Mike Patrick- Satellite Genocide: Letters and Documents


Mike Patrick, Organized Stalking and Satellite Assault and Torture Victim

Satellite technology, controlled by organized crime and a global “narco-Nazi” system, is locked on people’s brains throughout the world. This technology provides constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance, and can be used as an invisible weapon and torture instrument.

Ruthless, sadistic criminals are monitoring everyone and torturing, destroying and killing those who get in their way or who don’t fit their worldview. Satellite genocide, disguised as mental and physical illness, has occurred throughout the world over roughly the past half century.

Satellite energy is used to attack the brain and body in numerous ways. The technology transmits communication to and from the brain, causing people to “hear voices”, and is responsible for most of “mental illness”. It can cause physical pains and sensations literally from head to toe and physical illnesses, injuries and diseases throughout the body. The technology may cause major diseases such as cancer and AIDS.

The satellite technology is used to maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. Most mass shootings and other inexplicable tragedies were caused by this technology.

A long list of very serious crimes are being committed, including organized stalking (COINTELPRO), unimaginable privacy violations, mass assault, torture, murder and genocide, crimes against humanity, domestic terrorism, treason, and acts of aggression toward the United States and countries throughout the world.

Government, law enforcement and the media continue to ignore the situation. The mental health profession and their DSM continue to mislead the entire world with respect to “mental illness”. The medical profession has never established the connection between satellite energy and physical illness. Collectively, they have provided cover for worldwide genocide.

This is a national/international emergency! Please help expose and stop these horrific crimes!

Attached Documents

Unsigned word documents were used to keep the file size manageable. All of the letters were signed and sent to the intended recipients. I have copies of the signed letters and all delivery receipts.



Letter to President Barack H. Obama dated May 20, 2015 3 Letter to President Barack H. Obama dated June 30, 2016 7 Letter to Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch dated March 23, 2016 11 Letter to President William J. Clinton and Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton dated March 4, 2016 13 Letter to Senator Bernie Sanders dated March 4, 2016 14 Letter to Donald J. Trump dated March 4, 2016 15 Letter to Director James B. Comey of the FBI dated April 30, 2015 16 Letter to Director James B. Comey of the FBI dated October 14, 2015 19 Letter to Director James B. Comey of the FBI dated January 26, 2016 22 Letter to Colorado Governor John W. Hickenlooper dated April 23, 2015 25 Letter to Colorado Governor John W. Hickenlooper dated August 25, 2015 27 Letter to Colorado Governor John W. Hickenlooper dated December 21, 2015 30 Letter to Director Michael Rankin of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation dated June 7, 2016 31 Letter to Sheriff John Minor, Summit County Sheriff’s Office, dated August 20, 2015 32 Letter to Mr. Dennis A. Muilenburg, President and CEO of Boeing, dated February 19, 2016 34 Letter to Mr. Kent Walker, Senior V.P. and General Counsel for Google, dated March 9, 2016 36 Letter to Daniel B. King, Colorado State Public Defender, dated December 17, 2015 37 Letter to Mr. John P. Osler, Committee for Public Counsel Services, dated December 17, 2015 38 Letter to Ms. Judy Clarke, Clarke and Rice, dated December 22, 2015 39 Letter to Mr. Shay Isham, Glasgow, Taylor, Isham and Glasgow, dated December 22, 2015 40 Letter to Mr. Steven B. Wolfson, Clark County, NV District Attorney, dated December 23, 2015 41 Letter to Mr. Scott Coffee, Deputy Clark County Public Defender, dated December 23, 2015 42 Letter to Mr. David Bos, Assistant Federal Public Defender, dated December 23, 2015 43 Letter to Mr. Jonathan Jeffress, Assistant Federal Public Defender, dated December 23, 2015 44 Letter to Ms. Maribeth Rosa Harper, Attorney at Law, dated December 23, 2015 45 Letter to the American Medical Association dated March 9, 2016 46 Letter to the American Psychiatric Association dated April 27, 2015 48 Letter to the American Psychiatric Association dated October 30, 2015 51 Letter to the American Psychological Association dated April 28, 2015 53 Letter to the National Alliance on Mental Illness dated April 28, 2015 56 Letter to the National Alliance on Mental Illness dated June 23, 2016 59 Letter to the Treatment Advocacy Center dated June 8, 2015 60 Letter to Dr. Sanjay Gupta dated June 8, 2015 62


“End the Torment!”, Lethal Technology in Criminal Hands by Mike Patrick 64


Satellite Torture List 74

May 20, 2015

President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500

National Emergency: Satellite Technology Connected to Millions of Americans; Being Used to Track, Monitor, Assault, Torture and Kill; Could Potentially Allow a Hostile Government or Group to Take Control of the United States

Dear President Obama,

I wanted to make you aware of an emergency situation. Satellite technology is silently connected to millions of people, including children, throughout the world. It provides constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance. The operators can literally hear what we hear, see what we see and read our thoughts. This technology is also being used as a remote, invisible torture instrument by transmitting inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, creating numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impacting sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. The technology may have a “kill switch”, capable of causing instantaneous heart failure or a stroke. I do not know if a facility exists which blocks this type of satellite transmission. Everyone is potentially at risk, including our government and military leaders.

Aaron Alexis, the Washington Navy Yard shooter, Miriam Carey, shot fleeing a White House checkpoint in October 2013, Dominic Adesanya, one of the White House fence jumpers, and Myron May, the shooter at Florida State University last November, were all targeted and tortured prior to those events. Eddie Ray Routh may have been targeted, tortured and provoked to kill Chris Kyle, the highly decorated Navy SEAL portrayed in the film American Sniper, and his friend Chad Littlefield. Many other seemingly inexplicable tragedies, including mass shootings going back decades, and an untold number of suicides have been caused by people being tortured past their breaking points. This is the largest crime in U.S. history.

There are millions of satellite torture victims all over the world. Most do not even know this technology exists. Many are incorrectly, or even maliciously, pushed into the mental health system. Over the past decade or so, information has sprung up everywhere – books, articles, websites, blogs, petitions, victim testimonials, support groups, etc. Published by torture victims trying to make sense of something almost impossible to comprehend, the information is understandably all over the board.

Search “targeted individuals”, “organized stalking”, “gang stalking”, “electronic harassment” and “technological assault”. One prominent support group, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (www.freedomfchs.com), was formed 10 years ago and has members and affiliated support groups across the country and throughout the world.

Since the satellite technology is classified, and no information has been released to the public, there are many different theories regarding the technological assault. Any viable theory has to explain how people remain connected on airplanes at 35,000 feet over the middle of the ocean or while traveling in other countries. Satellite is the only technology that can do that.

Many victims of satellite surveillance and torture also experience “organized stalking”. This is stalking, monitoring, harassment and intimidation conducted by a large, organized, well-funded group. Organized stalking is a form of psychological torture which uses tactics similar to those used by corrupt regimes throughout history to manipulate and control their populations. The Germans had a name for the psychological terror inflicted by the Stasi, the secret police, in former communist East Germany – zersetzung or decomposition. American citizens in communities across the United States are being victimized by organized stalking. The size and reach of the organized stalking apparatus suggest possible government involvement and funding.

I have been a Colorado resident since 1999 and a victim of organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture for roughly the past decade. I attached a copy of a paper I wrote in May 2014, “End the Torment”. It describes some of my personal experiences. I have reported these crimes to the Denver Police Department, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the Summit County Sheriff’s Office. I have also contacted the FBI on numerous occasions. I attached a copy of a letter to FBI Director James B. Comey dated April 30, 2015. There has not been any follow up from the FBI to these numerous requests for assistance, and to my knowledge, no investigation has ever been conducted. The brutal torture continues every second of every day.

Victims across the country have filed reports with local and federal law enforcement. The crimes are not being investigated. It is being summarily dismissed as mental illness. Torture victims are not only being ignored, they are often subjected to defamatory labels. It is not mental illness, yet the mental health profession continues to provide cover for these crimes, and “contain” victims, by handing out false diagnoses and prescribing potentially dangerous, mind- altering drugs.

Organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture impact most mental health diagnoses and explain so much the mental health profession has never been able to explain, even after many decades and enormous expenditure of time, money and human resources. The DSM and mental health practices will be completely revamped when this situation is finally exposed. The mental health profession has massive civil and criminal exposure, and has a duty to tens of millions of patients to investigate this issue.

Many horrific crimes have been committed: unimaginable privacy violations, stalking, assault, torture, mass murder, domestic terrorism, crimes against humanity, and possibly genocide. Ruthless, sadistic criminals have done catastrophic damage, over decades, which could literally bankrupt the U.S. morally and financially. A massive education and relief effort, and victim compensation fund, will be required when this issue is finally exposed.

This is a national emergency. Millions of Americans are under silent, invisible attack. This technology could potentially allow a hostile government or group to take control of the United States by killing, or threatening to kill, anyone who resists. Hitler could not have been stopped. These deadly satellites, being used to assault, torture and kill people throughout the world, must be identified and locked down or destroyed immediately. Mr. President, there is not a more critical issue on your agenda.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

Copies of letter and attachments to:

Joint Chiefs of Staff 9999 Joint Staff Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20318

Mr. Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Attorney General of the United States U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20530

Mr. John O. Brennan
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency
Office of Public Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20505

Mr. James B. Comey
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535

Admiral Michael S. Rogers
Director of the National Security Agency National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road
Fort Meade, MD 20755

June 30, 2016

President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Obama,


My May 20, 2015 letter to you should have made you aware of a national emergency over a year ago. I have also copied you on other letters and documents, and I posted comments on the WhiteHouse.gov website six times last year. Your lack of response indicates that you did not receive any of my correspondence and that you are being blocked from knowledge of this critical issue. If so, those responsible are committing treason against the United States.

The attached 74-page package of documents, titled “Satellite Genocide”, provides an overview of the situation. The package includes a copy of your May 20, 2015 letter as well as letters sent or copied to other government, military and law enforcement officials.

The package also includes letters sent to three of the Presidential candidates: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. None of them have responded to my letter or to the situation either. They are constantly in front of the media, yet none of them have raised the issue publicly. This is the biggest issue our country faces. Nothing else is even close.

Satellite technology, a lethal satellite weapon controlled by organized crime and a “narco-Nazi” system, is locked on people’s brains throughout the world. It is locked on millions of Americans. Ruthless, sadistic criminals are attacking our brains and bodies with energy in numerous ways. The satellite technology causes people to “hear voices” and is responsible for most of “mental illness”. It also causes physical illness, injury and disease, possibly including major diseases such as cancer and AIDS.

Those controlling the satellite technology are committing a long list of extremely serious crimes, including global mass assault, torture, murder and genocide, crimes against humanity, domestic terrorism, treason, and acts of aggression toward the United States and countries throughout the world. Until this lethal satellite weapon is pulled off Americans and locked down or disabled, it should be treated as a hostile coup attempt.

The satellite technology provides constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance of anyone, anywhere in the world. Those controlling the technology either orchestrated or watched the 9/11 attacks. They are either involved in or intentionally ignore terrorist activity throughout the world. The technology is too powerful for that not to be the case. That obviously raises very serious questions with respect to the entire terrorism narrative.

They control organized crime and narcotics in the United States and possibly throughout the world. They can communicate without using traditional means of communication. Good members of law enforcement and drug enforcement cannot compete without access to the satellite technology. It certainly helps explain why we haven’t been able to win the so-called “War on Drugs” since the term was first introduced in 1971, 45 years ago.

The satellite technology is used to intentionally and maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. Most mass shootings and other inexplicable tragedies were caused by satellite torture. While the debate continues with respect to mental health reform and gun control, the real cause of those tragedies has never been disclosed. Most, if not all of them, could have been avoided by turning off the satellite technology and stopping the torture.

I have informed the FBI, Homeland Security and state and local law enforcement of this emergency situation on numerous occasions. I have informed U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman. I have informed the mental health profession and the media.

Everyone continues to ignore the situation as mass shooting tragedies continue to occur. “Mental illness” and “terrorism” are always to blame. “Mental illness” is caused by satellite torture. The biggest terrorists in history control the satellite and they are not Muslim.

It is unclear how many or which members of government, military, intelligence, national security and law enforcement are complicit in the crimes or the cover-up. The fact that crimes of this magnitude, including genocide, have occurred over decades, without being reported, investigated, prosecuted or stopped, suggests a massive, highly coordinated criminal effort by some of those entrusted with our safety and protection. It goes way beyond crime.

They built “Nazi America” behind the scenes using an immensely powerful, undisclosed satellite weapon. They want to control everyone and everything. They monitor everyone. They torture, destroy and kill those who get in their way or who don’t fit their worldview. They have exterminated people over decades under the guise of mental and physical illness. They are committing treason against the United States. They are attacking our country.

Once exposed, the American people will demand that those responsible are detained and prosecuted. That must occur for us to remain the United States.

Much of the national security apparatus, including the FBI, CIA, NSA and Homeland Security, should be immediately disbanded. If not complicit, they have intentionally ignored or covered up the situation for many years. They are broken beyond repair.

The situation could bankrupt the United States and states and municipalities throughout the country. The liability is astronomical and expanding rapidly. When the situation is finally exposed, confidence will plummet. The financial markets and the economy will collapse. It will be one of the angriest times in U.S. and world history, and understandably so. Our country and much of the world will soon face a storm of unprecedented proportions.

Even with this global storm on the horizon, U.S. government, military, intelligence, national security and law enforcement continue to ignore the situation. The media can’t seem to find or report the biggest story in human history. They continue to leave the world uninformed and misinformed. The mental health and medical professions continue to misdiagnose conditions caused by satellite energy. They have either missed or covered up genocide for decades. Attorneys continue to leave out defendants (those controlling the satellite technology), distort the context of crimes and poorly represent their clients, on both sides, in cases involving satellite torture. Most mass shooting cases should be reopened.

