PROJECT GREENSTAR: MONARCH “Alien” Programming, Nazi Scientists, DoD-Affiliated Satanic Cults, Invisible Warfare w/ MC, Electronic Weapons, ‘Modern, Sophisticated Slavery;’ Bowart (1994) w/ Comments

Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Dept. of Geography, California State University, February 4, 2025

“The Strongs say they see the Baca, which they call ‘The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths,’ as the paradigm for the entire planet and say that the fate of the earth is at stake. Apparently, the Kissingers, the Rockefellers, the McNamaras, the Rothschilds, and other Establishment New World Order elites all agree as well, for they do their pilgrimage to the Baca– where politics and the occult- the New World Order and the New Age- all merge….. Baca Grande also appears to be a magnet for military attention…. And reputedly is an active site for observing both UFO’s and spiritual manifestations.”

From: blog

I. Webmaster Introduction: Below, I reproduce Chapter 38 (PROJECT GREENSTAR) of Walter Bowart’s limited edition, Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994). My reason for doing so should be apparent to anyone who has followed this extended investigative series, “Is Crestone/Baca, Colorado, the “Vatican City” of the New World Order: An Expose of the New World Religion”.

The topics that converge in this chapter lend support to the rather sinister possibility (here advanced as an hypothesis) that Crestone/Baca, Colorado has functioned/functions as a military mind control operation, possibly going back many decades. Considerable controversy surrounds the UFO, flying saucer, alien abduction “phenomena.” This may be by design, for it appears to be a massive psychological operation. The German term for Psychological Operation is Weltanschauungskrieg, or “worldview warfare.” Bowart’s Chapter 38 provides considerable evidence that the so-called “aliens” are, in fact, military-intelligence operatives and spy-chiatrists and the abductees are victims involuntarily enrolled in CIA-DoD MONARCH and related mind-control programming.

II. Summary Highlights of Chapter 38 “Project GREENSTAR?” in Quotes:

1) Major Murphy, Vallee said, reported that the U.S. had evidence in 1943 that several countries had been working on circular aircraft which they hoped to develop into secret weapons. The Nazis, he said, were doing advanced research on “controlled electrical discharges” and “controlled lightening” and had tried to combine these things together. Then, when the allies invaded Germany, a lot of the hardware fell into both U.S. and Russian hands. “Then people started seeing the modem UFOs in Sweden in 1946,” Vallee reports the Major saying.

“One area where you must realize a lot of research had already been done in great secrecy by 1946,” Vallee quotes Major Murphy saying, “concerned mind control and the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.”… Vallee describes Major Murphy pulling out a file of a series of New York Times clippings beginning in 1977 which described part of a U.S. project “which spanned 35 years and involved hypnosis, narcoanalysis, electronic brain stimulation, and the behavioral effects of every physical vibration known to science, from ultrasound to microwaves.

Murphy said: “The contactees are being manipulated. I think we should not look in outer space for the Manipulators… The best place to start looking for them is among some of the occult groups. Such organizations are an ideal place for a clever individual to exercise his influence, because they are ignored by the intellectuals, by those who call themselves ‘scientific investigators.’ They are afraid of looking silly if they join the Order of Melchizedek: what will the Dean say when he finds out!’”

Jaques Vallee in Messengers of Deception, UFO Contacts and Cults (1979)

2) Lincoln Savings & Loan (webmaster: and Franklin Cover-up) conspiracy witness, Paul Bonacci, testified to a number of code names for different (MONARCH) programs. Some names matched those given by other victims who did not know Bonacci. There was “Wizard of Oz” and “Alice in Wonderland”. One project was code-named “Alien.” Bonacci said: “the alien program which they used… Alien was mainly under Star Wars…” (This would fit with (Lt. Col. Michael) Aquino’s reported penchant to dress up like Darth Vader and it would be consistent with his frustrated literary urge to extend the Star Wars trilogy. Bonacci positively identified Aquino as one of his programmers.)

(Webmaster: Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, an avowed satanist, founded the Temple of Set, co-authored “Mind Wars,” and is accused of pedophilia at the Presidio military base in San Francisco, California.)

Satanic activities, Bonacci said, were also a frequent part of the Monarch programming. The Satanic and Alien programs took place “almost always on military ground.” Bonacci said. “I said all the alien stuff happened in Colorado, up in the mountains, and also I think they did it mostly where there was hardly any chance that there would be a lot of people around.” He described some of the alien programming as taking place in caves underground.

“They took you in the caves which they had set up. Some of them had an alien space ship so you would go into it,” Bonacci said. “Even now they keep showing them movies that have alien space ships with caverns in them. If you got away from them and went around these caverns you’d think, well,’ man this is just like the movies.’”

3) Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project of the Association of National Security Alumni, reports that she has interviewed 125 victims of government mind control. One of them had apparently been part of the “Alien” programming. The woman, now an adult in her 40’s, told McKinney of being used in the alien project as a young child because she was small and just the right size for wearing the costume of a “gray”, the big-headed alien with big eyes and a skinny neck which many UFO “abductees” sketch under hypnosis.

(Webmaster’s comment: Julianne McKinney’s report, “MICROWAVE HARASSMENT AND MIND CONTROL EXPERIMENTATION” was published in December, 1992. Assuming the female victim of government mind control she refers to above was a young child about 40 years ago, the faked UFO-alien programming she experienced would have occurred in the late 1940s or early 1950s.).

The woman was cult connected. She claimed to have played a role in the perpetuation of the UFO abduction myth; i.e., as a member of a DoD-affiliated Satanic cult. As a little girl she was made to wear an ET costume. When describing the costume, this woman said that the head and neck were manipulated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the costume. The Babylon Five preying-mantis costume — which also had an elongated neck, and eyes which were situated far above the wearer’s head – is also operated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the costume. The ET costume worn by this woman antedated Babylon Five’s special effects costuming by approximately 10 to 15 years,” McKinney said.

McKinney: “I have personally concluded that so-called UFO abductions, and the events surrounding those abductions and sightings, are a “black” intelligence operation, involving government-sponsored kidnappings, experimental drugs, surgical experimentation, sophisticated electronics and directed-energy technologies, implantable microcircuited devices, experimental aircraft, Hollywood-style special effects, and the exploitation of government-sponsored genetics experiments.

“In sum,” McKinney continued, “I see these UFO activities as being nothing more than a massive covert-intelligence fraud being perpetrated upon a gullible public – a lucrative, large-scale mind-control operation, qualifying as an attempt at creating The Cult to End All Cults/ The Cult From Outer Space.’”

McKinney says another source told her that there was a project headed by Michael Aquino that involves the programming of so-called “UFO abductees.” The source told her that this project is code-named Greenstar and is a mind-control operation involving an overlapping of satanic cults, the U.S. military and the UFO Community.

“Michael Aquino,” McKinney said, “is alleged under these circumstances, to have his hand in two major types of DoD-sponsored mind-control operations; viz., Satanic cults and, now, UFO abductions.”

4)“The Controllers, Mind Control and Project MKULTRA, Modem Myth, Mass Manipulation and a New Hypothesis of Alien Abductions” by Martin Cannon (is) a 64-page booklet originally published in installments in the MUFON Journal, the house organ of an alleged CIA co-opted UFO organization.

Cannon posited that “the abductees have been abducted. Yet they are also spewing fantasy — or, more precisely, they have been given a set of lies to repeat and believe. If my hypothesis proves true, then we must accept the following: The kidnapping is real. The fear is real. The pain is real. The instruction is real. But the little gray men from ZetiReticuli are not real: they are constructs, Halloween masks meant to disguise the real faces of the controllers. The abductors may not be visitors from Beyond; rather, they may be a symptom of the carcinoma which blackens our body politic…

“…Substantial evidence exists,” Cannon writes, “linking members of this country’s intelligence community (including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Office of Naval Intelligence) with the esoteric technology of mind control. For decades, “spy-chiatrists” working behind the scenes — on college campuses, in CIA-sponsored institutes, and (most heinously) in prisons – have experimented with the erasure of memory, hypnotic resistance to torture, truth serums, post-hypnotic suggestion, rapid induction of hypnosis, electronic stimulation of the brain, non-ionizing radiation, microwave induction of intracerebral ‘voices,’ and a host of even more disturbing technologies…”

Cannon argues that much of the testimony before Congress (the Church Committee hearings in the 1970s) on the CIA’s “brainwashing” efforts was perjury. He says the clandestine research into thought manipulation was not stopped but went operational and, he asserts, any claims to the contrary are cover stories. He presents evidence that a number of government agencies, CIA, NASA, Atomic Energy Commission as well as a variety of agencies of the Department of Defense are all involved in research and operations to this day, and that the UFO abduction phenomenon, at least in part, is quite likely a continuation of the clandestine mind control operations.

