Emergency: Dismantle National Security (‘Deep’) State, Repeal 1947 National Security Act (Insights)

Epigraph Quotes:

“There is no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take if from them, but to inform their discretion by education.”

Thomas Jefferson

A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both.

James Madison

From: Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)

… The National Security Act has taken the truth away. We are, in fact, living in a state of Martial Law, a State of National Emergency. They call it national security. Where’s the security in it? Without freedom, without civil rights, what kind of security can a people have? And if the people aren’t the nation, then we’re gonna have to fix that starting right now.

See, the National Security Act says that “in the interest of national security” you’re not entitled to a fair trial… all your civil rights can be suspended in the “interest of national security”. And what is national security? Nobody knows. There’s no case law on it. It’s anything the cryptocrats (rule by secrecy) say it is, and for some reason, the judges go along with this. Why? Probably because they’re part of the cryptocracy, or they’re afraid that the pictures of themselves molesting that beautiful young child will be made public and that’ll be the end of their careers. They didn’t know that it was the cryptocrats who provided the child and the child is an MPD ( multiple personality) who’s specially trained to perform some perverted sexual act that serves the judges own pedophilic or bestial tastes… But I don’t want to pick on judges, how about Senators, Congressmen, Presidents, Cabinet members, prominent entertainers, the rich and the famous… This is what we’re hearing over and over from the survivors of Project Monarch — which may have been also called Project One Hundred Thousand… (Have you seen anything about that in your local newspapers?)

….The Cold War was just an excuse to get the National Security State going. It was just like terrorism on airplanes was just an excuse to control public air travel, just like gang shootings were just an excuse to disarm the citizenry, just like another “unwinnable” War on Drugs was just an excuse for both illegal searches and seizures, more prisons and SWAT teams, and the high price and perverse interests and availability of drugs – mostly uppers of the kind the Nazi Blitzkreig ran on. The Nazis went the way of the radio — the new technology that created Hitler’s environment — it became an artform.

The secrets are coming out. Being obsolesced for a cryptocrat means he feels a great need to confess his secret sins against humanity in order to regain his own. While we may have been a nation of lab rats preyed upon by the cryptocracy, we are no longer. The way I add it up, through one secret program or another, half of the people in this country — maybe more than 150 million people — have been the targets of our own government’s clandestine experiments. That’s no longer a secret. Nothing in this book is secret any longer. (The cryptocracy will release the
“official” photocopies that prove what I’ve said here is generally correct. But there were be will carefully forged documents within the stacks meant to mislead on certain crucial points – to mislead wherever it can.)

… Dr. James P. Viken of Minnesota pulls no punches. A psychologist who has been working with “some (mind control) victims of abuse by U.S. Intelligence agencies” he says he “made a number of startling, disgusting discoveries.” He
discovered that drugs were being brought into the U.S. by government agencies. That there were domestic “Hit Squads” in the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central
Intelligence Agency, and the U.S. Customs Service. He has uncovered evidence of the “CIA’s and FBI’s pedophile kidnapping rings used to compromise politicians, diplomats and corporate CEO’s.” His efforts to bring this to the attention of the proper authorities so far has come to naught. Dr. Viken writes, “We’ve tried to talk
to the local law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the CIA. Nobody wants to hear anything about any of this.”

… TI Glen E. Nichols: I am not optimistic. The Organization here in America seems to have complete dominance of every individual and institution. They boast to me how they are the Eye of the Illuminati, Freemasons, and
the secret Greek Society. They say they are a worldwide nation that governs the world. They tell me that no country or organization would dare defy them. They indicate that they are the goverment behind most governments…

… Wilcher spoke of a “Shadow Government” which used the CIA to achieve its own ends. He said that it was responsible for the murder of John F. Kennedy and 175 or more key witnesses to his assassination; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and a number of witnesses to his murder; Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and witnesses; Malcohn ~ J. Edgar Hoover and his close associate Tolson in the midst of the “Watergate” scandal, Martha Mitchell, Senator John Tower, Senator John Heinz,
Congressman Ted Weiss and John Lennon. He also said that the attempt on the life of President Ronald Regan was engineered by this “Shadow Government”, of which the identity of leader would be revealed to Reno by the sixteen covert operatives who wished to come forward.

