25 Dr. Eric Karlstrom Interviews On Kev Baker Show (Truth Frequency Radio, 2017-2019)

Webmaster’s Comment: Between 2016 and 2019, Kev Baker and I did a series of very important interviews on his Kev Baker Show of Truth Frequency Radio. While the original youtube posts have mostly been taken down, I am trying to restore this series of interviews and many are posted below. Kev’s humor, wisdom, and light touch in the face of extremely challenging topics was remarkable and inspiring.

Shortly after our last interview together on February 26, 2019, Kev stopped communicating with me. I subsequently learned that Kev had had some heart attacks. That could explain it. Or he may have been pressured to remove these interviews by someone or some group and he agreed to that. I am trying to find these interviews so if anyone can send me audio or video files of these I would appreciate it.

I recently learned that tragically, Kev died of heart problems in late 2021 or early 2022. I very much enjoyed and appreciated the collaboration I had with Kev during that time period. Kev was a true gentleman. He was very courageous to cover these topics (gangstalking, mind control, New World Order, “targeted individuals”, global satanic New World Order, etc.). Certainly, he had and has my deepest respect, admiration, and gratitude.

RIP Kev, a great man and truth warrior, and we miss you.

Show 25. DR ERIK KARLSTROM – The History, Science & Dark Magic Behind Mind Control & Gang Stalking

Show 24. “Jade Helm, AI, Targeted Individuals & The Phoenix Program Of The Digital Age;” Dr. Eric Karlstrom On KevBakerShow (2/26/19)

Show 23. Gang Stalking and the 5G Invisible Prison: Dr. Eric Karlstrom Interview on Kev Baker Show (Youtube, 2/14/2019)


Show 22. California Fire Anomalies and State-Sponsored Weather Warfare; Dr. Eric Karlstrom On Kev Baker Show (11/25/18)

Weather Wars & California Fires Anomalies

Dr Eric Karlstrom joins Jimmy Genes, Johnny Whistles & Kev to discuss climate manipulation, weather weapons & the potential for the California Fires being man made. We discuss the anomalies in the images/information coming out of California and SPECULATE as to who may be behind it, and why….

website: gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com

Show 21. Welcome to the Gulag with Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (10/23/2018)

Welcome To The Gulag with Dr Eric Karlstrom

Dr Karlstrom rejoins the show to talk about global gang stalking operations. In this episode we concentrate on an article by Ramola D. entitled “Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers”.

Show 20. Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show: From MKULTRA to the Global Gestapo (9/25/18)


Show 19. MKULTRA, Cults, and the Invisible Electronic Concentration Camp: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the Kev Baker Show, 8/22/18


Show 18. Gang Stalking Network Exposed: Dr. Eric Karlstrom/Kev Baker Show on the Kay Griggs Interviews (6/19/18)


Show 17. Welcome To “The Electronic Concentration Camp” (TECC) & Global Communitarianism/Community-Based Policing (Gang Stalking), with Supporting Information/Notes; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (5/22/18)


Show 16. Precursors, Structure & Components of Gang Stalking & Mind Control w/Dr Eric Karlstrom (Kev Baker Show, 4/17/18)


Show 15. Don’t Be A “PerpeTraitor” (Gang Stalker)! Dr. Eric Karlstrom Notes For Interview with Kev Baker (TFR; 3/20/18)


Show 14. Why and How Gang Stalking Works: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (2/20/18)


Show 13. History of CIA Mind Control & Revelation of the Method; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show; Jan. 23, 2018

History Of CIA Mind Control & Revelation of the Method

Dr Eric Karlstrom is my special guest as we continue our ground breaking series of shows on the topic of mind control, gang stalking, targeted individuals & the organisations behind it. We go back in time, taking from the writings of the elites themselves, that revealed the agenda & programs playing out before our very eyes today. Psychological warfare, information warfare, perception management – just some of the issues we tackle during the show.

