Mind Control procedures post-world War Il to 1992 (From W. Bowart, 1994)

Feb. 15, 2025

Epigraph Quote From This Post:

These manipulations and degrees of control are easily achieved after years of intensive research by both the CIA and the Office of Naval Intelligence. The methods cover the range of actual hypno-programming, through either overt or covert methods as utilized by the agency concerned in the use of R.H.I.C., U.S.I.C., E.E.O.M. and E.D.O.M. techniques.

Ultrasound technology is most frequently used by the lesser intelligence agencies in their various theaters of operation. This method is known as Ultrasonic Intra-Cerebral Control. An intelligence unit commonly referred to as Division Five which is directly connected to the FBI, is mainly responsible for the study and subsequent use of this type of mind control procedure.

The three types of procured methods of mind control at its highest performance utilization are as follows:

1. E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of Memory)
2. E.E.O.M (Electronic Enhancement of Memory)
3. R.H.I.C (Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control)

Chapter 37: THE COM-12 BRIEFING

From: From Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)

Almost simultaneous with the founding of the modern cryptocracy (“rule by secrecy”) and the passing of the National Security Act in 1947, if the rumors are to be believed, there came to be a faction working within the secret agencies of government to restore the Constitution. It is claimed that this group has been fighting a resistance from within the cryptocracy against the Nazi group known as the Aquarius Group (AG) which came to cluster around the Gehlen/Nazis taken to the breast of the American intelligence community at the end of World War II. While our sources beg for anonymity, they tell us they have been known as the Guardians of the Eternal Flame or The Rowboat Magicians. To my knowledge, only twice has this group communicated with the general public, then not “officially” but through documents “leaked” or “planted” in the samisdat. Then they called themselves Com-12.

In the spring of 1992 they issued a 50-page briefing document entitled: Mind Control Operations/ Aquarius Group Activities. Since a large part of this briefing document was based on my original research and John Judge’s research and, in essence followed the history which appeared in the first edition of Operation Mind Control, I feel I can’t go wrong in highlighting the document operating under the assumption that there’s at least a slim chance there’s some substance behind it.

I must warn you, however, I have found no researcher who will validate it’s source, and in fact paltry few admit to ever having seen this document. My single letter which was supposedly passed by hand to parties involved in the Com-12 group got no reply. The samisdat is filled with so much garbage and plagiarized information that this document appears, by comparison, well written, if flawed. Names have been changed (deliberately I’ve been told), for some reason, perhaps to have deniability built in. That is not to say, that cryptocrats can spell any better than bureaucrats, nor do they gather information any better, relying often upon rumor and gossip in their secret reports which your tax dollars purchase.

The Com-12 briefings could be nothing more than a well-thought out round-up of information from open sources circulated by some patriot group who is using this apparently clandestine briefing to make its members think they are on the inside. Or it could be a clever piece of disinformation circulated to give false hope to the belief that there is a group of “good guys” working within the cryptocracy against the Nazi “bad guys.” The old saying, “If you’re not part of the solution, you must be part of the problem” might apply in this case, since many will believe that the ends don’t justify the means — that anyone who even pays lip-service to any activity committed under the unconstitutional National Security Act takes part in tyranny. Everyone would agree, however, that the document is well thought-out,
and as far as is known, is generally accurate.

It does fit the pattern we’ve seen with so much information concerning the cryptocracy, the pattern which has been so obvious for 50 years with the UFO question. For every bit of information that supports a line of thinking, there’s another bit which would be cast down upon it. For every “yes” there’s a “no.”

Thus you might want to look upon the Com-12 Briefing as (take your choice):

1. Authentic confirmation of independent research
2. Validation of some information gathering procedures and sources.
3. Containing some hints toward future activities of the cryptocracy.
4. Disinformation containing cleverly hidden items that will confirm our mistakes and lead us astray from the most vital areas.
5. The complete fabrication of some “patriot group” hoping to curry favor with some audience by posing as if it’s “in the know.”

The Com-12 Briefing, Mind Control Operations begins:

The information to follow is meant to be an outline to give PSYOP personnel a brief background and introduction into modem PSYOP warfare techniques. Our purpose in briefing COM unit personnel is to educate concerned team members in sources and methods of early Mind Control procedures and the latest projects and operations dealing with Mind Control at present-day capabilities.

Aquarius Group Operations (AGO) is the primary control group of these Mind Control procedures. However, COM Group Operations has developed highly advanced radio, electronic, magnetic, and microwave warfare defense procedures which, in turn, allow for offensive measures which can be activated. While today the methods and modes of operations in our history, there are basic precautions and countermeasures which may be implemented to diminish, obstruct or deflect these offensive measures used on behalf of AGO/CIA personnel units against COM units, personnel or civilian population bases.

Mind Control procedures in their infancy involved rather crude and blatant processes using hypnotic-programming, thereby allowing the conscious mind to be aware of at least the original process of programming through hypnosis. While greatly successful in some cases, these early methods had a high failure ratio when done in large population bases. The original studies and subsequent operations did allow for the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and related
intelligence departments to field test and observe those methods which obtained the highest success levels and to subsequently incorporate them into today’s modern Mind Control apparatus.

Through years of field experimentation, a large number of chemical components were utilized in these operations. It was verified that ingestion and/or exposure to certain chemicals and drugs (polypharmaceuticals) greatly enhanced the hypnoprogramming operations. The most successful of these tests are still used even today in some areas of enhancement or, if applicable, elimination of certain memory areas in personnel involved in highly sensitive or “Need to Know” areas of government or contract employment. With the same procedures used to eliminate memory, an individual’s memory can be instantly recalled and even enhanced, according to the need of the agency (CIA) to maintain strictest confidence in a desired area.

