1) Mind Control: Lecture By Dr. Rauni Kilde
Dr. Rauni Kilde: “When we think of mind control methods…. it’s military…. It’s done by satellites and shuttles. For instance, the space shuttle …. is used for mind control and weather engineering. They were sending from space shuttle laser machines EMF signals at the rate of 10 pulses per second, which is within the frequency of the human brains’ Alpha waves. It can be called “mind zapping.” So emotion and behavior can be directed by electronic forces and human beings can be controlled like robots.
The European parliament has warned of these dangers and possible misuse in January, 1999. Awareness of the existence of mind control technologies and its dangers seems to be more prevalent in Europe than elsewhere. In the EU’s “Resolution Environment, Security, and Foreign Policy Report,” paragraph 23 calls on the EU to seek to have the new “nonlethal weapons technologies” (which, by the way, are lethal) and the development of new arms strategies covered and regulated by international conventions. Paragraph 27 calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. The U.S. of course will ignore these resolutions because it does not obey international laws.
Paragraph 24 says HAARP (High Frequency Active-Frequency Auroral Research Project) in Alaska, officially of the University of Alaska investigating the ionosphere, but actually it is a project of the US Navy and Air Force. And there is a global concern for legal, ecological and ethical implications. Also, in Norway, there is a mini-HAARP in VARDO, in the northern tip of Norway. That is also used for mind control just as HAARP is. Subliminal messages are carried on radio frequency broadcasts- they can also be used through your electrical and telephone lines in your home. They use different frequencies for different results. For instance, 15 HZ creates sound that bypasses the ears. You don’t need the ears. 25 Hz is used against the visual cortex. Energy for the brain without your eyes. With 20 Hz directed to your thought center, it imposes subconscious thoughts which you think are your own.
It’s very dangerous, actually, to reveal the information about mind control. Because that is the biggest secret (besides “who is the human being”). I’ve been to international conferences trying to give information on mind control. And once in Finland at a psychiatric conference, I used the word mind control in the title, and it was rejected. Then I changed the title to “Neuro-electromagnetic telecommunication and cybernetics” at the international military medical health conference. Then it was accepted. It’s a play of words. When I used the wrong words, my report was rejected. When I used the right words, it was accepted. Probably this report I made in 2000 was the first to appear in a military medical conference.
The objective is behavior modification and influencing bodily and mental functions, and emotions remotely through satellites and through data, computers. Astronauts and cosmonauts were always and are still implanted with microchips so that all their body functions, feelings, dreams and subconscious could be seen here on earth. Today, the speed of supercomputers as I know it is 180 trillions bits in a second. I’m sure they are much faster now. Remember, that what has been revealed is 50 years old.
Our brain speed is 5000 bits/second. So we are no match to any computer. A couple years ago in California, a (so-called “conscious”) computer was asking for human rights, to be accepted as a human. Of course it was much more intelligent than the judge or anyone else around. This request was denied. But another request is being made in Florida. When you think of our future and our children, this technology has to be stopped somehow. Otherwise, the next generation will be 100% biological robots listening to orders from computers.
We’ve been very surprised to see reports all over the world about the school shootings and shootings at shopping centers. Because they are done by young men who are mind controlled. They are using technology, so-called Delta Programming, for the killer to kill himself after their killings.
Now who is behind this evilness? In Etlinger, at the Non-Lethal Weapons conference, an American Col. (John Alexander) gave a report… He stated: “Who are they they”? He held up his hands to make a circle. In the middle was the New World Order, on this side was the star of David with the illuminati, and on the other side was CIA, FBI and British intelligence services (MI6 and MI5). They are them….. Maybe you can say they have always been there and always will be if they are not stopped.
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover said:
In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson said:
The electronic mind weapons are worse than the atom bomb, because you can’t see them. You can feel them in your body but you can’t prove they exist as a normal individual, because they are used silently through the walls of your home. They use silent hypnosis- all of a sudden you think of something and you may not be aware that the thought was induced to you. All the governments of the Western world deny the existence of these weapons…. But they cause illnesses like cancer, Alzheihmer’s, and just about any other disease, especially brain tumors, strokes, and heart attacks. Now, in Norway, they say that every 3rd person will die of cancer. In Oslo, there are already 100’s of young people under 30 who have Alzheihmer’s, senility. Of course, that comes from mobile phones, but you can’t prove it.
