computer which is called the BRAIN TO COMPUTER INTERFACE and the mind control victims brain by way of a NEURO-CHIP called an ELECTRONIC BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE.

A Back Door for Brain HackingAIBrain hacking via AIEEG Cloning
GWEN Towers (Ground Wave Emergency Network)
Mind Control, Synthetic Telepathy, Targeted Individuals
GWEN Towers (Ground Wave Emergency Network)
05/01/2016 Leave a comment

They try to disguise these towers as trees, quite sad… it’s just mind control in it’s evil form:

>> Video
GWEN Towers (Ground Wave Emergency Network)

This post is an overview of how we are controlled by technology – from having our brainwaves deliberately changed en masse by transmitters regulating our state of consciousness, to how we are victims of electromagnetic waves disrupting the state of our health and finally how many of us will die, as decided by our global masters.

Earth is wrapped in a donut shaped magnetic field. Circular lines of flux continuously descend into the North Pole and emerge from the South Pole.

The ionosphere, an electromagnetic-wave conductor, 100 kms above the earth, consists of a layer of electrically charged particles acting as a shield from solar winds. Natural waves are related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and are thought to be caused by multiple lightning storms.

Collectively, these waves are called “The Schumann Resonance,” the current strongest at 7.8 Hz.

These are quasi-standing extremely low frequency (ELF) waves that naturally exist in the earth’s “electromagnetic” cavity, the space between the ground and the ionosphere. These “earth brainwaves” are identical to the spectrum of our brainwaves.

(1 hertz = 1 cycle per second, 1 Khz = 1000, 1 Mhz =1 million. A 1 Hertz wave is 186,000 miles long; 10 Hz is 18,600 miles. Radio waves move at the speed of light.)

The Creator designed living beings to resonate to this natural frequency pulsation in order to evolve harmoniously. The ionosphere is being manipulated by US government scientists using an Alaskan transmitter called HAARP, (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which sends focused radiated power to heat up sections of the ionosphere, which bounces power down again.

ELF waves from HAARP, when targeted on certain areas, can engineer weather and create mood changes effecting millions of people.

The intended wattage is 1,700 billion watts of power. A former govt. insider deduced they want to flip the world upside down. Sixty-four (64) elements in the ground modulate, with variation, the geomagnetic waves naturally coming from the ground. The “earth’s natural brain rhythm” above is balanced with these.

These are the same minerals as the red blood corpuscles. There is a relation between the blood and geomagnetic waves. An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts biorhythms.

These natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created very low frequency (VLF) ground waves coming from GWEN Towers.


GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters, placed 200 miles apart across the USA, allow specific frequencies to be tailored to the geomagnetic-field strength in each area, allowing the magnetic field to be altered.

They operate in the VLF range, with transmissions between VLF 150 and 175 KHz. They also emit UHF waves of 225 – 400 MHz.

The VLF signals travel by waves that hug the ground rather than radiate into the atmosphere. A GWEN station transmits up to a 300-mile radius, the signal dropping off sharply over distance. The entire GWEN system consists of, (depending on source of data), from 58 to an intended 300 transmitters, spread across the USA, each with a tower 299-500 ft high.

Three hundred (300) ft. of copper wire fans out in a spoke like fashion from the base of the underground system, interacting with the earth like a thin shelled conductor, radiating radio wave energy for very long distances through the ground. The USA bathes in this magnetic field which rises to 500 ft, even going down to basements, so everyone is subject to mind control.

The whole artificial ground wave spreads out over USA like a web. It is easier to mind-control and hypnotize people who are bathed in an artificial electromagnetic wave.

Covering the entire floor with aluminum and buying a CET (Cosmic Energy Transformers ) cylinder from various places -one of them, Nordic Living Water Systems – can help.

Location of Gwen Towers in the U.S. [2001]

GWEN transmitters have many different functions, including controlling the weather, mind, behavior and mood control of the populace.

They are also used to send synthetic telepathy disguised as infrasound to those victims of US government mind-control implants.

These towers work in conjunction with HAARP and the Russian Woodpecker transmitter, a system similar to HAARP. The Russians openly market a small version of their weather-engineering system called Elate, which can fine-tune weather patterns over a 200 mile area and have the same range as the GWEN unit. One such system operates at the Moscow airport.