The Radio and Electro-magnetic Mind Control procedures are the latest and most effective methods utilized to date. Electro-magnetic, Radio Wave, and Microwave Pulse/ Mind Warfare has great advantages in that a desired subject or population has no knowledge of the procedure being implemented. With no conscious realization of the process being used, there is no subconscious realization of the same. This particular factor is greatly appreciated by agencies involved in areas of Mind Control and Manipulations because there is no risk of physical, person-to-person contact or action between agency personnel and the desired subjects. These procedures are not only much more reliable and successful than earlier methods, but they allow those implementing the manipulation to maintain complete anonymity.

Through years of testing the administration and saturation of certain chemicals and biogens within the world’s population bases, these modern methods’ ratios of success are almost absolute. Chemical and polypharmaceutical saturation has been achieved over the past twenty years of implementation with this purpose in mind and is achieved through purposeful covert introduction into population areas. In some cases, this is achieved by deliberate overt introduction through exposure or consumption on behalf of the population because of everyday usage of public water supplies, airborne pollutants and chemical agents in a wide variety of foodstuffs.

The following will outline Mind Control procedures from post-world War Il to the present. The objective of this briefing is to make all COM personnel and some population bases in civilian structure aware of projects planned for full implementation between 1990 and 1995. These procedures will allow AGO and other world intelligence groups within the “Circle of Seven” alliance to achieve their goals of an unarmed, docile and compliant world population, if not prevented from doing so.

Bowart: It is thought that the “Circle of Seven” referred to are individuals much like Spector in James Bond films, a group of powerful individuals from the international intelligence community who run a clandestine organization which answers to no one. To call it “organized crime” would not do it justice. “Organized criminal-cryptocracy” might be closer to the truth. A counter-cryptocracy like COM-12, as far as we can tell, are the white knights fighting from within against the black knights of the Aquarius Nazi group.

The briefing document continues:

In the late 1940’s, Dr. Bernard C. Gindes was hired by the U.S. Army G-2 Intelligence Group to undertake an experiment in amnesia. In the experiment, a soldier with only a 7th-grade education memorized an entire page of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” after listening to the passage twice while under hypnosis. When he awoke, he had absolutely no remembrance of the hypnotic experience. At biweekly intervals, he was brought in and given the post-hypnotic suggestion which would trigger complete recall. For six months, he was able to repeat the entire page without even a single error.

In another experiment, half a dozen soldiers were brought in to test the validity of increased prolonged memory retention. The soldiers were hypnotized as a group and were then given a series of 25 words devoid of phonetic consistency. They were allowed 60 seconds to commit the list to memory and were given a “trigger” to recall the list. In the wakened state, each man was asked to repeat the words but none of them could. At that point, all of them were allowed to see the list. None of them could recall any prior knowledge of it even while viewing it in a conscious state… However, after 60 seconds of observation, the list was taken away and the “trigger” was given. At that point, each man recited the list in the exact order in which it was given. This was our Mind Control capability in its infancy in the 1940’s.

One of the largest projects undertaken by both the CIA and the Office of Naval Intelligence involved methods which could be implemented to block the previously hypno-programmed behavior from being uncovered by another hypnotist, whether by accidental or purposeful means. The necessity of this extensive project was due to an embarrassing situation which developed for the intelligence community when the previous programming of an individual by the
name of CANDY JONES was uncovered accidentally when her husband took her to a licensed hypnotherapist in an attempt to help her overcome a severe case of insomnia.

This part of the briefing covers in large part that which we’ve already covered, and what Candy herself told via Don Bain in The Control of Candy Jones. What we’ll repeat of the Com-12 briefing is only that which expands or elucidates the story as we know it. (Keep in mind the claim of UFO-buff Jim Moseley’s that Candy’s story is entirely false.)

During Ms. Jones’ sessions with the (CIA) hypnotherapist, it was discovered that some type of heavy hypno-programming had been done on her. A series of sessions to regress Ms. Jones were arranged. These sessions were taped and are the source of the majority of this information. This information took several years to be fully unmasked. When the CIA became aware of her visits to the hypnotherapist, it decided it was no longer in need of her services and, as procedure dictates, it arranged for her to commit convenient suicide. These regression revelations were also what the CIA and ONI experts used as a catalyst to study and develop procedures of hypnoprogramming which could not be discovered through hypnosis…

The COM -12 briefing calls Candy’s first hypnotist Dr. Groelisch and her second Dr. Brenner. We believe these are not the real names of her hypnotists.

Following the story much as we told it in Chapter Eight, the hypnotist, using the (subalter) personality of Arlene Grant, sets Candy up to commit suicide in the Bahamas. Skipping the first part of the Q and A which are supposed to be transcripts of actual sessions from the classified CIA files, the briefing comments:

It is not known to our agency what the exact trigger was, but this is not important. At that time, it is quite likely that a strange phrase (whether in English or a foreign language), music, or tones or coded electrical rhythms was to be used. It is known, according to agency files, that the plan was for Dr. Groelsch to make the call himself. It is also known that the trigger would implement a procedure which would have Candy walk from the hotel to a high cliff area located less than a quarter of a mile away. Candy was programmed to then jump from the cliff at that location.