This critically important issue is being blocked during the current election process. The vast majority of Americans remain completely oblivious. This is changing the course of the election and nullifying the American democratic process. Once exposed, it will throw the entire election into question.

In November, the American people will be electing a President to lead us out of what will be one of the most challenging situations our country has ever faced. We should be making that decision with full knowledge of the situation, including the candidates’ positions.

Mr. President, this remains an emergency situation and the most critical issue you, our country, the world and all of humanity face.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

Copy of Letter and 74-Page Package of Documents to:

Joint Chiefs of Staff 9999 Joint Staff Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20318

Ms. Loretta E. Lynch
Attorney General of the United States U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20530

Mr. John O. Brennan
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency
Office of Public Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20505

Mr. James B. Comey
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535

Admiral Michael S. Rogers
Director of the National Security Agency National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road
Fort Meade, MD 20755

Mr. Jeh Johnson
Secretary of Homeland Security Washington, D.C. 20528

Governor John W. Hickenlooper Office of the Governor
136 State Capitol Building Denver, CO 80203

Ms. Cynthia Coffman
Colorado Attorney General
Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor
Denver, CO 80203

March 23, 2016

Ms. Loretta E. Lynch
Attorney General of the United States

Dear Attorney General Lynch,


U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

I am responding to the Department of Justice letter dated March 8, 2016. My January 26, 2016 letter to Director Comey of the FBI and the attachments were sent to the Attorney General, not the “Mail Referral Unit”. It is absolutely critical that you, Attorney General Lynch, personally review this information!

The “Mail Referral Unit” used a form letter to dismiss and return some of the most important correspondence the U.S. Department of Justice has ever received. It is bordering on criminal to suggest “this matter does not involve Federal law and/or the Department of Justice”.

My letters describe a national and international emergency and the biggest set of crimes in U.S. history. Our country has never faced a more serious threat! This satellite technology threatens the lives and the rights of every American!

Lethal satellite technology is locked on our brains! It is controlled by organized crime and it is being used for everything criminal! They are trafficking and distributing narcotics! They are hacking into people’s brains and illegally monitoring everyone! They are committing unimaginable privacy violations! They are attacking our brains and bodies with energy and causing numerous mental and physical illnesses! They are destroying millions of lives! They are maliciously torturing people past their breaking points to suicide and violence! They are responsible for most mass shootings! They are committing mass assault, torture, murder and genocide! They orchestrated or watched the 9/11 attacks! They are committing domestic terrorism and treason! They are threatening the security of the United States of America, the world and all of humanity!


According to your website, the Department of Justice’s Mission Statement is as follows:


The FBI and the DEA are part of the Department of Justice. Torture victims all over the country have tried to get the FBI to help for many years, yet the FBI continues to ignore the situation. Many victims believe the FBI is complicit in these crimes. The satellite technology is used to traffic and distribute narcotics, yet the DEA continues to ignore the situation. Why have the FBI and the DEA never investigated the situation?

I attached my recent letter to the American Medical Association. As noted above, satellite energy is being used to attack our brains and bodies in numerous ways. This satellite technology not only accounts for most of “mental illness”, it also causes physical pains, sensations, illnesses, injuries and diseases. This includes split/cracked teeth, tooth, gum, jaw and cheek pains and other dental issues. Until doctors and dentists understand the technology and evaluate decades of medical and dental records and statistics, we will not know what damage has been done.

President Obama’s lack of response indicates he has been blocked from this issue. That is treason! Please make sure he is aware of this emergency situation. The Commander in Chief and the military should be responding now!

Americans are being silently and invisibly assaulted, tortured and murdered! Our country and millions of lives are at risk! This emergency situation requires your immediate focus!

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

“To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to

ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership

in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful

behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.”

March 4, 2016

President William J. Clinton and Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton Clinton Foundation
1271 Avenue of the Americas
42nd Floor

New York, NY 10020

Dear President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton,


I wanted to make you aware of a national and international emergency. Lethal satellite technology, controlled by organized crime and a global “narco-Nazi” system, is locked on people’s brains throughout the world.

This technology is used for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance, and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument. The criminals who control the technology monitor everyone and torture, destroy and kill those who get in their way.

This satellite technology is responsible for most of “mental illness”, and has been used to ruthlessly and sadistically torture millions of people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. Most mass shootings were caused by this technology.

This is the biggest crime in U.S. history – decades of mass assault, torture, murder and genocide, and domestic terrorism, crimes against humanity and treason against the United States. Those controlling the technology have access to everyone’s information, including their thoughts. They either orchestrated 9/11 or they watched it happen without doing anything.

I attached letters to President Obama, Director Comey of the FBI, Governor Hickenlooper and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Our country is silently and invisibly under attack! Mrs. Clinton, it is absolutely critical that you and the other Presidential candidates understand and immediately address this critical issue. It will be the next President’s primary focus for his or her entire term.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

March 4, 2016

Mr. Bernie Sanders United States Senator
1 Church Street, 3rd Floor Burlington, VT 05401

Dear Senator Sanders,


I wanted to make you aware of a national and international emergency. Lethal satellite technology, controlled by organized crime and a global “narco-Nazi” system, is locked on people’s brains throughout the world.

This technology is used for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance, and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument. The criminals who control the technology monitor everyone and torture, destroy and kill those who get in their way.

This satellite technology is responsible for most of “mental illness”, and has been used to ruthlessly and sadistically torture millions of people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. Most mass shootings were caused by this technology.

This is the biggest crime in U.S. history – decades of mass assault, torture, murder and genocide, and domestic terrorism, crimes against humanity and treason against the United States. Those controlling the technology have access to everyone’s information, including their thoughts. They either orchestrated 9/11 or they watched it happen without doing anything.

I attached letters to President Obama, Director Comey of the FBI, Governor Hickenlooper and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Our country is silently and invisibly under attack! It is absolutely critical that you and the other Presidential candidates understand and immediately address this critical issue. It will be the next President’s primary focus for his or her entire term.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

March 4, 2016

Mr. Donald J. Trump Chairman and President The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10022

Dear Mr. Trump,


I wanted to make you aware of a national and international emergency. Lethal satellite technology, controlled by organized crime and a global “narco-Nazi” system, is locked on people’s brains throughout the world.

This technology is used for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance, and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument. The criminals who control the technology monitor everyone and torture, destroy and kill those who get in their way.

This satellite technology is responsible for most of “mental illness”, and has been used to ruthlessly and sadistically torture millions of people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. Most mass shootings were caused by this technology.

This is the biggest crime in U.S. history – decades of mass assault, torture, murder and genocide, and domestic terrorism, crimes against humanity and treason against the United States. Those controlling the technology have access to everyone’s information, including their thoughts. They either orchestrated 9/11 or they watched it happen without doing anything.

I attached letters to President Obama, Director Comey of the FBI, Governor Hickenlooper and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Our country is silently and invisibly under attack! It is absolutely critical that you and the other Presidential candidates understand and immediately address this critical issue. It will be the next President’s primary focus for his or her entire term.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

April 30, 2015

Mr. James B. Comey
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535

National and International Emergency: Satellite Technology Connected to Millions of People Throughout the World; Being Used to Track, Monitor, Torture and Kill

Dear Director Comey,

I wanted to make you aware of an emergency situation. Satellite technology is silently connected to millions of people, including children, throughout the world. It provides constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance. The operators can literally hear what we hear, see what we see and read our thoughts. This technology is also being used as a remote, invisible torture instrument by transmitting inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, creating numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impacting sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Many believe the technology has a “kill switch”, capable of causing instantaneous heart failure or a stroke. Everyone is potentially at risk. Imagine what Hitler or Stalin would have done with this technology.

Aaron Alexis, the Washington Navy Yard shooter, Miriam Carey, shot fleeing a White House checkpoint in October 2013, Dominic Adesanya, one of the recent White House fence jumpers, and Myron May, the shooter at Florida State University last November, were all targeted and tortured prior to those events. Eddie Ray Routh may have been targeted, tortured and provoked to kill Chris Kyle, the highly decorated Navy SEAL portrayed in the film American Sniper, and his friend Chad Littlefield. Many other seemingly inexplicable tragedies, including mass shootings going back decades, and an untold number of suicides have been caused by people being tortured past their breaking points. This is the largest crime in U.S. history.

There are millions of satellite torture victims all over the world. Most do not even know this technology exists. Many are pushed into the mental health system. Over the past decade or so, information has sprung up everywhere – books, articles, websites, blogs, petitions, victim testimonials, support groups, etc. Published by torture victims trying to make sense of something almost impossible to comprehend, the information is understandably all over the board. Search “targeted individuals”, “organized stalking”, “gang stalking”, “electronic harassment” and “technological assault”. One prominent support group, Freedom from Covert

Harassment and Surveillance (www.freedomfchs.com), was formed 10 years ago and has members and affiliated support groups across the country and throughout the world.

Since the satellite technology is classified and no information has been released to the public, there are many different theories regarding technological assault. Any viable theory has to be able to explain how people are targeted on airplanes at 35,000 feet over the middle of the ocean. Satellite is the only technology that can do that.

Many victims of satellite surveillance and torture also experience “organized stalking”. This is stalking, monitoring, harassment and intimidation conducted by a large, organized, well-funded group. Organized stalking is a form of psychological torture which uses tactics similar to those used by corrupt regimes throughout history to manipulate and control their populations. The Germans had a name for the psychological terror inflicted by the Stasi, the secret police, in former communist East Germany – zersetzung or decomposition. American citizens in communities across the United States are being victimized by organized stalking. The size and reach of the organized stalking apparatus suggest government involvement and funding.

I have been a Colorado resident since 1999 and a victim of organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture for roughly the past decade. I attached a copy of a paper I wrote in May 2014, “End the Torment”. It describes some of my personal experiences. I have reported these crimes to the Denver Police Department, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the Summit County Sheriff’s Office. I have also contacted the FBI on numerous occasions.

I submitted the first of several online tips to the FBI sometime in 2006/2007. I filed a report with the Denver FBI at their Stapleton office and met with John (he would not provide his last name) on October 12, 2011. I told John the stalking and harassment had occurred throughout Colorado and in other states, yet he said it was outside the FBI’s jurisdiction.

I contacted the Washington D.C. FBI on August 25, 2014 to provide information regarding the Navy Yard investigation. Special Agent Mike Pinto returned my call. I told Mr. Pinto Aaron Alexis had been tortured by satellite technology prior to the Navy Yard shooting and thousands of Americans, including me, were being tortured by the same technology. Mr. Pinto said I should not have called the FBI and told me I should call local law enforcement. I told him it was a “national emergency”. I asked for his email address to send him my paper (attached). He would not provide his last name (obtained from the dispatch recording) or his email address. After a hurried 4-minute conversation, Mr. Pinto hung up on me and contacted Summit County, Colorado emergency dispatch. Mr. Pinto told the dispatch operator I had “personal issues”, misrepresented our conversation and created enough concern to cause the operator to dispatch three Summit County officers to my home unannounced. I was frisked on my driveway in broad daylight. Fortunately after a lengthy conversation, the officers realized I was not a threat.

After the Myron May shooting incident at Florida State University on November 20, 2014, I read an article indicating Special Agent Shauna Dunlap of the Houston FBI had picked up one of Myron May’s packages and was involved in the investigation. I tried calling Ms. Dunlap on November 23, 2014. Her voicemail indicated she was out of the office for a few days and referred callers to Special Agent Patricia Villafranca. I left a voicemail for Ms. Villafranca, and she returned my call that afternoon. I told her Myron May, like thousands of others, had been tortured by satellite technology. I also indicated I had emailed documents to the Houston FBI’s general email address. She said the Houston FBI was not handling the matter and hung up on me. I never received any further response from the Houston FBI.

I called the Denver FBI on March 5, 2015 and told the woman who answered it was an emergency situation. She forwarded me to the FBI Tip Line. I told the operator satellite technology is being used to torture Americans, including me. I indicated victims have been unable to get law enforcement to investigate and it is a “national emergency”. When I paused for a response, she said “well, it’s all documented, thank you for calling” and hung up.

The Summit County Sheriff’s Office tried to arrange a meeting with their FBI contact in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The FBI agent did not want to meet. There has not been ANY follow up from the FBI to these numerous requests for assistance, and to my knowledge, no investigation has ever been conducted. The brutal torture continues every second of every day.

Victims across the country have filed reports with local and federal law enforcement. The crimes are not being investigated. It is being dismissed as mental illness. Torture victims are not only being ignored, they are often subjected to defamatory labels. It is NOT mental illness, yet the mental health profession continues to provide cover for these crimes by handing out false diagnoses and prescribing potentially dangerous, mind-altering drugs.

Organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture impact most mental health diagnoses and explain so much the mental health profession has never been able to explain, even after many decades and enormous expenditure of time, money and human resources. The DSM and mental health practices will be completely revamped when this situation is finally exposed. The mental health profession has massive civil and criminal exposure and must investigate this issue.

This is a national and international emergency. A long list of horrific crimes are being committed: unimaginable privacy violations, stalking, assault, torture, murder, domestic terrorism and crimes against humanity. American citizens are under attack. This situation must be investigated immediately, organized stalking must be stopped, and satellite technology capable of destroying humanity must be exposed and permanently locked down.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

October 14, 2015

Mr. James B. Comey
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535


Satellite technology is connected to Americans’ brains! It is being used to track, monitor, torture and kill! The FBI continues to ignore this emergency situation!

Dear Director Comey,

I sent you a letter on April 30, 2015 to make you aware of this emergency situation. You were also copied on a May 20, 2015 letter to President Obama. I have not received a response to either letter. It remains a national and international emergency!

