JADE HELM 2015: Civil-Military Psychological Warfare Exercise Against the Citizens of the United States: Questions and Reflections (Parts 1-4)

I. Part 1.

Editor’s Note: The following is an editorial written to express my personal perception of a compilation of various background facts relevant to the arising phenomenon called JADE HELM 15. As such, this should be considered only as my individual take on JH15. This article is not in any way intended to be an official statement by Oath Keepers. This article will issue no recommendations for any activity responsive to the onslaught of Jade Helm 15. This is merely a collection of background info which qualifies as Intel for our readers. It is my hope that this article will better prepare the reader to grasp the fullness of soon-to-come statements from Oath Keepers Founder, Stewart Rhodes, who will soon issue an official statement and recommend Oath Keepers procedures and policy for the organization as a whole. Stewart Rhodes, on April 25, 2015, was interviewed on The Liberty Brothers Radio show, and dropped some hints which may be predictive of his upcoming official statement(s) regarding JADE HELM 15. You may listen here:

Stewart on Jade Helm at Liberty Brothers Radio recorded live April 25 2015:


PART TWO: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-two/

PART THREE: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-three-mindwar/

PART FOUR: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-four-main-core/

Thank you for reading.


Elias Alias, editor]

JADE HELM 2015: Questions And Reflections


From the Defense Technical Information Center we learn that JADE is an acronym for Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution. Quoting:

JADE (Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution) is a knowledge-based, mixed-initiative
system that supports force deployment planning and management. JADE uses case-based and
generative planning methods to support the development of large-scale, complex deployment
plans in minimal time. JADE incorporates the technology of three tools: Prodigy-Analogy (a
combined case-based and generative planner developed by Carnegie Mellon University);
ForMAT (a Force Management and Analysis Tool that supports case-based force deployment
planning developed by BBN Technologies); and PARKA (a highly-indexed knowledge based
management system developed by the University of Maryland).
With JADE, a military planner can build a preliminary force deployment plan, including the
Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) in less than one hour. This speed in plan
construction is possible because JADE supports the rapid retrieval and reuse of previous plan
elements for use in the development of new plans. In addition, JADE employs an easy to use
map-oriented drag and drop interface where force modules (FMs) from previous plans (cases)
whose force capabilities and composition match the requirements of the current situation can be
dragged from the case library and dropped onto a geographic destination. Plan modification
and/or adaptation is supported through remindings, e.g., each time that a force module is created
or is copied into a plan (TPFDD) the user is automatically reminded of the need for geographical

At the Special Operations Command website we see for ourselves that the military training exercise named JADE HELM 15 is officially announced (1)

At a Scribd page one of the Army’s documents on Jade Helm (JH) answers the question “What Is Jade Helm 15? (2) Here is the official Army explanation:

JH is a US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) sponsored exercise to improve the Special Operations Forces’ UW capability as part of the National Security Strategy.

What does “UW capability” mean? What is “UW“?

Let’s look into “UW” first, because JADE HELM 2015 is a “UW” exercise. Back in the year 2011 I wrote a lengthy five-part article for Oath Keepers in response to an Arizona SWAT team which murdered a young Marine war Veteran named Jose Guerena. That article is not available online at present moment, so I apologize for not being able to link readers to the full article. However, I do have most of my notes, which included writings on Unconventional Warfare, and I will now draw from those old notes to answer the question about UW.

Because of the scope of the Jade Helm exercise, this writing will be the first part of a series of articles in which I must take the reader “around the block” on the way to a fuller understanding of not only what UW is, but also how it fits into Technocracy as a tool of something just as hideous — MindWar. MindWar is at the root of JADE HELM 2015, and as Patrick Wood has proven conclusively, the topics relevant to JADE HELM 2015 are tools of Technocracy. We can now show those connections.

So JH15 is a feature of both Unconventional Warfare and MindWar. The Army did not say that — I said it.

Unconventional Warfare and MindWar are the neap and nape of the abstraction presently being called JADE HELM 2015. In follow-up articles I will go into Main Core, Continuity of Government, and MindWar. Because coverage which would be inclusive enough to grant a good mental grasp on the overview of JADE HELM 2015 is too much for one article, we’ll start now with just the one aspect and add subsequent articles one at a time.

We must understand what Unconventional Warfare is before we can fully appreciate what MindWar is. My thoughts on JADE HELM 2015 will incorporate Unconventional Warfare, MindWar (which will be Part Two), and something called “Main Core” (which will be Part Three).

That said, let’s look briefly into Unconventional Warfare.


The U.S. Army’s 2008 manual for Unconventional Warfare is < here > (3) Note: This is a 248-page PDF. Download it while it is still on the Internet, yes?

There is an article at the Federation of American Scientists’ website about the UW manual, < here > (4) From that synopsis we read —

The 248-page manual presents updated policy and doctrine governing unconventional warfare, and examines its “three main component disciplines”: special forces operations, psychological operations, and civil affairs operations. Appendices include an historical survey of unconventional warfare as well as an extensive bibliography.

So let’s see. Special Operations Forces would be under the umbrella of Unconventional Warfare, and would be one element of Unconventional Warfare right alongside Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs Operations.

What on earth could cause our military to interest itself with Civil Affairs Operations? Almost equally distasteful, if perhaps a tad bit more understandable, is the military’s interest in Psychological Operations. The Pentagon’s pat answer when questioned about such mischief runs predictably to the (alleged) supposition that America has enemies and those enemies require subtle and deceptive tactics being used to control enemy actions which threaten America. Part of such tactics is the quest to control the “perception” of target populations. It is part of the Defense Department’s rationale that of course America must always have an enemy, for without an enemy there is very little use in having a military, and without a military the arms industry would have to cast far overseas to even exist. In that perspective the military services must aggressively execute preventative operations afield all around the world. Industries which feed at the government trough lobby mightily for a political climate which presents the world with a never-ending parade of conflict and war. That task is assigned to the immoral idiots in WDC who, among other nefarious mis-deeds, perpetually renew the NDAA bills to keep the Pentagon rolling in bucks. Example:

The following video is not a hoax. On September 10, 2001, the day before 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon had lost over two trillion dollars during the previous fiscal year. Any American might want to question what the Pentagon was doing with that kind of money in the first place, for the two-plus trillion dollars missing was above and beyond the billions of dollars for which the Pentagon could account. Is the annual Congressional budget for the military now more than two trillion dollars? If we might presume that the Pentagon managed to account for at least more than it cannot account for, we’ll have to realize that the Pentagon’s budget has to be over four trillion dollars. Be that as it may, the Secretary of Defense announced that the Pentagon had lost 2.3 trillion dollars for one fiscal year.

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aljgYENg–Y”]

That kind of expenditure indicates (even reveals) a real effort to assert U.S. Power globally as a militarized and corporatized hegemony, (for which we are despised by the politically-awakening masses in various quadrants of the globe). But discerning readers will want to know how I can speak that way about U.S. Power, so I will give readers a section from the Army’s manual on Unconventional Warfare. Here are ten Appendix titles found on page ii in the table of contents for that manual:


Readers who downloaded the Unconventional Warfare pdf linked above can see for themselves that the Army used all-caps in bold type to organize the ten titles. “National Power” is the aim. Projecting that National Power is the objective. And therein lies one of the problems confronting the globalist Technocrats and their Power Elite. Their “problem” is laid out nicely by Zbigniew Brzezinski in his recent (2012) book Strategic Vision: America And The Crisis Of Global Power, on page 26:

The Impact of Global Political Awakening

The ongoing dispersal of global power is furthered by the emergence of a volatile phenomenon: the worldwide political awakening of populations until recently politically passive or repressed. Occurring recently in Central and Eastern Europe and lately in the Arab world, this awakening is the cumulative product of an interactive and interdependent world connected by instant visual communications and of the demographic youth bulge in the less advanced societies composed of the easy-to-mobilize and politically restless university students and the socially deprived unemployed. Both groups resent the richer portions of humanity and the privileged corruption of their rulers. That resentment of authority and privilege is unleashing populist passions with unprecedented potential for generating large-scale turmoil. (5)

Brzezinski was lamenting that too many “little people” are waking up around the world, questioning authority and resenting “the privileged corruption of their rulers”. Remembering that Zbigniew Brzezinski co-founded with David Rockefeller the Trilateral Commission in 1973, and remembering the staggering information we learned from Patrick Wood, we clearly know and understand that popular rejection of any one-world government control is seen by the globalist geniuses of Technocracy as a direct threat to their global power, and must be dealt with. That is why Brzezinski entitled a section in his 2012 book “The Impact of Global Political Awakening“. To counter the impact of global awakening here in the USofA, military and Homeland Security and Department of Justice forces are charged with creating operations such as JADE HELM 2015. Such operations have to do with “Mastering The Human Domain” (also known as the “Human Terrain”).

The problem for the one-world government crowd here in America has to do with dissent among We The People, especially when We The People remind our beloved government that the Constitution is the highest law of the land, that we are born with inherent “unalienable rights” provided each of us by, in Thomas Jefferson’s words, “Nature or Nature’s God”. That really rankles the royal fantasies of the immoral idiots in Washington D.C. But I digress…

A large portion of Defense spending now deals with psychological operations which are channeled through the mass media, including public television and the press. That is one facet of Unconventional Warfare. And that is tax-payer funded. As Travis Tritt sang in a song he got from Kostas, “They’re billing me for killing me“. (That song is entitled “Lord Have Mercy On The Working Man”.)

I will spare the reader the dirty secrets surrounding and contained within the Black Budget, for we all now know that it exists. Suffice to say the American people are not being kept informed about the mischief our government in WDC perpetuates. But if we just think about the declared and Congressionally-approved military budget our simple little all-American minds become boggled beyond comprehension. For example, who makes the profit for making all these war things for UNcle Sam?

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTtFduPyKW4″]

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj3tu7oPFPE”]

Fact: There is indeed a “military industrial complex”, just as President Eisenhower said. However, the bulk of the “industrial” side of that complex is primarily building bombs, rockets, missiles, tanks and planes and all sorts of related peripherals. But let’s think about just the “industrial” side of that complex for a moment before going more deeply into the Unconventional Warfare rabbit hole of JADE HELM 2015. We know that World War I was the first time in history that machines were brought to bear on a battlefield. After WWI the ramp-up of military production, engineering, and sales to our government went berserk, as we can see by reading Professor Carroll Quigley’s accounting of the tonnage of military-industrial products created under FDR’s “Lend-Lease Act” and Defense buildup for WWII during the earliest 1940s.

We produced only 16 light tanks in March 1941, but thirty months later, late in 1943, we were turning out three thousand tanks per month. In July 1940, the United States produced 350 combat planes, and in March 1941, could do no better than 506 such planes, but by December 1942 we produced 5,400 planes a month, and in August 1943, reached 7,500. A similar situation existed in ship building. In all of 1939 the United States built only 28 ships totaling 342,000 tons, and in 1940 could raise this to no more than 53 ships of 641,000 tons. In September 1941, when the German U-Boats were aiming to sink 700,000 tons per month, the United States completed only 7 ships of 64,450 tons. But among those 7 ships of September 1941 was the first “Liberty Ship”, a mass-production model largely based on a British design. Two years later, in September 1943, the United States launched 155 ships, aggregating 1,700,000 tons, and was in a position to continue at this rate of five ships a day, or 19 million tons a year, indefinitely.

— Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And Hope page 713. (6 & 6a)

There can be little question that the buildup for WWII greatly assisted the United States in pulling itself up out of the Great Depression of the 1930s. Today the arms industry lobbies persuade, lever, and pay our clueless legislators to ensure — through our allegedly “representative government” — that the arms industries always have a constant market demand for their goodies. Without “Defense Spending” the Wall Street bubble will likely burst and throw this nation back into the Depression of the 1930s, with even more deadly results. Wall Street knows this, and so does WDC. So does the current President, and so has every President since FDR. (The only President to buck the establishment’s system was assassinated in 1963.)

Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace

To have a never-ending run of wars, the Intelligence community, re-established in 1947 after President Truman dissolved the OSS on the heels of WWII, creates America’s enemies so we can all enjoy electric appliances, entertainments, pro sports, large single-family homes in suburbs, nice cars, convenience stores and airplane rides — our whole inorganic lifestyle to which we refer as “Western Civilization”. That is what is at stake, and that is why our arms industry continues to create the implements of war even now that there is not one nation on this earth which is wanting to attack us. And although that has been going on for a half-century or more, and no power on earth can safely challenge U.S. hegemony around the globe, the thinkers and planners became animated after the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989-1991) and decided that since the Cold War was ended and no “enemy” existed, yet another new enemy would have to be created. But by the early 1990s the whole world was by then more or less “plugged in”with rapidly broadcast world-wide news, which made matters difficult for planning the next war. Limited UN actions were kept going, such as G.H.W. Bush-41’s trickery with Saddam Hussein in Iraq, but no serious war could be staged without the UN blowing its top.

So they came up with a rollicking borderless War on Terror which could provide a new outlet for the arms industry and an extended excuse to maintain one of the things our Founders cautioned us against — a standing army. I think that they also realized that given proper agitation by our Intelligence community (which works closely with MI-6 of British Intelligence and the MOSSAD from Israel), an endless supply of “enemies” could be perpetually created under the guise of “terrorism”. I cannot *prove* that statement, but am simply saying that it appears that way to me, personally. This is, recall, a “letter from the editor“, not an official Oath Keepers statement of assessment. However, please continue to read this, as I think you may begin to think this way too after enough “coincidences” are laid out for our inspection below.

What Jade Helm 2015 is all about is tied directly to such a policy which creates a constant demand on the military-industrial complex.. But I must ask for the reader’s patience. We must, first of all, establish the context in which, over a period of about ninety years, our war planners gradually shifted from Conventional Warfare, in which we sought to defend our nation “over there” by conventional military might, into Unconventional Warfare, in which our military-industrial complex could continue to thrive while helping Western Civilization survive. That transition from the conventional into the unconventional must be understood before we try to understand the fullest ramifications of Unconventional Warfare as an aspect of JADE HELM 2015.

I say that because the USA has eradicated every possible enemy nation-state on earth since WWI. We won WWI and immediately Wall Street and the City of London financial district began the buildup of the Third Reich. (7)

We defeated the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire in WWII, and once again there was not an enemy left standing who could attack our nation. So, immediately FDR and Josef Stalin and Winston Churdhill met (1945) to create the United Nations. A little bit of Statecraft skullduggery was injected by the likes of Allen Dulles and his pals at the CFR after Yalta. That began an animated, dangerous, and lengthy Cold War, which ran from 1947 to 1991 and saw numerous overseas adventures such as Korea and Vietnam. By proxy, a covert CIA-backed guerrilla war in Afghanistan gave the CIA ten solid years of on-the-job training in the middle east, where they could expand government drug dealing worldwide and hone the skills of evil learned already via the Phoenix Program, which was the assassination program in the clandestine part of the Viet Nam war. Korea and Vietnam were UN wars in which we (America) were part of “coalitions of the willing”, controlled from the start and designed to run indefinitely. That, once discovered during the McNamara Study, was why Daniel Ellsberg decided to leak the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times and thusly begin the end of our involvement in the Viet Nam war. Ellsberg saw that Nixon had no plan to win that war, and LBJ certainly had no such plan. I have been informed that Lady Bird Johnson’s family was a major shareholder in Bell Helicopters (which needed a hot war for field testing, and which spawned new generations of helicopter war machines, which would later be adapted to all sorts of “emergency missions” domestically, including domestic law enforcement). I’m told that Lady Bird also was invested in other international corporations such as Sea-Land Transport. She or her family made a killing on the war.
Photos courtesy of Huey.co.uk/ at this url: http://www.huey.co.uk/gallery.php
Photo courtesy of Huey.co.uk/ at this url: http://www.huey.co.uk/gallery.php

The USSR crumbled after being bled to death financially by ten years on the ground in Afghanistan and the contemporaneous connivance of financial meddling by the Harvard Trust and the Great Banks of Wall Street, such as Goldman-Sachs, while at the same time fighting a CIA-created guerrilla army of more than thirty thousand Mujahedin.

And here is the clincher. When the Wall of Berlin came down without a shot being fired and everyone knew that yet once again there was no enemy left against which to fight, coincidentally, miraculously, the Mujahedin in Afghanistan morphed into Al Qaeda and the so-called “War on Terrorism” was launched. This new “enemy” was not a nation-state, but was rather whatever the propaganda programs of various governments needed it to be. Some public officials here in America noted that the alleged “War on Terror” would last a hundred years, or beyond our lifetimes. That was a pivot point which produced a tangible turning point from Conventional Warfare to Unconventional Warfare. (There were previous pivots of lesser degree.)

Note in passing please, that the failure of the USSR is exactly the time frame in which terrorism began in our nation. Less than two years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, “terrorists” used a truck-bomb to attack the World Trade Center in 1993. The fact that those “terrorists” had been in part trained by a member of Special Forces from Fort Bragg, who also taught presentations on Arab culture and Jihad while stationed at Fort Bragg, and who also had helped Osama bin Laden move from Sudan to Afghanistan, and who also worked for the FBI and the CIA at the same time he worked for Osama bin Laden, one Mr. Ali Mohamed, has never been openly touted by the CFR-controlled mainstream news media.(8)

The blame for that rests with the self-appointed power-elite world planners who were scrambling to create and maintain a “global economy” and needed to create the “new enemy” in order to do so. In the early 1990s the U.S. manufacturing base was needed by the globalist planners, but now in the mid-2010s we are no longer necessary for their plan. G.H.W. Bush drew up NAFTA and Bill Clinton got it signed into “law”, and we’ve gone downhill economically ever since. G.H.W. Bush-41 also signed us onto the United Nations’ non-binding roster for a program fondly named the “Agenda for the Twenty-first Century”, known in short as simply Agenda-21. (9) So we as a People were asked to accept the shipping of our manufacturing base overseas at the same time we were asked to accept the NGO-executed reforms of the United Nations into our Counties and States. But we were still “Americans”, or so we thought, and could adapt to the changes and keep on keeping on while watching price fluctuations in our economy and infrastructure erosion in our social institutions. And that came to this —

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r19LxtnzCIQ”]

The record of what has progressed since the Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 is perhaps best portrayed by Patrick Wood in his now-famous interview on John B. Wells’ “Caravan To Midnight” (10). It is Technocracy (11), hiding behind the mask of the Trilateral Commission (12), which itself is an extension or outgrowth of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (13), which, finally, is a product of the Rhodes Round Table Group, the accounting of which is most vividly detailed in the writings of Carroll Quigley. (6 & 14) In his auto-biography, as regards the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, Senator Barry Goldwater gave the world a clue:

“The C.F.R. is the American branch of a society which originated in England. Internationalistic in viewpoint, the C.F.R….believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established … What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political government of the nation-states involved. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the world … In my view, the Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical.” (With No Apologies, [1979], the auto-biography by Senator Barry Goldwater, pp. 128, 284). (15)

These are the private-sector groups who represent the international financiers who dominate the global economy. They wield tremendous power in our halls of governance, and have since the earliest 1900s. Example:

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfpgl6NqF0I”]

The men who gave us the Federal Reserve System, Inc., and the Federal Income Tax in 1913 also lobbied for the great Tax Exempt Foundations like Carnegie, Ford, Rockefeller, and Morgan. They gave us the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. They gave us the National Education Association (NEA), the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Historical Society (AHS), and countless lesser “gifts” which a gullible and trusting American public allowed to blossom unawares. These are the great powers behind the scenes who financed both sides of every war of the Twentieth Century, financed the development and growth of the military-industrial complex throughout a Century of Conventional Warfare, and levied our government policy for the transition from conventional warfare into unconventional warfare with all of its nefarious and mysterious variances, such as MindWar, Irregular Warfare, Continuity of Government (COG), and the never-to-end so-called “War on Terror”. As Quigley points out in Tragedy And Hope, they have used the two great political parties and a decades-long parade of cultural Marxism to do all this, and to this day the American people in mass have no earthly idea that this subterfuge and treason is going on behind the scenes in Washington D.C. (WDC). The hidden agenda of these Technocratic state-worshiping disciples of Scientism is just what Patrick Wood has exposed — Technocracy. (10) (If you don’t read any other link or footnote in this article, please do click that one and give yourself a few hours to absorb the content.)

In the Army’s announcement of JADE HELM 2015 are several examples of applied prevarication and very subtle manipulations of readers’ mindsets. The announcement itself exposes a couple of lies of omission, a style of propaganda/public relation meme-implanting which implies particular presumptions which the Army wants any reader to unconsciously establish mentally. Here is an example, taken from SOC’s announcement:

This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for ARSOF [Army Special Operations Forces] since they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice.

During this eight-week period, ARSOF soldiers will use this opportunity to further develop tactics, techniques and procedures for emerging concepts in Special Operations warfare.

On their surface those are innocuous and sterile statements — until one ponders the meaning of two memes, “anywhere in the world” (which would include America too), and “Special Operations”. Hint — one doesn’t “master the human domain” with infantry troops. To “master the human domain” one uses Psy-Warriors. Our government and its contractors have astonishing Psy-War forces which have been silently being built over decades of our recent past.