Wilcher went on to say that the “October Surprise” caper was “treason by which George Bush, Ronald Reagan, and a select group of present and former CIA covert operatives rigged, and thus stole, the 1980 U.S. Presidential Election on November 4th, 1980. He claimed 50 or so witnesses were murdered over the years, witnesses “who could have testified as to the truth of what actually happened in the “October Surprise” and Iran-Contra scandals. He called this “Shadow Government” “the mother of all corruption. ” .. .for the tentacles of this giant RICO conspiracy extend all across our nation and reached into all levels and functions of the federal government” He said: … this ”Shadow Government” operates those functions of government which it controls in the same manner that organized crime uses to run its myriad criminal racketeering enterprises. Indeed, that is the whole point here — that this “Shadow Government”
conducts the business of government, NOT in an open. honest, legitimate, and forthright manner, according to the laws,
Constitution, and democratic principles of the United States, but rather in a secret, clandestine, and utterly illegal manner, as if they were running a criminal racketeering enterprise …

He pointed to the “wholesale theft of billions and billions of dollars from the Savings & Loans Associations and banks of this country by the “Intelligence community, saying that — the proceeds of this massive thievery largely (was) used to fund the illegal “black11 operations … (which involved) illegal gun running (out of this country), illegal drug smuggling (back into this country), and illegal money laundering (in both directions) — all on a massive scale
by the ‘intelligence’ community …

… In 1994, one of our sources reported that organized crime was giving large sums of money to help undermine the CIA which “has taken over drugs, prostitution, pornography, and the slave trade.” According to this Don, “Now, we work for
them, and we don’t like it. There’s no honor among them.”

… Psychological warfare, originally waged only against “enemy” countries, eventually came home. Nazi war criminals, experts in the black crafts of mind control were allowed to immigrate to the U .S. under Project Paperclip. Most were
employed by the U.S. cryptocracy. With the Nazi’s in place, the psychological war began against the American people. It was waged against beliefs and free thought, by a cryptocracy which is still supported by all the power of the federal
government, but which operates outside the chain of governmental command.

Often it takes the form of “privatized .. government, with the controls appearing to be vested in the ordinary business community. In any event, behind it is a secret bureaucracy become paranoid – a cryptocracy mad with world power whose most powerful weapons are aimed at the human mind.

Although the Central Intelligence Agency has long been the convenient symbol for all those who have committed atrocities in the name of national security, the secret bureaucracy, the cryptocracy, does not consist solely of the CIA. It is as well a vast network of alliances between individuals in a number of government agencies normally thought to be outside the intelligence field. Since the cryptocracy violates every constitutional principle as a matter of course, and commits every crime known to man in the interest of “national security,” it cannot entirely rely on the patriotism of its agents to keep its secrets. Therefore, no single individual is told more than he has a .. “need to know.”

The cryptocracy is a brotherhood reminiscent of the ancient secret societies, with rites of initiation and indoctrination programs to develop in its loyal membership the special understanding of its mysteries. It has secret codes and oaths of silence which reinforce the sense of elitism necessary for the maintenance of its strict
loyalty. It is automated, organized in the mode of a computer, where all have access to general knowledge and the most obvious aims and goals, but where the individual is isolated by tribal rituals and compartmentalization.

It is a technocratic organization without ideology, loyal only to an unspoken, expedient, and undefined patriotism. Its recruits are schooled in the writings of Niccolo Machiavelli. Its members are anonymous. Its funds are secret. Its
operational history is a secret. Even its goals are secret. It is a degenerative disease of the body politic which has grown rampant, spreading so invisibly that after nearly four decades its existence is known only to a handful of “ decision makers.”