I met with Special Agent Chris Hilgers of the Glenwood Springs, Colorado FBI, as well as representatives of the Summit County Sheriff’s Office and the Colorado State Patrol, on June 2, 2015. I provided them with thousands of pages of documents. There has been no follow up from Special Agent Hilgers. He has not even provided his contact information, which seems to be standard operating procedure for the FBI.

I copied Special Agent in Charge Thomas Ravenelle of the FBI’s Denver Division on an August 25, 2015 letter to Governor Hickenlooper (copy attached). I have not received a response to that letter either.

Torture victims have filed reports with local and state law enforcement and the FBI all over the country. Nothing is being done! We are being ignored and/or pushed into the mental health system! It is NOT mental illness! The satellite technology causes symptoms mimicking mental illness – that’s intentional! Mental health diagnoses are being used to contain torture victims!

Until this technology is understood, no one can accurately diagnose mental illness! Once the technology is exposed, the DSM will become obsolete. Law enforcement and the FBI cannot take actions based upon presumptions of “mental illness” without understanding organized stalking and satellite technology. You can no longer plead ignorance! There is too much information out there, and too many people are saying the same things!

The technology is controlled by organized crime and a global, narco-Nazi system. They want to control everyone and everything. For decades, they have maliciously destroyed lives and killed people under the false cover of “mental illness”. The FBI’s inaction has allowed them to do so!

The satellites can direct energy at people and objects – see “Directed Energy Weapons” and “Strategic Defense Initiative”. There is likely a “kill switch”, capable of hitting someone with enough energy to stop the heart. They might be capable of disabling automobiles and aircraft, taking down power grids and telecommunication networks, attacking nuclear facilities, etc. All of this could potentially be done from anywhere in the world. This technology must be publicly exposed and monitored and controlled like nuclear weapons!

This satellite technology could have been involved in the 9/11 attacks. The pilots could have been “zapped” and killed in the cockpits, and the aircrafts taken over from the ground using uninterruptible autopilot systems. It makes a lot more sense than nineteen medium-sized, radical Muslims with box cutters overtaking four commercial aircraft. If the “good guys” had the technology, how did 9/11 happen and how did it take a decade to find Bin Laden?!

Our country is under attack! It is domestic terrorism, and they are committing treason against the United States! If these criminals were to start indiscriminately killing anyone who poses a threat, it would be extremely difficult to stop them! All of humanity is at risk! Everyone needs to assume a monster like Hitler controls the technology until it is permanently locked down!

This is the biggest crime and one of the largest situations in U.S. history! Ruthless criminals have lethal satellite technology connected to our brains and are monitoring everything we do! Millions of Americans are being silently and invisibly assaulted and tortured right now! Mass assault, torture, murder, and possibly genocide, have been committed over decades!

This deadly satellite technology must be turned off and permanently locked down! It is a national and international emergency! It requires immediate action!

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

Copy of letter and attachment to:

President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500

Joint Chiefs of Staff 9999 Joint Staff Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20318

Ms. Loretta E. Lynch
Attorney General of the United States U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001

Mr. John O. Brennan
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency
Office of Public Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20505

Admiral Michael S. Rogers
Director of the National Security Agency National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road
Fort Meade, MD 20755

Mr. Jeh Johnson
Secretary of Homeland Security Washington, D.C. 20528

Governor John W. Hickenlooper Office of the Governor
136 State Capitol Building Denver, CO 80203

Ms. Cynthia Coffman
Colorado Attorney General
Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor
Denver, CO 80203

Mr. Thomas P. Ravenelle
Special Agent in Charge, Denver Division Federal Bureau of Investigation
800 East 36th Avenue
Denver, CO 80238

January 26, 2016

Mr. James B. Comey
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535


Lethal satellite technology, controlled by organized crime, is being used to take hostile control of the United States. “Hearing Voices” = Satellite Assault/Torture.

Dear Director Comey,

You still have not responded to any of my prior correspondence, nor has anyone else within the FBI. The entire FBI continues to ignore the mass assault, torture and murder of millions of Americans! Genocide has taken place on American soil for decades!

I recently saw you on CNN discussing the shooting of Philadelphia police officer Jesse Hartnett. You indicated the shooting was being investigated by the FBI as a possible act of terrorism. What you did not mention is that the shooter, Edward Archer, was hearing voices. Why not? That piece of information is extremely relevant.

The FBI typically, incorrectly, and possibly even criminally, takes the position that someone hearing voices is mentally ill: Hong Young, Myron May, Dominic Adesanya, Elliot Rodger, Darion Aguilar, Miriam Carey, Aaron Alexis, Eddie Ray Routh, James Holmes, One Goh, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, Jared Loughner, Jiverly Wong, Seung-Hui Cho, Andrew Goldstein, Ted Kaczynski, James Oliver Huberty, John Hinckley, Jr. and many others.

In the FBI’s opinion, is Edward Archer a terrorist, is he mentally ill, both, neither? Is the FBI weaving a new narrative of radical Islam aligning with the mentally ill?

Here’s the truth. Satellite technology causes people to hear voices. It transmits communication to and from the brain. This is just one of numerous ways in which the technology is used to assault and torture people. If Edward Archer was hearing voices, as reported by the media, he was being assaulted and tortured by satellite technology.

Regardless of his religion, Edward Archer was intentionally and maliciously tortured past his breaking point. The ruthless, sadistic criminals who control the satellite technology likely used false dialogue and narratives to convince him that the Philadelphia Police Department was targeting him and involved in his torture. These types of false narratives, combined with brutal satellite torture, are used to provoke people to suicide and violence.

This satellite technology is organized crime. It is narcotics. It is much of “mental illness”. It is many physical illnesses and injuries. It is much of suicide. It is much of violent crime, including many mass shootings and other inexplicable tragedies. All of this applies not only to the United States, but to the entire world.

The criminals controlling the satellite technology were either behind 9/11 or they watched it happen. There is really no other possibility. What was their motive? A new boogeyman in radical Islam to replace the Russians and the Cold War, the opportunity to dramatically expand their surveillance and control of people throughout the world, and gaining control of most of the world’s opium/heroin in Afghanistan. 9/11 may have been the U.S. equivalent of the 1933 Reichstag Fire in Nazi Germany. Both events forever changed the world.

The FBI has never investigated satellite assault/torture as a possible explanation for ANY crime. The FBI has never investigated countless reports of organized stalking and technological assault. The FBI has never investigated the possibility of satellite technology playing a role in 9/11. The FBI has never even educated the American public regarding “uninterruptible autopilot systems” on commercial aircraft. Why? What does the FBI investigate and who decides?

Your collective inaction is not just incompetence. Something is horribly and systemically wrong. Criminals within “top-secret America”, who are aligned with organized crime and control the satellite technology, are in the process of taking hostile control of the United States. The FBI is either participating or watching!

Our country is under attack from within our own borders! This group has been putting things in place behind the scenes for a long time. Soon, they will have to stand down, kill everyone who resists or deal with unpredictable chaos. Get this satellite technology off Americans!

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]


President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500

Ms. Loretta E. Lynch
Attorney General of the United States U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

Mr. Joseph P. Clancy
United States Secret Service
Office of Government and Public Affairs 245 Murray Lane

Washington, D.C. 20223

Governor John W. Hickenlooper Office of the Governor
136 State Capitol Building Denver, CO 80203

Ms. Cynthia Coffman
Colorado Attorney General
Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor
Denver, CO 80203

Mr. Richard Ross Jr.
Police Commissioner Philadelphia Police Department 750 Race Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

April 23, 2015

Governor John W. Hickenlooper Office of the Governor
136 State Capitol Building Denver, CO 80203

Subject: State, National and International Emergency – Organized Stalking and Satellite Surveillance and Torture

Dear Governor Hickenlooper,

I wanted to make you aware of an emergency situation. Satellite technology is silently connected to millions of people, including children, throughout the world. It provides constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance. The operators can literally hear what we hear, see what we see and read our thoughts. This technology is also being used as a remote, invisible torture instrument by transmitting inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, creating numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly altering sleep patterns, energy level and emotional states. Many believe the technology has a “kill switch”, capable of causing instantaneous heart failure or a stroke. Everyone is potentially at risk. Imagine Hitler or Stalin with this technology.

Aaron Alexis, the Washington Navy Yard shooter, Miriam Carey, shot fleeing a White House checkpoint in October 2013, Dominic Adesanya, one of the recent White House fence jumpers, and Myron May, the shooter at Florida State University last November, were all targeted and tortured prior to those events. Eddie Ray Routh may have been targeted, tortured and provoked to kill Chris Kyle, the highly decorated Navy SEAL portrayed in American Sniper, and his friend Chad Littlefield. Many other seemingly inexplicable tragedies, including mass shootings going back decades, and an untold number of suicides have been caused by people being tortured past their breaking points. Once exposed, this will be the largest crime in U.S. history.

There are millions of satellite torture victims all over the world. Most do not even know this technology exists. Many are pushed into the mental health system. Over the past decade or so, information has sprung up everywhere – books, articles, websites, blogs, petitions, victim testimonials, support groups, etc. Published by torture victims trying to make sense of something almost impossible to comprehend, the information is understandably all over the board. Search “targeted individuals”, “organized stalking”, “gang stalking”, “electronic harassment” and “technological assault”. One prominent support group, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (www.freedomfchs.com), was formed 10 years ago and has members and affiliated support groups across the country and throughout the world.

Since the satellite technology is classified and no information has been released to the public, there are many different theories regarding technological assault. However, any viable theory has to be able to explain how people are targeted on airplanes at 35,000 feet over the middle of the ocean. Satellite is the only technology that can do that.

Many victims of satellite surveillance and torture also experience “organized stalking”. This is stalking, monitoring, harassment and intimidation conducted by a large, organized, well-funded group. Organized stalking is a form of psychological torture which uses tactics similar to those used by corrupt regimes throughout history to manipulate and control their populations. The Germans had a name for the psychological terror inflicted by the Stasi in former communist East Germany – zersetzung or decomposition. American citizens in communities across the United States are being victimized by organized stalking. The size and scope of the organized stalking apparatus suggest government involvement and funding.

I have been a Colorado resident since 1999 and a victim of organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture for roughly the past decade. I attached a copy of a paper I wrote in May 2014, “End the Torment”. It describes some of my personal experiences. I have reported these crimes to the Denver Police Department, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the Summit County Sheriff’s Office. I have also contacted the FBI on numerous occasions. To my knowledge, no investigation has been commenced. The brutal torture continues every second of every day.

Victims across the country have filed reports with local and federal law enforcement. The crimes are not being investigated. It is being dismissed as mental illness. Torture victims are not only being ignored, they are often subjected to defamatory labels. It is NOT mental illness, yet the mental health profession continues to provide cover for these crimes by handing out false diagnoses and prescribing potentially dangerous, mind-altering drugs. The DSM and mental health practices will be completely revamped when this situation is finally exposed. The mental health profession has massive legal exposure, both civil and criminal, to this issue.

This is a state, national and international emergency. A long list of horrific crimes are being committed: unimaginable privacy violations, stalking, assault, torture, murder, domestic terrorism and crimes against humanity. American citizens are under attack, and innocent lives are being destroyed. This situation must be immediately investigated, and organized stalking and satellite technology capable of ending humanity must be exposed and permanently locked down.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

August 25, 2015

Governor John W. Hickenlooper Office of the Governor
136 State Capitol Building Denver, CO 80203



Dear Governor Hickenlooper,

I have not received a response to my letter dated April 23, 2015 under the subject “State, National and International Emergency – Organized Stalking and Satellite Surveillance and Torture.” I attached a copy for your convenience. I also attached a copy of letters sent to President Obama, Director Comey of the FBI and Sheriff Minor of the Summit County Sheriff’s Office, and some other relevant documents.

My Mom and I are still being assaulted and tortured by potentially lethal satellite technology every day. There are millions of people connected to and being assaulted by this technology, with their lives at risk, throughout the country. It is an absolute emergency situation, yet no one is responding.

My Mom and I met with Sergeant Bobby Juchem of the Colorado State Patrol, Commander Jaime Fitzsimons of the Summit County Sheriff’s Office and Special Agent Chris Hilgers of the FBI on June 2, 2015. I provided them with a package of documents and a flash drive containing thousands of pages of additional documents, including victim testimonials from around the world. I have not yet received feedback from their review of the documents or a response to my request for an investigation.

I also spoke with and provided documents to Mr. Chris Sorensen of Colorado Homeland Security on May 6, 2015. In a May 8, 2015 email, Mr. Sorensen indicated the information had been forwarded to the directors of state emergency management, homeland security and intelligence and that an investigation was underway. I have not received any further response from Mr. Sorensen or Homeland Security.

I sent an email regarding this issue to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation on June 16, 2015. I have not received a response to that email.

I have contacted the Denver Police Department, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the Summit County Sheriff’s Office, and the FBI on numerous occasions beginning eight or nine years ago. I have reported a long list of crimes, including a decade of organized stalking, egregious privacy violations, assault with a deadly weapon (satellite), torture, domestic terrorism and attempted murder. Nothing has been done to investigate the crimes or to stop the stalking, assault and torture. We have been left under constant assault with potentially deadly technology connected to our brains.

This lethal satellite technology is controlled by organized crime and a massive narco-Nazi system. It is connected to people throughout the world, and used for total surveillance and as an invisible weapon. They want to control everyone and everything. They have always operated under the false cover of “mental illness”, however that is changing fast. It is unclear how these ruthless criminals will respond when finally exposed.

This will be a cataclysmic event for Colorado, our country and much of the world. Confidence will be shattered. The economy and the financial markets will collapse. Interest rates will increase dramatically. Total damages due victims will be hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars. The federal government and state and local governments across the country will face an unprecedented crisis and potential insolvency.

