Nice Summary of “The TI Program” by Devin Keymer (6/7/24)

To Webmaster via email (June 7, 2024, 2:09 pm):

I just got out of jail. Had to do some time. I looked up caselaw on my tablet and researched/investigated the facts. Summary: Stasi Zersetzung (1000 cuts) (no touch torture) and FBI COINTELPRO (dirty tricks) both were disruption operations. Always ask why? The reason for Chaos/COINTELPRO was that the president and head of the CIA/FBI were concerned of foreign intelligence services (Russia/China) influencing domestic dissident groups and working together to overthrow the USG hence counterintelligence (protecting intelligence activities, sources, and methods from foreign intelligence services (CIA counterintelligence did Chaos and had a watchlist with the NSA. Same programs new names. After WW2 the OSS became the CIA and the Nazis switched sides with operation paperclip. Operation Mockingbird controls the news (every war for the past 50 years has been the result of media lies (disinformation/bodyguard of lies) and they continue COINTELPRO and MK ULTRA but now its called gangstalking and electronic harassment/electronic warfare.

Corrupt LE (Law Enforcement) slanders you behind you’re back investigating and show them a picture of you and threaten or coerce them against you and put on the schizophrenic show everywhere you go. One idiot tells the other idiots where you’re at on the Fusion Center app and coordinate satellite, hacking, and stalking capability. Counterterrorism for you’re safety just doing their jobs just doing what the cops say they already know what to say. The CIA is required to lead all covert operations unless otherwise specified by Congress (FBI does COINTELPRO) and carefully orchestrates all covert operations to leave no evidence and gaslight you and say its a conspiracy theory and you’re a schizophrenic. With covert operations they have plausible deniability, use misdirection, have a codename, and put out disinformation (the truth is always protected by a bodyguard of lies) trust nothing verify everything. Frederick Banks, Ronald Satish Emrit, and Lyndon Rouche filed s100 of lawsuits against the CIA/FBI and all were dismissed as frivolous under 28 USC S1915. Junior Tejeda FSB1382508 (CA), Robert Darrell Johnson (patton state hospital) (CA), and Phillip Chism ( ( are currently mind control victims facing life sentences (187) please write them. Phillip Agee and Joshua Adam Schulte are ex CIA intelligence officers who launched their own campaigns against them.

The best lawsuits were from Stanley J Caterbone targeted since 1987, he’s a whistleblower, ISC pleaded guilty to a $1B fraud in 1992 and 8 NSA Officials questioned him in 2016 (CIA/NSA were having them sell guns to Iraq from South Africa), dad/brother are MK ULTRA victims, 30 false arrest, says that they’re planning so he has no income and being a targeted individual is a disability. Izzat Nazer targeted in US, Israel, Switzerland, Netherlands, Lebanon, Latvia, Russia, and Norway. Mattew Shervin reported CP to CIA/FBI and they started gangstalking with mind control/mind reading satellites calling him a pedophile and put his thoughts in the soundtracks to videogames (they also put you’re content in movies, tv shows, commercials, and books (there’s a book called hostile intent about ‘Devlin the Devil’ that likes Marcus Aurelius and gets inside peoples OODA loop.

I started getting targeted after therapy when I was 15 and he turned out to be am FBI informant because they recorded everything I said and put it in movies, commercials, and the book hostile intent. There’s also a movie called hostile intent about being a target of the State. My therapist was also a retired Chief at Schriever AFB. The AF likes the OODA loop. Getting inside someone’s OODA loop means being alert and making faster decisions that you’re opponent and constantly disorienting them). Watch who you’re talking to they could be an FBI informant. Schizophrenics commonly feel like they’re under intense scrutiny from others, messages in movies/commercials, and hearing voices. CIA/FBI harassment campaign is a better term. COINTELPRO/MK ULTRA turned into a Fusion Center/JTTF/Partner harassment campaign to retaliate/first amendment rights.

