“Mirage Men” (Spooks), Government Targeting of UFO researchers & “Social/Religious Engineering”

Compiled by Prof. Eric T. Karlstrom (Dec. 20, 2024)

Mirage Men (2013)

I. Webmaster’s Introduction
II. Summary of Mirage Men in Quotes from the Film:
III. Partial Dialogue from Mirage Men:
IV. Elements of Story That Demonstrate That Paul Bennewitz Was a “Targeted Individual”
V. Domestic (American) Groups That Have Been Systematically Targeted by Intel Community (aka “Targeted Groups”)
VI. Reviews of ‘Mirage Men’
VII. Who Are The Primary Players in The Drama?
VIII. Webmaster’s Conclusions/Working Hypotheses
IX. Another possible Reason for Government Targeting of UFO Researcher Paul Bennewitz advanced by Martin Cannon

I. Webmaster’s Introduction:   Mirage Men, a 2013 film by Perception Management Productions, directed by John Lundberg (British crop circle maker!), Mark Pilkington (British author of Mirage Men: A Journey into Disinformation, Paranoia and UFOs), Roland Denning, and Kypros Kyprianou, relates the true story of how several U.S. government agencies (U.S. Air Force, NSA, FBI, ONI, probably DIA) and possibly at least one British spy agency (MI5 or MI6?) clandestinely targeted and destroyed Paul F. Bennewitz an independent UFO researcher whose investigations threatened to expose government black operations.   In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, Bennewitz became one of several “targeted individuals” in the UFO community that were “turned” into government assets then destroyed via government “counter-intelligence”/disinformation/“perception management” operations.

Were the “voices of aliens” that Paul Bennowitz heard produced by microwave hearing/synthetic telepathy, a standard component of organized stalking/electronic harassment operations? In Section II of this post, I provide a summary of the Mirage Men plot in quotes from the film. In Section III, I provide highlights of the films’ dialogue. In Section IV, I enumerate the “counter-intelligence” tricks used against Bennowitz that are, in fact, standard elements of the “targeted individual (TI) program” often referred to as “organized stalking-electronic harassment.” In Section V, I list some of the social movements that appear to have been similarly infiltrated, disrupted, and steered through these covert intelligence operations, notably including Operation Crestone/Baca.

Upon studying the film, I believe it reveals a joint CIA/NSA/Air Force Phoenix Program-style and information warfare operation directed against Bennewitz, other members of the UFO community, and indeed, the American people. The Phoenix Program was a CIA-DoD psychological warfare/torture/murder program carried out against the civilian population of Vietnam between 1967-1972. It became the model for Operation Condor/Pink Plan domestic terror ops in Latin America during the 1980s and in subsequent wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Middle East. The domestic American adaptation of the program was presaged by the CIA’s MHCHAOS program of the late 1960s and was/is designed to “turn” an “adversary”/enemy into an “asset”/informer and/or destroy that enemy. Using counter-intelligence (espionage) techniques, Bennewitz was successfully “turned” into a government asset and then destroyed. The UFO community also was/is the designated targeted enemy in this ongoing military-intelligence operation.

Why? A number of experts assert that the UFO/abduction phenomenon has been a cover story to conceal top-secret government mind control experiments and operations since the 1940s and 50s (See: The Controllers: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction by Martin Cannon (1990) and The Greenbaum Speech: Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse (Dr. Cory Hammond, 1992). This would help explain the extraordinary lengths to which cryptocracy agents, such as Richard C. Doty, go to disrupt, disinform, and destroy independent citizen investigators who threaten to expose these illegal covert operations.

In the 2018 Fade to Black radio program referred to above, Richard Doty called in and admitted that he was one of 123 US Air Force OSI (Office of Strategic Intelligence) plain-clothed officers that secretly infiltrated the UFO community. Each spy would covertly “recruit” and maintain four assets. (Thus, in the mid-80’s, when Doty was working on this single project, the Air Force would have had about 500 “assets” (informants) within the UFO community). Doty states Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), FBI (with much larger network), and probably the US Army (DIA) also infiltrated the UFO community to steer and mine the community for information. Doty also admits to be being personal friends with former CIA Director, Richard Helms, a primary figure behind early CIA mind control (MKULTRA) ops who ordered the destruction of all CIA MKULTRA mind control documents in the mid-70s. According to Doty, Helms, who was a personal friend of his and his fathers, was the original ‘Falcon’ in the ‘Aviary.’

Psychological warfare/torture techniques of the CIA’s Phoenix Program and MHCHAOS deployed in the joint NSA-US Air Force operation against Bennewitz and others included labeling them as “high value targets,” as represented by playing cards, including the ace, king, queen, jack, etc. This technique, famously deployed against Saddam Hussein and members of his government during the 2003 Iraq War, was also used against American civilian (Vietnam War) protesters during the late 60’s and early 70’s in the CIA’s top-secret and highly criminal MHCHAOS domestic operations. See the below images of “high value targets” (HVT) in the UFO community whose image adorns CIA face cards (from “Mirage Men”):

UFO researcher and author “turned” government asset, Bill Moore, designated as Ace of Spades

UFO Researcher and scientist/engineer turned government asset, Paul F. Bennewitz, designated as King of Clubs

Journalist, author and cattle mutilation/ET/UFO researcher turned government asset, Linda Moulton Howe, designated as the Queen of Hearts

Air Force counter-intelligence Special Agent, Richard C. Doty as Jolly Joker in the Air Force/NSA/MI5 charade/“counter-intelligence” operation

The “hidden hand” human manipulators conducting operations against targeted civilian enemies as designated with different playing cards?

In addition to being a perception management op, this was/is a social and religious engineering operation that was/is no doubt part of larger social and religious engineering operations. More importantly, the film reveals that the same psychological, information, and cognitive warfare tactics and systems deployed against Cold War enemies have been and are being deployed against American civilian targets/“enemies.” These military-intelligence domestic “counter-intelligence” and “counter-insurgency” operations, of course, have now expanded under the banner of “counter-terrorism.”

Notably. the film lifts the curtain of secrecy and exposes the hidden operational structures and personnel behind the “targeted individual program.” It demonstrates that the United States is controlled/steered by the military-intelligence-corporate complex, aka “the cryptocracy” or “rule by secrecy,” and that the goals and operational methods of the “mirage men” are completely antithetical to the interests and well-being of the American people. I.e., the post-WWII U.S. government has “gone rogue”/totalitarian much like the despotic dictatorships of the Soviet Union, China, East Germany, and Nazi Germany that genocided their own civilian populations.

II. Summary of Mirage Men in Quotes from the Film:

1) “Always believe what Richard Doty tells you about UFOs.”

Memo signed by CIA Director, Richard Helms (1966-73) shown in “Mirage Men”

2) The general feeling amongst people who have devoted a big chunk of their life to studying UFOs, I think is fear, that they have been taken for a ride. That these are hoaxes, but sophisticated hoaxes, carried out by their own government.

The main reason that we in the UFO field recognize the name of Richard Doty is that Paul Bennewitz, a self-made man, a very successful businessman, was systematically driven insane, wound up in an insane asylum under treatment for a long time, lost his business, and was destroyed by the efforts of Richard Doty… (US Air Force Special Agent) Richard Doty (is a) professional disinformer, trained to lie. By looking at him you are taking a glimpse into a whole machine that now has a life of its own.

Bob Durrant, Former airline pilot and UFO Researcher

3) We in the intelligence community planted the seed in Paul that what he was analyzing was probably UFOs. Back in the 1980s it was my job to confuse the UFO community. There’s probably about 80% of false information being presented and about 20% factual information. Unfortunately, the UFO community doesn’t know which is which.

… I wasn’t in a position to write the operational plan. This comes from a supervisor, headquarters in Washington, the intelligence community. They decide how they are going to conduct these operations, how they are going to target people, and I’m the agent in the field doing this. …. Paul Bennewitz had a small portable microwave antennae on his roof and he told me he could hear the aliens talking.

Richard C. Doty, former Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), From: “Mirage Men” and Breaking: Richard Doty Surprise Call To Fade To Black (2018)

4)  From the point Bennewitz gave a presentation of his scientific findings to Air Force officials, the government decided from that point on that all his perceptions would be directed in the exact direction that the intelligence agencies wanted…. Bennewitz said he saw people coming in and out of the house and looking out from the curtains.   As it turns out, the NSA had some people in this house.  They were watching him and they were beaming messages from across the street into his antennae setup.   He’d started picking up these signals and the NSA was scared that anybody could figure that out.   They decided to just take complete control of what he was seeing and give him exactly what he thought he should be getting…  They replaced his computer with their own computer.   The computer had software that would decode the messages he was getting in the way they wanted him to see them.

If you look at the transcripts of what he got…. They (aliens) said they were from a planet with no water and they were trying to find a new place to live and they want to take over the earth. And they could only trust Paul.  They would have some kind of agreement with him. And Paul said you can’t trust these aliens.   These aliens are evil.  This served to make him look silly, which was exactly what they were trying to do.

Greg Bishop, author of “Project Beta” (the Paul Bennewitz story)

5) Related?!: …the Swedish military research (FOI, and presumably the CIA/DoD, etc.)) declares in their report of activities that their goal is to direct the cognitive functions of people for a lifetime.

From: Key Insights Into Global Organized Stalking-Mind Control System From Dr. Rauni Kilde (MD) book “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015)

6) (If we examine) the US-based mythos of the alien crashes, Roswell story, and human abductees, we find that the stories of the early abductees, such as George Adamski and Betty and Barney Hill, fall apart.   In fact, they are stories that were already written in science fiction stories that were already out.  Obviously, this was all made up nonsense. For example, the George Adamski story was actually fostered and protected by none other than Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA.   Why would the head of the CIA threaten to sue anyone who tried to question or debunk the George Adamski story?…   A new mythos is being advanced (to replace traditional religions such as Christianity).

Jay Dyer: RED ALERT— UFO Alien Deception Plot Rolling Out Dec 13, 2024

7) The entire story of a secret treaty between the U.S. government and the aliens, of exchanges of technology between us and the aliens, of battles between aliens and American armed forces, and of aliens having implanted hundreds of thousands if not millions of human beings for the purpose of taking over the world and using us as cattle or slaves came about as a result of the disinformation process.

William Moore, UFO researcher, US Air Force Asset, author of “The Roswell Incident”

8) In 1952, the Central Intelligence Agency, faced with a huge public interest in flying saucers (Webmaster comment: that they probably created), brought together a panel of senior scientists, the Robertson Panel.  They concluded that there was nothing to these flying saucer reports as objective devices of some kind, but that nevertheless the government had to exercise great care to debunk these stories and that individual civilians that expressed an interest in flying saucers ought to be carefully watched.    I believe this to be the founding document, that this has been the long-range strategy that has been followed by the US government.

Bob Durant, former airline pilot and UFO researcher

9) (Paul) Bennewitz was filming really highly strange craft.  Then counter-intelligence’s job is to come in and muddy the waters to make him look like a fool.  It’s been a cover story in the US for a long time.  Tell the media, tell anybody who will listen that they are using UFOs to cover up advanced technology.  When the truth is exactly the opposite of the words!