The GWEN Towers shoot enormous bursts of energy into the atmosphere in conjunction with HAARP.

The internet website: www.cuttingedge.org, published an expose on how the major floods of 1993 in the Mid-Western United States were instigated by these systems. How does this happen?

Invisible, enormous rivers of water, consisting of vapors that flow, move towards the poles in the lower atmosphere. They rival the flow of the Amazon River and are 420 to 480 miles wide and up to 4,800 miles long.

They are 1.9 miles above the earth and move 340 lbs of water per second. There are 5 atmospheric rivers in each Hemisphere. A massive flood can be created by damming up one of these massive vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped. The GWEN Towers positioned along the areas north of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers were turned on for 40 days and 40 nights, probably mocking the Flood of Genesis. (This was in conjunction with HAARP).

The damming of the vapor rivers creates a river of electricity flowing thousands of miles through the sky and down to the polar ice-cap, manipulating the jet-stream. Again, these two major rivers flooded, causing agricultural losses of $12-15 billion.

HAARP also produces earthquakes by focusing on the fault lines. GWEN Towers are positioned on the fault lines and volcanic areas of the Pacific Northwest.

In 1963, Dr. Robert Becker explored effects of external magnetic-fields on brainwaves, showing a relationship between psychiatric hospital admissions and solar magnetic storms. He exposed volunteers to pulsed magnetic-fields similar to magnetic storms, and found a similar response. In the United States, sixty (60) Hz electric-power ELF waves vibrate at the same frequency as the human brain. In the United Kingdom, fifty (50) Hz electricity emissions depress the thyroid.

Dr. Andrija Puharich (in the 1950 & 60s), found that a clairvoyant’s brainwaves turned to 8 Hz when their psychic powers were operative. In 1956, he observed an Indian Yogi controlling his brainwaves, deliberately shifting his consciousness from one level to another.

Puharich trained people via bio-feedback to do this consciously, that is, creating 8 Hz waves with the technique of bio-feedback.

A psychic healer generated 8 Hz waves through a hands-on healing process, actually alleviating that patient’s heart trouble; the healer’s brain emitting 8 Hz. One person, emitting a certain frequency, can make another also resonate to the same frequency.

Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology that sends out ELF waves, because they immediately start resonating to the outside signal by a kind of tuning-fork effect.

Puharich further experimented, discovering that,
· 7.83 Hz (earth’s pulse rate) made a person “feel good,” producing an altered-state
· 10.80 Hz causes riotous behavior
· 6.6 Hz causes depression.
Puharich made ELF waves change RNA and DNA in the body, breaking hydrogen bonds to make a person resonate at a higher vibratory rate.

He really wanted to go beyond the psychic 8 Hz brainwave and attract psi phenomena.

James Hurtak, who once worked for Puharich, also wrote in his book The Keys of Enoch that ultra-violet caused hydrogen bonds to break and this raised the vibratory rate.

Puharich presented the mental effects of ELF waves to military leaders, but they would not believe him. He then gave this information to certain dignitaries of other Western nations. The US Government burned down his home in New York to shut him up, whereas he then fled to Mexico. However, the Russians discovered which ELF frequencies affected what portion of the human brain; it was on July 4, 1976, that they began zapping the U.S. Embassy in Moscow with electromagnetic-waves, varying the signal, also focusing on 10 Hz. (10 Hz puts people into a hypnotic state).

Russians and North Koreans use this in portable mind-control machines to extract confessions. (This system can also be found in some American Churches to help the congregation believe!)

This Russian “Woodpecker” signal was traveling across the world from a transmitter near Kiev. The US Air Force identified 5 different frequencies in this compound that the harmonic Woodpecker was sending through the earth and atmosphere.

In 1901, Nikola Tesla, Nobel prize winner in Physics (shared with Einstein) revealed that power could be transmitted through the ground using ELF waves. Nothing stops or weakens these signals. The Russians retrieved Tesla’s papers when they were returned to Yugoslavia after his death.

In Mexico, Puharich continued to monitor the Russian ELF wave signal and the higher harmonics (5.340 MHz) in the MHz range. He was somehow induced to work for the CIA and he and Dr. Robert Becker designed equipment to measure these waves and their effect on the human brain.

