Mindjustice.org documents (Cheryl Welsh articles, interview, youtube)

1) Outlaw Nonconsensual Human Experiments Now; Cheryl Welsh, 2009

About 15 years ago, a reporter at the Albuquerque Tribune discovered evidence that during the Cold War, the U.S. government carried out radiation experiments on U.S. citizens without their knowledge or consent, all under the shadow of classified research. When the story hit the newswires, the U.S. public was outraged. President Bill Clinton responded by establishing the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), calling on it to review Washington’s past actions and recommend steps that would prevent such heinous human experiments from ever taking place again.

The committee made their recommendations in a 1995 report; and although Clinton issued a memorandum two years later that included several ACHRE prescriptions, bureaucratic delays kept it from being properly approved before he left office. The Department of Health and Human Services finally published it as an interim proposal in the Federal Register in 2002, but it remains unapproved by the appropriate agencies and departments.

So while it seems crazy, it’s true: Today, in a country that for the last eight years has been defined by questionable intelligence-gathering techniques and interrogation methods, the U.S. government is no more restricted in carrying out nonconsensual, classified research on human subjects than it was after World War II. Thus, it’s time for the Obama administration to reexamine the guidelines for classified experimentation on human subjects and close any loopholes that would allow a person to be unknowingly subject to experimentation. In fact, a prohibition on waiving informed consent in classified human-subject experiments should be the centerpiece of any new legislation–the waiver of this right being perhaps the most offensive aspect of the Cold War research programs.

Currently, the 1991 Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects is the binding regulation on human-subject research for 17 federal agencies including the military and the intelligence agencies. Although it outlines the guidelines for informed consent, it also states, “Unless otherwise required by law, department or agency heads may waive the applicability of some or all of the provisions of this policy.” In other words, a person participating in an experiment must be informed and give his consent unless a high-level government official doesn’t think it is necessary. Not surprisingly, this authority doesn’t stop with the heads of agencies and departments. The president also has the power to waive or modify these provisions through a presidential directive, which he can issue at any time, refuse to make public, and do without any person’s or body’s approval.

Therefore, until a federal statute that secures the right of informed consent for anyone subjected to classified human experimentation is passed by the legislature and signed into law by the president, the U.S. government has the power to carry out research projects without his consent and without informing the participants of the dangers or future complications.

Is the United States carrying out human-subject research without consent right now? We don’t know. But speculation about the future of research and experimentation doesn’t inspire confidence. Jonathan Moreno, a biomedical expert and author of Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans, writes, “Among the next generation of weapons is one that may involve a different sort of radiation than that emitted by atomic fission: microwaves. Electromagnetic waves may be used to disrupt an enemy soldier’s central nervous system, to cause epileptic seizures.” Anyone who doubts that the U.S. military may be considering such research need only consult a 2006 navy directive that includes guidelines for waiving consent and suggests the potential for research involving “severe or unusual intrusion, either physical or psychological, on human subjects (such as consciousness-altering drugs or mind-control techniques).”

In order to overcome more than 50 years of failed reforms, new approaches to human subject protections for classified experiments need to be developed, and troubling questions need to be an answered. How could this have happened and happened for so long? As we reflect on potential research and consider the ongoing debate regarding torture, the power of the executive branch, and the future of U.S. security, the need for strong, legally binding regulations governing human-subject research is undeniable. It’s time, with a new administration that condemns torture of any kind, to establish regulations governing all human-subject protections in classified experiments and to ensure that no person, regardless of position, can take away a person’s right to consent.

2) WORLD: Neuroweapons — more terrifying than the atomic bomb

Article |World | September 25, 2013

The following review was written by Ms. Cheryl Welsh to summarise the paper published by Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives in its latest issue.

Cheryl Welsh

Since the 1950s, allegations of government mind control weapons (now called neuroweapons) and nonconsensual human experimentation and targeting have been dismissed as science fiction. However, with a closer look at the history and science of neuroweapons and neuroscience, an extremely alarming discovery becomes obvious: compelling new evidence supports that secret neuroweapons are highly likely to already be developed. My article discusses how and why nearly all the experts were misled and therefore were completely wrong about neuroweapons, resulting in disastrous consequences. I describe two US Cold War cover stories (the official explanations given to disguise secret US programs) that have become obsolete. I argue that the public should be warned about the very real danger of secret US neuroweapons and a thorough impartial investigation of the allegations should also be conducted.

How will the public ever find out when secret neuroweapons are developed? Overwhelming evidence now supports that mind control is not science fiction; however, the definitive documents and proof as to whether neuroweapons exist are hidden by US government secrecy. The odds against resolving the issue are formidable. When confronted with significant facts about secret neuroweapons that are likely to be developed and used illegally, the government denials will be never ending. However, now the fallacy of the denials can be exposed. The warning signs are evident, for example, the ethics for President Obama’s new brain project are being formulated by Obama’s Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, the same commission which released a 2011 report, Moral Science: Protecting Participants in Human Subjects Research. This report completely ignored the lack of human subject protection in national security experiments. Nonconsensual experiments are still legal, both internationally and more specifically in the U.S., in practice if not in principle. The US government should be held accountable for its lack of legal protection and its disingenuous rhetoric of moral science.

Unlike the atomic bomb, there has been no meaningful US public debate on neuroweapons for over half a century. In a democracy, this is wrong. The consequences are serious; new laws and international treaties for neuroweapons need to be developed but this is not happening because of the extreme US secrecy. A letter dated January 22, 1947 by Albert Einstein, the physicist who revolutionized physics with his theory of relativity, described the importance of public debate:

Through the release of atomic energy, our generation has brought into the world the most revolutionary force since prehistoric man’s discovery of fire. This basic power of the universe cannot be fitted into the outmoded concept of narrow nationalisms. For there is no secret and there is no defense; there is no possibility of control except through the aroused understanding and insistence of the peoples of the world.1

We scientists recognize our inescapable responsibility to carry to our fellow citizens an understanding of the simple facts of atomic energy and its implications for society. In this lies our only security and our only hope, we believe that an informed citizenry will act for life and not death.2

My article is meant to educate the global public and major world powers, in particular the US government that have not and will not tell you about their secret and already developed neuroweapons that are more potentially dangerous than the atomic bomb. They will not admit to unconstitutional neuroweapons human testing programs. Nevertheless, the public has a right to know and now strong historical and scientific evidence that has been obscure and hard to find is revealing the truth. There is enough evidence to support an investigation of the allegations of secret neuroweapons testing and targeting, however this is only a small beginning and it will be up to human rights groups, the media and the public to confront the government barriers to information on secret US neuroweapons programs.

Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives ( ISSN 2304-134X (print) | ISSN 2304-1458 (online) is a bi-monthly magazine which focuses on torture and its related issues globally. Writers interested in having their research on this subject published, may submit their articles to [email protected]

1.A. DeVolpi, et al., Born secret The H-Bomb, the Progressive case, and national security, (1981) 248.

3) The Targeting of Cheryl Welsh

4) WORLD: Neuroweapons; Inside Story of the US mind control project

Statement |World | September 27, 2013

Last week the US National Institutes of Health ( NIH) issued an report titled, “Interim Report: Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) working group.” The report has extensively examined President Barack Obama’s brain project, which mentions the need to develop electromagnetic modulation as a new technology for brain circuit manipulation. In the meantime, the weekend edition of the Guardian newspaper in London published an article which explains that brain drugs will likely be replaced by brain circuit manipulation; this is a huge change from drug research to brain circuit research which is now heavily funded and taking off.

AHRC-STM-174-2013.jpg “New technologies such as optogenetics suggest that even finer control of brain circuits may be possible,” Vaughan Bell, who is a clinical psychologist and visiting researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, pointed in her article in the Guardian.

“While deep brain stimulation involves stimulating the brain with electrical currents, optogenetics involves injecting neurons with a benign virus that contains the genetic information for light-sensitive proteins. The brain cells then become light sensitive themselves and their activity can be controlled with millisecond flashes of light sent through embedded fibre optic cables. Until now, this has only been demonstrated in animals but there are high hopes that it could lead to precisely controlled treatments in humans that intervene only in carefully selected brain circuits,” she examined.

The Interim Report of NIH on the other hand carefully highlighted that “directly activating and inhibiting populations of neurons, neuroscience is progressing from observation to causation, and much more is possible. To enable the immense potential of circuit manipulation, a new generation of tools for optogenetics, pharmacogenetics, and biochemical and electromagnetic modulation should be developed for use in animals and eventually in human patients. Emphasis should be placed on achieving modulation of circuits in patterns that mimic natural activity.”

The threat is real. The NIH Interim Report is another of many indications that brain technology for neuroweapons is scientifically possible. Additionally, some say such technologies have been used systematically against select people in various jurisdictions. Many definitions on certain precedures and practices have to be revisited due to the many legal loop holes that allow for real criminals to commit illegal activities.

Our latest issue of Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives (Volume 02, Number 2 & 3) features as its main story, the inside story of a US mind control project. Ms. Cheryl Welsh, who is the director of a small human rights organization in the US, has been examining, on an in-depth level, this issue, exclusively for us. It is a privilege for us to present her long term research paper and we believe this will be a worthy contribution to a larger, critical debate on the use of neuroweapons. Currently, the dialectic on the new neuroscience programs is extremely one sided and lacking in an awareness of the likelihood of neuroweapons; there is a great need for a more balanced dialogue on a global level in the future as well.

Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives is a bi-monthly magazine which focuses on torture and its related issues globally. Writers interested in having their research on this subject published, may submit their articles to [email protected]

Contents of the latest Issue of, Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives




Nora Sveaass

Norman Finkelstein

POLITICAL ABUSE OF PSYCHIATRY – written by Robert van Voren


NEUROWEAPONS – written by Cheryl Welsh

ITALY: THE FARCE OF FASCISM – written by Liliana Corrieri

USA: TORTURE IN THE CIVIL WAR – written by Meredith McBride


Ron Jacob

by Bijo Francis

Tisaranee Gunasekara

by Binoy Kampmark



WHAT DID THEY DO? – written by David C. Brotherton

CONSOLATION FOR FRUSTRATION – written by Alain de Botton

MENTAL HEALTH GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN PRIORITY – written by Jennifer Esala and Brad Robideau

PICTURING ‘THE DISAPPEARED’ – written by John Reid

U.S. PRISONS – written by Ed Mead

‘FREEDOM OR DIE’ – written by Hazel Le


Narrative of Justice in Sri Lanka: told through stories of torture victims
Edited by Basil Fernando

Contributors: Eran Wicramaratne
Rajat Mitra
Suni Cooray
Bijo Francis
Basil Fernando
George Katsiaficas


Special Thanks Goes Out To Cheryl Welsh, Mind Justice.org,- Dedicated Humanitarian Research & Cause.


List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the related technology by Cheryl Welsh, dated: March, 2003. (Welsh provided a thank you to those who sent her much of this information: Tessa Puglia, Harlan Girard, Margo Cherney, and John Ginter).

Symptoms Microwave hearing Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious
Visual disturbances
visual hallucinations

Inject words, numbers into brain via electromagnetic radiation waves

Manipulation of emotions

Reading thoughts remotely

Causing pain to any nerve of the body

Remote manipulation of human behavior from space

Harassment, stress symptoms such as helicopters flying overhead

Seeing, as in a camera, through your eyes, i.e. to see what you see exactly

Control of sleep patterns

Computer-brain interface, control and communication

Complex control of the brain such as retrieving memories, implanting personalities

Symptom: Microwave Hearing – 1. Microwave hearing. The hearing of voices in the head from an outside source, but nobody else can hear the voices except the targeted individual.

Scientifically Proven? 1. Yes. Ultrascience III, Spies are us. Featured Dr. James C. Lin, Ph.D.. biomedical and electrical engineer, educator, author of Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications, 1978. Lin demonstrated microwave hearing, a symptom of many of the victims, hearing voices. Also featured Cheryl Welsh on the issue of mind control experimentation.