Doty and others would probably defend their counter-intelligence efforts as being patriotic.   They are carrying out work assigned by people who have decided that there must be a policy of denial in the interest of national security.   They are working for my government.   They are working in agencies of the government that is supposed to be protecting “of the people, by the people, for the people.” How did it all turn upside down?

A fractured hall of mirrors with a quicksand floor that nobody knows exactly what the truths are and everybody has found themselves completely suspicious of the motives of any human being because counter-intelligence in England and the United States and a lot of other countries have worked overtime to misinform and to tell the public and the media there’s nothing to the UFO phenomenon…. What is it that is considered so threatening that governments would kill people to keep it silent?

Linda Moulton Howe, journalist, author, and filmmaker (“A Strange Harvest Cattle Mutilation”)

10) From: The Controllers: A new hypothesis of Alien Abduction by Martin Cannon (1992)

In 1979, Paul Bennewitz and Leo Sprinkle researched a particularly controversial abduction involving a young woman (name unrevealed) who was apparently taken to a facility where aliens processed fluids and body parts from a cattle mutilation. This investigation seems to have led to the government harassment of Bennewitz, in which some form of mind control (or, as I have previously referred to it, “electronic GASLIGHT”) may have played a part.

How do we account for these tales of alleged alien skullduggery carried out in conjunction with the military? I, for one, cannot credit the generally unsubstantiated tales of “cosmic conspiracy” now promulgated by ex-intelligence agents such as John Lear and William Cooper. While I cannot assert insincerity on the part of these men, I often wonder if they have been used as conduits – witting or unwitting – in a sophisticated disinformation scheme.

A simpler, though no less chilling, explanation for the “base” abductions may be found in the story of Dr. Louis Jolyon West, now notorious for his participation in MKULTRA experiments with LSD. Inspired by VIOLENCE AND THE BRAIN (a book by Drs. Frank Ervin and Vernon H. Mark which ascribed inner city turmoil to a “genetic defect” within rebellious blacks), West proposed, in 1973, a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence, where potentially violent individuals could be dealt with prophylactically.

And who were these individuals? According to West’s proposal, the noteworthy factors indicating a violent predisposition were “sex (male), age (youthful), ethnicity (black) and urbanicity.” How to deal with them? “…by implanting tiny electrodes deep within the brain, electrical activity can be followed in areas that cannot be measured from the surface of the scalp… it is even possible to record bioelectrical changes in the brains of freely-moving subjects, through the use of remote monitoring techniques…” By monitoring the subjects’ EEGs remotely, potentially violent episodes could be identified.

11) “(Project) Monarch witnesses tell of pornographic sessions, tortures and “programming” taking place at the following bases: Papillion, Nebraska; Ft. Campbell, Ky.; MacGill AFB, Tampa. FL; Kirkland AFB, Albuquerque, N.M.; Homestead AF; Langley, Research Center, Langley, Va; Panama City, Panama; and Redstone, McClellan, Patrick. Grissom and Maxwell Air Force Bases.

(Webmaster comment: Please note that of the 12 locations mentioned above, 8  (or 2/3) are Air Force bases!)

Seeing the use of brainwave frequency names to describe types of programming brings us to a couple operating under the name Social Movements Recovery Center (SMRC) out of Boulder, Colorado. Survivors have told me that SMRC may be a “damage control” operation whose purposes are part of the cryptocracy’s effort to smudge the memories of the many recovering “Monarch” victims.”

Operation Mind Control: Researcher’s Edition (1994)

III. *Partial Dialogue from Mirage Men:

Bob Durant, former Airline pilot and UFO researcher:  

“In 1952, the Central Intelligence Agency, faced with a huge public interest in flying saucers (Webmaster comment: that they probably created), brought together a panel of senior scientists, the Robertson Panel.  They concluded that there was nothing to these flying saucer reports as objective devices of some kind, but that nevertheless the government had to exercise great care to debunk these stories and that individual civilians that expressed an interest in flying saucers ought to be carefully watched.    I believe this to be the founding document, that this has been the long-range strategy that has been followed by the US government.”

(Webmaster comment: In this manner, the flying saucer phenomenon was established as a psychological operation against the public and particular scrutiny/surveillance/targeting was to be applied to activists in this area. Please note that in 1952, the CIA was also conducting Operation Artichoke and Bluebird mind control operations with the expressed goal of controlling people’s behavior. A CIA memo associated with Operation Bluebird stated:

“The aim is controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of human nature as self-preservation.”)

Bob Durant: The general feeling amongst people who have devoted a big chunk of their life to studying UFOs, I think is fear, that that they have been taken for a ride. That these are hoaxes, but sophisticated hoaxes, carried out by their own government.

Let’s take one step at a time. You are looking at (US Air Force “counter-intelligence officer”), Richard C. Doty, the professional disinformer, trained to lie.

Richard Doty: Back in the 1980s it was my job to confuse the UFO community. There’s probably about 80% of false information being presented and about 20% factual information. Unfortunately, the UFO community doesn’t know which is which.

Bob Durant:  Doty had this wonderful way to sell it. I’m with the government, you cooperate with us, and I’m going to tell you about what the government really knows about UFOs.

The main reason that we in the UFO field recognize the name of Richard Doty is that Paul Bennewitz, a self-made man, a very successful businessman (Engineer and President of Thunder Scientific Corporation in Albuquerque, NM), was systematically driven insane, wound up in an insane asylum under treatment for a long time, lost his business, had to turn it over to his family, and was destroyed by the efforts of Richard Doty.

Walter Bosely, Former Special Agent, U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations:   You hear about the ones the where something goes wrong, the failures. It was unfortunate what happened to Mr. Bennewitz.  But they were supposed to protect something and they did their job.

Richard C. Doty (Former Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI): I began a dialogue with Paul, trying to find out everything he had. Bennewitz had sophisticated, sensitive scientific equipment and he was collecting (EMF frequency) emissions coming from (Kirkland Air Force) base.   And he was filming an object that was part of an experimental classified project of the government.  This sent up a flag.   We (U.S. Air Force) had to decide what we would do then.   Would we allow this to happen or would we try to convince him otherwise? We planted the idea in Paul that maybe what he was hearing and picking up on his equipment was maybe from UFOs.

(Webmaster’s comment: The nature and purpose of the (radio frequency) emissions coming from Kirkland Air Force Base is not clarified. My speculation is that they may have been running mind control experiments on the local population.)

Bob Durant:  Doty was feeding this man (Bennewitz) all kinds of lies about UFOs and aliens being kept underneath a mountain nearby… and Bennewitz was believing all of this. 

Greg Bishop, author of Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth:
 From the point Bennewitz gave a presentation of his scientific findings to Air Force officials, the government decided from that point on that all his perceptions would be directed in the exact direction that the intelligence agencies wanted.  

(Webmaster comment: I.e., he became a “targeted individual!?” and the target of a psychological warfare op waged against him by several US government agenies (U.S. Air Force, NSA, ONI, and DIA?) 

Richard Doty:  Paul asked the Air Force for a grant to investigate UFOs on the base and a grant to continue the contact he claimed he had with some of these aliens.  At one point, another agency (the NSA) was conducting an investigation and they set up a surveillance across the street from Paul’s residence.  And Paul’s son contacted me and said, “Leave my father alone. You guys are across the street and you’re bothering my father. He’s getting paranoid.”   Well, I knew it wasn’t us.

Greg Bishop:  He said he saw people coming in and out of the house and looking out from the curtains.   As it turns out, the NSA had some people in this house.  They were watching him and they were beaming messages from across the street into his antennae setup.   He’d started picking up these signals and the NSA was scared that anybody could figure that out.   They decided to just take complete control of what he was seeing and give him exactly what he thought he should be getting…  They replaced his computer with their own computer.   The computer had software that would decode the messages he was getting in the way they wanted him to see them.   

If you look at the transcripts of what he got…. They (aliens) said they were from a planet with no water and they were trying to find a new place to live and they want to take over the earth. And they could only trust Paul.  They would have some kind of agreement with him. And Paul said you can’t trust these aliens.   Thse aliens are evil.  This served to make him look silly, which was exactly what they were trying to do.

Greg Bishop on Archuleta Mesa… It’s very remote here. Supposedly, it’s the site of an underground alien base. That rumor got started in the early 1980s because of what was told to Paul Bennewitz by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations.

Richard Doty:  Paul thought they’s aliens had to be coming from some other place. Paul was a pilot and he flew up to Archuleta Mesa near Dulce, New Mexico to see if the saucers and aliens were coming from that area.   He filmed things up there that again presented a problem for us, because he was actually filming a secretive military installation that was training commandos.   So then we had to convince Paul that what he was seeing up there was again, UFOs.

Greg Bishop: The Air Force actually put Bennewitz in a helicopter with Richard Doty the first time and flew him up to a place above Dulce called the Archuleta Mesa. And before they took him there, they dumped a bunch of props up there. And they said, “you’re right Paul, there’s stuff up here, there’s some evidence of what’s going on. Why don’t you check it out.”

Richard Doty: I went up to the Mesa with Paul and we camped together a few nights.   We saw some strange lights coming out of the ground in a pulsed manner that looked like they were saucers flying out of these mountains. I actually saw this. I was somewhat concerned that maybe Paul had stumbled onto something.

Ron Regher, retired Aerospace Engineer, Voyager Program: Paul was flying what he called his missions up around Archuleta Mesa. He would send back fascinating letters, 5-8 pages long, hand-written, with pencil sketches of what he’d seen. Finally, he started sending large format 8×10 photos he took with his Hasselblad. And he’d say here’s the black atomic-powered ship that crashed last week. And he’d circle it. And bless his heart, I couldn’t see anything.

Greg Bishop:  Something actually did crash near Dulce on the Mesa in the late 1980s. Bennewitz just happened to be flying over and took some high quality pictures of it and so the disinformation campaign had to be ratcheted up even more.   The Air Force knew it was something they were testing in this area that had gone off course and crashed.   Of course, they (Doty and Air Force special agents) told Paul Bennewitz that it was some sort of alien craft that had been given to the humans to use and that they had shot it out of the sky as some sort of a lesson.  

Greg Bishop:  Agents would break into his house to see what he had.   At one point, he had these pictures of whatever crashed up there.  The agents were very interested in getting these pictures.  So they did.  What probably crashed there was some sort of unmanned aerial vehicle.   Now they are over in the Middle East… remote controlled, killing people in cars as they drive across the desert.  In 1985, they didn’t want anybody to have any knowledge of this kind of thing.   They took great pains to explain to him that it was this atomic-powered aircraft that the aliens had helped us with.   To bring down that laughter curtain again so people wouldn’t pay attention.   They’d think it was another UFO nut.

Gabe Valdez, Highway Patrol, Dulce, New Mexico: Somebody gave him a satellite picture of a landing area. In 1983, he went up there with me and the Chief of Police of the Apache Tribe, and they had made a landing pad and he took us right to the spot. They were giving him this disinformation, some of it was true, some of it wasn’t. I think that was the biggest problem that he had coping with why this and why not the other.