Puharich started his work by putting dogs to sleep. By 1948/49, he had graduated to monkeys, deliberately destroying their eardrums to enable them to pick up sounds without the eardrum intact.

He discovered a nerve from the tongue could be used to facilitate hearing. He created the tooth implant that mind-control victims are now claiming was put in by their dentist, unbeknownst to them, and causing them to hear “voices in their head.’ These were placed under caps or lodged in the jaw.

Implants are now smaller than a hair’s width and are injected with vaccine and flu shots. Millions have had this done unknowingly. These “biochips’ circulate in the bloodstream and lodge in the brain, enabling the victims to hear “voices’ via the implant. There are many kinds of implants now, and it is estimated that 1 in 40 people are recipients of these tiny implants due to alien abductions.

However, others have suggested that one in 20 might just be a more accurate statistic.


The fake alien abduction – these revealed by many victims – are actually engineered by the U.S. military, using advanced technology to create holograms (4th dimensional pictures) or holographic spaceships outside.

This holographic, advanced technology can actually create a scenario whereas the person believes he/she is going into a spaceship. However, once inside, the aliens are in masquerade; they are actually military personnel outfitted in full costumes, masks et al..

Certainly real abductions occur, however, the “alien abduction” scenario has been most useful to the military in confusing the over all issue. This clouding tends to halt any further investigation into a government participation and inevitably absolves them of any accountability.

They are banking on the poor helpless victims feeling too intimidated to reveal such a shocking episode, lest ridicule be visited upon them.

· Are the global masters forcing us to respond to an artificially induced vibratory rate?

· Those power mongers who want this planet to have a sudden leap in evolution, populated only by the psychically aware and therefore superior class of human?

· What about the billions of people who are commonly referred to as “useless eaters”; are they to be conveniently disposed of by electro-magnetically-induced cancers and diseases?

It certainly causes one to stop and ponder this catastrophic situation.

The physics and engineering behind electromagnetic disease transmission are frightening. Diseases can be reproduced as “disease signatures” in that the vibration of a disease can be manufactured and sent on to be artificially induced. (The brainwave pattern of hallucinogenic drugs can also be copied and sent by ELF waves to induce “visions”).

Once diseases are sprayed in the air, electromagnetic waves attune to the disease by using harmonics and sub-harmonics, which in turn make them even more lethal and infectious; actually a more apt description would be deadly, as in inducing death.

The skies are filled daily with chemtrails, those crisscrossed white patterns that are sprayed out across the heavens in the United States and other countries.

Are these like contrails that jets emit behind them? Not exactly… contrails dissipate rather quickly, but the chemtrails – those feathery streaks that linger – are deliberately being sprayed and contain insidious chemicals (retrieved, analyzed and proven) which affect the state of consciousness, producing apathy.

This is only one “program” that has been initiated to keep the populace in a continual apathetic state. Add to this, the fluoridation of the drinking water, aspartame nutri-sweet, etc., and other highly-questionable drugs.

Fluoride disables the willpower section of the brain, impairing the left occipital lobe. Both fluoride and selenium (in additional amounts) can produce strange effects; one common symptom is that of “hearing voices’.

ELF waves create disturbances in the biological processes of the body, activated on a large scale once the body has been exposed to the aforementioned disease-causing chemtrails.

Some chemtrails have been analyzed under laboratory conditions, the elements shown to cause cleavages in spatial perceptions, blocking the interaction of various amino acids that relate to higher-consciousness. Some were also shown to increase dopamine in the brain thereby producing a listless, euphoric state of lower reactive mind.

This is done to basically create confusion, rendering a person unable to differentiate between the real and illusionary. In addition, some of these chemtrails could be connected with the many UFO abductions occurring on a global massive scale.

Many victims, some recalled under hypnotic regression, have witnessed other abductees laid out on tables (in a sort of assembly line operation) and in the process or being implanted.

Intelligence agencies are in league with each other, behind this disablement of the masses to such a degree where they can’t even fight back. In order to implement their plans, that of total control of the populace, they need the overall “frequency” of each victim to function at a specific rate, below the threshold of awareness.