Candy Jones, of course, did not commit suicide. Her control personality overrode the programmed Arlene. The briefing document said:

In review of this briefing, it should be noted by the respective agent, the advantages and disadvantages of this particular type of procedure. The created and enforced personality of Arlene Grant had assumed such a degree of autonomy as a separate personality that Dr. Groelsch had convinced her that she would not die with Candy if the suicide program had been completed. This is a good example of what success an operation can have in developing a completely self-sufficient and determined alternative personality, especially when taking into consideration today’s frequency and chemical manipulation.

It was under the Reagan Administrations and Bush Administration that many of these advanced methods were implemented to control the leaks and security breeches in the federal government. The National Program Office (NPO) was very successful in administering such procedures for various intelligence and industrial (military) interests.

In addition to the CIA courier training, it was uncovered during Ms. Jones’ de-programming that some additional training of sorts by the CIA had also been given to her. In particular, a type of training which would take a previously non-prejudiced individual and instill in them an absolute hatred for a chosen religious or ethnic personage. This was particularly common in the Mind Control training of assassins and insurgents.

In a de-programming session recorded April 10, 1974, Arlene emerged in an especially angry and hostile mood. Arlene berated Candy for several minutes and also attacked Candy’s mother in a verbal tirade which questioned her mother’s sanity. Arlene took great pride in relaying how she and Candy had visited Candy’s mother in a hospital and how she (Arlene) had succeeded in greatly upsetting Candy’s mother by verbally attacking her. During this session, Arlene
began to display an obvious dislike toward Jews as she went into a tirade over all the “Kike” doctors which were at the hospital.

After 15 minutes into the hypnotic session, Arlene bragged that Dr. Groelsch had told her all about “filthy Jews”. She said it was “thanks to him I was able to realize what Jews are really like.” Candy was also questioned during this session, uncovering other details.

Dr.: “What ethnic groups does Dr. Groelsch consider bad… or dangerous?”

Candy: “Oh. the Jewish people, of course. He called them “kikes.” And also the “American Niggers,” as he always called them. You know, it was funny… he was a German Jew himself, but he became enraged whenever I would remind him of that. He told me there was a difference between some German Jews and other Jews.”

Dr.: “Before you met Dr. Groelsch, how did you feel about people of the Jewish faith?”

Candy: “I didn’t really feel anything. It wasn’t really ever something of personal concem, you know? I mean, before I worked for the Agency (CIA), I had many Jewish friends and business associates.”

This information will fall into place as you reread the Monarch Corroboration chapter and the other related chapters.
It was discovered that Candy had made several trips to California to attend some classes of Dr. Brenner’s. The classes referred to were classes regarding ethnic cleansing and racial purity. During one of the de-programming sessions, it was also uncovered that Di. Brenner also held seminars on hypnosis.

Dr.: “Did you attend many of Dr. Brenner’s lectures in California?”

Candy: “Yes.”

Dr.: Is it a class which teaches ethnic hatred?”

Candy: “It’s just his regular lecture. The same thing all the time. He also gives lectures on hypnosis.”

Dr.: “What does Brenner generally say in his ‘ethnic’ group classes?”

Arlene: “I don’t know… he said I should be careful in what I say to certain types of people.”

In a session recorded on April 13, 1974, Candy, while under hypnotic-regresson made several remarks concerning the fact that she believed all black people had a peculiar smell. It became apparent that this particular early case of Mind Control involved previously unknown or unestablished hates or dislikes against other ethnic races, and developing hostilities where they had not previously existed. The agent or personnel previously involved with Agency operations of Mind Control and Thought Manipulation will be able to identify the operational similarities to some of the M.K. Ultra operation training. During outside testing, Candy had very high ratings on “scent tests” given her. This is largely due to the emphasis which her hypno-programmers for CIA operations had instilled in her regarding the particular “odors” given off by certain ethnic groups.

Additional sessions revealed that the racial prejudice was programmed at the first opportunities with Candy Jones. It was during World War I when both Candy and Groelsch were in the South Pacific. Candy was told that she must be extremely cautious around Jews and Blacks and that they must be closely observed for any clues as to what their true motivations and actions might be.

The ability of even this type of the earliest Mind Control experimentation should not be underestimated. According to many, (but not all) of the subject files, many people who were chosen without their knowledge or consent, were purposely selected because they showed absolutely no prior prejudices against any particular race, religion, etc. This was done to demonstrate the ability for success of these early programs to therefore encourage future program funding for this area of applied technologies under the auspices of the CIA and Military Intelligence, particularly that of
Naval Intelligence and S-Force Operations.

It is quite apparent from agency files that in the Candy Jones operation, she certainly had no ill intent or racially motivated actions prior to the Mind Control operation. This is obvious, among other reasons, because the modeling agency that she owned and managed was one of the first agencies to actively promote and use of Black models. Her close circle of friends included Blacks and Jews and she had lived most of her case life with an open mind to all minority groups. Once the full effect of programming was under way, the success rate in desired reaction of those programmed was higher than anyone had imagined in the earliest stages of this particular mode of PSYOPS.

Candy Jones experienced stomach pains on several occasions during her hypno-interrogations. It was also noted that she had considerable cramping in her legs and feet. The stomach pains were consistent with the involuntary cramps of Luis Angel Castillo.

According to the case file, the COM-12 briefing reports, Candy Jones sat up from a prone position on the bed and shouted, “Whites are not the whores of the Blacks! It’s horrible, it’s disgusting…” The Q and A that followed revealed that Groelsch had prompted that response from her. She was on the border of Texas and Louisiana in a class which was taught by Dr. Brenner, whom she had met in Chicago years before.

DR.: Is it (the discussion) about Blacks and Whites?’

Candy: “Blacks, Whites, Yellows — the whole thing. Integration is one thing but mixed breeding is another.”