We also name the groups that are running the planet, from the Committee of 300 to the City of London, the Vatican & Washington & show how they are manipulating reality to control us all. We are all puppets on their electronic strings whether we appreciate it or not, so its time to learn all about the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction around today… Electronic, remote mind control, organised gang stalking & its all part of an elaborate plan to enslave us all.

False flags are a major component to the arsenal used by the elites to manipulate & control us, so we go over 12 false flag indicators that will help you see through the lies the next time a false flag flies.

website: www.gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com

Show 12. Soviet Psychotronics and US Mind Control Part II: Dec. 21, 2017

Soviet Psychotronics & US Mind Control

Dr Eric Karlstrom joins the show to discuss mind control, targeted individuals & psychotronic weapons. We look at the history of psychotronic warfare & compare the programs in the old Soviet block to those that were in operation in the American “MK” programs.

website: www.gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com

Show 11. Exposing Climate Change Fraud and Agenda 21 11/14/2017 (and related interviews)


Dr Eric Karlstrom is back with us on the show to discuss his deep research in the field of climage change. We get into the fraud that is the man-made climate change lie & show how it is all being used to make money and to control the worlds population.

Dr Karlstrom explains how this is all part of the UN Agenda 21 program & we get into 17 key points from their “sustainability” plans.

Dr. Eric Karlstrom – Weather Warfare and Mind Control

Show 10. Manual For Organized Gang Stalking Operations: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (TFR; 10/10/17)

Manual For Organized Gang Stalking Operations EXPOSED!


Show 9. The Links Between 911, Gang Stalking & Mind Control: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (9/11/17)

The Links Between 911, Gang Stalking & Mind Control

Show 8. GANG STALKING/MODERN MIND CONTROL: The Tew Hypothesis; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (Part 2 of 2; 8/2/17)


Show 7. Gang Stalking and Mind Control: The Tew Hypothesis (Part 1); Dr. Eric Karlstrom and Anthony Patch On Kev Baker Show (7/20/17)


Show 6. Understand Gangstalking: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show, June 18, 2017 (two shows)

Understand Gangstalking: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show, June 18, 2017

Dr Eric Karlstrom joins the Kev Baker Show, a radio program in Glasgow, Scotland, to go over the timeline of events that have culminated in today’s modern globalized and organized gang stalking. What is gang stalking? The Urban Dictionary explains, “Gang Stalking is really a covert government or police investigation. It’s similar to Cointelpro or red squads, and it’s being used on a lot of innocent people to ruin them and make them look crazy. Gang Stalking is all about government disinformation, and using civilian spies/snitches to help with stalking and monitoring innocent people.”

Show 5. GOG´S NeW GESTAPO – The Global Gang Stalkers REVEALED; Interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (June 7, 2017)

GOG’s NEW GESTAPO- Global Gangstalking Revealed with Dr. Eric Karlstrom


Show 4. PRECURSERS TO GANG STALKING with Dr Eric Karlstrom May 10, 2017


Dr Eric Karlstrom joins us to go over the timeline of events that have culminated in todays modern globalised organised gang stalking. We get into REX 84 – OPERATION GARDEN PLOT- FEMA CAMPS/COFFINS and so much more!

website: www.gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com

Show 3. Gang Stalking, PsyOps, and Full Spectrum (Satanic) Dominance: Dr. Eric Karlstrom On Kev Baker Show (April 20, 2017)

Gang Stalking & Full Satanic Dominance w/Dr E Karlstrom


Show 2. GANG STALKING As 4th Generation Warfare – Secular & Spiritual Aspects (Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show, March, 2017)

GANG STALKING: Physical & Spiritual Global Warfare


GANG STALKING III with Dr. Eric Karlstrom

Dr. Eric Karlstrom is back to continue the series on gang stalking, targeted individuals, psy-ops & more. In this episode we get into the scope of these operations and the tactics employed by the various groups involved.