International Defense Review, 3-1-93, Special Operations Survives Pentagon budget Constraints, Ramon Lopez. “JASORS, Joint Advanced Special Operations Radio System is being developed by Harris Corporation. …is a very ambitious, leading-edge technology program, …Whiles JASORS is a near-term SOF, (Special Operations Forces) enhancement, SORDAC,(Special Operations Research Development and Acquisition Center), is also investigating long-range (1998-2010) and “far-future” (2011 and beyond) weaponry and support equipment.

[SORDAC’s director, Army Colonel Douglas J.] Richardson said one far-future communications system being investigated is “synthetic telepathy.” One day, SOF commandos may be capable of communicating through thought processes.”

Margo Cherney FOIA request for complete NASA abstract Report Number: AD-A090426.,June 1, 1980. Brooks Air Force Base, Jan.25, 2000. The requested information is fully denied under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(1)…” NASA abstract in part stated, “A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwave. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person’s position in the field) within or just behind the head.

The phenomena occurs at average power densities as low as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy and deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure.”

Microwave News, editor, Louis Slesin, Jan/Feb 1997 p 14. U.S. Air Force Looks to the Battlefields of the Future:

Electromagnetic Fields That Might “Boggle the Mind “. It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the GHz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave.

If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5-15 kHz range, which is audible. Thus it may be possible to “talk” to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them.”

Federal Times, Dec. 13, 1976 Microwave Weapons Study by Soviets Cited. The Defense Intelligence Agency has released a report on heavy Communist research on microwaves, including their use as weapons. Microwaves are used in radar, television and microwave ovens. They can cause disorientation and possibly heart attacks in humans. Another biological effect with possible anti-personnel uses is “microwave hearing.” “Sounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating intracranially (within the head) can be induced by signal modulation at very low average power densities,” the report said.

According to the study, Communist work in this area “has great potential for development into a system for disorienting or disrupting the behavior patterns of military or diplomatic personnel.” No mention was made of the still-unexplained microwave bombardment of the American Embassy in Moscow.

The study dealt largely with long-term exposure of days or weeks in industrial situations, which usually produce mild effects. Short exposure to intense radiation can cause heart seizure and a wide range of physical disorders. Military interest or funding? 1. Yes. See above.
Symptom: Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious Scientifically proven?

2. Yes. Defense News, US Explores Russian Mind Control Technologyby Barbara Opall January, 11-17-1993, p. 4. “Pioneered by the government-funded Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy, acoustic psycho-correction involves the transmission of specific commands via static or whitenoise bands into the human subconscious without upsetting other intellectual functions. Experts said laboratory demonstrations have shown encouraging results after exposure of less than one minute.

Janet Morris, reported in book Shukman, David. The sorcerer’s challenge : fears and hopes for the weapons of the next millennium, David Shukman. London : Hodder & Stoughton, page 223. Demonstration on BBC television on news program entitled Newsnight by David Shukman, (tape available on request).

U.S. News, 1-3-2000, John Norseen, Reading and changing your mind. [Lockheed Martin neuroengineer in Intelligent Systems Division] Norseen’s interest in the brain stems from a Soviet book he read in the mid-1980s, claiming that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at large. [He] coined the term “Biofusion” to cover his plans to map and manipulate [the brain] leading to advances in …national security… and …would be able to convert thoughts into computer commands by deciphering the brain’s electrical activity.

BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the brain by using mathematical models, [Smirnov’s computer program uses mathematical models also]. It sound crazy,…The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, …have all awarded…research contracts to Norseen.

Norseen is waiting to hear if the second stage of these contracts-portions of them classified- comes through. Norseen’s theories are grounded in current science. …By MRI, scientists can tell what the person was doing at the time of the recording…Emotions from love to hate can be recognized from the brain’s electrical activity. …Norseen predicts profiling by brain print will be in place by 2005. …Norseen would like to draw upon Russian brain-mimicking software and American brain -mapping breakthroughs to allow that communication to take place in a less invasive way.

A modified helmut could record a pilot’s brainwaves. “When you say right 090 degrees…the computer would see that electrical pattern in the brain and turn the plane 090 degrees. If the pilot misheard instructions to turn 090 degrees and was thinking “080 degrees,” the helmut would detect the error, then inject the right number via electromagnetic waves.”

Military interest or funding? 2. Yes, Defense Electronics, DOD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind Control…by Mark Tapscott, July, 1993 p. 17. “In a series of closed meetings…FBI officials were briefed on the decade-long research on a computerized acoustic device allegedly capable of implanting thoughts in a person’s mind without that person being aware of the thought.” Also, US corp. buys Russian mind control equipment.

Symptom: Visual Disturbances, Visual Hallucinations Scientifically proven?
3. Yes. A demonstration by Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and Dr. William van Bise, directed magnetic signals into the brain of reporter Chuck DeCaro. They created visual images as in a hallucination. This program features Dr. Robert O. Becker, two time Nobel prize nominee, scientist and researcher of electromagnetic radiation effects on the body and author of Body Electric, summarized, “The government has never disproved the psychological effects of electromagnetic radiation. ”

Dr. Robert Becker commented “that this is a substantial step forward in the understanding how the visual system works” and would be a powerful weapon if used on fighter pilots while trying to fly. For a 55$ copy of this tape call CNN at 404 827 2712 and ask for R2501 #13, R2747 #33, R2501 #15, R2501-#17. It runs about 20 minutes. Military interest or funding? 3. Yes. See above.

Symptom: Inject Words, Numbers into Brain via EMR Waves Scientifically proven?
4. Yes in Russia. Defense News, US Explores Russian Mind Control Technology by Barbara Opall January, 11-17-1993, p. 4. “Experts said laboratory demonstrations have shown encouraging results after exposure of less than one minute.”

U.S. News, 1-3-2000, John Norseen, Reading and changing your mind. [Lockheed Martin neuroengineer in Intelligent Systems Division] Norseen’s interest in the brain stems from a Soviet book he read in the mid-1980s, claiming that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at large. [He] coined the term “Biofusion” to cover his plans to map and manipulate [the brain] leading to advances in …national security… and …would be able to convert thoughts into computer commands by deciphering the brain’s electrical activity.

BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the brain by using mathematical models, [Smirnov’s computer program uses mathematical models also]. It sound crazy,…The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, …have all awarded…research contracts to Norseen.