Colorado and its municipalities already face enormous liability. That liability, both civil and criminal, is rapidly expanding as more people are informed of the situation yet fail to respond. This issue is extremely material to Colorado’s financial condition, yet it has not been disclosed to Colorado citizens or to bond investors.

Victims in Colorado and across the country have been unable to get law enforcement to investigate or respond to the biggest crime in U.S. history – assault, torture, murder and terrorism on an unimaginable scale. Something is horribly wrong. They may be compromised by this narco-system, like Mexico.

Our country is under attack from within our own borders. Military involvement may be required. The satellite technology must be located and locked down or destroyed immediately. This is an emergency! We need your immediate assistance!

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]


My paper, “End the Torment” dated May 13, 2014

Letter to President Obama dated May 20, 2015

Letter to Governor Hickenlooper dated April 23, 2015

Letter to Director Comey of the FBI dated April 30, 2015

Letter to Sheriff Minor dated August 20, 2015

Letter to the American Psychiatric Association dated April 27, 2015

Outline for Meeting at Summit County Sheriff’s Office dated June 2, 2015

Critical Questions for Law Enforcement (part of document package at June 2, 2015 meeting)

Other Sources of Information (part of document package at June 2, 2015 meeting)

Ted Gunderson Affidavit dated April 26, 2011

Copy of letter and attachments to:

Ms. Cynthia Coffman
Colorado Attorney General
Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor
Denver, CO 80203

Mr. Walker R. Stapleton Colorado State Treasurer 200 East Colfax Avenue State Capitol, Suite 140 Denver, CO 80203

Mr. Thomas P. Ravenelle
Special Agent in Charge, Denver Division Federal Bureau of Investigation
8000 East 36th Avenue
Denver, CO 80238

Mr. Kevin R. Klein
Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 9195 East Mineral Avenue, Suite 200
Centennial, CO 80112

Mr. Scott G. Hernandez Colonel
Colorado State Patrol 700 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215

December 21, 2015

Governor John W. Hickenlooper Office of the Governor
136 State Capitol Building Denver, CO 80203



Dear Governor Hickenlooper,

You have not responded to any of my prior correspondence, nor has Attorney General Cynthia Coffman, Special Agent in Charge Thomas Ravenelle of the FBI, Director Kevin Klein of Homeland Security or Colonel Scott Hernandez of the Colorado State Patrol. This remains an emergency situation! Millions of Americans are connected to and being assaulted and tortured by potentially lethal satellite technology! Our lives are in danger!

Sergeant Bobby Juchem of the Colorado State Patrol met with my Mom and me on June 2, 2015. He indicated he was responding to my first letter to you dated April 23, 2015. Commander Jaime Fitzsimons of the Summit County Sheriff’s Office and Special Agent Chris Hilgers of the FBI also attended that meeting. None of them have investigated the situation or taken actions to stop the assault and torture.

Everyone who has been made aware of this issue, including local and state law enforcement and the FBI, has ignored our numerous requests for assistance. Why? Are you ALL taking the position that organized stalking and this satellite technology do not exist? If so, how did you reach that conclusion? Have you contacted people in a position to have knowledge of the technology?

The satellite technology DOES EXIST and it poses one of the most serious threats our country has ever faced! It is connected to millions of Americans, possibly including our government and military leaders. Those controlling the technology have said many times they are connected to “everyone who matters”, their words not mine. That would certainly include you and President Obama. Have you spoken with the President regarding this issue?

We are under attack! We are being assaulted by a deadly weapon! You must take immediate action to stop the assault and torture!

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

June 7, 2016

Director Michael Rankin Colorado Bureau of Investigation 690 Kipling Street, Suite 3000 Lakewood, CO 80215

Dear Director Rankin,


I have not received a response to the three attached emails. This remains an emergency situation.

A lethal satellite weapon is locked on Americans’ brains. It is being used for constant surveillance and as a silent, invisible weapon and torture instrument. There are millions of satellite torture victims. I am one of them.

A long list of very serious crimes are being committed, including mass assault, torture, murder and genocide, terrorism and treason against the United States. Satellite genocide, disguised as mental and physical illness, has occurred over decades.

I have informed numerous Colorado government and law enforcement officials, including Governor Hickenlooper, Attorney General Coffman, Special Agent in Charge Thomas Ravenelle of the Denver FBI, Special Agent Chris Hilgers of the Glenwood Springs FBI, Colonel Scott Hernandez of the Colorado State Patrol, Sergeant Robert Juchem of the Colorado State Patrol, Sheriff Jaime FitzSimons of the Summit County Sheriff’s Office, Chief Dennis McLaughlin of the Breckenridge Police Department, Sheriff Tony Spurlock of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Chief Robert White of the Denver Police Department and sheriffs and police chiefs in other Colorado jurisdictions.

No one has taken action to stop these crimes. Everyone is ignoring me and the overall situation. We are still being assaulted and tortured by a lethal satellite weapon. It is attempted murder. Our lives remain in danger. An unknown number of Coloradans are in the same position.

The attached 72-page document provides much of my written testimony.
This emergency situation requires an immediate response from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

August 20, 2015 Sheriff John Minor

Dear Sheriff Minor,

P.O. Box 210

Summit County Sheriff’s Office HAND DELIVERED

501 North Park Avenue

Breckenridge, CO 80424

My mother and I live at 237 Moonstone Road in Breckenridge and are residents of Summit County. I

wanted to make sure you were aware of an emergency situation. I have been a victim of organized

stalking and satellite surveillance, assault and torture for over a decade. These crimes have occurred in

Breckenridge and Summit County, throughout Colorado, in a number of other states, and in Paris, France.

The assault has also occurred on domestic and international flights. I attached nine documents, including

my paper and letters to President Obama, Governor Hickenlooper and Director Comey of the FBI, to

bring you up to speed on the situation. It potentially impacts everyone.

I met with Commander Fitzsimons and Sergeant Mumford on August 29, 2014 a few days after Special

Agent Mike Pinto of the Washington D.C. FBI placed a call to Summit County emergency dispatch.

Special Agent Pinto’s call, including his statement that I had “personal issues”, resulted in three Summit

County officers being dispatched to my house unannounced on August 25, 2014. I have had some

follow-up communication with Sergeant Dunaway, one of the responding officers, and Sergeant Mumford

and ongoing communication with Commander Fitzsimons over the past year.

I had a follow-up meeting with Commander Fitzsimons, Sergeant Bobby Juchem of the Colorado State

Patrol, Special Agent Chris Hilgers of the FBI and, at the request of Commander Fitzsimons, two Mind

Springs Health professionals on June 2, 2015 at the Summit County Sheriff’s Office. I left them with a

package of documents and a flash drive containing thousands of pages of additional documents.

I have also reported these crimes to the Denver Police Department, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office,

the FBI (on numerous occasions starting eight or nine years ago) and Colorado Homeland Security.

Sheriff Tony Spurlock of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is fully aware of the situation. The satellite

assault and torture started in April 2013 in my home in Douglas County after filing a report with the

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office on March 27, 2013 regarding 8 years of organized stalking at that time.

I have been requesting law enforcement assistance, and an investigation of these crimes, for almost a

decade now. To date, nothing has been done to investigate or to stop the constant assault and torture. As

I indicated at the June 2nd meeting, I believe my Mom is now being assaulted and tortured by satellite

technology as well. This is an emergency situation for both of us, as well as millions of others across the

country and throughout the world. We need your immediate assistance!

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick

400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B

Breckenridge, CO 80424


Copy of letter and attachments to:


My paper, “End the Torment” dated May 13, 2014

Letter to President Obama dated May 20, 2015

Letter to Governor Hickenlooper dated April 23, 2015

Letter to Director Comey of the FBI dated April 30, 2015

Letter to the American Psychiatric Association dated April 27, 2015

Outline for Meeting at Summit County Sheriff’s Office dated June 2, 2015

Critical Questions for Law Enforcement (part of document package at June 2, 2015 meeting)

Other Sources of Information (part of document package at June 2, 2015 meeting)

Ted Gunderson Affidavit dated April 26, 2011

Summit County Board of County Commissioners

208 East Lincoln Avenue

Post Office Box 68

Breckenridge, CO 80424

Mr. Bruce Brown

District Attorney

Colorado Fifth Judicial District Attorney’s Office

504 Airport Road

District Attorney Annex

Breckenridge, CO 80424

Ms. Shannon Haynes

Chief of Police

Breckenridge Police Department

150 Valley Brook Street

Breckenridge, CO 80424

Mr. Jaime Fitzsimons

Commander, Operations Division

Summit County Sheriff’s Office

P.O. Box 210

501 North Park Avenue

Breckenridge, CO 80424

February 19, 2016

Mr. Dennis A. Muilenburg
President and Chief Executive Officer The Boeing Company
100 North Riverside
Chicago, Illinois 60606

Dear Mr. Muilenburg,


As you know, the four aircraft involved in the 9/11 attacks were all manufactured by Boeing. Did those aircraft have (uninterruptible) autopilot systems? If so, who controlled them on 9/11? Were those questions addressed as part of the 9/11 investigation?

Very few people understand autopilot systems even though they potentially impact every single passenger’s life. Passengers have to take off their shoes and give up their shampoo and nail clippers to board a flight, yet they don’t know cockpit doors and planes can be controlled from the ground by some unidentified group. That’s absurd and extremely dangerous. Passengers have the right to know who controls their planes and their lives. Why have Boeing and the FAA kept people in the dark?

More importantly, satellite technology, controlled by organized crime and a global “narco-Nazi” system, is connected to people’s brains throughout the world. It is used for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance, and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument. Ruthless, sadistic criminals use the technology to monitor everyone and to torture, destroy and kill those who get in their way.

This satellite technology may be capable of instantaneously stopping the heart and killing someone. If the 9/11 aircraft had autopilot systems, the pilots could have been killed in the cockpits and the planes simultaneously taken over from the ground. Has that possibility ever been explored? Has this technology been investigated as a possible cause of other plane crashes and disappearances?

I attached letters to President Obama, Director Comey of the FBI and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Lethal satellite technology is locked on millions of people around the world, likely including pilots. Our country is silently and invisibly under attack! This is a national and international emergency!

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 North Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]


Mr. Michael Huerta Administrator
Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20591

Mr. James B. Comey
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535

March 9, 2016

Mr. Kent Walker
Senior Vice President and General Counsel Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Dear Mr. Walker,


I attached copies of two emails and three letters you should have received from me. The emails are dated Monday, February 29, 2016 and Monday, March 7, 2016. The subject of the emails is “Life-critical emails are being blocked!”

This is an extremely serious, life-threatening situation for millions of people. Critical email communication is being blocked. The information contained in those emails could literally mean the difference between life and death for some torture victims.

The potential liability is massive. I am just one torture victim, and I will be seeking $100 billion in damages, with a “b”.

It is absolutely critical that you and Google understand and immediately address this issue! Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

December 17, 2015

Mr. Daniel B. King
Office of the State Public Defender 1300 Broadway, Suite 400 Denver, CO 80203

Dear Mr. King,

If James Holmes or Robert Dear were hearing voices, they were being assaulted and tortured by satellite technology prior to those tragedies. The technology is connected to millions of Americans and is controlled by organized crime. They use it for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument.

The technology can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, create numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impact sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Ruthless, sadistic criminals use the technology to destroy lives and maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence.

Please see the attached letters to President Obama, Governor Hickenlooper and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like additional information. I have thousands of pages of documents, including other letters to government, law enforcement and mental health organizations and professionals. Some of my email communication is being blocked, so please call if I do not respond to an email.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

December 17, 2015

Mr. John P. Osler
Committee for Public Counsel Services 21 McGrath Highway
Somerville, MA 02143

Dear Mr. Osler,

If Philip Chism was hearing voices, he was being assaulted and tortured by satellite technology. The technology is connected to millions of Americans and is controlled by organized crime. They use it for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument.

The technology can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, create numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impact sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Ruthless, sadistic criminals use the technology to destroy lives and maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence.

Please see the attached letters to President Obama and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like additional information. I have thousands of pages of documents, including other letters to government, law enforcement and mental health organizations and professionals. Some of my email communication is being blocked, so please call if I do not respond to an email.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

December 22, 2015

Ms. Judy Clarke
Clarke & Rice
1010 Second Avenue, Suite 1800 San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Ms. Clarke,

If Jared Loughner or any of your other clients were hearing voices, they were being assaulted and tortured by satellite technology. The technology is connected to millions of Americans people throughout the world and is controlled by organized crime. They use it for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument.

The technology can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, create numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impact sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Ruthless, sadistic criminals use the technology to destroy lives and maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. It helps explain many seemingly inexplicable tragedies, possibly including the Tucson shooting.

Please see the attached letters to President Obama and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like additional information. I have thousands of pages of documents, including other letters to government, law enforcement and mental health organizations and professionals. Some of my email communication is being blocked, so please call if I do not respond to an email.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

December 22, 2015

Mr. Shay Isham
Glasgow, Taylor, Isham and Glasgow 505 North Graham Street Stephenville, TX 76401

Dear Mr. Isham,

If Eddie Ray Routh was hearing voices, he was being assaulted and tortured by satellite technology prior to the shooting tragedy. The technology is connected to millions of Americans people throughout the world and is controlled by organized crime. They use it for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument.

The technology can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, create numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impact sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Ruthless, sadistic criminals use the technology to destroy lives and maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. It helps explain many seemingly inexplicable tragedies.