The cryptocracy is designed to function like a machine. It also has the feelings of a machine — none at all. But, unlike a machine, it does have ambition. To it, hunan beings are so much cheap hardware who perform certain set functions which produce certain predetermined results. They are valued relative to cost and efficiency. The cryptocracy is the perfect cybernetic organism – pure logic at the planning level – nothing but automatic response in the field.

If a prospective agent cannot be recruited by an appeal to patriotism, he is bribed. If he cannot be bribed, he is blackmailed. If he refuses to be blackmailed, he is “programmed.” If all these fail, he is killed, for it must not be known that he had ever been approached — so important is “national security.”

It is sometimes hard to determine whether the cryptocracy is working for or against the interests of the U.S. President, to whom its constituent agencies are supposed to be accountable. Many of its crimes, now a matter of public record, would indicate that it has often worked against the President It has, we know, worked against the U .S. Constitution and the American people. It has needlessly caused the death of innocent people who were working for it, just as it has tortured and murdered those who have stood in its way. Documented atrocities and criminal blunders have been revealed by congressional investigations. Few have been brought to trial. Of those convicted only a paltry amount of time has been served. Little congressional, judicial, or executive action has been taken to limit its power or ferret out its leaders. Figureheads have been changed, but the organization and the National Security Act which has bred this cancer remains in essence unchanged – unchallenged by the press, unnoticed by the people.

The cryptocracy serves big business and spends a good deal of time and energy supplying American corporations with industrial intelligence. These favors, offered only to those companies friendly to the cryptocracy, may be repaid by
such things as political campaign contributions to candidates who are either sympathetic to or compromised by favors from the cryptocracy. In the past the cryptocracy has supported both foreign and domestic politicians with such
campaign contributions.

The “old boy network” of retired cryptocrats working within major corporations plays an important role in the cryptocracy’s international influence. Secret funds are shunted not only from one agency of government to another, but also from agency to corporation and then, under cover of the corporation’s legal business activities, throughout the world, wherever expediency dictates.

Through its authorized functions, the cryptocracy controls the United States government. It feeds the executive branch “intelligence reports” which are often slanted and sometimes falsified, so that the policy decisions which result will be those which fit the cryptocracy’s game plan.

Like a fifteenth century Machiavellian princedom that has been computerized and automated, the cryptoaacy has systematically manipulated the American consciousness. By justifying its existence by citing an exaggerated danger from communism, it has justified its own totalitarianism by convincing key politicians that fire must be fought with fire. The practices of the cryptocracy, once officially sanctioned only in operations outside the U.S., have become internalized. Those practices have included spying, stealing blackmail, and murder, even within the borders of the country it is supposed to protect and defend.

There was nothing hypocritical about the KGB’s employment of totalitarian, police-state tactics. The Soviet equivalent of the CIA, the KGB, was an extension of the Soviet political system, which was totalitarian. Neither was there anything hypocritical about the Chinese use of “brainwashing” on American POWs in Korea. The Chinese have “brainwashed” three and a half million of their own people though generally they used techniques less sophisticated than mind control but no less drastic than starvation, sleep interruption, and isolation. But the U.S. cryptocracy is the ultimate hypocrisy, subversive to its own government’s democratic structure. It operates with methods which are not permitted in most democracies and certainly not permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

What kind of country has this one become? What kind of world? What evil infests the land which allows innocents to be corrupted in the cradle? What evil seeks children to torture? What civilization abandons its children, gives them drugs, shocks them, hypnotizes them and harbors sexual assault upon them by their family, their clergy and representatives of their government?

And what kind of people in what kind of institutions are these which encourage such perversions, as if the success of the system depends on providing for sexual deviates? What agency protects the paedophiles, the small-clicked sadists, the satanists, and blood sacrificers who can then be controlled through their carnal desires by the invisible hand of blackmail?

It is a world in which the most decadent and barbaric Romans would feel at home? It is a world in which the Nazis are at home? It is the Fourth Reich by design of the conquering heroes of World War Two? Did the victors, the Allies,
become the enemy they fought? Breeding children in a Lebensbom program, or simply to sell as child staves to paedophiles?