Greg Bishop: He thought that this was the place where the aliens were gathering together to take over the world.   And he wanted to trap them all there, kill them all in one fell swoop and save the earth. By the mid-1980’s, he’d written to all these Congressmen, Senators, TV stations, and even President Reagan, saying this is what’s going on, the Air Force is cooperating with me. And he’d get answers back saying we are not interested in this UFO story. There was this the sort of cognitive dissonance he got. Nobody seemed to care about what he was talking about except the Air Force.

Bob Durant: So many people knew, ultimately, about Paul Bennewitz, and that sad, strange, horrible story, that it got way out of the realm of just a cute flying saucer story.

Greg Bishop: By 1988, things are so bad that his family decided to take him to a psychiatric facility and see if they could try and save his life.    He said that aliens would come at night through his wall and inject him with something that would make him get in his car and drive out into the desert. And he didn’t remember what he was doing or why he went.   The scary thing was there actually were injection marks on his arm.  

(Webmaster comment: This suggests that he was drugged and/or abducted, probably by “counter-intelligence” agents and their cohorts.)

CIA Director, Richard Helms (1966-73: Memo shown on screen signed by CIA Director, Richard Helms (1966-73:

“Always believe what Richard Doty tells you about UFOs.”

Gabe Valdez: He (Bennewitz) was caught right in the middle of it. And then he was used. If it wasn’t for Paul Bennowitz, I wouldn’t have ever known 70% of the stuff that was going on. I saw an entrance (to an underground base).

Well, the first case of the cattle mutilation in Dulce, NM, was June 14, 1974. People do kill animals and steal the meat. But this was different. Why did they just take the utter, and the lymph nodes, and the tongue at the base of the throat? We were finding the evidence of the mutilations… gas masks that were made by the military, radar shafts, and tranquilizers that were in them, atropine, they were injecting them with atropine. I would talk to the ranchers. They were losing cattle and nobody was compensating them. I wasn’t hiding anything. I never did.

Linda Moulton Howe, journalist, maker of “A Strange Harvest – Cattle Mutilation (1980)”: I’m established as somebody who’s doing all this news and documentaries. So I started getting newspapers. People are saying, “Linda, what is the answer?” I said, “OK, this is what I’m going to do next. I’m going to get to the bottom of this animal mutilation mystery.” And finally in October, 1979, Lou J’arroyo (spelling), who is the head of the District Attorney’s office in Trinidad, New Mexico, says with our cameras running, finally, “Well, investigators and I have come to the conclusion that we are dealing with creatures not from this planet,” is the way he put it, which is in my film, “A Strange Harvest.” And said all the reasons why. The orange lights that he and a deputy had seen go into the ground, come out, split in two, in pastures where they had mutilated animals.

Gabe Valdez: We did follow one… and it took turns hovering over the cattle, Magnus Gomez’s cattle. it flew over me. And when I was going to try to intercept it myself. But this looked like a saucer-type aircraft. But you see could blinking lights. Why do they put lights if they’re from outer space, they don’t need any guidance with lights?

Dr. Christopher Green, former CIA science analyst: I was an analyst in the agency responsible for chemical weapons analysis. So the embassy would always give me special security forces and body guards. A special forces guy came and I said, “Hey what do you know about these crazy about these helicopters and mutilated cattle? He said, “I’m in a special group in New Mexico. We’ve been doing something that is really, really interesting. We got these helicopters I’m flying, they are all fixed up, first, they got no markings on them, second, they are really fast, third ,they are really quiet, we got red lights, we got strobe lights. He said, “We pretend we’re UFOs.”

Mark Pilkington, author “Mirage Men:”
Project Gasbuggy was an underground nuclear detonation that took place in 1967 in Dulce, New Mexico. It was an attempt to release natural gas reserves from the subterranean environment in an early version of what we’d now recognize as fracking. Some people have suggested that the cattle mutilation program was actually a covert monitoring program for assessing the radiation leakage levels into the environment, into the ecosystem, and into the food chain.

Gabe Valdez, Highway Patrol, Dulce, New Mexico: Senator Harrison Smith had a conference here (Dulce, NM) in 1980. Because the ranchers were asking for help. And I met Paul Bennewitz there. He was taking a bunch of pictures of the aircraft coming out of the Kirland (Air Force Base) area. And we’re watching the same aircraft flying into the Dulce area. Everyone is looking at this sophisticated aircraft and they’re saying well, they’re the ones who are mutilating the cattle. One agency was doing the cattle mutilations. But the people who were doing the research on the aircraft used the cattle mutilations to test their aircraft so that people would think it was a UFO. And it helped the cattle mutilation thing. It’s a wonder they didn’t crash into each other.

Walter Bosely, Former Special Agent, U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (USOSI):   Would we use perception to help shroud what we are trying to protect? Absolutely. If you’ve got an aerial platform that is highly advanced and the public, who happens to get a glimpse of it from time to time, if they’re convinced that it’s from Venus and there’s no way it be could our military, that’s awesome. If I’m the agent running the protection for that particular program and that’s helping me protect the program for years, I might even feed the fire.

Linda Moulton Howe, filmmaker of “A Strange Harvest Cattle Mutilations:”  (Air Force Special Agent Richard) Doty and others would probably defend their counter-intelligence efforts as being patriotic.   They are carrying out work assigned by people who have decided that there must be a policy of denial in the interest of national security.   They are working for my government.   They are working in agencies of the government that is supposed to be protecting “of the people, by the people, for the people.” How did it all turn upside down?

Unidentified voice: At the core there is something that they want to keep people away from.   A real truth.

Greg Bishop: Disinformation is designed to appeal to the person that it’s operating on. The more dramatic you can be appealing to that prejudice, the better you can get your hooks into the person you are trying to get.   In Paul Bennowitz’s case, he was talking about UFOs and so if the Air Force wanted his full and undivided attention, they would talk UFOs with him.  Which is exactly what they did.

Linda Moulton Howe:  Bennewitz was filming really highly strange craft.  Then counter-intel’s job is to come in and muddy the waters to make him look like a fool.  It’s been a cover story in the US for a long time.  Tell the media, tell anybody who will listen, that they are using UFOs to cover up advanced technology.  When the truth is exactly the opposite of the words!

Richard Dolan, UFO historian: It became seen as necessary to create an active disinformation program in the late 1970s and early 1980s. And the reason was: 1) the American Freedom of Information Act. Thousands of pages of documents released from the CIA, FBI, all the military agencies, proved that these agencies were interested in and were tracking the UFO phenomenon. During the late 1970s, a variety of leaks occurred. There were many of them and they seemed to have a coherence about them. Researchers at the time were hopeful that if they got the right leak or the right document they might be able to smash the (government’s) wall of the secrecy. Then… we get (the government agents) entering the fray and leaking documents of dubious origin that cause now 25 years worth of dissension in the UFO field. And the mainstream media moved the UFO topic into the realm of entertainment. So the movies are used to inoculate the public against these truths. So these demonstrably false UFO stories become inoculations.

Voice: One of the keys to a disinformation campaign is to have a feedback loop.   And you need people on the inside to feed back to you the results of the operation.

Bob Durant: Probably, Doty’s first success in rounding up a useful asset as they say in the intelligence field or a useful idiot as they also say in the intelligence field was his recruitment of William Moore who was co-author of the first book about Roswell.

Richard Doty:  I was given the task of making contact with Bill Moore and basically finding out what he knew and who he knew.   Bill was a little reluctant to disclose everything to me, for obvious reasons, here I am a government agent introducing myself and wanting to know what he knew.   But there are techniques we are trained to use in gaining that person’s confidence and I used those techniques against Bill Moore and they worked and Bill Moore took me into his confidence and we had a professional relationship as far as him providing us information about the UFO community and agreeing to say things that we wanted said regarding the UFO community or within the UFO community.

(Webmaster comment: The government has now successfully infiltrated the UFO community through Bill Moore.)

Bob Durant: Moore was singled out because he had achieved a certain celebrity within the UFO field and a certain authenticity that would recommend him to politicians and journalists. Remember, it’s the politicians and the journalists that are the ultimate target of all this disinformation….

Bill Moore, later, was part of the series of break-ins into the Bennewitz house and the psychological warfare program.  Again, self-admitted by Moore.  Moore was not working alone. Others, I’m convinced, went for the same deal.  The deal was very simple.  You cooperate with us and we will give you the information that the US government has deep down in those vaults.   This is the Faustian bargain that William Moore went for.   And he came up short on it.  

Ron Regher:   Bill’s admission to working with government agents was the first acknowledgement of the degree to which our government will go to keep the cover-up going.  It’s scary to think that somebody I trusted might be playing me for the fool. 

George Hanson, parapsychologist and author: Doty played a massive role in the perpetuation of the Roswell myth, many of the ideas prominent in the UFO subculture for two decades. Rick Doty is certainly a fascinating character and clearly a trickster. It would not surprise me if some of the people were selected to sow disinformation and it would also not surprise me if people were selected because they weren’t very bright.

People whose job it was to make the subject look ridiculous over the last 50 to 60 years have done a very good job. 

Bill Moore, co-author of first book about Roswell speaking at UFO conference: Rick is not the man you’re after. It’s the person in the control position that is important here. In my opinion, he (Rick Doty) was simply a pawn in a much larger game, just as I was. What we are hearing today about malevolent aliens, underground bases, secret treaties with the US government has its roots firmly planted in the Bennewitz affair. The entire story of a secret treaty between the U.S. government and the aliens, of exchanges of technology between us and the aliens, of battles between aliens and American armed forces, and of aliens having implanted hundreds of thousands if not millions of human beings for the purpose of taking over the world and using us as cattle or slaves came about as a result of the disinformation process. I know because I was in a position to observe much of the process as it unfolded and I was providing regular reports on its effectiveness to some of the very people that were doing it to Paul.

Richard Doty:  There wasn’t a whole lot that we did. Really, really. It was just a simple nod and statement to Paul that what he was seeing was probably UFOs.

Mark Pilkington: It’s generally assumed that the counter-intelligence operation conducted against Paul Bennewitz was designed to throw him off the scent of some kind of classified, experimental technology that he was accidentally filming over Kirkland Air Force Base. But when you stop to think about it, but this doesn’t make much sense. If the Kirkland Base personnel really wanted him to stop his investigation, they could have ordered him to do so. Instead, they encouraged him to continue his research and indeed, facilitated his growing delusions about an extra-terrestrial invasion. What this suggests is that rather than a campaign directed against Paul Bennowitz, this was an information war on the American UFO community. And there are number of reasons why Air Force intelligence might have wanted to use Bennewitz as a conduit for disinformation. The UFO community was constantly seeking evidence for the extra-terrestrial conspiracy and the UFO cover-up. They were digging through documents, hanging around msecret air bases, and quite likely stumbling upon genuine military secrets. And more serious possibility was that Soviet intelligence agents may have been infiltrating the UFO field in order to extract information about new technologies. I think it’s no coincidence the timing of this operation coincided with the development of the Stealth bomber. And that’s exactly the kind of information that Soviet agents would be looking for.