Dr.: Do you agree with him?”

Candy:” Oh, yes. Absolutely.”

Dr.: “Well, what else has he said in today’s discussion class?”

Candy: “He said it is always the minority group that tries to get the majority group to go along with them. It’s the Blacks trying to get the whites to go along with them and next it will be the Yellows trying to get the Whites to go along with them and it will just always be that way. Those people are very strong.”

DI.: “Where did you learn that? Dr. Brenner?”

Candy: “Uh huh, and I also read it in the literature that they give you.”

DI.: “What was some of the literature like that they gave you? Can you remember?’

Candy: “World Power… World Peace… Peace is not a color — or something like that. You go to the back of the room there and they have all the little booklets on the table. It’s all free and you can take all the ones you want.”

There is more Q and A about the races, then a short break. When Candy began again, her tone and general demeanor took on that of her alter-ego, Arlene. It was militant and degrading.

Dr.: Is that what the CIA… uh… what Dr. Brenner taught you?”

Candy: “Well, he said that almost everyone knows a person who’s going with a Black or a Jew and that it’s going to be a really big problem. It’s going to be especially tough on their children, so it was decided they should all be sterilized.”

Dr.: “I see. And that’s the kind of thing that they taught you? Dr. Brenner and the Agency?”

Candy: “Yes. (Becomes vehement) They should all be sterilized. They cannot be allowed to have children. They should stick to their own kind. Tigers don’t mate with lions.”

Dr.: Does Dr. Brenner work for the CLA?”

Candy (laughs) “Work for the CIA? He is the CIA! He’s really important as far as his discussion classes he holds for the Agency. But I don’t really know how big he is in the Agency.

This series of interviews is of interest to the PSYOPS and appropriate intelligence teams for obvious reasons. This is a clearly traceable case file in which an average person with no previous mental aberrations or disproportional prejudice was programmed by the Agency to produce an agent known as a “Sleeper”. This sleeper’s built-in sub personality and alter-ego could be activated and utilized to carry out the Agency agenda.

It is also a perfect demonstrative test to the Agency itself to see first hand just what the full capacity of this type of training or programming was back in the early days of the establishment of Mind Warfare. That is, successful alternation of an individual’s mind and subsequently conscious action and reaction. This program was a direct result of the saturation which took place within the U.S. Intelligence community by German Intelligence and PSYOPS exports when the OSS/CIA first brought the Reinhard Gehlen organization here from Germany after World War II. The great strides and success that German Intelligence had with similar operations was strongly desired by the CIA in hope that it could duplicate and continue this success in its own theater of operations.

The briefing document goes on to mention Castillo then George De Mohrenschildt. It suggests that the Aquarius Group was behind the psycho-torture and mind control in these cases.

Of Lee Harvey Oswald, the briefing document says:

(Oswald) an alleged leftist, had only an 8th-grade education. It is therefore very strange that he is also known to have heavily associated with fiercely anti-Communists, white Russians, Nazis and high rollers in the aerospace industry – a strange set of bedfellows if ever there was one!!

One thing to take special note of is the fact that Naval Intelligence, as well as other agencies involved in the study of Mind Control, was very successful in its work involving telephone cues. Specifically, this involved the capability of triggering a hypnoprogrammed agent or patsy by using a telephoned cue to activate the pre-planted suggestion of action (Projects: Svengali, Echo, High Wire).

The element of Mind Control is extremely prevalent in the assassination of Robert Kennedy by SIRHAN SIRHAN… The briefing delves into Dr. Bernard L. Diamond’s hypno-interrogation of Sirhan:

Diamond then asked Sirhan if he’d thought about suicide. “Hell no!” Sirhan said. “I couldn’t do that.” Diamond then expressed a thought which contained a significant Freudian slip. “Why didn’t you turn the gas on yourself… er… the gun on yourself after you’d killed Kennedy?” queried Diamond. This slip is significant because many of the subjects under CIA or Naval Intelligence Mind Control Operations were programmed to commit suicide.

Discussing the LAPD investigation of the murder of Robert Kennedy, the document brings up the name of Dan Mitrioni, who was one of the controlling agents in the Jonestown massacre. (See the earlier chapter entitled CULT CONTROL.)

…The two top operatives in “Special Unit Senator” (SUS) just happened to be two Los Angeles Police officers named Manny Pena and Enrique ‘Hank” Hernandez. Both of these men had not only worked for the LAPD, but they had also worked for the CIA in Central and South America. Specifically, they had worked in conjunction with a man by the name of Dan Mitrioni in connection with the Office of Public Assistance. This office was formed, ostensibly, to help modernize the police forces of Latin America, but it was discovered that it was actually teaching torture methods to the Brazilian and Uraguayan governments . . .

The briefing document calls William Jennings Bryan III, William Joseph Bryon, Jr. Our sources say the mis-identifications were deliberate. One wonders why, since Bryan was dead by the time this Com-12 Briefing was circulated.

William Joseph Bryon, Jr. was the individual who hypnoprogrammed Sirhan in the first place to be in the pantry area of the Ambassador Hotel. The Ambassador Hotel was owned by G. David Shine who had been a personal assistant to Joe McCarthy and was with McCarthy when he conducted his now infamous anti-Communist witch hunt in the early 1950’s.

Bryon billed himself as “probably the best leading expert in the world on the use of hypnosis in criminal law.” He often boasted about being constantly called in on unusual cases by various law enforcement agencies, including the LAPD. The Boston Strangler case was his tour de force and he incessantly mentioned it.

