Dr. Peter McCullough Interviews On 1) Global Bioterrorism And PsyOp By Global Mafia: Phase 1 (Covid) and II (“Vaccination”)(6/19/21) and 2) WHY WE MUST HALT THE GLOBAL ROLL-OUT NOW (July 2, 2021)

I. Global Bioterrorism: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough (June 19, 2021)



Here is the “Retracted” proof that Covid has 4 x HIV spikes proteins

11 days ago

What ethnicities are vulnerable to reproductive sensitivity to the spike protein? “We found that the distribution of deleterious variants in ACE2 differs among 9 populations in gnomAD (v3). Specifically, 39% (24/61) and 54% (33/61) of deleterious variants in ACE2 occur in African/African-American (AFR) [show more]
Edited 11 days ago

12 days ago

Here is the “withdrawn HIV/Covid 19 doc” with the 4x HIV Spike Proteins Prof Luc Montagnier speaks about.These Drs are aware, but they dare not say WHAT EXACTLY the Spike Protein ACCTUALLY is or the world will panic BIG TIME!!https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v1.full
Edited 12 days ago

12 days ago

Another Heads up Prof Luc Montagnier

COVID Vaccinated People Within 2 Years

12 days ago

Heads Up from Prof Luc Montagnier….spike protein is HIV


12 days ago

This is so concerning so many of us knew this since it’s arrival on our shores. I NEED to KNOW — my grandson is about to be born and his maternal grandma from Greece is coming to visit AFTER 2nd mRNA dose! I need to know if that will affect him please anyone? Thank you.

12 days ago

I don’t trust Reiner Fuellmich for a second. He is controlled opposition and u can be sure of one thing, he will do nothing in the court system but waste time as billions of people r being continously vaccinated.

12 days ago
[email protected]


12 days ago

The people are awake and the jab is bullshit. We are more than you sheeple.

12 days ago

Not gonna be another wave? he’s wrong… there will be a new wave, even if it won’t, they will make it look like it… one way or another, they ywill make sure the sheepers gonna belive its a new wave on the go…..

13 days ago

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6 book had a plan in it like this…release a bioengineered virus then release a vaccine with a time released virus that was designed to kill more than 90% of the population. These were Ecoterrorists including many doctors. It is fritening how much of Clancy’s stories have come true.

13 days ago

Heads up! If you need to post images on the internet to get the
good word out and big brother / big tech is censoring your free speech,
use https://picc.io

14 days ago

Brilliant…. message …avoid the Jab…. if you’ve had the jab AVOID the ‘BOOSTER at all costs ….
….Prepare and Pray….

14 days ago

It called mass psychosis

14 days ago

Michael Yeadon is the man!!!

14 days ago
Jake Jacob

No Mask. No Vax. Be Free. Go Outside https://youtu.be/rRr9Xfhuqmw

14 days ago
Invisible Grey

_Structured Water_ (Add Salt till silky or Lime/Lemon)
(H3O2) The Gel that Keeps One’s Blood Flowing & Making Healthy
_Increases_ energy _Improves_ concentration and memory
_Promotes_ weight loss and maintenance
_Promotes_ better sleep _Supports_ a healthy immune system
_Helps_ [show more]

14 days ago
Invisible Grey

The new music Tonal Scale is as thus: 12 7 5 2 3 : 1 4 5 9 14
Not 12 with 7 & 5 BUT 14 with 9 & 5 [2^(1/14)]

These are the Tonal Scales growing from f (by cycles of fifths):
All Scales build from the first mode: equivalent to Lydian f
White keys are = & Black keys are |
12 with 7 & [show more]

14 days ago

that is a bunch of crap…

14 days ago

Worldwide 1776 coming soon. The evil satin worshiping socialist fascist communist marxist nazis are going to have to be exterminated from the Earth.

14 days ago

I will never get the vaxxx. Every time I think of the vaxxx I think of trumpie…”no one could have pushed the vaxxx’s through but me”…Warp speed ahead. Oh, and this famous one “my supporters should get the vaxxx” .The vaxx’s were made before the release of the covid and he is part of it. Trump is a dark soul just like fauci and pence and many more.

