Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Used in LA Fires?: 3 Brannon Howse Podcasts w/ My Comments & Insights (He’s getting Warm, but hasn’t Nailed it yet. Read This Website!)

Three Recent Brannon Howse Live Podcasts (January, 2025):

Col. Rob Maness and Brannon Howse Discuss The Possibilities That the LA Fires Started by Direct Energy Weapons of a Foreign Enemy State or Illegal Invaders Working on Behalf of an Enemy State

Will the LA Fires Now Make Shovel Ready the Globalist Plan for 15 Minute Cities Written up in December of 2020?

Is Smart Dust Falling in American Cities and What Exactly is Smart Dust?

Webmaster Comments (Jan. 12, 2025): Kudos to Brannon Howse. In the above three recent podcasts, he asks the proper questions about Directed Energy Weapons, SMART DUST, the ongoing catastrophic LA fires, and the mysterious “fog” seen all over America. I provide my commentary below to add my insights regarding these very sinister phenomena.

In the first interview, Col. Rob Maness admits he is aware that the US government has been deploying directed energy (lasers, masers, microwave, acoustic) weapons against American citizens. And not just against the diplomats in Havana!!! Also, regular citizens like me. That’s what this website is about!!!! This IS the “Targeted Individual Program”…. Alas, Brannon Howse is not sufficiently knowledgeable about this subject to question Col. Maness further on the point.

And yes, the LA and Lahaina fires demonstrate that the US government, not some foreign enemy, is actively deploying these weapons against innocent American citizens. The US government, not just the Democrats, “leftists,” or the “Deep State” as many proclaim, is destroying LA residents’ lives, livelihoods, and property rather than protecting and preserving them as the Constitutional mandates. Repeat: THE US GOVERNMENT, NOT A HOSTILE FOREIGN ENEMY, IS SECRETLY TARGETING, ATTACKING, AND TORTURING AMERICAN CITIZENS WITH THESE “EXOTIC WEAPONS.” ERGO, THE PRIMARY ENEMY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IS THE US GOVERNMENT, NOT A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT..

As this website and a host of other sources prove, in addition to their targeted use in areas slated to become UN SMART cities, these weapons have been and are being used in a pervasive, secret, soft-kill, no-torture, eugenics program to neutralize, torture and/or eliminate those who have been mis-classified as “potential terrorist threats,” when in actuality, they are generally critics of government policies, “dissenters,” whistleblowers, etc. Furthermore, this website proves that this Targeted Individual program has been an ongoing secret, black project since the 1950s at least!!!! So…

I REPEAT: THE US GOVERNMENT IS USING DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS AS A MEANS OF NEUTRALIZING AND ELIMINATING ITS OWN CITIZENS!!!! In other words, the US government today is as despotic and totalitarian as the former communist Soviet Union and East Germany and Nazi Germany. It has lost its legitimacy and right to govern.

…. “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their (citizens’) right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

In the second program above, Brannon Howse interviews Dr. Peter Breggin, Jewish psychiatrist, who has been called the “conscience of psychiatry.” Breggin famously blew the whistle on ongoing CIA MKULTRA mind control programs in the 1970s, thereby, inadvertently or intentionally helping to drive these secret programs further underground and into our communities. Breggin is prominently featured in the excellent documentary, “The Minds of Men.” In this podcast, Howse does a good job of explaining the various types of directed energy weapons and how they are deployed. But when he asks Breggin to comment, Breggin does not comment in a meaningful way. Rather, both ascribe the problem to the illegal immigrants. I believe Breggin’s deflection here is highly disingenuous. He knows a great deal about the history of the US government’s electronic torture of “involuntary test subject”/targets associated with the CIA’s Project MKULTRA mind control “experiments.” But in this interview, he clearly conceals that information!!!!! However, this gruesome history is well documented on this website and elsewhere. For this reason, I don’t trust Breggin. Nonetheless, I agree with him in his assessment that we are (and have for decades been) engaged in a war between good and evil. Alas, the US government serves and is an extension of the Judeo-Masonic-Satanic-UN death cult that wishes to depopulate and transhumanize the human population and despoil/“re-imagine”/destroy God’s magnificent creation.

As for SMART Dust per the third interview included on this post.. I trust and admire the work of Karen Kingston. Here she does an excellent job of connecting the dots between the Covid (aerosolized) manufactured pandemic, the smart “fog” of nanoparticulates being witnessed around the world and transhumanism…. which she defines as “directed evolution” and the extinction of the human race! I suggest that smart dust may also play an important role in the LA and similar DEW fires. The basic principle is fairly simple….. spraying and zapping. Spraying of particulates and nanoparticles, etc.) and zapping with electromagnetic frequencies, DEW, etc. This engineered system works to override natural atmospheric processes in order to control them and it is used to override natural biological systems and control them as well. This allows the frankenscientists and frankenengineers to capture and control biological systems as well.

What did Sir Francis Bacon, father of modern science and head of the Rosicrusian Order, say?: “Nature, to be commanded, must first be obeyed.” It seems that these maniacs have pulled it off.

DISCUSSION: In these interviews, Howse jumps to the conclusion that China is behind the LA fires. While this is conceivable, I suggest the LA “wildfires” and other geoengineered disasters have a deeper cause. To get a sense of the scope of these environmental warfare attacks, we should:

1) Examine a larger sample, perhaps beginning with 9/11 (2001), Hurricane Katrina (2005), a host of controlled hurricanes and earthquakes in America and around the world, the Lahaina fire, the unprecedented North Carolina-Hurricane Helene floods, DEW fires in Australia, HAARP earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, Indonesia, and elsewhere, etc. Thus, to ascribe attribution, we should look at all of these disasters.

