Epigraph Quote:
Robert Duncan: Michael Win of the Air Force said, “We have to use it (these neuroweapons) on our own citizens before we will use it on the battlefield.” That’s the way they think. He got fired for that comment.
Interviewer: Why are they doing this to people? Just studying to make a weapons system?
Duncan: That’s right. It’s making a weapons system. And that’s what we’ve always done. We have to be ahead of everybody else. And you have to remember how many times the CIA and the military have been caught experimenting on our own citizens. And they use to use the downtrodden, you know, the black community mostly. Inmates, anybody no one would care about. But it seems they’ve expanded this program to include people from all walks of life. Rich, poor, educated. And from every language. So it’s gone global. Because this is the ultimate weapon. Total totalitarian state. That you don’t even have control of your own mind and you believe your thoughts are your own. It’s better than subliminals, although they use those. But literally altering your brain states without your permission. A lot of it has to do with interrogation. The CIA claims torture works. No touch torture is a whole new category. You can be tortured in your own home. No one will believe you. This is torture, destruction of life, and destruction through misery.
Dr. Robert Duncan, Video A: Voice of God Weapons Used on American Civilians- Targeted Individuals
Webmaster comment: It is clear from these informative lectures by (“ex-CIA neuroscientist/researcher”) Dr. Robert Duncan that as of four years ago, he is still very much involved in cybernetics (brain-computer) research. In video B, Duncan takes credit for developing a technique he named “AI in the Middle” in which AI takes over between two human operators. Hence, he must have an employer or employers. Hence, even this expose may be somewhat of a “limited hangout.” However, the information appears to be valid and important.
A. Voice of God Weapons used on American Civilians – Targeted Individuals
Dr. Robert Duncan: “Most people don’t want to talk about torture and trauma-based conditioning. I’m now writing a no-touch torture report. I’m showing that they are using the exact same tactics with this much more advanced technology as they do with the physical torture that they denied for many years.
This is the most important weapons system that the United States, and I assume that Russia and China, are developing. This is actually real ESP. This truly is the most sophisticated weapons system that humanity has ever created. It involves every aspect of science. It involves tactics that are unimaginable unless you just have a devious, criminal mind. And it destroys lives. It’s being used on innocent people. Remember in the Senate Report they said that 25% of the people they tortured happened to be innocent in the end. Every time the military gets a bigger budget, like after 9/11, you have more targets come on line, and they all have the same date when they came on line.
This is about brain hacking, mind hacking. I blame the CIA the most, but the military does it too. They were implanting people. Dr. Delgado bragged about how you could control all human behavior at 450 MHz. The technology has advanced very far. But I’m not a believer in the microchip theory. How do you read brain-waves from a distance. If you study MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). We are bathed in earth’s radiation. You can also use an Earth Gauss MRI. And there is (ESR) electronic spin resonance. It’s very complex.
What is the source of the energy? Gwen towers, satellites, and many others. There is no single source of the energy. They are testing the scalability of this weapons system. There was a famous military contractor, who did a famous psychic warfare activity… And he said “secrets began to slip.” Some secrets slip….. Under the exact right circumstances, you might be able to hear what they are thinking and smell what they are smelling. This is cloning.
A localized search for that particular target needs to be done. It would appear that initially, the person’s brain print, a particular energy signature, just like a thumbprint, needs to be collected before the long process of training the brain to listen to another brain or a computer. So a sensor system is required to record that person’s data. Over time, once the target’s energy signature signature is identified, then distance is irrelevant. Brain patterns correspond to particular thoughts. Imagine you have two neural networks and they are trying to learn each other. It learns with you. It’s also why these experiments are lifelong, generally, not always. They are trying to grasp all kinds of data… Can we make them kill each other to can we make them torture their cats? Create false correlation. This is called Offensive Information Warfare technology. It’s just like trying hack and crash a computer.
You are trying to crash that human being’s brain. You map all the motivations we have. They try to alter the target’s emotions. They are called emotional signature clusters. In terms of mind reading and brain reading, this takes it’s time. It takes a computer to do the transformation from one brain to another, that every word you say, and they have a set vocabulary and start testing the words out. Most people have a vocabulary of about 1000 to 5000 words. Once your vocabulary is mapped out, then they can put it automated mode, what are called chatterboxes, to keep the person talking in perpetuation to a machine thinking its a real human being. They do this to scale, automate a lot of the degradation and torture process, the breaking down of the will. And you need this to keep the lock on of the signal. If you break the signal, music can do this temporarily, but your brain always goes back to its natural patterns. So they got you.
We’ve re-wired the brain, so you actually have more inputs. But there’s a cost: you are taking away from your other senses. TIs will never be the same human beings again. Torture changes them forever. Their brains are fried. Under our government, there’s no such thing as torture (a lie). Through the trickery, they can make people harm themselves.
Some real life examples: Mutilation is a common form of torture. A couple TIs were tricked into believing they had a micro-chip in their teeth, so they pulled out all their teeth. They want to cause “self-mutilation.” Through trickery, they can make people harm themselves. This is part of no-touch torture. Especially with Voice-To-Skull, you have the traditional (personality) breakdown, the threats to family and friends, threats to you, we’re going to kill you. It’s complete personality breakdown. One of the worst is sleep deprivation. They are forced to stay up for 5 days, then forced to sleep for two days. Stress positions. All TIs complain of this. They trick them into using stress positions.
So people ask how can they pipe pains into your head? It’s very complicated. We can start with the unclassified stuff, which is Active Denial of Service. That’s a 95 GHz platform, built by Raytheon, that works for 1.5 km. And it makes you feel like you are on fire.