View all 3 replies
13 days ago

acuriosadventure You must have gotten most of that on MSM. Trump did do a good job of getting the vax creators off their butts and moving. Maybe the vax was already created but I don’t think DJT was in on any of the bioweapon aspect of it. I think this was the deep state actors.. obama, gates, fauci, [show more]

13 days ago

That is just wrong Very abusive

14 days ago

Humans are herd animals, easy fooled and many are lead astray. Do Not Comply!

14 days ago

Also known as Sheeple. If we don’t learn to think critical we are a lost speicies

14 days ago

It’s, Jacob & Esau .
aka, jeews & non~jeews…
Buy~bye, goyim!

14 days ago

The Great LIE of Evil Whites and Their History!

14 days ago

Dr Bridle did not shut down after being threatened, he certainly sat back perhaps very concerned, then 2 days later Dr Bridle jumped back up to the plate, spoke out actually shouted out !! So many of his coleagues and 100’s of science researchers contacted him and supported him. Dr Bridle is a top notch [show more]

14 days ago


14 days ago

There is a pandemic of imbeciles who have no critical thinking skills.

14 days ago

I imagine Dr. McCullough is being brutally cancelled now.

14 days ago

Do PCR swabs have any innoculating agents in them? Are they also bioterrorism agents?

14 days ago

There is no covid virus geniuses ( doctors)………..These guys were told to go ahead and call out the poisonous injections, as long as they still promote the covid is real story……….Mother fucking sell outs….they WILL be punished.
Edited 14 days ago

14 days ago

Why does Reiner have on a blue shirt when the cameras on him but then when you see all the cameras he’s wearing a white shirt?

View all 3 replies
12 days ago

Look close, is mirrored in the small pic where you see all cameras. He is the one sitting to the LEFT in blue…

12 days ago

Mirror, he’s on the left.

14 days ago

mRNA spike protein poison death injection is global eugenics agenda.

14 days ago

There has been NO VIRUS isolated or located at all. The symptoms of covid are the SAME as for radiation poisoning — the blood clotting causing the breathing problems. We need to STOP CALLING IT A VIRUS! If you didn’t get proof — there is none! NONE. MDs need to stop repeating the LIE. 5G caused [show more]
Edited 14 days ago

14 days ago

These doctors will be dealt with………

14 days ago

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel exposes the tyrants resposable and offers the only solution

14 days ago
All The Honest News Fit To Publish

All The Honest News Fit To Publish
A dozen or more articles, news stories, and videos, from reliable sources, are published daily.
Over 3,100 articles and videos have been published and archived.
These posts are achieved by day and month; and searchable by over 900 categories.
The [show more]

14 days ago
All The Honest News Fit To Publish

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a German American lawyer
with experience going after large companies like Deutsche Bank. He is a
member of the German Corona Investigative Committee. He discusses the
current situation and his efforts to bring justice to the situation.
[show more]

Class Action Lawsuit

Homepage – Finance

Steve Bannon’s War Room Interviews Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (20:47)

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Talks With James Delingpole (1:08:24)

James Delingpole

The Dangers Of The mRNA Injection, James Delingpole Interviews Dr. Mike Yeadon (1:05:57)

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich And Leslie Manookian, People Have No Idea How Controlled Everything Actually Is (30:21)

We Need A Nuremberg 2.0 by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (19:31)

Reiner Fuellmich | Full Interview In Berlin | Planet Lockdown (24:56)

COVID-19 Greatest Crime Against Humanity by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (49:00)

Crimes Against Humanity: Fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court Interview With Lawyer Reiner Füllmich (36:57)

Leslie Manookian


Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 24: Leslie Manookian (1:00:44)

14 days ago
All The Honest News Fit To Publish


John Leake Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough (1:45:28)
[show more]