What are “Special Operations”? And exactly who is prophesying the nature and character of “emerging concepts” in Special Operations? Special Operations are discussed in the U.S. Army’s Field Manual on Unconventional Warfare, and indeed the announcement of Jade Helm 15 flat out states that Jade Helm is an Unconventional Warfare training exercise. That is psy-ops, pure and simple.

Moreover, Special Operations parallels Irregular Warfare in that both, under the umbrella of Unconventional Warfare, rely heavily upon Psychological Operations. All of that brings us to the reality of a Department of Defense doctrine known as “MindWar”. Regular readers here also know that MindWar can be seen as a parallel to, or a style of, Unconventional Warfare, and the two together are targeting the mass-mind of mankind — the “Human Domain”. The Army’s document entitled “From PSYOP To MindWar” makes it clear that the American people are not excluded from U.S. military MindWar, just as the above phrase from SOF implies subtly, without spelling it out, that America must be a part of “anywhere in the world”. We must not overlook such nuances.

Jade Helm 15 has got the desired traction in the public discourse. It began going viral in April 2015, and a whirl of seething perceptions are featured in an endless variety and range of every conceivable perspective on just what Jade Helm 15 is, what it is really designed to accomplish, and what it signifies. It strikes many people as a portentous government plan, a pre-fabricated and pre-constructed umbrella under which a black op by the Deep State’s compartmentalized agencies could possibly “Go Live” in a fantastic sort of Shock and Awe False Flag psycho-coup to jar the public mind of America through fear into acceptance of some nefarious policy the government desired, such as the establishment of Martial Law and the complete loss of individual liberty and our Constitution. To do that, the public mind must be conditioned first. That is part of what is behind the Special Operation Command’s Jade Helm 15.

Jade Helm 15 would “Master The Human Domain”, plain and simple. They even advertise that intent in their logo.

Are you and I the “Human Domain”?

One of the most pregnant hints about the nature of the JADE HELM 2015 exercises is this “Human Domain” concept. The term is interchangeable with “Human Terrain” and also with “Human Dimension”. Which term is used at a particular time or in a particular study depends on which group or company or government Department is addressing matters of interest about how we mere humans see, think, and act in an “environment”. To get an introductory glimpse into the concept we can begin with an interesting advocacy for this sort of science found in a 2012 article at Trajectory Magazine. (16)

The article by Trajectory Magazine is “A Brief Overview of Activity Based Intelligence and Human Domain Analytics,” by Mark Phillips. Here are a couple of passages from that article:

Since 2010, when the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (OUSDI) released the first two strategic guidance papers on Surveillance for Irregular Warfare and Understanding the Human Dimension, much has been written about the new discipline of intelligence called Activity Based Intelligence. Activity Based Intelligence (ABI) is defined as a discipline of intelligence where the analysis and subsequent collection is focused on the activity and transactions associated with an entity, a population, or an area of interest. The Human Domain, or Human Dimension, which is a vital and integral part of ABI, is defined as the presence, activities (including transactions – both physical and virtual), culture, social structure/organization, networks and relationships, motivation, intent, vulnerabilities, and capabilities of humans (single or groups) across all domains of the operational environment (Space, Air, Maritime, Ground, and Cyber).

The ABI multi-Intelligence (multi-INT) approach to analysis has grown in popularity and number of practitioners based on the necessities born from numerous and significant changes. These include changes in warfare, changes in the makeup of the challenges facing the US and US interests, the increasing flood of sensors and the resulting data growth, and the technological improvements that enable this type of analysis. Multiple Intelligence Agencies as well as several Service components are beginning to explore the value of institutionalizing ABI within their work forces. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is at the forefront of the ABI push within the Intelligence Community. The ubiquitous nature of geo-spatial intelligence (GEOINT), coupled with Human Domain Analytics (HDA), forms the true foundation of ABI.

That was quite a mouthful, yes? Human Domain Analytics (HDA), being married to Activity Based Intelligence (ABI) is a field of interest to the planners who have concocted the JADE HELM 2015 exercises. But there is an older article by Maximilian Forte over at Zero Anthropology (17) which should also be considered. There we learn that the analyst community has to some degree relinquished the program known as the “Human Terrain System” in favor of a more nebulous view of the Human Terrain.

The Pentagon’s Human Terrain, beyond the Human Terrain System

by Meximilian Forte as of June 2010

“…an officer in U.S. military intelligence was interested in offering clarifications to the fact that not everything marked as “human terrain” necessarily implies the involvement of the Human Terrain System….

“J2 Intelligence at Central Command (CENTCOM), until recently headed by Gen. David Petraeus, is responsible for providing intelligence to CENTCOM Staff. In the past, that information focused on geopolitical analysis and “current intelligence threats.” Petraeus, convinced that the “human terrain” is the decisive terrain, was obviously supported J2 staff which tries to provide “cultural focused analysis” that Petraeus believes to be critical. J2 works with the rest of the intelligence community “to define what ‘human terrain’ and ‘sociocultural analysis’ means, and develop methods and standards to provide analytic rigor and transparency.” Many of these techniques are not new, and have been employed by government, law enforcement agencies, political scientists, and geospatial analysts.”

One other note regarding the Zero Anthropology article. Early-on in that article Forte links to two other important articles he had written previously. I highly recommend them both, but would like to directly link readers here to one in particular. This page will give the reader a valuable insight into the corporate side of Intelligence and Analysis in the hands of the government and its pals in the private-sector Corporate “domain”. Go ahead please and hit this link and scroll for a sampling of the companies who are providing our government with Psy-Op Intel and Analysis which would be useful if our government ever wanted to “Master the Human Domain”.
Mapping the Terrain of War Corporatism: The Human Terrain System within the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex

by Maximilian Forte * February 28 2010

At least 37 corporations have vested interests, through contracts gained, in supporting the U.S. Army’s Human Terrain System (HTS) in particular, and in the development of “human terrain” capabilities across various branches of the Army apart from HTS (see for example: “The Pentagon’s “Other” Human Terrain System?“). Most of the newspaper coverage of HTS has focused almost exclusively on the role of BAE Systems, and the claimed “nationalization” of HTS1 (turning HTS employees into government workers, specifically labeled “intelligence analysts”) has not meant either the decline or disappearance of private contracting. Recruitment, training, and the design and equipping of technology used by HTS, and other human terrain branches in the Army, are all in the hands of private contractors. Several HTS employees have been, or continue to be, also employees of these corporations. There is considerable overlap and movement of senior personnel between several of these corporations and HTS in particular. Some of these individuals know each other from past work conducted for some of these private contractors.

Any suggestion that HTS is not about supporting war, and separate from the military-industrial complex and corporate war-profiteering, is at the very least naïve or disingenuous. As soon as corporations become such a significant part of the picture, arguments about “saving lives,” “peace keeping,” and “cultural sensitivity” become, at the very best, secondary concerns. The main concern for any corporation is the accumulation of capital. The main concern for any war corporatist is the accumulation of capital derived from engagement in warfare – the main drive is to maintain the war that produces the contracts that generate revenue and growth. HTS is thus very much part of the neoliberal economy of warfare, and academics are recruited – regardless of whatever they believe were the reasons for their recruitment – in order to support imperial warfare and thus to expand the profits of empire. Indeed, it would seem that several of the more outspoken HTS recruits from academia have been extremely naïve in their representations of the nature and purpose of their work – either naïve, or consciously duplicitous and cynical.

It should also be noted that several of these corporations (Lincoln) have been found to have roles in planting propaganda in foreign newspapers, which later fed back into U.S. domestic media coverage of foreign wars, and have performed roles in domestic spying (BAE Systems, Science Applications International Corporation [SAIC], MZM Inc.) and building domestic “counterterrorism” and “homeland security” capabilities (ManTech, and others). What is thus also being constructed, with the aid of HTS as pretext and justification, is the further development of repressive technologies aimed at the U.S. public. This is part of the blowback of empire against democracy at home.

Here is a complete list (from that article) of private-sector corporations feeding our government “Human Domain / Human Terrain” Intelligence technology and systems and analysis — at tax-payer expense of course. See anyone you know?

(1) Alpha Ten Technologies, Inc. (2) Aptima, Inc. (3) Archimedes (4) Ascend Intelligence (General Dynamics C4 Systems) (5) BAE Systems (6) Booz Allen Hamilton (7) Careerstone Group (8) Connecting Cultures (9) Echota Technologies Corporation (10) Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (11) Glevum Associates (12) K3 Enterprises (13) Lincoln Group (14) MASY Group (15) McNeil Technologies (16) MITRE (17) Monitor 360 (18) MTC Technologies (19) MZM, Inc. (20) NEK Advanced Securities Group, Inc. (21) Northrop Grumman Corporation (22) Overwatch Systems (23) RAND Corporation (24) RTI International (25) SAIC (26) SCIA Solutions LLC (27) Sensor Technologies (ManTech International Corporation) (28) USI Inc. (29) Wexford Group – CACI (30) CLI Solutions (31) Walsingham Group (32) Integrated Training Solutions (33) i2 and ESRI (34) DevelopMental Labs Inc. (DMLI) (35) Lockheed Martin (36) CGI and (37) AEROTEK

See also, at Wired’s “Danger Room” in 2009: http://www.wired.com/2009/01/help-wanted-hum

So we are beginning to learn a small glimpse of the magnitude of thie Psychological Operations thing which is at the core of the JADE HELM 0215 exercises. And that is my problem in trying to write this series of articles on JADE HELM 2015 — the subject is too big! Its tentacles reach into every aspect of our lives, from 20th Century American history to our cultural mores, our societal infrastructure and institutions, Federal involvement in local education within our States and Counties, the mischief of the Federal Reserve System, the role our insane government plays in the United Nations, criminality as applied by the IRS, militarization of our local police, undeclared wars abroad, NSA spying world-wide as well as domestically, malum prohibitum law enforcement guised as the “war on drugs”, berserk Census Bureau spying and intrusion, Agenda 21 complicity at all levels of government — all that and more is now of interest to us because all of that must be defended by our beloved Holy Government — and to defend it the government must demonize any American who dissents against such travesties. In short, as noted above, the government sees its duty as including perpetual creation of an “enemy” to justify its activity, its concentration of power from the several States into its tiny ten-square mile sphere at WDC, and its totally multifaceted debauchery of our Constitution.

I’ll close this for now and continue writing Part Two. Here is a video with which to close. I salute David Knight and Rob Dew of InfoWars dot com for an outstanding job of investigative journalism. Link for this video at Infowars’ site:


[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUe92AB9h2Y”]

I may edit this article in coming days. First edit is on May 15 2015.

I want to thank each reader who has read this first installment all the way through, and especially those who granted themselves permission to spend some extra hours going over the footnotes and viewing the videos. You are the hope for America. Thank You!


Elias Alias, editor


1) http://www.soc.mil/UNS/Releases/2015/March/150324-03.html

2) http://www.scribd.com/doc/258605525/Jade-Helm-Martial-Law-WW3-Prep-Document-1

3) https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm3-05-130.pdf

4) http://fas.org/blogs/secrecy/2008/11/unconventional/

5) Strategic Vision: America And The Crisis Of Global Power by Zbigniew Brzezinski; copyright 2012 by Zbigniew Brzezinski; published by Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group, 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016; ISBN: 978-0-465-02954-9 (hardcover) & 978-0-465-02955-6 (ebook).

6) Carroll Quigley at Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carroll_Quigley

6a) Quigley, “Tragedy And Hope”, page 713. TRAGEDY AND HOPE: A HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN OUR TIME
by Carroll Quigley; copyright 1966 by Carroll Quigley; first published by Macmillan, New York; current publisher: GSG and Associates, Post Office Box 590, San Pedro, California, 90733; phone – 310-548-3455; Library of Congress catalog card member: 65-13589.

7) WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER by Antony C. Sutton; copyright 1976; Publisher: Seveni Press, P.O. Box 2686, Seal Beach, California 90740; ISBN: 0-89245-328-3. — Read this book online here: http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/

8) Ali Mohamed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Mohamed

9) A pioneer in exposing Agenda 21 is Michael Shaw. Bookmark his site and sign up for his newsletters. http://www.freedomadvocates.org/

10) Technocracy Rising , the interview reproduced at Oath Keepers: https://oathkeepers.org/technocracy-rising-patrick-wood-on-caravan-to-midnight/

11) http://www.technocracyrising.com/

12) http://trilateral.org/

13) http://www.cfr.org/

14) The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley; copyright 1981 by Books In Focus, Inc., P.O. Box 3481, Grand Central Station, New York, New York 10163; published by Books In Focus, Inc.; ISBN: 0-916728-50-1.

15) With No Apologies by Senator Barry Goldwater; copyright 1979 by Barry Goldwater; published by William Morrow And Company, Inc.; 105 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016; ISBN: 0-688-03547-7.

16) Trajectory Magazine active link: http://trajectorymagazine.com/civil/item/1369-human-domain-analytics.html

17) http://zeroanthropology.net/2010/05/29/the-u-s-army%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9Cother%E2%80%9D-human-terrain-system/
Part One: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections/

Part Two: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-two/

Part Three: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-three-mindwar/

Part Four: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-four-main-core/

II. *
JADE HELM 2015: Questions And Reflections: Part Two

Army CivAffairs PsyOp patch

In my first installment on JADE HELM 2015 we looked briefly into Unconventional Warfare, which is the characterizing nature of the design of the JADE HELM 2015 exercises. Because JADE HELM 2015 (JH15) is a military exercise on the surface and a psychological operation beneath its surface, we also looked at the basic notation of Twentieth Century warfare, which was primarily “Conventional Warfare”.

We noted that at the end of each of the Twentieth Century’s three great wars, (two “World Wars” and one “Cold War”), there were no “enemies” left to threaten America. Yet we also noted that after each of the three major wars, after America had conquered her latest “enemy”, somehow, miraculously, a new “enemy” emerged, right on time.

We noted some observations about the military-industrial complex. We saw that after our victory in the Cold War (1991) a new “enemy” was needed but that international tensions were too high to risk an overtly declared war against any non-aggressing nation-state, leaving the Power Elite’s world planners with only “people” to target for war. That of course surfaced as the so-called “War on Terror”, which was sold to the world on engineered perceptions in response to several peak-effect “terrorist attacks” which conveniently happened after the USSR dissolved.

Speaking about terrorism here in America, there was the 1993 WTC bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City Federal building bombing, and the attacks of 9/11/2001. Interestingly, there exist numerous valid questions surrounding each of those events — but, such questions aside, and taken only at face value, the three peak “terrorist” events produced reactions within America’s governance which have caused our government to attack our country’s founding legal documents — and our liberty.

Also in part one we noted that the militarization of our local police and the pre-positioning of military/battlefield equipment around the country has been reported in Smalltown, USA.

In this installment we will look first at more items of interest found in the Army’s 2008 manual on Unconventional Warfare and then begin to move into MindWar. Because of the sheer size of the phenomenon, we will only introduce MindWar in this installment and go more deeply into MindWar in part three of this series.
More On Unconventional Warfare

Allow me to repeat here the ten Appendix titles found on page ii in the table of contents for the Army’s 2008 UW manual:


Apparently Unconventional Warfare concerns itself with the correlation and interface of various components of NATIONAL POWER, and with how those components are to be used to sustain and expand NATIONAL POWER so that no other POWER on earth can possibly OVERPOWER two national things: 1) U.S. national “interests”, and 2) U.S. national security.

I notice that there is no mention of the following:





I would like to note that the Army has masked that attitude in a follow-up PDF on Unconventional Warfare, here –


In that document our geniuses-in-command speak in subdued but yet imperialistic rhetoric like pigs at the global empire’s trough —

1-1. The intent of U.S. UW efforts is to exploit a hostile power’s political, military, economic, and psychological vulnerabilities by developing and sustaining resistance forces to accomplish U.S. strategic objectives. Historically, the military concept for the employment of UW was primarily in support of resistance movements during general-war scenarios. While this concept remains valid, the operational environment since the end of World War II has increasingly required U.S. forces to conduct UW in scenarios short of general war (limited war).
1-2. Enabling a resistance movement or insurgency entails the development of an underground and guerrilla forces, as well as supporting auxiliaries for each of these elements. Resistance movements or insurgencies always have an underground element. The armed component of these groups is the guerrilla force and is only present if the resistance transitions to conflict. The combined effects of two interrelated lines of effort largely generate the end result of a UW campaign. The efforts are armed conflict and subversion. Forces conduct armed conflict, normally in the form of guerrilla warfare, against the security apparatus of the host nation (HN) or occupying military. Conflict also includes operations that attack and degrade enemy morale, organizational cohesion, and operational effectiveness and separate the enemy from the population. Over time, these attacks degrade the ability of the HN or occupying military to project military power and exert control over the population. Subversion undermines the power of the government or occupying element by portraying it as incapable of effective governance to the population.

A number of peak events mark the history of U.S. involvement in psychological operations to create and expand underground movements to achieve desired U.S. “national security” objectives in foreign lands, but let’s just pick this one which is archived at the New York Times. Link good as of May 21 2015

A special report; How a Plot Convulsed Iran in ’53 (and in ’79)

By JAMES RISEN * Published: April 16, 2000

For nearly five decades, America’s role in the military coup that ousted Iran’s elected prime minister and returned the shah to power has been lost to history, the subject of fierce debate in Iran and stony silence in the United States. One by one, participants have retired or died without revealing key details, and the Central Intelligence Agency said a number of records of the operation — its first successful overthrow of a foreign government — had been destroyed.
But a copy of the agency’s secret history of the 1953 coup has surfaced, revealing the inner workings of a plot that set the stage for the Islamic revolution in 1979, and for a generation of anti-American hatred in one of the Middle East’s most powerful countries.
The document, which remains classified, discloses the pivotal role British intelligence officials played in initiating and planning the coup, and it shows that Washington and London shared an interest in maintaining the West’s control over Iranian oil. The operation, code-named TP-Ajax, was the blueprint for a succession of C.I.A. plots to foment coups and destabilize governments during the cold war — including the agency’s successful coup in Guatemala in 1954 and the disastrous Cuban intervention known as the Bay of Pigs in 1961. In more than one instance, such operations led to the same kind of long-term animosity toward the United States that occurred in Iran.
The history says agency officers orchestrating the Iran coup worked directly with royalist Iranian military officers, handpicked the prime minister’s replacement, sent a stream of envoys to bolster the shah’s courage, directed a campaign of bombings by Iranians posing as members of the Communist Party, and planted articles and editorial cartoons in newspapers…. Two days after the coup, the history discloses, agency (CIA) officials funneled $5 million to Iran to help the government they had installed consolidate power.

The CIA was only six years old in 1953, when British Intelligence, working on “interests” of British Petroleum (“BP” — have you noticed BP gas stations in your town?) approached our government and requested that the fledgling CIA help them get rid of a U.S.-friendly and democratically-elected Prime Minister of Iran, to protect oil interests for British and American oil giants. And they did it. That marked the beginning of middle-east hatred for our beloved General government, and the CIA has continued to meddle in middle-east affairs ever since, finally turning the middle-east into the caldron it is today. Do you want to create an enemy? That’s easy — just go bomb a country which had been friendly and had been selling products to you for decades — it’s a natural fact that the peaceful, non-aggressing country you bomb will harbor a stinging resentment. That is what is behind the “Iran Hostage Crisis” which confronted President Jimmy Carter in 1979. We (CIA and corporate “interests”) did it — for corporate greed. What that narrows down to in reality is a major international war crime, which is exactly why CIA kept it all “secret” for almost a half-century. I urge anyone doubting what I’m saying in this series of articles on JADE HELM 2015 to hit that link above and read it for oneself. Then check out how we did the same thing the following year in Guatamala, And then study into the remarkable deception of a U.S. President by Allen Dulles, General Cabal, and Richard Bissell regarding the upcoming “Bay of Pigs” fiasco/scandal. The history of our “National Security State” is deplorable, was done without the American citizens’ knowledge, was lied about by Presidents, and fed the coffers of banksters on Wall Street while ensuring that there would be plenty of “enemies” to keep the military-industrial complex busy. It is a record of crime committed on a massive scale, in our name, and largely funded by unwitting American tax payers (with plenty of cash from covert Black Budget international drug-smuggling activity by CIA’s “surrogates” thrown into the funding mix).

I did mention in part one that I must take the reader “around the block” to lay in some background of hidden history which is absolutely necessary for portraying accurately what is behind JADE HELM 2015. As we will see before I’m done the entire middle-east problem has been deliberately engineered by geniuses of “foreign policy”, military planners, industrial greed-mongers, the “too big to jail” Wall Street banks and their pals over at the Federal Reserve, among a sordid cast of lesser players. A really good place to look has already been published here at Oath Keepers in my article on John B. Wells’ Caravan To Midnight interview of Patrick Wood, who has published the bombshell book entitled “Technocracy Rising“.