“Perhaps the most interesting pieces of evidence surrounding the abduction phenomenon are the intracerebral implants allegedly visible in the X-rays and MRI scans of many abductees. Indeed, abductees often describe operations in which needles are inserted into the brain; more frequently still, they report implantation of foreign objects through the sinus cavities. Many abduction specialists assume that these intercranial incursions must be the handiwork of scientists from the stars. Unfortunately, these researchers have failed to familiarize themselves with certain little-heralded advances in terrestrial technology,” Cannon says. “The abductees’ implants strongly suggest a technological lineage which can be traced to a device known as a ‘stimoceiver,’ invented in the late ’50s-early ’60s by a neuroscientist named Jose Delgado.”

5) Addressing the large number of “implants” reported by abductees, Cannon writes: “If we are to take seriously abductee accounts of brain implants, we must consider the possibility that the implanters, properly perceived, don’t look much like the ‘grays’ pictured on (Whitley) Strieber’s dustjackets 252 (from: “Communion,” 1987). Instead, the visitors may resemble Dr. (Joseph A.) Meyer and his brethren…”

Cannon says, Meyer is “perhaps the most disturbing wanderer in this mind-field of the National Security Agency, the most formidable and secretive component of America’s national security complex. Meyer has proposed implanting roughly half of all Americans arrested — not necessarily convicted – of any crime; the numbers of ‘subscribers’ (his euphemism) would run into the tens of millions. ‘Subscribers’ could be monitored continually by computer wherever they went. Meyer, who has carefully worked out the economics of his mass-implantation system, asserts that taxpayer liability should be reduced by forcing subscribers to ‘rent’ the implant from the State. Implants are cheaper and more efficient than police, Meyer suggests, since the call to crime is relentless for the poor ‘urban dweller” – who, this spook-scientist admits in a surprisingly candid aside, is fundamentally unnecessary to a post-industrial economy. ‘Urban dweller’ may be another of Meyer’s euphemisms: He uses New York’s Harlem as his model community in working out the details of his mind-managed system.”

Meyer, Cannon suggests, could be one of the top men behind the abductee brain implants, the “scoop marks” and other scars on abductees bodies. “We would also have an explanation for the reports of individuals suffering personality change after contact with the UFO phenomenon.”

While “guesstimates” project numbers of victims of cryptocracy mind control to be in the tens of thousands, a 1993 Roper Poll has been interpreted to indicate that 6-10 million North Americans have experienced “alien abduction.” Somebody must be working overtime.

6) Ed Conroy, writing in his book REPORT ON COMMUNION, The Facts Behind The Most Controversial True Story of Our Time, describes the climate in UFO research circles:

’The possibility may indeed exist that by means yet to be developed, some UFO phenomena may one day be ‘proved’ to be of a truly extraterrestrial origin (whatever that designation might really mean in terms of the physics of interstellar travel), but for the moment it appears that the advocates of the “extraterrestrial hypothesis” are moving more toward the creation of a New Age religious movement founded upon tenets of irrational belief than toward improvement of their hypothesis that would make it more testable.

7) The UFO developments certainly fit one of the Report From Iron Mountain’s requirements for a war substitute: 3. Sociological: Motivational function, b) New religions or other mythologies.” There’s a growing body of self-published literature that points to the awareness of a mounting (phoney?) alien invasion. William R. Lyne’s book “Space Aliens From The Pentagon” tells of the author’s own frustration with the U.S patent office and the State of New Mexico which, he says, ran him ragged with litigation and harassment after he stumbled across proof of a Nazi experimental P2 “saucer” flown in New Mexico in the 1930’s, which ran on technology invented by Nikola Tesla in the 1890’s.

His book, Lyne writes, “is the first to expose a BIG LIE mind control hoax from the Third Reich, and covertly implemented through “national security” means, to perpetuate the coercive monopoloy of a corporate-state elite. By stealing, concealing, or suppressing advanced technology, they insure our continued dependency on archaic petroleum and nuclear technology. Through the mass-media we are brainwashed with scientific lies and misinformation, and “indoctrinated” with Nazi-created “parapsychology”, designed to “stretch our credulity”, so we will indiscriminately accept on faith, a “psychic” BIG LIE religion and Platonist epistemology, which makes us easier to exploit as a slave people. To this end, flying saucer technology of relative simplicity and phenomenal potential was stolen from Nicola Tesla, and has been concealed from us for over 50 years.”

Lyne writes: “The magnitude by which electricity overcomes the force of gravity, is rivaled only by the magnitude by which the lies of our government and the Trilateralists have overcome our rationality. Justice, in redress of these crimes, should be by public punishment of the traitors responsible. They have perverted the instruments of democracy to seduce innocent minds…

“The secret government is… waging a subliminal brainwashing war against us, in violation of our right to government only by our consent. They are using movies, T.V., books, magazines, children’s stories, and all forms of propaganda, from the cradle to the grave, to criminally undermine the very epistemological underpinnings of rational existence. We have not “consented” to a fraud of which we are unaware. To cut right through all the baloney, our government..(has) created the whole “alien” scenario to brainwash us…”

III. PROJECT GREENSTAR? (Chapter 38 in Walter Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994))

As early as 1961, advisors to the late President Kennedy recommended that with the threat of nuclear war hanging over the future, civilized nations could no longer risk overt confrontations that would lead to war, since even conventional war could escalate to Armageddon. If war was necessary it would have to be invisible. It was either invisible warfare or peace, and everyone seemed to agree the economy would “suffer” from peace. Without war, it was believed, the economy would falter and depression would be the dividend of peace.

Thus the advisors to the president began to think about what might motivate the U.S. economy as well as war did. They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic of which was to fake an invasion from outer space.

Lewin says that a task force of 15 men met at Iron Mountain, New York in August, 1963 and by September 30, 1966 (seven days before LSD became illegal) they submitted their final report, known as The Report From Iron Mountain On The Possibility and Desirability Of Peace. 236 All the members of the task force wanted to keep the report secret except one, Lewin says. This particular individual, Lewin says, contacted Leonard C. Lewin and offered to “leak” the report to him with a view to having it published. Since none had signed a security oath, there was nothing except etiquette to keep the report from being published, and the person who contacted Lewin thought the report was too important to keep secret

In 1967 Lewin told Paul Krassner that the report was a hoax of his own authorship. He swore Paul to secrecy and Paul never talked until now. (Since when could you trust a journalist to keep a secret, least of all the news hungry editor of THE REALIST? Ironically Paul kept the secret. 237)

If Lewin was telling the truth, his hoax was uncannily prophetic. Read it and make up your own mind. “Leaking” to Paul the hoax disinfo would be appropriate if Lewin wanted Paul to spread the news of the hoax — a common disinformation tactic of the cryptocracy. Many believe it was largely authored by Herman Kahn whose fingerprints are all over the report. Kahn might have been momentarily enlightened by the large jolt of DMT Tim Leary gave him to bring him down from a bad acid trip shortly before the Report from Iron Mountain was written. 238

The Hudson Institute was started in 1961 when Herman Kahn, the owner, decided “to help determine the entire future of the U.S. – and, time permitting, much of the world beyond.” 239 The Institute received its $1.36 million income in 1968 from The Office of Civil Defense, The Office of Secretary of Defense, the Military Services, and according to Life magazine, “Other Government and Non-U.S. Government” agencies. On the list of what it calls “Public Members” and “Fellows” the Institute published, ten of the twenty-one of its Public Members were members of the Council on Foreign Relations, as were fifteen of the thirty-four Fellows. Two of the Fellows are very well known: Dr. Henry Kissinger and Dr. Milton Friedman.

Author A. Ralph Epperson 240 informs us that the corporations which created Iron Mountain included Standard Oil of New Jersey ( Rockefeller interests); Manufacturers Hanover trust (the Morgan Intersts); and the Shell Oil (the House of Orange,) among others. The report” writes Epperson, “dates back to at least 1961, when Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy and Dean Rusk, all members of the CFR, noticed that no serious study had been made about planning for a long-term peace. Not only were they concerned about the lasting effects of a long-term peace, they also wished to examine the functions, both visible and invisible, of war.”

Apparently the author Gary Allen made an attempt to locate the authors of the Report from Iron Mountain. He concluded that it had been written by the Hudson Institute. He wrote: “There is considerable evidence that the Report is the work of the Hudson Institute and Herman Kahn… There is an Iron Mountain just a stone’s throw (literally) from the Hudson Institute near Croton-on-Hudson, (New York.)” 241

The reader is invited to compare Kahn’s style in say, Thinking The Unthinkable and The Report From Iron Mountain. Lewin was the husband of leftist activist and journalist, Eve Merriam, and Krassner says he had no reason not to trust Lewin’s confession. If Lewin was not trying to get the cry “literary hoax” circulated which would have helped circulation of the otherwise dull book, he might have been taking the blame for Kahn, laying down his reputation as the cover story. “On the other hand,” Krassner says, “it could have been a satire. One that was true. There really could have been a group such as Iron Mountain 15, talking about things which were reported. But the book itself might have been a put-on of Hudson Institute style and content.” Another satire that came true? Then life does imitate art?