… Heinrich Himmler’s Lebensborn program may have been the grandparent of Project Monarch. Monarch sought to create junior Manchurian Candidates with multiple personalities, each trained to perform a specific specialty. The kids were
programmed to respond to codes, mnemonic cues, and audio-reversed triggers and tones. They were trained in killing techniques and the rapid assembly and de-assembly of exotic weapons. They were educated about poisons, explosives,
languages and computers, then programmed to forget it all or remember only selected areas upon command.

Monarch produced a cadre of child spies who were directed to prey upon high placed military, government and high society pedophiles, sometimes hauling them into blackmail situations. As in the Nazi Lebensborn program there is
evidence of selected breeding, adoption of the children, and a peculiarly large number of twins among them. There is mounting evidence that the directors of Project Monarch were former Nazis, and that, like Nazism, the Monarch program
was interlaced with satanism.

Did this pet project of Heinrich Himmler rear it’s head 50 years after the demise of the Third Reich in the cornfields of Nebraska? While the last gavel has yet to fall in the on-going litigation, and the major vein of the criminal conspiracy has yet to be opened in court, it appears that Himmler’s dream came home to roost on the Great Plains in the good old U.S.A.

John DeCamp was a Nebraska state Senator for 16 years, during which time he was one of the most effective legislators in Nebraska history. A highly decorated Vietnam War veteran, a practicing lawyer, he’s taken time from his demanding
practice to write a book, self-publish it and sell it at lectures around the country. The Franklin Cover-up, Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska, is a no-holds-barred exegesis of Omaha Nebraska’s Franklin Community Federal
Credit Union which was raided by federal agents in November 1988. The raid sent shock waves all the way to Washington, D.C. when it was learned that $40 million was missing. The credit union’s manager was Republican Party activist E. Larry King. Jr. Behind him stood George (H.W.) Bush and other powerful figures in local politics and business, and in the nation’s capitaL

DeCamp used public records to tel the story. In the face of opposition from local and state law enforcement, from the FBI and powerful Omaha World-Herald newspaper, a special Franklin committee of the Nebraska Legislature launched its
own probe. “What at first looked like just another savings and loan swindle, soon exploded into a tale of drugs, Iran-Contra money-laundering, a nationwide child abuse ring, and ritual murder”, DeCamp said. ‘The Franklin cover -up followed the ugly precedent of the Warren Commission.”

… Development of mind control was accomplished largely through the efforts of individual psychologists, psychiatrists, and chemists, working in isolated conditions under government contract. Each researcher or research team was
allowed to know only what he or she needed to know to accomplish his or her fragment of the research or testing. The contracts were let through a number of government and private agencies and foundations so that the researchers were, by and large, ignorant as to the intended use of their research.

While the CIA was a major funder of the mind-control research, virtually every major government agency became in some way knowingly or unwittingly involved. While I began my research believing that a “cult of intelligence” was
behind the mind-control program, I found that there is, in fact, no single originating force, but several. The operation is too widespread and complex for it to be created by a “cult.” If a cult there must be, then it is a cult within a cult, in an interlocking chain of invisible mini-governments with unwritten rules, unwritten plans, and unwritten loyalties. It is the plan of a secret bureaucracy — what I call a cryptocracy – which conspires against our laws and our freedoms.

“Cryptocracy” is a compound of crypto, meaning “secret”, and- cracy, meaning “rule, government, governing body.” The cryptocracy, then, is the secret government whose identity and whereabouts have slowly and reluctantly been hinted at by the Congress through its investigations into Watergate, the CIA, and
the rest of the intelligence community.

(The word cryptocracy is conspicuously absent from all dictionaries, even to this day. I was told by one source within the cryptoaacy that this word alone was reason enough to keep this book off the market, for if, whenever the word
democracy is used, the word cryptocracy is placed against it, a powerful propaganda effect takes place. As if one word alone could awaken the U .S. citizenry to the fact that their democracy was overthrown by the National Security
Act of 1947.)