Let’s now look at another peak event of 1979, which parallels President Carter’s difficulties with Iran. In the summer of 1979 President Carter, America’s first Trilateralist President, discussed Afghanistan with the man who had groomed Carter for the White House, the Rockefeller puppet named Zbigniew Brzezinski, (co-founder of the Trilateral Commission) whom Carter had placed in his Cabinet as “National Security Adviser”, an obvious reward for Brzezinski’s help in getting Carter elected.
Zbigniew Brzezinski and the War Hawks of the PNAC

In their “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” document which the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) presented to the White House in the year 2000, this band of gore-seeking idiots were promoting global empire as the ultimate manifestation of the American Empire. With the same attitude which drove Sir Cecil Rhodes to create the Rhodes Round Table groups in the late 1800s/early 1900s for the purpose of promoting the British Anglo-Saxon Empire around the planet, these berserk ego-centric war planners, submerged mentally in their own conceit and fantasies of POWER, noted the following:

At the same time, the Army’s role in post-Cold-War military operations remains the measure of American geopolitical commitment.

And what “geopolitical commitment” would that be? They were talking in that paper about why America should leap into Global Empire status and in so many words showed why America should master the Human Domain. (They did not use that phrase, but the concept is carried and implied throughout their document.) PNAC members included Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, “Scooter” Libby, and Donald Rumsfeld among other warhawks. Let’s look on pages 50 and 51 of Rebuilding America’s Defenses:


To preserve American military preeminence in the coming decades, the Department of Defense must move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts, and seek to exploit the emerging revolution in military affairs. Information technologies, in particular, are becoming more prevalent and significant components of modern military systems. These information technologies are having the same kind of transforming effects on military affairs as they are having in the larger world. The effects of this military transformation will have profound implications for how wars are fought, what kinds of weapons will dominate the battlefield and, inevitably, which nations enjoy military preeminence.

The United States enjoys every prospect of leading this transformation. Indeed, it was the improvements in capabilities acquired during the American defense build-up of the 1980s that hinted at and then confirmed, during Operation Desert Storm, that a revolution in military affairs was at hand. At the same time, the process of military transformation will present opportunities for America’s adversaries to develop new capabilities that in turn will create new challenges for U.S. military preeminence…

Any serious effort at transformation must occur within the larger framework of U.S. national security strategy, military missions and defense budgets. The United States cannot simply declare a “strategic pause” while experimenting with new technologies and operational concepts. Nor can it choose to pursue a transformation strategy that would decouple American and allied interests. A transformation strategy that solely pursued capabilities for projecting force from the United States, for example, and sacrificed forward basing and presence, would be at odds with larger American policy goals and would trouble American allies. Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions.

Well, one of our favorite villains, the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Mr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was of course in bed with the PNAC, published a cute little book in 1998, from which the planners at PNAC drew much perspective. On page 40 in that tome, “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives“, we read:

“In brief, for the United States, Eurasian geostrategy involves the purposeful management of geostrategically dynamic states and the careful handling of geopolitically catalytic states, in keeping with the twin interests of America in the short-term preservation of its unique global power and in the long run transformation of it into increasingly institutionalized global cooperation. To put it in a terminology that hearkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1998.

“Vassals”, in the eyes of the War Hawks, include oil-producing nation-states and proximal regional nation-states of Eurasia. When these mind-warped idiots speak of “security” they use that word to denote total control over the vassals, making sure that said vassals remain “dependent” on that security. To insure that the vassals are dependent they send in the CIA and follow-up with ARSOF “surgical strikes” and Psy-Ops. To keep the trade lanes open for the multi-national corporations which are the unspoken “Interests” part of the term “American Interests”, their doctrine is to deploy the U.S. military to “keep tributaries pliant and protected”. As for who the “barbarians” may be, well, I’ll give the reader three guesses, right? Theater-centric, “barbarians” can be nation-states, and domestically “barbarians” can be the dissenting, Constitution-supporting American citizenry, for whom the Army is now training in disciplines for practicing how to use the force of the U.S. military married to State and Local Law Enforcement to manage and contain “Civil Unrest”.

As the late Michael C. Ruppert once said, “If you want to get really mad, buy this book.

Grand Chessboard

Dave Hodges continues to dig deep. On May 18 2015 he posted a very pregnant article with links to intense military documents, including this one:
US Army Civil Disturbances April 2014

ATP 3-39.33


ATP 3-39.33 provides discussion and techniques about civil disturbances and crowd control operations that occur in the continental United States (CONUS) and out side the continental United States (OCONUS). United States (U.S.) forces deploy in support of unified action, overseas contingency operations, and humanitarian assistance worldwide. During these operations, U.S. forces are often faced with unruly and violent crowds who have the intent of disrupting peace and the ability of U.S. forces to maintain peace. Worldwide instability coupled with U.S. military participation in unified-action, peacekeeping, and related operations require that U.S. forces have access to the most current doctrine and techniques that are necessary to quell riots and restore public

ATP 3-39.33 21 April 2014
Successful outcomes that follow civil disturbance situations are based on proper planning, Soldier and equipment employment, and on-the-ground decisions that are made by leaders and members of the control force who are face-to-face with an unruly, or potentially unruly, crowd. ATP 3-39.33 discusses and
describes the techniques that are used by Army forces who are conducting civil deterrence or response missions to civil disturbances.
In the past century, there have been countless examples of civil disturbance situations around the world. The size and scope of these civil disturbances varied from small gatherings of people who were verbally protesting to full-blown riots that resulted in property destruction and violence against others. Over the past decade, law enforcement and professional experts have come to understand crowd dynamics. A better understanding of human behavior and crowd dynamics and technological advancement has led to improved responses to crowd control.
This publication covers a wide array of information that concerns civil disturbances along with the techniques that are used to quell or disperse those who are causing the disturbance. This publication discusses crowd dynamics and human behaviors, crowd types, control force basic equipment requirements, and control force formations. This publication also discusses planning requirements and recommendations and the legalities that are involved with civil disturbances and control forces.

Remember — when looking at JADE HELM 2015 we’re talking about Unconventional Warfare, Irregular Warfare, Psychological Operations, Special Warfare, and now the military’s bright idea that somehow it is supposed to step in and back-up law enforcement if the “barbarians” decide they do not want the General government dragging this country into the power-elite’s ideological New World Order via a one-world government.

I would also like to note that among all the departments and agencies of government, including the military, there exists no office devoted to the promotion of personal responsibility and/or the personal liberty which comes with, and only with, personal responsibility. Certainly, the masterminds, analysts, and think-tankers in modern America couldn’t care less about such things. An example of that is found in the wording of the allegedly fictitious “Report From Iron Mountain“. From that paper’s Introduction:

It is surely no exaggeration to say that a condition of general world peace would lead to changes in the social structures of the nations of the world of unparalleled and revolutionary magnitude. The economic impact of general disarmament, to name only the most obvious consequence of peace, would revise the production and distribution patterns of the globe to a degree that would make changes of the past fifty years seem insignificant. Political, sociological, cultural, and ecological changes would be equally far-reaching. What has motivated our study of these contingencies has been the growing sense of thoughtful men in and out of government that the world is totally unprepared to meet the demands of such a situation.

We had originally planned, when our study was initiated, to address ourselves to these two broad questions and their components: What can be expected if peace comes? What should we be prepared to do about it? But as our investigation proceeded, it became apparent that certain other questions had to be faced. What, for instance, are the real functions of war in modern societies, beyond the ostensible ones of defending and advancing the “national interests” of nations? In the absence of war, what other institutions exist or might be devised to fulfill these functions? Granting that a “peaceful” settlement of disputes is within the range of current international relationships, is the abolition of war, in the broad sense, really possible? If so, is it necessarily desirable, in terms of social stability? If not, what can be done to improve the operation of our social system in respect to its war-readiness?

The word peace, as we have used it in the following pages, describes a permanent, or quasi-permanent, condition entirely free from the national exercise, or contemplation, of any form of the organized social violence, or threat of violence, generally known as war. It implies total and general disarmament. It is not used to describe the more familiar condition of “cold war,” “armed peace,” or other mere respite, long or short, from armed conflict. Nor is it used simply as a synonym for the political settlement of international differences. The magnitude of modern means of mass destruction and the speed of modern communications require the unqualified working definition given above; only a generation ago such an absolute description would have seemd utopian rather than pragmatic. Today, any modification of this definition would render it almost worthless for our purpose. By the same standard, we have used the word war to apply interchangeably to conventional (“hot”) war, to the general condition of war preparation or war readiness, and to the general “war system.” The sense intended is made clear in context….

An intention to avoid preconceived value judgments is if anything even more productive of self-delusion. We claim no immunity, as individuals, from this type of bias, but we have made a continuously self-conscious effort to deal with the problems of peace without, for example, considering that a condition of peace is per se “good” or “bad.” This has not been easy, but it has been obligatory; to our knowledge, it has not been done before. Previous studies have taken the desirability of peace, the importance of human life, the superiority of democratic institutions, the greatest “good” for the greatest number, the “dignity” of the individual, the desirability of maximum health and longevity, and other such wishful premises as axiomatic values necessary for the justification of a study of peace issues. We have not found them so. We have attempted to apply the standards of physical science to our thinking, the principal characteristic of which is not quantification, as is popularly believd, but that, in Whitehead’s words, “…it ignores all judgments of value; for instance, all esthetic and moral judgments.” Yet it is obvious that any serious investigation of a problem, however “pure,” must be informed by some normative standard. In this case it has been simply the survival of human society in general, of Amerian society in particular, and, as a corollary to survival, the stability of this society. [emph. EA, editor]

Please note that I am not implying that The Report From Iron Mountain is an authentic government-sponsored study. That has been debated ever since it was published in 1966. I would however suggest that readers take into account the masterful philosophical assessment (and an accounting of various published comments in England and America regarding same) given the world by G. Edward Griffin in his book, The Creature From Jekyll Island, in which he notes that whether authentic or merely a spoof of Govlish satirical candor [my wording, EA, editor], if one holds the Report in one hand and today’s newspaper headlines in the other hand a certain parallel exists as self-evident and obvious.

While Unconventional Warfare is but one facet on the polished gem of Defense Department operations, Unconventional Warfare is now a reality for the several States of the American union, and that is because, from the military planners’ perspective of emotional detachment from moral (and spiritual) considerations in using the INSTRUMENTS of NATIONAL POWER, the practical aspects of MindWar are mirrored in JADE HELM 2015. All of us — all Americans — are part of the Global Human Domain and thereby fall under the surveillance state’s targeting of all humans “anywhere/everywhere” in the world.

We must note, even emphasize, the fact that the U.S. military is an arm of the General government in WDC. We see clearly that Unconventional Warfare doctrine is focused on “NATIONAL POWER”. Sadly, we note that nothing in UW doctrine concerns itself with STATE POWER, or with INDIVIDUAL POWER. It only is concerned with NATIONAL POWER. I would submit that military planners and private-sector Defense contractor planners (think tanks and such, as we will see below) totally overlook some basic facts of our Union. We The People created the several States, and, acting through the several States subsequently created the General government. All purpose assigned to the General government created by our Constitution is to protect God-given unalienable rights of every Individual within the united States in compact. The Constitution does not authorize a standing army to presume that the Union of States somehow negates State sovereignty. Indeed, as fellow Board member Sheriff Mack’s Supreme Court victory over the Clinton Administration in 1997 reports, the Constitution created a “system of dual sovereignty“, recognizing the proper historic role of the States which, after all, created the General government for their purposes, which, again, was to protect Natural God-given unalienable Rights of all the Individuals in each of the several States.

Yet the military-industrial complex totally overlooks that perspective, and because that complex overlooks the reality of our history it can satisfy itself in simply focusing on NATIONAL POWER while excluding any consideration of the several States and their respective POWER and also excluding your and my right of INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL POWER.

The Army’s 2008 document on Unconventional Warfare introduces its innocent-sounding mischief with a humble explanation about how and why history evolved from Conventional Warfare into Unconventional Warfare, thusly:

1-2. Following the conventions of the time, the United States established a standing Continental Army of
uniformed regulars who, in combination with guerrilla raiders and a rebellious population, won American
independence. In the 19th century, the United States further developed its military power sufficient to
expand and defend a young continental nation. In the 20th century, the United States used its unparalleled
military power to successfully conclude two world wars and provide the credibility required to win a third
(albeit “Cold”) war. The late 20th century understood the fullest manifestation of actual (or potential) war
thus defined as the large-scale mobilization and total commitment of massive organizations wielding
immense destructive power.

Please note that they got it wrong in their opening sentence — the “United States” did not establish a standing army; thirteen Colonies did that. Prior to our Revolution there was no “United States”. In this next section (1-3) the Army’s document on Unconventional Warfare justifies everything I said in part one of this series on JADE HELM 2015 —

1-3. The international environment in the 21st century, however, presents new challenges. The United
States possesses overwhelming conventional military superiority, and other nation-states recognize that a
direct military threat to the United States is a losing proposition. Therefore, large-scale and direct
conventional war against the United States is increasingly unlikely. Competition in the international
environment using all instruments of power, however, remains timeless and continuous. Competitors now
concentrate on the nonmilitary instruments of power in the natural intercourse between nations. Most such
intercourse remains peaceful and routine. Enemy competitors, however, use the instruments of power as
weapons. Moreover, not all modern enemy competitors are synonymous with nation-states.

Marines M777_howitzer_rear

Ah, yes! Since America is the dominant military-industrial force on the planet, no other nation on earth is stupid enough to provoke us into a “Conventional” war. We can readily see that this situation greatly reduces the need for a standing army, or at least it reduces the need for current levels of empowerment, current size of the military, and current levels of budgetary blessings bestowed upon the Pentagon courtesy of the American tax payer. Note: there was, after all, no “Peace Dividend” which the whole world had expected after our victory over the USSR in the Cold War in 1991. The Cold War ended with the dissolution of the USSR, so the world could breathe easier and enjoy a period of peace, yes?

But we must now ask, “What does that mean for the “industrial” part of the military-industrial complex?” Recall that in part one of this series we noted that the American economy (and its manufacturing base) is significantly dependent upon production of war-fighting equipment — planes, ships, tanks, “things that go boom in the night”, and such. Any sharp decrease in that sort of production is bound to affect negatively our economy to one degree or another, and would threaten to send our nation’s economy back toward the Great Depression of the 1930s. I would suggest that global planners and American so-called “Leaders”, such as Presidents and their Cabinets, Departments, Agencies, assorted politicians, powerful corporate executives, and the Department of Defense itself, became, after the dissolution of the USSR, dependent upon “competitors” who are not “nation-states”. Their template had been established with the co-called “War on Drugs” decades earlier. So here is their rationale for turning to the highly-secret dark knights of the National Security State (NSS), i.e., the black-ops underbelly of the Intelligence Community, in hopes they could produce “non-nation-state competitors” to continue an imagined need for goods produced and distributed by the military-industrial complex.

1-4. International actors in the current era have awakened to the potential of such “unconventional”
methods for compelling an enemy to do one’s will. Avoiding the advantages of U.S. military power, these
international actors seek to erode the ability of the United States to employ that comparative advantage.
Using the other instruments of power—especially the informational—they seek to employ what is variably
referred to as “irregular,” “asymmetric,” or “unrestricted” warfare. Even when violence is joined, direct
methods are generally avoided for the classic techniques of guerrilla warfare, terrorism, sabotage,
subversion, and insurgency.

Marine Urban Warfare 29Stumps

The military planners are saying that the global supreme power, that is, the US government with its elaborate private-sector corporate contracting community, its Intelligence community which works with other nation-state Intelligence communities such as MOSSAD and MI-6, its military products manufacturing capability, its world-wide massive media propaganda apparatus, its NGOs such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC), its grip on public education systems top to bottom, its fiat-currency-printing Federal Reserve System which manufactures and manipulates this nation’s currency supply, and other assets — this composed, compounded, and interfaced infrastructure of government assets which comprise the “INSTRUMENTS OF NATIONAL POWER” — could, if residing in the wrong hands, morph our cultural and societal institutions into mindless TV-addicted eddies of pro-Imperialist norms such as we’re already seeing in the forms of 501-C_ corp0ratized churches or professional sports addiction or myriad other distractions, entertainments and stresses of day-to-day routine living in America.

Dissent now falls outside the hypnotized norm. Irregular tactics are the only tactics with which to strike blows against the Empire. It never occurs to the military planners, nor indeed to all Federal agencies and departments which seek to control every aspect of our personal lives and to formulate the constructs of our very perception and mentality, that Americans have a right to regulate the activity of such governmental institutions.

Therefore, whenever we dissent or object, or whenever we bring up the limitations placed on government by Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, We The People ourselves are targeted as “extremists” and “potential terrorists” and “threats to law enforcement”. Don’t believe that? Here are two examples which remove all doubt:

The leaked (DHS Fusion Center) MIAC Report of 2009: http://www.constitution.org/abus/le/miac-strategic-report.pdf

Political Paraphernalia: Militia members most commonly associate with 3rd party political groups. It is not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional Party, Campaign for Liberty, or Libertarian material. These members are usually supporters of former Presidential Candidate: Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr.

(EA Note: If one resents the ATF shipping guns to the Mexican drug cartels, one is seen by DHS/SPLC planners as being “anti-government”. Did you support Ron Paul or the Constitution Party’s candidate, Chuck Baldwin, or the Libertarian Party’s Bob Barr? Too bad for you if you did, because you’re now pegged as an extremist and worthy of government surveillance.)

Leaked DHS Rightwing Extremist Report of 2009: http://fas.org/irp/eprint/rightwing.pdf

This product is one of a series of intelligence assessments published by the Extremism and Radicalization Branch to facilitate a greater understanding of the phenomenon of violent radicalization in the United States. The information is provided to federal, state, local, and tribal counterterrorism and law enforcement officials so they may effectively deter, prevent, preempt, or respond to terrorist attacks against the United States. Federal efforts to influence domestic public opinion must be conducted in an overt and transparent manner, clearly identifying United States Government sponsorship….
The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks….
DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of extremists—including lone wolves or small terrorist cells—to carry out violence.

The bitter truth is that if any American citizen believes that the Constitution is the highest uncontested law of the land he is seen by the very government that Constitution created as a “potential terrorist, extremist, and threat to law enforcement”. Now let’s add one more little section from the Army’s 2008 manual on Unconventional Warfare.

Page 1-2 in the document:

1-9. In the subsequent Cold War decades, the definition expanded and contracted, verbiage changed, and
missions conceived as a part of this unconventional enterprise were added or subtracted. The common
conceptual core has nevertheless remained as working by, with, or through irregular surrogates in a
clandestine and/or covert manner against opposing actors. It is common for definitions to evolve, and
ARSOF have distilled the definition below to highlight the essentials of UW and eliminate the nonessential.
In this era of definitional and conceptual change, ARSOF—and its joint, interagency, and multinational
partners—must be unified with a clear and concise understanding of the UW core mission.

1-10. The current definition of UW is as follows:
Operations conducted by, with, or through irregular forces in support of a resistance
movement, an insurgency, or conventional military operations.
FM 3-05.201, (S/NF) Special Forces Unconventional Warfare (U)
28 September 2007

Page 1-2 and 1-3 in the document:

This definition reflects two essential criteria: UW must be conducted by, with, or through surrogates; and
such surrogates must be irregular forces. Moreover, this definition is consistent with the historical reasons
that the United States has conducted UW. UW has been conducted in support of both an insurgency, such
as the Contras in 1980s Nicaragua, and resistance movements to defeat an occupying power, such as the
Mujahideen in 1980s Afghanistan. UW has also been conducted in support of pending or ongoing
conventional military operations; for example, OSS/Jedburgh activities in France and OSS/Detachment 101
activities in the Pacific in WWII and, more recently, SF operations in Operation ENDURING FREEDOM
(OEF)/Afghanistan in 2001 and Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF)/Iraq in 2003. Finally and in keeping
with the clandestine and/or covert nature of historical UW operations, it has involved the conduct of classified surrogate operations. Details of classified operations are in FM 3-05.20, (C) Special Forces
Operations (U), and FM 3-05.201.
1-11. The definition establishes a “litmus test” for clearly differentiating UW from other activities and
clearly establishes the purpose for conducting UW. Including the idea of “by, with, or through surrogates”
eliminates any confusion with unilateral direct action (DA), special reconnaissance (SR), or
counterterrorism (CT) missions. Identifying the historically demonstrated use of irregular forces as
surrogates in the definition eliminates any confusion with foreign internal defense (FID) or coalition
activities using regular forces. The clearly stated purpose of UW to support insurgencies, resistance
movements, and conventional military operations not only eliminates the possibility of incorrectly
characterizing UW as solely an IW activity but also articulates UW’s relevance to the Army and joint force
by specifying support to other operations.…

Irregulars, or irregular forces, are individuals or groups of individuals who are not
members of a regular armed force, police, or other internal security force. They are
usually nonstate-sponsored and unconstrained by sovereign nation legalities and
boundaries. These forces may include, but are not limited to, specific paramilitary
forces, contractors, individuals, businesses, foreign political organizations, resistance
or insurgent organizations, expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries,
disillusioned transnational terrorism members, black marketers, and other social or
political “undesirables.”

[Bold emphasis EA, Oath Keepers editor]

Note: “clandestine and/or covert…. the conduct of classified surrogate operations…” In other words, when our government uses criminals of various types including “terrorists” to do things which can provoke a desired public reaction once the dirty deed has been publicized in the mainstream media with the proper government spin on it, but the government must not let the American people know that the government itself planned and executed the “terrorist event” using surrogates, the government dutifully “classifies” such operations in the name of National Security.