Col. Fletcher Prouty was also told by Lewin (in the late 1980’s) that the book was a hoax. “But the people at the Hudson Institute, the Pentagon, and the government contractors were talking like this in those days. So it wasn’t really exaggerated enough to be satire,” Prouty told me. “I’d always believed it was leaked information…”

And in his book “JFK, The CIA, Vietnam And The Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy”, Prouty wrote: “During the Kennedy years, people within the government and their close associates in academia and industry discussed frequently and quite seriously many of the major questions phrased by Leonard Lewin in Report From Iron Mountain. I had been assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense before the Kennedy election and was there when the McNamara team of “Whiz Kids” arrived. Never before had so many brilliant young civilians with so many Ph.D.s worked in that office. It was out of the mouths of this group that I heard so frequently and precisely the ideas that Lewin recounts in his ‘novel.’”

For example, in National Security Memorandum 68, George Kennan wrote:

“We have about 50% of the world’s wealth, but only a 6.3% of its population… In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity… to do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives… We should cease to talk about vague and… unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.”

The “straight power” concepts are what The Report From Iron Mountain is made of.

Published in 1967, the report drew immediate attention for its then bizarre suggestions. In a review of the report in the Washington Post 243 book section, John Kenneth Galbraith writing under the name Herschel McLandress acknowledged that it might come as a shock to the American public to know that war is considered by these experts to be a highly desirable component of modem society. They believed this to be true because:

1. War provides the only dependable system “for stabilizing and controlling” national economics.
2. War is the basis for giving the necessary authority to the government to insure political stability.
3. War is indispensable sociologically for the purpose of controlling “dangerous social dissidence and destructive anti-social tendencies.”
4. War serves an indispensable Malthusian function of reducing the population at regular intervals.
5. War is the primary motivational force for scientific and technological progress.

The report was a substantial example of the type of secret “expert planning” which was to become essential in formulating policies in Washington, rather than listening to the expressed desires and aspirations of the American electorate. The ideological attitudes and intellectual tone of these “experts” were as follows:

1. The Iron Mountain experts believed the value of war as an institution should be determined without reference to ethics, morality or other measurements.
2. They said “major industrial advances” could “never have taken place” if it had not been for war.
3. They said defense spending was not wasteful since it stimulates the economy.

4. They said the threat of war was necessary to give political leaders an essential control over the people, and if no threat exists political leaders should set about creating one.

5. They said political control could be assured by permanently “institutionalizing” a large segment of “poor“ who are dependent upon the politicians and would therefore vote for them and keep them in power “…the continuance of the war system must be assured, if for no other reason, among others, than to preserve whatever quality and degree of poverty society requires as an incentive (to support the regime in power), as well as to maintain the stability of its internal organization or power.”
6. They said the army was needed as a pool for the misfits.
7. They looked upon the army as a “state-supported haven for the unemployable.”

8. These “experts” believed that the latest weapons for mass destruction constituted an important factor in “population control.” They lamented that conventional weapons, “did not kill enough to reduce the consuming population to a level consistent with survival of the species.”
9. They regretted that modern medicine cured so many pestilences and thereby interfered with the natural selection process through survival of the fittest, suggesting that the day must come when human reproduction would be by artificial insemination so as to permit ‘direct eugenic management.’
10. They gave detailed consideration to various peace-time substitutes for the essential functions which they attributed to war, but came to the conclusion that war was superior to anything they could suggest as a practical substitute at that time.

After a lengthy discussion of ways to control society and keep it within numerical and economic bounds without war the Report from Iron Mountain boiled it all down to a summary entitled:

Substitutes for the Functions of War: Models

The following substitute institutions, among others, have been proposed for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war. That they may not have been originally set forth for that purpose does not preclude or invalidate their possible application here.

1. Economic, a) A comprehensive social-welfare program, directed toward maximum improvement of general conditions of human life, b) A giant open-end space research program, aimed at unreachable targets, c) A permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variants of such a system.

2. Political, a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force, b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace, c) Massive global environmental pollution d) Fictitious alternate enemies [emphasis added.]

3. Sociological, Control Function, a) Programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model, b) A modem sophisticated form of slavery.

4. Motivational function, a) Intensified environmental pollution, b) New religions or other mythologies, c) Socially oriented blood games, d) Combination forms.

5. Cultural. No replacement institution offered. Scientific. The secondary requirements of the space research, social welfare, and/or eugenics programs.

In the evaluation that followed it was decided that the “space-research substitute appears to meet both criteria, especially in respect to its probable effects on other war functions…” Development of “an acceptable threat from ‘outer space’ presumably in conjunction with a space-research surrogate for economic control, appears unpromising in terms of credibility,” the experts decided. Without the foresight of 30 years the experts concluded, “the environmental-pollution model does not seem sufficiently responsive to immediate social control, except through arbitrary acceleration of current pollution trends…”

The Iron Mountain experts proposed the establishment, “under executive order of the President, of a permanent War/Peace Research Agency, empowered and mandated to execute the programs described in (2) and (3) above. This agency (a) will be provided with nonaccountable funds sufficient to implement its responsibilities and decisions at its own discretion, and (b) will have authority to pre-empt and utilize, without restriction, any and all facilities of the executive branch of the government in pursuit of its objectives (emphasis added.) It will be organized along the lines of the National Security Council, except that none of its governing, executive, or operating personnel will hold other public office or governmental responsibility…”

(Webmaster comment: If this secret agency has been developed per recommendations in this report, this has perhaps been one of the deepest and darkest elements of the deep state/shadow government that has controlled America since the 1960s.)

(2) THE FIRST OF THE WAR/PEACE RESEARCH AGENCY’S two principal responsibilities will be to determine all that can be known, including what can reasonably be inferred in terms of relevant statistical probabilities, that may bear on an eventual transition to a general condition of peace…

(3) THE WAR/PEACE RESEARCH AGENCY’S other principal responsibility will be “War Research.” Its fundamental objective will be to ensure the continuing viability of the war system to fulfill its essential nonmilitary functions for as long as the war system is judged necessary to or desirable for the survival of society…

In the discussion preceding the above, we find the following relevant commentary:

“Credibility, in fact, lies at the heart of the problem of developing a political substitute for war. This is where the space-race proposals, in many ways so well suited as economic substitutes for war, fall short. The most ambitious and unrealistic space project cannot of itself generate a believable external menace. It has been hotly argued that such a menace would offer the “last, best hope of peace,” etc., by uniting mankind against the danger of destruction by “creatures” from other planets or from outer space. Experiments have been proposed to test the credibility of an out-of-our-world invasion threat; it is possible that a few of the more difficult-to-explain “flying saucer” incidents of recent years were in fact early experiments of this kind… 244 “

Thirteen years after The Report from Iron Mountain, and one year after Operation Mind Control was published, UFOlogist Dr. Jacques Vallee published Messengers of Deception 245 . To my knowledge this was the first book to mention mind control in connection with UFOs and especially the “abductee” phenomena:

“The Manipulators… I have given this name to the agents who cause the UFO contacts and engineer their effects. Everything now centers on their role, their identity, their designs. Who could they be? Alien beings coming from the end of the galaxy? Psychic entities from the “other side”? Automata controlled by some nonhuman consciousness? Holographic nightmares? But perhaps we are looking far away from something which is right under our nose: could they simply be human? Could they be masters of deception so skillful that they can counterfeit an invasion from space?

“It is not difficult to see that the same themes are running through the whole puzzle. Many contactees, for example, mention Atlantis. If our self-styled “space brothers” need such a prehistoric pedigree, is it reasonable to expect them to come from some far-away star? The real answer is both more mundane and more frightening:

“Beyond the attention of academic science, below the dignity of official history, there are groups, cults, and sects that serve as “leading indicators” of mass movements (emphasis added.) The myth of contact is such a leading indicator.”

Vallee took all his papers one day and drove to the house of a Major Murphy, who had advised him in his UFO research before. Major Murphy and Vallee “quickly agreed that the popular idea of flying saucers from outer space left much to be explained…”

Major Murphy, Vallee said, reported that the U.S. had evidence in 1943 that several countries had been working on circular aircraft which they hoped to develop into secret weapons. The Nazis, he said, were doing advanced research on “controlled electrical discharges” and “controlled lightening” and had tried to combine these things together. Then, when the allies invaded Germany, a lot of the hardware fell into both U.S. and Russian hands. “Then people started seeing the modem UFOs in Sweden in 1946,” Vallee reports the Major saying.