While the CIA, near the top of the intelligence pyramid has been drawing most of the fire, the evidence of a cryptocracy clearly implicates the National Security Agency, the National Programs Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and its subsidiaries in military intelligence, The Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as the Civil Service. The crypto-alliance has extended in an ever-expanding network among private contractors and institutions and religious organizations. With the Central Intelligence in the vanguard, the cryptocracy is composed of persons
operating within the office of Naval Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, Department of Justice, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Prisons, Bureau of Narcotics, Atomic Energy Commission
(Department of Energy), Veteran’s Administration, General Services Administration, National Science Foundation, and even major American corporations, especially certain airlines, oil companies, and aerospace contractors.

The cryptocracy invades the privacy of citizens and corporations. It meddles, often violently, in the internal politics of foreign nations, and has hired, trained, and equipped mind-controlled assassins for the murder of heads of state. The cryptocracy may have been involved in attempts to control U .S. elections. It controls key figures in the U.S. and world press.

In June, 1942, the office of Strategic Service (OSS) was created to replace COL Some time passed between the formation of the OSS and the issuance of its charter. The delay was created by Donovan’s controversial idea that the psychological warfare unit should be in charge of the entire intelligence operation. The intellectuals hovering around OSS argued with the Joint War Plans Committee about what exactly psychological warfare was, and who should direct it in the name of the United States of America.

Finally a definition was agreed upon. The official definition of psychological warfare read: “It is the coordination and use of all means, including moral and physical by which the end is to be attained – other than those of recognized
military operations, but including the psychological exploitation of the result of those recognized military actions – which tend to destroy the will of the enemy to achieve victory and to damage his political or economic capacity to do so; which tend to deprive the enemy of the support, assistance, or sympathy of his allies or associates or of neutrals, or to prevent his acquisition of such support, assistance, or sympathy; or which tend to create, maintain or increase the will to victory of our own people and allies and to acquire, maintain, or increase the support,
assistance and sympathy of neutrals.”

And, as Donovan had wished, the Joint Chiefs of Staff decreed that “All plans for projects to be undertaken by the Office of Strategic Services will be submitted to the Joint U.S. Chiefs of Staff through the Joint Psychological Warfare Committee for approval. The Joint Psychological Warfare Committee will refer such papers as it deems necessary to the Joint Staff Planners (JSP) prior to submission to the Joint U.S. Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Psychological Warfare Committee will take final action on all internal administrative plans pertaining to the Office of
Strategic Services.

The lifespan of OSS was less than three years. During that short period of time it developed psychological warfare into an effective weapon against the minds of civilian and military populations foreign and domestic alike. To wage effective psychological war the OSS needed background information on United States citizens. Thus the burglary of private ftles was sanctioned. The pattern of extra-constitutional clandestine activities within the United States, which came to the public’s attention with Watergate, the Iran/Contra Affair and so on, began in 1945 when the OSS broke into the office of Amerasia magazine, an alleged Communist publication. The OSS illegal entry was followed by a legal FBI search three months later, but no evidence that Amerasia was engaged in subversive
activity was ever found.

… “In every respect, OSS was (“Wild Bill”) Donovan’s child,” OSS historian R. Harris Smith wrote. “He nourished the agency in its infancy, and it bore the stamp of his personality.” That stamp carried over into the new peacetime intelligence agency, the CIA, the first in American history.

But while Donovan was the grandfather of the cryptocracy, its techniques and much of the rationale behind them were the work of the Dulles brothers. The following review of the Dulles’ rise to prominence shows the manner in which
cryptocrats form their liaisons.

On the evening of the day South Korea was invaded, President Truman had hastily returned to Washington from his home in Independence, Missouri. He gathered his principal advisors together at the White House to discuss the emergency. Unanimously, his advisors recognized the gravity of the situation and agreed with Gen. Omar Bradley, then the head of the Chiefs of Staff, who said the intelligence reports indicated Russia was “not yet ready for war, but in Korea they
are obviously testing us, and the line ought to be drawn now.”