Michael Win of the Air Force said, “We have to use it on our own citizens before we will use it on the battlefield.” That’s the way they think. He got fired for that comment.
Other techniques include: Many different MegaHertz. Brain cloning, brain heterodyning, which means modulating of other brain signals within yours. So its almost like two people are living in your head. Or more. You can get up to four people without getting schizophrenia. Four different people living within the same brain space. This is a hive-mind configuration.
The CIA was experimenting on multiple-personality. They would use torture to try to create sex slaves, spies, couriers. What I study is cybernetic hiveminds. The whole human race is going through this… We started with snail mail, then email, eventually communication will be at the speed of thought. A global, worldwide brain is what is developing. We are not aware that we are part of the collective consciousness. We communicate now through speech and radio.
Interviewer: Why are they doing this to people? Just studying to make a weapons system?
Duncan: That’s right. It’s making a weapons system. And that’s what we’ve always done. We have to be ahead of everybody else. And you have to remember how many times the CIA and the military have been caught experimenting on our own citizens. And they use to use the downtrodden, you know, the black community mostly. Inmates, anybody no one would care about. But it seems they’ve expanded this program to include people from all walks of life. Rich, poor, educated. And from every language. So it’s gone global. Because this is the ultimate weapon. Total totalitarian state. That you don’t even have control of your own mind and you believe your thoughts are your own. It’s better than subliminals, although they use those. But literally altering your brain states without your permission. A lot of it has to do with interrogation. The CIA claims torture works. No touch torture is a whole new category. You can be tortured in your own home. No one will believe you.
This is torture, destruction of life, and destruction through misery.
They are cataloging and classifying brain patterns which can be transformed and transmitted into other human beings. So they are testing that as well. All that is being done is they are playing these patterns back into the brain and central nervous system. There is no physical touch. There is no physical harm being done in terms of the physicallity of the individual. But they’ll go through three a day of these different tortures. OK, we’re gassing your eyes with tear gas. It’s the brains reaction to these tortures that they are playing back to them. This is all done through the brain. It’s the brain’s reaction to these different tortures that they are playing back to them.
In fact, the pains are amplified by these circuits being stimulated. The heart is another electrical system in the human being and there are several glands connected to the brain such as the adrenaline gland. If you stimulate certain portions of the brain you can cause a remote control heart attack. They can cause a stroke and heart attack. So I don’t want to say these are non-lethal weapons. One of the objectives of torture is to keep them in maximum pain and as a stress level as possible. This creates all sorts of cardiovascular diseases. They have many damaging effects.
The brain feels the pain as if it’s real. We call it no-touch torture. This causes heart damage over time. So these aren’t completely “non-lethal” weapons. One of the objectives of torture is to keep them in maximum pain and as high a stress level as possible. And all of that cortisol running through your system for years creates all sorts of cardio-vascular diseases and tertiary diseases. They have many damaging effects.
I think Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and General Michael Hayden should be held responsible, amongst many others.”
What about limbs?
The motor cortex can be mapped. A lot of TIs complain of jerking and motion that they don’t intend. Now the hypnosis in the cerebral cortex when it’s cloned, and you are under a perfect hypnotic state, they can take control your urges.
The CIA has about 20 drugs they use for brain washing and truth telling. All these drugs can be mimicked through this technology of EEG heterodyning (electronic and EM frequencies). That’s what they’ve been working on and they’re perfecting it.
What’s the hope for this situation?
First, all technologies are used by the military industrial complex. We’re going to find good uses for these. We have to take this out of the hands of the military and put it in the hands of civilians and we’ll find good uses for this.
Dec 15, 2019
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4 years ago
This has been happening to me for upwards 4 to 5+ years now. They can imitate voices of people and family members, manipulate your words and direction of where sound is coming from and can make it sound a block over or in your yard. I am also getting ear ringing and a hypnotic voice reading my brain every night. I am not hallucinating. They are very very abusive and their ultimate goal is jail, hospital or suicide. They can see you in your home and worse in your bathroom. It’s been 24/7 365 for me NO BREAK IN BETWEEN. These are demonic individuals given the power to destroy your life. I have been hospitalized a few times because of this. Also contemplated suicide. Been stripped of human and civil rights which is in no means LEGAL. They don’t care how bad they abuse you with the power they have been given. THIS NEEDS RO BE STOPPED. I am not a terrorist but I am being treated as one.
3 years ago
3 years ago
When I heard this “heterodyne” three times in my head I was outside doing yard work in my back yard. I was then subjected to interrogation like questions from crap like when I was a kid – over thirty years ago! And once I figured out why the heck am I thinking like this crap, wait, what is this crap… what’s a heterodyne…. I went inside and looked up heterodyne. I was familiar with heterogenous, heterozygous and biology related terms , but NOT this. That was late summer early fall 2018. Months later my son flipped on us- the only family he has ever known and loved. Around this same time I kept getting replaying of two songs – while in my back yard again doing yard work, weird al’s “somebody’s watching me,” and Joan Jett “I hate myself for loving you…” I haven’t heard or thought of those songs in decades ! This is a sick sadistic evil game these sick ppl are playing . They are doing this crap to all three of my kids. My youngest is 14 and aware. Hes done his civil rights 8th grade project on targeted individuals and the surveillance abuses we have endured as well as what we now acknowledge as cybernetic torture .