“General James Doolittle was sent to Sweden by the United States in 1946, apparently under cover of the Shell Corporation. In fact, he was to investigate the ‘ghost rockets’ with the Swedish authorities. Whatever came of that?

“His conclusions have never been revealed,” Vallee says Murphy said “with a sigh that seemed to say, If only the Pentagon could talk!” This took place a year before Kenneth Arnold named the discs he saw over Mt. Rainier “flying saucers.”

“One area where you must realize a lot of research had already been done in great secrecy by 1946,” Vallee quotes Major Murphy saying, “concerned mind control and the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.”

Vallee asked the Major what that had to do with rockets, UFOs or secret weapons.

“On the surface, if you just look at a few isolated cases, like scientists arguing about UFOs, well, I agree it doesn’t mean anything,” Vallee quotes Murphy saying. “But suppose somebody had obtained a device by the end of the war, which perhaps wasn’t a very effective weapon. Perhaps it couldn’t fly very effectively, couldn’t carry guns and bombs, but had other properties. For instance, it could emit radiation that caused paralysis and hallucinations as it flew over an area, so that witnesses exposed to it would think they saw the phantasms of their own imagination. Did somebody test that kind of a device in Sweden in 1946, and in the States in 1947, and find it to be ineffective as a flying machine, but very useful as a means of propaganda? Has such a group already understood what UFOs were, and are they confusing the issue by simulating UFO waves? Or is the entire phenomenon under their control?”

Vallee said it was hard for him to believe that techniques could be applied on the kind of scale as was being reported, even in 1979. “Don’t you read the newspapers?” Vallee quotes the Major saying. “Don’t you follow publications on mind control? The military has been using this kind of technique for years.”

Vallee describes Major Murphy pulling out a file of a series of New York Times clippings beginning in 1977 which described part of a U.S. project “which spanned 35 years and involved hypnosis, narcoanalysis, electronic brain stimulation, and the behavioral effects of every physical vibration known to science, from ultrasound to microwaves. He showed me a book entitled Operation Mind Control, in which W.H. Bowart describes his meeting with a young man who had just returned from a tour of duty with the Air Force. He suffered from amnesia. Like many UFO contactees, he remembered vaguely that he had had a good time, but couldn’t describe in detail where he had been. After many therapy sessions, he began to recall part of his activities. He had served, it seemed, on a military committee in Vietnam… He had been trained for total recall… then his entire memory of these assignments was erased like a magnetic cassette…” etc. (See Chapter Two, Only One Mind For My Country.)

(Webmaster comment: If this U.S. project spanned 35 years as stated by the New York Times in 1977, it had begun in 1942.)

“Giving me time to absorb this information,” Vallee wrote, “Major Murphy gestured toward the notes I had compiled on the UFO contactees and their sects.

“You have assembled case histories on rather interesting groups. Don’t misunderstand me,’ he said. ‘I am not suggesting that secret agents are going around the world giving these thousands of people individual suggestions to see UFOs. As we found out when we began developing the science of propaganda during the last war, you don’t need to do all that. A few well-placed stories, a well-planned program publicizing sensational incidents, will do marvels. The contactees are being manipulated. And I think we should not look in outer space for the Manipulators.’“

Vallee asked the major where he would look, then for the answer to the riddle of UFOs.

‘“Right here on earth,’ said the Major, with the satisfied air of a mathematics professor who has succeeded in proving an especially vexing theorem. ‘The best place to start looking for them is among some of the occult groups. Such organizations are an ideal place for a clever individual to exercise his influence, because they are ignored by the intellectuals, by those who call themselves ‘scientific investigators.’ They are afraid of looking silly if they join the Order of Melchizedek: what will the Dean say when he finds out!’”

(Webmaster comment: We just happen to have over 30 different spiritual groups and religious sects in Crestone/Baca’s “Refuge for World Truths!”)

The same year Messengers of Deception was published, Carl Jung’s niece, Lou Zinsstag, wrote a book about her friend, one of the first “contactees”, George Adamski. 246 In it Zinsstag mentions Operation Mind Control, telling how this report of the cryptocracy’s operations in mind control helped her understand things about Adamski which had remained inexplicable.

Adamski’s testimony in his book Flying Saucers Have Landed (co-authored by Desmond Leslie) reported that on November 20, 1952, the author encountered a “Venusian” wearing a one-piece body suit and long blond hair somewhere near Desert Center, California. The Venusian told Adamski that he was gravely concerned about recent atomic bomb tests. This message would become a litany of other “contactees.”

Flying saucer clubs sprang up. Lecturers earned their living speaking on an international circuit of UFO conventions. The government denied the existence of UFOs and there, apparently, was no physical evidence from them. When there was evidence, UFO lore has it, the “Men in Black” would come and seize it, warning witnesses to keep their mouths shut. Often described as tall, oriental men wearing black sunglasses and driving detailed black Cadillac’s, the men in black were masters of intimidation. Mysterious phone calls and black helicopters often preceded their visits.

Lou Zinsstag asked Adamski about the men in black who had just started to make headlines in Europe. “I was astonished to hear him acknowledge their existence without hesitation, adding ‘…they are not always in black, and they certainly belong to our own kind,” Zinsstag said. ‘They are well trained and committed to do their utmost in order to scare people away from getting interested in a new kind of cosmic knowledge which is rightfully ours.’ He also asserted that ‘…of necessity they have to be faceless men; you will never catch one.’ Asked if they belonged to the CIA., he hesitated a moment and then said ‘not necessarily’. But I also remember him telling me that some of them were very well versed in telepathy, hypnotism, trance and other forces ‘which can be subtly applied without immediate detection’, and that they got their schooling from the CIA.”

In Gray Barker’s book on Adamski, published after George’s death, an undated article was published, entitled My Fight with the Silence group 247:

“Shortly after the publication of ‘Flying Saucers Have Landed’ I was visited by three men, two of which I had met previously, but the third was a stranger. It was he who took the role of authority and directly threatened me demanding certain papers I had, for one thing. Some of these I gave him and was promised their return, but this promise was never kept. Since I did not exactly understand to what he had reference, I did not give him some of my (more) important papers. There is no need denying that I was frightened. Before they left I was told to stop talking or they would come after me, lock me up and throw the key away.”

Evidence in Jerome Clark’s The UFO Encyclopedia, Vol. 2 248 , suggests that Barker may himself have been a disinformation asset for the cryptocracy:

“…Barker was undeniably responsible, along with (James) Moseley, for one of the most notorious hoaxes of the 1950s, a December 1957 letter written on State Department stationery by one R.E. Straith and addressed to contactee George Adamski. “Straith” claimed that the department knew of the truth of Adamski’s reported meetings with Space Brothers and was quietly supporting his efforts…”

It was concluded that the letter had been written on Barker’s typewriter, but Moseley refused to publish his manuscript on the subject until after Adamski’s death. Then Moseley confirmed the long-standing rumors about the document’s “true provenance.” An inveterate UFO Convention attendee, Moseley maintains his position of “skeptic” in the crowd of true believers. He has been accused of being an intelligence asset over the years by UFO researchers. (At a 1983 UFO convention he said Candy Jones’ manager told him that her story was “just a hoax.” That’s hard to believe in light of others whose programming is almost identical to Candy’s and in the face of “leaked” CIA interrogation transcripts of Candy who apparently did have handlers both inside and outside the agency.)

UFO lore is filled with conflicting information and deception. In fact it’s doubly hard to believe UFOs are real, first because of public incredulity — peer pressure not to believe, and second because for every plausible explanation of their reality, there’s an equally plausible explanation of their unreality. It certainly appears that somebody is waging an artful psychological warfare campaign.

The campaigners would have it that if you want to believe in UFOs you can find enough evidence to present a logical argument for their existence, and if you don’t want to believe in UFOs you also can find enough evidence to present a logical argument against their existence. This would be an appropriate intelligence effort if, indeed, this planet were being invaded by an alien race far in advance of our own. Also possible is the scheme of a real UFO “invasion” being manipulated as a shield for high technology research projects.

Either way Ufology is a classic study in “plausible deniability.” It is a history of rumors documented by almost fifty years of uncoordinated effort by independent researchers. And, on the other hand, it may be an organized escape valve to mass hysteria, or an ordered presentation of “mass hallucination” created by almost fifty years of mind control — or both. It is highly likely that at least some of the “abduction scenarios” are being programmed by mind control technology and used as “screens” or “scrambles” to cover something else.

