How Gangstalking is Administered, How To End Gangstalking (video)

How Gangstalking is Administered, How To End Gangstalking

Excerpts/highlights from video:

Who’s really behind the gangstalking? I know there are a lot of theories about it. The government loves that. They love the confusion. There’s nothing magical or mystical about it. It’s run by the federal government. I’ve been trying to place some posts with YouTube videos. They keep deleting my posts. They may delete this as well.

I wanted to alert you to a website: “Regional Information Sharing Systems… A Proven Resource for Law Enforcement.” Of course, the private sector can join in on this too. RISS. It’s conducted in every state. There are different centers. I’m currently in Arizona so I’m in the Southwest center.

I wanted to bring your attention to the ATIX platform. If you are a TI or a relative of a TI, they will deny you access to this website and information. They’ll do a background check and you’ll be denied. The ATIX platform is a real-time information sharing network that allows the perps that get ahold of this app to use it to try to harass and intimidate you.

Or at least they try. I end up laughing at them when I see them. They are so pathetic with their lies. They fixate on other people. I just can’t even imagine stalking another man…. unless you are attracted to them or into the same sex thing. Which I’m not. I’m happily married for 22 years. Some people enjoy that I guess.

I just thought I’d alert you as to how they are actually doing it. If you are a Targeted Individual you know that when you use your credit card or debit card that flags everybody with the app within a certain vicinity. Then they can update (the app) if they see you, they can take a photo of you or video tape you, which they often do. Or they can just update the app which they often do in real time and alert everybody else in the area that has the app as well. So that if you are in a Walmart, they’ll alert everybody in the Walmart that you’re there.

Your app has your photo and derogatory lies and defamation about you. You’re everything from a drug dealer to a pedophile, a thief, meth dealer. They make up lies to get people to turn against you. You are basically on a terrorist watch list.

The different communities involved are pretty substantial. I was given an application. Of course they denied me when I tried to actually apply for it. This application is for the Southwest Center. On this form, the communities involved in the “RISS ATIX Community” include:

RISS ATIX Community

Law Enforcement (Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice, Criminal Police Instructor)
Government Executive (Federal, State, County, Local, Tribal, Federal Agency Official), Public Health (State, County, Local, Tribal),
Environment (Environmental Protective Services),
Utility Services Public (water, power, other)
Private (water, power, other)
Additional Communities
– Agriculture and Food Industry,
– Banking and Finance Industry,
– Chemical Industry,
– Corrections,
– Education,
– Hotel Industry,
– Military,
– National Guard Executive
– Postal and Shipping,
– Private Security Industry,
– Telecommunication Industry,
– Transportation Industry

Of course, all your Internet, Infinity. Hotels are in on it as well. Security companies. You know as a TI that if you go to any place with security guards that they are immediately attracted to you like vultures on dead meat. It’s pretty much about that anybody can be involved in this in the private sector.

What happened is that this app was intended for certain entities. But as apps can be shared with other people, it was shared with others and it spread like a virus. And basically perps, or scumbags, Satanic people, use that app then (they think they are really clever when they get a hold of it) to try to harass, poison, stalk, commit various felonies against you… break into your house, set up cameras, put GPS’s on your vehicle. They also obviously use the GPS on your phone and your vehicle to track you.

I had my GPS removed from my vehicle. It doesn’t matter. They’ll put another one on there. You can be out in the middle of nowhere on a highway and they’ll bright you, they’ll mess with you. Just part of their sick little game. I can’t even imagine who would take part in something like this. They actually think they are doing a good thing. They are told you are a danger, a threat to the community. You are basically on the domestic terrorist watch list. Even though you actually have no record, like myself. You never actually committed any crimes.

My crime is I was a whistleblower…. I emailed the corporate pharmaceutical office of the company I was working with to try to get them to be more active in recycling bottles. I emailed Green Peace. Shortly thereafter, my experience as a Targeted Individual began and it has continued for the past 10 years. So pretty with much any pharmacy I work at, I’m labelled a drug dealer, a thief, the usual scumbag tactics they use.

If you are threat to the government, any type of a whistleblower, you’ll be put on the list. And when you’re on the list, you’re on there for life.

We are headed down the same road as the German Nazis…. Checkpoints with German Shepards. Unconstitutionally search and arrest people. It’s all part of a totalitarian system… The United Police States, I call it. They also provide specialized equipment. So let’s take a look at that….

The RISS document states:

“The equipment loaned by RISS makes a substantial difference in building cases and investigating and apprehending criminals.”

Body-wire receivers
Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
Video Recorders
Specialized Lenses
Night-Vision Goggles
Night-Vision Scopes
Ground-Penetrating Radar Systems

“RISS Center equipment staff consult with and train member agencies on the use of equipment and provides expertise in developing equipment.”

Moderator again: And of course this is only a partial list. They are also going to have through-the-wall technology so you can watch your neighbor through the wall. They are going to have microwave guns so you can microwave someone through the wall, make them sick, give them diarrhea, give them various symptoms.