Norseen is waiting to hear if the second stage of these contracts-portions of them classified- comes through. Norseen’s theories are grounded in current science. …By MRI, scientists can tell what the person was doing at the time of the recording…Emotions from love to hate can be recognized from the brain’s electrical activity.

…Norseen predicts profiling by brain print will be in place by 2005. …Norseen would like to draw upon Russian brain-mimicking software and American brain -mapping breakthroughs to allow that communication to take place in a less invasive way. A modified helmut could record a pilot’s brainwaves.

“When you say right 090 degrees…the computer would see that electrical pattern in the brain and turn the plane 090 degrees. If the pilot misheard instructions to turn 090 degrees and was thinking “080 degrees,” the helmet would detect the error, then inject the right number via electromagnetic waves.” Yes in US, but classified.

Lobster Magazine, Mind Control and the American Government by Martin Cannon, Number 23. J.F. Schapitz was conducting classified work on microwaving the subconscious with commands as in hypnosis. This work is classified.

Military interest or funding? 4. Yes, Defense News, US Explores Russian Mind Control Technology by Barbara Opall January, 11-17-1993, p. 4. “Moreover, decades of research and investment of untold millions of rubles in the process of psycho-correction has produced the ability to alter behavior on willing and unwilling subjects, the experts add. …Russian senior research scientist, diplomats, …are beginning to provide limited demonstrations for their U.S. counterparts. Further evaluations of key technologies in the United States are being planned, as are discussions aimed at creating a frame-work for bringing the issue under bilateral or multilateral controls, U.S. and Russian sources say.”

Symptom: Manipulation of Emotions Scientifically proven?

5. Yes. Ultrascience, Weapons of War, Learning Channel, 1997, Featured Dr. Michael Persinger, Laurentian University, Canada. Dr. Persinger described weapons using “psycho or influence technology” and electromagnetic radiation frequencies to control what people think, for psychological warfare purposes.

Ultrascience, War 2020, Beyond Productions, Learning Channel, 1998, Dr. Michael Persinger, Laurentian University performed a demonstration of a helmut with solenoids which induce magnetic fields into the brain and cause panic, fear, God and UFO experiences. He stated that with current technology it is possible to use mind control on the mass populations. Military interest or funding? 5. Yes. See above.

Symptom: Reading Thoughts Remotely Scientifically proven?
6. No, but famous neuroscientist warns that remote neural monitoring equipment is “far from being science fiction” and can be used for “control of behaviour and brainwashing” and …will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance.”

Nature/Vol 391/22Januray 1998 Advances in neuroscience ‘may threaten human rights By Declan Butler …at the annual public meeting of the French national bioethics committee held last week in Paris… Jean-Pierre Changeux, the chairman of the committee and a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, told the meeting that understanding the working of the human brain is likely to become one of the most ambitious and rich disciplines of the future. But neuroscience also poses potential risks, he said, arguing that advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense.

Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance, he predicted. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are far from being science-fiction concerns, said Changeux, and constitute “a serious risk to society”.
“Denis LeBihan, a researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission, told the meeting that the use of imaging techniques has reached the stage where “we can almost read people’s thoughts”.

6. Yes. In the article, Decoding Minds, Signal Magazine, October, 2001, Dr. John D. Norseen, of Lockheed Martin stated , “We are at the point where this database has been developed enough that we can use a single electrode or something like an airport security system where there is a dome above our head to get enough information that we can know the number you’re thinking,”

According to US News and World Report U.S News and World Report, Jan 3-10, 2000, John Norseen, Reading your mind and injecting smart thoughts by Douglas Pasternak, p. 67 “…Norseen’s theories are grounded in current science.”

The Washington Times, August 17, 2002, the article entitled NASA plans to read terrorist’s minds at airport stated, Airport security screeners may soon try to read the minds of travelers to identify terrorists. Officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have told Northwest Airlines security specialists that the agency is developing brain-monitoring devices in cooperation with a commercial firm, which it did not identify.

Space technology would be adapted to receive and analyze brain-wave and heartbeat patterns, then feed that data into computerized programs ‘to detect passengers who potentially might pose a threat,’ according to briefing documents obtained by The Washington Times. NASA wants to use ‘noninvasive neuro-electric sensors,’ imbedded in gates, to collect tiny electric signals that all brains and hearts transmit.

Computers would apply statistical algorithms to correlate physiologic patterns with computerized data on travel routines, criminal background and credit information from ‘hundreds to thousands of data sources,’ NASA documents say. …Robert Park, spokesman for the American Physical Society stated, ‘We’re close to the point where they can tell to an extent what you’re thinking about by which part of the brain is activated, which is close to reading your mind. …The idea is plausible, he says, but frightening’.

Here are a few examples of the advanced state of technology. Science Digest 7-84 page 30 stated Thomas Jensen, of Chicago’s Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center, and Donald York “have discovered that just before a person says a particular word, the brain emits waves peculiar to that word alone. …These waves are the same from person to person.”

Dr. Richard Clark at the Flinders University of South Australia wrote the following in Think, Sept/Oct 92. Artificial neural network computer programs are used “to include the ability to learn and recognize simple patterns of thought from the electrical fields of the brain.”

Science Digest 10-81 entitled Machines that read Minds by Gary Selden stated that “Indeed, CIA spokespeople have admitted ‘following’ ERP[This is the waveform that the brain characteristically emits after absorbing an external event] research, perhaps the way the agency followed LSD research in the 1950s. …With remote monitors, such an instrument would be a spy’s dream.” It is naive to think that the CIA has not exploited this research.

In Nature, 1-22-98 Denis Le Bihan, a researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission, he stated “we can almost read people’s thoughts”. The national bioethics committee is taking such threats so seriously that it is launching a study. The title of this article was Advances in neuroscience may threaten human rights.
Even in the unclassified sector, new technology includes surveillance for ‘abnormal behavior’ in order to alert security personnel of criminal behavior such as a car break in..

