Global Health Mafia Protection Racket (Amazing Polly podcast, May 8, 2020)

Amazing Polly, May 8, 2020

BOOM revelations get bigger as we go along. Stay with me!

Fauci, Event201, Foundations …and something called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. I expose the front organizations covering for the Global Health Mafia.

Amazing Polly: “What is being revealed by tons of excellent research, in my opinion, is that public health in general is being run like a mafia. It’s like there’s a don somewhere and it’s got all these families that go by NGO names, that go by world body names, these are like mafia families. And they are using money laundering and extortion and kind of a protection racket scheme to cripple nation states and of course to enrich themselves.”

Bitchute VIDEO backup:…

NYT Coronovirus Fundraiser:…

DZAU bio Ottawa Heart Institute:…

GPMB Board of Directors:

GPMB publication, Sept 2019:…

Philanthropy News Digest: Klausner Fauci:…

Johns Hopkins commissioned by the GPMB: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.o…

Event 201 Players List: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.o…

National Herald:…

Fauci Gates Foundation Grand Challenges board:…

VIDEO: Fauci “No doubt” of surprise outbreak:…

CEPI April pledges:…

VIDEO: Victor Dzau at McGill “School of Population and Global Health:…

Tedros worked for the Global Fund:…

VIDEO: Corbett Report on Gates domination of “Global Health”…

Webmaster’s Comment: So now we can add the Global Health Mafia Protection Racket to the National Security Racketeering Network as among the main pillars of the “Mafia State.”

This video basically “follows the money” to the corrupt health mafia’s inner workings and profiteering. Note the following statement in the Report by Global Progress Monitoring Board:

Progress Indicators by September, 2020:

“The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system wide and training exercises, including one covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.”

NGOs and organizations of the “Pandemic Racket”

World Health Organization (WHO), Director General, Dr. Tedros (communist)
World Bank
IDA (Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB, and Malaria)- Part of the World Bank
World Economic Forum (co-convener of Event 201- pandemic planning exercise in Oct. 2019)
The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (co-conveners of Event 201; pandemic planning exercise in Oct. 18, 2019)
Gavi (The Vaccines Alliance)- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Cutout
The Global Fund (Bill and Melinda Gates Cutout)
United Kingdom Department for International Development
CGPH (Chinese Center for Global Public Health)
CEPI (Coalition For Epidemic Preparedness Innovation); founded by Gates Foundation, Welcome Trust Foundation, World Economic Forum, Merck, Pfiser, GSK, Takeda, Sanofi, Johnson and Johnson, and governments of Norway, Germany, Japan, and India
GPMB (Global Preparedness Monitoring Board) is front organization for the World Health Organization and World Bank; it’s funders are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Welcome Trust, Germany, Resolve to Save Lives (run by Tom Friedan, former head of CDC, former New York Health Commissioner, worked on Bloomberg Philanthropies); associated organizations: Red Cross, John Hopkins, Welcome Trust, World Bank, WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Resolve
NAM (National Academy of Medicine)- a 501-c-3 foundation that gets its funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, Rockefeller foundation, Welcome Trust, U.S. Agency For International Development, U.S. State Department
The World Bank
Johns Hopkins University Center For Health Security (co-convener of Event 201; pandemic planning exercise in Oct. 18, 2019)
Gavi (Bill and Melinda Gates Associates)
McGill University School of Population and Global Health
Chatam House (Tavistock Institute of Human Relations) world brainwashing center
Partners in Health

Partners of ID2020

Accenture (Bill Gates partner)
Microsoft (Bill Gates’s corporation)
Gavi (The Vaccine Alliance- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation cut-out)
Ideo-org (Bill Gates)
The Rockefeller Foundation

Principle Individuals

Dr. Victor Ghau, President of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine (NAM), Board Member of GPMB (Global Preparedness Monitoring Board), Vice Chair of the U.S. National Research Council, Chancellor Emeritus at Duke University, former Chairman of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Chairman of Medicine at Stanford University, Board of Health Governors of the World Economic Forum and chaired its Global Agenda, Advisory Committee to NIH (National Institutes of Health), married to a Jew

Deborah Birx: Director of PEPFAR

Event 201 Participants:

Chris Elias- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Tim Evans
Brad Connett
Sophia Borges
Latoya Abbot
George Gao
Avril Haines
Jane Halton

Board of GPMB- involved in background setup of Event 201

Chris Elias
George Gao
Jeremy Ferrar
Dr. Victor Dzao
Dr. Anthony Fauci

Moderator: “The list of who benefits is the same list as the people setting policy and the people pressuring governments to pledge our taxpayer money for their plandemic.”

Is this all fake? Is this a system-wide training and simulation exercise by the WHO and the United Nations? And if it is are we in for another one. Because they said they want at least two. Hmmm. Could that be why Anthony Fauci was so certain there was going to be a surprise outbreak? What about this story: “US could be in for a bad fall and bad winter. A second round of the virus in inevitable, says Anthony Fauci.”


3 days ago
I bet my bank account none of those people will take the vaccine nor will their families. Just like the gates family.

melissa real pearl
1 day ago
covid19: certification of vaccination identification 2019, they dont care money ….
they control ressources bank ….they want control every invidividual
they want to track us ….they want to prevent protests by reading the micro chips we will have in our arms ….they want obedient people
you are fantastic , thank you very much leading us to the truth ……i am happy to see american people fighting for freedom
other countries will join you …. bill gates want a civil war ….people are preparing for it

Goe Farmer
2 days ago
NO MASKS – From Dr. Judy Mikovits

“The masks in stores and on walks outside and while driving in your car is mind blowing to me. Do you not know how unhealthy it is to keep inhaling your carbon dioxide and restricting proper oxygen flow? I honestly cannot believe how non-logical

2 days ago
We’re heading to being 100% ruled by psychopaths.
They create such psychopathic structures where only psychopaths thrive.

Achtung Notiz
2 days ago
These people are so sick. They are the real pandemic we have to defeat.

Tree Climbing
3 days ago (edited)
180 Countries — reading the Same Script.
Just like the MSM Daily Talking Points.
… just Remember- No Flu Vaccines 💉 have Ever worked, but have Harmed ppl.

Frank Rizzo
1 day ago (edited)
She’s showing the interconnectedness of each sinister scammer, their associations are like hyperlinks to each other…for example, GPMC is WHO and Gates and UN…so in effect, these beggars are in charge of organizations interconnected with each other…
So, if one official is a leader of an organization he is indirectly leading another, so that once someone says something about one group, it reflects on the others and immediately they retaliate…

So When Tedros is raising a tantrum, he in effect, by interconnectedness to associations is representing the NIH, the CDC

This is globalism, the fusion of private and public partnerships…non elected officials, oversight of government continuity without being in public office

China Proxy WHO Prescribed LOCKDOWNS that were followed by Fauci and Birx to Destroy US Economy

Cheryl Pemberton
1 day ago
So OUR tax dollars ARE paying for this in pay, thru the State Department!!?? Hell NO!!!!

Rick Owen
2 days ago
How did we ever survive past pandemics without these ‘global initiatives’?

Kathleen Fuller
1 day ago (edited)
The “Common People” are “The Disease” and “They” are working together to get rid of “The Disease”. Think about it. Yep, it’s just gonna get worse.

M.L. DeMedal
3 days ago (edited)
Both of the Gates should be charged for crimes against humanity along with, their demons buddies.

*Thank you Amazing Polly.
Your research is primo. Going to share the video everywhere. Hugs. 🤗

Tanja Hannah Thórisdóttir
1 day ago
In most countries, the “lockdown” in “unison” will be shortly canceled. But that doesn’t change the fact that they will continue playing their game. The “second half” should start in November. So they are analyzing now! That means we have to be even more vigilant … Greetings from Denmark

Aurora Brooker
1 day ago
I’m in Australia and l hear “the new normal” being said all the time!! Brainwashing and turning against each other! Even families are turning on each other!! That’s what they want!

2 days ago (edited)
Melinda Gates giving 100 millions dollars back to themselves. So generous of them. Can’t you just feel the love, the warmth and their genuine caring?

Aaa Martian
1 day ago
Good stuff Polly…this is called investigative journalism that we no longer see this very oftenly

3 days ago
An attempt to overthrow the President of the United States of America is TREASON. TREASON is punishable by death. Fake news mainstream media not exempt. BOOM !! It’s that simple.