Bluntly put, the U.S. Army’s manual on Unconventional Warfare specifically informs us that Unconventional Warfare works through “irregulars” (non-nation-state affiliated or non-state-sponsored) or “irregular forces” and they are useful as “surrogates” for clandestine or covert Psy-Ops or other useful purposes, and those “surrogates” include “expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries, disillusioned transnational terrorism members…”

The Unconventional Warfare document from 2008 is likely as close as we’ll ever see the government come to admitting that they use terrorists as surrogates in Psy-Ops. There it is in black and white. DHS and the SPLC can eat their hearts out, eh?

Want an example of how a surrogate can be used in a Psy-Op? A classic case is Timothy McVeigh, who only learned about the bombs inside the Murrah Federal Building after he was arrested. He willingly parked a truck bomb in front of that building with intent to bomb the building, but the FBI/ATF had not told him aforehand that the building was loaded with other bombs which would blow the building “out”. McVeigh learned about the other bombs only after he was in jail. He was a willing dupe, and government black-ops agents used him to slam dissent in our country over the Waco, Texas mass murder by ATF, the FBI, and some Delta Force military assets. Oh? Did some reading this not know about the other bombs inside that building? These film clips were withdrawn later that very day, after they had first been aired locally and nationally on public television:

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCNloTPLg-U”]

Before the FBI could stop them, local TV stations with film crews on the scene were broadcasting all over the country those very films you just saw. By that afternoon they were all “gone”. Go figure, eh? The point is that Timothy McVeigh was a “surrogate”, a useful idiot being prompted (handled) by government employees (agents provocateur) involved in a major black operation which was designed to further strengthen NATIONAL POWER over the domestic part of the Human Domain. Also known as a “false flag” event, the bombing of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City was a psychological operation, a deadly Psy-Op which would predispose the American public to call for tighter “Security” and to become willing to give up yet more of their personal liberty in exchange for that additional security. This was done in what planners considered to be the “national interests”.

But some readers may not be ready to believe that the dark underside of our dear government would do such things as blowing up a building for Psy-Op purposes, or using “terrorists” as “surrogates” in Psy-Op events which could be splattered all over the media to impress certain psychological memes into the public mind. To those who still doubt such things I say: Now you’ve seen it in black and white in the UW manual, and now you’ve seen film footage showing what really was happening that morning after the truck bomb went off in Oklahoma City. But since you’re still not impressed with the seriousness of a military training exercise based on Unconventional Warfare, that being JADE HELM 2015, let’s look a bit deeper down this rabbit hole for proof no one on earth can deny. Here are a couple of snapshots of the Northwoods Document which James Bamford obtained through an FOIA back in the year 2000:


(Note: The active link for the Northwoods Document is: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/news/20010430/northwoods.pdf ) If you have never read this document, by all means read the whole document now. It is a fairly brief document and will chill your blood.
JADE HELM 2015: Questions And Reflections: Part Two
Page 8, Northwoods Document

Northwoods_ODDEE dot COM–

Northwoods_page 9_zoomed

Readers who do not want to download that document may read a brief summary of the thing at Wikipedia:


This was written by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and sent to the Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara, to present to President Kennedy for approval. It’s now an undeniable part of American history. And yes, as the document shows, even as far back as 1962 the military had “drones”, could fly airplanes from ground-based controls. And even in 1962 the Pentagon conceived blowing up buildings in Miami and Washington D.C. and blame the “terrorism” on Cuba, as part of a massive Psy-Op to cause the American people to support the desired war against Cuba. Read the whole document — it’s an eye-opener, and it’s “real”.

To “Map the Human Terrain” of the American people this insane “exercise” called JADE HELM 2015 unabashedly declares that it shall be an Unconventional Warfare drill conducted (with township, County, and State “permission”) right here on U.S. soil. Let’s take a break and view this very interesting revelation by C-SPAN, which poses a valid question — Why on earth would the military need to train on U.S. private and public land when the taxpayers have paid through the nose to erect, on an actual military base, a perfectly suitable training area for such activity?

[ Original url: http://www.c-span.org/video/?325682-5/washington-journal-colonel-john-petkosek-asymmetric-urban-warfare ]

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0y9xXwH8Ew”]

Did you watch that video? Good. But did you notice what is missing from that elaborate edifice of Asymmetric Warfare training at Fort Hill? What was missing is exactly why JADE HELM 2015 is being conducted in real places across a number of American States. What is missing at the Fort A. P. Hill Asymmetric Warfare Training Center is “We The People” ourselves. No amount of training at Fort Hill can furnish the database updates available for “Human Terrain” data collection and “mapping” when training occurs in U.S. towns, cities, and States where we and our good neighbors all actually live. The Army cannot duplicate that at Fort Hill or at any other military training facility — and that may be why JADE HELM 2015 is to be conducted on U.S. private and public soil. See an NBC News article from 2011 for another example:

$170 Million Mock City Rises At Marine Base

Hotels, Markets, Tunnels — And Actors — Are Part of Urban Warfare Training

Marines Urban Warfare Training Ctr 29Stumps

From above-linked article: A mock city roughly the size of downtown San Diego has risen in a remote Southern California desert to train military forces to fight in urban environments.

With the Asymetric Warfare Training Center at Fort Hill on the East Coast and the massive Urban Warfare Training Center on the West Coast, we must ask if the Pentagon has lost its mind. They’ve blown a whole lot of taxpayer dollars to create, on military bases, the very sorts of training environments needed to prepare our troops for operations anywhere on earth, yet they now claim that those expensive bases are no good for training after all, which is why (according to the Pentagon) our military now must train on private and public property in the civilian domain, in our towns and cities and rural areas. The truth begins to materialize in front of our befuddled minds. They are planning to train our military for upcoming operations right here in America, on U.S. soil, obviously.

How can I say that? Well, let’s look more deeply into the matter by noting this tidbit, because another aspect of Unconventional Warfare involves the Army’s Civil Affairs sections:

Army Civil Affairs Association
Link good as of May 11 2015

Skipping the listing of U. S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Units, we read:

Civil Affairs soldiers are the commander’s link to the civilian population and authorities in an area of operations. In addition to their military training, Civil Affairs soldiers possess skills and experience based on their civilian education and employment in fields such as finance, public safety, public health, and public utilities. With their unique skills they support the commander during combat operations by minimizing burdens or liabilities caused by a local civilian population. Immediately following hostilities Civil Affairs soldiers reconstitute civil authority, and in the longer term help rebuild a viable civilian infrastructure and economy. Civil Affairs supports U. S. national objectives by assisting the government of a host or occupied area to meet its peoples’ needs and maintain a stable and democratic civil administration.
Psychological Operations (PSYOP) uses persuasion and public communication to influence perceptions and encourage desired behavior among foreign target audiences. The cornerstone of PSYOP is truth, credibly presented to convince a given audience to cease resistance or take actions favorable to friendly force intentions. PSYOP soldiers provide the commander with the ability to communicate information to large and small audiences via face-to-face, radio, television, internet, print and/or other forms of media. Their language skills, cultural awareness, regional orientation and knowledge of communications media provide a means to deliver critical information to a target audiences [sic] to achieve the desired effect.
Civil Affairs and PSYOP units provide support to theater commanders to assist them in meeting their global commitments.

But Civil Affairs is a sister to Psychological Operations, and both are integral parts of Unconventional Warfare as well as being arenas in which JADE HELM 2015 will function in our towns and States – with Psy-Warriors dressed in civilian clothes. Did you catch that line about “Psychological Operations (PSYOP) uses persuasion and public communication to influence perceptions and encourage desired behavior…”? While the Army is always careful to use the implied disclaimer stating that all such mischief is targeting “foreign” countries, as if to suggest to inquiring minds that the Army would never do such trickery against the American people, we yet recall the two leaked documents from Homeland Security from 2009, and we add this scenario from the infamous Colonel Benson over at Fort Leavenworth, who decided to take DHS seriously and devised a training scenario in which “Tea Party” civilians in South Carolina were the “enemy”.
How the U.S. Military Would Crush a Tea Party Rebellion

by Michael Peck for FORBES on November 15, 2012

Referenced source article:


A right-wing militia inspired by the Tea Party movement has taken over the city of Darlington, South Carolina, arrested the local government, and declared that the federal government should be overthrown. As the militia establishes checkpoints across I-95, other extremist groups across the nation rush to declare their support. South Carolina’s governor – a Tea Party supporter – declines to send in law enforcement to quash the militia, but quietly asks for federal intervention. The President invokes the Insurrection Act to authorize the use of federal troops, as the Pentagon prepares for war at home….

Benson and Weber… explored how the military might domestically apply its concept of full spectrum operations, which cover everything from all-out war to counterinsurgency and nation-building. In fact, the Army’s operating concept for 2016 to 2028 considers highly likely a future where the U.S. is threatened by “radical U.S. citizens operating domestically and abroad”…

Benson and Weber boldly argue that “if we face a period of persistent global conflict as outlined in successive National Security Strategy documents, then Army officers are professionally obligated to consider the conduct of operations on U.S. soil.” They also argue that preparations for such a scenario must begin now, including proper equipment for the U.S. military as well as liaison between federal and state authorities.

Referenced article at Small Wars Journal, July 25, 2012: http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/full-spectrum-operations-in-the-homeland-a-%E2%80%9Cvision%E2%80%9D-of-the-future

How does that jive with the two DHS leaked documents I noted above? Mapping the “Human Domain” has long been a sales item for the worry-warts over at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the anti-Constitution group which sells profiles of the American people to DHS and the Pentagon and at the same time trains “law enforcement” around the country. The SPLC, DHS, DOJ, and the DOD are all playing mind games with the American people, and now they’re caught at it.

In my next installment, part three, we’ll get into MindWar. Let’s close this installment with an excellent video from InfoWars, with a salute to David Knight and Rob Dew for strong journalism and solid research:

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWnza4Qo5Nc”]



The Report From Iron Mountain is available at Amazon dot com

The Greature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve, by G. Edward Griffin

PNAC: https://web.archive.org/web/20130112203305/http://www.newamericancentury.org/

Excellent article on Jimmy Carter’s “October Surprise”: https://consortiumnews.com/2011/05/12/jimmy-carters-october-surprise-doubts/


Part One: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections/

Part Two: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-two/

Part Three: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-three-mindwar/

Part Four: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-four-main-core/

Part III. Mind War

JADE HELM 2015: Questions And Reflections Part Three: MindWar

May 24, 2015
Elias Alias
Academy-Hidden-History, Academy-MindWar, Academy-Readers-Regiment, All, Featured, Oath Keepers
JADE HELM 2015, MindWar

Parts and touched upon these basics:

1) The fact that JADE HELM 2015 is an Unconventional Warfare exercise;
2) The fact that UW includes PSYOP and Civil Affairs activity;
3) The fact that Civil Affairs involves cultural anthropology and social study;
4) The Army’s Unconventional Warfare listing of “INSTRUMENTS OF NATIONAL POWER”;
5) The Globalists’ view of the “Impact of Global Political Awakening” (by we the little people);
6) The economic effects of the military-industrial complex activity on the U.S. economy;
7) The fact of complicity between the UN’s NGO operations such as Agenda-21 and government’s perceived need to control its population while Agenda-21 initiation is in process;
8) Asymetric Warfare and its relation to Unconventional, Special, and Irregular Warfare;
9) The creation of perpetual war by creating new enemies one after another;
10) The military’s interface/merger with local police through DHS’ Fusion Centers;
11) Social planners’ concerns and confronting problems which would occur if permanent peace were to break out;
12) DHS profiling of American citizens, with help from SPLC;
13) Government-sponsored false flag events, such as were proposed in the Northwoods Document of 1962 at the Pentagon;
14) Mapping the Human Terrain and “Mastering The Human Domain”;
15) Training scenarios targeting the Tea Party and/or Constitutionalist citizens.

In this installment we will look further into PSYOP and introduce a perspective called “MindWar”. Please recall my opening comments at the start of Part One — this is a letter from your editor, and is not to be taken as an official Oath Keepers assessment of JADE HELM 2015, nor a “call to action”. This is not a policy statement. This is simply a series designed to provide Oath Keepers members and friends with historic context, with some random but important oddities from America’s hidden history. I salute every member and friend who is willing to read long articles in this series. I hope every reader will feel the time taken was worth doing.

Thank you.


Elias Alias, editor

JADE HELM 2015: Questions And Reflections: Part Three:

MindWar7th PsyOp Patch

From PSYOP To MindWar

About the above insignia representing the 7th Psy-Op Group, from PsyWarrior.com:


Description: A gold color metal and enamel device 1 1/8 inches (2.86cm) in width overall consisting of and radiating from central base a white enameled torch with seven tongues of red enameled flame between a gold quill on the left and a gold Samurai sword, point down, on the right surmounting a black enameled Torii Gate on a green enameled background, all above a gray enameled scroll bearing the inscription “Support By Truth” in gold letters.
Symbolism: The torch, a symbol of enlightenment, with seven tongues of flame alludes to the 7th Psychological Operations Group and their basic mission. The torii refers to Okinawa, where the organization was originally activated and the present headquarters of the organization is located. The quill and sword representing the correlation between psychological operations and military achievement; the quill representing the power of ideas; the sword, in addition to representing military aspects of force, alludes to the fact that psychological operations are also a form of warfare. The sword, being a Katana, alludes to the fact that the operations of the Psychological Operations Group are centered in the Asian Theater. The colors black, gray and white refer to the color symbolism of black, gray and white propaganda. The green background or backing is the color used for Psychological Operations organizations.
Background: The distinctive unit insignia was authorized on 15 Apr 1969.


Be Not Deceived. MindWar is as old as the human race. Unfortunately, our military has in recent times discovered it as a “concept”, and MindWar is now subtly becoming an aspect of military “doctrine”. The U.S. Army will deny that, because there is no command within the entire Army embracing MindWar. Yet, as this article will show below, MindWar does exist, and does not exist — both — at one and the same time.


In 1980 a fluffy little document was circulated around various Army offices and commands. Drawn up by the 7th Psychological Operations Group, the now-infamous document was entitled “From PSYOP To MindWar: The Psychology of Victory”. One of the authors of the paper was proud enough of his work to expound upon MindWar in a book published in 2013 with the one-word title, MindWar. Here’s a pic.


That picture of the book is a study in understatement. You may buy the book at Amazon dot com. I bought the book, just to make sure that it is real, that a book entitled MindWar actually exists, and to see for myself that it was written by the man who guided the 1980 document to completion. And so I’ve proven to my own satisfaction that Michael Aquino was the primary author of “From PSYOP To MindWar” in 1980, and that he did indeed, in 2013, thirty-three years later, write a book expounding on the philosophy of MindWar. I hate that he made a buck on me, but I’ll get more than that buck’s net value back many times over by using both the paper and the book he wrote to show the characteristics of a misadventure in which the military has taken upon itself to target the mind of mankind. The old admonition holds true for all of us today — “Know Thy Enemy“. So I bought the book.

I must confess that this subject is too vast and extensive to fit neatly into one article, or even one book. As I asked readers to be patient in my first installment of this series, I must repeat that request here as well. Some of the things I’ll note in this intsallment may not at first glance appear to be relevant. There are, however, subtle connections to our analysis of the importance and impact of the military exercise known as JADE HELM 2015. To give one an example, let’s start with this stunning performance. Pay close attention to the ending, because at the end of this we see a transcendent conceptualization which is an important meme for any mind reading here. Enjoy:

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-9VZZWtMfQ”]

Just as perspective is a primal prerequisite for perception, let us move toward a proper perspective from which to see MindWar by first mixing a bit of psychology into our study. Humor me please. Before we dive into this remarkable subject, let’s all just take three deep breaths, sitting up straight to the full and breathing deeply in through the nostrils; then exhaling out through the mouth, as exegetes of Kundalini Yoga might practice, but do it slowly, with deliberation and determination, that we may calm our own minds for a strengthening moment. We embrace our confidence in the rightness of all cherished goodness here in this crazy world. We are preparing ourselves to objectively look at some grave things, to face them squarely, to see past our conditioned perception, our habitual way of seeing life, and to come to know truly the nature of accumulated and centralized power — What that kind of power might look like when unleashed upon any citizenry — Even what the buildup to that kind of power might look like, how it would be constructed.

How, after all, does any NATIONAL POWER achieve total power over its tax base?

Let us center ourselves by focusing on the inherent goodness which indwells our individual human hearts. Three deep breaths, and then a smile, yes? Now, as Cyrellys puts it, let us “remember who we are”. And to set the perfect mood, let us now absorb a paragraph from one of America’s greatest 19th Century authors, Ralph Waldo Emerson:

“I read the other day some verses written by an eminent painter which were original and not conventional. The soul always hears an admonition in such lines, let the subject be what it may. The sentiment they instil is of more value than any thought they may contain. To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, – that is genius. Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost,– and our first thought is rendered back to us by the trumpets of the Last Judgment. Familiar as the voice of the mind is to each, the highest merit we ascribe to Moses, Plato, and Milton is, that they set at naught books and traditions, and spoke not what men but what they thought. A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts: they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty. Great works of art have no more affecting lesson for us than this. They teach us to abide by our spontaneous impression with good-humored inflexibility then most when the whole cry of voices is on the other side. Else, to-morrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time, and we shall be forced to take with shame our own opinion from another.” –– Emerson, from his essay on Self-Reliance.

Emerson mentioned “…the voice of the mind…”. Self-knowledge begins with self-awareness of that “voice”, and awareness is itself a property of mentality, a process of the subjective mind. Like everything else in Psyche, awareness is invisible. Yet we all speak of awareness at times but seldom think about it. In other words, one seldom “thinks about thinking”, preferring to simply do one’s thinking without having to to be aware of it. We humans generally rely upon habitual thought processes, and perhaps a large percentage of modern populations prefer television and/or other forms of entertainment over contemplative exercises in our own private mentality. We seldom ponder questions about the mind, consciousness, perception, knowledge, memory, emotions, or awareness.

For example, philosophy has long sought answers for the question: Am I my thought, or am I the observer of my thought, or am I both or even more? If I can know something, and know that I know it, which is “me” — the known or the knower of the known? What is a thought? How is a thought different from an emotion? What is memory, where is it stored, how is it recalled from past experience or past knowledge into the present, *what* part of psyche recalls it, and how does that process actually work? Such are questions which I shall not attempt to answer in this series of articles on JADE HELM 2015, but which are indicators of something very important. I have to bring such things up, because this installment on JADE HELM 2015 is about MindWar. All such questions imply the existence of the “mind”, and the mind is now being targeted by forces representing a desire to control the content and functionality of every mind on earth. To Emerson’s sagely advice about fidelity to one’s own mind, we here in modern America now must also add a general defense in our presumed right to own one’s own mind.

To my view on that, I note that to ignore the significance of government’s openly-confessed intent to dominate everyone’s perception is but a personalized testament of any soul’s spiritual status, and the plight of another in his “Pilgrim’s Progress” is not pertinent to my own plight in life. Ye be Ye, and I’ll be me, and, all willing, we’ll both be free. But those who are interested in rising above the herd mentality of the habitual and rote conscious levels of the group mind, those who have a hope of enhancing spiritual qualities in one’s existence as a human being with a vibrant, living, and active mind, may step outside the social norm and realize that our dear government, including our tax-funded military, is now out to govern very private and personal attributes of our minds.

I have mirrored the paper from which the book named MindWar arose. Readers will find it

Now let’s look into MindWar and see how it fits with this psycho-circus called JADE HELM 2015.

Let’s first note something which MindWar is not. To the best of my knowledge MindWar is not a division, not a unit, or a Command. No battalion or other such sub-group under the 7th Psy-Op Group’s command is assigned to develop or promote or execute MindWar, nor is it even an operational program of the U.S. Army.

MindWar, in that sense, is not even a reality.

Instead, MindWar is more like an appending imagination. It is much like a mental template with which to overlay the perceptions of Psychological Soldiers, to whom I often refer as “PsyWarriors”.

But MindWar is *something*, because a PSYOP group wrote a paper about it and much later a book was published about it. In the world of ideation, the proto-concept of a thematic war on the mind of mankind has been created in an Army document. But can MindWar be “just an idea”, or can it be something more?

I believe I’ve figured it out. I now see MindWar as an “attitude”, a perception, and a dynamic perspective all rolled into one mind-set. It is a gargantuan idea with a quantum appetite. It is like an auto-transcendent metaphor. It is a psychegenic bit of mental flotsam which was injected into the military mindset of the U.S. Army, and has most likely spread across the full spectrum of the American military community. Like a psycho-virus it has spread into the U.S. military’s Unconventional Warfare surge toward NATIONAL POWER. It is the sort of development which can happen when a trusting nation tells its Department of Defense to make sure America is well defended, but then leaves the mechanism of war-making up to tight-mouthed brass who are helping an arms industry find markets and uses for their product. Generals at the Pentagon have a very narrow focus — they simply focus on how to best expand and improve and develop military capability. Of late, their enthusiasm to do just that appears to be quite remarkable. Because of that, corporate “interests” are very friendly with Pentagon Brass.