Please see the attached letters to President Obama and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like additional information. I have thousands of pages of documents, including other letters to government, law enforcement and mental health organizations and professionals. Some of my email communication is being blocked, so please call if I do not respond to an email.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

December 23, 2015

Mr. Steven B. Wolfson District Attorney
Office of the District Attorney 200 Lewis Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Dear Mr. Wolfson,

If Lakeisha Holloway was hearing voices, she was being assaulted and tortured by satellite technology prior to the recent tragedy. The technology is connected to millions of Americans and people throughout the world and is controlled by organized crime. They use it for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument.

The technology can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, create numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impact sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Ruthless, sadistic criminals use the technology to destroy lives and maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. It helps explain many seemingly inexplicable tragedies.

Please see the attached letters to President Obama and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like additional information. I have thousands of pages of documents, including other letters to government, law enforcement and mental health organizations and professionals. Some of my email communication is being blocked, so please call if I do not respond to an email.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

December 23, 2015

Mr. Scott Coffee
Deputy Clark County Public Defender Office of the Public Defender
309 South Third Street
Las Vegas, NV 89155

Dear Mr. Coffee,

If Lakeisha Holloway was hearing voices, she was being assaulted and tortured by satellite technology prior to the recent tragedy. The technology is connected to millions of Americans and people throughout the world and is controlled by organized crime. They use it for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument.

The technology can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, create numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impact sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Ruthless, sadistic criminals use the technology to destroy lives and maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. It helps explain many seemingly inexplicable tragedies.

Please see the attached letters to President Obama and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like additional information. I have thousands of pages of documents, including other letters to government, law enforcement and mental health organizations and professionals. Some of my email communication is being blocked, so please call if I do not respond to an email.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

December 23, 2015

Mr. David Bos
Assistant Federal Public Defender
Federal Public Defender for the District of Columbia 625 Indiana Avenue NW
Washington D.C. 20004

Dear Mr. Bos,

If Oscar Ortega-Hernandez or any of your other clients were hearing voices, they were being assaulted and tortured by satellite technology. The technology is connected to millions of Americans and people throughout the world and is controlled by organized crime. They use it for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument.

The technology can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, create numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impact sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Ruthless, sadistic criminals use the technology to destroy lives and maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. It helps explain many seemingly inexplicable tragedies.

Please see the attached letters to President Obama and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like additional information. I have thousands of pages of documents, including other letters to government, law enforcement and mental health organizations and professionals. Some of my email communication is being blocked, so please call if I do not respond to an email.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

December 23, 2015

Mr. Jonathan Jeffress
Assistant Federal Public Defender
Federal Public Defender for the District of Columbia 625 Indiana Avenue NW
Washington D.C. 20004

Dear Mr. Jeffress,

If Dominic Adesanya or any of your other clients were hearing voices, they were being assaulted and tortured by satellite technology. The technology is connected to millions of Americans and people throughout the world and is controlled by organized crime. They use it for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument.

The technology can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, create numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impact sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Ruthless, sadistic criminals use the technology to destroy lives and maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. It helps explain many seemingly inexplicable tragedies.

Please see the attached letters to President Obama and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like additional information. I have thousands of pages of documents, including other letters to government, law enforcement and mental health organizations and professionals. Some of my email communication is being blocked, so please call if I do not respond to an email.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

December 23, 2015

Ms. Maribeth Rosa Harper Attorney at Law
Verizon Business
201 Spear Street, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105

Dear Ms. Harper,

If Chris Harper Mercer was hearing voices, he was being assaulted and tortured by satellite technology prior to the Roseburg tragedy. The technology is connected to millions of Americans and people throughout the world and is controlled by organized crime. They use it for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument.

The technology can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, create numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impact sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Ruthless, sadistic criminals use the technology to destroy lives and maliciously torture people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. It helps explain many seemingly inexplicable tragedies.

Please see the attached letters to President Obama and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like additional information. I have thousands of pages of documents, including other letters to government, law enforcement and mental health organizations and professionals. Some of my email communication is being blocked, so please call if I do not respond to an email.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

March 9, 2016

American Medical Association
AMA Plaza
330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 39300 Chicago, IL 60611-5885

Dear Board of Trustees,


I wanted to make you aware of a national and international emergency. Lethal satellite technology, controlled by organized crime and a global “narco-Nazi” system, is locked on people’s brains throughout the world.

This technology is used for constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance, and as an invisible weapon and torture instrument. The criminals who control the technology monitor everyone and torture, destroy and kill those who get in their way.

This satellite technology is responsible for most of “mental illness”, and has been used to ruthlessly and sadistically torture millions of people past their breaking points to suicide and violence. Most mass shootings were caused by this technology.

Satellite energy can also be directed at the body causing numerous physical pains, sensations, illnesses and injuries. It can cause pains literally from head to toe – head, eyes, ears, teeth, gums, jaws, cheeks, neck, back, skin, chest, heart, stomach and other internal organs, genitals, arms, legs, feet, toes, etc. Virtually all somatoform disorders are caused by satellite.

The technology can cause the heart to race, palpitate, and pound. It can simulate a heart attack and stop the heart. It can cause headaches, eye pains and vision issues, and ear ringing, ear buzzing and ear pains. It can cause erectile dysfunction. It can cause tooth, gum, jaw and cheek pain, and it can split teeth. It can cause heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and bowel issues. It can cause muscle and joint pains and damage. It can cause cold and flu symptoms: chills and hot flashes, aches and pains, chest congestion, coughing, sneezing, nasal drain and scratchy and sore throat.

Those controlling the technology can use energy to precisely attack our bodies in an almost infinite number of ways. By altering, damaging and destroying cells, tissues and organs, including our immune systems, they can likely cause a large number of diseases and medical conditions. It will take teams of doctors around the world many years to determine what has been done.

I attached letters to President Obama, Director Comey of the FBI, Governor Hickenlooper and the American Psychiatric Association regarding this emergency situation.

I also attached a list of things I have personally experienced during almost three years of satellite torture.

People are silently and invisibly under attack! This is a national and international emergency! We need your immediate help exposing and stopping satellite assault, torture, murder and genocide!

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

April 27, 2015

American Psychiatric Association 1000 Wilson Boulevard
Suite 1825
Arlington, VA 22209

Subject: Satellite Technology Connected to Millions of Americans – Causes Symptoms Consistent with Mental Illness (Auditory, Visual, Olfactory, Gustatory and Tactile Hallucinations, Somatoform Disorders, Anxiety/Panic, Anger, Depression, etc.)

Dear Board of Trustees,

I wanted to make you aware of an emergency situation. Satellite technology is silently connected to millions of people, including children, throughout the world. It provides constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance. The operators can literally hear what we hear, see what we see and read our thoughts. This technology is also being used as a remote, invisible torture instrument by transmitting inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, creating numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impacting sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Many believe the technology has a “kill switch”, capable of causing instantaneous heart failure or a stroke. Everyone is potentially at risk. Imagine what Hitler or Stalin would have done with this technology.

Aaron Alexis, the Washington Navy Yard shooter, Miriam Carey, shot fleeing a White House checkpoint in October 2013, Dominic Adesanya, one of the recent White House fence jumpers, and Myron May, the shooter at Florida State University last November, were all targeted and tortured prior to those events. Eddie Ray Routh may have been targeted, tortured and provoked to kill Chris Kyle, the highly decorated Navy SEAL portrayed in American Sniper, and his friend Chad Littlefield. Many other seemingly inexplicable tragedies, including mass shootings going back decades, and an untold number of suicides have been caused by people being tortured past their breaking points. This is the largest crime in U.S. history.

There are millions of satellite torture victims all over the world. Most do not even know this technology exists. Many are pushed into the mental health system. Over the past decade or so, information has sprung up everywhere – books, articles, websites, blogs, petitions, victim

testimonials, support groups, etc. Published by torture victims trying to make sense of something almost impossible to comprehend, the information is understandably all over the board. Search “targeted individuals”, “organized stalking”, “gang stalking”, “electronic harassment” and “technological assault”. One prominent support group, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (www.freedomfchs.com), was formed 10 years ago and has members and affiliated support groups across the country and throughout the world.

Since the satellite technology is classified and no information has been released to the public, there are many different theories regarding technological assault. Any viable theory has to be able to explain how people are targeted on airplanes at 35,000 feet over the middle of the ocean. Satellite is the only technology that can do that.

Many victims of satellite surveillance and torture also experience “organized stalking”. This is stalking, monitoring, harassment and intimidation conducted by a large, organized, well-funded group. Organized stalking is a form of psychological torture which uses tactics similar to those used by corrupt regimes throughout history to manipulate and control their populations. The Germans had a name for the psychological terror inflicted by the Stasi, the secret police, in former communist East Germany – zersetzung or decomposition. American citizens in communities across the United States are being victimized by organized stalking. The size and reach of the organized stalking apparatus suggest government involvement and funding.

I have been a Colorado resident since 1999 and a victim of organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture for roughly the past decade. I attached a copy of a paper I wrote in May 2014, “End the Torment”. It describes some of my personal experiences. I have reported these crimes to the Denver Police Department, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the Summit County Sheriff’s Office. I have also contacted the FBI on numerous occasions. To my knowledge, no investigation has been commenced. The brutal torture continues every second of every day.

Victims across the country have filed reports with local and federal law enforcement. The crimes are not being investigated. It is being dismissed as mental illness. Torture victims are not only being ignored, they are often subjected to defamatory labels. It is NOT mental illness, yet the mental health profession continues to provide cover for these crimes by handing out false diagnoses and prescribing potentially dangerous, mind-altering drugs.

Organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture impact most mental health diagnoses and explain so much the mental health profession has never been able to explain, even after many decades and enormous expenditure of time, money and human resources. The DSM and mental health practices will be completely revamped when this situation is finally exposed. The mental health profession has massive civil and criminal exposure, and must investigate this issue.

This is a national and international emergency. A long list of horrific crimes are being committed: unimaginable privacy violations, stalking, assault, torture, murder, domestic terrorism and crimes against humanity. American citizens are under attack. This situation must be investigated immediately, organized stalking must be stopped, and satellite technology capable of destroying humanity must be exposed and permanently locked down.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

October 30, 2015

American Psychiatric Association 1000 Wilson Boulevard
Suite 1825
Arlington, VA 22209


Subject: Organized stalking and satellite technology cause “mental illness”! The DSM is dangerously wrong! The entire mental health profession is operating under false assumptions!

Dear Board of Trustees,

I sent you a letter on April 27, 2015 to make you aware of this emergency situation. You received it on April 30, 2015. I have also posted a number of comments on your website. A copy of the letter and an October 10, 2015 website posting are attached. I have not received a response to the letter or any of the website postings from the APA.

The American Psychological Association, NAMI, Mental Health America, the National Institute of Mental Health, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and many other mental health organizations and professionals have also been made aware of the issue.

The APA has published the DSM since 1952. The DSM literally defines mental illness. Everyone with any connection to mental health relies upon the DSM, including the entire mental health profession, government, law enforcement and the media. The DSM does not reference organized stalking or technological (satellite) assault/torture, which collectively can cause the symptoms of most, if not all, “mental illnesses”. The DSM is dangerously wrong! Everyone is operating under false assumptions with respect to mental illness!

The APA’s continued inaction is leaving millions of people in harm’s way! Torture victims are being told they are mentally ill and prescribed potentially dangerous medications! Their lives are being destroyed, and they are being tortured past their breaking points to suicide and violence! You cannot delay any longer! You must immediately investigate and expose this emergency situation!

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

Copy of letter and attachments to:

American Psychological Association Board of Directors
750 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20002

National Alliance on Mental Illness Board of Directors
3803 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203

Mental Health America
Board of Directors
2000 North Beauregard Street, 6th Floor Alexandria, VA 22311

National Institute of Mental Health National Advisory Mental Health Council 6001 Executive Boulevard
Bethesda, MD 20892

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Board of Directors
120 Wall Street, 29th Floor
New York, NY 10005

April 28, 2015

American Psychological Association 750 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20002

Subject: Satellite Technology Connected to Millions of Americans – Causes Symptoms Consistent with Mental Illness (Auditory, Visual, Olfactory, Gustatory and Tactile Hallucinations, Delusional Disorder, Somatoform Disorders, Anxiety/Panic, Anger, Depression, etc.)

Dear Board of Directors and Council of Representatives,

I wanted to make you aware of an emergency situation. Satellite technology is silently connected to millions of people, including children, throughout the world. It provides constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance. The operators can literally hear what we hear, see what we see and read our thoughts. This technology is also being used as a remote, invisible torture instrument by transmitting inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, creating numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impacting sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Many believe the technology has a “kill switch”, capable of causing instantaneous heart failure or a stroke. Everyone is potentially at risk. Imagine what Hitler or Stalin would have done with this technology.

Aaron Alexis, the Washington Navy Yard shooter, Miriam Carey, shot fleeing a White House checkpoint in October 2013, Dominic Adesanya, one of the recent White House fence jumpers, and Myron May, the shooter at Florida State University last November, were all targeted and tortured prior to those events. Eddie Ray Routh may have been targeted, tortured and provoked to kill Chris Kyle, the highly decorated Navy SEAL portrayed in American Sniper, and his friend Chad Littlefield. Many other seemingly inexplicable tragedies, including mass shootings going back decades, and an untold number of suicides have been caused by people being tortured past their breaking points. This is the largest crime in U.S. history.

There are millions of satellite torture victims all over the world. Most do not even know this technology exists. Many are pushed into the mental health system. Over the past decade or so, information has sprung up everywhere – books, articles, websites, blogs, petitions, victim testimonials, support groups, etc. Published by torture victims trying to make sense of something almost impossible to comprehend, the information is understandably all over the board. Search “targeted individuals”, “organized stalking”, “gang stalking”, “electronic harassment” and “technological assault”. One prominent support group, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (www.freedomfchs.com), was formed 10 years ago and has members and affiliated support groups across the country and throughout the world.