An imposing man with a wrestler’s girth, Bryon claimed he was once a drummer with the Tommy Dorsey Band, as well as a commercial airline pilot. During the Korean War, he was able to put his hypnotic skills to use as “Chief of All Medical Survival Training” for the United States Air Force, which basically meant the “Brainwashing Section.” After the war, he became a consultant for the CLA in the agency’s projects concerning Mind Control and behavior modification. Refusing any and all memberships in traditional medical societies, Bryon started his own medical and hypnotherapy practice on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, which he named The American Institute of Hypnosis. He used this as an aegis for wide-ranging symposiums on such topics as, “Successful Treatments of Sexual Disorders.”

Dr. William Jennings Bryan III was a flamboyant Los Angeles hypnotist who died shortly after we began pestering him for an interview. We believe that he was one of the CIA hypnotists who programmed Candy Jones. Here, COM-12 tells us he programmed Sirhan. According to the late Private Investigator Lake Headley (a close personal friend of Mrs. Bryan), immediately upon W.J.B.’s death, the CIA quickly cleaned out his home office of all files.

Despite his advocacy of sexual freedom, Bryon was a Bible-quoting Christian Fundamentalist. He belonged to a “fire and brimstone” sect called The Old Roman Catholic Church which had broken away from the Vatican well over a century ago. Curiously, David W. Ferri, a prime suspect in New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s 1967 investigation into the JFK assassination, also belonged to this sect of extreme right Christian Fundamentalists… Bryon claimed to be a descendant of the fiery orator, William Jennings Bryon, who opposed the teaching of evolution in the much celebrated Scopes Monkey Trial. Bryon was a frequent guest of Christian Fundamentalist churches throughout Southern California…

(I was surprized to learn that Bryan was involved with the O.R.C.C. A priest of the O.R.C.C. was used by the FBI’s COINTELPRO operation to “steal” the mailing list and otherwise inform on the The East Village Other which I edited in N.Y.C. during the late 1960’s.)

Reporter Betsy Langman spoke with Bryan in his Sunset Strip office on June 18, 1974. Bryan went on in his puffed-up manor stating, “I am probably the leading hypnosis expert in the world… I can hypnotize everybody in this office in less than five minutes.”

When Langman asked if he felt that Sirhan could have been hypnotized, Bryan said, “I didn’t hypnotize him.” His tone was hostile so Langman told him she was just looking for his personal opinion and Bryan accused her of “trying to find more ammunition to put out – that same old crap – that people can be hypnotized into doing all these weird things.” According to the briefing document:

He then abruptly left his office, shouting, “this interview is now over!” Somewhat shaken by Bryon’s outburst, Langman went across the street to a coffee shop, accompanied by a sympathetic secretary from Bryon’s office. The secretary told Langman that Bryon had received an emergency phone call from Laurel, Maryland only minutes after George Wallace was shot. The secretary stated that, while she didn’t know what was discussed, she knew the call concerned the shooting. (Governor Wallace was shot and badly injured on May 15, 1972 at Laurel while campaigning for the presidency. His assailant was a man by the name of Arthur Bremmer).

In the spring of 1977, Bryon was found dead in a Las Vegas hotel room. The coroner stated the death was from “natural causes.” It should be noted here that the coroner’s statement was made before the actual autopsy had been performed.

Shortly after his death, two Beverly Hills call girls were contacted and interviewed extensively due to the fact they had known Bryon intimately. They had been servicing him on the average of twice weekly for over four years, usually with both of them present. The call girls stated that, during their first meeting with Bryon, they had attempted to stroke his ego by “getting him to tell us about all the famous people he’d hypnotized.” Bryon began his list by first telling them of his involvement in hypnotizing Alvert Di Salvo and his role in de-programming him at the request of Di Salvo’s attorney, F. Lee Bailey.

Bryon then boasted that he had hypnotized Sirhan Sirhan. The women sensed nothing strange about the Sirhan angle because Bryon later spoke on many occasions of how he had been frequently utilized in his field of expertise by the LAPD on murder cases. The women had no way of knowing that Bryon had had no contact with Sirhan after the assassination. In other words, it is obvious that Bryon’s hypnosis on Sirhan was prior to the assassination – by his own unwitting admissions.

The two women also remembered that, on one occasion, Dr. Bryon had mentioned James Earl Ray, but could not recall any details. However, both women were certain about his boasts of working with Sirhan Sirhan. These women were also able to independently link Bryon to the CIA. Both women stated that at the outset of their relationship with Bryon, he had instructed them to call an unlisted phone number at this office. If someone besides himself answered, they were both told to say they were with “The Company”, (a slang term for the CLA) and that would then be put through to him immediately. Bryon repeatedly confided to the women that he not only worked for the CIA, but that he was involved in “Top Secret” projects with the agency.

Upon Bryon’s death, his offices were immediately sealed off to newsmen by his estate’s probate lawyer, John Miner. Miner, as a former Deputy District Attorney, had also helped to prosecute Sirhan. There are a lot of interesting cross-references with these individuals in regard to an assortment of assassinations of political figures. It was another far-right Christian Fundamentalist by the name of Reverend Jerry Owen who drove a pick-up truck to aid in the escape of a second assassin of Senator Robert Kennedy. One of Owen’s top religious followers happened to be Arthur Bremmer’s sister…

It is no mystery to certain elements of the Intelligence Community as to why (James Earl) Ray was such an “easy” (hypnotic) subject. As any expert in hypnosis can attest, this was undoubtedly due to the fact he had been the subject of hypnosis before. Ray’s Central Intelligence file shows he had actually been subject to hypnosis by seven others in the field of Mind Control as a sub-conscious urge to undo what had been done to him, that is, a hypnotically induced split personality – one which was either pre-programmed to kill upon command or merely to just run from the scene upon command. This action would be easily achieved via the post-hypnotic cue given at the appropriate time during the operation…

One item which has been a main focus in regard to Mind Control with U.S. Intelligence agencies is the use of various Mind Control techniques to utilize military or intelligence couriers to undertake various operations. These techniques include hypnosis as the earliest form, along with the later use of certain drugs and polypharmaceuticals. The subconscious mind can assimilate a much greater quantity of information than the conscious mind and can maintain full retention.