Was The Whole Pandemic About The Vaccine?
In my opinion Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the most courageous well credentialed academic physicians out there and I hope to interview him soon. He is vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and despite his impeccable credentials, he has been vilified for stating during the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, that it was all about the vaccine and getting a global mass vaccination campaign underway.
by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The mRNA Injection Is A Horrendous Bioweapon by Dr. Peter McCullough (4:31)

Watch the full interview:
Massive: World Renowned Doctor Blows Lid Off Of Covid Vaccine (16:50)

Vaccine Coercion – Professor Risch and Dr. McCullough Speak Out (6:12)

COVID Shot Killing Large Numbers, Warns Dr. Peter McCullough (32:05)

Tucker: Globalist Agenda Called Out by Dr. Peter McCullough (6:40)

Dr. Peter McCullough Tells ‘Tucker Carlson Today’ The World Has Gone ‘Off The Rails’ With Treating COVID-19
“I can tell you I am not recommending pregnant women get the vaccine,” Dr. McCullough says
by Michael Quinlan

Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough: Where Is The Conversation About COVID Treatments?
Dr. Peter McCullough, author of the American Journal of Medicine’s most downloaded paper on COVID treatments, estimated 85% of COVID deaths could have been prevented if health officials, politicians and physicians had focused less on vaccines and more on early preventive therapies.
by Children’s Health Defense Team

Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough: Where Is the Conversation About COVID Treatments?



1 day ago
– When Nothing makes any sense – The Truth lights-up in Neon –

“The Vaccine was NOT brought in for Covid – Covid was brought in for the Vaccine – Once you realize that, everything else makes sense” – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich –

Karen Tanner
1 day ago
I realised this late ..as a nurse working in a covid triage unit…I realised in June 2020!!!!!!
Almost disciplinary due to speaking out …I escaped an concentrated my time back in general practice.
Never got covid and won’t take a covid vaccine…my stance won’t change as a nurse of 41 years and still working xxx

Ese Callum
1 day ago
We’re not going to record the negative outcomes of X because it could harm the marketing of X” wow how many industries would love that deal.

Glori from NJ
1 day ago
Dr. McCullough for CDC director! Imagine how different things would be!

Simo Abu
1 day ago
The elite is raging a war against people that don’t know they’ve been attacked

Bryan Neff
1 day ago (edited)
The all cause mortality rate will almost certainly rise significantly in 2021 due to lockdown and vaccine related deaths, but the increase will be blamed on deaths due directly to the virus.

1 day ago
Nice one Dan we need more of this news from around the world.

Virus Man 2020
1 day ago
Really informative chat, Dan. Shame about the youtube ‘gremlins’ at the end, but you covered some really important areas and extracted so much wisdom from the good Doctor!

Tom johnson
1 day ago
The TRUTH is coming out all over the world, there will be HELL to pay……

d’Arcy Naber
1 day ago
Emergency announcement, we have a worldwide epidemic of ignorance

David Vicknair
23 hours ago (edited)
This is the mother of all COVID-19 podcasts. Well done Dan and Dr McCullough. Paraphrasing the always eloquent Dr. Mike Yeadon (TheHighWire with Del Bigtree), after listening to this podcast I am filled with “incandescent anger and sorrow.”

Jennifer Johnson
22 hours ago
The 2 down votes on this must be Bill Gates and Dr Fraudci. If only every doctor was as knowledgeable, courageous and ethical as Dr. McCullough.

1 day ago
Brilliant interview! Peter and Mike Yeadon can turn all of this shit around👍

Karen Storch
12 hours ago
Hello all,
As one of a small percentage who have refused the jab in UK, there is no doubt that we are considered to be social outcasts by the majority of the jabbed population here.
I have been shocked at the sheep mentality active here induced by the fear behaviour psychology used by the government.
Well, we have a winter still ahead of us, so let’s see what happens.

Afifah Hamilton
13 hours ago
All the medals in the world for goodness should go to Dr McCullough. He’s so good!!

David Vicknair
23 hours ago
This is the mother of all Covid-19 podcasts. Paraphrasing the always eloquent Dr Mike Yeadon, after listening to this podcast I am filled with “incandescent anger and sorrow.”