2 years ago
This is very incredible and 100% correct. Through my studies and through prayer, I have concluded these same facts. Honestly your hitting the nail on the head. I have been victim of this unconstitutional crime for four years now. Still absolutely unbelievable to me, but through studies and research have remained strong. Your information will hopefully help pull people out of the fire. Jesus is coming soon, we are our brothers keeper! God Bless.
1 year ago
Listening to fan noise in the background or Buddhist chants it helps to block electronic harassment. Unfortunately I know who is doing this to me. However they continue to say if you report us we will deny it. I know my husbands family does not have the technology to do this to me, however they have contracted someone who does. They tried to blame this on my husbands employer and mine using mind games. They threatened my sons life and took advantage of the fact I was abused as a child. I shared personal things with my husband that no one else new. I know he never shared anything with anyone. Now these gang stalkers are enjoying the fact they can boast about knowing the conversations and throwing them back in my face. This terrorism started apparently the night my husband proposed. At least the physical effects did. It’s possible it started prior but they have done so much damage to my memory it’s ridiculous. The constant talking and harassment goes on 24/7 365. It takes everything in me to ignore them. Imagine picking up your cell phone and listening to a group of people talk, harass and threaten you. The only problem is I can’t hang up the cell phone. So I have to try and study, work, sleep and live with this 24/7.
All I can say is if this is new to you…… DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT in a diary daily. I can promise you sooner than later the public is going to get it. It’s frightening to hear other people reply with the same horrible life I have. If they are demanding things from you. Write it down. They are recording every single person in your life that you talk to. They are using some type of technology called voice cloning and morphing. I’m still trying to understand how they are doing this. Daily they continue to say. This is your life for the rest of your life. This is vengeance, control, hate and about $$$$
There is no chip in your mind. There are no bugs in your house. There is nothing on or in your computer, phone or any electronic devices. I have turned off the power in my house for 12 hours. No change the electronic harassment continued. I paddle on the water every day, the electronic harassment continues. I flew on an airplane for 45 minutes and was harassed the entire time. Now what does common sense tell you? One step forward….five steps back.
I worked for a well known company in the Port of Long as an IT Field Engineer. It’s upsetting to know they recorded everyone I came in contact with, however they strategically knew which ones to use and replay as a mind game. My conclusion is they had to have witnessed the relationships to know who to use…..They have recited back Admin passwords that control the servers on gantry cranes. I have reported this to the FBI, the company and the only reaction I get is….. “You need help.” Or SILENCE no response.
Apparently another 9/11 has to happen before people wake up. This is REALLY happening!! I’m actually living it and know one in my life believes it. I’m afraid for the future. After 9/11 I would expect people to listen and educate themselves before taking the lazy way out and think your crazy.
How long did it take for anyone to react to the missing planes on 9/11? Why was the military not called in sooner to force the planes down? Disbelief again? We live in a society that needs to wake up to reality. This is happening on US soil. This is not an issue from Cuba. This is not an issue from the Middle East. This is not an issue in China. This is a GLOBAL Issue.
I continue to remind myself we are taking one step forward only to end up five steps back. We create technology to save lives and then place it in the hands of other people who use it to harm.
Slavery is still here. It’s just conformed to a different level. Technology does not care about the color of your skin. Technology does not care about the God you serve. However when technology is controlled by humans it becomes a weapon, a prison for profit, a punching bag for hire and a place for terrorist to terrorize whomever they want. Understand that terrorist live everywhere. Don’t make the mistake of assuming this is an attack on US soil from somewhere else. The easiest thing to do is blame someone else. The courageous thing to do is to come forward with honesty and tell the world what’s really happening. This technology must be destroyed. The people who created it and use it feel like Gods. I hate to tell you but God is either going to look away and let us destroy ourselves or he’s going to put an end to all of this.
My husband passed away in February 2019. He worked for one of the largest IT companies in the world. If he was here and knew what was happening…. He would pack us up, educate the kids on what’s happening and give them the option to leave as well. Afterwards we’re off to Sint Maarten to live without technology for the rest of our lives. At 52 years old I’m unemployed because I no longer believe in cybersecurity. I can’t in good faith provide technical support when I don’t believe in it anymore. It honestly makes me sick that I use to believe in the future and smart homes until I found out….there is technology out there controlling humans without an Alexa. Synthetic telepathy is here and once they connect to you without your approval there is no way to stop it.
My mind, body and life is being held for ransom. They want the most important thing to me. My son. I pray they stay away from his mind. He has worked so hard to get where he is at. It would be a terrorist act to destroy his mind or memories.
I’m told daily if you give us your house we will stop. If you give us the land in Sint Maarten we will stop. Apparently in their eyes this is my punishment for marrying the most amazing man who treated me like a queen. The problem is…. He’s dead now and can’t protect me anymore. Really? A normal person would call you and ask you for what they want.
Instead a MONSTER has given them direct access to me 24/7 365. Monsters never work for free. As much as they try to blame this on others and groups I will NEVER BELIEVE this is anyone from our military. I can’t believe anyone would give up their life to protect others….. only to become monsters.
If these monsters are creating homeless and taking advantage of Veterans by hiring them and putting them in HORRIBLE situations….. (only going based on what these gang stalkers tell me daily) It’s time for the Secretary of Defense to take action before he loses the ability to do anything. We are pretty close. If they popped into my mind without my knowledge how do we know they are not in any of the minds in our current government? This has been given to the Senate…. no change. Democracy is over. Half of me hates this is going on and I’m stressed out about the entire thing. The other half of me accepts the “knowledge” because the only way to change anything is by a “Movement.” As long as I have breath I plan on being part of the movement to educate as many people as possible.