Could this be part of a greater plan with mind-control transmitters covering the whole of USA and England, cleverly disguised as cell phone towers and trees? The power from microwave towers may be turned up to such a level that people will die.

A brain functioning at beta-level (above 13 Hz) is agitated and cannot change the perceptions if it is artificially stabilized to that frequency by technological methods. This frequency may also increase body electricity in others, giving them psychic powers. Is this linked to the new-agers claim of a 12-14 Hz Schumann Resonance, inching us towards the 4th dimension?

Stimulants ingested globally from higher-caffeine, genetically modified plants, may also make an impact on the “global-brain” in the ionosphere that is collecting our brainwaves.

New-age channelers say we are going into a 4th dimensional frequency. They “heard’ the voice of some “ET” who informed them of this.

However, some “ETs” are just plain earthians in disguise. Using Tesla Technology, Prisoners in the Utah State Prison were bombarded with voices from a “purported” ET, each prisoner receiving the same identical message. Curious, indeed. Today, it is relatively simple to produce these “voices in the head.” Implants/microchips are no longer necessary.

In 1988, an inmate in Draper Prison, Utah by the name of David Fratus wrote:
“I began to receive or hear, high-frequency tones in my ears. When I plugged my ears, the tones were still inside and became amplified. It’s as if they had became electrified echo chambers with the sounds coming from the inside out.

I then began to hear voices, right in my inner ears and just as vividly as though I were listening to a set of stereo headphones. The end result is that I am now having my brain monitored by an omnipotent computerized mind reading or scanning machine of some sort.”
Hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison and the State Hospital were subjected to this brand of mind-control, used as test subjects like rats in a lab.

In the early 1970s, this was revealed in the Utah U.S. District Court.

While incarcerated, these inmate test subjects, having been subjected to this Tesla-wave mind-control, tried to seek restitution in the courtroom. Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful.

The University of Utah researched how Tesla-waves could be used to manipulate the mind into hearing voices, overriding and implanting thoughts into the mind, in addition to reading thoughts. They also went about developing eye-implants. Cray (The Cadillac of computers, ultra sophisticated) computers, using artificial intelligence, monitor the victims of government produced implants, sending pre-recorded sound bytes or occasional live messages.

They are picked up by satellite and relayed to whatever large TV broadcasting antenna, GWEN tower or other antenna that is nearest the victim. It is believed that some types of implants pick up the signal and broadcast the correct Tesla-wave pattern to create voices within the victim.

The tracking implant keeps the staff and the satellite system informed every few minutes as to exactly where to send the voice signals. The master computer and central HQ for this is reported to be Boulder, CO. It is thought that transponders are being made there.

The central cellular computer is in the Boulder, CO National Bureau of Standards building. AT&T is also cooperating; several agencies work together on this.

Tim Rifat of UK wrote that “this inter-cerebral hearing” is used to drive the victim mad, as no one else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain of the target. Transmission of auditory data directly into the target’s brains using microwave carrier beams is now common practice. Instead of using excitation potentials, one uses a transducer to modify the spoken word into ELF audiograms that are then superimposed on the pulse modulated microwave beam.

On March 21, 1983, The Sydney Morning Herald published this by Dr. Nassim Abd El-Aziz Neweigy, Assistant Professor of Agriculture, Moshtohor Tukh-Kalubia, Egypt.

This article stated:
“Russian satellites, controlled by advanced computers, can send voices in one’s own language, interwoven into natural thoughts.

They can target the population of choice with this diffused artificial thought process. The chemistry and electricity of the human brain can be manipulated by satellite and even suicide can be induced.

Through ferocious, anti-humanitarian means, the extremist groups are fabricated, the troubles and bloody disturbances are instigated by advanced tele-means via Russian satellites in many countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America.”
Another source says that these have been fed with the world’s languages and synthetic telepathy will reach into people’s heads making people believe God is speaking to them personally to enact the Second Coming, complete with holograms!

The Russians broke the genetic code of the human brain.

They worked out 23 EEG band-wave lengths, 11 of which were totally independent. So if you can manipulate those 11 you can do anything. NSA’s (U.S. National Security Agency) Cray computers can remotely track people just by knowing the specific EMF waves (evoked potentials from EEGs in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt range) of a person’s bioelectric-field.