Thanks to massive corporate and governmental corruption, and massive media-borne psychological subterfuge, Defense development has taken a life of its own, and has grown so complex and multi-faceted that its original mission has long been forgotten, has been replaced with this incessant, insane drive for NATIONAL POWER world-wide. That of course plays right into the hands of the Technocrats of the one-world government idiocy, a fact which the good Generals apparently have overlooked (or perhaps, for some, deliberately ignored) in their zeal. Are the Joint Chiefs and upper echelons of Pentagonal prowess unwitting pawns — surrogates — for a more subtle but more hideous agenda being played out by the power-elite of the NWO? Generals like tanks and battlefield equipment, planes and ships, and all the peripherals which are produced by the military-industrial manufacturing base. Do the bankers who finance the businesses which manufacture those toys for the military have a say in Federal budgets for “Defense”? Are those bankers and their corporate pals on Wall Street active on the NYSE? The Federal Reserve? The multitudinous fields of scientific inquiry, research, and development? Are they also active in the halls of Congress? Do every one of them have an “interest” in war, even if it is only a war targeting individuals instead of nation-states, such as the current insane so-called “War on Terrorism”? That is a good question.

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LSIwvE0Nvo”]

UW, IW and MW

Unconventional Warfare and Irregular Warfare include and employ Psychological Operations. The legions of ISIS beheaders camped just across our Southern border are about to swarm all over America. In fact, the FBI now states that ISIS has terror cells in every State in the Union. We must be deathly afraid; we must fear ISIS Jihad; we must beg for our government to save us, even if it must also bring in foreign troops to ensure our safety. We must never believe that the too-big-to-jail banks at the Federal Reserve would ever knowingly implode the Federal Reserve system and throw this nation into chaos — only Terrorism could do that, so we must now become willing to give up our Constitution and its Bill of Rights to allow government to secure us. Police-state measures, military rule, state-of-emergency measures, rations, curfews, travel permits, relocations, indefinite detentions, and any other extreme measure must be allowed and even applauded. That is the essence of the message our government and its lap-sitting media would share with the American people. It’s a matter of perception, a state of mind, and each of us is now being targeted where it counts — in our own minds. That Corbett Report video above pretty well says it all while showing how ISIS was created and why. As we learned in part one of this series, the so-called “War on Terror” is a government creation and a massive deception. As such, it is a universally-applied PSYOP on behalf of governments everywhere and the corporate giants which own them, and the banks to which the multi-national corporations must dutifully bow.

Psychological Operations would target the “mind”, of course. So let’s talk about the mind first thing up.

There are two types of minds, two distinctly identifiable sorts of “mind”. There is your mind, which is the “individual mind“. Each of us, except perhaps the fools who work inside the Beltway, has one of those. Then there is the collective of everyone’s minds all rolled up into one, which is the “group mind“, or the “collective consciousness” of the human race, with a geo-specific magnetism proximal to each individual, subjectively. So we want to ask, what is the mind?

quantum computer_universal-mind-quantum-powerhttps://diplopi.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/does-consciousness-arise-from-quantum-processes-in-the-brain/

What is “Mind”? No matter.

What is “Matter”? Never mind.

Like a gelatinous amorphous interminable blob of pulsating undulating vibratory mood-bearing electrically-charged omni-directional free-floating metamorphing mass of unconscious orb-yielding invisible electro-magnetic consciousness, the individual mind and the public mind may each be symbolized as a cohesive field of mental activity. We may call it the Psyche, the personal psyche, or the collective psyche, as recognized by PsyWarriors involved in planning “Psychological Operations”.

Psyche is readily metaphorized by an oceanic sea, in which an infinite variety of teeming fish and sea-life forms swim about. But in the Sea of Mind such creatures are metaphysical. They are not physical. They exist in our minds as thoughts, fears, emotions, attractions, ideas, memories, inspirations, motives, intuitions, dreams, wishes, associative connections, suggestions, hopes, and all that comes with Love and Love’s thought system. That which swims about in universal Psyche is as widely ranging in its forms as all which swim glide float and live in the multiplicity of the sea’s infinite possibilities of the modalities of the expression and manifestation of The Being in varied forms ranging from the microscopic organism to the whale. The mind is the meta world, and it parallels precisely the physical manifestation of creation.

So in considering what MindWar might possibly be, we first must realize that every human being possessed of a mind is a potential target of whichever POWER might initiate MindWar. It’s generally seen to be a bore or a waste of time for most people to “think about thinking” while getting through our routine days and nights.

Our ability to think as individuals is itself under attack, as we shall see. We seldom think about what a thought is in actuality. But when one does think about it, one may notice that, like a physical life, a thought has a beginning, an arcing or over-arching field of extension across a span of its existence in the mind, and it has an effect somewhere, sometime, whether noticeable or not. One may notice that one’s thoughts are all formed from the memory banks in which one stores personal knowledge and all other experientially-gained understanding, everything one has learned. One “learns” the meanings of words as one learns to talk, and those learned understandings become part of one’s knowledge, the “known”, which becomes part of one’s personal past and is stored in one’s “memory”. Yet how many of us occasionally ponder just what that means? Which part of the self calls forth memory data from the subconscious memory banks in order to formulate and express an idea or describe a perception? Why is any of this important?

It is important because one may only know oneself through one’s mind. A man may think only with the mind. His thoughts are invented there, stored there, and either lead to direct action or are forgotten and buried in distant crimson corridors of all he has forgotten.

We each have a conscious “mind”, and all of our minds together create what Carl Jung dubbed to be the “collective consciousness” of the human race – well over [seven] billion individual minds registering the impulses and vibration-waves of”delta, theta, alpha, or beta
wave patterns”, which are frequencies of vibration science now knows the brain emits – and all of those minds together constitute the collective mind of mankind. Specific to America, there are over three hundred million individual minds with each being a singular element in the sum total of all American minds. That collective of American minds constitutes what I refer to as the “public mind”. Edward Bernays and his pals of the day back in the 1920s referred to it as the “Group Mind”.

Alex Jones of InfoWars dot com was the first source I found for Edward Bernays’ book, “Propaganda”, which was published in 1928. I will share a couple of passages from that book —

Propaganda by Edward Bernays; copyright 1928 by Edward Bernays; (Edward Bernays: 1891-1995); Copyright renewed 2005 by Anne Bernays; published by Ig Publishing, 178 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205; [email protected] ; www.igpub.com ; ISBN: 0-9703125-9-8. Available at Amazon dot com ;

From page 36:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.”

From page 71:

The systemic study of mass psychology revealed to students the potentialities of invisible government of society by manipulation of the motives which actuate man in the group. Trotter and Le Bon, who approached the subject in a scientific manner, and Graham Wallas, Walter Lippmann, and others who continued with searching studies of the group mind, established that the group has mental characteristics distinct from those of the individual, and is motivated by impulses and emotions which cannot be explained on the basis of what we know of individual psychology. So the question naturally arose: If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it?

We can know this about those who manipulate “the unseen mechanism of society” (the group mind) — that sort of person gravitates to Wall Street or Washington D.C. or other concentrations of power where their treachery has financial power or governmental power over other people. Some do it for profit, others do it for power. Neither of them could do it to the individual mind, to your mind or to my mind, but they have known for a Century that they can do it to the mass mind, and the individual minds which comprise that group mind can be intimidated from objecting, and in most cases individual minds seldom are aware that they are being manipulated. As Bernays confessed above, when it is done correctly the individual mind does not even know that it has been manipulated.

Each of us has a mind, is a mind with physical extensions which we affectionately call “bodies”. While the body is confined in its three-dimensional Newtonian universe, the mind is not. The body is physical, the mind is meta-physical. Your body is supposed to be your body, not anyone else’s. Your mind is supposed to be your mind, and not anyone else’s. Our Constitution was written in such a way as to protect each citizen’s right to own his body and to own his mind.

America’s founders felt that “Nature or Nature’s God” provided each man or woman born on earth with certain “unalienable rights” which are not subject to any man-made “authority”. They wrote the Constitution specifically to protect those unalienable rights for each individual man or woman in the united States of America. That is where matters stood when our dearly-beloved government was created and commissioned to serve We The People.

Now, concerning JADE HELM 2015, it appears that our government has other notions. Of course the government’s intent to better serve We The People has morphed into a governmental attitude characterized by an incessant compulsion to protect us from ourselves, even if it has to impose a police state’s iron net of control over our entire population. The excuse for that is of course the constant barrage of news clips announcing that there is a terrorist behind every barn, bush, and building all over America. While there were no terrorists outside a hand-full of surrogates being farmed psychologically by FBI surveillance just ten years ago, suddenly an entire generation of “home-grown terrorists” are everywhere to be found, menacing every community in America, camped on our border(s) and preparing to deliver the knock-out punch with a massive terrorist event which only government can prevent. And to prevent just that the forces of NATIONAL POWER will have to set the Constitution and our Bill of Rights aside by intruding militarily into our very communities, towns, cities and States.

The intent of NATIONAL POWER is so alarming that even this Left Gate Keeper is horrified, even by a Democrat President:

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkSkQgnEV-Q”]

This has progressed and developed as a trend in government in ways which are not new, but are a bit more blatantly obvious than in previous years. The concentration, empowerment, and growth of NATIONAL POWER has progressed to the point that to carry it any further our dear government must take off its mask, remove its benevolent glove and reveal its iron fist. That is where the militarization of our local police comes into play, as well as domestic military “assistance”. Part of how we have reached this point has to do with the public mind’s acceptance in our communities of a totally bogus and completely unlawful so-called “War on Drugs”. Government has used the war on drugs to create countless more enforcement jobs and assert an authoritarian power over our communities and homes. There are about seventy thousand SWAT raids in America each year, and most of those are targeting drug-related violations of statutes and codes. Let’s watch what John Whitehead has to say about that.

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGWLkg-tB5U”]

See his article at The Daily Bell: http://www.thedailybell.com/editorials/36264/John-Whitehead-Turning-America-into-a-Battlefield-A-Blueprint-for-Locking-Down-the-Nation/

With the so-called “War on Drugs” the government tested the American people and found that they would permit the Federal government to own their bodies, providing that the government put forth through the press and media a propaganda program which would be preached as if from pulpits based on moral indignation over one’s neighbor smoking a joint. In fact, after the government had failed at that game once before, by being forced to repeal “Prohibition” of the 1920s, Gov-worshippers were surprised to learn in the 1960s and ever since that the good tax-paying American citizens would even pay for the expansion of governmental power to control, regulate, and, in reality, to “own” our bodies. (Note: if any power can tell one what one may or may not put into one’s body, that power is asserting ownership over one’s body. There is no way to argue around that fact.) Ron Paul went into this phenomenon in his book, The Revolution. Government launched a massive PSYOP on the “American group mind”, and Christianity took the bait, never noticing the hook which would lead to current attacks on Christianity coming through the very government they had supported in its zealous efforts to own citizens’ bodies. Remember this?

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-NX2tsJUaM”]

That is as good an example of government-sponsored propaganda as we’ll likely ever see. Wise citizens should always remember that the power over one’s neighbor which one supports is also a power over oneself. Anyone who can’t clearly see that today’s General government in WDC is trying to squash Christianity should pay more attention.

So the people proved that they would pay for the so-called War on Drugs, and the government was happy for that because it allowed government to create all sorts of jobs — Drug War enforcement jobs, so that now, with many decades having passed, every County in America may have a multi-jurisdictional para-militarized task force connected with the DEA which is operating under the Department of Justice (DOJ) which is now under the authority (spoken or unspoken) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), or at least is in bed with it. That is one part of the infrastructure behind the mission of JADE HELM 2015, which is itself merely an extension of the greater MindWar.

Aquino’s paper’s title starts with the word “From”. “From” PSYOP to MindWar. That was to indicate a transition into something much bigger than merely dropping leaflets from airplanes or broadcasting clandestine radio messages to a targeted people. There is this from the document back in 1980:

Psychotronic research is in its infancy, but the U.S. Army already possesses an operational weapons systems designed to do what LTC Alexander would like ESP to do – except that this weapons system uses existing communications media. It seeks to map the minds of neutral and enemy individuals and then to change them in accordance with U.S. national interests. It does this on a wide scale, embracing military units, regions, nations, and blocs. In its present form it is called Psychological Operations (PSYOP). [Emphasis Elias Alias, editor]

Aquino was thinking big — big enough to see a possibility of changing minds on a world-wide scale. And remember — that was written in 1980, which was to the best of my knowledge well before the Army got into “Mapping the Human Terrain”. Today the Army of course is also interested in mapping the human brain. The brain, after all, appears to be the seat of the mind, its focal center being the brain’s electro-magnetic force-field around which the personality hovers. As a cute little side note to illustrate my statement that the Army wants to map the human brain, let’s notice something DARPA posted a few years ago:
Prototype DARPA Helmets
Prototype DARPA Helmets


“…a novel technology which implements transcranial pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits without requiring surgery. Further, we have shown this ultrasonic neuromodulation approach confers a spatial resolution approximately five times greater than TMS and can exert its effects upon subcortical brain circuits deep within the brain….

“Through a recent grant made by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award Program, our research will begin undergoing the next phases of research and development aimed towards engineering future applications using this neurotechnology for our country’s warfighters. Here, we will continue exploring the influence of ultrasound on brain function and begin using transducer phased arrays to examine the influence of focused ultrasound on intact brain circuits. We will also be investigating the use of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) for use in brain stimulation. Finally, to improve upon spatial resolution, we will examine the use of acoustic metamaterials and hyperlenses to study how subdiffraction limited ultrasound influences brain wave activity patterns.

“How can this technology be used to provide our nation’s Warfighters with strategic advantages? We have developed working and conceptual prototypes in which ballistic helmets can be fitted with ultrasound transducers and microcontroller devices to illustrate potential applications as shown below. We look forward to developing a close working relationship with DARPA and other Department of Defense and U.S. Intelligence Communities to bring some of these applications to fruition over the coming years depending on the most pressing needs of our country’s defense industries.”

They are saying that the future military helmet may be fitted with micro-wave command capabilities which would beam signals into the brain of the soldier. Push a button to relax after combat, or push another button to heighten the output of one’s Adrenal gland prior to going on patrol, right? Just another step along science’s complicit march toward fully robotized soldiers — and — just another step closer to the seat of the Soul of mankind. Tax dollars are funding this insanity on behalf of “defense industries”. The fact that DARPA actually will publish this sort of thing is itself indicative of the greater MindWar which is underwriting JADE HELM 2015. We are to accept this, because of course government is only “here to help”. Where that sort of science may lead is something we don’t even want to think about, I can assure anyone. In the hands of a government hell-bent on “peace keeping” here on American soil, the possibilities are horrifying, especially when one considers that the military is now interfaced with civilian law enforcement under the awning called DHS.

Any Empire worth its salt must interface its military with its domestic police, as we all know and history shows. DARPA helped set up the ad hoc relationship between the Pentagon and the Department of Justice (DOJ) even before there was a DHS, by merging our military with the DOJ. That’s right – DARPA geniuses confessed the following way back in 1997, four years before 9/11/2001….

This is a National Institute of Justice report from 1997, well before Cohen’s Grave New World speech in 1999:


In 1994 the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) entered into a cooperative agreement to develop technologies of value to both. This agreement, codified in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and signed by the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General, formalized and focused a longstanding ad hoc relationship. To manage this technology development program and to direct its day-to-day activities, the MOU established a Joint Program Steering Group (JPSG) that would represent both departments and be staffed with members from several agencies…

Part I: The Partnership Between Law Enforcement and the Military

The boundaries separating the functions of the law enforcement and military communities are clearly defined in law. The military’s function is to provide for the national defense, while Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies maintain domestic tranquillity. [Sic] Although performing different functions, law enforcement and the military perform many of the same tasks. Both law enforcement and the military operate their own judicial, police, and prison systems. Within the limits set by law, civil law enforcement and the military communities work cooperatively…. Often law enforcement and the military may also participate in the same missions. Such interagency efforts include waging the war against drugs, countering terrorism and espionage, and providing disaster relief…

The potential benefits of a joint development program became clear to officials in DOD and DOJ, as well as to Congress, in 1993. The overlap of technology needs had been noted by a senior working group (SWG) convened by DARPA in 1993 to assist in formulating a program to develop technologies to enhance the effectiveness of U.S. forces engaged in Operations Other Than War (OOTW). These kinds of operations involve providing humanitarian assistance, peacekeeping, countering the flow of drugs into the United States, and countering terrorism. This initiative was prompted by events in Somalia and elsewhere. The SWG and DARPA noted many common technology needs between civilian law enforcement operations and OOTW. [emphasis EA]

Congress and senior officials in both DOJ and DOD moved DARPA and NIJ toward establishing a formal partnership agreement. In June 1993, the Attorney General sent a letter to DOD and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) suggesting collaboration on technology development. In July 1993, Congress initiated language directing the establishment of an interagency working group, which included DOJ and DOD, to look to the development of dual-use technologies. This was prompted by the recognition of the effect of defense downsizing on the industrial base and the effort to reduce Federal expenditures and by apparent interest within the administration to “reinvent government” by eliminating unnecessary redundancies. In hearings before the House Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Research and Technology that year, the DOD Director of Defense Research and Engineering endorsed establishing joint technology development with DOJ…

Memorandum of Understanding. The clear benefits of this partnership led to the execution of an MOU between DOJ and DOD on April 20, 1994. Highlighting the importance attached to this MOU was its execution by the Attorney General and the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the presence of the Vice President, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy at the signing ceremony. This MOU set in motion the development and enactment of the technology program described in Part II of this report.

[Interjection by Elias – Please note that an unlawful merging of the Justice Department and the U.S. Military was enacted at this juncture and was officially presided over by the Vice President as well as representatives of the Treasury Department and the Office of National Drug Control Policy. All were busy little boys under a Democratic administration; all preparing the way for the idiocy of the Republican Bush-43 administration. Also note that this sub-authority grouping of government officials did not include the U.S. Congress. Was a law passed in Congress to permit this? Was any Constitutional authority cited? Was the public mind advised of this before the fact? Did any case regarding this merging of two diametrically opposed bodies, one civil and the other military, DOJ and DOD, ever arise before the Supreme Court, which would undoubtedly have condemned this mischief? I think not. They just did it in the same off-hand way that NORTHCOM recently merged the U.S. Northern Command with the Canadian military. See:

The Deployment of US Troops inside Canada

Further, I would like to note that when I found this document some years ago it marked the first time I heard about “OOTW”. I must ask the reader — Where in the name of Hell did our military come up with the idea of doing anything other than war? Recall, in part one of this series on JADE HELM 2015 we noted that at the end of the Cold War (1989-1991) there was once again no “enemy“. I’ll ask the question: Was this diversion of the duties of our military into “peace-keeping”, “civil assistance”, “drug interdiction”, and the upcoming, planned, “war on terror” an initial step toward conditioning the military and the American people for “Operations Other Than War” as a proper and fitting use of what the Founders dubbed “a standing army”? The wisdom of our Founders shines through now, after all, yes? Give a standing army a little bit of power and it may go berserk. Add a pinch of fiat-printed money and and stir in some black budget funding for some basic government-sponsored black-ops, for seasoning, and we get a stew nobody really wants to swallow, but it’s being stuffed down our throats anyway by the might of a centralized insane government that values its own corrupted existence and NATIONAL POWER more than the glory, dignity, and moral justness embedded in its own founding legal documents.]

– Continuing with the DARPA report:

The MOU calls for the establishment of an extendable 5-year program in which a JPSG, jointly staffed by DOD and DOJ representatives, manages daily operations and a high-level interagency Senior Review Group sets policy. Members of the JPSG have been drawn from DARPA, NIJ, the FBI, the Bureau of Prisons, and the U.S. Army. The JPSG works at any point along the research, development, and acquisition (RDA) spectrum so that it can support demonstrations of existing technology as well as development of totally new and unique technologies.

– End quote from 1997 NCJRS report. Read the whole thing at above link. –

When the report mentions that JPSG works at any point along the research, development, and acquisition spectrum, it created the capability of the military and civil law enforcement communities to interchange equipment, technology, science, and logistics, which explains how it came to be that SWAT teams now dash about sporting amazing militarized toys such as MRAPs and Sound Weapons etc. While viewing this older piece in which Luke Rudkowski shines, remember that what the police were “protecting” by shutting down the protesters was a meeting of the G-20, which announced at the end of their meeting that the U.S. Dollar would have to become just one of several currencies in a “basket” of currencies, and no longer be the world’s reserve currency — a globalist dream which is a nightmare for American sovereignty. While those subversive “dignitaries” were doing their dirty work the police were trampling the citizens’ rights to peacefully assemble and redress grievances:

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akwjAjcQnqM”]

Recall, this kind of militarization of our police would officially begin in 1994, simply because a group of ‘visionaries’ decided to bypass Congress and the American people to build an infrastructure which would be occupied readily under COG (Continuity of Government) or COOP (Continuity of Operations) under what General Tommy Franks dubbed “a military form of government”.