Since the satellite technology is classified and no information has been released to the public, there are many different theories regarding technological assault. Any viable theory has to be able to explain how people are targeted on airplanes at 35,000 feet over the middle of the ocean. Satellite is the only technology that can do that.

Many victims of satellite surveillance and torture also experience “organized stalking”. This is stalking, monitoring, harassment and intimidation conducted by a large, organized, well-funded group. Organized stalking is a form of psychological torture which uses tactics similar to those used by corrupt regimes throughout history to manipulate and control their populations. The Germans had a name for the psychological terror inflicted by the Stasi, the secret police, in former communist East Germany – zersetzung or decomposition. American citizens in communities across the United States are being victimized by organized stalking. The size and reach of the organized stalking apparatus suggest government involvement and funding.

I have been a Colorado resident since 1999 and a victim of organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture for roughly the past decade. I attached a copy of a paper I wrote in May 2014, “End the Torment”. It describes some of my personal experiences. I have reported these crimes to the Denver Police Department, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the Summit County Sheriff’s Office. I have also contacted the FBI on numerous occasions. To my knowledge, no investigation has been commenced. The brutal torture continues every second of every day.

Victims across the country have filed reports with local and federal law enforcement. The crimes are not being investigated. It is being dismissed as mental illness. Torture victims are not only being ignored, they are often subjected to defamatory labels. It is NOT mental illness, yet the mental health profession continues to provide cover for these crimes by handing out false diagnoses and prescribing potentially dangerous, mind-altering drugs.

Organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture impact most mental health diagnoses and explain so much the mental health profession has never been able to explain, even after many decades and enormous expenditure of time, money and human resources. The DSM and mental health practices will be completely revamped when this situation is finally exposed. The mental health profession has massive civil and criminal exposure, and must investigate this issue.

This is a national and international emergency. A long list of horrific crimes are being committed: unimaginable privacy violations, stalking, assault, torture, murder, domestic terrorism and crimes against humanity. American citizens are under attack. This situation must be investigated immediately, organized stalking must be stopped, and satellite technology capable of destroying humanity must be exposed and permanently locked down.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

April 28, 2015

National Alliance on Mental Illness 3803 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203

Subject: Satellite Technology Connected to Millions of Americans – Causes Symptoms Consistent with Mental Illness (Auditory, Visual, Olfactory, Gustatory and Tactile Hallucinations, Delusional Disorder, Somatoform Disorders, Anxiety/Panic, Anger, Depression, etc.)

Dear Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Directors,

I wanted to make you aware of an emergency situation. Satellite technology is silently connected to millions of people, including children, throughout the world. It provides constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance. The operators can literally hear what we hear, see what we see and read our thoughts. This technology is also being used as a remote, invisible torture instrument by transmitting inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, creating numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly impacting sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. Many believe the technology has a “kill switch”, capable of causing instantaneous heart failure or a stroke. Everyone is potentially at risk. Imagine what Hitler or Stalin would have done with this technology.

Aaron Alexis, the Washington Navy Yard shooter, Miriam Carey, shot fleeing a White House checkpoint in October 2013, Dominic Adesanya, one of the recent White House fence jumpers, and Myron May, the shooter at Florida State University last November, were all targeted and tortured prior to those events. Eddie Ray Routh may have been targeted, tortured and provoked to kill Chris Kyle, the highly decorated Navy SEAL portrayed in the film American Sniper, and his friend Chad Littlefield. Many other seemingly inexplicable tragedies, including mass shootings going back decades, and an untold number of suicides have been caused by people being tortured past their breaking points. This is the largest crime in U.S. history.

There are millions of satellite torture victims all over the world. Most do not even know this technology exists. Many are pushed into the mental health system. Over the past decade or so, information has sprung up everywhere – books, articles, websites, blogs, petitions, victim testimonials, support groups, etc. Published by torture victims trying to make sense of something almost impossible to comprehend, the information is understandably all over the board. Search “targeted individuals”, “organized stalking”, “gang stalking”, “electronic harassment” and “technological assault”. One prominent support group, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (www.freedomfchs.com), was formed 10 years ago and has members and affiliated support groups across the country and throughout the world.

Since the satellite technology is classified and no information has been released to the public, there are many different theories regarding technological assault. Any viable theory has to be able to explain how people are targeted on airplanes at 35,000 feet over the middle of the ocean. Satellite is the only technology that can do that.

Many victims of satellite surveillance and torture also experience “organized stalking”. This is stalking, monitoring, harassment and intimidation conducted by a large, organized, well-funded group. Organized stalking is a form of psychological torture which uses tactics similar to those used by corrupt regimes throughout history to manipulate and control their populations. The Germans had a name for the psychological terror inflicted by the Stasi, the secret police, in former communist East Germany – zersetzung or decomposition. American citizens in communities across the United States are being victimized by organized stalking. The size and reach of the organized stalking apparatus suggest government involvement and funding.

I have been a Colorado resident since 1999 and a victim of organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture for roughly the past decade. I attached a copy of a paper I wrote in May 2014, “End the Torment”. It describes some of my personal experiences. I have reported these crimes to the Denver Police Department, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the Summit County Sheriff’s Office. I have also contacted the FBI on numerous occasions. To my knowledge, no investigation has ever been conducted. The brutal torture continues every second of every day.

Victims across the country have filed reports with local and federal law enforcement. The crimes are not being investigated. It is being dismissed as mental illness. Torture victims are not only being ignored, they are often subjected to defamatory labels. It is NOT mental illness, yet the mental health profession continues to provide cover for these crimes by handing out false diagnoses and prescribing potentially dangerous, mind-altering drugs.

Organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture impact most mental health diagnoses and explain so much the mental health profession has never been able to explain, even after many decades and enormous expenditure of time, money and human resources. The DSM and mental health practices will be completely revamped when this situation is finally exposed. The mental health profession has massive civil and criminal exposure, and must investigate this issue.

This is a national and international emergency. A long list of horrific crimes are being committed: unimaginable privacy violations, stalking, assault, torture, murder, domestic terrorism and crimes against humanity. American citizens are under attack. This situation must be investigated immediately, organized stalking must be stopped, and satellite technology capable of destroying humanity must be exposed and permanently locked down.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

June 23, 2016

National Alliance on Mental Illness 3803 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203


Dear Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Directors,

You have not responded to my April 28, 2015 letter or any of my emails, and you have still not made an announcement or taken action regarding this emergency situation. NAMI and the entire mental health profession continue to mislead everyone with respect to “mental illness” and provide cover for a long list of very serious crimes, including global mass assault, torture, murder and genocide.

Satellite technology (a lethal satellite weapon), controlled by organized crime and a “narco- Nazi” system, is locked on people’s brains throughout the world. It is being used for constant surveillance and as a silent, invisible weapon and torture instrument. Satellite energy is used to attack people’s brains and bodies in numerous ways.

This satellite technology causes people to “hear voices” and is responsible for most of “mental illness”. Satellite genocide, disguised as mental and physical illness, has occurred over decades.

The mental health profession has never had a decent theory as to what causes “mental illness”, yet you continue to ignore organized stalking (COINTELPRO) and satellite torture, which collectively explain most of “mental illness”. The DSM is wrong. It should be obsolete.

The attached 72-page package of documents titled “Satellite Genocide” includes a copy of your April 28, 2015 letter and letters to the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association.

NAMI has the power, and the life-critical responsibility, to immediately expose this emergency situation and to help stop these horrific crimes. Not doing so is extremely and criminally serious. You will be held fully responsible for your inaction.

Thank you,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

June 8, 2015

Treatment Advocacy Center
200 North Glebe Road, Suite 801 Arlington, VA 22203

International Emergency: Satellite Technology Connected to Millions of Americans – Causes Symptoms Consistent with Mental Illness (Auditory, Visual, Olfactory, Gustatory and Tactile Hallucinations, Delusional Disorder, Somatoform Disorders, Anxiety/Panic, Anger, Depression, etc.)

Dear Board of Directors,

I wanted to make you aware of an emergency situation. Satellite technology is silently connected to millions of people, including children, throughout the world. It provides constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance. The operators can literally hear what we hear, see what we see and read our thoughts. It is also being used as a remote, invisible weapon and torture instrument by transmitting sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, creating numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly altering sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. The technology may have a “kill switch”, capable of causing instantaneous heart failure or a stroke.

The technology can cause insomnia, headaches, eye/vision issues, tinnitus and ear pains, erectile dysfunction, stomach pains, excessive gas, diarrhea, acid reflux, joint and muscle pains, tooth, jaw, gum and cheek pains, heart palpitations and shortness of breath, memory issues, chest and heart pains, depression and many other “mental health” issues, including auditory, visual and other hallucinations.

It impacts most mental health diagnoses and explains so much the medical and mental health professions have never been able to explain, even after decades and enormous expenditure of time, money and human resources. The DSM and mental health practices will be completely revamped when this situation is finally exposed. Many inexplicable pains, physical health issues and somatoform disorders will also finally have explanations.

Victims across the country and throughout the world desperately need your help. We have been trying with very limited success to get law enforcement, the media and the mental health profession to investigate this issue. We are up against a heavily entrenched (false) belief system, and organized crime.

This truly is an international emergency. Horrific crimes are being committed, including unimaginable privacy violations, mass assault, torture and murder, and crimes against humanity. Millions of lives are at risk. I attached letters to President Obama, the Director of the FBI and the American Psychiatric Association, as well as a paper describing some of my personal experiences. Please investigate and help expose this critical issue.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

June 8, 2015

Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Associate Chief of Neurosurgery Service Grady Memorial Hospital
80 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30303

International Emergency: Satellite Technology Connected to Millions of Americans – Causes Symptoms Consistent with Mental Illness (Auditory, Visual, Olfactory, Gustatory and Tactile Hallucinations, Delusional Disorder, Somatoform Disorders, Anxiety/Panic, Anger, Depression, etc.)

Dear Dr. Gupta,

I wanted to make you aware of an emergency situation. Satellite technology is silently connected to millions of people, including children, throughout the world. It provides constant location, sight, sound and thought surveillance. The operators can literally hear what we hear, see what we see and read our thoughts. It is also being used as a remote, invisible weapon and torture instrument by transmitting sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes directly into the brain, creating numerous pains and sensations throughout the body and significantly altering sleep patterns, brain functioning, energy level and emotional states. The technology may have a “kill switch”, capable of causing instantaneous heart failure or a stroke.

The technology can cause insomnia, headaches, eye/vision issues, tinnitus and ear pains, erectile dysfunction, stomach pains, excessive gas, diarrhea, acid reflux, joint and muscle pains, tooth, jaw, gum and cheek pains, heart palpitations and shortness of breath, memory issues, chest and heart pains, depression and many other “mental health” issues, including auditory, visual and other hallucinations.

It impacts most mental health diagnoses and explains so much the medical and mental health professions have never been able to explain, even after decades and enormous expenditure of time, money and human resources. The DSM and mental health practices will be completely revamped when this situation is finally exposed. The medical and mental health professions will finally be able to make sense of many somatoform disorders.

Victims across the country and throughout the world desperately need your help. We have been trying with very limited success to get law enforcement, the media and the mental health profession to investigate this issue. We are up against a heavily entrenched (false) belief system, and organized crime.

This truly is an international emergency. Horrific crimes are being committed, including unimaginable privacy violations, mass assault, torture and murder, and crimes against humanity. I attached letters to President Obama, the Director of the FBI and the American Psychiatric Association, as well as a paper describing some of my personal experiences. Please help us expose this critical issue.

Best regards,

Michael S. Patrick
400 N. Park Avenue, Suite 10-B Breckenridge, CO 80424 720-320-0863 [email protected]

“End the Torment!”

Lethal Technology in Criminal Hands

By Mike Patrick May 2014

“End the Torment!” were the words scratched onto Aaron Alexis’ Remington 870 shotgun during the September 16, 2013 massacre that left 12 innocent people and the shooter dead at the Washington Navy Yard. A little more than a month prior to that tragic event, on the morning of August 7, 2013, 34-year old Alexis called the Newport, Rhode Island police and reported being stalked and assaulted in his hotel room. He told responding officers he felt threatened and had moved to three different hotels in the Newport area to escape the tormentors. He believed they were assaulting him from adjacent hotel rooms using some type of “microwave machine.” He was feeling “vibrations through his body” and “hearing voices” that would not allow him to sleep. On September 1, 2013, Alexis emailed a support group, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, and said, “Need assistance on dealing with the direct energy attacks!!” Alexis believed he was under technological attack.

Seventeen days after the Alexis incident, on October 3, 2013, Miriam Carey, a 34-year old dental hygienist from Stamford, Connecticut, drove to the White House with her 13-month old daughter and was shot and killed near the Capitol after fleeing a White House checkpoint. According to multiple 911 calls to the Stamford Police Department in November and December 2012, Carey believed she was being stalked and videotaped in her condo. She also believed President Obama was communicating with her and had put her residence under electronic surveillance. Miriam Carey was also hearing voices. Less than a year later, something caused her to drive 270 miles to the White House on that fateful October day.

Investigating officials and the media immediately suggested both tragedies were the result of mental illness. I do not believe that to be the case. I believe criminals with access to lethal technology pushed Alexis and Carey over the edge with complete disregard for innocent lives. To my knowledge, that possibility was never thoroughly investigated.

Thousands of people across the country are “hearing voices.” Many think they are being targeted by satellite technology capable of reading their thoughts, transmitting sounds and voices directly into their brains, and physically assaulting them with microwave energy. This technology is impossible to comprehend without experiencing it. Most people, including law enforcement, the media and the mental health profession, seem to be completely oblivious to this critical situation.