Ann Marie Michaels
2 days ago

2 days ago
Yep. Their will be another event. I believe this with my whole heart.

2 days ago
They’re monitoring our bodies and brains in real time with supercomputers and AI. They are killing humanity.

Marek Waligora
2 days ago
Polly, You are much better than Sherlock Holmes

3 days ago
Incredible work, Polly. Sending this far and wide…

2 days ago (edited)
Wow, they sound like the mockingbird media.

Wasn’t “Event 201” identified as such 👉 Global Pandemic Drill, Corona Virus Medical Martial Law practice… 😉

Granny Redpill
1 day ago
Who is giving thumbs down?. Can’t handle the truth,??

Breakaway Books
3 days ago
Rockefeller Foundation is behind everything we call “evil globalism”.

Mike Dugger
2 days ago
“This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propanganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it.”

Joseph Goebbels

Tanja Hannah Thórisdóttir
1 day ago
Nostradamus hadn’t been able to write the Corona debacle better …
“and I see people with masks in front of their faces. They behave like herd-animals. They believe everything they are told.”😄😆😝

1 day ago
Tim Evans looks like something that crawled out of the sewers

Chris Kleiner
2 days ago
The lie is the truth and the truth is the lie… we are living in a corrupt, evil world and People didn’t get it… they attack the People trying to put light into these things because they are afraid there complete believe system could collapse… insane times we are in!

Felix E.
2 days ago
Yeah, Polly. Another home run!!!
I just found the movie “Vaxxed” for free on YouTube. Many of your “independent” organizations show up. Thanks to you, I now know where they come from.

Cheryl Pemberton
1 day ago
This money will NOT go for “cures” or “vaccinations” especially CV; they are TAKING THIS MONEY FOR THEMSELVES!!

Steven Pallesen
2 days ago
Interdict: what you call government overreach is by authority of the courts.

Frizzy Lizzee
2 days ago
I knew it was going to be Fauci. This is one big ol’ cyclone of money laundering, orchestrated sickness & disease, & control being perpetrated on all of us they see as lesser life forms. My hope is that there is a special place in hell awaiting all of them.

Jerry Chandler
3 days ago
Polly, you have a God given gift of discernment. Thank You for what you do.

George Cranston
1 day ago
“We are not witnessing viral epidemics; we are witnessing epidemics of fear. And both the media and the pharmaceutical industry carry most of the responsibility for amplifying fears, fears that happen, incidentally, to always ignite fantastically profitable business. Research hypotheses covering these areas of virus research are practically never scientifically verified with appropriate controls. Instead, they are established by “consensus.” This is then rapidly reshaped into a dogma, efficiently perpetuated in a quasi-religious manner by the media, including ensuring that research funding is restricted to projects supporting the dogma, excluding research into alternative hypotheses. An important tool to keep dissenting voices out of the debate is censorship at various levels ranging from the popular media to scientific publications.” Errare humanum est sed diabolicum preservare… (to err is human, but to preserve an error is diabolic).”

excerpt from foreword to Virus Mania (cut & paste)
Etienne de Harven, MD Professor Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Toronto
and Member of the Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York (1956 – 1981)
Member of Thabo Mbeki’s IDS Advisory Panel of South Africa
President of Rethinking AIDS (

Fortunato Latella
1 day ago
I’m reminded of my time working in a Federal government Corporation.
When the General Manager wanted to remove a manager of a department who wouldn’t budge, he would restructure the department and put a manager over him.
In my lifetime I’ve noticed how the Global government has become the main government of the nations in a similar way.
Through the world banks conditional loans to fund their government, they have got the politicians to surrender national sovereignty to the United Nations.
Don’t fear, be courageous, evil only has a short time in the sun and their time is nearly over.

John Burns
1 day ago
This has the rancid smell of One World Government about it.

Leroy Gallagher
2 days ago
“Whole government approach” was the catchy tagline they used for the CIA rebuilding Afghanistan…looks like they are looking to do here what they did there

aussie sam
2 days ago
We now have a Globalized proxy government being imposed – unelected.

2 days ago
Great research!
This info is another indicator that the countries are farms of the NWO.
They all collaborate. The narrative of China vs. US etc is a smoke screen

Georgia Raynes
1 day ago
They sound like the msm….all reading from the script.

1 day ago
Funny how none of these benefactors of “global health” ever mention helping improving sanitation or healthy diets.

Doug Overhoff
3 days ago
You just have to take one look at that little weasel, Fauci, and you can tell he’s an evil creep.

mike buchanan
2 days ago (edited)
The money Trump fines them with after there executed for crimes against humanity will be the next 10 trillion in stimulus USC 42 1983

vida desi
2 days ago (edited)
Yes, McGill University is an ally and playing ground for the Deep State since WW2. The great darkness era of Maurice Duplessis and human experimentation performed during his reign all involved McGill University. It was MK Ultra project, right here, in the middle of Montreal.

Bernie Rissen
1 day ago
Was just reading Ann Barnheart a truly sacred woman and a warrior,she had recommended yer latest video to her Catholic followers this is an awakening and you have been a big part in helping people understand all the snakes and ladders of this thing.Thanks.Northern Nevada ridge runner.out

1 day ago
So cute the way Tim Evans grimaced when he said “to get that financed!”

Winona Brown
3 days ago
It is maddening watching these sociopaths grin and smirk when they talk about their ability to cause the suffering of others!

Geoff Chapman
1 day ago
Look at how the Clintons have set themselves up.
It’s the same M O
Charities & money laundering.

Vicki Bazter
1 day ago


1 day ago
oh my god, this is scary, hearing all these “leaders” parrot the same lines.

Lise-Lotte Lund Roeddik
1 day ago (edited)

3 days ago
Gates and his husband must be stopped!!!

T dsl
1 day ago
“Population and Global Heath” – very telling combination of words… 🤔🤔🤔

1 day ago (edited)
I heard Johnson and Johnson were coming up with a vaccine might to want to look at them a little more cause they are getting in the pie too

American for Truth
2 days ago
5:46 Victor Dzau’s father escaped from communism, so Victor’s with Taiwan, Hong Kong, CIA, and the satanic cabal.

Kyle Wesley
2 days ago
Am I the only person who thinks Melinda Gates is definitely a man!? I’d almost guarantee her name was also Bill pre op.

Jossy White
3 days ago
Can’t wait to see fauci gates and their mates arrested

1 day ago
This mafia is going to pocket the money. They already have this vaccine.

Ruth Zambrano
2 days ago
I have been seeing the WHO briefings every other day and remember they talking about this but not in detail, just thanking everyone… now I see that on 5/8/20 briefing they announced that they are short $1.3billions (out of the $1.7billions they need by the end of this year to fight this plandemia) and they asking for MOREEEE! Mafia is the right word to described these people!!

On a side note: as soon as I shared this video on Twiter they suspended me, probably for 2-3 days as they have done in the oast for sharing this type of info…Social Media is part of the mafia as well

D Stew
2 days ago (edited)
The same MAFIA that came up with the entire Global Warming scheme, even though NASA respeaditly advised in the 1990’s we were heading into a global cool down period after 2010, and with snow in NY on 5/09/2020, seems NASA is right. They manipulate all their data. Gates is a Rockefeller. The million dollar question is, where does Trump fit in to all of this?

Lara O’neal
1 day ago
Big tactic is constantly changing names and acronyms to mislead and confuse us. Pay close attention.

Hugh Neek
3 days ago
She’s not called AMAZING POLLY for nothing, you know!

Tanja Hannah Thórisdóttir
1 day ago
If “Vaccines” is already a known Nightmare…what will be the real meaning of “Diagnostics” and “Therapies”?

germain gauthier
1 day ago
Thank you ,,, you are giving us a real response to this TOTAL FAKE MAFIA CRISIS

Carl Fox Twitter SlyFox__
1 day ago
He’s the executor, trustee and the beneficiary🤫 all three parts of the trust

Helen Egan
1 day ago
Looks like EU needs money badly. This is just getting money from another arm of the same octopus.

j k
3 days ago
“Equal access to vaccines” equals forced vaccinations.

1 day ago
We shall dub them, The “PHARMAFIA.”