The NSA (National Security Agency) in the USA, through the ESCHELON satellites, can harass people, writers and whistleblowers especially, through the satellites… worldwide. They can spot you anywhere. They know exactly that I’m here. They hear every word that I say. And if they want they can just send a beam and I become unconscious or die. They have killed some of my friends who knew too much, as I do. They killed both my parents trying to shut me up. But I told my mother when she asked, “Rauni stop please.” I said: “but if I stop, they won’t, and I feel it’s my mission to get as much information out as I can.” My house has been robbed over 300 times and the police help them. I’ve been hit unconscious, I’ve been poisoned through the air ducts through my own home. And I’m surveilled 24 hours a day.
But there is something that they don’t know….
2) Best interviews with Dr. Rauni Kilde
Dr. Rauni Kilde: “There is something terribly, terribly wrong with planet earth today and the people who are on the top.”
“In 1975, Soviet Foreign Minsister Andrei Gromyko asked the UN to outlaw these “non-lethal weapons” (microwaves, radiowaves, lasers, etc.). But the US opposed this and the US is the world leader in this field.”
“The danger with these “non-lethal weapons” (microwaves, radiowaves, lasers, i.e., electronic weapons) is that they can take over anybody today… without their consent. And now they take anybody .. especially single (unprotected) women, people who know of their bad deeds (i.e., writers, dissidents, whistleblowers, etc.), and especially scientists who are involved too much, they all of a sudden have a heart attack or a brain tumor or a stroke or whatever… or are driven over by a car or killed in a plane crash with hundreds of other people.”
Every one of us has unique brain waves and they can take thot information and put it in supercomputers and at the moment the super computers are 180 trillion bits/second. Our brain is only 5000 bits/second.
I was told at an American representative at a nonlethal weapons conference that the first mind control device was created in 1801. So this is two-centuries old technology. Anything that comes out from the military is at least 50 years old… and they are at least one or two generations ahead of academic research.”
In 1952, in the CIA’s Project Moonstruck, placed electrodes into the brain in order to follow people.
On chemtrails: In addition to causing all kinds of health problems (lung problems, bronchitis, asthma, etc.), chemtrails (with barium, titanium, aluminum, etc.) actually implant people with microchips because the material is metal.
They want all the people under total control so they are controlled against their own will. The school shootings use programmed assassins that are programmed with Delta programming to commit suicide. It’s always for political reasons such as gun control. Always ask “who benefits?”
All governments in the western world are totally controlled by a very small group (the New World Order). Henry Kissinger was very high in this small group.
We are steered by super (meta) data, not people anymore. It’s very, very scary. If we are implanted with a microchip- which can happen with a handshake. A microchip today is 2 micro millimeters where your hair is 50. This is making us into biological robots. If I take an MRI x-ray, this implant gives a signal… People are implanted into the ear or eyes or brain or wherever… but if you have a device and you put it here, it gives a signal… so you can prove that it is there.
Your sexuality can be changed. Your emotions. When they want you to lose relationships, it’s just a frequency. They also have a suicide frequency….
You think it’s your own thought. When you get an idea like killing someone or suicide, you need to ask if the thought is yours or whether it is induced.
The people on the ground using this technology against us are all over; they are everywhere and in all sectors of society… including the police, the CIA, the military, the health system, secret services, conductors of the train… taxing companies, insurance companies, it is everywhere. Also doctors and dentists are very involved, they implant a lot, They can just give an injection and there you are. There are doctors, lawyers, every single sector of society is involved…. Of course, many of them don’t really know what they are doing. They are being told that this person is very bad….for national security or a pervert- so you have to spy on them (TIs), observe them (TIs), etc. It’s a very smart system. It is a terrible system for mankind.
If they use electronic warfare against their own civilians we will all be biological robots for supercomputers. The politicians allow it. And of course, the New World Order tells the media that you can’t write about this. There is no freedom of the press.
The link for the presentation is set up for the DuckDuckGo browser as far as I can tell…
Mind Control: Lecture By Dr. Rauni Kilde — duck://player/Nvs5UixShgM
It may be possible to take a regular YouTube video URL and append the code for the presentation to the end where a video identifier goes?
Mind Control: Lecture By Dr. Rauni Kilde — duck://player/Nvs5UixShgM
or not on DuckDuckGo browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvs5UixShgM
??Mind Control: Lecture By Dr. Rauni Kilde — duck://player/Nvs5UixShgM
or not on DuckDuckGo browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvs5UixShgM
thank you Professor Karlstrom,
for this Englixh transcript of the presentation. It is a help not to hear the translator in my opinion as the flow of ideas is better for me.
For some reason the transcript frame in YouTube will not remove the time links when I try to use that.
chuck 🔥💖🔥