They think you need to be watched and get 1 step ahead of you everywhere you go plainclothes/unmarked cars everywhere you go and monitor you’re communications to be 1 step ahead, drive mailman vans, monitor everything you buy so they can run out, sabotage cars/property, bug house, follow you around and set you up any chance they get, and get you fired everywhere. Emanuel Toto Constant was a CIA asset and Haitian war criminal who had vigilantes that had a ‘Toto watch’ and got him fired everywhere, stared at him everywhere, tracked him everywhere, vandalized his property, and had constant confrontations. Similar to gangstalking. BL was also a CIA asset.

Remember FBI agent Ted Gunderson/Geral Sosbee said that CIA/FBI are terrorist and gangstalking with DEWs. Terrorism/corruption go together. In the past decade the FBI had over 600 agents quit because of the outcome of misconduct investigations and paid informants over $500m and committed over 20,000 authorized crimes. Research/investigate the facts/gather intetelligence. Trust nothing, verify everything the truth is always protected by a bodyguard of lies.

follow-up email to webmaster from Devin Keymer (June 7, 2024, 3:17 pm):

You’re website suggest lawsuits. I looked up all the caselaw lawsuits in jail and the were all dismissed as frivolous 28 USC S1915. You can’t sue CIA/FBI. Stasi tactics/mobbing/vigilantism can’t go to court. LE slanders behind your back organizing the mobbing schizophonic show everywhere you go and shows them a picture of you investigating and threaten/coerce people against you getting you back retaliating. All they really do is disrespect and tell on you and set you up with the wrong one that will come at you the same way if you say something and spin a story they’re all talk and not about anything no reason get mad best to be polite its harder to sabotage you. They’re not your friends but they’ll act like it best keep it simple and direct.

Frederick Banks, Ronald Satish Emrit, Lyndon Rouche, and Judicial Watch filed s100 of lawsuits each against CIA/FBI that were all dismissed as frivolous. In fact not one lawsuit against them has won except the FBI slandered someone for the Madrid Spain bombing on the news and he was a well respected lawyer and won $3m. The SWP is one of the few lawsuits against COINTELRPO that won and they called it a disruption Program/operation because thats what FBI headquarters called it (Stasi Zersetzung also means disruptiion. DEWs are also disruptive. Proximity is disruptive. The FBI has a disruption protocol. They might say theyre disrupting your life. COINTELPRO was called that because the president and head of CIA/FBI were concerned of foreign governments influencing domestic dissident groups and working together to overthrow the USG so CIA had operation Chaos (counterintelligence meaning protecting intelligence activities, sources, and methods from foreign intelligence services had a NSA watchlist and CIA/FBI worked together.

The National Security Act of 1947 made the CIA (OSS became CIA and Nazis switched sides with operation paperclip) giving broad powers and sweeping discretion to protect intelligence activities, sources, and methods (why JFK was taken out). CIA does intelligence/counterintelligence and FBi internal security/law enforcement. FBI targeted SWP (socialist workers party) 1940 (slander campaigns) (harassment) to 1975 case by case basis after 1971. They really know their stuff and are the best shot for a lawsuit against COINTELPRO. FBI called it national security investigation after 911 counterterrorism investigation FBI/JTTF callled people a potential terrorist threat and fake anything that can be faked (Fusion Centers secret no oversight or FOIA dont know intil you look) (fraud) (terrorism and corruption go together) (so do truth and justice) and manipulate anyone that can be manipulated. Intent deep state subvert authority real state. Its an Orwellian nightmare. Not loyal constitution (law against COINTELPRO style stalking/disruption is conspiracy against rights (constitutional).

CIA was using DEWs and V2K on people since s90 but after 911 Fusion Centers coordinate mind control/mind reading satellites (they can read your mind), hacking, and COINTELPRO style stalking capability. Yoram Raz is Israeli targeted since 1987 for first amendment rights and FBI has a record of stalking slandering him as a spy after 911 JTTF slandered as potential terrorist threat. Jeff Henry Willaimson had same JTTF agent write 3 tickets all dismissted for first amendment rights his websites and and started gangstalking and JTTF arrested years later. Tristan Di Montenegro had JTTF slander in us and 7 Afrizan countries saying hes a schizophrenic pedophiiel being investagated for raping regugees in Africa and told Brazil authorites hes a potential terrorsit threat false arrest return us.