Each person’s emissions are unique and they can remotely track someone in public.

Now if this isn’t a horrifically frightening thought, I don’t know what is.

Evoked potentials officially do not exist in physics, but in 1873 a Scotsman, James Clerk Maxwell, discovered that electromagnetic waves have 3 components. He discovered waveforms that exist at a certain number of right-angled rotations away from the electromagnetic field. These are hyper-spacial components, not subject to constraints of time and space.

He claimed that electromagnetic radiation waves were carried by the ether and the ether was disturbed by magnetic lines of force. The hidden component is called only “potential’ now and not normally used except for covert hyper-dimensional physics and to manipulate consciousness itself via electromagnetic-waves covering vast areas of the planet.

Approximately one person in 3000 is sensitive to this magnetic waveform component, the telepathic types, (according to a writer called “Majix”), and we are all capable of tuning into this magnetic component by tuning our subconscious to it. Maxwell’s successors thought potentials were akin to mysticism because they believed fields contain mass which cannot be created from nothing.

This is what potentials are – both literally and mathematically – an accumulation or reservoir of energy, consequently this hasn’t been taught in mainstream physics.

Subliminal words (in the correct electromagnetic-field and attuned to the human brain) that express human consciousness can enter our minds at a subconscious level. Apparently, our brain activity patterns can be measured and stored on super-computers. If a victim needs to have subliminal thoughts implanted, all that is necessary is to capture that brain activity pattern, (saved on the mega computer) and target or match up that person’s pattern.

The targeted or specified person is then sent low frequency subliminal messages that they actually think are their own thoughts.

The researcher Majix says our brains are so sensitive, that they are like liquid crystal in response to the magnetic component of the earth. We are sensitive to earth’s magnetic changes, changes in the ionospheric cavity and resonate those frequencies ourselves. We are incredibly complex entities, beyond the layperson’s comprehension. Our brains are indeed a type of bio-cosmic transducer.

Physicists in Russia have conducted in-depth studies on the effects of the mean annual magnetic-activity, electro-magnetic and electro-static fields on human behavior and the physical body.

These electromagnetic and electro-static fields can be likened to what is popularly known as biorhythms. These magnetic frequencies can be manipulated from a very simple piece of equipment operated at extremely low power levels; our brain waves can mimic magnetic frequencies.

From half a second to 4 seconds later, the neurons and brain waves are driven exclusively by this device; power levels almost nonexistent.

All one needs is a circularly polarized antenna, aimed up at the ionospheric cavity and they can then manipulate the moods of everyone within a 75 sq. mile area. The body picks up these “new” manipulated waves and begins to correspond immediately. What is known as the “sleep” frequency will make everyone become tired and sleep.

In Let’s Talk MONTAUK, Joyce Murphy presented data that showed that experiments on the 410-420 MHz cycle have been done which could affect the “window frequency to the human consciousness” as a whole.

More info on this is available on the internet website.

Preston Nichols, previously mentioned herein, learned from his experimentation with his radio equipment that whenever a 410-420 MHz cycle appeared on the air, a psychic’s mind would be “jammed,” finally tracing the signal to Montauk Point and the red and white radar antenna on the AF Base there.”

In Encounter in the Pleiades by Peter Moon and Preston Nichols, Nichols wrote that,
Dr. Nicholas Begich, an expert of HAARP, has picked up 435 MHz signals connected to HAARP and that a mind control function is currently being employed. He claims that 400-450 MHz is the window to human consciousness because it is our present day reality’s background frequency.
Tim Rifat wrote in his Microwave Mind Control in the UK article that cellular phones use 435 MHz.

The United Kingdom police use 450 MHz exclusively. Dr. Ross Adey used this frequency for CIA behavioral modification experiments. Police have a vast array of antennae to broadcast this frequency all over UK.

Adey used 0.75mW/cm2 intensity of pulse modulate microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz, with an ELF modulation to control all aspects of human behavior. 450 MHZ radar modulated at 60 Hz greatly reduced T-lymphocyte activity to kill cultured cancer cells.

A study in the USA of their 60 Hz power lines repeated this.

