Matt Bracken: The Rise of Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons (May 13, 2021)

Matt Bracken: The Rise of Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons (May 13, 2021)

Webmaster Comment: Yes, right on. And, by the way, duh, the US military and intelligence agencies have been testing these directed energy weapons on we “targeted individuals” for many decades. Not “hypothetical” at all, if you do your research.

But the ignorance of the American populace really is a major problem, even with ex-military types like Matt Bracken. Too bad Matt never discovered this website or the 1000s of other websites that describe the global gangstalking-electromagnetic torture & targeting system that has been radically ramping up in the past couple decades. He’d be much farther along in his understanding. Still, he’s basically right on many points and I welcome his attempts to educate the public.


29 minutes ago
I feel more energy when skateboarding with out any devices. But when I have my iPhone 12 max pro I feel more fatigued when skateboarding, I normally skate 5-20 miles a day

an hour ago
5G Illness

3 hours ago
Best Bracken video I’ve seen on IW yet. Thanks for your service Matt. Keep on rocking in the free world.
3 hours ago
Phillip Dru Administrator

3 hours ago
They can target you by yout DNA now … you have no idea how bad it is..

3 hours ago
Sorry Matt but it’s not just Admirals & Generals who have been affected thus far. Maybe as far as those targeted with actual weapons but around 5% of the US population now has what’s known as Electro-Sensitivity aka Microwave Sickness. Most currently affected were hit after having Smart Meters put on our homes (pulsing signals 24/7) and since 4G LTE went national about 5 -6 years ago. Many are 1st diagnosed with CFS & Fibromyalgia. The symptoms starts as ringing in ears, nerve pain, disabling migranes (stabbing pains in temples), also Thyroid issues. So many more are about to be affected from 5G, check out what RFK’s Children’s Health Defense is speaking out on, there is much evidence already!

3 hours ago
Sorry, but this guy is a bit of a loser at times. “There’s no hiding from drones”? Last I checked unless drones have ground penetrating radar, underground you can hide out in the woods you moron. Most drones have thermal/flir. A lightweight thermal blanket has BEEN PROVEN to block thermal sensors. A 5 dollar thermal mylar blanket will hide you from thermal scopes and drones. See this guy is a moron, and he is the delusional one. HE has no idea what he is talking about.

3 hours ago
Not sure about the thermal blankets blocking sensors for sure but I can attest they aren’t enough to shield from RF from cell towers. I’ve mesasured Mylar along with many Faraday fabrics (with professional RF meters along with EMF specialists). Found that only certain fabrics with mesh steel or copper are effective to truly block radio frequency radiation. Seems that Matt knows some on the topic but needs to dive deeper (see my post above).

3 hours ago
expecting that tyrants will go away by asking them to go is total delusion, the only way to get rid of tyranny is by taking arms and fight .
never in the entire history of civilization a dictator or authoritarian government was overthrow by pacifism .
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

thermal/flir canto see true tree or object even recently discovered that a simple thermal blanket may hide you from the camera of a ah-64 there video of it on youtube where they testing it , and if there a civil war it will be a guerilla warfare mostly in urban area and tick vegetation road side to make ambush or just bomb on side of the road , drone or plane cannot go in building and you wont see every cop car , politician or billionaire having air support 24/24 and you will probably never see drone strike in urban area in the united state by fear of making more people join the fight again the government .

3 hours ago
you are correct, as i was just saying as well………..Seems ALex thinks we can win this by voting again? lol what a joke. Waving flags and rallies did NOTHING. Actions speak, not flag waving

18 minutes ago
The 5g towers is using directed energy via satellite and service poles