I was on a remote highway in South Dakota, in the middle of nowhere, taking a remote highway hoping not to get messed with so much. A Sheriff was parked along the side of the road waiting for me. He waved for me to go by and then immediately tail-gated me, right on my bumper. He had to have been within a foot. He pulled out a device with a cone around it. No, it wasn’t a radar gun. Radar guns don’t have giant cones around them. He had this evil smirk on his face. He literally looked like a demon.

He pointed this device at me and followed me for 5-10 miles. It seemed like forever. For some reason, my cruise control wouldn’t stay on when the device was on me. I thought that was kind of odd.

In any case, three-four hours later, I started getting the symptoms of being microwaved. That’s severe intestinal cramping, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue. So I had to pull over and get a hotel room. That was a mistake because they rented the room next to me and continued to do it.

(This is all) just your tax payer money hard at work. Purchasing this kind of equipment for the gangstalkers and local police to use. FUSION centers opening up all over the country. They are already all over the country at taxpayer expense of course. Do we really need hundreds of FUSION centers spying on our own people? I thought this was a democracy. I can see protecting our people from foreign threats, but…. FUSION centers growing up in every large city. Drones. It’s literally out of control.

If you try to film FUSION centers from public property, they’ll arrest you. They are so secretive.

So this is basically how they do it. Citizens on Patrol is another organization that’s involved in this. They get the app and then they’re sworn to privacy or secrecy. So we know what it is and who’s conducting it. We know it’s the federal government. We know it’s FUSION centers and that the Department of Homeland Security is involved. We know what the perps do. We know their little game. I would say “don’t let it bother you. They’re just pathetic scumbags.” I literally laugh at them. I can spot them immediately when I go into places. I just look at them like, “you’re just a worthless piece of garbage, get a life.”

So the real question is: how do we stop this? And the answer is: get the app. So they obviously have an app they are using that they are sharing in real time. It’s my opinion that it is the app for this RISS APIX program.

So (if) you get the app you’ll have access to the profiles inside of it. And if you are doctor you can sue them for defamation of character. You want to have a clean record. If they are posting things on there that you’ve allegedly done (I know they have used body doubles and all kinds of things). If you haven’t done these things, you have a defamation of character lawsuit. Once one person wins a case one of these lawsuits and establishes precedent, you have a basis for a class action lawsuit.

All TIs could then be involved in a class action lawsuit – which would be for an enormous amount of money. You think about the psychological toll and damages you’ve occurred, the harassment in the workplace, that occurs over and over again. You’ve lost jobs over it, it’s cost you friends, loved ones, family members that have turned against you. The emotional and monetary toll that it’s taken. I would say it would be a minimum of a million dollars for each TI. For each year you have been targeted, I would say a minimum of $100,000 would be appropriate restitution, payback.

So how do you get the ATIX app? If you are a TI, you wouldn’t be able to get it. They will do a background check. You’ll be blacklisted from the companies involved in the program.

I have four college degrees including my doctorate in pharmacy. I graduated in the top 10% of my class. Was accepted into law school. As an experiment, I applied to every run of the mill hotel jobs. Not one responded to me. That’s a big red flag. Long story short, you won’t be hired by any of these entities and they won’t allow you to participate.

So I recommend you can go to a Walmart, use your credit card, bring a few hundred dollars and bribe one of the perps for the app. Be friendly as you approach them. You know how it is if you ever try to talk to a perp, they are very creepy and weird.

I’m convinced that the RISS is the entity behind this. Go to the website and take a look at it.

I can assure that every single Sheriff’s office is involved. It’s run at the county level, so every Sheriff’s involved. Thank goodness, not every police department is involved yet.

Certain states will show you the agencies involved. Here is list of them in my state of Arizona: Arizona member agencies (181) on ATIX form, including Municipal (64 agencies), Federal (54 agencies), Prosecutors (11), Corrections (7), Other (22).

If our founding fathers could see how big the government is and how the government is spying on people in their own houses, they would call for a revolution. The country has been taken over. I think it’s your duty and obligation as an American patriot to stop this.

I hope somebody gets a hold of the app. Please contact me. Hopefully they won’t block this like they’ve blocked my other posts.

God bless you guys, hang in there. The Lord is with you. This is a Satanic endeavor by the federal government. The perps have no idea what they are messing with, especially when they mess with a child of the most high God. They are basically cursing themselves and bringing negative karma on themselves. There will be retribution, I guarantee it. For every time they act out against you, consider yourself blessed. The book of James says consider it with joy when you are harassed and persecuted because you know that the Father is going to bless you. If you are persecuted unjustly or unrighteously he’ll bless you and curse your enemies. It’s a double-edged sword, you’ll be blessed and they’ll be curse. Trust in the Lord.

Give thanks to the Lord for all things. Ephesians 5:20. Romans 8:28. We know this is just going to strengthen us. Everything has a season. This is not going to last forever.

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