Victims experience something similar to having harassing talk-radio beamed directly into their brains 24/7 with no control over its content or volume. It is an extremely severe form of psychological torture that incapacitates people and destroys lives. Microwave energy is used to physically torture victims by creating pains on their bodies and in their ears, brains and internal organs. Through this physical and psychological torture, they push people to suicide and violence and put innocent lives at risk in the process.

These criminals violate an untold number of existing and yet to be defined laws, trample our Constitutional rights, reject international conventions and ignore every principle of human dignity and privacy. This is domestic terrorism, torture and a “crime against humanity”, and could ultimately prove to be one of the largest crimes in U.S. history.

Technology of this magnitude was likely developed over decades at enormous cost by the U.S. government. The government would presumably secure this technology, understanding its power to become a “technological nuclear bomb.” If obtained by a hostile government or terrorists, it could be used against anyone, including our own leaders, and could pose a serious national security threat.

The U.S. military has been researching microwave technology and possible applications, including “microwave hearing”, for decades. Simple microwave communication was possible 40 years ago. A 1975 article in American Psychologist titled “Microwaves and Behavior” by Don Justesen stated “appropriate modulation of microwave energy can result in direct ‘wireless’ and ‘receiverless’ communication of speech.”

A 1998 Department of the Army report “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons”, declassified in 2006, states, “Application of microwave hearing technology could facilitate a private message transmission. It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard voices within one’s head.”

A quick internet search for “mind-reading technology” listed articles from The Economist, NPR, Huffington Post, Scientific American, Wired, Newsmax, Detroit Free Press, and The Guardian, among others. All speak to neuroscientists’ ability to decode human thought by analyzing brain activity. Non-verbal speech and lie detection are just two of the identified uses. Topics such as brain-computer interface, brain imaging, electrocorticography (ECoG), functional MRI (fMRI), and synthetic telepathy are also discussed. Mind- reading technology clearly exists, and according to numerous accounts, it has advanced well beyond what is publicly known.

I know this to be the case. Before sharing my personal story, I want to provide a quick overview of my background. I am 48 years old and have owned my own real estate investment and development business in the Denver area since 2001. Prior to starting my own business, I worked for Wall Street investment banks in Houston, Los Angeles and New York for roughly a decade. In my last position, I managed a $100 million real estate fund for Daiwa Securities in New York.

I was an All-State baseball player in high school and an Academic All-American at the University of Texas. I was drafted by the Texas Rangers and played one season of minor league baseball before starting my business career. I have never been involved in any criminal activity and have never used illegal drugs. My personal relationships and business career were built on trust and integrity.

I do not have the benefit of fully understanding many of the things discussed in this paper, however, I have tried to present the following account as honestly and accurately as possible. While I will certainly gain additional clarity as the situation evolves, this paper is completely true and factual with respect to what I know today.

I have been an organized stalking victim since early 2005, although I did not discover the term until about a year and a half ago. I have been followed, monitored and harassed and have experienced multiple acts of vandalism, break-ins and theft. The crimes have occurred throughout Colorado and in several other states.

The stalkers have completely stolen my privacy, and for many years, created a constant state of fear and anxiety. The impact on my life and psyche has been extremely severe.

Like many organized stalking victims, I still do not know who is responsible or why I was targeted, but a large, coordinated, well-funded group is involved. I have contacted local law enforcement and the FBI, yet the stalking and harassment continued. In fact, things escalated last year.

In the spring of 2013, I started hearing unusual noises on my property, such as banging, clanking and clicking sounds in the attic and around the house, and what sounded like people walking on the roof and in the attic. I also heard moaning and groaning sex sounds. At first, I thought someone had installed some type of hidden audio system in the walls and ceiling to bring the harassment campaign into my bedroom. I could not make sense of it. Shortly thereafter, I began “hearing voices.”

The perpetrators kept me from sleeping by creating noises, narrating false dialogue and scenarios, subjecting me to all-night intense interrogations, and tormenting me with pains caused by microwave energy. They wanted to completely break me down physically and emotionally and make me believe my life was constantly in danger. They narrated fake shooting scenes, hideous rapes and countless other threatening scenarios.

For several months, they said there were former Navy SEALs hiding out on my 70-acre, densely wooded property. Just before daybreak in early August 2013, after one of the all-night interrogation sessions, I felt a tingling sensation on the back of my head while lying in bed. A voice said it was a rifle scope locked on my head from outside the house. He told me to “get out of bed, now, now!” I thought I was under attack. I grabbed my shotgun and headed to the basement.

While sitting on the basement steps with the shotgun on my lap, I heard what sounded like several volleys of assault rifle fire coming from the dense scrub oak beyond the driveway. Shortly after the gunfire, the voice said a renegade SEAL had moved out of the brush, down to the front porch, and was going to kick in the front door. They told me to “shoot the wall, shoot the wall, shoot now!” Fortunately, I did not shoot, and shortly thereafter the voices said they had gotten “control of the situation.” While this scenario felt life- threatening at the time, I now know it was one of their many attempts to scare and provoke me.

They changed the dialogue and narrative to fit my surroundings at three houses in Colorado, my mom’s and brother’s houses in Oklahoma and a friend’s apartment in Texas. While staying at each location, fictitious voices and scenarios were used, involving six different sets of neighbors. In each instance, the neighbors were supposedly creating the threatening dialogue and assaulting me with “microwave energy.” Their intent was to provoke me to confront innocent people and to cause me to make unprovable claims to family, friends and law enforcement. This is how the technology is used to destroy victims’ credibility and make them appear disconnected with reality and mentally unstable.

My Douglas County neighbors were supposedly ex-CIA and former Navy intelligence and coordinated the torture campaign on my property. From their backgrounds, they had access to “electromagnetic weapons”, “microwave weapons” and “ultrasound weapons.” They suggested a prominent Coloradan, allegedly involved in narcotics trafficking, paid my neighbors “$500,000” to conduct this campaign with the complicity of a senior FBI official. They said they wanted to destroy my credibility, create an “actionable event” and “push me to suicide” for “making too much noise” regarding the Colorado system.

At my dad’s house, it was supposedly his neighbor “across the courtyard” and someone “in the field” adjacent to his house assaulting me with energy. At my mountain home, it was a neighbor living in a house behind mine who was responsible for the “electromagnetic weapon” assault.

Shortly after arriving at my mom’s house in mid-October 2013, they started a threatening dialogue using a voice that was supposed to be her next door neighbor. He was an “eighth degree black belt in taekwondo” and was threatening to “kick in the front door” to get us. They continued depriving me of sleep with computerized interrogation programs “jointly controlled by the FBI and Warren Buffett’s satellite operators.”

The Tulsa FBI supposedly had a surveillance team staying in a house across the pond from my mom’s house. They were hitting me with “electromagnetic weapons” and “microwave weapons” and creating the pains on my body while I was trying to sleep. When my dog developed a hot spot on his tail, they said it was caused by an “FBI agent tasering him.” A powerful laser beam or “satellite death ray” created the pressure on my heart and the stinging in my eyes, and according to their threats, could “pierce my heart or blind me.” They said it was responsible for numerous reported heart attacks.

While sitting on my brother’s lake house deck with my mom, they created a sharp pain in the middle of my chest and said they were hitting me with an “electromagnetic weapon” from a mile or so across the lake. They claimed it was a “military weapon that can stop a person’s heart from seven miles away.”

At my friend’s apartment in Dallas, her upstairs neighbor was a “confidential informant for the FBI” and involved in this multi-state plot to torment me. He and his son were supposedly “video recording us through the ceiling”, making the constant lewd remarks and assaulting my dog and me with an “electromagnetic weapon.” They obviously wanted me to believe there were co-conspirators in every state, city and neighborhood who would keep me from ever finding peace.

Many other victims report being assaulted by energy weapons. To my knowledge, none of these weapons have ever been found and no one has been arrested in connection with this type of assault. Yes, we are being assaulted by microwave energy, but it is being done remotely via satellite. These attacks do not require a local, neighborhood presence. A relatively small number of individuals are likely sitting in secure facilities, targeting people across the country. This is more efficient and allows them to operate in secrecy.

Over time, the intense all-night interrogation/torture campaign began to transition to some meaningful dialogue. They said I had been connected to a satellite surveillance system, controlled by a highly sophisticated computer network. The computer contains extensive information and voice-replication capabilities for many people, including family, friends, neighbors and business and personal contacts. This information and the emulated voices are used to create fictitious dialogue and scenarios customized for targets’ specific relationships, circumstances and surroundings. The system operators are essentially voice actors, narrating radio skits to humiliate, intimidate, threaten and provoke victims.

The operators have also used the names and voices of prominent individuals such as President Obama, former President George W. Bush, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Governor Hickenlooper, Phil Anschutz, Christian Anschutz and Pete Coors. Some of these names have been mentioned hundreds of times over the past year.

Over the past year, many different explanations have been given for my predicament. Some are as follows. It all started due to a “pay to play” extortion scheme by certain members of the Colorado real estate community. They were trying to collect payment prior to closing my first big deal in Colorado in June 2005. The organized stalking campaign has been conducted by members of the massive Homeland Security apparatus with ties to organized crime and a government control system. I was put on some type of Homeland Security “watch list” for punitive reasons by a powerful person within the system.

They talked extensively about a “sex system” in which women are compensated for providing sexual services with “drugs and drug money” and “sex credits”, and a “pay system” controlled by the “New York mafia.” Both offer financial rewards and “personal protection.” They have said I was required to pay an amount ranging from “$500,000” to “$10 million” or “earn my way by participating in the sex system.” The long stalking/torture campaign supposedly resulted from being “out of sync with the system” and “making too much noise.”

For months, the perpetrators said I was connected to a “satellite communication network” through an “implanted microchip.” However, they could never identify the specific type or exact location of this microchip. Google/Motorola supposedly manufactured it. Initially, they said it was a “synthetic telepathy microchip” implanted by a former business colleague “in the back of my neck.” After nothing was identified on a neck x-ray, they changed their story and said the chip was implanted “in my upper back between the shoulder blades.” They also said it might be a “cochlear implant” or possibly tiny “nanochips in my inner ear.” Their final narrative suggested it was a “modified VeriChip, secretly manufactured for the CIA, implanted in my shoulder.” Their narrative continually changed and the mysterious microchip kept moving around in my body. Needless to say, I never found a microchip.

The microchip narrative seems to be prevalent with targeted individuals. The perpetrators take advantage of the fact this technology is easier to accept with an implanted device. For a long time, they were able to convince me a microchip was required to track, monitor and communicate with me everywhere – residences, office buildings, the mall, grocery stores, restaurants, parks and fields, and on roads and highways driving across three states. The connection is unfortunately stronger and much more reliable than my cell phone. While the volume has been adjusted frequently, the connection has never faltered.

I am now convinced microchips are not involved. The microchip narrative would require a manufacturer, national distribution and a highly risky, covert, implantation campaign. It would also require a large medical and mental health conspiracy to block their discovery. With thousands of people picking up microwave communication, no one is finding microchips.

Actually that is not entirely true. I was able to find information on two people who found implanted microchips – James Walbert in Wichita, Kansas and Bob Boyce in Blue Ridge, Georgia. I was unable to confirm if either of them had been hearing communication or if their microchip removals stopped it.

To my knowledge, the only microchip approved for human implantation is the VeriChip. It is used for accessing patients’ medical records. According to VeriTeq, the successor entity, there are no facilities offering their microchips or scanners in Colorado. I do not think Veriteq or anyone else is involved in a massive government conspiracy to have everyone implanted with microchips.

The microchip narrative is part of a vast disinformation campaign. It distracts, discredits and discourages victims who are unable to locate an implanted device. MRIs, CT scans and X-rays are expensive. Many targeted individuals cannot afford to scan their entire body searching for a microchip. Those creating the microchip narratives know this.

For those questioning how “voices” can push someone over the edge, this is important. The people controlling this technology are highly believable at first. They break victims down through sleep deprivation and intense physical and psychological torture. Exhausted, disoriented and just trying to survive the torture, victims are extremely vulnerable to anything, including false narratives, that might offer an explanation for their unimaginable pain and suffering. I experienced it firsthand. Fortunately, I made it through the initial onslaught, and by doing so, became conditioned to these tactics.

It is also important to note that sleep deprivation is a very serious form of physical and psychological torture banned by the Constitution, the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions and the International Criminal Court. It has been used as an interrogation, torture technique throughout history to break people down and extract information.

Menachem Begin, former Israeli prime minister, was sleep deprived and tortured by the KGB. In his book, White Nights: The Story of a Prisoner in Russia, he states, “In the head of the interrogated prisoner, a haze begins to form. His spirit is wearied to death, his legs are unsteady, and he has one sole desire: to sleep…Anyone who has experienced this desire knows that not even hunger and thirst are comparable with it.”

Victims of technological assault are not just having a tough time sleeping. They are being brutally tortured through sleep deprivation.

The perpetrators have indicated the connection to my brain not only allows them to read my thoughts, but also literally see what I see. As you would expect, this has completely destroyed my sense of privacy and made it impossible to lead a normal life. They have made thousands of lewd, derogatory and insulting remarks while in the restroom or taking a shower, lying in bed at night, and even during times of intimacy. It has included comments about my genitalia, my sex life, masturbation and my most private thoughts. They have also repeated passwords and pin codes, discussed medical information, and monitored and recorded my business and personal activities.

The privacy violations are truly unimaginable. Some refer to this unauthorized, forced access into peoples’ brains as “mind rape.” This term describes the egregiousness of the violation, yet the law does not even contemplate this despicable crime.

These cowardly criminals have continually told me they want me to commit suicide, and have tried every tactic at their disposal to see if they could push me to that point. After months of torture, they now acknowledge suicide is not a possibility.