But Zinsstag said Adamski knew exactly where his opposition came from. “He survived their plots and he refused their money offers. But it looks as if he had not been prepared to counter more subtle or more sophisticated methods which, in the end, were effective in discrediting our old friend. There is some reason to suspect that, for a certain time at least, Adamski was fed false information by some cunning impersonators of spacemen who could have been members of a group of CIA agents…

“I know how outrageous this idea sounds to saucer enthusiasts who are still convinced of the space visitors’ infallibility and trustworthiness,” Zinsstag said. “But I am not so sure any longer…”

“Now in 1979… we may well assume that Adamski fell for some of their tricks, as early as in the sixties. He was so right when he wrote that the destruction of his image was their major target — but he failed to perceive the moment when it came about. He seemed to have overrated not only his faculty for perception but, also, his strength to stay clear of such weird manipulations.
“In one of our private talks,” Zinsstag wrote, “Adamski had admitted to possess remarkable psychic gifts, such as putting himself and other people into trance and that he was able to hypnotize himself but that he never made any use of it and, as he fiercely added, nobody would ever be able to put him into trance or hypnosis without his own wish or consent. In November 1963, he wrote:

I was talking to a man well versed in mesmerism and hypnosis. He is visiting here from the Middle West, and he has used both of these in government work. I wanted to know if I was right in my knowledge of it. And this is what he told me: there are people who will not lend themselves to either hypnotism or mesmerism by direct suggestion. He said that I was one who would not, for I make thorough analysis before acting… ‘

“I often wondered if this could have been a clever move of a CIA agent with a purpose, wanting to make him careless or to put him at ease. I don’t think that Adamski knew, at that time, that there was such a thing as hypnosis at a distance…

(Webmaster comment: “Hypnosis at a distance” has a variety of names and technical explanations. For example, RHIC (radio-hypnotic intra-cerebral control), RNM (remote neural monitoring), synthetic telepathy (microwave hearing), etc.)

“But there was one thing he knew: that with the years the shadowing of his person was bound to grow and that they were slowly ‘closing in on him’ is he said. He knew perfectly well that with his first book already he had stuck his head out once and for all times. ‘And, until they get me, I am making the best use I can of the freedom of the press in this country and also the freedom of speech.”

…”When in April 1965, he set out to lecture once more in and around Washington D.C., he must have felt the fear of God in his bones. He knew that not only the CIA was after him; he knew that he had even more formidable adversaries 249 .

“Going through my files,” Zinsstag said, “I found the copy of my letter to Henk Hinfelaar written in May, 1965:

“…I remember Adamski telling me more than once that he would never enter a hospital in the U.S. if ever he could help it because ‘you never know what kind of injection they would make or what kind of drug they would put in my food.” And another time he actually said, “I would rather die in the street than enter a hospital.‘

“‘He also told me that, as an exception, he would use a shortened version of his name (-ki being the Polish ending for any male name) when he felt a kind of insecurity while entering a hotel. This, he said, was no falsification of his name and that, in fact, he could have discarded the last syllable long ago; nobody would have objected but that he had always wanted to keep the name that he had got from his father.”

“With this letter,” Zinsstag wrote, “Henk received a copy of a UPI report which I had received from an unknown friend, published in an unknown newspaper.”


Washington, UPI, April 30, 1965

A man who claimed to have visited other planets is dead. For a period after his death he was, like the flying saucers he studied, unidentified.

George Adamski, 74-year-old resident of Vista, California, who onlylast month told Washington newsmen he had made several interplanetary trips aboard craft from outer space, died last Friday night in a Washington sanitarium at nearby Tacoma Park, Maryland.

Dr. Beldon Reap, deputy medical examiner for Montgomery County, Maryland, confirmed his death this morning, shortly after Adamski was buried in a private service at Arlington National Cemetery.

He said that Adamski apparently died of a heart attack. – The hospital indicated the reason his death was not reported sooner, was the original records listed him as Adams rather than Adamski. Authorities finally located Adamski’s daughter, Mrs. Alice Wells, Vista.

About Lou Zinsstag’s quote in which the “man well versed in mesmerism and hypnosis had told Adamski that ‘there are people who will not lend themselves to either hypnotism nor mesmerism by direct suggestion.” And,” He said, “I was one who would not (be suggestible), for I make thorough analysis before acting…” It is a well known trick of hypnotists to agree with those who say they can’t be hypnotized. It establishes a rapport with the subject to agree that they can’t be hypnotized. Then the hypnotist says something like, “Well, then, just close your eyes for a few moments so I can show you how guided imagery might work.”

It is exactly as Adamski reported it. The subconscious “robot” mind responds usually to what might be called ‘the language of the unconscious’. If the “influencer” confuses the analytical mind, or occupies it with the process of considering a paradox or a profound problem, and while it searches its various filing compartments (which those skilled in the art of subconscious influencing can tell by the pattern of the subject’s eye movements, and other involuntary responses) various linguistic approaches might allow access to setting up an “embedded command” which can be magically effective, in so much as the command appears to be congruent to the subjects desires. These techniques are no secret This is spelled out in detail in the works of Milton Erickson and others. A complete knowledge of NLP, or the many various “schools” of Ericksonian hypnosis, serve as the only self defense I know of against such invasive “hypnotic” techniques.

As I pointed out in 1978, I will do again in this expanded edition: hypnosis is merely another technology that can benefit or harm. The trick of the unethical influencer is to manipulate the context so that the subconscious mind thinks that by performing on the embedded command it will help the individual achieve his outcome, when in fact he is actually giving the influencer his outcome without knowing it. When an embedded command is followed by a change of subject (magicians call this “misdirection”) amnesia sets in and the subject (or in this case “target”) forgets the command even after it’s triggered.

It is possible that George Adamski was a victim of the MKULTRA program in more ways than one. Whether or not he had seen a UFO or photographed one, his alleged “trip to Saturn” and other adventures which served to debunk his credibility might have been carefully cultivated experiences in his unconscious mind. If this were the case, who can tell what produced the fantastic and apparently “unscientific” descriptions of the solar system and such claims that birds have migrated from one planet to another through space.

Ten years after Vallee’s and Zinsstag’s books came The Controllers, Mind Control and Project MKULTRA, Modem Myth, Mass Manipulation and a New Hypothesis of Alien Abductions” 250 by Martin Cannon, a 64-page booklet originally published in installments in the MUFON Journal, the house organ of an alleged CIA co-opted UFO organization.

Cannon posited that “the abductees have been abducted. Yet they are also spewing fantasy — or, more precisely, they have been given a set of lies to repeat and believe. If my hypothesis proves true, then we must accept the following: The kidnapping is real. The fear is real. The pain is real. The instruction is real. But the little gray men from ZetiReticuli are not real: they are constructs, Halloween masks meant to disguise the real faces of the controllers. The abductors may not be visitors from Beyond; rather, they may be a symptom of the carcinoma which blackens our body politic…

“…Substantial evidence exists,” Cannon writes, “linking members of this country’s intelligence community (including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Office of Naval Intelligence) with the esoteric technology of mind control. For decades, “spy-chiatrists” working behind the scenes — on college campuses, in CIA-sponsored institutes, and (most heinously) in prisons – have experimented with the erasure of memory, hypnotic resistance to torture, truth serums, post-hypnotic suggestion, rapid induction of hypnosis, electronic stimulation of the brain, non-ionizing radiation, microwave induction of intracerebral ‘voices’ and a host of even more disturbing technologies…”

Cannon agrees with CIA veteran Miles Copeland who once admitted to Robert Eringer of Rolling Stone 251: “The congressional subcommittee which went into this sort of thing got only the barest glimpse.”

Cannon argues that much of the testimony before Congress on the CIA’s “brainwashing” efforts was perjury. He says the clandestine research into thought manipulation was not stopped but went operational and, he asserts, any claims to the contrary are cover stories. He presents evidence (as have we) that a number of government agencies, CIA, NASA, Atomic Energy Commission as well as a variety of agencies of the Department of Defense are all involved in research and operations to this day, and that the UFO abduction phenomenon, at least in part, is quite likely a continuation of the clandestine mind control operations.

“Perhaps the most interesting pieces of evidence surrounding the abduction phenomenon are the intracerebral implants allegedly visible in the X-rays and MRI scans of many abductees. Indeed, abductees often describe operations in which needles are inserted into the brain; more frequently still, they report implantation of foreign objects through the sinus cavities. Many abduction specialists assume that these intercranial incursions must be the handiwork of scientists from the stars. Unfortunately, these researchers have failed to familiarize themselves with certain little-heralded advances in terrestrial technology,” Cannon says. “The abductees’ implants strongly suggest a technological lineage which can be traced to a device known as a ‘stimoceiver,’ invented in the late ’50s-early ’60s by a neuroscientist named Jose Delgado.”