Through much study and analysis on this varied topic, independent scientists have concluded that HAARP is slicing up the ionosphere – the world-brain – like a microwave knife, producing long tear incisions and destroying the membrane that holds the reservoir of data accumulated of all earth’s history.

However, there can be hope if we are aware of all the possibilities that exist. A healer called Mr. A claimed to have received “Ancient Wisdom” from the earth’s protective Magnetic-Ring of energy which stores within it all knowledge since time began.

Ruth Montgomery wrote about this healer in Born To Heal.

He claimed that if our energy flow is cut off from this magnetic field, (the protective atmospheric magnetic-ring) then the Universal Supply is obstructed and we are no longer in tune with these advantageous frequencies, therefore we begin to get sick.

The Power from this travels in split-seconds around the world and is available to anyone who is capable of receiving and handling it.

The waves from The Ring were automatically translated into words in the healer’s mind and interpreted as wisdom to diagnose and heal others; this ability coming from the storehouse of knowledge that has been present since the beginning of time. By tapping into this storehouse, he produced instant miracles, knitting broken bones and removing arthritis.

A photo was produced that displayed forked lightning emitting from his fingers.

That which we term “reality” – as understood mentally by our thinking processes – is being altered and changed into different expressions to allow complete control of our personal reality – a complete absolution of that which has been normally operative in a divinely ordained, natural frequency.

We must not allow them to succeed because of the global masses’ ignorance of this very advanced technology.

These elevated scientific methods have been suppressed for many years and only those very few people in power have been privy to this information and obviously used it with no “good intention” in mind.

Do you want to be turned into a zombie, a robotic, controlled entity walking around in an apathetic state, or do you want to live life as a vital, vibrant human being… as the Divine Creator intended for you?

We, as united peoples, can turn the tide…


Read more from Auricmedia:


GWEN TowerMind ControlTargeted Individuals
My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”
Illuminati, Mind Control, MK-ULTRA, NWO, Satanism, Secret Societies, Targeted Individuals
My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”
01/12/2015 2 Comments

Very important whistle blower Fiona Barnett is telling the truth about pedophile network, which destroys people all around the World. She is very brave woman to bring this out so please read and spread her story so this can be stopped, thank you.
My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”
Posted on 2015, November, 30 by cathy fox blog

This all written and drawn by Fiona Barnett, who lives in Australia, fears for her life and wishes her story spread widely. She names some prominent people. First she gives her explanation as to why she has posted the information and this is followed by her story “Hang on for the Ride” in words and pictures. Her facebook is on this link [1] :-

My statement concerning my 13 ‘Hang on for the Ride’ posts:

My reasons for posting this information is as follows:

1. With the exception of the 2 detectives who took my statements in Sydney on 2-3 November 2015 – the NSW Police force have refused to protect me from my neighbour who moved next door form Wollongong 10 years ago. Ever since then, he has assaulted my family, poisoned my dog, constantly harassed and intimidated and threatened my family including 2 children. Further, police have targeted me for harassment during the past 10 years since I advocated for the many children abused by the Tweed Shire pedo ring.

2. I know from past experience that the 2 good officers who took my statements will be prevented from doing their job and investigating my claims. Dr Reina Michaelson attests that she witnessed a good female officer’s career destroyed by her command, because she pursued claims of ritual abuse and VIP pedo network in Victoria involving politicians, police, Channel 10 making kiddie porn, etc. I do not want these good officers attacked form within like Peter Fox was. Peter Fox’s police command rang his private doctor and insisted she declare Peter Fox medically insane.

3. Many victims of the same VIP pedophile network that I described to police have contacted me in the past month. Not one of the stronger capable group of these people have publicly supported me by joining me and speaking out. Consequently, the pedophile network have severely targeted me. I believe my life is at risk because the police and Royal Commission have failed to support me with witness protection.

4. I am exhausted. I have no other means of protecting my family other than sharing the information that places my family at risk as long as it remains a secret. It is out now – perhaps now my husband and children are safe.

5. I share this information so that other victims may recognise their own abuse experiences and know that they are not crazy, not alone – that YES this did happen to them.