Quickly, Truman ordered Gen. Douglas MacArthur to provide military protection for the delivery of arms to the South Koreans and to evacuate American dependents. He instructed the military chiefs “to prepare the necessary orders for
the eventual use of American writs.” On the following day he said he was convinced that “the Republic of Korea needed help at once if it was not to be overrun.”

Truman was given CIA reports which indicated that Korea was a repetition, on a larger scale, of the Berlin blockade. The intelligence reports further indicated that North Korean Communists would eventually prove to be a threat to Japan, Formosa, and the American base on Okinawa. It was the first time the “domino theory” was used.

The President, acting on the advice of the CIA, ordered MacArthur to give immediate naval and air support to the South Korean army, without allowing him to order his troops to cross the Thirty-eighth ParalleL (This act of drawing a
political rather than a strategic boundary set the precedent in Asia for the use of the same tactic later in the Vietnam campaign.)

MacArthur’s zeal and military instinct disposed him to blindness concerning such arbitrary boundaries. His expressed urge to attack China with nuclear weapons eventually led to his unprecedented dismissal by Truman. MacArthur may have
had the knowledge and the skill to win the Korean conflict unconditionally, but such a military victory in the light of history did not fit into the long-range war of attrition the cryptocracy supported as a tool of the military-industrial complex, against the Communists.

Domestic politics also served to compound the power of the new cryptocracy, which was then cutting its teeth in Southeast Asia. In 1952, when Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected President of the United States, he appointed John Foster Dulles as Secretary of State, and allowed Foster’s brother Allen, who was then the CIA’s “deputy director for plans” – the clandestine operations branch of CIA- to take over directorship of the CIA one year later.

According to Townsend Hoopes, who served in both the Truman and Johnson administrations, though the seeds were sown by Truman, it was under the Eisenhower administration that the Cold War was “pervasively institutionalized in
the United States.” He described the Cold War’s chief manifestations as” …a strident moralism, a self-righteous and often apocalyptic rhetoric, a determined effort to ring the Soviet Union and China with anti-Communist military alliances, a dramatic proliferation of American overseas military bases, and a rising flow of the American military equipment for foreign armies accompanied by American officers and men to provide training and advice. The posture of imperative, total confrontation,” he said “thus came to full development during the Eisenhower period. By 1960, the United States government was not only positioned and determined to restrain the major Communist powers, but also determined – through an implicit extension of logic and the inertial momentum generated by a large and powerful military/foreign affairs bureaucracy – to control the pace and character of political change everywhere.”

In the chill of the Cold War, few Americans remembered that John Foster Dulles had been pro-Nazi before Hitler invaded Poland. No one thought, either, to question the fact that while John Foster Dulles was running the State Department, and therefore dealing with friendly governments, his brother Allen was running the CIA, which he once described as a State Department for dealing with unfriendly governments. No one seemed at all disturbed by the Dulles Dynasty, and only a handful of people realized to what extent the Dulles brothers held power in the Eisenhower administration.

Lieutenant Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty (USAF) was the Pentagon’s chief briefing officer assigned to the White House during the Eisenhower administration. He worked closely with Allen Dulles in Coordinating military support for the various clandestine political operations undertaken by the CIA. He knew the intimate working arrangements of the Dulles brothers and of the cryptocracy they were building.

In his book The Secret Team, Colonel Prouty gave a glimpse of how the Dulles brothers “worked” the President “That evening, before his usual tennis game on his backyard court, Allen Dulles dropped by his brother’s secluded house just off Massachusetts Avenue and discussed the operation [which involved an amphibious plane and Polish pilot to be run under a CIA business cover). Foster agreed that Eisenhower would go along with it. He walked over to the wall lined
with bookshelves and picked up the White House telephone which connected directly with the White House operator. All he said was ‘Is the man busy?’