2 days ago
World Bank and Chatham House are full of freemasons, and have been since established. The ball and chain is the Babylonian debt money system that pays the buffer middle of the pyramid. The “elite” and priest class are at apex, the buffer is the massive bureaucracy between them and the productive bottom. .” They set up charitable organizations and medical foundations that serves as merely a Corporate Fraternity or a tax shelter.

Since many business leaders and political figures have been FREEMASONS, many people join the MASONIC ORDER for social prestige and honor, thinking of FREEMASONRY as a club of the like-minded. And source point of the Mafia, and all “isms”. Congressman Louis T. McFadden said the following during a speech before Congress on June 10, 1932:
“Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a government board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the mal-administration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it. Some people think the Federal Reserve banks are United States Government institutions.”

“They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies, which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers; and rich and predatory money-lenders. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man’s throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislation; and there are those who maintain an international propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us and wheedling us into the granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime.”

Nothing will change until the masons and the fake money system are dealt with. Action rather than words are critical now. Time is running out. We are in 1930 revisited.

Water is the new Empire. Check who has “bought” the largest aquifer in the world. The pillage and plunder worldwide of two WWs, then endless wars, was primarily to take over all mines [PTB own them all now], all natural resources worldwide, all means of energy production, all aquifers [Guarani Aquifer], and control spot price of all metals [City of London spot price control for centuries, monopoly on mines worldwide]. Gold might well be used for their continuing experimentations with 3rd strand DNA to alter irreversibly the image of our Creator within humanity, which is ultimate goal. After confiscation of all the riches worldwide, only goal left is to manufacture “servants” for the overlords. This “event” is benefiting the PTB, who are now 4 Trillion dollars richer. The “serfs” are not even receiving the crumbs, while posed to fall off into the abyss of hyperinflation and famine…the Hunger Games. The last 7 weeks have laid bare who is working for whom.

Susan Byers
1 day ago
UN & WHO–need to disappear. Fauci is wrong, he will be in jail before then, I HOPE!

fendermarshallblues box
1 day ago
I wonder where the”terrorists” went, sick at home with the flu ? hahahahahahaha

3 days ago
Think what wealth and prosperity we could have in western nations if we didn’t have to fund all manner of corruption and every major scam in the world.

Answer the Question
1 day ago
Its the Zionist that control the world of finance and the media

T-Bone Shteak
2 days ago
My God, who are these people? How could you get wrapped in such a lifestyle?

Patty Cake
1 day ago
At 20 Minutes= “Flood the Zone” (Control the Media Propaganda Message). At 12 Minutes 20 Seconds= The “New Normal” Plan from 2018!

1 day ago
I see that Twitter bird turned around a lot on the emblems.

Amie D
3 days ago
I get emergency alerts on my phone from the county government several times a day about cv. I checked the obituaries and it was all old or sick people, as well as normal death numbers. It’s pure fear porn.

Geoff Chapman
1 day ago
“The new normal” is being used here as well.

Steven Pallesen
2 days ago
The CORPORATE CHURCH and STATE, JUDICIAL branch and the BAR make the mob look like saints.

Pancho Villa
2 days ago
Again good investigative skills Blondie 👱‍♀️
Yes this is a mafia.

huvs gib
2 days ago (edited)
Brilliant work, as usual 👏👏👏. If G-d Himself doesn’t intervene, we’re fried. It’s all so clear now.

Pork Fat
3 days ago
If you were the only one in ten people who was not vaccinated….why would the other nine care ?

1 day ago
pompeo told trump at the podium in one of their pr deliveries that this is a live exercise and trump said you should have let us know

2 days ago
Jeff Berwick mentioned your channel on his channel “The Dollar Vigilante,” so I came to hear what you’ve got to say! Great video! Subbed 😀

1 day ago
The symbolism is all over their logos. Most look almost the same… Partners in Healt is the hands reaching in for a hand out… thats a biggie for all their money laundrying… They will all pay in the end.

Thanks for connecting the dots again! 🙏

Bina Maison
2 days ago (edited)
I sent your video to someone “Jewish” and powerful, and they called you an anti – Semite lol you’re doing it, stay protected!

Joseph Olson
3 days ago
“Fauci Knew About HCQ in 2005 ~ Nobody Needed to Die” by Bryan Fischer at JamesFetzer(.)org
“Chloroquine is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus Infection and Spread” at > NCBI.NLM.NIH(.)gov
“Outcomes of HCQ Usage in US Veterans with Coronavirus” at > MedRxiv(.)org
premeditated mass murder to prevent safe $20 cure

1 day ago
National and global security= Security for the elite against an ever growing discontented people. By implementing police state measures nationally and globally. Universal health coverage= every man, women, and child must be vaccinated and tagged in order to maintain control. Sustainable developmental goals= less for the people less money less, and more expensive food people will live on the bare minimum to ensure our control and welfare as the elite our right to parisatize. The Orwellian double speak is a nightmare in this! And that is just the first of seven points.

1 day ago
It’s so plain to see – all in bed with one another – power, money and total control is their plan. Very sick….very dangerous.

George Cranston
1 day ago (edited)
“The idea of epidemics appearing also developed in history from ancient Greece. It was claimed that the illness demon would possess and defile a person. From this the Greek word miasma is derived: defilement, one is tarnished by the illness demon and one can transmit the diseases to others. The disease demon infects me, reproduces within me, and can be passed onto others and disease-causing toxins would be produced.”
excerpt from Virologist Dr Stefan Lanka: The History of Infection Theory.

Mel – With Eternity In Mind -WEIM-
2 days ago
“You and I are paying for this thing.” Canada and USA weren’t involved.

Beth Bosheers
3 days ago
Greedy controlling liars. “They’ve” been robbing us and trying to kill us, for many years. Knowledge is power, and God wins.

1 day ago

Robert Carpenter
2 days ago
No vaseline, they got us pinned

Janet Zampieri
2 days ago
Here’s an interesting observation I heard from Ole Demmegard (probably misspelling his last name) – look at the logo of Event 201 and the 0 is the earth, so if you remove it, you have Event 21, as in Agenda 21!!!

Denzo D
2 days ago
I shared this video of yours with Twitter, Facebook and other Youtube sites to provide wide readership around the world. I’m happy to help in my own small way. 😉

William Warren
3 days ago
People think we got rid of the mafia. But now, tbe government is the mafia. Do you like it?

jacqqueline tackaberry
2 days ago
It is a FULL money 💰 laundromat 😡

The Whizzard
2 days ago
Wholy b@lls, Chatham house it pretty much all over this?!?!? The ghost of Cecil Rhodes still haunts this world.

Jon Snow
1 day ago
What a superbly incisive piece of journalism research from Amazing Polly.

Melonie Matichak
1 day ago
Interesting- and yea like how she added In options to pay her 🤦🏻‍♀️

Michael Cornwell
3 days ago
They sounded like the liberal media, all spout the same talking points.

1 day ago
Those ‘accents’ worry me. Not about being American and free.

TrustThe MadHatter
2 days ago


Leow Teck Seng
1 day ago
..boils down to some ‘top sceintist/doctor’..that started this trail for the promised ‘rainbow’s end, the big pot of gold’..?!

Stacy B
1 day ago
We all need to copy this video. It won’t stay up for long.

Mr P
3 days ago
This all relates back to The Georgia Guidestones to simplify things..

Pirate Fairy
1 day ago
Where have I heard that line before…the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation….
“We work with partners to provide effective vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics.”

connie schuiling
1 day ago
Notice youtube,facebook and google too. Trying to delete everything otherwise than the mainstream hoax.

Achtung Notiz
1 day ago
“Virus” is latin and means “poison”.

Spirit in the Sky
1 day ago
Johns Hopkins university wrote the model state emergency health powers act that was released in 2001 on 911. 41 states passed its version of public health act. Its the one that calls for taking homes and cars and all property for suspected of being contaminated. Good job. Great research

Evoke Spirit
3 days ago
“Building trust” = have them accept the propaganda. It’s the opposite everything they say. Double speak.

1 day ago
on the funding, and all the money that governments will owe. just a thought, by don’t the people who have all the money, the people who don’t pay tax to cover the cost? it’s not like they don’t have the cash, and it’s not like they’ll be broke, even after bailing the world out.
eat the rich

Simeon 2
1 day ago
Follow the money, and you will go down rabbit holes that will turn your hair grey.