Addressing the large number of “implants” reported by abductees, Cannon writes: “If we are to take seriously abductee accounts of brain implants, we must consider the possibility that the implanters, properly perceived, don’t look much like the ‘grays’ pictured on (Whitley) Strieber’s 252 dustjackets.” Instead, the visitors may resemble Dr. (Joseph A.) Meyer and his brethren…”

Cannon says, Meyer is “perhaps the most disturbing wanderer in this mind-field of the National Security Agency, the most formidable and secretive component of America’s national security complex. Meyer has proposed implanting roughly half of all Americans arrested — not necessarily convicted – of any crime; the numbers of ‘subscribers’ (his euphemism) would run into the tens of millions. ‘Subscribers’ could be monitored continually by computer wherever they went Meyer, who has carefully worked out the economics of his mass-implantation system, asserts that taxpayer liability should be reduced by forcing subscribers to ‘rent’ the implant from the State. Implants are cheaper and more efficient than police, Meyer suggests, since the call to crime is relentless for the poor ‘urban dweller” – who, this spook-scientist admits in a surprisingly candid aside, is fundamentally unnecessary to a post-industrial economy. ‘Urban dweller’ may be another of Meyer’s euphemisms: He uses New York’s Harlem as his model community in working out the details of his mind-managed system.”

Meyer, Cannon suggests, could be one of the top men behind the abductee brain implants, the “scoop marks” and other scars on abductees bodies. “We would also have an explanation for the reports of individuals suffering personality change after contact with the UFO phenomenon.”

By all indications, the Iron Mountain report was implemented by the secret War/Peace Research Agency, whatever it may be named. Environmental pollution has accelerated. New “invisible” forms of killing (viral infections) are appearing with increasing frequency.

(Webmaster comment: I would add that organized stalking/electronic torture aka “invisible warfare” also meets the definition of a) “socially-oriented blood games,” b) “sophisticated, modern forms of slavery” and c) “fictitious alternative enemies” proscribed in The Report For Iron Mountain and also requires deployment of another proscribed element: d) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force. Certainly, my experience as a TI validates the fact that this form of social control/eugenics is occurring in Crestone/Baca, Colorado and elsewhere. Note the above paragraph links this program with the NSA, law enforcement, and the Dept. of Justice.)

Evidence of experiments with bizarre religious cults, The Unification Church (Moonies), The Branch Davidians, The Peoples Temple and others testify to a secret hand on the pulpit. And now comes the clincher, victims of government mind control remembering enough to begin to testify about their “Alien” programming.

Lincoln S&L conspiracy witness, Paul Bonacci, testified to a number of code names for different programs. Some names matched those given by other victims who did not know Bonacci. There was “Wizard of Oz” and “Alice in Wonderland”. One project was code-named “Alien.” Bonacci said: “the alien program which they used… Alien was mainly under Star Wars…” (This would fit with (Lt. Col. Michael) Aquino’s reported penchant to dress up like Darth Vader and it would be consistent with his frustrated literary urge to extend the Star Wars trilogy. Bonacci positively identified Aquino as one of his programmers.)

Satanic activities, Bonacci said, were also a frequent part of the Monarch programming. The Satanic and Alien programs took place “almost always on military ground.” Bonacci said. “I said all the alien stuff happened in Colorado, up in the mountains, and also I think they did it mostly where there was hardly any chance that there would be a lot of people around.” He described some of the alien programming as taking place in caves underground.

“They took you in the caves which they had set up. Some of them had an alien space ship so you would go into it,” Bonacci said. “Even now they keep showing them movies that have alien space ships with caverns in them. If you got away from them and went around these caverns you’d think, well,’ man this is just like the movies.’”

Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project of the Association of National Security Alumni 253, reports that she has interviewed 125 victims of government mind control. One of them had apparently been part of the “Alien” programming. The woman, now an adult in her 40’s, told McKinney of being used in the alien project as a young child because she was small and just the right size for wearing the costume of a “gray”, the big-headed alien with big eyes and a skinny neck which many UFO “abductees” sketch under hypnosis.

The woman was cult connected. She claimed to have played a role in the perpetuation of the UFO abduction myth; i.e., as a member of a DoD-affiliated Satanic cult. As a little girl she was made to wear an ET costume. When describing the costume, this woman said that the head and neck were manipulated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the costume. The Babylon Five preying-mantis costume — which also had an elongated neck, and eyes which were situated far above the wearer’s head – is also operated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the costume. The ET costume worn by this woman antedated Babylon Five’s special effects costuming by approximately 10 to 15 years,” McKinney said.

“Have you noticed how the special effects technologies in science fiction films have evolved at approximately the same rate as the special effects being employed in so-called UFO abductions and sightings? The “flying saucers” reportedly seen by the public during the 1950’s were about as sophisticated as those which were portrayed in the movies and both were quite primitive by today’s standards,

“The special effects in today’s science fiction films have become quite sophisticated, “McKinney said. “Similarly, persons who now claim to have been abducted, or to have seen UFO’s, are describing scenes and events which parallel those being portrayed in science fiction films in the form of special effects.”

“Having been given no reason to believe otherwise, I have personally concluded that so-called UFO abductions, and the events surrounding those abductions and sightings, are a “black” intelligence operation, involving government-sponsored kidnappings, experimental drugs, surgical experimentation, sophisticated electronics and directed-energy technologies, implantable microcircuited devices, experimental aircraft, Hollywood-style special effects, and the exploitation of government-sponsored genetics experiments.

“These reported activities do not require the involvement or intellectual input of extraterrestrials. In fact, given the alleged superior capacities of ETs, these UFO operations come across as being really quite bungled, redundant and primitive. Their failure to out pace Hollywood’s development of special effects technologies or DoD’s weapons technologies also points to totally human involvement

“In sum,” McKinney continued, “I see these UFO activities as being nothing more than a massive covert-intelligence fraud being perpetrated upon a gullible public – a lucrative, large-scale mind-control operation, qualifying as an attempt at creating The Cult to End All Cults/ The Cult From Outer Space.’”

McKinney says another source told her that there was a project headed by Michael Aquino that involves the programming of so-called “UFO abductees.” The source told her that this project is code-named Greenstar and is a mind-control operation involving an overlapping of satanic cults, the U.S. military and the UFO Community.

“Michael Aquino,” McKinney said, “is alleged under these circumstances, to have his hand in two major types of DoD-sponsored mind-control operations; viz., Satanic cults and, now, UFO abductions.”

Other researchers say there could be a long-term narco-hypnotic induction program using costuming and movie sets as covers for implanting terrifying “screen” or “scramble” memories of phony abductions by big-headed short gray aliens, the editio vulgata of ufology’s abductee memories.

Bonacci described being given drugs in his Monarch programming. One drug they used, he said, was sodium pentothal. They’d lower your consciousness level just enough that you’re aware of what’s going on but your mental thinking is blocked…”

Denise Meyer, told us that small children in Nebraska, ages 4 and 5, were beginning to report “alien” encounters to their therapists 254. “The kids are describing little green men that fit the description of the ‘grays’. They also are describing green UFOs. It appears these are screen memories, used to block the memories of something else,” Meyer said.

While “guesstimates” project numbers of victims of cryptocracy mind control to be in the tens of thousands, a 1993 Roper Poll has been interpreted to indicate that 6-10 million North Americans have experienced “alien abduction.” Somebody must be working overtime.

If you still have serious doubts that mind control could be part of Project Alien (or some such named activity) take a look at this letter from Walter B. Smith, the Director of the CIA. Declassified on 20 April, 1977 the letter is thought to have been written in 1952:


MEMORANDUM TO: Director, Psychological Strategy Board SUBJECT: Flying Saucers

1. 1 am today transmitting to the National Security Council a proposal (TAB A) in which it is concluded that the problems connected with unidentified flying objects appear to have implications for psychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations.
2. The background for this view is presented in some detail in TAB B.
3. I suggest that we discuss at an early board meeting the possible offensive or defensive utilization of these phenomena for psychological warfare purposes.

Enclosure Walter B. Smith, Director

Of course TAB A and TAB B could not be found. So much for the value of the Freedom of Information Act.

Many of the survivors of the so-called Project Monarch are remembering alien scenarios, while “ordinary folks” are those reporting their abductions. The thing they both have in common is the amnesia they experienced for so many years after the event

Without question, most of the effects described by the abductees can be duplicated by cryptocracy mind control “handlers.” In fact, one prominent “deprogrammer” suggested that, after working out the appropriate legal documents to protect him from liability, he would ask for abduction volunteers. His idea was to bring the volunteers before an audience at one of his lectures and “perform” the programming (with high voltage shocks) which creates the same “screen” memories and missing time that the “abductees” are reporting.