6. Most importantly – I speak out to give a voice to the 100+ children I witnessed raped, tortured and murdered throughout my nightmare childhood. I saw children bred in captivity beneath Holsworthy to be used as human guinea pigs in horrendous unethical medical experiments – all in the name of national security. THESE CHILDREN DID INDEED EXIST!!

7. I would like to thank my supporters, including SNAP and others – they know who they are.

8. And now, on a deeply personal note – I acknowledge that many victims have been abused in the name of religion. God is not reflected in churchianity, Hillsong, the Roman Catholic Church, or any of the other infiltrated organisation. I know that many victims reel when I mention God, which is why I have avoided it. But many people ask me, what is the source of my strength and hope. My strength, perseverance and survival are a testimony to the existence and authority of God and His only Son Jesus Christ. That is what I believe. That is all I have to offer besides my witness testimony. That is all I had to comfort me throughout my abuse.

Hang on for the ride!

Part 1:

Prostituted by the Australian government to RICHARD NIXON at RAAF Fairbairne military airport, Canberra. Operation Attest refused to investigate this incident. They promised to at least investigate and tell me whether or not there was a centrifuge at the base, used to train pilots in – to validate my memories.

Hang on for the ride! Part 2:

Being used as a guinea pig, subjected to child rape, electrocution & torture at Holsworthy Army Base & Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, for the JASON PROJECT by John GITTINGER and Dr Antony KIDMAN – with the full knowledge and approval of the Australian Government.

Hang on for the ride! Part 3

A former Holsworthy officer confirmed that an Asian man named named Chan was recruited in the army at Holsworthy. This man is thought to have been in the Army Reserves, but when I saw him he appeared to outrank all the Australian soldiers I witnessed under his command. Chan received the dead body of a girl named Michelle who was abducted by Engadine Boystown pedos, murdered beside the Weir on Heathcote Rd, and delivered to Chan through a side gate at Holsworthy.

Hang on for the ride! Part 4

Dr ANTONY KIDMAN was trained by Gittinger and others in the employment of torture, unethical hypnosis, and drugs to artificially induce a state of dissociation in children. He also was in a kiddie killing cult. His MK-Ultra programming was structured on a pentagram – the same emblem that featured in his inner Sydney City cult.


Hang on for the Ride! Part 5

Prime Minister GOUGH WHITLAM & his lover Governor General JOHN KERR raped me at a pedo party at Parliament House. Operation Attest refused to investigate this on the grounds they are dead – even though that federal police task force was established to investigate HISTORICAL child sex offences.

Hang on for the ride! Part 6

I was trafficked to the USA, to Bohemian Grove where I was drugged & raped by the Rev BILLY GRAHAM – Richard Nixon’s pal, in a pink bubble room. I was also made to dress up like a teddy bear and play hide, seek & rape. I also witnessed the ritual murder of a person by politicians dressed up in robes. I was taken via Sydney airport, in a crate like an animal. On the way home I was drugged, raped and beaten at an exclusive, after hours, pedo gathering at Disneyworld. Yes, Walt Disney was a pedo. Why do you think the Mickey Mousketeers go nuts and shave their heads? Why did pedo Whacko Jacko build a Neverland based on Disneyland?


Hang on for the ride! Part 7

Yes, ritual abuse does exist in Australia. A kiddie killing cult underpins the Roman Catholic Church, Engadine BoysTown, Holsworthy Army Base, Lucas Heights nuclear reactor. Here are the only photos I can present as evidence. First we have Leonas Petrauskas (aka Dr Mark) performing an abortion on me beneath Engadine BoysTown. Next we have the statue of ‘DAGON’ located on the ground floor of the 6-7 story underground facility at Holsworthy, located far from the main entrance gate. Then we have Dagon statue in fish form, kneeling beside a murky pool, on the ground floor of Lucas Heights nuclear reactor. Lucas Heights, like Pine Gap, are CIA facilities where the Jason Project was conducted. Both facilities were built by the same group.


Hang on for the ride! Part 8

Here’s a couple of cult rituals to their god ‘Moloch’ – the same one they pretend to sacrifice humans to at Bohemian Grove. Apparently, according to their religious beliefs, Moloch is happy when people are burnt alive in his name. One took place at Caltex Oil Refinery at Kurnell. The other on a remote Kurnell Beach.