Denise McDonald
1 day ago
Why is President Trump’s picture in here with the crooks?!

1 day ago
The privatization of our essential parts of our life like power food and medicine is a huge problem.

3 days ago
Melinda looks a lot like my “MISSING uncle Roy, he vanished after a big night and was very drunk

1 day ago
The LEGAL RAMIFICATI!ONS of the Covid Pandemic Hoax ? I’d like to see an Interview Program with a Legal Expert(s) on what the Public can do to Redress the Government’s Ill Informed and Heavy Handed Tactics regarding Inflicting their Draconian Anti Democratic Policies on and through the (so called) Covid-19 Pandemic ! Do “We the People” have any Legal Options to Sue the Government for Damages (Personal and Business) and also to have various Government Officials “Arrested” for Criminal Collusion (with Big Pharma) and Conspiring to Engineer and Instigate this Physically and Economically Depressing and Devastating Covid Pandemic Scam !

Joe Bozaan
19 hours ago
Polly……it’s always spearheaded by the Zionists and their Co Religionists!!!!! IMHO….

1 day ago
Just to let everyone know, Yahoo ! is already starting the propaganda to perpetuate hating the unvaccinated and those who will not vaccinate. Yahoo! has published an article about a UK scientist who states that we will “never turn back to normal again” because there are so many people who won’t take the vaccine and the vaccine is the only thing that can save us.

This is libel against all of those who are healthy, law abiding citizens who do not vaccinate. This is dangerous propaganda which will further take away people’s rights, instill hate in the general public and condone violent action towards the unvaccinated and Yahoo ! needs to be sued big time.

How they have the gall to say that refusing to ingest neurotoxins is damaging the world is not only despicable but illogical. Something needs to be done because they are going to put the unvaccinated on a worse level than child molesters and the healthy unvaccinated people who are educated and not bothering anyone will be persecuted (as we have been for a while now) and all this to justify FORCED vaccines which will disable and kill us.

Touching Hearts Ministry Blog
1 day ago
I was just about to say the same thing that they were “told” what to say….from Bill Gates???

Sali K
3 days ago (edited)
The whole thing stinks. They can go to hell and NO you can’t have our $$$

C Victor
1 day ago
would u feel conscientious to short the market in the fall given that “certainty” there is a second wave coming?

Georgeanne Kaufman
2 days ago
In referencing your title for this presentation, “The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket,” I checked in “Name Meanings” for the last name Fauci. It turns out that it is derived from Sicily, Italy, and is Sicilian for “sickle,” which originated as an occupation name for makers of sickles. This is an interesting image for Anthony Fauci in connection with the global health mafia.

Dana Brockway
1 day ago (edited)
They want us dead if they act like they care about us it means run for the hills

1 day ago
Lmfao Benny sounds like he wrote the script and Romania proved that there was a script

3 days ago
We are dealing with psychopaths and they all need a swift trial and then, execution

colin falcon
2 days ago
Melinda Gates is a dude – just sayin’

Carl Eadie
2 days ago
After May 21st 2020 all hell is going to break loose on earth.

AL Can
1 day ago
Best investigative journalism on YT

Mark Squibb
1 day ago
Hmmm – I didn’t see President Trump pledging to go along.

wzrubicon 1
4 days ago (edited)
Loss of rights due to fear. Fear and freedom dont not fare well together.

15 hours ago
Who told these leaders exactly what to say, and why are they following these Globalist orders, absolutely frightening.

Cheryl Pemberton
1 day ago
YOUR BEST VIDEO YET; but, it seems like each one is better than the one before – but that seems impossible!!

Genavieve Shaw
2 days ago
Hi Polly, Jeff Berwick with the ‘Dollar Vigilante’ and ‘The Jeff and Lucy Show’ referenced you on his video today. BTW you are from Canada, I think.
mj 2017
mj 2017
2 days ago
30:30 explains how #corruptBillGat€s profits from himself.
Left hand ➡️
right hand ➡️
Repeat 🔄

(With his corrupt minion pals)

3 days ago
“The gangs all there” sums it up perfectly.

Taylor M. Holt
1 day ago
Noah warned everyone up until the rain started. Then he showed them the third ass on the boat, his butt cheeks.

Nick Kay
1 day ago
Yea, when they have 5G installed!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s when their “second wave” will come in when they start frying people like in CALIFORNIA – HELLO! The “forest” fires are going on again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 day ago
Anyone else notice the ‘event 201’ logo if read like a rebus pictogram is ‘event to world one’? The 0 in the logo is a pic of the world.

1 day ago
I had to listen to this again. So so much intel. Your efforts deserve more then things that make you say humm. So I’m going to thank you properly.
More then thank you Amazing Polly.

Bill Murphy
3 days ago
I’ve just lost a whole lot of respect for a whole lot of world so called leaders.

John Carboni
20 hours ago
stage 2 will definitely be worse , we will need a Savior more than ever now.

Magdalena Przybylek
1 day ago
U r completly right, the WHO is World Hell Organisation

20 hours ago
I wonder if all the down votes are by WHO employees.

susan warner
2 days ago
I’ve just come across a comment that fits the bill of all the elites …. The whole world is a tangled web of deception, lies, deceit, coverups, corruption, demon possession unholy power hungry elites …. I’m in full agreement!

Mourning Dove
3 days ago
This is so depressing. I don’t think I can stand to hear anymore. Crying out to the Lord Jesus!

Jennif S
2 days ago
You look like Offred, and you kick ass like her too.

Bitter Qlinger
1 day ago
Why would we be paying for this? Vaccines are poison. How many have BG and his minions already killed over the years?

kenneth mccomiskie
1 day ago
The glove puppets speak. Who,s hands are up their bum. Cut off the hands.

Frank Cole
1 day ago

Sammy O
3 days ago
No wonder that the B&M foundation can be so generous, the money is recycled back to them.

1 day ago
I hope you give this to President Trump

Gertjan Zwiggelaar
2 days ago
Two thousand years ago we were warned about the usual suspects. For two thousand years, at least, these creatures have ripped and torn us; poisoned our wells and eaten our children. It is now beyond the time for a final solution to this problem. Kill Bill Gates. Kill all of them. There is no other way to solve our collective problem. Policy enforcement units are not human beings since they have no conscience and simply follow orders like robots. Robots have a kill switch. As for what happened in Kanukistan recently. Do you really suppose we believe that the shooter in NS was not a patsy? Come on. He drove about in a pretty good facsimile of a policy enforcement cruiser belonging to the British Occupation Force known as the RCMP; a thuggish organization of multicultural morons with an entire arsenal around their hips. Immediately after that mad shooting incident the lisping Communist spawn of Fidel Castro and a Margaret Kemper ‘dramatically’ tried to read his teleprompter and informed us the Communist/Liberal Party of Canada was banning 1500 different rifles. I say it has all gone much too far. Rope therapy is too good for those International Parasites. It is time for men to go hunting.

Rick Owen
1 day ago
Gates & others like him are playing the devil’s own game. More self-enrichment & global political power for elites via ‘altruistic’ international groups that circumvent governments & many laws.

Selena Dansfield
23 hours ago
Those foundations are all set up for money laundering IMHO.

Lupita Serna
3 days ago
Me thinks Melinda Gates has 5 oclock shadow.

Sunny Day
1 day ago
IMO, They are NOT gathering the oodles of money to eradicate CoV, they want to make it more deadly.

Ron Sam
2 days ago
Amazing that Trump as begun to defund the WHO and UN amass all the denigrating opinions of his actions. Trump needs to defund them completely and forever.

Obed Blas
1 day ago
Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine this is all hear from the start of this pandemic. Never in my 30ish years on this earth heard that word so much.

1 day ago (edited)
“New Normal” is another word for New World Order.
The Globalistas are carrying on with their global control measures while our POTUS is fighting for us.
Like Trump has said before: “These people are after YOU, I’m just in their way.
He can’t do it alone, he needs OUR help !

Barbara G.
3 days ago
When do we interrogate Fauci for making threats against all of humanity?

Mike G
1 day ago
Check out HR 6666, in the US House now.