Richard Doty: I was selected to participate in a Special Access Program within the counter-intelligence community; my supervisor said you are going to be briefed into a program and you are going to be responsible for investigating everything associated with this program.   The first part of the briefing dealt with how the US Air Force were countering unauthorized disclosure of technology to the public by using the UFO phenomenon as a cover.  And the second part of the briefing was where we were actually shown and briefed about the United States government’s involvement with extra-terrestrials since the late 1940s, which was obviously the most interesting part of the briefing.   They showed us a film, which was a late 40’s or early 50s film, of a recovery operation they said was in Roswell.  They showed crash debris, they showed extra-terrestrial bodies.  And there was also a briefing showing a live alien sitting in a room talking to people.  And the narrator of this film talked about the continuation of a connection between the U.S. government and extra-terrestrial civilizations.  After viewing this, I was not sure if it was real or perhaps some kind of psychological conditioning.   I don’t think I initially believed any of it.   But after the film, a US Colonel started talking about how they, the U.S. government (and it was always the United States government, it wasn’t the Air Force it was the United States government), how they had progressed from the debris recovery phase in the late 40s to now, the late 70s.  The more he spoke, the more I realized that what I saw was real.  

Linda Moulton Howe:   A fractured hall of mirrors with a quicksand floor that nobody knows exactly what the truths are and everybody has found themselves completely suspicious of the motives of any human being because counter-intelligence in England and the United States and a lot of other countries have worked overtime to misinform and to tell the public and the media there’s nothing to the UFO phenomenon.   It’s a lie. I have no question about it.  And my work is to try to shed some light on what could be so threatening out of some other intelligence out of some other part of the universe or it’s been here for 2 billion years and it’s not extra-terrestrial, we’re the new ones on the block   What is it that is considered so threatening that governments would kill people to keep it silent?

Mark Pilkington: I like to think of the UFOs as weapons of mass deception and the role of the intelligence organizations and the military in propagating the mythology as somewhat equivalent with what biologists call “punctuated equilibirium.”

Stephen Broadbent: Computer Network Specialist (British):  Myself and three others were working as a research team looking into the SERPO (UFO) story.   We really wanted to get to the bottom of Rick’s (Doty) involvement in it.  

Richard Doty:  I never had anything to do with the SERPO story.

Stephen Broadbent: We were adamant at this time that Rick Doty was the person sending the (SERPO) information.   But we didn’t have any proof.  And the only way we could get that proof was if we could see an actual copy of the original emails that the anonymous source had been sending Victor (Martinez).    We came up with a plan.  We’ll use the same name and just contact Victor and let him think that the anonymous source was back in touch with him.   We asked Victor to send us copies of the emails that we allegedly had sent him, which meant we could look at the headers of these emails to determine where they actually came from.   It was from looking at those headers and having emails from Rick Doty to compare against that it was indeed Rick Doty’s IP address on the request anonymous emails and as it turned out later, it was also several other people in the story.   All contacting Victor and Victor thinking he’d been contacted by a multitude of people.  When in fact, it was all one person.  It was all Rick Doty.

(Webmaster:  Sending emails under someone else’s name- or intercepting or altering emails, is known as “spoofing.”)

Richard Doty:  It was created by somebody else.. And those people I don’t know.

Bob Durant:  You’re looking at a picture of Richard Doty. And by looking at him you are taking a glimpse into a whole machine that now has a life of its own.

IV. Elements of Story That Demonstrate That Paul Bennewitz Was a “Targeted Individual”

According the U.S. Air Force Special Agent Richard C. Doty Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)), who was assigned to be Paul Bennewitz’s handler, Bennwitz’s activities threatened to expose a number of U.S. Air Force “black projects” at the Kirkland Air Force Base near Albuquerque, NM. These include:

1) capturing and interpreting radio signals (emissions) from the base itself.
2) photographing a crashed vehicle on Archuleta Mesa, NM
3) photographing a secret military base on Archuleta Mesa, NM that was training commandos.

However, Richard C. Doty was/is a notorious liar.  Per quote 10 in the introduction above, Bennewitz was researching a “particularly controversial abduction involving a young woman who was apparently taken to a facility where aliens processed fluids and body parts from a cattle mutilation.” 

And per quote 11 above, Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition, lists Kirkland AFB as one location where Project Monarch (mind control) victims tell of pornographic sessions, tortures, and “programming” taking place!

In order to discredit, disrupt, and destroy Bennewitz and his efforts, Doty planted the idea in Bennewitz that he was really detecting alien activity. The following elements typically associated with “organized stalking-electronic harassment” indicate that Bennowitz was a “targeted individual.”

1) The NSA set up surveillance in a house across street from Bennowitz’s house.
2) The NSA stole Bennewitz’s computer and substituted their own computer in order to monitor and sabotage all his communications in order steer his perceptions to disrupt, deceive, discredit, and destroy him. (This coincides with the 5Ds of Britain’s GCHQ: Deny, deceive, disrupt, degrade, destroy.)

(Greg Bishop (author of Project Beta) states: “From the point Bennewitz gave a presentation of his scientific findings to Air Force officials, the government decided from that point on that all his perceptions would be directed in the exact direction that the intelligence agencies wanted.”)

3) Bennewitz reports hearing the “voices of aliens.” Were these voices technologically created via the microwave hearing (Frey Effect), V2K (Voice to Skull), synthetic telepathy phenomenon?
4) Air Force Special Agent, Richard Doty, Bennewitz’s personal handler, admits to providing disinformation to Bennewitz (and the wider UFO community) in order to confuse and mislead him and make him look foolish.
5) Bennewitz’s home was repeatedly broken into and sabotaged.
6) Bennewitz was covertly injected with drugs. He believed that aliens did it. Under the influence of these drugs, Bennewitz drove into the desert. Was he actually subjected to military abduction (MILAB) which the military attributes “aliens” in order to discredit subjects/victims?
7) Intelligence operatives (supervisors) in Washington, DC designated Bennewitz as a target and assigned him the role of King of Spades in disruption operations. These unseen operators supervised Air Force Special Agent, Richard Doty’s “counter-intelligence” operations in a Special Access Program (SAP).
8) Richard Doty “turned” William Moore, UFO researcher and co-author of “The Roswell Incident,” into a government asset. Moore thereafter secretly reported on activities within the UFO community, participated in the series of break-ins of Bennewitz’s home, and the psychological warfare program waged against Bennewitz. Moore was designated as the Ace of Spades in the operation.
9) Air Force Special Agent Richard C. Doty admitted that:
a) he was an agent in the field that carried out orders from supervisors in Washington DC to target designated citizens (UFO researchers, including Bennewitz, Moore, Valdez, and possibly Linda Moulton Howe)
b) he used deception techniques in which he was specially trained to confuse the UFO community in general and four specific individuals within the UFO community
c) he recruited UFO researcher/author, William Moore, to spy on and discredit Bennewitz (Richard Doty: “I used those techniques against Bill Moore and they worked and Bill Moore took me into his confidence and we had a professional relationship as far as him providing us information about the UFO community and agreeing to say things that we wanted said regarding the UFO community or within the UFO community.”)
10) Doty denied having anything to do with the Project SERPO fraud. However, British computer network specialist, Stephen Broadbent led a team of specialists (MI5?) that proved that Doty had sent faked emails to UFO researcher, Victor Martinez, regarding the SERPO deception. This “perception influence” (spy) technique is known as “spoofing.”
11) As part of the deception mission, Special Operations Forces flew helicopters near cattle mutilation sites on Archuleta Mesa near Dulce, NM, in order to be misidentified as UFOs.
12) Doty and fellow intel operatives staged props on Archuleta Mesa and elsewhere designed to mislead Bennowitz.
13) These “counter-intelligence” deceptions resulted in Bennowitz passing on disinformation on a variety of related topics to the UFO community and the world.

V. Domestic (American) Groups That Have Been Systematically Targeted by US Intel Community (aka “Targeted Groups”)

1. Communist party (infiltrated by FBI)
2. Black Panthers (by FBI’s Cointelpro, late 60s/early 70s, killing 28 Black Panthers as well as actress/civil rights activist, Jean Seberg, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and possibly Ernest Hemmingway)
3. Civil rights groups and civil rights workers
4. Anti-Vietnam War Protesters (CIA’s MHCHAOS had at least 300,000 student protesters tracked and targeted by CIA and DoD, late 60s/early 70s)
* 5. Rock-n-roll scene in late 60s/70s with rock stars as mind-control (Multiple personality) MKULTRA puppets
* 6. Hippie Counterculture (created by CIA), late 60s/early 70s
* 7. Feminist groups
* 8. UFO Community (initially created by CIA)
9. Media (CIA’s Operation Mockingbird)
10. New Religious Movements (to accomplish “Religious Engineering”), including Operation Crestone/Baca
* 11. UFO and Other New Age/religious cults (created by CIA: Jonestown, Heaven’s Gate, Branch-Davidians, Family of God, Operation Crestone/Baca, etc.)
12. Groups Opposing Nuclear War (including “Beyond War” in the 1980s)
13. Animal-rights groups
14. Environmental groups, indeed the environmental movement
15. Individuals and groups involved in giving sanctuary to Latin American refugees and torture victims
16. 9/11 Truth Movement (2002 and beyond)
17. Climate Science Community (1980s onward)
18. Medical establishment (Navy/CIA/DoDs Projects Bluebird, Artichoke, MKULTA, 1940s onward)
19. Psychology/Psychiatry/Neuroscience profession (via Navy/CIA/DoD’s Projects Bluebird, Artichoke, MKULTRA mind and behavioral control programs from the 1940s onward)
20. Domestic terrorist stalking groups organized and maintained by Public-Private-Partneships (govt., corporations, NGOs) and organized crime.
21. Occupy Wall Street movement
22. The so-called “Targeted Individual Community” (of course! How many times have I heard other TIs(?) say to me: “Thank you for all you do for the TI community”? How can you have a community of people being terrorized, tortured, and ’slow killed” by their government? A community of prisoners and human lab rats?)

* groups/movements created by American intelligence community

Webmaster comment: BTW, I have been personally involved in many of these movements/groups. Obviously, many other groups have been and are being targeted as well. But isn’t it interesting that these movements break down into two main groupings?:

A.) legitimate political and environmental protest groups (2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) that become infiltrated, steered, and sabotaged, and,

B) government-created culture and “counter-culture” sabotage groups that promote fabricated/alternative realities (1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20), that also become infiltrated, steered and sabotaged.