3 years ago
To understand more, read these by Robert Duncan, the guest: “The Matrix Deciphered”; “Project:Soul Catcher Vol 2;” and “How To Tame A Demon.” Further reading: These 2 books by Dr. John Hall: “A New Breed:Satellite Terrorism in America;” and “Guinea Pigs”. This tech is also in criminal civilian hands, and pretty easy, with right connections, and know-how. Anyone who wants to take “revenge” out on anyone, neighbor against neighbor, co-worker against against co-worker, etc. This is a perfect tool for taking out revenge against another, no-touch torture, which also means no-trace. For the most part, un-traceable. However, the UN has set up a task force now to combat this out of control tech, used for nefarious reasons by many.
3 years ago (edited)
I work in for a defense contractor and used to work for the DoD/DoN and am currently being targeted by these weapons. They have been inducing heart attacks on me over time and attempting to give me strokes by triggering a response in my brain artery. I can validate everything Robert Duncan is saying. I don’t completely understand the means by which it is done, but possibly EM or some type of quantum communication.
1 year ago
I’ve bin targeted since 1996,and it started by strangers telling me join Freemasonry, and to work for the CIA. Physically tortured after driven to poverty. I’d like to meet the sorry pieces of garbage who paid countless to take everything from me.
4 years ago
Thank you for the interview!
4 years ago
Thank you for all your efforts to help those targeted
3 years ago
Most coherent overview of this subject I have come across to date. Not sure how much help it turns out to deliver, but it is surely a reasonable place to have a go at getting a light source on this dark war.
3 years ago (edited)
Hell on Earth, not even the Devil in Hell could have thought this up for Man in Hell that Man has thought up here on earth for Man!
1 year ago
Take up arms and hold these criminals accountable. Hold a tribunal court against them then execute them.
1 year ago
Thank you, Doctor: you described, in part, what I’ve been reporting independently from direct personal experiences in my home and in public venues, to a lesser degree.
The emotional signature concept I believe is used as a trigger for behavior mod or as a trigger to fire a masking tactic to make a verbal suggestion more effective, etc. E.g., a DEW masking kick of approx. 24-36 Hz is fired just before a verbal message is delivered; the masking shot produces a mild “stun” effect in the mind, which uses gain modulation so that the verbal message is less noticeable. And this is only one observation of many.
2 years ago
They hit me with something one time, I couldn’t speak. I was trying to talk and I heard the words I wanted to say in my mind, when I went to vocalize them, all that came out was gibberish. That was when I first got scared but this was many years ago.
2 years ago (edited)
I believe that this is happening. But I know that God can get rid of it too. Man is not over God. (Long story short and all glory belongs to Jesus) I used to have many thoughts running through my head ,all my life, I’m not saying that I was manipulated I just thought it was normal and I hated it. Music used to play through my mind even wake up with it playing in my head songs I hadn’t heard in years . I started to read the word of God outloud and it was shortly after I was doing that daily I was delivered somehow I had singleness of thought no more music I believe that God is mighty and nothing can stop him. Now I don’t know if any of this is related but it sure reminds me of what I had going on. I am also reminded of what his word says , renewing your mind by the washing of the water of the WORD!
1 year ago
11 months ago
They’ve targeted me my whole life. Mostly with trauma and narcissistic abuse for whatever reasons – I’ve read that they feel they need to traumatize the test subject so that they disassociate? They’ve used the demon/heaven/angel/dead relative visiting from beyond the grave scripts (no aliens for some reason) and they targeted various family members too. In the end they used ESP synthetic telepathy or ‘the Vulcan mind meld’ on me. It was and could have been amazing, except they did it WHILE I HAD CANCER, AND they used psychological warfare tactics on me. WHY?! WHY do they have to be abusive instead of making something a positive situation for once? I think they were running a dumbed down program on me that made me delirious and paranoid. Brian Tew describes the super computer working – that it takes a snapshot of your emotions or thoughts at one time, and then keeps injecting it over and over again. Except that everything is turned way up or exaggerated. I did seem to experience this for over a year. It was like being trapped under ice. The ESP synthetic telepathy could have been amazing under positive circumstances, but all they did was hurt me and people around me. They use game theory too and they don’t care who they hurt. My situation ended up with severe neuro transmitter damage and memory loss. Then they did a memory wipe AGAIN. I lost my soul mate, friends, it hurt my family, I never managed to bounce back from cancer properly, and then they used overt gangstalking torture tactics for another year, while sort of explaining that I was guinae pig and trafficking victim. I really deserve compensation but they erase evidence on my phone and isolate me from any witnesses. I don’t know how put together a case or win one, but my family deserves it, since they’ve had to pay for me since the whole situation has finally disabled me in every way. I was a good, kind, intelligent, and loving person that did not deserve any of it, and I’ll never understand how or why someone would do this. And for SO LONG. 40 years! It all started because my dad was in the military. a lot of military families get hit with these atrocities. I wish I could talk to Duncan to understand what they were doing to me. Now my brain is mapped and in a computer and connected to everything around me I assume. I want it out of their system. I do not consent. These people are idiots and sociopaths, which is a dangerous combination. Taxpayer money pays for this, while they make more money. Impoverishing the TI and destroying literally every aspect of their life. And no one else can see it. The psychiatrist I reported it to knew about it too! She said it’s human trafficking and to stop talking about it. then she jokingly asked if I wanted an anti-psychotic because I seemed ‘depressed’. SICK
1 year ago
One hypothesis I have is a mass rollout of brainwave entrainment. In low-rent areas, I often get an irritating feeling, like fingernails on a chalkboard (like Crimson Mist?); in other areas I feel as if I’m being put into a light trance, or sub-hypnotic state. This would be in line with the strategic theory of mass control.
