I. Fusion and Fear in America: The non-existent “terrorist threat” (John W. Whitehead, 2012) & II. Behind the Scenes Of NSA Surveillance (2013)

I. Fusion and Fear in America: The non-existent “terrorist threat”

Posted on December 14, 2012 by jfetzer2012

by John W. Whitehead (Constitutional Lawyer) with Jim Fetzer

“Despite reviewing 13 months’ worth of reporting originating from fusion centers from April 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010, the Subcommittee investigation could identify no reporting which uncovered a terrorist threat, nor could it identify a contribution such fusion center reporting made to disrupt an active terrorist plot.”–US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

We know about the 300 or more FEMA camps distributed around the country. We know that Congress has authorized 30,000 drones to conduct surveillance on the American people. We know that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had requisitioned 1.5 billion rounds of .40 calibre hollow-point ammunition, which is not even permissible for use in warfare under the Geneva Conventions. Since DHS does not conduct operations abroad, it must be acquiring that massive stock of ammo for use on us right here in the United States. That much is alarming enough all by itself.

What we didn’t know is that DHS is some kind of monstrous joke, that it has been squandering billions of taxpayers’ dollars, and that it has turned up no evidence of any domestic terrorist threat! NONE! That is not my opinion but the conclusion of the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Report about Fusion Centers (3 October 2012). The situation is absurd. DHS has no financial oversight and cannot even identify how much it has spent, where there is more than $1 billion difference in its own estimates. So what precisely are we getting for our money?

These “fusion centers” have been created to integrate research on terrorist activities at the federal, state, and local level. So what have they produced? The answers appears to be, NOTHING! Read and then reread the crucial finding of this extensive study: “Despite reviewing 13 months’ worth of reporting originating from fusion centers from April 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010, the Subcommittee investigation could identify no reporting which uncovered a terrorist threat, nor could it identify a contribution such fusion center reporting made to disrupt an active terrorist plot”!

And there is more. “At DHS headquarters, Reports Officers who reviewed the draft HIRs from fusion centers before they were to be published found many of the reports useless. The officers shared those sentiments in written comments they made recommending that particular HIR draft reports be cancelled. At times they expressed amazement at the poor quality of reporting . . . . Of the 574 unclassified draft reports field officers filed, the Subcommittee investigation counted 188 marked by DHS reviewers as cancelled, nearly a third . . . . Of the 386 unclassified reports published, the Subcommittee found only 94 which related in some way to potential terrorist activity, or the activities or a known or suspected terrorist . . . . some were based on information from publicly available web sites or dated public reports”. Virtually none of them contained any information of value.

The problem, of course, is that DHS has been consuming vast resources from the national treasury while accomplishing nothing of value with regard to its anti-terrorism function. Instead, it is acquiring vast stocks of ammunition that is not even permissible for use in combat under the Geneva Conventions. DHS appears to be preparing to go to war with the American people. I am reminded of that old cartoon: that we have met the enemy and it is us! The fear induced in the public by these machinations has reached historic proportions. Perhaps the best summation of where we are has come from John W. Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute, who has captured the situation we are in. Everyone needs to reflect on the United States having become obsessed with national security, even to the extent of gutting our Bill of Rights and turning the country into a “surveillance society”. It is long past time that serious consideration be given to dismantling DHS and returning the organization of our government to its far saner past.
The Politics of Fear in America: A Nation at War with Itself

“Fear is the foundation of most governments.” – John Adams

By John W. Whitehead
October 01, 2012

Turn on the TV or flip open the newspaper on any given day, and you will find yourself accosted by reports of government corruption, corporate malfeasance, militarized police and marauding SWAT teams. America is entering a new phase, one in which children are arrested in schools, military veterans are forcibly detained by government agents because of the content of their Facebook posts, and law-abiding Americans are being subjected to the latest in government spy technology.

These threats to our freedoms are not to be underestimated. Yet even more dangerous than these violations of our basic rights is the language they are couched in—the language of fear. It is a language spoken effectively by politicians on both sides of the aisle, shouted by media pundits from their cable TV pulpits, marketed by corporations, and codified into bureaucratic laws that do little to make our lives safer or more secure.