They can supposedly determine peoples’ susceptibility to suicide or violence from their thoughts. They have claimed, seemingly without remorse, that they have caused thousands of suicides. Whether true or not, they have also said this technology was used against Aaron Alexis and Miriam Carey.

In addition to communication, many victims also experience physical symptoms from microwave assault. I have personally experienced the following: feeling something similar to a mild electrical current on my head and body, loud ear ringing, intense pressure on my ear drums, shaking, vibrating sensations, eye stinging, un-flushable eye irritation, severe eye strain and red, swollen eyelids, pains on and in the brain, sharp stomach pains, upset stomach, chest pains, heart palpitations, inexplicable shortness of breath, stinging, burning, tingling and pin-prick sensations all over my body, uncontrollable itches, scratchy throat, severe chills, dehydration, frequent urination, constant nasal drain, and penis stimulation/de-stimulation.

It is not clear if the physical symptoms are caused by energy being directed at specific areas of the body or by the technology’s interaction with the brain. The perpetrators create and adjust the intensity of these symptoms and have remarked and even joked about doing so. For months, the perpetrators constantly tormented me with physical pains and sensations while leaving a computer bouncing interrogation programs off my brain all night, completely depriving me of sleep. This is a severe form of torture.

I have felt extremely intense pressure on my internal organs, as if they were going to explode, while they talked about “cranking up the energy.” The pain was severe enough to push me out of the house several times. I experienced eye irritation comparable to having dirt in my eyes, but was unable to wash it out. They bragged about “eye irritation” being one of the “functions.” They put extreme pressure on my inner ears and talked about “blowing out my eardrums.” They can somehow make it difficult to get an erection and have threatened to cause permanent erectile dysfunction. They even applied severe pressure on my heart that could have been mistaken for a heart attack under different circumstances. They wanted me to believe they could pierce my heart and kill me at any time.

During nights of constant chatter and microwave bombardment, I urinated excessively (10-15 times over an eight-hour period), became dehydrated and experienced severe chills. I wore sweat pants, a fleece top, socks and a stocking hat to bed many nights, yet shivered uncontrollably. This was not caused by auditory hallucinations. It was caused by intense microwave exposure.

The U.S. government has studied the health effects of microwave irradiation for at least half a century. Starting in the 1950’s, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was subjected to Soviet microwave bombardment during much of the cold war. While a detailed medical discussion is beyond the scope of this paper, it is important to note that microwave exposure can cause numerous health issues, including brain cancer, leukemia, strokes, heart disease, immune system disorders, infertility, birth defects, vision problems, cataracts, headaches, insomnia, depression and anxiety.

They have maintained a constant microwave connection to my brain for the past year with absolute disregard for the health consequences. Presumably, this is the case with countless other victims. American citizens are being invisibly assaulted by a very dangerous weapon and nobody is paying attention.

Once an individual’s connection has been established, the physical symptoms can be induced without sound or communication – on “mute” so to speak. If true, it would allow them to create headaches, tinnitus, erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety and other pains and ailments, and even simulate heart attacks, completely undetected. There are likely many individuals who have never heard a sound or voice, and are therefore, completely unaware they have been targeted. That significantly changes the scope of the problem.

The computer that controls the link can read my mind and respond with instantaneous dialogue based upon my thoughts. It is constantly collecting information from my brain. The technology enables the operators to determine whether or not someone is telling the truth. This would obviously be extremely valuable in the interrogation of criminals and terrorists, which might be the rationale under which it was developed.

However, there are obvious constitutional issues that must be addressed before using this technology on the most dangerous criminals, let alone law-abiding citizens.

The operators can push, or “suggest” as they call it, words, thoughts and images into peoples’ brains. Some refer to this as “mind control.” At times, they direct unwanted sexual images and uncomfortable thoughts into my mind, often with laughter in the background. However, they also suggest various foods, activities and other things that serve as reminders. From my experience, it is not “mind control”, because I am able to choose whether or not to accept the suggestions.

During some days, the dialogue has been nearly continuous, with computerized voices responding to or commenting on virtually every thought and activity. On other days, it has been relatively quiet. The volume can be adjusted from silent to loud and clear. I have recorded many hours of communication by repeating what I am hearing verbatim. The pace of the communication is much slower than normal conversation, with gaps between words or sentences, presumably due to satellite transmission delays.

The system lingo includes phrases such as “young whippersnapper”, “since I was knee-high to a grasshopper”, “bunch of big mother fuckers running around”, “don’t get above your raisin”, “kick your teeth down your fucking throat”, “on the planet”, “in the universe”, “put a gun in that pretty little face”, “since time immemorial”, “thrown under a bus”, “that’s unbelievable testimony”, “in my entire human existence”, and “I’m not your best friend but I’m not your worst enemy.” These are not phrases I have ever used.

Whoever runs the system has somehow justified having multiple people tied into my connection 24/7 since it was established. They sound like intelligent, educated professionals, not uneducated criminals. The communication is articulate and often includes witty, impromptu remarks. While they occasionally use female voices, I believe they are all men. As ridiculous as it sounds, they actually correct my grammar and offer personal and business advice. The people and the crimes seem incongruent. Some of them acknowledge this and say they want to expose it.

They have said they are a small group of six-figure, NSA, CIA and FBI employees with top secret clearance. They supposedly represent the pay and sex systems and execute various assignments for system big shots. One can imagine the ways in which the technology is being used – political blackmail, intellectual property theft, insider trading, etc.

My energy and level of distraction fluctuates with the amount and volume of communication. I have had difficulty working, or even reading or watching a movie, since the communication began. My ability to run a business or to enjoy two of my favorite activities has been taken away. It has had a profound impact on every aspect of my life. For many victims, earning a living or leading a normal life becomes virtually impossible. Sadly, this is the intent.

The satellite operators have stopped transmission briefly on several occasions causing unbelievable, instantaneous relief. I have felt the pressure and strain immediately wash from my head, face and neck as the microwave energy dissipates. I could literally feel the energy draining from my head. The best analogy is the cooling sensation when stepping out of a sauna.

People that report being stalked and monitored or “hearing voices” are often diagnosed with mental illness. Unfortunately, there is not yet another widely accepted explanation. Technology of this magnitude is extremely difficult to comprehend and there is currently very little credible, publicly available information.

We very much need the assistance of the mental health profession. They are the only ones with access to decades of specific patient experiences. I have not yet found anything that summarizes or analyzes these records to determine if there might be patterns or trends associated with people “hearing voices.” How many patients who have become part of the mental health system, voluntarily or otherwise, are victims of organized stalking or technological assault? The mental health profession may hold the “smoking gun.”

Many questions need to be raised. What messages are patients hearing? Are they derogatory or threatening? Do victims feel they are being stalked or monitored? How many voices do they hear? How long do they hear them? Does the volume change? Are physical pains and sensations experienced? Do they think some type of energy may be involved? Do the voices sound computerized? Are unique words or phrases used? Do they hear famous peoples’ voices? Is the pace of communication conversational or are there gaps and delays? Do they believe their minds or thoughts are being read? Is there a focus on topics that make them feel guilty or uncomfortable? How often are they told to commit suicide or harm others? How often do medications work? Is it possible medications provide cover to stop the communication?

To my knowledge, the only possible defense against this assault is to block microwave transmission. Protective clothing and homemade Faraday cages will not work. Advanced materials and professional construction are required. A few companies that could potentially construct such a facility are ETS Lindgren, Cuming-Lehman Chambers and Braden Shielding. They use terms such as anechoic chambers, shielded rooms, screened rooms and microwave chambers. If possible, we need to locate government or corporate facilities willing to grant access so we can prove microwave energy is responsible.

For those wanting to learn more about organized stalking and technological assault, there are many websites, blogs, articles and books available. Mark Rich’s book, The Hidden Evil, offers an historical overview of control systems, such as communist East Germany’s secret police, or Stasi, and its reliance upon a massive informant network and organized stalking. Dr. John Hall’s A New Breed, Satellite Terrorism in America provides a detailed account of his personal experience with organized stalking and satellite assault in San Antonio, Texas. Jesse Ventura’s TruTV Conspiracy Theory series examined the issue of people hearing voices in their December 2012 “Brain Invaders” episode. They concluded military communication towers, Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN), were being used to target victims with microwave energy. KMIR News in Palm Springs, California reported on “hundreds of people in the valley hearing voices” in November 2012. The video, which includes interviews with several targeted individuals, is available at http://www.jrn.com/kmir6/news/179055911.html.

According to their website (www.freedomfchs.com), “Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance is a human rights organization that identifies and networks with victims of organized stalking and electronic assaults, educates society about covert harassment issues, and advocates for citizens victimized by covert criminal elements.” They network with and provide support for victims throughout the U.S. and worldwide. They organize meetings across the country, host daily conference calls, publish a weekly newsletter and provide a toll free number for victims.

Having worked on this issue for the past decade, Derrick Robinson, President of FFCHS, has become a prominent leader in the fight against organized stalking and technological assault. He offered the following, “Aaron Alexis represents a lightening-rod for our issues because of the notoriety of his action, the Washington Navy Yard shooting, and because he had contacted us (FFCHS) two weeks prior to the shooting exhibiting many of the same effects that are common in our community, such as microwave attacks, hearing

voices, sleeplessness, and the group stalking scenarios. And although we do not condone Aaron’s solution, he highlights an extremely important human rights issue in this country which is being suppressed and for which there is currently no recognition or remedy.”

“Our community is continually amazed at how large a secret can remain undetected by our society for so long. It has often been discouraging. However, I believe there will come a day – and probably soon – when this entire criminal network which now operates in secret will become common knowledge to everyone and covert targeting and secret tortures will all be over.”

I would like to offer a few suggestions for victims based upon my personal experience. Most importantly, hang in there! We will identify the perpetrators and stop this torture. Record what you are hearing and experiencing. Those recordings will help us validate and share our experiences and will prove valuable in future legal proceedings. We will eventually have our day in court.

Let the perpetrators know you are familiar with their tactics of false narratives, derogatory remarks and threats. Ask questions that might help you gather information. For those of you that do not know why you were targeted, you are not alone. Many of us are still trying to figure it out. Like most powerful weapons, criminals will use them for many different reasons, and sometimes, for no reason at all.

Finally, help us spread the word. We need as many people as possible talking about this issue, asking questions and looking for answers. These criminals are accustomed to operating in the dark. We need to push aggressively to expose their crimes.

My experience with organized stalking and technological assault has already stolen nine years, or roughly one-third of my adult life. It has irreversibly altered the course of my life and potentially damaged my health in ways not yet apparent.

Without intervention, countless other victims will be exposed. Some will not be able to endure the torture, and acting from a place of desperation, they will take their own or others’ lives. Their breaking point could be reached at any time. Until we get control of this technology, it is impossible to predict the next tragedy. This is a national public safety emergency!

We desperately need the assistance of law enforcement, the media and the mental health profession. By sharing information and starting a national discussion, these groups can make an immediate impact. Please help us educate everyone and stop the torture!


Mike Patrick [email protected]


Mike Patrick

I have personally experienced the following as a result of satellite torture which began in April 2013.

Physical Torture

Sleep deprivation Sleep interruption Split tooth
Tooth pain

Gum pain
Jaw pain Cheek pain Headaches Brain pain Brain pressure Brain “wobble” Chills

Hot flashes Scratchy throat Sore throat Chest congestion Cough

Runny nose
Prolonged (months of) nasal drain Flu-like aches
Blurred vision

Eye stinging
Eye burning
Eye socket pain
Eye irritation
Eye strain
Uncontrollable eye movement sensation Red/swollen eyelids

Red, “spider-webbed” blood vessels on eyeball Glassy eyes
Yellow, jaundiced-looking eyes
Ear pain

Ear ringing
Ear buzzing
Ear jet engine/gangway sounds Eardrum pressure
Eardrum pain
Ear(s) won’t pop
Acid reflux
Upset stomach
Stomach pains
Forced bowel movements Interference with bowel movements

Pressure on organs
Organ pains
Intense organ pressure and pains (like my organs are going to explode) Hemorrhoid sensation
Rectal burning
Frequent urination
Forced urination
Burning sensation when urinating
Penis stimulation
Penis de-stimulation
Penis stinging
Stinging in genital area
Groin pains
Forced ejaculation
Premature ejaculation
Chest pain
Heart pain
Heart pounding
Heart racing
Heart palpitation
Shortness of breath
Short-term memory blockage
Back pain
Neck pain
Neck stiffness

Arm pain
Shoulder pain
Elbow pain
Joint pain
Knee pain
Foot stinging
Foot cramps
Toe stinging
Toe cramps
Calf cramps
Hamstring cramps Uncontrollable itching Excessive sweating
Pin prick sensations
Stinging sensations
Electrical current sensations Crawling spider/bug sensations Burning sensations

Tingling sensations Shaking sensations Vibrating sensations Dizziness

Low energy

Sensory Torture

Constant communication (voices), mostly intended to frighten, intimidate, humiliate, degrade, discourage, demoralize, deceive and provoke. Communication has been “live” and computerized.

Sounds Images Smells Tastes

Psychological Torture

Energy swings
Mood swings
Blocked short-term memory Distraction

Forced smile Forced laughter

One Reply to “Mike Patrick- Satellite Genocide: Letters and Documents”

  1. I recently had a conversation with my roommate about how you had to be squeaky clean to get a job at cvs and the very next day at an interview for old navy the interviewer Kate said the exact same thing “I’m going to put everyone through a background check to make sure they are squeaky clean.” That’s not a coincidence at all, out of all the terminology she could’ve used, she used the exact same that I used. This is all the confirmation I need to understand what’s been happening to me for the past 10 years. I am not in control of my own life and wonder when that happened. I willnot be able to get a job and will probably be locked up within a week. There will be no help for me. Nobody will help mainly because they are involved4702580530 please call with help

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