New Scientist, 12-11-99 Vol. 164, No. 2216 page 25 by Graham-Rowe, Ducan, described the technology as a computer programmed under the notion that most people behave in predictable ways when walking to their car. This behavior is transferred into a mathematical pattern and the computer recognizes it as such. “Anyone who deviates from this set pattern, such as someone who walks in circles or who lurks in shadows, will set off an alarm…”

This is just a small example of human behavior and how it is studied scientifically. No doubt with the political will and the money of national security defense, as victims are alleging, human behavior has been studied and is controlled by government technology.

Military interest or funding?
6. Yes, government funded. U.S News and World Report, Jan 3-10, 2000, John Norseen, Reading your mind and injecting smart thoughts by Douglas Pasternak, p. 67 “…It sounds crazy, but Uncles Sam is listening. the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Army’s National Ground Intelligence Center have all awarded small basic research contracts to Norseen, who works for Lockheed-Martin’s Intelligent Systems Division. Norseen is waiting to hear if the second stage of these contracts -portions of them classified-come through.

Symptom: Causing Pain to any Nerve of the Body Scientifically proven?
7. Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, Sept 1994, Softkill Fallacyby Steve Aftergood, Page 45. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg writes: “Many of the non-lethal weapons under consideration utilize infrasound or electromagnetic energy (including lasers, microwave or radio-frequency radiation, or visible light pulsed at brain-wave frequency) for their effects.

These weapons are said to cause temporary or permanent blinding, interference with mental processes, modification of behavior and emotional response, seizures, severe pain, dizziness, nausea and diarrhea, or disruption of internal organ functions in various other ways.

Numerous other articles on nonlethal weapons, see CAHRA [now Mind Justice] website: mindjustice.org [updated 2-04]

The People Zapper, heating weapon, demonstrated by military. Other technology very heavily discussed since the 1990s. See Marine Corps Times, The People Zapper, C. Mark Brinkley, March 5, 2001, p. 10. “…focuses energy into a beam of micromillimeter waves designed to stop an individual in his tracks. …The energy, which falls near microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum, causes moisture in a person’s skin to heat up rapidly, creating a burning sensation…”

Military Interest or funding?
7. Yes, government funding and very heavily discussed.

Symptom: Remote Manipulation of Human Behavior From Space Scientifically proven?
8. Yes. Dodge, Glaser, Radiation Bioeffects Research, Journal of Microwave Power, 12(4) 1977, p. 320. “The information explosion in this field has been quite dramatic since 1969, when the international data base was estimated to consist of less than 1,000 citations. In addition to maintaining inventories of the literature, we have undertaken from time to time to provide assessments of international trends in research, development, and occupational health and safety.

In the present paper, we will concentrate on events which have transpired since our last review effort in 1975. Major events which have taken place during that period include: …(5) Unpublished analyses of microwave bioeffects literature which were disseminated to Congress and to other officials arguing the case for remote control of human behavior by radar;
Psychotronic Arms Potential Must be Monitored, Member of the Russian Federation of Space Exploration Scientific and Technical Council, Anatoliy Pushenko in Moscow Rabochaya Tribuna, Nov. 26, 1994, FBIS, Ref # MM3011130594 ”

A prominent specialist speaks for the first time in our press in Rabochaya Tribuna about psychotropic weapons, which started to be developed in the sixties–space-based energy systems capable of killing every living thing on the planet and driving millions of people crazy. …

There are frequencies that are beneficial to people. But naturally there are also those which are hazardous. …That is, it has a direct physical effect on the human brain. … The terrible danger of psychotropic weapons is the possibility of their simultaneously and unequivocally affecting large masses of people over huge areas.

Moscow Armeyskiy Sbornik, Russia: National Information Security by Russian Major General, Valeriy Menshikov, doctor of technical sciences, and Colonel Boris Rodionov., Oct. 96, No. 10. P. 88-98, FBIS, Russian article, Mori DocID: 587170 “…Thus, the new space systems are potentially dangerous from the aspect of unfolding a wide-scale ‘information war’ and even creating global systems for controlling people’s behavior in any region, …”

Also, scientists, weapons experts, EU members on U.S HAARP Project, FBIS article by Alain Gossens: Apocalypse Now? HAARP… report from Brussels Telemoustique, 1997, FBIS MoriDocID 587140, “Are the Americans currently developing a vast weapons system capable of scanning the entrails of the earth to seek out secret bases, jamming any form of radio communications, influencing human behavior…

Nevertheless, if one is aware of the fact that the real sponsors are the Navy, the Air force, and the Department of Defense, then it is hard to believe that it is not a project for military purposes.” Military interest or funding? 8. Probably. But scientifically sound. See tracking of airplanes, tracking by GPS. Satellites capable of taking pictures of license plates, etc.

Symptom: Harassment, Stress Symptoms such as Helicopters Flying Overhead Scientifically proven?

9. Yes. Shukman, David. The sorcerer’s challenge : fears and hopes for the weapons of the next millennium, London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1995, P. 225 “The best they [FBI] they could do was to maintain a barrage of noise with helicopters and loudspeakers to keep the followers awake and to try to undermine their [Koresh and follower’s} morale.”

This quote is from Aviation Week & Space Technology 1-19-98 p.55 on information warfare and US capabilities. “…techniques as esoteric as ‘mapping the psychological and cognitive makeup’ of foreign leaders or key groups in order to predict reactions to manipulated information, …” .

And the follow up story, on 3-9-98, page 21 stated that [USAF Gen. John] “Jumper talked about tools that could…make potential enemies see, hear and believe things that don’t exist” The military is discussing the deployment of weapons to do just that, create symptoms of mental illness. And yet this information is not taken seriously by professionals and has not been accepted as relevant to victim’s allegations.

Excerpts from CAHRA [now Mind Justice] website military journals and government document quotes: “…to control the will and perception of adversaries …by applying a regime of shock and awe…It is about effecting behavior.”

“A decoy and deception concept [using microwaves] to “create intelligible speech ‘ in the head, ‘raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction.”

“tools that could…make potential enemies see, hear and believe things that don’t exist.” “…crowd control and urban warfare devices that temporarily could paralyze an entire village.” Military interest and funding? 9. Yes. See above.

Symptom: Seeing, as in a Camera, Through Your Eyes, i.e. to See What You See Exactly Scientifically proven?