The Haupt-Constantine Timeline concludes that Operation 9/11 itself was a “Logic-Reality Paradox” designed to throw spectators into an unreal world where, as Orwell put it, 2 + 2 = 5.   Two figures from Part IX: NWO ‘Slavemasters’ & Our ‘Absolute Slavery’ Via Intel Ops, Mind Control, Scientology, Cults, Torture, 9/11, & “Voices of God”: 2 Timelines (962 – 2012 AD) by Haupt/Constantine demonstrate the relationship between Operation 9/11, mind control, and the UFO phenomenon:

Mind Control Timeline: Pre-1950s – 1980s

Mind Control history: 1990’s through 2007 9/11 conference in Chandler, Arizona

Notice that the British “Tavistock Institute” in London and OSS and CIA occupy the top positions in the first diagram on mind control and that OSS and CIA follow Tavistock directives.   Recall in the movie, “The Good Shepherd” (roughly modeled on the life of CIA Director Allen Dulles, when the elder British spy admonishes the younger American spy (Dulles):

“Your got to push them into an unreal world.”

VI. Reviews of Mirage Men

Mirage Men is a 2013 documentary film directed by John Lundberg (British), written by Mark Pilkington (British) and co-directed by Roland Denning and Kypros Kyprianou. Mirage Men suggests there was conspiracy by the U.S. military to fabricate UFO folklore in order to deflect attention from classified military projects. It prominently features Richard Doty (born October 11, 1944), a retired Special Agent who worked for AFOSI, the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigation.

The film had its world premiere at the 2013 Sheffield Doc/Fest[1] in the UK on 13 June 2013, its North American premiere at the 2013 Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas on 22 September 2013, its Australian premiere at the Canberra International Film Festival on 31 October 2013 and its Nordic premiere at the Stockholm Film Festival in Sweden on 10 November 2013.

Mark Pilkington’s book about the project, also called Mirage Men, was published in 2010 by Constable & Robinson.

It is the view of this contributor — Tintin — that this film, although quite well balanced, may in fact actually be a clever attempt to discredit the UFO research community and may itself be a disinfo piece. One could also point to the production company name: “Perception Management Productions” as a clue, perhaps. Engineer and researcher Richard D. Hall suspects that Lundberg (and Pilkington) is on the payroll of MI-5, and has this to say:

“Lundberg was probably recruited by MI5 in 1992. Since then he has been paid by British Intelligence continually. We believe that due to the anomalies about the property where he lives, MI5 have also been providing him with free lodgings in London since around 1995.
As many people know, Lundberg’s activities have been in making crop circles throughout the UK, and sometimes travel to foreign countries such as Italy, to trample down fields there too. We believe MI5 has funded these activities for almost 2 decades and have been giving him money to pay the rest of the crop circle team. There would typically be 5 or 6 in a team.
We believe MI5 made a big mistake in 2004 by paying for Lundberg to re-train as a film maker. This we believe was a gross miscalculation on their part and provides even more evidence that MI5 disinformation is what Lundberg is part of. If Lundberg was a true “artist” as he claims, why would he be interested in the “UFO” subject for his film making? His latest film “Mirage Men”, promises to be a superb piece of disinformation. He has managed to interview some of the top names in Ufology; namely Bill Ryan and Richard Dolan. These individuals may well regret taking part in this programme as MI5 and Lundberg seem to have set out to debunk them.”

Whatever the real case may be it is an excellent film all the same. Greg Taylor’s review below takes a more skeptical approach but does find a neat balance. Regarding comments about SERPO, and as Bill Ryan has openly stated before: not so much a hoax but, and I quote:

“As I stated in my July 26 American Antigravity interview, I believe the Serpo story is a mixture of disinformation (i.e. truth mixed with added fictional elements) and naturally occurring compounded errors (such as uncorrected audiotape transcripts of the team commander’s logs)… surrounding a core of extraordinary truth.” 

So not strictly a ‘deception’ or ‘hoax’, and most certainly extraordinary.

(See this link for more on SERPO: https://archive.org/details/the-serpo-releases-1-21-2-november-2005-to-30-august-2006-with-commentary-from-bill-ryan/Anon%20-%20Project%20Serpo-Consistencies/)

Review, written by Greg Taylor of The Daily Grail – July 2013

Link: http://dailygrail.com/Reviews/2013/6/Fractured-Hall-Mirrors

Half-way through watching Mirage Men, a new documentary on how U.S. Intelligence agencies have deliberately sabotaged research into the UFO topic, I literally shook my head, saying to myself with a laugh “it’s a hall of mirrors”. By the end of the documentary, my statement had been echoed and expanded upon by one of the interviewees, Linda Moulton Howe, who described the entire story as “a fractured hall of mirrors with a quicksand floor”. Howe should know: in 1983, while researching a documentary on the subject of UFOs for HBO, she was engaged by Richard ‘Rick’ Doty, an agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), initially with the promise of helping her investigate an alleged UFO landing near Ellsworth Air Force Base. But Howe’s meeting with Doty took an unexpected turn when the AFOSI agent suddenly produced a manila folder, saying she could take a look at it but, not remove it from the office or make notes. Within it was a document titled “Briefing Paper for the President of the United States of America on the Subject of Unidentified Aerial Vehicles”, which listed a number of alleged UFO crash retrievals by the government, as well as paragraphs that became “emblazoned” on Howe’s mind concerning how they had discovered that Homo sapiens was a species created by extraterrestrials through genetic manipulation of primates.

Amazed by the information fed to her by the government agency at the time, in Mirage Men Howe looks back with three decades of perspective and wonders at the amount of effort that must have gone into the deception: “they must have had meetings about ‘how do we stop a persistent and dogged reporter who has already demonstrated that she’s going to go after a really difficult subject?’.” The question that comes to mind, and which runs throughout this entire film, is ‘WHY?’.

This was not the first time that AFOSI agent Doty had willingly mislead investigators of the UFO subject, and it would not be the last. As such, he serves as the focal character in the documentary; it begins with the deception he helped orchestrate on Albuquerque businessman Paul Bennewitz, goes on to discuss the Linda Moulton Howe case, the infamous Majestic-12 documents (described in the film by another AFOSI agent, Walter Bosley, as the “perfect Perception Management Device”, though Doty denies any involvement with it) and extends forward to the more recent controversy over the ‘Project Serpo’ hoax.

And Doty is no doubt a worthy candidate for the film to revolve around. Coming to the documentary with a fair amount of knowledge about Doty’s deceptions over the years – with consequences (direct and otherwise) ranging from the wasting of UFO investigators’ time through to the mental disintegration, eventual hospitalisation and death of Paul Bennewitz – I already had a dislike for the man, and was ready to truly despise him. But one of the things that catches you off guard is how harmless and genial he seems – the man is sitting before the camera, telling you how he has deceived people, and yet you feel that he seems to be a nice guy that you’d happily chat with at a neighbourhood barbeque. Though as Bill Ryan, who was initially taken in by the Serpo deception, points out, that’s what makes him so effective: “Rick’s great strength is he’s a wonderful story-teller”, says Ryan. “He’s a very friendly guy [and] builds relationships easily”.

The jarring inconsistency between Doty’s disarming personality and his deceptive deeds, and the “fractured hall of mirrors with a quicksand floor” that is the subject matter, contribute to the overall feel of the film – one of unreality, with the viewer wondering exactly where the truth lies and even how many Inception-like ‘levels’ away that destination might be from them (are the ‘visible’ lies meant to make you follow the breadcrumbs to the real lie they want to sell to you?).

Using black and white public domain and Creative Commons footage as ‘filler’ helps maintain that feeling of unreality and deception, such as the cuts from the 1958 BBC television series Invisible Man – Secret Experiment showing objects moving without any visible cause, and the B-roll continues that mood with shots of empty conference chairs and long hotel hallways (always bound to transmit a lonely and alienated feel). The audio too, from the droning strings/synths almost subliminally set behind interviewees words, to the various ambient audio noises accompanying footage and the off-kilter soundtrack, will leave the viewer feeling on edge throughout. Each of these elements suggest that the film-makers were influenced rather heavily by the style of British documentarian Adam Curtis (The Century of the Self, The Power of Nightmares, All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace).

Interviewees include the tricksters (AFOSI agents Doty and Walter Bosley), their marks (Linda Moulton Howe, Bill Ryan, Victor Martinez), UFO and paranormal investigators (Richard Dolan, Bob Durant, Greg Bishop, George Hansen, Gabe Valdez and more) as well as the author of the book on which the documentary is based, Mark Pilkington (read my 2010 interview with Mark about the book and film here).

All offer their own insights into the hall of mirrors, from their own particular point of view. For instance, Bob Durant begins the film by admitting that “the general feeling amongst people who have devoted a big chunk of their life to studying UFOs I think is fear; that they have been taken for a ride, that these cases are hoaxes, but sophisticated hoaxes carried out by their own government”. This range of interviewees helps bring balance to the documentary, and also will hopefully give viewers a wider perspective on the topic: ‘true believers’ in the UFO phenomenon should be chastened by some of the testimony, while self-labeled skeptics might have their eyes opened to some degree (‘skeptic’ Brian Dunning once told me that I had “clinically crossed the line to a diagnosable, treatable mental illness” if I thought there were psy-ops being conducted in the UFO field) and even perhaps have some sympathy for what some UFO researchers have been put through over the years.

Even the general viewer might take heed of some of the nuggets buried in Mirage Men, such as Doty’s aside that Paul Bennewitz was easily convinced by the AFOSI deception: “Paul was a World War II veteran, very patriotic, he always flew his flag – those type of people you can convince”. And, on a topical note, once you’ve seen an entire documentary about intentional leaks designed to mislead investigators, you might be a little bit more skeptical about some of the leaks that have hit the news in recent times, and wonder whether there was any government involvement or intent behind them.

Those looking for simple, obvious answers to either the UFO mystery, or government deceptions in a number of the cases, will walk away disappointed from Mirage Men, but I don’t think it should be a factor in judging the film. The film-makers do ponder the latter question, but trying to answer it just ends up taking the viewer further down the rabbit hole. Was the disinformation meant to distract investigators from secret government projects. If so, as Pilkington points out, why did they encourage Bennewitz when they could have just told him (as the patriotic citizen that he was) to cease and desist for the good of the country? Was it intended to discredit the investigators for some reason? Or perhaps it was a psychological study in how people react to certain information and events, perhaps it was intended originally for ‘real’ enemies like the Soviets during the Cold War, or maybe it was all an exercise in how supposedly secret information is transmitted and by whom.

Mirage Men doesn’t break any new ground in discussing many of these topics: readers will find discussion of them in books ranging from Jacques Vallee’s Messengers of Deception through to Greg Bishop’s book on the deception aimed at Paul Bennewitz, Project Beta (Bishop himself appears extensively in the documentary). What it does do though is gets Richard Doty, a notoriously slippery man to corner, in front of the camera discussing the things he has done, along with a number of the other significant players. The intelligent viewer will however ask why Rick Doty came forward willingly to be an interview subject for this documentary, given every move he has made on the UFO topic seems to have been precisely calculated to have a certain effect.

He seemingly has no reason to offer all this information. So why is he doing it? And why does he admit to so much, but then deny involvement with Serpo when investigators seem to have caught him red-handed (via email IP addresses)?