This language of fear has given rise to a politics of fear whose only aim is to distract and divide us. In this way, we have been discouraged from thinking analytically and believing that we have any part to play in solving the problems before us. Instead, we have been conditioned to point the finger at the other Person or vote for this Politician or support thisGroup, because they are the ones who will fix it. Except that they can’t and won’t fix the problems plaguing our communities.

No amount of freedom has ever been won by sitting back and watching things play out, or by voting for a certain person, or giving money to a certain group. Freedom is won through action, not just in terms of nonviolent protest or petition (which are vital), but in terms of daily interactions with friends and neighbors, discussing the issues and how best to equip communities to deal with daily challenges. Freedom is won most effectively by taking a stand, starting at the local level, whether it’s challenging the influx of profit-driven red light cameras at street intersections, taking issue with a school board decision that sends a message to young people that they have no rights, or demanding that local police de-militarize.

These small acts of rebellion are what win us our rights. Yet as information technology rapidly advances and mindless entertainment proliferates, this type of “free” thinking is being squelched. In the absence of individuals who will stand up for themselves and their freedoms, it is all too easy for the politics of fear to gain traction. Having abdicated our responsibilities as citizens, we have ceded power to bureaucrats and government officials who, with our tacit approval, continue to dismantle our basic rights while providing an illusion of safety and security. This lack of ownership and willingness to engage in self-government on the part of the American people has, in turn, given rise to the rapid militarization of the police over the past 40 years, the criminalization of non-threatening activities such as gathering with friends and family in the privacy of one’s home for prayer and worship, the surveillance dragnet which now tracks virtually every American, and the general sense that we no longer have any control over our government.

A perfect example of this masterful use of the politics of fear to cow the populace is the government’s War on Drugs. Reputedly a response to crime and poverty in inner cities and suburbia, it has been the driving force behind the militarization of the police, at all levels, over the past 40 years. While it has failed to decrease drug use, it has exacerbated social problems by expanding America’s rapidly growing prison system and allowing police carte blancheaccess to our homes and personal property.

Undeterred by its failure to check drug use, the governmental machine keeps chugging along. Consider that in 2011, half a billion dollars’ worth of military equipment flowed from the military to local police, with another $400 million worth of equipment reaching local police by May 2012. In addition to direct transfers of equipment, the federal government has given local police departments grants totaling $34 billion since 9/11. The 50-person police department in Oxford, Alabama, for example, has acquired $3 million worth of equipment, including M-16s, infrared goggles, and an armored vehicle. All of these new toys lead to specious SWAT team raids that eviscerate the Fourth Amendment, acclimating us to the vision of police in jackboots with assault rifles patrolling our streets.

Enter the War on Terror, the logical endpoint of constructing government policy based upon fear and paranoia. Marked by constant surveillance, torture, kidnapping, extrajudicial killing by our government, and the resulting loss of our basic rights, the War on Terror is the culmination of a mentality of fear cultivated by the political elite and willingly accepted by the American people.

A case in point is the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the aftermath of 9/11. Supposedly tasked with protecting the American homeland from terrorist threats, DHS has become more of a domestic army than a security agency. For example, in March 2012, defense contractor ATK agreed to produce 450 million hollow point rounds to be used by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office. DHS placed another order for 750 million rounds of various ammunition in August 2012.

DHS is just one of many aspects of a total militarization of government which has been taking place since the 1980s and rapidly advancing since 9/11. Consider that in August 2012, the Social Security Administration (SSA) placed an order for 174,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition. The SSA plans to send the ammunition to 41 locations throughout the United States, including major cities such as Los Angeles, Detroit, and Philadelphia, among others.