The most recent reports grow more disturbing and more difficult to explain entirely by what we know of the state of mind control arts. A letter came from a Colorado woman who previously reported to me an encounter she had with what appeared to be an “alien” along with a human male who appeared to be a government “techie”. She is in contact with other “abductees” and just before we went to press sent us some e-mail about two other friends who had experienced similar events:

“I have some new testimony which may be of interest to you. this concerns the abduction of two other women. I have requested permission of these two women to share their experiences in the hope that it will generate interest and help demonstrate a connection between your studies and ours. This type of encounter is VERY common in abductions scenarios.”

In the words of one: “A few months ago one of my experiences involved a pelvic exam and my asking telepathically “why, why, why” and being told by a rather sarcastic male voice “because you like it so much.” I then saw two male human beings. I was told one was CIA and one was FBI and that they were going to make sure I didn’t try to leave the country.”

This type of experience is NOT a ‘classic’ abduction experience but is not uncommon to those who have had the sense to begin to study, question and explore this phenomena. Many people do not try to find out what is happening to them but simply follow as sheeple. The ‘pelvic’ exam is common but the sarcastic male voice is not. There is no gender associated with the telepathic communications in typical abductions and there is no emotion, sarcastic or otherwise.

The next scenario is from memory of a telephone conversation with another contact. I can get it in print in her own words if interested. She said she remembered awakening on her feet and being kind of lead/dragged down a hallway. As she became more aware, she struggled with humans and was tackled by a very large woman who gave her an injection. She was then rendered helpless and led to a room with metal chairs and was seated in one. A human male in some kind of uniform repeatedly screamed at her: ‘You will move to Oklahoma and start a community there. You will take your children and go to Oklahoma and start a community there.” As she began to recover more physical control, she bolted for the door and was tripped by the chair. She fell very hard on the floor, landing on her hip and experienced considerable pain. She doesn’t remember much more then. However, the next day she remembered being injected. She found a needle puncture wound and also a terrible bruise on her hip where she had fallen.

“Now, regardless of what has happened to these women and myself, SOMETHING did happen and continues to happen to all of us and many others. It’s entirely possible that Martin Cannon is correct in attributing the abduction phenomena to government interest. It’s also possible that there are other factors involved. The source is not the relevant point of interest here. What IS vitally important is the complete and total control that is exercised over the humans experiencing this. If it is a purely mental experience, it is externally generated. Who is generating it and why? If it is physical, as the evidence suggests, then there is a technology involved that makes MKULTRA look like kindergarten. Delgado’s experiments with remote stimulation seem to be much closer to the technology being seen here. However, I suggest that this technology has surpassed the need for any ‘implants’ being first placed in the brains of subjects. Then again, this could have been done at almost any point in a persons life if hospitalization is required. Most women are hospitalized for childbirth. But, regardless of the use of implants, the control of the physical bodies and the minds of many people is being reported from around the world.

I had an experience in February of this year (1994) that frightened me more than any other because of the TOTAL control it involved. I left myself proof.

I’ll be brief: I awakened at 4:00 am and remembered that at some point during the night there had been 3 ‘critters’ in my bedroom. I remembered telling them that “Ok, You are finished now get the fuck out of my house,” as I sat up in bed and pointed towards the back door. This is the only conscious memory I have of that experience. However, after I got up and went into the kitchen to make coffee, I was shocked to see my down parka, which had been in the very back of my closet the night before, laying on my living room floor. Also, my front door was unlocked. No big thing until you understand that I live in a county with 13 local, state and federal prisons. I NEVER leave my door unlocked. The ritual of the door locking extends to my getting out of bed EVERY night for that third check just to make sure I had locked it. At the very least, I was, at some point during the night, compelled to leave my bed, get my parka out of the closet, walk to the living room, unlock the door, drop the parka on the floor and return to bed to ‘see’ these three critters. The fact that it was February in Colorado suggests that I may have gotten the parka because I was compelled to leave the house on a very cold night. There was no evidence to suggest that I actually left the house. I have never been known to ‘sleep walk’.

The above experience was the most profound for me since 1: there was physical evidence of total control of my body, 2: there was almost complete control of my mind including almost total amnesia of the event. I say ‘almost’ because I feel that I left the parka on the floor as a message to myself and I remembered the ‘ending’ of the event consciously. One could suggest that I was ‘allowed’ to leave the coat on the floor and that I was ‘allowed’ to remember the ending. Once again, regardless of any ‘allowance’, the control was there. This kind of control is total. It demonstrates an ‘ultimate’ weapon – the total control of the human mind.

These experiences are not the product of delusional women and men around the world but are actual experiences. They may be mental or physical, they may be government related or ‘other’ related. They are, however, generated from an external source and suggest that ‘mind control’ is not limited to the ‘biological’ mode previously attempted. I suggest that ‘wave’ or ‘beam’ technology is at play here and I find much evidence to support this in the studies of electromagnetics and the effects on the human mind and body, and also in the study of theoretical physics and related subjects.

The examples I have presented to you, now and previously, are but a very few of the many I have in my files. Ufology books are filled with similar accounts that suggest the use of ‘wave’ technology.

Hopefully, you will be able to glean what I’m trying to convey – the most important issue that faces our world today. I’m scared to death and fear for my fellow humans. I KNOW that I am an intelligent, rational, logical and analytical person as are most associated with this phenomena. If this can be done to me, and those like me it can be done to all of us..”

(Webmaster comment: I suggest it is possible that the above scenario could have been accomplished by using two 1950’s military-intelligence technologies: RHIC (Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control) and EDOM (Electronic Dissolution of Memory).)

Ed Conroy, writing in his book REPORT ON COMMUNION, The Facts Behind The Most Controversial True Story of Our Time, describes the climate in UFO research circles:

’The possibility may indeed exist that by means yet to be developed, some UFO phenomena may one day be ‘proved’ to be of a truly extraterrestrial origin (whatever that designation might really mean in terms of the physics of interstellar travel), but for the moment it appears that the advocates of the “extraterrestrial hypothesis” are moving more toward the creation of a New Age religious movement founded upon tenets of irrational belief than toward improvement of their hypothesis that would make it more testable.

“While such observations concerning the problems of making a religion out of UFO contact may seem obvious to the seasoned reader of UFO literature, they tend to get missed so frequently in public discussion of abduction phenomena that I believe my emphasis is not misplaced,” Conroy wrote. ” Would it be unreasonable to observe that in the face of the mysteries posed by UFO sightings and apparent visitor experiences, the human imagination rushes in to fill the gaps, created by our own ignorance, aided by plenty of emotional longing for some kind of relief from life’s tedium? (Or the ineptitude of human awareness?)”

“The questions opened by considering the relation between visitor abduction phenomena and the human mind are formidable…”

The UFO developments certainly fit one of the Report From Iron Mountain’s requirements for a war substitute: 3. Sociological: Motivational function, b) New religions or other mythologies.”

There’s a growing body of self-published literature that points to the awareness of a mounting (phoney?) alien invasion. William R. Lyne’s book “Space Aliens From The Pentagon” 251 tells of the author’s own frustration with the U.S patent office and the State of New Mexico which, he says, ran him ragged with litigation and harassment after he stumbled across proof of a Nazi experimental P2 “saucer” flown in New Mexico in the 1930’s, which ran on technology invented by Nikola Tesla in the 1890’s.

His book, Lyne writes, “is the first to expose a BIG LIE mind control hoax from the Third Reich, and covertly implemented through “national security” means, to perpetuate the coercive monopoloy of a corporate-state elite. By stealing, concealing, or suppressing advanced technology, they insure our continued dependency on archaic petroleum and nuclear technology. Through the mass-media we are brainwashed with scientific lies and misinformation, and “indoctrinated” with Nazi-created “parapsychology”, designed to “stretch our credulity”, so we will indiscriminately accept on faith, a “psychic” BIG LIE religion and Platonist epistemology, which makes us easier to exploit as a slave people. To this end, flying saucer technology of relative simplicity and phenomenal potential was stolen from Nicola Tesla, and has been concealed from us for over 50 years.”