10. Proven in animals. BBC News Online Oct 11, 1999, Looking Through Cats’ Eyes Fuzzy But Recognizable, Dr. David Whitehouse, http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid 471000/471786.stm A BBC News article reported on the first pictures from an experiment to see through the eyes of a cat. Military interest and feasibility? 10. No.

Symptom: Control of Sleep Patterns Scientifically proven?

11. Proven on animals. # CNN news broadcast, Special Assignment, Nov.-1985, by Chuck DeCaro, Weapons of War, Is there an RF Gap? Dr. Ross Adey discussed a demonstration of the 1950s Russian Lida machine, which used electromagnetic energy to put Russian psychiatric patients to sleep, as a substitute for tranquilizers and to treat neurotic disturbances.

Dr. Adey stated that it worked on cats and dogs and put them to sleep. The Defense and Foreign Affairs Daily, Jun 7, 1983, Vol. XII, Number 104, Psy-War: Soviet Device Experiment by Dr. Stefan T. Possony reported: “…Dr. Ross Adey, chief of research at Loma Linda…started testing the machine [the Lida]…the device is on loan to Dr. Ross Adey.

‘The machine is technically described as ‘a distant pulse treatment apparatus. It generates 40 megahertz radiowaves which stimulate the brain’s electromagnetic activity at substantially lower frequencies” Military interest or funding? 11. Yes. . The Defense and Foreign Affairs Daily, Jun 7, 1983, Vol. XII, Number 104, Psy-War: Soviet Device Experiment by Dr. Stefan T. Possony. “…On April 29, 1983 this author, as a participant in a panel at the Defense ’83 conference sponsored by Defense and Foreign Affairs, reported on Dr. Adey’s work…These remarks were delivered to a panel studying psychological warfare.”

Symptom: Computer-Brain Interface, Control and Communication Scientifically feasible?

12. Yes.
APPROPRIATION/BUDGET ACTIVITY RDT&E, Defense-wide BA2 Applied Research R-1 ITEM NOMENCLATURE Computing Systems and Communications Technology PE 0602301E, Project ST-19 The Augmented Cognition (AugCog) program will develop the means to measure a subject’s cognitive state in real time and manipulate it to accomplish the functions.

The goal of the Augmented Cognition program is to develop methods that integrate digital devices that support memory, perception, and thinking, and link that support with the user’s context state information to directly improve the overall cognitive performance of the warfighter.

The Perceptual Processing Display program focuses on exploiting neuroscience and perceptual processing technologies to redesign devices that deliver information to the human perceptual system. These new devices will be able to extract relevant signal from extraneous background noise, through perceptual modeling.

This program will develop technologies that simplify relevant, and eliminate irrelevant, information to improve perception, comprehension, memory, inference, and decision-making. Specifically, this program will demonstrate the manipulation of perceptual data along hundreds of dimensions of the human perceptual system, and will result in the doubling of human information processing performance. http://www.darpa.mil/body/pdf/FY03BudEst.pdf Military interest?

12. Yes. See above.

Symptom: Complex Control of the Brain such as Retrieving Memories, Implanting Personalities Scientifically feasible?

13. Yes. 2002 Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, A National Science Foundation /U.S. Department of Commerce-sponsored report. Here are relevant excerpts. Full text at http://itri.loyola.edu/ConvergingTechnologies/Report/NBIC_pre_publication.pdfList of Participants and Contributors included NASA, Office of Navel Research, DARPA, Sandia National Labs, USAF Research Labs, Ratheon, Lucent Technologies, MIT and Stanford.

2. Expanding Human Cognition and Communication. Page 85. “…Truly, the mind is the final frontier, and unraveling its mysteries will have tremendous practical benefits. …Failure to invest in the necessary multidisciplinary research would delay or even prevent these benefits to the economy, to national security, and to individual well-being.

Rapid recent progress in cognitive science and related fields has brought us to the point where we could achieve several breakthroughs that would be of great value to mankind. …For example, progress in the cognitive neuroscience of the human brain has been achieved through new research methodologies, based in both biology and information science, such as functional magnetic resonance imagining (fMRI) and infrared sensors.

However, we are reaching the resolution limits of current instrumentation, for example because of concerns about the safety of human research subjects (Food and Drug Administration 1998), so progress will stall quickly unless breakthroughs in NBIC can give us research tools with much greater resolution, sensitivity, and capacity to analyze data.”

3. Page 86. The Human Cognome Project. “It is time to launch a Human Cognome Project, comparable to the successful Human Genome Project, to chart the structure and functions of the human mind. No project would be more fundamental to progress throughout science and engineering, or would require a more complete unification of NBIC sciences.

…While the research would include a complete mapping of the connections in the human brain, it would be far more extensive than neuroscience. …Some participants in the human cognition and communication working group were impressed by the long-term potential for uploading aspects of individual personality to computers and robots, thereby expanding the scope of human experience, action, and longevity.”

4. Page 88. “Statements and Visions. Participants in the human cognition and communication panel contributed a number of statements, describing the current situation and suggesting strategies for building upon it, as well as transformative visions of what could be accomplished in ten or twenty years through a concentrated effort.”

5. National Security, Theme Summary. Page 287. “…Investment in convergent nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science [NBIC] is expected to result in innovative technologies that revolutionize many domains of conflict and peacekeeping. …As former Defense Secretary William J. Perry has noted, these are the technological breakthroughs that are “Changing the face of war and how we prepare for war.”

There are numerous special programs, reports and presentations that address these goals. The Department of Defense has designated nanoscience as a strategic research area in order to accelerate the expected benefits (Murday 1999). …Applications of brain-machine interface.

The convergence of all four NBIC fields will give war fighters the ability to control complex entities by sending control actions prior to thoughts (cognition) being fully formed. The intent is to take brain signals (nanotechnology for augmented sensitivity and nonintrusive signal detection) and use them in a control strategy (information technology), and then impart back into the brain the sensations of feedback signals (biotechnology).”