It’s unclear why the SSA would need hollow point bullets, which are designed to explode upon entry into the body, causing massive organ damage. However, it’s worth noting that DHS and SSA have already collaborated in police exercises. In January 2012, Federal Protective Service officers with DHS conducted a training exercise at the SSA office in Leesburg, Florida. One officer carrying a semi-automatic assault rifle randomly checked IDs as people filed into the building, while other officers combed the building with K-9 units. The exercise was part of the larger Operation Shield, which, according to DHS officials, involves federal officers randomly showing up to government buildings throughout the country in order to test the effectiveness of their security procedures.

DHS and SSA aren’t the only agencies beefing up their ammunition stockpiles. In August 2012, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which houses the National Weather Service, requested 46,000 hollow point bullets to be sent to locations in Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Florida, as well as 500 paper targets. The NOAA later released a statement claiming that the ammunition is intended for the Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement which is entrusted to “enforce[e] laws that conserve and protect our nation’s living marine resources and their natural habitat.”

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its state level counterparts are also becoming militarized. Consider the increasingly violent campaign against raw milk farmers in recent years. In April 2008, Mark Nolt, a Mennonite raw milk farmer, was arrested in a raid on his property involving six state troopers and a representative of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. In April 2010, Dan Allyger, an Amish raw milk farmer in Pennsylvania, was subjected to a predawn raid conducted by agents from the FDA, US Marshals, and a state trooper.

These police exercises are the result of government policies engineered to maximize fear and paranoia. Yet they are only possible because of the acquiescence of the American people to all government programs relating to “security” since 9/11. Despite the fact that violent crime rates are low, and terrorist attacks are radically unlikely (in fact, one is more likely to die in a car wreck or be struck by lightning than be killed by a terrorist), we are seeing government agencies “protecting” us by harassing, arresting, and sometimes killing our friends and neighbors, all in the name of security. This is the inertia of government bureaucracy. Created during moments of fear, such agencies and the corporate entities that benefit from them always resist change once a citizenry gathers their senses and demands are made for the restoration of free government.

Thus, fear is the root of the problem. The only thing which will improve our present condition is the taming of our fear. We must act on courage. Courage to think differently, speak loudly, and challenge directly the systems which we know to be unjust. Voting will do precious little to circumvent the politics of fear which Democrats and Republicans use to justify their attacks on our personal liberties. As author Mark Vernon has noted, “…the politics of fear plays on an assumption that people cannot bear the uncertainties associated with [risk]. Politics then becomes a question of who can better deliver an illusion of control.”

John W. Whitehead, a constitutional attorney and author, founded The Rutherford Institute in 1982, which is a civil liberties organization that provides free legal services to people whose constitutional and human rights have been threatened or violated.

II. Behind-the-scenes of NSA surveillance

4 minutes read


Most Americans and others worldwide naively assume that the National Security Agency (NSA) scandal represents an excess of zeal in attempting to track down domestic terrorists who want to attack targets in America. What they do not appreciate is:

(a) that terrorist activity in the US is virtually non-existent, as a recent report by a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Intelligence has officially confirmed;

(b) that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been faking attacks (such as Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing) to create the false impression that the threat is real, since otherwise no one would believe it; where

(c) the real purpose of this massive surveillance is to identify Americans who would have the courage and resolution to oppose the complete transformation of America into a fascistic military/police state, which is in the offing.

Fear and Fusion in America

A subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Intelligence released a report on 3 October 2012, in which it explained that, after surveying 680 “fusion center” reports from 2009-2010, it had discovered that there were no indications of any terrorist activity: NONE. ZILCH. NADA. NOT ONE!

This information, however, has been bottled up by the mainstream press, where neither I nor anyone else I know has heard anything from NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX or even PBS about this rather stunning development. After all, if the public knew, it might be wary of spending billions on unnecessary anti-terrorist enterprises.

Fraud and Fakery in Terrorism

As a form of compensation and to maintain the illusion that terrorism is a real problem about which you can read on the front page, the DHS has organized and conducted a series of drills that “went live,” which was precisely as planned, most recently in Sandy Hook and at the Boston marathon. These were staged events whose participants included many who were naive about them but also actual actors.