Katie Burgess
15 hours ago
I think this was the most important interview I have watched for the past 18 months. Fantastic questioning of a brilliant man. Thank God for Dr Peter and for you Dan for allowing us to hear these important messages.

1 day ago
Thank you Dan, for those of us resisting the vaccine we are having much pressure from our govt and others who have already had the vaccine to succumb to the pressure to have the blasted vaccine. The unvaccinated are being portrayed by Govts and chief health officers as the super spreaders and the main reason why we can’t get our lives back to some sort of normality. I have shared this podcast.

15 hours ago
I’m delighted to see Dr McCullough here. He’s a courageous physician.

d’Arcy Naber
1 day ago
Many of our problems are due to spiritual ignorance

AFly Away
22 hours ago
Please try to get this Dr to speak to the doctor on yt who is completely maybe unknowingly from ignorance but none the less pushing all the uk government fear and propaganda to masses of people, his name is the same as on a tin, camp bell. The contrast couldn’t be any different. Should make for an interesting conversation.

Baa Baa Bathsheba
1 day ago
Another excellent podcast – thanks Dan and a massive thank you to Dr McCollough. You put so many doctors to shame. Everything you said was so reasonable I just don’t understand why people are so gullible.

Elizabeth Bee
1 day ago
Astounding to listen to. Great interview and thanks to you both.

Guy Vernon
1 day ago
What else have these tyrants rigged

Julie WIlkinson
16 hours ago
Please, please let us know where add this can be found in case it’s taken down. Wonderful and very important information that must be accessible

Mark Vegar
17 hours ago (edited)
It is extremely foolhardy to continue mass vaccination after learning that the spike proteins are biologically active and cytotoxic and not sticking to the site of injection. Better take your children out of school.

15 hours ago
Everyday I’m bereft at the lack of coverage of these credible scientists. The lack of debate. The sheer ‘fall in line’ behaviour. It makes me question my own sanity , whether I’m being led down the garden path but there are just too many people being silenced. Too many people that aren’t asking themselves questions . Or questioning just how wrong we have been doing things. And here lies the problem, I reach out to my inner circle but I can’t post on social media for fear of being singled out. And then I feel like I am part of the problem. For a lot of people it’s too late now as well so what is the point of making them worry?

Miss Tawny Jedi
1 day ago
Shout out to Texas!!!! I love y’all in England! Stay strong friends! ❤️ from Austin Texas

Dee Africa
1 day ago
We will NOT be SILENCED!!

Joseph Lamb
1 day ago
Just heard Dr McCullough mentioning mouthwashes and nasal sprays daily help to kill it early. I’ve gargled daily with whisky ! And then drunk the rest in the glass every evening! So far I’ve been extremely well….!

Nick Johnson
15 hours ago
Why aren’t these criminals being arrested?!?!

20 hours ago
Download this one quick. They will come after it. Spread it far and wide. Brilliant work by you both.

Lynn Youngman
1 day ago
Sadly we can’t hear you for the last bit of the show.

Rupert John
21 hours ago
Another great interview truly informative and yes I believe you were silenced live but thankfully to late I would consider it a honour to be so naughty to shake the bullshit tree of fear that the take the time out to single you out live. Keep up the great work of freedom👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾

Carla Sabotta
1 day ago
Great interview. Unfortunately, Dan’s audio was off for the last few minutes of the show.

Simple Living
1 day ago
Great interview!

Angie Graham
1 day ago
Fantastic podcast Dan.Sorry about the censorship.So frustrating!!

Mike Taylor
1 day ago
Thank you both for a really interesting and informative interview 🙂

Jayna Robinson
1 day ago
Thank u Dr I just left my ENT here in South Louisiana and I was very impressed with my doctor told me if I think I have the virus to come in and he would prescribe HCQ!!! He took the shot

Karen Tanner
1 day ago
Clear to me …there is no appetite to PREVENT covid symptoms …the energy is to push push push vaccine x

Dawn Wilks
1 day ago
Thank you both for some deeply compelling information, I have shared and believe every soul should hear this conversation ❤. Blessings and good health to you both.