3 years ago (edited)
The “real ESP” (aka supernatural) is through demons (rebellious angels) whose sole purpose is to get humanity to rebel against God and end up in the lake of fire with them for eternity. I used to be into the new age and psychic before being shown very clearly via a dream and event, about 5 days later that matched it, that I was headed to Hell.
3 years ago (edited)
@32:00 the interviewer is correct, I believe. Duncan says that right now they have to use a third person to transfer data and he kinda acts funny after hearing the question. The interviewer asks if the person could access the computer to receive information, I believe this to be true, although they would do their best to distract and not allow it and Duncan said that it is possible, for sure. At least that would keep them busy for a bit and it would be noticable. I think we need to think on this level and take note of how they react to thoughts outside of how they are trying to program us. Try this: Think ‘computer’ as if you were trying to access the computer to ask a question. I hear “Yes?” as if it is waiting for my question to follow. There has to be some way to break down this program from our standpoint. I asked: ‘Computer, what is this all about? It said “I cannot tell you.” So, please people, play around with this concept and let’s see if we can change what is being done to us.
4 years ago (edited)
Thank you so much for your sharing this knowledge…. with the public….Dr. Robert Duncan.
Chief Jones
2 years ago
This is exact. It’s real. They ruined my family.
2 years ago
Other than music ,what other ways can I block the signals ?
1 year ago
Plus this video is exposing them!
1 year ago
I’ve also had the limb twitches, and some appear to be induced by an outside source.
Images: yes, I’ve had what I call “flash images”; almost always in the morning during a semi-conscious state while in bed; often these are preceded by a slight pressure or zapping in the head. One image I got was of the published photo of Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas suspect. The image was an exact replica of the photo of him leaning to one side in a bar. This was a few months before the event and before the photo was ever released. That is a perfect correlation in my opinion.
1 year ago
NO it’s already in the hands of the civilians and they are already taking advantage of this stuff. This stuff needs to be stopped completely not allowed in no ones hands.
4 years ago (edited)
It’s not funny. I don’t see any humor in any of this. It’s pretty f’ed up to laugh at the misery of others.
3 years ago
Dr Duncan I have had the word “heterodyne” enter my head before I knew about any of this evil stalking terrorizing crap- three times I heard the word heterodyne , then all these interrogation like repeated questioning that sounded like my own internal voice but NOT my dialogue – theyre going after my damn kids ! Wtf. My youngest is 14 and he’s assaulted by this crap ALL the time- daily, trying to exploit his normal being , exploit hate for me, trying to cause family issues, ruin him as a person and try to get him to kill himself! This is NOT a game! They’re targeting my 23 year old daughter and successfully flipped my 19 year old son to quit us and flee to his sex offender abusive bio sperm donor Mingo tankersley! That THING never knew his child , a detective and cps worker told me to take my kids and leave because of this sex offender whom they told me exactly what the sick puke did- he raped his 5 year old sister for years! Once he was told that the cop and cops told me, he broke my nose off my damn face! He never knew my child – and now my kid is with him and thoroughly convinced “i” abused him and now my 23 year old is screaming and saying the same thing. They exploited her while she was drunk and she literally acted like someone possessed or completely mind controlled and sounded exactly like my estranged son- they haven’t been around each other and quit talking to each other over the last four years and especially after he shit on us over a year ago. Now my daughter sounded exactly like he did. She even enunciated my name like he did and her eyes were crazed and dilated just like his when he flipped. My middle son also had what I believe to be the fry effect as his ear noted by his dr appeared to have been burned inside and never seen such like that before. They are working on my youngest 14 year old and he fights their evil shit every damn day! He gets tortured with these chatterboxes replaying crap and interfering with his mind DAILY! This is a crime against humanity ! Who the HELL DOES THIS TO CHILDREN!
2 years ago (edited)
It uses the person’s own bioelectric auraic field (layer by layer) which reaches/merges all the way out to the earth sun moon field. They lock on not only by the body’s physical pulse but also wayyy up out in the atmosphere. Unique radio frequency sonic holographic/light signature.
The technology creates interperates influences the mind field. A.I. sentient A.I. overlapping and infusing itself into the natural field.
7 months ago
Ive been psycologicaly tortured with mind reading technology.Tortured harassed and threatened 24 hours a day with v2k since 2012.
2 years ago
Like a parrasitplant?plant?
1 year ago
The FISA watchlist and other operations make that assumption: a genuine suspect will contact others in his network if he is targeted, etc.
Well, no: real terrorists operating as agents here in the US will have high-level training and will have secure procedures to follow if they are burned or compromised. They just aren’t that simple-minded.
2 years ago
Even COVID-like symptoms can be simulated with this technology.
1 year ago
I’m a TI for 16 years I’m from New Brunswick nj puerto rican american. It’s horrible. I can’t explain how bad this have been.
3 years ago
It’s deplorable
3 years ago
“the degradation and torture process…the breaking down of the will. SMH
2 months ago
16:03 버튼스로 심리감정조종
2 years ago
Sue the EPA for NOISE POLLUTION as they are in violation of the Clean Air Act Title IV NOISE POLLUTION. Look up the definition of noise. They are responsible for any electrical interference as well as audible noise through the microwave auditory effect.
2 years ago
So if you didn’t work on it to be used on citizens…. why were you working on it?