2 days ago
You do Excellent work. Every bit of it So Appreciated and Needed in this world wide web of Lies. I pray you continue to be blessed, protected and rewarded from the King of Kings. Thank You Polly. Thank you so Much. X

Leah Smith
23 hours ago
Have you watched VAXXED: from cover up to catastrophe??? Its devastating…they knew.. intentionally harming children

Dick Kline
1 day ago
They have turned us all into lab rats. Rats that can be easily controlled. Rats that are clueless. Rats that have lost their freedom and rights. Rats that are ripe for any and all experimentation.

King Kevin
3 days ago
It’s all a scam, UN on down. Don’t trust the government for the truth.

Alice Galea
2 days ago
This is revolting to say the least… Trump needs to see this ASAP..

anaїs lake
1 day ago

1 day ago
Who here has tweeted this to the FBI or DOJ twitter

James Doermann
22 hours ago
You are one of the finest Canadian women I have ever heard speak if I wasn’t already married to a Canadian woman I would surely ask ! Great show Polly political female star!

Ron Dalton
3 days ago
Badass reporting….
.Hope the President and the patriots are watching this.
Time to kick these traitors ass.
Mikhail Stepounin
Mikhail Stepounin
1 day ago
Sorry for Russian. Бить, бить, смертным боем бить.
Beat, beat, mortal blow beat smash crush with no mercy.
jenni whittle
jenni whittle
2 days ago
2 days ago (edited)
Now I know where Trudeau sent $850 MILLION to when he pledged international efforts. Thank you for exposing this!!!!!!
Why is this “virus” now being labeled a “disease”? Everyone in the media is calling it that these days. I guess it is to scare more sheeple.
Paul Carless
Paul Carless
1 day ago
O yes that clapping gives their game away, So creepy
Honkler Bear
Honkler Bear
3 days ago
NAM is Man backwards.
It is inverting God’s creation.
George In S.C. 4
George In S.C. 4
23 hours ago
Melinda Mikey Gates.
Who’s shim fooling?
Ed Siceloff
Ed Siceloff
1 day ago
Polly, all governments are like mafia families.
21 hours ago
Fauci is a crook manipulating the governments of the world through fear. We are all doomed!
1 day ago
I hope to god you keep these documents because their killing aanything that exposes them.
Donald Whiteside
Donald Whiteside
3 days ago
They already had it planned , to have a outbreak during Trump’s Administration
linda felter
linda felter
2 days ago
Excellent job! First I have heard of you……you hit the nail on the head!!! Awesome job!!
Roland Gardner
Roland Gardner
19 hours ago
Everyone wants money. Medical foundations. Even the lady in this video!!
1 conscience 0 dimension
1 conscience 0 dimension
1 day ago
the way you deal with this computer doing a live at the same time impress me. and what is told too of course
Erika Welindt
Erika Welindt
1 day ago
I always thought it was strange, he is donating all this money and jet he is getting richer and richer, how does that work.
Think Mackay
Think Mackay
2 days ago
Tedros had already said about Trump’s withholding of funds: “Give the money to the WHO if you don’t want more body bags”! Say you are not shocked and outraged!
John Churchill
John Churchill
1 day ago
This video sound like Fauci’s “Wrap Up Smear”
The Critical Thinking Channel
The Critical Thinking Channel
1 day ago
The era of GOOD vaccines are gone…. That is what corruption in the system does… I will not accept the bullying of taking a vaccine because a) Knowing nothing good is in it… 2) I cannot sue the ones responsible for making it because morally bent and corrupted politicians says so… 3) I have more knowledge and Trust in my Immune Adaptive Systems…
beo wulf
beo wulf
1 day ago
mrlawilliamsuk Warmachine
mrlawilliamsuk Warmachine
19 hours ago
They’ve made it so I can’t play this in the background on my phone and use other apps.
Mr Bob
Mr Bob
3 days ago
Why does Bill G,s old lady look like an old dude ? Any info ? Inquiring minds want to know!
Mikhail Stepounin
Mikhail Stepounin
1 day ago
you received sword I appoint you Dame. Glory to you.
We the People United
We the People United
2 days ago
EVERYBODY send a link to Trump. Please make him see this video.
Theresa Bentivenga
Theresa Bentivenga
23 hours ago
No amount of money is ever enough for them.
1 day ago
My Body, My Choice.
See how that works
Francis X
Francis X
3 days ago
It should be called a scamdemic. The biggest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen.
Skip J
Skip J
2 days ago
Bill Gates personal PR team.
Darcy B
Darcy B
1 day ago
they have shown their evil faces. now we know for sure.
Susan Byers
Susan Byers
1 day ago
Notice 2 things, Melinda wears an inverted cross, per chan post. The older she gets, the more she looks like a man-trans.
Cheri Simonne Rubens
Cheri Simonne Rubens
1 day ago
Phenomenal eye-opener. Thank you SO MUCH for this. I have downloaded it and spread it and hope like hell it doesn’t get censored like all other truth being censored by YouTube right now.