Tash P
1 day ago
Brilliant, brave man. Thanks for posting this PP & for all your work.

Grazyne Witkowski
1 day ago
Dr Peter we LOVE YOU we need YOU 👍👍🥰

Pandemic Podcast
1 day ago
Thank you for tuning in and for sharing.

I believe I was censored LIVE at the end of this episode – I checked all my settings and even changed the mic but I was unable to speak.

Please subscribe to the pandemic podcast www.danjgregory.com/pandemic to ensure you can receive our content

Sheila T
15 hours ago
Why have our GP,s been so quiet on the subject, should be held to account for not getting involved in saving their patients, I’ve lost confidence in mine,

23 hours ago
Brilliant interview!!! This is one I feel I can share with many who still don’t yet see what the problems and dangers are. Wonderful, thank you so much for all that you are doing!
Nunna Beeswax
20 hours ago
Thanks for posting. Not sure how long this will stay up.
No way am I taking that jab.

Andy Longden
9 hours ago
Ya need to sort out your tech dude. Other than that fantastic interview, that guy knows his stuff. I just wish the corruption of the people making the laws didn’t stop this from being shared. It’s terrifying that they’re allowing all this to happen to save face or money. These are people’s lives. I don’t like this game anymore I want out.
Betty Sare
1 day ago
Thank you so much ,this us the best roll out .

Gordon Wolffe
1 day ago
Can you tell us in writing here what you said after you were forcibly muted please. Thank you

Bruce Green
9 hours ago
its a shame they redacted the last few minutes

Gail Fisher
11 hours ago
i have downloaded it, just in case. Was very interesting and everyone in the country should watch it!!

Penna T
17 hours ago
Thank god for ethical Drs such as Peter McCullough

18 hours ago
In light of the ‘sound issue/censorship’ it might be worthwhile to be running a back up microphone in the background at the same time. I’m the least tekkie person around so can’t necessarily offer up any specific advise but sure there must be plenty of clued up folk listening in to your podcasts who can offer suggestions. Keep it up mate, met you on the much, a real pleasure, keep on spreading the word! dx

Sanna Hellström
1 day ago (edited)
Are you on other channels??? THIS WAS AMAZING!!!!!! Thank you!!! The best interview of the last 15 months!!! Love & hugs from Sweden! 🙂 Dr McCullough is an extreme fast speaker – I will go over this again but I sure wish to have this texted or at least some of the facts and medical names repeated … if possible somehow!??!? xxxx

10 hours ago

Please talk about difference between Relative Risk Reduction and Absolute Risk Reduction.

It’s 95% versus 0.88% to 1.3% NO difference to not taking vaccine at all!!!!

Family Media Cable Vasquez
12 hours ago
Thanks guys, brilliant interview

Steven Leeming
1 day ago
Great interview.

Eileen Kast
8 hours ago
Dr. Mccullough is so smart and succinct and Dan thank you so much for your exacting quest to let people know what’s really going on

Si Chai
13 hours ago
Proper Doc… amazing talk… incredible summaries x

Stephen O’grady
1 day ago
No sound at the end but a great interview 👍🏻

Wol T130s
7 hours ago
This is incredible, thank you Dan an Dr McCOllough for speaking truth 🙏

Jane Van Reenen
3 hours ago
What absolute honesty,transparency and genuine from the heart truth.
Thank you Dr. Peter McCullough.
Thank you Dan for bringing this truth to so many.
The silencing has been horrendous and continues…

d’Arcy Naber
1 day ago
Red Alert! We have a pandemic of mass psychosis

John Deavall
7 hours ago
Thank you both. Confirming my worst nightmares and so brave of Dr McColough.