In Approaching the 21st Century:

Opportunities for NIMH Neuroscience Research The National Advisory Mental Health Council Report to Congress on the Decade of the Brain, Jan. 1988 by USHHS.
Page 49 stated “Several investigators had noted that when neurons were given brief but intense high-frequency stimulation their electrical properties were changed in ways that would fit those proposed for memory: The changes were triggered by an electrical event, they were strengthened by repetition, and they persisted indefinitely. …the scientists found that intense high-frequency pulses trigger an unusually large release of calcium in the post synaptic cell…” Military interest or funding? 14. Yes. See above.


By Synthia Esther

Alan Turing (23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954), worked during the Second World War for the Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park, Britain’s code breaking centre, ever striving to break the codes of the enemy. His work paid off as he devised a number of techniques for breaking German ciphers, including improvements to the pre-war Polish bombe method and an electromechanical machine that could find settings for the Enigma machine (wikipedia).

Moore’s Law, named after Gordon E. Moore (Jan. 3, 1929 – ), the co-founder of Intel and Fairchild Semiconductor, is considered to be “an observation or projection and obviously not a physical or natural law”. As such, Moore outlined a continuous technological and social change, productivity, and economic growth, which he concluded in a revised forecast to be doubling every two years (Wikipedia). No matter the rate that knowledge increases, as some confirm that rate has slowed, the fact is, “knowledge has increased”, just as the Bible said it would (Daniel 12:4).

Like Turing’s Enigma machine, there are many who view the 11:11 phenomenon as an “Enigma”. Ever striving to “break the code” of puzzling, inexplicable 11:11 sighting occurrences and pesky, seemingly “timely” synchronicity coincidences. All of which can turn into a conspiracy program of sorts, until reading the research that such technology exists. As born again Children of the Most High God, we are told such signs and wonders will occur in the end times, with evidence that Satan and his host of fallen agents (angelic and human) are, and will be, behind just such deceptions ( Rev. 13; 19).


My continued research into the 11:11 Phenomenon, where by it seems the minds of many in the world in which we live have been directed by way of subliminal thought transfer to look and notice such 11:11 sightings, confirms Oneness, Unity, New World Order Anti-Christ agendas and plans. Any person using such convert technology in stealth, would be working under the direction of the demonic prince of the power of the air, Satan, who uses members of his kingdom of iniquity, angelic and human alike, to carry out his vexed goals and agendas.

Special thanks goes out to Cheryl Welsh of Mind Justice, and the many other diligent, concerned investigative researchers, who are working hard to warn the public about nefarious, mind control, weather control, direct energy weapons of deception warfare.
I too concur that there ia a vast technological vice plot involving human experimentation (which has happened in the past), and is currently happening. You won’t hear such reports in the News Media, due to most information being legally protected, and militarily classified.

Part and parcel of said documentation and explanation, cause, and effect, goes along way in explaining in part, synthetic, subliminal numerical thought transfers such as 11:11, 4:44; etc… . Reviews of unclassified patents that can achieve such desired, “whisper in the ear” effects, have also been designed for such use. Duly noted, worthy consideration of Patent Number: US3951134, points to confirm such conclusions.

“Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves”- # US3951134″, Inventor- Robert G. Malech. Publication date, April 20, 1976, File date August 5, 1974, summary:

“The present invention relates to apparatus and a method for monitoring brain waves wherein all components of the apparatus employed are remote from the test subject, more specifically, high frequency transmitters are operated to radiate electromagnetic energy of different frequencies through antennas which are capable of scanning the entire brain of a test subject or any desired region thereof.

The signals of different frequencies penetrate the skull of the subject and impinge upon the brain where they mix to yield an interference wave modulated by radiations from the brain’s natural electrical activity. The modulated interference wave is re-transmitted by the brain and received by an antenna at the remote station where it is demodulated, and processed to provide a profile of the subject’s brain waves. In addition to passively monitoring the brain wave, the subject’s neurological processes may be affected by transmitting to his brain, through transmitter, compensating signals. The latter signals can be derived from the received and processed brain waves.”

How would such an apparatus and method work?

Do satellites, Haarp, and/or cell phone towers figure in such brain wave technology?

Summary of invention: US3951134, does not solve all of the questionable Enigmas of said 11:11 sightings, however, continued research into mind control technologies has caused me to ponder the following questions:

* Are 11:11 victims really “Targeted Individuals” (TI)? The TI is a person who experiences synthetic, technological anomalies such as .V2K – Voice to Sku

* Does experience of the 11:11 phenomenon provide evidence of personally being tampered with via mind control technology?

* If so, does this provide for conclusive documentation of a diabolical agenda, infused with sinister desire by the powers that be? Designed to turn the mass world towards a “Synthetic New Age Spiritual Awakening”, much like converts of the 2012 ascension claimed would, but did not happen?

Many New Age believers felt 11:11 promptings were a wake – up call related to the Mayan 2012 predictions. Readers may remember, I predicted many years prior, that nothing would occur in accordance with the Mayan 2012 prophecies.

However, when reviewing current technology trends, and the vast past history of human experimentation, one might ask: “Could 11:11 promptings, and the New Age Lightworker, 2012 wake up call agenda all be experimental test runs to see how gullible the minds of humanity can be persuaded?” Just such a scenario was pointed out by the late, William Cooper, in his book, “Behold a Pale Horse”, via “Project Blue Beam” (a supposed, technological mind controlled deception with noted false messiah, and Luciferian, New World Order plan).

Let’s not discount the UFO, abduction phenomenon as part and parcel of this experimental, “virtual reality” mix. High Strangeness Author (“Lost was the Key”, “Unlocking Alien Closets – Mind Control and Spirituality”: and “Ceto’s New Friends”), UFO, Alien Contact and Abduction victim, Leah Haley, now readily admits concerning her abductions, “It Does Not Happen”. Confirming it was all “Mind Control” (The UFO Trail: Leah Haley, UFOtrail.blogspot.com, Sept. 16, 2011, retrieved Dec. 3, 2015).

Haley also stated within this documented interview, she wished all “Mind Control” experimentation would end. Haley’s sentiments place new meaning on Revelation 13:13:14, knowing when the False Prophet calls down fire from heaven, and all manner of signs and wonders, it could be a massive, mind controlled, black ops alien deception.