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug0IL7k3elQ”]

Those who have awakened and swam out of the eddies and pools of group-mind public deception gain the pain of clarity and with it comes the primal shriek of an attendant conscience. And perhaps that is part of what it’s all about, this thing called “MindWar”. A question carrying plenty of gravity would ask how America devolved into the situation in which we now have tangible evidence of police militarization, “inter-agency” training scenarios, Fusion Centers which are info-flow hubs sending signal Intel up-stream to DHS and downstream from DHS, liaison personnel interfacing military relationships with local law enforcement, a military domestic command on U.S. soil (NORTHCOM – Colorado), and all the other blessings of concentrated NATIONAL POWER, including some official perception necessitating the practicing by our military of Unconventional Warfare PSYOPs to “Master the Human Domain” on U.S. soil. But I digress… or do I?

I know that many readers here have already seen this video, but let’s offer it here for those who are not yet familiar with the author of the book on MindWar, Dr. Michael Aquino, now retired from the U.S. Army. This is the guy who worked in the 7th Psychological Operations Group in the Army, and dreamed up future developments for morphing basic PSYOP into MindWar.

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B55-Ep6BHp0″]

Taking A Peek At MindWar

Yes, it is two words run together, each capitalized only in its first letter, no space between. When we speak the term “MindWar”, we’re using a word created by two men, one of whom is retired US Army Colonel Michael Aquino. (The other was Major Richard Sutter.) Here is the explanation for the origin of the word by the author of the book pictured above, Michael Aquino. In a footnote on page 26 of his 2013 book entitled “MindWar”, Aquino says that he and Sutter had seen the movie Star Wars in 1977 and “…we imagined a play on its name as a futuristic replacement for the bland Army term “Psychological Operations”.

So Aquino and Sutter imagined the name MindWar as a catalyst to super-charging basic Army PSYOP just a few years after the American military got its butt handed to it by the communist forces of Viet Nam, China, and the USSR in April 1975.


Aquino overlooked the fact that Ho Chi Minh fought against the Japanese for us in Viet Nam during WWII and that we broke our word to him in 1945. He also overlooked the fact that our involvement in Viet Nam was not a declared war and was therefore an illegal international war crime, which had much to do with the public perception. Also not noted by Aquino is the fact that after the French were kicked out of Viet Nam in 1954 our illustrious CIA flew into Laos and built a 30,000 + man clandestine army (just as they would later do in Afghanistan across the 1980s) and used that guerrilla army to invade China and North Viet Nam until 1964, approximately nine years, prior to President Johnson sending in uniformed ground troops in 1965. But Aquino feels that the Vietnamese PSYOP defeated the American PSYOP, and he further notes that the U.S. Army’s PSYOP failed to interdict communist PSYOP here in America. He is saying that if only the American propaganda machinery had done a better job of pumping up public support for the war in Viet Nam the outcome would have been different. He puts it this way in page 3 of the document —

“Better hardware is nice, but by itself it will change nothing if we do not win the war for the mind.”

So in part, Aquino’s paper was a sign that the Army was looking back to lessons which should be learned from Viet Nam, and his take is that it was to some degree or another a PSYOP failure, or, rather, a failure of military leadership to properly employ PSYOP, which in hindsight appears to Aquino necessitates an all-out dedication to total MindWar. To see it that way he relies on military logic untethered to societal or cultural values. But the military-scientific vision which underwrites his theory fails to take into account that the “mind” is first subject to the soul which animates it, and that deception cannot permanently insure the propaganda’s success when the whole war on which that propaganda is based is a lie, an orchestrated and media-rendered deception of the world’s collective consciousness, with emphasis on the American collective consciousness.

Did I say “deception”? That the Viet Nam war was based on a deception?

When the Army went into Southeast Asia to drive out the Japanese in World War II our military Intelligence (the OSS) sought Ho Chi Minh and established a working relationship with him and his guerrilla underground army. There were chummy meetings on everything from strategy to logistics, with a bit of U.S. material assistance thrown into the agreement to boot. Here is a fairly good article (with much less “white-wash” or “spin” than most) about how our OSS related with Ho Chi Minh and General Giap. The author teaches at the U.S. Naval Academy. Students of “hidden history” will want to collect the article at this url: http://www.historynet.com/ho-chi-minh-and-the-oss.htm

OSS w Ho Chi Minh 1945Photo courtesy HistoryNet.com: OSS Deer Team members pose with Viet Minh leaders Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap during training at Tan Trao in August 1945. Deer Team members standing, l to r, are Rene Defourneaux, (Ho), Allison Thomas, (Giap), Henry Prunier and Paul Hoagland, far right. Kneeling, left, are Lawrence Vogt and Aaron Squires. (Rene Defourneaux)
Throughout most of World War II, the United States was finding and supporting allies in China and other Southeast Asian regions, including French Indochina, to pose a threat to the Japanese military wherever possible. With the liberation of France in 1944, the U.S. government turned to its primary coordinator of intelligence during the war: the OSS, created in 1942 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.OSS to Ho: Work With Us Against the Japanese. At the time, the OSS was operating a base in China’s wartime capital, Chungking. With the growing military complications in Indochina, Brig. Gen. William Donovan, the director of the OSS, instructed his staff to use “anyone who will work with us against the Japanese, but do not become involved in French-Indochinese politics.” The Viet Minh, a liberation movement that had emerged under Ho Chi Minh in the early 1940s, was seeking not only Vietnam’s independence from France, but also freedom from the Japanese occupation. In mid-1944 the OSS approached Ho to help organize an intelligence network in Indochina to help fight the Japanese and to help rescue downed American pilots. By then, “Ho had been cooperating with the Americans in propaganda activities,” wrote Captain Archimedes Patti, head of the OSS base in Kunming, China, and later Hanoi.The American association with Ho had actually begun in December 1942 when representatives of the Viet Minh approached the U.S. Embassy in China for help in securing the release of “an Annamite named Ho Chih-chi (?) [sic]” from a Nationalist Chinese prison, where he was being held for having invalid documents. In September 1943, when Ho was finally released, he returned to Vietnam to organize Vietnamese seeking independence. An October 1943 OSS memo proposed that the United States “use the Annamites…to immobilize large numbers of Japanese troops by conducting systematic guerrilla warfare in the difficult jungle country.” The missive went on to suggest the OSS’s most effective propaganda line was to “convince the Annamites that this war, if won by the Allies, will gain their independence.”

What you just read is a part of our history which was not shared with U.S. troops twenty years later while training to invade Viet Nam in the mid-1960s. I joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1965 and was never told about Ho Chi Minh having worked with U.S. forces against the Japanese in WWII. Why was that part of our history not revealed to the American people? Because, I surmise, it would contradict the purpose of 1960s U.S. propaganda programs which were employed to enlist public support for sending our ground troops into Viet Nam. And it would undermine confidence in our Intelligence community if the public were to understand that we had lied to an ally, deceived him, and deceived the American people. A bit more from that article, to gain more perspective on Dr. Aquino’s theory regarding MindWar —

Deer Team Begins Training the Viet Minh

Captain Patti’s OSS group, the Deer Team, was established on May 16 and made its way from the United States to the OSS station in Kunming, where it waited two months for permission to enter French Indochina…. The members of the Deer Team had to wait a couple of weeks for supply drops in early August before they could start small-arms and weapons training for the guerrilla forces. Once the arms arrived, the Americans showed the Viet Minh (most were recently civilians) how to fire the American M-1 rifle and M-1 carbine, and how to use mortars, grenades, bazookas and machine guns. For training, they used U.S. Army field manuals, and focused on guerrilla warfare.

As a Viet Nam Veteran I look back on the fact that Americans helped Ho Chi Minh build his guerrilla army which would later kill 58,000 U.S. servicemen and women. How did that come to be? The key to understanding it is quoted above — “…the OSS’s most effective propaganda line was to ‘convince the Annamites that this war, if won by the Allies, will gain their independence’.”

Our government lied to Ho Chi Minh and led him to believe that if he helped U.S. forces kick the Japanese out of Indo-China then Viet Nam could achieve its own sovereignty, out from under French rule. When, in 1945 after the close of WWII, Ho Chi Minh appealed to the American President for Vietnamese sovereignty, our President ignored him.

In the years that followed, Ho Chi Minh continued to write letters of a diplomatic nature to President Harry Truman, asking for U.S. aid, but the letters were never answered. Ho didn’t break with the United States until the Americans gradually became involved with the French in working against the Vietnamese in the 1950s.

That was when Ho Chi Minh turned to Russia and China to help fund his growing guerrilla army against the French occupation. From 1945 to 1954, a period of nine years, the Viet Minh fought the French in Viet Nam and finally defeated them at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 when General Giap arrayed several full Divisions of Russian- and Chinese-supplied North Vietnamese Army (NVA) troops against a force of 13,000 French Foreign Legionaires there. While the author of that article omits some minor facts which we’ll not go into in this article due to the need for brevity, I would like to offer some further conditions which Dr. Aquino does not mention in his From PSYOP To MindWar document.

After the French defeat and withdrawal from Viet Nam in ’54 our inexperienced CIA went into Laos and Cambodia, next door to Viet Nam, and built a 30,000-man clandestine army which would conduct military raids into China and North Viet Nam for the next nine years, until 1964 when the Gulf of Tonkin incident, now known to be a “false-flag pretext”, gave President Johnson his excuse to send in the Marines and begin a ten-year fiasco of immoral and criminal field-testing of tactics and products for the military-industrial complex. The American people had no way to know about that large clandestine army or its illegal raids into China and North Viet Nam until Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks published in 1974 their bombshell book, The CIA And The Cult Of Intelligence.

So here and now we are looking at MindWar and we see that the document itself suggests that deception is a tool to be used. Further, we now can see that the American people were deceived in order to gain enough public support for invading Viet Nam with uniformed military troops. As I said above, the entire Viet Nam war was based on a deception, and trusting Americans in mass believed the government’s story. Those who saw through the ruse were tormented, beaten with police night-sticks, and some even shot to death. Remember the Kent State murders by soldiers? Any who opposed the Viet Nam war were demonized, ostracized, and even persecuted for objecting to the mass murder this government wreaked upon a tiny tropical Southeast Asian country which wanted its national sovereignty. I am an honorably-discharged U.S. Marine and Veteran of that insanity, and I have to live with perpetual guilt for what I helped a criminal government do to the American people and the Vietnamese people. I use the word guilt because the war was a massive psychological operation based on a fabulous lie about fighting communism over there so we wouldn’t have to fight communism over here on our own doorsteps. Remember that one? Aquino’s logic falls short — PSYOP can only win the “battle for the mind” when PSYOP holds the moral high ground, which we never did in Viet Nam. It is an old Intelligence concept our OSS inherited from British Intelligence during WWII which says that “the end justifies the means”. That delusion permeates the fifth floor at Langley to this very day, which is why CIA was running guns into Syria through Turkey from Benghazi.

Aquino also says: “That main effort cannot begin at the company or division level; it must originate at the national level. It must strengthen our national will to victory.”

With that statement the document turns the will and might of military PSYOP onto the American public itself. The MindWar soldiers will understand why they must convince the American people that America will “win”, and a drive must be created in the mainstream media to influence the group mind that it wants victory, that it “wills” victory. This the Army even now seeks to execute as a part of PSYOP. As all who take time to read the MindWar document from 1980 will see, PsyWarriors working at CNN and FOX NEWS and all the other networks as well as at newspapers and other media/press vehicles, the American people are now a target of PSYOP. The group-mind meme is that America is the dominant force on the planet and will win every war she fights. On page 7 we read:

To this end MindWar must be strategic in emphasis, with tactical applications playing a reinforcing, supplementary role. In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe – neither through primitive “battlefield” leaflets and loudspeakers of PSYOP nor through the weak, imprecise, and narrow effort of psychotronics – but through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth.

These media are, of course, the electronic media – television and radio. State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago…

MindWar must target all participants if it is to be effective. It must not only weaken the enemy; it must strengthen the United States. It strengthens the United States by denying enemy propaganda access to our people…

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1p-E2xmpjA”]

Under existing United States law, PSYOP units may not target American citizens.12
That prohibition is based upon the presumption that “propaganda” is necessarily a lie or at
least a misleading half-truth, and that the government has no right to lie to the people…

How’s that for a fluffy little pronouncement designed to reinforce the greater lie? He continues…

The theory behind “brainwashing” was that physical torture and deprivation would weaken the mind’s resistance to suggestion, and this was true to a point. But in the long run brainwashing does not work, because intelligent minds later realize their suggestibility under such conditions and therefore discount impressions and options inculcated accordingly. For the mind to believe in its own decisions, it must feel that it made those decisions without coercion. Coercive measures used by the operative, consequently, must not be detectable by ordinary means…

In other words, MindWar cannot afford to permit the public to become aware that the people are being targeted with pro-policy messages. That is one dandy statement, and I can’t thank Aquino enough for letting that cat out of the bag. But by page 10 the document closes on a very remarkable note, with interesting footnotes. Here is a paragraph, which I’ll follow with the footnotes below it on page 10.

Existing PSYOP identifies purely-sociological factors which suggest appropriate idioms for messages. Doctrine in this area is highly developed, and the task is basically one of assembling and maintaining individuals and teams with enough expertise and experience to apply the doctrine effectively. This, however, is only the sociological dimension of target receptiveness measures. There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and MindWar should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity19 , air ionization20 , and extremely low frequency waves21 .

Now for footnotes 19, 20, and 21:

19 Atmospheric electromagnetic (EM) activity: The Human body communicates internally by EM and
electrochemical impulses. The EM field displayed in Kirlian photographs, the effectiveness of acupuncture,
and the body’s physical responses to various types of EM radiation (X-rays, infrared radiation, visible light
spectra, etc.) are all examples of human sensitivity to EM forces and fields. Atmospheric EM activity is
regularly altered by such phenomena as sunspot eruptions and gravitational stresses which distort the
Earth’s magnetic field. Under varying external EM conditions, humans are more or less disposed to the
consideration of new ideas. MindWar should be timed accordingly. Per Dr. L.J. Ravitz:
Electromagnetic field constructs add fuel to the assumption unifying living matter
harmoniously with the operations of nature, the expression of an electromagnetic field no less
than non-living systems; and that as points on spectrums, these two entities may at last take their
positions in the organization of the universe in a way both explicable and rational … A tenable
theory has been provided for emergence of the nervous system, developing not from functional
demands, but instead deriving as a result of dynamic forces imposed on cell groups by the total
field pattern. Living matter on [sic] has a definition of state based on relativity field physics, through
which it has been possible to detect a measurable property of total state functions. (Ravitz, State-
Function, Including Hypnotic States” in Journal of American Society of Psychosomatic
Dentistry and Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1970.)

20 Ionization of the air: An abundance of negative condensation nuclei (“air ions”) in ingested air
enhances alertness and exhilaration, while an excess of positive ions enhances drowsiness and depression.
Calculation of the ionic balance of a target audience’s atmospheric environment will be correspondingly
useful. Again this is a naturally-occurring condition – caused by such varying agents as solar ultraviolet
light, lightning, and rapidly-moving water – rather than one which most [sic] be artificially created. (Detonation
of nuclear weapons, however, will alter atmospheric ionization levels.) Cf. Soyke, Fred and Edmonds, Alan,
The Ion Effect. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1977.

And now my favorite —

21 Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves: ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring,
but they can also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy’s Project Sanguine for submarine
communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon
the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound
vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta
wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be
used tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media
broadcasts as well. See Playfair, Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Heaven. New York: St. Martin’s
Press, 1978, pages 130-140.

So the science of ELF waves was known to the military as far back as 1980, and an officer in the 7th PSYOP Group let the cat out of the bag by including Playfair’s and Hill’s notation as a footnote at bottom of page 10 in his article.

Do you have a television set in your home? A smartphone? A computer? Is there a “smart meter” on your property? Ever hear of electro-magnetic pollution? How is your mind these days? How is the massive American collective consciousness these days? What condition is our condition in, eh? Has our government, in its zeal to perfectly “secure” us all, decided to implement electro-magnetic influence on top of subliminal suggestion on top of overt advertising on top of outright propaganda on top of a pile of deceptions stacked up now for a full Century of governmental lying? What else can explain how our military can stand in public meetings and announce that it needs to practice Unconventional Warfare’s Irregular Warfare tactics of “mapping the human terrrain” on its way to “Mastering The Human Domain”? The whole shebang is pure nonsense, insanity, perversity-on-parade, and a clear and present danger to every living American.

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RXpAwbxgVU&feature=youtu.be”]

Aquino and the Army’s PSYOP geniuses did not invent MindWar. Aquino just named it. Since then it has progressed in stages such as the military’s adoption of cultural Anthropology and other social sciences and even since at least as far back as 1962 the adoption of covert black-ops under the umbrella of PSYOP. However, a strong poet has penned some approximation of the state of the souls of the respective technocrats, statists, collectivists and their one-world government plans. This is what Brzezinski and his pals, the Bush family, the Clinton family, and too many other nefarious miscreants to name here, have to look forward to in their last lament —

The soul has to stay where it is,
Even though restless, hearing raindrops at the pane,
The sighing of autumn leaves thrashed by the wind,
Longing to be free, outside, but it must stay
Posing in this place. It must move
As little as possible. This is what the portrait says.
But there is in that gaze a combination
Of tenderness, amusement and regret, so powerful
In its restraint that one cannot look for long.
The secret is too plain. The pity of it smarts,
Makes hot tears spurt: that the soul is not a soul,
Has no secret, is small, and it fits
Its hollow perfectly: its room, our moment of attention.

— From the poem “Self Portrait In A Convex Mirror” by John Ashbery.

The bigger secret behind MindWar is that MindWar has existed since the dawn of time, but never in earth’s history has any concentrated mass of power, such as the American Empire, had the means to so totally manipulate our perception, our consciousness, even our will power to resolve to own ourselves, to own our own minds. Self ownership is primary for all that is good about human life. Its opposite is slavery, in which some power or someone outside oneself owns one’s body, mind, and life — which is of course almost tantamount to owning one’s soul. By the time our scientists are seeking to use micro-wave signals from microwave transponders mounted inside military helmets to control brain functions in our soldiers, we perhaps should take that at face value and ask the hard questions. Has America given up her soul to to the forces of darkness, traded her birthright for a Statism which displaces God with Gov?

Dr. Aquino, like Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller, most certainly have chosen a dark path, replacing their respective souls for the vanity of attempting to control all other souls. The mind is the seat of the soul, and the archetypal drives embraced by perverted egos manifest and reveal the will of all such men as sadly lacking in a real capacity to embrace properly the cognizance of Natural Creation, the principles behind the laws of Nature, the potential for true joy in life. All of that is sacrificed on the altar of darkness and is administered by nothing more than an unchecked ego. Intelligence is no safeguard against misinterpretation, as Brzezinski proves. He has a brilliant mind, but allowed it to be corrupted by fantasies shared by the international bankers and their flunkies over at the CFR and Trilateral Commission. We are all born here to die here. The state of one’s soul at the moment of death could be a very important matter, something worth thinking about as one makes one’s choices in life.

But be of good cheer. We who are awake on levels above the group mind can see all this and know it for what it is. Those who would control us and own us do not have a clue about the state of their respective souls. I began this installment of my JADE HELM 2015 series with some inspiring words by Emerson. You and I and our good neighbor can claim our heritage as moral Americans, and no matter what the forces of government would do we shall still be the masters of our own human souls, for we do not make bargains with the devil. We choose good over evil, Love over Fear. We are Americans, after all.

We have our culture. And we have Emerson:

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark.

Thank you for reading. In the next installment we’ll look into Main Core and some of the technology which can channel ELF waves and other invisible barbs to an unwitting national collective consciousness in the ongoing march of MindWar. Main Core shall, of course, lead us into Quantum Computing, where we will finally see how all the dots connect to produce the staggering portrait of what is really behind JADE HELM 2015 — Our government’s abuse of the word “Emergency”, COG, and Quantum Computers.


Elias Alias, editor


Part One: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections/

Part Two: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-two/

Part Three: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-three-mindwar/

Part Four: https://oathkeepers.org/jade-helm-2015-questions-and-reflections-part-four-main-core/

IV. Part Four: MAIN CORE

June 17, 2015

Elias Alias
Academy, Academy-Hidden-History, Academy-MindWar, Academy-Readers-Regiment, Featured, Oath Keepers

Editor’s Note: I am both pleased and grateful that The Sullen Bell has spared me the task of outlining the content of the first three parts of this series on JADE HELM 2015. Readers who have not already read the previous installments may quickly refer to The Sullen Bell for an outline synopsis. I will leave this window open for you, so you can click back and forth as you wish.