This technique was highly acclaimed by some divisions of the Military and Intelligence operations because it could be utilized in some unique and highly efficient ways. It would enable a hypnotized courier to learn and carry a much greater quantity of information than a counterpart who was simply operating on the conscious level. In Top Secret and UMBRA classification work, it would enable the concerned agency to successfully block and then recall at will particular elements of an operation or project, or to recall the entire thing.

When utilized with certain polypharmaceuticals and chemical “stews” the information was then impossible to uncover by a regular hypnotic session or even enemy agents of foreign countries. This impossibility was due to the fact that the exact chemical “codes” and formulas were necessary to uncover the information. In addition, the proper series of triggers such as words, phrases, tones, colors or combinations of these would have to be ascertained.

The last sentence redeems this document just at a point when it began to look like the writer didn’t know anything about the kind of programming he/she was describing. Still, it’s odd that the document makes the same mistake I made originally, it leans heavily upon hypnosis as an explanation – even narco-hypnosis – without relating it to classical conditioning. That’s what the MPD’s like Candy Jones were conditioned with — classical conditioning using pain, drugs, electroshock, and other things along with anchoring techniques so that the personalities could be fragmented, compartmented, and sealed with amnesia behind which the secrets were hidden.

In simple field usage, the hypno-programmed courier is able to retain large amounts of information which were completely hidden to his or her conscious mind due to the fact the information is blocked out via the post-hypnotic suggestion. It is therefore impossible, in spite of how forceful methods may become to induce the courier to divulge information, for the information to be released since it is not retained in the courier’s conscious mind.

No mention of screens or scrambles either. So, the best we can assume is that the writer of this document is not one of the mind controllers, but has only a field knowledge of the effects of the programming.

The document goes into a long passage about Dr. Jolyn West and his CIA work and into the individual agents who worked with the Reverend Jim Jones to accomplish the “mass suicide” which was a racial experiment. Debra Leyton Blakey, wife of George Phillip Blakey, Jones’ closest CIA advisors, are tied through Debra’s father Dr. Leyton to the U.S. Chemical Warfare Department and ULTRA contracts like those undertaken by “Dr. Green.” Mention is made of the Los Angeles riot as a “triggered” race incident.

Operation “Yellow Lodge” the CIA and NSA’s covert research and development of mind control, biological warfare, and high impact weaponry on Indian reservations is also discussed as well as the Inslaw case.

Attorney, author, Mark Lane is described as a “Vac” or vacuum, someone who sucks up information from various concerned citizens and public researchers and then supplies details of their information to the particular intelligence agencies contracting him.

Lane also disperses cover information and “cut-outs”, or stories that parrot the basic conspiracy well enough to gain the confidence of the civilian community. The cutout is completed with the insertion of “skids” or elements which are completely fabricated in order to mislead those who seek the truth. [See Agency file on same subject:

Mark Lane and Contract Assignment History/CLA Central Files/201]

Now here’s a chance to check out the authenticity of this document. However it is doubtful that the CIA would release such a document to anyone but Lane so long as he is alive.

The document notes that Lane was Ray’s attorney at the House Select Committee hearings.

Mark Lane played an important role in this shift of media attention in his convenient dual assignment as People’s Temple attorney and the attorney representing Ray. In his successful acquisition of Ray’s case at the request of the CIA, Lane managed to gain the confidence of Ray. While creating the illusion of dedication to Ray’s cause, Lane was actually sabotaging him in order that Ray would continue to be regarded as the “lone Gunman.”

There’s more on Jonestown, descriptions of the media manipulation and the “CIA Clean Teams” which administered injections and took care of the rest with small arms fire. Then the briefing turns back to the state of the art in mind control:

The preceding briefing is to educate the reader on the Intelligence Community’s use of Mind Control and Thought Manipulation that may be implemented today, as well as a few actual case scenarios of successful operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency, the Office Of Naval Intelligence, and, in some limited capacity, Intelligence Support Activities units.

The scenarios described in this briefing have been selected for their recognition factor for members of intelligence teams as “well known” events in recent history and for their direct involvement with various U.S. Intelligence agencies and selected operations connected to these events.

These manipulations and degrees of control are easily achieved after years of intensive research by both the CIA and the Office of Naval Intelligence. The methods cover the range of actual hypno-programming, through either overt or covert methods as utilized by the agency concerned in the use of R.H.I.C., U.S.I.C., E.E.O.M. and E.D.O.M. techniques.

Ultrasound technology is most frequently used by the lesser intelligence agencies in their various theaters of operation. This method is known as Ultrasonic Intra-Cerebral Control. An intelligence unit commonly referred to as Division Five which is directly connected to the FBI, is mainly responsible for the study and subsequent use of this type of mind control procedure.