2 months ago
35:11 고문목적
7 months ago
Dr Robert Duncan if you read this message and ever need anyone to really blow your mind about what I go through daily will blow your mind on all the shit I have been through. I did some research my self on u.t battle web site and boom I see a photo of J SCOTT BRANHAM a child molester from the 1980ds looking like he’s big LEADER rather than a molester. I put 2 and 2 together u.t battle and ornl laboratory’s and Y12 nuclear power plant are behind the voices I hear. They taunt me saying know one will believe me, they also use high tech laser’s and drones on me I have videos to back what I say.
3 months ago
Oh and colloidal gold destroys the nanotech inside the body fast
But bubble tech is the best thing to do, because its mostly about energy around and within you… details in my vids
2 months ago
2 years ago
Victim of changes. Fight the voices whatever they say insult them. You learn after some years to master the voice’s
6 months ago
I believe it’s real. Evil.
3 years ago
How are they picking the people they torture? Joan call on God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, they will protect you.
9 months ago
They are trying to kill me
1 month ago
Could they be using a ct scans & MRIs from the hospital to assist with this technology??
4 years ago
Is this new?
2 months ago
33:36 생체실험 무기
2 months ago
12:43 조직스토킹
1 year ago
Why are these guys laughing this is not a laughing matter. People are being killed and tormented NOW not later but now we need this to stop!
1 year ago
“Which is actually good“… when he’s talking about multiple people’s brain activity in one person, I’m sorry, I don’t see this as being a good thing in any situation. Especially when people are unaware it’s happening to them and think they’re going crazy. This is absolutely disgusting that this is happening. I can’t believe this is not the most talked about thing right now. But, sadly, people would think a person to be nuts if this was brought up. This is a sad state this country and the world has been put in. It breaks my heart for the children that will grow up being affected by all of these evil programs not to mention the toxins and radiation poisoning going on all around us.
3 years ago
What about poor children people say are been tortured.. I’m sure they are innocent??
2 years ago
6 months ago
2 months ago
15:11 전신해킹
1 year ago (edited)
So He’s basically saying resistance is futile and there is no God but them and the technology they are the “Masters” of? They’ll win what they deserve inevitably! The nothing they measure as something and keep making and give to each other can not pay or buy their way out of the hell they willed themselves to go to
1 year ago
Although good but 1984 is here not possible but here.
3 years ago
As much as I LIKE Dr. Duncan, I can’t agree with him on the RFID microchipping ‘Theory’… The reason I say this is because the German Researcher’s at the Max Planck Institute designed such nanotech. devices to latch on to ‘wafers’ and/or Neurons in such a way (over time) that they are virtually IMPOSSIBLE to detect with the most sophisticated of scanning equipment (MRI, CAT scan), whatever (prolly, BY DESIGN)…?? The CIA learned from their mistakes when it came to ‘MK-Ultra’… They learned to be even MORE SECRETIVE and to ‘cover their tracks’ (BETTER)… But- ‘Call me Crazy’ or ‘SICK’ or, whatever Nazi/Psychiatric LABEL…???
1 year ago
He has answers he needs to divulge . Fuck secrets.
3 years ago
Here is the patent: https://patents.google.com/patent/US3951134A/en
2 years ago
This program must end NOW
1 month ago
This is being used on me and I want to sue
1 year ago
The mark of the beast
3 years ago
6 months ago
My God is bigger then your technology
2 years ago
Please help mkultra vtk BMI NANOTECH heart sex slavery !!!!? Omaha, Nebraska implanted by white American at hospital
2 years ago
This guy should be jailed forever.
1 year ago
It’s horrid
1 year ago
It reads my mind. Their voices make my mouth move.v2k. flashed images into my mind
B. Dr Robert Duncan Full MIT Presentation on Neuroweapons used on American Civilians (2019)
Dr. Robert Duncan: There is a huge issue with neuroweapons. Man wants to be free and independent. This (technology) takes away his free will. These (MKULTRA-type) mind control experiments haven’t stopped. We’ve known how to torture people for a long time. I want to get into more detail about some of the horrors of interrogation (torture) and counterintelligence methods, but I don’t have the stomach to describe what faction of what my government does.
I have personally observed the capabilities of human suffering that is allowed for weapons development.
There are hundreds of uncovered human experimentation projects that our own government has done on its citizens. Most people are in denial of this. But it continues to happen. Historical examples: Operation Sea Breeze (Navy), syphilis experiments on blacks (Tuskegee), we did radiation experiments on Down syndrome children to see what the death and cancer rates would be. We sprayed black neighborhoods in a eugenics program. The CIA’s LSD experiments in the 60s. Do your research.
I’ve interviewed well over a thousand victims of mind control research (targeted individuals). It becomes obvious that there is a huge failure of our legal, political, medical, and media systems.
Neurotechnology weapons are very old, easily before the 1960s. They really didn’t roll (these weapons) out and come online until 1976. (More targets came online 1991, when HAARP came online. (Then it) ramped up quite a bit after 9/11, and they all give the exact same dates when they came along. You see the increase in targets based on the military budgets. Obama calls it the BRAIN Initiative. Mapping out the BRAINOME like the GENOME. Under Bush I, we had the “Decade of the Brain.” Trump continued it, unknown to him.
This is over the entire population they are scaling this technology to the entire population. We are actually further ahead than 1984. You can re-entrain the macro and micro-circuitry of people’s brains. You can dial into the circuitry- they will entrain, based on the exact key of those circuits. This is real ESP. You are literally creating new senses that the brain recognizes.