Foster Dulles opened with, “Boss, how did you do at Burning Tree today? Well, six holes is better than nothing. Yes, I’ve been talking here with Allen. He has a proposal he wants to clear with you. He feels it is very important, and it will lift the morale of Frank’s boys. [Frank Wiser was then Director of Intelligence Clandestine Operations). You know, since Korea and Guatemala you haven’t had them doing much. Will you see him tomorrow morning? Fine. How’s Mamie?
O.K. boss, I’ll speak to Allen_. 9:30 .. Thank you- goodnight!’

“There was not much left to do,” Prouty said, “the flight would be scheduled.”

A relevant analysis of “the brother act” is provided by David Wise and Thomas Ross. “[The Dulles brothers] embodied the dualism- and indeed the moral dilemma – of United States foreign policy since World War II. Foster Dulles
reflected the American ethic; the world as we should like it to be. While he took this public position, his brother was free to deal with nastier realities, to overturn governments and to engage in backstage political maneuvers all over the globe with the CIA’s almost unlimited funds._

“This is not to say that the same two-sided foreign policy would never have evolved had the director of the CIA and the Secretary of State not been brothers. It very likely would have. But the natural friction between the objective and methods of the diplomats and the ‘spooks,’ between the State Department and the CIA, was to an extent reduced because of the Dulles brothers. There was consequently less of a check and balance.

John Foster and Allen Dulles had worked together before coming to government. Foster was the star attorney of the international law firm of Sullivan and CromwelL He persuaded his partners to take Allen in “to soften up customers,”
which Allen had a great gift for. Eventually, Sullivan and Cromwell sent Allen to Berlin to negotiate private affairs with the German industrial barons before the war. After the war broke out, he was sent to Switzerland with OSS, where, under cover, he used his former business contacts inside Germany to supply information for his many spectacular single-handed intelligence coups against the Axis.

Though Allen Dulles was more gifted as a diplomat than his elder brother Foster, it was Foster who can be considered the mastermind of the Cold War Aberration. Foster played upon the fear of Communists and implemented the world-policing foreign policy of the Pax Americana which eventually led to our involvement in Vietnam. It was his Cold War Campaign at home that made citizens tremble in fear of Communist attack and their children crouch under school desks in atomic air-raid drills. It was John Foster Dulles, in the company of men like Senator Joe
McCarthy and Richard Nixon, who presented the specter of the Communist menace to the American public. They convinced the nation that the communists were about to unleash a global war and even a direct nuclear attack upon the United Stites.

During Eisenhower’s 1952 campaign for the presidency he promised to “peacefully bring about freedom for the captive nations.” John Foster Dulles later repeated Eisenhower’s promise, omitting, however, the word “peacefully.”

Lest we judge John Foster Dulles unfairly by the standards of our own time, it must be said that, to his mind, there must have seemed to have been good reasons for invoking the Communist threat. As Senator Frank Church’s (1976)
Senate Committee to Study Governmental Operations said: “the extent to which the urgency of the Communist threat had become a shared perception is difficult to appreciate.”

More likely, there was another, more insidious reason for the Cold War: the economy. A glance at a historical graph of the American business cycle will show that since the Civil War, economic depressions tend to precede and follow U.S.
wars. Dulles’ generation came to power in World War ll after having suffered the longest and deepest depression in American history. It could be considered natural for them to overreact to the recessions of 1945-46 and 1949-50 by
fomenting war – hot or cold — to feed the military-industrial base of the economy. The research and development of death-dealing technology created the need for unprecedented secrecy. The instrument of keeping those secrets was the

The Cold War Strategy proved to be economically successful. Without having to risk a full-scale nuclear war and simply by arming the world against communism through weapons marketing, propaganda, and the psychological warfare of the
Cold War scheme, the United States achieved a capital goods boom unequaled in modern history. In the most simple terms, arms constituted the bulk of United States exports from World War Two to the present and figured as the single most important industry which maintained the United States trade balance.