Dr. Eric Karlstrom, emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus, recently completed a 30-year teaching career. He taught physical and environmental geography courses, as well as courses cross-listed with the Geology department and an honors course. Throughout his career, Dr. Karlstrom has continued his research program in soils and geomorphology as means of reconstructing Quaternary paleoclimates. He is also the author or co-author of many earth science publications.

website: www.gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com

Show 1. The Protocols of Gang Stalking Part I: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (2/21/17)

The Protocols of Gangstalking- Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show


I want to let you in on a little known secret, and that is that right now, living in what we often describe as the most interesting of times, we are all pawns in a psychological war being waged by the elite satanic cabal. This cabal are literally trying to bring about a revolution that will redesign society & have us questioning reality. We are all being subjected to attacks on varies levels by silent weapons in this most silent of wars.

In this episode we are joined by Dr Eric Karlstrom to continue our series on MK-ULTRA in the 21st Century. In this show Dr Karlstrom lays out what he has called….


We are all targets in this war whether we like it or not!

website: www.gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com

Short video clip of one of the Karlstrom-Baker Interviews:


Autumn Targeted Individual in NZ

Kev Baker channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TruthTube451

Interviews on Global Gestapo- Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show:

* (show is removed or blocked from youtube and not accessible)

1) 11/28/18: Dr. Eric Karlstrom Discusses Weather Weapons and California

2) 9/25/18: From MKULTRA to the Global Gestapo; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the Kev Baker Show

3) 8/22/18: MKULTRA, Cults, and the Invisible Concentration Camp; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the Kev Baker Show

4) 7/2018: Human Targets: The Hidden Hand Behind Global Terror-Gang Stalking w/Dr Eric Karlstrom (Kev Baker Show

5) 6/19/18: Gang Stalking Network Exposed; Dr. Eric Karlstrom/Kev Baker on the Kay Griggs Interviews

6) 5/22/18: Welcome to the Electronic Concentration Camp (TECC) and Global Communitarianism/Community Based Policing; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show

7) 4/17/18: Precursors, Structure & Components of Gang Stalking & Mind Control with Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show

8) 3/20/18: Don’t Be A “PerpeTraitor” (Gang Stalker)! Dr. Eric Karlstrom Notes For Interview with Kev Baker (TFR; 3/20/18)

9) 2/20/18: How and Why Gang Stalking Works; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the Kev Baker Show

10) 1/24/18: The History, Science and Dark Magic Behind Mind Control and Gang Stalking; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show

11) 12/21/17: History of Russian and American Mind Control (Kev Baker Interviews with Dr. Eric Karlstrom

12) 11/15/17: The Climate Change Fraud and UN Agenda 21: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show

13) 10/10/17: Manual For Organized Gang Stalking Operations: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show

14) *9/11/17; The Links Between 911, Gang Stalking & Mind Control: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (locked)

15) *8/2/17: GANG STALKING/MODERN MIND CONTROL: The Tew Hypothesis; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (Part 2 of 2)

16) 7/20/17: Gang Stalking and Mind Control: The Tew Hypothesis (Part 1); Dr. Eric Karlstrom and Anthony Patch On Kev Baker Show

17) *6/7/17: GOG’S NeW GESTAPO- The Global Gang Stalkers Revealed; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Truth Frequency Radio with Kev Baker

18) 5/11/2017: “Precursors to Gang Stalking, Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Truth Frequency Radio with Kev Baker

19( 4/20/17: Gang Stalking, PsyOps, and Full Spectrum (Satanic) Dominance: Dr. Eric Karlstrom On Kev Baker Show

20) 3/23/17: GANG STALKING As 4th Generation Warfare – Secular & Spiritual Aspects (Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show

21) 3/1/17: Protocols of Gang Stalking Part II: With Dr. Eric Karlstrom on the Kev Baker Show

22) *2/21/17: Protocols of Gang Stalking:

23) 2/21/17: Gang Stalking, Psy-Ops and Full Satanic Dominance: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show