This is about war, it’s about controlling humans, all of you. This will be the end of the human race as we know it. But that’s fine. The subtext is to get these weapons more refined by sampling more minds. They also want to hide this very dark period of 60 years of torturous, murderous, silent assassination, secret stealing, influencing democracies from the public and so they want civilian scientists to re-discover what we (the military) have done in our secret labs. That’s politics
(Webmaster comment: They want to hide the 60 years of torturous black projects by killing off the human test subjects, aka TIs!!!!) All this can only end one way: The brain-nets and the hive mind. All humanoids will be connected and regulated. You’ll probably have thought police. You cannot have democracy with such things.
We (the government) can steal your passwords and interrogate your mind while you are dreaming. Probing minds has kind of been covered up by the mystical ideas of psychic spying/psychic warrior but it’s really neurological cloning. If you’re an “enemy of the state,” well, the “enemy” includes your family and friends. We can mentally de-stablize and demoralize “the enemy” with these (neuro)technologies The more these weapons are known about, the less effect they will have. We can alter decision-making in real time. We can use “forced-speech” on politicians and make you say a different phrase than you intended to say. We can subliminally altered the thought processes of other leaders. That is certainly not democracy, certainly not freedom of thought. Neurological weapons also incorporates electronic attacks on the heart.
It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that there are many psychopaths of all walks of life in society. We call them the “morally flexibles.” We’ve been using these neural weapons for a long time: S.A.T.A.N. = Silent Assassination Through Adaptive Neural Networks, T.A.M.I. = Thought and Memory Interface, A.L.I.C.E. = MIT and other Chatterbots, As one Colonel said: “We will find a way to walk and talk the targets to their death.”
For those who are political dissidents and need to be disposed of, this weapon’s perfect because usually it causes some form of mental illness during the rehabilitation process. And (then) they get labeled mentally ill and get put on drugs.
Are these technologies a form of enslavement ultimately? Or does it give us tools for greater freedom and self-control? We are ultimately coming to a global hive mind. Will it allow individualism? Justice will be turned on its head. How can you have intellectual property rights if we are all sharing thoughts. Religion will be turned on its head because how can you have free will if you are being controlled as an individual. And economics, well, we are already manipulating markets. And privacy, can I go to the toilet without someone watching. Can a totalitarian government assassinate your brain print, your uniqueness, without a trial. We are going to have thought police. This is happening now.
Shows cartoon video of his neural net computer experiment.
To get back to neurological weapons, behavior modification, etc. This is what a lot of humans are going through. It’s a painful process. You can call it “forced re-education” or “stealing someone’s soul.” You might not even know your intellectual property is being stolen.
In practice, over time, the link is lost (between target and controllers). That’s why you need something like the auditory hearing effect to synchronize the brains and make sure they stay locked on with similar stimulus to each brain. Yeah, these are the secrets of psychic remote viewing and influencing.
Only governments as large as the United States and maybe Britain, China, and Russia can pull off this trick worldwide and over their own populations. Counterintelligence works so well. You have to read the book, The Art of War. People fall for all the trickery. They don’t understand how this is done remotely and such great distance. It seems like God is doing this to them. They are making fun of the ignorance of humanity while they perform this trickery.
My current research is about “AI in the Middle.”
You actually know how to take over the world now. You can control the world with this technology…
3 years ago
Robert Duncun I am currently under weapon abuse and mind warfare thank you for speaking out. My life has been obliterated and people dont believe whats happening to me. Your willingness to talk I hope is my door to educate my family. Keep making videos. Someone has to help us. Its up to the men and women that worked with these intelligent agencies to speak out. Thank you.
4 years ago
Keep it up bro. Nice to see that Real American heroes exist.
3 years ago (edited)
Hi americaninkjet thank you for the great content and your help exposing these crimes! I took down the videos I had up of my video affidavit for privacy but if you personally want a copy not to share online let me know and I can share it with you ️
4 years ago
Cant he make a frequency that takes the TI ‘s out of the Remote Neural Monitoring?
1 year ago
4 years ago
Hello Americaninkjet. I wanna ask you how a person can block Remote neural monitoring? Many people incl. myself are affected by this through other peoples evil intentions.
1 year ago
Feels bad
1 year ago
How can I get in contact with Dr. Duncan?
4 years ago
Great presentation except the sound is very low, even at max.
1 year ago
Virtual reality for dreams
4 years ago
Awesome content thank you do you mind if I replicate this list on my own videos with relate to the subject.
4 years ago (edited)
LRAD is bullshit compared to V2K. V2K can shift from vague and quiet to loud and VERY present (‘voice of god’ setting), the spaciality can be adjusted to simulate different sounds coming from specific directions or distances, one of the reasons for development has to be sonic deceit in warfare…its like having people experiment with Dolby THX surround sound,not just in your head per se, but in your environment. It is not sonic pareidolia, sometimes it literally sounds like humans doing an experiment tweaking technology because thats exactly what it is. Plus the vocab is way to low in quantity of words and to high in repitition. Mental illness doesnt work this way, the perps are bumbling idiots when they are present (sometimes it seems to be on a loop on computer with the levels shifting on different tracks, like a 12 track mixer constantly changing levels). Many times it will go to the lower threshold of hearing at an ‘in ear’ spaciality, and quiet, when they do this they increase the tinnitus for some reason. Audio Hetrodyning maybe.