In 1953, the book says, Lyne and seven others saw a flying saucer at close range. He studied its behavior, and after thinking about it for thirty years, published his book which is a thought provoking piece of folk art. Besides Lyne’s caustic rhetoric, the book contains his well executed original drawings of how a saucer works, and photos of a celestial guidance system” from a WWII-vintage Nazi Keisel/Teller Gyrating Saucer. In the last pages, as a final gesture of defiance to the cryptocracy, Lynne gives his designs to the public with the proviso:

…the purchaser or reader is notified of, and hereby understands and agrees to the following:

1. That she or he assumes all physical risks of any harm to anyone attendant to the constructing, testing, flying, or attempting to fly, a flying saucer constructed as herein suggested;
2. that the author assumes no liability whatsoever…

3. That the purchaser or reader… hereby assumes complete responsibility..
4. It is hereby agreed and understood that these plans are hypothetical, provided only for the purpose of the investigation understanding of flying saucer theory, flight and construction, and that the author gives no warranty, either express or implied, that a flying saucer constructed according to these plans will work or be safe to the operator or others…

Lyne writes: “The magnitude by which electricity overcomes the force of gravity, is rivaled only by the magnitude by which the lies of our government and the Trilateralists have overcome our rationality. Justice, in redress of these crimes, should be by public punishment of the traitors responsible. They have perverted the instruments of democracy to seduce innocent minds…

“The secret government is… waging a subliminal brainwashing war against us, in violation of our right to government only by our consent. They are using movies, T.V., books, magazines, children’s stories, and all forms of propaganda, from the cradle to the grave, to criminally undermine the very epistemological underpinnings of rational existence. We have not “consented” to a fraud of which we are unaware. To cut right through all the baloney, our govemment..(has) created the whole “alien” scenario to brainwash us…”

Thus spake the common man, who, like most common men, hath remarkable insights.


237 Paul Krassner knew both Leonard C Lewin and Herman Kahn. Krassner says he did not talk about The Report From Iron Mountain with Kahn.

238 Michael Bowen witnessed the event at the Milibrook, N.Y. estate occupied at the time by Leary and The Castalia Foundation. Bowen says Leary injected Kahn with a large dose of Dy-Methel-Tryptamine to “bring him down” from a bad LSD trip he was having. According to Bowen the 400 pound Kahn was running amok, destroying things in an upstairs room of the Milibrook mansion before Leary injected him with the “calming* liquid DMT. Having a PhD., Leary, was not liscensed to prescribe or give anyone drugs without the supervision of an M.D.

239 William A. McWhirter, Life, December 6. 1968.
240 A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand. Pubbus Press. Tucson, Arizona. 1985.
241 Gary Allen, Making Plans for a Dictatorship in America. American Opinion, April 1971

242 L. Fletcher Prouty. JFK, the CIA, Vietnam And The Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedg. Birch Lane Press New
York. 1992.
243 McLandress, Herschel, BOOK WORLD, “News of war and peace you’re not ready for”, page 5. November 26. 1967,

244 Op cit. p. 66.
245 Vallee, Jacques, Messengers of Deception, UFO Contacts and Cults. And/Or Press. Berkeley. California, 1979.

246 Zinsstag, Lou, GEORGE ADAMSKI. THEIR MAN ON EARTH, Photo section and commentaries by Timothy Good
Foreword by Dr. Hans HobeH copyright 1978, published in 1990 by UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES, P.O. Box 1 17206. Tucson, As

247 Barker, Gary, My Fight With The Silence Group, Saucerian, Clarksburg, W. Virginia, undated

248 Clark, Jerome, The UFO Encyclopedia, Volume 2, The Emergence of a Phenomenon.- UFOs from the Beginning Through 1959. Detroit, Ml. 1992.

249 Op. Cit, p. 100

250 Cannon, Martin. THE CONTROLLERS, Mind Control and Project MKULTRA, Modem Myth, Mass Manipulation, and a New Hypothesis of Men’ Abductions, Prevailing Winds Research, Santa Barbara, 1994.

251 Eringer, Robert, Secret Agent Man, Rolling Stone, 1985.

252 Streiber, Whitley, Communion, and Transformations are the most well known of Strieber’s books. They describe his supposed abduction by what he calls “visitors.” ( Streiber took great pains in avoiding the claim that his abductors were from another planet) Streiber was a successful fantasy and horror novelist before topping the bestseller list with Communion in 1987.

253 McKinney, Julianne, Silver Springs. Maryland, letter to the author, dated June 16, 1994.

254 Meyer, Denise, Telephone conversation with the author, June 4, 1994, Tucson, AZ to Lincoln, NE

255 Conroy. Ed. REPORT ON COMMUNION. The Facts Behmd The Most Controversial True Story of Our Time,
Avon Books. New York, 1989.

256 Op. cit., p. 84.

257. William R. Lyne, SPACE ALIENS FROM THE PENTAGON, Flying Saucers Are Man-Made Electrical Machines, 1993, Lamy. New Mexico 87540.

IV. On The Relevance of “The Report From Iron Mountain On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace”

In addition to helping expose the “alien” – UFO cum government MONARCH mind control programming hoax, information presented in Bowart’s chapter 38 also indicates that many of the myths/lies that have guided our society were prescribed in a 1960’s document, The Report From Iron Mountain On The Possibility And Desirability Of Peace, by Herman Kahn and the Hudson Institute. While this information appears to help explain the larger context of these operations, I believe the insights presented regarding mind control programming and the UFO hoax do not depend on this 1960s document for validation.

Nonetheless, we can summarize the potential importance of this document to these topics as follows:

Kahn claims to have established The Hudson Institute think tank “to help determine the entire future of the U.S. – and, time permitting, much of the world beyond.” 239 The document outlines several economic political, sociological, motivational and cultural mechanisms that should be deployed to maintain elite control of society. Of particular relevance to this investigative series, as well as this website and my other websites, are:

1) New religions or other mythologies

2) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace

3) A giant open-end space research program, aimed at unreachable targets

4) Socially oriented blood games (webmaster comment: The Targeted Individual Program aka organized stalking-electronic torture)

5) A modern, sophisticated form of slavery (webmaster comment: The Targeted Individual Program aka organized stalking-electronic torture, transhumanism, remote mind control bio-robotization)

6) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force

7) Massive global environmental pollution

8) Fictitious alternate enemies

9) A permanent, secret “War/Peace Research Agency” under executive order of the President that is supplied with non-accountable funds and empowered to make its own independent decisions.

(Webmaster comment: The above suggested policies in the Report From Iron Mountain, if they were implemented, may have contributed to the overthrow the U.S. Constitution in the 1960s. Certainly, there is a strong correlation between what was recommended and what has in fact been implemented. However, as the saying goes, ‘correlation is not necessarily causation.’)

Bowart provides the following background information about The Report and the Hudson Institute:

“The (Hudson) Institute received its $1.36 million income in 1968 from The Office of Civil Defense, The Office of Secretary of Defense, the Military Services, and according to Life magazine, “Other Government and Non-U.S. Government” agencies. On the list of what it calls “Public Members” and “Fellows” the Institute published, ten of the twenty-one of its Public Members were members of the Council on Foreign Relations, as were fifteen of the thirty-four Fellows. Two of the Fellows are very well known: Dr. Henry Kissinger and Dr. Milton Friedman.

Author A. Ralph Epperson 240 informs us that the corporations which created Iron Mountain included Standard Oil of New Jersey (Rockefeller interests); Manufacturers Hanover Trust (the Morgan Interests); and Shell Oil (the House of Orange,) among others. The report” writes Epperson, “dates back to at least 1961, when Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy and Dean Rusk, all members of the CFR, noticed that no serious study had been made about planning for a long-term peace. Not only were they concerned about the lasting effects of a long-term peace, they also wished to examine the functions, both visible and invisible, of war.”

Unfortunately, because Leonard C. Lewin, the man who leaked the document, claimed it was “satire,” officialdom has achieved “plausible deniability.” However, I tend to agree with Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, the liason between the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Eisenhower administration and author of “The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World” (1973), that the document is an accurate representation of elite planning of that time. This is all the more demonstrable when we consider the high percentage of Council of Foreign Relations members among the Hudson Institute’s “Public Members” and “Fellows.” The CFR, of course, is the American branch of the Britain’s Round Table Groups and has had a tremendous influence on American policy-making since it was established in 1921. Likewise, the major corporate “partners” in the creation of the Iron Mountain report include some of the most powerful banking and oil dynasties, namely the Rockefellers, Morgans and the House of Orange. These are the connections that would determine whether or not the recommendations of this report would actually be implemented. I agree with Bowart that the evidence is fairly overwhelming that they have been and are still being implemented.

However, if we combine the information presented herein with the 3 timelines Bowart also presents in his 1994 “Researcher’s Edition,” we begin to discern an extremely complex long-term strategy by the Illuminati elite for world conquest based largely on psychological warfare, i.e., the conquest of the “minds of men.” To put it in spiritual terms, I would argue that what has occurred and is still unfolding is the progressive “satanization” of humanity. This should give us a clue as to whose will is being done.

See: Mind Control History: 3 Timelines From “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition” by Walter Bowart (1994)

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