2) Examine the history of the development of Directed Energy (exotic, “non-lethal,” electronic) and other neuroweapons and the “Revolutionary in Military Affairs” (RIMA) that took place in the U.S. military in the 1980s. (From “The Real Revolution In Military Affairs:” “Most modern wars have become irregular or asymmetric conflicts between states and nonstate actors. The resulting wars are not high-technology duels between conventional forces, but struggles that pit governments and their allies against opponents that fight along religious and cultural lines and use their own internal divisions and populations as weapons.”)

3) Examine a 1970 US government document entitled Forest Fire as a Military Weapon. (See: Perspective on orchestrated LA “wildfires:” 1970 “Forest Fire As a Military Weapon” Document on my website).

4) We should also be aware that the (University of) “Chicago boys” (Jewish economist, Milton Friedman, etc.) have advocated “The Shock Doctrine”/“Disaster Capitalism” as a means of stimulating economic development since the 1960s (See my article: Operation 9/11, the “Shock Doctrine,” and the North American Union (Dr. Eric Karlstrom, 2008)). Real life examples of “The Shock Doctrine” provided in Naomi Klein’s book, “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism” (2007) include the economic revamping of the Chilean economy following the CIA coup of Salvador Allende’s leftist government in 1973, 9/11 (which has been referred to as “Jewish lightning”), and the “Christmas Tsunami” of 2004 in Indonesia caused by the (geoengineered) Sumatra–Andaman earthquake (Magnitude 9.2-9.3). Another example she gives of the Shock Doctrine is the CIA’s MKULTRA Subproject 68, in which Dr. Ewan Cameron (head of the American, Canadian and World Psychiatric Associations, 33rd degree mason, and friend of Sir John Rawlings Reese, former head of the Psychological Warfare Dept. of the British Army and founder of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London) demonstrated that through long-term torture, he could erase and then re-program the minds of his patients to become…. well, a vegetable, a zombie, or whatever he wanted them to be.

With this generally neglected history in mind, we can ask:

1) Did China write the 1970 Forest Fire As a Military Weapon document cited in the above paragraph? No, the US military wrote that.
2) Was China involved in carrying out 9/11? No. My website and a host of other sources prove it was the “Interagency” of the US government in partnership with Israeli/Jewish Mossad and the American Jewish sayanim (civilian Jewish helpers/agents of the IDF/Mossad).
3) Was China involved in the geoengineering of Hurricane Katrina (2005), Harvey (2017), and other geoengineered storms? No. These are weather/environmental warfare events carried out by the US Air Force, i.e., the US government.
4) Was China involved in the US government’s extended mind control research program from the late 1940’s to the present? No.

So… China may not be “in the loop” of co-conspirators who created the LA “wildfires.” For best supporting “non-state actors” (get it, “non-state actors” in LA? A joke.) we should probably consider a host of New World Order (UN Agenda 21/2030) “Public Private Partnerships,” think tanks, foundations, intelligence agencies, etc. I suggest these environmental and administrative warfare attacks on the American homeland, just like Operation Warp Speed, for example, are primarily attributable to the US Air Force, the DoD, the CIA, DHS, NSA, NASA, and NATO, with significant assistance from our war partners, Israel and England. This is 5th or even 6th generation waged against the American homeland by America’s defense forces. This is treason, murder, genocide, biocide, and state-sponsored terror.

Qui bono (who benefits)? Certainly, the SMART city agenda of UN Agenda 21/2030, those who wish to destroy the sovereignty of America and its citizens, and those who stand to profit from re-building Los Angeles once it is rendered “shovel ready” by so-called “wildfires.” (Does this remind any one else of what has happened to the Gaza strip in Israel? The same “actors,” the same system, I suggest.) Thus, other collaborators in the scripting and execution of these “environmental”/5th generation warfare/Revolution in Military Affairs disasters probably include the Blackrock-led corporatocracy in cahoots with the UN, WEF, Bill Gates, George Soros, the “Good Club” de-populationist billionaires, and the usual globalist-UN AGENDA 2030 suspects (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Tavistock Institute, MI6, the British Royal family, and central bankers, etc).

And yes, all this leads to implementation of the long-planned and long-sought Luciferian New World Order-One World Government. So please get educated ASAP on DEW, the TI program, the Shock Doctrine, the use of forest fires as a military weapon, and pick a side, based on your aspirations for eternity! These evil devils are going to hell and are trying to bring the rest of us, and our nations and our environment, to hell with them. Say no!

A final point: Might there be some connections between the use of DEWs (and Smart Dust) in the Los Angeles-UN SMART City fires and the use of DEWS against targeted individuals? I suggest the answer is yes, and here it is: The multi-decadal Targeted Individual Program of silent, secret, no-touch torture and murder of individuals is the basis for administering the slave system of rewards and punishments of slaves locked inside the UN Agenda 2030 system of SMART CITIES, the internet-of-everything, social credit scores, central bank digital currencies, and Microsoft’s 060606 patent: Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data system. I submit that we TIs have been the human guinea pigs for the development and implementation of this technocratic slavery system since the 1950s at least.

Here is where China comes in, I believe. China has been an enthusiastic partner in implementing the transhumanist (post-human) vision of the globalist elites and hell-bent on implementing this technocratic-cybernetic enslavement system on its own people! God help us.

One Reply to “Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Used in LA Fires?: 3 Brannon Howse Podcasts w/ My Comments & Insights (He’s getting Warm, but hasn’t Nailed it yet. Read This Website!)”

  1. You’re absolutely right, Dr. Karlstrom. If a TI can endure long enough, they’ll see who is trying to kill them. Once you’re under someone’s feet, you can look up their skirt. The trouble is, many people haven’t yet had that point of view.

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