By the end of the film you’ll be second guessing everything more than feeling as if your ideas have been confirmed, and perhaps that was exactly Doty’s intent. And, if you want to get truly paranoid, you might start to worry that the documentary’s creators go under the name ‘Perception Management Productions’ (echoing Bosley’s description of the MJ-12 documents), and has within its ranks individuals who for many years have created crop circles as a type of art, and then sat back and observed as those ‘anonymous’ deceptions have engendered their own belief system and followers. Fractured mirrors and rabbit holes indeed…

Mirage Men is necessary viewing for anybody with an interest in either the topic of UFOs, or the role of government agencies in spying on and/or deceiving their own citizens. The former may be a specialised group, but the latter should include everyone. A highly recommended documentary – if your eyes weren’t already open, they will be after watching this film.

Post-script comment:

For an extraordinary conversation that took place when Richard Doty cold-called the Fade-to-Black radio show in February 2018 do see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cj_hhQ63lo&ab_channel=FADETOBLACKRadio

I’ll likely provide a landing page here on the Internet Archive of that very programme.

VII. Who Are The Primary Players in The Drama?

Webmaster comment: Almost as an afterthought to compiling this post, I realized it might be important to identify some the primary players in the “Mirage Men” drama. One can readily identify at least four groupings: 1) British (spooks and tricksters?), 2) American spooks/tricksters, 3) their “marks” in the UFO community, and 4) UFO and paranormal investigators.

A. British Participants In The Operation

The British influence cannot be ignored. First, the film was directed and produced by a Brit, John Lundberg, who allegedly has a 30+-year background working with MI5 (!!??), the British equivalent of the FBI. In the reviews of Mirage Men included in Part VI we learn that….

“Engineer and researcher Richard D. Hall suspects that Lundberg (and Pilkington) is on the payroll of MI-5, and has this to say: “Lundberg was probably recruited by MI5 in 1992. Since then he has been paid by British Intelligence continually. We believe that due to the anomalies about the property where he lives, MI5 have also been providing him with free lodgings in London since around 1995.
As many people know, Lundberg’s activities have been in making crop circles throughout the UK, and sometimes travel to foreign countries such as Italy, to trample down fields there too. We believe MI5 has funded these activities for almost 2 decades and have been giving him money to pay the rest of the crop circle team. There would typically be 5 or 6 in a team.”

Yikes, a film made by (an alien?) crop circle maker? Indeed, Lundberg’s film is even produced by “Perception Management Productions,” yet another term for information (disinformation) and psychological warfare, “counter-intelligence” operations, etc. And the film premiered in Sheffield, England!

Second, the film is based on the book, Mirage Men, written by another Brit, Mark Pilkington.. Furthermore, by discerning the nature of accents of the players in the film, we find other British principles. These include:

3) Stephen Broadbent, the British Computer Network Specialist, who apparently had a team of computer specialists that exposed the origin of “spoofed” emails, allegedly coming from multiple sources, written to UFO researcher, Victor Martinez, by Richard Doty and several others…. Hmmm. Was he working for MI5 or MI6?
4) Bill Ryan, British “Management Training Consultant” and UFO researcher (maker of “Close Encounters with UFOs & ETs”) who pushed the Project Serpo (the Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program (1965-79)) narrative at UFO conferences. It seems his role was to support the spread of the Serpo fraud to the UFO community. Hmmm… Who was he working for?

(Webmaster comment: In my opinion, some or all of these people may have had British intelligence connections. Is this entire film a British “gotcha” of American disinformation spooks?)

B. American Spook’s/Tricksters and Disinformation Artists Involved

1) Richard C. Doty, US. Air Force (AFOSI) special agent
2) Walter Bosely, U.S. Air Force (AFOSI) special agent
3) Dr. Christopher Green, CIA science analyst
4) Ernest Edwards, mentioned by author, Greg Bishop, as a colleague of Richard Doty
5) Ron Regher (?), Aerospace Engineer, Voyager Program
6) the unseen “supervisors” in Washington, DC

C. The American “Marks” in the UFO Community

1) Paul Bennewitz, independent scientist and UFO researcher
2) William Moore, UFO researcher, co-author of “The Roswell Incident”
3) Linda Moulton Howe, independent filmmaker who made “A Strange Harvest – Cattle Mutilations (1980)”
4) Victor Martinez, UFO researcher

D. UFO and paranormal investigators

1. Richard Dolan, UFO historian
2) Bob Durant, UFO researcher and former airline pilot
3) Greg Bishop, author of “Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth”
4) George Hansen, attorney and UFO researcher
5) Gabe Valdez, Dulce, NM, highway patrol
6) others

Webmaster comment: What becomes obvious when looking at the cast of characters in the “Mirage Men/UFO drama, is the central roles played by British who had or may have had ties to British intelligence. In fact, this supports my fundamental conclusion/hypothesis that the UFO mythology was developed to cloak top-secret mind control operations. Indeed, American and British military-intelligence-scientific mind control/cybernetics endeavors always proceeded in a cooperative manner.

VIII. Webmaster’s Conclusions/Working Hypotheses: My conclusions/working hypotheses are:

A) the UFO phenomenon has always been utilized by military-intelligence as a cover story to conceal secret military-intelligence mind control experiments/operations conducted against civilians in order to develop the technological means to enslave humanity. These technocratic means may comprise some of the so-called “advanced technologies” associated with the UFO phenomena. These may include Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI), Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), microwave hearing/V2K, Brain-Brain-Interface (BBI) and other electronic means by which organisms can be monitored, controlled, and augmented. The ongoing “counter-intelligence” operations in Crestone/Baca, Colorado, the subject of this extended series (“Is Crestone/Baca, Colorado, the “Vatican City of the New World Order?” An Expose of the New World Religion”) can be explained in this manner.

B) It seems that spooks won World War II and the Cold War! Intelligence groups (CIA, FBI, NASA, NATO, MI6, MI5, Mossad, etc.) exert control over societies in numerous ways. The film, “Mirage Men,” documents how these intel agencies successfully infiltrated, steered, sabotaged, and/or neutralized the UFO community. I suggest that these agencies have similarly infiltrated, sabotaged, steered, and neutralized a great many social justice groups, for example, Vietnam war protesters, anti-nuclear war groups (such as “Beyond War”), civil/human rights groups such as the Black Panthers, animal rights groups, the 9/11 Truth Movement, the Occupy Wall Street movement, etc. In like manner, I suggest that “mirage men” have also infiltrated, sabotaged, steered and neutralized legitimate scientific professions (the medical establishment, psychiatric/psychological/neuroscience, climate/earth science). And, believe it or not, a whole series of cults, groups, and movements have actually been created and then destroyed by intelligence agencies for social/religious engineering purposes. These would include UFO and New Age cults and New Religious Movements (notably including Jonestown, the Branch Dividians, Heaven’s Gate, Operation Crestone/Baca, etc.), the 1960s hippie counter-culture movement, the feminist movement, and, notably, domestic vigilante stalking/terrorist (gangstalking) groups. Furthermore, I agree with Haupt and Constantine that the “hidden hand” behind the OSS and CIA has often been the Tavistock Institute in London, England. Who/what is the “hidden hand” behind Tavistock? Jewish psychiatrists (Sigmund Freud, etc.), Sir Lord Brigadier General Dr. John Rawlings Reese III, the psychological warfare department of the British Army, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and British Nobility, among others.

C) the “targeted individual program” (aka organized stalking-electronic harassment or OS-EH) is simply another term for standard “counter-insurgency” military-intelligence operations in which intelligence groups such as the CIA, FBI, and DHS and their surrogates identify individuals and groups to be targeted. Then military groups and their surrogates, including organized criminal stalking groups, neighborhood vigilantes, etc., harass, discredit, and neutralize/kill those targets. These “counter-intelligence”/MKULTRA (specifically, coercive persuasion) techniques and technologies have been deployed against designated foreign and domestic enemies since World War II at least. Nonconsensual human experimentees (for Project MKULTRA, for example) have been subject to secret testing and then targeted for elimination since the 1950s or earlier with these technologies.  Thousands to millions of others have in this way been tortured and “turned” into government assets (assassins, mass shooters, sex slaves, couriers, spies, etc.) and then eliminated. Hundreds of thousands to millions of “dissidents,” whistleblowers, truth-tellers, political and social justice activists, and critics of government policies have been and are being misdesignated as “potential terrorist threats” by DHS and FBI, and are being tortured and eliminated in this manner.  (See: 1. Identify 2. Villify 3. Nullify 4. Destroy: Community Organized Stalking Ops Exposed by David Lawson (PI) and Eleanor White (TI)).

The long-standing TI program has apparently now morphed from the CIA’s Operation MHCHAOS into “Cognitive Warfare” (CW), a 6th warfare domain of the US military, involving all branches of the US military that incorporates the other five warfare domains of land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace.  (See: NATO’s Cognitive Warfare: An Attack on Truth And Thought by Alonso Bernal, et. al., 2020 & 2 Related Videos (w/ transcription) and NATO’s Cognitive Warfare (CW) As Jewish Human Trafficking, Experimentation, Torture, Slavery, Soul-Stealing, & Disposal System).  Hence, following the false flag attacks of Operation 9/11, President George W. Bush announced that “the battlespace is everywhere,” including between our ears.  While the technologies have advanced dramatically since MHCHAOS, some fundamental operational goals remain the same; namely, to neutralize domestic opposition to the U.S./NATO war machine and the New World Order. 

D) “Counter-terrorism” and “national security” are the cover stories/pretexts concealing these crimes against humanity, which include the crimes of torture (aka “trauma-based mind control,” Satanic Ritual Abuse, SRA), murder, attempted murder, and treason. Because terrorism is a form of warfare, the so-called “War on Terrorism” is an oxymoron, a tautology, a fraud. In reality, those carrying out “counter-terrorism” are the real terrorists! These “useful idiots” aka “useful assets” are helping to construct their own technocratic enslavement under the so-called “Great Reset”/UN Agenda 2030/Internet of Everything/Beast system. This ongoing selective depopulation purge (herd culling) through cybernetics, electronic warfare, and transhumanism amounts to a “silent Holocaust.”  Even though most perpetrators at the various levels of this fraudulent system, if asked, probably could not construct a meaningful sentence using words such as “cybernetics,” “transhumanism,” and “non-lethal weapons,” they must nonetheless be exposed and prosecuted for these crimes.

If you think I’m being alarmist, per chance, please read this entire post or this entire website. If even that’s too much work, the history and technological means of implementing what I refer to here as the “Super Human Enhancement & Enslavement Project” (SHEEP) are summarized in the following statements/information:

1) From the Bowne Report (The Quiet War Upon Us/FU Brave New World/FISA Abuse Must End, John Bowne videos, Nov. 11, 2024):

“Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, is an Introduction Programming Manual that was uncovered accidentally in 1986 by an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. who bought an IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale. Inside that copier were the details of a plan which called for control of the populous utilizing a manipulation of society via traditional pastimes, the educational system and political beliefs. An Operations Research manual that served as a technical declaration of a domestic war upon humanity.