Only God knows the methods of evil within the minds of many who have sought to deceive and control the world by way of technologies snare. While speculation and conspiracy theories abound, there are also “Mind Control – World Control” concrete facts. Jose M. R. Delgado, M.D., thought mind control was necessary in order to control man when he penned his infamous book, “PHYSICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND TOWARD A PSYCHOLCIVILIZED SOCIETY”, Harper Torchbooks, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1971.

So did Hitler, with his demonic, murderous agenda against thousands of innocent souls. All such diabolical plans are devised, orchestrated, and planned by Satan, the thief, who only comes to steal, kill, and destroy – John 10:10.


Curious minds want to know that which effects them. And what is happening within the world does affect us. Independent research is key in scoping out such facts. Many are waking up and learning more about the cause and effect of the very technology we have come to depend upon.

Do cell phones cause cancer?

Many Doctors claim they do, and I think likewise. Dr. Robert Becker is author of the book, “The Body Electric”, which is one source that covers such research and conclusions.

Is the sky above being contaminated?

Yes, says Dane Wigington, (geoengineeringwatch.org). And he has compiled a vast source of documentation on geoengineering (also termed chemtrails), that outlines with resource help, explaining why. I for one, am listening. and you should be too! As we must each work hard to wake up as many fellow humans to these very dark and sinister plans before it is too late!

Such apocalyptic warnings are needed in such a time as this. Confirming as did our Holy Father, Jesus Christ, that in His great love, He forewarned us of such great and grave destructions (Revelation 18:17). And the Prophet Isaiah did so tosay: “Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down” (Isaiah 24:1). While it is true that God has allowed these things to happen, for He alone is sovereign. It is also true that those who have faith in Him, become as warning watchmen (Isaiah 21:5-12). So that others may arm themselves with God’s truth that transforms, changing dire fear into a hope in Him (i Thessalonians chp. 5, Jeremiah 29;11).

6) “Unprecedented Human Rights Violations” Discussion Room


Interview With Cheryl Welsh (1)

Concerning the issue, “individual’s privacy and human rights violations,’ I interviewed Cheryl Welsh, Director of Mind Justice. According to the official website, Mind Justice is a human rights organization which works for “the rights and protections of mental integrity and freedom from new technologies and weapons which target the mind and nervous system” (Mind Justice, 2013). The representative, Welsh, herself has been targeted with nonconsensual mind control experiments by the government since 1987. She was interviewed by CNN in 1997 on the program, “American Edge,” featuring a former CIA director. Since then she shared the story with various social media. Recently, she was also interviewed by KOVR 13 News for a 2001 rally on nonconsensual experimentation at the California state capital. She also writes, for example in 2009, her opinion-editorial on the issue of mind control weapons, called neuroweapons today, was published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists online edition.


Regarding the issue, “Individual’s privacy and the state,” including organized stalking/harassment/mind control crimes, Carole Smith, advocates four messages as follows:

We are concerned here with reinforcing in the strongest possible terms:

i) The need for such abuses to human rights and the threats to democracy to be called to consciousness, and without further delay.

ii) To analyze the reasons why people might defend themselves from becoming conscious of the existence of such threats.

iii) To address the urgent need for intelligence, imagination, and information – not to mention compassion – in dealing with the victims of persecution from this technology, and

iv) To alert a sleeping society, to the imminent threats to their freedom from the threat from fascist and covert operations who have in all probability gained control of potentially lethal weaponry of the type we are describing.


For my class project, first I would like to discuss (ii) why people might defend themselves from becoming conscious of the existence of such threats.

Observing people in America today, many people’s thoughts are apparently directed to self-justify human rights violations under the name of national security, such as violation of privacy. This phenomenon can be a type of “mass mind control.” (I am sorry for good Americans, but currently I live in America, thus, I should observe Americans at first hand.)

I analyze that possible reasons of their mind being controlled are because of inferiority complex, catharsis, selfishness, fear, hatred and/or dishonesty. In other words, this crime takes advantage of people’s evil minds which are deeply rooted in every human being. In fact, “privacy-theft” by the state is conducted for very this purpose: to find people’s weak points in mind. Thus, to analyze possible reasons for people to be mind controlled is crucial to help with understand the imminent threats, that is, violation of privacy and subsequent activities that people are put in, such as organized stalking and/or covert harassment.

Accordingly, for the first, I would like to ask your opinion regarding the question (ii) which Carole Smith raised: why people tend to stay indifferent to such imminent threats rather than facing the reality, or become a by-stander even though they are aware of the atrocities of this issue.

[Cheryl Welsh]

I agree that people defend themselves from becoming conscious of the existence of such threats and I think this is a general response to many issues, not just privacy. With awareness come responsibilities and also uncomfortable feelings that are raised by issues. Unawareness is a way to avoid both responsibility and uncomfortable feelings. I have read Jay Lifton’s books on his study of why people torture and why others do nothing to stop torture and I would agree with his findings. Humans are capable of both good and evil to a varying degree. Professor Philip Zimbardo and his famous prison experiment is a good example of how seemingly average people are capable of evil acts. The greater awareness of these facts means that change is possible. So education, grass roots advocacy, activism, research and writing to publicize the underlying problems of an issue; all are proven and effective tools for change. I think the public scandal and legal actions taken to expose the sexual abuse of boys by Catholic priests is a great example of change that takes place with exposure to the facts of the problem and just how difficult it can be to confront power. There are no easy answers. Some issues are successfully fought and some are not and the lesson is to learn from the mistakes.

Your comment on America today reminds me of a book by Jacob Bronowski; he wrote as you commented that he was very disappointed about the lax values of American society and on the turn that America was taking in the 1960s, the hard questions were not being asked or confronted by most Americans, the less disciplined path was being pursued by American society. Bronowski did not agree with this lax view but he felt that progress forward for mankind was always a choice and not a straight path forward. Bronowski was confident that humankind progress would continue. My humble opinion is not so confident. My personal experience in activism on the neuroweapons issue was that I was so enraged at what was happening to me that it was hard to function. I was eventually able to channel my rage into going to college and law school and now publishing articles and getting out the facts about neuroweapons. Progress has been very slow and painful. So to conclude, you can’t force people to accept an issue but you can present it to them and give them a choice, as Bronowski advocates.