The absence of numerous emergency medical technicians (EMTs)’ presence at Sandy Hook rushing those little bodies to hospitals where they could be determined to be dead or alive is one indication. And what parent would allow the body of their young child to be left at the scene of a massacre, only to be removed from the site in the dead of night with no one to witness it?

The DHS admits its complicity

The DHS has even acknowledged that the Boston bombing was planned months in advance of the marathon. It claims that the plan was to conduct “a training exercise” that was centered around a fictitious terrorist faction called “Free America Citizens,” which would plant backpacks full of explosives that detectives would be forced to track down.

According to this fantastic tale, “the city was hit with a real terrorist attack executed in a frighteningly similar fashion.” I am reminded of the training drill conducted by the Pentagon about a year before 9/11, in which a simulation was done of the building being hit by a Boeing 757 – “frighteningly similar” to what would allegedly occur, one of myriad indications that 9/11 was itself a fabricated event.

The black backpack with the white square insignia

These claims are obviously feigned to cover-up the exposure that these staged events have received. The Boston bombing was exposed by the alternative media by the evening of its occurrence, during which time the perps – Craft International personnel wearing khaki trousers and black jackets with distinctive baseball caps that had a skull insignia – had been identified.

Some of them were wearing black backpacks, one of which had a white square insignia. One of the two that exploded had a white square insignia – and the man who had worn it was photographed rushing away without his backpack. The younger brother was also photographed but wearing a backpack that did not resemble either of those that blew up.

The FBI sends out a stooge to deceive the public

The alternative media was so quick to solve the case that the FBI had to send out a stooge to say, “Don’t look at the man behind the curtain!” He insisted that only the two photographs he presented should be studied – as though they had done an exhaustive search of everyone in every other photo and eliminated them for consideration.

The two photos were of the two brothers, where the FBI asked the public for its assistance in identifying them. This was a hoax within a hoax, however, since the FBI had had them under surveillance for at least five years and already knew their identity. If there has even been a more obvious “false flag” operation, I can’t imagine what it would be.

Parallels with the London 7/7 tube attacks

There are parallels here with the London 7/7 tube attacks, where bombs were set off in three subway trains and blamed on four young Muslims, but where Nicholas Kollerstrom, the author of Terror on the Tube, discovered that the alleged assailants could not have been involved because they missed the subway from Luton, which had been cancelled that day. They missed their appointment with destiny.

Those attacks just happened to coincide with an anti-terrorism drill that was planned for that very day involving the same tube stops. If anyone doubts what I am explaining, see the brilliant video study, “7/7 Ripple Effect,” which documents every step from the planning to the execution of this fantastic travesty, showing that most of the British public is just as gullible as the American.

Anti-gun “psy ops” and vitiating Posse Comitatus

Since we know that any real domestic terrorist activity is virtually non-existent and that these apparent attacks are faked or staged, the question becomes why the DHS has conducted them. Sandy Hook appears to have been a huge hoax and anti-gun “psy-op”, which members claiming to have lost children have been promoting with the greatest zeal.

The Boston bombing appears to have had a complementary objective, namely, creating a situation where military force was in the streets of a major American city in a blatant violation of Posse Comitatus, a statute passed in 1878 forbidding the use of military force to perform police functions. They were both planned to weaken the ability of the American public to resist the imposition of a police state in the tradition of the Nazis and the Soviets prior to World War II.

The real reason for massive NSA surveillance

The DHS has acquired two billion rounds of .40 caliber hollow-point ammunition that is not even permissible for use in combat under the Hague Convention of 1899. It has also obtained 2,700 light tanks and 7,000 assault rifles. It has made special arrangements with funeral homes and mortuaries in case there should be an excess of casualties beyond the capacities of hospitals to handle.

The real purpose of this massive surveillance is that all that stands behind the DHS and the imposition of a fascistic military/police state is 100,000,000 armed Americans. This sweeping and detailed spy-op is intended to identify which of those would be willing to stand up and place their lives in jeopardy for the sake of freedom and democracy. At last count, the number was 8,000,000. This is serious stuff and the DHS isn’t taking any chances.