I think the world needs to boycott YouTube and someone needs to create a new mirror platform that allows the truth to flow freely. Clearly, the owners of YouTube are bent or have been bought by Fauci
rick roth
rick roth
2 days ago
These govt shills can stick their vaccine where the sun dont shine.
SmilaZ SmilaZ
SmilaZ SmilaZ
1 day ago
Thank you intelligent woman. You do deserve loads of support.
Omega Point Singularity
Omega Point Singularity
1 day ago (edited)
this is like the greatest hustle of all time? the FBI has to be on this case, right? or do we need extraterrestrial intervention for this to stop???
Robert Arashiro
Robert Arashiro
1 day ago (edited)
USAID: United States Agency for International Development- CIA cover for global black operations.
Xavier Courtens
Xavier Courtens
2 days ago
Polly you are indeed amazing, thank you for everything.
Sali K
Sali K
3 days ago
Throw all these ppl into one of the dumbs and get rid of them the rest of the waste.
l Carmelita l
l Carmelita l
1 day ago
This is for everybody who is able to translate it in english,also German people are waking up, Ken fm Gesicht zeigen !!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you Polly your`re really amazing
Lisa Love Schuble
Lisa Love Schuble
1 day ago
Just curious but do all of these countries normally address their countries in English?
Vickie Zaccardo
Vickie Zaccardo
1 day ago
French noble laureate Luc Montagnier said that COVID 19 was created in a lan and that the sequence wil breakdown,l unravel and disintegrate out of existence eventually.
Endangered White Male
Endangered White Male
1 day ago
They had a vaccine in 2006 which was only rubber stamped by the patent office in november 2019 !
3 days ago
People Who are these people that are Unelected making rules for the planet.
faiths landing
faiths landing
1 day ago
God bless you. Happy Mother’s Day.
1 day ago
Donating money to themselves?!?
Well, that would explain how Bill Gates constantly donates tens and hundreds of millions, but never sees a drop in his net worth…
Jarreau Purcell
Jarreau Purcell
19 hours ago
Great work connecting the dots. A document released in 2010 Scenarios for the Future of Technology & International Development . The Rockefeller Foundation. Global Business Network (GBN) member of the MONTOR GROUP Same group that created UN & WHO — look at their logos – Caduceus Symbol serpents
Entwined up a pole Same group that’s giving the orders on Coro- V — advising governments- shaping regulations & rules. Taking away our rights
p platzer
p platzer
2 days ago
THANK YOU for your AMAZING work! I am blown away… This will have an END.
3 days ago
These folks are on a whole other level of evil.
Andy Dietrich
Andy Dietrich
2 days ago
WHO Gates Foundation CDC deplatform NOW
Paul Relgne
Paul Relgne
1 day ago
These organizations are playing a giant “shell game”. What does this syndicate have on our national leaders (blackmail?), to have those leaders comply with their scheme? Thank you Polly for exposing their scheme.
bright star
bright star
2 days ago
Am I the only one who thinks that Melinda Gates looks like a man in drag? 👀She has a lot more testosteron than Wimpy Gates and I also think she looks like a little hat.
1 day ago
Keep em coming polly. It really puts things into perspective.
3 days ago
Arrest VacciNazi Herr Gates from Hell WHO did it!. Arresting the VACCINATOR is inevitable.
18 hours ago
So how many New Yorkers started getting sick in November 2019? Worth looking into.😉
Pete S.
Pete S.
1 day ago
Gates and people like Zuckerberg were propped up by the intelligence agencies. The only reason their businesses became so prolific in the U.S. and around the world.
Leonard Fleet
Leonard Fleet
1 day ago
More brilliant research & exposure Polly, well done!
Dr. Bill
Dr. Bill
1 day ago
You’re the talk of the town . Great investigative work . Thanks so much Polly , these bastards are through .
3 days ago
“Won’t you please donate so we can create the new generation of deadly viruses so we can expand our POWER.”
kirk enicker
kirk enicker
1 day ago
The level of deception these wicked people are involved in is mind blowing – 666
Michael Allen
Michael Allen
1 day ago
Its so sickening they are just like the news they all have the same piece of paper. i want to throw up…
21 hours ago
Did anyone else notice that several of those men within the cabal. Including Tony Fauci all have faces that resemble satan. Like there evil ways has actually disfigured them into demonic caricatures.
Mark Jason Walker
Mark Jason Walker
2 days ago
Oh and have you heard of proposed bill HR- 6666 in the US?
Bacon, Eatmore
Bacon, Eatmore
3 days ago
When your talking about Melinda gates you said she is literally giving money to herself. What did you mean by, “she”?
Guenter Poelzguter
Guenter Poelzguter
2 days ago
Amazing great Job – greetingd from Austria
Greek God
Greek God
1 day ago
Henry Ford were Nazi motor engine providers. You may not realise this relevance at the 10min mark.
Michael Allen
Michael Allen
1 day ago
Should have the Godfather theme playing talking about all these health thugs
theodore lovesu
theodore lovesu
2 days ago
Every story you put out is Amazing, Polly!
Jeanette the, which I have a good time Wright
Jeanette the, which I have a good time Wright
3 days ago
Sam PK
Sam PK
13 hours ago
The word ” Amazing ” with your name is fully justified … you are really amazing… salute and respect. 👍✌
Irish Shamrock
Irish Shamrock
2 days ago
Thank you Polly! I greatly appreciate all of this info/research. I love how these people are stupid enough to say the exact same lines worldwide after they were already exposed in MSM for that. It’s clear they are all working together. It all makes me sick and I can’t wait for them to all be taken down. God Bless! Keep up the fantastic work!
tony skaggs
tony skaggs
1 day ago
Thinking about you everyday ❣️ MS 👋 be safe HUN someone does care about you ❤️.
1 day ago
I hope nothing happens to you because of the investigations you conduct.
I fear if what you do gains major traction something will “accidentally” happen to you.
Yosemite Sam
Yosemite Sam
3 days ago
Put out a virus, then get rich off the vaccine.
2 days ago
Polly, you really are amazing!
fendermarshallblues box
fendermarshallblues box
1 day ago
Donn Who, just kidding , I try warn people, they tell me i’m a crazy fool
Anita Castelli
Anita Castelli
1 day ago
What happened to my body my choice.
No vaccine for bs virus. I had it im fine.
Anita Castelli
Anita Castelli
1 day ago
This over 200 lauers deep. Theyve been planning this for years
Ralph McCutcheon
Ralph McCutcheon
2 days ago
The most convincing investigative journalist I have ever come across.
vicky w-o sullivan
vicky w-o sullivan
2 days ago
so sad to think he could predict a novel virus. you must be evil and sick to start a plan pandemic on humankind.
Zara ZevLunden
Zara ZevLunden
2 days ago (edited)
Amazing Polly and everyone – Do you know of anyone who is Brave, Brilliant – cannot be bought, bribed, blackmailed or manipulated- loves Canada and their fellow Canadians – is also a financial wizard – who would be a good person to nominate to run for Prime Minister of Canada? Trump is taken. We need someone like this for Canada.
Zelda Zonk
Zelda Zonk
1 day ago
💃 🇨🇵 🥂
Bisou, Ma Jolie, vous faites un boulot fantastique !
Mark Jason Walker
Mark Jason Walker
2 days ago
Hey Jeff also known as a dollar vigilante was promoting you the other day on this channel and I couldn’t help but think I was like oh wow I was like yeah 😉
3 days ago
Bill Gates is moving his perfected vaccine experiments on Africans to American citizens…Gates needs to be exposed and taken down.
Melissa Native
Melissa Native
2 days ago
6 hours ago
I’ve been saying for 2 decades that…WE ARE PAYING FOR OUR OWN DEMISE!!!
Lala Sunshine
Lala Sunshine
2 days ago
TeThomas “Tom” Frieden M.D.

Director (Former)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Caitlin Rivers
– She participated at event 201
Assistant Professor

Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health->Environmental Health and Engineeringstified on May 6,2020 House committee
Braden Mitchell
Braden Mitchell
1 day ago
Born in China would that be ocupied manchuria. Japanese paperclip
3 days ago
Thumps up if you won’t take the vaccine
bestsmall country
bestsmall country
1 day ago
You’ve done all the same research that I’ve seen in other places, only IT’S MUCH WORSE. Throw in my NASA and Climate videos and Mike Moloney’s “Hidden Secrets of Money”. It’s ALL lies!
2 days ago (edited)
You are so great I love you, Polly ! We Germans suffer here as Merkel supports Gates´WHO and she hates Germans. PLEASE HELP US ! SOS GERMANY !
Matt Branson
Matt Branson
1 day ago
Melinda looks like a bloke???? huge shoulders.
Judy Davis
Judy Davis
2 days ago
Did you notice Ursula shape shifting? I caught it.
Gary Stuart
Gary Stuart
3 days ago
“Never again” is a Holocaust reference…
baja joes
baja joes
1 day ago
Polly, thanks for this eye opening report! Astounding!
Whiskey Bear
Whiskey Bear
1 day ago
So, basically they bought home insurance and then burned down the house.
Fraud in a world scale.
1 day ago
Trump needs to subscribe,his FBI,CIA,AND PENTIGON cant seem to figure this out,or hes in on it.
denise shepherd
denise shepherd
1 day ago
Your research is amazing!!!!!Polly, you deserve a Nobel Prize.
Roberta Wolf
Roberta Wolf
3 days ago
A Seattle news station did an brief “news” item showing that Dr. Judy Mikovits is a liar and a fraud. I was glad that I had done my research and knew that the news station was the liar. Thank you Polly.
Megan Pearl
Megan Pearl
2 days ago
The Don is George Soros. 😡
Lynn Mack
Lynn Mack
2 days ago
Dr. Slidell who appeared out of nowhere online, worked for Partners in Health in Haiti
Deplorable IslandGirl
Deplorable IslandGirl
2 days ago
I sure hope Trump knows all this!! My hunch is that he does, and this is all coming out, because it has to. Thank you Polly!
Cheryl Pemberton
Cheryl Pemberton
1 day ago (edited)
I’m SICK of every other commercial on TV (don’t judge, I’m disabled, 3 terminal illnesses, plus others, I watch a LOT) that says, “We’re ALL in this together.” Or the ones that show people having such a great time locked in their homes!! Not out in Parks, or at churches; no, they ALL show the people cooped up like chickens, THANKFUL to be like this!
Erna Sharp
Erna Sharp
3 days ago (edited)
Judith Boulden
Judith Boulden
1 day ago
The Red Cross is asking schools and universities to do blood drives in areas that usually have drives with their local blood banks. Why are they doing this when Coronavirus doesn’t take blood?
Joe Block
Joe Block
2 days ago
WOW! I MEAN WOW! BOOMS GALORE. Thank you, Polly dearest. You just opened my eyes even further. Good catch, dear woman!! I’m speechless. Thank you.
Anna Gabriel
Anna Gabriel
2 days ago
Bombtastic…or should I say boomtastic!! Great work!!!
Answer the Question
Answer the Question
1 day ago
My god you onto China bashing…. Look in to the Jews that run your government
3 days ago
If these people wasn’t so corrupt polly would get a pulitzer
Dottie A
Dottie A
1 day ago
Dr.Dzau is Chinese. Enough said. They have infiltrated EVERYTHING!
Paul Pitts
Paul Pitts
1 day ago
“Dr. Victor J. Dzau was appointed chancellor for health affairs at Duke University and president and CEO of the Duke University Health System effective July 1, 2004. He is also James B. Duke Professor of Medicine and director of molecular and genomic vascular biology”