The three types of procured methods of mind control at its highest performance utilization are as follows:

1. E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of Memory)
2. E.E.O.M (Electronic Enhancement of Memory)
3. R.H.I.C (Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control)

RHIC techniques call for the implantation of a micro-sized electronic radio receiver. The implantation most frequently is made by highly trained teams within the Intelligence Community. The procedure involves the insertion of the micro-receiver (or transceiver) into the desired areas such as the frontal lobe or temporal lobe of the subject in question.

According to my sources, this technique was state-of-the-art in the 1960’s, but is obsolete today. Other, more sophisticated techniques are in use now.

The device acts as a stimulator which can stimulate a muscle, nerve or brain frequency upon receiving the proper signal and will then initiate a desired response. The receiver generates sensory impulses which are then received through different nerves. These register as sensations which are the basis for perception.

And this simulace can be used to condition any response, turning people into Pavlov’s dogs.

Under projects such as MK DRACO and HATTER, today’s receivers are much smaller than the originals. Several types of “encephalators” are used to implant the devices into brain tissue through the nostril of a sedated subject after hallucinatory programming has commenced.

The process is painful and, in some cases, may result in permanent damage to the sinus cavity resulting in later ear, nose and throat problems for the subject in question. Another method used by some programs is the use of an oral encephalator to insert the transceiver or receiver through the soft palette of the mouth into the brain tissue.
This method is also conducted in concert with hallucinatory program cues.

This certainly fits the description of many of those who have come forward to describe their “alien abductions.”

Another type of RHIC technology which is currently being utilized is a more sophisticated manipulation which utilizes a Personal Radio and Electro-Magnetic Frequency Allocation, better known in some intelligence circles as a “PRIMARY” or “PREMA.” This is obtained by a simple “Scan” involving the acquisition of an individual’s actual frequency allocation which are as unique to an individual as RNA/DNA codes. Primary Frequency Scanners are today so advanced that the machinery can fit into a normal-sized briefcase. The scanning or Reading Wand – easily disguised in the confines of a pen or a room’s light fixture — is placed in the desired location to achieve a “reading.”

Once the PRIME FREQUENCY or “PRIME FREAK” is obtained, procedures may be introduced which will affect only the individual in question. This is obtained through direct manipulation of this individual’s Primary Frequency Allocation.

Another current RHIC technology in use can achieve manipulation of an individual or large masses of a populace. Without a Primary being established, general manipulation and control is obtained, though not as quickly or completely successfully. This is due to variances in particular geographic locations, certain drugs and food products, ethnicity, and general chemical effect on an individual. This method achieves the desired outcome through radio waves in the 800 MHZ band where the Vital Human Brain Frequency resonation is located. These waves directly affect the subject in the desired way through slow and persistent exposure.

Concerned Special Intelligence Operations personnel should acquaint themselves with PROJECT HIGH TONE and PROJECT XENO. Personnel in OM level Special Projects Operations are already aware of the Human Frequency operations and testing procedures which proved to be a great success on large population based capacities in Los Angeles, Calif. in April, 1992.

The L.A. Riots took place April 29, 1992.

This Frequency Wave Manipulation can be utilized to the maximum benefits in a population or among select individuals when required. The benefits to CLA, NSA, Aquarius Group Operations and Aqua Tech Operatives are obvious. Through the ignorance of the general population of the World, the Cellular Wave Frequency Communications facilities may be erected and utilized by the Intelligence Community to sedate, excite or initiate a variety of physical effects and ills to implement population control or elimination at the time it is deemed necessary.

Individuals who have implemented proper meditation methods and training are more difficult to allocate. Individuals who have access to or regularly use marijuana or opiates on any regular basis also represent a problem in control and manipulation. This is due to the reaction and stimulus in the human brain that occurs with the use of these substances, which provides an immunity of sorts to these operation techniques. The federal agencies attempts to eradicate this problem in its War on Drugs is having some success in supply rates of marijuana and opiates. It is interesting that the so-called Drug War has had little effect on the supply of cocaine and methamphetamines as these can only enhance the effects of the manipulation instead of decreasing it as opiates will. However, complete control of the distribution of all undesirable drugs for use in general public population base cannot currently be completely eradicated.

Chemical control bases in public population will be present in 95% of the population base. Those individuals who may not be affected by Frequency Control due to the usage of certain drugs will most likely negate their immunity with the chemical base they have built up over the years in their everyday use and exposure to those agents on the C.B.C.B (Chemical and Biological Control Base) listing.

With a general ignorance through arrogance of most public population in the U.S., the erection of large cellular towers being carried out under HIGH TONE and XENO are largely going completely unnoticed.

These projects are being carried out in private business capacities and therefore in Deep Black Operations cover. However, public populations would be wise to educate themselves in the construction of these seemingly innocent towers in large population areas. The cellular 800 MHZ waves are a constant wave. Due to the great proliferation of towers in key population areas, they will have a devastating effect when utilized by Aquarius Group Operations if the condition persists. (See photos at end of chapter).

Both EEOM and EDOM are fundamentally the same. However, they involve more of the electronic or electro-magnetic charges and responses of an individual. The most basic form of Electronic Dissolution or Enhancement of Memory call for the remote-controlled production of Acetylcholine. This is an ester of choline which occurs in various organs and tissues of the body and is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses at synapses and myoneural junctions.
Enhancement or dissolution is simply controlled by manipulation, causing excessive or deficient amounts of Acetylcholine production in the subject in question. The consequential action at the motor endplates result in either a neuromuscular block or opening which causes the desired effect of either an amplified awareness of stimuli, or a sort of immediate and complete amnesia (depending on technique and desire of the team in the field).