Its weird, if you push in the Tragus of your ear it sounds like a higher pitch industrial distortion, not a voice, but with the rhythym of the words and sentences. Maybe what hes reffering to at 34:56
4 years ago
It seems that if any one of these many technologies are employed and directed at the individual, DNA is damaged. If these technologies are broadcast on a population, the cumulative effects of daily DNA damage would lead to what? _ _ _
4 years ago
Black mirror copystriked Dr. Duncan
1 year ago
What I said right Delgado
1 year ago
Listening to fan noise in the background or Buddhist chants it helps to block electronic harassment. Unfortunately I know who is doing this to me. However they continue to say if you report us we will deny it. I know my husbands family does not have the technology to do this to me, however they have contracted someone who does. They tried to blame this on my husbands employer and mine using mind games. They threatened my sons life and took advantage of the fact I was abused as a child. I shared personal things with my husband that no one else new. I know he never shared anything with anyone. Now these gang stalkers are enjoying the fact they can boast about knowing the conversations and throwing them back in my face. This terrorism started apparently the night my husband proposed. At least the physical effects did. It’s possible it started prior but they have done so much damage to my memory it’s ridiculous. The constant talking and harassment goes on 24/7 365. It takes everything in me to ignore them. Imagine picking up your cell phone and listening to a group of people talk, harass and threaten you. The only problem is I can’t hang up the cell phone. So I have to try and study, work, sleep and live with this 24/7.
All I can say is if this is new to you…… DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT in a diary daily. I can promise you sooner than later the public is going to get it. It’s frightening to hear other people reply with the same horrible life I have. If they are demanding things from you. Write it down. They are recording every single person in your life that you talk to. They are using some type of technology called voice cloning and morphing. I’m still trying to understand how they are doing this. Daily they continue to say. This is your life for the rest of your life. This is vengeance, control, hate and about $$$$
There is no chip in your mind. There are no bugs in your house. There is nothing on or in your computer, phone or any electronic devices. I have turned off the power in my house for 12 hours. No change the electronic harassment continued. I paddle on the water every day, the electronic harassment continues. I flew on an airplane for 45 minutes and was harassed the entire time. Now what does common sense tell you? One step forward….five steps back.
I worked for a well known company in the Port of Long as an IT Field Engineer. It’s upsetting to know they recorded everyone I came in contact with, however they strategically knew which ones to use and replay as a mind game. My conclusion is they had to have witnessed the relationships to know who to use…..They have recited back Admin passwords that control the servers on gantry cranes. I have reported this to the FBI, the company and the only reaction I get is….. “You need help.” Or SILENCE no response.
Apparently another 9/11 has to happen before people wake up. This is REALLY happening!! I’m actually living it and know one in my life believes it. I’m afraid for the future. After 9/11 I would expect people to listen and educate themselves before taking the lazy way out and think your crazy.
How long did it take for anyone to react to the missing planes on 9/11? Why was the military not called in sooner to force the planes down? Disbelief again? We live in a society that needs to wake up to reality. This is happening on US soil. This is not an issue from Cuba. This is not an issue from the Middle East. This is not an issue in China. This is a GLOBAL Issue.
I continue to remind myself we are taking one step forward only to end up five steps back. We create technology to save lives and then place it in the hands of other people who use it to harm.
Slavery is still here. It’s just conformed to a different level. Technology does not care about the color of your skin. Technology does not care about the God you serve. However when technology is controlled by humans it becomes a weapon, a prison for profit, a punching bag for hire and a place for terrorist to terrorize whomever they want. Understand that terrorist live everywhere. Don’t make the mistake of assuming this is an attack on US soil from somewhere else. The easiest thing to do is blame someone else. The courageous thing to do is to come forward with honesty and tell the world what’s really happening. This technology must be destroyed. The people who created it and use it feel like Gods. I hate to tell you but God is either going to look away and let us destroy ourselves or he’s going to put an end to all of this.
My husband passed away in February 2019. He worked for one of the largest IT companies in the world. If he was here and knew what was happening…. He would pack us up, educate the kids on what’s happening and give them the option to leave as well. Afterwards we’re off to Sint Maarten to live without technology for the rest of our lives. At 52 years old I’m unemployed because I no longer believe in cybersecurity. I can’t in good faith provide technical support when I don’t believe in it anymore. It honestly makes me sick that I use to believe in the future and smart homes until I found out….there is technology out there controlling humans without an Alexa. Synthetic telepathy is here and once they connect to you without your approval there is no way to stop it.
My mind, body and life is being held for ransom. They want the most important thing to me. My son. I pray they stay away from his mind. He has worked so hard to get where he is at. It would be a terrorist act to destroy his mind or memories.
I’m told daily if you give us your house we will stop. If you give us the land in Sint Maarten we will stop. Apparently in their eyes this is my punishment for marrying the most amazing man who treated me like a queen. The problem is…. He’s dead now and can’t protect me anymore. Really? A normal person would call you and ask you for what they want.
Instead a MONSTER has given them direct access to me 24/7 365. Monsters never work for free. As much as they try to blame this on others and groups I will NEVER BELIEVE this is anyone from our military. I can’t believe anyone would give up their life to protect others….. only to become monsters.
If these monsters are creating homeless and taking advantage of Veterans by hiring them and putting them in HORRIBLE situations….. (only going based on what these gang stalkers tell me daily) It’s time for the Secretary of Defense to take action before he loses the ability to do anything. We are pretty close. If they popped into my mind without my knowledge how do we know they are not in any of the minds in our current government? This has been given to the Senate…. no change. Democracy is over. Half of me hates this is going on and I’m stressed out about the entire thing. The other half of me accepts the “knowledge” because the only way to change anything is by a “Movement.” As long as I have breath I plan on being part of the movement to educate as many people as possible.
1 year ago
Murphy’s laws
Please contact me.