Christine P
10 hours ago
It’s quite obvious this was all about vaccination from day one

John Hanson
14 hours ago
Fascism can creep up on you in a way which is most surprising. The old fairy tale – ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ – was designed to teach us something as children. Not difficult to understand – but people keep making the same mistakes.

alice keen
12 hours ago
Thanks so much to both of you. This was so very interesting. Dan, you asked ALL the questions I was hoping you would. Excellent!

Fred Cory
9 hours ago
Manna from heaven for me, agony for those who took the jabs. I smelled a rat from the start.

Dave Wright
14 hours ago
A fantastic interview thank you Dan and Dr Peter McCullough

Stevie Buckley PT
1 day ago
Such a shame about your mic cutting out at the end Dan. Couldn’t hear you for the past 5/10 mins.

Louise Maclellan
13 hours ago
Brilliant interview from courageous men! 👏👏 Thank you both from the depths of my heart. TRUTHS must be heard !
Sorry we lost your sound towards the end Dan, but we heard what we needed to hear. Thank you!

Jackie Milne
4 hours ago
Thank you so much for having created such a detailed and clearly informative interview! I am sharing this widely!

Alison Bannon
11 hours ago
Thank you both for your work in humanity. We really appreciate your ethics and honesty xx

1 day ago
Great episode Dan, keep up the amazing work

Max Troy
11 hours ago
Listening to Peter Muccullogh reminds me of how this issue would have been approached in Star Trek: TNG.

Seeing how it’s actually being approached reminds me very much of Star Trek: PICARD

11 hours ago
A thousand thankyous for speaking out, for informing us, for trying to protect us for everything.

Ese Callum
1 day ago
A simple way to explain this with a metaphor is to imagine a bag of 50 lemons and 50 limes, with a science study asking the question, “What percentage of lemons are yellow?” The scientists count all the yellow fruit and reach the number 50. They mistakenly divide 50 into 100 because there are 100 total piece of fruit, then they declare, “50% of lemons are yellow” because it’s 50/100.

But the other 50 pieces of fruit can’t possibly be included because they’re limes, not lemons. So the correct math is 50/50, which means 100% of the lemons are yellow. That’s the correct answer.

In this science paper, they are using 827 as the denominator, even when 700 out of those 827 women were only vaccinated in the third trimester, which is long past the time window during which a “spontaneous abortion” can occur. And since pregnant women aren’t time travelers, they can’t go back in time and report a spontaneous abortion from months earlier.

If vaccine scientists either can’t do this basic math — or are willfully deceiving the world with dishonest obfuscation of the numbers — then “science” has already failed its core promise: to offer “evidence-based” conclusions to understand the world around us.

Yet when 4 out of 5 pregnant women lose their babies in the first 20 weeks, these scientists falsely claim the spontaneous abortion rate is only 12.6%. Why? Because they’re covering up the atrocities of the vaccine for political reasons, most likely.

In fact, the key author of the study, Tom T. Shimabukuro, is also named in numerous other studies that claim to document adverse reactions in various vaccines, ranging from rotavirus vaccines to the H1N1 vaccine from 2009. It raises the obvious question: Did Shimabukuro make the same error in other studies that concluded vaccines posed no significant risk of adverse events? For example, here’s another study he co-authored: “Adverse events after Fluzone ® Intradermal vaccine reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 2011-2013.”

That study concluded, “Review of VAERS reports did not identify any new or unexpected safety concerns after TIV-ID.”

But is that conclusion based on bad math, like the study on covid vaccines given to pregnant women? We call for a review of all his methods and conclusions. Perhaps this same study architect has made the same systematic error (or possibly a deliberate obfuscation) for many years, spanning many previous studies. It wouldn’t be the first time one author was found to have made systematic mistakes across dozens of papers and is forced to retract them.

And isn’t that what the “scientific method” demands? Peer review. Double checking the math. Admitting to mistakes in conclusions. This is how science progresses, by pointing out errors and demanding they be addressed and corrected. We can’t just accept bad math and call it “science” when the bad math doesn’t check out.

Sarah Steer
1 day ago
Exellent stuff, however Dan, constructive critic, sound and visuals are often compromised. Keep up the good work. Get a producer. Always a fan.