All of these methods have been or are currently being used by Military Intelligence groups to affect Mind Control. The agencies which utilized and still utilize these methods are most notably the CIA and the Office of Naval Intelligence. The ONI most frequently utilized these methods in recruitment of assassins who were both aware and unaware of the training they were exposed to. These electronic procedures, as well as repeated exposure to films and photographs of an extremely violent nature and orientation, would achieve the desire effect. Eventually, these individuals were and are assigned out to attachments with American Embassies overseas.

The largest of these Mind Control programs under the auspices of the CIA, ONI and National Security Agency are as follows:


One source reports that M.K. Draco is the code name for one of the “alien abduction scenarios.”

Jonestown is not unique as a controlled environment which was created under the need for discretion in carrying out the covert operations of the ULTRA program. The fact that the community moved to a foreign country from the U.S. was even more of an incentive for the intelligence groups concerned. The interest in cults spawned many additional programs with other cults and certain religious sects.

(Webmaster comment: Including at Operation Crestone/Baca?)

The document then goes on to name several so-called cults and even sites Christian Evangelical and Far-Right, “Born Again” groups as being the pawns of the cryptocracy. Instead of risking offense to everyone, let’s just say that the
cryptocrats know that if a person holds strong and intractable beliefs, those beliefs can be used to manipulate them.

Finally the briefing raps up:

The operative must be aware of the impact and implications of this method of PSTOP Warfare. Aquarius Group Operations, as part of a current agenda, has been very successful under project REACH and BELFRY in programming and cueing selected individuals who have, in turn, carried out programed procedure and opened fire on other civilians in public areas all across the United States.

It is part of Aquarius operations to bring this about in more of a repetitive pattern over a period of many years in order to increase the callous disregard for human life by others who reside in high population-density zones. Especially targeted are large urban areas where street gangs are prevalent. In the overall scenario of senseless
and unprovoked killings increasing as time passes, the Aquarius Operation feels they will eventually condition the public to welcome the eventual confiscation of firearms, setting of curfews, mandatory Bar Code I.D.’s which will be subdermally inserted, and general areas of Martial Law (Refer to files on REX 84, KING ALFRED, CABLE SPLICE and GARDEN PLOT).

It is felt among many that the erosion of Constitutional Rights will be readily accepted by the majority in return for government promises of elimination of gang killings, mass killing by lone gunmen, and termination of drug trafficking in all areas. Projects WATCHTOWER, POPPY and ULTRA will then also play important roles in sedation of the population through various chemical, biological and radio frequency manipulation in order to achieve the overall goal of a One
World ruling structure by the year 2000 to 2003.

These factors, in conjunction with Aquarius Group Operations plans to institute a One World Religion of an extremely right-wing side of Christian Fundamentalism (which is currently increasing in even such countries as China and the Russian Republics), will further add to the destruction of rights and freedoms granted to us in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. This development will also separate the World into two large powers. One will be a Fundamentalist Christian power and the other will be a Fundamentalist Islamic Power. These philosophies, as well as the struggle for decreasing water supplies, will be the future reasons for World conflict.

Curiously enough, the wife of the late top CIA spook, James Jesus Angleton, told me something like the contents of the last two lines of the above paragraph. She said this is the kind of thing that her husband was predicting back in the 1960’s, based on the CIA’s “best estimates.”

The above quoted briefing, as best I could determine, was released in the spring of 1992. On July 4, 1992, a man calling himself Michael Younger appeared at a UFO convention in Arcadia, California, telling people he was a member of the super-secret COM-12 group and a scientist who worked at Groom Lake, Area 51 in Nevada. A stunned audience of 200 people listened to Younger unfold an amazing scenario which itemized a scenario which was to culminate in February or March of 1993 with the assassination of President George Bush. According to Younger, the plan was to make Dan Quayle President and suspend The Constitution of the United States.

Stage 1, according to Younger, was the staging of “race riots” in New York, Chicago, Detroit and other major U.S. cities. These would be preceded by a month of subliminal TV programming.

Stage 2 was code-named “Operation Hot August Nights” during which special agents of the conspiracy masquerading as police would open fire on minorities. Claiming that the L.A. riots were a “test case”, Younger said that incendiary
bombs would be used in these riots as they were in the LA riot. The police would be outnumbered by rioters, which would include “skin heads and other gangs fully armed.”

Stage 3 of Younger’s described plan would come in September when President Bush would call in U.N. troops to quash the riots and restore law and order. Bush would execute Executive Orders already in effect, which give the UN forces
complete rights to enter American homes and confiscation rights.

Stage 4 would come in October when an “official announcement would be carried on TV that extraterrestrial aliens, probably Zeta Reticuli ‘Greys’ have invaded the Earth, with some actual aliens introduced on the show.” Younger said the aliens would be credibly faked. And, Younger said, this would cause the world to mobilize under UN supervision to fight the ‘invaders.’

Stage 5 was to take place in December. It was a well-planned ‘crash’ of the stockmarket.

Stage 6 would come in February of March, 1993, Younger said, when President Bush would be assassinated by the conspirators and Vice President Dan Quayle would take the oval office.

According to Younger the conspirators were from among the 1.6 million Nazis living in the U.S. many high in government and major corporations. In January, 2000, Younger said, the real alien invasion would occur, but then the New World
Order would have gone a long way to being realized and a real global force would be there to defend us against them.

Was Younger really a scientist who worked at Groom Lake as he claimed? Was there a grain of truth in this, or coming on the heels of the Com-12 document, was it an effort to smudge the truth of the existence of that group and the general accuracy of its information? Or? You tell me.

Label this disinformation? The predictions didn’t come true. At least not on time, not yet.