Wasn’t the CoVid virus developed at Duke?
Red Pill Rat
Red Pill Rat
1 day ago
Lindi Mashinini
Lindi Mashinini
1 day ago
what the serious fluff did i just watch?!?!?! this is an ACTUAL mafia!
3 days ago
The GPMB logo resembles an “okay” sign which is not okay.
Kathleen Fuller
Kathleen Fuller
1 day ago
Wow, Poll!!! You really outdid yourself this time. I knew there would be a second outbreak, just instinct from the get go. Thank you, for the proof! There have been plenty of crumbs. Fauci’s being “certain” to me, is evidence.
1 day ago (edited)
Which makes us suspect Trump is in effect controlled resistance. Likewise “Children’s Health”-endorser-of-vaccine-mandate-candidates RFKjr.
1 day ago
Amazing work! I thank you for having the heart and patience to wade through all the information read it an present it to us documented and factual. You are a light in the darkness Polly
1 day ago
Boom! I knew this all seemed fishy when I told a cop I thought I was sick and he took no precautions, also up in Aspen and the wealthy seem to know more than most.
Paul Kirshman
Paul Kirshman
3 days ago (edited)
To whom does Fauci give his highest allegiance? He makes no secret of this.
Lara O’neal
Lara O’neal
1 day ago
Great content Polly.
Truthseeker Today
Truthseeker Today
1 day ago (edited)
Polly you need to check out Tony Panteralesco. He is a Canadian who is on your side. He is speaking out against what’s going on.
10 hours ago
A few weeks before a (flase flag) event there is always a “excercise”.
1 day ago
This is a technocratic coup. It’s happening right out in the open.
Mr. $elf Destruct
Mr. $elf Destruct
3 days ago
Eugenics and money, really that’s what the entire scam/scheme comes down to …
Don Q
Don Q
2 days ago
🔷️🔍 Diamonds Miner 🔍🔷️
Amazing Polly digs deeper.
Ash qelon
Ash qelon
2 days ago
HERE, patent USA = 2006257852
EU patent = EP 3172319A1 is the MFG virus.
“. “. = EP3172319B1 is the MFG virus vaccine.
mac Duffin
mac Duffin
1 day ago
I’m in love with this beautiful woman 😍
jeff koch
jeff koch
2 days ago
Are you ever going to talk about the guy to the left of the Dr.? Or is that not proper? I did notice his photo… but no mention.
Kenny Holliday Jr
Kenny Holliday Jr
3 days ago
Tom Fitton and JW going after Fauci now. They are suing for docs
David Lang
David Lang
1 day ago
Are the mafia dons the Rockefellers and Rothschilds?
Sharon Sheila Phee
Sharon Sheila Phee
1 day ago
TRUMP AND WE MUST STOP THIS BOOM BOMB NOW B4 too late. Polly I see what you don’t and vice versa
Mike McFly
Mike McFly
1 hour ago
I just love how you do research & put up facts. It’s sad that the sheep will see this & will say, “ITS FAKE”. They will rather be blind then see the truth because they live in fear.
LInda Lee
LInda Lee
1 day ago (edited)
I saw Frumpf pictured on one if your arrow pictures yet you don’t mention his connection. Where is Frumpf in all of this?
dutty red
dutty red
3 days ago
Reminds me of the time the newscasters were all reading the same “script” how embarrassing.
1 day ago (edited)
lol , some countries did’t even bother or had no time to translate it so just read it in english.
Catherine Embriano
Catherine Embriano
1 day ago
Best Report on Exposing the BOOMS…esp Fauci! Lock him up!
Marvin West
Marvin West
1 day ago
Melinda gates speech translation :

“if we all work as a team, take our death jabs and save the worlds health”

Psychopaths plans always show through in the end, they will end up at the stake

The world health organization is very cleverly worded, they are for the WORLDS HEALTH, not human health..: the way they write their copy is so sly it washes over fluoride filled minds.
Miriam Hope
Miriam Hope
2 days ago
thank you for your great work! kind regards from Munich in Germany where we Patriots fight against our corrupt cancellor Angela Merkel💪🏼
Greg Horn
Greg Horn
2 days ago
Wow, this Fake Rona thingy is Big, Big Business. They’re seed-funding a whole new (synthetic) economy — of Oppression.
Jackie Bridges
Jackie Bridges
1 day ago (edited)
I’m so proud of you staying out of fear knowing you are protected with a unseen force , invisible spirtual force protecting you in unseen ways , you are a powerful divine feminine and opened your throat chakra , staying out of fear and speaking the truth I’m proud that a powerful feminine is speaking her truth . people share her videos push likes stop staying in the background doing nothing , stand up with this beautiful divine feminine for having the power to stand up to this evil agendas system to pull off this one world order agenda OMG , I’m so proud of her …who is the dumb ass sheeple that gave her thumbs down . wake up sheeple..
Eurdis Gonzales
Eurdis Gonzales
1 day ago
Every time #MelindaGates talks about or says #Disease, I feel like she is talking about us, us #Humans that NEED TO BE KILLED, ERADICATED LIKE A #DISEASE‼
Tanja Hannah Thórisdóttir
Tanja Hannah Thórisdóttir
7 hours ago
Polly, stay on this Meta or Meso-level. This is much more effectiv than the pure medic or biologic approach from Dr. buttar or Dr. Mikovits. 😌😏
Davida G
Davida G
1 day ago
BOOM INDEED POLLY,, thank you, WE ALL must stop those demons !
System 3
System 3
3 days ago
Makes you wonder what kind of other “things” they have just waiting to be used.
3 hours ago
I have just wasted 40 mins of my life.What a bucket.
Hier! Brennt’s!
Hier! Brennt’s!
2 days ago
From Germany with Love. ♥❤💛⚫⚪🔴
Ralph Church
Ralph Church
1 day ago
The boss is a family called House of Lucifer and yes. They control all six disciplines of society. You’ll never see them or hear them directly because the golden cap sits above and separate from the pyramid.
1 day ago
Wow, you really did your homework, this is amazing findings! Sharing with everyone right now.
2 days ago
I hereby declare that I don’t give my consent to their evil plans.
Victoria Matlock
Victoria Matlock
1 day ago
Wow knew that the Germans Would Be a part of it
C McLaughlin
C McLaughlin
2 days ago
Is Melinda Gates ma’am?
sue church
sue church
20 hours ago
The reports and funding flow chart reminds me of Fusion GPS, The Democrat Party, Planned Parenthood, The Fake Dossier, and Hillary Clinton.
2 days ago (edited)
Vaccines = witches cauldron potions ….Literally
3 days ago
Absolutely outstanding work, Polly!! You’ve blown the lid off the whole racket!
1 day ago
wow they’ve got a memo….unbelievable
Randy Felts
Randy Felts
1 day ago
That as someone said in the chat below Melvin Gates is calling us who disagree the virus that needs to be eliminated in a not so subtle way.
1 day ago
This was well done. The other point, I saw NO compassion to show they were invested emotionally. This goes along with getting rid of the population. I hope people wake up in time.
Dustin Marx
Dustin Marx
8 hours ago
Yoooo Melinda is a man!!! My lort the hands on that beast!!
Jim Diet
Jim Diet
3 days ago
So why did the world leaders saying Vaccines, diagnostics etc. say it in English and not their native language?
Jaylene Kay
Jaylene Kay
7 hours ago
Pardon me, I’m media illiterate so it was easy for Twitter to silence me.
Wilma Garcia
Wilma Garcia
1 day ago
Globalist radical just like Obamas partner Michael 👺👺
2 days ago (edited)
Seriously . . . are Bill Gates and DR. Fauci and Paul Farmer related, did they come from the same gene pool?
Georgeanne Kaufman
Georgeanne Kaufman
2 days ago
Your description of the global health money going around in a circle sounds like RICO, a racketeer-influenced organization, or, anyway, a fraud on the public.
Jacqueline Gwynne
Jacqueline Gwynne
3 days ago
Just watching the mainstream news in Australia. They are predicting a “second wave” of COVID19 infections. This will coincide with the roll out of 5G. The radiation poisoning causes “flu like symptoms”.
Jacqueline du Plessis
Jacqueline du Plessis
1 day ago
Hope you have backups cause YT will delete this cause apparently the world not only has COVID but CENSOR-VIRUS.
1 day ago
30:00+ is melvinda gates a dude?
For D
For D
2 days ago
Amazing Polly . Amazing work 🙌 .
Your research and thought process is precision personified. Hats off to you. Your work on this virus hoax is legendary . Hope you are writing a book . And I thought the Enron scam was unbelievable. You deserve to be compensated for your work , either book or documentary. Why not both.
Thank you for all your research. Boom !
susan folk
susan folk
1 day ago
how do we get this on fox, cnn, and what other news reporting there is out there .. forgiveme I do not watch the tube
Madame Mayhem
Madame Mayhem
3 days ago
Fauci: “The U.S. is in for a bad Fall…”
Me: You could be too! A bad fall from the top of a tall building. 🤐
1 day ago
Always follow the money…who or what organization has the most money in the entire world?
1 day ago
We are doomed goblin gates will get his way they will get their NWO capstone the Antichrist will come soon most of us will die and then God will come and rid the earth of all these demons for good. It is not going to be a good 7 years.
Joseph Stymest
Joseph Stymest
19 hours ago
Gates” father founded Planned parenthood. The same organization that encourages about 900 women a day to abort their babies. His mother was also on the board of IBM. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. Talks about depopulation 1 day and then miraculously has the vaccination to save us all from a global pandemic. I always thought Satan was in the UN or EU. Looks like Gates has my vote for being Satan.
Jana W
Jana W
1 day ago
Not appreciating the Paul Farmer bashing, and Partners in Health. It is the only organization that has worked tirelessly for the impoverished of Haiti.
Lynn Peart
Lynn Peart
3 days ago
Bill Melinda Gates foundation… A bunch of Evil Illuminati..
William Tucker
William Tucker
2 days ago
First time here from rense. Your Booming on them is beyond supernova level. As Patton said in WWII: TANKS!!!