It’s origins come from The Harvard Economic Research Project (1948), a creation of World War II Operations Research. Its aim was to control an economy beginning with the American economy, and then the global economy. It was soon recognized by those in positions of power that the same methods might be useful for totally controlling society. But more efficient computers utilizing analysis and automation correlating massive amounts of constantly changing data were necessary in order to Social engineer the unsuspecting population in order to race ahead of the targeted society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation. At the time relay computers were too slow, but the electronic computer would change everything.

A passage from the document reads: “Since energy is the key to all activity on the face of the earth, it follows that in order to attain a monopoly of energy, raw materials, goods and services, and to establish a world system of slave labor, it is necessary to have a first strike capability in the field of economics. In order to maintain our position, it is necessary that we have absolute first knowledge of the science of control (cybernetics) over all economic factors and the first experience at engineering the world economy. Eventually every individual element of this structural automation comes under computer control by manipulating their personal preferences.”

2) To a very large extent, the secretive Macy Conferences (1942-52) revolved around developing cybernetics (man-machine integrations) as a means of controlling humans. In 1948, Harvard mathematician, Dr. Norbert Weiner, wrote: “Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine.” This research was underwritten by the Rockefeller Foundation. Cybernetics derives from the Greek word for “steersman” or “helmsman.” In 1950, Weiner wrote: “The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society.” This book outlined a whole new era.

In 1943, Weiner had co-authored a paper on: “Behavior, Purpose, and Teleology” with Arturo Rosenblueth and Julian Bigelow (1943) that came out in Philosophy of Science. In the paper, the authors modeled the behavior of machines and organisms on the feedback loop.

In 1950, Weiner wrote book: “The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society” that outlined a whole new era in human history, which, for obvious reasons, had to be ushered in through secrecy.

In their 2017 documentary, “The Minds of Men,” Aaron and Melissa Dykes summarize the Macy’s Cybernetics Conference Vision) as follows:

“In the end, the whole of man can be controlled through his dependence on his environment… At stake was the unveiling of an entirely new paradigm, one which encompassed a wholistic view of control that could potentially govern the world and the mind… The system they came up with required that individuals and society be placed in a common communications network. It all centered around man-computer symbiosis (cybernetics)… an artificial nervous system.

At this point, we realize that reality itself is not a fixed thing, as our nervous systems interpret the symbols and signals of familiar patterns and changes, continuously revising our image of the world. Thus, an artificial matrix is inherent, indeed, unavoidable.

Man sought to control his own kind by way of understanding what governed his actions, starting with the neuron base unit of mind-body communications. Cybernetics denotes the science of government.

In the end, cybernetic modification of the human being makes information and its communication the key to control, making reality itself malleable and our interaction with the technology at hand has created its own feedback derived from our interpreted reality. As this technology captures, measures, and analyzes the world around us, man is programmed and re-programmed through continuous updates provided by this intermediary and conditioning comes with it along with new reflexes.

Ultimately, the underlying natural matrix is supplanted by an artificial one born with the collective consciousness of mankind’s total intent, goals, and purpose.”

It should be noted that many of the principle scientists who participated in the Macy Conferences were also involved in meetings of a group of British cyberneticians/intellectuals between 1949 and 1958 known as the Ratio Club. This would reinforce the conclusion that MKULTRA and other military-intelligence programs all the Macy Conferences all proceeded in cooperation British military-intelligence-science experts, the Tavistock Institute, etc.

3) In “The Radiohead Protocol: At Last V2K Mind Control Has An Alpha and Omega,” former Targeted Individual, Electronic Angel, points out that the CIA’s 1952 Project Moonstruck IS “the Targeted Individual Program!!!!” She states:

“It is devastating to realize, with dawning comprehension and a crushed spirit, that the V2K and Electronic Harassment experienced by so many Targeted Individuals today is actually Project Moonstruck, a bona fide mind control program of the mighty US government.”

Project Moonstruck, 1952, CIA;  

1) Electronic implants in brain and teeth,
2) Long range Targeting,
3) Implanting during surgery or surreptitiously (secretly) during abduction,  (Webmaster comment: This explains the MILABS or Military Abductions phenomenon)
4) Frequency range: HF – ELF transceiver implants,
5) Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior control, conditioning, programming, covert operations,
6) Functional Basis: Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, E.S.B.)

For summary of Electronic Angel’s three books, see: Lightly Annotated Excerpts from Electric Angel’s Trilogy: 7 Keys to V2k, The Truth Will Set You Free & The Radiohead Protocol

4) My post, Part IX: NWO ‘Slavemasters’ & Our ‘Absolute Slavery’ Via Intel Ops, Mind Control, Scientology, Cults, Torture, 9/11, & “Voices of God”: 2 Timelines (962 – 2012 AD) includes the following from the Haupt-Constantine Timeline.  

1958: “Project ORION, U.S. Air Force, is reputedly begun. It is said to study drugs, hypnosis, electronic brain invasion with radar, microwaves, and extremely low frequencies (ELF) of sound. Leading Edge attributes Orion to USAF, but others say CIA.

1) Drugs, hypnosis and Electrical Stimulation of the Brain
2) Targeting: Short range, in person
3) Implanting during surgery or surreptitiously (secretly) during abduction, (Webmaster comment: This explains the MILABS or Military Abductions phenomenon)
4) Frequencies: ELF transceiver modulation
5) Transmission and reception: radar, microwaves, at ELF frequencies
6) Purpose: Top security personnel debriefing, programming 
7) Pseudonym: “Dreamland”

5) Project MKULTRA (1953 to present): The CIA’s and DoD’s MKULTRA and related mind control programs constituted a “Manhattan Project For the Mind” from the 1940’s to the present. CIA MKULTRA Subproject 119 (1959), under the direction of Dr. Saul B. Sells (Principle Investigator), of Texas Christian Univsity ran between 1959 and 1965. It was entitled: “Interpretive survey of work being done in psycho-physiological research and instrumentation.” The five goals of the project were:

A. bioelectric sensors: sources of significant electrical potential and methods of pick-up.
B. Recording: amplification, electronic tape and other multi-channel recording.
C. Analysis: autocorrelators, spectrum analyzers, etc. and coordination with automatic data processing equipment.
D. standardization of data for correlation with biochemical, physiological, and behavioral indices.
E. Techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means.

This subproject seems to have direct bearing on 24/7 surveillance of and the remote targeting of targeted individuals via “bio-telemetry”/Remote Neural Monitoring. In 1955, Dr. Norbert Wiener had invented the technology essential for this activity, the autocorrelator. This subproject was a clearly an experimental test to determine if “the technology” worked in real life situations..

Dr. Sells was moved to Texas Christian University after a decade at Air Force School of Aviation Medicine at Randolf Field and having worked as a statistician for the government during WW II. He founded the Institute of Behavior Research at TCU and also worked for the Office of Naval Research, NASA, Air Force….

As a statistician, he studied great amounts of data to statistically find patterns and ways to predict man’s behavior. He tabulated the importance of 100’s of environmental factors to man’s behavior and incorporated use of extensive data repositories into his experiments. We may speculate that subproject 119 was also precursor to the recent explosion of NSA’s “Big data” or “metadata”. If so, the goal would appear to be to extend these technologies to everyone.

In one of his first assignments at TCU, in 1959, Sells made a proposal to CIA to conduct psycho-physiological research to investigate electrical signals from the human brain and other systems and the development of a more advanced multi-channel electronic analyzer to interpret those signals.

Subproject 119 was funded by the Society for Investigation of Human Ecology (Human Ecology Fund), later exposed as a CIA front run by Drs. Harold G. Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle out of Weill Cornell Medical Center which is across the street from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research on upper east side of Manhattan.

Sells, co-convened: “Stimulus Determinants of Behavior” Symposium in 1961. In 1963, the CIA commissioned Saul B. Sells and Helen F. Sells to compile a “Bioelectronics Directory,” a detailed rolodex of invasive neurological projects carried out at countless major institutions that was being carried out by countless professors, including many who were running other MKULTRA subprojects. The same names keep recurring.

Other pertinent MKULTRA subprojects include:

– Subproject 23 tested the effects of certain drugs on the central nervous systems of terminally ill cancer patients.

– Subproject 40 investigated the feasibility of aerosols to deliver various psycho-chemicals of interest to the CIA on non-psychotic humans.

– Subproject 68 (from Wikipedia) In 1957, with funding from a CIA front organization, Donald Ewen Cameron of the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, began MKULTRA Subproject 68.[141] His experiments were designed to first “depattern” individuals, erasing their minds and memories—reducing them to the mental level of an infant—and then to “rebuild” their personality in a manner of his choosing.[142] To achieve this, Cameron placed patients under his “care” into drug-induced comas for up to 88 days, and applied numerous high voltage electric shocks to them over the course of weeks or months, often administering up to 360 shocks per person. He would then perform what he called “psychic driving” experiments on the subjects, where he would repetitively play recorded statements, such as “You are a good wife and mother and people enjoy your company”, through speakers he had implanted into blacked-out football helmets that he bound to the heads of the test subjects (for sensory deprivation purposes). The patients could do nothing but listen to these messages, played for 16–20 hours a day, for weeks at a time. In one case, Cameron forced a person to listen to a message non-stop for 101 days.[142] Using CIA funding, Cameron converted the horse stables behind Allan Memorial into an elaborate isolation and sensory deprivation chamber where he kept patients locked in for weeks at a time.[142] Cameron also induced insulin comas in his subjects by giving them large injections of insulin, twice a day, for up to two months at a time.[123]

– Subproject 87 talked about purification of extremely high potency allergens with “greater potentialities.”

– Subproject 115 studied mentally disturbed in their environment to gain further insight into influencing human behavior.

– Subproject 128 tested a method of rapid hypnotic induction.

– Subproject 138 involved body antennas, personal tagging, radiant energy measurement, and remote polygraphs.

6) Dr. Rauni Kilde, Former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, Targeted Individual, and author of “Bright Light on Black Shadows,” sums up our present situation:

We are living in an era where everything is controlled by the elite and intelligence agencies and those opposing their tyranny are eliminated with mind control, micro-chipped patsies or false-flag suicide or accidents or induced illnesses. A CIA agent told me that they can kill from a distance, make your heart stop beating, or radiate you to death from satellites to create cancer etc….

The guise of national security is used as an excuse for illegal activities to cover up manipulation of the opinions of targeted individuals. It is done with electromagnetic fields, various drugs and sprays. Psychological warfare includes surveillance 24 hr/365 days both physically and with the use of electric means …. the secret services and their sabotage and terror “departments” are the biggest “terrorists” in the world and work together with the mafia. That was the case even in World War II, as has been published decades ago…. More crimes against humanity have been committed under the shield of “national security” than the people can ever know…. possibly even more than the mafia.

Mind control, MK, is listed as a “non-lethal weapon” by the military… (In 2002), the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) in Geneva, Switzerland, designated mind control as a weapon of mass destruction along with nuclear bombs… This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based super-computers….

Today’s super technology, connecting our brain functions via microchips to computers via satellites in the US or Israel, poses the gravest threat to humanity. The latest supercomputers are powerful enough to monitor the whole world’s population…. Are we ready for the robotization of mankind and the total elimination of privacy, including freedom of thought?… Covert neurological communications systems are in place to counteract independent thinking and to control social and political activity on behalf of self-serving private and military interests. When our brain functions are already connected to supercomputers by means of radio implants and microchips, it will be too late for protest.”

