Spies Took Over The World: Deep State Luciferians, Nazis, Commies, Illuminati-Jewish Mafia, Stasi, CIA MKULTRA, Fake News, Crisis Actors, Lt. Vindman, Trump Impeachment, World Economic Forum, Covid, etc. (4 Amazing Polly videos)

I. Growing Up Deep State: Amazing Polly Jan. 23, 2020

II. AIDS, Corona and the Ukraine Swamp March 22, 2020

III. Schwab’s Global Shapers Network Exposed! March 22, 2022

IV. Spies Run the World, Amazing Polly 8/20/21

SPIES RUN THE WORLD (Video) – Amazing Polly


They are called Freemasons.

One Reply to “Spies Took Over The World: Deep State Luciferians, Nazis, Commies, Illuminati-Jewish Mafia, Stasi, CIA MKULTRA, Fake News, Crisis Actors, Lt. Vindman, Trump Impeachment, World Economic Forum, Covid, etc. (4 Amazing Polly videos)”

  1. This Ms. Polly is one of the ‘grieving’ Sandy Hook parents. Check her out in ‘ Sandy Hook Revisited’

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