John Naeselius
1 day ago
Thank you excellent!!

La Fleur Productions
2 hours ago
Thank you for publishing this, and to all doctors who speak out – very courageous given that Medical Councils everywhere are coming down brutally on medical dissent from the narrative. What a world we live in!

Jackie Thomas
2 hours ago
Fabulous video needed this to share; to the point snd informative . Thank you from uk

Elaine Holstein
17 hours ago
Excellent interview…thanks so much…have shared!!!

Stephen Grew
1 day ago

Demi Star
1 day ago
What is the end game for the push for the vaccine? What is the agenda? Why? That’s what I want to know

Daniella Potgieter
1 day ago
Sadly here in the uk we cannot get any of these treatments! You’re told to stay home and isolate. Just crazy.

Captain Charisma
2 hours ago
What legal standing do we have as this becomes forced? Specifically are their irrefutable exemptions?

Antonios Panayiotou
37 minutes ago
What are the Russians doing about this whole debacle!!

Bob Davie
14 minutes ago
The vaccanation minister nadhim zahawi should resign immediately

Adrian Shaw
10 hours ago
Fabulous interview with Dr McCullough who is spot on. In fact he gives the best explanation I have heard of why this vaccine should not be taken, based on solid science and factual high quality reported data (and I like most people am not an anti-vaxxer). Everyone should listen to this podcast. By the way Dan, your voice was on mute for the last few minutes of the podcast.

Jeannette Richardson
1 day ago
We all know this is illegal – so why is the judiciary anywhere not addressing that – they must know too.

Sheila T
15 hours ago
Well said Dr, McCollough it was planned, Big pharma and Davos elite a handful of billionaires who have had direct or indirect influence with this, how many times have we heard that there are too many people on this planet, by influential people such as Prince Charles and David Attenborough ?

Afifah Hamilton
13 hours ago
I think you pulled your lead out while gesticulating at about 50:40.
No worries. You did a superb interview.

Sheila T
15 hours ago
Follow the money !!!

Bushbuddy Platypus
19 hours ago
such cognitive dissonance about the lack of isolation of the virus. they can’t? or they won’t? struggling with the idea of virus enhancement and suspect this is just outside your own careful ethic of citing only clear science.

1 day ago
The solutions are multivariant

Governments are binary

Politicians are the wrong people to manage epidemics pandemics and public health

7 hours ago
The EUA would have to be cancelled, rendering the supposed vaccines not capable of being used, if the medical establishment were to acknowledge a successful treatment that had no or minimal side effects. So they’ll suppress awareness of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide, etc.

Jane Van Reenen
3 hours ago
Where is our British counterpart??
Hmmmm.. no where to be seen.. or heard…

indy full
11 hours ago
Good information 👍

John Hall
53 seconds ago
Tyranny planned on a global scale. Disobediance defeats tyranny. Disobey.

Sam B
18 hours ago
This jab has to be stopped. The goverments and elites need to be stopped. Were at war people have been since the start of this. They have planned this for years. Let us have the medication. Theirs no way we will have the jab.

Robert Edwards
14 hours ago
Please Dan get some tech guy on board to sort out your problems. Excellent interview

Angelique Gatenby
12 hours ago
Shame about loss of audio, censorship?

Zephyr and McCARBY
13 hours ago
I wonder why This doctor isn’t on the BBC?

Brian Snellgrove
3 hours ago
Technical – you have a female voice in the background

Mary Hamill
4 minutes ago
You are on MUTE!

Jackie Thomas
13 hours ago
From uk ,work for nhs, no preventative treatment for staff or patients. How can I stop this genocide. How can I hold my trust accountable

Stephen O’grady
1 day ago
We could hear the dr but not you 🤷🏼‍♂️

Mary Paul
1 day ago


Jeannette Richardson
1 day ago
Kids are being shown propaganda slides in schools

John Naeselius
1 day ago
Your on mute

Jacob Jorgenson
17 hours ago
This guy is not honest