Troy anthony smocks wrote patriotic Jan 6 message calling out traitors constitution JTTF arrested and humiliated him and got him evicted. Counterterrorism for you’re safely just doing their jobs just doing what the cops say they already know what to say they’re Nazis. CIA staged 911 to create an unneeded police state like how Hitler destroyed his own presidential building to use the Gestapo on his own people and Iraq was about oii. CIA/FBI are biggest terrorist and do entrapment/theater on little ones such as Jerry Drake Varnell. OSB and Emanual Toto Constant were CIA assets. Emanual Totot constant was a Haitian war criminal that had vigilantes similar gangststalkers that got him fired and damaged property and started at him and had a toto watch following him everywhere and constant confrontations. Stanley J Caterbone has the best lawsuits and his dad/brother are MK ULTRA victims. Hes a whistleblower targeted since 1987 CIA/NSA were having ISC move guns to Iraq from south Africa and pleaded guilty to $1B fraud in 1992 and 8 NSA officials questioned him in 2016. Says engame suicide/death planning so he has no income (COINTELPRO had different objectives for different targets but JTTF appears to be disrupting youre every move and is way worse than COINTELRO/disruption program. They monitor/interfere with communications be 1 step ahead and watch you’re coming and goings and drive past you and stage ahead of you everywhere and peer pressure and stage incidents FBI dirty tricks.

They monitor all medical apts to implant you and follow you around in unmarked cars/mailman vans and set you up any chance they get.. It’s all retaliation/getting you back. Trump targeted COINTELPRO style stalking and fraud election and fined $500m because hes legit. He said if elected hell defund FBI. CIA/FBI harassment campaign is a better term. You cant sue their assets but you should always stay calm and make logical decisions and confront and beat team little bitch better term than gangstalking/COINTElPRO they earned that name all they do is disrespect and tell on you and set you up with the wrong one. Theyre a team of fake bitches and none of them are about shit but talking and argure together. Ive had over 100 ‘confrontations’ with them and slapped over 30 and they set me up with a pro boxer that came at me the same way after one set me up and cried in court with the cops.

I also got a self defense case when one came at me to get me back for a different one on drugs and i gave warnings and had no other option and the cops hid it under the rug and watched the whole thing on the streetlight cameras. They like to have people get in your way. I’ve caught the FBI stalking me 3 times over the years JTTF and partners in crime are working together ‘protecting their community slander behind back organizing mobbing, hate crime, witch hunt, schizophrenia show everywhere you go until you do yourself. disinformation is a bodyguard of lies to protect the truth all covert operations have disinformation, plausible deniability, misdirection, codename, and be careful, prepared anything (murphy’s law),double check everything, keep it simple, no mistakes. CIA is required to lead all covert operations unless otherwise specified by Congress (FBI does COINTELPRO) and carefully orchestrates all covert operations to leave to evidence and gaslight and say its a conspiracy theory and you’re a schizophrenic. Clandestine means you don’t know it happened or who did it covert means you know what happened but not who did it (I like the term FBI gangstalking or CIA/FBI harassment campaign better). with disinformation trust nothing verify everything..Research/investigate the facts/gather intelligence.

Ive been targeted for 12 years in Colorado Springs/Denver started after therapy when I was 15 talking shit he was an FBI informant and they put my ideas in movies and books and got me fired 18 times and broke 5 cars and the program tortured my soul out. Classic Stasi Zersetzung no touch torture 1000 cuts. The NSA has everyones voice cloned on the planet and has been interfering with my communicatins and literally hacks the worlds communicans.

One Reply to “Nice Summary of “The TI Program” by Devin Keymer (6/7/24)”

  1. Hi Eric,

    I just watched a video on LookOutForCharlie that you should post about on your website. I believe it, and you, can help a lot of TI’s with the reach you have in our community. Please watch and listen to this video and then decide if you think it sounds logical and might be of help to others.


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