Again I must reiterate that this series of articles is not an official Oath Keepers statement of policy, but instead is simply an open letter from your editor to Oath Keepers members and friends. Also, please be advised that at the bottom of this article is the mind-blowing video from John B. Wells’ Caravan To Midnight –– episode 309: Jade Helm Decoded, in which John B. Wells hosts the astonishing mystery lady, “DJ”. If you do not read any of these four articles, at least scoll down to that video link and treat yourself to the most comprehensive knowledge available to date on JADE HELM 2015 in a perspective which, imo, renders JADE HELM 2015 more of a symptom than the problem itself. Readers who have actually followed this series of articles and absorbed all the background materials I’ve included will have the best possible perception with which to comprehend the message John B. Wells’ anonymous guest “DJ” has broadcast. Patience is not only a virtue, it is a necessity in trying to understand our modern world and the inherent threats to our lives and liberty. I want to thank each of you who have diligently waded through this series. And I should say, I have deleted a lot of material which actually should be included, for the sake of brevity. I will probably edit-in more material in coming times.


My series on JH15, Parts < one > < two > < three >

Parts and touched upon these basics:

1) The fact that JADE HELM 2015 is an Unconventional Warfare exercise;
2) The fact that UW includes PSYOP and Civil Affairs activity;
3) The fact that Civil Affairs involves cultural anthropology and social study;
4) The Army’s Unconventional Warfare listing of “INSTRUMENTS OF NATIONAL POWER”;
5) The Globalists’ view of the “Impact of Global Political Awakening” (by we the little people);
6) The economic effects of the military-industrial complex activity on the U.S. economy;
7) The fact of complicity between the UN’s NGO operations such as Agenda-21 and government’s perceived need to control its population while Agenda-21 initiation is in process;
8) Asymetric Warfare and its relation to Unconventional, Special, and Irregular Warfare;
9) The creation of perpetual war by creating new enemies one after another;
10) The military’s interface/merger with local police through DHS’ Fusion Centers;
11) Social planners’ concerns and confronting problems which would occur if permanent peace were to break out;
12) DHS profiling of American citizens, with help from SPLC;
13) Government-sponsored false flag events, such as were proposed in the Northwoods Document of 1962 at the Pentagon;
14) Mapping the Human Terrain and “Mastering The Human Domain”;
15) Training scenarios targeting the Tea Party and/or Constitutionalist citizens.

Part < three > added this bouquet of dots to be connected:

16) The 1980 US Army document named “From PSYOP To MindWar”.
17) The 2013 published book entitled “MindWar”.
18) We remembered the Army’s use of the term “NATIONAL POWER” in their 2008 manual on Unconventional Warfare (which is the type of exercise JADE HELM 2015 is conducting, according to ARSOF’s announcement.)
19) Self ownership, including ownership of one’s own mind, the importance of that.
20) Unconventional Warfare (UW), Irregular Warfare (IR), and MindWar (MW).
21) The two types of “mind”: The individual mind and the group mind.
22) The Quantum properties of conscious awareness (this we only linked subtly to as an url under a photograph, which leads to diplopi ). >>>embedded link: https://diplopi.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/does-consciousness-arise-from-quantum-processes-in-the-brain/
23) The reality that our ability to think as individuals is now under attack by our government.
24) The book “Propaganda” by Edward Bernays with a couple of quoted passages therefrom.
25) The framers’ concept of “Nature or Nature’s God”.
26) President Obama’s support of indefinite detention.
27) John Whitehead on the militarization of America.
28) The government’s use of propaganda as exemplified by the classic old film “Reefer Madness”.
29) Psychotronic research for military purposes in PSYOP.
30) DARPA’s brain-machine interface studies and DARPA military helmet prototypes.
31) The NIJ’s 1997 report on the Partnership between law enforcement and the military.
32) OOTW (Operations Other Than War).
33) The merger of U.S. military with Canadian military.
34) Iran-Contra-Mena scandal as a black-op by the Intelligence community.
35) A video revealing that the author of MindWar (both the paper and the book) is Michael Aquino.
36) We exposed the obvious fallacy of logic in Aquino’s paper regarding PSYOP during the Viet Nam War by revealing the hidden history about U.S. military relations with Ho Chi Minh in World War II when he was our ally.
37) ELF waves and their appeal to PSYOP/MindWar operatives (PsyWarriors).

All of those sub-topics needed to be put in place before we could look from an over-view perspective at the marvelous conceit of our General government’s nefarious plan — Yea, indeed, “conspiracy“! — to enslave every American and even every human being on the planet. JADE HELM 2015 is a very small aspect of the much larger goal of conquest being even now executed within the collective consciousness of mankind. As we’ll see, the MAIN CORE list is merely for we who are awake, that we may be dealt with before the general population wakes up to what is happening to our world. That said, let’s recall something I published on April 02, 2015 — the Caravan To Midnight show in which John B. Wells hosted Patrick Wood of the August Forecast & Review.


Let’s quickly recall some facts from that unforgettable show as presented by Patrick Wood:

Patrick’s new book is “Technocracy Rising“. >>>embedded link: http://www.technocracyrising.com/

On John B. Wells’ Caravan To Midnight show and in the book Patrick Wood lays out the obscure underbelly of the Trilateral Commission and their revival, in secrecy, of something Patrick Wood alone discovered — TECHNOCRACY. Wood shows us that the Trilateral Commission has absorbed our government from within, and that our government is now being used to destroy American sovereignty, our value system, our moral codes, our culture, our social institutions, and indeed our very lives as free Americans. This is being done to establish their pet project — the transformation and trans-positioning of America into a “New Economic International Order”.

Wood lists seven of their primary targets as being:

1. Economics
2. Government
3. Religion
4. Law
5. Energy
6. Humanity
7. Christianity

“Who” is to do all this “transforming”? 1) the Trilateral Commission; 2) Technocracy; 3) the United Nations; and 4) Non-Government Organizations (NGOs).

We note that neither the American People nor the Congress of the United States of America are party to the transformation. Technocracy and Trilateralism and the United Nations and Non-governmental organizations are the four horses on which the New International Economic Order is riding into our lives. Keep that in mind as we go.

Mr. Wood gives us things to notice, things being used by Technocracy to “transform” us:

1. Agenda 21
2. sustainable development
3. smart meters
4. climate change
5. cap and trade
6. the Green Economy
7. Human enhancement (Trans-Humanism: the merger of man and machine, literally)

Please do, if you’ve not already done so, click this link and take time to view the Caravan To Midnight interview and read my report on that interview. We are almost to the end of my initial series on JADE HELM 2015, and this fourth installment will be the longest thus far, so I must Salute! all diligent readers who give themselves permission to read what has been presented, for you in doing so reveal that you want to know the full truth behind the symptom called JADE HELM 2015. Thank you for investing your hours to absorb all of this information. As Sir Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power.”

Feel the power as you enjoy the truth, for the truth shall set us free.

JADE HELM 2015: Questions And Reflections:
Part Four: MAIN CORE



National Emergencies

Throughout this article in its entirety, first and foremost remember these words by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., taken from his book, “Constitutional Homeland Security: Part One: The Nation In Arms”. On page 12 he states:

“…the doctrine of ‘emergency powers’ runs afoul of America’s Constitution… Anyone who bothers to read the Constitution will see that it:

Delegates to the General Government as a whole – or to Congress, the President, or the Supreme Court separately – no ‘emergency powers’ under that rubric;

Delegates neither powers that only an ‘emergency’ can call into existence, nor powers that may be exercised only in an ‘emergency’;

Delegates no power even to declare that an ‘emergency’ exists; and, perhaps most decisively of all,

Does not even employ the word ‘emergency’, let alone define it as a legal principle relevant to any part of ‘the supreme Law of the Land’.”

That one passage from Dr. Vieira’s book goes to our most central hope for undoing the tremendous damages to America which have been done in the name of the so-called “War on Terror”. Wisdom shall bear in mind the uncomfortable fact that power-mad politicians on both sides of the aisle have always sought to increase illegitimate government power by crying “Emergency!”

Yes, there can be “emergencies”. But No, the General government in Washington D.C. (WDC) does not gain some magical new power to attack our Bill of Rights just because an emergency occurs. If – for example – in a hypothetical situation in which unscrupulous politicians and government officials wished to involve America in an otherwise neutral war somewhere, or if they wished to exercise more control over the behavior of society, or if they wished to install a military-police state under martial law in America, or if they wished to take America fully into a one-world government via the United Nations and control or limit popular dissent against that, their first step would be to employ black-ops Intelligence community operatives to create a pretext and then they would cry “national emergency”. Peak events of Twentieth Century America show this clearly.

The notion that an emergency of some kind should somehow suddenly suspend the Constitutional way of setting and administering policy in a branch, department, or agency of the General government in Washington D.C. is used to justify a violation of Constitutional law by those verily foresworn to uphold the Constitution. The Constitution makes no provision for its own suspension.

So the ruse called “Emergency”, and especially the usurpation called “Emergency Powers”, holds no gravity, has no lawful basis, has no authorization, and is not granted in and by the Constitution for federal-level governance. Yet the General government in WDC is operating under the guise of “emergency powers” now, for its own protection and perpetuation, and trampling its own founding legal charter in a tryst of tyranny based on imagined authority which does not lawfully exist. I shall give an example from the Legislative Branch and one from the Executive Branch, to reveal just how Gov employees think:

(Note please – the bill below was only introduced to Congress, and did not get passed into law so far as I know at present. I am including it merely to demonstrate the abnormal perceptions of our policy makers. This bill shows how Govlish-minded politicians think.)

1st Session
H. R. 645
January 22, 2009


To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers on military installations.
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the “National Emergency Centers Establishment Act”.
2. Establishment of national emergency centers
(a) In general
In accordance with the requirements of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish not fewer than 6 national emergency centers on military installations…

(b) Purpose of national emergency centers
The purpose of a national emergency center shall be to use existing infrastructure—
(1) to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster;
(2) to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of Federal, State, and local first responders;
(3) to provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and
(4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
3. Designation of military installations as national emergency centers
(a) In general
Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, shall designate not fewer than 6 military installations as sites for the establishment of national emergency centers….

I especially note this line: “…to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security”. That would, of course, be the same Homeland Security which advises “law enforcement” to keep an eye on returning war Veterans and anyone who dares to support Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin, or who believes in the Constitution as written, as we saw in part one of this series. Here is another approach, this time from the President of the United States of America.

Subject: National Continuity Policy
(1) This directive establishes a comprehensive national policy on the continuity of Federal Government structures and operations and a single National Continuity Coordinator responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of Federal continuity policies. This policy establishes “National Essential Functions,” prescribes continuity requirements for all executive departments and agencies, and provides guidance for State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and private sector organizations in order to ensure a comprehensive and integrated national continuity program that will enhance the credibility of our national security posture and enable a more rapid and effective response to and recovery from a national emergency.
Did we notice how they slipped in that little bit about “private sector organizations“? We’ll get to that below, but first, here is that same President being cheered by the mindless masses while promising to convert, er, make that read “change”, America into a veritable military-police state in the event of an “emergency“.

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt2yGzHfy7s”]

When one removes the Govlish spin on the silliness of such official proclamations one can see a grotesque portrait of what JADE HELM 2015 is really all about. And the more closely one looks into it, the more one realizes that JADE HELM 2015 is but a symptom, a sign of something much larger, much more potent, much more sinister. The military will be infiltrating American communities and properties while also working with “law enforcement” at Local, State, and regional levels. Unconventional Warfare psy-warriors will be collecting data of the sort which our Intelligence community has long called “HUMINT” (HUMan INTelligence). That data will be “mapped” as features of the “Human Terrain” for the States where the exercise will occur. That HUMINT will be pooled up somewhere in impersonal indifferent soul-less computing machines which have absolutely no regard for any citizen’s individuality or unalienable rights.

Courtesy D-WAVE

Speaking of machines, on February 14, 2007 the Daily Tech dot com published this headline:
World’s First Commercial Quantum Computer Demonstrated

The story starts off with —

Canadian firm D-Wave Systems unveiled and demonstrated today what it calls “the world’s first commercially viable quantum computer.” Company officials announced the technology at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California in a demonstration intended to show how the machine can run commercial applications and is better suited to the types of problems that have stymied conventional (digital) computers…
Quantum computers rely on quantum mechanics, the rules that underlie the behavior of all matter and energy, to accelerate computation. It has been known for some time that once some simple features of quantum mechanics are harnessed, machines will be built capable of outperforming any conceivable conventional supercomputer.

Photo courtesy Daily Tech
Photo courtesy Daily Tech/D-WAVE

And on May 20, 2013, Denise Chow published for Live Science an article titled:
Is Google’s Quantum Computer Worth the Hype?


Google’s announcement last week that it plans to launch a new quantum computing laboratory with NASA may have boosted a highly specialized and slightly obscure field of study into a more mainstream light. The search-engine giant says quantum technology will help the company build better, more accurate search engines, and will help advance the field of artificial intelligence.

If it strikes one odd that a private corporation and our government would join forces on a technology which will expand the surveillance state’s appetite, one would not be alone. A term I published in 1999 comes to mind as a good descriptive: “The Corporate Dynasty”.

On May 05, 2009, WorldNet Daily published the headline:
Census GPS-tagging your home’s front door

On June 06, 2013, the Washington Post published some revealing slides which stunned the nation. The headline was clear:
NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program


In June, 2013, almost every American (and most other people of the world) took pause in daily routines to register the shock of learning that one’s every communication has been being collected by massive super-computers. As anyone might have let the implicating gravity of that register more deeply into one’s awareness, one likely found oneself reflecting about to whom one may have sent an email or made a phone call. Imagine one’s instant fear – “Oh my! What if *they* listened to that call, or read that email!”

And who would “they” be? PRISM, of course.
NSA PRISM _ Slide Courtesy Washington Post and Edward Snowden

On June 08, 2013, USA Today ran the headline —
Parts of NSA’s PRISM program declassified


In that article Clapper promises:

The government “does not unilaterally obtain information from the servers of U.S. electronic communication service providers,” Clapper added. “The notion that Section 702 activities are not subject to internal and external oversight is similarly incorrect. Collection of intelligence information under Section 702 is subject to an extensive oversight regime, incorporating reviews by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.”

And of course we are to be reassured by the fact that a Congress which enjoys a ten percent approval rating is certainly keeping our best interests in mind, right?

JADE HELM 2015 is an Unconventional Warfare exercise, and we saw in parts one and two that UW psy-warriors use “surrogates” of the criminal type for black operations. Surrogates are criminals who can be “handled” or “directed” by psy-warriors doing Unconventional Warfare/Irregular Warfare/Special Operations deployments anywhere in the world, including the USofA. The Army’s 2008 manual on UW actually identifies “terrorists” as a likely sort of “surrogate”. Here is that bit from the Army’s 2008 manual on Unconventional Warfare, from part two of this series:

(“Irregulars” who are to be used as surrogates) “…are
usually nonstate-sponsored and unconstrained by sovereign nation legalities and
boundaries. These forces may include, but are not limited to, specific paramilitary
forces, contractors, individuals, businesses, foreign political organizations, resistance
or insurgent organizations, expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries,
disillusioned transnational terrorism members, black marketers, and other social or
political ‘undesirables.’”

My point is, what on earth makes anyone believe that the government can “oversee” what the government does in secrecy? Clapper was hiding behind his statement that all three branches of government exercise oversight of the NSA’s illegal and unlawful spying on American citizens. The problem is that damn near everyone we send to WDC gets corrupted in their first breath of air there, and we really cannot trust anything any of them say, most certainly now that we know that those doing the oversight prior to the Snowden leaks never bothered to mention to We The People what our damned government was doing to us until well after Snowden exposed their sins.

Here is James Clapper lying to Congress about just what the NSA was collecting from the American people:

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsmo0hUWJ08″]

And here is Rand Paul uniting the Left and the Right to clearly define the crime of lying to Congress:

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt4wjL1IvSY”]

The insanity which was spawned by the creation of the National Security State has deluded two generations of American legislators into fabulous stretches of imagination which causes our Congress to continue to lie to the American people about everything from the Federal Reserve System, Inc., to the creation of the so-called “War on Terrorism”, and just about everything in between. That insanity was created in part by Allen Dulles, working with Clark Clifford to produce the National Security Act of 1947 which created the National Security Council at the White House (where Oliver North worked). It also created a cute little diddy referred to as the “Black Budget” for covert, illegal, and immoral activities to be conducted by the NSA-1947’s chief creation – the CIA. But we must keep in mind that there is more than one “black budget”. There is the secret black budget which Congress appropriates to be used for black operations, but there is also the cash flow — in terms of outright “cash” — which is accumulated tangentially as the CIA shares services with terrorists, drug smugglers, insurgents, human traffickers, money launderers, etc.

Those who believe that “US Code” is somehow superior to the Constitution itself actually believe that the National Security Act of 1947 literally gave the American government the “legal right” to lie to We The People. It’s been all downhill ever since. The lying needs to stop.

JADE HELM 2015 is yet another lie, but a pregnant one which will give birth to yet more lies. We The People are yet expected to believe anything our dear government tells us about JADE HELM 2015. But consider — the ARSOF public info officer filmed speaking to Texas audiences about JADE HELM 2015 coming to their areas this summer had no problem telling Texans that some JADE HELM 2015 warriors would be in civilian clothing, remember? Those “warriors” will include many people who are not in the military at all, but are employees of corporations which do contract work with the Federal government. What those in plain clothes will be doing is what this part of this series is about.

Let me repeat the point which I (hopefully) made in part one of this series — We cannot believe there is a War on Terrorism when our own government proves to be the source which has literally created and armed “the terrorists”. We cannot believe there is a War on Drugs when our own government coordinates production and transportation internationally of the bulk of all illegal drugs. We cannot believe that the U.S. military has somehow found Constitutional authorization to practice Unconventional Warfare tactics on U.S. soil outside the military bases the tax paying public has provided for such things. The standing army could not even exist without some concocted “enemy”, and has no Constitutional grounds to be conducting exercises which admittedly include Psychological Operations and exercises which are designed to facilitate “mapping the human terrain” for purposes of “Mastering The Human Domain”. No Sir! This is insanity, this is immoral, this is criminal, this is evil, this is unacceptable, and this must be stopped now. Why we must stop it will become apparent as one continues to read below.

University of Maryland

Intelligence Incorporated

JADE HELM 2015 is a remarkable gambit in public relations as well as a public confession that our government in Washington D.C. (WDC) has completely divested itself from any accountability to the American people and our Constitution. The military has boldly announced that JADE HELM 2015 is an “Unconventional Warfare” exercise, which means that it will be operating on multiple levels including PSYOP tactics which will assist computerized think tanks in WDC in “Mastering” the “Human Domain”. I’m not making that up, for as we saw in part one of this series ARSOF itself announces it boldly.

To master the human domain one must first map the human terrain, and that is another aspect of JADE HELM 2015 which will be exercised during operations across America this summer. The Army concedes that it has interest now in “Civil Affairs”, as we noted in previous installments of this series. We also noted that the Army / Pentagon has several actualized Fusion Center relationships with our local police, with interfaces between FEMA, the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Additionally we have noted that various “new” concepts have pervaded Pentagon doctrine in the past two-to-three decades, and such concepts include “drug interdiction”, “peace keeping”, and “counter-terrorism” activities right here on U.S. soil under an umbrella announced in the early 1990s and called reverently “Operations Other Than War” (OOTW). See: http://oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA310578

With that much established in the first three parts of this series, I am going to now suggest that the U.S. military has aligned itself in a relationship with an odd and grotesque mental appendage to the body politic, that being the insane notion now embraced by our General government in WDC which compels government to protect itself from the will of We The People, at all costs. This wild and unfounded, even indefensible notion crept into the mechanized mindset of our government after the world entered the post-Atomic age in which planners were confronted by challenges posed by the threat of “decapitation” of our government in WDC by a nuclear attack. The Great Cold War of the latter half of the Twentieth Century began with, as Professor Carroll Quigley stated, “…the quest for the thermo-nuclear bomb.” [My paraphrase] The post-Cold War quest for global power by the military-industrial complex brought with it the newly-born Intelligence community mentality which holds like a religion the premise that “The End Justifies The Means“. In the eyes of those who work in government, Gov is tantamount to God. The mindset is what I’ve always alluded to as “Govlish“. Outsourcing government business to private sector corporations who sell products in service to Wall Street and WDC as well as to the Pentagon made by people who are not in government offices is a very huge business. To verify that we’ll look briefly at a wonderful resource compiled by The Washington Post several years ago.

>>>embedded link: http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/

If we go to that page and click on “View Connections”, we’ll bring up this page: http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/network/#/overall/most-activity/ where we see an active fan-style chart showing the 45 government agencies working in Top Secret America. If we click on the “NGA” section near bottom right on that chart, we get this link — http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/network/#/single/gov-orgs/nga/ There we see that the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has a working relationship with 121 of the 1,931 top secret companies in the private sector. One hundred twenty-one corporate businesses are working on top secret Intelligence projects for NGA, the Federal agency which produces “… relevant and accurate geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) in support of national security.” >>>embedded link: http://geoint2015.com/

While on that page we see a link for “Unconventional Warfare” (UW). Clicking that brings up a page which notes that 37 private companies are working with 18 government organizations on Psychological Operations (PSYOP). We can read a brief description —

Traditional psychological operations, including the creation and delivery of messages via leaflet, loudspeaker, radio or television; the newer “influence operations” associated with the creation of Web sites and the use of social media to extend U.S. influence, both overtly and covertly; and the separate clandestine and covert activities associated with influence, deception and perception management.