Mafia? Cabal? How about demonic dark plasma interdimensional archonic parasites feasting on human suffering; that is their harvest.

Hey faithful! “You will know them by their fruits.” Clear enough?

Your ability to simplify should earn you eternal honors of the Great Simplifier with the Great Simpler FIRE!!!
Honor to be subscribed!
2 days ago
TOP LADY WE LOVE YOU!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Mads Walker
Mads Walker
1 day ago
Well researched and summarized. Well done! This is both saddening and infuriating at the same time. South Africa is already at the brink of collapse due to a few criminals who has no morality. It would seem like a train that has left the station.. never to be stopped. And it all happened in plain sight, most of us jst didn’t know where to look, but we now hve a better view. Thank u again for your dedication to the truth.
evil ed
evil ed
2 days ago
it’s great, love it, but you can’t beat david icke’s ‘boom, boom, boom’. lol.
Earl of Mar
Earl of Mar
3 days ago
One World Order. That’s how they are going to usher this thing in. Not war, but a medical take-over by means of fear of diseases.
Heiko Santelmann
Heiko Santelmann
2 days ago
Great work, Polly!
We the People United
We the People United
2 days ago (edited)
Wasnt it Voltaire that said whoever you can’t speak of is who is in charge?? That at this time would be all these Drs onstage with Trump, the Gates Foundation, the WHO and…Israel. Imagine that. They also censor the truth tellers. At this time it would be Dr. Buttar, Dr Judy Mikovitz, George Webb who is dead on in his investigations. Even David Icke is exposing them.
Thomas O’Keefe
Thomas O’Keefe
1 day ago
Selena Dansfield
Selena Dansfield
23 hours ago
They want Bill Gates digital tattoo so that they can track everyone in the world. It will also have your vaccination records, whether you have antibodies to the virus. Sounds like the mark of the beast.
Ejah Shua
Ejah Shua
2 days ago
snipers and assassins could win this war, now that we have the targets identified
Judith Batthyany
Judith Batthyany
2 days ago
Great, what a Research! Thanks! Mindopening!
Miles West
Miles West
1 day ago
Will you marry me? I’m Amazing Man so we belong together 🙂
Yes Icare
Yes Icare
21 hours ago
Great reporting A P 👏 Melissa Gates looks like a man 🤔
Tany Almine
Tany Almine
1 day ago
Hold on to God. The days are evil and this will be the trending. The One World Government Agenda conspirators with their anti-Christ cohorts are very busy controlling and manipulating the whole world through disease, terrorism and economic shutdown. But God is still in the throne. He is in control and yes He cares his chosen people.
3 days ago
Evil Psychopaths, Literal Demons presenting themselves as Angels of Light.
Samuel Spell
Samuel Spell
2 days ago
We can’t thank you enough for fighting
For families lives. Global distruction of
Our 🌎 .N.W.O. It has progressed to
Depopulation and removal of any
Freedoms of CHOICE of healthcare.
Walter Voglauer
Walter Voglauer
2 days ago
Excellent Information !

Thanks from Austria.
Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson
1 day ago
I’ve been saying for years it’s not the people you see on tv it’s the people behind the camera handing them notes about stuff they want said no matter what. Those are the first that should be jailed.
Arts Amuse
Arts Amuse
2 days ago (edited)
They are using vaccines to spread diseases, while blaming population density and growth as the reason for the increase in disease. They are insane and most of these people are so buried in paperwork and crap in their local small political offices, that they have no idea what is going on and they just read what they are handed to get it done. There is no way that this mafia, and that is what this is…it’s organized crime are going down. They are entrenched in all offices and communities. These criminals are murdering people with their primary weapon, vaccines. Their other methods are organized or planned famine, drought, specific nutrient deficiency and now possibly frequency or energy weapons and touchless technology.
Debra Moore
Debra Moore
1 day ago
Thank you as always for your excellent research. Blessings!
Esoteric Mystery
Esoteric Mystery
3 days ago
Wow, those people in that Event 201! One was Tom Daschle.
Winston Churchill Churchill
Winston Churchill Churchill
22 hours ago
It is amazing to watch Our creator God work his magic expose them replaced them Michael Moore was used as a tool much more to come thank you God
Jury Truliś
Jury Truliś
1 day ago
Good job!!! 🙏🏻 game over is near
Marty Majix
Marty Majix
1 day ago
This is and always has been Mafia Organized Crime. A stolen trillion dollars can buy many prostitutes. Think of what 8 trillion can buy.
LeAnne Wirtz
LeAnne Wirtz
1 day ago
Once again, great podcast with lots of important info. I would like to know more about Melinda Gates. Do y’all think she’s a man?
Swim Upstream
Swim Upstream
3 days ago
My body, my choice. No vaccines for me.
Jon Yz
Jon Yz
1 day ago
guys, remember snowden sacrifice.
TikTok Army
TikTok Army
1 day ago
I have never watched a video long 39 minutes. But I watched this with so much pleasure. Lets get them and make them all pay for their crimes agains humanity
Alda Rizzo
Alda Rizzo
1 day ago
for all those that no longer believe in the one world order, you are one of them
1 day ago
I new it, I new it all along. I’m in the wrong frigin job.😂
Sali K
Sali K
3 days ago
Yes they were all reading from same game plan. The whole thing is nauseating. I pray to God pres trump is not in on this.
William Love
William Love
1 day ago
Amazing Polly. My parents are Naturopathic Doctors!🤙✨💛✨
Darcy B
Darcy B
1 day ago
Polly, you are over the target, and you are getting bigger. they will see you soon,. protect yourself.
Stephen Lowe
Stephen Lowe
1 day ago
You got a glowing mention on another favorite site….Canon212…hopes this gives you a boost to continue your great work.
Cheryl Gilmartin
Cheryl Gilmartin
8 hours ago
Consider renaming this so others who don’t believe will listen
Notcha Grandpa
Notcha Grandpa
3 days ago
I’m really starting to think CV19 is nothing more than agenda 21 being rolled out worldwide.
1 day ago
Great job of flushing out those Magots Polly..!!’
Debi Foli
Debi Foli
2 days ago
You did an amazing job here AmazingPolly!!! Wow. Nailed it
Cedric Gibbons
Cedric Gibbons
2 days ago
Polly you are truly Amazing!
Happy Mother’s Day dear.
Paula Feudo
Paula Feudo
2 days ago
Incredible Report, A. Polly, dissecting the sleazy activities thus otherwise hidden from our view.