… Cybernetics, the full neurological control and communications has been in use since the 1940s without any knowledge of the general public. The objectives: behavior modification and influencing bodily and mental functions, processes and emotions remotely through computer satellite links have been successful.”

The purpose of MK is taking over your mind, brain and body. It is to disrupt memory, discredit people through aberrant behavior, alter your sex patterns, or elicit information. The goal of MK is to program an individual- you and me, and anybody – to carry out any mission of espionage or assassination against your will to control the absolute behavior and thought patterns of the individual.

….. The computer- and satellite-steered, micro-chipped population are cyborgs, no more free human beings with their own thoughts and emotions and attitudes.    From my point of view, the uses of this new technology philosophically are comparable to and amount to the Biblical Fall of man, the eviction from paradise. The all-encompassing thought-reading and mind-influencing capacity (of this technology) divides man into two encampments: Those few “God-like” people, who are allowed to use these means, and all others, whose freedom and free will is being taken away.”

…To label the (non-consensual) human experimentees, the victims of mind control, as paranoid-schizophrenic is a crime against humanity…. This is the main policy of the U.S. government….

(Webmaster): Returning to “Mirage Men,” disinformation often amounts to wordplay, as Orwell pointed out in his book, 1984. By re-interpeting the Orwellian “newspeak” spewed by the disinformation agents, we may be able to ferret out the truth. For example, if we recognize that the word “aliens” could refer to the Judeo-Masonic-Satanist psychopaths that rule over us from London, Paris, New York City, etc. rather than extra-terrestrials and that “advanced technologies” could refers primarily to mind control technologies, the following assertions by UFO researcher, US Air Force Asset, and author, William Moore, become largely true:

“The entire story of a secret treaty between the U.S. government and the aliens, of exchanges of technology between us and the aliens, of battles between aliens and American armed forces, and of aliens having implanted hundreds of thousands if not millions of human beings for the purpose of taking over the world and using us as cattle or slaves …. came about as a result of the disinformation process.”

Napoleon’s observations may help clarify matters:

We must look at the Jews not only as a distinct race, but as on aliens. It would be a most awful humiliation to be ruled by this, the most base race on earth.

Napoleon, La Vieille France, N-305.

Indeed, the Jewish Talmud declares: “When our Messiah (the Christian antichrist) returns, every Jew will have 2800 gentile (non-Jewish) slaves.”

7) Dr. Rauni Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, author, and TI helps further clarify the identify of humanity’s greatest enemies (See: “The Organization” And Its Methods and Goals Exposed by Dr. Rauni Kilde (M.D.)):

A global secret government organization rules the world behind the scenes. Many things point to Jewish sources.  The “New World Order”, Illuminati with the Star of David, CIA, FBI, British Intelligence, and their local lackeys…. Their goal is the next generation as biological robots. And the middle class has to be eliminated.

The real “secret government,” “THE ORGANIZATION,” works on all levels of society and mass media and different political powers and organized crime.  They have their men in every political party, in every important industry, community, state office, insurance company, hospital, post office, bank, church, department store, fire department, taxing organization and of course, the military and intelligence services and legal circles.

IX. Another possible Reason for Government Targeting of UFO Researcher, Paul Bennewitz advanced, by Martin Cannon in The Controllers: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction by Martin Cannon (1990):

“In 1979, Paul Bennewitz and Leo Sprinkle researched a particularly controversial abduction
involving a young woman (name unrevealed) who was apparently taken to a facility where aliens
processed fluids and body parts from a cattle mutilation. This investigation seems to have led to the government harassment of Bennewitz, in which some form of mind control (or, as I have previously referred to it, “electronic GASLIGHT”) may have played a part.

How do we account for these tales of alleged alien skullduggery carried out in conjunction with the military? I, for one, cannot credit the generally unsubstantiated tales of “cosmic conspiracy” now promulgated by ex-intelligence agents such as John Lear and William Cooper. While I cannot assert insincerity on the part of these men, I often wonder if they have been used as conduits – witting or unwitting – in a sophisticated disinformation scheme.

A simpler, though no less chilling, explanation for the “base” abductions may be found in the story of Dr. Louis Jolyon West, now notorious for his participation in MKULTRA experiments with LSD.138 Inspired by VIOLENCE AND THE BRAIN (a book by Drs. Frank Ervin and Vernon H. Mark which ascribed inner city turmoil to a “genetic defect” within rebellious blacks), West proposed, in 1973, a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence, where potentially violent individuals could be dealt with prophylactically.

And who were these individuals? According to West’s proposal, the noteworthy factors indicating a violent predisposition were “sex (male), age (youthful), ethnicity (black) and urbanicity.” How to deal with them? “…by implanting tiny electrodes deep within the brain, electrical activity can be followed in areas that cannot be measured from the surface of the scalp… it is even possible to record bioelectrical changes in the brains of freely-moving subjects, through the use of remote monitoring techniques…” By monitoring the subjects’ EEGs remotely, potentially violent episodes could be identified.

(This last part is supported by other accounts- like “The Minds of Men” by Aaron and Melissa Dykes.)

X. Corroboration of Cannon’s Thesis That Alien Abductions are Actually Military Abductions (From: Key Insights On The TI Program, Mind-Controlled Slaves, Psychotechnology, The Cryptocracy, Nazis, & ‘Alien’ (Military) Abductions From Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition” (1994) & Video Interviews

I. Former Intelligence Agent, Julianne McKinney, on the “Alien Abductions:

Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project of the Association of National Security Alumni , reports that she has interviewed 125 victims of government mind control. One of them had apparently been part of the “Alien” programming. The woman, now an adult in her 40’s, told McKinney of being used in the alien project as a young child because she was small and just the right size for wearing the costume of a “gray”, the big-headed alien with big eyes and a skinny neck which many UFO “abductees” sketch under hypnosis.

The woman was cult connected. She claimed to have played a role in the perpetuation of the UFO abduction myth; i.e., as a member of a DoD-affiliated Satanic cult. As a little girl she was made to wear an ET costume. When describing the costume, this woman said that the head and neck were manipulated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the costume. The Babylon Five preying-mantis costume — which also had an elongated neck, and eyes which were situated far above the wearer’s head – is also operated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the costume. The ET costume worn by this woman antedated Babylon Five’s special effects costuming by approximately 10 to 15 years,” McKinney said.

“Have you noticed how the special effects technologies in science fiction films have evolved at approximately the same rate as the special effects being employed in so-called UFO abductions and sightings? The “flying saucers” reportedly seen by the public during the 1950’s were about as sophisticated as those which were portrayed in science fiction films during that same period. By today’s standards, both were quite primitive.

“The special effects in today’s science fiction films have become quite sophisticated,” McKinney said. “Similarly, persons who now claim to have been abducted, or to have seen UFO’s, are describing scenes and events which parallel those now being seen in science fiction films in the form of special effects.

“Having been given no reason to believe otherwise, I have personally concluded that so-called UFO abductions, and the events surrounding those abductions and sightings, are a “black” intelligence operation, involving government-sponsored kidnappings, experimental drugs, surgical experimentation, sophisticated electronics and directed-energy technologies, implantable microcircuited devices, experimental aircraft, Hollywood-style special effects, and the exploitation of government-sponsored genetics experiments.”

“These reported activities do not require the involvement or intellectual input of extraterrestrials. In fact, given the alleged superior capacities of ETs, these UFO operations come across as being really quite bungled, redundant and primitive. Their failure to outpace Hollywood’s development of special effects technologies or DoD’s weapons technologies also points to totally human involvement.”

“In sum,” McKinney continued, ” I see these UFO activities as being nothing more than a massive covert-intelligence fraud being perpetrated upon a gullible public – a lucrative, large-scale mind-control operation, qualifying as an attempt at creating The Cult to End All Cults/ The Cult From Outer Space.'”

McKinney says another source told her that there was a project headed by (Lt. Col.) Michael Aquino that involves the programming of so-called “UFO abductees.” The source told her that this project is code-named GREENSTAR and is a mind-control operation involving an overlapping of satanic cults, the U.S. military and the UFO Community.

“Michael Aquino,” McKinney said, “is alleged under these circumstances, to have his hand in two major types of DoD-sponsored mind-control operations; viz., Satanic cults and, now, UFO abductions.”

Other researchers say there could be a long-term narco-hypnotic induction program using costuming and movie sets as covers for implanting terrifying “screen” or “scramble” memories of phony abductions by big-headed short gray aliens, the editio vulgata of ufology’s abductee memories.’

While “guesstimates” project numbers of victims of cryptocracy mind control to be in the tens of thousands, a 1993 Roper Poll has been interpreted to indicate that 6-10 million North Americans have experienced “alien abduction.” Somebody must be working overtime.(Bowart, 1994, p. 613)

J. More MONARCH-Colorado Connections:

Bowart, W. (Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition) p. 612: “Many of the survivors of the so-called Project Monarch are remembering alien scenarios, while “ordinary folks” are those reporting their abductions. The thing they both have in common is the amnesia they experienced for so many years after the event.

Without question, most of the effects described by the abductees can be duplicated by cryptocracy mind control “handlers.” In fact, one prominent “deprogrammer” suggested that, after working out the appropriate legal documents to protect him from liability, he would ask for abduction volunteers. His idea was to bring the volunteers before an audience at one of his lectures and “perform” the programming (with high voltage shocks) which creates the same “screen” memories and missing time that the “abductees” are reporting.

The most recent reports grow more disturbing and more difficult to explain entirely by what we know of the state of mind control arts. A letter came from a Colorado woman who previously reported to me an encounter she had with what appeared to be an “alien” along with a human male who appeared to be a government “techie”.*. She is in contact with other “abductees” and just before we went to press sent us some e-mail about two other friends who had experienced similar events.”

One Reply to ““Mirage Men” (Spooks), Government Targeting of UFO researchers & “Social/Religious Engineering””

  1. Dear Professor Karlstrom,
    The Heavenly glory of YAHWEH ELOHIYM will soon devour the wicked from this present evil world. [ 2Thes.1-2, Rev.17-19, 1Cor.15. 1Thes.1:4, Mt.25…] This is the only lasting solution for this contradiction started by lucifer long ago.

    I sincerely thank you for your strident efforts against this present evil. Your work exposing these devices of satan is very illuminated and contains light that must come from above. [John 1-3] With FATHER guiding us how shall we not be partakers of HIS eternal victories? [Rom. 8 ] HE said, “Though Heaven and Earth shall pass away, MY WORDs shall never pass away.” Awmein. What we see in this world is nothing more than HIS WORDs of prophesy being fulfilled progressively unto HIS Day. The enemy races to the lake of fire. The Beshora Hamashiach [Gospel] remains the only hope of mankind. HIS hand is outstretched still. HalleluYAH!!!

    “Keep The Faith And Sell It Not”

    Br. Scott Berner

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