Whilst clicking around we can come up with an endless array of related web pages, such as Trajectory Magazine’s piece on GEOINT 2015, which has links to the highlight videos. This rabbit hole, like everything else related to modern Federal-level government activity, is a labyrinth. The opening paragraph introduces to newbies such as myself strange new concepts —

During the Cold War, the Intelligence Community collected information about Soviet activity: The enemy is loading ammunition; it’s moving artillery closer to maneuver forces. The observations were logistical, and the data yielded warnings, explained Collin Agee, U.S. Army senior adviser for Intelligence Community engagement. “Predictive analytics” might be the buzzphrase du jour, Agee said, but the concept is nothing new. In the commercial realm, predictive analytics is picking up steam, while the Intelligence Community is adapting the concept to modern computing technology and Big Data, and simultaneously shifting the nomenclature toward “anticipatory intelligence.”

Ah, yes! Anticipatory Intelligence! That’s the thing, eh? That page also proclaims the quest for the missing pieces:

“The advent of Big Data and supercomputing is driving a new era of anticipatory intelligence”

In another Trajectory Magazine piece we read that the Defense Intelligence Agency is in on the act —
Human GEO Meets Anticipatory Intelligence: DIA Aims To Couple The Two Areas

>>>embedded link — http://trajectorymagazine.com/got-geoint/item/2003-human-geo-anticipatory.html

Today’s Federal government, when judged by its actions and results, seems to suffer from a conceit which it believes whole-heartedly. I fully-well understand that no man-made government can be a “mind” or a “soul”, because being created by the mind of man its entity-ship is limited to the indifferent status of merely being a “legal fiction”, no matter how universally it might spread its powers. Therefore, when I speak of the government as if it has a mind capable of willing its own direction or pursuing its own conceits, I am simply speaking through personification, a poetic tool of figurative language. The General government in WDC is not “conceited”, but its style of administering itself unto and upon We The People causes we flesh-and-blood real humans to question whether its madness is intended or merely coincidental. It is in that light that I note that the government seems to be suffering from a conceit, and that it seems to believe its own conceit whole-heartedly. That conceited belief, were it real and of any substance, would be the mistaken belief that our government is itself “America”.

Our government is not America, period. Not only is it not America — our government lately does not appear to even represent the will of We The People who are America.

America is this great land and the people who live and work upon it, period. We and our good neighbors who live and work out our lives on the soil delineated by State lines and National borders, we and our lands, are America. The government we installed to service the mutual needs of the citizens of the several States was created to be a tool guided by the hand of We The People. It was never intended to usurp our individual sovereignty, tromp upon our autonomy, or assault our “unalienable rights”. As Thoreau put it,

I heartily accept the motto, “That government is best which governs least”; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe — “That government is best which governs not at all”; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient. The objections which have been brought against a standing army, and they are many and weighty, and deserve to prevail, may also at last be brought against a standing government. The standing army is only an arm of the standing government. The government itself, which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will, is equally liable to be abused and perverted before the people can act through it… This American government — what is it but a tradition, though a recent one, endeavoring to transmit itself unimpaired to posterity, but each instant losing some of its integrity? It has not the vitality and force of a single living man; for a single man can bend it to his will… Yet this government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way. It does not keep the country free. It does not settle the West. It does not educate. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.

— From “Essay On The Duty of Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau

My point is that the government is not “America”, but is a system created by Americans to serve certain limited and enumerated purposes as laid out in plain English in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution which created it. Yet today’s General government in WDC appears through its fanfare of actions as an out-of-control behemoth which has matched its arrogance with an unlimited vanity, purporting to now own the States which created it, and asserting its will to control the several States and their respective citizens via departments and offices not granted in its Constitution. Examples include, but are not limited to, the BLM, the Department of Education, the DOJ’s sub-groups such as the ATF and DEA, the IRS, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. None of those are authorized by the Constitution which created the Federal government, which is why a couple of Presidents of late have noted that the Constitution is just a “(expletive) piece of paper”. It actually gets in the government’s way, as we’ll see in an excerpt from Christopher Ketchum’s article about Main Core, below.

It is extremely important that all Americans remember two primary facts of reality: First, we must never forget that the government is *not* “America”. It is a creation by Americans for Americans. “We The People” are America, and we have every right to manage how our popularly-created government administers itself upon us. Secondly, all Americans need to take a look at the original Constitution, including the signatories at bottom of that document, where we notice that there is no signature by anyone representing the Federal government. No one signed the Constitution on behalf of the Federal government, because it did not exist until after the several States ratified the document. This is a clear message — the States, in compact, created the Federal government. The fact that the Federal government now administers itself upon our backs as if it created the States and has some right to control We The People is a government-sponsored delusion, an illusion, a great lie to which almost all politicians in WDC have succumbed.

Please bear those two facts in mind as we look into COG and Main Core and their relationship to JADE HELM 2015.



Let us now borrow from Christopher Ketcham, whose article I’ve mirrored < here > (Recommend reading the whole article.)

In the spring of 2007, a retired senior official in the U.S. Justice Department sat before Congress and told a story so odd and ominous, it could have sprung from the pages of a pulp political thriller. It was about a principled bureaucrat struggling to protect his country from a highly classified program with sinister implications. Rife with high drama, it included a car chase through the streets of Washington, D.C., and a tense meeting at the White House, where the president’s henchmen made the bureaucrat so nervous that he demanded a neutral witness be present.

The bureaucrat was James Comey, John Ashcroft’s second-in-command at the Department of Justice during Bush’s first term. Comey had been a loyal political foot soldier of the Republican Party for many years. Yet in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he described how he had grown increasingly uneasy reviewing the Bush administration’s various domestic surveillance and spying programs. Much of his testimony centered on an operation so clandestine he wasn’t allowed to name it or even describe what it did. He did say, however, that he and Ashcroft had discussed the program in March 2004, trying to decide whether it was legal under federal statutes. Shortly before the certification deadline, Ashcroft fell ill with pancreatitis, making Comey acting attorney general, and Comey opted not to certify the program. When he communicated his decision to the White House, Bush’s men told him, in so many words, to take his concerns and stuff them in an undisclosed location.

Comey refused to knuckle under, and the dispute came to a head on the cold night of March 10, 2004, hours before the program’s authorization was to expire. At the time, Ashcroft was in intensive care at George Washington Hospital following emergency surgery. Apparently, at the behest of President Bush himself, the White House tried, in Comey’s words, “to take advantage of a very sick man,” sending Chief of Staff Andrew Card and then-White House counsel Alberto Gonzales on a mission to Ashcroft’s sickroom to persuade the heavily doped attorney general to override his deputy. Apprised of their mission, Comey, accompanied by a full security detail, jumped in his car, raced through the streets of the capital, lights blazing, and “literally ran” up the hospital stairs to beat them there.

Minutes later, Gonzales and Card arrived with an envelope filled with the requisite forms. Ashcroft, even in his stupor, did not fall for their heavy-handed ploy. “I’m not the attorney general,” Ashcroft told Bush’s men. “There”—he pointed weakly to Comey—”is the attorney general.” Gonzales and Card were furious, departing without even acknowledging Comey’s presence in the room. The following day, the classified domestic spying program that Comey found so disturbing went forward at the demand of the White House—”without a signature from the Department of Justice attesting as to its legality,” he testified….

Addressing the nation from the Oval Office in 2005 after the first disclosures of the NSA’s warrantless electronic surveillance became public, Bush insisted that the spying program in question was reviewed “every 45 days” as part of planning to assess threats to “the continuity of our government.”

How awesome, eh? Fedgov may violate our First Amendment and Fourth Amendment rights so long as it reviews its violations periodically, yes? And if the Department of Justice refuses to condone it, Fedgov will just do it anyway, because the American people are too busy with their comfortable lives to rise up in rebellion. Fedgov sees our apathy as license to carry on with its nefarious assault.

Continuity of Government (COG) has been a priority for the General government since the nuclear arms race began back in the 1940s and 1950s, but was ramped up strongly under the Reagan administration in the early 1980s. It’s existence as a governmental priority came to light dramatically when Texas Representative Jack Brooks questioned Oliver North during the Iran-Contra-Mena scandal hearings in Congress. Though it is now common knowledge, I note the irony in which a government which steadfastly seeks to keep its most sensitive operations secret from the American people also simultaneously seeks to know everything to the smallest detail about every citizen’s life and activities.The government has learned that we humans are “sentient beings” and wants to get to know us better, yes? After all, our feelings and emotions and intuitions and inspirations and all the moods and related states of mind are elements of the “Human Terrain”.

What is “sentience”? A friend once noted to me that cats and dogs are “sentient” beings, meaning that they have emotions. Cats and dogs can show their love for their owners, can express joy and fear, have likes and dislikes, can dream during sleep, can learn, and they have many other attributes matching those of we humans. Simply put, “sentience” is the registration in the brain of emotions in response to specific subjective life-experience environments. So, given the Govlish madness which now engulfs our government, it is not surprising that government wants to turn its quantum computing powers onto the soul of man.

This important video from the Corbett Report was posted originally three years ago on August 05, 2012.

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPrz47xzsg8″]

(Subscribing to The Corbett Report is highly recommended.)

In June, 2013, almost every American (and most other people of the world) took pause in daily routines to register the shock of learning that one’s every communication has been being collected by impersonal and indifferent machines called computers. As anyone might have let that register more deeply into one’s awareness, one likely found oneself reflecting about to whom one may have sent an email or made a phone call. Imagine one’s instant fear – “Oh my! What if *they* listened to that call, or read that email!”

Some say – “When spying is done without warrants, concern is warranted.” The only thing warranted in all this warrantless spying on the American people is concern. “Concern” is your and my “warrant”. The fact that the NSA is doing this to the American people is remarkable. Regarding such activity being conducted outside the U.S. A., I’m not sure of course, but I imagine that the average Brit or Spaniard or Italian or German or anyone in any other country, especially political/governmental officials, might also resent this kind of global snooping. Let us remember, this spying by NSA is a world-wide human info trap.

The NSA has been doing this for a long time, for the most part in secrecy. We may recall the national outrage when ECHELON surfaced years ago, and we lamented that the Bush 43 administration enabled the NSA to monitor our communications and that the companies which worked with the Bush administration to spy on Americans’ communications received government pardons. Here is a bit of the chronology surrounding the ECHELON scandal – remember Russ Tice? Quoting him:

“As a Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) officer it is continually drilled into us that the very first law chiseled in the SIGINT equivalent of the Ten Commandments (USSID-18) is that Thou shall not spy on American persons without a court order from FISA. This law is continually drilled into each NSA intelligence officer throughout his or her career. The very people that lead the National Security Agency have violated this holy edict of SIGINT.”

From Wikipedia we read:

On December 23, 2005, the Austin American-Statesman reported Tice’s allegations that spying on Americans may involve a massive computer system known as ECHELON, which is able to search and filter hundreds of thousands of phone calls and e-mails in a matter of seconds.

Please note that the NSA’s ECHELON program was scanning emails and phone calls for key words which would red-flag each message for further analysis. A further statement from Russ Tice in June 2013:

On June 19, 2013, Tice claimed while being interviewed that the NSA had spied on Barack Obama himself while he was still a senator, along with monitoring federal judges, ranking military officials, and other members of congress, saying he himself had seen and held papers ordering such actions. He went on to say, “This thing is incredible what NSA has done. They’ve basically turned themselves – in my opinion – into a rogue agency that has J. Edgar Hoover capabilities on a monstrous scale on steroids.”

Still, in 2005 and 2006, the public in general – the group mind of the nation – was not cognizant of anything other than a few fleeting, bland and breezy news articles which were quickly buried under a sports story or Hollywood star news flash. Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly even condemned Russ Tice for exposing NSA criminality, as if to expose wrong-doing was wrong. I suppose they had bought the Govlish line about some emergency and some “War on Terror”, yes?

But now, suddenly, because Mr. Snowden allegedly provided two newspapers with the actual paperwork which proves our deepest fears, everyone knows the NSA has been dragging in all of our communications and storing them for future reference. The NSA is screaming that they were not “reading” our mails or “listening” to our conversations on the phone – oh no; they are just “collecting” them for future reference. The NSA sees nothing wrong, immoral, or illegal about collecting your and my communications without asking permission or without getting a warrant based on probable cause. The NSA has no problem with keeping that kind of criminality ‘secret’ from “we, the targets”. My question on that count is if the NSA will knowingly violate my Fourth Amendment right to be secure in my individual life as an American citizen, why should I believe them about anything else they may proclaim? The NSA is publicly denying that they are reading our communications, yet we’ve got the proof that they were doing that as far back in time as 2005, eight years ago.

Not long ago a General was running things at NSA. His name is Michael Hayden. From NSA he went on to become head of CIA, preceding General Petreus, who resigned in disgrace the day after President Obama’s second election. Hayden was caught on film at the Press Club trying to tell a group of journalists that the phrase “probable cause” was not in the Fourth Amendment. See for yourself –

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGhcECnWRGM”]

This man had the gall to literally deny, at the Press Club no less, that “probable cause” is in the Fourth Amendment. What should we think of that? And he was head of NSA, and then became head of CIA? My God!

And there is this from 2007: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/06/23/sentient_worlds/
Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale

by Sim Strife * 23 Jun 2007

The DOD is developing a parallel to Planet Earth, with billions of individual “nodes” to reflect every man, woman, and child this side of the dividing line between reality and AR.

Called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS), it will be a “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information”, according to a concept paper for the project.

“SWS provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP),” the paper reads, so that military leaders can “develop and test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners”.

This is getting to be quite interesting. They will want my drivers license, military service records, shopping/consumer habits, criminal record or lack thereof, medical records, reading habits, entertainment preferences, driving habits and locations driven to, acquaintances and family members, social security records, tax compliance records, political party affiliations, clubs and organizations such as VFW or VVA etc., visits to the Dentist, whether or not I have a television, cell phone, computer, etc etc etc. Everything. And all of that info will be assembled into the nature of my “node” in a quantum computer that is “mapping the human terrain”. I will be reduced to HUMINT particles in a machine which couldn’t care less about my “rights”, other than to map into my node what I think those rights are .

Thanks to the way Snowden and other whistle-blowers did their handiwork, it’s all over the news and can’t be stuffed back into the bag. So in honor of Snowden’s heroics let’s plug James Bamford with a friendly Salute!

James Bamford is the author who brought to light the now-infamous “Northwoods Document”. He is also a favorite author, having written the definitive tome on the NSA – Body Of Secrets – and the more-recent “The Shadow Factory”. Bamford is also the guy who fingered the NSA’s massive Data Center in Utah, which is another centerpiece in this collage. Now James Bamford has a new article published over at WIRED. It will not offend if you take pause here and go to WIRED’s site and read Mr. Bamford’s masterpiece.

I’ll get you started with these few lines from the beginning of the piece:

Quoting – Inside Fort Meade, Maryland, a top-secret city bustles. Tens of thousands of people move through more than 50 buildings—the city has its own post office, fire department, and police force. But as if designed by Kafka, it sits among a forest of trees, surrounded by electrified fences and heavily armed guards, protected by antitank barriers, monitored by sensitive motion detectors, and watched by rotating cameras. To block any telltale electromagnetic signals from escaping, the inner walls of the buildings are wrapped in protective copper shielding and the one-way windows are embedded with a fine copper mesh.

This is the undisputed domain of General Keith Alexander, a man few even in Washington would likely recognize. Never before has anyone in America’s intelligence sphere come close to his degree of power, the number of people under his command, the expanse of his rule, the length of his reign, or the depth of his secrecy. A four-star Army general, his authority extends across three domains: He is director of the world’s largest intelligence service, the National Security Agency; chief of the Central Security Service; and commander of the US Cyber Command. As such, he has his own secret military, presiding over the Navy’s 10th Fleet, the 24th Air Force, and the Second Army.

Alexander runs the nation’s cyberwar efforts, an empire he has built over the past eight years by insisting that the US’s inherent vulnerability to digital attacks requires him to amass more and more authority over the data zipping around the globe. In his telling, the threat is so mind-bogglingly huge that the nation has little option but to eventually put the entire civilian Internet under his protection, requiring tweets and emails to pass through his filters, and putting the kill switch under the government’s forefinger. “What we see is an increasing level of activity on the networks,” he said at a recent security conference in Canada. “I am concerned that this is going to break a threshold where the private sector can no longer handle it and the government is going to have to step in.”

End Quoting.

The NSA wants to be able to “data-mine” every American’s phone calls and emails and lots of other personal stuff such as medical records, military service records, consumer records, credit ratings, book purchases, ATM withdrawals and banking records, criminal records, financial portfolios, groups or organizations to which one makes donations or contributions, vacation destinations, education records, employment records, air, ship, or train transportation records – in a word, everything about us. The NSA wants to data-mine all that for up to five years back into the past. In other words, what you said on the phone five years ago could be mined by NSA today. Like, as in, everything you have said online or on the phone for the past five years. Especially, ” the program utilizes software that makes predictive judgments of targets’ behavior and tracks their circle of associations with “social network analysis” and artificial intelligence modeling tools. “The more data you have on a particular target, the better [the software] can predict what the target will do, where the target will go, who it will turn to for help…”

Read that for yourself in Ketchum’s lengthy article, here – http://www.christopherketcham.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/The%20Last%20Roundup,%20Radar%20Magazine.pdf

They are doing this on each and every one of us. All the time. And not only did they not ask our permission, they tried to keep it secret from us. It’s done in the name of “National Security“, and all that jazz. Now they’re trying to sell the American people on the sham story that it’s somehow “legal”.

It is unlawful for the General government to surveil American citizens without a warrant issued upon probable cause. The “legal” framework, including whichever Executive Orders or National Emergency Orders or Presidential Decision Directives or whichever other concoction “legal teams” working for the General government come up with, is null and void on its face as soon as it tampers with the Constitution. The reason? It contradicts and violates the highest uncontested law of the land (the Common Law), and the great law from which all subsequent laws must derive their legitimacy – the U.S. Constitution. And of course, that is why we Constitutionalists are in the government’s cross-hairs.

This impersonal spying has got a lot of folks upset, with good reason. It is rude, offensive, and very un-American. Worse, it is un-necessary and is part of a concocted fraud, a man-made “myth”. The fraudulent myth is the alleged “War on Terror”. To perpetuate that lie, government has shifted the original intent for Cold War “Continuity of Government” (COG) operations into a mindset which sees dissenting Americans as the newest “enemy”.


>>>embedded link for COG: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive-order/12656.html

From that link —

Part 1–Preamble

Section 101. National Security Emergency Preparedness Policy.
(a) The policy of the United States is to have sufficient capabilities at all levels of government to meet essential defense and civilian needs during any national security emergency. A national security emergency is any occurrence, including natural disaster, military attack, technological emergency, or other emergency, that seriously degrades or seriously threatens the national security of the United States. Policy for national security emergency preparedness shall be established by the President. Pursuant to the President’s direction, the National Security Council shall be responsible for developing and administering such policy. All national security emergency preparedness activities shall be consistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and with preservation of the constitutional government of the United States.

COG is “Continuity of Government”. The first time, to my knowledge, that COG surfaced to the attention of the American public was during the U.S. Senate hearings on the Iran-Contra-Mena scandal in the 1980s. In those hearings Texas Representative Jack Brooks queried Colonel Oliver North as to his relationship with Continuity of Government. The shadowy secret powers shut that question down quite smartly, then and there. Watch:

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug0IL7k3elQ”]

Brooks was on to something big. Let’s ask this sensitive question — If Congress has a ten percent approval rating and if the government is hell-bent on disarming Americans; if our economy and financial system is shaky at best; if DHS thinks too many Americans are “radicalized” or “extreme” in their beliefs; if government is over-hauling our social and cultural matrix the way Patrick Wood reveals it is doing in his book, Technocracy Rising; if special interests in the military-industrial complex are seeking ever-tightening controls over public perception; if Americans everywhere are figuting out that this government is creating “enemies” to keep this country and our lifestyles viable; if Americans in mass were to rise up to correct the problems in WDC — would this government seek to protect itself from the wrath of the People themselves at all costs? I think we all know the answer, but in case there are any who still doubt the obvious, let’s now accelerate this article by introducing three links which are “musts” for every Oath Keeper, every human being, every patriot, every American, indeed, every human on earth.

The first is as important as John B. Wells’ interview with Patrick Wood on the Caravan To Midnight show. Mr. Wells’ guest is anonymous, but this is one show everyone interested in JADE HELM 2015 positively and absolutely must view, several times again and again. Do take notes on your second time through this show. Given all I have packed into this series of articles, we should now be ready to see clearly what the special guest on this show is giving to America —

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqGEz9IqOrE”]

The lady’s voice is now traveling around the nation. Oath Keepers salutes her! I will be writing more about her material in coming times.

Now let’s check this one out as well —

[ot-video type=”youtube” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TDAowceJgI”]

Please note: I will be transcribing info from the presented knowledge from the above two videos as quickly as I can and will post that material here as a sort of follow-up to this series. I remain grateful to “DJ” for giving this remarkable work to the world. Thank you for reading, viewing, and listening!


Elias Alias, editor