The central core of the Dulles brothers’ American containment policy grew from the CIA’s covert operations and propaganda efforts. The mood of those times is reflected in a top-secret report submitted by the second Hoover Commission to President Eisenhower is September, 1954, and made public by former CIA man Harry Rositzke. The report urged the United States to make its “… aggressive covert psychological, political, and paramilitary organization more effective, more unique, and if necessary, more ruthless than that employed by the enemy_. We are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is world domination by whatever means and at whatever cost. There are no rules in such a game.. We… must learn to subvert, sabotage, and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against us…”

According to Rositzke “The next year a National Security Council directive reaffirmed the Executive’s commitment to covert operations. It instructed the CIA to continue creating problems for ‘International Communism,’ to reduce its
strength and its control worldwide, and to ‘increase the capacity and the will of peoples and nations to resist International Communism. It specific:ally reaffirmed CIA’s authority to develop underground resistance and facilitate covert and guerrilla operations.”

Although the Cold War is generally said to date from 1948, with the Berlin Blockade and the Greek civil war, John Foster Dulles contributed to its architecture before he came to office in 1953. He epitomized the fearful gestalt of
his generation. took hold of the floundering Cold War strategy, and molded it with his personality. He was fond of quoting Alexander Hamilton, who wrote in the Federalist Papers, “safety from external danger is the most powerful director of national conduct.” Hamilton’s statement, when taken at face value, seems quite innocent. But in the context of John Foster Dulles’ materialistic and puritan upbringing, it is not difficult to see how he construed it to mean something quite different than Hamilton intended. Hamilton’s thoughts gave Dulles the moral rationale to try to motivate national political, industrial, and economic conduct by posing an overwhelming external danger – the threat of a nuclear war initiated by the “international Communist conspiracy.”

If, at the end of World War II, the growth of our economy, still the strongest and richest in the world, did depend upon the mllitary-industrial complex for sustenance, then Dulles’ Cold War saved the U.S. from certain recession. Without the threat of communism, what could the free world have armed against? And if the health of the U.S. economy continues to depend on that merger of military and industrial interests, then what threat will come to replace the cold war?

In his farewell address to the nation in 1960, President Eisenhower issued his famous warning about the military-industrial complex:

“Our military organization today bears little relation to that known of any of my predecessors in peacetime – or, indeed, by fighting men of World War II or Korea. Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States

Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence- economic, political, even spiritual- is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must fail to comprehend its grave implications. In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwanted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted.”

And Eisenhower accurately predicted the course of the history of mind control research:

“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

The Cold War was World War III – a war waged, largely, against the human mind. A war waged largely with words – the most powerful tool of behavior modification.

In the beginning, the men who had won World War II with advanced weaponry were less artful in the use of the new psychological warfare. As the Cold War escalated propaganda was followed by sabotage, assassinations, “paramilitary”
covert operations, and limited “police actions .. before the arsenal for waging invisible war (IW) was developed.

America had traditionally been a free and open society. But after the war, U.S. leaders held in their hands an awesome technological superiority. While being the love object of government, the new technologies, especially nuclear energy, made the leaders fearful of losing their monopoly. That fear gave rise to the belief that new secret agencies and operations were needed to guard against technological thefts by foreign governments. the Cold War was a “secret” war in more ways than one.

…. I tried the idea out on (Col. L. Fletcher) Prouty that it must have been the military who sold our constitution and set up the National Security State. But, Prouty assured me he knew the men who’d done it, and he’d known them well. They weren’t military men. And the impression I got from him was they were sleazy, greedy, ruthless Ivy League educated civilians who wielded the mysterious power of some corporate dynasty. Whatever the motive for the creation of the National Security State, it was the beginning of the end of our free society. Prouty reminded me that President
Harry Truman mentioned it as the only decision he would like to unmake. After he left office Truman said:

“For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CLA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government… I never had any thought that when I set up the CLA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak-and-dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment that I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign
intrigue and a subject for Cold War enemy propaganda…”