“Every Jab is Attempted Murder By Government”- Democide (Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, 4/6/22)

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – “God Save Us!!!” – World Governments Are Murdering People, April 6, 2022


Build a parallel society. Have nothing to do with the government and the banking system. Pay with cash and transition into barter or create your own local currency. Get off of the electronic gadgets and communicate in the old ways. Create your own health care system. Live free.

44 minutes ago

A million people when to to Canberra to the Government and nothing happened. Police drove the protestors away

an hour ago

Its really stressful that my friends and siblings are still pushing me to take the vaccine even though my 10 yr old grandson had covid and was mild. I was looking after him and never got it.
35 minutes ago

Please don’t let them wear you down.
2 hours ago

FACTS the entire Medical Industry was started by Rockefeller who hated Humanity! Fuck Doctors Nurses all of them. My People NATIVE AMERICANS had no illness until The White Man. But What can we do DARPA they can program you just like a computer program and you not even know it. They can make you think and believe what they want! They can read your thoughts before you think them they can look through your eyes and see what you are seeing! PRAY ITS ALL YOU GOT [show less]

2 hours ago

It’s all part of the Agenda come the fuck on people Clown World,Installed President Joe Shitty Pants Biden,Destroy America,Take out the Petrol Dollar, Usher in NWO/World Government Digital Currency, Total Control! Vaccines is Childs Play If the Masses knew What DARPA is capable of you would take yourself out! You can not in your wildest dreams imagine what this Evil is doing.

2 hours ago

Riccardo Bosi ?

4 hours ago

Lead is the only currency the criminals will understand

5 hours ago

This interviewer is a moron. He doesn’t just have a medical degree. This is one of the greatest doctors of our time!

10 hours ago

Lawyer Julian Gillespie address the Australian Covid Inquiry
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13 hours ago

There are No “Viruses” to DIE From Good Doctor,

Listen to better more informed Doctors and Virologists [show more]
Edited 13 hours ago
View all 3 replies
7 hours ago

You people are SIMPLETONS. This ‘no virus’ theory could well be true but it has been put out there to get people to argue about details instead of uniting on the facts which we are being culled and enslaved. WAKE UP.
6 hours ago
Giorgio Palmas

Thank you Mr Giorgio, you are in the Know Bro.

But I’m afraid the New World Order is Good to Go [show more]
Edited 5 hours ago
13 hours ago

This Doctor Never hits he nail directly on the head.

For one thing he keeps calling BiO WeaponS “Vaccines” [show more]
View all 4 replies
5 hours ago

He needs to be Passionate about doing more RESEARCH
5 hours ago

Time is out for catering to Stupid People,

I mean Dr Amanda Vollmer Kicks this Doctors AsS. [show more]
Edited 5 hours ago
14 hours ago

Well under the vaccine protection act scam and the cares act they will never be accountable
View all 6 replies
12 hours ago

Keep watching. 1 Cor Ch 15 Vs 1-4
5 hours ago
[email protected]


Isn’t that a Judgment Call?! [show more]
Edited 5 hours ago
14 hours ago

2 new films:
PUTIN VS THE DEEP STATE – PART ONE – DENAZIFICATION – https://www.bitchute.com/video/VhmAW958NLMs/
PUTIN VS THE DEEP STATE – PART TWO – RED LINES – https://www.bitchute.com/video/MWMnekQXiU2A/
5 hours ago

Putin was a young global leader schooled by Klaus Schwab of the WEF which is an organization affiliated with the United Nations and the Vatican controls them all. There is no deep state. There are Jesuitical run organizations and the Vatican controls them all. The vatican owns every government on earth.
14 hours ago

The majority of Australians will never wake up, even when their families are dying from the jab, or when they are rounded up and forced into camps, they will still look to the government for help and believe their lies. Australia has fallen to the NWO.

14 hours ago

I understand the good doctor, he has the knowledge and a good heart to help the people. He looks like a person of action.
But that’s not enough in this case. Jesus said, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness [show more]
10 hours ago

There are many that are doing just that. “if not for the Lard mercy and compassion, we would all be consumed”. Do what you can to resist and protect yourself, then try to awaken and help others. I believe that the vaccine false Medical/pharma scam is the White Horse of the Book of Revelation. This Ukraine situation may be the start of the Red Horse of global war and destruction of peace.
6 hours ago

But that’s not enough either, we need both; a balance of Spiritual practice, good action and activism in the physical realm. Even Jesus lived by that to an extent.
15 hours ago

Download the latest dataset, Deaths by vaccination status, England:
[show more]

15 hours ago
[email protected]