Hang on for the ride! Part 9

And here is the nicest person I met in the pedo organisation – Grande Dame Veronica. No idea if that was her true name, considering they changed peoples’ names so I couldn’t ID them easily later. Veronica was my surrogate mother, tutor, mentor within the pedo network, from age 5 until age 14 when she was ritually murdered on the altar at St Mary’s cathedral in Sydney City. The church was packed full of Sydney’s social elite. An organ played, a choir sang, police guarded the doors. Veronica chose to die young because she was sick of abusing children like me. She was a victim forced to turn perpetrator. She lived in private living quarters at Sancta Sophia College at Sydney University.


Hang on for the ride! Part 10

And here’s my favourite – the one that epitomises the Australian government’s attitude toward government-sanctioned child trafficking, rape and murder in this country.

Hang on for the ride! Part 11

And now for something completely different! Some more Holsworthy secrets – an underground railway connects major sites in Australia, including Pine Gap, Lucas Heights/Holsworthy. Also, Gittinger used some kid of prop/virual reality program called Candyland, which had ‘Disney’ trademark written on it

Hang on for the ride! Part 12

And now for the pista resistance! At age 5 I was raped by future Prime Minister BOB HAWKE in a zucchini patch, at a BBQ, in a suburban Canberra backyard.

Another Bob Hawke victim, the daughter of Hawke’s architect Kevin Borland, was assaulted by Hawke after a party at her family home when she was 14. Hawke entered her room at night, awoke her in her bed, and digitally penetrated her. She immediately told her entire family who recall the incident today.

When I was 8, Dr Leonas Petrauskas took me to a crime scene at a secluded Kurnell Beach. There he met with prime minister Paul Keating who had raped and murdered a 5 year old boy and shallowly buried him in the sand. Keating was into necrophilia. Petrasukas was called in by Keating to do a clean up job. Petrauskas ordered me to dig up the body. As I did this, I heard the men talking about Petrauskas fabricating the child’s cause of death as a blue ringed octopus sting.

Operation Attest lied in their response to my complaint, saying they would not investigate mt claims because the alleged perpetrators were all dead. Last I checked, Keating and Hawke were still alive.Hang on for the ride! Part 13

I was also raped by actor BRUCE SPENCE, at Bathurst City Hall when I was 15. I met an apprentice carpet layer who laid carpet in Spence’s Sydney flat. He said Spence’s lounge room walls were covered in kiddie porn.

I was also raped by Shakespearean actor JOHN BELL, in the company of Dr Antony Kidman, on the eve of my 15th birthday, after a Nimrod Theatre post production party held at Kidman’s house that was attended by the Shakesperean play’s well-known cast. The following morning, Kidman tied me to a chair and beat me in front of his daughter NICOLE KIDMAN who stood there and smirked at me, with her arms crossed.

I witnessed actress JACKI WEAVER, playwright JOHN WILLIAMSON, and author of Puberty Blues KATHY LETTE at pedo ritual gatherings in Sydney. Kathy was based at Regina Coeli cathedral in Beverly Hills.

Other victims have identified Jacki Weaver to Dr Reina Michaelson, on whom the Australian Government placed a D Section gagging order, on the grounds that her disclosure of the government’s involvement in child trafficing etc would undermine the Australian public’s confidence in the Australian government.



[1] Fiona Barnett facebook https://www.facebook.com/fiona.barnett.940

[A] Sanctuary for the Abused http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.co.uk/2006/07/for-survivors-coping-with-triggers-if.html

[B] NAPAC http://www.napac.org.uk/

[C] One in Four http://www.oneinfour.org.uk/

[D] Havoca http://www.havoca.org/HAVOCA_home.htm

[E] SurvivorsJustice Triggers post http://survivorsjustice.com/2014/02/26/triggers-what-are-they-and-how-do-we-work-through-them/

[F] SurvivorsJustice Blog http://survivorsjustice.com/

[G] Jim Hopper Mindfulness http://www.jimhopper.com/mindfulness/

[H] Jim Hopper Meditation http://www.jimhopper.com/mindfulness/#cultivate

This is all written in good faith but if there is anything that needs to be corrected please email [email protected]

cathyfox the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free


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