No one has given informed consent ~ the deadliest ingredients are concealed ~ no one has been informed!
Do not comply.
Do not consent. [show more]
12 hours ago
Paul V Montefusco

Absolutely correct. Thete hss been NO informed consent. ✅ That must be stressed. You are right on it. 👍
12 hours ago
Paul V Montefusco

I will quote you. Your point is more important than any other. Never taking it in any case. 🍷🍷
16 hours ago

I am totally in love with this man. I owe him. I am thankful to him. May God protect him.
14 hours ago
[email protected]

He has been my favorite from the very beginning of all this crap.
6 hours ago
[email protected]

He and Mike Yeadon, both great humans,
16 hours ago

Killing off all the stupid people is the only viable path to freedom from tyranny, it had to be this way.

16 hours ago

Dr Bhakdi is so very right in theory, but unfortunately the masses are not united as such to complete such tasks of dragging these tyrants out. Sure there have been many protests with huge number attending, but the police have proven they are also complicate and in Australia we have seen enormous brutally from the police.

16 hours ago

Dr. Bhakdi is a hero. In the near future, there will be those who will hang their hangs in absolute shame and remorse when they finally have to face the truth, that they “defended an evil agenda” that murdered their friends, family members, and their children. They will never have a night of peaceful rest ever again.

17 hours ago

We’ve tried everything, and these paedophile demons and psychopaths are still in their seats and in power, and still sprouting their evil and lies upon us every day with a sick grin on their faces. What’s it gonna take? More doctors and scientists speaking out, ending the mainstream media blackout, more class actions, more protests, [show more]

17 hours ago

I went to a store today. A half of people there still had masks on. Case closed. Before we are able to do anything, we need a psychiatric care for these people.
14 hours ago
[email protected]

Um… Hey! Shhhh. JaMaD, don’t look around and try not to react… You and I are the “crazy” ones.
8 hours ago

I was in my local supermarket and I asked the young woman attendant, when they were getting more toilet paper. She said “I can’t say when the next delivery will be, all the drivers are off sick with covid,” I replied “I think you’ll find they are all sick from the jab destroying their immune system, and not from covid,” She went [show more]
17 hours ago
[email protected]

“We MUST put a stop to it.”
But let’s face it, we probably won’t.
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14 hours ago
[email protected]

I agree with you on pretty much everything you’ve shared, I just wouldn’t call myself a “world citizen” simply because of what the nwo has turned that into. Share your protonmail account. Is it [email protected]?
4 hours ago
[email protected]

18 hours ago

Damn. He was kinda rude to her
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15 hours ago

No, he is not rude, looks like the good doctor is expressing righteous anger at this injustice.
3 hours ago

Explaining technical subjects to non-techal people can be excruciating.
18 hours ago
Not so lone ranger

Covid cult doctors and nurses are pushing the poison and injecting their trusting patients… Many of them seem to enjoy what they are doing and also gladly hurt those the defy their evil logic… Careful how you deal with these demons… They will gladly kill you and are pure Evil.

18 hours ago
[email protected]

It would be nice to put all of the politicians, and all those who were complicit in making Covid out to be real and pushed vaccines (including media members, “healthcare” workers, CEOs, Big Pharma, 5G FCC, Educators, top DOD officials, etc.) into a dedicated political prison.
At the same time, everyone who took the jab should be [show more]

18 hours ago

…and hospitals are killing people under the order of the gov’ts.

18 hours ago

OMG can it he said any clearer: this brave dr. Surely has put himself & his wife in grave DANAGER in Germany..

18 hours ago


18 hours ago

Biden has threatened US citizens with military weapons. He means “nukes” too. They are noy even at our capital they are using some studio.

18 hours ago
D Tyler Dunbrack

Has he been living under a rock???? The truckers and freedom fighters have been trying since the beginning to get answers but all the whores don’t care. Tell him to go to London and tell the bankers for us, we tried everything else. Godspeed
16 hours ago

The masons were leading the truckers..which is why it went nowhere.
18 hours ago

I’ve got no audio ?
16 hours ago

If you tried watching the video by clicking a link that someone left somewhere else, I’ve had that happen, too. What you have to do is, go directly to Bitchute, & find this channel. “SixthSense”, then, look for this video. Hope that helps.
16 hours ago

18 hours ago

Dr. Bhakdi, you told me first, a year or more ago, that this was bad bad. I so appreciate your spirit! Best to you…

18 hours ago

Government Goons Gotta Go

18 hours ago

We only have NOT TO COMPLY, then it’s over. Wake up you stupid ignorant sheep.

19 hours ago

He looks so young and healthy for his age. Dang!